A m IL 7. 1912. 7 TITE SUNDAY OHEGONTAN PORTLAND. J C. riven In honor of Pilot Fanda and BIG GOOD ROADS his crtw on the completion oi -mou tour from Seattle to the British Columbia hamlet, save an lntereatlna; account of tha manner In which the Canadian played host to the venture acme American motorics. Being- a man of the trail himself. Mr. Trimble was able to adequately describe some of the hardships tha autolst must have en countered on their truJl-blaslnsr trip. "By the aid of the telegraph, close watch was kept on the progress of the motorists." said Mr. Trimble, "and when they finally arrived In Haxleton. the enthusiasm of the Inhabitants knew no bounds. They gave the Pacific Highway pathflndera a royal welcome and the banquet on the night they arrived will be long remembered by those who at tended "As a direct result of that trip, the provincial government of British Co lumbia appropriated $5,000,000 to build a beautiful Pacific Highway from Van couver to Hasleton." The Migh Auto Club President Advocates Strenuous Action for Bet ter Highways. DIRECTORS ARE REWARDED ACTO MEX CATCH . 3 TROUT j ty GA PAP URGED Michigan F.ntlre Board I a KMlfclfd to Srve for Another Year Stand Takrn Against Vse or Cut-Oat. Eastman and Wilson Knjoy FUhlng ' on First Day of Season. I Two Portland automobile men took the first opportunity to cast their flies , for mountain trout wlcii the opening i of the season last Monday. Tiny were Charles Kastman and Roy Wilson, both j firm advocates or the eneni jvnism In re-electing th entire 111-1H directorate, members of the Portlsnd Automobile Club took the wisest ac tion under existing conditions. Nine men have served the Interest of the club to the best advantage of all con ct"'S during the past year, and their re-election at the annual meeting Wed nesday night was proof that the active members of the organisation appre . late what they have done for them. One thing that marred the success or the meeting was the small attendance. The members do not take enough ac tive Interest In club affairs. The hand ful that were present Wednesday night are the ones who sttend all the open meetinas. An automobile club is of vsst benefit to all who own an automobile. It Is to their Interest that they see that Port land has a strong motorists' organisa tion. They should take more Interest in the club and attend Its meetings more regularlv. A" It is. the directors are left to do all the work, without tha slightest assistance from the outside. Clesseas' Work EffeetlTe. Inasmuch as the entire board was re elected, because of the good work ac complished while It has been In power, the cholre for president should again fall on the Incumbent, W. J. Clemens. President Clemens has devoted more time to affairs of the club than any other officer. His activity should be rewarded with suitable recognition. The Pacific Highway played an im portant part In the meeting. Frank B. Rllev. Oregon rice-president of the Tacifle Highway Association, made an eloquent plea for the "road of three nations" He told of the enthusiasm msnlfeeted oer this great trunk Una hr people throughout British Columbia, Washington. Oregon. California and Mexico and asked the cluh to Join the automobile clubs of Victoria and Van couver. B. C and Seattle and Everett. Wash., in an official tour to Pan Fran cisco to attend the third annual con vention of the Pacific Highway Asso ciation. August 5. ( and 7. Thla sug gestion waa unanimously adopted. Better RMda. CTk" Atsa. In his report, submitted at the an nual meeting. Clemena Bounded the toc sin of the fight that Is to be made for better highways, sufficient guldeboards at crossroads, practical traffic and speed regulations, and Intelligent good roads legislation. Tie related the diffi culties encountered and overcome be fore the clubhouse became an actual ity, and declared that the final result would return ample compensation. The assistance waa described that had been rendered to road work during the paat rear through donations aggregating lloo from the club's exchequer and subscriptions solicited amounting to I40o. Reference was made to the publlc splrltedness of ex-President Dickinson, who. at considerable personal expense, put up signboards throughout the length of Oregon and established the I'aclflo Highway. A suggestion was offered that traffic ordinances drafted In the future to gov ern condition on Portland's streets should be made fair alike to pedestri ans, horse-drawn vehlclea and automo biles. The contention was made that n owner of a motor car should "not be deprived of the rights of cltlsen shlp: that he would enjoy aa much right to the street as a pedestrian when he occupies the driving seat. In regard to hired chauffeura. It waa pointed out that, as the number of machines In crease, the old Irresponsible, careless, daredevil hack driver turned Into an operator of an auto is rapidly disap pearing, and In his place Is coming the more careful servant of his employer and the public. Faraeera Prejudice DtaaBpeartac "It la quite .important." said Presi dent Clemens, "that this club should not overlook the Importance of tha farmer. He la of the class of people who most resented the Intrusion of the soft-shod, horseless vehicle. but to whom, however. It was and is to prove the most useful. Nevertheless, tha farmer regarded the automobile as a modern Juggernaut, which boded noth ing but 111 will for himself, his family and hla property. Thla prejudice la rapidly disappearing, and the farmer himself la becoming one of the most enthusiastic advocatea of the automo bile. "The fact was entirely overlooked that large subsidies were paid to rail road companies to come Into our stata and towns and objections were made to appropriations for the construction of roads that would enable automobll ists. a large percentage of whom are men of large wealth, able and eager to grasp Investment opportunities, to cov er the country and aee its advantages." 6 RMda TasspalOT Irate. Tn conclusion, the report recommend ed that the club ought to give Its earn est attention to the good roads move ment: should endeavor to have the Mount Hood road made free and put In still better condition. It should ren der assistance to the Pacific Highway Association, urge the completion of the Hood River road, the Astoria road, the Rex.Tlgardvtlle road. and. In addition, should establish a Central Oregon high waya broad band of roadway from the Idaho border Una to the Pacific Ocean and have erected proper sign boards along the route. It should also co-operate with the different county of ficials to the end that signboards be placed on the roads throughout the state. And every member should boost for a bigger, better club In a belief that It Is destined to be a mighty fac tor tn bringing about the general de. velopmrnt and opening of the farming to'intry at our doors. The suggestion that the club exert its utmost Influence to have the cut out abolished waa received with marked enthusiasm. It was pointed oot that sevoral large cities have legislated against the use of noise-making con trivances within the city limits, and the matter of having like action taken bv this city will be taken up tn the near future. Testimony waa given by several ex perienced operators of motor cars to the effect that the wall-built motor will develop its maximum power with the cut-out closed, and they opined that inere la not the slightest excuse for Its ue. Taaadlaaa Rayal Meets. Raleigh Trimble, the only Orcgonian to attend the banquet at Haxieton. B ti' ' V 1 7 ssSisnaw. Hack Chalmers. ' t -.'MI t type of motor and particularly the one used in tstearna cars. Kastman and Wilson motored to the headwatera of Gordon Creek, leaving here a week ago today. Rough roads, dusty roads and muddy roads, with an occasional steep hill to change the monotony, crossed their path while on their way to the acene of their fishing. Wilson declares that he got more Jolts tn that trip thnn In all the rest he has ever taken. From the Gordon Creek headwaters the motorcar men Journeyed on foot to the headwatera of Bridal Veil Creek. Here they caught ir.ountii trout. At least that la the atory told by Wil aon. BOYAL WELCOME IS PLAN PORTLAND BUSINESS MEX TO FETE HUGH CHALMERS. Noted Auto Builder Will Address Men at Banquet on Salesman ship and) Advertising. Committees appointed -to handle the details of the banquet to be given In compliment to Hugh Chalmera at the Commercial Club April 1 at :J0 have nearly completed their preparations and the attendance1 Is expected to be one of the largest that has ever been gath ered at a function of this kind at the club. Only ISO aeats are available and reservations are alredy oomlng In with a rapidity that Indicates a full list long before the day of the banquet. The Invitation for the banquet was originally tendered Mr. Chalmers by the Progressiva Business Men's Club and the Ad Club, but. owing to the Im portance with which the occasion la regarded. It waa decided to apportion the aeata among the various commer cial organisations In groups ranging from IS to 100, thua Insuring each of the associations representation at the banquet. Mr. Chalmera will talk upon sales manship and the value of advertising. Regarded today aa probably the best authority In the I'nited States on salesmanship and the closely allied business of advertising. Mr. Chalmera. ever since the days of hla connection with the American Cash Register Com pany, before he went Into the automo bile business, has been a personality of National prominence In business circles. It waa he who conceived the Idea of giving a Chalmera car to the best ball player In the major leagues, and H. I Keats, president of the Keata Auto Company, waa quick to accept the sug gestion and to prepare to apply It to the Pacific Coast I-eague this year, to gether with the Chalmers agents of an Francisco and Los Angeles. Mr. Chalmera la recognised as one of the greatest and most successful automo bile builders In the United States. RUSHMORE MAKES QUICK SALE Two Pathrinder Cars Sold by Port land Man In IS Minutes. G. D. Rushmore. salea manager of the Stoddard-Dayton Auto Company, sold two cars last week In whst he thinks la record time. Rushmore placed two Pathfinders with 8am Hartn.an. of Chehalta. Wash.. In IS minutes. "It was the easiest piece of business I have ever done." aald Rushmore In apeaklng of the feat. "All I had to do waa to give a short demonstration and my prospect wss so enthused over the car that he didn't need tx be convinced that he waa riding It kind of an automobile he waa look , for. "The actual time It U me to close the deal was lrsa than IS minutes. I think that Is Just a little better than any Northwest record." WESTERN AUTO MEN LAUDED Brace Malcolm Saja Agents Her Are Great Business Getters. Western motorcar dealera are ex ceedingly more active than their col leagues In the East, according to Bruce Malcolm, of the service department of the Paige-Detroit Motorcar Company, who Is In this city on an Inspection trip. Malcolm declares that the air en t a on the Paclno Coast are greater "hus tlers." In that thay find more "pros pects" than the automobile sellers east of the Mississippi. "Nearly all the people who buy auto mobiles In the East come to the deal ers." says Malcolm. "Out here It Is different. The salesmen and agents litsrail 'dig up' a bunch of 'prospects.' "The Car You Will Be Proud to Own" 122-Inch Solid Comfort Reasons Why Self-Starter Prest-O-Starter, simple and efficient. Electric Dynamo Lighting . Positively guaranteed. Firestone Demountable Rims-- Quick Tire Change. Nickel Trimmings Refined ap pearance ; eliminates polishing. Unit Power Plant The acknow ledgd correct construction. Timken Full Floating Axle Timken quality, the recog nized standard. Bosch' Dual Ignition Bosch Magneto, of course. 36x4 Tires Easy riding. Superb Design Compare it. nn Our interest in your welfare does not cease after purchasing a car. The expert service given our patrons makes Cole owners boosters for the Cole Car. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION. itchell ' Motor' Car G.. 1W! Fifteenth and Washington Streets Phone, Marshall 4266 The automobile men in the Kast lack the energy and wide-awake spirit that characterise the Western man." . . i 1 ha. Keen on the PaCttlC Coast for several weeks, visiting Palge-Detrolt agents tnrougnoui fornta. Arisona and Washington. E. fc.. Oerllnger haa the agency for the car In Oregon. DEALER RESPONDS TO CALX. Owner In Small Mountain Town Geta Quick Aid From Agent. ' "Service" Is one of the main argu ments used by reputable dealers and manufacturers when selling an auto to a man who la skeptical about the cost of maintaining a motor car. They tell at great length the value of co-operative "service," and there are a num ber of men who purchase automobiles who do not believe that the dealers wl'l make good on thla point. A convincing example of what a re liable dealer will do to see that hla customers are taken care of Is given In a "side trip" recently made by Arthur Bee. special factory representative of the United States Motor Company. Whl'e See was In Salt Lake City, a call came to the Maxwell distributer there, a man In Kamaa. Utah, asking for help on his Maxwell. Kamaa, a mining hamlet of less than 6u people, is more than 75 miles from Salt Lake. Yet See made the trip and set the man e car In good ahape wltlioUt cost to the owner. ... In order to reach Kamaa, See had to take a seven-hour stage drive from Park City. He waa caught In a blls- Adds to the "Life" of a Car Wben a car starts out lively In the morninjr and then shows signs of sluggishness later in the day, it may be due to poor com pression. In that case your lu brication probably is" wrong. Use PO LA R I N F. O I L and y ou will aroid two-thirds of all motor troubles. Polarioe is the best automobile oil made. It gives the maximum lu kricKnn for the amount used. It insures tha least possible friction and wear, with fullcom- rression and power, t is carbon-proof. I-onlr for the list, con venient can Just fits la the tool-box. Ask your dealer. Standard Oil Company (Iacarporatad) zard and had to lay over In the little town three days. See has been here with the first Stoddard-Dayton "Six" to arrive In Portland. This machine, one of the most powerful and handsomest seen In this city, is equipped with a Silent Knight motor. W ARREN MEN VISIT PORTLAND Service Mechanic Here to Inspect Machines for Maxon. C. K. Grlndle, factory service repre sentative of the Warren Company, has been In Portland for the past week In specting Warren cars In this vicinity. Grlndle has been traveling about tha country since October 17. An Interesting bit of Information dis pensed by the Detroit man was the deolarstion that the West Is buying more Warrens than the Kast. Grlndle snld that his company Is marketing most of Its cars west of the Mississippi River. Another Warern representative to visit the Oregon distributer. J. E. Max on, was R. D. Maxwell, who has charge of the Pacific Coast territory. Mr. Maxon took the visiting automobile men on a trip to Mount Hood last Sun day. They were accompanied by Mrs. Maxon. Root Joins White Company. C. P, H. Root, one of the best-known automobile salesmen In the business, has Joined the selling force of the White Motor Car Company of this city. Mr. Root formerly was sales manager of the Michigan Motors Company. Prior to that he wis Western representative of the Abbott-Detroit Company. He has been in the automobile business for several years, An Improved motor ambulance soon Is to be placed in commission by the Charltv Hospital. GETABOUT 2 Passenger, 30 Horse Power $950 aPV e, . f ?JlfSr -5 fiiiw It's just the proper size for- a business or professional man who must needs annihilate space, and it has the cute, roguish air that women admire. It is so 6ilent you can hardly hear the motor. Full floating rear axle, 32x31-ineh tires, selective type transmission, three speeds forward, center control, double ignition. Every car fully guar anteed by us and backed by the Mitchell guarantee. Dulmage & Smith 46-48 North Twentieth THE organization back of every auto mobile means as much to the buyer as the automobile itself. And should be as carefully considered. You want to buy your car from a concern with an already established reputation. One of large capi tal that will always be right there to back .up your car and take care of you. You want to buy your car of a concern that has a rep utation for fairness. Not one that will take advantage of you, and after your car is pur chased refuse to give you the service to which you justly feel entitled. The Michi gan Buggy Company has been in existence 30 years. It will be in existence 30 years from now. It has built up a reputation that is world wide a reputation for honest, fair, square treatment of its customers. A Life Guarantee. The Michigan Buggy Company guarantee is for life. If at any time there develops a flaw in the material or workmanship, we will be here to make it right every time. And that guarantee, made by the Michigan Buggy Company, means something. . Michigan Auto & Buggy Co. Northwest Branch -VV. A. Wildrick, Mgr. JKSJ221 369-371 Hawthorne Ave. B-1345 TIR.ES, are made to fit every type 01 nm; i Clincher Quick Detachable 4 (Jlincner Mechanical (m Fisk . A NY type of tire that you want If is to be had in Diamond Tires, y But there is only one Diamond, D Quality. LYou can choose any of these types and Oget it in any of four treads: Safety, Smooth, Bailey, or Grip. This makes sixteen styles S3 of Diamond Tires, and each of the sixteen If styles is made in every size, i CAny type, tread, or size of Diamond Tire Ryou select will give you the Greatest Mile age and best service that can be built into a tire of that type. j CThe name "Diamond" in raised letters on La the side is your assurance that you are n getting both a perfect tire and maximum tire value. In addition to Diamond dealers everywkert l there are FIFTY-FOUR Diamond Service mm Stations. Diamond Service means more than 0 merely selling tires it means taking ears of Diamond Tire bnyers. .aw m j AT YOUR DEALER'S OR f j U The Diamond Store 2 fl Seventh and Burnside Streets, Portland. 1 1 ThcDiaiiioiitf Rubber (Smpamj d J AKRON, OHIO 1 WB COULD BUILD THEM CHEAPER, BUT WB WOfTT r WB WOULD BUILD THEM BETTER, BUT WE CAN'T i CSS