PORTLAND, AFRIT, 7, 1 I I I LIGHTER BRINGS JOY TO MOTORISTS T7"C CTTVTT rVTT-7 TiT? T"7"R"P PAPTTTRRS HONOR COVETED BY NORTHERN MOTORISTS Mrs. H. W. Doherty Is First Antomobilirt to Motor to Gate, of National Park on Mount Tacoma in 1912-One Machine of Party Disabled by Treacherous Road. i We rebuild the "First to Hazelton" Flanders "20" tomorrow afternoon at our salesroom. .We cordially invite you to see how automobiles are built. Pacific Highway to Be Im proved Immediately in This County. COAST TRUNKLINE FAVORED County Commissioner Says Tht Road of Thrre Nations-' Means Much to Entire State. Belivln- that th Pacific Hihwaj U to be the a-reatest boulevard for tourists and for the transportation "t commercial commodities In the entire West. County Commissioner Llarhtner and other members of the County Court have completed arrangements to make the part of the road through Multno mah County tha model of the entire htfhway between Canada and Mexico. Orders have Just been riven A. H. White. Supervisor of Road District No. S. to beg-in at ones tha resurfacing and Improving- of the White House road, which forma the main part of tha Pa cific Hlfhway in Multnomah County from the city limits south to the county lire. Work is to be started as soon as the crushed rock can be produced at the Taylor s Ferry rock qnarry near Rtver- .v!ew cemetery. inn r- " used in laying; a surface on the road which will make it probably the best thoroughfare In the county. Orralac of eaaoa Awaited. At present the road Is In poor con dition In many places, owing- to the heavy automobile traffic of tha last two years. Temporary repairs have been made In various plarea to hold the road In shape until the present road-butidlna- season Is opened and the rock can be laid under proper condi tion, and for that reason the road has been roua-h In some places and Rood In others. The only part which will not require resurfacing Is a mile stretch from a point near the south end of the Rlvervlew Cemetery to a point near Rtverdale. This stretch is considered the most perfect stretch of macadam roadway In the state. It Is as smooth as a paved street and aa straight as an arrow for about a mile, forming- a per fect driveway. South from this stretch the road has been worn badly In many places by the automobiles. In some places the strain has been so heavy durln the rainy sea son thsi the entire surfacs has been -worn off and the tires of tha wagons and automobiles passing along tha road are treading on the macadam base which naturally Is rough. The repair , ,. ..... All ii . n 4 make the will lmini ' i ' - road as perfect as along the straight stretch to a point ner The Wlilte House road Is one of the most heavily traveled thoroughfares in tie state. This is because of the un usually fine scenery on all sides and the rich farming country through mhtrh the road passes, not only In Multnomah County but also In Ciacka maa. The road, which Is known as the Macadam road, as far aa the elty limlta 's paved to South Portland. From there t is macadamised and owned for a dis tance of about a mile south by the city. From there to Clackamas County It Is iwced by Multnomah County. caery la Beawtlfat. The beautiful scenery begins In South Portland. On one side Is the river with one bank fringed with lumber mills and Ih. other with stately plnee and pretty foliage, and on the other side of the read Is a hill covered with natural beauty. The road wlnda about through what might be called a forest for sev eral miles. At Klverdale a beautiful residence district Is encountered. On both sides of the road are stately resl rt.nces. with lawns and flower beds. The residences In this district are de clared by tourleta to be the moat ideal In the eoantry. All overlook tha rtver. on the opposite side of the river Is the Rolf Links, which at this seaaon of tha year presents a beautiful appearance. The Pacific Highway Is a highly Important project." said Mr. Ltghtner yesterdsy. "and In my official rapacity t want to do everything I can to make "t a success. I can think of no better Investment than making the Multno mah County portion of thlr thorough fare the model of the entire road. "It serves mora than on purpose. In tha first place. It forms a beautiful boulevard for the people of Portland as well aa for the residents of other towns and cities of the county and sur rounding counties. In the next place. It forms an artery for commercial traffic. -The Pacific Highway courses a great farming district and brings tha farms closer to the markets in Port land by giving; a-good road. -It must be figured that every mile the farmer has to haul his products it costs him something. This cost can be reduced to a minimum by furnishing j. -.vi.h nrr-- tha l.ait resistance to a quick trip to the Portland markets, -The value of. a good roadway ex tending from Canada to Mexico cannot be overestimated, and I believe It la the duty of every county and city in tr..hinrtfln. Orfsnn and California to ... . . Ivnnrrtv th hlrhVftT v - ...a. ihbi irnitnnmih County will do all It can. I am a firm believer In good roads and am ready and will ing at all times to do anything I can to Help along ine cium i . THICK HAS VAIUEH CAREER Mo. I it g of People, Furniture and rruli Part of Auto'a Work. Tl.e Peerless three-ton motor truck operated for a year by the M. Sweeney Company, of Fall River. Mass.. has probably had as busy, varied and In teresting a career aa any truck In the .-ountry. It has been used night and day. with two shifts of mn working It. and has traveled more than 000 miles. In the daytime It doea general trucking and moves household goods. On Sundays In tha Summer passenger seats are fitted on and it takes excursionists to the ocean beaches. In the strawberry sea on It has regularly carried two truck leads of strawberries every night from r ail Klver to Providence. Tha dens population of that part of Massachusetts, where many cities of considerable else are not far from Fail Kirer. haa caused It to be used often Vr transporting Interurban freight, and o largely Increased tb mileage It has sited up. ' OICK.sOVS REPLV DEFENDED ruu-helder Says Racing Should Re main In Control of Three) .Vs. When George 1L Uiakson, general 7 t '-Vis 'f-1 XT fj - .' lis .'O ItrA - -rr lift! -M i .-7 " , V - 'fM: if iS r.tetfli v .-. . si rr-f j y I ttm . J , in aw' . g - y . . Jf ' - t . - C t 1 -l T -, " - - .v-. . -.5 'J I; A yearly event always certain to take place In Seattle and Tacoma Is to sea who can first reach the Na tional Park gates on Mount Rainier ahead of the touring season. Th.t it la or rreat interest and worth considerable hard work to claim the honors la evinced by both Seattle ana Tacoma automobile dealers calling up the nearest point In the park, asking the condition of the roads. What proved to be a successful ef fort In securing first honors for the 11J season fell to a party of eight In two Flanders "20" cars, who not only succeeded In reaching the National Park gatea. but ploughed on more than six miles further through deep snow, to within a short distance of the Na tional Park Inn. at Longmlre Springs. Where heretofore the drivers have manager of the company that builds National 40 cars, came out with a reply to the attacks made upon automobile racing he said that the one sure way of preaervtng the honesty and true inrimihm of the events Is for the American Automobile Auroclatlon to re tain Its control over them. Opponents to racing have urged that the Ameri can Autc.moblle Association wash tts hands of motor csr racing control. Dickson has potnted out the many ad vantages of tha various kinds of auto mobile contests In which Nations! care have been big wlnnera for years. To show that LMcksun hits the true understanding of the situation. A. u. Katchelder. chairman of the executive committee of the American Automobile Association, has written Dickson as follows: "Tour published statement In regard to the racing situation as to method of control, etc.. certainly hit the nail ex actly on the head. To be perfectly frank. I cannot see any other plan for the best general good. For the manu facturers themselves to enforce and Interpret tha rules would be most dif ficult and unquestionably have a very bad effect on the public Itself." Players to Vie for Prize. Baseball players In the Pacific Coast League will have something to work for this year besldea the monthly sti pend they draw from their respective clubs H. K Keats, of Portland, Karl Anthony, of Los Angeles, and E. P. Brlnegar. of San Francisco, have com bined to give a Chalmers to the player who doea tha. best work for his team. Tha reward will be made after tha rulea that obtained In the contest In the big leagues last yesr. The Judges will be newspaper men around the cir cuit whose business It is to cover the baseball games each always been men. this year Mrs. II. W. Doherty. wife of a prominent Tacoma motorist, and herself an enthusiast devotee of the automobile, claims tha honor. The partr left Lakeside Inn. 28 miles out on the mountain road, at 4 o"clock Sunday morning. The two machines were held up on account of the road being washed out by the Nisqually Riv er. After conference with an engineer of the Tacoma Kastern Railroad, and through the kindness of the railroad officials, the two machines were al lowed to follow the railroad right-of-way between Alder and Ashford. From Ashford to the National forest reserve boundary, more than 50 miles from Tacoma. the county road was in very good condition, but Inside the reserve tha drivers found going an absolute torture; the highway being narrow. replete with chuckholes, stumps, mud. and almost every imaginable vibration producer. From seven miles through to The Forks, there was nothing but low gear work, the road leading fcirough mud which at times hurled the hubs. From the park entrance the fight through more than five miles of con tinual snow occupied much time. An accident that delayed matters occurred when the second car, following In the tracks of the pathfinder, struck a rock which the first car had passed safely, cracking the transmission case, and from this point back to Tacoma the first car had a double load in towing the second one. Auto to Re Publicly Rebuilt. Portland motorists will be given an To Get What You Pay For Invest in an E-M-F "36 or a Flanders "20 THERE IS NO NECESSITY for you to take chances in buying an automobile. The purchase of a car today need be no gamble that is, if you look what's behind, as well as what's in front what's INSIDE, as well as mere appearance. It's what you can do with it, and in it that counts and that means SERVICE pure and simple. BE SURE OF GETTING QUALITY-SERVICE as well as quan tity. The most uninitiated readily understand the supreme service of a factory branch, such as ours offers with its $50,000 worth of parts with its specialists to adjust special parts only an expert who makes minor adjustments only, and so on; advan tages that are possible only in dealing direct. THEN CONSIDER THE CAR ITSELF: Has it got in it what you think? Automobiles are like men. Only a real test proves them. The man who sits behind the wheel of an E-M-F "30" or a Flanders "20" is going to tell you: "Here's the realgar. It has the goods I have driven it and believe me, I know." WE KNOW THE BIG ARGUMENT FOR ANY CAR doesn't lie in pictures or flowery words. No! You get the real test out on the country roads when you drive the car through mud and sand or up steep hills. We know, because we have tested them. Dur ing the past year our cars have: First Broken world's speed records 1-20 miles. Second Won in record-breaking time the most important hill climbs in this country. Third Proved by service in the hands of owners, by victories in numerous Reliabil ity Runs, by Glidden Tour Pathfinding and "First to Hazelton" pioneering. ISN'T THIS THE KIND OF CAR YOU WANT? With quality second to none at any price, of speed, handsome appearance and tireless endurance, backed by a direct factory service and parts department? Don't, you want to get what you pay for? Then invest in an E-M-F "30" or a Flanders "20" and cut out taking chances. BAKER fude: CORPORATION OF AMERICA L. H. ROSE, NORTHWEST MANAGER Portland Branch Chapman and Alder Sts. SEATTLE BRANCH 2201-3 SECOND STREET TACOMA BRANCH 1129 TACOMA AVENUE excellent opportunity of learning how an automobile is assembled when me chanics start to rebuild the Flanders lO" at the E-M-F Northwest Company tomorrow afternoon. The parts of the machine have been on exhibition for several days, and attracted wide atten tion. The car that was taken apart was the one that made the now famous trip to Hazelton. B. C, pathflndlnff the Pacific Highway Due to the good showing made by hose trucks Shreveport Ala..- is now considering the purchase of an automo bile engine. Alwaxi5 THE ONE e" X , si R ere it is NEVER FAILS Don't bother with matches. Don't get out of your car. Push the button Start-Lite does the work. 1- button outfit, for headlights only, $25 2- button outfit, for head and tail, or head and side lisrhts, for $30.00 3- button outfit, for head, side and tail lights $35.00 ASK, TO SEE rr Chanslor & Lyon Motor Supply Co. Mar. 1018 627 Washington Street A 7633 mm OA Carburetor There lare many reasons why the RAYFIELD CARBURETOR has met with phenomenal success, but the principal reason for its popularity is due to the fact that it never fails to accomplish more than is expected of a carburetor, and makes good in every branch of the automobile industry. OUR CLAIM FOR ECONOMY is established more firmly than ever through the performance of cars in the various ECON OMY RUNS throughout the country. THE RELIABILITY OF THE RAYFIELD cannot be ques tioned when it is known that thousands of miles have been cov ered by hundreds of cars, on BAD ROADS, VARYING TEM PERATURE and SUDDEN CHANGE OF ALTITUDE, without carburetor trouble or change of adjustments. OUR CLAIMS FOR MORE POWER have been fully estab lished in the various HILL CLIMBS where power and speed is a factor IN TRUCK RUNS, where excessive power is necessary in pulling heavy loads on country roads through mud and sand. The RAYFIELD CARBURETOR is proving its superiority for use on COMMERCIAL VEHICLES. It has never failed to develop GREATER POWER and ENDURANCE with less gaso line than any other carburetor. THE RAYFIELD CARBURETOR HAS MADE GOOD ON MOTORBOATS. In many speed contests throughout the pres ent season RAYFIELD equipped boats have won. The Kitty Hawk, now holding the WORLD'S RECORD in her class, uses the RAYFIELD. Send for Catalogue Distributed by Bailou t Wright SEVENTH AND OAK STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON