THE SUNDAY QUEGOXIAS. PORTLAND, ATOIT; 7, 1913. FORD PLANT WILL RISE PORTLAND Auto Company to Build Assem bling Factory on East Side. OREGON TRADE. BRIGHTENS Motor-tar nalrra Here Experienc ing Great Prosperity Ralph Ma I ford Tcll Secret of His Saccesft. Further vidn-e that rortlaml la tha logical distributing cntr for the NortAwaat automobile territory la fur nished In the announcement made yrr t.rdar br C. K. llenrv that th Ford Motor Car Company """HI establish a branch factory here In the Immediate future. The plant will be more of an assembling house than anything eis. the rarloua parte of the Ford care be in ahlpped here from the Eastern fac tories. , It baa been known for im time that the Ford company Intended to es tablish a branch factory to care for the blB business It la doing In the Northwest. All points were carefully considered before a decision was reached and the fact that this city as chosen speaks well for lis superior ad vantages. An Investment of approximately $200,009 will-be made by the Ford com pany. If present plana materialise. Mr. Henry, who Is president of the Tort land Realty Board, now Is negotiating for the plant site, which will be lo cated on the Kast Side. The establishment of an assembling plant will greatly facilitate the hea dline of the Ford company's business In the Northwest. The present freight car shortage has caused the automo bile manufacturers no end of worry. This obstacle would be entirely ",one away with If the makers shipped Their product In parts and have the ma chlnea put together here. All com panies manufacturing cheap cars, like the Ford, eventually -will have to re ... . ihia method to satisfy the irnT- moua demand for Inexpensive trotor cara which is springing up In the Northwsat. All Fortland motordom were a cheer ful smile the greater part of the week Just closed. With Spring here lr all lta beauty, the automobile business baa been given a strong Impetus. The ex cellent weather and 'he generally good character of roads about the city have acted as an effective stimulant to - the motor car trade. Last week waa by far the best one of IMS from the atand polnt of sales. Since Marcn II the IT. I. Keata Auto Comptny haa delivered more thin 0 machines and Is disposing of car as fast ae they come from the Fast. During the past week the Northwest Aato Company delivered 4S Rn and Appersona to lta agenta In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Thla number Is part of the 2i0 machines F. W. og ler. president of the company, ordered while In the Es recently to be ship ped to the Northwest as soon as freight cara are available. The general trade here Is experienc ing the same prosperity. While In most Instances the dealers can get as many rara aa the demand call for. some have found It hard to get enough ma chines to satisfy their customers and there are few who cannot dispose of all the autos. both pleasure and com-m-rrcrai, tney contracted for. -If you can relax while driving a car going 79 miles an hour over the road, then you stand a good chance of win ning trophies." said Ralph Mulford. Vanderbllt cup race winner. In a recent Interview. "I attribute most of tnv success In the past two yeara to the fact that I relax my muscles at every opportunity. The driver who Is keyed up to a high tension all the time, who grips the wheel tightly and who j,a a tendency to nervousness la the man who Is most likely to wind up In a smaahup." - Colonel E. ltcfer. of Salem, made an Interesting address dealing with the good roads legislation problem at the annual tnetinr of the Portland Auto mobile Club Wednesday ntsht. Mr. Mofer. who baa been a close student of economics for years, aald that the good roads men will have to ch-tnge their tactics before they can achieve results. He said they do n..t pay enough attention to the political side of the question and that before they ran get any legislation through they must made a more thorough study of conditions surrounding the passage of any bills. Fire fctir Speedwell Men. Consternation reigned at the Speed well house Friday morning, when an overheated pipe started a email blaie In the basement of the garage. The source of the smoke ami heat could not be discovered for some time and "Bob"' Thompson sent In a hurry call for the tire department. The men with the hose and axes dallied around the auto mobile house for an hour before they set at rest the feara of Nation and Thompson, the Oregon -agents for Speedwell pleasure cars and trucks. No damage was done. City Engineer Kerr, of Ottawa Ont.. Is getting prices on an automobile street sprinkler. BAD ROADS NO BARRIER TO PORTLAND AUTOISTS Bert Peterson nd H. A. Jones Make Tirst Trip of Season Between Port land and Medford. 73- ivv A -, ;-tt- i .. .v.:..-- - JSC. Janes Jj'x':- JVoTf Cr. O o ZVl r Xr.r-t OIR of the first trips made In a motor car thla year from Portland to Medford waa aecomplishe last week by Bert Peterson and II. A. Jones, of the Michigan Motors Company, In a Havers "Six." According to accounts of the motorists, the roads were anything but Ideal. At many points they were advised to turn back, but they were determined to complete their Journey at all haxards. and their success was due. In a large measure, to the car they were driving and their deternined spirit. , "Some roads we went over were al most bottomless and the severest kind of a strain was put on the car," said Feteraon In discussing the trip. "e were warned several times that we would not get through. But we kept on and arrived In Medford without serious Incident. "Although the trip waa a hard one. I..., Vnnvinir we had tne sn-v" "that we made It earlier In the year than It was ever mane pciorr, did not have to make a single me chanical adjustment -on the whole Journey." The Havers "Six" Is a new car to the Northwest. It has Jbe en represented here only a short time. One of the objects of the gruelling tour was to publicly demonstrate that the machine is made of the right stuff and that it Is fully able to negotiate the country highways. The machine waa demon strated to prospective purchasers In Southern Oregon. Another machine will soon leave for Northern Washington and British Columbia and another for Kastern Ore gon. These trips are planned with The same view as the one to the south ern part of the state. One of the advantages the Havers Six" had In making the long trip to Medford was the unit power plant with Inclosed fly wheel. The far waa part ly submerged fording the numerous streams encountered and the construc tion feature noted proved of Immense '"While the roads In Southern Oregon are far from Inviting and naturally prove an obstacle to selling automo biles there, prospecta for good bus ness In that part of the state are exceed ingly bright, according to Mr. Jones, lie says that the dealers he ta ked to were quite enthusiastic and all look for a banner year. CAB SHORTAGE IS TENSE MAKEItS WOnniEI OVEK SEKI OfS RAILROAD TIF.ITP. Dealers and Bullilera Asked to Co operate to Relieve Scarcity of Equipment. The seriousness of the situation among the automobile factories of tee Vnlted States, occasioned by the shortage or automobile freight cars, is so alarming that active campalgna have been In augurated by all of tho railroad com panies and the larger automobile fac tories toward keeping automobile freight cara moving and reserving them for the automobile traffic. Among the leadera In the campaign Is the Bulrk Motor Company, of Flint. Mich., and circular letters branches have been iaaued. describing the situation as follows: The serious shortage of automobile freight cars makes It very Important that such cars be sent bac to the home roada as rapidly as possible. Cars should be unloaded immediately by your deslers. so that they can be put Into further service. Notwithstanding the general rules and the efforts of railroads to cover these points, we believe you can do much good, if you will notify your dealers of the serious conditions con fronting automobile shippera and ask them to promptly unload any carloads that might be shipped and bring It to the notice of your local agent, asking their co-operation toward returning au tomobile cara for automobile loading. "When an automobile freight car Is unloaded at Its destination, the freight agent Is liable to give It a load that will keep It out 01 me ui..i"-"..- Ice indefinitely. The disposition of au tomobile cars when empty Is an im portant point, and dealera can get re ports on same from the agents enjoy ing their patronage and report back to you or direct to us at the factory when roads refuse to give this equipment such attention that will tend to keep It In the automobile service. - "Agitation of this matter through dealers will reach directly freight agents at the points where automo bile cam are and will help greatly to ward relieving the situation here. Therefore, if you will bulletin your dealers to report to you promptly when the iar are unloaded and the disposi tion the local agent makes of same and you advise us. It may help a lot in re lieving this congestion." Salesmen Hold Convention. Representing every district In fhs T'nited States except the extreme Pa cific states, the traveling sales force of the Regal Motor Car Company came LITTLE SCOUT" IS LATEST ADDITION TO AMERICAN FAMILY. . ,, - -J. y-mVB-r-',,, - - J?r " IP My Greatest Succe By R. E. Olds, Designer Trainloads of Reo the Fifth In the past 23 years, a dozen modelS of mine have become tho season's sensation. Apain and ajrain I have seen the factory swamped, and men paving a bonus to get my Jatest creation. But Reo the Fifth has broken all records. I never saw a demand which compares with this. Five cities at this writing have trainload orders with us orders for forty carloads each to go in a single shipment. But the demand is just begin ning. Very few men have yet dis eovered this car. Soon there will be 10,000 cars in (he hands of 10,000 owners. Ten thousand men will be telling otbers how Keo the Fifth performs. Then will 'develop the real de mand for this final car of mine. Other seaon sensations have Not a Passing Sensation come and gone. New cars and bet ter came out to displace them. Those days are over now. Reo the Fifth comes close to the limit in motor-tar engineering. It embod ies the final results of my 25 years of experience. In every detail it marks the best I,know. There is no probability that we shail ever see a materially better car. The years can bring only minor changes. ' It Deserves It This car deserves popularity. That is my satisfaction. The men who buy it get the ut most of which I am capable. Th.;re will be no regrets none to say I misled him. And none will ever see a car which gives more for the money. The steel in this car is all ana lyzed. Every vital part is put to radical test. Parts are ground over and over, to get utter exactness. Inspection is carried to extremes. There are big margins of safety. The bearings are Timken and Hy att roller bearings, in place of the usual ball bearings. The tonneau is roomy, the wheels are large, the car is over-tired. Tiia carburetor is doubly heated. The body is finished in 17 coats. The upholstering is deep, the lamps are enameled. Even the engine is nickel-trimmed. Every part of the car shows the final touch the avoidance of pet ty economies. I am proud of it. Not an iota has been omitted which could add to the worth of this car. Center Control No Side Levers Then here, for the first time, we pet rid of all side levers. All the gear shifting is done with this cen ter cane handle done by the right hand. It is done by moving this lever less than three inches in each of four directions. Both brakes are operated by foot possible in pedals, one of which also operates the clutch. So the entrance in front, on either side, is clear. .This arrangement permits of the left-side drive. The driver sits, as he should sit, close to the passing i nil 1 cars on the up sicie or me roaa. Heretofore this was electric cars only. Thus we have solved the !ast im portant problems in designing. ' Price Still $1,055 The price of this car remains f t $1055, though subject to inst-tnt ad " vance. This price is too low for a car like this. It leaves no adequate margin. But we shall continue this price, in all probability, until materials on hand arc exhausted. 1000 Dealers Reo the Fifth is shown by deal ers in A thousand towns. VTc will direct you to the nearest when you send for . our catalogue. Please write for it now. It shows the va rious bodies. Address R. M Owen & Co., General Sales Agents for Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing, . Canadian Factory, StNCatharines, Ont. Mich. 30-35 Horsepower Wheel Base 112 inches Wheels 34 Inches Demountable Rims Speed 45 Miles Per Hour Made With 2, i and 5-PaBsenger Bodies ... " r' i a'Birr.y;- Reo the Fifth, $1055 Top and windshield not included in price. We equip this car with mohair top, P side curtains and slip cover, windshield, gas tank and speedometer all for$10a extra, SELF-STARTER, if wanted, $20 extra. C. P. Boss & Co. Phone Marshall 4022 Agent Portland, Or. Northwest Auto Co. Distributers for Oregon, Washington, Idaho 615-17 Washington Street l ' . r i to(teth-r at Detroit for a Joint session with the factory sales managers, last week. Starting with an informal meet Ins; In the factory offices Monday aft ernoon, the two-day conference con tinued with an elaborate banquet In tha evening. The evening; proRramme closed with a conference at the fac tory, addressed by General Manager Fred WV Haines. CLUB Kli FIGHT STICKEti BIM. IS riXAI.LY TASSED BY SENATE. VIslllnR Motorists Now Can Tonr in New Jersey Without New State l.lcnse. Automobile reciprocity will be a real Itv In New Jersey, after all. The Stlckel bill, passed overwholmlna-ly In the Hous of Assembly and defeated by a margin of one vote In the Senate, was called up for reconsideration In the lat ter body last week and went through by a vote of 11 to 9. In passing the measure, the. Senate added an amendment raising the rates for domestic registration, but as these had been very moderate heretofore, this phase of the bill did not meet with any opposition from the automobile forces. The course the measure will now take Is first to go back to the Assem bly for ratification of the increase In fees, and when ratified it will go to Governor Wilson for signature. As the Governor has already signified a favor, able attitude and as no obstacles are to be anticipated In the Assembly, the prospects are exceedingly bright. The Stlckel bill provides for 15 days free entry of the state by automobllists who have fulfilled the demands of the statutes of their home states. It wipes out the noxious power of attorney clause of the old law by which the vis iting motorist was obliged to designate a certain state officer as his legal at torney to accept service for him In case of any alleged Infraction of the law during his visit. AITO ROW IX SPRING FINERY Three Dealers Change Place of Business Uurlnff Week. That part of Automobile How lo cated on Alder street was out in all its Spring finery last week to welcome the new season. Overhauling, painting and general "clean up" work is finished, and the result brought a great change for the better. Several changes were also made in th A IHer-street part of the business. The Brush agency moved from the Landy establishment to Seventeenth and Alder streets, the place formerly occupied by the United Auto Company. The latter company moved to the cor ner of Sixteenth and Alder. This place has been the home of the Portland Motor Car Company for a long time. These two concerns are occupying the building Jointly until the new home of the Wlnton agency. Twenty-third and Washington. Is completed lvins sections of the state had been made by automobiles. When these ar rived at the cemetery gates there was nothing to do but to allow them to enter. A recipe good for keeping the mohair toD in shape is soap and water occa sionally applied, with a little sunlight for drying purposes, a stiff brush, with which the soap and water is applied, will keep the top in perfect condition. Tlire arf about 18 deaths for every birth orrurlnir t Pa. AUTO CHUG CHUGS .-. .. ie Ant.i. fnr the grand prlx race organized this year by the Auto mobile Club of France. 33 are in the light car and 25 in the unlimited class. A large flour milling company at Minneapolis haa decided to provide au tomobiles for the salesmen throughout the world, and has ordered IS Hup moblles as a starter. An order for a full-page advertise ment in three Mexican newspapers re cently placed by an American motorcar firm arrived only after all three papers had closed up shop owlrtg to the polit ical upheaval. In accepting the vice-presidency of the New York Central Railroad, W. K. Vanderbllt. Jr., has virtually dropped his hobby of promoting motor races, although he still uses a machine ex tensively for personal uses. The touring information board of the American Automobile Association has got out a revised map of Virginia. The map is supplemented by local charts, showing the best ways into, through and out of the principal cities and towns. In many foreign countries it is the custom of the automobile agents not to quote prices openly. Each automobile sale is the subject of special dickering and, barter. Some of the returning travelers to the United States tell rich stories of the enormous prices that for eign agents for American cars are get ting in many Instances. It is astonishing how far the life of the steering gear depends on the skill of the driver. A heedless or nervous operator usually yanks the steering wheel unnecessarily, bringing severe Btralns on the connections and causing needless wear on the front tires. It pays to learn to drive skillfully, even though not pursued as a means of live lihood. The Fairmount Cemetery at Newark, X. J., has decided to permit motor driven vehicles within Its gates. Mem. bers of the association controlling the cemetery said that during the past year manv funerals from New York and out- WORLD'S GREATEST ENDURANCE MOTOR CAR. Stearns Silent Knight $3650 F. O. B. Portland The choice of royalty. The motor that has supplanted the master engines of the world. Will you be among the first with the new type, or among the last with the old? STEEL & EASTMAN 61S-617 Wuhinrtoa Street Maraha.ll lUWliaiS """" Ll" A Thousand Thousand Have Been Used A million tires used on some 200,000 cars have taught the world that tire bills can be cut in two. And the tires which proved it No-Rim-Cut tires have come to outsell all others. If you pay tire bills, please find out what these 200,000 know. Now King of Tires . In 24 months the demand for this tire has multiplied six times over. In the last 12 months we have sold half "a million. No Rim-Cut-Tires have be come the sensation. But. we spent 13 years in ceaseless im provement to give you a tire like this. 'The Savings No-Rim-Cut tires end rim-cut- forever. Statistics show 23 per cent of old-type tires become rim-cut. No-Rim-Cut tires are 10 per cent over the rated size. . They give you that added capacity. And 10 per cent oversize, with the aver age car, adds 25 per cent to the tire mileage. this cent. i the average saving from patent tire is 23 plus 25 per No Extra Price ting that These patent tires now cost no more than other standard tires. The savings are entirely clear. 200,000 motorists have already come to them. 127 leading mo tor car makers have this year contracted for the Goodyear tire. One-third of all show cars were this year equipped with them. Won't you find out why? GoODiEAR No-Rim-Cut Tires With or Without Non-Skid Treads Our 1912 Tire Book, based on 13 yeara of tire making, ia filled with facts you should know. Ask us to mail it to you. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio npan7 nam no ronnw:tiu '-- win iber concern whlcu uses tbe Goodyear name. PORTLAND BRANCH 62 Seventh Street PHONES PACIFIC 2190 HOME A 404S I, t- IT W1IKKI. OF SKW iiUlt'.l IUAlJ.STl:lt.