The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 07, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 47

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PrLtmr-r '
ni, ciml.iM ' ZZZ? ZZl
w.nrtrc Editor M"n I" t
(u1., Editor J .12 1 J2J
C.poln,.room M.I.
H-::.ltl THEUtR STnth ind TJ'""T
I nu t St. Ooor I" t dr.m. R'bjcea.
of Miambick Htm.'' Tonight ml
BuCH rHATEK eintO n M"
khi Kikn Mode Compnr In the pjsr.
Mrs Witt) of the l bM Ptch. Tn,
aftrrnooo at ; nl tonxnt al a lt-
C ' I'll tJL M rHKATEM Stoirisoa. otwosi
S;th B4 svnth Vaudeville. This ai-
eroooa at 1:1 aad tontht at :lf o clocB.
CMMteyg THBATER tPsrlt aad Waantn-
ini Vaudeville. Tb.a afternooa at .is
tonlaht at ! aad f o'clock.
r Vaudeville. This afternooa at .
.oel(ht at 1:1 aad o'clock.
LTRIC THEATER ITotrth and Stark
U jti-il comedy. -The comjr. TB's
af;rnoon IM and toalcal at
and 14 o'clock.
TITOLI AND CRT8T Ali rtrst-raa s'e-
toraav it A. M--H P. at.
Cwcrch Holds Asm-si. Mcenwo.
At the annual mrrttn of the Third
Presbyterian Church. Kant Thirteenth
and East Pine streets. Thursday nlRht,
t000 was pledged toward the expenses
of the nmiin year. Reports showed
that the church la generally prosperous.
The following offlcera wero elected:
L. r. Hewitt, president of the ronarrjra
tlon: J. P. Littler, vtce-presMent: W.
H. Moore. Pr. F. S. Pout and Thomas
Mulr. elders: F. W. Power. C. H. Mc
NreUn. C. Beach, trustees: J. H. Coat.
U r. Hewitt. O. A. Thompson, deacons.
Rer. William Parson, ex-pastor, left
Wednesday for Euftene where he en
tered on his work as pastor of the
Central rresbyterlan Church. A new
pastor of the Third Church has not
yet been called.
Fnna Moxtavilu Statkv. at 1:3
P. M. today, a special excursion learea
over the new Mount Mood line for
Pleasant Home, the new townslte a few
mllea from Portland In the Powell Val,
ley. At Pl-asant Home. I'mbdenstock
Larson have laid out small farms and
town lots. At that point a town will
be built, surrounded by small prod ur
ine farms and country homes. The
le-lal excursion offers an excellent
opportunity to look over the scenic
Mount Hood county and to see first
hand Its possibilities.
Coxxrtcixo Monday Mornino. April
I. all freight consigned to and re
ceived from Mount Hood Hallway &
Power Company points, will be handled
at the freight house of the Portland
Hallway. Light : Power Company, at
Kat Water and Clay streets. The;
freight house at the foot- of Gllsan
street on tho water front, known as
Alaska dock. will be abandoned.
tlaned Portland Railway. Light at
Power Company.
Paixtixo Ox Exhibition. The large
oil painting "The Musician" by Gusta
f'ourbet. the French realist painter of
the early 19th century, has been added
to the pictures In the small gallery.
The pln'lnK Is a portrait of the artist
himself. The Muieum hours arc: Week
days. S A. M. to S P. M. : Sundays. 2
P. M. to S P. M.: free the afternoons of
Tuesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday
nd Sunday.
Last septesibi:r we enlarged our
store to meet the demands of our
tapidly-growmz business. We are)
again enlarging, needing more room
for Importations now arriving;. Handl
ing only oriental ruga of merit, with
reliable methods of selling them, wilt
win. Cartosian Bros.. Oriental rug Im
porters. 471 Wash., bet. Uth and 14th.
Ji-rniB Lov.-r.LL. to 8rr.AH. Judge
Stephen A. I.owell will address the
Mrs s Glad Hand Brotherhood of tba
Highland Congregational Church. Kast
bixth and Preacott streets, next Monday
night. AH men are Invited. Banquet
at T P. M. and speaklnar at 1 P. M.
"The Spirit of the 1-aw" will be the
subject of the address. '
Klbctiom Ntmru.
Owing to a typographical error in
list published yesterday the addresses
for following polling places were In
correct: Precinct II should read 4SSl
Kurnside. precinct 133 should read 1587
Peninsula, precinct l3i should read
Puke's Hall.
W a Hru, hair mattresses retail at
wholesale prices, for 10-pound beds
from ll.tO and up. We renovate) mat
tresses and return them the same day.
We also renovate feathers. Portland
Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger. pro
prietor, lit Front St. Main 474. A 1174.
V EC ETA At A. s TO Meet. "Why Does
the Flesh-Eater Prefer the Vegetarian
Animal to the Carnlverous Animal?"
will be the subject for discussion at
the meeting of th Vegetarian Con
rersailone. ill Yamhill street. Tuesday
nignt. April . at I o'clock.
Service I Tonioht. There will be
a special service at Aharal Sholom
Synagogue tonight on account of being
the last night of the Feast of the Paas
onr. An address entitled "After
Thirty Centuries" and special music
will be provided.
SurrRA-jE to Be Frajacr. Mrs".
Sara Bard Field Ehrgott will deliver an
address on "Woman Suffrage." tonight
at S o'clock, at 22 Second street, near
Salmon. Admission Is free.
Choicr St.EC"no! of Imported Spring
woolens: high-grade work only: SO per
rent rebate for rash payment until
further notice. J. Polivka Co.,
tailors. 20 Corbett bldg.
Mrs. Little to Srrsg. Mrs. l.ora
". Little will lecture Sunday night, al
Eilors building, on "The Ieeper
Origins of Health and Disease." Ad
mission Is free.
For Good Shoe Main
31 12. We call for. re-pa I r and return,
same day. Badger Shoe Repair Co..
4 : J Washington, near Eleventh.
Madam. Before placing your order
for a tailored suit be sura and sea our
imported novelties: pries, ffi, Gurnej.
lauiae tailor. Aloha wk bldg.
MRS. Joh? Cra Is carryjn a; a line
of steamer rugs, suitable forbr Ach and
mountains: very reasonable; also, new allver. 712 Johnson.
Frakr S. FiOJJa for ten years County
Clerk Is the Republican candidate for
Secretary of State. Ballot No. 42. tPaid
Waxttd. Loan, rf 112.009 for one or
two years. 7 per cent; gilt-edge security
offered. Writ AE 4. Oregonian.
First - Ct-Asa S o Repairikov
rrompt aervlce. moderate prices, Jacob
echwind. SI7 Stark, bat. Park and tn.
Forester Dtwi announced for
April 11 postponed to April IS. Klngler s
Hall. Second and Morrison streets.
Lis ual LOAxa. reasonable Interest;
unredeemed pledges cheap. Stein's
I'awnsbop. -1 North Sixth street.
Big A Minute. P what It means.
laok for arrow In New Today section.
A rara bargain. Investigate.
Thi Empirs REHTAtrA!T. 13 Third,
serves speclsl chicken dinner with tea
cream. fc Vtctrola concert.
Pit NrwJf baa returned and will be
- at his officer 311-31 Medical bldg.. at
11 A. L and IP.JL dally.
Lapie. before ordering your suits
t' the Elite Tailoring Establishment.
itl Washington street.
Pa. L. T. Vei ac Svix.
Present office at 330V, Yamhill St..
corner Second trt.
Fob Sals. Cheap, by owner, im
proved corner. North Sixteenth iL Call
Main 7S70. A 207.
Rbal WAPTLSa, tba light, crisp kind
ran only ba bad at Morris'. 1 tto. sear
Wells-Farge bldg.
rR. HrLTO? Weir has removed his
offices to suite 514-51S Medical bldg.
from sixth floor.
tlKAruii today all day. Oaks Rink.
Taxks Should Be Lower. The policy
of high assessments established In 1304
has not produ. ed the low tax rate pre
dicted for 1L It is a failure. I am
opposed to exiesslve assessments and
high taxes. Both assessments and
taxes ran be kept down If tha Assessor
will sit on th lid. I will sit on the lid.
Henry E. Reed. Republican candidate
for County Assessor. No. 12S oil the
official balloL tl'ald adv.
Lincol AU'XM TO Meet. Interest
and enthusiasm la running high for
the Lincoln High School alumnt meet
ing to be held In the assembly hall of
that building Tuesday night. April .
at i o'clock. A large attendance is ex
pected as all former graduates ara in
vited to ro present and help organise
a permanent active Alumni Association.
Temple Beth Israel Services.
The passover service of Tmple Beth
Israel will be held this (Sunday) eve
ning at o'clock ard Monday morn
ing at 10 o'clock. Dr. Wise officiating.
Music befitting the day will be given
under the direction of Mrs. Rose Bloch
Bauer. Th public Is welcome.
Exempt Firkmasj Is Buried. The
funeral of Francis Jones Molthrop. who
died April 4. at the home of A. H.
Crane, on the Onady road, will be held
today at Holman's chapel at t P. M.
and the burial will be at the Exempt
Fireman's Plot. In Lone Fir Ce-metery.
Mr. Molthrop was 10 year old.
No Political Machine. H. C. Smith
will not convert the County Clerk's
office into a political machine, but
will, if nominated and elected County
Clerk, conduct the office in the Interest
of "the general public with special
favors to no one. (Paid adv.)
Mrs. Zerilda W. Swaket'b Funeral
Hkld. The funeral of Mrs. Zerilda V.
Swaney. aged 68 years, of Mllwaukie.
was held yesterday from Holman's
Chapel, and burial was at Rlvervlew
Ometery She Is survived by a widower.
W. B. Swaney.
Tetrazxinl has come and gone, but
Marino and his marvelous violin are
to be heard nightly from to 1:15
an, from 10:15 to 12:16. at Ye Oregon
The Blue Floweb. breakfast, lunch
and tea served, the Wheeldon. Taylor
street entrance. Phone your orders
for bread, pies, cakes, salad. Jelly,
deaserts and marmalade: everything
home-made. Phones: Main 11. A 743.
Mrs. I-al-ra Baldwin Doohtti.e. ad
visory decorator and complete, house
furnisher. 411 Alder St., with the Balti
more Furniture Company. Main 04J.
Council Crest Amusements' will all
be running today: skating rink open
all dsy: band music See grand view
from new addition to observatory.
For the Biookst Snap you ever
heard of for three acres of finest view
property look for arrow in New Today.
At The Virginia Hill. Fourteenth and
Jefferson, two lurge. fine double rooms
with board now available.
For as Ideal three-acre home site
look for the arrow In the New Today
section. Don't miss It.
For Sale. 100 feet on Washing
ton st.. cor. King. Apply to pwner, 17
Third street,
Dr. Ella K. Dearborn. (00 Union
avenue North.
BuslnesB Interests of Minneapolis
Are Making Great Preparations
fop Show In November.
Oregon will be well represented at
the annual Northwestern Products Ex
position In Minneapolis. November 13
to 23. as various state officials and
commercial bodies already ara actively
Interested in the work of collecting
typical products of the state for dis
play there. The show annually la at
tended by from 150.000 to 200.000 per
sons, many of whom go to secure in
formation on the Western country with
the view of making Investments in
real estate.
Governor Weat haa received word
from the officers of the Northwest De
velopment League that the state will be
furnished exhibit space for Its official
display without cost. The business in
terests of Minneapolis are erecting a
great exposition building as a home
for the exhibition. The show will be
given under the auspices of the league
as the Land Show In SL Paul last
year and It will be the only exposition
of th kind furnishing spaca for the of
ficial state exhlblta free.
At a cost of $15,000. the business in
terests of Minneapolis and St. Paul
have bought from the league the space
necessary for the states, and each of
the seven will have a booth built for
their exhibits. 50 feet long and 10 feet
wide with a back wall 12 by 50 feet.
The Governor liaa been asked to con
fer with officers of the league In this
state and secure the interest of those
who are capable of collecting and in
stalling an exhibit which will be a
credit to the state. The Governor prob
ably will appoint a commission to as
sist state officers in the work. L'nder
this plan no county nor community
will have an advantage over others in
the state. Any rtt,. county or reput
able land company desiring to make an
Independent exhibit will be able to se
cure a limited amount of space ad
Joining the stale exhibit on reasonable
The aeven states which are to be
thus represented are Minnesota. North
Dekota. South Dakota. Montana. Ida
ho. Washington and Oregon.
We are now completing and offer
for sale one of the finest houses ever
built In the Irvlngton district. Located
on the 100100-foot comer of 18th and
Siskiyou. Dutch, Colonist style of cut
stone and shingles; finished through
out In mahogany; tiled Dutch break
fast room, electric fountain In con
servatory. Price KO.oeo.
y. E. BOWMAN r CO..
27i and Brasee ni. E 3. C 2322
Because good
good bushes.
Because Slbson's Roses
grown, well-rlprned. full
roota and true to name.
Because they are the best.
1 1 SO Mllwaukie art, . Portland. Or.
roses grow only on
are well
of fibrous
Wa have for sale some very desirable
flat buildings, located In Irvlngton. and
always rented. They will pay 14 per
cent net on the Investment. For par
ticulars call on
Owners u:d and Brasee E S35. C 2323
Road-City Fuse, Near End.
GRANTS PASa Or, April (. (Spe
cial.) The long litigation between tha
Southern Pacific Company and the city
of Grants Pass has advanced one step
toward a settlement. About a year
i;u the clt started to condeLuu a
New Things in Silver
Deposit Table Ware
Three-piere Invalid Scus, $11.50
and $13.50. Thoy can be car
ried in one hand; something
new. Lemonade or Water
Pitchers. $4.25. $4.50. $5.00,
$5.50. Seven-piece Cordial Sot.
$13.50 a spieiidid present.
Imon Plates, $1.00, $1.50 and
$2.00. Mustard Pots, $2.25.
Marmalade Jars, with sterlins
silver spoons, $3.50, $3.75, $4.00
and $5.00. Liquor Bottles,
$4.50. Teapot Coasters, $3.00.
Sandwich Trays. $750. Have
you seen the new
Washington Pattera
in Sterling Silver
Don't start your set without
seeing this artistic specimen of
silver handicraft. . Remember
that silver stays with you a
long time and you will never
be quite satisfied if the pattern
doesn't suit. We have a score
to select from.
The Large Store.
266 Morrison, Bet. 3d and 4th.
right-of-way through the railroad
grounds for street purposes which ter
minated in the present negotiations
that the railroad company deed to the
municipality the necessary ground for
street and that the city pave the street,
which will cost In the neighborhood
of ttOOrt. A year ago the railroad of
fered to open the street free of charge
to the city, but the offer was turned
Southwest Washington Iclopnicnt
Meeting Probably June 3.
CKXTRALIA. Wash.. April . (Spe
cial.) The date of the mid-Summer
convention of the Southwest Washing
ton Development Association, to be held
In Centralla, will be changed
from June 1 to June 5.
Superintendent R. B. Kellogg has
notified the Centralis Commercial Club
that the auditorium of the new high
school will not be available for the
convention. It was suggested that the
convention be postponed until after
the close of school, but this would con
flict with the Rose Festival in Port
land, as well as conventions to be held
In Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. Tho
date will be set definitely at a meet
ing of the Commercial Club Tuesday
night. .
We have for sale the southeast-corner
of Stark and Thirteenth streets.
50x100. Inspect this property and note
the Improvements In the vicinity. This
la the only desirable piece of property
on Stark street that Is for sale. Trice
J57.500. For particulars apply to
Henry Bldg..
Fourth and Oak ats.. Portland, Or.
Special turkey and chicken dinner
and many delicacies at the Fearless
Cafeteria. (4 and Fifth atreet. Opea
all day; music from IX to X and from
I to 1 o'clock. "
Chicken dinner all dsy at Morris',
next to Wells-Kargo building.
Special Raster table d'hote dinner. 1.
t to 8:30. Seward Hotel Grill. 10th and
Alder. Phillips Ac Tarbell.
For Dinner taster Sunday.
A special souvenir menu. Singing by
Miss Leona Francis, accompanied by
the Ceclllan orchestra. Dinner 8 to 8
P. M. $1 per plate.
At the Imperial Hotel.
There will be served from 6:30 to 9
P. M. a special Easter dinner at 1 the
plate. Reservations for tables may be
made by telephone.
For Dinner Kasler Sunday.
A special souvenir menu. Singing by
Miss Ieona Francis, aorompanled by
the Ceclllan orchestra. Dinner to (
T. M. II per plate.
Special Easter dinner today, 50 cents.
All the delicacies of the season. Mer
chants' lunch every day. X47H Morri
son street: music
Just completed. 8 rooms, ideal ar
rangements, bath, toilet, lavatory on
each floor. Fine location. ISS000.00.
Owner. W JT8, Oregonian.
Mr. JuMon Exonerated.
PORTLAND. April S. (To the Ed
itor.) In Justice to an old-time el'isen
and a business man of the City of Port
land. 1 feel that the Information given
lefore the March term of the grand
lury should be made known to the pub
lic through the columns of your roper,
for the simple reason that thla man
waa mentioned therein as being ar
rested during a raid of a gambling
bouse In this city. Not a true bill was
The man referred to is Leon Jueton.
Evidence given before the grand Jury
went to show that Mr. Juston made a
practice of going Into this place to
take a smoke and while so doing oft
times fell asleep, as was the case at
this particular time. The reason for his
being there was that his restaurant
being next door and. not wishing to
smoke In the dining-room, he had made
a practice of going into the adjoining
room, which is used for card playing.
Mr. Juaton acknowledges that he bas
played the game of cards, from pin
ochle to gambling at Monte Carlo, but
he has not -played the game for a
period of six years paat and never will
plav again a long as he lives. Fur
ther, he stated before the grand Jury
that he thought gambling bouses were
Wit out a Peer at f-eVV
Agency for Stetson Hats
;VVJ yy f S siderinj;
Spring Clothes
of Unquestionable Character
Holeproof Hose for men,
women and children six i
pairs guaranteed to wear i
six months without holes, j
Walled Free ef Charge in V. S. and
Canada. I
For Men
and Y o u n g M en
This is the period when thought
naturally turns to raiment. The
sombreness of Winter gives glad
ness to Spring. All men .are con
their Clothing needs.
at once solve that question. Our clothes are turned out
by America's foremost manufacturers. They have char
acter and style plus the finest workmanship, a perfect fit
and above all the finest materials put into men's clothes.
Let Us Be Your Clothier You'll Be Satisfied
Suits Popularly Priced
$15 to $40
Portland's Fashion Center
Country Orders Solicited
Orders forwarded on request.
With rules for self-measurement and
samples on request.
Everything new and up-to-the-minute
in Men's and
Boys' Furnishings
S. W. Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts.
a detriment to the best Interests of
any man who played therein and to the
city in which such houses were per
mitted to run.
Had Mr. Juston desired he could
have done the same as others, given a
fictitious name when the house was
raided, but he Is too much of a gentle
man to fclve any other name than his
own at any time or any place.
State Board Puts Question I'p to
(SALEM, Or.. April . (Special.)
Whether the State Board can lesrally
condemn a piece of property when there
Is no specific appropriation for the pur
chase of such property, or whether the
general statute is broad enough to al
low the enforcement of eminent domain
by the Board, Is a question which the
Attorney-General will decide in a day
or two.
The State Board wishes to- condemn
five acres of land in the Savage tract,
adjoining the pcnltentairy. It being the
desire of the Board to add this land to
that of the prison.
A question was put up to the Attorney-General
today from Mount An
gel. According to the communication,
V. S. Fuchs was a candidate for Coun
cilman and was elected. He also served
as a clerk of the election board at the
election In which he secured the office.
While the law provides that no candi
date for office shall act as clerk of the
election, the Attorney-General takes
the stand that as long as there is no
fraud, he sees no reason why the elec
tion would be Invalidated.
Graders' Strike at Teninu Falls.
CENTRALIA. Wash. April 6. (Spe
cial.) The strike of the men employed
in the grading gang In Tenlno. engaged
In building the new Tenlno-Polnt De
fiance branch of the Northern Pacific,
which went into effect last week when
the wages of the men were cut from
12.50 to 'i a day, has been broken,
other men having been secured to take
the places of the strikers. Seventy men
are now employed at the camp and a
night crew Is to he put on shortly.
Work on the concrete culvert over
Scatter Creek, near Tenlno, started yes
terday. :
Cordwood. E lab wood. CoaL.
Bolmaa Fuel Co.. successors to Baa-lleld-Veysey
Fuel Co. M. 6. a. Mia."
We desire to extend bur heartfelt
thanks to our friends and neighbors for
thlr manv kind messages of sympathy
and floral tributes tendered at th
obsequies of our beloved father. Mr.
and Mn. Martin Olson, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Olson, George . Olson. LllUe
representative Files Statement of
Coi-t of Rcnoinination.
WASHINGTON. April 6. Forty-two
dollars is the whole amount expended
by Representative Hawley In support
of his candidacy for re-nomination, ac
cording to his sworn report filed with
the Speaker of the House today.
Fifteen persons received sums rang
ing from 50 cents to 3 for circulating,
and this was the only Item of expense
incurred by the Representative.
Discoverers of sn Egyptian worm tht will
est the .-otton boll weevil have b?rn dis
couraged bv learning that It is cannibalistic
In lis tendencies n'l will eat its companions
as readily as weevlla.
Convenient Filing
is desirable.
Protection From Fire
and Theft is necessary.
These two features impor
tant to every office are
combined in The Safe-Cabinet.
$20 Gold Pieces
are synonymous, providing,
however, that you buy them
Hplit. They must have the
characteristics that our dia
monds possess.
Cutting ,
Conservatively priced
To make a purchase, in this
line you must st-e our stock.
G. Heitkemper Go.
Diamond Dealers
anJ Jewelers
Old in Portland Yeon Bldg.
New in Location 130-Sth St.
25 high-grade Sanitary Flat and Roll
top "Moon" Desks must be
closed out at once.
Real Bargains
10T 2d St, Bet. Washington and Start.
Complete Office Outfitters
1P1 b
DoYou Get Drowsy
When You Read?
So many people mistake drowsiness
for sleep, when the true cause of the
trouble is EYESTRAIN. Many people
thus strain their eyes quite badly when
REST classes would save them. w e
supply such ptlasses at very reasonable
prices and make no extra charge for
Dallas Optical Parlors
Coraer Third and Waablnartoa Streets.
Secoad Floor. Take Kleator.
East 629
B 6148
The -Safe-Cabinet holds four
times as much as a safe the
same size. Weighs so little one
man can move it as desired. In
terior adjustable to your needs.
It . is fireproof and so con
structed that it is practically a
one-piece cabinet. It is manu
factured under exclusive pat
ents covering all the important
features, which make it fire
proof. Sizes for all purposes, includ
ing small designs for private
dwellings, apartments and in
dividual offices.
Steel filing Cabinets and de
vices of all kinds.
Ask for Catalogue.
Stationery and Printing Co.
Commercial Stationers,
Office Outfitters,
' Printers, Engravers,
Booklet Makers and
Headquarters for
Architects' and Engineers' Instru
ments and Supplies.
Corner Fifth and Oak Streets.
Trinity Church
Nineteenth and Everett Streets
Organ Recital
Lucien C. Becker,
At evening service, 7:30 o'clock.
Admission Free.
We Have
Sold Our
One Week
to Vacate
Beginning today vre of
fer at cost thousands of
dollars' worth of Dia
monds, Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry.
Strictly Honor Sale
Perkins Jewelry Co.
Perkins Hotel Bldg.
Fifth, and Washington Sts.
ypl Hotel
Ke2rTrrt AO VIII
ri LHm . srwja sjt sw m
ted I ka I w.
W r-"HiD h-U
"TwWs Stories
al Soli Com fori"
CIn the center of
things theatres
and stores on both
sides. Building ab
solutely fireproof
concrete, steel and
$1.00 Per Dsy Up
Send for Fire Mp of
Sesnle'i Bail new Diitriet
rfjf fctern i unds on B a t r"f
O O Portland Securities at O )fc
tar Fuds for Business PronvxtiM
aad Clooc-lS) UcsUleneca as
cnuADn c rnnncv wn