SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 EDITORIAL, MUSIC AND SOCIETY VOL. XXXI. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1912. NO. 14. Modern Sanitary Grocery, Delicatessen and Home BaKery, 4th Floor See Monday's Papers for Big Special Grocery Sale Guaranteed Hosiery for Women, Men and Children New Lines of Dinin'Room Furniture Just Received THird Floor Auto Veils $1.98 Comparison sale of 250 extra quality Chiffon Cloth Auto Veils, 1 by 2 yards, wide hem stitched; all the newest shades, such as Amer ican Beauty, emerald green, champagne, blue, pink.white, lilac, old rose, helio- t -l QQ trops and black; $3.00 grades for O X 0 50c Ribbon 29c Comparison sale of dainty Dresden Ribbon in many striking combinations, on light or dark grounds, and solid colors, in every desirable shade, stripes and plaids, in widths to OfJ 51? inches; grades worth 50c yd., spl jQ, Mail Orders Promptly Filled Order Today. I $4 Handbag's $2.98 Three remarkable specials in Women's Handbags. The season's latest ideas in a vast assortment of styles for traveling, shopping, for street or for evening wear; most every wanted leather; $1.50 Bags, 9Sc;$4.00 Bags, $2.98, and ty qq $7.50 Bags, in this sale at low price tDTc0 $1 Embroidery at 68c Comparison Sale of 27-ineh Embroidery Flounc ings in Swiss and nainsook materials in a great variety of new and pleasing patterns, suit- q able for many purposes; reg. $1.00 grades OOC A great sale of Allovcr Embroideries now on. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Order Today. 'Compsxgflsoini Salle-- Here 's Your Reward for Waiting $12 fiat Shapes $7.95 $9 flat Shapes $3.95 In the Millinery Salon Second Floor Southeast; 1 Tomorrow we will place on sale our entire stock of Novelty Dress Hat Shapes untrimmed but of such splendid materials "that a', very little trimming will transform them into beautiful creations, ready to don. The materials are the finest grade of genuine English Heinp Braid TTatc Woven Tinrnl "Rnrlv TTnta finpsf Tvno-lisri "Milan "Rrnirl TTats? K!flffc. white, black and white, string, primrose, emerald, old rose, 07 QEJ navy, cray and attractive combinations; $10 and $12 values P And our regular $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 and $9.00 values, special at $3.95 Women's $8.50 Waists for $5.95 Women's $7.00 Wool Sweaters at $3.98 Comparison Sale of women high-grade Tailored Waists, made up of good quality Irish linen with tucked fronts. Hand-Embroidered with stiff collars and cuffs; others are trimmed with; bands of Mexican drawn work; the sizes range from 34 to 44; very exceptional values JC QC to $3.50, on sale during Comparison Sale at Dress Goods $2 and $2.50 Suiting's $1.69 Comparison of high-grade Tweeds and Homespun Suitings and double-faced materials suitable for coats or suits, all shades in gray to brown ; the best regular $2 and $2.50 goods, epe- H Q cialned for comparibon, at the low price, the yard, D JLiOtS 52-Incn Homespuns at 98c Willi MAAV A -M. Bay Dres Goods and Suitings by Silk and "Wool Poplins in -all" the We Announce Return Engagement of Mrs. L. A. Belden, Expert Gorsetiere Who for One Week Will Demonstrate In the big garment 6tore, second floor, a Comparison Sale of women '8 Sweaters in gray, red and white with roll or "Ruff . Neck" collars, others in the V-neck effects, three quarter and hip lengths ; plain and fancy weaves ; splendid values to $7, specialized for this Comparison C Q Q Q Sale at, your choice, the low price of only u)0O tm i In Our 2d Floor Salon Son Ton and In Our 2d Floor S&lonl Bay Dres Goods and Suitings by comparison. Here's a splendid grade of 52-inch Homespuns ndthinjj bet ter for all-around wear; a limited quantity of gray and brown mix tures will be offered during QQ this sale, special price, yardOW. leading shades, including cram and black. This is a beautiful dress fab ric and is noted for its wearing qual ities. We would Lave you compare it with other goods of fljl "OC the same price. Yard at P Sale of Curtains Odd Pairs Offered at 12 Price Curtain Samples Only 39c Spring sale Nottingham and Scotch Lace Curtains, crisp, new, clean, per fect eurtaiiWand the handsomest lot of designs ever shown. Every known lace is reproduced in these fine machine-made curtains, at a mere fraction of what the hand-made originals would cost. $2 25 values at dJO A g f 1.69; 52.50 curtains, $1.S3, and regular $3.50 ennains, special P"-' Single pairs of slightly soiled best grade Lace Curtains, including Arabian lace. Renaissance, Cluny, filet senm, Marie Antotnette, Brussels, 1 Irish point and Nottingham lace. Prices $1.00 to $27.50, special at 2 Curtain Samples, special. 39c each. Splendid assortment of new bohbinet and scrim curtain samples, 13-4 yards long, 40 to 50 inches wide, OQ. in white or Arabian color; your choice during this sale, special at wJL $32.50 Suits ait $19.45 Garment Department Second Floor Southwest. Comparison Sale of high-grade Spring Suits. Let us impress upon you the importance of buying by comparison it's the only way to determine a .bargain. Our trained and skilled bikers com -' pare when they buy; you should do likewise. Then give a sober thought to the fact that we do not overestimate our values or inflate the ''worth price" in: order to make the reduction look -greater.; Here's a ieliable offering of Suits, made of serges, chev iots and whipcord, mannish mixtures and novelty cloths, in cut away effects and straight fronts, semi-fitting, with plain or fancy trimmed collars, some with long revers and plain tailored collars, in all the popular colors now in vogue; our best Q AJCt values to $32.50. Comparison price for tomorrow' P IxO New:Spring' Coats $32.50 Grades $22.95 Garment Dept. Second Floor. Don't guess; buy by comparison; don't take our -word for it, compare the goods; take into consideration the materials, the linings, the workmanship, the patterns and styles; then the price, and you will decide in our favor. Here is a lot of new Spring Coats made up of diagonal serges, stripes, checks and novelty mixtures, ' mannish materials, etc., -styled with shawl and tailored collars and large revers, with broadcloth or satin collars and cuffs, semi-fitting, some loose, some with belts, straight or two-button side fas tenings, all wanted colors and latest models; worth to $32.50, Royal Worcester Corsets The most thoroughly-satisfactory Corsets on the market, famous for their per fect fit and lithe lines. We are exclusive agents for these goods in Portland. The materials employed in the construction of Royal Worcester IJQC Cf and. Bon Ton Corsets are the very best. Bon Tons from $5.00 to P&JJ The 'price" range of Royal Worcester Corsets is" from $1.00 up to $3.50 We fit and guarantee all Corsets sold at $1.00 and up. Take advantage of sale. Sample Lines Undermuslins At Factory Prices Another sample line of women's muslin Underwear will be ready for your choosing tomorrow. The sale comprises practically one or more garments each of everything made in the three factories. Therefore the range for choosing is very extensive. There is every; style garment, every price garment which one could wish for. The original factory ticket on each garment, showing the maker's cost . Ve bought them at a great discount, ours at first factory Grepe Gowns 98c Combinations at $1.49 Comparison Sale women's Crepe Gowns, the kind you do not iron, styled in the round neck and short sleeves and trimmed in linen torchon lace, special at $1.29 each, and kimono-cut gowns of pretty crepe finished with band top and ribbon; nobby garments QQ specialized for the Comparison Sale at low price of only iOC Combinations of good quality crepe trimmed in linen torchon lace and double thread lace and insertion, beading and rf jq Bibbon, special for the Comparison Sale at, each, p r price. $22.95 Carpet ampies lOOO Yds., in 2-Yd. Rug Lengths $3.60 Rug' for $1.50 $7.0b Rug' $3.00 ' Carpet Department, 3d Floor. - ' A special purchase of 1000 yards of Carpet Samples, which our Mr. Lilburn, who is now in the market,, had made up in 2-yard rug lengths, nicely finished on ends. The famous Bigelow Carpet Co., from whom we buy extensively, let us have these samples at a mere trifle of the cost of production. High-grade Brussels, Axminsters and Wilton at less than half price. Take advantage, come early. Carpet price, $1.80 yard, 2-yard Rug, worth $3.60 for only $1.50 Carpet price, $2.25 yard, 2-yard Rug, worth $4.50, for only $13.00 Carpet price, $2.50 yard, 2-yard Rug, worth $5.00 for only $2.50 Carpet price $3.50 yard, 2-yard Rug, worth $7.00, for only $3.00 Spring Houaseffuir iniislhilini "ComparisQini Sale'9 Gray Enamel Ware First Quality Reduced 75c Tea Kettles, Xo. 8 fize, offered special at only, each, 55 13c Lipped Sauce Pans, 1 -quart size, special price, eaonly 17c Lipped Sauce Pans, 2-ouart size, offered special for 12 23c lipped Sauce Pans, 4-quart Mze, specialized at, each, 17 30c Covered Sauce Tans or Kettles, 2-quart size, special, 23 ." Covered Sauce Pan or Kettles, 4-quart size, special, 33 60c Covered Sauce Pans or Kettles, 8-quart size, special, 47 60c Double Rice Boilers, l-quart size, offered special at 47 70e Double Rice Boilers, 2-o.uart size, specialized at only 55? $1.00 Double Rice Boilers', 3V2-qiiart size, offered special, 79 40c Straight Covered Pots, 4-quart size, on special sale for 30 60e Straight Covered Pots, 8-quart size, on special sale at 47 90c Straight Covered Pots, 12-quart size, offered special at 70 40c Dish Pans, 10-quart size, special during sale at only 30 50c Di.-h Pans, 14-quart size, special during sale at only 39 60c Dish Puns. 17-quart size, special during sale at only 47 13c Deep Pudding Pans, 2-qnart size, on special sale, each. 9 17e Deep Pudding Pans, 4-quart size, on special sale, ea., 12 23c Deep Puddinsr Pans, 6-inch size, on special sale, each, 17 12c Pie Plates. 10-inch size, on special sale for only, each, 9 l.'te Deep Jelly Cake Pans, 9-inch size, special price, only 10 40c Muffin Pans, 8-holc, specialized during this sale, only 32 l.'te Solid l-adlcs. 4-inch size, buy all you want of them at 10 40c Bake. Pans. 11 2x2, offered special during this sale at 32 40c Coffee Pots, 2-quart sue. during this snle, special for 32 Blue CSL White Enamel Ware Sale Prices HigH- Grade and Guaranteed 27c Lipped Kettles, 2-qnart size, at only 19 40e Lipped Kettles, 3-qnart size, at only 32 o5c Lipped Kettles, 5-quart size, at only 43 $1.25 Doable Boilers, 2-qnart size, for $1.00 $1.G0 Double Boilers, 3-quart size, for 31.2S 70c Covered Sauce Pots, 3-quart size, at 55 doc Covered Sauce Pots, 6-quart size, at 75 4oo Measures, 1-quart size, special, only 33 $1.00 Dish Pans; 14-quart size, special at 80 $L30 Water Pails, 12-quart size, for $1.04 $125 Tea Kettles, No. 70, special for $1.00 $1.50 Tea Kettle, No. 80, special' for $1.20 85c Coffee Pots, 3-quart size, special at 67 30c Mixing Bowls, 2-quart siae, special, 24 35c Mixing Bowls, 3-quart size, special, 27 55c Mixing Bowls, 6-quart size, special, 43 40c Tubed Cake 'Pans, 3-quart . size, only 32 27c Deep Pudding Pans, 2-quart size, at 20 33o Milk Pans, 4-quart size, special at 27 25e Deep Pie Plates, 10-inch size, only 20 30c Jelly Cake Pans, 10-inch size, special, 24 20c Seamless Cups, 1-pint size, special, 15 22 Basting Spoons, 16-inch size, special, 17 o-'h; Soup Strainers, offered special for 43 2-5c Tea or Coffee Strainers, special for 20 Garden Tools at Less Lawn Mowers, 14-inch, $3.25 grade, Comparison Sale only $2.60 Long Handle Shovel, 75c grade, Comparison Sale at only 59 Garden Rake, 12 tooth, the 25c grade, Comparison Sale only.l9 25c Long Handle Weeding Hoe, for the Comparison Sale at 19 10c Weeding Hooks, special 8 25c Heavy Trowels, special 15 25c Grass Hook, special for Comparison Sale at 19 25c Grass Shears, special for Comparison Sale 19. - 25c Garden Hoe, Comparison Sale special at only 19 5c Garden Trowels, Comparison Sale special at 4? liouseHold Needs KitcHen Utensils Garden Tools, Etc. Etc. Priced Low 3dFloor Department $2.50 Carpet Sweepers, for $1.95 65c Shopping Bags, special for 35 75c Shopping Bags, special for 45 25c Sanitary Dust Cloths, only 19 - $1.00 Sanitary Brush Mop, only 80 1jL50c Nickel Tumbler Holders, at 39 15c Wood Cake Spoons, at only 12 jpw-; zoc wooa oa sex, special lor J.U 20c Selected Rolling Pins, only 15 ' 55c good Parlor Brooms, at only 49 $1.25 Nickel Tea Kettles, only 95 $3.75 Galvanized" Ash Cans at 53.00 $2.25 Sanitary Ash Cans, for 1.65 Garden Hose $3.10 Grade For $2.25 25-foot length, complete with noz zle. Phone yonr order in early. $1.00 HOSE KEELS, SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE 75 60c RING LAWN SPRAYS NOW ON SALE FOR 48 90o Bevel-French Plate Mirror, white frame, special for 72? $2.00 Bevel French Plate Mirror, white frame, special, $1.60 $3.25 Bevel French Plate Mirror, white frame, special, 12.60 Comparlson Offer of Refrigerators "Automatic" Refrigerators, offered at prices from J$ 18.60 to $54.60 "Illinois" Refrigrcrators, offered at prices from $12.60 up to $21.60 'Illinois", Ice Chests, offered at prices ranging from $8.60 to $15 Full, complete-lines of House Paints, Japalac, Varnishes,' Floor Wax, etc. 5 Pint Size . IF r p W il Swiss Aluminum 75c Sauce Pan, Only Laundry Needs Are Reduced 75c Galvanized Wash Tubs for only 59 35c Galvanized Water Pails selling at 27d $4.00 Clothes Wringers, 11-in. roller, $3.20 $1.00 Folding Clothes Racks at only 79 75c Ironing Boards, 6-ft. size, at only 59 65c Ironing Boards, 5-foot size, for 52 $1.50 Folding Ironing Boards only $1.20 $1.35 Sensible Sadirons, 3 in set, at $1.10 b1 He?$2.20 Swiss Aluminum Ware 60c Sauce Pans or Sauce Kettles, specialized for this sale at only, each, 48 75c Sauce Pans or Sauce Kettles, on special sale at the low price of 60? J $1.10 Sauce Pans or Sauce Kettles, offered special at low price of only 88 $1J5 Covered Sauce Pans, Swiss aluminum, specialized for this sale at 90 $1.35 Covered Swiss Aluminum Sauce Pans, offered special for only 90 $1.60 Covered Swiss Aluminum Sauce Pans, specialized for this sale, $1.28 )5c Covered Stew Pans, with side handles, special low price, each, only 75 $1.40 Covered Stew Pans with side handles, on special sale for only $1.12 9"c Fry Pans, Swiss aluminum ware, special at low price of only, ca.. 75 $1.50 Footed Colanders, Swiss aluminum ware, during this sale, each, $1.20 Order br Mail 50c