18 KOOMI'i-HOrsCA. THE ORF:OV LOCATOItS. ! RoTHHIlX HL.Xni 1IAHSHALL 31I. HOTEL &3 KWMS. hot ani cold w.tr. phone: H rooms fitted up like a paiac; rent month. Without a doubt lh best mon-mk.iig holM In Portland, m th heart of th city. "ompar this rnt with others and then cma in anl tako look at thU place. Rqutrea $4000 ca-h. 7i-BOOM HOTEL. fireproof but. ding, hot and cold Kttir all rooms, also phones; 31 prjtat baths, lease 7 years, rent f-o; right close-In. rent $3.21 room. Prl" 09, about $4000 casb, and U1 t-.A sums trcda. 4i-KOOM HOTEL, with bar; el! to I'tttr or separate: about Hrt cash re QuJrMl, or will take an Improved farm. ;-KCMM worklnrman's hot, on Huri. Ida St.. I; aa" rash: le years. 4 ROOM mostly housekeeping; trad for bouse and lot or acreage. 3fc BOOMS, on Clay t.. on on floor: trad rlty or farm property. 14 ROM". clee -in. terms. 1 KOuMi, ckM-in un Clay at.. S.0; term. 11 ROOMS, cloae-in. ft; terms; trad for lot. ! ROOMS, on Taylor st. : well fornLih d. nlra home. 10; terms: trada for lot. 7 RXMS. 4 cash; rent -; Incoma $44. Take lot or equity In house and lot. APARTMENT HOtSKS. We hare some goo. bu s in apartment houses Just now ; also soma tliat would trad fr real estate. IF YOU want to BUT. SELL or TRADE com In. . A?OCTATED INVESTMENT CO. 61$ Veon Bid. Main 4S1. 3 rooms, rent $1H-". go lease. Will consider good acreage In trade. 44 rooms, rent --..". first-class West Side location- Wlit consider smalt amount of cash and good lota 34 rooms, rent $ 1 clearing $ I Ort a month. Price only $150. 11 rooms, rsnt well located. Price $4.hX Tar ma 75 rooms, stricter modem a part merit -housa; rent only which Includes steam heal and water. $70 cssh and bi ance in good acreage will handle this. If you are looking for a rooming or apartment -house, see our complete list. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. 4JT! Yton Bldg .rh and ATder. MULTNOMAH RXM iN-HOl'ifi CO. REI THIS. P4-room house, best of locations, rent about Jl per room, lease, price $ I3H. term a 4 rooms, beautiful furniture, 5-year lease. 24 apt . first-class location; new and modern. :i00 111 handle. On Washington St.. mm rooms, swell fur niture: $-tm0 wt'l hnndle; a monev-maker. PM ALL HOUSES. CLOSE IS. 14 rom. rood furniture, yard. pr! $ ;ro. on terms; 0 rooms, first-class fur niture, price $7."0; 10 rooms, nw furni ture, pan h. k. rooms, price loo: terms: lo rooms, nicely furnished, a bargain at $tloA: terms. MULTNOMAH RfXTINO-HOUSB CO. -W Rofhchlld Mdc. Phone MrhH 4i"l. GIVEN A WAY. Wl have listed with us fr Immediate sale one of the best furnished room Inn houses In Portland. This house cost fM to furnish less than a yar ago; Is very close In. filled up and clearing over $.;h per month, at very reasonable rents. In addition to this, the It-ase on this house will be worth double what the entire housu costs In less than a yar; this is not Idle tsikr It win p you to Investigate. Price $7 Requ!re $:ims r.ish. Portland rouminu holse co.. filT-.MV Henry Hldg. $1S00 WILL HANDLE A 4-room brlrk rooming-house. J min utes from Postofflce; rent $.V60 per room; can absolutely show where this house has never netted less than $".'S4 a month. $.0ft CASH. Balance on easy monthly payments, will handle J -room house on Everett at. with good lease and a monev-maker. 14 ROOMS ON SIXTH ST.. Clearing $15 per month. $i!00; term a FRANK M. BROWN. INC. t?0 Chamber of Commerce. TWO BEST Bl'YH IN CITV. IM-room apt. house, lease, rent $4 per rom. phones and baths. 2 and 3-room apt, brick building, new furniture, all full. Price l.'..oini, terms or will trade for acreage, lots or Improved property. 33 -room, apt. house, lease, rent $6 per room. 3-room apta. baths and phones, new building and the furniture Is swell; price $mmjx terms; will trade for acreage or lot. MULTNOMAH ROOVINO-Hni'SR CO.. RorhchMd hldr. phone Msrshatl 4ii1. ONE OK THE PAYERS. 14 rom. right among the downtown hotels; well furnished, running water In rooms, steam heat, good brick building ; always a good paying house: It wilt be a little gold mine this Summer during the tourist travel and th contentions; cheap est rent In the business center. Price $4640; some trade. sme cash, part terms. O. C. R. ELLIS CO.. ft0-U Wllcog Hldg. APT-HOUSE furnishings of 4' ap;.. near.y new. 114 rooms In ail: velvet carpets, ail Quartered oak furniture. Will sell fur am All imL casta or trade for lot or house and lot or arresge. Apply to own ner. MO-17 Northwest bid.. beL JV-1-. 4-. Phone A 414. 4J-RXM hotel, prominent location, hot and cold water In a: I rooms, furnace heat, bath, phones, call bells, large hails, good furniture, long lease. brlrk bldg.. full basement, neat, clean, alt rooms filled; right price. HK;i,KT A BISHOP. 133 THIRD ST. 3- ROOM apartment-house, furnished com plete, for sale on account of Qthr busi nesa Interests: clears $ per month: will tke some cssh and cuy prop r:y In ex change. Inquire of Mrs. It Taylor, the Mr-Kioiey Apts corner Est Morrison and Tth sta. SELL OR EXCHANGE. 4S rooma. downtown location: clears S3f9 month above AI L EXPENSKS; the books shew t; rent $Jtf. Including heaL Price O. C. R. ELLIS A CO.. Q-14 Wllcog BMg. mart e. lent co.. fop-tlavdd leading hotel acevct. uotel2i rlamin apartment houses. ATI ili-i nd prices. 3?J-4 railing bldg.. 3d and Washlngtea. 20 ROOMS.' $SO0. 20 room s. at ea m h ea t. cheap ren t and good lease; fine location for transient trade. If you have $0vo cash and want a snap, call earl v. RALPH AC K LEY LAND CO.. 170 ftth St. 74 ROOMS DOWNTOWN. With licensed grill In connection: Income $io4 to I40O0 per month; & years lease. Price 114. iO; SS0s cash, balance to suit. Will consider part trade. O. C R. Ellis A Co . 6010 Wilcox bMr. AtC'DERN West Side, long lease. $7 per rm, AO rooms, ground floor lobby and office, very cloee price for quirk sale. $mA cash, balance easy terms. OWNER, A K ."3. Qregonlan. 17 ROOMS, rent $M with lesse. good. close In location, wU. furnished, clearing $70 month; price 99O-0; $.'d cash, baL. month ly. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO.. 170 5th St. 2 1-ROOM modern dwelling. egantiy fur nished, new and clean; best location big Income and always full: long lease, terms; cheap. By owner. ft-'3 Flanders. jITroOMS. rent $40. all housekeeping, close In. clears $40; well furnished; price $tMh; $4O0 cish, KA LI'H ACKLET LAND CO.. 170 5th at. j;vMIN'3-HOUSE. 22 rooms, close in. on East tilde, lease, easy terms; will tvke part cash; balance trade for acreage. Owner. AC P4. Qregonlan. J'URNISHINOS of nine rooms and sleeping porch, cheap for cash, or will take unin cumbered lot and mill cash payment West park. $ ROOMS, rent lid. all housekeeping, well furnished, close in. clearing $JO month; Prtce $iiO. terms RALPH ACK1.EY LAND CO.. 170 Sth st, yi HMTl'KE of rt-room house. 4 rooms pay ei pen sea. first-class location, very ressonabie. Owner leaving city. Phone Main 3: $4 ROOMS, ai ways ful.. c'-ears S0 per year: will sell for $m0 tn good security or cash: will pay for Itse.f in Jo mon:he; state yuur security. AO (7:. Oregonian. 13 ROOMS, rent 14-V furnace, elegantly fur nished, fine Uwn. best location In the rltv; price $"; t cash. RALPH A' Kl.KY LAND CO. 170 Sth St. XEI.ICATKSSEN. dairy lunch, confetionerv, etc.. t-xx takes it. Call 71 1 S Williams s venue. WANTED New. molrn house for rooming house, close tn ; references: give full par tirutars. J. T. Anderson. 23 East 1-th. iR HALE A 42-room house and 3-year iase; house always fulL 144 Sherman si Mala-7- foHRENT I .arc 2 3 -room, locatetl IJH S. J-y at., fin ih4Ka cclrl Uy. gs. hard surface, on streetcar. $.'.V 311 UH b ) KmM.4. beautiful location, gd furni ture, ail full, walking distance, tor quick se ?iee owar. Ill 14th at. jluoM I NO house of S rooms, neatly fur Pthed : rent $?3. Price 1 7-V. Address Haseett's New Depot. Centralis. Wash. tT ROOM higher furnished. MuM leae cltr; wiil sell reasorab. tv aexnt. J. K. Hal!. J Ailngtoa bide. i,r.'JANT furniture of 14-room hojse fr sale; good location; rent cheap, 4 N- a 4tn - - . . r -7- W VnTirF. a v a . - i 1 I " . I I II K. H. U'jODKINIi .. IN .. l'Vi ami ltw W'lK-nx Mi!?., lor. tvth mr.il WasMt.fil.'n. ilembtr Itt-aUy Board. !A-KO"M HOTKt. FIMST TlilE 1.1b r UO. Strlclly moiI"ni. whtt . pTti hrlrk Mflff-. srouutj fioor tifflc. and lr't). j.rinfr tatti. U-trt; .t-va'.'tr, hut and cM running hiit anil tirphune In vry rotin. oieii.ntly furntshi 011 jar apo: che.p.t rem of any place of ttwt kind In th. city fint Writ Side location. Tni hnuMi la cle.rtr.g Ti'O a month al"ve all txmcs. If you havr cni and tcrr.Kc tlatf to Fortiuiul worth H.'.oO. v can arr.rtf. tb Ulanrr on atn:actnry trni. '1 111. la a lit-::e iro-o.itlon ami lll atand ihurounh ln U-Ntlon. A 1.1TTI.E bKAl TV. 14 momp. dnl clOM-ln t HI1 1-. ration with Ion lai. The furniture I. tne vrrv l.vmt and taou.a a iImii a. a pn. And a bit f.atur la It ha llfiro hfat and th hrat la furnl.'ied frr. Ownr will take i:w cah. liul. Jy monthly xtai mnt. AHAKTMENT-HOT SK FPKCIAL. 24 aoartmur.ta. very l.t of furnltur. atrictly nmdrn bld.. Nob Hill ditrirt. rant a room; u-ear laa; price .ivvt; S c't. APARTMENT-KOI-SE TRAPE. Property In Fortland worth tlMiO will buy the bt little 07-rooin ittn-tly mod ern place. In the city, the I alance of ea.y monthly payments; Nob Hill dlitrlcu See this quick. 43 KOOVS. llo"t CASil. Ptrictlv modern roomlnK-boune; steam heat, hot and cold w-auer In ev.ry room; white pressed brick Lids.: best West t-ido location; a fine speculation; lull price 50X ;r ROOMS TRANSIENT. locatKt near tl:h and Wa.hlnrton St.. it years- lease, hent free; price H'K; terms .vm cash. bal. I'iO a month; this price In cludes an upright piano; this Is too sood to last; act nmck. Jt r.Ot'Mst TRANSIENT. A GREAT BIO liKKOAtN. Brick Mil,., on a cor.. West side, 4 years' lease; price only Him, which In cludes cash upon lease; can give terms on tMs. 11 S-llnOM APARTMENT.-?. Furnished new- 1 year auo. r-nt $7."V with lesse. West Side; price only J1'J, requires $o cash. 1! ROOMS Jfvrt CASH. Verr finest of furniture, select Went Plde location, rent ?3 a room. bjl. of purchase price a month; a pood mone -mil ker. 7 ROOMS APARTMENTS. 3C aiiartm nts. strictly modern, newly furnished; In a pressed brl.-k bulldinKl rent only f.V'O; $:iin will handle. II-ROOMEU HilTKL Strictly modern, newly furnished: an ex.ellent location; 10 private baths; auto matic elevator; will show a positlv. profit of $0U per month. A REAL BAHRAIN. Si rnoms. beautifully furnished: pressed brick huildins; on corner: rent only f.';.n: the best proposition In the city; owjier must Lav. city and will sell for fTud. 'a cash. SOME SNAPS. 7-roomed house In high-class locality: modern house; excellent furniture; price only $j00. i-roomd flat, cheat) renl. prlc. $300. DEVLIN ft F1KERAUUH, 9u7 Yeotl Bids. WITH I4-.0 CASH YOU Can do a (crest d-al these das. You can net a well furnished house of 14 rooms, within X bloiks of the Portland Hotel, beautiful house, modern, arranged fine for either roomers or boarders; clienp rent with lease. For the balance will take cheap lot or make easy terms. You can clear $.0 a month besides 3 nice rooms lor yourself. O. O. R. EM.IS, A I'O., . Se-51'.' Wilcox HldsT. GoOU paylnjr. Well-located. nice:y furnlnlied P-rooin house, $7uv, terms. Ernest Wells, f.oj Couch bldff. SNAP li rooms, nice furniture, fine loca tion, modern. Marshall 121. ovti1.? Mont gomery. TEN furnished housekeeping- rooms, .3"'i; rent s..i; must sell, phone Marshall 177. IXI-T AM) inixn. LOST Hiack hand bait, containlnic card case and case of receipts and notes and small amount of change; sma'.l puise, no alue to any one but owner; either the Puritan deiuat'-ssen, on loth st, or seat tn park on West Park and Clay, or hail of South Amnton apartments; reward; return to Mrs. Henrietta 1. Sterns, apt. i. South Anipton FOrND Wrier, you can buy cenulna ba:r mattresses retail at wholesale prices; w. renovate mattresses and return same day; we also renovate feather. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metjcer. ft--.'s Front- phor.e Mam 474. A 1374 LosT in Portland. April 4. eik's tooth with Kold band mounting; one side, elk head the other; entrraved It. F. W. Eusrene 3.7. Finder please return to Portland Lodge of Elks and get reward. LOST At Lyric Theater. eyeglasses In wooden case, with name fjeo. W. Jones. Finder return to Hotel Philip and receive reward. . Lu.-T Between loth and Uth. Main and Washing-ton. a gold-banded sldecomb, set Willi 3 stones. owner, .Mrs. V. mcerl Jones. Lucretta Court. Apt. 15. Iteward. LOST A black leather hand-ba contain Irg Cutholic prayer boow and letters of owner. U turn :114 Sel:in bl-lir.. h wjni. LuT ile-.ween Park Kose and Montavl'.:.!. straw color-d Iong-h.itred cat. Rew.ru. toti East 4nth North. Tabor 3v".l. LOST Large yellow collie dor. while streak In face, and answers to name of Hover. Phone Marshall ;;7n. and roc, Ive reward. Fot'Xl Handbag on East Jlld st. Loser call 7J7 lvun su, prove same and pay fur ad. LoST or stoien, Fr.nch poJ,e pup with bells, reward for information or recov ery. Marshall liij. 4csi 2d st. LOST Lady's gold ruff link: suitable re ward. Phone hellwood M after 7 P. M. Address E. T. till I'orbett hl.lg. IaiS r lnne Jet doul'lo hoop tarring. lie turn Multnomah Hotel and receive reward. LOST Airedale lrn.T. at-otty." license 3'''?i. phone East 1C.. Ken urd. Kul Ml cn. locket, dog-face, I. two photos, one diamond, phone Z. Hrooss, Main 4.'t'ii. LoT Small bay mare; white feel and spot on forehead. Main 4-67. SrKCIAL NOTICES. Proposal. Invited. LN the District Court of the L'ultrd States for the District f Oregon In tne mattr of John Adams. Hankiupt: Sealed blus will be received by tno unilersign-.-d for a atock of laerchanilise of the Invutce value of 4d1-i1.S4. togettur with fixtures of al.out e.".io.t:.'. belonging to a!d vstate and located at Oregon City. Oregon, said blus to be received up to l'i o'clock noon ou Alonuay, April N llll. at the oaice of th. undeis.gneu. 4ol-5 Fenton building, Port land. Oregon. Th. property may be In spected upon Inquiry of trustee. Terms cash and a cash uepusit of lo per cent ar certified check must accompany each bin submitted- lh. rigiit la reserved to re ject any and all bids. Dated at .Portland. Oregon. March 29, 181. LAliijE E. LLONAUU. Trustee. DIALED bids will be received at tne offices of the undersigned, 4oit Tilford building, until 5 P. M.. April 17. 1H1J. for adauion to th. Richmond school butldlng. Bids will ! received separately upon generu) con struction. piuiuiing. glass and glazing. Plans and siecif tcatlons may be obtained at the office of Architect T. J. Jones. 4i'S Tilford building. Certified check for U per cent of the bid. payaole to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Hoard of Directors re serves the n.-nt to reject any and all bids. . n. H. THOMAS, hool Clerk. Dated Apr.ljk, 1.H2. 1 WILL receive aealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting principally of dry goods, furnishing goods, boots and shoes and crockery of the inventory valuation f $Il.ui43. togetffer with fixtures of $lt7v7i. located at I'uyallup. Wash., up to 111 o'clock noon of Tuesday. April u. l:i72. Terms cash and a cash deposit of lo per cent of amount ofTercd must ac company each bid. Inventory may be Seen at my office. No. 7 First street, and the stock is o;en to inspection at Puyai lup. Wash. Ti e right is reserved to re ject any and all bnls. Dated at Portland. Or . March St. 1912. R. L. SABIN. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of fice of the unriera.gued. 4v2 Tilford build ing, until 6 I'. M. April 17, li;. for hKhting xlxturtl In the Near Lincoln High School. Copy of specif iratlons msy be obtained at the office of Archilecta White 'hiuse A Foullhous. o Wilcox building. Certified cheek for lu per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to R. H. Thomas. Schol Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re ,eres the right to reject any and all blda Iated April 4. 11J. It. H. Thomas, School Clerk. fcE4.1EL bias w l.l be received by th. un dersigned until 1 A M. Saturday. April 11 1S12. for one flve-tou auto trurk for Multnomah County, when b.ds wi.l be publicly opened. The right Is expressly reserved to reject any and all bids Bids must slat, earliest date of delivery. F. a. FIELDS. County Clerk. Courthouse. kt-Al PD bids will be received by the under signed until Saturdiy. April 1.1. 191i for an automobile I r Multnomah County, not lesa than "-0 horsi power, seats for two. Iluis to stite t.me of delivery. The right to reject any or all bids l express!) ra- "rT"1' r. 8. FIELDS. County Clerii. . Courthouse. TTTE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, rORTLAXD. APRIL 7, 1912. , j HN WCIAt 1 BUSINESS UIKfcl TOKV. Proposals Invited. SEALED bids Will be reoelved by . S. Fields, llounty Clerk. Courthouse. Port land. Oregon, until Id A. M. on Wednes day April 17. 11)12. for furnishing the steel for a bridge over the sandy River, at Trouldale. Oregon. The bridge con s.sts of two 13-foot riveted Frat trusses snd one 3l-foot deck girder, ls-foot road wav. steel railing ard plank floor. Steel to "be deliver J at Troutdale. Oregcn. r. o. b. cars. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of th. County Sur veyor, at the Courthouse. No bid will be considered unless accom panied by a certified check payab.e to the order of the County Cdurt. for at lean 3 per cent of tlio amount of the bid The right 10 reject any or ail blda is cxpr- .s y reserved. T. J. CI.EETON. county Judge. W. L. LIOHTNEK, County Commissioner. D. V. II ART, County Commissioner. SEALED bids will be received by h. 8. Ficals. County Clerk. Courthouse. Port land. Oregon, until Id A. M. on Wednes day. April 17. 1112. for the erecting of the steel of the Troutdale bridge, -fur-nishinif the limbers and pianklng for the roadway and laylnc the same. steel to be removed from cars befor. demuirage accrues. . . l'lans and specifications can be seen ai the otfice of the County Surveyor, a; the Courthouse, Portland, Oregon. No bid will b. considered unless accom panied by a check payable to lh County Court for at least S pr cent of tha amount of the bid. , Tha rig lit to reject any or all bid Is expressly reserved. T. J. CLE ETON?, e, . County Judge. - Vf. U. L1GHTNER. County Commissioner. D. V. HART. County Commissioner. IN the District Court fi tne T"nlted State for the District of Oregon In the matter of J. a. Wilson, bankrupt: Sealod bids will be received by the undersigned for a of trunk of the Involc. vaiue of I141. together with fixture of about 104..a and a stock of merchandise and unfinished trunks of the Invoice value of $24o9.oo and a stock of machinery of th. invoice vame of Uotl od. located at No. 841 Macadam stre. t. In the city of Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, April tl. 1H12. Inventory is on tilo at No. 402 Fen ton building and the property may be In spected at the premises. Term cash and a cash deposit of 10 per cent or certified cueck lii the same amount must accom pany each ofler submitted. The rlghl la reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Portland, Oregon. March lt.12. H. W. SITloN. Trustee. CLOSINU OCT OCR BUSINESS W. Invito proposuls to purchase our entire stock of general merchandise and fixtures, consist ing of grocenes, hardware, furnishing goods, dry goods, shoes, etc. All slock good. live merchandise. Will Invoice about SnuuO. Slock may be Inspected at any time at Bridal Veal. Or. Aldrich & l.innett. owners. M iscelluneous. NOTICE. The Oree-on Auto Despatch Is mov ing ail Horace to new brick warehouse located at the northeast corner of loth and Kearney sts.. Portland. Oregon. owners of property stored with us art hereby notified so that Insurance can be changed to covot at new location. The dale of removal of any lot will b. given upon reouest of owner. OIlEHO.N AUTO DESPATCH. Phone Main ::;!. 1,1 First st. Ma.ter'a Notice. HA ROES for rent, capacity 400 tons. Pat tullo. XSU Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. FINANCIAL THE GILBERT COMPANY. FINANCIAL AUENT3. Room 307 Stearns bldg., Gth and Morrison, Portland, Or. Purchase notes secured by mortgage Unsecured notes If principal and In dorsers are acceptable. Interest-bearing bank time certificate of deooslt. Parties wishing to sell securities as de scribed above are requested to correspond with us or call In person at our office. INV F-STolts. investigate this growing prop osition; will guarantee not less than 0 . per cent; any amount 1 roin . - , be used to increase equipment, output to meet a popular Uemanu inni is oecoonoa universal. Write or see "Secretary," 4J Commonwealth bldg. ' CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sal on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lnmbermens bldg. Loans MORTGAGES (first and second), contract and selleis- equities bought. E. L. 1iver taux. lOO'l Spa ding bldg.. od and Wash ington. Main 3. " LAWSON'-HROWN INVESTMENT CO. SHOKT-TIME LOANS. Reference: Uradstreet and Dun's. 130a Veon bldg. Main 3I7. W E psv highest cash price tor bulllders" con tracts, first und second mortgage and other securities. Home Installment Co.. 401-102 McKay bldg. Marshall 3U'.9. MONEY to loan on Inipioved real estate or for building purposes; no commissions. COLUMBIA LIKE ex TRUST CoMPANT. HM l-paldtng bldg. SEVERAL first mortgages for sale: $isni. S2ow Xll.'iou, S.l.''iHI; security Improved rltv property. Call V6 Wilcox bldg. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages tflrst and second), equities. F. 11. Lewi at Co. S Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E. It. Miller. 410 Ablr.gton bldg. IF YOU are hxiklng for a business Invest ment of 2i0 to tiix0. address D W73, ore gonian. MONEY to loan on farm or city property. Wm. C. Borchers. 2oT Qregonlan bldg. AliHOTT CO. buy, sell stocks, bonds. 14a Montgomery st., San Francisco. Money to Loan Real Fstale. TO LOAN o000 OR LESS. FAR KINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ. lOOO AND upwards on Improved real estate; uotes and mortgages bought. W. A. Hath away, room lo Washington bldg. WILL LOAN 7m0 on city real estate at current rates In amounts to suit. ol2 W 11 cox bltig. MOSEY TO LOAN $1000 to $2500. first mortgage. 40 per cent valuations; closa in. CltlXens I'SH. IMPROVED or unimproved property: small building loans, contracts and mortgage bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. 1T000 TO" liOOO to loan at lowest rates, also larcer amounts. Trowbridge at Ltephena 2UOo TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. building loans, lowest rate W. G. Beck. 811-316 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg., ad and Stark. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland hemes, for building purposes. i'UO Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS Ic LOAN ASS'N. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. Liberal terms. Mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudnomme Co.. SOT Wilcox bldg. 2a.OOO ON CITV ' PROPEKTV, SUMS TO SUIT. Y 04. OREGON IAN. MONEY to loan at reasonable ratea In sums fioai t'MO up. Th Lawrence Co., 248 Jxl ter St. TO LOAN 10.OiO to 120.0OO on gilt-edge farm property at 7 per cent. Inquire room It Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. $tuu. $l.'vd, t.'OOO. also 140. 000. in on. or more amount M. E. Thompson, 42$ Henry bldg. See Mr. Ridge. II PER CENT MONEY, 7 PER CENT. For first mortgages on Improved real estate. Address Postofflce Box 302. TO loan, estate moneys In any sura from $000 up at current rates. Rooms 10-11 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison st. ONE two. three and four thousand to loan on' Improved property. W. L. Page. Iu7 Sherlock bldg. IOO TO :00 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIMS O.N ANY GOOD SECURITY. BT PRI VATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDQ. MO RTGAGE L O A N S, 6 AND T PER CeSt. LO C 1 S SALOMON. 221) STARK 'ST. PRIVATE money, any amount. 0 to 8 per cent. Georgia A. ll.iw, 401 Macleay bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEV. 13. 3 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Fallen, lios-u Fenton. MONalY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATJt. A. II. HARDING. 303 lh. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS- O. OOLTRA. FAILING BLDQ. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort ..... h. Miley. room 2Q4 Gerllnger bldg. looo $!. 2-".imi. .iM: READY NOW. J. K. sin r., .o- ie i. oiug. STATE funds. per cent. W. E. Thorn, agent Multnomah County. 4O0 Ch. of Com. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. It. belts ae l'o., 310 Spalding Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS."" J. J. CAHALIN. 63J CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $200 UP Dwelling houses; principal only; "no brokerage. Attorney. 210 Allsky bldg. $j2 . Oil any $iart W loan on leal catata. latior VI. Money tn lxs fVewl K"t. i HAVE THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS TO LOAN ON AI SECURITY AT O.NCL. 1.0l 3 years, & per cent. 1.' 3 years. S per cent. $2.000 3 years 8 per cent. :;'. 3 years. S per cent. $40011 3 years. 7 per cent. g.-KHl 3 to 5 years. 7 and S per cent. $6o0 3 years. 7 per cent. 10.0ii0 5 years, 7 per cent. $1:1,0110 5 years. 6 per cent. $2.,ooo o to lo years, J per cenL $,,0.000 ft to IO years, fl per cent. 100,000 in years, d per cent. SEE MR. HARBOI.T. A. J. DETSCH COMPANY, MO Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD MORTGAGES $l.ow at 8 per cent. $1.oim at 7 per cent. $2.i)ii at 8 per cent. $3.ooo at 7 per cent, $.Vonn at T per cent. $s.ooo at 7 per cent. $10,000 at tv per cent, $-'Viki at 6 per cent. 10.000 at 6 per cent. A specialty of close-in loan in larger urns at lowest rates. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON Mortgage Loan Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. MONEY FOR LOANS. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. On Farm and City Property. BUILDING LOANS CURRENT RATES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., Commercial Club Bldg. WANT money for th following: $12,00". 6 per cent, near 22d and Mar ah h 1 1 sts. . $2250. 7 per cent. E. 11th, near Burn side linoo. 8 per cent. 43d, near Hawthorne. All gilt-edge. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. 311-312 Lewis Bldg , TO LOAN ON PORTLAND PROPERTY AT ONCE. AT 0 TO S PEK CENT; $1,700 FOR 3 YEARS. $2KD FOR 3 YEARS. $2:iW FOH 5 YEARS. $0000 FOR 3 TKARS. $in,ooO FOR 5 YEARS. J. H. TIPTON CO.. HQS SPALDING BLDG TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT " ON PORTLAND PROPERTY. $2000. $30OO, $1000. $15.0Ou. Have these amounts on hand for prcmpt delivery: make application to Goodsell Tiro... 4113 Worcester bidif. t MONEY TO LOAN. $30,000 at 6 per cent: $10,000 at 7 per cent; $4000 at 7 per cent; $2000 at 8 per cent; $1:00 at S per cent. R. N. TUKFORD St CO. Mar. 4'47. A 4545. 407 Spalding bldg. LARGK supply of money to loan In sums of $100 and upward, on real estata secur ity, at and 7 xier cent. MALL ft VAN BORSTEL, I04 Second St.. Near Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for bulld . Ing purposes. 3 to 8 years- t.me; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav Ings ft Loan Association. 240 Stark tst $100,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenxi. ft Co M4-511-116 Gerllnger bldg. Fli'.ST MORTGAGE LOANS, FKM AND CITY PROPERTY. EDMUND I, DEVEREATJX. 1000 SPALDING BLDG. PRIVATE party has money to loan for building home: will advance money before work begins; owners only: d per cent to 8 per cent. G t21. Qregonlan. STRICTLY private money on real estate, farms, ranches, etc.; mortgages and con tracts bought and sold. Straw, 711 belling b'.Jg. SEVERAL sums. $100 to $SiXH available for Immediate loans on city property: also several amounts to loan for 1 year or less. can poti IV iicpx omi.. PKIV ITE party has $12o0 to loan on first mortgage, improved real estate, not too far out. at 8 per cent; no bonus. A0- d rers a o 1 ciregoiutin $lo0 I20O0. $3000 OR $41)00 to loan on Im proved property. W. L. I'nge. 107 Sher lock blnff. A CLIENT wants to place JIOOO at 7 per cent on a West Side mortgage. B. Leo Pa get, 414 Falling bid g. ; WE have some money to loan. Hinkle ft Harrison, uerimg.r oiqb. Money 10 Ixap- L sstteli and Sa 1 arte. "salary T II X N'S $1.00 to $1000 on DIAMONDS. 2 per cent and up. WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN CO S. regardless of whst they advertise. OUR NEW KATES. Borrow $lo pay back 12. tit) n 6 Pf Borrow $-'1 pay back 528. 8 in $," Borrow $10 pay back $16 4o In 6 pay t. CAN YOU BEAT THEM. ON LOANS UP TO $ 1O0 ? If the HEAD of the family dies before the accoun t la paid In full and the Payments are made as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A Kb CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOL.-.T. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates given if paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH THONES. u-, 111. and Sth sts.. on Wash t. Open Monday and Saturday till M- STATE SECURITY CO. $ 1 1) n L' li'U.w $ SALARY LOANSON PLAIN NjfcTES. 10 TO v$100. w LOWEST KATES IN PORTLAND. HO. repaid In installments of. . $20. repaid In Installments of f.,,!, $10. repaid In Installments of $-00 Larger amount In proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges In plain "llusfness strictly confidential. STATE SECUHiTY CO.. $ $ $ I ",08 Falling Bldg. $ $ $ $ i $ i $ DO TOU NEED MONEY? W. will furnish you, strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other klna of securities, on terms to suit; also on weekly or monthly payment. WE BUY .'JiO LOAN On flrt and aecond real estate mort gage contract nd chattel mortgages. U. S. HEAL ESTATE ft BROKERAGE CO.. 12 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. 2US4 $ (6 to D. D. DKAKE. $100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without security, mortgage or Indorse ment: cheapest ratea best and most pri vate terms In Portland. 3oT Spalding bldg. Successors to Hutton Credit Co. MONEY FOR SALAKlblD PEOPLE. Women keeping house and otheia fur nished wltnout security; cheapest ratea easiest payroenta. Com and get money when you want It. and pay a you can. Office In all principal cute. D. H. T01- man. ait Lumper cxniuin. PRIVATE PARTY LOA-N3 $10 to aiuv. On furniture, good In storage, ate. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. $20 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Open Munday and Saturday till a P. M. Call, write or phone Main 4417. " PRIVATE PARTY LOANS. Salaried people and women keeping house. $10 to $100. Strictly conhdential. 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. MONEY LOANED. Watches, diamonds. Jewelry, eta, ELBY COMPANY. Room S2U Lumber Exchange Bldg. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at hall th ratea charged by brokers. .l.rx at Bluclt. 74 3d st. 1 HANS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables at almost bankers- rate of Interest. 324 Falling bldg.. 3d ant Washington streets. LOWEST rates, chattel loans- Call Geo. Harvey. 5'U Fast Davl. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 Hi 3d. nea- Ald.r. LOANS on diamonds and other securltlea ftm. Hull, room U. Waahlngton bldg. MONEY old on Installment; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry bldg. a LOAN for th asking, salary or chattel. The Loan CO.. 414 Dekum bldg. ThuPT TIME LOANS; PRIVATE PARTY ; $10 AND UP. 2o7 OREGONIAN BLDG. Loans Wanted. SEND OR CALL FOR PK1KTED LIST OF LONS I WANTED. IT CONTAINS DE SCRIPTIONS OF MANY PROPERTIES ON WHICH LOANS ARE DESIRED. HARTM.VN & THOMPSON. HANKERS. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. WA.NT to borrow $BO,000 on new four-story brick building, cost over $so,oo: will pay per cent; principals only. E. J. Daiy, x-x raiuow a-'OoO WANTED on a good piece of prop erty will pay 8 per cent; no ac.nts. Phone Main 3135 before 9 A. M. or after a p. m. WANTED To borrow of private party. JifiO at 7 per cent for three years; security good property at 542 Flavel ave. on , Seilwood canine, I WANT 3o.000 at 7 per cent for 5 or 10 years on UK acres of fruit land at New berg. '210 acre In trees. AT V4S. Orego n.an. WANT $12o0 on property wurlu $ivo. T 8iy. Org onion, . - Money to Loan Chattels and Salartea. Loan WantesL HARTMAN . THOMPSON, BANKEHS, ' CHAMBER OK COMMERCE BLDG. Oifer the following fir-t mortgages. $20.t-iKi 3 or 5 years, on a very close-In o'.. quarter block on East Morrison . st. At present there are no buildings. Land value is $ii0,00o. To be built on within the next year. Note of oa-ner first-class in addition to the real estate se- curlty. $14 tK0 3 years, on quarter block on 22d G'.i st.; lot contains four houses and ganiire. Income $141 per month. $12.0h it years, on 10'lxlUO choice cor 0 ner on 21st st.; lot contains two good houses; land valued al $'"!. 000. Owner has $10o.0oo of un incumbered real estate. $12.O"0 3 or 1 years. on Si'xlOO lot on 7'.- First at.. South Portland, worth , $1000. ' Also $too0 of timber land. Loan to be used to build a four story cement building with ele vator. Income $300 per month. I-oan disbursed by Hartman & Thompson. Owner will add $7000 In cash to building fund, making total securitv tai.'kkt. Jii.ono ,-, ea is, on lot liHixTt) on East 79b Glisan St.; bulldlr.gr has six stores and apartments in second story. All the stores rented. Value of land and building $lS.00O. In-, come $:wkk per annum; Insur ance $10.' KKJ. $Vofwi 5 years, on lot 50x100 on Chap I'Tc man st. Owner to erect a -!o)O0 building contaitring stores and 7 4-room apartments. Loan dis bursed by Hartman & Thompson. "Value of land $3010. Total ac tual cost of entire property $12,000. $3,.i00 3 years, on lot SOxlO, on Front st., t'i nt South Portland. Heavy frame 1-iiildinir suitable for any manu facturing purpose. Cost of build ing SSOOO. Land value $lnoo. Total' value $1:4,000. Owner oc cupies building and the security Is first-class. $3,nno 2 vears, on the most beautiful irm quarter block, tnoxlon, , at Wil lamette Heights. Owner asks $7100 for the lut. No house on the property. $2,5oO 4 years, on 10x100 choice lot on 8't East Fiftieth St., near Hawthorne ave. Beautiful new house costing $40X. Land worth $ I loO. Mort gage note bears indorsement of man of moans as additional se curity, making a most attractive loan. $2.100 a or o years, on lot 4Sxl00. near 87c Brooklyn School. Good 7-room house occupied by owner. Total value $42oo. Present mortgage is payable- monthly and owner wishes to change to straight loan. $1.7.VI 3 years, on SoxlOO lot al Iloss S7e mere. New 7-room house Just finishing, costing $2. loo. Land value $1000. Total value $;;500. Owner will occupy. jl.KOO 3 years, on 50x100 lot, close to S''b Portland Boulevard on Delaware ave. Lot worth f v00. House cost S22O0. Total value $o0i0. In surance $22o0. $lt000 3 years, on one acre land and 11 o'.i room hotel at Clackamas Station. Owner recently purchased lor ' $3l00- $7oA ;i years, on a 60x100 lot on Tlb 87i belts St.. near 30th St., on Rich mond carline. Five-room house. Owner is buying and naR $so0 ca.sh toward purchase price of JlllK). lunO 3 vears, on lot P,.t 1-3x100 on East S'o 74th e't., Montavllla. Land value $4iMi. House value Kecent lv built. Total value $1200. f ",U0 .': vears, on $1000 house and lot on S':i .'lllth ave. S. E. We have a large number of nppIlcatlons for small loans, varying from $100o to $210; ample Becurity and good rates of In terest in each case. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. OUTSIDE CAPITAL INVITED TO IN VESTIGATE THESE HIGH-CLASS LOANS. $,-,iK) 3 years. 10 per cent. 10 acres In Martin Tracts, value $llo0. ' $100 3 years, s per cent, 4-room house Fern P a k. value $i:;uo. $SO0 3 yearsT per cent, 1-room new house, nearly finished, liith St., between Holinan and Ainsworth; value $2100. $1,200 3 years, S per cent. 5-room new house in Hello Crest Addition; value $3100. 1,800 3 years. S per cent. 5-room ll story house, E. 3!Uh St.; value $3700. $2.210 3 years. S per cent, 6-room mod ern house; everything In; value f 11)00. $2,500 3 years. S per cent, 7-room mod ern house. Mount Tabor; value cash, $iiO0O. $3,000 3 years, 7 per cent, 2-story build ing. 3 stores: two 1-room flats; value $H.onO. $6,500 3 years. 8 per cent. 2-story building. 6 stores. 3d rooms; Gilsan St.; value $19.oik. JJO.OOO 5 years. S per cent, :iit acres in Hood River, with Al improve ments; value $::o,oiHl, $13-,0O0 5 years, o per cent. 300 acres, close to Vancouver; all cultivat ed, with Al improvements; value $ld.l'l. $17,500 1 yeurs. 8 per cent: on lots loOx llo, with traekago along rail road; value $10,000. $30.000 S years. 7 per cent, on new apartment-house. 1-story brick, cash value $70,oo0 to build. . $50,0r0 5 years, tl oer cent, on 4-story brick building, close in on East Side: value $110, Ooo. $121,000 30 years. IS per cent. 7-story brick building. loox121. In center of cltv: value $325. 000. SEE MR. HARBOLT. A. J. DETSCH COMPANY. 840 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 4280. A 1153. CLIENT wants ?4nit, for 3 years at 7 per cent on a $12.UOO farm located in Tua latin Valley. Ill miles from Portland, high stato of ctfitivation. WARD ft YOUNGER, Suite 420, Yeon Hldtf. L A L" HE LII UK ST. Want loans. .2iX" to $40. on new homes, first mortgages guaranteed by company. Capitol Trust Company. 221 Henry bldg. W" ANTED $ll.ot)0 for term of years; secur ity, first mortgage on one of the best farms In the Willamette Valley; prefer to deal direct with party having money. Ad dress box lso. It- F. D.. Wood burn. Or. WANT LOAN OF $1400 FOR 3 Y EARS, FIRST MORTGAGE ON MY NEW 7-IiOOM HOME. S PER CENT: ALL EXPENSES TO PRIVATE PARTY. B 979. OKU OONIA.V. $1000 WANTED for. one year, gilt-edged security, 8 per cerft Interest, 10 per cent bonus. Call 00 Grand ave., near East Washington. Phone East 30Q2. WANTED To borrow $10.00 from private party for 3 years; will pay) interest quar terly at S jier cent; amplo security. 977, Oregoniam WANT $1)00 for three years, 10 per cent; modern cottage worth $2100 on 2 full size lots as security. A. N. Searle, E. 70th and E. Glisan. (M-V car.) "" " $600 LOAN WANTED ON MY 5-ROOM HOME AND COxlOO LOT; WILL PAY PRIVATE PARTY 8 PER CENT. B 978. OREGONIAN. FIRST mortgage of $1100 on SO acres Rogue River fruit land, runs 2 years. Will dis count 10 per cent. Property first sold for $1000. AO 9Ti. Qregonlan. WANTED Money for good first mortgages on real estate. Have a number of appli cations but Insufficient capital to meet same. AV llo, Oregonian. WANT loan of $21100 on modern residence: will pay 8 per cent to private party. B $77. Oregonian. "LOAN WANTED. $2000, 8 per cent. $6000 E. Slije resi dence; no agents. AJ 942, Oregonian. 1 WANT to borrow $400 for one year on good real estate; will pay lOl per cent. Call 414 Spalding bldg. $2100. TWO years, at 8 per cent; gilt-edi;e residence property; very best security; principals only. T 974. Qregonlan. WANTED Loan $7500 from private party on West Side income property; pay 7 per cent for three years. W 97". Oregonian. WANTED $100 on 3 acres: cultivated, with house and barn, value $15oo. Liberal In terest. No agents. AC Bid. Oregonian. WANT loan of $::0"O at S per cent. 3 to 5 years, on improved farm, worth $4500; no commission. N 973. Qregonlan. PAY 9 PER CENT for J3000 on good ranch within 18 miles Of Portland. K 9nJ, uregooiaii. TWO $1000 building loans wanted, 30 per cnt valuation, loan guaranteed by bond. Smith-Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldg. WANTED A $To0 loan on a North Monta vllla house and lot, worth $HSo0. Box 701. Route 1. city. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sale. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. a07 Wilcox big. FOR LOAN. $2100: will pay S per cent: give good real estate seculity. p U72, Oregonian WANTED $1000. one or two years, at S per cent from private party, on first mort gage'. AC 1111'. Oresonian. WANTED To borrow $2000 on property worth $4M)Q. V 911, Qregonlan. TO borrow $1000 on my home: value $3!o0; pay 8 per cent. P 971. Oregonian. WANTED $.'niort. best class realty security, no commission. P. O. Box 223. W" ANTED--Loan J im to $1500 on good se curity. Swank. 317 Hamilton blug. FUR SALii e00 mtg. liOS Ky. Ex. bldg. Loan Wanted. CLIENTS want loans at once. $14u0 at S per cent on new home in Be$'io0o Tai 7 per cent on Alblna corner house and lot. , i $1500 at S per cent on new house in Westmoreland. ,, $17.-u at S per cent on Belle Crest res idence. . , $2200 at 8 per cent on 23 lots and home, well located. .. , $2210 at 8 per cent on residence in South Portland, large value. ,,,-. x21oo at 8 per cent on new Beaumont residence. ,, - . Jiiooo at 8 per cent on Woodlawn busi ness block. . $::ooo at 8 per cent on Thurman st. res- $3000 at S per cent on beautiful Beau mont home. $10. 000 at S per cent. on real estate valued at $100.0ni. B. LEE PAGET. 414 Falling bldg. Phone Main 79.1. WANTED $1000, s years. 7 per cent, on close in East Side quarter block, with new 3-storv. first class brick building, all newly furnished. This is a splendid loan as to security and moral risk llrst-class; no phone Information. ,. .,1 ,-.-'ivv 1 1 j 1." 1 " Tj I ' l"l a d 1 o--xjc i 1 1 1 c 1. - ' -i 00 Chamber of Commerce Bldg $'0o0. $2210. $3000, ON modern homes, 3 years. 8 per cent and all expenses; good security. $11, out) on highly Improved farm near balem, 3 or 5 years; gilt-edge security. Sea Mr. Reese, Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bldg. , PEBSONAX- ONLY $21. FOUR WEEKS TO LEARN. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS. 400-414 DEKUM BLDG. OUR SCHOOL IS PRACTICAL. Which means that If you come here yon will be taught everything that Is neces sary and nothing that is unnecessary. OUR "SCHOOL IS ECONOMICAL. In other words. If you invest your money In instruction here it will get you the greatest possible Increase in earnings allerward. OUR SCHOOL IS ENJOYABLE. Becauso we know how to make your work interesting, and have the teachers and the equipment for doing IL OUR SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. FAT GOES QUICK New drugless home treatment. Bodily fat, double chin van ish; lose pound day safely without starva tion diet, violent exercises, drugs, medi cines of any kind. Most marvelous treat ment of age for harmless FAT REDUC TION. Stands supremely victorious over all. Delightful results guaranteed. Thou sands pleased patrons. Better get rid of FAT FOE before It gets rid of you. Send postal or letter today sure for my FREE BOOK. -DRUGLESS WEIGHT REDUC TION " and BEGIN REDUCING NOW. MARJORIE HAMILTON, 44-B C. B. Bldg.. Denver, Colo. HAIR H A I R H A I R H A I It. 600 PUKE CUT HAIR SWITCHES $12 34-lnch Ew-Hches e4-43 $d 20-inch switches 2.4o Hair dressing -o Face massage . . .' ---J Shampoo Manicuring, 25c, 5 for J "o 12 scalp treatments 5-00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4 $1 and $li PUFFS only $1.4. Cut hair In any shade: switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors, 40H-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. RADICAL cure by the latest natural heal ing methods. Including radium, all electri cal currents. lights, heat, vibration, radia tion, baths. massage, adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive. finest eouipped private office in Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 61100 treated patients and not a death while under our care. We will be glad to consult w ith j ou free of charge. Dr., W. E. Mallory, 0I2 Kothchlld bldg. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.: massages and baths. 3dO Holladay ave., cor. Occidental. I' car. Phone East 300S, C 2113. Open Sundays. - SWEDISH -TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism,- nervous and sloni- ach- ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th St.. second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 2tiu, B 1S03. DETECTIVE. (Licensed). Shadow work a specialty, correct re ports and strictly confidential. AK 941, Oregonian. MISS PERRY, graduate masseuse of the New York School of C. and D., treats rheumatism, paralysis and nervous cases. 302 Holladay. U car. second house from cor. Occident. Open Sundays SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles removed by the electric needle, 17 years- practice In Port'and; physicians' references; lady operator. 130 East 19th st. S-3 or ML Tabor car. 1'hone East 6038. UK CATHERINE C. GAiEri I have had 11 years' practical experience treating nervous and chronic diseases. Consultation free 307 Abington bldg. Marshall 3143. Hours: 10 A. M. to o P. M. DON'T forget to try our famous French and clay packs and our Wonder Wrinkle Remover. Violet Parlors, 51i Swetland bldg. WPEN all otner remedies fall to cure a cough use "Rum and Pine." It cures; 60c the bottle. Address or call Clernensun Drug Co.. Front and Morrison sts. WE can prove that Barke Tonic cures rheu matism; 71c the bottle. Address or call. Clemenson Drug Co.. Front and Morrison sts.. Portland. Or. DRESS SUITS for rent. $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons 6ewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 300 stark. MRS. STEVENS. Is years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 212 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. FOUND A place where special attention Is given to remodeling of hats, by up-to-date trimmers. English correct millinery. ;iil Morrison St., Marquam bldg. HA1UDRESSING, shampooing and mani curing, ladles only. Eftle J. Hiated, Katherlne Apt., 149 23d st- North. LAEM.MLE means the place to get moving' plcture machines, supplies, films. La emmie, 3113 Oak st. TURKISH and Russian baths, now open for business, under new management. 595 Front and Sherman St. Take S car south. MODERN sanitary cure for dandruff, fall ing hair, etc.; free sample by mail. Ad dress Hatha-Vita Co., Milwaukle, Or. BE-VUTIFUL lingerie and marquetle waist and swiss-embroidered dress patterns at 1.-.4 Yamhill. SWITCHES made from combings; fancy halrdresslng. shampooing and manicuring. Violet Parlors. Ill Swetland bldg. SCIENTIFIC facial and scalp treatments; ladles- and gents' manicuring. Violet Parlors, 111 Swetland bldg. Marshall 3091. ZNEROL The great nerve tonic and sys tem builder. $1 per box. 6 boxes $3. Stipe Taylor Drug co., i i-onmo- at. MIND as apolled In science restores health, no matter" how serious the disease. 424 -lny st,. suite 34. M4.DE OF YOUR COMBINGS. "twitches, 95c; curls and puffs, 75c. fian- ltary Beauty Parlors, 40O Dekum b.dg. wj i-". Aiunniooo, aieuui ouwib u-uu masseurlng for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 47i Jefferson. A 4470. Open Sundays. 17773 SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spirit ual' scientist. 302 Alisky bldg. Main ot24. Meetings Vjeanesuay. cimaj, o m. COME and give our drugless fat remedy a , ...,.-.;- . llnlf T.,.,b trial, cunsuiiiiuun 511 Swetland bldg CLASSY millinery cheap, remaking, color ing,: bring any oiu raaien-, 72 Suite I 1 ; save nop. MEDICINE men, attention; free rent; down . t llTri nmpnnl.n town corner iuooiq. - v-j. w.-0w...M. uOLils superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. U. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. a . 1 M OF FIGS. Compound. Royal , Tonic Tableis. 132 Davis st- Main 9211. ? MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scalp treatment, shampooing. 314 Swetland bldg. BUSINESS DRIECTOKT. Analytical Chemists. -o-r.i-inxRD CLARKE ft CO., analytical chemist examiners of chemicals, drugs. foods, eic. Attorneys. u 1 mii TON JOHNSTONE. lawyer. 29 Wash ington bldg.. 270-, Washington su Tel. M. 177S. Note cnangq ox aume.H. roSetice abstracts examined. Removed to ,0 ixvs Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071. Assayer and Analyst. Welis & Proebstel, mining engineers, cheat- tsts ana 3j". .. .....o MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory -in ore-testing work. 786 Morrison st. Caipet Cleaning. "1 xpanESE electric carpet cleaning work phone Marshall 1653 or A 22o2. ' Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass costing d machine work. lv N. 5tn. Alain ..ox, Chirupructiv l'h.i eiclan. DR. T1CKNEK. Columbia next Star Theater. A 1211, ?uaiu Ulbi, res, ia 2t)iO. Chiropodists. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER. 301 AiiskJ bldg., 3d and Morrison, Mam trcan all Ills of the loot, without danger of In fection; ccrns, bunions, ingrowing and atrophied nails, flat teet and bunion S specialty; 22 years loot specialist, WILLIAM, Estelie and Flossie Deyeny, th. only scientific Chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gcriinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring Mrs. M. D. Hill, olflces 429 Fiieiilier bldg. Alain 3473. Coal. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRA N CH Ell D ST. WPO'D. Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal and wood. Marshall 900. A 3541. 374 Water st- Danclng. PROP. WAL WILLSON'S Dancing School Lessons, 21c; waltz, two-step or three-step guaranteed In one lesson; trial lesson given tree. The best is ulways the cheap est. Stae dancing und ail vaudeville acts taught quickly. Royal Academy Hail, SI1,.- 1th, bet. Stark and Oak su, Fuou. Main 7t;37 BERTHA BECKETT HEATH, teacher of lancy, stage and social dancing; classes Monday and Friday evenings, at S. Pri vate lessons by appointment. 109 2d su. between Washington and Stark. A -Uoa. RINGLEK'S SCHOOL Private and class In struction; lady assistants; social, stage, fancy dances. 2:ilia Morrison. Marsh' I 313- EducutiouaL STAMMER '! Method for cure explained Xree. M. L. Hatfield, 191S Glove, Oakland, Car. Engiues-iatt and Steam. RoBER Machinery Co., Coast agents. Sax bury steam engines and bolters, gasoline an guies. 2&1-2S3 E. Morrison st. phone E. Ill- Feed Store ZIGLLR ft M ISNEI:. hay. grain, feed, ce melil. sililisTea. 294 Grand ave. E. 4S2. Kodak Finishing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for price Hit. The KodaKery, tilh and "'ash. Lou dscapo Gardeners. IF you have residential grounds to beautify, consult our landscape uxpert, Mr. C. P. McDougall. 12 years' experience in Scot land and Eastern cities. Now Is the time to plant. Advice tree. Phone Maui SUlvi, or write the Oregon Mursety company. oretico, O re g on. " FRED W. BULLOCK. Artistic landscape Garuculng. 310 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432. New Lawns a Specialty. Shrubbery, Plants and ornamental Trees. Leather aud linuings. C11AS. L. MAiTlCK CO.. 74 Ffont. Leather ot evrfry uescription, tabs, mis, findings. J. A. ST'KOWBRiDGE LEATHER CO. -taoluned lala. lbo itlolit 51. Mcdicul. BOSTON graduate massage and iueaical gymnaatiLS. 3H2 Jcnersou. up one Light. Musical. J1KS. EDITII SMYTHE; piano and French, moderalo '.erius; Highest city references, chlluren's 1'iencn class Wedlieauaya. Llls wortn Apts., loth si. UAti'l liili piano taught Id lessons, -players always warned at good salary. Room It. oSoVj E. Mai rison at, Jimil Tiiiclliorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. 900 Marquum. A -.loo, .uarsliau 1629. MUSIC stuuio, 209 Ulli, arrangement made tor practicing. Mam 3V.I3. MLS1C studio. 209 14th, arraiigemeul made tor practicing. Main 3a03. Osteopathic l-uyaiciana. DR. LEKOY SMITH, graduate Klrkvlils, Mo class of lb'ab; post-graauate 1907. un der Dr A. T. Still, lounaer ol too science 1 122 gelling blug. M lQSi. A 19!-o. R. B. Northrup, 411-10-17 Dekum bidg. Nervous atiu Chronic Diseases. Phone, Office, M. 349; res, Last or B 1023. 1'uLuts, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish is best adapted. 10 me -o-a. i-moio. HtlUTblll PAINT CO., 191 -aecond St. I glass. Basu, and doors. Cur. 2d and Taylor. jAXENT secured or fee returned; Illus trated guidebook and list ot invenuoni mailed 11'e.e 10 any address; pateul si cured by us udveiliseu free in World's Progress; sample copy flee. Victur J, Evans ft Co., Washington. D. C. FATK.NTS thai protocl and pay; books free, highest relerciicea, besl results. Send lor liul of Invention wanted, patents adver tised free, bend skelco or model lor fre. search. Walsou K. Coleman, pateul law yer, 022 F st-, Washington, D. C. patent Attornej.. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, atlorney-at-law, late of U. S- Paleul Oltice. Book let tree. 719 the Board ot 'lradje blug. TA1-M3 obtained, trademarks, copyrights renislci-d, ail countries. BooKlei iree. PrTdi, xiAxiERT,i.N. o2d Worcester bidif. U S AND FOREIGN PATENT- procured by ' o. O. Martin. 409 Chamber ul cominerce bldg. R. C WRIGHT, dome.uo aud foreigu pat tnts, inti-iimeiiieiit, cases. bU4 Dul.U-1 biug. ' ' Patent Engineers. " INDENTIONS DEVELOPED. And patents secured, coop a: scumltt, con. fumii engineers, ool Henry bldg. FiiouD aiaiu 12il. Consultation lice. Papering utxd Tiuting Papeihaiigins, painting, mains, leasouabu puce. Call Sex laliuilil St. -tain louj. A'awubrokers. UNCLE MYEH-- Collateral Bank; 40 years in Portland. 71 tith si. Plione Main Ml -A Paving. THE xJarbcr Asphalt Paving Company. 601- Kjs'x.lectric biug. Oscar ilubtr, Portlano. X-ipe- Pcilt'TLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and oiuco near 24th and York sis. Main ma'J. Safes. THE MOSLEU SAFii CO. Tot, 2d sL oafel ml factory prices; secoiid-liand sales. ' sccond-liand Quods. WE buy clothing, lurultuie and tools. Higa- el urico paiu lor secoiid-iiana ciolniag. I rniture, liwu. Marshall 23o4- we' nay the highest prices lor secondhand Vo?Vm "anil T.lioes. MaimoOS. 03O otu. Suuwcuscs, Hank and Show FUlure. r, . .. 1 1 i ke MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap 1 1U sliowcoae Co., tith ind TToyU xL Lutke. manager. . Z u IlIPDSALL, -US Hamilton bldg. Sbow-ca-es m VocK prompt delivery. -ale, agent. MvVerJ;uiurCo. ;, , uh xl L Ml? G. CO.. 4th and Couch; new frtfajad. Mam 2703. Cabinet work. 7, wi-i xn-'u SHOWCASE ft FIXTURE CO. '.V'Xh su Main itllT. Cablnel work. btealbip. ; 1 1 AN LINE Royal Mail steamers; T1i,B.i,eal Liverpool, Glasgow. Montreal Monti outh London; the picturesque Lawrence route; four days on th ocean three day in river and gull; spien Turbine steamers; saloon, second cabin and third class; superior one-class i?i,!o service; cuisine unexcelled; courteous attention; send for circulars rates, plans, tie? Allan ft Co.. 127 N. Dearborn su. Chicago- Storage and Transfer. T, PICK Transfer ft Storage Co.. offices od commodious 4-slory brick warehouse, .euarato Iron rooms aud fireproof vault lorvaiuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sis.; manes and lurniture moved and packed Jor shipping; special rates made on goods m our ihrJugli cars 10 all domestic and foreign points. Main 596, A 99u- " "OLSON-ROE TRA-NSFEK CO. General transferring and euraft safes. Dianos and furniture moved and packed far shipment. U7-S9 Front aL l.lepnoii Main 117 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1670. Taiisier and' forwarding agents offices storage 474 Glisan s. cor. 13th and Glisan. pnones Main 09, A llbtf. Tinner. i. xv i-INTEK, tinners und roofers. 048 1 Sa.der 3L A 1390, Mam 3112. Typewriter. to JD5 will, buy a REBUILT TYPE tvvrCEK' rebuilt as good as new; ai . r.A choose from at Gill's. 3d ant it nd maKCB -,,(,- . . a -. , n,an.lna Alder: term to so... ,.UQ u auteed. Call or phone for representative. M a i n&-il "111 1 N'T buy a poorly constructed machine when you can buy high-priced standard makes direct from the manufacturer at -l5 on the basis of $1 per month, or $30 esh- rentals 3 months for $1. Investigate. K. T. Co., 245 Stark st wrj handle standard makes of genuine Eistern factory rebuilt typewriters (no funk). Price right. Buy a reliable ma chine from a reliable houae. Pacific Sta y ft Pig. Co.. 107 2d St. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Hi change. 351V. Washington st. EW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. P. C. Co.. -31 Stark. M. 1407. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phone Main 13.6 or wrR A. j-cgt, 1- ilorrlson W A 1