IT K 8U3TOAY OREGOXIA5, PORTLAND, APKIL, 7, ' T II Ball. IIJIOT ball and ballroom. recepllon rouma. tc ultDl for afternoon IMl dinr-mg parties, mmtrti and rwctta.a. Apply lloyal Academy HaiL I Man-m-itr b.Jg.. Fifth, at. Phono Mala ATTRACTIVE ball, centrally located: seals o er Iih peopt; piano; for rnl five nights per weo.f Including I'unfli) : very rfnonrl rales. K t5o. Oregonlan. Mi f llawewwa. HiTHHoVfS LadTear and gents oaparolo department: ahowvr. tub. tsam and b:h( tank: a .so -11 iwmi furnisosd. la tt,,.uf hid. IjiR'IK tudio. No. 42. to let twlew weekly. Yto.ln or painting. J wimutw. to i:af. TO LEASE. N'-w brlra apartmenl-hou. rarjr de sirable. West M-le loctHn. on blook front rsillr.e: resdy for wcupincy April I5tn. Bulldlr.g baa 3H apartments, sixteen 1 room. ix; 3-room and two 4-ruom apartmenta Wall and disappearing beds throughout, elevator, unifi. rfrtTtlnr and sha-le fMrnthel. Modrrn and attractive In every report. For furthar Information call Vim 40 FOR RENT F'utldlng rsj quarter-block at corner N. l'th ana Couch ets . for ra innn the Club Nmblea Two etorl- ant htMmnt. Permanent tenant can se corf fivnnhl lease. WAKEt lF.I.Ii. FRIES CO.. Fe have responsible tenants for hotel or partment-houae In any part of th rlty. I'artla havtna such opening or desiring to build snoull consult ua Goldschroldt a Agency. 415 Chamber of Comm'rt. M HINC.VH orroRTUMTIES FOR HALE iiiu of th beat blcyclo repair hope and novelty works In one of tha best locations In tha city: well equipped with too.s and fixture and repair stock: a au a lot of rebuilt bicycle that will aell for enough to nearly pay for tho whole hitn. On ircwuut of lekness I am compel, ed to sell. Thla proposition la well worth Investigating-, aa tha busy sea son la Juat beginning. Price t-i. .No. 74. corner Tal'r and Fourth ati. GENUINE SNAP. DO YOU WANT ITT A good paving busin. well- estab lished, legitimate, aland Investigation: wi.i take clear lot and om cast). What have you? See me. La Furge. . Cham ber of commerce. YOUNG HAN. H'STLER. I'NDKRSTAXD ING OtKIi'E WuRK. FUK M ANAGKR OF BRANCH ESTA HLISH KU BUSINESS; fcEyl'IRE $2V. SPLENDID KKTUKNJ TO RIGHT MAN. AUDKt.-j AB Wi ORE' IONIAN. WANTED S business manager on salary who will Invent loo.) In a going proposi tion paying large proflta: can glva beat refarencea. don't apply unleaa you hava the cash. AN 964. Oregonlan. 8i-H')6l, GROCERY STORE. No finurea to buy. Will aell tha atock at invoice. C.oe to 2 big achoola anU la a ftne neighborhood. Wheeler A Hall. MI I,umbermena bldg. I HAVE a good GENERAL, BTORH In coun try, near Cortland, wnlch I will aall at Invoice. Thla alora la doing good bual neaa. For particular Inquire at 7 Eaat Barnalda at. GRO' ERY for aale at Invoice; owner mut l-vtte time to other tntereeta. Abiut lji"0 cah will bandle tha deal. Average daiiy aalea $') CnramiinlciH with ownar at once. F Oregonlan. fcNAP Modern 7'i-room hotel In loveileet null and ml, town on tha Coaat for aale: w!l furnlehed and every room oocupu-d; birgam if you peak quick. Wrlta bog lo. Raymond. Waah. rHALL corner caah grocery with 4 llvlng Momi; Just tha pla- for man and wife to make fl.K) month; IvJIX Lumber Exchange. SPL.ENIII little buelnea clearing nionthiy; going away and muit aell; thia la the beat proposition In town. M STS. Oregonlan. H KtSTAL'K A NT Owner doea the cooking and ran'l depend on hired he'.p. wanta part ner to act aa caahler; will pay you tl.V) montb and board. Lumber Eachange- RESTVlBAXT Mual aeTT thla good-paying email restaurant: Investigate and you buy It: long leaaa; part terms. Apply 4a Mohawk bldg. LADY or gentleman to Inveet few hundred doitars. well-paying office bualnesa; no competition on t'aciile Coaat: no agents or trirtra AS io. oregonlan. W ANTED Manager or partner, one of the brst-locatei downtown apartment-houaes: tire opportunity for capable pcraon. AB U4j. Oregoniun. MiLK. AND CHEAM L'EI'OT. Rent . making over 113 a week now and can eaaily be doubled: $2i) buyi It. w hier A Hall, fill Lumbermen bldg. RENTAL KANT on beat atreet in city (good bui.oMii; muat b Bold by Tueaday: make any '-.d or. laaae, terms; owner. AC !.", Oregonlan. FOR SALE: On standard soft mud brl.k marhlna and all eu,ulpmenta for brU k v.rj. J .H. Mahon. 1-04 LHvuton at. Ta-L-.r 1 4.".0. BARGAIN Sma.l hand Uunlry. c.eara l,k0 month now; better In hummer; If you tke at un- e will take - caah. Apply U W.J. 'rvgonian jTaNA'IER wanted aa partner In an eatab-l.a.-tej bualneas; salary and share of prof l; aom money required. AN IMi-i, t.ra ce'.an. ' e-'l.t;N tl I bualnesa opentnf. owner haa other business and muet soli; f.lIMe takea tt. aotne caan ana trade. AN y0. ora riontan. ltu. WANTED fr I year: gilt-elgea aa--ur1Ty. t per cent Interest, lo per cent bonus. fall 1M tlrand eve. near Kaat Wasriic'on. phone Kt a'M2. A.N Invistmrnt of aJ'Mhj will bring big returns- Sare and aure. Worth invaeugal Ing. No trlfiera. ii So?. Oregonlan. BLl'E-PRINTIN'l Bt:SINESS. thoroughly etfuliipd. Wi.l Bell, or wtll leaae to re sponsible parties. II 943. Oregonlan. FuR 8ALE lod electrical business: best of ltx-at!in and ptlce la right. M lit. OregvinLan. SHOEMAKER Partner to upen quick re pair ahup. only good workmaa need sn ivff. A F Oregonlan. PA RTNF.K wanted with l."e in little bual neaa; make good money; talk Jvngllaa and French. F .'. oregonlan. fj.N AP Saloon for sale, heart of city. Inde pendent llceaae. Room 01 alarchants Trust bldg. MoTlNGI'Il'TCKE THEATER for safe chap. little down, baianc as jrou maka 4"4 Kothchlld bldg. JlAkERV lor sale In good Coast town and PiTimir resort: brick oven. H. E. Boyle. 47j Salmon St. Main 4404 A FINE roomtng-hoaso sod poolhsll for sal f"T $ terms if anted, inquire of Otto Mub-n. Istacatla. Or. ALON. Independent license; good busi ness, corner, big stock; toJOO. AO VOd. Oregonlan. stAI.KN Reet bualnesa district In Port land: money-maker; AD UZi. Ore gonlan. bALooN Strictly independent ; good corner; invoice over for Mluu. AD Oregonlan. BAKERY for sale lo goo.1 town of S4M'' ropu.atlon. Inquire O. bkldmore. butt pshur su. between 13 and 2 afternoon. UAMLl) at onca. confeotionery and cigar store, with living-rooms: no agenta Room 319 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Grocery with llvlng-rooma. will pay caah; no agenta Address AF 7J, Oregonlan. MaliilCAL company wants god talker: phy-si'-iaa preferred; unusual opportunity. L !77. Oregonlan. aamn and family llq-ior store for sale; parrirs leaving city: Independent license. M 01. Oregonian! PARTNER wanted to help build houeea to seil: profits big and your money secured. Room al Lumber Exchange. iliVwJvYF.I.L lit t lew clgarsiore paying dally over all ripens, a 37U1 Lumber Ex change FAKTY of good ai'iearance and refined as In estab.lshed mfg. bualnesa. IKil F'ledner bldg.. afternoon. LA iiOKINO MKN8 hotel, full of boardera aid paving $4'io montb over all expenses. J:J Lumber Exchange. i-KiN'M buniralowa built for I2.""; p ans, labor and material furnished. L 74. Ore- .mao. H A K a small amount of I.aure'.hurst Co. irnrk for swie St par. A P71 Oregonlan. r t -K c ALK Fvrr.!tu-a store, well located; price to suit. I-x, Rj. hi. bldg. yon' SALE Restaurant-on" Washington St.. c:oe in. ;oh rty. r.a. nag. RF.STAl RANT, close In. clear !.! month; p-l. f.T.'t. t'l Lumber Exchange. .i.KAIR barber shop for aale. O-'J Al berta. "fOR SALE A confectionery and cigar store, 4-'s Morrison. ONB of the beet restaurant In the city. R 077. Oregonlan. v'll.l. pay raah for Interest in wood yard. Address At TT, Ore go man. . er-mw orroiiMTiM . i ., I nrs.Nrss opportunities f business opportunities business un-OKICMTItS. 1 ' 1 HlMlSt59 UirUBlL.lllbO I " w v i. I - SALOON FOR SALE. ON PROMINENT TRANSFER COR NER. ELEGANT FIXTURES. FINE LIVING ROOMS. GOOD LEASE. PROF ITS f.0O TO I'SOO PER MONTH. PRICE. $1X000; ITono CASH WILL HANDLE. AF 7!. OREOONIAN. HOLDERS OF MINING STOCKll . THAT HAVE PROVED A DISAPPOINTMENT. We have facilities that often onabls u to convert your dead or worthless mining tocka Into profltabi and satisfactory ln Testmenta Writ ua Engineers. AV lie. irrJii'.- WANTED. Partner, flrat-clase apartment house and office building proposition, down town. H rooms, full now. j.oaalble lou monthly profit, takes HHcou to hsndle; will fur nish half: Immediate action necessary. Don't answer unless you mean business and can meet condltlone. N 74, orego nlan. INVESTIGATED BUSINESS CHANCES. W always hare good grocery (tor for ale which ws can recommend. It l ts your benefit to giv u a call. CHAPIN at UERLOW. (32-S5S Chamber of Commarca Ask for A. Keller. LEASE and furniture of cloee-ln East Sid apartment, only .'0"O. paying net Income of IJ per montb; filled wlUi a aplendld. rlKsa of permanent tenants. This I an. elegant proposition: will take aome trade. UOWEN-IIE TRUST COMPANY. 2 Lumbermena Building. Ground Floor. XT y are look In- for real opportunities is Oregon. Washington. Idaho or Montana. -CO- TO THK PACIFIC W ITrl W AKD- TU Spalding Bldg.. Portland. Or. TVs furnish the opportunities if yu cas furnuih th sal earn ana hip. DO TOIT know what your pouthweatern or Mexican Investment 1 wortbT Many peo ple cannot find out without great ex pense. I can. In msny case 1 already know. Term very reasonable. Corr pondence Invited. Higheat reference given. F. Turner. Mill bldg.. El Fo, Texas. WlXlPf-lV SHIPYARD PLANT. CONSISTING OF SAWMILL. JIG MILL. PLANER, SHIPYARD TOOLS, TRUCKS. ETC. FOR PARTICULARS. PRICES. ETC. A11KAM SMITH SON. ALGONAC. MICH. vVHKN you want to BUT or SELL TIM PEHLANDS. MILL or FACTORY PROP ERTY. MILL or LOGGING TOOLS snd MACHINERY or RAILROAD E-JlIP-MENT call or writ ua W can sell your property or supply your wants. OREGON TRADING CO.. 411 Swetland bldg! DRUG STORES. $1.100 .-,"oO jWjOO 1 1 0.OflO. The above store are well located, on corner and tranafer point, doing g00 business; can b bought, part cash and terms. O J. R ROOKS CO. P16 Chamber Commi-rce Blng. DO you know what your eouthwestern or Mexican Investment Is worth? Many peo ple cannot find out without great expense: I can; In many case I already know; term very resonabIe; correspondence In vlted: highest reference given. Wm. Mc Donald. Mill bldg.. El Paso. Tex. DKUQ STORK. We have a dandy tore In the city, lo cation Ideal, average dally business 4'. rent $40 month; elKht-yt-ar lease; must sell at once; $0-V cash, a snap. Nedd & Itcrry. . Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2 J and Stark sts. WANTED Psrtner with 1700 to Join me In permanent honorable big paying business; this Is chance of life to steady, sober man; experience not necessary. For Interview state ag and what you hve followed, and 1 will tell you wher to call on me. AO .''4. Oregonlan. ' PLUMBING r.USLNESS NEAR PORTLAND. Splendid chance for right man; good business now. which I Mcadlly Increasing, with no competition; don't overlook thia If yon want a good permanent business location. Business reasons for selling. H H71. Oregonlan. FOR SALE On of th best confectioneries In a good town In the Willamette Valley; this place Is In a good location and will bear closest In vei 11k atlon. Is modern and up-to-date; will sell at Invoice: good resson for selling. Address AV 1S3. ore gonlan. F R Oji" IliK) to $."kx io" will get you In a st ron i svndicate with 2i0 per cent proposition that wtll stand full Investigation. Shares going fast. Limited capital stock and close corporation. GUI A Dufur. Odd Hamilton bldg. tin TO inn MAY yield big Inrome. The Vir ginian City mln I now driving mining tunnel In loot feat; will cut rich lower working within io to 100 fet; a lifetime chance. Whole tory free. Manager Mor n. 45 Jacobean bldg., Denver. Colo. NEWSPAPER anfl Job plant, value 33'X1. mostly new; doing good buslnesa grow ing city. 2"on. rich tributary country, femliy sick forces sacrifice; price Jil."i7.". fJ3 cash, balance easy terms. AV loo, Oregon I a n. SALihjN. corner, cheap lease, averaging loo per day; bona lile purchaser can hsve smple time to thorouehly . Investi gate; only one week In last 12 months tnat averaged less than floo per day. F f7i. oregonisn. LAWYER. 35. member Sjioksne bar. wishes to become associated with established law office. Oregon or Wesicrn Washington: partnership or good salary proposition: 10 years continuous prsctic. P 170. Ore gonlan. WANT party with I30O0 to JSoO". I to fur nish same sum. lo purchase ri acres very richest river bottom overflow land, all cultivated, near electric. Crops will net loo per rent yearly. Stone. 219 Lumber, msns Bsnk bldg. SYNDICATE. Hsve yon $!) or more to Invest: syn dicate now forming to handle real estate proposition; SloO Invested means at least .'io pront Within short while. O 971, Ore gonlan. f"('R SALE An old established grocery snd crockery store, a good clean stock: doing sbout 12ft. OilO a year; will sell at Invoice, which Is sbout SoOtx). Must havs ill rash, good reason for selling. Address at. R. Greer. Hlllsboro, Or. LISTEN! If you have liooo snd want to be your own bosa and clear .i0oo n one year, write for Interview. No real estate or hot-air scheme. Suttsbls for either sex. W DTI. Oregonlan. NEAT young widow with business ability Is desirous of going to Prince Rupert, anil would like to bear from party who has Interests thr. Address AD V7S. Oregon Ian. WANTED A partner to take half Interest In a good Invention that cn b manu factured here and Is a money maker. Must hsv aom cash snd give his tlms to th buslnesa AD 97T, Oregonlan. CIGAR FACTORY for le will sell my cigar factory at reasons price; trsde established In good territory: good chsnre for a ctgarmsker. Phone, writ or call Edward Arderon. Carson. Wash. For SALE The Archer Place furniture tor, on Mount Scott carllne. at Involc If sold by Tuesdav. Call at store Sunday or Mondsv. Tsbor 1154 ; about 230O stock. o."27 Foster rosd. Is yon need capital, have stock or bonds for sals or wtsb to Increaa net business proflta address Business Development Company of America, 11 U Nassau SU. New York. SNAP 175: on account of Illness will sac rifice half interest In my old-established ground floor real estate business; investi gate; giv phon number. F t4. Orego nlan. LADY or GENTLEMAN partner wanted, who can Inveet lni to Ili'VOOrt for of fice buslnesa In Portland, connected with lumber trade: contracts secured; guaran tee large profits. O t74. Oregonlan. DHY GOODS and alio tock. doing good cash bualnesa well located. In on of Portland's best suburbs: Invotcs about tv. Owner. AV 11', Oregonlan. GOOD prints!- can get half Interest In $-ono newspaper and Job plant for 13..o :l.o ceh. balance long time. AV loli. Orego nlitr.. Ll EKY barn for sale, good location, good business- RS miles from Portland; terms ooo. fall st 405 Montgomery St., or phone Main 7344. A 4l 7. FOR SALE Caah grocery, good location. p.eesHM living-rooms. reasonable rent, long leas; buy of owner. Cali East tto-V. DO YOU REALLY WANT reilshl business with big futuns? A riser t once. o l7. Oregonlsn. SALmN f'r sale In good town, about 10 mii- from portlnd. wiih good stock and -d less,, . an Main :-. A !f. YoLNG msn will Invest ."o to 1o In a good buslnesa with services; no agents. H t"". Oregonisn. W'ATCHES. Jewelry and silverware stock, will trad for low price coest lands or sereage. Pox 4VJ. sam. Or. KAVfl good, established business, paying $'-o mo., will sacrifice for tl't'o. Se owner, no egent AO 919. Oregonlan. Gv'OD. reltahl partner with only 12"l for Halt lBtxt la an tuutea 43 61a a. ."on OR more Invested now assure profitable Income Investment that is perfectly protected, with or without employment, to high grade salesman or well-connect ed lady with clrcl of friends. ' L 044. Oregonlan. FOR PJUNTING. PHONE EAST 23 OWL PRINTING CO. Our T specials. Heat them If you can: Iimk) business csrds, 1.80. lnoo card (round cornered. dl-oul). $2 o l"-"" bill head (6 line), Ul.TS. JooO bill head (12 lines), f 2 00. It'OO statements (regular kind), el-Tn. IOoi) envelopes (standard bi. ,-yO" 1ihh letter heads (good bond paper). J. FORCED sale by owner; SO acree, Tualatin Valley, half cleared. 8-roora house, large barn, outbuilding, orchard, berrle. well and spring: on good auto road, 23 miles from Portland, near school, church, steam and olectclc cars; crop, stock and equip ment; 17S acre- Richard Green, rout 2. Cornelius. Oregon. GROCERY Fin location near chool: also school supplies and stationery: a modern living rooms In connection; very fine up-to-date fixtures, and no better residence neighborhood In th city: tock and fix ture about $1100. Call tit Rothchild bldf. 20 to .00 MADE DAILY In th movlng-plctur business. W start you In th business on very easy terms, we hiv good permanent locations. Call and sea us today. We save you money. Newman Film Exchange, OlifH Waahing ton, near 17th. . MAN with 11600 to 2fX cash can take high-class business that will earn MKl upwsrd monthly. Closest Investigation Invited to anyons who can act quickly If satisfied ss to merits of business: give address or phone number for Interview. H tH7. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS AND LIGHT GROCERIES. Rent tSS. with t nice living room a good fixtures and clean, salable atock; central location. For quick sal 46tt Inquire 610 Rothchild bldg. WANTED. Partner to take half Interest in a light msnufaeturlng plant; a man who can take charge of an offlco and manag men: asiary. 12S per month. Kinney & 8 la ci pher. 331-2 Lumbef Exchange bldg. 6ACRIFICH country grocery store, good frame building. 4 H acres Isnd. good well, fine location for general merchandise; good reason for selling. G. Benson, Oregon City, Or.. Rout 2. Box 43. FOR sals or lesse, bathhouse, ladles' and gent' eprate department, shower tub. team and swimming tanks: also 27 room furnished In connection- 83 Rus sell bldg. - POOL ROOM. CIGARS. CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH: corner location, 1 table: good fixture throughout; gas range and lunrh counter; good lease. Price only 10i. Be quick. Call 810 Rothchild bldg. WANTED A man to Invest 1000; ona of th fastest-growing and uninterrupted In dustries In the world: money-back Invest ment, large dividends; position to Investor; no agenta AF 154. Oregonlan. COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS AND JOB PLANTS-a-We hsve two good ones to offer, one about 11400 and the other about 13000. Some terms on both. Strict Investigation Invited. Call (10 Rothchild bldg. WANTED Man with mall capital to rep-r-cnt u in ech county In Oregon and Washington; great opportunity to make money. Addreaa Portland Store Supply Co.. 2;w 2d St., Portland. Or., or call. LIVE wire can make 13 to It) day In city or small towns. If you are ambitious; also work Into proposition that will make $5oo0 to Slo.uoO by Jan. 1. Not real estate. O t47, Oregonlan. EXCELLENT opening first-class tailor shop In growing town of 2r'N and only gateway of eight towns to railroad trans portatlon. AV IRS. Oregonlan. WANTED A-l solicitor OTiklemmin 200 month to stsrt; chanc to invest $.V)0 to good advantage; experience and phone. O 4B. Oregonla n . BARGAIN. Grocery store, leo cream, good business; with 4 ltvtng-rooms; must sell tills week. Mi In 7-1'H. RESTAURANT Fine location on Washing ton St.; cost 9LuO to fit up; partner! dls sgree; will sacrifice for' $100 in next two days. Imiulre 810 Rothchild bldg. SALOON buslne for aale; will net from 4o0 to $iot per month; nice, clean busi ness, good location; .,ooo cash will handle It. AH S0. Oregonlsn. M VIN(i-PU TURK theater on East Side, fine location; so seats; wtll guarantee m month; Investigate. AL W4. ore gonlan. CIGAR and confectionery store, located on Side; must be sold to satisfy claims of creditors. Inquire at Hochfeld Broa Cigar Co.. 211 Morrison st. OWNERS will sell grocery on Esst Sid st a Mg sacrifice If taken soon: good lo cntlon; cheap rent: best of reasons; prln clpars only. AL 93. OregonlaiK BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN; well lo cated; tables for light lunch; a fin little place and making money. Quick al only HOP. Inquire MO Rothchild bldg. FOR HALE Flrat-class meat market In Eugene; reasons for selling on account of sickness. For particular address box AV l.W Oregonlsn. AI TO GARAGE. Clysrlng shout flfcsj per month. Ws have a ''snap price" on thia Call 61s Yeon bldg. 1HR best linsglr.sble opening In Portland for a cloak and suit and ladlee' wear man. You can get In right. No triflera AP 147. Oregonlan. GROCERY snd msrket In best valley town, doing good business, fin location, low rent, with lease: good clean stock, money- milker. AV l.i. oregonisn. Foil SALE chesp. ths Msnhattan Restau rant, 2:11 4 Alder at.; doing fin business: fixture good aa neZ, lung leas. D 945. iregon lan. GKNKRAL merchandise) etock; Involc about fsiMio; In small country town, enjoying good trade. 1 Address Inquiries to Lang at t'o. Portlsnri. tK RENT Good chance to start restau rant business: S20 rent. Including sll uten sils; also a sleeping-room. Apply Johnson H o t el. 321 4 Water St.. city. INDUSTRIAL proposition: Investors wanfd; large domestic snd foreign market; mar ket partially developed; axclualv lights. W 07"i. tregonlan. FOR SALE Clssr, confectionery and Ic cream stand. In connection with poolroom, doing a good buslnesa Inquire 287 " lat street. ELECTRIC BUSINESS A fin proposition to th right man; need office man; sell either whole or half Interest. Call for particulars. 510 Rothchild bldg. WILL buy American and Cansrilsn Msrconl Wireless and United States Cashier. O. H. McClellsnd. 801 Railway Ex. FUR SALE Bakery. Including building and brick oven In good Coaat town. Apply to - Gray McLean aV Percy. 113 North 4tn. PRINTER-EDITOR, long experience, trlctly temperate, at liberty May 1; have a 1H- tle money. AV 141. Oregonlan. SOUTHWEST corner of First and Morrison to lease for term of five years. Call Main 2'o A Sole.). WANT a grocery? Call C 80S8; 3-year lease, fine district, corner location, at In voice, about l-'QOO Owner leaving city. EM ALL restaurant and chop hous for Ie, cheap If taken st once. Inquire Room 19, Mason Hotel. 24TVj 6th st. LIVE psrtner. real estat and business chances; small amount required. 201 Fwetland bldg. "; BUTCHER SHOP Old established, ateady trade, about (40 dally, mostly cash; a moneymaker. Inquire HO Rothchild bldg. GROCERY for sals at Invoice. Mt- Scott carllne: look me up If you want a good business. Owner. AT fao, Oregonlan. EXCELLENT laundry proposition for a practical laundryman with a few thoua snd. AR 7S. OregonlstK A GOOD opportunity for a good butcher to open a shop af 1431 Union av. North. W'AN TED Butcher to open new market. 1 ; v E. Division st. Tsbor 322, PARTNER In brokersge office; big money for Inside man. AC940.Oregonlan: FOrT" SALE Poolroom and clgsr store. 11211 rnllsdelphl st.. St. Johns. Or. FOR t-ALK Confectionery and poolroom. fall 4 Grand ave. aoo BUSINESS CARDS. II; bring thla ad. Hose HIT riim.if. ...js . . -j - S3 COW'S rout In city: leas for th plac ' for a yeara Hillsdale. Box . MAV to handle businesa chance; can roak good money. AD 94 s. Oregonlan. A SM ALL grocery and confertlonery lor, wltsi Uvlii si -rooms. 7S2 WllUaua ava. OO INTO THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS and earn a large Income, acting as our special representative. We teach yoer the real estate. Insurance snd general broker age business by mill and aupply you with complete real estate equipment to ac tually establish you In a auccessful busl nesa Aa the special representative of our compumy you will enjoy unusual ad vantage. We furnish you with large lists of splendid properties to sell for ua and establish business relation between you and our many representatives. Start now by writing for our fre booklet and full partlrulara National Co-Operntiv Realty Co., 7th floor. Pacific bldg., San FranclsfQ. INFORMATION ABOUT SAN FRANCISCO PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL . EXPOSITION. In formation given In relation to labor conditions, positions of every kind, pros pect of employment, business opportuni ties relative to restaurants, saloons, gen eral merchandising, apartment-house, re tail and wholesale business and Improved and unimproved real estate values. Our company 1 furnished with dally reports on the above subjects. Send 80 cent and stamped, addressed envelope for immedi ate replv. to Ralph E. Esteb. manager. SAN FRANCISCO WORLD'S FAIR IN FORMATION (BUREAU, TiS Pacific bldg.. San Franclaco, Cal. STORE WANTED. 11 -acre orchard Jut beginning to bear, good variety, best of soil. Price $400 per ere; also 1S0 acres good, red-brown soil. 4 miles from town In Linn Co.; about 3, 00.000 ft- saw timber,' besides a lot of piling and wood; about 10 acres cleared; good orchard, watered by creek and springs: county rosd runs through place. Price $35 per acre. W'lll exchange either or both for good, clean general store and put In good city property to make np If stock is large. B. f. COOK CO., 406 Corbett Bldg. WANTED Competent man to set as caah- ler-treaaurer for sn amusement company, making on week stands; sesson of 30 weeka; will pay salary of 10 per month snd expenses and share In percentage of profit; cash required, amply secured. Par tlculars. 24SH Stark at. WANT to meet two or more parties with from $.100 to J100O to Join me In good proposition: chsnce make JHOOO to tlO.OOO In six months; must be a live wire; no real estate or land proposition. O 948, Oregonlan. FOR ss!a or trade for livery buslnesa one lot 8Oxt20 with good 7 -room house, one lot S0xl20 with bsrn. both corner lots on the, main t. of Lafayette. Or. Address Box 12, Lafayette, Or. SO. AMERICAN OOLDFIELDS I sm In possession of Inside Information that Is interesting and deslr to communeate with Interested parties to co-operate with me. For partlculers write C- Y. Holden, 8842 17th t., San Frnclco. Cal. A PARTY with $500 for hest-paylng theater In th tat of Oregon: good house, good town, plenty of money; will stand closest Investigation. FRANK M. BROWN. IXC. 1020 Chamber of Commerce. $400 PUTS you in possession of business f laying $200 monthly; furniture and stock nvolce over $.'00: good old through agents; profits large. This Is a llv prop osition. Addreaa owner, AN 9T9. Orego nlan. BAKERY FOR SALE Beat town In Willam ette Val!y, doing goodi business. Summer and Fall bake K00O loaves dally; price reasonable; terms to right party. AV l&T, Oregonlan. FIA.VO SALESMEN, become Independent dealer. We will furnish you all expenses and stock. Greatest proposition ever of fered In piano Industry. Write Box O. 37 Stockton st.. San Francisco WANT a man with experience In selling real estate; have nothing to sell you, but If you can do the business will give you .the best offer you can find. AM S0, Ore gonlsn. . RESTAURANT, seats 2S. location business center. 4 buildings In course of construc tion, close by: owner would like to sell, as In poor health; will sell reasonable price. AL 981. Oregonlan. A FORTUNE for $4000. Tn fast-growing city with farming, mining and payroll, business lot 80x100: $4000 will handle, rest In long and easy terms. J 94T, Ore gonlan. " TRANSFER AND STORAGE. One of the best places in Southern Ore gon: no competition. Full particulars 618 Yeon bldg. PirTTRE show has averaged better than too month profit for past 2H years: first time It has been offered for sale; $1500 ' will handle Jt. Call248 H Stark st. $600 AND- SERVICES will secure man good sslsry and share of proflta In established buslnesa Full Investigation solicited. Par ticular. TOJ Board of Trade. BAK ERY AND GROCERY. Here la sn extra good buy; has 12 llv-Ing-ronms In connection: rent $50 for all; price $M. Call 61 X Yeon bldg. BARBER SHOP. Three-chair barber shop, new Hotel Mll waukle. Apply Joaeph Mendel, Mllwau kle. Or. GENERAL merchandise stock snd fixtures. Invoice about $6000. cheap rent, cash sales, $73 per day. Call or write Kahle Mer. Co.. Wood vllle. Oregon. GROCERY, doing $4000 monthly business. In good town, near Portland, at Invoice. A rare chance. Particulars. 701 Board of Trade. PRINTER-EDITOR want management of newspaper or Job shop: will bring $S0 to $100 month to the shop. Address Printer. 435 Msln. FOR SsJr.E Denial office, Willamette Val ley, flrst-clasg fixtures and electric appli ances: everything up to date; will aell all or part. K 984. Oregonlan. W'ANT MAN to Join me In building small houses. Msn must be able to oversee th work. I hsve the lota Will require $5000. Pertlculars. 702 Bosrd of Trsde. VINEGAR snd fruit-parking plant for sale In Eastern Washington; modern ma chinery; $2000 will handle: might con sider part trade. p vf. 01 oi'""."- FIP-ST-CLAPS grocery business; good trade; well located; clean, nent stock; no stick ers: a monewmaker; $2000 csah required. fall i'lS' Stark at. GENERAL MDSB. STORE, short flletance down th Valley. $7000 will hsndle thla Trsde mostly cosh. Slckneaa cause aell Inr Particulars. 703 Bosrd of Trade. : GROCERY. Doing, about $38 a day cash business: rent only $30. with lease: will Invoice. Full pa rtlculars 818 Yeon bldg. BARBER shop, two chatra hlg transient trad" guarantee 0 per week, one year s leaser rent $33. $o0. $400 cash. Try thia before buying. AJ 940, Oregonlan. HAVE partlea wanting close-in acreage, near car, on terms. If you have aome you want to aell and will mske the price riiht, see us st once. 24?H S'ark st. REAL ESTATE MAN wants honest partner to show land. $150 required. This will stand Investigation, Particulars, 703 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Dairy of 22 tested cow: good route: brings In about $800 per month. V 972, Oregonlan. SM VLL confectionery tock. fixture. ala cheap at Mt. Tabor reservoir: end of Haw thorne carllne. T 973. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted In an established laun drv doing good business; $rtOO cash; terms on balance. Call 24H Stark t. WANTED Half Interest In saloon with In dependent, license: must be reasonable; no agent. Address AD 978. Oregonlan. 1000 SHARES of modern mining machinery stocks: will take part cash and baianc In real estste. AH 947, Oregonlsn. JEW-ELRY souvenir and novelty business, cleared 1132 Inst month; a ltttl money buy It. Call 24x14 Stark at. MIN1NO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonda bought ana eold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 Ablngton. FOR SALE Grooery etore. atock and fix turea; If you mean business, phone Wood lawn 1S. . MOVING-PICTURE THEATER for sal, elos In, downtown district. Inquire U. C. Ef yen. 68 7th L MEAT MARKET. Bargain: good location; doing good bua lnesa Phone Woodlawn 571), C 12rta PARTNER wanted, experience not neces sary; very little money required. Call 214 e'v, PtsrksL FOR SALE by owner: cash grocery and con fectionery, good fixtures, clean stock, good locntlon. Phon Tbor 994. Too "DAY business: rent $40 month; must leave rlty; wo fake. Se agent, J. E. Hall, 308 Ablngton bldg. FOR 8ALE-Clgar, fruit nd oft drink stand poolroom IncludedMf wanted, flrst clsss location: after 9 A. M 49 N. 3d st. H WE a rooming-house of 65 rooms which I will exchange for farm somewhere near Portland. AJ 15Q. Oregonlsn. , SALOON for sale: must sell; will sacri fice for cash. L 943. Oregonlan. SHOE shop ,for sale, cheap, tools gnd Ilv-lng-rooms. 371 Esst 11th St. SAI OON for sale. Independent license, fix tures.' fine location. AE t'27. Oregonlan. SAWMILL and timber for sle; good open Ing. A. R. Badger. Todelo. Wash. PAYING restaurant, only one In district; 3 llvlng-rooma Call 24?H Stark t RFSTAUR ANT Good one: good lease: look ,'n,m over. 40S Commercial Club bldg. I TFAf'H up-to-date chiropody reasonable, Dr. Nelson. 2i0 Aider, Main 7368. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 2250 Almeda Con. trans . .80 75 Am. Life & Acc. to traae for West Side property. 25 Automstlo Call bargain 10 Beaumont Land Co snap loon c-ni switch very cheap 10 Favary Tire bargain 1 ISOO Govt. Stand. Powder special . 1070 Hudson Ice Mach -3-J ; 500 International Mfg. Min.. oiu 100 LaPlne Townslte barK?,n 6148 Metallne Con make bid 20 Michigan L. 4 Timber bid 200 Mupltltype Machine ,p"L,i 100 Pac. Coast Architect bid 2-Pac. State Fire Ins. bargain 135 H O. Peck Auto Wheel. . .big bargain 80 Portland Con. Pile bid 2000 Portl. Tel. bond bid 200 Port!. Tel. tock bid 15 Poulsen Wireles b'd 200 U. a Cashier special All other stocks and bonds. See me be fore buying; may be able to do better. c I WANT. Automatic Call ' Omaha Tel. bonda H. O. Peck Wheel Porllad Concrete Home Tel. PortL Union Pac Lit Marconi Wireless Washougal G. & C. 2:5 Ablngton Bldg. WM. E. DAVIDSON & COMPANY, STOCKS AND BONDS. H6-317 Lewis Bldg. Phone Marshall 77S. A FEW BARGAINS: 20 United States Csshler anP 60 Port. Concrete Pile A Eq... $8.00 1000 Almeda Con. Mines 30 2"00 Alaska Pet. Coal 's 5000 Metallne Con 02 V And a good many others. See ua about them. We will pay caah for the following: Canadian Marconi Wireless $ -60 American Marconi Wireless 40 00 English Marconi Wireless American Telegraphono -I'SX Port. Home Tel. bonds , !; Port. Home Tel stock 00 Tacoma Ind. Tel. bonds market Omaha Ind. Tel. bonds market See us about any stock not mentioned above. ARE YOTJ FROM THE EAST ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A LOCATION? We can Insure work to heads of fam ilies who desire to locate In the Hood p.lver-Mosier apple dlstriot, which will enable you to develop an orchard at a minimum cost and keep you profitably employed constantly until- your orchard comes In bearing. Call end find out how people from Ohio, Michigan and many other atates are doing thla DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH, 07 Yeon Bldg. WANTED Good man, single or married; to go In with me on my fruit farm to raise turkevs on a large scale; have 62 acres of bar land on the Snake River, with plenty of outside range; there will be at least 10,000 quarts of peaches this year, besides lots of other fruit; this Is a good chance for someone with. $2000. You get a half interest In everything, and I will put the money you pay me in the place to stock It, o you cannot lose. Addreaa H. P. Nlchola, Almota. Wash. HOTEL, aloon and reatsurant, best bargain that has been offered for many years, namely the Northern Pacific Hotel, South Tacoma. Thla Is a big buslnesa and easily handled: you can get a lease for $2500 at a low rental, or If you have $10,000 to In vest buy the property and get 18 per cent per annum on the Investment. L. Fitzger ald, N. P. Hotel, South Tacoma. He will give particular by post. DRY GOODS and notion; we have for rent a store In South Portland that is fa vorably situated for a small dry goods or notions business; has living-rooms in the rear, ia surrounded with other lines of business; can rent cheaply and give a long lease; call at drug store corner of Front and Glbbs sts. or on L Gevurtz & Sons, lat gd Yamhill. - GROCERY and market; best locution, on West Side; finest residential section In the city; business over $4.'oo a month: sell at invoice; purchase price about $0000. and unless you have that amount, no use to Investigate; principal owner has other business which is calling for him. Address AL 922. Oregonlan. THREE-CHAIR barbershop, bath, cigar and shine atand; good location. Partner, flrst-claas business, doing about $3,100 per annum, H Int. about $1SOO, part cash, part time. JOHN ELLER1, 103 N. Commercial St.. Salem, Or. I KNOW a business that is paying 120 per month; want buslnesa man with $1000 to $2300; I will put equal amount and purchase. Bank referencea AG 977. pre gonian. RESTAURANT. One of the best established places In Portland: rent $150. with lease. To see this Is to buy It. Full particulars 618 Yeon bldg. MAGNIFICENT returns from nominal In vestment; staple line, tariff monopoly For full details and truly attractive offer, ad dress J. E. Champalgne, 402 Rachael St., East, Montreal. Canada. ORANGE and truck land option Sacrificed to me quarter value; enormous, quick profits: Join me for big winning; raiiroad through property. Wire, write, S. S. Os born, Chanute, Kan. ONLY $240 will secure substantial Georgia possession, which can earn very large proilts without requiring the attention of the owner. Write for photos and free-trip offer. Geo. W. Deen. 723 Waycross, Ga. WANTED To locate a aawmlll man on a timber claim with a good mlllalte. ' Also two other partlea on timber clalma. Ad dress William Harrison Smith, Salvation Army Hotel. 21014 1st at.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE cheap, an up-to-date movlne plcture tshow in a thriving town not far from the city, doing a splendid business: very best- of reasons for selling. Address T 950, Oregonlan, GENERAL" MERCHANDISE. In good town and rich farming and dslry country: stock about $4000: real es tate and buildings $;tr.oo; $4000 will han dle thla 818 Yeon bldg. RESTAURANT Here Is one you can try out for a week If you measr business; be tween Wash, and Morrison sts. heart of city: long lease. Let me show you. J. B. Johnson. 40S Commercial Club bldg. POOL POOL POOL 4 years' lease. $25 rent: modern fire proof building; carries good line of cigara and tobaccos; has big pool trade: price $ -000, one-half cash. 618 Yeon bldg. A MANAGER wanted, with some money; a first-class legitimate business; all mon eys secured by first mortgages on realty. If you want something good investigate this. A) ViO, urggmiini. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM. An A-l West Side location; flrst-class fixturea Are you looklnjr for something good? If so. see this. $1230, half cash. OlO X eon uiufr FIRST-CLASS grocery on East Side, no fix tures to buy. will invoice about $1100; will sell for $1000 or discount 5 per cent from Invoice for quick sale: good reason fo. sell ing: no brokers. AF 949. Oreconlan. K5i At ItAD 1 .Restsursnt, good location, doing $50 dally, 80 to 0 steady boarders; rent only $1!0: 3-year lease; must be sold on account of sicknesa 201 Swetland bldg. DELICATESSEN. One of the best places in the city, do . Ing from $25 to $40 a day buslnesa. Fur- ther pqrtlculara 618 Yeon bldg. BALOON MEN One block of Wash. St.. In dependent license, cheap rent; look thla upT for cash only. J. B. Johnson. 408 ,, . . T -. 1.1,- t ommerciai imw ' snd aowllng alley. In one of the best towns near Tacoma; doing from $350 to $400 a month. 618 Yeon bldg. HOTELS Look over our list; some good ones, large or small; have a look, cost you nothing. J- B. Johnson, 408 Com- merctal Club bldg. f H AVE a few hundred dollars to buy some light business with; must stand strict Investigation. What have you? AS 977. Oregonlan. , MOVING-PICTURE THEATER. If you have $1000 cash, let ua ahow you one of the prettleat housea In the city. Call 618 Yeon bldg. WANT a wideawake livewire for a part- ner In a business clearing from $400 to $300 a month; $800 required. Address AF 978. Oregonlan. XL INTEREST In butter, eggs, cheese and delicatessen business, nothing sold on credit. For quick sale will- make cheap price. For particulars. 248 Sj Stark at. CIGARS. TOBACCO. NEWS. Central location. West Side; 4 yeors' lease; this Is worth looking Into. 618 Yeon bldg. . $1800 CASH: over $40 dally Income; light ex penses nice, clean business for lady or gentleman: Morrison st. Becker, 327 Lum ber Exchsnge. Marshall 1345. SALOON for sale, best location In Portland, long 'lease, low rent; big flrst-class trade; a money-maker:.owner has other business. J 946. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT Close in"! must be sold Monday: good lease: make offer. J. B. Johnson 408 Commercial Club bldg. FOR SALE Controlling Interest In new creamery; good paying proposition; rea son for selling, sickness. 261 Russell st. SALOON MEN Want to buy Independent li cense for cash. Call J. B. Johnson, 408 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED A woman of good address and education to Investigate a legitimate busl ness opening. D 976. Oregonlan. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Hss $1800 worth of work on hand; rent only $25. 618 Yeon bldg. LUNCH COUNTER Dandy place for man and wife: close in: cheap rent; price $250 sue Commercial Club bids- ioot IT A T T. GENERAL MDSE. Business, located In Se attle, net value of stock and fixtures $a0O0: paying, handsome yearly profit; did $50,1)00 business last year; located ia man ufacturing district of Seattle; rent $100; lease 3 years. If you wish non-paying bankrupt stock don't answer this ad, aa this is a auccessful paying business. It ia worth a bonus, and therefore will not discount. Owners heavily Interested In Eastern manufactory, necessitating return there. Will take cash or part cash and part improved unincumbered property at cash value; give full details and offer in first letter. Address Karl Zeck, P. O. box 4S7, Seattle. (Inclose thla ad.) WANTED. Partner, practical sash and door man, with from $300O to $5000 to Invest and act as business manager in a well-established corporation; plant thoroughly equipped in every way, but Increasing business demands more capital and as sistance; salary adjusted to manager's ability; exceptional opportunity for the right man. See trustee. 006 Spalding bldg. WANTED Live chauffeur to take my brother's place driving for hire in live town near Portland, business average $25 dally I have no time for this as I am in other business. He has left. Will sell car for $100 down, you pay balance as you make it. Will furnish garage and home and guarantee you business. Don't an swer unless you can talk business. D 870, Oregonlan. SALOON MEN. ' I will sell mysaloon, centrally located. In downtown businesa district, independent license, good lease, doing a lirst-class busi ness. For cash only. No agenta. F 943, Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE. T2-room modern apartment-house In Nob Hill dist., elegantly furnished, all full and making money, cheapest rent in town; onlv $4500; easy terms or trade for Portland property on caah basis. This will stand Investigation. 317 Ablngton bldg. GROCERY PROTECTED BY RESTRIC TIONS. Good neighborhood, large territory, big money-maker for live business man. H000. Ask for A. Keller. CHAPIN-H ERLOW MTGE. TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTIGATE THIS PROPOSITION. IT IS VERY PROFITABLE. We have a client who owns two fine lots worth $1800 (high-class neighbor hood). He wanta party with same amount to help him finish two modern b-room houses now building. There is 40 per cent protit in four months. . C. W. DAVIS & CO.. 606 Commercial Blk. NOW IS THE TIME. To start a moving-picture show, we nave good locations, olso complete outfits for sale. If you've not the cash, will exchange for real estate. NEWMAN FILM EXCHANGE. 526 JVashington near 17th. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. An honest gentleman with experience In mechanical and hardware trade wanted to take actual Interest and management of the promotion of a newly patented en terprise, some capital required. K ol. Oregonlan. PARTNER for cheese, butter end egg store, close in. West Side, long lease, each part ner draws $100 per month salary be sides share of profits; price $"0. which Includes Interest in a side Issue worth another $50 each monthly. 803 Lumber exchange. - - . .... . i IvlTjTril 1TI-' Srtuw rcuriir, 1., . . . A complete, moving-picture show, ele gant wagon and camp outfit like at home, has cost $2500; $1000 takes it or would consider good lot or acreage; best reasons Fr FVCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Partner wlth'siOOO to $2000 In well-established planing mill and cabi net factors and general lumber buslnesa take full charge of office or superintendent manufacturing end: will pay ypu to In veatlgate. Owner. Y 979, Oregonlan. IF you are looking for a money-maker in a small sawmill, investigate this: - or 1-3 interest for aale; orders to keep lie busy for the next 6 months now on hand. See Nimmo, Runey at Co.. 424 Hamilton niag. GOOD little sate cash business; owner has all the work he can do; wants partner to help him; he will guarantee you at the least $25 week; $300. fully secured. Lumber Exchange. LADY PARTNER WANTED. Middle-aged lady .with rooming-house nicely furnished, wants partner and will sell half interest to lady or man and wife. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. RELIABLE real"estate man and large prop erty owner wants partner to show cus tomers property; energetic man can make $150 to $250 month. 323 Lumber Ex- change i . GROCERY and confectionery store. West Side stock, fixtures. 7 rooms in connec tion with store pay all the rent; price E. J.'GEISER. 420 Chamber of Commerce DRY GOODS, ladles' and gents' furnishings for sale; A-l location for milliner; good opportunity for live parties; business in East causing change. AD 9oJ. oreso nlan. DELICATESSEN. West Side, apartment dis trict; rent only $25: free water; modern up to date, full basement; $20O per month profit; 5X will handle. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 138 Third St. MAKEblg money by handling state rights in a new enterprise (in the line of hard ware), splendid seller, good prof its. small Investment required. Apply 625-26 Henry bldg., cor. etn anu una ei- WOULD like to meet three young men with 100) each to Join me and incorporate my established business: can make $25 each per week, besides good interest on Invest ment. K wo. urfiouiii. r A Wl in Elegant new house, fine dining-room and equipment full and making money, parties responsible and capable can get this T wlOtJ0stiJ17AblngtonbldB. W NTED In high-class mercantile collect ing agency, a partner to act as cashier ind do collecting: owner will show books that business Is paying $600 monthly. 32o Lumber fcxenange ARE you willing to m.k. ry! Why 1 biggest dividend paying propositions In the country. Call and Investigate for yourself at 525-26 Henrybldg. For" SALE Boarding and lodging-house business, centrally located. 29 rooms; 20 to JO regular boarders; modem conveni ences, stesm heat. Van Dusen & Co., atents, Astoria. Or. POOLROOM and cigar bualness with 6 llvlng-rooma and paying no less than $li0 jnonth; rent only $25 month; $So0. o23 Lumber Exchange. FOR RENT A 54-room hotel In good thriv ing town of about 1000 population. Ad dress all communications to drawer B, Myrtle Point. 000s couni?, cguo WE have cleared $2000 on $3000 Invested two weeks ago; a smaller or larger invest ment will ahow results in proportion. In vestigate. 619 Couch building. PORTLAND Boarding and Rooming-house Guide, exclusive Interest for sale cheap: owner going East. Grow. 907 Chamber of Commerce. ODD bargains: 10.000-acre problem; 200-acre farm. Improved; 40-acre prune orchard and dryer; 2 small country sites and I stores. Otto Staub, Cleone. Or. . . , t:-n crnnc? Open for Investigation. In good brick building; will consider aome good acreage. 618 Yeon blag. I H AVE several good hotels on Washington street that will sell on easy terms and fake part in trade. What have you? 317 Ablngton bldg. , FOR SALE Home bakery and lunchroom. 57th and Sandy road; no opposition: fine cash business; must sell on account of sickness. C 2349. V0 CASH and terms; dandy little restau- rant: West TSide; seats 25: busy street; rnme nulck; a. snap. HIGLKY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. SNAP Complete new grocery stock and fix "tures delivery horse and wagon, all for 650 or Invoice, best location In Kenton. 17.16 IJerbyBt.Noagents: GENERAL-merchandise store in a growing country town: nearly all cash trade. , Room 310 Lumber Exchange bldg. CONFECTIONERY and school supplies; rent only $25; price gjr.o. Call 618 Yeon bldg. PARTNER wanted for cash business; re quires very little money and can clear $25 week. Room 810 Lumber Exchange. - 7TNCYfo7 sale: small capital required; a money-maker for a live man. Call 66 Sherlock bldg. ovwrPRAN' grocerv, lot and building at a sacrifice.' $3b00. Main 1168. 720 Chamber Of lOlll"IP' v 0 PICTURE-SHOW, where you can clear $.'too to $400 month: good leaae. Room 319 Lumber Exchange bldg. rcvFRALmerchandlse Btore, best point on Tillamook R. R.. $2500. 415 Chamber of Commerce. ciii ID grocerv doing $1200 month business, invoices about $1100. rent $25 month, poom 310 Lumber Exchange bldg. PARTNER with email capital to assist in publishing Catholic books; $100 monthly; books greatly Sn demand. 65 North 9th. HOTEL, BAR. INDEPENDENT LICENSE. A hotel proposition worth writing about 132-room brick with office lobby, dining ropm and bar. independent lk-ense. $700. stock of liquors, pool tables and $400 pi ano. This is one of Portland's older popu lar priced hotels, has always and is now making money. A dandy 3-year lease al barely $3 per room, including all furnish -inxs. fixtures and two busses for only $16.0O0. or owner will keep the bar at $tHi00 and pay $2,15 per mo. rent, or will sell a half Interest for $!MHI0; sickness and death reason. Owner can't handle business alone. Investigate. JOS. C. GIBSON. S05 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. STOCK' of general merchandise, invoice $6000, in good town in Central Oregon, do. Ing good business, will accept $3000 cash, with terms on balance. Stock of general merchandise in one ol the best towns In Eastern Oregon, doing big business, will Invoice about $20.0Ou. for sale at 75c on dollar, or will accept part good real estate Stock of groceries and hardware In good town on Columbia, will invoice $5500, doing about $25,0o0 annual business; this is a money-maker; want all cash. 271 Pine St., Multnomah Hotel Bldg. PARTNER WANTED. Interest In a GOOD collection business. This Is a fine chance for very little money. It carries with It an interest in an established office business; $200 gets it. Wheeler i Hall. 511 Lumbermena bldg. DON'T MISS THIS. Have client, with prosperous paying businesa that wants partner; books open for your Investigation; has more business than he can take care of alone. It heats a salarv. and only $750. No soliciting or real estate. Act quick if you want some thing good. Le Furge, 438 Chamber of Commerce. GROCERY and confectionery, Sunnyslde district, doing good business; splendid fix tures, larga room and 2 living rooms, rent $22. lease- price JiKMi, not inflated; all bills paid: will exchange for good lot Jordan, 610 Lumbermenebldg REST AUTt A NT, fully equipped, in heart of West Side. MUST BE SOLD by Tuesday night; cost to furnish $1200: only asking $400: don't fail to see tt. Jordan, 610 Lumbermens bl'lg. GROCERY, stock and fixtures new, rent $22. glass floor cases, soda fountain, every thing the best; on Hawthorne ave.; doing good business: cheap at $1300. See it foi yourself. Jordan, 610 Lumbermens hldq. LADY can Invest $150, double money in a month. 220 Franklin Hotel. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED RELIABLE, ambitious young man desires to purchase interest In some good re tail business, such as grocery, confection ery. etc AJ 970. Oregonlan. DRUG STORE WANTED. I have $2000; want time on balance; West Side preferred. Y 941. Oregonlan. GROCERY STORE WANTED. I will pay cash, for the right store at the right price. Y 940. Oregonlan. WANTED--To rent store with living-rooms, at some interurban point; give details. G 976. Oregonlan. W'ANT to buv a restaurant In good loca tion, or will take half interest; experi enced cook. K 951, Oregonlan. WOULD like to ouy a storage warehouse business. Phone Main 3501). ROOM1NG-II eH'SES. STAR BUSINESS CHANCE & REALT1 COMPANY. 201 Swetland Bldg.. 5th nnd Washington. 17 housekeeping rooms, best location, $71 rent; $900; Kilo down, or wnl li-auu ,.n smaller house. 17 housekeeping rooms, close in, ren only $50; furniture good; price $S00; 7,30t cash; lease; trade for lots. 10-room flat, few minutes from P. O.; sacrifice for quick sale. 14 rooms, mostly sleeping; rent $60; fur nace; $!00 handles or will trade for acre age. We have lots of others for sale or trad for city property. 7lf ROOMS, lease 3 years to run: now paying over $200 per month profit; will sell fur niture for $5000 and lease for $5000; lo cation In heart of beat business district; forceful management would make prop erty pay double present Income; presenl lease can be extended at a fair advance; an unusual opportunity to secure a choice location; at least $50o0 cash required. T 9.i8, Oregonlan. Ti ROOMS. Only four blocks from the Postoffice: elegantly furnished in massive oak ami mahogany; running water In part of rooms, beautiful lawn, homelike place; clears $75 per month; price $1800, on easy terms. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 617-519 Henry Bldg 48 ROOMS, ONE FLOOR. This Is the best furnished plain place In the city and la a good payer; rent O.N LI $110; lease 3 vears; has a few housekeep ing suites with gas, electric lights, private baths and water In kitchens. Price $421)0; terms or part trade. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 509-510 Wilcox Bldg. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOTEL. 30 rooms, all outside, newly and beau tifully furnished; individual phones, hot and cold water and closets in all rooms: splendid location; house full and clearing over $200 per month. We can put you in this little beauty for $1500 cash. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 517-519 Henry Bldg. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Worklngmen's hotel in center of fac tories; 24 sleeping rooms. 70 steady board ers; rent $75; 5-year lease; all cash trade; guaranteed profit $175 monthly; price $1700; ' $500 down: will consider some trade. 201 Swetland Bldg. A FINE BUY. 38 ROOMS, part housekeeping, clean: a well-kept workingman's place, but a good payer; has paid for Itself in 18 months; rent only $lo0; lease 3 years; no security required. Price $1800. Terms. 0. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 509-510 Wilcox Bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE. We have a nice little apartment-house; long lease, cheap rent: clearing $200 per month, that we can sell for $4500 on easy terms. Just look this up If you want a real bargain. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 517-519 Henry Bldg. CORNER HOTEL. 76 rooms, choice location. West Side. BIG MONEY-MAKER; can aell at a BARGAIN on easy terms; or will take real estate up to $4000 as part, balance monthly. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 509-510 Wilcox Blds BOARDING and rooming-house for sale. STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN. Main 231. If you are looking for a snap, this place can clear $100 per month above expenses: rooms are all full; good location; Inves tlgate: price $150. 42-ROOM brick building, long lease at a room; Is located ou the best transient street; Is well furnished and Is clearing $300 month over all expenses: this is a snap at the price, $3800. James, 88 10th St., near Stark. ' $i'.00 BELOW VALUE. 35 rooms, 13 suites, thoroughly modern; lease; income $."-IO monthly; a sure snap: $2700, terms; would consider trade. 406 Commercial block. EIGHT rooms, close in, all newly furnished 6 months ago. coat $800; must sell at sacrifice; rent $40; Income $112.50. II sold Monday price $550. $150 cash. Call 88 10th, near stark. FOR SALE. Dandy 10-room house, fine location, good Income, always full, excellent furni ture, very reasonable, with easy terms. Call' owner, 205Llncoln. 27 ROOMS iiT best transient district; fin furniture, good lease, rent only $5 room. You can easily clear $150 a month; is well worth $3000; will sacrifice for $1900; easy terms. Call 88 10th, near Stark. WANTED, at once, 35-50-room house, un furnished or apartment-house, south of Morrison preferred. 413 Chamber of Com merce. 2-ROOMS. steam heat, cheap rent, good lease best location tn Portland for tvan-, sient' trade; price 170O; $000 cash. Ralph A.cklev Land Co., 170 5th st. 16 ROOMS Light housekeeping. Including dressmaking business; rent $63; Income from IS rooms 35: good location: price $900. Call 600 S3. Morrison. East 5901. A GOOD rooming-house, close In. money maker, long lease, and reasonable rer. . List your property with us for resullv 313 Lumbermens Bldg. BIG SACRIFICE 23 rooms, clearing $lor month; good lease, worth $1500; my pric. today $700. 4 cash. Don't lose this one,; see It Is to buy 88 10th, near Stark. 28 ROOMS on 3d St., West Side; good lease. business district: price $1500. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. 14 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, extra good fur nlture.wTnmace heat. 347 Hall. Marshall 4llo. 33 FURNISHED rooms; good lease; brick building; a money-maker. See owner. 291 Morrison St. BOARDING and rooming-house for sa.e. Owner. 262 12th at. Phone Main 8163 ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 rooms, cheap for cash. Phone Main 2527. FOR SALE Rooming-house: will tak trade. 241$ Railway Exchange 4 A