. . THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND, APRIL 7, 1912. io V ' -rrr : ii : - j r RET I FOR BENT. j FOB KENT. TOR REM 1 OR KENT. J FOR KENT. FOR BENT. ' H.na for Rent. Furniture lor Bale, - i - I HmurkMnur rtoome. I . . , m . - i - TSB ORLANDO " TIIK OKLAMlO" "TUB I'RUM"1" THH URUXW" TUB (iRLAMx'" "TIIK tiKLAMW." TUB OKLAM" "THE ORLANDO" .TUB OKLA.UO." Portland's most popular apartment-houae. Portland's best apartment-house. T'legent new furnishings and all the romfarls and conveniences known in mod ern apartment-house, construction. TWO A NT THREE FOOM3 TWO AND THKKK ROOMS. TWO A.VU THREB KUUMi ;TH AND WAFHIXOW. ;TK AND WAKHIM'TOS. 2oTU A.NU WASHINGTON. TirE CTTEAPKST AND BEST. THE CHEAPEST AND HE.T. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. FTRM'HKD APARTMENTS. HRM-iCKn APARTMENTS. KVRXISlliD APARTMENTS. Lar, well lighted rooms, beat furnl tur. of modern design. elegant carpets, telephones, hot and cold running water in eve.-r room: In fact, the most modern equipped two and t..rce-room apartroenl hoase in th city. NEW MANAGER .NEW ri-KMfMM LOWEST RATLs. The rates of the Orlando" are eon-aMer-d the lowest In the citv for tha service afforded. Investigate before you locate. close IV. H-AI.KIW, DISTANCE. WAJ.KIVI DISTANCE. CLOSE IN. -Orlando" Is within easr 'k", distance of the business center It IS patronized by the best people In Portland noo'l fall to sea -THE ORLANDO." .. 2th and WASMiwrnx. 20TH A.ND WAliHIXOTOX. THE IIAKRTMAN. 144 24th st. North. 1 and -room modern heated apart ments, f-ee tel-phone. I wall beds In ee.cn apartment, and all bullt-ln conveniences; everything new Rents $35 and up. TUB ST. CLAIR. 715 Wav-ne st. (near King), t-room heated apartments. Urge rooms, newly tinted; bedrooms.. Rent $& Se us for your apartments and 'l tne advantage of the low Summer rates. City Department. TUB FRED A. JACOBS CO. Main 14 Fifth St. A 627. WM.LINOTOX COURT, lMh ana tveren l New management: J, 4 or s-roora w fuertlshed epartmenta Tha beat part in en ta In the city for the money: the hare all modern conveniences, are e'ows tn. neat and homelike. Don t J"1' Inspect them before locating If turn shea acsrtment Is desired, ran arrange this an smar monthly ravment with rant. eventually owning fnmltura al aajna monthly eoetaafurnishe apartmanta TftTVITYPLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Phi. between 1IB and 10th streets. Jest off Washington: magnificent excluelve apartments, tn heart of anartrnant-hoosa alatrlct: rentals reasonable, every moo era reaventenre: sleeping porches, hlgl-e.as service, refined clientele; references re qutrd In all cases. Mrs- A. K. Wright, ecet. Pbona Marshall 110L TUB AMERICAN. M"st up-to-date apartment In tha Northwest; every convenience: 4 and rooms, all outside sunny rooms: "new: walking distance. list and Johnson ata.: choice reeirtence district; attendant on prem'ses. Marshall S30. HIGHLAND COURT. ::d and Gllsan S'.s. A fine 4-room and a fine .t-room apart ment, both eorup.etely furnished and hav ing sleeping porches. Coma and aee theim today. ri-MIlK ArARTMKT. MTU AND UPSHUR fcTREETR Thoroughly modern 3-room unlurnlanea apartmen.s. with private bath. $20; e rooms. $22:50;, this Includes shades, slsam heat, hot and cold water, (as ranges, pri vate Pacific tephonea and Janitor serv ice. Apply premises. HAN ' c-ii FIKF.PKuijF APARTMENTS. Klnc and Whington sta. now ready. New 6-story reinforced concrete bulla tng. only nr-proof apsrtraent-nouse la Purttand: every possible convenience, elec tric e.avator. best of service, private bal conies. ey wa.klng C'vtsn.e. 2. . and 4-reom apartments. t -' up. TKWIX APT3-. St. Clalr and Washing ton: on;y one apartment now vacant In true new and ei.luslve house: 4 rooms beautifully furnished, larce sleeping porch. Urge airy rooms, tiled bath, private hall and phone, plenty of closet Space; refer-eri-es r-o,mred. RfS.-ELL STREET. NKAH I NION. New and eiesantly furnished modern a part men ta of two and three rooms, lo cated over new poetofflre bulldlnc: rent r-esonable. Call pyrsonajly or phoue r 3W RIr.ELI. CTKEET. NEAR isms. New and eiesantly furnished modern erartm-nta of tw- an. I three rooms, lorat--d over new poetoffice building: rent rtamniM. sll pers.mally or ph.-ne the r-r.ta; d--partment. I'rixate Es-hsrge 4. LCCRETIA fOl'KT. l.ocretla .t.. Near 2-id and Wash. Infurn.vhed spertments. from two to fve rooms, all large. Ilgnt and outside: large c.oeets. hardwood mor. under new uiauag-n eut. Marsnall lili. Janitor, alar- hll !. IONIAN COl'RT T0 Couch. I blok from Washington St. en Kth st.: teL Main 112: i and 4-room modern apartments, steam beat, alectrla elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and Janitor service. Apply of manager, --frence required. APARTMENTS. Too don't have to lass si:t with this. I.ls:-a to the pialn fvcts: two-room apta. trr g. atteman ard wife, tine In and mod ern, very raeonebie iind positively respec tat: no bebiva or iloti takrn; seeing la b!l-vlng. Take a look. 11th St. BIENA VIST. CORNER 1JTH ANl HARRISON. NEW UltlCK. 3. 3 and r.-rootn apartmenta. furnished or unfurnished: goti service. Apply on prem's to janitor. Hoth pnonea. " Til KKI ' NlIT'iH T AITS. Vlrely furnlehed a rooms. -.": all out side large light airy rooms, private phone and ba:h. gas range, refrigerator, water h.ater. laundry tra. large closets, on --. ine I. est Mae r. --e. r mi t.itAN'H OAK AITS.. ",.ls lirand ava. Two and .t-room apta. nlce,y turnianea. private oaths and phones; new; reduced from I ar.J to and J7 ia Think ut It: If you want sometaing nice In- vf Igsfe. NEW APARTMENT. The I'srrtman. 114 - It h st. N. - and 4-rom apartments, all modern. iv o fltapianr.g beds In each; furniehed or unfurr.sr1 : every room light; porches; r-et Teavnsb'e. THE LEONCB. N 2d. Near Johnson. New modern brick, Just opened, now management. J-nmts furnished apt, all ulslus rooms, private bath, phono ana beet of service. 3U up. Marshall KEEUCR APARTMENTS. 14in and Clay streets, ftplend'vl location, solid brick building, electric elevator; we hare unfurnished I and 4-room suites, wllb private veeU0u.es, p honea. ba'.n. etc ST. CROIX Apartments. Bt. Clr St.. near Wssalngton. 2 and 1-room apartmenta. with private oath, furnished and unfur BMbed. superb location, eesy walking dis tance, brick building: convenient arrange ment, beet of service and very low ffnia 1ata. &-IIOOM clean, upper flat, large attic, gas range, windows shades, walking distance. Phone A ! v irxV' corner fiat. 4 rooms, alcova and path, elegantly furnished, new and mod ern. Mt v iveroy sr.. opp. nuseeia. Rt ' M fat; Hreplace. saa rang'', linoleum on kitchen. 1 East 24th at. N-. between Ank-ny and Bornside. MOPERN ft-room fat with porch, flreplaco. ant walking distance; will rent cheap. all 441 11th St. so MARKET ST. 4-room modern flat, wltk furnace. $14 per month. Key at 0H Portland Trust Co Id and Oak. IXH RXliiilU -room fat. near Hlh, on 110 BELMONT, i rooms, lower 734 r Belmont. & rooms, upper ... tl Hsncock St.. i rooms, lower .. 469 Tillamook. C rooms, upper ... t rooms finished In attic m E. Everett. 4 rooms, lower MS Belmont. & rooms, upper .... til, E. isth North, t rooms, upper 73i Fsndy Road. 4 rooms, lower... Sandy Koad. 4 rooma. upper.. 7tS K. Ankeny. a rooms, lower .... .:s.5' 135. 04 ( 6 00 $:o 00 :o.o .l;.04 .:o.oo .118.00 t.'.veo $30.0I E th and Hancock. and 4 rooms- ?0S t'nlon ave. N.. i rooms, lower. S3d and Hawthorne. rooms, upper s4 Irvlnir St.. i rooms, lower 114.00 t.S.00 It io 2WW E. ltth North. rooms, upper.. 4TI E. Stark. 8 rooms, lower Williams and Eugene ave.. 4 rooms, upper " 773 s E. Ankeny. S rooms, upper ... S03t E, Hth. i rooma. upper -.v V. Ilrh g mnmi lower - I30.0U l-o.oo 123.S0 125.00 :o.co :i.oo ltth and E- Madison. 5 rooms, lower. 7 70 E. Davis St.. i rooms city Department. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. Main 4. 144 Fifth at. A 4-t. N l-.'.V IRVINtiTON FLATS. New 6 and -room flats, modern. E. th and Haucock sts.. 2 blocks rom Broadway car; easy walking hardwood floors, tiled bath. Dutch kitchen, hot water heater, large attle and base ment, separate stairway: owner cares tor lawn: fine residence district; rent " Phone East 6o7a Keys on premises, FOR RENT By owner. 4-room and bath fiat. luJ-. Mallory ave.. a blocks west I'nlon-ave. car. 3 Mocks east Vi llllama nve. car. new and modern; best of loca tion, across Alberta st. from Walnut Park , git month, lnuulre within, ltx.14. Phono Woodlawn lit. . FOR RENT tt-room lower flat, strictly modern, completely furnished. Including Piano; one block from best carllna. 1J mlnutea from Washington St.; good neigh borhood: rent cheap to right party; adulta preferred. IMS Shaver at. phono Wood lawn 117. Fl'K.Vl.HH D flat of 4 rooms, with private porch, steam heat, hot and cold water, private bath. IndU'llnif phono and Jar, 1 tor service, for fS2.JV per month. 4tM North loth. Ask for landlady. Lpshur Apia. STEAM-HEATED b-room flat, very desira ble: convenient arrangement, with gas range and refrigerator; 32-W Bummer rate. ApPy Janitor. Wellington Apart menta. lith and Everett. FOR RENT One B-room flat with largo sleeping porches; also 3 4-room f.ats. modern and near 2 caxllnea. I.'-S Cherry St.. cor. Wheeler. Phono M. or Inquire at Tat 1. MODERN fist, select neighborhood. 5 rooms and mahl's room, furnacs. fireplace, gas range, shades, htrdwood fliors. 2.4 N. ;-ith. corner Northrup: adults; reference. Apply b7S Northrup. W car. lOfItENTbnopper 4-room flat, also ono lower 5-room flat, close In. East tide, resident district, walking distance; references required. Call Monday E -01. 11 lil . ' . FOR RENT Modern lower 6-room flat, all modern conveniences. In good condition: yard: walking distance. 0ti JJelmont. Kent l-'o. I'hone E- 27g. . MoDEKN 4-room flat, completely furnlahed. near Washington St.; furnlturo for sale. flat for rent: or will rent to responsible party. ! leth st. North. TWO new flats, upper and lower, ".replace. all modern conveniences, 1 v ' ' carllna. 31'd. between YamhlU and Tny- lor. Inquire on the corner. S-ROOM flat, gas and electricity: flreplaco and furnace; furnished or unfurnished. 744 Ollsan. R. N. Tufford. 407 Spaidlng bldg. Marshall 4547. A ttia. l.wwiiTH and E. Da via sts.; 4-room ab solutely modem oppor flat, adults only; references required. Smith-Wagoner Co., 1111-312 Lewis bldg. 1'WO beatlful upstairs 6-room flats, gaa range and heaters, elegant k i.So thing new; 2 carllnea. Sea Mrs. John. O09 Weldler st. TJIRE:-: rooms and alcovo with bath, largo closet nicely tinted, new and modern, porch and lawn, rent S14. o4UVs Kerby st.. opp. RusselL SEE THIS TODAY. Brand new, modern 5-room fiat. III. 71H E. 27th at.. WW car to Rhone at. Key at 714 E. 27th St. FOR RENT Ona 6-room lower flat, beautl fu'ly furnished, convenient and well lo cated. Inquire lli .North lid or phono Main &5'JJ. NOU Hill flat, J rooms, fine yard, splendid neighborhood. 774 !i Johnson su. bet. 23d and :4th. Main ilnl. MODERN w-room flat, wood and gaa range, window shades. large basement, 40 2u!V Halsey, near dteel hrlcge. OV e"rLc0 kTn'1 beautiful pnrk. new four room flat. glJ: one furnished. Alns worth ave.. cor. Borthwlck. "I." car. A-RtM)M upper flat. mdern. private porches, finished floors. 6t4 East Main. cor. IMh. Mol'ERN. new, 1-room lower flat, every thing clean. 1v Marshall. Inquire i.J K earnrj'. Jlrt MODERN 4-room lower flat, porcn. basement, yard. sunny and pleasant; a'lults. 7-1 Williams ave. Woodlawn 4HQ. 7ii' KEARNEY ST. 6-room, modern flat. .io per month. Portland Trust Co., Third and oak. MARKET ST. J-ronm, modern flat. 30 per month: key at 5U2. Portland Trust Company. 3d and oak. FIVE modern 5-room flat, choice location. 7j Marshall St.; rent 110. C H. Korell, 5th and Stark. Lumbermena bldg. Foil KENT S-room flat, bath, modern, cheap. H East 3Wh. MODERN B-nom flat, walking distance. 2mv, MrMlllan. C 213. NEW 5-ro:n fiat. Tiwa Belmont, near 2'th. t-- i0- Ftlt RENT Modem 4-room upper flat 7',t i, Vamhn st. Main M1K NEW modern 3-room T.at. 40O N, 21th. Marshall 251. MoDEKN rt-r)tn flat. 427 Blackatono. In quire 7ol Vauihn st. Main "lln. TWO 4-room flats, porches, exceptionally pleaaant. connected. 412 2d. flKAM-HBATKl; 3-room upper Tat. gaa renc-. Phone Main 3HM. tSFI KNUiHEl) 4-room flat. gl; 3-room, 111 2-rm.m. s.. imji, Market st. FLAT for rent near bteel bridge. Phone Woodlawn lKiO. - 5-ROOM flat. 533 Montgomery at. See It. Nice, light and latest. 5(ItRV4-rootn Cat. 3W1s 7th; furnace and gas range. A 417.1. MODERN 1-room flat, good attic, easy walk ing distance. 473 7th st. qNK 4-room furnished flat, with bsth. gaa and electrlcliy. t E. gth North. MODERN lower fiat. J Northrup. Main M75. i rooms. Inquire 622 htt'sXTl' vacated, upper 4-room. modem, attractive; sleeping porch. Main ti 1 1. vi-K.Nli.HEi fiat. 3 1 .-nildren. 4tH 4th at. 3 ruoma and bath; MODERN 4-roora flat, nicely Plos East Salmon at- furnished. MODERN 5-room fiat. 5th, near Jackson. Weel Side. IP mln. walk. Mala or A 12.13. FCikHrENT -4-room lower flat, 115. 27 Eu gene at., near Wlillama ave. IDERN 4-room upper fie t. 475 TlUamook 11. C lv-1- 4-RvOM modern flat on Belmont at., rent IW5i. phone B 15la. NEW modern 4-room flats: sleeping porch, walking distance. Ms Market. Main 407s. 4J WEST PARK, large 1-room flat, bath, gaa. 114; water and garbage free. MODERN 6-room flat. Phone East 1855. Fl'RNIPHED flat: 130. Phone BelL 164T. Hoeaekeevlag keos CLOeB IN light housekeeping rooms, furnished, very ressonable ratea 1U1 Park St. corner Morrison St. E 4-room suite, ground floor, completely "furnished for housekeeping; gas range, use of bath and stationary wash tubs and other conveniences. 11 SI Kerby at. C2o7. NEWLT ifurnlshed 2-room housekeeping suite, free electric lights and bath, 13 23 per week and up. S7 J East Clay St., The I mntord. CAMBK1D.1E bldg. furnished and unfur nished housekeeping rooms; central, cheap . . ....... ait. U and Morrison. 2-coTTAUES One $13, one $20 per month, cor. 7th and Clay SLS.. West Side. r.OOl atonoay. THE 1IILXEK, liOH Morrison Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; stent heal, elevator, all conveniences, best Iocs a. VEIlV" dee irmbie" single" housekeeplng-rooma, reasonable. 51 Harrison at. cor. 15th. 4ttl EAST Morrison, cot. East bth. com-n-.t..v furnished housekeeping sulles, rea sonable. (j , -1 to tnree rooma, uoiwncu 01 vuiM"- "nished. also 1-room fist, reasonable, close 3 NICE unfurnished housekeeping rooma. , . .. a ,,! water, f.13 Mill st. H0VSF.KEEPIXO roams In new conerete . . . . 11K WAAHlawn 917S ee . 7 FOR RF.X1 Housekeeplrg-rooms; walking distance. i-i Hsleey St. PALMER IIOI'SK. X.'.OV Alder St., furnished 1 '. 1 .. Hw.n.a Annhla aiwt alnela THE BEAVER. 12tn and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, jleo trlo lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free: IS per month up; a clean place, best la the city for the money; short distance from Union depot. Take "S" or lotn-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. 11.40 TO 11.50 per week Clean furnished housekeeping rooms; free heat, phone, bath, launury, yard. 404 Vancouver ava. and 201 Ktanton; "U" car. Phono E, 4034. THE GLEN DORA, 10th and Couch. 1 block off Washington; 1 furnished housekeeping aptment with 4 rooms; also one with 3 rooms: rent reasonable. THREB nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. complete; bath. both phones, cheapest rent In city. 074 East Salmon, corner 19th. Housekeeping Rooma In Private Family. ONE beautifully furnished housekeeping suite, steam heat, bath, phone, close In. reasonable: also one clean, dry. light, basement room for sleeping or housekeep ing. lt!3 17th at. NEWLY furnished housekeeplpg rooms to married couple or ladles employed; rent very reasonable; 10 minutes' walk; refer ences exchanged. 14 7 Cable at., near Chapman and M llL THREE pleasantly situated furnished house keeping rooms, electric light, bath, tele phone and water free. $4.50 week: also one large front room, furnished house keeping 43.50 week. 104 4th. close In. $15 NICELY located, beautiful river view, one suite, 2d floor, every modern conven ience, nice yard., roses, walking distance. 134 -a porter at. phone Sellwood 1 lt'. CLEAN, nicely furnished, modern apartment In private home, 2 to 6 rooms, reasonable to desirable, permanent parties, desirable, central. 521 Couch, cor. ldth. LARUE room with alcove; complete house keeping for 2, $8 month; phone, wator, bath Included. T31 Rodney, cor. Irree mont. Wlillama or Union ave. car. SPLENDID large front rooms; every con venience; large lawn, tine location; Jl to $20; sleeping rooms. fiS, $, $lw. 01D Couch, N. E. cor. 1Mb. . NICE-front room with kitchenette, furnace heat, electrlo lights, gas. bath, phone, easy walking distance. 1J monthly. ', N. Jlst. one and one-half blucka from Washington. FCm RENT 2 furnished housk.tpin g rooms: nice yard; price $3 per week, lua Fremont St., cor. Mississippi ave JL'ST what you want, newly furnished rooms In I. 2 and 3-room suites, complete lor housekeeping. 03 N. 2Qth. WILL share a 6-room furnished cottage; rent U; can rerent. 347 6th at. Phone A 2372. TWO large, clean, well-furnished rooms: ("hone, bath, walking distance. 68 East Mh St. TWO or three newly furnished housekeep ing rooms, modern conveniences. very reasonable. 147 C.rand ave. North. 3-KOOM flat, furnished. Call today and in spect. All conveniences, reasonable. 32S Orant. LARGE rooms with alcove, furnished for housekeeping: cheap rent: desirable loca tion; gaa, oatn. pnooe. ,... WELL-FVKN'ISHED housekeeping room or suitable for gentlemen; rent very reason- note to ngni partj . o-i" i.w ONE or two large connecting front rooms, completely furnished, cooking gaa free, reasonable. 324 E. 1st N. E. 34.10. LARGE, cosy housekeeping rooms, with kitchenette: modern, reasonable. 3&&Vs Mill St.. near west pars. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath, gas and phone, private family. $11. 695 Water , cor. Meade. 4241, 6TH ST. Look Into this, two front rooms, elegsnt. clean modern, close in. Why get tired looking 7 FOR RENT 2 connecting housekeeping rooms, all modern conveniences. 42 21st st. N. . TWO large front rooms, private family: free gas. phone and bath. 332 Mill at, near ith, . BEAUTIFUL furnished housekeeping apart ments of 2. 8 or 4 rooms; heat. bath, cooking gaa free. 402 Park. WANTED Congenial couple for housekeep ing rooms, private hdme, no other room era. 312 Cherry st. Phone E. 2s3. 301 TAYLOR. cor. Park. housekeeping rooms, single and suites, gas. bath, phone, laundry: reasonable, CLEAN, well-furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, beautiful location, walking dis tance. 3b MM. WILL EXCHANGE: room rent, aleeplng or housekesplng. for painting, papering or tinting. A 14WH. . ROOMS FOR RENT at :l 7th St.. single end double: also housekeeping. $1.2e to $4 per week. ALCOVE suite, furnished for housekeeping, gaa range, bath, laundry, phone. 100 .N. 10th. Foil RENT 3 pleasant H. K. rooms, gss bath. $12. N3 E. 10th N. Woodlawn lt3. COMPLETELY furnished. modern, three room flat; furniture for sale, flat for rent; walking distance. 8M tth street. TWO sunny light housekeeping rooms, pri vate family; $16. Including gaa, bath, light. 129 East 20th, near Morrison. TWO" androom-housekeoplng suites, newly furnished, gas. bath, phone. $H to $10 month. IW East lamniii. SUITES of two housekeeping rooms In mod ern flat. $11 and $11 per month. Si illliin. near list. NEWLT-furnished housekeeping rooms. Z-i Montgomery at., between th and 7th, $10 per 1 11 v. ii 1 . 1 . NICELY furnished front housekeeping room. $12; light, bath and phone. 370 12th su CLEAN, pleasant, airy housekeeping suites. $3 and $3.50 week. 411 4th st. 214 JEFFERSON, light, clean, well furnished rooms for housekeeping reasonable. TWO pleasant housekeeping rooms, also sin gle room. 421 7th. ONE large housekeeping room, clean and reasonable. 471 Morrison. TWO furnlnhed housekeeping romos, $14 month. B'.'j 4th st. TWO well furnished rooms. bath, gaa, p h one. 312 Co I u mbla. near 6th st. THREE large front desirable housekeeping rooms; modern, reasonable. 431 81 st. PA RT of furnished cottag reasonable. 343 14th su ONE furnished housekeeping room; gas; rent reasonable. - 2d and Market. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms with porch; $12. 4.16 Rodney ave, . $54 SALMON Two very desirable front rooms, furnished for housekeeping. TWO connecting housekeeping rooms, yard. bath, phone, 450 Yamhill at. TWO large- well furnished housekeeping rooms, 3 week. 60 Water st- 2 NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms; face street: $5 per mo. 1K4S 13th st. FOUR rooms, parlor floor. 147 15th St., be tween Alder and Morrison. Mar. 4JS6. 8 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, bsth. yard, laundry. 023 Thurman St. SPLENDID suite for Summer: rooms large. airy: fronting on street. B34 Morrison. LARGE front housekeeping room, unfur nished; walking distance. 335 E. 1st St. N. TWO rooms for light housekeeping at 21 N. 11th St.. 3 blocks from Washington st. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, pri vate family: both, phone, gaa. 146 11th. NICELY furnished housekeeping and single .,u, 4,4 Park. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. very reasonable, close In. 4lo Main at. FURNISHED housekeeping room; bath, gaa, phone. 508 Johnson it. near 17th. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. cheap. Inquire 1-3 r.. lvtn i-.-. cm. uiw". THREb) sunny housekeeping rooms, furnace heat. 547 rtaii st. SINGLE suits, heat, phone, bath, walking distance. 221 18th St. CLE AX, light housekeeping rooms. 303 6th. HOUSEKEEPING suite, modern, gas, light, bath, roses; $16. 625 Marshall, near 19th st, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason- able. 308 1st st-. near Montgomery ata 600 FRONT and Sherman; housekeeping rooms to rent. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms; $12.50; no children. 421 6th st- FURNISHED housekeeping rooma. private family. 11 7th. East 1021. HOUSEKEEPING suite, modern, gss, light. roses. $18. 625 Marshall, near ltfth St. HOl'SEK EEPINO or baching rooms, reeson- able. 5214 Raleigh St., bet. 15th and 18th. IiB t furnished housekeeping rooms, gas T77. -teel ranee. 618 7'h. Msln 4r..'. NEATLY furnished rooms for housekeep Ing. phone and bath. 2K1 14th at. TWO housekeeping rooms cheap. We take children. 721 1st. THREE nice furnished housekeeping rooms; furnace heat. S47 Hall. LIGHT, airy housekeeping rooms In base- " ' . ' a INI llfh men, ns". - - - 4 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. rent very reaaonable. 415 North 23d. NICELY furnished housekeeping; rooma. 718 Last Morris ! ONE large, light, very clean housekeeping room, first floor, newly papered mid fur nished, front and back entrance. flue yard, hot and cold water in room, free heat. bath, phone, electric lights, use of wash trays; 2u mln. walk to P. O.. block to 3 cars: $1:1.50: no transients. 44o Rodney ave. Phone E. 3221. , FINELY furnished large front rooms, dining room kitchenette, gas range, new. mod ern, walking distance, few steps from East Morrlon St. carline; furnace heat, piano, laundry, elegant location, rcasonnblo for Summer. 652 Belmont st.. cor. East loth st. . PORTLAND HEIOHTS. walking distance, four large housekeeping rooms, with fire place, porches with unsurpassed view, yard, water, electric llKht. phone free, rent very reaxonable. Take Heights car. get off at Clifton St.. walk two blocks east. 471 Chapman stPhone A 2587. BEAUTIFULLY furnished suites. light housekeeping: heat, hot water, bath, llgnt and phone free; lovely home, best of peo- pie; rents $3.50 to $8 week. 324 Montgom ery tt. SPLENDIDLY furnished front rooms. $2 to $5 per week; everything furnished; house keeping privileges if ueslred; flno large uttlc for drying und storage; new, modern flat, cor. 12th and E. Asn. 23S E. 12th. ELEGANTLY furnisned rooms, light and airy, will also arrange for housekeeping to suit tenant; beautiful yard. In best resi dence district on West Side. 435 Everett. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping suites of 2 rooms for runt. Ideal lor Summer months: walking distance, $10 month. Take Sellwood car. 542 Karl st. ' THREE cheerful front rooms, opening on veranda, unfurnished, good location $16. Including lights, water, gas rang, no dogs. OotH i'ettygrove st. Main 210". $10 MONTH, large sunny front housekeep ing room, alruve kitchen, suitable for ladles: walking dlstaiico. 035 Vs Mont gomery st- TWO nice. Unlit, clean housekeeping rooms in private home, close In, reasonable rent, nice location; also sleeping rooms for rent. 175 17th st- NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, mod ern conveniences, furnace heat, walking distance: very reasonable. 50v Johnson St.. near 14th. FAMILY, camping Portland Heights, will sharo tent with two; good locution; have piano; 8 a month. Mrs. E. Fenmun. gen. delivery.. HOUSEKEEPING suite, ground floor front, sink, light, phone, bath, heat, $." wek. .1811 Eaat 14th. IS blocks off East Mor rison; no small children. $5 PER WEEK, two large front house keeping rooms; phone, bath and lights free: also two smaller rooms, $3 per week. 3ES 5th street. TWO rooms for housekeeping; steam heat, electric light, buth, phono, pretty lawn and porches; easy walking, 3 blocks from Wash. 75 14th St. North. LARGE, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, electricity, gas, water, sink, laun dry. 2Vj Grand ave., S. E. cor. of An keny. LARGE, light, nicely furnished room, kitchenette attached; every modern con venience, location central, surroundings the best. 265 13th st. Marshall 41178. eV E. 8TH ST. Furnished housekeeping, close In. $10 to $20 month; gas range, free phone, bath, running water In room, big grounds. CLEAN, pleassnt housekeeping rooms, com pletely fifrntshed; phone, sink, gas, bath, very reasonable. 245 N. 18th. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms: healthy location, close In, all conveniences. 253 Chapman. Marshall SlViS FURNISHED housekeeping. 3-room suite: porch, pantry, sink, private bath; $20. 0II21. E. Morrison. East 01101. PO RTL A n"dH EIGHTS furnished housekeep ing rooms: modern, rent reasonable, 4S9 21st. Main 2257 FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms: wslkln'g distance; all outside rooms. 348 12th st. TWO newly furnished houseekeeping rooms, modern. 114. Take R3 or U car. to Fargo st. 678 Gantenbeln. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $18. heat, light, phone, bath included. 46T 7th street. $16 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in cottage; gas range, sink ami bath; separ ate entrance, close In. 610 1st st. 8 2-ROOM suites, all modern conveniences, for $20 and $22 a month. 290 12th st. A 7127. SUNNY desirable housekeeping suite; gas. bath: 10 mln. walk from V. O. $15.50 monthly. 445 6th. PLEASANT room, modern house; walking distance; choice neighborhood. Phone (J 2803. 268 Grand ave. N.. cor, Multnomah. LARGE, comfortably furnished housekeeping-rooms, reasonable, blVs 1st St., near Stark. TWO large, pleasant, convenient housekeep ing rooms; excellent location, reasonable. 282 14th. LARGE, newly furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms to refined people only. 41 North 8th. Marshall 4798. FURNISHED housekeeping room, bath, phone, also single sleeping room. 450 Yam lilll. NICELY furnished front housekeeping suite, bath, gas, phone, private family. 2SS 14th St. lloue FOR RENT Partly furnished house, fine view, close In, residence district. East Side, on carllna, nine rooms und sleeping porch, well adapted for boardlnir or room Ingwiouso or light housekeeping suites, large lawn, fine shrubbery, roses and 14 full-bearing fruit trees, garage; references required. Phone East 2H or B lata. 7-ROO.M huuse. all modern conveniences, 100 xlOO lot. chorry. prune, apple and peach trees. raspberries, roses, lovely flower garden, plenty garden space. chicken barn; $20 per month. 74th and- Ullaan. Tabor 30MI or Marshall 12H. FOR RENT 7-room house, close in, on E. Taylor st., 125 a month. Watson & Thrrkelsen Co., 104 Spalding bldg. Main 7i2. f.ROOM house, newly painted, linoleum and carpets on floor, large yard with roses, suitable for rooming-house. Key at 748 Vaughn St., near 23d. 6-ROOM cottage. 220 Gaines, $10. 6-room house, ll.5 Helmont. $15. 8-room house. 722 E. Morrison. $23. F. W. TOH'iLEK. 108 Sherlock Bldg. FINE modern five-room bungalow, fireplace, china closet, wslklng distance. West Side. 148 Curry. Call 24 Bancroft, 6-ROOM cottage, central location. yard: reasonable rent to right parties. 110 E. 11th. near Aldetv S04 EAST FIRST NORTH 7-room. modem house, full cement basement. $30 per month. Portland Trust Co., 8d and Oak. 6115 MAIN 7-room. modern hous. excel lent neighborhood. $45 per month. Port land Trust Co.. 8d and Oak. FOR RENT Strictly modern 5-room bun galow. 10n 14th st- N.. Alberta district, a block from car. 7 ROOMS, new, modern, walking distance. 3S1 Ross, near Broadway. Beat house. In good 'neighborhood. Phone East 4377. FVK RENT One 6-room modern house, fireless cookers, sleeping porch; will lease Inquire 647 Weldler st. 6-ROOM modern bungalow; hot water heat: on 2 carllnea: 10th and Schuyler; $35. East 6335. TABOR HEIGHTS 1 5-room hoi.se: finest view In city: suitable for sanitarium or several families. Tabor 629orU3l2L ROOM HOUSE, sunny comer, close In, fine yard, fruit. 415 East Pine. Owner, Sii East Couch. FOR RENT yard; $1Z -room house, 532 Market St.; 645 FRONT FT. 5-room house. $12.60 per month. Portland Trust Co.. 3d and Oak. GOOD five-room cottage for rent at $12 per month. 848 Belmont st. 6-ROOM modern cottage for rent- 841 Alder. Inquire at 12B Union ave. FOR RENT A modern -room bouse. 126 w'asco. Phone East 24 48 FIVE-ROOM cottage. West Side, ten min utes" walk from Postofflce. 4S8 Market at. FOR RENT 45trlctly modern 6-room house. 957 Williams ave. $12 4-ROOM house, yard. 524 Mill, near 16th st. FOR RENT 6-room modem house. 7 East 16th North. Phone East 2870. FOR RENT 6-room cottage. Inquire 681 Kearney st- a jo (via Front. Marshall 4440. Yard, washtray. cement basement, gas; clean. MODERN 8-room house. 246 McMUlen; w s 'king distance. Main 8525. ONE nice slg-room cottage. Ivon ave., Port land Heights, rnone aiarsnan u. 67 2 EAST OAK ST., near 14th at. 6-room cottage. Phone Tabor 2084. SEVEN-ROOM, modern, walking distance. 361 "Ross. Rent $20. Phone East 4377. 8R6jMhouse. 5704 48th ave. S. E.; $8.50 per month. Myrtle Park. MODERN new 5-room cottage In Sunnyslde. $20. Inquire 314 Columbia st. FOR RENT Nice 6-room house. 148 E. 13th st.. near E. Morrison. $22. FOR RENT 6-room cottage and barn. $20. $41 Vaughn, at. A 14. HOUSES FOR RENT. 8 rooms, 3ni NT. 22d st.. $35. 6 rooms, 4H Leo ave., . 1 rooms, 127 N. 22d st.. $40. 6 rooms. 8s9 Borthwlck St.. $15. 6 rooms, llll Shaver st., 21. 8 rooms, 311 Montgomery St., $25. 6 rooms. 771 Belmont St., 42.V 5 rooms. 411 Eleventh St.. $25. T rooms. 340 Wasco St.. $35. 7 rooms. 3U4 Clifton St., $30. And many others in -all parts of the city. FLATS FOR RENT. o rooms, a-io1? jarraDee st.. t rooms, ttl4i r ront St., si. o rouma. ... c. A-twi di., e-.". 6 rooms, 403 H Hancock St., $25. And many others In all parts of tha city. . PARRISH. WATKINS ot CO., 250 Alder Street- 184 E. 6TH North. rooms 2S6 E. fith North. 9 rooma ........ 229 Adams St.. 5 rooms ........... 581 E. Burnslde. 6 rooms 143 E. 6th St.. 8 rooms 891 E. YamhlU, 7 rooma , S95 E. Yamhill, 7 rooms 41 E. 20th North, 8 rooma 450 E. 19th North. 7 rooma 444 E. 8th. 5 rooma 602 E. Davis St.. 5 rooms 837 Vancouver, 6 rooms 17th and E. Ankeny. rooms 754 E. Ankeny. 7 rooma 374 Stephens, 8 rooms 81st and E. Pine, 8 rooma 734 E. Burnslde. 8 rooma E. 27th st-. 6 rooms 1046 Cleveland. 8 rooms ......... 104S Cleveland, 7 rooms .......... 10 E. 15th St., 7 rooms ........... 413 E. 28th St., 6 rooms 33C Weldler. 6 rooms Citv Department. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. Main 6889. 146 Firth st. A .$50.00 .$.-.0.00 .$22.50 .$30.00 .$18.00 .$35.00 .$35.00 .$35.00 .$48.00 .113.00 .123.50 .$22.00 .$30.00 .$20.00 .$19.00 ..15.00 .$35.00 .$25.00 .123.00 .$25.00 .$2.1.00 .$35.00 .$30.00 6267. I0-ROOM. NOB HTLL $5.00 6- room. 7 E. 16th st. North $32.50 8-room, 528 E. Ankeny st $32.50 7- room. 167 E. 7th North $37.50 10-room. 443 Hassalo st $75.00 6-room, 481 Chapman St. ..$27.50 5- room. 249 Bancroft $25.00 6- room. Irvlngton $35.00 1-room. 941 Tillamook $30.00 8- room. 992 Thurman $45.00 8-room. 80fl Wnsco $27.00 8-room. Punnvslde $27.50 6-room. 829 Wheeler $20.00 6-room. Park st $25.00 FLAT?. B-room flat. 784 Gllsan $27.50 S-room flat. 301 E. 12tn sjv.iiv 5-room flat. 4S4 Hall $27.50 5-room flat, 424 College $25.00 8-room flat. 412 Wasco $25.00 FURNISHED HOUSES. 12-room. 406 4th st $60.00 5-room. 1004 E. Main $25.00 R. X. TUFFORD CO.. Mar. 4..47. A 4545. 407 Spalding bldg. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT 8-r. modern home, Willamette Hts.. $40. 6- r. U flat, strictly modem, Kearney St.. $35. S and 6-r. U. I flats, new and mod ern. E. th and Hancock. $25. 5-r. fiats. 1 TJ. and 1 L., 791 E. Bum side. $25. 5-r. U. flat. 676 E. Burnslde. $23. 7- r. house. 1175 E. 18th St.. $16. 5- r. cottage. 680 E. Morrison. $17. 6- r. house. 143 E. 4Rth St.. $20. 4-r. furnished flat. Sacramento St.. $23. We nave others. Call at our office and see list. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 33 102 Fourth St. A 3500 THE MEIER A FRANK STORE'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU is for the convenience of both Portland people and strangers In the city who may be looking for homes, apartments, flats or business offices. We have an excellent private list, as well as the com bined lists of all real estate dealers. We can also give advice as to the new build ings In course of construction. Home-hunters especially will find relief In this special service, for we help you to get quickly, comfortably and deslrahly located. When you want to rent visit THE MEIER st FRANK RENTAL BU REAU. 4th floor, main bldg. TO RENT 187 E. 7th St. North, between E. Irving and Oregon, 7-room house, al most new: sleeping porch, modern In every detail; furnace, etc.: accessible to several carllnes and close In. Phone owner. Tabor 1800 or call at house; rent, 835. YOU CAN PAY $50 per month and own this splendid 5-room bungalow; living room 18x24; all modem. Must be sold on account of sickness. No first payment necessary. Purse A Co., 818 Chamber of Commerce. Members Portland Realty Board. 7-ROOM house on 22d St.. N.. near North rup. Fine lawn and roses: house faces east: nice arrangement, newly tinted and painted Inside: all modem: 2 carllnes within one block; rent $50. Get key from nearby house. . MODERN 6-room house, walking distance; upper WashlnKton district; floor coverings and some furniture for sale; rent $45: will give leaso and privilege of renting rooms to responsible couple. Phone Mar sh a lll(33JF9J7;Oreionlnn. MODERN 2-story 6-room house, with recep tion hall and sleeping porch: has large closets, bullt-ln buffet, paneled dining room and Dutch kitchen: on 2Sth St., be tween 2 carllnea Apply 09 E. 28th at. S. ; no children. 5-ROOM cottage In good condition, bath, gas and cement basement. 411 11th st, near Harrison St.: rent 825. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO., 2J0 Alder SL $75 11-ROOM DWELLING, 794 Johnson. $45 7-room modern home, 778 Marshall. $40 8-room modern home, 368 East th st. North. JACKSON ft PEERING. 248 Stark st. TO RENT 432 Oregon St.. 7-room house, modern In every detail, furnace, etc., ac cessible to several carllnes and closo In. Phone owner. Tabor 1800, or call at house. Rent $35. NOB HILL RESIDENCE. 11-room house on 24th st. North, near Lovejov, for rent; $85 per month: every modern convenience. John P. Weston, 905 Spalding bldg. FOR RENT 6-room house, new. good con dition, electric lights and gas. good yard. B12 Cleveland ave.: rent $20. Apply Mc Klnley Mitchell, 202 Vj Btark. A and M. 2 1 3 1 TWO cottages, one four rooms, modem: the other three rooma large yards. Inquire of Mr. Moxley. 6710 69th ave. S. .E., Tremont. Mt. Scott car. 6-ROOM modern house, fireplace and china closet $18 a month, one block from St. John car. 1116 Concord St. Phone East 4150. EIGHT-ROOM modem house at 417 East 15th st. North.: 4 bedrooms; $45 per month. Owner. 529 Tillamook. Phone East 540. MODERN 6-room house, walking distance, good neighborhood, clean and perfect con dition. Inquire 5S5 E. Alder, comer 14th. Phone East 5141 mornings. FOR RENT 8-room cottage, gas, bath and vard 248 Nartllla. between . Main and Madison. Inquire 235 Nartllla. Main 4171. Rent $20. ft ROOM house on Tillamook street, near Union avenue, large yard, partly fur nished If d-alred. Phone East 5814. 5-ROOM bungalow. April 15. for months; ras Dutch kitchen, etc.. $25 month; Rose i." rtt c aorh- It hloelr tn ear t 1 1 y l-arw. 7-ROOM house, modern. In Nob Hill dis-trict- reasonable. Inquire Wakefield-Frles Co.. 85 4th. SEVEN rooms, elegantly equipped for com fort; strictly modern. 954 .E. 21t N. Wroodlawn '.lie. FOR RENT Two-story house, 710 East Taylor, between 2th and 21st sts. H. Slnshelmer. 109 12th st. , CHEAP rent. $25. close In. West Side, 9 room house, furnace, gas. electricity, etc Owner, phone Main 4740. FOR RENT 9-room modern house, nice lawn big barn. chicken-house. fruit trees.' Rent $25. Tel. East 5537. MODERN 2-story 6-room bouse yard paved street, one block to car; adulu. $24. 780 Williams ava Woodlawn4Ja. " 6-ROOM COTTAGE, $12. 1 ocatcd 645 East Clinton St., near East 17th. OB 1 carline. Edwards Co.. 191 Ut st. -.(-.o R cvt 10-room house. West Side, sRlble for housekeeping rooma R. Buetlkofer. 285 Salmon. .,. ..room house, on Revere St., near iihlna car chopsi city water, fine ynrd. A ppv 105 Revere or 285 William, ave. a ui-iiiM cottage: bath, gas. electricity. 190 HaSey C.t near Steel bridge; $17.50. hkvt New five-room modern bun- wl W. car. Phone Sellwood 746. 6-ROOM house, 732 East Ankeny; modem: $20.00. two 7-room houses for rent, $24 month. T corner KVj.5th and Clifton. Nos. 692-427. rivv.ROOM bungalow. 891 East Morrison, near 2lth street. Telephone Tabor 1758. vaoovRV 6-room house in1 good condition; Vgjgjt car. 649 17th, $1700. DESIRABLE 6-room house, close In, 898 Saa afael at- near Union ava, t 16S5. 8 rooms. 389 Pacific St., $22.50. 5 rooms. 3Tlti Pacific st. $22.50. 8- rooms. 87a u. K. Washington St.. $25 e-o. FOR RENT. 7-room modern house. 978 East Yamhill St., $22.50. 7-room modern house, 066 East Glisan St., $25. 7-room modem house. 26S McMUlen st., $30. 7-roora house and barn. 60 East 30th t.. $20. 5-room house. 545 Front St.. $1J. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder Street. 7 ROOMS. 546 E. Oak St., $2.1. 6 rooms, 475 E. Everett, t-o. 6 rooms. 27 E. 12th St., $18. 5 rooms, 808 Buxton St., near E. -7th, $18.50. 4 rooms, 481 E. Ash St., $17. 1 acre, 2 rooms, Mt. Scott line. $8. J. J. OEDER. Corner Grand and E. Ankeny. Furnlahed House. FOR rent to desirable tenant, from 4 to 10 months, from and after June 1. com pletely furnished 11-room residence, choice location. Portland Heights: unsur passed view; house built 3 years ago; contains all modern conveniences, includ ing hardwood floors, four fireplaces, hot water heating plant. two bathrooms, shower room, billiard room and large sleeping balcony. For further particulars address AN 925, Oregonlan. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th end Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments. $15, $18, $20 and up. This Includes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electrlo lights, gas range. laundry-room, all free. Take S, 23d or W cars. No children; dogs not allowed. Phone Main 859. 60 ROOMS modern, except furnace, on Mis sissippi, near Prescott, completely furn ished. Small payment down, balance $25 per month. Call for Harrison. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. ONE new modem 5-room house and one A 6 rooms. In Holgate Addition. East 17th v st. South. Sellwood car; nice location, rea sonable rent. See owner, 813 Board of Trade, or call Main 10S2 or Main 9291. ONLY-$25 PER MONTH. Nicely furnished 6-room modem house. 702 E. 21st St., electricity, gas, bath, piano, comer on Brooklyn carline. See FRED C- KING, 314 Spalding bldg. TO RENT From June 15 to September 15. completely furnished modern nine-room house, in desirable location on West Side. WMll be rented only to responsible tenant. References required. P 974, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM modern house, newly furnished, including bedding and dishes: 1 block from two carllnes; lo minutes out: will leaso to desirable tenants. $30. 1406 Gar field ave.; Woodlawn 3196. FOR RENT After-May 1. for Summer, handsomely furnished six-room homo on Portland Heights to responsible people without children; references required. Marshall 3741. or K 940. Oregonlan. $21 COUNCIL CREST DRIVE. 8 completely furnished rooms; living, dining, kitchen, pool and 4 bedrooms, sleeping porches; exceptional view; ront $70. Call after noons. 1 THE furniture of my 8-room house, com plete and first-class; used only a short time; rent reasonable: will divide if de sired or will trade for a lot. G 978, .Ore gonlan. TO responsible couple f"or 30 or 60 days. 5-room furnished home. In exchange for breakfast and supper for one gentleman, J 948, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM flat; all modern: electric, gas, neatly furnished, very light, nice location, near Steel bridge; reasonable. Phone E. 5430. 651 TAYLOR, near 17th. 6-room flat, finely furnished, new carpets, large rooms, e large bay windows, gas range, instan taneous oatn neater, rein eoi.uv. FOR RENT New, fully furnished six-room bungalow, 20-mlnute ride from city, all modern conveniences. Apply at once Box 135, Oswego. Or. Phone Main 8H77. x5 FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, new and strictly modern; fine river view, 20 minutes from town; y, block from Sell wood car. fcHW Ellis ave. EAST PORTLAND heights, well-furnished . modern 7-room house. Call Dick's gro cery, 26th and Clinton. Phono Sellwood 289. FURNISHED house In Holladay Park, near 2hth and Clackamas, 7 rooms, thoroughly- modern. Inquire McCargor, Bates -Lively. 801 Yeon bldg. NICELY furnished 6-room bungalow In Ir vlngton, $35 per month; references re quired. Inquire room 11 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. Main 6821, A 4144. FOR RENT Finely furnished home. 7 rooms and maid's room; Nob Hill district: adults only; references. AL 978, Ore gonlan 125 4-room modern bungalow: H. and C, water, electric lleht. full basement, gar den; nlco location. 983 Vernon ave. Al berta car. FOR RENT Modern 6-room furnished house with barn, large yard with fruit. 621 East 2th. Phone Main 4122J MODERN 6-room furnished flat, porch and vard. 8 E. 12th, bet. Ankeny and Burn slde. Slarshall 797, A 7131. 303 FARGO ST. 7-room, furnished house, nice yard, all modern, piano. $40 per month. Portland Trust lo., oa ana unit 306 14TH ST. 8-room modern house, fur nished. $80 per month. Portland Trust Co., 3d and Oak. ON MAY 1st. completely well-furnished corner bungalow In Irvlngton; excellent car service. Phone C 2071. MODERN new 5-room bungalow furnished complete, near car, close in on East Side. Phone E. 39U3. NICELY furnished house, eight rooms, han dy to two carllnes, beautiful view of the river and city. Sellwood 1U02J 6-ROOM fully furnished modern cottage, i blocks Hawthorne ave. car, $28 a month. Main 9012 or Tabor 878. MODERN 6-room house, furnished. Brook lyn Heights. 714 East 9th st. South. Phone Sellwood 304. B 124. FURNISHED, 7-room house. May 1 to Octo ber 1, Portland Heights, $65. AK 942. Oregonlan. 8-ROOM furnished house for rent; adults only. 261 Morris st. Suitable for two fam ilies; references. LOWER flat, new furniture, all newly pa- ficred, back yard, rent $25, including Ights. water. 706 Gllsan. Main 4818. $18 MONTH, new 3-room bungalow, fur nished. 1 block of Alberta car. Howard Land Co.. 603 Swetland bldg. 6-ROOM home, with bath, half of block to car, garden, fruit trees, flowers; $20 a month. Take Sellwood car. 639 Zanlta avo. 8-ROOM ground-floor flat, new and clean, furnished; front and back doors and yard, phone and bath: reasonable. 328 Grant. IRVINGTON Furnished house of 7 rooms, two sleeping porches. 439 East 12th IL North. . NEW 8-room house, completely furnished; piano, fireplace and all modern conven iences; references. Phone East 5311; FURNISHED cottage for rent cheap- 15 minutes' ride on WW car; get off at East 2ttth and Kelly street. 617. 6-ROOM furnished bungalow. Rose City Park. $30. 681 East 60th St. North. Call Sunday, any time. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room house, 210 Morris st. 125 Modern 5-room house, close In; 3 beds, "yard. 2117 Hancock. 5-ROOM house, furnished, bath, electric lights; pice yard. Phone Marshall 4773- LOVELY 8-room home and grounds, fur nished, complete: all or part. East 821S. FOR RENT 5-room flat. 6 blocks from P. O. Inquire 249 5th st- NEW 4-room bungalow, furnished, $15; no children. 432 Miller ave. (Sellwood.) FURNISHED house on Marshall St.. bet- 23d and 24th. Call Main 5931. COMFORTABLY furnished 7-room home: piano, sewing machine Included. B li8. sTx rooms strictly modern. 961 East Alder. 2 blocks Sunnyslde car. 3-ROOM modern furnished house, close In. 61 East 7th at., betakandPlne. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house, rent reasonable. Inquire 028 Irving. COTTAGE to adults. opposite Baptist Church, Arleta or. mt. ov-oia .-a.. House fur Bent Furniture fur Sale. FURNITURE 8-room house, part mahogany. mis last vvniici . t"-- - ... - . ' -v on time. Call Monday. 213 Grand N. 5-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale. 2S2 Park st. FURNITURE 10-room house, new last June; roc-m. full. $550. Phone East 3928. FIVE rooms of furniture for sale. Call at 647 Pettygrove st. nona. FURNITURE of 8-room house; a bargain; run or !.. j" -- VOg, sale Furniture of 6 rooms. $95; houso for rent. 347 14th st. GREAT sacrifice, furniture, linen, sewing machine. 6-room flat, veranda. Main 9002. FOR SALE Good piano and furniture. 877 E. Ash. 200 Furniture 7 rooms, rent $25. Mar shall 845. Becker, 327 Lumber Exchange. THREE rooms, good furniture, cheap and clean. 748 Grand ave., cor. Fremont. PLAT-of five rooms for rent; fine furniture for sale. Inquire at 195 North 23d st. A ROOMS, newly furnished; can get lease, $250. Co&tk Morrison, Phone A 6600. FOR SALE: Solid orass bed, springs, flosg mattress, sanitary couch and mattress princess dresser, 2 rockers, center table, extension dining table, 6 chairs, heating stove, matting, etc.. good as new. $75 If taken at once; moiU-rn 5-room flat for rent. $22.50. Main 1802. 2S6 16th St. HOUSE, 7 rooms, clean, well liifh'ed, large yard, central location. West Side, price of furniture and rent reasonable. 26 North, 11th street, 2 blocks from Washington st. Phone A 1999. BOARDING-HOUSE for sale by owner; modern; good furniture; 10 steady men boarders; rent $20, income $250. 'rhono K. 5428. ELEGANTLY located and beautiful home, hot, cold water, gas, electricity, basement, attic; tent $50; lease; bargain. Phono Main 9014. SNAP Furnlturo of 4 rooms, nearly new; house has 5 rooms, modern, nicclv tinted, close to carllnes and school. Kent $15. W 972. Oregonlan. GOOD furniturcTof 9-room house. 228 13th at., cheap, all or part cash: exchange for auto, motorcycle or city lot. Phone East 4052. FURNITURE of S-room house; nice, clean downtown place: rent $87.00; no furnace: ca6h $000; 5 rooms rented bring $S4. 346 Madison. FOR SALE. Good furniture, 3 rooms, rent $12; price $125, installments. 1001. Corbett, Phone Marshall 2585. A BARGAIN Completely furnished, first class location, 10 minutes from Postof flce; an Ideal spot; very sightly. Phone Sellwood 10S8. NEW FURNITURE of 8 rooms; 3 house keepins rooms rented. $145; paid $300 casn last Fall. Leaving city; must sell. 53 East 32d St. COMPLETELY furnished, modem, three room tlaL; furniture for sale, flat for rent; walking distance. 381 5th street. FOUR rooms, furnished flat for sale, very cheap if taken this week, also new piano, 383 A. 0th. FOR SALE Good, furniture of 3-room apt., complete with linen and silverware: a snap; leaving city; terms. Phone M. 47S8. MODERN 10-room house, new furniture: fine location; house full; good Income. 527 Taylor. 6-ROOM flat, furniture for sale. Call morn inirs before 11 o'clock and after 3 P. M. 122 Vi N. 18th St. Main 5335. 9-ROOM house, elegant furniture, walking distance, 2-year lease. $60O cash; no agents. V 902. Oregonlan. 5-ROOM Hat, 6-room cottage, complete, to highest offer; will accept trade. 673Vi Glisp.n st. FOR RENT House. 6 rooms, all or part of furniture .for sale; rent $20. 1138 E. Main street. 7-ROOM house for rent. $18 per mouth; furniture for sale, $20O: close in on East Side; tuco yard. AP 960. Oregonlan. FOR RENT at $15 per. furniture for sale at $150. everything strictly up to date. 2S7 Mat'guerfette ave. PART or all of new furniture for five-room flat at reasonable price, flat for rent, MarshaIl 1212 6-ROOM FLAT for rent, furniture for sale, reasonable If taken at once. 555 East Ankeny St., corner 13th st. STRICTLY modern. 9 rooms, new furniture, in heart of city. A 4588. fltorea. STARK, between 2d and 150Va 3d. St.. 18x50 . .. $150. .$125 .$ 35 .$ 25 Cor, 3d and Jefferson. V store 40x90 65 Washington, Vi store 12x50 Cor, Davis and Union, 25x50 $ 25x00 $ 25x50 -,...$ 50 35 35 25x50 .......$ ( 631 Washington, 19x50 $ 65 449 Salmon St., 25x50 ..,..,...$ 60 Citv Department, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. M. 68ii9. 146 Fifth St. A 6267. FOR RENT A very attractive store, with living-rooms in rear, suitably situated for a small dry goods, notion or boot and shoe business; located in a new business center of South Portland; low rent; ap ply to druggist at corner of Front and Uibbs sts. Take "S" car. STORES in new 8-story brick; good location for first-class grocer, meat market, res taurant, delicatessen, milliner, barber shop; East First st- and Holladay ave.: the principal transfer point for the new Steel bridge; buildings ready April 1. For lease apply O. A. Lyman. 510 Henry bldg. " BUSINESS CENTER LEASES. Large store room between Morrison and Washington, also close to Washington, location for barber shop and cigar stand; all at reasonable rent. F. O. Northrup, 313 Couch bldg. PROMINENTLY located stores In brick building, on East Side; one for $40 per mo. The other $25. Close In and near E. Morrison and Grand ave. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR RENT Large billiard room 50x50 feet In size in the Hotel Clifford. 6th and East Morrison sts.; also corner store 25x 100 feet In same building; very cheap and long lease. Apply at hotel office. THREE floors. 25HOO. part or whole: new brick building. 18th and Marshall, suit able retail, wholesale or light manufao turlng. A. G. Long. FOR RENT Store room 35x00. with large shop in rear, centrally located, good lo cation for auto garage and repair shop; 2 years' lease, low rent. Call ::29 Oak st. FOR RENT Store, located In the Foster Hotel bldg.. on Second St., at very low rental; lease. Apply Foster Hotel office. 247 Davis st. CORNER 19th and Washington. 60x55; also 4 stores, 18x45; new brick building; mod ern fronts; reasonable rent. E. J. Daly, 222 Falling bldg. FOR RENT For open-front cigar store, part of store room in best hotel in town of 3000. Address Chas. G. Newman, Hood River, Or. FACTORY for rent. 00x100. 3 floors, also store with living rooms on rear. West Side. Three lots for sale on Patton ave. Owner, W 973, Oregonlan. STORE ROOM on one of the most promi nent corners In Portland; quick posses sion given; present occupant moving to larger quarters. P 940. Oregonian. LARGE light store, .182 Yamhill St.. Ma sonic Temple bldg. Apply Masonic Temple Grocery. Main 0021. FOR RENT Corner store, 24x40 feet, on 16th Bt. near Raleigh; rent $110 per month. Telephone owner. Main 7970, A 2078. WASHINGTON STREET, near 10th. modem store, 100x50, for art or good class line. P. O. Box 223. . TWO small stores, with living rooms; oppo site large school; $13 per month. East 1208. FOR RENT Stores. No. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. FOR RENT Store room 30x00, with largo room In rear, good location for cafeteria; 2-year lease, low rent. Call 328 Oak st. iron RF-N'T Store. 381 Oak St.. INxOO, steam heat, low rent. Call at .129 Oak ONE store room, new brick, cor. 13th and Salmon. Phone M 5001 Monday. 1ARGE. light store, about 20x70. near 1st and Main st.lnquire at 229 First, VFW store in good town, for rent; fine lo--.... modern. H 970. Oregonlan. SUITABLE location for plumbing or electric appliance shop. 241) Taylor al. " Offices. wit,Lrent part" of office located on ground floor of Chamber of Commerce. PACIFIC TITLE 41 TRUST CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Attractive three-room suite; centrally located; piano. 100 chairs; tor use during the day; very moderate rate. n not, ............ orrit-co iui, ------- MERCHANTS TRUST BLDG. 6th. and Washington sts.; very best lo cation In the coty. Reasonable rents. In- autre in oana. t lofrv room suitable for music or drastic adfo with use o large hall no stace Apply Boyal Academy Hall, So 'g(n Stark and Oak sts. 1 i rtr !T, niitclds office, furnished or unfur Wished with use of reception room and tefephone! In Selling bldg. Phone Mar- shall 4271. OUTSIDE room, in elegant suite of new of t?u with rug, phone and use ot reception rog Call Morton. Main 1623. i-1K.T rent 2 large and 3 or 4 small of fices cheap. Pho or see Mr. Beecher. Hotel jijioio"' t.irstRABLB offices in our bank building, ainaleor en aulte: will arrange to suit tenant. Portland Trail Co., 3d and Oak. vjrricT rerTtrally located offices; all-night elevator rv'ce- 303 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington. PRIVATE OFFICE facing Washington St.. Wilcox bldg. Use both phones. Call room "l0 o P"Qn A 1275, Main 4775. . ni-SK room In a well furnished office, ln- oulre Ol v.uawm OFFICE or deskrootn on ground floor at 248 Alder, near 3d st. OFFICE room also basement for rent. 425 Stark st, opposite Bowers Hotel. -private office use of reception-room; fur nished or unfurnlshed.Maln 607. o"FFICEspace for rent: phones thrown In; $15 a month. 208 By. Ex. bldg. UUmwywc ,i - . 1 Jefieraoa. Aaquiro e.w asm .