The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 07, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 32

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I 1 ! D .wrn.rruiix ! mttf. WATE1) MALE OB FEMAUt f SITUATIONS WANTED MALE.
HE par th. h.ih'il price lor ail klnda of
nac.iiaki'. blarksmltha'. loralna. wood' an-1 p.umbinc tuols. We also
bur ajl klnda at second-hand runs, rifles, lanta. ale. If yon nave
anytnln for aale now or at any other
lima, call up. Levin Hardware Co.. X-1
Front at. Main OTI.
Hlsbest prlca paid for man's and uowr
cast-off ciJlhlns. sbos. furniture, too-,
mechanic loslna. Call Mai tJ-
lat at.. Tba G.oba.
WE boy anything; and evetTthlns:: It make,
no ahal you have. Ca.l for our
buyar. Ma n ta. A M Berde
Fin. 2.'-J4i Kront at. Th. Houa) of "
Vll.lon largalna. - '
Rr SPNsTllLE-prtla to contract to haul
600. cords o? cordwood from Msdison
Across;, ta Har'a Spur. Vablnto
County. Or. R V' Orrsonlaa.
VAN'TEU Lata modal S-paanir auto;
muat b. In flrt-claaa condition ana
ch-ap: ive full dta!!a In firat letter or
call Tabor W1J. I Or.a-onien.
170 a- Morrlaoa. phone E. 10
" Pa7 hls-rst caah prlca for fumltura.
WASTED at one. ptoo-Bno a - or t'D horsepower: write 6S8 Tsnlno
HAM to buy rurnuure or u " ;
h ue. ready for fcousckreplns:: no dealers
. . . . 1 1 . . . .1 l.n
ntx to :i i . r r nr .--.-. A
WA.VTEO Second-hand fniierwood type
writer; muat be cneap ana in w
Ullion. A JS F i J , VI" J "..' ..
a.s- th. nrlre for second
hand furniture. heater A Martin. Fnone
East S13A. 3A Hawtnorne are.
WILL, eichanse go.d copper stock for A
- niotorrycle II In good conaitlon. v vo.
TO BIT. caeh register, acalea. coffee mill,
rbeeee cutter, credit register and meat
tuctr. Phone Marshall -K d-
WANTED Second-hand aewlng machlnA
cheap and good condition: also three-
burner gas plate, r-none jaannan -ai'i.
A 4 OK S-ft. cigar floor caae. mission
finish preferred; must be cheap for caah.
Tel. Cut 6.V17.
WANTED To buv; switches
made to order. 631 East YamhllL ast
WANT psrty to plant acre and third, rark
rne. to potatoes on sharea. Ameer K. B.
MrMll.en. McGill. N.
WANTED Beet price on eak and first
growth fir wood. f. o. b. Portland, car
rad lota S H. Oregonian.
TANK, metal, about H"0 gallons: state slse.
condition, price. J. K. XeJigcraeld. W ar
r n. Or.
WANTED To buy. furniture of a email
flat or house: muat be cheap rent and
rloae In. Y TrL. (.rregonlan.
WANTED to buy 100 nannlea (goats) At a
on'"-. L. r"3. Oreuonlatv
WANTED to buy l'x ewe tshrept. 1. a and
i vn.-i old, at price. L '. Oregonian.
X'KD Auction Co. Pays most rash for any
kind of furniture Msln fiil. A a
XOTiAK wanted: or postcard slse.
Pnone Main
WANTED Movlnc-Plcture outfit, folding
rhalra. etc. AL. PAn. Oregonian. .
IT 14 the bnsineae of the Navy to make
every one of Ita men a success la life.
For the Mgser the success of each man.
the bicrer me success of the Navy. There
ta rrval variety of work, not only for
MDim. but for marhlnlsta, firemen, sten
ographers, bookkeepers, musicians. nurseA
h cerprnters. biark aniltha ahlpttttera. elec
tr'cianA bllerrnakers, cookA atewards and
Merrs, and trie man who already knows
a lrale can enter at higher pay. Besides
this eonsenial work there ta a healthy
flue physical and mental training,
chances to Irarn by study and travel and
the ron.panlonehtp of nne young men.
F:very ambitious man between 17 and .IS
oe-ea It to himself to look Into the gravy's
opportunities, either as a four years' course
rf training nr as a life career. Call at
Naval fcerultlng fetation. Railway Ex
change bMg.. Portland, r.. and the of-
n.-er in charee will teil yon all about pay.
promotion, houn. etc.; or send for the
interesting Illustrated bo-k. "The Mak
ing of a Man o' Warsman." all atout
fie bluejacket s dally life. free. Address
itureau of Navigation. Bog 126, fiaval
Iepartment. Waehlngton. D. C.
Office Opea Today. A. M. to P. at.
Filer for small mill. in
Mill and yardmen. 12.00 to UtO.
Ifonk lender. $4 UP-
loggers. to -$.t AO.
Itash and dor machine men. $2.75.
Ihree men to work around p.aalng mUU
Farmhands. 10 to 33.
Milkers. H0 to $40.
New work coming In all the time.
And 224 Couch St.. Bet. 1st and 2d.
Because yoa here no experience Is no
reason that yon cannot sell real eatate;
our prop.tatt!on la new, creates Interest,
and appeals to alt Two men wanted to
complete organization: wllllngneas to fol
low Instructions, energy and thoroughness
are the requirements
4 ' 4 Commercial -Block.
WANTED Capable. Intelligent young man
as assistant bookkeeper and for general
office work: must have a reasonable
amount of erpenence. be able to give
good referencra and also qualify under
surety bond: moderate aalary. permanent
poettion; opportunity for adisaceaieaL
Ad Ir-SJ AR Oregonian.
SALESMEN WANTED by a large Eastera
publishing house, of neat appearance, who
have aelllng abilities; salary and commle
eion Call 41T Worcester bidg . between
and 11 A. M.
UHoLEMAl.E HOUSE wants live salesman
to sell fruits, produce, etc.; territory,
towns both sides Columbia River to The
Dalies: must have another good line. An
VtH. Oregnntan.
MAN of neat appearance to eollrtt for large
corporation in Portland: muat be good
talker. Apply after V A. M. T1S Selling
b dg.
WANTED Speclelts salesmen with cash
register or sale experience preferred;
muat be able to give bond. Call
stark st.
WANTED for Punday only, a trap drum
mer with snare drum, for movlng-plcture
ihoe. l i I al 1 P. M. at :-39 Union ave. N.
WANTELi A young man to learn the un
dertaking business. Phone selL 71 or B
lli Call Monday.
EXPERIENCED aollcllors for family trade;
sa.ary and commission. Ksystone Liquor
to. 3 ml
WANTED Man and wife for farm, perma
nent; US miles east of city. Call SeS Al
der. SALESMAN wsnted. esslrst. best real eststa
rrop!tlon in 1'ortiand. experience un
nvary. 41 Corbetl bldg.
WANTED Planing mill bench hand. Acme g Mill Co, East Water and Oak
W ANTE 1. 1 De.lvery boy with wheel all day.
i.l'jiBMt Nei-kwear Mfg. Co.. Pbocnlg
Mlg.. J fth at.
W'ANTED Two or three coal miners, stste
age. experience, references, address and
phvne number. T V 7 .1. oregonian.
1 ANTED Lill clerk for machine: some
experience necessary. Apply Mitchell.
Lewis A Htsver.
PHOTO coupon; b-at work offered; eaay
selling. Brill. S.'iO Morrison St.
WANTED Hoy with arheel at Cryatal Launt
dry. cor. 21at and handy road.
DENTIST to operate la a suburban office;
good opening. Phone B lfni3.
A MAN with horse. $4.) a day. long Job.
Apply 4" fpaiding bldg.
WANT bass and tenor. Call after li. svsa
Incs after Room tls Tllford bldg
WANT representative each county to handle
rear Invention. ii ".'. Oregonian.
W.ANT lo to '.o good eollrltore to begin
work itMnt April IS E M4. lregonlan.
WANTED An experienced chauffeur: none
uthvr need apply. Phone C lev today.
CARPENTERS at soth and Fremont, Beau
mont, come ready for work.
MAN able to
woolen ml' I.
lake full management
AL OTrt. Oregonian.
BOY o leam auto repair business. Apply
Mondsy, 31 Hswtborne ave.
WANTED 2 or 3 good salesmen. See Mr.
M-t.-alf for details, aioleon oMg.
WAN nlU Drussisl. registered In Oregon.
P !"!. Oregon. an.
17-YEAK-oLD boy wanted to leaxa tallor
liisi trade. 663 WaaaiaglOB st.
n r. i.r wa. I ki ...... .
(Out of Many.)
Office Sacra tar y Employment Dapartmaat.
I . H C A.
Toons man. stranger, out of work fi
Ma total cash aaaat) If I pay you 13 for
apaclal amploym.nt membership. 1 wl"
bara only $1A left betw.ea ma And star
vation. . .
Secretary If you pay (3 for apodal
employment memberahlp, yoo will have
the Y. M C. A . with Ita reaourcee. ba
twa yoa and atarvation.
Reault: Touns man Joined aeeoelalloa.
In Ires tban a week ba bad satlaiactory
Recoid for two month! ending Fab, 3:
Calls for men.
Positions filled
Employment memberahlp guarantee
member will eerura employment or refund
af membership fee; glvea two months full
memberahlp prlvllagas. 10 monlhs- social
privileges and undartakea to keep party
employed during the full term of mem
berahlp without further charge.
We bare constant demand for- nlfil
grade, eiperlenced man. Are Ton titled
for a Kafra. iwiaiiliiiif
See aecratAry employment deprtaat.
. at. v. a-
WANTED Real estate flrme and salesmen
to sail lots In Coqultlsm tBrltlsh Colum
bia, inauatrial aubcity oi v ancou,
tllilfir DilMrn Ceettle Tl,nVlf. St.
Louis, etc., repeating Itself hare. Small
fortunes being made by Invsstora Oreat
demand for lota To be Pacific operating
terminus for Canadian pacino r.mii-j.
greatest railway corporation la America,
which win imriI 17 cmmvooo In terminals.
shops, wharves, car factories, etc. Doxens
of fsctorles coming to Coqultlam. Five
other great twllwaye building Into Coqult
lam. Two electric power companies at
work. Hundred-thouaand-dollar round
house now building. We own fine view
subdivision "Rlvervlew." choice eioss-m
property. Eaav aelllng. Exclualve terri
tory end liberal mmlitlnn to rleht men.
Attractive literature. Write at once for
full particulars and get exclualve sale in
four district. Charles A. Bodle 4k Co..
.td.. 61 Psndsr street Wsst, Vancouver.
B. c
Are wanted by tba Thomas Cusack Com
pany. Address Road Department. THOMAS
CUSACK COMPANT, 16th and Throop sta,
Chicago, Illinois.
CAI.E.-ME.V well acquainted with retail
dealers. Washington, Oregon. Idaho, to
handle Mgbgrade strongly sdvertlsed spe
cialty for aJ lines of trade: good, clean
propoeltion; want high-grade reputable
eslesmen accustomed to earning $.voo or
better annually: permanent; give full de
tails: replies contldsntlaL DC. box felS.
CMeago. III.
TOO ran earn ISO a week and p at steady
employment selllnf nursery stock: some
excellent territory Bow opea; experience
aet necessary ; time la money; do net de
ley, bat write at ooce lor partlculare, AT
i, Oregonian.
WANTED One quarterman ordnanceman
In charge at f.4 per diem. Naval Maga
sine. Puget Sound. Wash A competitive
examination will be held at the Nsvy
Tsrd. Puget Bound. Wash. April 29. 1011,
for the purpose of filling the above posi
tion. For furthsr Information address
"Commandant, Navy. Yard. Puget Sound,
WANTED for U. 8. Army, aoie-bodled. un
married man. between agae of 16 and S3
cltiasns of United Statea, of good char
acter and temperate habile, who caa
spesk, read and write the English lan
guage For Information apply to Recruit
Ing officer. Worcester block. Third aad
Oak streets. Portlaad. Or.
MEN. don't accept any kind of employment
until yoa hear from as; make $7 per day
aelllng a new article; new plan; 123.000
eold In Mlnneapolla; coats 6c; sells for
23c: send 6c for sample outfit. Domestlo
Mfg. in., 621 Wash, ava North, Mtn
nespolls. Minn.
WANTED Traveling aalesmsa to sell to
the trsde on commission a wsll-establishd
line of proprietary medicines long and fa
vorably known and of excellent reputation.
Saleaman muat navs well-estsbiished routs;
good references required. Address "Msd
fclne.' care of this psper.
AN OPPORTUNITT for a live man. aelllng
our guaranteed Yakima Valley grown nur
sery stock. Excluslvs tsrritory; outfit
free; caah weekly. "Hustle." not experi
ence, required. Start now. Toppenlah
Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash.
WANTED Salesman, estlmater for build
ers' supplies. Including marble, tile and
ornamental work; atate experience and
salary required. Apply P. O. box 421. Van
couver. B. C.
WANTED One man and one woman with
anme experience In selling goods; 123 to
$a0 per week; this Is our opportunity.
Call In the morning. 1063 E. lath North.
Take Alberta car.
SALESMEN wanted for laces, embroideries.
Musi have established trade among dry
goods and general stores, small towns.
Hudson River Lace Worka, 616 Broad
way. New York.'
GEO. C. CIH COMPANY, Philadelphia,
offera refund of amount Inveated to all
diasjiisfled part lea. See Secretary T. M. C.
A. Employment Department.
THERE'S money In aelllng our I'eklma
grown, hardy, guaranteed atock; outnt
free: cash weekly; ateady work. Taklma
Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash.
WANTED Boy to learn machinist trade;
none but an ambitious boy of good habits
need apply. Hallway Equipment Co.. 76
let st-
F1RST-CLASS tariff man familiar with ap
plication and construction of railroad
freight tarirfa. Oood salary right party.
E UTS. Oregonian.
WANTED 8lng)e man for permanent posi
tion on farm; should have experience with
stock: references. Box ISO, H. F. D. 1,
v ood burn, or.
A RELIABLE firm requires the services of
a few live wires who can produce results.
APPiy " i av. ja., via auuaai mug., au
ano aomwn.
AN old-line life Inaurance has exclusive ter-
Ington; exceptional opportunity for men
of ability. Address L 4A Oregonian.
LU 1 ItAL 1 lO
Wanted Party with two to four teams
to take contract for building county road.
Call an Spalding bldg.
WANT ED Apprentice to learn ths bsrber
trade to go to N'ewberg. Oregon. Apply
Lewle-Ftenger Barbers' Supply Co.
WANTED Canvaaaera to sell gss lighters;
retail price 33c: something new. Apply
May Hardware Co.. 12 Front st.
W'ANTED Dentist: permanent poaltlon for
flrst-cisss. all-around man. Address Dr.
F. 8. Barber. Medford. Or.
WANTED A good all-around, ateady print
er; give experience and wages wanted. Ex
press. Lebanon. Or.
WE require one more agent to sell Holiyrood
on liberal commission. Call and see salss
msnsger. 11OH-10 Spalding bldg.
EXPERIENCED printing aollcltora who can
estimate; commission. Clyas ATlntlng Co.,
2i Msdlson.
WANTED A fsw good real estate salesmen
6&0 per week If It's In you. 226 Henri
DU l in in a-
W ANTED st once Two floor moulders for
stove castings. Apply to Albion Stove
Worka. Ltd.. Victoria. B.
WANTED News agent for train service.
Apply Bsrkalow Hros, 33Z Johnson at.
opposite Union Depot.
AN experienced abstracter of records; state
sge. experience ano e-.J j aeeirvu. au
V-A4. Or-gonian.
MAN and wife (no children), ' for country
place; experienced m xarmiag ana a sir jr.
AK oo, Oregonian.
PHOTO coupoa; beet ever offered; snap (at
strata mi pert a gmaio. ueeum piqg.
PHOTO coupon agte.. best rsaa sver offered,
Boston Studio. 142 Waahlngtonst.
WANTED Saieaman to call on trade with
high-grade specialty. Call 130 da.
UVK wlro for real eetate; must be hustler.
201 Bwetland bldg.
WANTED Flret-rlaas shoemaker at
Schmidt's shop. 67 Stark L
F1HaT-CLAS3 ooatmaksr wanted. M. John
eon. McMlnnvllle. Or.
WANT Flrat-claaa machinist. Call 223
Commercial Club bldg.
MAN aad wlfs for general housework, col
ored: bring references 3 Morrison St.
WANTED Hlgh-elaas salesman. Ask for
Mr. Burton. 4'.'2 Yson bidg
WANTED Bailable agent to handle good
Awcuiuiea, AJ BO, Greg on I to.
I.I V K. energetic salesmen can make
tlO to 1-5 a day on a novelty that
sells on Hunt; It's a statuette. "Quit
Klckln' My Houn' Aroun' ;" the
dog's a scream; a 23c article; yoa
make "iO per cent commlaelon; no
house-to-house canvaaa; you sell to
department etorea and other deal
ers In quantities: salesmen wanted
everywhere: send 13c today for
sample, detain and lnatructlona;
good side line for traveling sales
men. Meyer-Both Company. 214
Indiana ave., Chicago. Keferencea
First National Bank, Chicago, or
any commercial agency.
f.AVTi RAT.FSyRV Keen, uorlght. conser'
vatlv land auleemen wanted by large.
reliable company; ahould average WOO
monthly compensation It willing to ioiiow
advice, hustle and deliver the goods;
thorough but simple selling instructions;
firar-eiaaa leads furnished: effective lit
erature; good contract; willing workers of
integrity tne rtrst essential rainer h,m
high-pressure salesmanship ability. rite
quirk, Mandevllle. aalea manager, 66 West
24th St.. Nsw lork.
WANTED An exnerlenced specialty sales
man. with N. C. R. or scale experlenoe
preferred. Have a high class proposition
for city and Pacific Northwest and are
wining to let tne rignt man in on i
ground floor. Olve age, experience, refer
ences and telephone number. AF DOL
BAUiDab. no eipeianrv .
earn good wages while learning; hundreds
. ... .. . .. annul
foon positions now open parma
3000 year; write today for particulars,
list openings. Addreaa nearest office,
Dept. 63H, National Salesmen's Trainini
Assn., Chicago. New Y'ork. Kansas City,
Seattle, New Orleans. Toronto,
SIDE line saleamen should write for our
special proposition on newest noveity In
men's garters; sells on sight; good com
missions: exc usive territory to nustiers;
strong line of advertising and co-opera
tion in nearly every town. Auuress ouin
Oarter Co., Columbia, isnn.
WANTED Man with family, familiar with
farm work, to take up residence on large
orchard end take Interest In small placa;
permanent position, with 12.23 wages to
start: 63oo acquires possession on noma
place; balance can be paid for from part
or wagea AcJ v i !V oregonian.
WANTED Twenty-five good mill and yard
men for large mill; wages 6X23 and up;
fare paid. See U. W. Thomas at Grand
central Hotel netween v a. . ana s
M. today. . .
SALESMAN wanted bv leading lace-em
broidery manufacturers for their estab
lished trade: rare opportunity to right
fisrty; csn also be handled as side line;
Iberal arrangemente. Consolidated Lace
Worka, 44 Broome, New lorlt
SALESMEN making small towns. Just what
you wsnt, pocket sideline; something new,
snappy, catchy; quick shipments, prompt
commissions; state territory covereu;
write for order book today. Burd Mfg.
Co., 212 Slgel. Chicago. III.
CAPABLE specialty salesman. Pacific
Coast, to begin work at once; commission
contract: ataDla line for aensral mercan-
tils trade; liberal weekly advances made
for expense purposes; references requireu.
Miles F. Blxler Co., Cleveland. O.
BECOME our repreaentatlve; poaltlon per
manent; double present income; uinrn
doing It. msklng 110 to 120 dally; experi
ence unnecessary. Write today. Davis
Toilet Co., ." CsitoTI ave., Chicago.
WANTED Married man to work on ranch,
640 month and bouse, wood and garden
spot; aluo single man, 26 a month, board
and washing. Phone D.i2. line 9. Route
3, Cornelius. Or. J. J. Hayward.
BALESMEN. traveling, to sell blankets,
drees fsbrlcs and flannels, direct to retail
atorea: liberal commission, desirable side
line. South Phllsdelphia Woolen Co., Box
1341, Philadelphia.
WANTED A man capable of earning not
less thsn 62k per month, who has wids
acquaintance In the city, to take position
with responsible firm on attractlvs baste.
C H7-, Oregonian
GOOD advertising solicitor csn make from
610 to 62A dally on a nign-ciass puouca
tlon: every merchant and manufacturer
of Portlsnd interested; give phone num
ber. AK 976, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced book salesmen to
look arter our iniereata in vsncouver ana
Oregon City. Also one city sslesmsn. New
proposition never shown on the Coast be
fore. H U39, Oregonian. -
PHOTOGRAPHER 8 caller wanted, neat ap
pearance, speed and efficiency necessary.
Call between 8:30 and 10.Hi. Sunday, room
6. Atlaa Hotel, corner Weat Park and
WANTED Saleamen calling on general
trade In country towns for side line csn
easily earn from 123 to l.'O per week: sam
ple carried In pocket. Lock box 618. Co
der Kaplda. la.
HERE'S opportunity make 620O monthly;
spars time; no matter where you live; no
canvsssing; guarantee ro show you; free
f artlculara, II. E. Rogers, dssk AK. Bos
on. Maaa,
SALESMAN, experienced In any line, to sell
general trade. Pacific coast; unexcelled
specialty propoeltion ; commission contract:
S33 weekly for expenses. Continental
Jewelry Co., Cleveland. O.
MAN of ability to take charge of office
business: excellent opportunity to right
party; must be able to furnish small cash
bond. Call after 10 A. M. 301 Fleldner
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon: staple
line: high commissions; iioo mommy, sa
vsncs: permanent poaltlon to right man.
Jess H ..Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich.
WANTED Two high-dsns salesmen to
handle a proposition or unusual merit.
Apply 10 to 12 A. M. Monday at 400 Yeon
SALESMAN for guaranteed financial propo
sition; permanent position to right msn.
Address, naming references, AK 14 9. Ore
gonian. BOY WAiN'TED We want a bright and will
ing boy to learn watchmakers' trade. Ap
ply G. Helikemper Co., Jewelera, Toon
JAPANESE boy to work mornings and eve
nings In private family; good wages, room
and board. Call Sunday. 209 North 20th
St. Telephone Marshall aiDU.
WANTED Flrst-claaa tailor that can cut
and fit alao do buahellng In clothing house,
steady Job for right man. inquire at
lol Main St., Vancouver, Wash.
MEN desiring employment In foreign coun
tries to enroll wltn axport employment
Bureau. C-l. Atlanta, Ca. : skilled help
furnished employers free upon request.
HIGH-CLASS household epeclslty: 100 per
cent proflt; good man canvasalng Port
land can make 610 dally. 327 Cor
betl bldg.
SALES 31 ANAGER wanted for well-estab
lished firm in tne city; Dig salary easny
made If a good closer. Answer quick. C
176. Oregonian.
GOOD butcher, with a little money, to open
market in good neignoornooa ; a snsp tor
a live man, cheap rent. Phone Woodlawn
SALESMEN to " our cnck protectors;
sells to every person wno uses cneca; iuu
per cent profit; sample 25c; circular free.
Tirry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg.. Toledo. O.
HARDWARE salesmsn acquainted with city
trade, good compenaation 10 ngni party.
Inquire al Lowenberg-Golng Co.. 13th and
Lovejoy sts.. bet. 9 and 11.
MAN to show propsrty and take Interest
In business; can ciear so.' weea; no re-
qulred. 308 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Two solicitors: every merchsnt
a prospective Buyer. Apply toasy iu to
11 A. M.. 214 6wetland bld
SIDE LINE, men's furnishing, drygoois
trade, eelllng xac, specialty, oig commis
sion. Dellhart Co.. Dlcksy bldg., Chicago.
:NERETIC agsnt In every town In
Marios County, write life insurance. J.
Ellery. 1W3 N. Commercial. Salem. Or.
RELIABLE, aober man for baaement room,
exchange for light services. 634 Lovs-
1AXTED Coatmaker. also small Job
maker for country. Apply D. Belle, Bride
St t-O.. ill owia.
flOO MONTHLY, expenees to trsvel. distrib
ute samples tor Dig miuiiii , "ij
work. 9. Scheffer. 732 Sherman, t-hlosgo.
IAN and wife for farm work. Apply L. A.
Brandes, Canby, Ot.. or 127 1st. Portland.
Or. .
EARN "!0 weekly taking orders for cui-rste
groceries: ouini irw, ...w. .... .,i
Company. Hippodrome bldg.. Cleveland. O.
WANTED A first-class window shade
maker: none otner nee a appiy, ipitifiut,
required. Willamette Tent A Awning Co.
NINE Oddfellow A plesssnt, profitable em
ployment, near nooie. nuuiv k
time. Fraternal. Thames bldg.. New Tork.
PHOTO STUDIO experienced young lady.
steady, cutpertn rtuaip. ii ieaum nun.
OIRL for general housework: small fam ly;
good Wagea Dap I Uliniwn mu.
WANTED Girl, general housework. In
country for oummer. nwr
STENOGRAPHER living with parents, sal
ary :o montn. rt, uivaumau.
WANTED Girl to assist with general
housework. 4-47 lotn St.
WANT contralto and sopranos. Call after
LsV gyatUlef X-lar s sveau ess muia viui.
LIVE WIRE women solicitors wanted to sell
the best Irrigated lands In the Sacramento
vauey. accessible by three raiirosoa; m
eaaiest selling proposition on the market;
Dig commission; water pumpea or aire
121 Montgomery St.,
San Francisco, CaL
WANTED Woman to go to country on
small farm as housekeeper lor wiuunn,
s adults in family. Call at laaies- parior,
St. Charles HoteC cor. First and Morri
son sts.. between 10 and 12 today.
WANTED Competent cheerful woman for
general housework; experiencea ; reier
ences; to go to Hood River; small cottage:
no children; good wages; apply 179 St.
t-iair St., side entrance, aionqay anernoun.
WANTED An experienced young lady sten
ographer for real estate office, permanent:
state ealsry expected and give phone num
ber. W 947, Oregonlaiu
W. NT K I A working housekeeper for lady
living alone In the country; small uou.o,
light work. Apply 101 East 83d St., Sun
day or Monday afternoon.
ENERGETIC woman of good personality
and appearance wanted to represent large
Eastern house. Call Monday. 210 Mar-
quam bldg.
EARN S.10 weekly taking ordera for cut-rate
,rnri., - mitrtr free. Ktandard Murcan-
tile Company, Hippodrome bldg., Cleve
land, KJ.
WANTED Exerlenoed stenographer;
must also write good hand and be accu
rate In figures. Address AE 833, Ore
gonian. CAPABLE girl for general housework; small
family, on Portland Heights; pleasant
place to wining gin; wanes so
Phone Sunday oiarsnaiievoo.
WANTED Bookkeeper, cashier and general
office work; one who understands stenog
raphy preferred; state salary expected. L
Dili, oregonian.
n'lVTL'n x.-at ..nahla enmlll tor h Oil SC
work, sleep home nights; mdst be good
plain cook Hawtnorne aisinvv. v
Oregonian. t
62.60 PER day paid lady, each town, to dis
tribute free circulars for concentrated
flavoring In tubes; permanent position.
F. E. Barr Co., Chicago.
LADIES make supporters; 612, 100; no can
vassing; material furnished; stamped en
velops for particulars. Wabash Supply
Co., desk Its. cnicago.
12.30 PER day paid lady, each town, to dis
tribute free clrculsrs and take orders for
concentrated flavoring In tubes; perma
nent position. J. p. selgicr o.. viiiias;.
W'ANTED Competent woman for cooking
and general housework; family of two
wsges $33. Telephone Seliwood 132a
Washington bidg.. 4th and Wash, at
Msln 136 or A 8266,
STRONG womau for general housework: good
wages. Apply at 832 Kalelgh St.. corner
of 23th. West Slds. W car. m
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper, stenog
rapher and collector: state experience and
salary expected. AK 947. Oregonian.
843 V Washington st.. oor. 7th, upstairs.
Phons Main 2692.
WANTED Canvsssers to sell gaa lighters:
retsll price 2ic; something new. Apply
May Hardware Co.. 124 Front st.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, taniny or auuns. aeiciuuu
Marshall 249 or can us .onnimi
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponslbls position. Vlavl Co., 606 Rota-
chlld bldg.. tn ana wamiuimia
GIRL on S-needle Union Special machine
. -ii- vi Hood Factory. 2d and
Couch sts.
WANTED High school girl to work for
room and board, good home. Phone W ood-
lawn 1917. or 211 & Holman st.
WANTED Two women, one man, mental
science teachers. Prof. Knox. Imperial
LADY to travel, advertising, soliciting, ex
perience Ulinecesaai j , B -
WANTED Reliable girl for light house
work; must navs iwww , -
icon bldg.
G1KL wanted to assist with general house
work. 1730 K. lamnill SI. an. o.uw
to Sim St.
WOMAN of strong personality, refinement
. , wan, vooil.riavlnBr no-
ana euoisy wno -
anion. AL 950. Oregonian.
WOULD like middle-aged lady to assist In
light nouseworx tor room " ' a
noma. 1001
WANTED Girl or woman to do Upht house
work and neip taae tare ui , a""-
. r..u -.
Hums, 01 win - .
WANTED Girl for light housework, one
v. . to a a a sasV sf1 sa 1 1 nA Anna
tnai uvea nouio
WASTED Ldy"To do plain winB. Phon
, v - -lor-t Urti Rail. TTnlitV
evninRv. c iu - '
THOROUGHLY willing younj girl forhous-
worx; must xyc jwu ,,,r -
eiRn ssL.. .V VA, "-ga-bv-g '
WANTED A healthy woman to help car
for a alck lady, not neceasarlly a trained
nurse, jynono n it n-r
WANTED d-a3y model for demonstrating
purposes, aiiiii? .......... j ,
Withers, ftiuitnoroau imci.
MIDDLE-AGED German speaking woman,
.. . ii. . oi,, Tinb.nn at nanr Weat
small lamii. am -....... .... ..
WANTED Woman for housework; small
family: gooa nuiim. f
A' M t o. ur-wiiiiiu.
HIGH-CLASS lady demonstrator, au or
part time; besl money-maaer vu v,om-
301 Fleldner Dial-. '""
LADY for shooting gallery, out of town.
Call Monaay f. m. m -
GIRL to assist In housework. 3 In family,
n.. modem house. Phone Seliwood 120.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
rooking, must be good cook. Call E. 44X8.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
73.i Gllsan St.
GIRL wsnted In fruit, confectionery and
igar stanq, at iwu fv""
BRIGHT young lady to solicit In city. Call
Monday a. m., " d'" "e-
FOl'R lady demonetrators. salary and com
mission every week. 8 949, Oregonian.
WOMEN wanted for general housework.
mornings. , .. pruau -
GIRL for general housework, family three.
Call MSB btam or jinmu JV
WANTED An experienced second-girl. Ap-
ply 21b frit, l-iair av.
GIRL for general housework; must be a
good COOK. Pest waswa- vyi '
WANTED A girl for general housework.
willing to teacn. ji uji
WAITRESS, country hotel. $25 per month.
Address box 87. Stella, Wash.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house-
w ork. 860 E. M aln.
DENTAL office lady assistant wanted. In-
qulre wssn.
A GOOD girl wsnted In Japanese pool and
cigar stors at 30 X. 4th St.: good wagea
WANTED An experienced chambermaid at
71 Washington st. rmiigu s"i yi.c...
OIr"I for housework and assist with child.
Phono r.ast ojim.
GIRL for clgsr stand. Ice cream, poolroom.
248 toucn si.
WANTED A girl for general housework; 1
In fsmlly. irving si.
WANTED Toung girl to assist with house
work. 343 Montgomery.
WANTED Four ladles, outside work, good
aalary. v vu. uresoiuau.
WANTED Good cook for sanitarium work-
Call Marshall
8 GOOD glrie wishing to become trslned
nuraes. special inducements. 533 Couch st.
WANTED Girl to ssslst with general
housework. rVt.1 E. iaior su a a-io.
APPRENTICF. girl to learn the millinery
i -, before noon. RW2 Morrison.
DUllllfl'. " 1 1.T " " ' " " -' -
WANTED Ladles to travel and appoint
agents; salary. rJ vnx. uriunnn. ,
TOL'NO girl to aaalst with housework and
till a a years oia; wti" v". -- --m.
WANTED Experienced starcher. Palace
Laundry to., e,ast linn ana cverett au
WANTED A schoolgirl to aeslst with work
for room ana ooara. r ioo.
WAITRESS waotsd, 91 Russell at.
WANTED Wmen who want to learn a
profession: we teach you expert corset
fitting, where you can make from 1-3 to
o per week. Spirella Corset Shop. 407
- Felling bldg., cor. 0th and Alder sts. Main
2:174. Mrs. L. Fountain, city manager.
A RELIABLE theatrical company wants
singing and dancing soubrette and Juve
nile woman, ten chorus girls; vaudeville
acts, dramatic people. Please call. New
York Theatrical Agency. Ellera bldg., suite
WANTED Stenographer, capable also of
keeping books and acting as filing clerk;
one with experience in law office pre
ferred. Address, stating age, experience,
references and salary expected, AM Soo,
Oregonian. .
MUNICIPAL Department of Public Bafety
for Toung Women. Advice or assistance
gladly given to all young women. Mrs.
Lola O. Baldwin, supt.. room 37 Y. W. C
A. bldg.. 7th and Taylor gts.
WANTED An experienced general house
work girl, plain cooking, no washing, 25
per month; German or Swedish preferred.
146 E. 83d South; Hawthornecarllne;
WOMAN to assist me with housework and
care of children; pleasant home for
woman of good disposition and willing;
references. AF 956, Ore-ronlan.
TOUNG lady of good appearance and busi
ness ability to do a spsclal line of work for
a large corporation; salary. Apply after
9 A. M, 718 Belling bldg.
ACTING New York School; boys and girls
4 to 14 years old; also young men and
women for theatrical work. Call today.
Suite B10 Ellers bldg.
WANTED A presser on negligee shirts.
Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., Phoenix.
83 Sth St.
WANTED Good girl to assist In general
housework, private boarding-house, lSSVi
10th st.
WANTED A middle-aged woman to care
for Invalid and do housework. Call after
12. Marshall 3539. 700 Davis st.
WANTED Lady for office with some
knowledge of stenography. Apply bet. 10
and 13 Monday. 607 Selling bldg.
MARRIED woman to work in hotel office
In exchange for good room for self and
husband. Phone Marshall 1950.
FIRST-CLASS lady presser wanted. Apply
In person. Greater Portland Dye Works,
659 Mllwaukle st.
WANTED High school girl to assist with
housework for room and board and aome
wages. 438 3d st- Main 4712.
ATTRACTIVE young lady,
songs in picture theater,
sing popular
WANTED Girl for general housework; 2
In family. Call Monday, bet. 9 and 12. 461
E. 20th N.
WANTED An experienced second girl for
downstairs work, in private family; good
wages. 772 Marshall st. Main 8281.
GIRL for general housework; good home.
Phone Woodiawn 2008.
MILLINERY apprentice at 403 Morrison at.
Small pay while learning.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. 812 Lovejoy.
GIRL for general housework; two In fam
ily. 422 Wasco.
GIRL for general housework. C 2S97.
E. 13th North, corner Hancock.
WANT good lady cook In dairy lunch morn
ings. F 957. Oregonian.
LG1RL wsnted to assist In housework In 4-
room flat. Apply 2-0 North 18th.
GIRL for general housework. 792 Love
Joy st.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 002 Hancock St., Irvington.
SCOTCH nurse gives mental scientist treatment-
5354 Morrison st. Phone A 3600.
DO you want a position, or a better one
than you now nave? Our free booklet
tells S'ou how. We have a very Interest
ing proposition to offer. Send name and
address for application and full particu
lars. THE PREMIER COMPANT. 318 Hyde big.
BARBERS' Board of Examiners will be In
session April 3, . 10, at 167 First St..
this city, for the purpose of examining
all those holding pormita aa to their qual
ifications as barbers. Those falling to
appear for examination, their permlta will
be revoked. T. M. LEABO. Secretary.
FREE Illustrated hook tells about over 360.
ooo protected positions U. S. service. More
than 40.OOO vacancies every year. There
Is big chance here for you sure, generous
pay. lifetime employment; easy to get.
Just ask for booklet C 849. No obligation.
Earl Hjpklns, Washington. D. C.
MEN and boya to learn automobile repair
ing, driving on up-to-dato cars; electrical,
civil engineering, surveying; methode most
practical; room and board while learning;
positions secured; satisfaction guaranteed;
catalogue free. National School of Engin
eering. 2110 W. 7th. Los Angeles.
WANTED Men at Los Angeles: can learn
trade; fair wages after second month; auto
mobiles, electricity, plumbing, bricklay
ing; practical work on actual Jobs: 1200
students last five years; only few months
required. United Trade School, Los An
geles. MEN WANTED Age 18 to 35, to prepare
for firemen or brakemen, nearby rail
roads. 880 to 1100 monthly. Experience un
necessary; no strike; promotion engineer
or conductor, 8150 to $200 monthly; good
life careers; state age; send stamp. Rail
way Asaociatlon. Box , Oregonian.
MEN and women to learn the barber trade
In eight weeks; special Inducements; per
centage paid while learning; tools freet
expert Instructors; 17 years In the busi
ness; 8? schools; a llfstlme membership
riven to each student. Moler Barbsr Col
lege, 16 N. Fourth at.. Portland. Or.
first year, promotion to 81S00. Examina
tions May 4 every state. Common educa-
tlon sufficient with my coaching; informa
tion free. Writs for booklet. J 309, Earl
Hopkins. Washington, D. C. t
WILL start you earning (4 daily home,
spare time, slivering mirrors; no capital;
free Instructive booklet, giving plans of
operation. G. F. Redmond. Dept. 36, Boa
ton, Mass. .
Cor. Williams and Russell St., East Side;
shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, aux
. lllaries; lowest cost; good positions. Phone
E. 31U6.
AL MAL8TON, now open for business at 827
Stark St. First-class shoe repairing and
custom shoemaklng, formerly with W. J.
Fullam. and for the last two year with
J. Schwind.
And see us regarding learning to operate
movlng-plctures; operators earn 133 per
week; we teach business In two weeks.
520 H Washington, near 17th.
LOCAL representative wanted. No canvas
sing or soliciting required; good Income
assured. Address National Co-Operatlve
Realty Co., V 792, Marden bldg., Vt ashing
ton, D. C.
PARAGON shorthand learned In one week
because remarkably simple. Speed practi
cally unlimited. Used In Government serv
ice. Details free. Llcbtentag. 771 Camp.
New Orleans, La! '
DETECTIVES earn 1100 to 1300 month.
Write for particulars. National Detective
Agency (Inc.), Merchants Trust bldg., Los
STENOGRAPHERS quickly drilled and
placed In positions. E. B. U. Business
College, 630 Worcester block. Marshall
LADIES, make shields home, 110 100; work
sent prepaid to reliable women. Particu
lars for stamped addressed envelope. Eu
reka Co., Dept. 34, Kalamazoo, Mich.
MOVING-PICTURE operating, full practical
course taught In theater, the only way
of learning It right; price reasonable;
terms. 404 Rothchlld bldg.
RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare now, ex
cellent salaries and promotions; no lay
offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa
cific States School. McKay bldg.. city.
1000 RAILWAY mall clerks. 64)6 month;
Portland examination May 4, coaching
free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 110 K,
Rochester, N. T.
MILLINERY school and flower making,
learn all In six weeks; old hats -made over
like new. Beautiful trimmed Hiatal Call
806 Goodnough bldg.. pp- Postoffice.
LADIES, big pay copying addresses at home.
particulars be stamps, noncoa Agency,
MAKE money writing short stories, or lor
tapera; big pay; free booklet tells how.
nlted Press Syndlcats. San Franclaoo.
WANTED PJoture play writers; big pay:
we'll teach you. Picture Play Asaocia
tlon. San Francisco,
cl2 Hamilton Bldg. Shorthand. Type
writing, BookkeeplngjetcMarshsll 42&A.
ANY person wanting a position will learn
something to nis or iter auvauiage oy
sddresslng E 977. Oregonian.
DANCING of every description taught.
School or Acting, ou .unsay Plug.
A PERSON to do copying for lesson In
shorthand. hi Wi n. urtBuniaii.
schools and teacners. aiu eweiiana Diag.
WRITING. 15 mo. 269 14th st. Main 3803.
STENOGRAPHER, with at least five years'
experience; machinery house experience
. preferred; state salary desired: lady or
man; must live at Oregon City, wnere
cost of living Is less than In Portland;
give reference. Address Box C, Oregon
City, Or.
STRUCTION COMPANY. 302-11 Swetland
bldg.. wants male or female representa
tlvea In every town. Write for partic-
MEN to prepare for firemen, brakemen:
i .1 L V, , i ' 'W muuiiuj , c.,... .... .. "
sary; positions now open; state age ana
weight. Railway Bureau, East St. Louig.
ANYBODY can earn 120 weekly raising
mushrooms entire year in cellars, sneos.
boxes, etc: markets waiting; free book
let. Hiram Barton, 29 West 4Sth, Now
BIG profits: open a dyeing and cleansing
establishment; very little capital needed;
we teach by mail; booklet- free. Ben
bonde System. Dept. 85. Charlotte, N. C.
LOCAL and district organizers wanted for
Portland and other towns In Oregon. Ap
ply by letter to W. H. Cox, state organ-
- lzer. 170 5th st.
hours for small salary? LEARN MOVING
salary. Laemmle, 333 Oak.
EARN good pay copying addresses; partic
ulars for stamp. Davidson Specialty Co.,
47 Wadsworth at., Buffalo. N. Y.
IF you are a good talker and want money,
call at room 604 Ellers Music bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks,
POSITION wanted by all-round clothing
shoe man and trimmer, where ability, per
sonality and hard work will receive the
merits due. AV 161, Oregonian.
Reliable Eastern man desires permanent
executive position or opening leading
thereto. Prefer manufacturing or mer
cantile establishment with opportunity to
become partner or member of firm; age
SO; thoroughly conversant with English
and German languages, strictly temperate,
very steady and hard worker, wide experi
ence and can give only the best of refer
ences. A8 980. Oregonian.
Traveling salesman of long experience
and high moral character la desirous of
representing manufacturer or wholesaler
of any staple or meritorious line. In ter
ritory tributary to Spokane: hichest cre
dentials. Address at once, L 919. Orego
nian. MARRIED man, 85 years, 13 years' practical
experience In real estate, Insurance and
law, desires permanent position. Uses
typewriter and has thorough knowledge of
office work; also legal training; prefer
law or real estate. ah vot. oregonian
BOOKKEEPER, 4 years' lumber experience,
6 years other lines, operate typewriter,
own Burroughs adding machine, bond and
highest references; go anywhere: no work
too hard; reasonable salary. Main 9269
or J 955. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bank and office man wants
position either in or out of city; refer
ences; opportunity for future of more
weight than immediate salary. AE U53,
STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, manager,
collections, thorough office man. good
penman; age 30; highest references, de
sires position. Bsrbrey, Majn 1323, or S
933. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY reliable young man. 12
years' experience In office management,
letter writing, salesmanship and adver
tising, desires new connection; reliability
proven. V 977,. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 22. able, energetic and will
ing, desires position with mercantile
house; experienced In stationery; refer
ences. AG 973, Oregonian.
up books, prepare balances and state
ments, install systema Gllllnghsm. au
d itor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
BOOKKEEPER, all around office man, op
erate typewriter. 7 years' experience, good
correspondent, best reference. R 970,
MARRIED man, good salesman, experienced,
wants position with reliable house, salary
or commission; In or out of city; good ref
erences or bond. AK 951, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED hotel clerk, highest refer
ences. Is open to position in first-class
house anywhere In Northwest. AN 953,
Oregonian. .
BOOKKEEPER, accountant, accustomed to
managing books of large concerns, seeks
situation; quick, resourceful; references;
reasonable AL 952, Oregonian.
WANTED by single young man, position as
clerk in grocery store, one year's experi
ence; will go anywhere. Address 315 John
Adams st-. Oregon City, Or.
ALL-ROUND bank man, several years' ex
perience, wants position In country bank;
best references. Y 977, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and general office man and
a good one, too, wants position at once.
Address AS 945. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, reliable, experienced, open
for position; references, reasonable. R 947,
nv Al law clerk and stenographer: 6 years'
experience: can furnish best of refer
ence. S 7l, oregonian.
MAN. wife (colored) want position in city
or country, private family; man as porter,
wife as cook. Arthur. 634 1st st. N.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position;
first-class reierences. Aauresa v vto,
SENIOR accountant la open for engagement,
AC 933. Oregonian
YOUNG man ' wants position as cashier in
restaurant; steady. AP 932, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by middle-aged married
man as salesman, collector, department
manager, or any other responsible posi
tion. Have had 20 years' business experi
ence, and can furnish A-l references,
bankable and othefwlse. Call on or ad
dress J. C. Osborne, 333 Clay st.
STRONG? steady, aober, Industrious man
wants steady work on farm. Call or ad
dress E. D., 110 Alberta St.
MIDDLE-AGED German wants work, pri
vate family; understands gardening, care
stock, etc. ; references. AM 840. Oregonian.
MAN wants position on private place taking
care of lawn; honest, sober, reliable. F
956. Oregonian.
RELIABLE married man, slightly crippled,
would like steady employment: small
wage s. N 972. Oregonian.
STEADY, reliable man wants Janitor work
or general house-cleaner, hour or month,
E. H., 087 Kearney. Main 7833.
MAN and wife wish cooking, camp or com
pany boarding-house: best references. M.
Burge, 311 Cherry st. East 5250.
POSITION as Janitor in apartment-house
by young married man; experienced; ref
erences, if 974. Oregonian. a
SPECIALTY salesman wants side line In
city and out. woat nave you to ouerf
Commission umi. w wigbooi"-".
SITUATION wanted by chauffeur or take
care ot ci. " i"-" " . ..e,
. - hit OravnnUn
1 oil, ."p
HANDY man. slightly lame, wishes work for
board, room and small wages. Address
K 944. Oregonian.
MARRIED man wishes position on a farm,
good farmer; wife good cook. C. So:ensen,
69 E. bin St. IS., x-ortianu.
JAPANESE, good hand cook, wants posi
tion In hotel, restaurant or club. Harry.
2624 Everett St., city.
YOUNG man and wife, thoroughly compe
tent, wish managing Summer resort. AN
930. Oregonian.
COMPETENT, energetic young man desires
position In or out of city. AS 903, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG strong man must get work right
away; will do any kind of work; not
afraid of work. S 957. Oregonian.
AUTO repair man wanta position; good ref
erences; small wages. S 938. Oregon Ian.
CHAUFFEUR, can repair and do garden
ing. AK 979. oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants steady position in
store or otiice. main v,--a.
JAPANESE boy wants position as bellboy
or elevator boy. Main 6521.
MAN wants odd Job. any kind. Phone East
4326, Res. 2&9 Halsey.
j, JAPANESE wants few hours' work after
B P M T. Namber. 52 N. 4th St.
EXPERT motorcycle rider wants position
doing qeiiverinK.
CEMENT finisher or foreman. sidewalk,
wants work. R 973. Oregonian.
GARDENER wants position, private place
nrefer'red. K 974. Oregonian.
WINDOWS and housecleanlng done to per
fection. Hort. Main 3734.
GENERAL housecleanlng, windows and car
pets cleaned and laid. Phone East5060.
YOUNGJap wants few hours' work a day.
J 958. Oregonlaiu
A OOODindustrlous boy of 18 Wants work.
Phone B ?487.
YOUNG man wishes to get work oa farm,
AO H. OrSoalaa,
GERMAN, married, amall family, 34 yeara
of age, 20 years' experience in all line of
agriculture as well as horticulture In
this country and abroad, seeks a position
as forernan In commercial or gardener and
superintendent on gentleman's estate.
First-class references. Theodor Wede.l,
S2 7 2d at., Montavllla, Portland. -
tl5 Second St., Cornir Salmon.
Women's Department, 2,5 Salmon.
All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical malo and female help
furnished on short notice. No fee chaxf ed.
m Phone Main 3S&5. A 6624.
VIL, engineering work wanted by techni
cal graduate who has had nine years
experience on all kinds of railroad engin
eering and four years as city engineer;
competent, conscientious, capable. First
class surveyor and draftsman; best ref
erences. V 979, Oregonian.
WOULD take charge of land clearing, ex
perienced in all the latest methods, char
pitting, burning, blasting and power;
spent over a yer in charge of experiment
ing for development companies; best ref
erences. 1009 Chamber of Commerce,
Phone 699.
GENTLEMAN, 24 years experience as
painter. paperhanger and general all
around repairman, wanta Job In some ho
tel or large rooming-house In or out of
city; my work speaks for Itself. Phone
Main 1300, A 3332, ask for party in room
WANTED By an experienced hardware
and stove salesman, a position with whole
sale or retail dealer. Have had extensive
road experience. Can give best references
from past employer in Middle West; also
good Portland connections. G 942. Oregonian.
MAN possessing executive ability and sound
business training desires high-class con
nection with manufacturing or mercantile
concern ; university graduate with clean
cut personality; Eastern and Western ref
erences. Address AN 948, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR Married, wishes position
with private family, careful driver; sober,
honest and willing; furnish own tools,
makes own repairs, 4 years' experience;
A-l references furnished ; handy around
place. Address willing, AG 054, Oregonian.
HOTEL clerk, member Greeter of America,
desires permanent position; am capable of
day or night position; in or out of city;
am honest, reliable and strictly sober;
plenty of good references. J 949. Orego
nlan. POSITION after April 15 in loan or insur
ance (life, fire or accident) office by young
man thoroughly experienced ; conveyanc
ing papers drawn; could take charge of
office ; graduate stenographer and book
keeper, AV 139, Oregonian.
A POULTRYMAN and egetable gardener
(married) desires position or would run a
farm on sharea AF 908, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, German descent, big and
strong, will tackle any kind of Job; refer
ence and experience given. Phone or
write George Eikels, Woodlawn 1318. 7S8
WANTED A position by an experienced
English valet; will take charge of one or
more gentlemen ; can take charge of
house lor bachelors; experience 1 trav
eler. C 949. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED shoe, gents' and ladles
furnishings, man is open for reliable posi
tion, age 27, capable of taking charge and
selling the merchandise; city or out of
town. M 973, Oregonian.
YOUNG man and wife, small family, want
place on farm or in small country town,
man handy with tools, good teamster; can
do anything; wages no object. AH 901.
CHAUFFEUR, sober, honest, reliable; good
mechanic and repair man, wants steady
position, where real work- Is appreciated;
references furnished. Box 235. Camas,
' Wash.
SALESMAN wishes position April 20 with
auto supply house or in store; familiar
with auios. supplies, also general mer
chandise; can sell anything. AV 140, Ore
gonian. WANTED By young married man, posi
tion by first of May as apartment-house
Janitor; can furnish best reference in
city. M 975. Oregonian
WANTED By young married man, posl
tfon on farm or steady position of any
kind. Address A. L. G-. 4oo E. Couch St.,
Portland, Or.
YOUNG man wishes position to work around
the house and learn to run and repair
autos. J. Lafdahl, 704 Kearney st. Main
DRAUGHTSMAN wants position In archi
tect's, engineer's or railway office; $5 for
clue that will get me work. AR 951, Ore
gonian. FIRST-CLASS all-around cook, meat carver
or A-l shop man desires position in or out
of city; sober and reliable. AH 940, Ore
gonian. A YOUNG man without parents end speaks
little English, wants to work on a rarra.
for small wages; nothing but a steady job.
Address AF 9-33. Oregonian.
SMART salesman requires position; thor
oughly experienced in high-grade furni
ture and Interior house decorations. AF
0."i5, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR. 25 years old, 6 years at the
business, wishes a position on high power
car; city references from last position. J
959, Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants work by
the day or contract, new or repairing.
Address A. Veinhold, 430 Klllingsworth
ave. Phone Woodlawn 3004.
YOUNG man, experienced plumber, wanta
work in hardware store; for advancement
In hardware reason of change. AD 947,
AM A-l mechanic, want truck-driving Job;
will do repairing; am married and sober;
or will invest small amount In auto repair
shop. R 94, Oregonian.
SALESMAN, planning to cover towns on
Columbia River, in Oregon, Washington,
wants another line on commission basis.
AS 961, Oregonian. '
WANTED Painting by contract; two good
men will give low figure for Job now.
Phone Main 8.178. room 305.
CHEF, married, wants position In restau
rant or hotel, wife to work in dlning
room. AK 9G4, Oregonian. .
WINDOW washing, house cleaning, floor
waxed and polished by competent men.
Seliwood 1120. ; (
BOOKKEEPER and estimator of bufldinr
construction, moderate salary. Address AP
977, Oregonian. t
MATHEMATICS- An experienced teacher
would like a few students for private in
etructlon. O 945, Oregonian.
EMIL RAPENUS. painter and paperhanger,
takes Job by the day or by contract.
phone Maln45S0. w
SITUATION as butcher with reliable market-
understand groceries; sober; beat ref
erences. B 951. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR (Japanese) wants position;
can help in house. K. S 424 Morri
son st.
WINDOW washer, new and old houses
cleaned, floors, furniture repollshed. Main
8000, Martin.
TRUSTWORTHY young man desires posi
tion as chauffeur, good reference. Phone
Main 5432.
ttito a keepers and Eten-rpDers.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher desires position; no work too hard!
consider only first-class propositions.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographef
wishes position; good penman; reference.
a npAs-nnlDn
EXPERIENCED telephone exchange opera
tor wishes permanent position. Pttone East
3US4. "
FIRST-CLASS stenographer desires perma
nent position; Oliver typewriter preferred.
pnone siarsna.. at-tv-j.
COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper de
sires office position, any kind, o 973, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Position aa switchboard opera
tor; A-l operator, also good character ref
erenceg. Address H 956, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young lady desires posi
tion as bookkeeper, A-l references. AP
976. Oregonian.
TWO young ladies desire clerical or of her
orflce work evenings, 7 until 10. AC 955,
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants po
sition for practical experience; moderate
salary. Phone Woodlawn 2-543-
WANTED By competent young lady, posi
tion as bookkeeper or as assistant book
keeper; references. Y 975, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants position, some ex
perience as assistant bookkeeper and
cashier. M 5700 or A 1412.
YOUNG lady, with 5 years experience In
doctor's office, wants position; references.
East 1201.
YOUNG lady with experience, position at
bookkeeper, cashier or clerical. East 5229.
W'ANTED Public stenographic work. Term
reasonable. Apply 10 Ab lug ton bldg.