J $xxxxxg " 1 ' a,. ,TTK I REAL ESTATE. 1 WAITED REAL K8TATB- J TO EXCHANGE. JT PQ- r t.rro-. I - I ' I a few or the vert best. lis per acre. 21 acres In 411. on Tualatin River, near Sherwood, fin new l-room house, large nw bnm. other outbuildings: Ilea beau tiful. The urctH of tbla land will profit lo JO. 111 per acre. 4 acre Improved wiih fair house and barn: about II acres under plow; some beaverdam land, on Tualatin River; thia swell lutes (arm la located N. W. f Sherwood, leea than la mile from Portland; this muat be aold. aa owner la compelled to more South. If 3 per acre for a partially Im proved farm located Just north of Lafayette. All flrel-cles land: noth ing to be bad aa cheap at tbla In Ita locality. Impossible to loaa money la baying thla 10$ acrea ACRESl ONLT HO 1'EK ACHE. Hero la a tract of land with i: acre Qn'l.r plow; baa two set of balldlngs; good trout streanu spring, ate; school house on land, telephone. It. F. D. route, ab-.ut T feet of fine fir tlmb-r. rolling, red clay loam aill. deep and very fertile; a f:no stock farm with lota of oulrance. or could bo dotted to entailer tract for fruit. Tnle tract la oa a county rood, oar Sheridan: email trade all around this selling from $li per aero up: the price baa been put ex ceptionally low to make a quick m e Tfmj ran bo arranged. V H ITM EK-KELLf CO.. ! Ol St. Mala 10. A 100$. GRAVITY IRRIGATED LAND $100 A.N AC RE. Only land m California under gravity Ir rigation, where the farmer get more water than be ran uaa that can b bought for J'OO oa acre. A faifa 1 looa par aero: now worth $15 Dairy cow pay $10 a month In butter fat. . . Aero alfalfa oupporta two head. Hon pay $IM an acre a year. Hee $-i a awarm. Ideal for poultry. 13 acre prunea paid $4.VM laat yesr. sat acrra peart paid $4'" an acre, other frul'.a equally profitable. M c loom aol I. Floe garden land. Good acnooia. beautiful country: healthy place to live. Only one-tenth cash. No oecond payment for 3 year. a yeara lo pay out. -Tremendous sale. lnd aoon all aold. Come today. Thooo llvlrg In Portland or Tlcinlty call on H. O. Terry. SO Yeon bldg. other! wrlto to LOS MOLTNOS LAND POMPAST, LOS .MOLI.NOS. CALIFORNIA. OILT-EDGED IS BAHMI.V A.VU Ql'AUTT. fa acres, all In cultivation and crop, fenced with, woven wire and cedar posts. 1 fine wells, poor house, fino bara 4xi, wagonshed 34x0. atraw ahed 4vx50. ten ant house and woodshed, both new; deep rich loam soil, no rock or (ravel. V mile to school, so rods to food town, mile to depot. 11 miles to Portland; stock of all kinds, hsy. grain and wood to last. good machinery: at the price of $il0 per acre we can demonstrate that thla farm wtll make you a living and will pay from Is to II per cent on money In vested. Ita Ideal location Insures a reg ular annual "3 per cent Increase In value for several years to coma: naif caah and possibly less will handle. It requires only 4 hours' tlma to go from our office. Inspect the place and return. Let us show you. .VE1LAN A PAR KH ILL 401 Spalding Bldg. THESE CANNOT BB DUPLICATED. FOR THE MONET. I0 acrea wUhln 14 mnea of Portland v and all but 20 acrea god land; box housa and small barn; III aire In cultivation; running creek: price $65 an aero. tVH acres In same neighborhood. 20 acres la cultivation; all good land; "o an acre. ItW acrea. being ono of the best Im proved farms In Oregon. In same locality aa the above. Price $130 an acre. 2 acres, all plattod In ft and 10-acro trarts. but Is still farmed: with good buildings: within eight miles of heart t of Portland, and overlooking the Columbia River and Portland; an Ideal suburban home; 1175 aa arro; convenient to Port land, both by rail and steamboat J. M. FRENCH at CO.. 412-413 Ablngton bldg.. loos Third at. 44 ACRKo. all smooth lsnd and In erop except a few acrea of timber; comfortable bui Mimas, good fences, on gravel road. 14a inllea from town. 2 J miles from Portland; land la all smooth, rich valley and sur rounded by wall Improved farms; $4000. tilvo poaaeeaton. 133-aere farm, owned by widow; must sell: rich valley, dark' loam, about 3a acrea of paatare Including a few acrea of very tall timber; perpetual running stream crosses the pasture land; 7 - room house and largo bam; good orchard; build Ings. on gravol road. 3 mllea from town; price Ilia per acre: eaay terma Adjoin ing farms $110 per a'-ra. GOVYE.V-IDE TRUST COMPANY. 3 Lumbermena Bldg. y Ground Floor. ZOO ACRES. ) acres cleared. S3 acrea tn ap ple orchard. J. 4 and 9 years old. 1" acres can bo put in cultiva tion for $'. per acre. 2 seta of oulldtnga. 3 miles from town and railroad, on good county road. This must be sold and hero Is . vour oanco. Can glvo good terma Don't let this go by. J E RAND A CO. 23 Board of Trade. BI-XIEST FARM SNAP IN OREGON. 37 acroa. over 14o In highest state of cultivation, first -class buildings, fine run ning water, with water system. 17 miles from center of Portland. 1 mile to S. P. station; $1000 worth of stock and Imple ment go with place. This la aa good a monermaklng farm as you find In the Northwest, and the cheapest bargain around Portland: land around not as good selling for llltl and up: this you get for 111$ per . acre complete. Investigate at our expense and compare with olhera and von will bur It: S caah. balance 10 years will take thia snap. F. FT'CHS. 43$ Chamber of Commerce. STAR BfSINESS CH AXCEiREALTT Col 201 Swetland Bide.. Ath and Wash. BALE OR EXCHANGE.. 791 acres. Polk Co.. highly Improved; city property or smaller farm, unincum bered, up to $:S.0u0. aa tint payment; rood easy terma on balance. 44 acrea Uscoln Co.. highly Improved; trade for city property up lo $lo.oo. pi-room modern house. Piedmont. $4000; trsde for close-In farm. . havo many other trades and can match you on anything. FOR SALE BT OWNER. Good dairy farm. 8 mllea eouth of Sa lem, with ft-room house, bam. silo, etc: 1H acrea mostly level and rich black soil: tet acrea cultivated. $07 acres fir timber and balance creek bottom: pasture unexcelled for dairy purposea; all well fenced, amall orchard and garden lota close to house; present owner has had 22 yeara price $73 per acre. $M0O cash and terms to suit. Address W. J. M.. 0CO E. Gllaaa St., Fort- land. Or. FOR SALE by owner 40 acres, good for fruit or general farming, house, barn and outbuildings, running water all tbe year, fine well by house, near good town; only 3A miles from PortlaniL railroad or river; cow. chickens and household furniture go with place: obliged to sell at once. Price $?4. $1500 cash, balance two yeara. 7 per cent. R. I Htanwood. Yankton. Or. HOOD RIVER. IO acres. In commercial orchard, some bearing; $150 will set reet; -room house, close In. on macadam road; a Utile work straightening up would make Is worth $10.""0; IrtoiM) takes It: clown, balance to suit. F. E. M.. R. F. D. 163. R. '-. Hood Rlvsr. Or. P3 ACRS 8 miles from Sheridan and 3 mlies from Buell P. O.; about S la culti vation, balance timber and pasture land; some Improvements: running wster; osuy $30 en acre for a nulrk saie. terma watt's a 1 HtMvr. lv- r. . n. . ": Spalding Bldg. Main 7 '01. FORCED TO FELL FINE FARM. 13 ml to Portland. 10 mln. walk to alec. eta., half cleared, led cords wood. rood bulldlnss, fine road, good fences, all level fine land, listen now at tne prtce. $111 per A.: $Jio caah, baL easy. CTOPFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. 24V ACRES, all In cultivation: house and barn, nice family orchard, close to city, on good county road: thia farm can be boucht at a reaeonahfe price end on terms. WATSON THEKK1ELSEV CO.. nr. residing Bldg. Main 7V2. r A 11-1 rt- . - I' nvJiEr.r.r.nr.nn. a Rave ail sinoe an. 1 - - si i uwi' . fa-ro tends, guarantee what we represent and give everyone a square deaL Investi gate before buying elsewhere, y. FVCHS. 41 Chamber of Commerce. O ACRES. mllea of Foreet Orove: fine spring water, some good timber, excellent for applea and grape, some good garden soil. For particulars address K. M. Ellis. Forest Grove 41VACRE farm, black aoll: an Ideal poultry, fruit and dairy farm. A- R .Badger. To ledo. Wash. IF TOL' WANT A STOCK RANCH. Here la the greatest snsp In this sec:ion of trie country: Otw acres of deeded land which control thous ands of acrea of open range. This Is burned-over land, perfectly free from brush. About 2'o acrea good plow land when cleared. About -0 acres of fine ruer bottom land. 15 acres of which Is In cultivation: S'me rood timber, some fruit, splen did aster supplus, large house, barn and outbuildings; also 3 head of cattle. 3.f chickens. new wagon, mower, rake. I.arrow, etc. All household furniture. This property Is only 1$ miles by county road (mm the main line of the N. P. Railroad, between Portland and Se attle and Ml milea from Portland. On phone line, price only $3.oO per acre, favorable terma 3000 CAST. TVlIi put you In possession of this fine fnrm and the personal property alona is worth that amount. loo acres. 73 acres In bish state of cultivation. acre fine oak timber, balance rneture. no waste land. 27 acres seeded to Fall grain. acres In commerclnl orchard: all plow land not seeded Is broke. resdy to seed; good water, good It-room house. 2 bsms and other buildings. 4 fine horses. II fine Jersey roas. 1 fins hogs and farming tools too numerous to mention. This place Is near Snod town In Willamette Valley, mllea from Portland; on phone line. ft. K. I.. and milk route. mile from high school. Price $13,000. 7 ACRES. T miles from good railroad town and 3 miles from Portland. 40 Arret under plow. 30 acres open pasture and seeded. 4 acres good timoer. five acres rough pssture land. All except 8 acres tillable when cleared. Deep rich soil, no rok or gravel. Has SO rods front ace on fine navigable river. Boat lumltng at place. To fine creeks. Nice painted 7 -room house, bam. etc A full equipment of good fsrmlmx tools go with tbe property, on main county road, phone line and R- V. D . close to achool. This is a One dairy farm. Price IriOoci. Very favorable terma will be made. ALVOnO-CAP.R-Hl'NTER CO.. 2 10-11.11 Board of Trade. BOMB BARGAIN. 222 acres. 120 acres In cultivation, lleg flr.e. mostly In crop: all fenced and cross fenced: good S-room house, with water piped; barn and creamhouse and ail neces sary outbuildings; family orchard of as sorted fruit; S fine marea. In foal; 1 horse, 7 good cows. 2 heifers. 2 heifer calves. 1 sow. $ plxs. 1 registered bull. 73 chlck ena wagona Iron trucks. 1 binder. 1 mower. 1 buggy. 2 plows. 3 harrows. 1 disc, cultivator, gasoline engine and wood saw, cream separator, all kinds of feed choppers, grsln drill and separator. In cubator and brooders. In fact everything that you can think of. Place Jlea on main county road. 47 miles from Portland. miles from, 8. P. R. R. and good little town with milk condenaery. Fine farm ing section. R. F. D.. telephone and milk routed price $.'o per acre. $4."hi cash, bslance long Irme. 0 per cent. This la 4 aacrlf Ice. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. S20 Ry. Exchange bldg. 4th and Stark Sta. CHEAP. 3 acres, 15 In cultivation, f -room house, large new barn, tenant house and good outbuildings: fine stream of water: 1$ minutes' walk from station In good town on electric line 20 miles from Portland; good team. cows, calves, chickens, hogs. Implements, hay. grain, etc.; think of It. only $100 per acre: the value of the per sonal property and buildings alone re duces this to less thsn $.0 per acre for the land; aoll la good, adapted to pota toes, grain and fruit; good dairy farm; half cash and balance at $ per cent; i day of your time Is all that Is required to see the place and to demonstrate that this la the most remarkabi offering on the market. NE1LAK A PARK HILL vs Spalding Bldg. GENUINE SACRIFICE. $42..V PER ACRE. WASHINGTON CO. Owner of l.'o-acre farm must havo money Immediate. y and will aacrltlca $10oi for a quick sale. 120 acrea fine land Hi miles from stesm line and 4 miles from electric, on good county road. 2d miles from Portland, Washington Co.; 35 seres In high state cultivation; 30 acrea more easy cleared, 4d acres stump. 1 acres good timber, 2 acres bearing appiaa. 3 acres 3-year-old apples, u tlue sprints, wster piped to house: good buildings; Iho very best of soil; no rock; loo acres best of farm lsnd: guaranteed aa advertised; sacrlMeed this week for only H-5 per scre;$l.K cssh, bulance long time. Call o'a Swetland bldg. FINE BARGAIN. ao acres of fine soli. In Willamette Val ley: 'JO acres In high state of cultivation, moatly In crop; 6-room house, barn and outbuildings: good water, lies on main county road; 1 cow. 4 doaen chickens, all farming Implements, tools, buggy, wagon, harnesses. 47 miles from Portlsnd. 2s miles from S. P. R. R. and good town, with milk condensery. Place has R. F. D.. tel ephone and milk route, close to good school: price for qulci sale. $400o. liOtio cash, balance long time at 6 per ccnt- CO-OPERATl VE REALTY CO.. 520 Ry. Exchange bldg . 4th and Stark Bt. TAMHTLt. COTTNTT FARM. Stl WILES FROM TOWN. 231 acres. 13.1 In cultivation. 70 acres In Winter grain. 2 acrea family orchard. 8 -room house. 30x40 bam. lots of other buildings, ail new: spring water piped tn house and barn, soil A No. 1.. deep and rich: 3 heavy work horses, six years old: 3 cows. PS ewes. HO goats. 7 hogs, SO chtckena tools and Implements of all klnila Might consider $4ouo worth of Portland property: price $l-.oort; $.mo to $7001 cash, balance time. 1 will gauran tee thla aa represented. Paul A. Mc Pherson. 1117 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 3411. A GOOD ONE AND CHEAP. - 40 acres N. TV. of Forest Grove; 1 cul tivated. 12 In crop; black loam and shot soil: new 9-room house, barn 46x.V. other outbulidlna-a. family orchard. 10 acrea good saw timber. 4 mile to school. H mils to sswmlll; living water, good young team mares, 1 cow. chickens, po tatoes, 'canned fruit, etc.: new household goods, ono hack. 2 wsgona, plow, harrow, cream separator and all other tools on place; for quick sale price $-000, $20lH cash. bsl. 1 per cent. F. DI-EOIS. 12ns TEON TJLDG. $11 AN ACRE. 160 acres 30 miles of Portland nearly all good cultlvatablo land, house snd barn ready to go onto. Thla land will surely sell for $M an acre In a short tlms. and Is the kind of an Investment you cannot help but make big money on. J. 31. FRENCH A CO.. 412-413 Ablngton bldg.. loH Third at. 10 ACRES, all In cu)t!vat!ont 3 acrea In prunea 4 acrea In applea tne remainder In etrawberrlea and raspberries: new 6 room furnlshsd house and other outbuild ings; 2 large chicken yards, all fenced. Tine farm Is all fenced and only mile from elcrtrlc carllne. WATSON A THERKEL8EN CO.. 806 Spalding Bldg. Main 7.-05. ONLT $240 A splendid Georgia farm home, earns more each year than total cos;: cul tivation without attention of owner If pre ferred, or convertible at your option: ab solute safety guaranteed: bank reference and trusteeship. Write for photosrrsphs: quick action necesssry: answer immediate ly. Geo. W. Deen. Box 723, Waytross, Ga. A GOO D B U if! 20 ACRES. HALF CLEARED. Only 17 mile from Portland, near good llvs town; 10 acres In crop last year. lO acres timber; aprlng on corner. Tou can't beat this at llox rr acre: $soo caah will buy IL balance arranged to sulL ATCHISON A ALLEN. 213 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder Sta. WE CAN MRET EVERT WANT. 2'i-acre ranch at $11. M) per acra; (V40 acre wheat ranch at $40 an acre; Ideal 3 to 5-acre garden t recta at Donald: large list of farms in Valley and elaewhere at low figure, some for trade It's worth while tn see us. GUI A Dufur, 638 Ham ilton Mdg. . FARM. Irslde 10-mile circle. H mil west of Elmonlca Station. Oregon Electric: county road and creek run through plac; all good soil; li7tt acre, with crop, stock. Implements, I .'SO per acre; asy term. No agent. N. G. Wlngren. Beaverton. Route No. X. 2 ACRES, within 20 miles of Portland: pearly all thoroughly cleared: price $2300; S mil to one railroad station, other ata ttnn ; soil, location, water, roads good; railroad through it; crop reserved ; oppor tunity. AV 142. Oregonlan. 139 ACRES black loam and beaverdam. all CMltlvstion. mile Oregon Electric station; $v- acre: 1 am obliged to raise $3000 cash. See agent. U. N. Swank, SOd Ablngton bldg. LINCOLN COT7NTT Dairy, otooat raaehaa timber and fruit lead. $10 up. grass grows eear round. Com and see. R. M. Wamock. Toledo. Oregon. RANCH 0 acre, with building. It miles from IVrtland. stir electric 11ns: bargain for all eesb. by owner. i$3 alorixsea at. I 111- 1 I I I 1 lIlkl'l.Tl'! .1. V A. t M.X, -M. J. A - 9 100 ACRES. 1300 ACRTE3 FIRST - CLASS PLOW LAND. 620 ACRES IN CROP, MOSTLY WHEAT. 6O0 ACRES MORE PLOWED AND READTY FOR SEEDING; BARN FOR lo BEiAD OF STOCK. FAIR HOUSE, PLENTY OF WATER. ALL FARM TOOLS A!9D IMPLEMENTS TO FARM THIS PLACE; ON ACCOUNT OF DI3 AOREEMKNT WITH MY FATHER I WILL SACRIFICE THIS BEAUTIFUL FARM AT $20 PER ACRE. INCLUDING THE CROP. THIS IS JUST 0 MILRS FROM RAILROAD ON EXTRA GOOD ROAD OtNB MILE FROM SCHOOL; BEST IMPROVED PART OF OREGON: WILL MAKE TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY; $1200 CASH. $4000 ONE YEAR AND THREE YEAR3 ON BALANCE; NO TRADES CONSIDERED, AND IF YOU HAVEN'T THE $1200 CASH DON'T ANSWER. ADDRESS OWNER. 383 E3CPIRQ BLDG. SEATTLE. WASH. FARMS AND ACREAGE. We "hare both at the right price and at the right location: now Is the time for plsntlng: be a farmer, be Independent Come and see Mr. Anderson. OREGON RF.ALTY CO.. 43 FOURTH ST. . Phones. Marshall 3790. A 3324. $87.60 v VS. $150 PER ACRE. Thsrs the proposition were putting up to 'you. At Hlllsboro a certain man re fused $1.v per acre for his land. We have ir.8.37 acres right across the road from him, as good or better soil, and will not take more than $S7.r0 per acre for It; it's a rich black clay loam; no waste lsnd: Tjractlcally level, but well drained: runnlrsr spring; 20 acres cleared; about flnoo po "00 cords of wood on the ' bal ance; Jorated five miles from S. P. Ry.. on main traveled county road; fine for subdivision; It's a bargain: If you want any o It. better call and ace H. F. KALVELAGE. With Brong-Manarv Co., "ivrv, Oak St. Main 1743. A 1743. IRRIGATED FARM NEAR PORTLAND. 220 ACRES. THE BEST ALL-ROUND FARM" IN OREGON. BROAD STATE MENT. BUT TRUE. r. ACRES IRRI GATED: ALL CAN BE IRRIGATED: YOU ARE CVDEPENPENT OF THE WEATH ER MAN: FINE FOR HOPS. H.VY. DAIRJINO. TRUCK FARMING. FLOR ISTS: ON ELECTRIC ROAD AND GOOD COUNTY ROADS: 70 HORSEPOW ER DEVELOPED. ELECTRICITY CAN BE INSTALLED AT SMALL COST Fon HEAT. LIGHT. HOTHOUSES. POWER AND ALL PURPOSES; PLENTY OF WA TER AND BEST OF SOIL. INVESTI GATF1 YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. FOR PRfTE. TERMS. ETC.. SEE 7IMMEH MAN. 310 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. TWO SNAPS, loft acres of Eastern Oregon lnnd. In Crook County: $10iw worth of buildings: 20 acres cleared: balance easily cleared for whest: will sell for 10 per cent clown, balance 10 per cent annually: value l.llno. Will sell my suburban home at Ever green Station for 12200; on of the finest suburban homes on the Oregon Cltv line: 20 or $300 down, balance $15. with In terest. See Mr. Harboldt. A. J. DETSCH COMPANY. 40 Chamber of Commerce. TWO BIG BARGAINS. Fleet -40 acres of very fine fruit and berry land, shot soil: plenty of water' all under cultivation: 500 fin bearing fruit trees: a good school and church near: 4lj miles from town and railroad, good roads. This must go rlcht awav: cash $6450. Write for a better description. Second 23 acres of very rood young flr. only ! miles from town, and a fine home for you. cheap; plenty water. Don't miss this at 10oo cash. Write to V. E. BOTTRMU.LF.R. Pioneer Ren! Estate fn., P.ldeneld. Wash.. Route No. . WILLAMETTE VALLEY LANDS. Tn traerts of a few acres up tn .ViO and 510 actres. each aBcregatine several thou sand syre convenient to Salem, on mnc adam roads, near and at boat Inndlncs: soils riholee elav loam unlnmri and fertile alluvial and beaverdam bottom lamia adanted to produt-tlon of hops, peaches, spuds, alfalfa, loganberries, onlona etc. Cell for partlculara Our prices are the lowest. SMITH SHEFT.IR. Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5.28. FOR SAX Ci very reasonable terms: 1m prored alfaffa farm on Columbia River In Southern Waahlngton. where 4 and 3 crops of alfalfa are raised ever- year averaging 8 to 10 tons per acre. Close tis model crenmerv. splendid puhlle schools and rrmrkef. Best transportation facilities. 10 pastenger trains dnlly. Will give spe cial Inducements to dairyman or nor raiser, provided with some livestock. Write at. once to P. O. Box 2170. Spo kane. "Wash. IMPROVED FRUIT ACREAGE. T TV ERST FT ED FARMING. ONLY 1 PER ACRE. Southern Oregon, deep foothill soli, wi tered. drained. Immune from destructive frosts, modem houses, outbuildings, poul try eo'jlpment: variety of voung and bear ing fruits, several acres berries and grapes, alfalfa, corn, vegetables grow abundant ly, fowls, hogs, ctttle thrive, large farms, smaller acreage, liberal terms. E. El DARING. 004 Wlleox Bldg. HOP LAND. 4T0 acres, about 15 miles this side of Falem. 3M acres In cultivation. 40 acres hops, good 8-room houes, irood barn, water tower, good family orchard, 50 acres bemverdnm land. This Is one of the very bent ranchee In the Willamette Val ley: It Is adapted for almost any kind of crop, adjoining land selling for double the price. Price only $100 Per acre. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 81 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Osk. GET your Canadian home from the Cana dian Pacific. Why farm on high-priced, wornout lands Go to the rich virgin soil of Westn-rn Cansda. Finest Irrigated or non-lrrlrated lands from $10 to $30 an acre. Write for booklets on Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. X. T5. THORN TON General Agent. Canadian Paclflo r.allwav. 112 West Adsms St.. Chicago ALFAJ.FA RANCH Irrlcated 113 acres, loo-aereft under ditch. 55 acres In alfalfa. WII! aoeept I300O cash, balance to suit purchaat'r. Crop from 50 acres at $8 per ton In fleW will pay over 10 per rent on purchase price; raw land adjoining sells for $150 per acre. This Is a bargain. 411 Rothx-hlld bldg. 143 ACRES. 10 milea from HcMlnnvllle; 20 acres under cultivation; 760.000 feet of timber. Government cruise; 2 acres Eng lish walnuts. acres strawberries: all kinds of small fruits: house. 2 barns: good sail: spring water piped to house. $2500. 447 Montgomery aL IF you want to buy a 5-acre place on elec tric line within 10-mlle circle I hav It; 8 room bouse, bam. Incubator-house, ehiek- , en-house. 12o bearing fruit trees, assorted, acre strawberries ; fine roads and view of mountain; all plowsd; terma N 070. Ore gonlan. 1 ftn aCTtSr near Med ford. Or., 40 acres cultivated: a dandy ranch surrounded by bearing orchard and nice home Sacri ficed at $il5 per acre. Can be subdivided Into srail I traots profitably: adjoins gold quartz mine. Frank MeFarland Realty Co.. 3"! Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 0 2-3 acres excellent lsnd. 4 roora plastered house, bearing fruit trees, sightly location, well drained. 2H acre In cultivation; 20 minutes to Wichita Sta tion on F.ataced line. Cash price $4300. V 071. O regon Ian. J BXCELIJINT-farm. 40 acre. 3. mllea from Portlarati. 33 acres In cultivation, family orchard, g-iod building, stock snd farm ing toos go with place: $"5M cash, bsl ance eaey terms. Call 702 Board of Trade. TWO lovwly acre, well Improved. 9c fare, HUSO, aay terra. 49 Henry bldg. DO YOU WANT A FARM, DAIRY RANCH OR HOPYARD7 Located In one of the most progressive sections of the Willamette Valley, near a town on the railroad that has electrlo lights, oaved streets, commercial and uni versity clubs agricultural. stock and fruits-rowers' associations, etc.. etc. About four hours' ride from Portland. The soil is deep and very fertile. There are four complete sets of buildings on each of three of these ranches and two sets of buildings on one ranch. Phones In houses and rural free delivery. On these ranches you get view, running water, bottom land, bench land, orchards, pasture. Improvements, oak and fir wood, good roads, etc., and everything you could wish for. We can give you Just what you want In any quantity. 1R0 acres. f0 acres under the plow and all of the remainder partly cleared except 25 acres In nr and oak. Hopyard last year netted $!4imi; 7 acres $12o. Private elec tric llxhting plant, sawing and dumping machinery, complete carpenter and black rmlth shops; two big barns, good lx room house with good inside bath and toilet; hot and cold running water; water piped to barn; new $12K hophouse. and all roachlnerv. smokehouse, roothouse. ce mented laundry area, storage-house, poul-trv-houses snd yards, good orchard, well, springs, tank. etc. All buildings electric llghtt-d. Clear title. Stock and Imple ments may be bought separately If de sired. Price $20,000. Income $7o00. 213 acres. OO acres of plowed bottom lsnd. 3d acres In good oak grubs (fine axe handle), oak and fir Oiecond growth!; the remainder of the acreage Is In slash land and In rotton stumpage ready to kick out; 4 acres fine orchard: springs and a good well: good 9-room house, hophouse and pickers' cabin, barns, roothouse, etc.; 20 acres In hops, yielded big last year. No waste land on this place. This ranch He beautifully, the soli is very productive. The Income on this place Is more than $7780 annually. Price $23,805. Will sell 2u0 acres of the 219-acre ranch for $13,000. 83 acres. Two sets of buildings com plete; ample barns; wells. springs and creek: a beautiful piece of property that deecrlptlon will not do Justice to. Practical ly all plow land: lies gently sloping except 40 acres bottom soil: Income 70 acre grain $12t'.0. Price $10,500. 184.45 acres. 80 acres bottom land, 104.45 acres bench nnd rolling. 45 acres bottom land. and 10 acres bench land plowed. 20 acres slashed. 18i acres bear ing hois: another acre being set out; owner states 130 acre can be plowed. If cleared; fenced and cross-fenced, bearing apple, plum. pear, cherry and quince trees (about 50 trees) for family use: good well at house, large all-Summer stream, also branch creek: several large springs, rt-room, 2-story house, on county road, large barn, hophouse. extra box house, hop press and baler. Price $12,000; terms half cash, balance 1. 2. and 3 years, at 8 per cent. The hopyard alone should yield over SliJOO net this year at the most conservative estimate; stock. Implements, etc.. may be bought extra It desired. lo acres, adjoining the above. 50 acres cleared and under plow, 20 acres In slash and 90 acres In timber. 15 acres fine oak grubs. 20 acres in large body, saw flr nnd 50 acres In secomy-growth flr. The slash l fine grars land; fenced and cross-fenced: 0-room house and barn, property wntered by large all-Summer creek and branch creek: good spring and trouch at bnm, good well alehouse, all outbulldlnes: fam ily orchard, 40 acres He on the creek bot tom, S5 of which are cultivated, this be ing the best of hop land. Price $SS0O. SO-aere hopvard. hophouse, pickers' cabin, etc. Price $11,000. The hops from this yard sold for 45c last year. WHITMER-KELLY CO., 70 Fourth SL IRRIGATED FARM NEAP. PORTLAND. 220 ACHES. THE BEST ALL-ROUND FARM IN OREGON. BROAD STATE MENT. BUT TRUE. 55 ACRES IRRI O VTEDl ALT. CAN BE IRRIGATED: TOU ARE INDEPENDENT OF THE WEATH ER MAN. FINE FOR HOPS, HAY, DAIRYING. TRUCK FARMING. FLOR ISTS: ON ELECTRIC ROAD AND GOOD COUNTY ROADS: 70 HORSEPOW ER DEVELOPED ELECTRICITY CAN BE INSTALLED AT SMALL COST FOR HEAT. LIGHT. HOTHOUSES. POWER AND ALL PURPOSES. PLENTY OF WA TER AND PKST OF SOIL. INVESTI G TE. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. FOR . PRICE. TERMS. ETC.. SEE ZIMMER MAN. 310 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. 40-ACRT: farm. 2i mllei from Reedville: this farm hus a good 0-room house, large barn. chlckcn-Jlouse. hoghouse. 20 acres In cultivation. ltV good fruit trees, 6 acres of flr timber, balance pasture. 10-ecre fruit, garden and chicken ranch, a bargain: acres of fruit, half acre of strawberries, half acre of timber, balance under cultivation, garden truck and pota toes: this ranch haa a 4-room house, good barn, woodshed. 3 chicken-houses. 2 wells and cistern, together with all farm tools and all stock on the plnce: this ranch Is a money-mnker and only 12 miles from Portland: for terms nnd price call Main 1541 or call at my office. E. J. Hohbercer, ruite 13-14 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Mor rison. , $1500 AX ACRE FROM ROGUE RIVER APPLES AND PEARS. If you only will come to Talent. Or., midway between Medford and Ashland. In the famoua Rogue River Volley, and see how spples and pears In "Royal Orchards' are making men wealthy, you wIM want to locate here. Every man who comes Is glsd he came and Investigated. Stay In your present position If you wish. We will develop your orchard for 5 years; 10 per cent down, balance easy payments and your future la assured. Write -today for valuable and Interesting Information and 'rUGOS AND BATES. Exclusive Agent. Oakland. Cal.. or Talent. Or. 40-ACRE FARM FOR $2550. Pay 1300 caah. $.100 In years with S per cent Interest and bslance In 4 years with Interest at 7 per cenL This Is nn opportunity not often met with: on S3 acres of this level land you cannot find a stone; soil clay loam, no hardpan, watered by creek and springs; view cannot be excelled, overlooks Co lumbia River and can even see Portland; young orchard of 120 trees: plenty wood; li acres cleared and 15 more nearly cleared; buildings poor; S Vi miles from Woodland. Wash.; on Lewis River and N. P. By.: fare from Portland $L 6. G. Lane. Woodland, Wash. FOR SALE Bv owner: 100 acrea. well sit uated, near R. R-. boat line, partly cul tivated, excellent standing piling and ce dar timber. everlasting springs, good hou-e barn, other outbuildings, cow, heifer heifer calf. 15 chickens, sickness compells me to sacrifice for exceedingly low price. E. E. Fitch. Scappoose, Or., R. F. D. No- OFFICIAL Hst of free Government farms to be given to homeseekers by the Govern ment In 1912. loo and H2d-acre tracts: de scribes every acre In every county In L. S. How secured free; all about Government Irrlrated farms, timber, coal and mineral lands. 1012 diagrams and tables, complete information. Send for it. Webb Pub. Co.. Dept. 271. St. Paul. Minn. HEADQUARTERS FOR Grain stock, fruit ranches. 100 to 40.000 acres- $10 to $50 per acre: Wasco County. Oregon; 25 years' experlenceat your ssr- VlCe"jOHNSTON-BOTHFUR A CO., 90S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. stock RANCH. Improved. 1600 acres, ad joining forest reserve. $12.50 per acre $10,000 cash, balance on time. The owner who Is now too old to handle It. sold lS00O In stock from this place last vear 250 acres meadow land, and ditch to Irritate. Hundreds of tons of hay raised. This is the bfral" J" the state, particulars 411 Hothchlld bldg. CAN'T BEAT THIS RANCH. Right at R. B. town; plenty of good running water; excellent sol : out of 5 acrea only about 80 acres In timber. 40 acrea In crop: new house: 8 acres In orchard- price 125 per acre: our equity of $10 400 on easy terms; will accept some trade See owner. 504 Spalding bldg. IDEAL RUMMER HOME 10 A., adjoin! this town; 8-r. house, water, sewer, fire place 2 bams: 4 a moist garden and pasture, balance wooded hills; stream: on river- boat landing; wood cut; plenty small fruit; sacrifice sale to Immediate buyer. Owner. Box 187. Taquina. Or. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. i!iree and small tracts. suitable for general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hopa. dairying etc.: about 40 miles southwest of Portland. 6r. Call or write for price H,t. w. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. FOR SALE 67 acres, adjoining depot, 14 miles from Albany; level, all cultivated, well Improved, good hop aoll; 22 acrea line bearing prune orchard: win Increase greatly In value. E. B. Porter, 1215 7th su, Oregon City. ELEGANT fruit and vegetable land one mile from Roseburg, In the famous T'mp qua Valley: $100 per acre In installments; city water, electric lights. K 12. Commer clal Club bl djr FOR SALE 20 acre A-l land, under culti vation, level, rich, borders county road. 1 mile trolley. S miles Hlllsboro; best bargain Washington County. L. P. HEWITT. 015 Oregonlan Bldg. 130 ACRES black loam and beaverdam. alt In cultivation, one mile Oregon Electric Station. $l5 acre. Owner 111 health. I mean It. See agent. J. V Hall, 303 Ab lngton bldg. 1912. SUBURBAN LOTS, $20: $1 MONTHLY. Houston. Tex.. Is having the most won derful growth of any city In the V. S. Population Increased from 43.000 to 105.000 In seven year Predicted by conserva tive business men that It will go to half mllllon. Government spending millions on ship channel to bring ocean liners to meet our railroad Millions going Into sky scrapers, magnificent hotela. factories, steel mills: Rice University endowed with over $9,000,000. opena this year. We own a subdivision and have Just opened the sale of lots at Satsuma, beautiful suburb of Houston. 35 minutes from heart of city on railroad and boulevard. Lots 50x100 feet. First 100 go at $20 each; terms. $1 cash. $1 per month, no Interest, write now for full particulars, before first 100 are sold or send $1 and we will select the best unsold lot for you. C. W. Hahl & Co.. owners, 603 Commercial Bank bldg., Houston. Tex. AN IDEAL HOME. 6H acres, good buildings, fruit, water, mile from paved street; also a 16-room apartment-home. In Woodburn, Or., for sale on easy terms or exchange for Port land property up to tsotw- or 1 1"-0". Call Main 144 or address P. O. box 333. Hllls boro. Or. ; FOR 6ALE Best vacant residence lot or. East Side, fine homes surroundings. 5x 100, close In. near carllne. near school, worth Investigation. $4000. Address S 98. Oregonlan. TAKMS WANTED. FARM WANTED. Please note the following specifications carefully and If you cannot meet them, don't waste your time or mine. I want from 400. to lOOo acrea. cleared or largely cleared, consisting mostly of river bottom land along the Willamette River. The soil must be largely of the deep, sandy, river sediment soil and most of It must lay reasonably smooth and level so that It can be Irrigated. If you can meet these requirements, send a full and complete description of property. Be sure and state the number of acres now In cultivation the condition of the balance location. Improvements, price, terms, etc. E 040, Oregonlan. I HAVE a modem 7-room residence, nearly new, beautiful lawn and plenty of bear ing fruit and berries, on a good street and In a very desirable part of Portland; cash price $4000; no debts against It; I want a fnrm of from 20 to 50 acre with fair buildings and In a good location and good soil; prefer to have stock and Im plements with It; total value muat not be kbove $5000; I will give the above house and difference In cash If suited; owners who are Interested please call or write and give full descriptions; no agents. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. , FARM WANTED. I have a customer for a small farm near Portland from 6 to 20 acres. Improved: I also have some choice farms on which owners will take Portland residence or business Income property as part pay ment. What have you to offer? Owners only. W. W. GREEN, 713 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE have a client who wants a $20,000 farm and to give In exchange for same Portland apartment-house, leased for 8 years on a secuted lease at $275 per month. GOWEN-TDE TRU-ST COMPANY, 2 Lumbermens Building, Ground Floor. WANT real estate or farm In exchange for GOOD RETAIL DRY GOODS BUSINESS, store located 111 booming Coast city, with greatest future ahead; 111 health reason for trade: good paying business. AV 152. Oregonlan. WANTED Good little farm or acreage, with living water, near good town, close to market. $1500 to $2000 caah, accord ing to Improvements. Owners with real bargains only considered. Address, full details. Box 89, Stevenson, Wash. FARM. 200 or 300 acres near Portland at a low price. Will you consider trade? AK 975. Oregonlan. TIMBER claim, cruise 15,000.000; location fee $250. Apply suite 1016, Chamber of Commerce. DESIRABLE families located free on best land In Central Oregon. Write Hampton Valley Development Assn.. Hampton, Or. row stir TIMIIFK fA vox i-ROOM HOUSE, furniture included; Im provements paid for; lot 50x114.. Prico $750. terms. 2-room house, plastered and double aheeted; lot tf"Vjxll4; fruit trees, chicken-house, etc.; Improvements paid for. Price $1050; terms. Call on me: I can meet yodr terms. W. C. GROVE. East 80th and Gilsan sts. Montavtlla car. Phone Tabor 33t3. BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH INCOME $4000 will buy 7 acres 8 blocks from center of McMinnvllle; good house, barn, chicken house, creek, fruit trees, ad vantages of city. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. YOUR CHANCE. We have so many good timber claims, ur-eyed and open to entry, that we can afford to locate people at reasonable prices In order to clear up. You never had a better opportunity. J. B. HA VI LAND TIMBEJt CO., 52" Railway Exchange bldg $2500 will buy the W. V4 of S. E. M, N. E. i of S. W. Vi. and S. E. y, of N. W. . Sec 20, T. 28 S. R. 4 W., Douglas Coun ty, Or.. If taken soon; cruise five million fceL W. P. Watkins, Princeton, Cal. FOR-SALE 22.000.000 feet of timber ad joining large tract. Half cash, balance trade for city property. P. O. box 4U64, Portland. Or. FOR SALE by owner, quarter section yellow pine timber in Wheeler County. Oregon. Cruises over two million feet. Address P. O. Box 413. The Dalles, Oregon. COLUMBIA RIVER mill and timber prop erty, with logging contracted; fine prop osition and small investment. J 945, Ore gonlan. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FOB RENT FARMS FOR RENT. I 10 acres on Section Line road, near city limits, wltrf 4-room house. chicken houses, barn, etc.; all fenced; over half under cultivation; reasonable rent to right party; can get poMesslon at once. See owner. Bee Hive, 171 3d St. WANTED Man and wife with team to rent ten acres fine garden land on Oregon City car: house, chickens, cow. part of crop now In: for cash or on shares. 733 ChambeCornmeroc 66S KEARNEY 6-room, basement apart ment, $25 per month. Including heat. Portland Trust Co., 3d and Oak. FARM for rent, near good town, Willam ette Valley. 918 E. Taylor St. Tf ANTED TO RENT FAB-MS. I WANT to buy a small ranch or acreage close to Portland, near aome carllne or automobile road. Address AT 962, Ore gonlan. MAN and wlfo want farm with team and farming Implements for long or short lease, or will work on farm for wages. Address C. E. Smith. Orchsrds, Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE want one or two acres close to carllne for a cash customer; either Improved or . unimproved. Sullivan A Cather, 422 Hen- ' ry bldg. WANT to buy 6-room bungalow; must be a bargain; want small acreage near carllne. CHAPMAN & STOVER. Room tl. Railway Exchange bldg OOOD fruit or farm land; have $2100 equity In new Laurelhurst residence and cash. AM 1)76. Oregonlan. WANTED A lot In Rose City. Rossmere or Beaumont; state rent, location, price and terms. K 955, Oregonlan. WILL pay caah for equity In Laurelhurst lot if price is right. Address AT 904. Ore gonlan. WANTED $2500 to $300O bungalow; will give equity $1500. 2 lots. bal. $700, aa part. Metcalfe 310 Yeon. Marshall 2432. WANTED Small good realdence. North or West Side; state price, full Partlculara AD 9.13. Oregonlan. WANT some cheap Clackamas County acre age: give price and location, n 946, Ore gonian. WAVTHin 50O to IOOO acrea of cheao land ye near Portland in exchange for close-in Al Portland property, f 1. wcsuin. V K WANT houses to sell, and we can sell them If your prices are rlghL Henkle A Harrison. Gerllnger bldg. WANT 6 or 6-room house, $50 to $100 down, rest on easy payment. AH $52, Orego nlan. . WANTED Lot 50x100, between Grand ave. and East 20th at. ; reasonable, without restrictions- AP 979. Oregonlan. HAVE $50Ca to invest In Improved real estate yielding 13 per cent or more, H 942. Oregonlan. S-PASSENGER. 6-cyllnder. $4000 auto, ex change for 5-rm. bungalow. V 949, Oregn. WANT lot up to I200O as payment on fins bouse. Cali Main 8003. Flats or residence, well rented, Nob Hill district, under $10,000. Reasonably priced acreage. Base Line road, not too far out. Business lot west of 9th. north of Flan ders, on which owner will take improved city residence property as part pay. Good city or close acreage for equity of $14,000 In acreage subdivision, splen didly located. JACKSON A DBEKlWtii onni 160 ACRES within 35 miles of Portland, 2H miles from town, with good Improvements, 40 acres In crop and 40 acre nearly ready: good bearing orchard; will trade for residence property In Portland, va cant lots or close In acreage. Price only $60 per acre. Will take part trade and mortgage back for balance. GOWEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY. 2 Lumbermens Building, Ground Floor. VACANT PROPERTY OWNER. STOP. CONSIDER. FIGURE. We can make your vacant property make you money. We furnish the money, pluns ond guarantee our work. See us at our office. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. Marshall 1479. 2u2 Lumbermens Bldg. WANTED TO BUY. Modern 5-room bungalow. Sunnyside, or Hawthorne district preferred: state lo cation, price and terms in first letter; pre fer to deal with owner; must bo on paved street. T 946. Oregonlan. THE advertiser, who holds a responsible po sition, desires to buy where the rent can apply on the purchase price; location bet. 10th and 26th. Schuyler and Siskiyou; 7 rooms; by this plan would pay much larger cmount monthly than If only rented. Address with full particulars. AE 952. Oregonlan. WANTED. A fine wheat ranch near Goldendale. Wash. SMITH A SHEFLER. 822 Chamber, of Commerce. Phone Main 5S26. WANT good lot for business or Improved business property or apartment real es tate for some fine acreage clear of debt at low price In Klickitat County; will aa sume some A. E. Poulsen. 418 Railway Exchange. WILL buy house, 4 or 6 rooms, with frac tional lo-. good location, new or one that coold be remodeled, close In East or West Side, near car; give lowest cash price, street No. of house, or you'll never hear from me. Y 978, Oregonlan. RESIDENCE LOT. MUST BE SNAP. Between Morrison. Gllsan. East 26th and East 10th sta Give exact location. AT 977, Oregoplan. WANTED A mill site either Portland or Vancouver; must be on railroad and pos sibly river. Fruit land not less than 500 acres for walnuts In Willamette Valley. F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. RESPONSIBLE people want 5 or 6-room bungalow, between $2000 and 13000 In good neighborhood, will pay $100 cash and 110 or $15 monthly with Interest, West Side preferred. R 956, Oregonlan. EQUITIES bought, or exchanged one for the other; good farm, 160 a. under plow. In wheat, at Vancouver, Wash. ; East Side corner 71x100. Room 208 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. PROPERTY WANTED. Ranches, fruit and timber lands to ex change for property In or near city. Ad dress Gold Ray Realty Company, Med- rora or. t ifnn mrno'l' T OTS . UAUClbl'lll'lll' 1-1 . - Will buy two If price Is right and have some view: will consider equities, give legal description and price. P. O. box e..io Cltv WANTED To buy on easy terms. 1 to 6 acres, with house, between Portland and Oregon City, near carllne. Address AN 980, Oregonlan. WANT to buy about 10 acres cleared land near Portland; must bo fertile and well located; principals only. AO 963, Ore gonlan. WANT modern 8 or 9-room residence, not over I.,n(l0: restricted district: 100 shares U. S. Cashier stock. $15 per share, as part payment. AH 977, oregonlan. WILL pay cash or buy equity In one or more lots tn a good district; give lot and block number and price or your answer will not be considered. F 955, Oregonlan. WANT IrvIngtonTLaurelhurst, Ladd Addi tion, lot, will pay cash and put In lot In Wellesley; all improvementa paid. AH l7t, Oregonlan. t WANT unincumbered $3000 residence; give aa acres Polk County: Dunoings, 1m movements, stream. Investigate Imme diately. Owner, 1030 Grand, North. WANTED One or two lots In Rossmere. or a lot around 20th St., close to Sandy Road; state price and location. AB 964, Ore- gonian. FIVE-ROOM bungalow by private party holding responsible position; will pay $25 month, including Interest. H 9i8, oregonlan. CUSTOMER will pay cash for 4 lota In Col umbia Heights. GODDARD Sr WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. WANT low-priced business lot in outsidb center for cash. State size, location, price. K 946, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. 4500 IN CITY or country property will give you one of the best located cheapest rent apartment-houses on West Side ; lu rooms. S3 well furnished. 24 rented un furnished: long lease; only $1000 mort gage to assume. Best buy In city, worth double. AL 977. Oregonlan, I WANT TO EXCHANGE my 60xl0O-foot lot, hard-surface streets, 1 block from Union ave.. with a 6 and 7-room new houso on it. modern In every detail, within 15 minutes' rldo of center of city; $7000, $H20o equity; want lots or acreage. AH 973, Oregonlan. HAVL several choice lote In Oregon's finest beach resorts to trade for Portland prop erty. This bench will soon be the most popular between Seaside and Astoria; level lots near ocean front. Will consider vacant lota In good district. A f i't. vicgumiw. .i ,--zj ir nf vnnrf unlmoroved land. 1 miles south of Portland: price $45iK). Will exchange for property on Hawthorne ave., Belmont St., Gllsan St. or Sandy boule vard, same value. E. J. GE1SER. 420 Chamber of Commerse. T-.no ROIHTY in four new 5-room bunga lows actual value $12,000. mortgaged for 3 years for $4500. Will trade for unencum bered Improved or unimproved land. Mar shall 42S0. 7a ACRES 2H miles S. W. of Burlington and about 10 miles If. W. of Portland, near United Railways electric line, to trade for Seattle residence; price $2500. Address AT Util. Oregonlan. WILLAMETTE Valley land to exchange for stock of general merchandise, clothing. i.a-t-aro or shoes: land Is well located and at the rlsht price; stock from $15,000 to $50,000. ti Orcgoiinm. EQUITIES In five Beaumont lots to ex change for good acreage or business lot: no payments due until August. 1912; value $2200- will assume to $2000. F 958. Ore gonlan. lO ACRES land 2 miles from Roseburg. Or.. 1 acres In cultivation, 6 acres beaverdam, small house, living spring, will exchange for equity in iota. joroan, oiu iumDer- mens Diag RYPHAT.K. 160-acre Irrigated farm. Rogue River Valley, Oregon, to trade for Minnesota or North Dakota farm. Improved. L 969, Ore gonlan ACREAGE FOR TRADE. I have some lino improved acre tracts near station on Salem Electric; will ac cept city property. LaBarre. 209 Com- merclal block. WILL exchange lot free and clear for 1911 runabout; must be in good condition. L. ALLISON. Main 1503. A 1515. 522 Corbett bldg. 10 ACRES fruit land, vajue $1000. mtge. $500. will exchange equity for lot or auto. Jordan, 610 Lumbermens bldg. " 10 ACRES. ' Yamhill County fruit land for unencum bered city lot. K yia. uresoiiit 37 ROOMS in heart of city, steam neat, lease, will take $300 cash and good lot. or acreage. 518 Board of Trade. WILL exchange lot In Alameda Park for lot or house and lot In Seaside. , Phone A 36H9. $750 EQUITY In 5-room new house, COxlOO foot lot; beautiful view, for good auto. Columbia Hardware Co.. 104 4th. EXCHANGE 2S acres, cultivated, near Sal em and electric line, for lots In restricted district, or acreage. AC 857. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGI5 Property on west side of clty for a stock of merchandise of $16,500. AB 940, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE city property for stock of mer chandise $7500. X 950. Oregonlan. GOOD lot In Astoria to trade for a launch. L P73. Oregonlan. - PORTLAND property to exchange for auto. 208 Ity Ex. bldg. BIG SAFE What will you trade for one? M. Barde Sons. 240 Front gt. WHAT have you to trade for my 7-room modem house? 1112 Hawthorne WILL take motorcycle a part payment on lot near ML Tabor. AR 962, Oregonlan. 40 ACRES fruit land, Hood River, exchange for Portland property. R 94$. Oregonlan. WANTED Lot for 5-P. auto In good repair. What hav you?. AB $41. Oregooiaa, HAVE YOU CITY PROPERTY TO TRADE FOR GOOD COUNTRY PROPERTY? SEE OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT FOR MERITORIOUS TRADES. $1,S00 50 acres near Mullno, Clackamaa County, all good land, small house, well, etc.; mtge. $1200: will take $300 cash, $15i.hj in trade $4,4S0 280 acres, 8 miles from Pendle ton, half mile to station, 2 farms. 160 and 120 acres each; will trade tor home in city. $10,000 14214 acres, Wallowa County, all under Irrigation, all fenced, half mile hog-tight, sowed to wheat, oats and barley: clear of Incum brance; will trade for home in Portland. $24,760 316 acres near SUverton. 200 acres sowed to crop. 7-room house, 120 goats, 12 head cattle, 45 pigs, 2 teams, stock and Implement valued at $6000; value of property $34,760. $1000 mortgage; will ac cept city property and some cash. $20.000 40 acres, near Gresham. all in cultivation. 1 acre bearing orchard, 7-room modem house, brick potato-bouse; will trade for Income property. If you have any property to trade and want a square deal all around, see our exchange oepartmenx. DORR E. KKASEY Sc CO., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. FARMS FOR CITY PROPERTY. lOO-acre dairy ranch, good buildings, 1 mile to good town, Lincoln Co.; price $bV0; want city property. 160-acre ranch 9 miles from McMinn vllle: 20 acres cleared: orchard, good buildings, stream; $5600. equity $4400; want house clear of Incumbrance. 10 acres bearing walnuts and cherry or chard; Churchill Matthews tract: clenr; $5000: will take, house and lot to $7000. This Is A-l Investment, 1 acre. 8-room house, tine outbuildings and orchard; 1 block to car. 10c fare; $5000; want city property same value. Real Estate Department. . Beaux Arts Building Co., Marshall 1470. 201-202 Lumbermens Bids EXCHANGE. 157 acres, 75 acres In cultivation, stream of water, fairly good build ings. 6-room house. 50x52 barn, new granary, hoghouse, chicken-house. SO-ton silo, old family orchard; 10 acres In 4-year-old English walnuts; 4 head horses. 7 head Jersey cattle. 40 hogs. 100 chickens, 6 miles from Newberg. Owner wants a good al falfa ranch or income property; will trade 07 acres. J. E. RAND & CO., 223 Board of Trade. FOR SALE OR TRADE AT A SACRIFICE PRICE: 80 acres of fine land, one-half cleared, large barn, old house, family orchard, on fine county road, fenced. IVi miles of Vancouver ,lVi miles of electric station; price only $1)0 per acre: will take psrt cash, part trade and long time on the . balance; If you are looking for something good, let us show this to you. D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO., Vancouver. Washington. TO TRADE FOR REAL ESTATE Good shoe store, doing $1500 to $2000 a month business; owner wants to retire; value $8000. Ask for A. Keller. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO. 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. 20 acres, all planted to commercial va rieties of apples, mostly Newtowns and Spltzunbergs, part in bearing; tine sprliiK. good house, beautiful view, near town of Hood River, on main county road: good Income next year; will take modern . room house as part payment. Akj 07i. Oregonlan. WILL sell or exchange 12 lots In Harlem, south of Council Crest, on Fourth-st. line, sure to be electrified soon; 40 acres, 514 miles from Hood River, improved with about 20 acres orchard, part In bearing; Ideal location, best or soli, etc.; what have you? AJ 878. Ore gonlan. 8 ROOMS, lot 100x200, fully modern, in Lebanon. Mo. This Is a very fine house in Al condition. Will exchange for prop erty In Oregon. Photo at oflice. W 111 give good trade. Ask for Harrison. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. 8000 A GOOD 40-acre farm. 1 mile from station. 15 mllea from Portland, fully equipped with stock and farm tools; would take a good auto as part or clear Port land property up to $1000; balance to suit; this Is best potato or onion land In the state. M 979, Oregonlan. 160 ACRES close to R. R., In Montana; clear of Incumbrance; will trade for Port land property. FRANK T. BERRY, No. 4 If. 6th St. APARTMENT-HOUSE, brick building, in come $3120 year; price $30,000; will take $13,000 In city property, remainder In a Ea.L GEISER. 420 Chamber of Commerce. A FINE farm of 170 acres, near Portland, for good Portland property; $23,000; no Inflation; good buildings, stock, furniture od imniements go with place; lots of fruit. Gill & Dufur, 6.19 Hamilton bid $1000 EQUITY In 10 acres splendid land close to Portland, balance of $1000 pay able 1 and 2 years; will trade equity for auto, lot or good equity in house and loL AC 977, Oregonlan. 2"ACRES, 5-room house, close to Portland, easy payments. 1V4 acres. 8-room house, close to Port . land; trade for residence. 313 Lumbermens Bldg. pvou A -o 575 acres, all In cultivation, lies level, for tacant lots or houses and lota in Port land. J. E. Leonard. Phone Marshall 260H. 20 ACRES good land, close In on West Side, value 16000, to trade for good auto and some money, or will take house up to S2000; balance can stand. L 978, Orego nlan. 10 ACRES Hood River, part cleared, will exchange for small house and lot. Alberta district preferred. Ask for Mr. Harrison. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. WILL exchange house and lot near Ml. Scott car for motor truck. Ask for Harri- CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. A TRUST CO. 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES, 3 miles south from Tillamook, for auto, lots or furniture. $u00. Ask for CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. aeoTT" i-OUITYrTyi acres. 4 blocks postofflce. V)r?st Grove, balance $1678 time; ex change. Phone owner evenings. Woodlawn 3040. WHAT have you that will stand Investiga tion to offer for good hotel business on Washington St.. or paying apartment houses. Call 317 Ablngton bldg. LARGE Laurelhurst corner and Rose City Park lots, equity $3800, for modern house up to $6000; will assume difference. 42j Falling bldg. . THREE and four-room apartment-house on Washington St.. will take $100 cash, bal ance lots or acreage or farm. ois-a Board of Trade. WANT to exchange $1500 In stock of local corporation for Interest In business In which I can become active. H 941. ore gonlan. IRISH CROCHET wanted in exchange for first-class piano lessons. H 946, Oregon- plan. WILL EXCHANGE a fine 10-acre tract near Portland for auto. Laurelhurst lot or piano. Phone Main 8546. No agents. WANT a general merchandise stock in ex change for Willamette Valley acreage. 313 Lumbermens oio-K- VALUABLE coal mining stock for exchange: Improved or unimproved property. Inquire Darson. 51S Board of Trade. WANTED To exchange a stock of watches and Jewelry faI land" or equity In farm lands. Q 940, Oregonlan. 160 ACRES Irrigated land: will trade for house and lots or acreage. J. M. Judd, Redmond, Or. irivn Portland Income, for San Diego. Cnl.. vacant or Income; value $10,000. K 042. Oregonlan. jjjVE a medium-priced lot, free of Incum brance, to trade for an equity In hlgher prlced one. G 051), Oregonlan, WANT to sell or exchange lot for small store or delicatessen In good location, low value $600. Main 4288. 39-ROOM, two and three-room apartments, good lease, $500 cash and some trade, or good terms. 518 Board of Trade. EXCHANGE writing desk for large trunk. 415 7th st. NEW 5-room house to exchange for acreage. 313 Lumbermena bldg. I WILL trade my home for a farm or acre age. Address AR 984. Oregonlan. I WANT to trade ranch for a home la Port- A land. AT 963. Oregonlan.