FT fcal Mooae. I tor r-ai, . NEW J-BTORT. "-ROOM HOME REAOT TO MOVE IN. Ala.'... T m rm Mrrh? rfullon hall Wllh ttl At. irg living-room wllh nrep'.ac and built-in tookruti: dining-room with butll In buff:, beamed celling sod paneied lis: cabinet kitchen: rear porcn Wltn toliet; hardwood floor downstairs: three bedroom a with large .eloaete (window m ttchi; sieeplng-porca; linen closet and Mhrann: full ramanr bM'3IH'. furnace. laundry tray and woodilft; electric light niture. window ahadea ana tint-a to imi, lot 3uxlo, improvements in and paid. bmiil payment caah- TO la IS on of ttia eight now houn be ing bui:t by Mr. M. W. Priest in West- nfinii Twn have been aold bo far. roml oat and look them over and wo will Amah it to ault you. Remember, they aro guaranteed agalnat any defect In building. Located on .t it- Take rieilwood car. get on ai bi wa a (hrM ihArt block t. Wo wt.l make term aaclafartory to any responsible party, or wo might tako a lot aa nn: parnini. r ui call Maia JT or A jm SAVE 9230 LAfREl.HL'RaT HOt'HR 215 Haseifern Placa. Was Cash. Today 9-"-0 Cash. ... o-afArv l.r.n house aa follows Large rwptio'n ball; living-room with . hnllt-lrj bookcuM. dlnlng- roorn wilb bullt-la buffet: paneled wall and bmd ceilings; tMlim aiicne,,. -u..- umnM. wltn p.enty 01 in .i---. three large bedrooms, earn having a cloeet . . irra aleeDlna-Dorch. bath room. Unn cioeet. attic lull iih of houee. floored and plastered: hardwood floor downtalr. full wm-il basemen, with furnaco: woodlift and laundry tray a. Th bntiea tani east on a box low "' provemani ar In. Including twwor. ga. ectrlclly. cement walaa and pavel a-reeta 1 block north of U.laan car. " L ll.in lalT or A 2:.t. Hatter ana. coma out this afternoon and a It. It wi.i do pa h ana. aw ADDRESS ABOVE. NEW homo and furniture. T larma; East J-'d. S blorka north of ilaUat..n. your tr.no to -t a h.ma. lhia on. la 'lrl mant and l.rga'anlr. TO. lol ; la full i'x lim. witn amall aliack on th. bark, could ho o-M for garaga. jric f-.M; and - rr monin ! an. Waat Vladmont horn, at a barraln; V.ii good 2-atory houaa. on hard-aur-face atraat. coraar lot. ownnf moving to Fa. tarn Oragon. Thl won t laat. Karby. botwaan Framont and Poach: 2 atory -room houaa. In flrat-claaa condi tion: a b-aullftt. noma; evarytning nlco. priea I4ii. r'aat Salmon t. : largo, fino homo. A nap If you havo $!. prlco 3K. M. H. CALtf. SA2 Pcark St.. bat. 11 and 1 o'clock. Phona Main oft-'. A I47. THl- la aaay : a-room houaa. w ltn bath, on Eaat 7th t. South, batwaan Pin and Aah. Montavllla. ona block to car; al'C trio light. ga goo baaaroant. eamant walk and curb; graaad atraat; 4 room abova. 5 balow; Juat baan put In eompi-t rapair: ll'"-: $V down and .S monthly without Intaraat. A P alodarn S-room bungalow, cora- ?4otaiv furnlahad; mlaalon furnitura. w-ll-on ruga, rang In kltrtvan and on In baaamant. both ronnarlad; bath, f ull baa mant: lot ifiil. - front aaat : ona hi"- from Mount Scott car. noar Anahoi: good nalghborhood. raady to mova Into: .'. jtou down, balanca 2 monthly at T P"rBV'r KOMER. llVV! Toon Bl5g. Marshall 1771. BEAl'TlFl'L Bl'N'JAl.OW. blX K'HIMa MuDEKN. UL. ..tiP. A atrlctly modarn cottago. on full-ll lot and atrrao vj " 1 - - (tnctad dlatrlct. Houaa ha avary con vanianca. la tlnlad. ha hada. aloctrlo llghta and ga. ownar want party ab'.a to pay :s ragularly avary month: ha I not ao particular about flral paymant. A. N. SKARi-E. E. 7-ith and E, tillaaa. (M-V car.) riPF.CIAI. HA V. TH iRVB UltSTKU-T. FurnlahJ houaa. -7iO. mall paymant . f I,... a J.rmtm down, oaianco r " l- . " . , - - bungalow cottago. Juat off of Hawthorn ava.. mat i win a.n. . - prlco to a daalrabl party; houao I trlct ly modarn In vry way; largo lot. 6SX100. Tabor r 1 rv i t i -v . - -Wa hava a cliant who own two fin lota worth liu thlgh-claa nalghbor hoodk. Ho want party with aamo amount to halp him flnlah two modarn " room houaa now building. Thar la 40 par cant profit In four month C. W. DAVlrt CO.. ' ommarclal hlk. iTa'dd-I' apdition sXrniFiOE. FTRMSHF.t) OR UNKrHSIKHKO 10-ROOM C'M.riNIAl. HrtMK. EERT MiinERN COXVKXIENCK. TO SK l- TO AI PKKCIATE. 1'HilNK EAST fnWl. TERMS OR EXCHANGE. QT1CK. CALIFORNIA BUNG A LOW 7 big room and Ineloaad al-aping porrh. baautlful placa. worth V". muat "all: will tak S410O' larma- owner. 4.1t Worcaatar bldg. For S ACRES'. NEAR PARK ROSE ACRES, ta MILE TO PARK KoSE CA KLINE. I own lO acra right n-tr J'ark Koaa acraa. wbara th ara sailing for r." to $1- par trra But. owing to a large trull ranch that ha Juat baan laft to me In California. 1 am' Ion-ad to l-t go elth-r tn California or Oregon proparty, and I have concluded to aacrlrice the arra nge on Park Hoaa car'.lna at once, so I on davelop the crop and property In Cali fornia, There I a five-room houaa. practically tea. facing on the main county road, a.ao a partially completed barn, while on th rear of th. acreage, facing on a 15-foot road connecting with the main county road, la a two-room bouse, barn, chicken houae and run. Thete acre. owing to tho I i-foot road on which they all fare, make It conven ient for subdividing into acre tracts. Thl acreage la level and la connected to two Ana automotive roada. the l;.ia Line and Sandy bouicvard whera expreaa spaed can be made. Cher acreage on Sandy road can't he bought at any price. Another thing, with in ona mile of thl placa 1 the flnest kind of Aahlng. an-1 wild duck and geeae can be bagged any morning In s.aaon: t'htna pheasaeia eat with the chicken tn the barnyatd and the quails whtat'e to their mate In the twilight hour. wMle rabbits are p.entlfui. making It an Ideal home. I am willing to take desirable building lots and turn them over to a contractor f-tend of mine, or 1 will take a dealrali'.e city home without a mortgage on It. and I might consider a houaa with a mortgage en It it not too lerga. ao if this appaa.s to yoa. don't b sfrald and sunmit your proposition, aa I mean business and am going to leave Portland Just as soon as I poeaibiy can. WI.I be bom Sunday. Taoor sis. CRFOOS ELECTRIC. PNAP IN ACKSAOE. "X acres near station, doe In; sur rounding property all platted; you can pint thia and mak good profit. Call for owner. TS th Pt . Near Oak. Main fteta). A 41SA. THE BEST BTT NEAR PORTLAND. I have a 4 and lo-aere tract, with good houaee and everything Arat-claaa. at Tigard. on th Oregon Electric. Iv mil ouu beat transportation, thst I can sell at prices way under the market and on best term. Let me take ot out tn my machine and enow you tneae. They can't be. beat T f5n. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL HOME. a acre in high atate of cultivation, tery good bnlldlnga. ftrat-claes soli: a real cosy and productive farm. 14 miles to electric ears, bank, high school and stores; price $340; you cannot find a neater and better plac f r th money In Oregon. F. FtVHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. LOOK THIS I P. If y-u want one of the beat S-rre tracts near Portland; adjoining tract l held at S.'). but on account of sickness 1 will ell at a sacrifice, but must hsve .".'k cash: good terms on balance. Haworth. i:o Emerson St-: Wood lawn 2733. THREE acre richest onion and celery land, level. as!iy Irrlgstad from creek on two sides, cultivated; adjoining llva town. 4 b'oeks from electric station. 11 mile from Portland: valuable to plat, rich for gar dening, bargain at IIJuO; term. Owner. 7I loth. A SACRIFICE 1 cre. Tualatin Valley. I S mile south of Council Crest, on S. P. Rv. 4th st. line, between Bertha and shattuck. J. P. Harvey. 4 Lumbenmens bldg. Phone A Hi! F'R SALE scree with good house and barn In Columbia County I ml from town. For particulars, apply D J. Ore gonian CHOICE acre tracts, all In cultivation, only 4 blocks from electric car. (1 down, fl per week: no Intereet or taxes. 414 Ijekura bljg. Sunday phone East 451. IV ACRES, spring, creek, ee fare, no rock: take an me tra!e. or bargain for caab. 427 'hamber of Commerce. j aVrK.-T nMir Council Crest. SSOOO. 41S "haTier of Commerce, a AMI lo scree Improved or unimproved bargains, win trad. Swank. 117 tlamJitoej. wll lurniat-a wnu Tou ran (at ai. all right wlihout buy ing anjrtning th.) bav.. Tho houao ha hail, living-room and dining-room. i b-4- . k..fK riutrh kitchen, full baao- I - -. ' For hale Arre-ge. For Su - Acreage, fiL . taAOLE CREEK ACREAGE. ftoma of the bast soil to be found la Oregon; located right at the station at Eag.e Creek, on the Eatacada Una. Flv and ten-acre tract from H2i an acre up. Remember thia I th best-located terri tory ner Portland and you will soon pay much higher prices for acreage In that neighborhood. Call for Mr. Ander- OREcJOV REALTY CO.. 43 FOURTH FT. rhones. Marshall 3790. A 3324. TWO ACRiS ON THE CARLINE. For eirt all under cultivation, high and Ightly. th finest view on the line, only V ralie from the city limits of Vsncouver nd close to the FAIR OKOUNDH: now. If you wnt n Ideal home, close In. you want to look this over, will mefca you good terms J- ACRES IMTKOVKl'. I . . . : I 1 . mrA rirf fin BOll. 1 ! mile from It. R. station and boat landing. miles from Vancouver, thl 1 all In crop at the present time, fruit of all kinds for fsmlly una, one of the beat placee for chickens and berries m this fiert of the country: l-OO cash, balance n 3 year, 7 per cent. JO-ACRE PNAP. With 19 crc under cultivation. T acre of prunes. 2 acres of th finest beaver dam. worth at least 6no per acre, the balance Is a very fine loam eoll. 4 good rowa. s heifers, one registered Jrsey bull, one good team. years old. harneee. 2 rant H chlckene. all farm Imple ments, a elioO pressure water system with a gas engine, half mile to R. H. and high school. miles from the electric Una, 4-room hnuia told), good harn. 24x40 with two ahe-l attached, new prune dryer, cream separator, phone. In a very fine neighborhood, price IV). 1-500 cash and ths bslanr to suit you. 162 ACRES FOR PLATTING. Only one mile from the Columbia River, 1W miles from It. R. and boat landing, all level, good soil. 40 scree under culti vation, some gvtud timber, fair houe and barn, well and windmill. In a fine loca tion. If you are looking for a good place to rut up Into acreage see this. Price 1I.Vno. f.'iooo cash, baiance 6 years at S per cent. E. F. GII.nEP.T. 10 Washington su, Vancouver. Wash. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY -HOME WITH GOOD INCOME. 7 acres, within It blocks of postofflce and banks at McMinnvllle, with creek running through rear end : good 4-room house, basement, water In house, wood lift, good barn for 4 head of atock, chirk-en-house, several walnut and fruit tree In bearing: this Is a country home with sll city sdvaiit.ies; price 1400U: owner will accept strictly modern S-room house In good residence district up to earn value. OODPARP WIEORICK. 211 rltark h'treet. RIGHT ON THK OREOO! ELECTRIC. in acre, driving distance from Portland; Pacific highway touche on ida; l cleared and ready for the .low; small family orchard: price $22.. You can buy this on our own terms; owner is too busy to look after It. ALVORU-CARR-HUNTER CO.. 219-221 Board ot Trade. THIS IS ONE THAT WILL" PLEASE Tf't". 14 acrea all Improved, a fine cottage, good barn, two fine chicken houses, good well with wellhuuse, fruit house, nil the buildings are of the best, within 2 oil feet of tha electric line and station. 5 block from o stores. 4 blocks frVm high school, 3 rre of strawberries, now If you want a fine home for one-half of shut It 1 worth, see th'; In a fine neighborhood. Price $4h0. I'Mn cneh. balance on good terms See thla Monday. E. F. OILHEHT, 106 Washington su, Vancouver, Wash. FIVE acres, all cleared, sidewalk along front, only few steps from station. 40 minutes out. Thin Is the best of garden land, at 1iOO per acre, on terms proper discount for cash. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33 102 Fourth ft. A 3300 A HOME WITH INCOME. About 4 acres, fully Improved, pn lead ing tnoroughf are. between Portland and Oregon City, half mile from electric line, 11 miles from Portland: good house, barn, root-house, water tower, windmill, gaso line pump, water piped for Irrigstlon. one acre tn strawberries. phone In house, store near bv; pries iS0"O, t-rm. OODDARD A WIEDRICK, 141 Stark Street. TO acres, all cleared. S-room bungalow furnished complete. eer thing new; this Is only 40 minutes out; for rent at 912.30. or for aaie on easy term. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33 1U2 Fourth St. A 8300 QUK'K. SALE BARGAIN. Two acres. highly Improved. A-room modern house, g.io.1 barn, chlcken-houae. 6o aortel hearing fruit trees, balance all tn raspberries, b.ackuerries and gooseberries; water piped In house and hydrsnts all over piece for Irrigating; lies Ideal on comer of two macadam roada price cut to 13.o0. S blocka from carlln and cloae tn. Has no comparison. JACOB HAAS, 4oS Yeon bldg. ONE acre. In view of station. 40 minutes out; rich eoll. at 43 per acr on monthly payments. Office open until H P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33 1U2 Fourth St. A 3.VM1 ELEGANT suburban home, Fk0 ft. from Willamette river and boat landing, place corner at station on Oregon City Electric, 3i minutes' ride, lie fare; on river, uto road: fine new 7-room house, strictly mod ern, young orchard, berries, chicken-house, etc.; high-class neighborhood: will accept city property to elooo. bal.uice easy. H. At water, &: Henry b.dg. 1'hon Marshall SU7. S3 ACRES. Choicest red shot soil In Washington Countv. 4'1 miles from Portland on th new P. R. ex N. Ry.. partly timbered, eaally cleared,' good roads, school In quar ter of a mile, new railroad town In two mile loo cash, balance your own terma. FIRLANIVS TRUST COMPANY. 0 Spalding Building; BUNGALOW and 1-10 acre for sale; land In cultivation, iruil trees. Derries. etc.; house has larg living-room, 2rlxl3, 4-foot stone fireplace, beamed celling, built-in bookcase, etc.; modern plumbing through out, good water system and fine wafer. On Oregon City carllne; 7o fare: 27 mln uttea from Portland. Price 14750; terma. For further particular addres Postofrlce Bog 63. city: phone Qk Grove. Red 24. SEbT ME BEFORE BUYING. Five or ten cre of my land point the way to independence. It I near Portland, close to K. H. and boat landing snd two good towns: soma of the finest beeverdam. land In Oregon; best for onions and garoen truik. also some fine fruit land; 1 will sell on easy terms; 2" per acr. Rica, owner. R. oi. 32l, Washington St. 2d ACRES SACRIFICED. $1330. It oid this week; fine soil for fruit and vegetables; llv almot level: S acre clered; ao more almost clearei: wood for fuel: spring-fed creak; mile from good town; on creamery route, R. F. I. and phone line; lino down: balance monthly. Owner. a"4 Spalding bldiv CHICKEN ANO FRUIT RANCH near Portland: a ew BLriOl vision, -ewtai prices: bast soil; fine view; wood, water and roads: 9 acres. $eoO per traot; 10-A-, t.VKi; 2' A.. oo: 40 A.. 120; 90 A-. e0: ldO A.. I.VhjO; liberal terma FRANK M FA It LAND P.EALTT CO, Si's Xaon Ulug-, Port nd. Or. TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, TORT-AND. ACREAGE In valley Jut wet of Council Crest. Abut on both ld of Fourth tret carlln now being electrified. Only 40 minute now. SO minute with the new car and 20 minute from 4th and Washington when tunnel la built. Car fare to commuter now 13 H rents, thl Is less than you pay for wood and water. Heautlful laying land, rich soil, no rock, gravel or hllia. One water at 24 feet, good store with fre de livery of merchandise. rural fre delivery of malls, good phone ser vice, churches and chool. In fact every community convenience) al ready established and so close to csnter of Portland that each yeafs growth of city double up th value of these tracts. Many nice home now occupied. This 1 th largeet platting of acreage In the vicinity of Portland. The present development Insures rapid and continued growth. 250 to $0o per acr and upon monthly payment plan, proper discount for cash. Any sited tract you may do air. Arrange to go see this with out expense to you. Office open, until 9 P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COM PANT. Main S3 102 Fourth fit. A 3300 U ACKHS In Italian prunea on publlo road, half mile canine. 111 miles of Portlan; a snap, 11300; 1koi cash, balance term. ia . in Italian nrunea. 1 acre fn ,eare 1 acra In aasorted fruit. 1 acr n grapea. 8 arre for garden and potatoes: on canine, new rtuuee, jm-w cash, balance terma 120 acrea dairy ranch. 80 acres mnder cultivation. 33 acre .In clover and timo thy. 33 arre for oata and potato. 40 good pasture, with running wster the year round, good black land with clay sub soil, doe not overflow; no better land In the state; no rock or gravel, 5-room bungalow house, barnroom for 20 head of cowa. head of horse a woodhouse. milk house and granary; all personal property. 2 head good horse. 6 cowa. no chickens. 1 new mower, 1 rake. 1 disc, 2 harrows. 2 plowa. 2 wagons. -1 new sep arator, a set hsrnesa, 1 seeder. loO sacks potatoes. liO tons bay, half ton oata. all small tools. household good. price 919.000. 91000 cash, balance long time. ATKINSON GILBERT. 4il Washington St., Oppostt potofflc. Vancouver. Wah. A C R B A G E 5 acre on Oregon Electric at Tigard best of goiU two block from station 933tl per acre. 20 acre on Oregon Electric, near Meaverion. All in i u 1 1 1 1 ... " " -- -barn, beat of soil; a bargain. Prlc $4O0 r-nnice l and ft-acrs tract on the Ore nn citv car. right at the Koeth station; all cultivated and very best of o!L For prlc and particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO.. 246 Alder bt. HIGH-GRADE UNIMPROVED LEVEL- LAND. NO BETTER SOIL OUT OF POORS. K 1A lA.ll'Rt! TtJAPT-H. FAY 10. DOWN -AND 1 PER ACRE PER MONTH. IN THREE YEARS YOU DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. MAKING YOU INDEPENDENT. YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR INDEPENDENCE. THIS IS THE PLANTING SEASON. 1CT TSJ11W FREE AUTOMOBILE FOR INSPECTION. LAWSON, BROWN 1NVESTM fcjr. to.. 18'l YEON BUILDING. TELEPHONE MAIN SWT. Located on the Oregon Electric, Juat 25 minutes' ride from tn center of tna city. 97O0 PER ACRE. KIASV TRRMS Deep rich black soil; th beet truck lnd In Oregon: one acre properly culti vated will make you independent. SH-CENT FARE. This land la all cleared and under plow remember each tract la directly on th electric line and at the station; buy two acres for what you would pay lor on average city lot; as short a rid as to go to none I'lty park. BUKLINGAME ALLISON. Owners. , 322 Corbett Bldg. Main 1303. A 1513. 5-ACRE tracts across the Willam ette River from St. John and 24 mile back from Whltwood Court, which la 5-eent car fare, free ferry at thla point, enough cordwood on theea tract to pay them out, 92O0 per acre on monthly payment fie u about these. Offfce open until 9 P. M. THE 8HAW-FEAR COMPANY. Mala 35 102 Fourth St. A 8300 9200. 91 down and 11 a week will put you Into Immediate possession of one acre of good rich black loam garden lend, no stumps or rocks, ready for planting: about 30 minute from city limit on Salem Elec tric road, near two atatlons: alao 2 acres et out to fruit last year, fenced and one room house, all for !3K: 110 down and 910 per month. Inquire of owner, 211-212, th Felling. 8d and Washington. 10 ACRES. BEST SOIL IN OREGON. In famou Tualatin Valley, near Reedvllle. Lies nesrly level, black asndy losm soil; near carline, church school, K. F. D.. and phone. About 7 acre cleared, balance good first growth timber; price 91300. 5 year to pay It In. Address owner. AE V75. oregonian. I GENUINE BARGAIN. Choice Orchard, Flng. Location. 17 acres, perfect land, rich deep soil, no stone, 7 acre 7-year-old English walnuts, lO acre 3-yer-old apples, best of condi tion, surrounded by orchards, near New berg; price only 9173 per acre; terma If you want a fine orcherd or good country home, ae Mr. Kneeland, ami Swetlsnd bldg. "BEAVERDAMLANDV8. CITY LOTS. One cere of baaverdam land Is worth In productive capacity a dosen city lots and costs no more than an ordinary lot 4 miles out; you can buy one or mora acre all ready rfor crop at 9830 per acr on asy tsrma; an acra will pay for ltslf In two years. Investigate. 612 Couch bldg. 10 AaRFS virgin timber. 9 miles from Courthouse, 2 mile station; all level land, fine soil; about 170O corda wood; prlc 91HS per acre, worth 91'3o: thla tha best Investment around Portland. HIOLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. 30 ACRES, house, barn. shop, family or chard, rolling mill, 80-horss water ower; unincumbered ; 5 miles Estscada. Ex change for city horn. Owner East. Agent. H. N. Swank. 3S Ablngton bldg. OKEOON ELECTRIC ACREAGE, 970. 9 to 2i A. tracts, near station. 18 mile out; term: fin for fruit, berries, chick en, etc Fred W. German, 829 Burnslde. M. or A I77A STEAMER FARE TO FRISCO PAID. Buy lO acres famous Sacramento Valley Electric Farms 90 acre; 1100 cash. Call or write for Dartlculara. Olll 4x Dufur, 689 Hamilton blag. 9 ACRSrt Southwest from Hood River, la 8 and 8-year-old commercial apploa. with water right: 200 feet from new brick high school. Would trad for city property. Woodlawn 1263. O. B 424 WyganL FOR SALE One acr Metxger station. Or. Electrl: all cleared, good well, soma Im provements, five blocks from station. Xn- r . . . I . 1 . .1.1-. T VI Te..i.. Quire m mac ... lunun. HOOD RIVER 30 acrea In Hood River Val ley: partly Improved, small bearing or chard, cheap at 9500O; terms. Apply A. D. Hay, 870 14tn l.. rorunnq. 9-ACRE, highly-Improved chicken ranch, with bearing orchard, oa eleotrlo car, 8a fare, cheap for Immediate aaie. j, E. Hall, lot Ablngton bldg. 5 ACRES. 20 minute from onter of city. Bo fare. 4 acres plowed, on light timber: i-prlng on the place; two aides fenced. D 79w Oregonian. , 1 AND t-acre tracts, cVoee to Portias. 1 to 8 block from eleotrlo oarllna. t.(e us 900 per acra, easy tarn i. W. He--tenia Realty Co.. 815 Corbett blgg- 17 ACRES, 19 cleared, running water, 9 block from car station -and 9 mil from Courthou; only 1109 per acre; terms: owner. Jama Wilson. Boring. Or., route 1. HAVE 127 acrea on county road, 1 mile from Banks. Or., hslf mile from side track of 8. P., 940 per acre. Address M. Turner, nan its, or. 99 ACRES on the Base Line road, about 1 mile east of tha Montavllla carline. Whit-mer-Kelly Co., 70 4th at. BEAUTIFUL, five-aor tract for hnmeelt or platting: on carline; 3c far. Owner. O i.41, Oregonian, 8 ACRES rich land, cannot be excelled for potatoes and fruit, close to station on Mt. Hood line; 17 V mile from Portland: 13d0 per acre; also 10 acre all In cultivation at same price; one-fourth cash. 10 miles from Portland. .5 acrea In Tualatin Valley, all smooth land, rich loamy soil, comfortable house, small barn, not far from carline; land ! very pro ductive and price 1 right: 94300. IDEAL FOR CHICKENS. 174 acres, 1 block from station: land 1 a alight oval, lying perfectly for an Idea chicken ranch; soli Is a part eandy loam and part dark. deep, rich loam for potatoes: substantial house and barn, t acres orchard; strawberries and loitan berrles: 963uO; favorable term. See Geo. Englehart. 20 acre, 1 mil from Oresham; 5-room house and barn: 130 feet of tiling; will produce great crops; less than half mil to two Interurban stations; 9.000. 91 acrea good rich land, all In cultiva tion except 2 acres; new 1 S -story mod ern house: large barn: corner of tract 1 blocks from station; easy access to Port land and Gresham; 9-1.000. 6ee Geo. En glehart. GOWEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY, 2 Lumbermen Bldg. Ground Floor. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONT. SACRIFICE. 20 acres of extra fine river front. 800 feet frontage right on the river, beautiful building spot, exquisite view of river for 1 mil both ways: the Cascades and Mt. Hood form a background view; fine sandy loam anil: boat landing on property. 20 miles from Portland on main county road, 1 mile from Oregon Electric station. W mil to good little town: good schools; hss R. F. D. and telephone. Price Ili'inO. 91200 cash, balsnce to suit. 8 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 520 Ry. Exchange bldg., 4th and Stark sts. 83300 DOWN. ONLY 3 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 10 acrea, all In cultivation. 1 acre Ni agara and Concord grnpes. largo family orchard, nine-room, steam-heated house, large barn and carriage shed, large green house. The oll 1 A No. 1. Located on on of th best road out of Portland. In a fine neighborhood. This place will Ha -AFth imimn Inside of three years. fha cltv'a a-rowth alone will make It. If you want a place to make an Ideal su burhan home, ret busy. M 871, Orego nlan. tniril. COUNTRY HOME. 2 acres. 4 mile from carline. 13 miles up Valley rrom r-nrtiana. ii um-....1..- .nnn hullHlnri Clean young ap- Lle orchard In full bearing, plenty of oraji berries. Good water eystem. Stock and farm tool Will take a home in Portland a part payment up to eoovo. Good terma on oaiance. W. H. LANG. 276. Fourth fit.. Opposite City Hall. Phone Main 2338. COT. N TRY HOME. 11 mile from Portland: Improvements are neat and attractive, vim 1-1. a. -ter aystem and are situated on an ele vation affording a beautiful view of sur rounding country. Is one diock -ohi .-.. i..ai Ann.iiti nf 10 acres afJ In cul ttvat'lon. 40 acres Is a rich valley In highest gtate of cultivation: u r ac... See Oeo. Englenart. OOWEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY, 2 Lumbermen Bldg. Ground Floor. 20 ACRES blocks from electric carline. close to Portland, good automobile road, land rolling, partially cleared. 9133 per acre; easy terms: is acrea. v. mile from electric carline. good roads, uncleared. 1"9 per acre, easy term. ... a 1 s .nd e.acre tract, all cleared, on electric carline. cheao fares, close to Portland; very easy terms. t - urrvrDT.TV nKAT.TV CO. gift" Corbett Bldg. Marshall 29. 160 ACRES NEAR NKWBERO. T3a.itrol feontnee nn river, well Im proved- 130 acrea cultivated. HO acres fine beaverdam: balance deep fertile "indy river bottom loam above overflow: ideal for peaches, loganberries, hops, spuns, falfa, etc. Do not fall to Investigate thii place for a home or nubdlvlsion. SMITH PHEFLER. 22 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 328. vnin rrtoirE 40 acres N. w. of Hlllshoro; $soo, 91n and 910 per montn. 10 acres near Gresham: fine olI: car line and water running through It; 9130O. Extra fine celery and onion land: $.130 per acre. 20 per cent down. 94 month or F. DUBOIS, 1203 YEON BLDG. , 1 ico tr ft ninniTN' All In cultivation, good 9-room house, aa.hae 9 aood wells, horse, cow and small tools. 1 a miles from station, near good achool. H miles rrom nt. SMITH A EHEFIiER. 822 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main " FOR 8ALE by owner, 5-acre tract. 14 miles from Beaverton, or., a acres ciemen. acra In rwiiitn.1 1 sere of stram berrl e. other small fruits; Improve lents on place cost owner JtSOO; sidewalk rrom neaver ton to place one of the nlcent. sichtlle-t tracts In Washington county. c. i. Fltxpati-lck. peaverton. Or. R. F. D. No. 3. anrt ar"nir clinlce land near Mt. Hood Ry. about 40 acrea In cultivation, rich deep soil, well watered, neamirui acemo enr .-n.inai..... would consider some mort gages, contracts and good city lots In part tende. Henry C. Prudhomme Co, R1M W11COX Ding. 1 1CRBI POTATO LAND. 1 4 miles from Fourth street line: land ea.lart now for One-third Of CrOP. which purchaser will geL Price only 9200 per acre, essr terma RUFF A KLETNSOROFl. 41 a Board of Trade bldg t ar-RES AT TIOARDVILLE. Yotin- orchard, small house and otit t,nillinn aoort well and ring. 7 acre under cultlva'lon. Price ?o. SMITH A- PHEFLER. K22 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main K28. 10 ACRES. 4H miles from Courthouse. In unimnmih rnimtv. at R. Tt. station; high ly Improved, lies hlrh snd sightly: fine large house and emunn": a canny nome. Priced way below- value: terms very reasonable. AT 942. Oregonian BARGAIN. Base I.lne Road. Suitable for sub-dlvllon, 5 acres. 93000, Terms. CO-OPERATTVF TRT'T COMPANY. 44 Yeon Hldg. 10 ACRES. 21 miles 'from Portland: all In cultiva tion. 400 bearing fruiT treee. good house and barn. W mile from station: price 9.10OO- 9300 cash balance to suit.. 80S M'KAY BLDG. FOR PALE Two. 3 snd R-acre tracts, psrt lv Improved, country sites with combina tions of tinususlly valuable advantages and a whole cltv Mock, now earning a 1 per cent net Income. Otto Ptaub, Cleone, Or. CHOICE ACREAGE 8 and 10-aere tracts, hlghTv cultivated, near station, on Salem Electric, verv fine oil, running wster. easy terms. La, Barre, 109 Commercial bldg. 10 ACPFS on Section Line road, south of Fockwood. partly cleared and fenced; 940A nn acre, terms. WATSON A THERKELSFN CO.. S8 Spalding Bldg. Main 792. K ACRFS. R-room house, harn. chlcken- honae. 7.1 bearing tnm trees, an vprie tla. pruned and sprsved. berries. 8 miles heart nf Portland. Owner. 33 E. 03d N; Montavllla car. IMPROVED ACREAOB SNAP. One. three or five acres, splendid soli, lies fine and close-in: 11-cent fare; che-n and easy terma Vanduya &'"WaIton, 815 Chamber Commerce. 10 ACRES, near Base I.lne road, fenced: .1 acrea in cultivation; email oerriea. no iruit trees, house and harn. well; easy term. WATSON A THERKELSEN CO.. S0e) Spalding Blde Main 732. 92 PER WEEK. Near city limits, y, acres In cultivation, a cheap as nearby lot; fine soil, beauti ful homes surrounding. Ask for Marsten or Hale. 202 Wilcox bldg. Sunday 10 to 3. SNAP. For sale bv owner. 5 acre on Oregon Electric, under cultivation; best of soil, on county road. Call Tabor 190. I HAVE a choice H-acre tract on the West Sid: 3C carter, running water: price reasonable: terms If desired. Address 31 B77. Oregonian. THREE acre In townslte of Gladstone: would Consider gooa Cliy lui in part pay ment. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 806 Wil cox bldg. FIVE acrea of finest land on Base Line road for sale, just oevona iweive miie nouse. Prlc 91973: 930O down, easy terms on balance. Phone Tabor 383. 10 ACRES Al olL 10 mile from Portland, for ale or traue; living spring on tract. 754 E. bth t. ft. 9 8 ACRES, six cultivated, lays nice, be tween Oswego. Oregon City, price 13000. Phon Bellwood 249. ACREAGE nd farma. large and small tract Call Kinney A Stampfer. 331-1 Lumbar Exchangs bldg. 5 ACRES good soil. 18 miles from Port land. 1V4 mile to car, 9100 per acre. Phon t-ellwood 1 685. WILL ll t sacrifice my H4 acre in Olenmorrle Addition. See owner, 218 Com monwealth, bldg- AritlL 7, 1912 BE FREE. BUY LAWSON ACRES. WE ARE NOT SALES AGENTS MAK ING YOU PAY 50 PER CENT FOR PERIVES. WE OURSELVES OWN SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES L.EVEL. FERTILE. UNIMPROVED LAND. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. li MILES FROM CITY. WITH HARD-SURFACKD ROADWAY. A 4-ACRE TRACT LAST YEAR PRO DUCED 500 SACKS POTATOES VALUED AT 92 SACK. JllOon FROM 4 'AjCRES. WE ARE PLANTING SO ACRES OUR SELVES THIS YEAR. POTATOES ARE BEING SHIPPED INTO THIS COUNTRY FROM EUROPE. RECENTLY OREGON POTATOES WERE SHIPPED TO CALIFORNIA. MARKET IS SURE. BUY NOW. SUR-DTVTrrE LATER: GET TOUR LAND WITHOUT COST TO YOU PY YOUR PAYING 7 PER CENT IN TEREST IN ADVANCE ON THE IN VESTM EXT. MACHINES LEAVE OF"FICE FOR TRACT EACH DAY. LAWSON-BP.OWN INVESTMENT CO. 1309 Yeon Bldg. Tel. M. 394T. SUBURBAN HOMES. CLOSE TO PORT LAND. 9200 TO 9400 PER ACRE. Almost everyone has a desire to own a little farm or acreage, a real country home, conveniently located, pure air, out door life and country sports for the chil dren, a garden, berry patch, family or chard, chickens, cuts out the high cost of living and a- location close enough to the cltv that business will not be Interfered with and citv pleasures enjoyed. FOLK EN BERG, with the United Rail ways electric line depot right In the mid dle, gives every tract or acreage close and convenient to electric car station and It's lust the place for that Summer home you have been planning where the family can enjoy the Summer outing lesa the usual expense. 1. 2 and 3 acrea at 820 to 1400; very ensv terms; come out to Folkenberg Sun day: take United Railways electric car at Id and Stark sts at 8:13 A. M. or 1-15 P. M.. return at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M Vou will enjov the outing: station on grounds. The UNITED RAILWAYS are preparing to Improve the car sen-Ice. MORE CARS. EARLIER AND LATER CARS. BETTER CAR SERVICE. QUICK transudation. CHEAPEST FARES, all these betterments from time to time add increased valuation: a sure profitable In vestment. It will pay you to Investigate now. .T W HEFFERT.IN. Owner. 15 Corbett Bldg. Phone Marshall 29. SMALL FARMS. Several hlirhly improved small farm within 13 miles of Portland, on the elec tric carline; two. of these places have fine voung orchards Just coming Into hearing. One place of 2R acres all In cultivation : good buildings, plenty of berries and small fruit, good water sys tem, stock and farm tools: for sale on easv terms. One place of K acres, all In garden. One of 7 acres, with extra good house and out-bulldlngs: good orchard. near electric station; cheap and on easy terma W. H. LANG. 270 Fourth St.. Opposite -City Hall. Phone Main 2333. OPPORTUNITY . , GET A START 10 ACRES Eight acres In cultivation, $100 per acre, small pavmcnt down, then 91n per month at per rent, 2 miles to town and railroad. -10 miles from Portland In Yamhill County, no hotter land In Oregon; 3 tracts sold last week: house Just being built and fnmlly living on this trsct; the tracts are selling fast: get one before they are all gone F. E. Seachrest. CIIAPTN-HERLOW MTGE. A TRUST CO. 3,'12-aHK Chamber of Commerce. TIGARDVII.I.E BARGAIN. 4 acres with neat fl-room house. out hulldlncs. good spring, w-ll water piped to the house, bearing orchard, berries on macadam road. Thia Is a beautiful place and must he seen to he appreciated. 11 cent carfare. SMITH ft PHEFLER. 822 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 32A 21 ACRES. 4 acre. In clover. balance wooded: plenty of tenter. level; lies between S. P. ind Or Electric roads, 18 miles from Portland: price 1230 per acre, term aB"h' H P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4"4 Wilcox Bldg. Thones. Main SoW, A 23.1. 160 ACRES. miles from Corvallls, good house and bam. famllv orchard. TO acre cultivated, all stock and Implements, shot clay soli; ideal fruit land. Price per acre. SMITH SHEFLER. S22 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 502". S ACRES AT TTGARD. One-third mile of station, 7 acres un der cultivation, fruit trees. 8 years old: berries, good well. cheap house. all fenced, on maeaanm roan, rncc SMITH & SHEFLER. c.oo chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 3S26. FOR SALE Forty acres; 15 cleared, fine soil, four miles rrom r-anuy. on mmn roao. near gooa school; fruit, etc. Just the place for man to make an Independent living: good house and outbuildings: 91900. 90X1 cash and balance long time at 6 pr pent Call afternoons, 434 Chamber of commerce Dnt. 4 ACRES. TTGARD. wtTit nrtnn Krll.DINOfl. This is a dandy little place. IB minutes wnlk from station: fl-room house. barn, both new and painted, some young fruit trees, land rnedy ror crop; price juou, terms If desired. ATCiriSON & ALLEN, 213 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and? Alder sts. MOUNT TABOR. 3 acres, all or port, adjoining City Park: unenualed view, fine srill. highly Improved, fruit, riowers. water, riHciricuj. phones, near pavement and car; might take some trade; also 5 acre near Os weeo and loO acres on Columbia River, nar cltv. Owner, AD 970, Oregonian. NEARLY 2 acres of fine land, improved and fenced with lOO bearing assorted fruit trees on it. about 1000 feet trom street cars. 5-cent fare; a snap at $3500. one- third cash, easy terms rest. A. N. SEARLE. 78th and Enst Gllsan sts., M-V car. Open Punday. va-c. uivr ivnTHRH 10 ACRE3. 40 minutes' rtde on electric line; best for chicken ranch: enough timber on it to pay for It: some beaverdam and gar den land; price 91000: 1.100 down; act q una M'KAY P7.DO. A GOOD INVESTMENT. fn acrea on line nf Mt. Hood R. R. at a bargain price. About haJf tillable, aome eaav to clear, some gooa mmier, mm power stream throuith center; might trad for cltv property. Vanduyn 9b Walton. 515 Chamber commerce. c-nw a anfa investment ther 1 nothing better than one or our imwi ui w.'SD at Orenco. MCMinnvilie or new.!- iauaa. Come in and get booklet and tot us ex plain about term and price. MULTNOMAH ROOMINGHOUSE CO. 807 Rothehlld Bldg. MarhaH 4931. 2 BEAUTIFUL BEAUMONT CORNERS. Big sacrifice; money needeel badly; 2 alght'v view corners, lovely homes all around; 970 cash. J1140 payalle 910 per month. F.ecker, 327 Lumber Exchange. Marshall 1345. 14U. ACRES well fenced. Improved, ready J . ., m.MI, Kaen fn. ror planting; -iwm .. - - 20 head of stock, m acres of strawberries, 11 miles from Portland. List your property with ug for results. 313 Lumbermen Bids. 40 CASH DOWN BUYS ONE ACRE. Near station. 3S minutes' ride from Portland- on electric line: balance only 910 a month: land all cleared. Atchison & Allen 213 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d. and Alder. ONE 5 and a 10-acre tract ltt miles from e ectrlc station, u mna t.o., . macadam roads, no hills; 9125 per acre; easy terma. See owner. FRANK T. BERRY. No. 4 N. 8lh St. 2 FINE COURTNEY ACTRES. 1000 ft. from station, fine grove, grape, berrle. beautiful site. Will leave the price to you. but must have aome cash. Owner. 414 t-OUCnoiua- . -, , -1 -: tn,-ir cr.ARS 25 acres, absolutely the moot desirablo on river: on state highway, near electric line : price rignt- aj g-i-. v ; ACRES, one mile from Lents: flr for plat ting: oniy ' -' l:' a.s, Snap. ..... ,-, .on TTT1T OT F YOU want an ideal suburban homesite with fruit, maples, springs, running water, etc. at an absolute snap, write owner. En' 78. Mllwauklo, Or. 10-ACRE orchard tract, adjoins largest wal- nut orcnaru in vice... - - -monthly. Oregon Land Co., 70S. Board of Trade. FINE acre. Garden Home; 9100 cash, bal ance easy terms. nyyiy -" .oi j 10 ACRES, within 7 miles of Porltand, at a sacrifice, e-co. .--n 9110 EQUITY 10-acre tract, wrana tonae valley, tor s.i. c vtv. wi r."imn, 8 ACRES. Joins Council Crest, on terms. Henkle Br tinrniwn, ueniim'-i wig. g ACRES. Klnp's Heights car. spjendid bar gain; alSO acre, terms, ah n. ,,.a"wi I REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale-Acrea.. SACRIFICE. Have to leave; must sell my improved place near wilsonvllle even though I have- to lose 25 per cent; 20 acres; will take as little as 8750 down. 8i ACRES ALONG S. P. and pacific Highway, right near Barlow: virgin soil, all clear; nice home; 83300; J1300 cash, balance 6 jer cent. IRRIGATED 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS at West Btayton, 14 miles S. E. of Salem, at ridiculously low prices and on easiest kind of term. Don't pass this by. See MR. ROHRBOU-GH. 8H Chamber of commerce Hide. Phone Main 208. 1.05 ACRES BETWEEN 39TH AND S7TH STREETS. 8 blocks to carline on the Powell Val ley road, all in orchard. "LISTEN." th price is only 8500 or $2787 per acre; M cash, balance 1 years at 8 per cent. The owner muat make this sacrifice to han dle a larger proposition. If you are sat isfied that this Is the best buy in the city and you have the required amount, see F. E. Miller. 906 Yeon bldgj SPECULATORS. INVESTIGATE. 78 acres. 8 miles out. well Improved, ft mile to station, excellent soil, water sys tem, dirt cheap at 9200 per acre, about 9SO00 cash, balanoe 5 years 6 per cent. You can more than double your money in side a year. Seeing Is believing. Reliable agents protected. F. FUCHS. 4-0 Chamber of Commerce. For sale Business Property. ONLY . 93S00. Here is the very best buy In business property In the City of Portland; 50x100 feet close In on the Mississippi carline. The street improvements are all In. This lot la improved with a two-story building, consisting of a store and five living-rooms. The income is permanent and this prop erty will double In value when the two new bridges are completed. Price only 93b00. Terms reasonable. DE YOUNG JOHNSON. 514 Chamber of Commerce. OLISAN ST.. NEAR 21ST. 30xHXl, income loO per month. See us snd mako offer. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark SL JUST OFF WASHINGTON. 50 or 60 feet, corner, away below mark ket value; will furnish responsible tenant for private hotel or apartments if im proved; total investment not to exceed 843.000, and producing not les than 1- per cent net. liDLDSCHMIDTS AGENCY, 415 Chamber of Commerce 12 PER CENT NET. For ten years absolutely secured, ought to appeal to any serious minded investor. We offer a corner best location, south of Morrison or near Washington street. If preferred, which you improve; total investment not exceeding 935.00(1. and ab solutely guarantee you about 97000 net In come for 10 years. Can you beat it? GOLDriCHMIPrs AGENCY. 415 Cham. Com. BUSINESS CORNER, WEST 6IDE. 300 cash will handle 50x100, suitable for stores, flats or factory, only 12 minute from Morrison St.; big pay roll adjoin ing. Out-of-town owner must raise money; price 918UO tor few days. See Jas. C. Lo- gan. 813 Spaldingblilg. BUILDER OR INVESTOR. Apartment site on West Side, walking distance, on Eleventh st. carline. 100x100; no better corner in town for fashionable family hotel: 917.000 will close the deal. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY, 404 Yeon Bldg. BUSINESS CORNER. 93O00 cash buys a fine business corner, 30x100. ti-room house, near new Steel bridge, the real center of Portland, right on the carline, improvement all In; a splendid buy at 810.500. E. J. GE1SER, 420 Chamber of Commerce. NON-RESIDENT, In the city for a few days, will sell double flats, good income. Bel mont street; other investments require that I raise money -at once. Former price 883O0; 97300 If sold before I leave. $2000 cash. K H41, Oregonian. 19TH STREET, Corner $11,500, carries Itself now with 900 per month, splendid building site. Corners like this are scarce. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 415 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP IN BUSINESS LOT. Nice lot on East 3d street, close to Steel bridge, worth today 910,000. 9S0UO on good terms takes It. Will Increase In value faster than anywhere else, F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. EAST SIDE, fine corner, rapidly growing locality; income $230 per month. PRICE, 925.000. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 413 Chamber of Commerce. WAREHOUSE site on Peninsula; lots 1 and 2 block 10, East St. Johns, equal lo 3 full lots corner, faces on O. & W. R. K. ; only 910O0 for the tract; cash. Call owner, room 11. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. WAREHOUSE SITE. Valuable corner on 13th st. : trackage; quick action Is necessary. T 957, Orego nian. APARTMENT-HOUSE, site of 30x00. for sale at great sacrifice if taken at once: Investigate this if you have cash; It will surprise you. 84S Belmont St. imn TXVF.STMENT. Two 5-room flats, new, all modern, will take lot aa part ipjk, i" Owner, 821 Commercial st. APARTMENT SITE. Full lot on West Park st. Cheap and desirable. Main lusa. fvir" sale Two good building lots; will exchange for auto. 208 Ry. Ex. bldg. 100x100 ON 4th st. South, snap; must be sold at once. ztl nerce bl. j-iioiic ..lam FOR SALE or lease Excellent business site. Good proposition. 427 Front st. Homesteads. ADVANTAGES of Oregon. 100-page book, gives the smount of Government land open to homesteads in each county In Oregon. Washington and California, and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, ooal and mineral laws; map of Oregon In colors, showing railroads in operation, under construction and pro posed. Including Eastern and Central Ore gon; book 25c. map 25c: California map In color. 32x37, 25c; map of Washington In colors, 20c Nlmmo, Runey & Co.. 424 Hamilton bldg. WHY BUY A FARM ? When we can locate you on a good homestead or homestead relinquishment. Have places with good rich soil, plenty of water, near settlement and not far from large town and Southern pacific Rallraod in Southern Oregon ; all on good wagon roads. J. B. HAVILAND TIMBER CO.. 320 Railway Exchange bldg. 180 ACRES, five mile from city, on good road 7.000.000 feet large old-growth fir worth 97000. Haven't the money to prove up- will aell relinquishment for 900. 13 Marquam bldg. Phone Marshall 6U4. HOMESTEADS. I can locat you on some of the very best homestead in Central Oregon only a few left; close to R. R. ;urvey: ful par ticulars, u. n. xviciiiiioiio. - a- WE have a relinquishment to Government land' can DO euicicu cimc. " itead or desert claim; this claim Is well located and valuable; must sell; attrac tive price, r liulc6uul CAN locate few parties on a 2300-acre irrl- CA luw" . . , .1 i , I V, hnmeacekers gatlon proposition, " - DAVID A. M.B-I,naii, JUST returned from my homestead In Cen- iomeTooacreIalm." "k 940', Or.: goman. HOMESTEADS, near Portland, timber and water; ome P"' b o i ... s- . sT i'.W t-noTYl 1 . nrni. ..UVr , s tor rood location in horaeitead claim alt uaiea near - 1- Mart. room 222 Ablngton bldg. For Sale Fruit Landa. ACCOUNT of icknes owner will sell or iTillocated, In APPlton dist.. Wash. This will pay to Investigate. J. J. Maatalir, i7-j r. 17th at. 60 ACRES, only mile from Sheridan, in WATSON A THERKELSEN CO., S0 Snaldlng Bldg. Main 7592. FINE 10-acr tract. 91000 is all you need to handle tms ana mo "ii. 0.0 win rest. 93000 income this year. r i r t- vnrrT T i Vn 280 acres, three miles from Mosler, Or., 100 acrea partly in orchard, one mile from Mosler. Terma M 934. Oregonian. SMALL fruit tract near Caldwell, Idaho. Price right, good terms. Address P. O. Box 134. Caldwell. Idaho. WHITE SALMON fruit land. Call Wood lawn 1(99 or C 1777. 11 unnn rivkr 20-acre apple orchard, under ditch; water right goes with land. 3s acres in full bearing. 9 acres planted in 1908. 7V4 acres planted in 1910 to best commercial varieties; no better eoii In the valley; 2 miles south snd 3 miles west of Hood River; fine county road on two sides of property; mile to church, school and store; will dlvido or take Purt land property in exchange. Price 95,000. A. B. RICHARDSON. 218 Ry. Ex., Third and Starg ta- FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 91500. 9100 CASH, balance easy monthll payments, will buy 5-acre. 7-year-old bearing apple orchard, planted to deli cious, wine sap. Rome Beauties, and Jonathan apples. In Wenatchee district, where yearly crops have never failed and apples command the highest prices; Ji4ii cars fruit sold last year. "A poor man road to Independence." FRANK M. BROWN. INC. 1020 Chamber of Commerce. HOOD RIVER APPLE ORCHARD. 10 acres, located near Van Horn sta tion, all In Newtowns and Spltzenbergs. 2 acres In 2-year-old trees. 7 acres of i -year-old, all In the very best of condi tion; free water the year round, small house, barn and outbuildings. This Is one of the cheapest buys In the valley. Price 910.000. terms. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak- A PAYING orchard. 912.000; SO acres rich bottom land, 22 acres In 5-year-old trees, g acres 4-year-old trees. 750 English wal nuts, Mayetts Franquette. 2i0 Bartlett pears, 2000 peach trees. Early Crawford. Elberta, Charlotte and Columbia. 5 hi milea north of Salem, lhk miles to Willamette River. 3 miles to Chemawa and S. I . and electric station. E. P. Hatch, 51 Un Ion ave. Woodlawn 397. IDEALLY located. 13 acres, good 5-room house, large barn, shed, chicken-house, cellar, well, spring. Summer kitchen, fin est of views of three mountains and river, fine road, good school, finest of neigh bors, fine soil, easily cleared, two acres cleared. Price only 92400. 9200 cash and balance your way. Discount for cash. D. D. HAIL CO.. Mosler. Or. FRUIT farm, nine miles out, four acre bearing all varieties, three in young trees, three In heavv timber. Good buildings, tools, stock, irrigating plant, trout stream. Will produce 92000 per year. Price 98000. part cash, balance time. 653 bherlocg building. Main 3335. t ORCHARD land, 40 acres, 2 miles from Sheridan; adjoining planted and owned by the professor of the agricultural de partment of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege, at Corvallls; 975 an acre, terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding Bldg. Main i u92. SPLENDID SO acres of Mosler land, first class house, fine well. IS acres in fruit, a large part of which is bearing and will produce 92000 this year. Near good school, fine road. This is the very best Invest ment In Mosler at 98000. Your terms. AV 102, Oregonian. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. Ten acres, six in 5-year-old commercial orchard; well located and close to station; also 10 acres adjoining in clover, under ditch; half cash, balance to suit, Waiton. 615 Chamber Commerce, 25 ACRES, 9 acres Improved, 400 bearing fruit trees, all kinds, ilve-foom house, good barn: this is only -'H miles from Kalama. Wash., and one mile from the Columbia River; schoolhouse adjoins place. P'lro tltWO. terms. A. Troutman, Kalama. Wash. For Sale Farms. CHOICE AND ATTRACTIVE FARMS. 100 acres, best of soil and part river bottom. Nearly all In culti vation; good 7-room residence, wat.;r piped into same. Extra good barn and other outbuildings; good orchard. Located on good road, not far from electric line and only a short distance out of Portland. This is one of the best farms that can be located. Located In the famou Tualatin Valley; price t2M an acre. A long time will be given on part. 5" acres, excellent soli, good buildings, on a good road and not far from Oregon City; good crop now growing; completely equipped with high-grade tock tools and implements; price 9j.0; time on part. 40 acres, very best of land and every inch In lilgh state of cultiva tion. New 2-stiory 7-room residence. Large new barn, concrete eel ax, machinery shed and other outbuild ings Very best of fences and cross fences. 'A fine crop now growing. Running water, and also a One well. This Is an ideal farm of Ita size and will produce as much as any 40-acre farm, In the State of Oregon. Located right In edge of city Price 90500; will sell on easy terma or will accapt Portland res idence property as part. Thia 1 a genuine bargain. 16 acres, located right In the city limits, on electric line; In a high state of cultivation and on of the prettiest building site to be found. Will sell at a bargain price and giv easy terms. This is .something un usually good. 5-acre chicken ranch, chicken houses for fOO chickens; good bun galow. Prlc 93800. Might trade this for a house and lot In Portland of same value. 35 acres, well Improved, high-class land and a high-class carm. Right close to Portland; 9300 an acre. We make a specialty of high-class farms, and positively assurt without fear of contradiction that we have the very best to be had. If you are looking for the best, you are Invited to rail or write. J. E. Smith, S13 Chamber of Commerce, Port land, Oregon. 9100 AN ACRE $10x 160 ACRES. Here Is a farm In the heart of th Willamette Valley, that Is worth double every dollar that Is asked for It. 140 acres under cultivation, balance pasture: living water on place: 2 miles of Mon mouth, the town with the only normal in the state; 4 H miles of The Dalles, ths county seat; close to railroad and public roads. 98000 down, balance time. For particulars address AF 950, Oregonian. FINE 40-ACRE FARM. Located In the suburbs of Forest Grov, and is as good as can be found tn Ore go?. Every Inch In a high state of cul tivation; excellent new, modern buildings of all kinds; exceptionally good fences and cross-fences; a fine crop now grow ing This Is one of the best farms in the state and In one of the best arm ing districts. The owner Is positively going to move to California In a few weeks. He will sell this place on easy lerm. oc will accept Portland Property for nart. It is a genuine bargain. Call or write J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. THE ONLY CHANCE. 27 acres on river bank, close to Portland- magnificent scenery, waterfall, sev eral springs and fine fishing; house, barn, chicken-houses, horse and implements. About 91500 worth in berries alone can be taken off this place this Summer. Th Enebo Co.. 616 Henry bldg. BY OWNER 50-acre farm, half Improved. , . v. - maul 7-room hutirslfiw 2y acrea iiiiii,, - with fireplace, lumber for new barn, blooded cows and pigs, fine team. Place fully stocked and equipped; virgin soil, north slope. R. F. D. and milk route 18 miles from Portland; close Oregon Elec tric and Southern Pacific Ry.; S600; i u.,.h,ll Aftft. terms, yuu". nm". urea THIS 9.1000 FARM. TERMS. 30 acres, hi mile elect, station, main road all fenced, house insured for 9000; barn", running water, close to school, stores, etc. Metcalf, 810 Yeon. Marshall 9432. j-arjj for sale, located on Crooked River; bottom m . iw i . " . ' balance can be cultivated; good fence, new engine and pump, stock country; for cash, 19HOO. Information write E. J. Leach, Poet. Crook County, Oregon. FOR SALE or trade, 800 acres first-class wheat ianu, m -i"i 1 ,j " vum.j, icB"i 2 miles from railroad; will consider Portland property or farm property near Portland In trade or will give liberal terms On a Bale. Apply at OV r.wi in-mum ai 173 ACRES; an ideal dairy ranch, close to . ,, 1 J '- ... 1 . V. a . I , - City. Well UUillviou "in, a . ' i. u uuiu o. Jerseys. 40. acres, some Improvement. 19 miles from Portland. 283 Taylor st. RARE OPPORTUNITY. 93000 IMPROVED FARM. Fully equipped. 1 hour Portland, con sider bungalow part, Metcalf, 310 Yeon. Mahall2432. ""CENTRAL ALBERTA FARM LANDS. 915 per acre. Write for literature. CRAFTS. LEE It GALLINGER. Edmon ton. Alberta. 32 ACRES, mile Newberg. Improved, house, barn, creee.,. laniny oroumu, eitu ml, terms. i. in. cwaun, qqq auuisiqh q-ub- BEAUTIFUL house and 5 acre on electric line by owner; terma. a. u. luuiii., wi Yeon Diag. COAST dairy ranch for sale. 98500. Inquire . an, n,,rnaiila 1 a t. eai ja, 4