tttt crrvn i r nTrr:nTiv rnrrr, "VT. A T'THJj 7. 1912. iu " " : - i - 1 gaa i jrass ir I as : I 'slss . f NO REST TO PAT. NUHUL.-E UlllS. We furr.nn ivi tfie hime for the Sum mer. A nice 'bis; aril lor tne children. Uwn and sar.Ien. Wl'.h thru Inducements HOW CA.S l-'i: KKtP KKOM AVi.i MO.N ti: In Oresory Hr1l Oood car service, improvements in; on Rose Illy J'ara car line. Tae car to Gretiory Hvitrhts office. -eventy-ecnd (7r street. Com today. LVVEsDIKST CO.. i Corbett tilths. 71 and andy Koad- IRVINGTON. An eleant home of room and Urea si-pin porch, large receptson ball ana irnvll. ;irms.-rooro win oeautirul ".replace, estra fine dlnimt-riMm. niasslve buut-in bullet. 1J f-t aide; five sieep-mn-rvoma. a complete bm-munt ana good Sarae: owner srlil taxe a bun(alow in sood location. A couple of sood vacant Iota or an auto as part pajmenu Im'KK K. KfcAiEY . O.. Id Hour Chamber ot Commerce. SI Rl'HIUX HOVE OS WI1.UAMETTK UIVKK One acre of beautiful grounds, tine shade trees and name ihrulilirry. I'o feet of sandy halhinn bch. new 6-rmim house with wide veranda acroae the entira front and commuiluil a splendid view up and down the n-er; large nrepliice. wood lilt, bathroom, tol.el. hot and coid water and all modern convenience. 'AO minutes by electr'e ?rom center ol Portland. Price oo:t .MJO; land alone worth nearly this, easy terma S-e K. W. l' CHAl'lN-HEKI.OW SITGE. IK1ST CO. S-IJ-.tol t'hAmber of i 'ommercc. WE3T-rUIK HOME. Pm of the beat view propertied In Port land, beautiful modern. eisht-rem hu en avenue, head of Johnson su Grand view of city, river and mountains: must be seen to be appreciated. ruraac-. two fireplaces. s.eeping-porr n and lrn. Will sell furnished or unf urnlened. 1'rn.e and terms merit- E. V. IIITfHfOfK. 51 Chamber of Commerce. A KKAL HOME On a choice lot. -to 4 iloej. new 7-room house, fuilj modern; this Is one of the best. built houses, with iarae room. One futures, one block from Jinwthorne car. west of aotb St.. bare-surface street, sirle wa.k. lawn. shnibtx-O'. girded and small fruits; large s.eepmf porch. One neigh borhood, worthy of anyone's lnvestisa tl..n. 4.V). terms Pee Mr. ".lavles CHAPIN-HEKLOW Tt!t TKl'ST CO. 3.1 J-:; a t'hember of 1'ommerce. HKOAPWAY HuilE. $.n50 for O-room bouse, comparatively new modern, with lumncf. fireplace, fine basement cemented, oak floors In llvlr.g room. lawn In good s.d : 1 near I-d st. This property will Increase In value very rapid!?: is a bargain now at Ibis price. Ask for Mr Van Nice). ORtOO.N KKA1.TT CO.. 43 Fourth M Marenall STIH). A 331. A sN.vr. .;.. a fn a p. uvY.NKK LEAVING TOWS. Fine, two-story bouse, six rooms, closets and bath, electric lights and good ce ment baiement. Corner lot. l'"'H, fruit treea and large p. ace for garden: I.-hi drag, balance easy payments, property lo-ated corner of 44th and Lodge. lake WW car. If Interested, write R. A fenry. Woodland. Wash. IRVIXGTO.V HOME. I offer for sale my comparatively new Bi-rom restrl. nee. strictly miwlern. clou b.e constructed. reception hall. lartfe clueets. with windows, nice porches, ce ment basement and washtravl. lovely Uid and well kept: anyone desiring a med'.um-sfze pretty home will find it to tne:r advantage to Investigate. Inquire 4-il Broadway. PIEDMONT HOME. JTrt"". w-room house, on l'ixltj cor.. No. Ut3 Williams ave Th;s Includes all Improve ments, fine district. one should see, In tha house to appreciate; 3 fireplaces, furnace, cedar finish; terms. If Interested, call or Mr Jorcs. Main 3TL2. GOUEX-IUE TRUST CO.. Room 11. I.umbermer.s Mdg. coz v-EittlTe'iiom e. Cornar lot, 4JS1"- and new 3-room house, water piped In house. In good lo cation, a b!o a from Kenton car, 4 blocks to bu Johns car. In a com ing district. Price 1KK); Ji down. 1 por month. Call for . O. KenKn. CilAIIN-HEKUOW M TXi E. IKI ST CO. 3J.-3oa thiimter of tommercw. V' I L LA Mt:Tt E HEIGHTS HOME, a. room modern house on Thuxman St.. 3 bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, iaundry traya, cement basement. Iarice attic; h.rh and sightly; street Improvements all paid. Price Ti). until. H. r. PALMER-JONEa CO.. 4-4 Wilcox fildg. Phones. Main A 2'3 IRVlXllTOX. 9-room modern boirse, on comer E. S4th and brasew sts. ; white enamel woodwork, every convenience; garage; lot MHl"' ft. pr-tre. Including street improvements, tlAAUU, terms. H P. PALMER-JONE3 CO.. 4"4 Wilcox Hldg. Phones. Main . A S-"..r iJEALTit'lL FVItNJSHED Itr.NiiAl.oW. Here is a flna borne, fu.l lot. lin minutes out. on East central carline, one bi'wlt from car. a.l new and neat. only g-'.vi caso to handle It. We wou.d like you to see It Mr. ravle. CMAPIS-HEHLOW M TGE TRTST CO. So A. Chamher of Commerce. MOUNT TAUOK. 1 acres a.l or part, adjoining City Park: uneq'ialed view, fine soil. MiiVy fTprovwd, fruit, flowers, water, electricity, ph.mea. near pavement and car; mlKht take some trade; also 6 acres near ut wearo and l'l acres on ColumMa Klver. near city. Owner. AD T. (,reonlan. Voft SALE LeAut.ful. fu'lv modern up-to-dat residence on E. Uarrlaon (.. be tween S.h and 40th; 7 nwmi and r-atn. rwntry. ball, cioeeta full base ment. Will tint and rtalu Inside to suit J.arefcaser; .tii terms. Not ftunday. wncr thera weak days. o-4:Jt or luw Vth ava. '., Lerts. Pi El'NONT I'lSTKli'T, K. lots B'.reet. Near Atnsworth. T rooms. recspt!oo hall, den. elegant f. replace, solid oak floors, built-in buf fet, leookceses ar.i wardrobes. furnace, laundry and dust chntee. Particulars ap p.y NaUenal healty A Trust Jo., 73 Chamter of Comiuercw. Main 12w.' IS A HOME. 9fl& for 4 Iota good hoiisa, bam and nCisr on Ttae Line road, this side Mount Tabor, on. East ftth et. : g4'H sash, balance easy. Just the thing for a gardener or delivery man. F. rUCIiw, 4i0 Chamber vf Commerce. VERT modern T-room houe, stucco finish. Interior finished In mahogtny, in most se lect part of irvlng-jr.. g:1.. terms. WATUO.V A TritKKLLttS Co. o HpwlJIng Illdg. Main -jT OCNNTSIDB HAI1GAIS. fttrtctly first-caes five-roum cottage, paved street, gas and electricity, one bio. k t car: bus r law- garden, a real snap. Owner. Tabor 1S77. A S T nt f.r my equity In choice new bungalow, bui't by me; or would sell at taking fej down. "ee today. Tlst fto'l ICwet alters, top Moont Tabor. Phona Main -V4Q eeeclra". t.o gl3 per month, new 3-room bungalow. 1 blocks car, lri minutes out; ri-e ."". H 111 LET PIHOr, 1.12 THIRD PT. g-". g'vO down. gj month and Interest, .l.foum modern bungalow. vt ft. from Hawthorn ave, uwiver. JVt kl. 44th. U g-RivM bungalow on K. 27th St.; $2He, very e.ier terma WATSON THEKKEL8EX CO.. So rtpaliling Wdr. Main T.12. New 5-room house, let Boll 11. Terraca I'ark. roee to Monlavll'a; f.':u. $! down, ba'.anca !'.' a month ami Inter. at, 3 per nl. A 1 tress H:..y Wlnfrs. 1I 3d sr. I'MWiUtl Nice it-r'Hai cottage, a Mucks car. corner Jot "v lo. close to a saxilnaa, on r 'Jo; wor'h HIOLET HIKHOI-. 112 Third st. MI KT eell my modern ft-room housa I13; terrre. make oweh offer. 3iai 3ol St., Clark's station. Mount ttcott car. X CA.W deliver to cash buvee Voa.O'.OCIil feet of as cn standing: timber as Is In the r-nntry; lee-atiJn good. II A. Pox 417. 1T'B and two lots. .V'Xl.iO saeh . liot1. Ilu cash. 7dth and K. Clav. Montavllia. Tabor lt or Tsbor iK!. after . t'.A K and glO per month. O-rooro aback, lot 40100-; Tremcnt: nrlce $.. HIG1.KT A) HIHOP. lll-J Third st. CR ALE New 6-room moilern bunralow. c'oaw to rarbarna. Price $JoO. terma J PTd. Oregonlan. -."a T-room house. 131.1 Patton ave.. terma Pltteng-r. 103 Maryland ae. ITH and K. Morrison sta: k-rooi modern home. t3rJA, Phona labor 111. TWO beautiful 7-room homes In high-class district, oak floors, first floor finished In oak. second In whlta enamel, large plate g ass windows, hot-water heat, corner lot ltroiloo: lawn graded and seeded; Im provements ail in; 36J50. 7oo cash, bal ance f- ry easy. 8 and sleeping porch, full lot. evrrythlns; modern; plastered basement. Price re.lured from d.'e)0 to oo0 for S days only: $7on. cash; easy terms; 3 blocks from Broadway car. Two 7-room homes In Beaumont, elnsa to csr; lot lnoxlrto. lawn mads, oak floors. A-lneh cement wall, sewer, every modern convenience: shades and tinting: $4700 and .'.iix; 10 cash, balance eaey. Fine S-room home, hardwood floors, first floor oak finish, second whlta enamel, steam heat, shades, tinting, electric fix tures; good garnre; hard-surfaca streets. A snap. $:,IHH): I.IOO cash. D-riMim home In Rosa City Park, closa to car. strictly modern, lot VtxIOO. street Improvements paid; flttWSO; $500 cash, bal ance etiey. PROVIDENT TRT'PT COMPAVT. 2f1-l'02-2o3 Uosrd of Trada Marshall 473: A102i WOtXD TOC APPRECIATE A BEAtTIFUT. VIEW FREE OP COST? Then buy my lar.-e. almost new HOME, on l-VRIVALEn PORTLAND HEIOHTS Flnlehcd five coats. WHITE ENAMEtc pri PI.ATE-OT.ASri wlntiowa. mammotrt PLATE MIRRORS, two fireplaces, superb plumbing. OAK FLOORS, spacious ce ment floored porch, broad cement steps, clinker brick foundation and chimneys, CITY snd LANDSCAPE view from EV ERT ROOM. THREE LOTS lj nc lust right Cnobrtructed outlook. NORTH. K(.'T and WFST. presenting a PANO RAMA of PI'RPASSIXO NATURAL Il-'Al-TT I remove to California June l.t and In order to PELL Ol'ICKLT am PRK INO this property ELOVV what It ronld be dnrllcated for In ANT GOOD DISTRICT WITHOI-T ANT VIEW See It and TorLL BUY IT. E, F. FERRIS. Tabor 3"."l. A SPI.KSDID OPPORTUNITY Rich land Including river bottom, located i to II miles from I live cities, can be bought from $!. to $110 per acre, on very easy terma Did similar opportunity to buy rood land at abova prices ever present Itself to you before? We will locate you In a thlrklv settled community, and not In a wilderness. The soli Is rich, free from rocks, and will produce all kinds of vegetables, fruits, oats. etc. The Innd is accessible by good county road. Stores and school are located on the land. The Crave Harbor district, with Aberdeen and Hoqnlam. two of the fastest-growing cities on the Pacine Coast, with three transeontlnental railroads and deep-water harbor, offers today the best opportunity for investment. Since the land la selling fast. It Is to your Interest not to delay, but to act at once. A word to the wise la sufficient. For further Informstlon write at once to Washington State Colo nlzatlim Co.. Aberdeen. Wash. iTTnvGTON-RrNOALOW. Five rooms on flrst floor with large re ceytlon hall, sleeping porch, bedroom and storeroom on ad floor: nice fireplace, fur nace full cement basement: everything modem snd iip-to-the-mlnute. Newly painted and only two years old Street Improvements all paid Fine lot with east front; onlv $47to on easy terma ROSE CITT PARK HOME. Splendid A-room house, almost new. in fine neighborhood. 2 blocks from car: full cement basement, furnace, finished In O-egon fir: hardwood floors. splendid fireplace: large built-in buffet and china closet; beamed ceilings, paneled dining room: Imtcn. kitchen and everything you can put In a comfortable home. Three bedrooms and sleeping porch on the up oer floor rin'v $14' on verv easv terms. OOWF.V.IP'. TRfPT COMPANY. 2 I.umbermens Hulldlng. Ground Floor. IR V1NOTON CORNER. 'Attractive a-room honae, hardwood floors throughout, handsome Illuminating fixtures, finished attic, flna garage ele gant location, near Irvlngton Club: $",000. W I7U. Oregonlan. PRETTY LITTLE eCBmBAN HOME A full lots abont enua! to one acrw and a nice 4-room bungalow with extra large living room, house has modern conveniences, good wond-ehed. nice level yard, splendid plsce for fruit, chickens and garden. Price $27SO. with $.'iOO down, balance $'iO and Interest monthly: 8 blocke from Oregon City car at Evergreen Station. 33 mlnutea out. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPACT. Main 35 102 Fourth St. A 3600 READ AND THINK. For sale, modern up-to-date 5-mom bungnlow. bullt-ln cupboards, a bargain. $lL',o: $.oo down, terma For sale, modern, up-to-date, 4-room bungalow. $14.v. easy terma For rent, two new stores at Tremont Station, ready May 1. no better place for hardware, drug, drug sundries, confec tionery, fruits, soda fountain. barber ,hLr.'ts"o:ii1o. half block carline. $SM up, $2.1 down $10 month. Lots $.'00 up. Tremonl district; get off at Tremont Station. Mt. Scott rarllne. TREMONT REALTY CO., Phone Tabor .1"2ft. A GOOD HOME CHEAP S-room bungalow. 1127 E. 2.1th st . It, blocks from the Alberta car line. mMlm construction. 40x100 lot rrsded street and csment walks: price l-lJiO: $230 cash, balance $2.1 monlh'.v. which Includes the Inter eat. Purchaser to assume a small bonded ssecesmsnt. THE SHAW. FEAR COMPANY. Msln S3 102 Fourlh 8t. A SiOO $.'2.'.t KoR SWELL n-room bungalow, bath, hot and cold water, bullt-ln buffet, hat boie.. dressers, disappearing beds, French windows and doors, etc.. roms nnted. full concrete basement, cement walks, hard si.rface streets, half block to lt. Scott car. WHY PAT REST WHEN $.00 cash end 2rt PER MONTH Wil l, fl KOIIASE THIS B E A UT I FT' L HOME? My auto la at vour service to show this house. Phone Marshall 274. evenings and Sundays C 147. Geo. A. Rlgga. 1.1 Spaldtng bid g. 10u20 of choice garden land, with bear ing orchard. large variety of berries, grapes, etc., 3-room modern cottage. Front of property la sightly and the back slopes to the south. Will sell on terms to suit or rent to responsible party for a year or more. See owner at 414 Spalding IR VINO TON1 HOME. IArga thoroughly modern, built by own er for borne lasa than year ago, beautiful lot. fir trees: price I11150O; terma See owner on premises. 4V1 B. 2Crth et xorth, near Theiri-eon MODERN 7-room house and bath. Ideal su burban home, on two lota Improved with 14 choice fruit trees, roses snd flower beds. etc. Will sell for $22ou, g.-JO below Its valuation, ft minutes to Oregon City carline. ' fare. Box IV. Mllwaukle, Or.. R. F. P. No. L LADD ADD. RESIDENCE, g-roora modern house. Mardwood floors, sleeping porch and large attic, on Ladd ava. Price 172N. terma H. P. PALM EH-JONE3 CO.,. 444 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main StUm. A S51 I ROoM modern house. Council Crest, fur nished or unfurnished, exceptional view, would consider exchange for small bunga low. Iota or tract and part cash, terms. Address P. O. box 173. AT KENTON. 3-room plastered house: hardwood fin ish floors. 2 rooms, linoleum on kitchen fhor. eiectrlc lights, shades. Owner. Main 140. A 211. except Sundays. BEAITIFVL home. T rooms, opposite Co lumbia Park, full lot; or exchange for smaller one. or lota Call Eaat " M on es. $Ho0 DOWN. $20 per month. Including In terest: ft-room modern house, handy to 3 carllnes. carbarna. Jefferson High School. Price $27H Partlculara. Woodl. llile. KoK SALE Large 2-room house and lot. GO X113. en 7nth st, Montavllia. cheap. Tele ; hone owner. Main 4Qq2. HALF ACRE, brand-new, T-room house, fire place, furnace, paneled dining-room, south M cunt Tabor. H:..v. Tabor 21.12- fR SALE (if owner, ft-room modern house, corner lot. .10x100: close to two car -Uneei. Phone Tabor 14AoV BUNGALOW of ft rooms, new and modem. In fine residence district, near E. JAiti st. Price 121 io. with cash $2.10 and bal ance $13 per month- This property belongs to a non-resident and must be sold. Call 414 Spalding bldg.. for particulars. READ THIS. The following are examples of what we have to offer In modern bungalowa and homea They must be seen to be ap preciated. ft-room cottage bungalow. 29th and Sherman, $20. 5-room bungalow. Falrport Add.. $2400. o-room bungalow, Denver Ave. and Campbell St.. $24.10. S-room bungalow, 50x100 lot. Beaumont. 3Cth and Knott sts.. $:io00. Fine 12-room home In Irvlngton. $2000 below market price; $1300 handles this; too good to overlook. Fine home In Willamette Hta., 100x130 corner, on car. $17.3oo. a-room house. Rosnmere, 41st and Han cock. 60x100 lot. $46o0. ft-room modern bungalow, 60x100 lot. S Mocks So. ot Hawthorne ave. at 87th st?; $3130. 5-room modem bungalow, S4th and Har rison, r.oxloo lot; $2800. 5-room bungalow and attic. 40th and Taylor. 46x100 lot: $.1,130. S-room house near Myrtle Park Sta.. Mt. Scott car: $2200. 0-room house near Annabel Sta,, Mt, Pcott or WW car, 60x100 lot, 4 bedrooms; $4oo. S-room house In Rose City Park on rood 50x100 corner close to car; $.V00. Are you looking for a home at a bar gain? We have a large list of very de sirable homes In all parts of the city. It will pay you to see us before you buy. Marshall 30H2: a 41.14. J. R. HENDERSOM A CO., IW7 Spalding Bldg. - DESIRABLE HOMES $100 DOWN 4-room cottage near 41st and Holgate. lot 4.1x117: $1,100. 4-room cottage near car barns, west Piedmont; $1400. 4-room cottage. Rose City Park dis trict, near 71t and Sandy Boulevard, 42Hxloo lot: $ 4-rnqm bungalow near Steward Sta., Mt. Scott car: $14.10 ft-room house overlooking Willamette River, near Killlngsworth Ave : $2100. n-reom house. Montavllia: $3noo. New 5-room bungalow, Montavllia. SOx ion lot: $1000 ft-room 2-stonr hnnse near Annabel Sta., Mt. Scott car. 50xl0O lot: $2oo. 4-room house in Tremont Park, 40x10 lot: $lrtoo. These plsres are bargains and will merit vour attention. Several others, A 4154; Marshall !.12 J. R. HENDERSON' A CO.. 307 Spaldtng Bldg. MR. AVFRAOS MAN with an AVERAGE SIZE FAMTLY desiring the T.rxfRT of a REFINED HOME In a -RESTRICTED DTOTRTCT at a cost TOI f-AN ATFORD on TERMS YOV CAN MF.ET If you have 1 1 rum or more that you can pay down, I will let you make the terms on the bal ance and If voti- will allow me to retain possession till June 1st. when I leave the State I will sell you my PRAC TICALLY NEW FXCEPTION- ALI Y PLEAPINO EIGHT-ROOM HOME considerably RE- I OW COST See INTERIOR l-IEWS and DETAILS NOW at 810 Oak St. EAST SALMON" ST. ft ROOSIS. -o'Oj? . New. modem, ft-room notise. on East Salmon st . Juat west of S'th. all kinds of bullt-ln conveniences, mirh as bookcases, fireplace, clothes and dust chutes, linen closets. Dutch kitchen, nnnelerl dining room, etc.. $ nice bedrooms, with large closets, full cement bltaement. with tubs and woodllff. piped for furnnce, ras snd electricity. Price reduced to 3700 for quick sale, reasonable term". See owner next door. 1128 E. Salmon. Phone Tabor 1 114. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. Seven-room modem house. 2 years old. newly painted and tinted, near carline, store and school: only $2SOO; $2.10 cash, balance $20 Tier month Six-room house with good basement, furnace, fireplace, large living-room and den: H block to car; 20 minutes' ride from town: onlv $2,100: $.100 caith,' balance $2.1 per month. OOWE.V-II'E TRt'ST COMPANY. 2 Lumbermens Tluildlng, Ground Floor. . A PROFITABLE COUNTRY HOME VERY SIGHTLY About 6 acres on thoroughfare to Ore gon City: 12 miles from Portland: 1 mtle electric station: S-room house, barn, wind-' mill, water piped for Irrigation: 1 acre In strawberries; fruit and shade trees; price $.1000 GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FINE TIMBER PROPOSITION. Contract on 300.000. 000 ft. of fine yellow fir timber will col about o per cent, clear. Own sawmill. 75.00O ft. capacity. 10 hours: planing mill. etc.. all fully equipped. Will sell half Interest In above to reliable bus iness man for $10.noo; $30,000 cash. For full particulars see ZIMMERMAN. 810 Board of Trade Bldg. BVNOALOW GREAT BIO BARGAIN. PHONE WOODLAWN 15B1. C 24.17. FOR PALE. Extra beantlftil flrst-claes new house double construction, ft rooms and bath, full cement basement and walks, around the house, china closet and dresser built In wall, wood lift and all conveniences. 8 blocks from WR car south: must be sold In short time: $3S:o; only 'K cash. bal. $20 per month. 50il East 30th st. ATTENTION ALL Artistically well built house, ready for occupancy, fine lawn consisting of three .view lota, rose bushes In abundance, also fruit. Faey access to street snd carline, T.lbot Road. Portland Heights. Valley View Station. Owner. Main 6818. Glad to show place, any time, BUNGALOW. Just completed In fine reel dence district. 5 large rooms and big . floored attic, with an Immense sleeping porch, fireplace and everything for a modern un-to-date place: price $23.10. This covers cost of material and low wares for labor; part cash la necessary. Call 414 Spalding bldg. MT. TABOR HOME, ft rooms and attic, new and attractive; contains every convenience, sightly loca tion; only one block to car. Price with two full lota, onlv $5100; $1010 down, phone Tabor 280, corner of 65 th and Mor rison sta OWNER. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. $100 cash. ftsxlOO corner lot, double con structed house, fine bath, toilet, wash trays, cabinet kitchen, paneled dining room, fireplace, all modern; price $2.1ilO; $100. balance $12.50 month snd Interest. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. 1 1 -.11 2 Lewis Bldg. BARGAIN. Fine comer lot. 15 minutes from down town: hard-surface streets, with house. 8 rooms down stairs and large attic parti tioned Into 3 rooms, celled; $2000; terms. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY. 404 Yeon Bldg. IRVINOTON. Build your home In this select addi tion: have several choice lots, and will furnish all money and build to suit your Ideas; po brokerage charged: first pay ment of $1000 required, balance easy terma AO "3. Oregonlan. WILL PAY $100 JrOWN. Balance $2.1 to $10 month. Including In terest, for bungalow: must be a bargain; no agents. Write AJ 0.11, Oregonlan. NEW five-room modern bungalow, E. 54th and Tl'lamook. doable construction, fire place, Dutch kitchen, etc Full cement basement, spsce for three rooms upstaira; lot 60x100, Terms reasonable. Tabor 773. DEATH CUTS PRICE. ONLY Big rosos; 1547. $2000. . Terma bargain, fruit. berries, grapes, carline, 6- room house. Marahall 4-ROOM atrictly new house on Killlngsworth avenue: price $.1000. will take vacant lot for first payment, easv terms on balance. L T. DOVE. 422 Board of Trade Bldg. THOROUGHLY modern 5-room bungalow In Waverlelgh Heights, for sale, by owner at a sscriflce: aved streets, gas, electricity. 2 blocks to car; terma Phone Sellwood 1?e) Monday. FINE Sunnyalde home, essy contract: hard wood floors, furnace, fixtures, bath, fire place, buffet, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors. A dream. Come quick. Owner. 487 C. of C. ARE you in the market for a fine large home In Irvlngton at $2000 below the market value? Call Last 8802. $1500 handles thla FoR saie at a bargain, modern 8-room house. 977 East Davis St., between 2Sth and 20th ate.; price $4OO0; hard-surface pavements; fine car service; a bargain. RENT Are you craxy ? $25 down and $15 per month and what you pay in is youY own. A home on these terms must appeal to every housewife A K 050, Oregonlan. T-ROoM house, strictly modem, good neigh borhood, half block of car. $.100 cash, bal. like reri t. 112.1 Yeon hMg. M 111 'll'SI-l'Fel. S-room house. S47nn. near carline, Jrvlmflou, 8 B73, Orcgoruan. X LACRELHURST HOMES. Tou are perhaps looking for a home a little different, with a little more orig inality than the average house, and one that can be bought on reasonable terms and not at a fictitious value, HERE ARE THREE GENUINE BARGAINS. $0u00 A large 2 H -story house, contain ing eight large rooms and sleeping porch; first story brick. beautifully finished throughout; the biggest bargain ever of fered In this cltv; has an actual value of $7Oo0; don't overlook this one; very easy terms, too. 15750 This Is a beautifully finished .room house; owner living In same now; Is building a larger house, go is willing to sacrifice some to make quick turn; this 'Is sure to please you: good terms. $7500 The best-built and most artis tically finished bungalow in Portland; the colonial style of architecture followed throughout; finished In every detail, ready for occupancy; If you are looking for something really original, see this; seven large rooms and sleeping porch; good terms. BURLING A ME A ALLISON, Exclusive Agents, 522 Corbett Bldg. Main 1503. Main 4020. or A 1515. TWO beautiful 7-room homes In high-class district, oak floors, first floor finished In oak. second In white enamel, large plate glass windows, hot-water heat, comer lot 100x100; lawn graded and seeded. Im provements all m; $0250; $700 cash, bal ance very easy. S rooms and sleeping porch, full lot. ev erything modern; plastered casement, Price reduced from $ib')0 to $9000 for 1 days only; $700 cash; easy terms; 3 blocks from Broadway car. Two 7-room homes In Beaumont, close to car; lot 100x100. lawn made, oak floors. 6-lnch cement wall, sewer, every modern convenience: shades and tinting: $4700 and $52ti0; $300 cash, balance easy. Fine 8-roora home, hardwood floors, first floor oak finish, second white enamel, team heat, shades, tinting, electric fix tures; good garage; hard-surface streets. A snap, $5000; $.'lu0 cash. 0-room home In Rose City Park, eloee to car. strictly modern, lot ItOxloO. street Improvements paid; $oU50; $30o cash, bal ance easy. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201-202-203 Board of Trade, Marshall 473 A 1022. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful new house of nine rooms and reception hall; full-length sitting-room with fireplace, window seats and book cases: beautifully beamed and paneled dining-room with buffet; . kitchen with every modern convenience; hardwood floors, four bedrooms, bath and Inclosed sleeping balcony; full equipment of clos ets, full concrete basement, hot water heat; ttois home was built after Crafts man designs, with the fixtures through out In keeping with the color scheme of esch room; the woodwork Is of the best, with, a satin finish and rich tone; the ground la 65x100 and commands an unob structed view of mountains; on bituithio street; all llmprovements In and paid; on carline near Heights club and school. R, K. BRYAN, Main 1963. 505 Cham, of Com. A 1227. HOMES ON EAST PAYMENTS. 7- room bungalow, with all modern con veniences; street Improvements ail In: one block to car. 15 mlnutea to city: new. 8- room house, modem, 200 feet to car, lot 50x100' excellent neighborhood. 5-room bungalow, modern. wttrt all bullt-ln conveniences, furnace: two blocks from car, near fine school; gas, electricity, treet Improvements paid; excellent view; corner. : $3450 for 10 days. 4 rooms, in excellent suburb; restric tions: all bulit-tn conveniences; largt liy-Ing-rooma with panela, fixtures and tint ing. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201-2-3 Board of Trade. Phono Marshall 473. A 1022. FOR SALE Fine residence property, close In. Central East Portland, near carline. near schools, sightly, desirable. good homes surrounding; lOOxloO, well im proved, high class, 12-room house: also lot 50x100 adjoining; makes best site on East Side for hotel or apartment house Investment; ground worth more than price asked, not counting expensive house there on; value growing; will Jump when rail road Investments on East Side more fully known: price. 100x100 with residence, $20, 000; 60x100 adjoining $4000. Address O. M. bCOTT. Owner, ' S21 East Morrison. Phone East 1859. WE WILL BUILD riVE-KOOM BUNGALOW FOR $100 CASH. You pick your lot In Altamead Addi tion, we will buy and build on it accord ing to your plans; pay ua $25 earnest money when contract Is signed and $75 on completion of house, balance easier than rent at low interest; transportation excel lent; on Mt. Tabor carline, 6c fare; up-to-date Improvements. See Mr. Mead or Mr. Perkins at IA4 Etark street or telephone Marshall 3832, A 5015. HOME BARGAIN. Beautiful new home of 8 rooms, recep tion hall. Bleeping balcony, and finished attlc;two fireplaces and furnace, hard wood floors throughout; sitting-room and hall finished in oak, balance of lower floor in fir and upper floor In old Ivory, fully equipped with large closeta and every modern convenience; garage, one block of car. For further particulars see, OSCAR W. BRYAN, Main 1863. 505 Cham, of Com. A 1227. ROSECITYPARKHOME. If you want to own your home Inspect this; It can't be beat for the price; 7-ioom, besides large reception hall, hall, living and dining, finished in oak. built-in book cases and china closet and wardrobes with plate mirrors, beam celling, living and dining-room also paneled. 3 firepiaces, fur nace, full cement basement, floors and walks: cement porch, fine den. tine lawn, fine location and view. Call today, 640 . 4o.h. near Braxee. by owner. A GENUINE BARGAIN. NEW ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. PRICE J3500. Containing five rooms and reception hull. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, hard wood floors, attic and cement basement, shades, electric light fixtures, screens and linoleum go with the house; must sell and will accept reasonable terms. 1 BtRLINOAME A ALLISON, 522 Corbett Bldg. Main 15ns. A 1515. BEAUTIFUL house, built for owner; re stricted district; lot 50 by 100; Improve ments paid, not bonded; Investigate; O foot buffet, fine art glass, elegant floors, rooms large, furnace. 2 carllnea, 14 min utes to business; lawns seeded. Call up and 1 will explain. Owner. Main 4144. liAtnbi.iii.niii cyi 1 1 1 . New 7-room home, exceptionally well finished; every convenience; close to car; need the money and will sell equity of $17o0 for balance of $3belo easy terms. A 050. Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE district, new ft-room bunga low. Just completed, full cement basement, street Improvements all paid. 1 block to Hawthorne csr: $.100 less than any buy in city. Inquire 13.1ft E. Madison St., or phone Tabor 651. Easy terma LADD ADDITION. Best buy on Elliott ave.. finest corner on the market; faces N. and southwest; $375 lees than It cost present owner. S 4, Oregonlan S-ROOM modern bungalow, with fireplace, furnace. large rooms and closets, fine lo cation, good car service, for $2750; terms $10O down, $23 month. Call Mr. Hoyer. Main 671V. WA VERLY-RICH MOND $100 down. $18 per month; new, strictly modem 5-room house, big garret, Dutoh kitchen, cement walks In and paid for. Hobson'a Grocery, East 41st and Division. Phone Tabor 1520. TREMONT oottage. 4 rooms, modem, one or more lots, easy terms: also three-room house and one lot, $700; small payment down. Inquire of Mrs. Mo-xley, 6710 69th. ava 8. 8.. Tremont, Kt, cott car. NEW 9-room bungalow, 1 block north of Hawthorne ave.. ror good building lot. Call 1087 Eaat Main st- or phone Tabor 651. NEW 5-room bungalow, beautiful fixtures. bullt-ln improvements, iiuicn aitcnen; owner mut sacrifice. 1 S. 47th, 8 blocks south Mt. Tabor Una. 4 PIEDMONT. Yen can't beat It. ft-room strictly mod ern flrst-olasa home in restricted district, lust completed: $8SuO, by owaer. l;uu Height are. SUNNTSIDE home, a modern 6-room house, well built. good location, for sale by owner, loOO kTast rtlmoil. Fi NIC modem home, full lot, faolng south; Eaat touch and 81st sta; flowers; $d20i ei',1 Yson bldg. Main 118. A 7459. sXR HALS by owner, 0-room house, mod ern In every respect; oloee In; r striated district; must bs sold. East 53. I200O BUNGALOW, $2100: Improvements paid; terms. 851 Marguerite, near Haw thorns. Wood'.awn 2714. IRVINOTON BARGAIN. Must leave olty and win sacrifice my beautiful bungalow, terma East 1763. lllNN YSU'bl, $2300: 5-room cottage; fire plaoe; $20 per month; East Morrison, nesur !!otb- 825 Yeon bldg. Main 112. A 7459. srtmi STRICTLY modern 8-room bungalow. $3250: home broken. Owner. 671 aUneraoa, cor. E lth. Woodlawn 2714. FOR SALE! 4-room bungalow on Schuyler, near 35th: all modem convenience except furnace; price 13400, terms. Main IOTP. MODERN bungalow. 6 rooms, bath, pantry, brick fireplace, laundry tuba, wood lift, everything handy. 1827 Delaware ave. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. $.1 HOOK FREE $10. Portland Bldg. Ass'n.". 323 Mohawk Bldg. K.bOOM eottnee, corner lot 50x100' sltton onah or $1HQ0 terms. Sellwood 1 203. MoDblRN new bungalow home: fruit, bar- I Mas, jajd"", UUeV li&i Ji, XaVXioil An U1J. a ' VIEW. A beautiful residence site. 88x181 fcL fronts north on Belmont street, on Mt. Tabor slope; commands a fine view of the entire city. Ideal location lor a .gentleman's home. Room for two resi liences If desired. $3750. H E ABRY Main 3204. 423 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE. BELOW COST. rooms, hardwood floors, finish very fine. $500 buffet in dining-room, furnace, full cement basement, fireplace in parlor, lot 60x100 feet, situate East 41st St.. in Beaumont, one block to carline; must sell oa account of sickness; price cut to $t100. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark StreeL $50.00 CASH Puts you In possession of a good 7-room modem residence, full cement basement, gas. electricity, bath and toilet, cabinet kitchen, lot 60x100. cement walks, riacau am streets, one-half block of Russell and Shaver car and 3 blocks to Misslssippl ave. car; price only $4000: $50 down. $-5 per month. Call for C. G. Reagan CHAPIN-H ERLOW MORTGAGE TRUST CO.. 332-888 Chamber of Commerce. MR- LOT OWNER! HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL IFINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J S ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BEAUTIFUL HOME, Conveniently located near carline, school and club; surrounded by beautiful homea Wltn unoDBirucieu views 01 cny woo iiium talns; house of 7 large rooms, thoroughly well built: handsomely finished and fitted with every modern convenience; grounds large and attractive: street Improvements completsd; very easy terms. Owner. 1008 Spalding bldg. Main 808. Main 8486. CHEAP RESIDENCE. $200 DOWN. Division street, near East JOth. modem 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, fireplace, laundry trays, nice lawn, con crete retaining wall; price $2700, or will rent to good tenant at $20 per month, GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT wa WILL FURNISH THE MONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUa REPUTATION YOUR PROTKCIION. II WILL PA YYOU TO SEE L'& L. R, BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT 1XO ARCHITECTS. 124 ABINGTON BLD. TWO model houses. 3 and 6 rooms. wllT sell either one. both on corner lots: will sacrifice either for cash: price $1700 and $11150; either worth $2750 but I must have cash or security as good ns cash, as I am going away from here: abstract and war ranty deed all clear; no Incumbrance. See Joe Nash, corner Millard ave. and 72d street or phone Tabor 2312 TWO-THIRDS acre an new 8-room house. West Side. 20 mlnules from Postofflcs; running water piped to tract, good walks to station; beautiful view of Tualatin Val ley; $1650; $1U0 down, $20 per month. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 473. A 7orCASH. $35 MONTH. Buys the prettiest bunsalow on the East Side, beautiful surroundings, han'wood floors throughout; tile bath, elegant elec tric fixtures; In fact, every modern con venience to make a complete home This Is a bargain and must be seen to be ap preciated. Write owner. J 954. Oregonlan. HOME for sale In Holladay's Addition; too small for owner: an opportunity for some small family requiring only seven rooms and bath. Sowing room with bullt-ln closeta and disappearing outtlnu board. Large pass pantry. See details page 2, section 1. FOR SALc3 Choice 6-room bungalow In fine restricted district: cement block porch, hardwood floors, bullt-ln sideboard, buf fet kitchen, complete cellar; all improve ments paid for; In distress, must sell. Come and see. 400 E. 52d st- N. Rose City Park car. ROSE CITY PARK. $15 MONTHLY. All Improvements In and paid for; 7 rooms, built-in buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace, etc Na--tlonal Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 6129. WELCOME to see my home any afternoon except Saturday, the Sabbath; must sell: $7000; anv kind of terma Phone Tabor 874. Marshall 660. Call 11 E. Burnslde, near 3tth. LAURELHURST. BARGAIN EASY TERMS. Mount Tabor home; 8 lots, all kinds shrubbery, fruit; garage, etc.; part cash; would take some acreage as part pay ment. 1051 East Taylor st. phone Ta- bor 1067. Malt) 2473. OWNER HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $.1200, $200 down. $20 per month and Interest, 5-room bungalow, oak floors, paneled dining-room, cement floor In basement; gas, sewer. electric fixtures. Phone B 1490, FOR SALE A new 4-room bungalow, mod em. IU blocks from car; good neighbor hood' located below Killlngsworth ave.: sell very reasonable, with small payment down and easy terms. Owner. Woodlawn 1516. . NEW HOUSES, Just completed. 5 to 7 rooms. In Piedmont and Walnut Park; owner Is on Job both Sundays and week days. W. E. Love. 1101 Mailory ave. Phone Wood- lawn P55. ONLY $100 CASH. My five-room bungalow, every modern convenience; must sell: full basement bal ance $25 monthly; write owner. J 953. Oregonlan. LAURELHURST HOUSE3. We are agents for all the ood houses In this district- See us for lowest prices. Offices on ground. phone East 989. DELAHUNTY A CLEMENTS, 8oth and Eaat GUsan Sta FOR SALE or will exenange for well-located vacant property. 70x100, on West Bide, four good T-room houses, rental $80; price $11,000; will pay cash difference or as sume Incumbrance. David S. ntearna. 24 Washington at. 147.10 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Best buy In this district; 6 rooms, thor oughly modem; one block to car. We have others. Phone us today. DELAHUNTY CLEMENTS, East M. Evenings B 2585, BUNGALOW, BA5 East 3.1th St. (Waverly) ; 5 ronma. sleeping-balcony, attic; modern: $3300; terms. See owner. Thos. Mulr, 633 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 2051. A 2v00. WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT ON EASY TERMS- Main 1428. PtTRLONO. 617 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUMONT New 8-room bungalow; every thing complete: Improvements all paid; street hard-surfaced; 529 E, 87th N-; $3000: (500 down for quick sale. See own ex. 629 Henry bidg! IRVINOTON. New. modern, 7-room house, complete In everv detail; the best value In the city for $5230; terms. 024 E. loth North, near btanton. Bearo j. ui,n i.w. 5-room modern bungalow with fireplace on cor. lot, 80x100, 2 blocks from car; $100 down or vacant lot as first payment, Fred W. German. 329 Burnslde. M. or A 2776. $100 DOWN will buy 6-room cottage, two eblocki from carline. balance like rent. I. T. DOVE, 422 Board of Trade Bldg-. 6EVENTH-ST. CORNER. With 8-room house at an attractive frioe for quick turn. Vanduyn Wal on. 515 Chamber of Commerce. NEARLT NEW 6-room house, with bath and full basement. 2 blocks from Union ave., $500 cash. $15 month. Owner, 459 Roselawn ave. IRVINGTON HOME. New. modem 7 rooms, well built; choicest location; bargain. Owner. Phone Sast 8592. HOUSE and lot 73th. E. Morrison, on 17th st.. must sell. Owner 651 E. Salmon at,, or 387 E. Alder. . 8 LOTS and 7-room bouse, S. W. corner 82d and East Morrison. M 933. Orego nlan $2250. 7-RM. modem bungalow: $900 dead Iota 1135 E. 23d N. Woodlawn 2714. rOR FINE HOMES. See Delahunt. UfinFRV n-room hmm. Went Kiile X.IOiW ftl0A. kuaab, tisrr.Br. Alain. B3Z2. . 1 $100 DOWN. $250 DOWN. We have a number of well-built bun galows and cottages in the most popular residence sections for sale on easy terms to suit. There is no excuse for not owning your own home when our easy home-owning plan offers you financial independence. DON'T BUY OR TRY TO BUY Until tou see what we offer. DORR E. KEASEY CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce SPLENDID HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS 7-room bungalow, been built one year, with modern conveniences. No. 4811 45th Ave. S. E. ; 50x100 lot 5H blocks from WW car and convenient to Mt Scott line. Price $.1000 with $2.10 down and $15 monthly with Interest 7 per cent. This beats pay ing rent. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35 102 Fourth St. A 3500 IRVINGTON TWO-FAMILY DWELLING. Beautiful, new. strictly modern and up-to-date house, with 2 complete homes of 6 rooms each. Live In one and rent upstairs for enouph to give you rent free and pay good Inter est on the Investment besides. Price $7650. $1500 cash will handle this. DORR E. KBASEY & CO., 3d floor. Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $100 CASH. 5 rooms, splendidly arranged, artistical ly tinted, attic, fireplace, cement cellar, laundry trays, handsome fixtures, shades and linoleum included. The lot Is small but the house Is both convenient and beautiful and requires very little furniture to make attractive. Price $2000, one block from car. Mar. 4280, A 1559. . A. J. DETSCH CO:. 840 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME AT SACRIFICE PRICE. Seven rooms, modem. comer, 00x100: price very reasonable; at tractive terms. Phone Main 4880. A 3S81. BEAT IT IF YOU CAN. I will sell my new bungalow. 3 rooms and den. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, tinted walls, fine fixtures, all cement base ment, lot 5Px10O. facing east, close to car. in 'Beaumont. "It's a little dandy." Price $3100. $200 down, $15 per month and Interest 7 per cent. Phone dav time. Marshall 1479. evenings Woodlawn 3027. HOLLADAY RESIDENCE. A handsomely appointed home. In a d.s trlct of fine residences, close in. near Hol larlay Park: bunr-alow style, faces south and east, on corner. 100x100 feet; paved streets, parage.; for sale at price of $17,500. . H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 wllcov Bide. Phones. Main S8!. A 2653. $50 CASH Puts you In possession of a 5-room modern house, completely furnished, one block from car in one of the very best districts in the city: only a few blocks of car barns. Price $.1000: $25 per montn. Call for C. G. Reairan. CHAPIN-IIERLOW MTGE. e TRUST CO. H:i2-33S Chamber of Commerce. IRVINOTON RESIDENCE RITR. loovioo ft., facintr east on E. 10th st. near Knott. 1 block from carline; street Improvements all In and paid; cash price this week at onlv x-toiio. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones. Main 860O. A 2653. triVEIll.T. WOODSTOCK. $2000. 4-room modern cottage, on lot 47HX 1O0 feet, within 1 block of WW canine. In first-class shape and ready for oc cupancv; price $2O00, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones. Main SOU". A 2653. $500 CASH Or a lot or smaller house for first pay ment for 7-room modem bungalow. 2 lots. barn, chicken yard. lawn, roses, gar den, berries, etc.. balance like rent or terma to suit: orlce S.10U0. L. K. stein metz, owner, 217 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 5H97. CRESTON'S BEAUTIFUL SUBURB. 4-room modern house, large attic, Dutch kitchen, walls all tinted, plumhtng all new, 2 lots 50x100, roses of all kinds. Royal Anne cherries and black plum trees, one block to car. all for $2300, cash $."00. Look this ad up, take Mt. Scott car to Clarke's station. O. H. Taylor. BEAUTIFULLY located Rose City Park residence. 7 rooms, mafjnincent view, com Dlte. new: take Rose City Park car to 52d street, walk one block north up stone steps; owner will meet you there Sunday from 2 to o. afternoon, i-none Mr. xsraii Main 20S. ' IRVINOTON. 7-room modem house, on E. 24th St.: near Braxee; on carline. Price for im mediate sale. S5.100. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones, Main 8699. A 2653. BEAUTIFULLY located Rose City Park residence. 7 rooms, magnificent view, com plete, new. Take Rose Ctty Park car to Blst street, walk one block south up stone steps; owner will meet you there Sunday from 2 to 5. afternoon. Phone Mr. Bran, Main 206. BEAUTIFUL 6-room house on corner E. 11th st. and Goinsr. 73x100; modern In all respects and only two blocks from car. WATSON THERKELSEN CO.. 809 Spalding Bldg. Main 7502. NEAR REED INSTITUTE. $2400. 100x100. good 5-room house, one block from WW car: only $500 cash. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. - ONE of the swellest new 5-room bungalows on the East Side, 1 block from Russell and Union: house cost $2C.nn. lot $1700; must sacrifice for $4000. $100 down. bal. to suit, or will take lot as first payment. See owner. Mi Iewts o:ng. HAIa V r'lt.r. -r..ii. Modern house of 7 rooms, with comer lot 60x50. near Patton ave. and Going st ' price 2rcio. income $20 month. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. A LOT Or $500 cash or smaller place buys new modern 7-room house, good location, ce ment walks, etc.. balance like rent or terms to suit: price $3000. 7. E. Steln metx, owner. S17 Ablngton bldg. FOR FALT3 A little cash and a Rose City Park lot will make first payment on a new 6-room bungalow, lVj blocks from Rose City Park car; thoroughly modem and well located. Phone forenoons, C l"e;. FORCED SALE SERIOUS SICKNESS. Stinnyside, close in, one block carline, lo-room house, fine comer, very exclusive view, great sacrifice, $3500: pay 14 per cent on investment. Mnr. 1345. BICKER. 327 Lumber Ex. 4-ROOM bungalow and 3 lots ROxlOO ft. each. Including corner, in Flrland Addi tion: $2,100. easy terms. WATSON THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. HAWTHORNE PARK fl-room modern home, full lot. one block north Hawthorne ave.. near 14th st, : $oooo; or will trade for Beaverton screage with Improvements. J. R- Stipe, 408 Lewis bldg. $0000 FOR a nice 7-room bungalow on E. Da1s st.. on a corner lot 45x103; very easy terms. WATSON THERKELSEN CO.. 806 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. ONE BIG BARGAIN. flSrV) 5-room cottage. 100x100. bearing fruit trees, all equipped for chickens, city water. East Mt. Tabor, 276 85th. near Clay. Phone Taoor 000. .-.Ovl.-.O LOT. 6-ROOM HOUSE. Near Union ave.: this must be sold soon: price $5000; $500 down; easy terms. yrKAr BlDG. I WILL take small payment down on a good 5-room cottage on Sacramento Bt.. H block from Union ave.: $2500, easy terms. Call East 5217 after 6 P. M. BARGAIN, near Hawthorne avenue. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, etc.. worth $2500: if taken at once. $2200; easy terms. Call Main 9012 Monday. MODERN 6-room house, lot ROxlOO. $2600, easy terms. 903 E. 47th St., 1 block south of Hawthorne ave. Tel. Sellwood 942. PORTLAND Heights, modern, new 5-room bungalow. $2500; one-third cash. AB 900, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Irvlngton house: small pay ment down, balance monthly. 208 By. jt. bo-"- RIVETiDALE DISTRICT EXCLUSIVELY. Our suburban home specialist devotes his time exclusively to Riverdale distrlot homesites and improved places his many years' residence in this district has given him peculiar qualifications to find for you that country home you have been promising your wife these many years. Whether you want a lot or an acre 01 more, or a bungalow or a mansion, w can please you in location, price and terms. 5-room bungalow, 4 blocks Riverdale station, new and modern, private water system, fine view mountains and river, 2 full lots. $5300. Easy terms to suit. Several adjoining lots can be had rea sonably. 1.1 acres at station, new and dainty 8-room bungalow, replete with every lit tle touch that shows the master builder's craft, splendid landscaping possibilities, unexcelled view. $5500. $1000 down will buy It. Beautiful building site on Palatine Hill, large natural trees. 150-ft. frontage. 223 deep, a place to build a home that you will be proud of. $3000. Easy terms. Many other bargains to suit every whim and desire. Let us talk over your coun try home requirements. We can please you. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. SAME 5c carfare, on most direct carlin in the city. 25 to 30-minute ride to your work, with all other conveniences of a home. How we can furnish you a home to live In for the entire Summer, with out charging you a cent tin rent is what we are ready to explain to your satis faction, now. Call at Gregory Heights office. Seventy-second (72d) street. Taks Rose City Park car. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO.. 72d and Sandy Road, 418 Corbett bldg. MAKE YOUR OWN TERM 8. Price Reduced $400. Owner leaving city at once fnstructs ue to sell his modern and attractive 5-room bungalow, with furnace, cement basement, nice fireplace, new and up-to-date in ev ery respect. u. block from SOth and Hawthorne. He has reduced the price from $3000. the actual cost, to $2000. to make quick sale. Exclusive agents. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. Note Our list of dependable, worth while homes in the Hawthorne-Sunnyslde district contains many bargains, some as low as $100 down. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5 rooms and reception hall, fire place and built-in bookcases: pan eled dining-room, window steat and buffet: Dutch kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom In white enamel: sleepinc-porch, full basement, mod ern plumbing: price $250: terms; two blocks off Hawthorne ave., on East 4ilth st. Owner, at 41 Cor bett bldg. Phone Marshall 5o7, A 2644. WILL SELL MY LOVELY HOME on west slope of Mt. Tabor, only one block from carline, on Belmont St.: house has reception hall, large living-room, dining-room and kitchen. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; the house built two years ago for my own home and you would need to look it over to appreciate It: the lot Is 100x120 on a corner overlooking the city and groumls are under high state of oulttvatlon ; over a dozen fruit trees, sev eral ornamental shade trees, abundance of roses and Mowers; nice garden, with grapes. loganberries. blackberries. cur rants, black raspberries, fine strawberry bed- streets ail hard surface and a line stone wall surrounds the home; garage; this is not a cheap place. b tt a lpyely home at a close price. See owner, 14oo i.. Taylor St. totiay. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. iow.n. BALANCE A3 RENT. Brand new bungalow, doubly construct ed throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace .and bookcases in living-room: French windows, beautifully paneled dining-room, swell buffet, large bedroom, fine Dutch kitchen, bathroom equipped with latest and best of fixtures, large attic, full con crete basement and laundry trays, fine lot only 2 blocks to beat carline in city; gas electricity and all other modern con veniences; special bargain for one week; terms will be arranged to suit you. Tabor 30S9. MRS. W. W. LUCIUS, 365 E. 37th St. SNAP. Now modem 6-room house, cor. Mar guerite ave. and Clinton St., hard-surface street, yard terraced, roses, plenty of room for garage; has coat closet with full mirror; door in reception hall, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases In living-room, dining-room, beamed celling and paneled, with china closet, Dutch kitchen; 3 bed rooms with large closets. This house Is a bargain at $3700. Phone Sunday, Tabor 2258. THE LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder at. FURNISHED BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Modern S-room. bungalow, with brick fireplace, large reception hall, sleeping porch full basement, woodlift and all modern conveniences; gas. water, sewer, etc., all in and paid for; full 50xl00-foot lot and only 100 ft. from very good car service. Fine view of the river WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., nna nn.,lnr Tllrl ir Main i592. . ..cur TJOTTCtM T 28&r$$d& wayors- MIamIl'SIm1 vkiYbE8ACRlFlcvB MIGHT TRADE FOR GOOD LOTS. a"k FOR MR. EASTON AT 1108 SPALDING BLDG. NO AGENTS. MLM riAirj - -' i . Will sell my nifty little bungalow of t rooms, well arranged and well-liked, fac ing east, one block from best car aervlce in the city; restricted district. Price $"40O this week only; $300 down and $lo per month. See my agent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 520 Ry. Exchange bldg. $5000 IRVINGTON HOME. 8 rooms, furnace, fireplace, good lot, 50x100. facing east. $1000 cash, balance as rent. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. PIEDMONT HOME FOR SALE Beautiful 7-room house on juvx comer lot. close to carline; fine garage; very pretty lawn and ahade trees; can bs purchased on terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., S0 Snalding Bldg. Main 7o92. LAURELHURST home that Is right; unusual desiitn, well arrange". woo.....w. finish the best: moderate size, but com plete with every modern feature; a real home at a reasonable price. Owner. Ta bor 371(7, or AJ mo,, ...... IN Westmoreland, an attractively bull! , v-,if 1 1 tn. hrtrilrrti sitfl pntnn -room noms, ; ,v closet. ' buffet, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, dry basement. lawn, roiea. treea; $100C equity ror " cm... 2 5-ROOM bung-alowa, modern in every par ticular Modem 1 -rowm cuuhkc on goon terms. Beais fc Robinson, 361 E. 11th uU E. 5023. Y-ILk build your home to order; bet loca tion. East 3iit n; imaii payment aown ; easiest of terms. Owner, AO 878, Ore gonlan. , 8-ROOM house, 2O6xl00-t. lot; $2500, eac terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO.. 306 Spaidtns Bids. Main 7592. $6.000 7-room modern house in Laurelhurst I or .-tw. v, in u.uu .aisv iu us agaui this: it will pav you. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 Third st. CORNER East 29th and Sumner. 5-room and 8-room houses for sale on terms. WATSON THERKELSEN CO.. S0G Spalding Bldff. Main 75P2. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, close In. small payment down, price right. 208 Ry. Ex. bldg. FOR SALE Laurelhurst houeCj eas term. 20a Kai.wajc Exchang -bJd. i