THE SUNDAY OREOO THAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 7, 1913. TOTAT. V AT THE RATE OF 1 A MINUTE IT means only six minutes of bod nets on Tuesday, April 16. Ton positively cannot bay one of these S scre tracts until 9 o'clock that Tues day moralnr. HUNDREDS of people win want to bay, but I hare only six for rale. These six lucky people win be in my office at 10 o'clock Tuesday nrorning, April 16. FSOM now until the 16th you win inspect this property. Ton may fo cut alone. I win go with you if you prefer. If yon want home amour the scenic hills, you wiU learn aU about this property before the 16th. IMAGINE. If you can, your home on 3 acres of (round, 30 minutes from the centor of town, on the finest au tomobile boulevard in Oregon, with a view of all the snow-capped mountain peaks, with a Tiew of the harbor, with four methods of transportation elec trie car (United Railway), steam train, automobile or motor boat a river frontage; a tract in its natural state. I HAVE only six of these 3-acre tracts to sL I shall sen all six in six minutes on the 16th. Should I feel disposed to cut up my 18 acres into lots, I would, receive for one acre what I ask for three. The land on either side of my property is cut up into lots. 1 have reasons for wanting to sell at once, so niake this astonish ingly low figure. 1 shall sell one 3 acre tract to each of the first six buy ers who can at my office after 10 A. M. on the 16th day of April. The price for each 3-acre tract is $2350.00. . THIS is an opportunity for six people to secure home sites, ideal in location, affording the most mag nificent view obtainable, for a frac tion of their real worth. X shaU direct you to my property or go out with you, as you prefer. I shaU not try to sen to anyone. Ton must want to buy because of your convictions and you must tell me that you want one of these 3-acre tracts. I shall under no circumstances accept any money what soever on any of these tracts untO the 16th. Take the time between now and then to look over the property and decide. I shall be at my office, 720 Board of Trade Building, between 10 and 12 A. M. F. BRESKE 72 O Board of Trade rtcwr TUUAT. LYLE The Wonder City Within Ten Months Lyle has built new gravity prassure water work, supplying the finest of sprlnir t. Lyle has laid over a mile of 8-foot iinent walks, tyle hu new brick bank building-, new telephone company, good newspaper, am STOOO kImI bull dims, one of the. finest in the county. . Lyle will have new $16,000 hotel at once; new business block now bulld- SEE LYLE NOW FOR INVESTMENTS SEE LYLE for beautiful Summer homes on the terraced hills overlokolng the Columbia GorK Lyle wants BUSINESS MEN. Lyle wants HARDWARE fTORE. Lyle wants TAII-OR SHOEMAKER. Lyle wants FLOCK MILL. Local cap ital will Join in promotion of strong: mill company. Lyle wants and needs at once: nnrin nrPiRTMEVT STORE. Big; profits are. made In Investments In tnwnlUM that jrrow Into clttee. LYLE WILL UK TUB LARGEST CITY OS THE OHTH W A . IV uiun For full Information. Illustrated circu lars, maps, business oponumues, cic, Call or send postal to D 0RR E. KE ASEY & CO. Exclusive) As;ents geevad Floer Chamber of Comsaeree. Hollyrood The Addition Select for Homes lies between 33d and 37th sts, with Knott and Stanton streets through the tract, which makes its location "the hub" of Portland's East Side residence district and the center of the city's beautiful homes. Lots all full size, with excellent grade and beautiful trees, and prices lower than surrounding property, and easy terms, are rea sons WIIY Hollyrcod Is the Place to Buy for the investor or the homebuild er. All improvement and every convenience. Investigate and be convinced on HOLLYROOD. J. H. TIPTON CO., Inc., Owners 1108-10 Spalding Bldg. Tract Office, 36th and Knott St. Phone Marshall 2745. Goodnough Building AT Public Auction On Monday, April 22, 1912, at 11 o'clock, A. II , in front of the County Courthouse, I will sell at public auc tion, the quarter block at Fifth and Yamhill streets, in Portland, Oregon, on which stands the 6-story Goodnonga building. Terms, 1-3 eash, balance due La one year. DAVID S. STEABXS, Referee. FACTORY OR MILL SITE One of the best unoccupied In Portland. 1300 feet, fronting the. rlrer and abutting- the Southern Pacific K- R, on tUe West Side: approximately IS acres. To close an estate, th cash price Is $71 per front foot. Terms can be arranged for part of the) purchaser price If de sired. Land adapted for this purpose) situated between water and rail trans portation Is difficult to secure and will shortly command a much higher price. The SHAW-FEAR CO. Mala 38 1M Feartb St. ASM '8 Center of Population The MOST DESIRABLE LOCATION In the City. Is CERTAIN to ADVANCE IN VALUE from year to year. Seeing la believing. Go and sea. Hie Oregon Real Estate Company ORAD AVE. AND Bf ITLTKOMAH ST. FOR SALE 100x100 on Tenth street. No agents. Phone Marshall 3424. mmmm Store Room on one of the most prominent cor ners in Portland; quick possession given; present occupant moving to larger quarters. R 949, Oregonian. A Bargain Five to S-acre tracts of Improved fruit or hop lands on the Salem Elec tric road at 8t. Louis Station. Part cah and trade for city property. Price 127 to f J00 per acre. r. nirnET, nn Te Bier. HAVE YOU HEARD OF TIMBER The bw totraslte or taa P. R. N. fty-. brmach of the SoaUiera Pacific. 4S miles from Portland, In the heart of the sr timber blt Is Orcro. laveeufst. Lots oo oaay terms 0t la ea tbe sreaad floor aa4 (row wlih tbe tears. TTMffrF TOtniNTS rOSLPAXT. Timber, Uiesos). Holladay Addition collis. scRSioaa TRomtrsoi. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. S3 WsrewAe Block, rksM Mai. STEW TOTAY. BAY CITY NEW DEEP-WATER SEAPORT AND RAILROAD TEBSIXl'l PORTLAND'S NEAREST SEAPORT OREGON'S FIRST OPPORTUNITY Every train Into Bay City brings Investors attracted by the. passing of the Rivers and Harbors Bill by the House on March 19. The DEEP WATER channel to Bay City will make It 10 miles by water nearer to San Francisco and the Panama Canal than la Portland. Lot values will sorely doable In a short time. , LOTS $65.00 UP On Easy Term Investigate Bay City Land Co.: Send litera ture and other Information about Bay City. Nam Address BAY CITY LAND CO. 701-3-S Spoil dims Blojr. Mala HIS A TOSS CM. 7-13 J. TT. J. Ad Forrlre. CRANBERRY LAND CRANBERRIES PAY Bettex than anything yon ever heard of. We can convince you if yon call on or write to TINKER REALTY CO. LONG BEACH. WASH. FOR SALE 1760-Acre Ranch Situated II miles east of Klamath Falls, In Swan Lake Valley; 800 black bottom and 400 red land; all can be cultivated; 100 good timber, remainder grazing land; BOO un der cultivation. tuO meadow, run ning water In each field, water to Irrigate 200 acres. All newly fenced and cross-fenced. Extensive out side range. Three barns, two houses, one built last Fall cost 14000; granary, meat and chicken houses. Our own telephone line to Klamath Falla. I guarantee this tbe best buy in tbe state. Sick ness forces sale. Title abstract warranty 120 per acre. Terms 110.000 cash, remainder at S per cent. Ten thousand dollars' worth of stock at a bargain to buyer if he desires. Come and see us, ws mean business. Address. P. W. SNYDER Swam, Oregev. I will build and la as to re sponsible tenant a building on my quarter diock at East Tenth and Lincoln, suitable for laun dry, machine shop, stable, m a n tt facturlng o r storage. The lot has no track age, but has good treats and Is e 1 o In. In quire 0 Concord Build ing, Becond and Stark streets. For Sale Or Lease for a term of years, a modern six-story-and-basement brick, sprinkler equipped, en Terminal tracks, very central; 70.00s square feet floor speee; suitable for warehouae or wholesale. DAVID STKARMS, Waeblagtea St. MORTGAGES Purchased Money for LOANS Oa Farm seta CH Proearty. BCILOIXO LOANS tlBRKXT RATES Western Bond & Mortgage Company Capital Stock IIOO.SOO. COMMEHCIAL CUB BLDO. Business Site Corner lot. 50x100 feet, near East Tenth and Ankeny streets, with good building which cost $7000. Can sell all at a sacrifice. See urn. 60ODARD A WIBDRICK, . 23 Stark Street. MONEY TO LOAN TTT MOM TO AGE. rajua MoaToiuBi, MATSCs. itHUa 0 VTtk A. H. BIRRELL CO, ami at'KAr BL'ILDLHtai Tnira mm lurk. Mortgage Loans Sao,ooa ass Over ea CKJTTtAL BOSIKESS raortRTT. LOWEST CCTUtE.TT RATSTS. WM MACMASTER TSl Cferbett Bldg. Mortgage Loans On eity property at reasonable rates. CLARK-CANNON COMPANY, 6 Board of Trade Bldg-. mun i UAtuk. a,wrui an ItealoWaee Fiepej Is 5 FVFRFTT&SIMDNDS not O Iaeesperated. f O SIS BOARD or TKAUI BCILDUIO. MORTGAGE LOANS S iaiSSSi -1 TTEW TOT AT STILL SMILING qn maa 4 Good business b r I e k tfOdtUUU building, paying under existing leaaett 11 gross; term. (TCAn 10 tlares cultivated and bear 0 I UJVJ of ttMl. on 8. F. near Bar low; terms. f7finfl S-ro)m house, full loC West OtKJyJyJ side, near 27th; terms. eiArt CornSr 0x86, close In. Port ijDOUU land Heights; beautiful view; only IJ000 cash.. CCnrr 10 acr. Improved, Section tfOUUU Line fad, near town, and very easy terms. A nnn An Irre Tilar bungalow site, 94UUU with b. tth olty and rural view; the biggest valoe on Portland Heights. 11 1 acres, . near Scappoosa, wlUdU partially cultivated, splen did for chicken raimiff or fruit; S300 cash, balance mortg&iBe. " JACKSON & PEERING STARK i ST. $40,000 Over S lots; corner, on op,r Washings ton St. A snap. Easy tfct ms. $16,00ltr 80x100; close to WasMniTto nd M1 rlson. on 21st St. Flna partmet or auto location, $8500 j 50x100, 6-room house; OvtOD at- ln NobUlL $1800 80x100 lot on E. Pine sL. ne r E. 2th. snap. $2500 SOxlOO, a beantiful lot, on E. )17to St., In Irvington. $1700 80x100, on E. Pine st near ne I7 htgli school. $36000 IH lots on list St., near Washii gton street. O.K.JEFFERY 1404 VEOV BLDG. Marshall 71S A 4484 A Real Farm 1200 acres all plow land, 575 acres in wheat, about 500 acres more now being plowed; 2 (rood houses, 2 good barns, lots of good water; only four miles from railroad and town. My price, including crop, until the 20th is $30 per acre. Terms, half caah, balance reasonable to responsible party. Only reliable people need an swer. Address owner, W. D. 365 Empire Bldg., Seattle, Wash. WANTED TO BUY A 6 or &-room house, on liberal terms, with not to exceed $500 down. Wish to buy it from the owner. Contrac tors with big profits in view need not write. When writing give nil details 6 ire of house, incumbrance, terms, location and number of house, as well as reason for desiring to sell. Address AM 943, Oregon ian. DOCK FOR RENT FOOT Or SALMON STTLEET Formerly occupied by Kellogg Trans portation Co. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Foai-ta St. MODERN RESIDENCE ON YOUR OWN TERMS Sevan rooms, hardwood floors, sleep ing porch, fireplace, built-in bookcases, lOxlOO-foot lot; good Tterw. Call on premises, 933 Wefdlrr St., bet. E. S9th and E. 30th sts., or phone C 3101. Sun dar and erenlng, and Main 187 week day a (ranbelnspectedatanytlme Sherwood Acres ELEOANT HOME SITES and garden tracts, all ln cultl ration, adjoining Eherwood, on the electric lino, and only IS miles out; 8 trains dally. For sale on easy payments. W. n. LAXO, 17 4th st, opposite City Hall. Phone Main 3353. FOR SALE House, seven rooms, and lot. SOxlOO feet. Batn, furnace, flreplaoe. closets, etc 'Was built for a home and is elose ln and very desirable. Terms If de sired. THH ORBGOX REAL B STATE COM PANY, Grand Ave. aad MiHiouk St. Phones East 7. C 1708. 10 NET Four S-room flats, thoroughly mod ern; gas and electricity, flreplaoe and furnace; always rented; walking dis tance: Income 31360 yearly. Why loan money at 6 7 R. If. TTTFORD A CO, Marshall 4547 A 4545 40T Spalding Bid. NORTH PORTLAND Corner, Improved and brlnclng -good rwvenue; about quarter block. In tho rapidly-developing warehouse district. Must have money, so will sell for 320.000. Address P. O. Box, (S3 Port land. Mortgage Loans a Portland business and residence property at lowest current rates. AlOfLOAJV, rUED,ER BO ICS. Ms-SOS A blast Bali slag. 7TFTW TODAT. SYCAMORE ACRES JUST EAST OF LENTS Forty minutes from the city by electric car. New depot in center of tract. You can buy acre tracts in Sycamore Acres for the price of a suburban lot. Sycamore Acres has the best of soil. Sycamore Acres is just the place for a truck garden and chickens. Sycamore Acres is located in . the best part of Multno man County. Sycamore Acres is on the electric carline, Johnson Creek and the Foster road $350 per acre and upward. Take the Gresham or Caza dero car from First and Alder streets. Cars leave 45 minutes past the hour. Get off at Sycamore. Call and get plats of Syca more Acres. GEO. D. SCHALK 228 Stark Street TVIain 392 A-2392 STARK ST. t-story concrete building, new Leased for 9 years to responsible tenant. Land valines rapidly advancing on Upp& r btaric street. $42,500 No phone information. E. J. DALY 222-223 224 Failing Bldg. A Rar e Bargain This Is one or the very best buys ln Clarke County," "Washington; 824, acres of th very bef.' of garden land; all ln iMiirivAtinn river bottom land: a good S-room farin house and barn: fine, well of water; old orchard; on Fruit Valley county rtaa, only H mne rrom th city of Vancl uver. Wash. This fine form must bs sold at a great sacrifice In the next two weeks, as this Is a forced sale. This ".Is a splendid buy for some one to doubl'o their money ln one esr, as land adjoining Is selling from 3300 up to 81000 p r acre. Our prloo Is only 3JS6 per acr.t. Come and eeo us about tiiis great bargain. BALL & JOJNTZ 481 tamber Kxt aange Bldg. M Orosa annual In m if come S42S0.00 Annual operat ing expense... 873.00 i Net annual In come .1 388.00 Price, 330,000. JV 0,000 cash, balance . EOx 100 and high class aj art men t house. JSTO. H. GIBSOl,' n Chamber of Coa mow Marshall 161 PICTURESQUE HOME' SITE Entire block ln Overlook, overlooking city and river; unusual, slghtl y lots, with great possibilities for la O dscape effect. Price, ST600. GODDARD at W I ED RICK 4S Stark Street ; Income Property Brick apartmeata, Wwt side: leas ad S years. S50O per month; 50.000. Aparunenti. corner, West Side; lums SS2S per month; $ 37.500. Four m flat West de; Inoome l per month; S14.60O. lOdxloo. 4 flati. close in; f ITjO0"- . JODrER.'WAX, SIS Beard ef Trade W'l T Seaside Cottage for Rent I WIU. RE5T BIT COMMODIOUS --rvT-r A riK AT SKA8IDEL completely furnished, electric lights, water, bath, ete., on board walk, for May, June and July, or sooaer If de sired. Telephone Main 262S. Elk Rock , lu acres with frontage on both car- line and Riverside drive. Owner, B 7S, Oregenlan. MONEY TO LOAN r- Cl WM. C. BOUCHERS lOl O JO 207 Oreg-onian Bid;. jO ynvf TODAY. Willamette Addition This beantiful tract lies in the Alber ta district,, between 33d and 37th sts., and adjoins Alameda Park At Prescott and 33d streets. Lots 50x100, with all improvements, excellent grade, and beantiful trees, and prices lower than surrounding property. Easy terms make Willamette Addition The place to buy for the investor or the homebmlder. Tyler Inv. Co., Owners Tract Office, 33d and Alberta Sts. Phone Woodlawn 1124 Take Alberta car, get off at 30th, walk east on Al berta to office at ddd and Alberta;, or Alameda Park car, and reach tract by way of Prescott and 33d sts. Bargain in WAREHOUSE PROPERTY Lovejoy Street between 13th and 14th Sts Full half block 200 ft. front age on Lovejoy St. 100 ft. on 13th and 100 ft. on 14th st. BRICK BUILDING Terminal Trackage $70000 WAKEFIELD, FEEES & CO. 85 Fourth St. Two Acres ON THE West Bank of Willamette An ideal site for suburban home. Grand view of river and mountains; fine trees and beautiful native shrubbery; 10-year-old apple orchard; best of spring; water. Located ln center of highly im proved and restricted district. S500 cash, balance on easy terms. See. E. W. Pettibone. CHAPIN & HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO. S33-338 Chamber of Commerce. Between Hawthorne Avenue and E. Harrison Street and E. 20th and E. 24th Sts. All improvements completed. Lots sold on very easy terms. COED SENGSTAKE 805 Teon Bldg. Phone Marshall 3851. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SOUTH PORTLAND Modern 12-room residence, fine grounds, 100x200 feet. Special price. Special terms. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth St. TWHrvTY-ACRE FARM FOR SALE By owner; every foot deep, rich soil; lies level, on main county road; R. F. D. and telephone; half mile to good school, 1 mile to station on .electric line. 23 miles from Portland; all fenced; 7 acres, in cultivation, balance easily cleared. u i tt. . uwwow owner must sell on account of other business. J- ureBumn. CHOICE WILLIAM8-AVB5CE Apartment Site fleu nuKU Birrei, Good Proposition for quick return. lt , 80108 $360-TEH.MS I 11 UnDDI? 86T EAST NINTH ST. A 1 nMnalO; PHONE EAST B82S. University park Several quarter blocks near V HEW STOCKYARDS, ' st' low price and easy terms. FliSTCHEB, 22 Ablaffton bids. Coloiiia Heights STW TODAY. 0NTAR OREGON -THE INTERSTATE CITY of the Snake River Basin, the gateway to the Inland Empire, the Spokane of Washington and Northern Idaho, the Omaha of Nebraska and Iowa, the Kansas City of Missouri and Kansas on the banks of the Snake River, at the mouth of the Malheur River, near the mouth of the Owyhee River, both draining Cen tral Oregon. Near the mouth of Boise, Payette and Weiser Riv ers, draining Southern Idaho. The place where the Hill and Harriman Railroads will leave the Snake River for Central Oregon and the Pacific Coast. Nature has made Ontario the natural railroad center of the great Snake River Valley. Water grades from every direction. Supported by hundreds of thou sands of acres of irrigable land. Ontario now has about 2500 population, fine public schools, a large modern brick high school, churches, banks, $40,000' hos pital just completed, a 5-story modern hotel, costing $100,000; splendid brick business blocks, and with present railroad activ ities is destined to be a city. We have for sale a limited number of lots in the original townsite at a low price. LOTS 25x120 Feet to a 16-foot alley, streets are all 80 feet wide. While they last we are authorized to sell there for $150 for inside lots and $175 for corners. Terms, $50 cash on inside and $75 for corners; balance $5 per month on each lot, without interest. This is no get-rich sale, but is intended to get more people interested in Ontario. Neither is it a wild cat scheme of. a dreamer on an addition miles out and 50 years ahead of the times, but the orig inal town. Some of the lots within 5 or. 6 blocks of the busi ness and 3 or 4 blocks of scnool; some of them on graded streets and sidewalks. All lay fine. We would refer you to A. W. Trow, Mayor, or Leon J. Chapman, Secretary of Commercial Club; C. E. Kenyon, Cashier of First National Bank, Ontario, Or. For information, plats, etc., call at our office. B.S.C00K&C0. 605 Corbett Building. Phone Main 953. HOME $5225 Owner has authorized a 5 per cent reduction from the former price of that lovely 7-room home in Walnut Park. It's the best you'll find in a moderate-priced home. All streets are finished. House stands in a pretty grove of trees. Will make terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. 66x100 CLOSE IN CORNER 10-EOOM HOUSE Readily converted to flats; room for V another. Price only $9000. . Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HEELOW MORTGAGE 4 TRUST CO., 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. BroadwayHome New, modern, six rooms, facing south. West of 24th st. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth St. Marshall 3790. ' A 3321 FINE CORNER 100x90 EAST SIXTH AND WASHINGTON Good for apartments and stores. Price $32,000. Cash, $10,000. 319 Worcester Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ?2? XJSPiX. Portland. City 'loans ln sums to sui' GEO. II. THOMAS. 267 Oak St., Room S, Aiaswortk Bids. 0