TUB SUNDAY OKL'UO.MAN, PORTL. AND, APRIL 7, 1912. MAY SAVE DEAN DIVORCEE SWEARS HE WAS WITH HER NIGHT OF CRIME. Mr. William Griffin Testifies That Affinity Had No Part in w Westminster Crime. LOS ANGELES. April t. (Special.) Mrs. William Griffin, as a witness for the d(f(OH before United Coramlloner Vandyke, today declared her loxe, for Charles Dean, who Is nithtln aextradi tlon to Canada on a charge of robbing a branch of the Bank of Montreal at ew Westminster of 137S.00O. Mrs. Grlffln. fter meeting Dean, de elded to obtain a dlrorca. She brought action on the groundsof desertion and ot her dirorce. she says, the same month in which she filed It She then went with Dean and her two children to Portland, where she lled with him and. she said, as his wife. Later they went to Tacoma and then ta New Westminster. She te.tl.1ed that Daa was home with her and her chil dren on the night of the bank robbery In September. VANCOUVER MAN MISSING r. J. Ropers, Last Seen at Centralla, Disappears Mysteriously. " VANCOUVER. Wash, April . (Spe cial.) r. J. Rogers, a timber cruiser. J7 years old. Is missing, and his brother. T. U Roger, of Elms. Wash, on the North Fork of Lewis Rlxer. is searching fur him. The missing man was last heard from at Centralla. where he was watting for a train. March 11. 11J. He has dark Jiair. streaked with gray. bald, and has lost an Index finger. VERMILYA JURY DISAGREES Trial of Chicago Woman for Murder Must B Held Again. CHICAGO. April . The Jury In the res of Mrs. Louise Verrollys, charged with having murdered Richard T. Smith, a rallroa droan. was discharged tonight after members of the Jury In formed the court that they could not agree upon a verdict. The Jury from the first ballot stood Bine to three for conviction. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL "REPORT. PORTLASD. April Maximum temper ature 7 Ur; minimum. u a.sre.. ju..r radius at S A. M . 4 ft; change m Iasi 14 hour. 0 foot fall. Total rainfall P M to S P. M . none: total rainfall since September 1. SOU Inche.: nor mal rainfall uric sptembr I. 3..41 lncne: OUftctncy of rainfall nr stplfmbn 1. lu. T OS Inch, Total aun.hln. April S Hours. JO muuui: pottlMe .unihlne. 13 hour.. mlnam. Bartmtr (reduced to sea-level) at ft P. M, Inches. THE WEATHESR. 5 Wind 9, II ? I 3 : ; 0tat of wtta.r STATIONS Balae Boston ...... Caisrr Chu-aco ..... Denver ...... Ir. Moines... Iuluth ...... Kurvka . .. . Clve.ton ... hitna . v-. . ' Jacksonville Kanaav City.. Jl.r.afleld .. Montre.l . . . . N.w Orloans . 4 O.OO 12 S Clew To 0.W 4 p-; Clear 4 t).i S."WPt. cloudy T'O. 14 3o W jOloudy Baio.oo, s sw ar 4 O.O !2 NW;Cloudy 44 0.34 34 N 7.' 0 . W USE Snow Pt. cloudy .1 7 u t o I 54 O.tsO I 8 . Clear u s (cloudy New Tor 74 O IM) J4 SW ("lear North Had - r North Yakima. . 61 O OO, 4.K C!oudy Phoolx Ftx-atello Portland 7 0 OO! 4 UK C ear MO Ot' SB (Clear h o.ool 4 w ioudy 7rtd.0 !2 NtVi Clear 0. C" 1 iCiear To 0.2H -m .W (Cloudy 2rt - . W Cloudy ftooeburK ....... I Sacramento ......I ft. Louie St. Paul Han Kraa cieco . Spokane ...... Tacoma Tatooah Island "Walla TVaii. . Vuhtnftga O.OOt 4 NE tj O.OOl 4 N i O.oa'1 a JE Cloudy iCloudy Cloudy 74 5E Ft. cloudy 78,0.00.12 W Pt. cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. The North Paclflc hlrh preaaura area baa moved rapid. y eaetward to the middle Mia aiaalppt Valley and a new low preasure are haa made I la appearance over Or coo and WaahlnftOD. A aerer torm la central over the Uakee re f Ion and the barometer la rel atively hiffi In the South Atlantic and Eaat Oulf Staua. Moderately heavy rain ban fallen In the upper MlaaJsatppt Valley and the upper Lkea rg-ina. At Dulath tue rain turned to enoy darina the late afternoon. It ta warmer tn the North Part He and Rocky Mountain States and much colder in the up pr Lake rexton and In the Mlaeouri and Upper Mlaeleelppl Valley. The conditions are favorable for ehowera and cooler weather In this district Sunday. FORECASTS. Portland and vlrmlty Showers and cooler, south to west winds. Orecon and "Washington Showers, cooler axcept near the coast. W ah o tihowera north, fair followed by showers south portion; cooler. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dallr er Soadar. Oa rime ' Itm fawi ad m tuitvtlT. tlme tte Mai a4 thre. cMwnllt tlmea see Sjame ad ill ee hvm CMwrnltf times. . see Itrmitlaeras accmpaay ei-eX-tew Vt hrm i ta . rativ. ... th. ... tlpa. til aonllea. Ma vnrde nana a. ea. Une m caaa a4. wnlwtu aa4 as aa caewieS fee taaa tw. Uaee. Oa cbarse er ak ad Hi ll.uiret. ta. ef Iim wpnrljii la th. paper, raaarrtl.es f the aaabvr mi wotda la each liae. Ia Mew Tar all tdTfTtlmmu are rbars4 by re ealy. 14 Ilea Sa th. lark Th. a)Mw vatn apply ta adieMlaiaiiala MmAr -m Tar" aad aU ether dmlllra. tlaaa lpl the Mto.Mii altaatteae HuK Mala. NtBltoai UtitH, Itmak Oitiwha will bcm claMlliMl m I 1 1 II i MU .vw th. tckpfeM. provldlag th. ad vavtleer I. a sahwriibw tm mithw phMa . artra. will be aM4 etwr th. ahaae, bat bill will be rendered the fallow la a dar. oaxuei MwniwmM will be par tb. P. d.p.ada im th. 1KB m. W tb. paraMOtt mt m.ha.aa ad- mmtM- aitaaclM. W - a wal atitnlMiMiu will a he aeeapt mvvr th. t.lfph.aa OraWra tar mmm Imr IIm ealr will b. srroept far "Hum, f,r Kent. Taraltor. fM (alt." "flaalnan Oaw pwtaalrl-a.'' "laa-iiausatr aad Haat ed t. Uai.' SimSG 3IOT1CM. Th. Uoodfelkrwahip Campalsa Catninltta. of th. Woman of WMdcraft will lv. a whlet and SVO partr In Or.son Clrolva Hall. S3 Ruw.ll strict, o. Fndajr afternoon. April li. and In th. evenlnc will Vlalt Mult nomah Circle. 13S Elwrentb etreat. AU In vltavd. rrAjrmoa LOtxrK. ste. L KMioars or rmiu sura everr Ta essay alsht la Castle Ball llta aad aJdae- eta. K. SL LX.VCI. K. S. BO'IAL DANCE OIVEX BT THB COM PANIONS OP THE FORESTERS, aaalated br th. d.crM team of Coart Mount' Hood, Tnaxlir. April S. Foreetara Hall. elshth floor Karquam bide. UMUwaaa. 60a. I'nM awK. ntAX AUKIIBLY. NO. 111. United Arli a r a Good ttm. Tburadar. April 1. ax aat Hail. 8i!lni-Hlrrh bulldlns. Tenth and wuhltftoa atfv.ta flood mualc. prlaaa aad afraah minli Admlaatoa l&c. loitE. BOttK CAMP, R. A. rive bun. drd party and danca. FrUJar eva, April li la AMaky Ha'.l. 3d and Morrteon. Ele Biot prlza food mualc and a cod tlma Laras at S-li. ahars. Aamnwoa lb c.fita MCZTuro Koncxa. OREOOX COMKANDERI. K. T- Hp-lai com m unlet Inn fiunday er.nlne at S:1S o'clock for th. purpo. of attending ,.rvlc at th. Taylor-tr.t w.thodlat Church. The at tendance of all Kir Knlfhta will b. Ppre cl.t.d lojimrnlii Knishte ar. eat.na.d an fptclal invitation o n .V. Ratofdcr. tv CAMEI.1A CHAPTER. NO IT ft VyT E S. 6p:lal communication toarv IP Maaonle Tempi, to V-conduet funeral services i of Mra. V Edith Wall. S9S Ur'e rt. late m.mb.r of Welcome 8. "2cV.Pa Tin .r1n Kprlnsa Mich, "frvl"" r'n.. leys l ndrlakln . Parlor, at 4 V. M. All O. K. 8. armbtn tnv1td. jtARIETTE ROBINSOJf. Bee. uk.aar.rk I.OHT1C. NO. IS. i- O. O. F M.mbre are requeated to meat 'n our hall to- ... . - at 1 -AO P. M . to attand the fonral or our orom.r. 3d. Herhleroad- Service at Holmane 1711 d.rtaklnc Chapel. lnt.rm.at Lone Tlr Cemetery. VUtun. . . I a n iTir AINS)- TVORTH CHAPTER CT ROSE CROIX NO. 1. Annual cere mony of "r.lthtln" (op.nln th. chapter) will b. h.ld at our cathedral thla afternoon at I an o'clock. By order w lee Master. CRUSADE COMstANDERT V. D. members will attend Easter aarvleee with Oroa Command.ry No. I- M at West aid. Maaonle Tempi, i n p v fcaat Side Tern- pi. .pen fro., t. .- Rwrd.r. nOPB till lui.'vt- .," Sea. aternal Aid Aewjelatlon. will met Monday ev.nm In v . O. W. T.mple. A lare class of appllcanta will be admitted M.mbere ef thla !""'; .. i. .rt.nd. Members of other council. Invlted. PORTLAND COMPANT. NO. 10T, tV. O. W. Will (Ive a whlat and dance Weanee- day. April lo. at w. u. " ' - Alder street. Refreshments and union mualc DIEDl REINKCKER At Bethemy. Or.. April 8, Suaanna R.lneck.r. ased yo.ri a months aad 1 daya The r.malne were brouaht to thla city and placed In tn. . -. bi t.- Cnmnanv car. ok am oa.w.. 1J- - , to be embalmed and shipped to Ohio for Interment, ROBERTS la this city, at the late resi dence. IIS North 16th street, Mra Jane Roberta, aced 79 years. Funeral servloes will take place at Aumavllle. Or., on Mon day April 8. at 1 o'clock P. M. Friends . respectfully Invited to attand. KENDIO In this city. April 8. at the fam ily reald.nc. 127 East Tamhlll et.. fro thy May Kendla. ased 1 ear 8 months daya beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tbomaa J. Kendla. ITS EBAt. NOTICE. HARKLEROAD- In this city April 1. Jam.a M. Harkleroad, ad ft9 years. 11 month.. 1 days, beloved husband of Ida 1C Harkl.roaa. Friends and comrad.s or the G A. R- Invlt.d to attend fun.ral a. rvlces, which will be held at Holman s fun.ral parlora. Third and Salmon streets, at 3 P. M. today (Sunday), April 7. in terment lone Ftr Cemetery. BELLAMY The funeral services of Etha L Iteilamy. beloved wife of Oeorse Bel lamy will be held at Holmana fun.ral parlors. Third and Salmon ata.. at 1 f. la. today (Sunday). Frl.nda Invited. Inter ment Rlvervlew Cemel.ry. MOLTHROP The funeral servic.s of the late Francla Jones Mollhrop will be neld at Holmana funeral parlors at J P. M. today (Sunday). Friends Invited. Inter ment In the Exempt Firemen's plot. Lone Fir Cemetery. HILL The funeral of the late Earl C. Hill, ased S4 years 8 months and li day", win b. h-ld from the rllMict of hi. Itn; W M. C. lllll. lUO Hurst atrt, April 7 .t 1 P. M. lnt.rm.nt at Roee City Park Cemetery. Friends Invited. WALL In this city. April 6. at T4S Love 1,, Edytha A. Wall, wife of R- A. Wall. ai,d SO y.ara Fun.ral aarvlcM will b. bald at FlnleVs chap.l at . P. M. today (Sunday). Friend. Invited. In terment at Mies. Mich., at a later date. ENOELHART The fun.ral services of the 1st. Kath.nn. Enlhert will be bald at Flnleys chap.1 at 2 SO P. M. today (Sun day). Friend. Invited. Interment Rom City C.m.t.ry. TVLP The funeral of the late Peter Tn'P will be held today (Sunday) at J P. M. from the parlors of H. E. Peaae Son. Lenta. Interment Mount bcott Park Cem etery. BANISTER la tbia city. April . Albert H. Manlater. ased It years. Funeral services will b. ht.d at Uunnlns a Mcfcnt s chapel Monday. April 8. al 3 P. M- rl.nds rvapcctfully Invtt.d. , I UM aiKA. ftoral waelawe, MUI riae- LJ- lit l 1U s Cuaaa. Atala OS. A S1S4, . w.e.r WMS1 rm. SrhsieKaaa Mat. KIW AJtD HOLMAV. tb. aeadlag ra aJardUeetlTaad eaematf. IUi sa, alTTbaia. . ady aiaWasl. Uaamas MrEatee. Faa.ral Dlrecteea, It aadl-tae. Ihoae Maia Lady a. tltdaot-J Offlca ef Ceuaty Ceeeaec. iM. Ill I CM CO.. -4 William, are. fJZm, tart isas. 0 1MS8. Ldy aMaaat. ' J P. FIMJCX DO.X, Id aad Madimsk dy attendant. Phew. Mala . A lea. a.Vi r. -0 ." ! : Ula. i'adeataher. one. tat Ald aad fAath. Kaat 181. 1888. IUVU COS8PANT. 8d aad day. Mata tilt. A SStl- ady attewdaal - aaaaasaaataaasasaaaai i a a THE CEMETERY ; Beautiful ML Scott Park LARGE) PEBMAJIE7IT, i M O D K R N. P O R T USD'l OMT ODEHV , CEMBTBRV WITH f KHPSTUAL CAJUa of all burial plota without extra ' -w. ---- Provided with a Derma- ont irreducible Maintenance Fund. Location Ideal; Juat out Ida tha city limits on north and weat slopes of Mount bcott, containing Hi acres, equipped with every modern convenience prices to vrr all. tifeHVICE THK BUST. O.tG MILE SOUTH OK .BMXS. REGULAR . AUTOMOBILE SKKV ICE KHEie BL'TWEK.V 1E5TS AMU TU sS LskJSBTEKV. It It CTTT OFFICE, HO-m TEOM BUILDING. MAIN JJ.. A 708. CEMETERY OFFICE, TABOR 14; HOME PHONE RING a ,111. THEN CALL LOCAL 420L OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Offtoa. City Rail. Mala ill, A Tit. Humana officer. Seneant E. L. Crata Re.ld.nc 14 X. tUh N.. Ksat 47T. Bon. ambulaace. comer ef (th ana Taylor, Veterinary la chary a. Marehall 404. Anl aaai. Rmom Hecne, Northrup Aerea, Tbamas A. hhort. Sup-. A SeaT. 8 rlnsa KEW TODAT. Residence Auction Mr. And.rson haa riven rrve Instruc tion to sell the furnitura of his real donca at 726 Everett St., Near 22d St N. At 10 A.M. MONDAY, APRIL 8 Pahlle Aaetlam Will sail to highest bidder, by piece ths sis rooms of fur niture and lumlsnlncs. parmr iurni ture. rockers, chairs, dlnlna; furniture, odd rues and carpets, ew rmry mas sive oak be4 of a very costly pattern . thla must be aeon to bo appreciated.'! droaser, chiffoniers, srae range, steal range, water heater and many other thing;.. This must be sold, as Mna. Anderson Is to leava for tha Eaat. a. H. BAKU tilt. Aartloaear... ON TUESDAY we hare a lot of fine furniture t aell at J8-170 il Morrison at our stor. ill bar, aell aaa exebaase e arery-thlaa- . BAltCEH'a AITTIOW HOl'Va, I'heae Kaat 1SS3. JTKW TOD AT. MORTGAGE SALE ON TUESDAY NEXT ' At war .air. room., 153 Park: street, we aell the furaUalax ef atlae-rooaa realdeace, with le.t ntctlona from the partlea boldlas; mortaaae ta aell this furaltnre, car pet a. rasa, etc to the hlKheet bidder for raik, comprielns parlor rockers and center tables, very large plate-alaas mirror, mission set tees, rockers and chairs, about 600 yards of Axmlnster and Brussels car peta. oak bookraaes, couches, oil palnt Ir.ics. enirravlnBs and other pictures, wardrobes. lace curtains. window shades, mission dlnlny-room suite, vis. podeatal Hastings table. 64-inch top; buffet-and set of chairs; blue dlnner warev clasware. all ver ware, brass and iron beds, sprinrs and mattrosses, dressers, chiffoniers, commodes, sheets, comforts, spreads, pillows, toilet-ware, round den tables In oak. several rooms of Aimlntter carpets, itreen velvet hall and stair carpets, metal costumer. malleable steel range. .Detroit Jewel ?aa range, Reliable gas water heater. Ire-basket grate, gas heaters, kitchen cabinet, utensils, etc. Following this sale we shall have to offer you another consignment re ceived from Lucretia Court, as follows: Very costly dining table, 64-Inch top and 10 feet long: massive sideboard and set of chairs all In quarter-sawed oak. new style davenport, recently new; beautiful mantel clock, mahogany stand. aatlejue anaboe;aay mirror, library table. mission . rockers, gas range and many other lots. Oa view tomorrow (Moaday). If yea laread baylag we vr1h yea ta I aspect tbeae arooda at thla time. Aac-tloa oa Tared, y aext at IO deck. ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall lave the fornlahlage of alx ro.m rottaae aad other coaalgameata. Sale at IO A. M. W. C. BAKER C A. CROWELU rwraltare Dealer aad Auctioneers, Special Sale -OF RUGS BY PUBLIC AUCTION Our consignors, having sold their elegant residence, have ordered us to sell by public auction, on Wednesday, at 10 A.M. Next, at Salesroom. No. 126 Second Street (for convenience of sale), be-. tween Washington and Alder streets,, about 30 almost new Wilton aid other valuable rugs of all sizes a; ad designs, including long rugs for hstlls and staircases. These fine rugs were very recently selected, and this 'gale affords a fine opportunity to otjtain ehoice rugs at low prices. Sale Wednesday, April 10th, at 10 J M., at 126 Second street. Ladies t ire in vited to attend. On view Tue Jay. S.L.N.GILM,A.N Auctioneer AuctionSales AT WILSOI.VS AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Tf&mhill Sts. REGULAR IAU) SDAY9. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at HO A. M." Lara aaaortaaeat f Brood aeeaad baad rural tare, earpef .a. atovee, ete to be sold for re ah tl . h la beat bidder. For Priva .te Sale XV. hare frames .ee llae of rholee faraltare of tbe latei it dealaa aad blab, eat srrade. Inelade I la tbls lot la a magalflreat bra.s r iad nyi bed (coat SOO dollar.), drew .r, dreaalns: table., Iadra srafc, rmfl aalr aad rocker la Verala M art la," vrry eoatlyt alae seat'a soldea aalc eblffoaler, dree. I as; eaae, keakraaea, ete. Hoaltlvely the beat (voU taoaei t raa bur. (Sec dla alajr la lamblll rladow.) OFFICE FURNITURE 1 . Mr. a laaa roll-top deaka. do hie flat-top leska la erased sjoldea ah aad Mark walnut, with ebalr aad of flee labia, ta match typewriter desk, office chisira, ete, etc. MERCHANDISE I a Oar Store, e C" 1 c, . 1 1 1 oecona street (Adiof alas; Aactloa Room 1 Ws sell i frocerlea, hardware, aho and aeaen il merehaadlae at abo wheleaale eat. about f. T. WILSON. Auctloaeer. AUCTION SALE FORD AUCTION CO. 211 First Street Monriay, Wednesday, . Friday At 2 P. M- Each Day Fo . Monday's sale you will find, amor ar other usof ul piece of furni ture, some very fine dressera In a;olden oak. ' Circassian walnut and mahogany, roui id extension tables, leather-seated dinma rhalre, buffet, maaslve sldo boirC Decker Broe.' plaao, Packard .re (aa. flae old violin. Kdlaoa, phoao BBapk. with 4-mlant attarhmeati car ps la, rim, bedding:, pillows, picture arid drapery, chiffonier, folding bed. rvietal beds, kitchen tables and treas ures, sae ranarea, steel ranges, refrls;- iratora, etc- etc Bale at 1 P. M. JO. O. FORD, Aactloa eer. If you cannot attend our auction sale It will pay you to can at any lime, ana you will find we can save you money on furniture of any kind. SUBDIVISION 53-ACRB TRACT On ' the Peninsula. Water and rait facilities. A beautiful tract to subdi rlde for factory sites. Very low price. Terms. 8 So 5, Oregonlan. Grand Ave. Lot by Owner A fine corner lot, 25 by 90 feet 100 feet north of Burnslda street. M750. T Hi, Oreronlau, yi;w TODAT. ONE OF THE BEST L( )TS ON Overton Street Owner reduced price ? $300 in order to effect quick sale, af i he ha3 pur chased lot in Arhnsrton Heights, bur rounded by beautiful homes; three feet above grade. Kef idy to build on at once. Price W000 Terms t 3 suit. Dorr. E. Kf jasey & Co. Second Floor, Chi tmber of Commerce E. BuriLside Street Prico $16,000 Income $ 150 per Month That fine co mer, 63x100, and six 4- room flats, al) modern, including nre- nlncps anrl f1 .irnncp. situated on the southeast co' ,-ner of East 26th and Burnside str cets. A great bargain. See it. - j Mall tic Von Borstel 104 Second St. W ill Trade A fine corner on upper Washington street; over two lots; the best apart ment si ie in the city, and the only cor ner lef t that can be bought. Will take netmt property or a good farm. Equit y of $30,000 0. K. JEFFEBY M ir. 3718. 1404 Yeon Bldg. A 4484. A New Property 50x100 Lot FINE LOCATION INCOME OVER $1300 PRICE $13,000 II. M. Davies. CHAP1N-HERL0W MORTGAGE & TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Warehouse Properties See us for warehouse properties on the East Side. We have a number of properties between East Burnside st. and Hawthorne ave., with track front age. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. Mortgage Loans Amounts from $5000 to $100,000, at favorable rates. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Building. Apartment House New, modern, 25 rooms. Income $405 monthly. In most desirable lo cation $25,000. Terms. Watson &TherkeIsenCo 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. Cheapest quarter block, with track age, between Everett and Hoyt. ARCHIBALD 425 Failing Building. 150 LOTS located between Dislon and Ells worth, Just east of Richmond. Will sell all or part. See owner. J. H. M'MAHON, ' -124 Division S. Tabor 14KS. INCOME S4380 Price Is only $32,000, and $12,000 will handle. JOS. C. CilBSON, SOS Uerllnser Buildlns;. $1000 FOTl FOIB HOUSES. Must be moved. Located near Fifteenth and Kearney. joint i karnofp, Ry- elxcb. Bids. Warehouse Site NEW TODAT. eap ots LOTS 50x100 on E. 26th and E. 27th one block north of the Rose City Park carline, and one block west of the East Ankeny and Sandy Road carline. Comers $1250 Inside Lots $1000. Terms. J. J. OEDER Cor. Grand Avenue and East Ankeny. FIVE ACRES Splendid Platting Proposition Acreage all around selling for $1500 and over. Owner is purchasing at Arlington Heights, therefore will sac rifice at $1000 an acre. Satisfactory terms will be allowed. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. EAST HARRISON AT EAST TWESTV.SEVE.TH. A very choice building; spot on the hill close in, with proper building; re strictions. Select a lot today for your future home. The price is reasonable and only $200 Cash required to handle. Balance In month ly paymentB, 6 per cent Interest. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bid., Third and Starfc. INCOME $2140 PRICE $15,500 Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERL0W MORTGAGE & TRUST CO. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Warehouse Site S. W. CORNER 13TH AND IRVING STS., ON TRACKAGE Lot 75x100; among the progressive wholesale houses. Special price for quick action. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce Building. 50x100. with two-story brick, near First and Pine. Price $23,500; terms. ARCHIBALD 425 Failing Building. HOME FOR SALE Holladay's Addition Too small for owner. Built to live in not to sell. Seven rooms and bath, hot-air furnace, fire place, polished floors, built-in closets and drawers. Built for home comfort. See details on page 2 of first section. TO LEASE. Exceptionally well lighted four-story loft building to be erected on the S. E. corner of Tenth and Burnside sts. The extension of Oak st. will grive three valuable street frontages to tbls build ing This is a close-in location which will soon be in the heart of the city. Plans for building now being prepared. Will give long lease and arrange to suit tenant. GEO. M. STRONG, Owner, BOH Concord Building. irvington District" S4000 Seven-room modern homey just fin ished; furnace, fireplace hardwood floors; full cement basement, garage. This week onlv. Phone owner Sunday, C 2242: or week days A 3606 or Main 606. lOOxlOO Fifteenth and Thurman, 100-foot trackage. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. $1000 PROFIT In ninety days with an investment of only I16U0. Heal estate transac tion. No risk. jos. c. Grasojr, SOS Gerllnaer Bids;., 2d aad Alder.- For Splendid homes, Irvlnirton. and lots cheap, call East 273. C 18S6. W. H. HERDMA.V. BARGAIN NEW TODAT. .For Sale iy2 acres, with dockage and switch, "West Side, improved with large . brick buildings, machinery, etc., $75,000 Elegant modern residence and over six lots, West Side, $15,000 Eight flats and cottage (100x100), corner Corbett and Pennoyer sts., $10,000 Lots 9 and 10, block 10, Cook's Addi tion, corner Cook and Missouri avenues, $3000 22 acres, Garden Home, about six blocks from station, sightly, all cleared, $1750 L. E. THOMPSON & CO. 250 Third Street. ' A Profitable Country Place Good 6-room house and barn, Base Line road, near 12-Mile House. Just the kind of a place that you have been thinking about. 2Vz acres in strawberries. IV2 acres home orchard bearing Y2 acre rhubarb. 1 acre asparagus. 1-3 acre gooseberries. 1-8 acre horseradish. 5 acres 2-year-old cherries, apples, pears, loganberries, currants, eic. Horse and buggy, chickens, and fine Jersey cow. Price only $6500. Terms. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce RIVERDALE H "Biff, roomy house," strictly up to date. One acre, with running water, and native trees. Sightly location, fine homes surround it and close to station. May we show yout Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth St. Marshall 3790. A 3324. Mitchell's Investments ONE QUARTER BLOCK $7SOO On EaBt 11th St., 2 blocks south of Hawthorne: all carlinea pass. Business property; only quarter lelt In this dis trict for this prioe; everything selling for $10,000 per quarter. Terms. APARTMENT HOUSE $8500 Will pay over 14 on investment; now, modern, close in on East Side; half block from carline; fine district; terms. BEN MITCHELL S'-n Railway Eichaage Bids;. Marshall 2644 A 4347 CaliforniaLands WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Lands in all parts of state adapted to all citrus and deciduous fruits and nuts. Prices right. Stock ranches and subdivision propo sitions from 1000 to 100,000 acres.- Smith & Sweet, Inc. Main Office Modesto, Cal. Portland branch, 310 Board of Trade Bldg. C. H. Zimmerman, Mgr. Down Town Business Property One of the finest business locations in t.hn citv. a two-story structure with 3 stores downstairs and apartments above; lot 50x100 for $35,000. Will give good terms. $5000 cash will han dle this. OREGON HOME BUILDING & CON STRUCTION CO., 916 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Mississippi Ave. Investment In heart of business center; full lot; well improved; leased 3 years, at S70 month. Price, 19000. GODDARD at WIEDRICK 243 Stark Street THIRD STREET Between Clay and Market, 75x100. ONLY $30,000. Some income. JOS. C. GIBSON. SOS (ierilszer Bnlldlaa;. INVESTOR Havo you S500 to $10,000 to Invest in Portland with safest security? This is an exceptional opportunity. Address Chandler, L 4S, Oregonlan. OME SEW TODAY. PORTLAND HEIGHTS r A HOME FIT FOR A PRINCE The beautiful place of Dr. A. S. Panton on Portland Heights, consisting of a 9-room house and over two acres of ground, beautifully landscaped and in the high est state of cultivation. An abundance of all kinds of choice fruits and flowers. The roses are noted and won first at the "Eose Festival. The view is superb and can never be obstructed. BROOKE 642 Talbot Road. Marshall 4827 ' A 3839 A Profitable Country Place 1 1 Acres Good 6-room house and barn, Base Line road, near 12-Mile House. Just the kind of a place that you have been thinking about. 2y2 acres in strawberries. V2 acres home orchard bearing. y2 acre rhubarb. 1 acre asparagus. 1-3 acre gooseberries. 1-8 acre horseradish. 5 acres 2-year-old cherries, apples, pears, loganberries, currants, etc. Horse and buggy, chickens, and fine Jersey cow. Price only $6500. Terms. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. RIVERWOOD (Old White House tract.) Have view of .Mount Hood and river. 100x172, $3000 100x227, $3000 100x300, $4000 85x500, $500O Water and hard-surface street paid.'. Some tracts have sewer paid. Some have frontage on river. Don't need all cash. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth St. Marshall 3790. A .-3321 Apartment House Baryain Pay 21 per cent on actual casb. invest ment required. Price $7500. Rents for $92 monthly. $tf)0 cash will handle. 3-story new building, Portsmouth avenue, near St. John's carline; lot 50x135 throuo-h the next strreet. eives room for another building on same lot. House has two d-room apar.tments, al ways rented, witn waiting list. Exclusive agents. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. nap fiirt acres fine fertile land. 3 miles fnm r W. P. Rv this land is gen erally rolling; lies fine, and good stream; excellent pjroposuion 10 sub divide. Investigate this. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON, 286 Oak Street. Ask for Mr. Einer. RIVERDALE ACRE $3500 Level, fine view of river and moun tains. Ha?ndy to transportation; water in, an 3 on main connty road. See Mr. Kupper. CHAPIN-HERL0W MORTGAGE k TRUST CO., 332-33? Chamber of Commerce. 23d St. Apartments 50x100 feet, new building; income $5250 on guaranteed lease. Price $50,- 000. An unusually good and safe in vestment. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. focomeProperty Two lots and buildlns;, income IS per eient. Will consider lot In good loca tion. Price $12,000, with terms. ZIMMtlKMAN, 310 Board of Trade. A S