TTin SIT.XDAY OREGQXIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 31, 1913. l AUTOISTS ARE ANXIOUSLY AWAITING OPENING OF SEASON FOR TOURING Many Improvement Made in Mount Hood Resorts, in Anticipation of Heavy Automobile Trade There Daring Spring and Summer Portland People Buy Many Sites for Homes in Mountain District. We Have Taken Apart the " First to Hazelton 77 FLANDERS " To Let You See What It's Made Of I- O or 1 fiir1 r--; THE PARTS OP THIS FAMOUS CAR will be on exhibition at our salesroom all this week. Hundreds of prospective owners have seen the working parts that made possible this real pioneer pathfindinjj trip. And they were impressed that even this trip the gruelling "First-to-Hazelton" grind touched lightly the real strength of a Flanders' ' 20." Have you seen themt Come up tomorrow and closely examine all the parts; convince yourself and you will then understand why it stood up under this terrific ordeal. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SEE THE INSIDE of a Flanders "20"; what it's made of and how it's made. "We want you to see what effect this 1281-mile journey had on the under-tne-surface details the parts you do not see when buying an automobile, but which in every Flanders "20" are paramount, because on them depends the whole life and usefulness of your car. . . , 1 BE SURE AND COME ANY DAY THIS WEEK and see the inner workings of a Flanders "20" laid bare for your inspection. We intended to start rebuilding this car tomorrow, but we think, from the interest the present exhibit has created among prospective automo- bile owners, we are warranted to continue it another week for the bene fit of those who have been unable to see it. We are open today. Come In and inspect the parts. We guarantee it will interest you whether you own a car or not. I I I i II jl Seattle Branch, 2201-3 Second Street Studebaker Corporation of America L. H. ROSE, Northwest Manager Portland Branch CHAPMAN AND ALDER STREETS Tacoma Branch, 1129 Tacoma Avenu9 HVXDnEPS of automobile erwnrra arc wa.llnc Impatirntljr for lh tlma hn thrr ran make tha run ovrr the Mount Hood roait to th mountain rraorta with raaa ird comfort. From all account t autrniibl!a roa1 will te In much better condition than rrrr before. Many cf ths sharp curvet and danxeroua piac hare brrn eliminate.!. Tli tp sral at M.-TntTro I II II has brn re cliiced and lonctr ba tha terror of mi'torlsta. Whu.o aectlona of tlie road hare been rhand and rebuilt. That portion beroad Mrlntrre il!l las been rebuilt for a ml'.e or nore. and at innumerable placea the route cf the old road liaa been changed and new and better tirades put In. This Improvement I due to the enterprise of K. Henry Wemme. He went ahead V 1th many of these Improvements, and when the money for expenses was ex hausted he went on with the work and paid the bills out of his own pocket. It only remains now to cover the road wlta crushed ro-k or gravel from randy to Welch's Hotel In order to feet hard-surface road, which may be traveled nearly the year around. Hotel laaprsveaseala Made. There will be tUe same number of mountain resorts this year. The hotel at Oovemment Camp will be larger. K. Coalman has erected an addition to t.-.e old hotel bulldlnir that will con tain about 49 rooms. This addition Is built In front of and In conne.-tton win the old hotel building that was run by U. I. Yocum. It Is the desire vf everyone who noes to any of the resorts to reach Govern ment Camp, as It has scenic attrac tions of great beauty. A number of new Suxtncr homes have been built there. Henrr Howe has purchased from I. (j. Holdrn tha latter s Interest In the Rhododendron Hotel property, wnlch consists of a ISv-acre tract and the hotel building, and la now the sole owner. It Is announced that Mr. Kowe will run the hotel under his personal management this year. l!r. Holderu who designed and built the unique building called the Rhododendron Tav ern, haa returned to the Portland fire department. Saasaaer Celeay Crowlag. A number of Portland men bought sites near the tavern and will erect Summer homes this year. William Weli-h. owner and manager of the Welch Hotel. Is erecting a new store building and making other Im provements about the resort. A number of fcummer homes will be built ne. r this hotel this year. H. tweea Welch's and tha MauMen Hotel, a distance of about two mllaa. about Summer homes have been built long rtimon Klver. and at the Haul On Hotel a new addition has been erected Just abova tha hotel, where many sites for Summer homes have been purchased by I'ortland men. More I'ortiand men own Summer homes on tbe Salmon Klver than In any other portion of the Mount Hood district. Tes-rre Trset la flat led. The Mount Hood Hotel Company, which purchased a liO-acre tract near tha hatchery on tha Salmon River, has platted ten acres Into sites for Sum mer homes, which will he placed on the market this year. - Thla tract Is half a mile south of the automobile road on tha Salmon River. The Mount liouj Hotel Company had plant pre-. pared fur a ' 40-room modern hotel building last year and got some ma terial for tre structure, but did not start real work. It Is not known whether the hotel will be erected or not. At Brlghtwood. a new resort at the foot of Mclntyra Hill, a considerable Summer place has been developed. At this place a bridge spans the Sandy Klver and a road follows the north side of the Sandv River to the Howard Hotel and the tira Turner mountain home about IS miles toward Mount Hood. Much of the land near the Junc tion of the Zigzag and Sandy Rivers has been platted and told to Portland parties. Meet He Itallway Wanted. A greater Interest Is being manifest ed In Mount Hood property than ever before, between Oherryvllle and Gov ernment Camp, and the Impression Is quite general that tha time Is not far off when an electric railway will be built to the foot of Mount Hood, which will make all the land desirable. Many thousands of acres have been pur chased between &tndy and the Sal' mon River by men who are awaiting the coming of the electric railway to make developments At Cherryvllle a fine large fruit dis trict Is being developed with much success, and scattered along the auto mobile road are several farms on which fruit being raised. The mac adam road Mount Hood proposed by Mr. Wemme will probably do as much for the Western Mount Hood district as the electric railway. iMrroat Roatea 9nggeled. There Is much speculation as to route for an electric rnllwsy to Mount Hood, and several have been surveyed. One route Is up the Zigzag River along the south side of the Rhododendron Tavern to Government Camp. It Is said that a mnaemte grade can ba e cured over thla route. I O. Holde-n, who has been over the route several times, expresses the opinion that this Is the most feasible one and that the electric Una can end at Government Camp on an easy grade. Another sur vey Is up Mai mon River to Mount Ifood. This Is said to be on a very easy grade, and will cover a territory of great beauty. The line would follow the Salmon River for some distance, with Hunchback Mountain on one side and Hunchback Mountain on the other. An. other route would be along the Sandy River on the north aide of Mount Hood. but this route has merely been dis cussed. Xillesil Park I rged. In the district of the Zigzag and Hunchback Mountains, there is tre mendous water power now polng to waste. There Is a great fall on both Salmon and Zigzag Rivera The auto mobile road crosses and recrosses numerous streams. Another asset of great value Is tha timber, of which there Is a great ' body surrounding these resorts. It Is conceded that most of the forest territory up at and near Mount Hood ourht to be preserved and will be pre served, and that Mount Hood and a surrounding district for 1 or :o miles should make up a National park. Some efforts have been made with this In view, but nothing definite has yet been aorompllahed. but with the constantly Increasing travel to Mount Hood every year It Is believed that the Federal Government will finally recognize that Mount Hood should ba mad a National park and kept sacred for the benefit of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. EXHIBITI0N0F PARTS To Continue This Wrrk.. The remarkable parts exhibit of tha "Flrt-to-Haxleton" Flanders "20" at tha salesrooms of the studebaker. Cor poration. Chapman and Alder streets, will continue all tho week. This It a splendid opportunity to see what real wear will do to a car, and the number of parts that go to make up an auto mobile. You .are .cordially Invited to Inspect them. SERVICE IS ESSENTIAL DEALEIt MUST . CARRY COM PLETE STOCK OP PARTS. A noljtelesa aeroplane being tried out by the Rrltlih army 1 mo quiet that Its motor caneot he r.enr.1 ynrrt mmv. Sncorst of Big Manufacturers Is Based on Willingness to Aid All ' Owners. "An 'automobile without the proper service department Is like a locomotive without tracks." It the way L. H. Rose, Northwest manager of the Studebaker Corporation, sums up tho value- of "service." '. "What an owner really buys when purchasing a car from a reputable con cern is the co-operation of the manu facterer through the service and parts departments." continued the Studebaker representative. "This, helps the owner to get the most value out of his mi. chine. He can tour all over the coun try with the assurance that should any thing go wrong, or should he break any part, the matter can be economically and speedily remedied. "For this reason, the larger manufac turers are going to the expense of es- tabllshlng branch houses in the impor tant centers of the automobile trade with agencies In nearly every town of any reasonable size in the United States "In buying an E-M-F or a Flanders, as In the case of other cars manufac tured by responsible firms, the pur chaser buys tho co-operation facilities, conveniences and economies of all these agents. He Is guaranteed our service as long aa he la an owner. . "The automobile dealer who wishes to build -tip a permanent business mus carry a complete stock of parts of the car or cars he represents. This is es sentlal. It Is why we carry a (50,000 stock of parts in every branch. This consists of every part that goes Into E-M-F and Flanders cars. Our owners can ask for anything they may choose and we will have it on hand, thus sav lng the time and expense of long dls tance shipment from the factory." women formed a civic improvement as sociation with a membership of 25, and appointed an executive committee, which will take In hand the permanent organization. The object Is to work in harmony with the Commercial Club in all mat ters pertaining to a betterment of the conditions of the city and its surround ings. Mrs. Charles Cleveland is chair man of the executive committee. The colors of the new Chinese flag are red, yellow, white, black and blue. GRESHAM WILL 'SPRUCE UP Women Form Civic Body to Work With Commercial Club. GRESHAM, Or, March 30. (Special.) The Gresham Commercial Club gave a social Wednesday evening which was largely attended by the members and their families. During the evening the A Shipment'of New 1912 ConstructioivExtra Heavy Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Non Skid Tires These Tires Carry an Unqualified 4000 Actual Service Mileage Guarantee TT. - 7 : 1 - i ' V'l M'- At i .". f i .f4ewe . 'l , i r , xmi$ -k r Jjrt ' f . i '- Fr' ' A-f-j t.,- ' --'''if' j JJacMrs- - '.'.1. "' " fc unr r-fc.-i.sfsi A 1 ' -rj Pennsylvania Tires besides giving the greatest number of service miles carry the most liberal guarantee of any tires ever sold. They cost no more . 1 than inferior makes. Send for price list A. J. WINTERS CO., Agents 67 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon ! ir i res Other tilings be ing equal, the tire that is mo& easily and mo& cheaply repaired is the mosl: economical, tire to buy.r T AS a matter of fact other things are A not equal. Diamond Tires not only give greatest mileage, but they are as much superior in Repair ability as they are in Mileage. " C. Any repair man will tell you that a're-1 pair put in a Diamond Tire will stick but that he cannot guarantee a patch on any other tire, that even should you cut or smash a Diamond Tire hard enough to break the fabric, the injury is only local and can be repaired. The same accident would ruin any other tire beyond repair. C Diamond Tires suffer less severe in juries than any other tire, and when they are injured it costs less to repair them. C The most important point about a tire is quality, the type is secondary. Diamond Tires are made in all types, all sizes, and to fit every style of rim. You can get in Diamond Tires any type that you want, and in any Diamond Tire that you choose you will get what no other tire can give you the Greatest Mileage and the best service that can built into a tire of that type. In addition to depenaame dealers every where, there are FIFTY-FOUR Diamond Service Stations. Diamond Service means' more than merely selling tires it means taking care of Diamond Tire users. - AT YOUR DEALER'S OR 'The Diamond Store Seventh and Buriside Streets, Portland. Ihc J)iaBfond libber (ompainj t AKRON, OHIO WE COULD BUILD THEM CHEAPER, BUT WE WON'T WB WOULD BUILD THEM BETTER, BUT WE CAN'T I : Es5ai5sfii Vi o