The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 6, Image 58

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Why the whole World
pays tribute to the
Cadillac car
Multnomah County's Most Heavily Traveled Highway Shown to Visiting Road Investijators as Oregon's Model
Country Thoroughfare Mainte nance Cost Materially Lowered.
Bg: r
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PROOF of the Ubillty of the mac
adam roads built In Multnomah
County under the system
curatl by County Commlasloner
Ijch:nr Is shown in a trst hlc!i has
rcntly ben completed on the. Koster
road, which la one of the most heavily
traveUi thoroughfares In the slat.
, Pour years ago In February the road
was macadamized under the Improved
road-bulldlng system devised by Com
missioner LIk tuner, and np to a few
daya a-. when resurfacing of parts of
the road was completed, no Improve
ments or repairs were found necessary.
This Is considered an enviable record
when the life of this road Is compared
with like thoroughfares m other parts
of the I'nlted States, and It la shown
that a life of two and three years for
moderately traveled roads Is consid
ered exceptionally good.
The Foster road waa built according
to the county road-bulltllng specifica
tions, the base betne; of soud-slied
rocks and the surface belnir screenings,
well rolled and oiled. The aoad was
oiled twice a year and was protected
from water by a roundlna surface and
a good system of drains and culverts.
Aeeorete Data Dealr4.
Particular attention waa pajd to thla
Men way by tne county officials for the
purpose of sjett'.na; accurate data on the
causes of road deterioration. It was
learned that the worst wear on the
macadam comes from speedlns; automo
biles. The heavy marhlnea striking
Sentiment largely In Favor of lle
election of Entire I'rocnt
, Doartl.
Members of the Portland Automobile
Club are urgently requested to attend
the annual meeting of the organisation,
which will be held at the Commercial
Club Wednesday night at S o'clock. Be
sides the election of officers for the
coming year, detailed sports from all
committees covering the results
ar-hleved during the year's term ending
In April will be submitted.
Present Indications point to the en
tire present board, consisting of W.
J. Clemens, president: T. Irving Potter,
secretary: John V. lies 11. treasurer, and
H. M Cover. George Knight Clark. Oli
ver K. Jeffery. II. I Keats. Frank C.
Rlgss and K. Henry Wemme. will be
re-ect'l. All the directors have sig
nified, their willingness to serve an
other term.
In recognition of the meritorious
work acconiollshed r this, the most en
ergetic board that has held office since
the club's existence. It Is expected that
the members will vote them Into office
aratn without anv opposition. All the
directors have achieved wide popularity
through their good work during the
past year. The work they have done
has been of Immeasurable value to
Heretofore at the annual meeting an
entire new directorate could be elected.
A recent amendment to the constitu
tion however, provides that five of the
nine Incumbent directors shall be re
elected to serve one year and four
members for the two-year term. There
after. In alternate years. Iur and Ave
directors respectively shall -be elected
.to serve two years. This method In
- fra
Hie surface gradually loosen the small
rocks on the surface and In time work
them from their places and damage
the road to a Brest extent. It la said
a rapidly moving automobile Is harder
on a macadam road than a slowly
moving and heavily loaded dray. This
Is said to be true even If the tires of
the dray are narrow.
The surface of the Foster road failed
io deteriorate with the heavy traffic
until after the first of the present year,
although the road la the main artery
to a territory Inhabited by over 10.000
persons and has been subjected to
speeding automobiles. The good char
acter of thla road has meant a large
saving to the county and the officials
claim to have secured much valuable
data which will be used In. future road
Improvements and building. This new
data pertains mostly to the methods of
rolling the rock to make It firm.
Rad Heavily Traveled.
The Foster road begins at Anabel
station and extends Into Clackamas
County. It Is used by practically all
of the teams and automobiles In that
district and other districts which open
into the Koster road via other high
ways. Opening Into the Foster road
are the Mllwaukle road, the Klndorff
road, the Oregon City road, the Lents
road and many others, all of which are
well traveled. This places an exceed-,
tngly heavy strain on the Foster road.
That It should last four years Is con
sidered remarkable.
The resurfacing was begun In Feb
ruary at Anabel station and extended I
sures there being several men on the
directorate each year who are familiar
through experience with the club's un
dertakings. Following the annual meeting the
club will establish down-town head
quarters, where road data and other
touring Information may be conveni
ently gathered by members and visiting
Motor Car Will Be Publicly Rebuilt
Aa Innovation In motorcar exploita
tion here was brought into play last
week by tho K-M-F Northwest Com
pany when a Flanders "IO" was com
pletcly taken apart and the various
parts put on -exhibition. The scheme
excited no end of Interest.
The model used to demonstrate the
simplicity and durability of the Flan
dera was the car that made the famous
trip from Seattle to Haxelton. B. C. It
showed the wear and tear a motorcar
Is subjected to on such a strenuous
journey, and gave the layman a good
idea as to what an automobile really
is composed ot.
This machine will be reconstructed
Thursday afternoon. AH Interested In
automobiles are Invited to examine the
parts of the car and watch the assem
bling of the parts now strewn about
the salesroom of the tudebaker branch.
Slerci Assumes Charge.
K. E. Sleret, president of the Ford
Motor Car Agency, baa assumed per
sonal management of the Portland
Ford branch, succeeding aa active man.
ager. Arthur J. Kdwards, who resigned.
Mr. Sleret just returned from an ex
tended visit to California, and simul
taneously with his new duties- came
the arrival of another member In bis
family, the first In IS years.
Hsplsr Caa He Cared.
My mechanical treatment will cure
rupture. Consultation fre. B. C. Llns
truiu,:JVs Yamhill St. Portland. Or,
vTc5 tctrz
T-s- 'V. r:.-;- j
. p
eastward. In many places the surface
was In fair condition, while in others
It was quite badly worn. Of particular
interest was the conditions found on
the curves. It la said a sharp bend
Is the hardest part of a macadam road
to keep In repair, owing to the fact
that the slant of the road cannot be
gauged to meet the speed of the various
vehicles. A speeding automobile or
dinarily skids when going around
sharp curve In almost any kind of
weather. This skidding soon ruins
a road. The curves on the Foster road
were in almost as good condition as
the straight stretches.
Road Held aa Model Highway
The Foster road Is being exhibited
to visitors who come here to Invest!
gate roads aa the best road In Oregon.
With the new surface It la almost as
smooth as a paved street and furnlshea
an exceptionally good boulevard for
touring as - well as for transporting
commercial commodities. It serves a
vast farming country and makes possi
ble the handling of products with no
hindrances, an Important factor to the
The road leads through a long
stretch of beautiful country. Or all
sides, beyond Anabel station, extend
attractive farms with tree-covered hills
In the background. At Intervals along
the way are smsll business sections.
most of which have been built since
the Foster road was so Improved that
Itbecame the most Important artery
extending through the southeastern
part of the state.
Sales Manager of Locomobile Com'
pany Explains Yalne of Service
A. w. Robinson, truck sales man
ager of the Locomobile Company of
America, who, during his It years con
nectlon with that concern, has watched
the growth and evolution of the serv
ice department, la one ot Its strongest
advocates. .
The service department," he says,
"Is a necessity In the automobile busi
ness, but I regard it aa being parti
cularly essential In the commercial
vehicle business. .Minimisation of delay
Is the all Important question with the
truck user and this can only be accom
plished through a thoroughly or
ganised, well-equipped and efficient
service department. Tracks cannot be
hired as easily' as a taxicab, and if a
truck goes out of service, it cannot be
replaced and serious congestion Is
bound to result.
"Aside from the Injury to . the busi
ness through non-delivery of goods
which the customer may be In serious
need of. the Arm suffers loss through
the disorganisation of Its system due
to the 'tie up' at tho shipping end.
Efficiency, promtness and courtesy
must characterise every service de
partment, as they are the fundamentals
of satisfaction.
"Satisfaction Is the basis of all last
ing business relations, and the best and
only way to secure absolute satisfac
tion for a customer Is through the me
dium of an efficient, well organised
service department. Too much em
phasis cannot be placed on this asser
"The locomobile company s attitude
ia the matter can be easily seen in the
Model D
6 Cylinders
A large five-passenger car. Fast and
so easy to manage that you can drive it all
day without fatigue.
A wear-out is entirely different from a
blow-out. Tires on the Franklin wear out
after from 8000 to' 10,000 miles service. . On
the average car of the same size they are
likely to blow out after 'about one-quarter
the mileage. ;
Braly-Du Bois Auto Co
31 North Nineteenth Street
Near Washington Street '
way In which It Is extending Its serv
ice branches throughout the United
States, six branches having been ea-
tabllrhed since August 1, 1911, the last
one being opened at Minneapolis re
cently. This branch Is organized under the
supervision of the locomobile company,
and is manned and equipped by men
who received their training at the
factory, guaranteeing, that this exten
sion of-the locomobile system. will en
able customers In that territory to se
cure the some efficient service and the
same satisfaction which they enjoy at
the other branches."
Vilas EM&te Pays $49,000 Tax.
OLTMPIA. Wash., March 30. (Spe
cial.) The State Tax Commission has
collected an Inheritance tax of $19,
5.19.08 from the estate of the late Sen
ator William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin,
whose will was probated In Pierce
A DISTINCTIVE charm invests the Ohio Electric
De Luxe, because of its beautiful and original
lines and handsome proportions. It is the last word
In electric brougham design. . It : fills a
lons-felt desire tor a luxurious flvs-pas-senirer
car, with all Bests facing for-"
Besides being the most beautiful, com
fortable and luxurious electric ever
shown, - it approaches more nearly the
limit of mechanical and electrical perfection
Represented by , '
. 54-56. North Twer-tie th Street
M 4066-
Maxwell owners do our advertising More than 500
satisfied owners now in Oregon.
MAXWELL MESSENGER ............... S 675
MAXWELL MASCOTTE ............. . . .S1200
38 Horse Power
the estate was $200,704, but the State
Tax commission filed objections to the
County. The original appraisement
appraisement and Insisted that the val
uatlon should be placed at a higher fig
ure. On the original figures the tax
would have been 119,584, so that th
action of the Commission netted th
state a clear $29,914. Senator Vilas,
who. was also a member of the Cleve
land Cabinet, owned property in Pierce,
Thurston and Lewis Counties.
Four Generations Celebmtc.
CENTRA LI A. Wash, March 30. (Spe
claL) Four generations were repre
sented at a surprise party held at the
home. of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Greeley
In Ccntralla last night,' the occasion be
lng Mrs. Greeley's 83d birthday. The
four generations were Mr. and Mrs.
Nathaniel Greeley. Mr. and Mrs. G. A
Greeley. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Greeley and
Winston Greeley.
Equipped with Ohio special shaft drive
without - universal Joints (patented).
Iftxige magnetic controller (patented).
36x44 solid or pneumatic tires. Gxlde
and Ohio-batteries, Ironclad or Kdlson
batteries . st additional cost. Colors
Ohio blue, irreen or maroon. Upholstery
finest Imported broadcloth or goatskin.
Price fully equipped $4000 f. o. b. To
ledo. .
-A 7443
BIAIN4387 A 7171
What is the source of that mysteri
ous enthiiaiiiHm which makes every(fne
I spealc in superlative terms of the Cad-
What' peculiar qualities does it pos
sees, which lmDel the public to dis
miss Impatiently the suggestion that
other cars are "as good as the Cadil
What advantag-es does the Cadillac
owner enjoy, day by day, which con
vince him that hla is lncontestably
the better car?
Why do Cadillac dealers everywhere
encounter a lively uitipusiituii iu i-uw-pare
the Cadillac with the costliest
cars; Dut not witn cars 01 liKe or nan
v. ay higher - price?
On what basis can we exnlain the
phenomena, encountered everywhere.
or men reverting- io tne iaaiiiac, irom
cars costing- two and three times as
mucn money?
The Primal Cause of Cadillac
The subject Is a big one; it cannot
be comnassed in a Drier statement.
But the source of Cadillac satisfac
tion can be indicated.
We can trace tho cause: and we can
partially picture the eltect. ...
Let us take, merelv as an example.
separating It from all the rest one
Dig-, mtie. fact.
Every Cadillac piston and every Cad
illac cylinder is interchangeable with
every other Cadillac piston; and every
otner caamac cylinder.
More than 400 essentially accurate
dimensions In Cadillac parts are meas
ured down to one one-thousandth of
an Inch.
T..V... - n. r.lrat.liina Cn'Aan
is the inventor of the most wonderful
svstem of limit trauues for infinites
lmally fine measurements th world
nas ever seen eauaes wnicn are ac
curate to the one ten-thousandth part
pt an Inch.
The Cadillac Company is. and has
been for years, the world's foremost
exponent of its own; and of the Jo
hannson system.
Cadillac adherence to unexampled
accuracy antedates the jonannson
discovery. It goes back forty years to
Its. Inception ten years, in Its appli
cation to the caaniac car.
So here you have the primal cause
the source ot xnat wona-wicie,
mysterious, Cadillac enthusiasm the
desDalr of cars which may look like,
but are not like the Cadillac; because
they have not wrapped up in them the
rervor ana tne uie-time uevonon in
spired by . an Ideal.
Effects Which Follow the Primal
And now as to the effect.
How Is the inherent difference of
the Cadillac expressed In its outward
behavior now does it aiiier ana now
does It surpass?
In a hundred ways; some of them in
tangible, but ever-present; many of
them Intensely practical things you
can see and feel and know.
The first fruit of fine measurement
and perfect alignment is, of course,
the reduction of friction to the closest
possible approach to a theoretical zero.
Friction is the worst and most re
lentless enemy to efficient service in
a motor car.
The defeat of this relentless enemy
can be accomplished by no other wea
pon known to motor car manufacture
than the most scrupulous and properly
applied standardization.
Once accomplished, it carries in its
train two other splendid victories.
Wear, tear and repair are the evil
offsprings of friction.
And when friction is reduced to a
minimum, their capacity lor discom
fort and danger, and damage is almost
totally nullified.
At one and the same time, and from
the same source, another splendid bene
fit is conferred upon the car.
Elimination or rriction means ex
traordinary ease of operation.
It achieves mat luxurious eyenness
u-hirh is suDDOsed to be one of the chief
characteristics In cars of the highest
rri-e: and tne cardinal auaiitv ior
which men are willing to pay that high
These extraordinary requisites re
H not I nr. nt wear, tear and repair, and
running qualities of velvety smoothness
are the distinguishing characteristics
of a frlctionless car.
vnn have them In the Cadillac, be
cause the Cadillac Is the world's fore
The Show-Car Tire
One-third of all cars at the 55 Shows held this
year were equipped with Goodyear tires.
More cars were shown on Goodyear tires than
on any other two makes combined.
That's on show cars, remember on cars with
their best equipment.
. And 127 leading makers of cars have contracted
for these tires for their 1912 models.
Out-of-Date Tires
Tires that rim-cut are distinct
ly but-of-date.
So are tires just rated size.
Too many blow-outs result from
No-Rim-Cut tires make rim
cutting impossible. They are 10
per cent oversize.
And these patent tires now
cost no more than other stand
ard tires.
Any motor car owner, when
he knows the facts, will adopt
No-Rim-Cut tires.
" 1,000,000 Used
Over one million Goodyear
tires have been used on some
200,000 cars.
As a result these tires now out
sell any other
tire in exist
ence. The demand
In two years has
multiplied six
times over. It
has trebled in
the past year
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With or Without Non-Skid Treads
This Company haa no connection whatever with any other
rubber concern which uses the Ooodvear namn.
Phone: Pac. Main 2190, and Home A 4046.
most exponent of anti-fi iction meth
ods of measurements.
Advantages you may enjoy and
Disadvantages yon may escape. '
The presence or the absence, of the
qualities described heroin qualities
traceable to properly applied standard
ization and the. resulting correct
alignment; qualities traceable to skill
ful design and advanced manufactur
ing methods and the results of scien
tific research and development, ex
plain; Why the owner of one car has to
crank and crank his engine to get it
started while the Cadlllar owner gets
into his. car, presses a button, disen
gages the clutch and his engine starts.
Why the owner of one car. even with
a so-called "self-starter" can start the
engine only, some of the time while
the Cadillac electric cranking device
Is fully as efficient and fully as de
pendable as every other part ot the
Cadillac car.
Why the owner of one car must get
out often in the rain and mud open
his lamps, fumble for matches, turn
on and regulate the gas and light up
while the Cadillac owner without de
lay or annoyance simply closes the
switches and the electric lamps are
Why one car starts with a jerk and
a lunge while the Cadillac can be
started off with the smoothness of an
ocean liner.
. Why in one car about all the driv
er's strength Is required to operate the
clutch and brakes while with the
Cadillac, slight foot pressure is all that
is necessary.
Why In one car the change of gears
is accompanied by a crash and a grind
while with the Cadillac the change
can be made so that it is scarcely per
ceptible. Why one car Is difficult to keep in
the road while the Cadillac seems al
most to steer itself.
Why in one car witn a steering gear
which has no provision for taking up
wear, lost motion develops, making
steering uncertain and unsafe while,
in the Cadillac steering gear the ad
justments provided are more adequate
than will probably ever be required.
Why one car rides hard and stiff, the
springs seem unyielding and the car
is less comfortable to ride in over
a paved street than is the Cadillac
over an ordinary road.
Whv one car mav run ouietlv and
smoothly when new but soon becomes
noisy and shakes and rattles while the
Cadillac often after years of service
runs as smoothly as when new.
Why one car runs all right on level
roads but when it conies to sand and
hills is has not the power to make the
pulls, while the Cadillac has an abun
dance of power for all reasonable re
quirements and with Its standardiza
tion, the correct alignment and the sub
stantial construction, tne maximum or
that power Is delivered at the rear
wheels. .
Why one car shows only S or 10
miles on a gallon of gasoline while the
Cadillac averages 60 to 80 per cent
greater mileage.
Whv one car after a few months be
gins to evidence a loss of power while
Cadillacs frequently show an improve
ment. Whv in one car the engine over
heats and the water boils, while with
Cadillac construction and the Cadillac
coolings;ystem the causes of overheat
ing are practically eliminated.
Why one car emits volumes of
smoke and It becomes necessary to
clean the engine and especially tho
spark plugs every fow weeks while the
Cadillac with its efficient lubricating
system and the accurate fit of the cyl
inders, pistons and rings emits no
smoke at all and frequently runs for
a year or more without even having a
spark plug removed.
Whv the oil consumption of one car
is from two to four times that of tha
Whv the owner of one car must be
continually tinkering with his car ta
keep it going while many Cadillac own
ers rarely open their tool kits.
Why one car after a few months'
use depreciates in selling value to hall
of Its original cost or less while de
preciation in the Cadillac is reduced to
an absolute minimum.
So many "Whys" indeed, which evi
dence the pre-eminence of the Cadillac
that we cannot here cite even a tenth
part of them.
Just because this vast army of
users found what yu seek in
Save One -Half
No-Rim-Cut tires end rim-cutting
forever. And statistics
show that rim-cutting occurs on
23 per cent of the old type tires.
10 per cent oversize, on the
average car, adds 25 per cent
to the tire mileage.
These two features together,
under average conditions, cut
tire bills in two. Yet No-Rim-Cut
tires now cost no more
than other standard tires.
Ask those who know. There
are many around you. Ask their
experience with No-Rim-Cut
Our 1912 Tire
Book, based on
13 years of tire
making, ia filled
with facts you
should know.
Ask us to mail
it to you.