SUNDAY OHEOONIAN, PORTLAND, A . i . ! PIPE MIKAR FINDS THAT AIJj IS BUI uuin ixxax ouhu. v- ' 1 1 ... - . - -1 j 1 I HPO Oi E" D 17 ELECTRIC CAR IS HOI 10! OF IDLE Tne CJP KAC. if I. WIN I GT "Remy Magneto Service" SlOOa AN rntrv TH KCK wi WE HAVE A FACTORY EXPERT IF YOU OW A REMY COMB Archer & Wiggins Company Oak Street, Corner Sixth Expert Explains Practical Ad vantages of This Type of Auto. purveyor of Auto and Sporting Good rn ' . rsone machos. tnK , lfAtt&ttMSTt I . - . . .. "feS I 3 1 Fi IT. I fl THE M Jr HAMD IT TO MVJEt-NJ x !'.r?VV v K-T" I'll STOPAn oir ir cea) ,..1 s v x & T,T W,T" c" :X 1 lfej BOWSER PERFECT STAGE REACHED AdTrnt of New Battery Marks Im portant Adrancerarnt In Operation of F.lrrtrlc Type. BT LXWJS H. REESE. - Th "Qurttlon of Power" to b en of th predominant questions th projetlTe purchaser of an electric will Inrartably aik the dealer whan Inquiring Into th posslbllltlea of th Jectrlc car. There ara two poslbtlltle tn an lectrle car. hl-h speed and lonir mtle t(. Ton cannot have both. It la a viatter of record that tha fastest mil) rr marie was ma.le with an electric. Alan It la a fact that an electric auto mobile has been driven 600 mile. In tb first atunt the batteries wera abso lute!? worthies and In tha lone dl tanc ran the ear only aerae4 two ari one-balf mllea an hour. Ton can readily aea that neither of these two pror-osltlona would be aatla fartory for general utility purpoaea, but there la a happy medium between the two eKtremes and It Is ha been found and. Is Incorporated Into the irake of eeery euccessful electric. In either words, any prospectlTe buyer nay rest assured that any atandard make of electric will run aa far In a day aa he would ever car to ito, at a apeed that would be consistent with aafety. Barrtrteat Mllea- Whtalaakl. As a general proposition any mod ern electric will give an averaae of 0 mile per chars; up hill and down, and where more level country la en countered this mllear will b bettered by Si per cent. Thl mileage la ob tained with a lead battery equipment. More will be said later In regard to th Thornaa Edison battery. Another question Invariably asked J. -Will they climb hills?- Thia la bst answered In thia manner. "Can a duck awlmT Of course they will climb kills. They can't help but climb. Just aa long; aa the current flows from tha battery through tho motor, the wheela bave to turn. ttld Dlffereae Betweea Type. Naturally the question arises. "What la tha horsepower of tha motor?" Tou can imagine the parried expression which greets .the answer. "Three horsepower." Looks small, doesn't It? Just about enough power to propel baby carriage, in comparison with a 40-horsepower gas car that chugs, groans and lies down on Ford-atreet kill. Sounds unreasonable. But there la a world of difference between "gasoline" and "electric" horsepower. A gaa engine to develop certain horsepower haa to maintain a certain speed. Consequently, when your engine slows down on a hill It beglna to lose horsepower Juet when you need It most. Tho alower you go the less power your engln develops. High Speed Net Repaired. on the other band, the electric mo tor will develop Its rated horsepower ar.d 3ii to 500 per cent overload at any speed. ; In other words, the electrio motor t111 develop any amonnt of power to get you there. Thue. Instead of lytna; down on a, bill, the motor geta down to work and gets you up. slowly but none tha less aurely. The next question la. "What doe It cost for electricity a mile to run an electric." and to the answer the pros pect usually responds with a look of Incredulity. The fact remains, how ever, thut It costs lea for current than It costs to run the ltg-hta In your bouse. Fewer I Cheeps. About a cent a mile running will cover It. This point Is one on which more people have a fund of "misin formation" than on anything els per taining to the whole proposition. The writer wishes particularly to emphasise and Impress on the mind of the prospective purchaaer of an elec tric car that the Item of electric cur rent Is so small that It Is practically of no consequence whatever. An Inquiry to the Portland Railway. I.lifht Power Company, from whom you would purchase your current, will verify this statement. i ew Battery Eltmlaatea Treable. Aa a rule we very seldom get over the ground without being asked "What about the new Edison battery?" The whole battery proposition re solves Itself to this, that If you are operating a ear equipped with an Edi son battery you can run It day In and day out for yeara with so little trouble that you will forget you have a battery. This battery is backed by Edison. This, perhaps. Is a rather strong statement to make and hard to believe, especially so by one who has had ex perience In operating machines with the other form of motive power, but the truth of which can be easily dem onstrated and Is backed by tha guar antee of Thomas A. Kdlson himself. Other Eeslrant Serviceable. Let It not be understood that the electric la not practical or serv Icable when equipped with the ordinary battery. It is both. In fact, a great many people are buying electrics equipped with the lead battery who have full knowledge and information f the many advantages and super iority of the Edison. The reason for doing thia la that they figure that by the time the lead battery Is worn out the price of the Edison battery will have coma down considerably. It being tb common Impression that the price at tb pres ent tlm Is too high. This may or may sot be so. but the fact remains that the Edison battery at Ita present high price is an Investment and not a run ning expense. In brief, the forejrolng are about the asual questions asked by prospective electric auto purchasera and the an swers are given from an absolutely unprejudiced standpoint, and the writer la frank to say that they will apply to any standard make of electric car. . It la only fair to add that the elec tric as It la being manufactured to day la a highly efficient piece of mecn anlsm. No on can possible make a mistake In buying right now. This statement Is for those who want aa electric have the money to pay for tt. and will have nothing else, but who are waiting for the proposition to b "perfected." Vr. jsarmh piatt-Decker has decided not to b a rn1l1l for I nltl Stairs na-l-r tn ivt"ra-3'. Any lTjm hpjr. Bi-h Mrs. l'.atl-l-Mrr. the Kansas Cttv Tim, muit raitM that tha price eX a Caluula teana'arslup la Ute alao. . . AUBURN- Auburn Motor Car Co. BOBT. SIMPSON, Mgr. 505-7 Burnsido Street A 7339. Mala 267. CRANK IS ON WANE Self-Starter Springs Into Poo ularity Rapidly. SEVENTY MAKERS ON LIST Wide Ranee of Device's Gives Auto lst Big Field From Which" to Select Hla Dec Is n. Last Fall few designers rave the self-starter serious consideration and few of the 1911 models announced at that tlm wer fitted with device which eliminate th starting crank. Then two or three makers climbed into tha band wagon, and tbeae have been followed by many othera. until now statistics show that more than TO dif ferent manufacturers are using self starters. Starting the, engine has been the great bug-a-boo of tha novice. It re quires much physical exertion even from those who ar strong enough to guide a car. No driver likea to get hla feet wet and muddy and work himself into a perspiration In front of the car as a preliminary step to gotng for a drive. Thls condition haa been recog nized for years, but with the excep tion of a few companies, like the Win ton. Cadillac Amplax. for Instance, tha remedy was not supplied. Idea la Net Sew. Tb self-starter makes tha gasoline car aa easy to handle as an electric and wipes out that one point of differ ence which some fastidious drivers have considered of Importance In the paat. It flta tha gasoline car to the average woman'a use and may even be regarded aa marking the passing of the chauffeur, for It removea tha main dread which many owners have felt when driving alone. Th self-starter Idea la not a new one. It was experimented with by the Duryeaa mora than IS yeara ago and with an Increasing frequency by many othera since. Th oldest form was tha spring starter. In which tha engine atored enough power to turn itself over a few times. This had th disadvantage that It might not have range enough for an obstinate engine and ao fail when wanted most. The Peerless and soma other cars are fitted with a modern form of spring starter which haa given excellent re sults under severs tests. Th next form waa the compressed air or gaa device, which stored gas from the engine cylinder or air pumped by the engine In a tank from which It could be admitted to the cylinders for turning the engine over for starting. This waa flrat applied aa a regular equipment to the Wlnton car and a a success thereon had much to do with tba coming of Ita preaent popu larity. The Chalmers, Amplex and others ar using devices of a similar nature Elsetrte Device Effldrae. la th Cadillac and some other cars aa electric motor and atorage battery furnish the needed current for turning over the engine. After which the ragln In turn keep th battery charged. In these days of electric lighting and high grade Ignition thia system seems quit the light thing and Ita action la all that could be desired. Th Simplex. Warren. Reo. Veil. Hudson. Moon and other cars use a starter la which acatylen gaa from a tank la admitted to th cylinders and Ignited by an electrio spark. This gaa la explosive and th eaae of Ignition practically Insures that It develops the power wanted to turn tha engine Into activity. The amount of gaa required Is little and tha system Is not com plicated. The Mclntyr Is fitted with another form of gaa starter. The Lambert cars use a foot lever for starting from th eat and the Stevens-Duryea buggy auto us a hand-operated rope, so It Is seen that there la ample range of de vice from which a buyer may choose. Madras Auto Man Cheerful. J. C Robinson, of Vadrae. Or, Reo and Appereon agent for Crook and Har ney counties, was in Portland last week arranging for a carload of both machines. Mr. Robinson said that propped for a gemexal boom la tha. ...tmnhita hi.iini in Ma territory are bright. He disposed of 25 cars last year and expects to sell at least 3S thia aeason. LOADING SYSTEMS ATTACKED Noted Truck Expert Telia now to Minimize Loss by Delays. In an address to tha Retail Coal Dealers' Association of New England, at Boston, William P. Kennedy, head of the Alco transportation cost bureau, pointed out the waste In hauling sys tems from delays, primitive method of loading or other reasons, and how to minimize It. Mr. Kennedy, who Is eminently known as a leading expert on motor truck, costs, told bow difficulties that wer met with In tha past are being over come, alt with a view to utilizing the motor truck to Its fullest capacity and reducing the cost of hauling. The speaker said that no general rule may be laid down and that only the analysis of a particular situation can determine the amount of saving It la possible to effect. 'There is no question that. If condi tions are arranged so that the motor truck can be permitted to operate for a sufficient period of the working day, it will readily effect a saving," said Mr. Kennedy. "There are at present Im pediments, due largely to delays Inci dent to making the delivery as well aa the delays frequently experienced In loading. Unloading conditions present tha greatest difficulties often because they are usually beyond the control of the operators. "That the difflcultlea with regard to loading operations can be changed to ' provide quick loading by mechanical ! meana la quite apparent from the num ' ber of yards equipped with hoppers and i other devices. "It goes without saying that the Ideal way to load motor trucks would be automatically from the hopper system, the machine passing under the hopper, taking Its load In a few minutes and Immediately starting upon tha deliv ery." Mr. Kennedy cited Instances of the need for better facilities In handling. He continued: "In many clttes coal has to be deliv ered In the most Inaccessible places; sometimes to small manholes at the edge of the sidewalk; sometimes through openings located at the building rather than the edge of the sidewalk, and In other instances Into openings which are In the walls of the buildings above the sidewalk." 2694 Cars Shipped to West. According to L. H. Rose, Northwest manager of the Studebaker Corpora tion, 2694 cars were shipped to Stude baker branches on the Pacific Coast during the past six months. The Nortnwest's allotment of E-M-F and Flanders cars was considerably larger than for the same period the preceding year. . GILL TO CHALLENGE VOTE Investigation In Interest of Defeated Man Now In Progress. SEATTLE, March SO, (Special.) Attorneys representing the special commission that has been investigat ing the Mayoralty election In the In terests of H. C Gill began today the drafting of a complaint In quo' war ranto proceedings to force a recount. George F. Vanderveer. Frank E. Brlghtman and George Tennant are the attorneys who represent the commit tee. It was decided to challenge the vote In all those precincts where the polling places were kept open outside the regular election hours, to contest the right of students of the Univer sity of Washington residing elsewhere In the state to vote at a Seattle elec tion and to point out specific Instances where Illegal Influence waa exerted on voters, unauthorized votes were cast or legal voters were prevented from casting their ballots. On the theory that the election boards were organized favorable to Mayor George F. Cotterlll. the com plaint will charge a general conspiracy to conduct the election In his lntereets. A eheck mad of the State Univer sity vote shows that 180 students who registered In the Fall as reeidenta of some other part of the state, regis tered this year as qualified voters of Seattle. n a onroacner AUTOMATIC AIR PUMP Reduced to $20.00, Attached to Car $25.00 Inflates tires to just the pressure required. No work, no bother. Attaoh bose, turn knob, your engine famishes the power. The gange tells the pressure at all times, thus saving tire expense. The gasoline spray attachment will clean the engine in a jiffy $3.00 extra. It's simple no repairs. First expense is only expense. Made in Portland and sold under an ironclad guarantee. Your money cheer fully returned, if you are not satisfied. Every user is a booster. Joseph Supple says: "I don't know what Mrs. Supple would do without it. Have had the pump over a year and recommend it to all automobilists." Ask your dealer, call, or write factory. Rohrbacher Automatic Air Pump Co. PHONE EAST 506. 173 EAST WATER ST. Watch for Our Spring Announcement of MOTOR SUPPLIES Chan;Ior & Lyon Motor Supply Co. Pacific Co eta t Distributors 627 Washington Street, Portland San Francisco Los Angel .-s Fresno Seattle Spokane MOTORCYCLES INDIAN AND EMBLEM B ALLOU & WRIGH I, 80-82 Seventh Street. Cor. Oak BALLODS WRIGHT Largest Stock Automobile Accessories M. & W G. & J. and Hartford Tires, Monogram Oils 80-82 Seventh St, Cor. Oak. Portland. Or. Atterbury Truck Columbia Carriage & Auto Works, Agta 209-211 Front Street. rho Kaln 289Z General Auto Repairing. Bodies and Wheels Built to Order. GASOLINE and OIL TANKS 6 TO RAGE SYSTEMS FOR AAD fkll' VATE3 GARAGES, a. D. Stoddard. AsU JW3 Oolambia Ulda Mala 1T Crowe Auto Co. Sixteenth and Alder Streets RAMBLER STUTZ MARION K-R-I-T MAIS TRUCK (Gear Driven) The Best American-Made Truck Distributers for Oregon and Southern Washington. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. Northwest Distributors, EAST MOREISON AND SECOND STS. Phones: E. 3S87. B 1625. FORD The car that comes faHy equipped Best for the Money Ford Motor Car Agency A.J. Edwarda, See. and Mar. E. 8tk sad Hintborae Arenac Pkoae Eat 94K- CURES VoleaaUlaa- Retreadlaa-. R. E. BLODQBTT, aa-31 N. 14th. Mala 7005. OVERLAND CARS J. W. LEAVITT 8c CO. 52S-571 Waafclaa-toa St. Dlatrlbators for Ore, Waahlnft-lon, California and Ke-eada. 33 H. P. 40 H.P. The Mighty Michigan MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO. East 1421 B 1345 369-371 Hawthorne Ave. THE AMERICAN 1013 CIVDERSLUNG. A Car fer the DtaerlialaatlBS Few The Safest Ca OS Earth. GARAGE STORAGE REPAIRING. Nob Hill Garage & Auto Co., Inc. 90-M Kearaey Betweea Tweatr-firat and Tweatr-aecaad. APPEESON STEARNS REO NORTHWEST AUTO CO. DISTRIBUTORS F. W. VOGLER, President 617 Washington Street. Phones Main 7179, A 4959. PREER CUTLERY & TOOL CO. Headquarters for Shop Supplies and Automobile Tools 74 SIXTH AND 311 OAK STREETS Schacht Motor Car Co. COMMERCIAL AND PLEASURE CARS COR. FIFTH AND HOYT STS. Our Motto: "Quality and ft Square Deal" Western Hardware & Auto Supply Co. SEVENTH AND PINE STREETS Vulcanizing', Hardware and Auto Supplies. Phone: Main 8828. Home A 2(116. 0 D X N A Y K N D G A N Y D PTT T 0 AUTOMOBILE Come and see this wonderful car today, now on exhibition at our showrooms, 688 and 690 Washington St. This car will be on exhibition but a few days, for we must make delivery of this car this week. Remember, we have been only allotted 5 of these cars for the season. See it and get your order placed at once. STQDDARD-DAYTON AUTO CO. 688-690 Washington St. The only Six-Cylinder Silent Knight Car in Portland.