THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. MARCH 31, 1912- BAKER THEATER OPENS STOCK SEASON TODAY Firrt Play Which Will Be Presented Is "The Fourth Estate," to Be Fol lowed by "Mrs. WlT of the Cabbage Patch" and Others. cf - - -r iV'i 1 o- ...1 " . '"'.-- - " . .' ..; : . . : ( . w THE opening of the Baker tock rcmpin; 1 always of more than ordinary Interest to many theater i:oer. u this organization has won a distinctive place In amusement mat ters lora'.ljr. Kor 10 yeara It haa played an Important part In the history of the city's amusement world, and during: all that time has been Inactive only a Xew months now and then, when clrcum tnees such as the lack of an ade iute place to play or a dearth of Rood stock play, have made such Inaction adrlsablr. And at such times there Is invariably a large class of playgoers who want stock, dissatisfied. To t ese. and hundreds of others nit quite so one-minded In their pleasure seeking, the roopenlns; of the company today, after nearly a whole season of quiet. Is an event of Importance. Man ager Baker saya that the reason Tort land has not had the company so far this season Is both because be bad no adequate place to present tt and also because up uutil the past few weeks there have been practically no nw plays released for stock. But the closing of the road attractions at the Baker and the sudden Jarrlns; loose of manv recent bis; New York suc cesses Into the stock market now makes It possible to offer a most Ideal season, runntns; up Into the Summer. A company has been ornanlxed. head ed by Wlllard Mack and Maude Leone, whose photographs were published last week. A few of the other members are shown above, all of whom are en tirely new to Portland wl:h the ex ception of J. Frank Burke, who proved lils worth last season during the Koberts-Bers;en engagement at the Ba ker and a few weeks previous to that. Mr Burke Is without doubt one of the roost excellent character actors Baker stock bas ever had. The advent of a new character wo man Is Interesting and Marie Baker tno relation to Manager Baker, by the way) It la predicted will become popular. She has a charming personality and comes from a lone engagement with the Al c;xmr company, at San Francisco, and also the Hakr company, at Seattle. Margaret Marriott, tae charming little Ingenue. Is an Eastern product and lias her laurels to win In this city, be- "EST I i ' - -- - -f - ' line Dunlap In the title role, Byron Douglas. Harry MalnhalU B. Paton Gibbs. Edwin Korsberg. Naomi Chlldeca, , Harry C. Bradley, Edna Mayo and Helen , Courtney. j ATTRACTIVE IIiAT IS COMITfO ! "Rrberrs of Sonnjbrook fttm" to! - Be at Hellla; Jlieater. "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," ' I Klaw A Erlanger'a production, headed by t'rsnla St. George, will be the) at traction at the Heillff Theater, com mencing; Easter Sunday, April 7, with special woman's matinee Wednesday and the usual matinee Saturday. It comes to Portland direct from Its en gagement at San Francisco, en route to Seattle. This Is the original big; production and this Is its first season on the road. It having only played In New Tork, Chicago and Boston for the last two years. Not a few people In Portland had tho pleasure of seeing this play i during Us one year of triumph at Pavld itelnsco's Itepubllc Theater. New York. ; or the Illinois Theater. Chicago, and . the general comment was that It was a play of Ineffable charm, of instant j . and compelling appeal. It were idle to waste words to recite ! ' thp story of -Rebecca," and thereby I hope to convey any Idea of Its subtle j appeal. Its atmosphere Is so Illusive . tuai one wuat n, fc w " ' I MRS. WIGGS IS COMIXG AGAIN Manager Baker Announce One of. I)reniont Comedies for Company. I It is 'now definitely settled that the. Baker Stock Company will offer for its) , second week that great comedy. "Mrs. j Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch." No one : expected this play to be seen In stock j for several years to some, so great a : drawing card lias It proved on the . road, with promises to continue so prosperous for a longtime yet. But , by a rare stroke of business Manager . Baker was able to secure It, and also , bv payment of an unusually exorbitant j rovalty f.r the week. The story of . . ' ..-(.- Kn'li In' Vinnk And TtlaV 1 form. Is well known, or at least has been heard about In nearly every ; household in the land, and a general , Idea la held as to what It is all about. ; There are probably more genuine hearty laughs of the right sort In Mrs. i Wlggs than In any other play now on ; the boards. And there Is many a good i lesson In the art of living, no matter . what your circumstances or surround- 1 Ings. and getting all that Is good and . cheerful out of life a lesson nearly everv man. woman and child In this broad land should learn. The story j Is set In the moat unlovely spot Imag inable and the characters from the wonderful monument of patience. Mrs. j viggs. down, have positively nothing lo look forward to and nothing In the - - i ... wha, wnnriArfill fund . present. au " ; " " " , of comedy and cheer we find In their lives. No one should miss this oppor tunity to see this great play. ROW LAID TO SEERESS NF.IGlinORHOOT QVAKREIj is AIIGIED IX COCRT. HEILIG THEATER 4 NIGHTS, BEGINNING TONIGHT Miss Glaser's First Visit to Portland Since "Dolly Varden" Special Price Marlaee Wednesday 60 People I YiTirri'"' T'irm 1 . a J j High'and i : - '-i 'i, ' J I I vij LoTe Story 4f ; 1 ':l' j ; Set to p J & U & v Viennese prss? j-feyrrxl Music BrSfwWtRm M1SS II M w Pi n A I II iu M Eg EveaJags Lowrr Fleer, S2.0O, $1.50. Baleeay. 1J, TSe. SOo. Gal lery. BOe. Box eeata. 2.M. apeclal price Wedaeaday matlaee U" Floor, gUSO, 1.00. Balcoay, SIaW, J5c, OOc. fiallery, Sc, 25c. SEATS HOW SELLIJfO Ing entirely a stranger here. Richard Vivian, the new juvenile man, comes from an engagement of seven and a half years at the Belasco Btock, In Los Angeles. Harrison J. Terry was seen here as the priest. Father Kelly. In the pro duction of "The Rosary" at the Baker during the season, and so clever waa bis performance of the role (In which he was starred) that Manager Baker en tered negotlationa with him to return here when hie season on the road closed. He has had years of stock ex perience In the East. The opening play this afternoon la "The Fourth Estate." entirely new here but a great success In New York, and It will be followed by "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" and a long line of successes. In fact, the greatest list of plays ever offered In a short season of stock In this city. At the Theaters Con tinned frlm Pat 1. J best In the country, will be seen In some taterestlng numbers, and every thing considered, "The Composer" will be the greatest drawing card of the uon. The two usual night per formances will be given and a matinee dally and as an extra event the chorus girls will bold after each performance en Friday right a contest for prise offered by the management. OrrKRING FINE AT PEOPLE'S Big Biosraph Sensation to Be Tea tare at Popular Film-House. The Teople's Theater today will offer as Its feature. "The Girl and Her Trust." a blograph sensation of the most thrill ing nature, and when the Blograph Company gets out a thrilling picture It so far surpasses that of any other pro ducing 0:m factory that no comparison ran be made. There Is scarcely a sec ond In which the attention Is not held. There will also be "Klce and Old Shoes," a beautiful drama, sentimental In na ture: "All On Account of the Rocker." and "The Baltic Sea." a comedy with brauttful scenery. The added feature, in addition to the popular and always welcome trio, will be the Gladstone Sis. trrs. an acrobatic novelty. The Star haa as Its added feature. Miss Pauline Randall, a singer of note, with a voice of splendid range and quality. The Alms will be beaded by -Seme!." the story of a specialist In heart disease. It depicts how his wife l torn from her husband's arms by a libertine and how the libertine later gets the dlseare and la compelled to call the aid of the doctor whose life he bas ruined. The vengeance of the doctor t complete and cannot fall to Impress all who witness this wonderful nim. -Social Secretary." Is a drama of splendid proportions: "A Waif of tb is a beautiful scenic, and "That Terrible African Hunter." Is s crucial -Inr comedy. The ftlme to be presented at the On Joy will be of unusual merit, headed by "An Arlsona Escapade." a Western mm. exciting and splendid: Nutty"e ;anie and Tim and Jim." a double Lu bla comedy, aad "AU cn Account of tns Chickens." a splendid comedy. The management also presents Mr. Yost, the new singer, who haa made good at the People's houses. At the Crystal and Tlvoll theatera on the East Side there will be excellent shows. On Easter Sunday, the People's The ater will present a brand-new, gorge ous and splendid production of the "Passion Play." known throughout the world aa the most stupendous and gor geous film ever produced. This will consist of three full reels and cannot fall to attract atl lovers of sacred work. The musical and scenlo effects now be ing prepared to accompany the presen tation will prove a marvel to the Port land public On r.ext Wednesday, April J. the new Arcade, rebuilt and with every modern device known to the art of picture presentation, will be thrown open to picture lovers, with splendid musical and picture entertainment. "MADAME X" WILL BE GIVEX Btsson's Drama Said to Present Powerful Appeal. Henry W. Bavage will offer at the Uelllg Theater. Seventh and Taylor streets, for three nights, beginning Thursday. April 4, with special price matinees Saturday. Btsson's drama. "Madame X." Not since "The Two Orphans," "Camllle" or the Sardou plays, has there been brought forth a drama of such universal appeal aa "Madam X." It is asserted, which, since Its original production In Paris three years ago, baa played In almost a score of differ ent countries. Both In theme and development. "Madame X" ta off the beaten path pursued by playwrights recently, and It appeals to the emotions. In the famous courtroom scene, of which ao much has been published, the striking situation Is presented of a son being appointed by a Judge to defend his on mother on a charge of murder. He lo Ignorant of the fact that bis client Is his mother, and she ef her relationship to the youth fighting for her freedom. Because of a desire to prevent the story of her misfortune ever reaching ber son's ears, she refuses to speak a word In her defense, and. on account of the mystery surrounding her. is known Included In the csst organlxed by Mr. Savage for "Madame X" are Alias Ada- 1 Islon of Spiritualist That Family Would Be Poisoners of Chick ens Starts Excitement. After Mr. and Mrs. F. C Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Parker, their rel atives, friends and neighbors, had wrangled in Municipal Court and In the anterooms of the court for two hours Friday, the trouble waa traced to the door of Minnie Splvey. an alleged spir itualist seeress, and the wsrrlng fac tions sgreed to be friends and call off the strife. Mrs. Splvey. It developed, had laid grounds for the trouble between the Irelands and the Parkers, by foreseeing In a trance, at the time the Parker family moved, into the Alberta district, that they would prove to be poisoners of chickens, and later she made good the vision of the spirit by seeing them, with the eyes of the flesh, commit such depredations. Thereupon the trouble began which was reported at length In court yester. day, when Parker caused Ireland to be arrested. "Your boy threw rocks." said Ireland. "Your boy put his fingers to his nose." retorted Parker. "You said I was " "She told me that you " "The neighbors said that " bandied the feudists, until the court put a stop to the bickering. Then the war ring factions adjourned to the District Attorney's office to renew the verbal battle. Their voices shrilled above all the confusion of the jail building, until lawyers, spectators and officials flocked to the door to hear and enjoy. The quarrel was developing well along Into a four or six-cornered fight, when Mrs. Splvey's alleged activities came to light and the contendere be came convinced that their feud had been "ribbed." Then they shook hands and will co-operate in having the seer ess. who Is said to be at Beaverton, brought In to explain herself. The hear In will be next Wednesday. "OVERLANDCLUB" RAIDED Ten Persona Arrested on Charge of Being; Vagrants. Following weeks of surveillance, the "Overland Club," on the fourth floor of the Commonwealth bulldlcg. Sixth and Ankeny streets, waa raided early yes terday by Patrolman Stewart. Nlles and Hutchlngs and ten persons. Including J. A. McCleary, manager of the place, were taken to the City JalL This Is one of the places which has been kept under observation by ex-Sheriff Word aa a place where gambling la carried on. Besides McCleary, Johnnie Tocano and Oena Perry are held aa being re sponsible for the conduct of the place, while Joe Thompson. J. J. Lemnan. C. S. Myers. J. A- DeOruchy. Joe Postlll, Mrs. J. L. Ambrose and Hattle Keyes were arrested for disorderly conduct. In court yesterday vagrancy charges were placed against all of the prisoners. Occupying quarters In a downtown of flrsj building the "Overland Club" has operated with Impunity for many months, despite frequent efforts to catch Its frequenters In violations of the law. Several weeks ago McCleary was arrested for selling liquor with out a license after policemen had caught men and women In the place drinking. McCleary waa found guilty, but waa allowed a suspended sentence because, as the court said, other clubs were equally violating he law. a strict construction of the liquor ordinance providing no way In which a private club can sell liquor without a regular bar license. PENDLETON TO SEND ELKS Lodge Member to Ride Horse In Parade In Portland. PENDLETON. Or.. March !H. (Spe- . . . I I . I . n n t 1t Clal. two special lisiu., vnw ' Car bearing the local lodge members j here with their wives and families, and i the other to carry the finest bunch of I hones to ba found lo, Umatilla County, HEILIG THEATER 3 NEXT THURSDAY, APRIL 4th si'FrUl. PRICK MATINEE SATURDAY HENRY W. SAVAGE. ywjp su V"""y-J'' M!", A DsAXA Wotable OW jK ; -C :Z JT X - '- Peat and Pn p e. Evenings 13.00. 11.60. 11.00, 76c, 60c. Kl K Special Saturday Matinee $1.60. $1.00, 76c. 60c, 85c. 25c Phones Main 6 and A 1020 V ADVANCED V VAUDEVILLE Beginning Monday Matinee, April 1st f ... t The Seumas Lucy Weston McManus Players English Comedienne In Lafl From Lai-gyrnore," an Irish Farce Newbold and Gribbin 'Wormwood's Mus.cai comedy stars Canines and Monkeys Stewart Sisters and " Escorts Wills and Hassan A Sextette of Quality Master Equilibrists - i 1 Siegel and Matthews Orchestra Pictures Banjorine Experts MATINEE EVERY DAY EVENING PRICES IS, 25, SO and 75c DAILY MA TIX EE 15c, 25c, 60c. HOLIDAY MATINEES Might Prices. SKAT SALES OPEVS WE XT FRIDAY, APRIL 0 HEILIG THEATER 7 NIGHTS BEGINNING EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 7 MATIXEES WED. AND SAT. KLAW EnXAJfGER PRESENT (Dlreetlea Joseph Brooks) THEIR FRE-EMINEJtT ATTRACTION REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM I Direct from solid year of triumph at David Bnlas co's Republic Theater. N. Y. EveniiiRS and Satur day Matinee $1.60, 1.00, 75c, 60c 85c, 25c Wednesday Matinee 1.00, 75c 50c 3&c, 25c. will be run from this city to the big Els: convention at Portland next July. Definite arrangements were recently made with the O.-W. R. & N. Company to that effect and at least 200 members ef the Pendleton lodge will participate in the opening; parade, all being" mounted on horses. A special permit was first obtained for the lodge members to ride horses In the parade, and Pendleton will be the only lodge so represented. Plans are under way to obtain at least 25 Indian ponies as well as two stage coaches, each drawn by six horses, and possibly a chuck wagon for the parade. BAKE! THEATER Gee. L. Baker, Manager Pbonee Main 2, A 8300 Morrison aad 11th Sta. The Season's Most Welcome Announcement! v Opening of the Ever Favorite BAKER STOCK COMPANY Th First Week, Beginning Sunday Matinee March 31, 1912, Today IN '. e Fourth Estate The Most Powerful Newspaper Play Ever Written By arransremeat with Llebler 41 C. Sew York Kever before seen In this city at any price. Strong acting roles. Thrill ing dramatic scenes and climaxes. Uanaser Baker desires to call special attention to the Summer stock prices that will prevail, namely: Evenings. IBe and 60c only. ATI matinees. 25c Matinees Sunday and Saturday. BARGAIN NIGHT EVERY MONDAY, ALL SEATS 35c, west week Mrs. Wise ef the Csiehaa-e Patch. PEOPLES THEATER Sunday, Monday," Tuesday THE GIRL AND HER TEUST, Great Biograph Thriller. Bice and Old Shoes, Lubin Sentimental Drama. Haunted Rocker; Suit of Armor Double Yitagraph. Baltic Sea, Scenic. That Trio, Gladstone Slaters. Star Theater SPECIAL Pauline Randall. Vocalist. Nemesis, Gripping Vitagraph. Social Secretary, Dramatic. Waif of the Sea, Scenic. That Terrible African Hunter, Comic. Oh Joy Theater Arizona Escapade, Western, Exciting. AH on Account of Checkers, Selig Comedy. Nutty 's Game; Tim and Jim, Double Comedy. Mr. Post, Splendid Singer. GRAND OPENING. ARCADE PICTURE PALACE Washington Near Seventh, Wednesday, "April 3d. GREAT OFFERINGS Special Easter Programmes in Course of Preparation. NEW FILMS TODAY AT TIVOLI AND CRYSTAL UNEQUALED VAUDEVILLE SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. Week Commencing Monday Matinee, April 1 ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY' PRINCESS VICTORIA The smallest woman In the world, vaudeville's daintiest and most de lightful diva, presenting; her original Instrumental and voeal selections. Harry Brown & Co. Clarke and Verdi In "A Case ot Divorce" The Waup Comedians The Musical Goolmans Clair and Lang Late European Stars Musical Patter Pantagescope Pantages Orchestra Latest Animated Events H. K. Evenson. Director SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION SEYMOUR'S MUSICAL DOGS Pronounced by young- and old of three continents as the sensation of the century. Popular Prices. MATINEE DAILY. Box Office Open From ilO A. M. to 10 P. M. Boxes and First Row Balcony Reserved. Curtain 3:30, . il5 and 9. Phones A 2238, Main 4636. EMM MATINEE EVERY DAY Week April 1st SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE A Clever Dramatic Playlet, "THE CARD PARTY Featuring- JOSEPH SLAYTOR And a Distinguished Cast. 99 A Winsome Quartet of Beautiful Dolls, 4-FOL DE ROL GIRLS -4 Who have scored heavily wit hthelr Songs. Dashing Dances andf clever Specialties. Europe's phenomenal Lady Juggler, ANITA BARTUNG Displaying New and Novel Ideas in Balancing. The Parisian Aerial Artist. LUPITA PEREA In Daring Trapexe Exploits. The Charming and Gifted Character Comedienne, JOS1E FLYNN Offering Original Songs, Patter and Dances. SPECIAL. ADDED FEATURE. Vaudeville's Pre-eminent Musicians, WATERBURY BROS. AND TENNY Late Stars of Cohan Harris Minstrels. ORCHESTRA 7 WTO) TT(f Foorth and Stars; Ss THEATER Fourth and Stnrk Stw. Week Commencing Tomorrow Matinee KEATING Jt FLOOD PRESENT RICE & CADY axd The Keating & Flood Musical Comedy Co. nxBSBSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSS IJT asssssssssssssssmnssssssssssssssBBBSi "The Composer" The Rarest Fund of Wit. Satire, Color and Laughable Situations Ever Written Clean Wholesome Entertaining See the "GABY GLIDE," Made Famous by Gaby Deslys First Time West of New York Two Performances Nightly, 7:30 and 9:15. Matinee Daily, 2:30 FBD3AT NIGHT Chorus Girls' Contest The Biggest and Best Musical Comedy Company in the Country REGULAR LYRIC POPULAR PRICES Even If a bouse Is not wired for elec tricity a woman may use a motor to drive her sewing machine, for a storage battery driven motor for the purpose bas bsen Invented. The English postal authorities bav ' adopted a novel method of selling stamps, a strip of HO being rolled within a small metal box, lor which no additional charge is mads.