9 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. MARCII 31. 1912. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF O&EOOXlAIt TKLXTOOXT City Clrenlstloe MutflBf Editor luaaay Editor . ..Mala TOTO A ) ..Mala TOTO A ones ..Mala TOTO A en ..Mala TOTO A Mala TOTO A soso blUMlal olldla ...MniaTlMOA ewe AJKCaXMEXTflL EILIO THEATER S.seth and Tar I art- Lulu Glansr In the musical comeay. Dudslaeca." Tonlaht at :ls. Baklm THEATER iF.i.v.ntb en """i" on) Baker Stix-lt Company In '"; "The Fourth Estate." Tola aXtarnooa at a. It aad tonlfht at 3RPHEVM TMEATERMorrl". :mt and nth Vaodarlllr- This er- laraooa at 1:1 aad toaisol at oJota PANTAGES THEATER Sth aad At- a.r) VaudKiiia. Tina eri.rnooa at Lis. taatsht at Ml aad t a'cioca. CMPRE5S THEATER tPare: and Waablac- t.D Vaad.yilla. Thia artsrnooa at t-l. taulghi at 1:1 and t o'clock. LYRIC THEATER Fourth and tarl- Musical eom.dr. "At tha Fair." Tb' i.rnx.n n 1M aad loalgnt at i and li o'cloc. PEOPLE'S. STAR ARCADE. OH JOT. TIVOi.1 A.ND CRTSTAi rirat-rua al- tur.s. It a. M--U P. U. - - ADDACSSES ARB . Oivu. At tho Bieetlns; 1I In the Woodlawn school louit Friday night under tha auspices sf tho Mothera and Teachers' Circle ad dresses wcro midt by Principal T. J. Nrwblll. A. Kreuger and M. Schuster f tho Woodlawn garden contest com x.lttee. Thar explained tha plan of tho contest and what seeds to procure. They answered questions from the parenta present. Work haa been atarted on the central garden near tho school Bouse. Hero tho boys will do the work and lay out the plans of this central garden under tho direction of tho com mittee. It will bo for demonstration purpose nd along tha lino of the ifi rnntMl Parents whose chil dren ro attending- the Woodlawn I rhool are much Interested and will as sist tho committee In tho gardening contest. Bishop Swiioel to Speak. Bishop V. F. Swengel will preach In the First l'nlted Evangelical Church. Ladd's Ad dition, this morning at 10:30 o'clock. At I P. M. ho will advlress a mass meet ing of tho members of all cburchea of tho Evangelical denomination. Including tho Evangelical Association and tho t'ntled Evangelical branches, of Fort land and Tlclntty. Thia meeting will be held In the interest of tho move ment for the organic union of the two branches of the Evangelical denomina tion. Both Oregon conferenceo have declared for thia merger, but tha move ment In tho East movea slowly. Kov. C. C Poling. Kev. A. A. Winter. Rev. F. D. Culver and others will attend and take part In thia union meeting. Tho principal address will bo by Bishop BwengeL FisiR Paota-ctios to B Topic George II. Cecil, district forester, will leave tonight to attend tho meeting of tho Are protective Interests of tho Northwest to be held at Spokane to morrow. At this meeting will be rep raaented the State Forester's office of Oregon. California. Washington, Idaho and Montana, district foresters of tha northwestern states as well as tho pro tective association of this the great timber producing section of tho United States and the transportation com panies. Plana will bo formulated for the work of tho coming lire season looking toward cloaer co-operation be tween the Intereata Involved. Crrr Rights to Bi Topic. At tho meeting of the United Improvement Clubs Association Monday night at tho East Portland Branch Library audi torium tha rights of the city to the use of the shores of the harbor will bo considered. The policy of the Port of Portland In Inviting riparian owners to bulkhead their waterfront on the har bor line and the offer to Oil back of them will be one of the subjects to bo discussed. City Engineer Hurlburt has consented to Attend the meeting and give his views concerning tho es tablishment of a municipal paving and repair plant, and answer questions. Fchbkai. op Father and 8o Todat. The funeral services of I'anlel T. Entler. father, and William Entler, son. who lost their lives It miles from Mc Mlnnvtllo from exposure and exhaus tion the first of tho week, will be held today at I P. M-. from St. David's Epis copal Church, East Twelfth and Bel mont streets. Burial will bo at Mount Scott Cemetery. Mr.. Entler was tS years old and his son IS yeara. They are survived by the widow and mother, who lives at 10 East Twenty-fourth street North. Norman. Koy. Paul Jacobs and Miss Marguerite Entler are broth ers and sister of William Entler. Miss Cory to Lxad Mmraa The Sunday afternoon meeting at the Toung Women'a Christian Association at o'clock today will be In charge of Miss Albert J. Cory, physical director of the association. The subject for the discussion will be "A Christian Lady." the lesson being taken from the 11th chapter of First Corinthians. Tho girls, who are members of the gymnasium classes will assist In tha discussion and music of tha afternoon. Tho as sociation Invitea all girls to be present. Rkv. Father Lur Lsave. Rev. A. u. Lawler. O. P.. formerly prior of the Holy Rosary Church. East Third and Clackamaa streets, left for San Francisco Thursday where ho has been stationed at the Dominican Church. Father Lawler had been superior of tho Dominican Fathers' community of Port land for nine years. Ho was tho first prior of the Holy Roaary Church. Rev. II. H. Kelly. O. P.. of San Francisco, succeeds him. Dr. Paroos to Lzctitrc. A sterenp. tlcoa lecture will be given by William Farsoas. D. !-. tomorrow night, at the Third Presbyterian Church. East Pino and East Thirteenth streets. This Is tho final lectura by Dr. Parsons before leaving for Eugene and a largo attend ance la expected. Admission free. Touro Max's FtrezaAi. Haxa. Tha funeral of Roy Walter Bussey. who died March l. was held yesterday afternoon at the chapel of the East Side Funeral directors. Ho was II years old and was tha son of Mrs. Charles Oilman, who Uvea at 4(1 East Burnslde street. Wa Scu. hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 10-pound beds from 17.10 and op. Wa renoiato mat treasea and return them tho same day. We also rebovato feat here. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. pro prietor, li Front at. Main 474. A 1174. Sbcoxd 8rnmo Trip to Markbt. Mlsa L. Bernard, buyer of women'a ap parel for GUIs. Wortman King, left for New York last night. Tbl will bo her second trip this Spring. Niv Entsrfrisb. Edward T. Foulkes takes pleasure In announcing to tho public his friends and acquaintances that he haa opened architectural offices In Tho Oregonlan building. Choicb Seise-now of Imported Spring woolens; high-grade work only; 20 per cent rebate for cash payment until further notice. J. Pollvka Co, tailors. ! Corbett bldg. Bcckholi. ladles tailor. 411 Broad way, latest models In tailored suits, liO: gowns for all occasions at spe cial prlcea Phone East i. C 125. Madam. Before placing your order for a tailored suit bo sure and see our Imported novelties; price. &. Ourney. ladies' tailor. Mohawk bldg. First Class 8 bob Rbpairimq. Prompt service, moderate prices. Jacob Bchwini. 1(7 Stark, bet. Park and tin. If You Arb Tki.hiixo of moving soon don't fall to see the Harrlman Apart ments 14 Twenty-fourth at. North. Fob Sals. 13300 Baker Theater bonds at S"C on the dollar. Apply F. T. Greer. Sli Board of Trad bldg. For, &ALX. 100 feet on Washington, corner,, King. Apply A. C Pike, 107 TUlrd street. MORPBTKB TJSRR AOAI! CAtTOHT. With a truss crammed full of supplies of morphine. Fred Goldenberg. a con firmed addict to the use of morphine, was arrested early yesterday by Pa trolmen Long and Evert, within three daya of his most recent appearance In court, when for the fifth or sixth time he was allowed leniency and went free under a suspended sentence. Tho prisoner now faces a double term, tho court taking tho view that nothing but a long Imprisonment can bo effective In tho case of a man so firmly In the grip of tho habit. Tleading that ho was suffering intense pain, Goldenberg. after reaching tho station, begged that someone be sent to South Portland, where he lives, to bring his truss. Sergeant Harms compiled, and sent an officer, but when tho truss arrived, it was given close Inspection, and was found to bo otuffed with morphine and tho equipment for using It. Art Exhibitiox Ends This Webe. This Is tho lsst week of tho exhibition of work by Portland artists, consisting of 70 paintings and 15 pieces of sculp ture by residents of Portland and vicin ity. Tho larger proportion of the pic tures are of Oregon landscape subjects. The Museum 'hours are: Weekdays, A. M. to S P. M. : Sundays. 1 P. M. to S P. M.; free the ofternoona of Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Saturday and Sunday. Elbctric Light Mjw to Meet. Port land members of the National Electric Light Association will gather at tho auditorium In tho Electric building. Tuesday night, April 1. to listen to an address by C. E. 8. Wood on "Public Service Corporations and tho Com munity." In addition to Mr. Wood's address a series of moving pictures will be shown displaying certain fea tures of the electric Industry. Mr. p. b. Van Nice, who for tho past four years has been selling real estate with Chapln & Herlow is now connected with tho Oregon Realty Com pany, with offices at 41 Fourth at. He expects to keep something doing along the same old lines. Call him up for business. Marshall 1790. A 3324. STEREOPTtcojt Lectvres at Centenary Methodist, cor. East Ninth and Pine, 7:10 P. M. The Land of the Koran. SO colored views. Dr. Trimble's themes, 7:10 P. M., "The Death of the Old Man"; 11 A. M, "Tho New Evangelism." Best musia Rev. WrujAM I. Lawrakcb will preach this evening at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian). 7th and Yamhill, at 7:45 o'clock. He will address the Y. P. F. at :30. Tho public Is respect fully Invited. Couxcit. Crest Amcsemewts will all bo running today: akatlng rink open all day; band music See grand view from new addition to observatory. Frame 8. Fields for ten yeara County Clerk Is tha Republican candidate for Secretary of State. (Paid adv.) Dr. Auocstvo B. Bailst has returned from Europe. Offices 1007-1 Selling bldg, eye, ear, nose and throat. Portlaxd Horn. Pharmact. Tho quality prescription store. Fred erick C Forbes Company. iRvncoTOW Lot. East Eighth, near Stanton, improvements made; $1100. bargain. Ill Fenton bldg. Ladies, before ordering your sulta see tho Elite Tailoring Establishment, Sll Washington street. Dr. L. T. Teb aV Sox. Present office at 110 Yamhill st, corner Second atreet. Panama, straw and felt hat cleaning done; expert hatter, 185 Fourth atreet. Yamhill and Taylor. ral Wattua the light, crisp kind can only be had at Morris', f 1 (th. near Wells-Fargo bldg. 1:3.000 to Loax on Improved city prop erty at ( per cent. Mall dc Von BorsteL 104 Second street. 1911 Frrs-PAsss.-taER Peerless; ex cellent condition. B 20. Oregonlan. 8. T. Jepfrets, attorney, has moved to 125 Toon bldg. Phone Marshal 630. Chalmers 10: five-passenger, I860. AE 114. Oregonlan. Dr. Eixa K. Dbarborm, 100 Union avenuo North. Eeatixo today all day. Oaks Rink. WoosTEn'a low prices, 488 Wash. ' MURDER BLAME SHIFTED ACCUSED MAX WRITES LETTER. TO SOX OF OXE VICTIM. Frank BaucrvacrU, Held for Kill Ins; Mr. Gujot and Miss Francois, Charges JL D. C. Putnam. Writing to tho son of the woman whom he is alleged to havs murdered, Frank Beauervaerta, from prison In Riverside. CaX. haa made a full state ment of bis side of tho killing of Mrs. Harriett Guyot. of Portland, and Julia Francois, the lt-year-old girl who ac companied tho two to Imperial. CaU. on a mining expedition. The letter, which reached Portland Thursday, was turned over by Andre Guyot, the aon, to Sheriff Stevena and Deputy Sheriff Leonard. In it Bauervaerta places the blame of tho killing on M. D. C Put nam, the old proapector who Informed the police of Riverside. CaL, after a 60 mtlo trip, that Bauervaerta had killed the women. In the letter Bauervaerta aays that Putnam became Infatuated with the widow and made advanrea to her, which were checked. Then. Bauer vaerta aays. Putnam borrowed the gun with which the murder was accom plished and when the Belgian waa ab sent, killed tho two women. When Bauervaerta found out what had been done, ho says. Putnam offered him a part Interest In five mining claims In Imperial County, If be would bury tho bodies and remove all evidence of tho crime. This Bauervaerta says he did. Putnam then said that ho would go to Riverside to get a third man to go with them to the claims, and there Putnam Informed the police. That the money which waa found on Bauervaerta and was supposed to have been taken from the woman. Is part of a ahare In a fortune left htm by tho death of a relative In Belgium. Is tho statement of Andre Guyot. made for mally last night and which will bo used In tho trial of Bauervaerta. Mrs. Guyot, who wanted to aee the country and frontier and mining life, asked that the 1550 necessary bo given to her by her son. He did so and ahs turned it over to Bauervaerta. With It Bauer vaerta bought the gun which killed the two women, among other supplies of the expedition. Bauervaerta. according to Guyot. had been tho object of the famlly'a charity from time to time from October, 110, to January, 1)11, APARTMENT H0USE SITE Wo have for sale a very attractive fractional lot, 50x6 feet, on the south, east corner of Seventh and Jackson. This is an admirable location for an apartment house or flats. For par ticulars apply to CHAS. K. HENRT CO, Henry Bldg, Fourth and Oak sts. Portland. Or. Cord wood, Elabwood, CoaL Holman Fuel Co, successors to Baa-oeld-Veysey Fuel Co. M- 151. A 1111. ' Get The Ring at Jaeger's Let the solitaire that seals the engagement, or the plain gold emblem of the yerlding bond come from this good jewelry store. Diamond Rings Single Stones 150 to flOOO. Cluster Rings $75 to $1600. Ask- to See Our SI 00 Diamond Ring Pearl Rings, single sets $25 to $150. Fet Rings from $5 to as high as you wish. Wedding Rings 14. 1S and 12-carat made especial ly for us. 13.00 to 113.59. Engraved Free of Charge. Jaeger Bros. TIIR LAKI.R JKWKI.RY STORE, 2HH MORRISON T, Betweea Third aad Fourth. for President, will debate here Satur day, April . with J. Frank Burke, of Portland. Mr, Cbafin will assail tha local option idea, while Mr. Burke will defend It. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES We are not ordinary dealers In roses, buying a few hundred or maybe a few thousand plants In tho cheapest market and retailing them Irrespective of qual ity or sesuits. so long as they give a profit. No. wo are connoisseurs and specialists In rosea. Wo Import only from the world's leading rose hybrld Ixers and grow ourselves tens of thou sands of the best varieties In our nur series right here In Portland, dissem inating these Portland grown rosea to all parte of the country. Our plants are well grown, well ripened, full of fibrous roots and true to name. Now Is a good time to plant. Orders will be promptly filled to the satisfaction of our patrons. THE SIBSOM ROPB NURSERIES, 1180 Milwaukle Ave., Portland, Or. Telephones, Sellwood 950. B 2691. RUPTURE EXPERT LEAVING Seelcy at the Multnomah Only Two Days Longer. F. H. Seeley, the noted truss expert who haa been stopping at the Mult nomah Hotel, will remain In the city this Sunday and Monday only, positive ly no longer. Ho says the spermatic shield truss closes the opening in 10 days on the average case. Mr. Seeley has documentary references from ths United States Government, Washington, D. C. for Inspection. Anyone Interest ed will b: shown the truss or fitted If desired. WHEREJTO DINE. Special turkey and chicken dinner and many delicacies at the Peerless Cafeteria, 14 and 4 Fifth street. Open all day; musio from 11 to 1 and from 6 to I o'clock. Chicken dinner all day at Morris, next to Wells-Fargo building. Chicken dinner 15o st Stein's Res taurant, l!i 14th street. FOR SALE CHEAP. Mahogany center table, leather and magohany chairs, Vernls Martin bed room set. brass and onyx bed, complete dining-room set. hand carved hall chair. Singer sewing machine, bronxe statu ary, book case, draperies, carpets, etc; everything in perfect condition. Apart. 401 Dexendorf, 108 lth. CARD OF THA7CKS. We desire to express our sincere thanks to our many friends for their ympathy and help during the alcknesa of our beloved wife and sister. We thank the Kev. Frank l. Flndley and the choir of the First L'nlted Presby terian Church for their assistance at the funeral service, and to other friends for the beautiful floral offering. W. A. Currle. Mr. and Mrs. Q. C. Read. William. Jacob, Boston and Hugo Depenning. Catcher Schlcl Is Free Agent. CINCINNATI. March 10. The Nation al baseball commission today acted fa vorahly on the question of Catcher A Brook Hat for Easter Without a Peer, S3.00 nappy Clothin For the Man, Young Man or Boy Spring, 1912 The Particular Suit You Want for Easter Can be found in our beautiful collection of fine Clothing. We have demonstrated to scores of people in Portland that cyzA-$ clothes are just as represented, and we want to prove the same to you. Our selection of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing is now complete in every detail Style, Workmanship, Quality, Fabric and Perfect Fit Come in. and let us try a few Suits on you. THEY'RE DISTINCTIVE Men's and Young Men's Suits $12.50 to $40.00 Boys' and Juvenile Suits $3.50 to $15.00 Portland's Fashion Center RELIABLE CLOTHIERS S. W. Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets Oeorga Schlel that tha deal whereby ho was transferred from tho Chicago Na tional League baseball club to tho Lou isville club of tha American Associa tion bo revoked and that ho bo de clared a free agent, CARD OP THAJTKS. We herewith extend to our friends our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the kind assistance rendered during his Illness, and also for the many beau, tlful floral tributes and messages of sympathy tendered at the obsequies of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. H. C. Brettbarth, Mlsa J Oslo Breltbarth, Frank Breltbarth. Heitkemper Diamonds Do you intend buying a diamond? If so, it would be a revelation to you of what importance the in spection of a stock of pre cious stones, such as we carry, is to an intending purchaser. Our Standard Quality, Our Moderate Prices, Our Superb Selection, Our ability to mount them safe ly and with taste IT MEANS LOTS TO YOU G. Heitkemper Co. Diamond Dealers and Jewelers. YE0N BUILDING, 130 6th St. Old in Portland, new in location. 5gp jpi ' f jPj M A G.E Y FILING CABINETS ARE NOT ONLY SECTIONAL BUT INTER INTER and thereby are more elastic than all others. Each set of drawers may be rearranged at will, and may be exchanged for other devices at no loss to your self, because the INTERIORS ARE INTERCHANGEABLE PACIFIC Stationery & Printing Co. 107 Second St., Between Washington and Stark. Our Systems Simplify. ChaHn to Debate at Cottage Grove. COTTAGE OROVE, Or, March 10. IdpeclaL) Eugene W. Chafln. candi date of the Prohibition party in 10I Good Stationery Like Good Clothes Commands Attention Steel Embossed Stationery costs but little more than the ordinary kind and the impression it creates is worth more than the difference to you. Let us show you samples. The Irwin -Hodson Co. 92 Fifth Street Factory 15th and Glisan Streets CHESTER A. WHITEMORE. C. K. ZILLY. S. M. LLT'ERS. GEO. A. DUNHAM. If iaHn ii .s--nr 3 93 WHIN IN Portland, Oregon TOP AT THX HOTEL MULTNOMAH "Portland'! Largeit Nortawest'i Grandest Hostelry" Absolutely fireproof 723 Rooms 300 Rooms With Bath 100 Sample Rooms Oecnplee an entfri block in the heart sf bnsiiieH and BnancuU districts. The most maealfl. cent Lobby, Restaurant, Ballroom, Banquet HaU and Public Rooms in the West. The utmost ia comfort and conveiusnos. Hcadqaartsrs B.P.O.S. Grand Lodxe ConToanon, Portland, 191J BUROPKAH PLAIT RATES Sl.M TO &3.M PBR SAT Basse. Host Bvory Train and Steamer B. C. BOWERS, KaBAfer J. It. BR0W1TKIX, Assistant Hanarer Y. M. C. A. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLS NEW TERM OPENING. MONDAY. APRIL 1. 191S. BuUdina". Cor. Six til and Taylor streets. Fee to Class June 1. Alcebra 5.00 Architect. Draft T.S0 Arithmetic 2J Automobile Course ................... 50.00 Bookkeeping; S.00 Boys' School .00 Business Ens. and Cor 2.00 Business Law 3-00 Carpentry and Woodworking 10.00 Chemistry 10.00 Dairying 00 Electrlcty and Electrio Machinery.. .. 15.00 English for Foreign Men 3.00 English Grammar and Reading........ S.00 English Literature 8.00 Freehand Drawing T.OO French 8.O0 Forestry aad Lumbering 10.00 Geometry 5.00 German 6.00 Latin g00 Mechanical Drafting J.50 Penmanship - Pharmacy 2J00 Plumbing Shop Practice 15.00 Publlo Speaking 8.0O P.h.torlo f-OO Spanish 600 Shorthand 8-00 Show Card Writing - li-JO Trigonometry g.oo Typewriting Vocal Mualo - "-00 Call or send (or Free Illustrated Cata logue. Similar schools Seattle, Taeoma. Spokane. MORTGAGE LOANS f ryf jLAaiern unds on Best C.Cf Ofo Portland Securitlee at O C tlker Pasai fee Boataeaa Properties aaut cloae-ia Atealdcaeaa at 6 7 EDWARD L GOUDEY.bAo. Foster & Kleiser Ulgls Grade Commercial aad Eleetrlo SIGNS East Seweata aad Eaat Ewerett Streets Fkeses aat 1111s B 2334. CALIFORNIA HOTELS. BELLEVUE HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO Car. Geary aad Taylor Street a EVERT ROOM WITH BATH. Asseiieaa pla from to a eayj a er oeaa from gT a dar esrssssa alaa. from S3 a day 1 a see. oeaa fresa 99Jt a day. SPECIAL MONTHLY RATES. A refined house of unusual excel. Iosco, centrally located. Illustrated booklet upon request. W. E. EAXDER.V Mnnasrf. HOTEL SUTTER Butter and Kearny Streets SAN FRANCISCO An ap-to-date modern fire proof botel of 250 rooms, taking ths place of the old Occidental Hotel and Lick House European Plan JU0 par toy and oj Take Aay r. axieab from the Ferry at tho Exsesie of tho Botel HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Now steel aad brick strectnra. Etstt BBedera cwaweniemce. Moderate rates Center of theatre aad retail dietrie. Ol ear haee transferring all erer city. Esse trie esaaibaa Boots trains aad stsamora Kilham's Progress System of Listing Real Estate Originally invented and placed on the market by us, but now copied all over tfie United States. The simplest and most satisfactory system of listing and taking options on real property. Leaves covering descriptions o'f Farm Property, Residences, Business. Blocks, Vacant Lots, Timber Lands, etc., with contracts, or Township and Section Plat on reverse side as required. Loose Leaf Cover, red cowhide leather $1.00 100 Leaves, assorted as you de-. sire 40 1 Canvas Tab Index .25 $1.65 Loose Leaf Cover, black seal leather $1-40 100 leaves, as above 40 1 Leather Tab Index .50 $2.30 Either quality 15 cents extra by mail. KILHAM Stat'onery and Printing Company Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders. HEADQUARTERS FOR Architects' and Engineers' Instrument and Supplies. FIFTH and OAK STS. IMMSAVftY lr- K1 DJU' B SB- an am I w CBEBEB Etd ESEQEB EE EE EE EG CS CBEBEB EB 1 8 Hotel I Seattle TweWe Stories of Solid Comfort' CIn the center of things theatres and stores on both sides. Building ab solutely fireproof concrete, steel and marble. EUROPEAN PLAN $UX Per Day Up &md tor Free MaD of sortie's Boiiaeas Dtnrict GoUPod.tduJ.Irl5-:0 GOAL East 629 B 614S tlBESTY COAL ICS OOOTAifX