The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 6, Image 46

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Mme. Mariette Corsets-Royal Worcester and BonTon Corsets-Mme. Helene. Marquise, Nemo and Rengo Belt Corsets-Sal
Richardson Linens-Libbey Cut GlasR-Haviland, Royal Doulton, Minton China-Rogers' and Community Silverware-Knq
He Wash Laces 5c Yard
Odds and ends in cotton cluny, torchon and yalienciennes
Laces and insertions, selected from our regular C.
stock. Values to 15c. We invite comparison at V
91.25 Allovers at 67cYar
r..;n-.. lain.,!. Vt Allovers in a broad selection of n
designs, in white, cream and ecru, worth $1.25 Ci
a yard. Specialized for this Comparison sale at I
We Herald the New:
of tl
Y i il iUtv
Let Us Serve You!
We irill put forth every effort in pur power to serve you better than any
other store. All we ask is that you COMPARE OUR PRICES AND OUR
QUALITIES with those of other stores.
Gripes t "Comi
"We Ourselves
Are Better Served
By Serving OtHers
This is the most important news we have printed for a long, long time,. coming, as it does, right at the openin
of the Spring season and just a weeK before Easter, when all women are replenishing their wardrobes an
men are looKing to their Spring needs in wearing apparel. It is a comparison sale, indeed, which will tur:
. . - nl J- ZTt ... . S Kll ( mil Sva ivlian lir want fPP
many conservative ana tnniiy peopie ia uias, nunuou iuue m vuutc ---j
duality at the lowest possible prices. Come, and taKe advantage of the greatly reduced prices. Read every word
To BuybyCompansonistne uniy aure way to aave Jnonei
New Specials Will Be Added as This Great
50c Grades 27c
15c Grades 9c
At the ribbon -counter, main floor a
sale of thousands of yards of all pure
silk taffeta Ribbons in every imaginable
shade and suitable for every purpose,
widths from 4 to 8 inches, 4-inch ribbon,
15 frrade, 9c; our Clinch ribbon, reg
ular., grade. 14c; 8-inch rib-0 7
bon, regular 50e grade, the yard
Wash Ribbons
5-yard bolts of fanry wash Ribbon in
white, pink, blue and lilac, Xo. iy2, Q
the bolt. 7c; No. special, bolt,
Dainty fancy wash Ribbon in white,
pink, blue and lilac; Xo. lVi, special at
3c yard; No. 2, special, 4c yard; "7
Xb.3, special, 6c yard ; "o. 5, yd,
SilRPetticoats $32
Easter Waists $2.19
Garment Department, Second Floor, Southwest.
Fair comparison will prove beyond all question of . doubt that
these are the best Petticoat valued in all the great Northwest.
The materials are fine, soft mes'saline and taffeta, well made,
with underflounce. The messalines have knife plaited flounces
and pin tucks; taffetas have pin tucked -flounces with string
or patent fastenings, all shades, including black. fcO ACk
These petticoats specialized for Comparison sale at
WOMEN'S WAISTS in dainty soft lingeries, with high or low
necks, long or short sleeves, trimmed in heavy laces ; some with
side ruffle effects, also linen tailored waists in plain tucked
and hand embroidered patterns; waists of most stcr- fcO 1 ft .
ling worth, special for this Comparison sale at P, A
Women's RercHiefs
Regular lOc Grades 5c
AnotherLotat lOcEacn
At the handkerchief counter, main floor, we offer for compari
son 5000 Women's Fancy Handkerchiefs, mad especially for.
kimonos and fancywork, for small tea aprons, etc.; pretty print
ed patterns in pink, blue, lavender or white ground with
hemstitched edges. "Regular 10c grades,: special at only wC
1000 'KERCHIEFS with neatly embroidered corners; plain
white, fine soft finish, with narrow hemstitched hems. 1 Cr
These are handkerchiefs of exceptional quality, priced at vIC
Tools at Less
Comparison sale of Garden Tools,
Third floor, all this week. Specials:
25c Garden Rake, 12-tooth, at 19
25c. Garden Hoe, steel blade, at 19
25c Weeding Hoe. long handle, 19
75c Garden Set. 3 pieces, only 50
40c Reversible Lawn Rake at 29
45c Pruning Shears at only 33
75c Long-handle Shovel for 62
7oc Long Spading Fork for 63
40c Grass Hooks, special at 29
6c Garden Trowels, special at
25c heavy Garden Trowels at 15
$6.50 Hose at $4.85
High-grade Garden Hose, in 50-foot
lengths, complete with reel, nozzle
and brass couplings, our ljf QC
regular $0.50 value, at PX.OO
Women's $32.50
Coats for
' Garment Store Second Floor.
Comparison sale of women's strictly tailored
semi-fitting Coats, loose styles with fancy col
lars and cuffs, trimmed in white serge and
broadcloth or in fancy corded silks, moire or
satin; also driving or- motor coats with the
new dust collars; many different styles to
choose from, some designed for little women.
Every staple shade and mixture, COO QE
worth to $32.50, specialized m PA.IJ
Easter Coats
For $13.95
Coats of irresistible charm. They are unusu
ally attractive and at the same time practical.
They are meeting with popular favor.- So
many customers tell us that our coat values are
far ahead of those shown by other stores.
There is such a broad range of colors and di
versity f style in this lot that-every taste may
be pleased. Navy, black, cream and all the
popular mixtures; also pongees d 1 O QC
and taffetas; for comparison, atP .JUJ
Three large tables of dress Hat Shapes will be ar
ranged for comparison tomorrow.' The lines will com
prise Milan Braid Hats, Hemp Braid Hats. Tuscan
Braid Hats, imported unbleached Leghorn Hats, all
of which are fine, smooth braids. Our lJO QC
regular values to $6. Comparison price PJ&2
Our Newest $7, $8, $9
$10 Trimmed Hats for $5.95
Beginning tomorrow we offer your unrestricted choice or our en
tire stock of this season's newest and best styles in, Tailored Hats,
semi-trimmed and trimmed Hats, in -black and all the season's
best colors, comprising varieties so extensive that every taste may
be pleased. Hats which sell regularly at $7.00, $3.00, C QC
$9.00 and $10.00 special for this comparison sale at only P
"WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN1 It means what we say: "If
you buy by comparison, you will buy of Olds, Wortman & King."
$6.00 Dress Shapes at $3.95
Trimming's Are Reduced One-Quarter
Our entire stock of beautiful imported Flowers, all
fancy feathers, "Stick Ups," wings, quills, novelty
ornaments and bands for hat trimmings, also for
the hair; and our entire stock of millinery Ribbons,
which are all new and in great demand. U C
During this great comparison sale, at
Comparison Sale of
Women's Fine Suits
$32.50 Grades $19.98
Garment Store, Second Floor, Southwest. ' .
WE WOULD NOT BE SO BOLD as to ask you to compare
our values if we were not sure of our grounds.' We spe
cialize a group of women's Suits in the new midnight ,
blue serges, gray and blacK diagonals, gray ' stripe di- -agonals,
etc., with silK collars and cuffs and trimmed
inBeng'aline silK with long', deep revers and two or
three large buttons. Semi-fitted styles with plain bacKs.
The SKirts have high waist1 lines, some di Q no
with tunic effect, All sizes; vals. to $32.50. P 1 UO
$20-$25 Suits $13.98
"Buy by Comparison." Authentic Spring styles in wo
men's Suits which we would have you compare with
any in the United States at a similar price. The ma
terials are English serges, whipcords, homespuns,
basKet weaves, etc, fashioned in the straight or cut-away
front, with two, three or four buttons. SKirts are
styled according to the lastest vog'ue. Colors are blacK,
tan, gray, stripes and novelty mixtures. Our regular
$20.00 and $25.00 grades. We challenge (fjio no
comparison at this low. price of only P 0VO
Women's $7.00 Sweaters
Special at Only $3.98
In the garment section, second floor, a sale of Women's Sweaters in plain
and fancy weaves, single and double-breasted, in the "Ruff Neck," roll or
V-neck effects, long or medium lengths, colors are white, red, gray and
brown; the popular sweater for motoring, horseback riding, QQ
rowine. eolf. tennis, etc. These are regular values to $7.00, at P0
Comparison Sale
$1.50 Rings at 48c
In the jewelry section, main floor. A sale of sol
gold Shell Rings, for women and mises and ch
dren, in the plain effects; also a large collection
sinsrle and cluster stone etlects in all tne latest ci
signs. Each ring is warranted for 5 years. A Q
oOc grades, special 19c; $1.50 grades special "
La Vallieres, $2.50 Grades $1.4
Two Easter specials in exquisite patterns in dain
La V,alliers, just the thing for the young ladyl
Easter gift, a large assortment of stone set effect
m gold and silver finish; $1.50 grades P"1 A (
for 69c and $2.50 grades special at only P
Beauty Pins 12, 19c, 29
An exceptional showing of Beauty Pins; some
sets, with bars to match; 12-karat gold-plated
plain or engraved finish, English or Roman OQ
gold. Priced very special at 12c, 19c and
$1.00 Jewelry 47c
$2.25 Jewelry 98c
Manv daintv wanted styles in all the desirable sto
set effects, etc.. in Brooches, Bar Pins, Belt Pii
Belt Buckles and Hat Pins, in a broad selecti
of designs. $1.00 grades, 47c; our $1.50 ft O
grades, C7c and our $2.50 grades special at
vPOO w nesn nags ipi.-vt
5PI TVffH Rno's $3.84
German silver Mesh Bags, taken from our regull
stock. Comprising many different shapes and siz
Unlined or kid lined with coin pockets. fcO Qi
Regular $3.50 values $1.98; $6.50 at P'0'
Jewel Boxes Fourth Of
Our entire stock of Jewel Boxes, suitable for Eastl
gifts. Come in gold or silver finish, plain or fanl
feat in lined. Specialized for this sale m
at vour choice of entire stock at
Sterling Silver Article
One-Fourth Off
Our entire stock of Sterling Silver Toilet Artici
goes on sale just in tune for Raster gitts. Isothi
would be more acceptable. Comb and brush se
manicure sets, combination sets, in any number
articles ; also separate pieces for every a f -f
purpose. All new designs. 1 our choice t
nan a nags at yoc,
$2.98 and $4-98
We are showing some remarkable values in the ne
est shapes and styles in women's Hand Hags, j
sizes and every wanted finish, with long, short leatl
and cord handles. All leather lined ; every bag w;
ranted to give satisfaction or money 1 Q
refunded. Prices, 98c, $1.98, $2.98 and
$750 Lace Curtains $5. 65
$3.75LaceCurtains $2.85
In the big drapery store, third floor, we offej for this week's Com
parison Sale a lot of new Lace Curtains, comprising six different
lines iu corded Arabians, perfect representations of hand-made
laces, full 50 inches wide and three yards long, special as follows:
$3.75 Lace Curtains, pr. $2.85
$.T50 Lace Curtains, pr. g2.65
So.00 Lace Cnrtains. pr. 83.75
$5.50 Lace Curtains, pr. 84.15
$7.00 Lace Curtains, pr. $5.25
$7.50 Lace Cnrtains. pr. $5.65
$7.50 Crash Portieres at S4-25
S1.50 Imported Madras at 98c
Imported colored .Madras, lull
50 inches wide, best quality, in
attractive patterns and rich col
ors, especially for win- QO
dcs; $1.50 grades, yd.fOC
35c Cretonnes, Yard 23c
lOc Curtain Rods for 7c
Art Crash Portieres in all the
most popular colors, finished
with stenciled borders, in pleas
ing designs; $7.50 GA 0?
grades, special, pr. VJ
Splendid quality Cretonnes in
many of the latest floral de
signs and most pleasing OO.
colors, 3oc . quality, yd.
Brass Curtain Rods, which ex
tend from'30 to 54 inches, fin
ished with fancy brass "7
ends and brackets; reg. 10c C
Boys' SI. 25 Wagon at 98c
Pioneer Express Wagons, body painted red outside with gold sten
ciling; painted green inside, blaqji enamel wheels. A good ft Q
ragon. special Tor Comparison &aie at only, eacn'v'
, small size iron wagon for the little tot, very strong- 7C
. Bargainized for Comparison Sate at low price of
$lo wa
ly built
Beginning at the stroke of the 8 o'clock gong tomorrow we will inaugu
rate our great Comparison Sale of Silks, offering the women of Portland
and vicinity a rare opportunity to secure Cheney's "Shower-Proof" and
Valentine & Bentley's "Shedwater" Foulards, the most beautiful of
silken fabrics, in all the newest colors and designs, small, neat effects in
navy, brown, tan, Copenhagen, wistaria, reseda, white and black, ft 0
and black with white; our regular $1.25 grades, special, the yd., fOC
$1.00 Foulards 69c
Cheney's "Shower-Proof" and Valentine & Bentley's "Shedwater"
Foulards in choice, neat patterns, colors and combinations to please all;
come in browns, greens, tan, Copenhagen, navy, black and white; CQ
these silks'are our regular $L00 grades, and specialized at, yd. OJC
Sale of Undermuslins
$6.00 SKirts at $2.00
A great Comparison Sale of Women's Muslin Under
wear. Combinations of longcloth,, trimmed in em
broidery, lace and insertion, edging to CJ1 OQ
match, priced very special at, each only
Wlite Petticoats of good' quality longcloth, with deep
flounces of hemstitched tucks are priced 98S an
other lot of skirts with embroidery flounces are
priced at $1.50, another lot of skirts, slightly
sgiled but extra good values, beautiful J0 fi(
materials and trimmings; worth $6.00, at
Combinations, made of longcloth and nainsook and
crepe, trimmed in fine embroidery and linen Torchon
lace and Val. lace, priced for Compari- 11 QR
son at the very low figure your choice, p 1. ifO
Combinations in princess cut made of nainsook and
longcloth, trimmed in two-thread Valenciennes lace
and dainty scalloped embroidery, priced JJ" 1 C
very special for our comparison selling, P A A J
Gowns in the slipover, round .neck styles, short
sleeves, dainty embroidered j-okes, .and T flfl
trimmed in lace, beading and ribbon, at P.JI
Combinations of corset cover and drawers, princess
ityle, made of fine nainsook and trimmed dJO ff
in Val. lace, beading and ribbon; special, PmJJ
We invite comparison of ' these linen
values. e carry nothing but re
liable grades. Here's heavy bleached
Scotch Damask, made for hard wear,
a good assortment of patterns, CQ
regular 90c quality, special at
Breakfast Cloths, with fancy QQ
drawn work borders, special at
Table Damasks, heavy mercer- O ft
ized quality; reg. 50c grade, OJC
Napkins, all linen, good size, our reg
ular $2.50 dozen quality, J?1 QC
comparison price, the doz. y,'t'
Table Clotlw Odd lines in the Rich
ardson qualit3't bargainized as follows :
Regular $7.00 Cloths, special, $5.50
Regular $8.50 Cloths, special,. $6.75
Regular $9.00 Cloths, special, $7.25
Center Pieces at V3 Off
Comparison sale of 800 odd pieces of Madeira and Cluny Lace
Centerpieces, Doilies and Scarfs, in a fine assortment of pat
terns; the best offering of the kind in the city CaTF
of desirable pieces, and we now price them at just v
12y2o Indian Linons, priced special for comparison, the yd., 9
20c India Linons, priced special for comparison at, the yd., 15
French and Persian Lawns, 45 inches wide, sheer and OQ
dainty, and of our regular 50e quality, special, the yard,
Rugby Suiting, a strong, durable cloth for children's 1 2'2C
wash suits will stand hard wear special at, the yd., AA
Linen Sets
8x8 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $20.00 set, at 16.00
8x8 Cloth and doz. Napkina, $25.00 set, at S19.75
8x8 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $30.00 set, at 22.50
8x10 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $27.60 Set, 21.75
8x10 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $32.00 set, 26.00
8x12 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $35.00 set, 28.00
8x14 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $32.50 set, 26.50'
8x14 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $37.50 set, 29.00
10x10 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $30.00 set, 22.50
10x10 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $36.50 set, 28.75
10x12 Cloth and doz. Napkins, $32.00 set, 26.00
f o ?riso,rl SiikSole Comparison Sale Linei J5
Spl.-Z3 OUiardSVoC 90cDamasK69cH Beautiful Lines of MUl
Sale of Bed Sheets
Standard ready-made Sheets, torn and hemmed ready for
will iron straight and smooth; because of their laundering '
Qualities are desirable ; size 81x90, 68c ; 72x90, special at w
500 dozen of Pillow Cases, specially priced at, each only 12
600 dozen heavy Pillow Cases, 45x36, special at, each, only 3
Bed Spreads, large size, fine crochet weave, various djl A
patterns and of good, serviceable kind ; each, special, P A
Bed Spreads, extra fine crochet weave, very select QI
patterns; artistic and durable spreads; special, each P
Comparisoii Sales in: t
Women's $25 Suits $12.98
In the basement underprice store, women's Suits in a great variety of
styles and patterns, dark, medium and light shades," blue serges and
stylish mixtures, in gray and tan, also plain gray serges, C1 O QQ
splendid $20.00 and $25.00 values, specially priced ltY"'0
New Spring Coats at $7.95
75 new, stylish Coats, diagonal serges in navy blue, with self cape col
lars or with silk collars and cuffs, cut full length and f7 QC
tailored as well as the more expensive coats. For this sale, P
$7.50 Hats for $3.9
For comparison we offer in the basement an attractive
of women's Trimmed Hats, over 300 to choose from; sre
ot large shapes, trimmed in flowers, nets, SjO ft
feathers, ribbons, etc.; $6.00 to $7.50 hats at ?0,ZJ
$1.25 Petticoats at 89-
Gingham Petticoats,
patterns and deep
regular $1.25 grades.
of extra good quality, in neat str
flounces, dependable colors; QCl
harsraimzed at onlv. each wwi