MOHAIR CLIPS SOLD Local Dealers Operate on 32 Cent Delivered Basis. . MARKET SLOW IN OPENING Condition. In the Ka.t and Abroad. Apparently. Aro Not FaTOr ahle for Illthrr Prkr In Near Future. Th fwxfn inehsir market 1. oprir.g In a slow nurtnt lt. f k mim- kr of mod;ate-sixd clip. rr tko bv local diilcm on the bui of S- cents de livered ml Portland. Thu U all any of the buyers hrr. will offer at th. present time. Moat of them take bearish view of tho actuation, as they hare for aomo month rat. and in some quartera It la predloted hat prices will work downward Instead of upward when actlv. aelllnc bgln. Similar predictions hat. been made In past Tears, but not always realised. Conditions prevailing la the Extern and forelrn mohair markota are not favorable f.r a rise. It will be remembered, however, that la. at year, the pace for the American market waa set here la Oreron. The followlna mohair report la front the latest Boston Commercial Hullello: Some sales of domratlc combing mohair are reported at unchanged price. fardln aorta are said to be dull. A moderate line of Tezaa "t"l hair la said to have sold thts wek at 33 rents. The pew clip l beginning l be shorn m Teias and Art sons and offers are being ought from the dealers here, although few lota large enough to draw offers ara yet col lected in theb distributing centers. Dealer, are disposed to offer about SI rente for the taring Texas hair, although the growers ara said to be asking more money. -.No sale of forsiga hair are reported In this market thts week. Very little Turkey hair is In the market to be offered In fact. In Europe bo change In thrh dull situation, which has prevailed there for some time. Is reported and recent sales were made only at concessions. tomeatle quotations: Heat combing. lie: good combing. :w3ac: ordinary comb, lag. ;2J.J: carding. IU: Foreign: Caps lat. 4c; Turkey, fair average, S25.c WHEAT rAR-MEKM CONTROL MTV ATI ON Mi at Haider 4 aaaee Prices "teavdlly la .Vdvaacs. Theat wheat market closed strong but In artiT for the want of offerings. Sellers In the .Northaeat appear to have the situation la tnhelr own hands and are making the beet of It.. Wheat can only be bougut In small quantities and at outside prices. At the same time the demand la limited, but this has no eirect on price eln v'ew of th light stocks remaining In th country, ramie ra and speculators bellev there Is not enough wheat left Inthe N.mhweat for ac tual n-eds. Ther were offers yesterday of 1 cents for elb and 4 cents for blucstem. There was not tniKh doing la oata. but they were very firmly held. Ical receipts, la cars, were reported by the Merchants' t melange as follows: Wheal Harley Flour Data liar Vends. . &a IT .. Tueeday II 1 l I Wednesday .. 1 "I bursals r Id ... ? rlday l .. J J J-.turd.Ijr ... 14 " Year ago I 1 Ttl thla week 1U i- -J Tear ago 1 . . swa n to datall -l Sl I9 '" SIJ Year age ....ILSbaftjnlsll -I o Hiruii or juxi s market Vatml, Hhlpplag aad Utecmge Dimaad Oewas l a Mrert. Eggs wars firm and closely cleaned up at the end of the week, because of the strong local aad shipping demand and th surags operations of speculators. Poultry and dressed meats of sll kind also old well at stesdy prices. No cbangs In th butter market Is Indi cated for lbs coming week. The position of local creamery I firm. Ther baa been soma Increase In tba sup ply of cheesa. but not enough to reduce rices from ths high Winter level. HOr CONTRACT MADE AT SS CENTS large I.M fpat Held la Calif ecu la at XJ Ceats. The few transactions reported In ths hop market In th past few days have been at lower price. N dcala In spot hops war put through, but a contract for a good, sised quantity of th new crop was closed t It cents. In California. :4t, cent wss paid for a contract. A lot of 11 bales of California hops was sold yesterday at 33 cents. Th lack of demand appear to se hav ng effect sa all the Coast markets. NIT I CAR.H or ONIONS ARC IXFT (Ms Cars OaM la fad Week. Owe Briaglag Six cars of onions wr sold by mem Wrs of ths Union Growers Assoclatloa In the past week. One brought J.SS and ths others fXH a hundred. Only II cars ar V-ft In growers hands, and. therefor, very few were offered tor lb coming week. The enloa men har no far of competition from aew.crop houthern onions thla year, wing to th lateneas of the crop. la ths past week IS acres were planted la ths onloa belt. Planting will be heavy la tba coming week. EbeTABLK SITTUM t LXAX I T W ELL I reen Mrre Trade iseJ far Las Day af Meal h. Fror.t street trade was fairly good yester day for the last day of the month. Receipts were light and nearly evervthlng In ths truck line cleaned up. Among the arrivals war a car each of oranges snd cabbage. The cabbage market la very firm la Cali fornia aad local prices wl.l be advanced to 1 cants In the coming week. Local radlshee from new en will take the place of the Southern vegetable. tear! age. Rank clearings yesteruay were a Portland Tsi-oma aiM.kane of IMe Northwesters cities S follows: tlearinge. Balances ei.Jiv. : :. I.i3u:i j.;is i:.Te :.- .; t'leartnea ef Po rtlenit. Keattle and Tarorna k and correspoitding week for tre past wee la former years r-ort!l nd. M I J1 40 atll' Taroma 4..W ;3 4.117.01 s.iivJ 4.i4.7J 4 74 1 37. 1 ys 1 'j 47 : 7 I i:.37 I. . 1 .'.4.HI lu. lu. ii. !. !. !.:. V H. li. 14. IU. 11 '.::: j 1 1JT. 5il TJ7 1 ii i: l a :i ;. :.iu. 4 T: ill III iTl X 1 l.i t. 4i: !.. HI 114 1)1 7 m In 77 7 I ii PORTLAND MaVRiLETS. Cicala. Ftowr. Feed. Ft. WHE AT Trirk prices: Blueatem. J sj 9r: ciuh. 940lc: rd Rusetsn. tytrsoc; vslieT. a.i4ir: 4fol1. tic M :LlJiTI rt s B-an. ."! per ton: shorts. mUd.irsa, r l. t K l:ents. 4 o per barrel; turn gh:s. t4.: exports. . SO; a! ejr liveO; g-ah-m. $13. whole wneat, $4 o. rrRS Ne. who:. 11. cracked. t-H eer ton. star Kt I rtastern feeoB timothy. I!4 Ola 1 tl-aM. sUeUw siiA I 13. clover. 4; oat and vetch, giooil.ou: I grain hay. fx . 1 OATS No. 1 white. fl4f,l.S0 per ton. j Vegetablee aad Fruits. TROPICAL FRUITS Orsnses. navels li:iK: California lira permit. 3.00t4 Florida grapefruit. S.VTSftT; bananas 1. 25 l.iO per bunch: lemons, S.o0tf.&0 per box: r'neapplrs. rtc per pound. FRKSII KKL ITS Almerln grapes. 3 per barrel; cranberries. IW.U .'.' per Mi-"l- I'uTITOi;.- Buving prlcee: Ilurbansa. S.H11.7J per hundred. sweet potatoes. .l.2- ;"r crate. lower. c ., at rjer erst; cucumnera, r - - IVrplant. :.-.o P-r pound: rtrllr. " ;-' pound; head letiuce. l.'tf 2.25 per crste. hot house lettuce. -Jc.l P-r box; pea U 12S- P-r pound: p-pners. i.-; P-r f oun.l ra.hahea l"c P-r dose,,; rhu-arl. l.oir I ;:. ! p" (..x. sMinarh. Il.lil.2. P box. tomatoes. l.:52 per box. OXIO.NS Assoclstioa price. $J per '"ai-K VBi1F.TABI.EJ- Turnips. ,,',.1' per sack: beets. rutabagaa. carrots, ft. r.o. PHl,F.- Tellow Newtown. z7Al." eLenbecg. ! . 7.-. .1 : Baldwin. 1.S: H-n Uavis. II.T&: Red . heek PjPP'n"- llano. 111.75: California Nealowna ll.iiw Pr box. Ihxlry and Cooatry rroduc. Hl'TTBR Oregon creamery butter, solid pack. 3Jc: prints, extra. K.V-.SKreari Oregon ranch. 51c rr doxen. IHKKSE tirrion fists. 22o per pound: TounK America. 2.ic per pound. It-hK Fancy. Hirc per pound. VSAL Kanrr. l0 121vO per pound. FutLTHV-Hens. lwlSc; Springs. 109 levc: uu.ks. auc; gee, l-c; turkey, llv. '.Ftc: dressed. -."-. Maple Cracerlea. KALJCOS Columbia River, l-ponud lalls. 12. M icr doxen: b-pout.d tails. 2.M; 1 pound fists. .2.40; Alaska pink. 1-pound "corVthV Roasted. In drums. I8l4f40i! per jHiund- . . jit To Walnuts. lSfTISSe per pound. Braxll nuts, 14 41 10c: filberts. !":' monds. Ji 4tc. pecsns, lsc. cocoanuts. 0c 1 per doxen; chestuuta. UHc V" pound, llrkorr nuts, otjlfc irr pound. HONEY Thou-o. $3.73 per esse; strained honev. loc per pound. sAl.T Granulated. !" r"r ton: nair gnund. Iiwa. v:.o per ton; per ton. HKANH .-mall white-. 44c; Urge white. 4c; Urn. lc; pink. 6c. Mexican. Oisc. baNou. 1c. RICE No. 1 Japan. Sr: cheaper grade. v3c: Boutharn heads) 3 U 7c. BLtlAR Ury granulated. I3i: fruit al4 berry. XoliA; Honolulu j.lanla: !"n. 1'wD. beet. 16; extra C. S.tJ: powdered, barrel eo.e: cubes, barrels. $ 73. IlKItD I Kl ITS Apples. 14c per pound: apricots. loiflssc. pea.bes. I2wj4c; prune Italians. lHt(lo; silver. ISV. f.. white snd b.a-k. V-r7c: currarils. Ivallc; ralsiris. loose. Muscatel. 7kc. blea. bed Thompson. .un" bieachad ttullaaas. oc; seeded. ."Wc. dates. Farsian. per pound; Jrard, l.u per box. ProtrlsloBs. II A MS It to IJ pounds. I3ulttc: 12 to It pounds. Utjlc: 14 to Id pounds. 131 lac: picnics. 11c; cottage roll. 13c LAKH Kettle rendered. tierces. l.H: tuba. 12.c; standard tierces, line; tuts. II c: shortening, tierces. 'r; tubs. HACON Kant). 2c; slaudard. 1. H w HHc: fcnilen. lilaloWc DKf bALI CL' rt K 1 lugular short clears. dr..t. Uic: smoked. l..c. anort ciir, backs, 12 to la pounds, dry salt. 12e: smoked. I4c; short clear backs. 1 to ll pouiius. dry salt. llac: smokeu. lac; Ore gon exports, dry salt. lc. smoked. He. Hop. Wsol aad Hides, HOPS lll crop. 3wc; olds, aomlnali Jill contracts. 33 0 lc MOH AIR Choice. S2c per pound wuuL Eulrra Oregon. 14 u lac P pound. sccordit.g to shrinkage. Valley. lea 17c pr pound. ptLTM Ury. lie: lambs, salted. T3tt0c; Short-aool pelt. ii;t. butcher tel:s. Jun. taae-oS. ic1.06. Fsb. take-off. 1.104 1.13. HIDES Sxlled hides, lOtifflOSo per pound: salted calf. Is 17c: salted kip. 11 1 lie: green hides. 8HC; dry ca:f. 21c; dry bides. 1xiIUc; salted stsgs. 77Hc. green stags, d(i isC. CaSCaka Per pound. liHAl.N BAGS In car lota. 7 1 Sc. ur. Fl'RP porttsnd price for prim, e-eil-hsndled skins, according to sizes: Mink. f4a.o; raccoon.; skunk tnar row strip!. Slfy2; akuck tbroad trlpe. 73cxtl30; muakral, 3ua33ci gray fox. 7io 4lel-3A; red fox. Sows.'", marten, tdo; b. av.r. 9 9.30. fl.her. 12l2u; badger. 4"o OH: lynx est. .1U3: wildcat, TOcwtloO; otter. 1U14; Ivnx. l?.ejo; ringtail cats, trwic: rivet cat, lute '.'Ac; house oat. bt SOk. mountain lion. laU If: boar. 7wl2. IJaered Oil aad Turpentine. LINUEEU Oil. Pur raw. In barrels. T7c; boiled. In bsrrela 7tfc; raw. In caaos. b2c; boiled. In cases. B4c. TL Rf &NT1NE Cases, TSc: wood barrels, as Sc. EWES SELL DIME HIGHER KHi ni'NCII BKIM.S SC. S3 KTOCKYARDS. AT Othrr 1inoa Are rlrnt Willi .Modcr- ate Offcrinpi Tlie Vrrks Tradf. Ths week r'oacd at th aiockvards with price general:y firm a:i around. Traulng waa of the usual Hatunlxy ch.trarttr. Tne most important aalo was a bunch of fiOO ewe, which brought 14.83. A load of good steers sold at to. 40 and heifer wen ii.ken at I3. and $5.73. Anoth carload ea. Kf hogs at ?.. ahowed tn strength of this branch of ths market. Heceipts yesterday wsre av csttle, 13o hogs and 1741 sheen, rhlppers were Penwell Land ex Livestock Compajy. Harlowtown. Mont.. 4 rara of aheep. J. L. Beaalev. H.srkCoot. Idaho, a cars of sheep: I -eat or Hade. Arlington ami Condon, a cars of cattle and bora, and E. C. Lu' ke, t'anpy. 3 car of sneer and hogs. Th day sale were as followa: Weight. I rice. 2H steers .....111! J4' 7 heifers 0s.'i 3 Id heifers 7o;i .. 73 1 stag S2' .'' (l. ears hl Hi 33 hogs i"2 7.1 - Tb rang f prices at th yaios was as follows: Cattle Choir ters . r.0w, Uood eteer .2ii 4o Medium steers "! ; Choice cows S.OUif 3.3 lieod rows l io Medium cows 4 V t 3.00 Cholc cslvs .... ,. . IS'i t Sl Good bsavy csives "! Ii IlullS ....-. ;H fr-OU blass 4 73s S.UU Light'TT. Too 7.:.n Heavy ........ sVlKlty a 74 hheep T.arllug S.5P- ."4J Wethers 4.y B 43 Ewes 4. "mm 4 73 Lambs a-lOtf s-24 Omaha Livestock Market. (IV 11H March . Cattle Receipts 10: market steady. Native steers. i.Uf7.4: cows and helfera. il.4.S0. Western steer. I444.7i; Texss steers. $1 J"J 5Ae; range cows and heifers. XJ r e--' : cnners i7Sp4: slockere and feeders. 4 40o4. calves. I4r. bulls, slags, nc. .... . .... .... iog Itecelpt 13CS; maraei OTfluo njgn- er. . . M ITiiti MA r-.-ieep- k etpta So : market steady Tear-. Unas, I VOU.'l: West-rn.. i 40 tl .. 2l. i ewea. . :iv- . tamtM. talrage livestock Market. CIIICAUO. March JO. Cattle Receipts 0: market stea.1y Heeves. t i.15 tj t.iO; L.Texaa steets. 4 4vt.7a: Western steers. t .: U 4. V; Sloekers anu leeaerp. M lv ;: rows and heifers. g2.4vw4GO: calves. 14. 2I 4. liogs Receipts 70)0: market dull, gener ally stssdy. Light, f 7.5.1c ..: m-xed. 97.IS g'CH; besvy. 7.vw7.9S; rough. f7. T 74; pigs. It ISO 7.1: bulk of sales, 7.Ji 7.t4. Sheep Receipts 1004: market steady. Na te 4 3n"T; Western. t4 40 tfd.'.0: year linss. tl.Tlf(7. lambs, native. ta.7i1s7S; Weaiern. .: tl 2i. j I Naval (More. j SAVANNAH, tia . March 3 The lurpen- j tme market was firm St 47c: sales. 122: j receipts, 1"7: shipments. 1711 : stock. IS "on. I firm: sales. .V5i; revelpts. 82..; I shipments. B-V2-. stock. 72 20". cjuot": B. I id'. n. : P. l: K. i. H. 17.1?',; I II U K. IIJ"; at. I.0; ik. :.. ViO. j laao. w-iv. ,T-I 1 . . . r m on. nr dosen: ssparsitus. white. ("l.I- u 1 -0 l- r rt.!.-; gr.'t.. p-r crste. beans 1-.' 17 4c: cabbage. 2ttC3c; per Pound. sul.ltower. 2.5.1 "mtf. '''P- READING GETS LIFT Stock Rises on Report of An other Mine Conference. I STEEL SHOWS HEAVINESS Slamlurtl ItMiiwny Minro. Are? lrrcir nlnr After Karly StreitRth AJotal I.-mipm C'ontlnuo Vndcr Pres sure Bonds Are l-lrrn. NEW YORK. March 30. Interest In the stock market on tbe exchanse cen tered around Heading, which rose on the report of another conference be tween the anthracite coal owners, and the miners. United States Steel again was notice ably heavy, regardless of a .2 per ton tncrenae by one of its leading sub sidiaries. ' The metal stocks continued under pressure. Standard railway shares held a little more than steady after some early strennth, and the movement was. as a whole. Irregular. All the activity was In the fin nl hour. The bank statement showed an ac tual loss of more than elO.000,000 In cash, with a loan expansion of almost $1 4.000.0DD. reducing the excess cash reserve to lens than .(0vnii0. as com pared with over 12.(il)U.0u(r last week. Today's liijure amounted practically to a wiping out of the actual reserve, but It Is confidently predicted that this condition will be corrected next week, when the local bunks are iilmopt cer tain to be benefited by Interest and dividend payment?. The bond market was firm. Total sales par value. e2.174.0O0. Tanama 31 lost U per cent on the week. CLOSING stock. UI UTATIONS. open lllKh, lxw Clo Amal. Copper Co , M!.j Mr,; S''3 h"4 Am. Cur ai K.. com.., , .'"Ix, "", f" v Am. tan. com ,21 -' I -"? do preferred 1' - ' "' '-- ,1'r, J Am. cotton on. com., 2ta ! , -2 'x i ;'' Am. Surir, com 124 l.i H 12i 's Am. nelt.. com. ed! ''i ."T" , J do t.i.r.rred ....... 1J1. 1" l'itl.l;' Am Woolen, com i - in. 41 4o'i' lii-v Arnronoa Alining .o. Atchison, com. lllUS luV lHs 1-1i : i ii"1 ld.;i.. lr; .lO'lS . 1S "r ; ikj' iio-x, " i M M'. :ll ':;- .o preferred I-i. St ti., com licet H.iiiar liro..k!n llapld Tr. 1 uc, com. Cct.tra. Leolner, c. do pr.'-rred C. a! W com.... do preferred ..... C M. t c'U V . v TV ;2:.n 2:.iS 2-i-, 2:i-- I ' ! 2:1 j lii-a -l.iri' flT Sil'i' ST 'luii4 liiii 1'S 1"'.ll4 14 :i 14l :n:i 'i....Tw'oilr..' x. I)'hln..i 77VI 7"'Ia 7"S 7 c.lo. Kuel Ic iron, c.l : :' Col". Soulli.. com J 44 I 44 41 44 1. ;! preferred....! i:;-! i'i do lt prei-rred.. .; 7rt id i S 1 . Cons..; dated tlas 145 ,t3. :--. Com l rolucl., 14". 14:-., i .1 .. ...r,r...i .' cl Unaware &- Hudson. 10. ...... ... .... , ,,- Lienvcr ac lllo C, o... do preferred ..... Erie, common do 2-1 preferred. . . do 1st preferred., ffnernl f'.lei-tnC .... I 41 I 41 ; 4! 4:tVi sr. -7S a? ;i7 1 : 1 4.-.ij 1 (on 'ir.i ii id.-., ii I 4-". 1 44 W. 42 42 c.t. North, ore lands.. c.l. Nortli.. I'fd. ... li e S.cunrl-s l:llnM! Central .... Int. Harvester .... InlerurLan Met., c . do pre' i-rri d .... .13.1S l ol 1.11 H !::' Vt .'1:12', insw t: "2 .,1I4".11I'114 Ul .1 ti.i, 2"-S 2"'i 24 t.o.. , liux, w! Hi . I'lo''lo''. Ili4 V liH I.u.vl!le A NAshvlllc! I I ll '3 L-hi.T. Vniie; .Mexican Null. 21 ... I ?!.; I 1, . M St. P. a a. H. M.,137:1 137-s. lei hi l- "x M.. K. or T., eoru ... -l!,i l'.x 41 31 do preferri'tl ...... Mt.aourl fclllc .... Nat10n.1l I-cad Ni.uil 1 Ci!ii5oIiiluted 114 4-.H r7 ?il.' O ' -o New York Central 112..1112is;ii:4 112;, X V Ottt. v'cs:ern! Nor Western, com lirc-i ,1 11 '4 ,U 1 lo ;s North American 17 7' . I . Northern l aellle. cnm.122 , l"-2 ' l-: Pacine Mall . H. Co. 3 '. ' ..'r.St Pennsylvania Railway 124 Ir.'l !12:1T,.12:I-, P. ... L. A I.OK.. V.O.. Pr-rsed Steel Car, c. do preferred ...... Reading, com ...... Readlns. lt pref. ... K-P. Iron Steel, c. Oo prelcrreil Rim a: 1'aii'l. com ... do pr'-fei red Fl LAS. P.. 2d P' do lt pref. St. I. Ac S. W.. com. . liiHli li.KHlhiv', W).: 3SWl 33 .11 I 'Ill I WIS 1C" nil V1:!A ll 21H 2il' f... 42 .ii"' 22H '.. 42 .a:i 211 r.4 41 -J. i4 41V .17 'x n:i 7:114 do preferred ';,;, Foulh-rn l ueltie. colll.114. l.-.H.H4l 114 Southern Hallway, c. do pref.-rre'i Texas Ac Paellle Tol.. St. U W.. com do preferred ...... Vnion Pa. llle. com .. do preferred ...... I. S. Kill. irr. 10m . . . do preerred.' U. S. Steel Co.. com.. do preferred ft ah Copper VitKtnla Chemical .. Wabash, com do preferred Western Inlon Tel. . Wcsllnxhouie ploc .. :;n.i Si) so 74 32 74V, 74 Vi ir.iij'iisi l!I S2V' "2 I 82. 171HI17 ,i7i:i7i I Ml i. -e4: 54 1, MS, B41, l-i 114 . ,1 14 ,114 114 IW1,' "Ma 7i "7-S 111. lllt,'lllS 1114 00 T. Ol "2 lit) -a. 01 .13 ws: ":iS 1 7 K.-I -t -'x .o bS" 20 20 f.3" Viseonsin tenlia o Total sale for the day. 310.700 shares. , BONDS. SEW VOnK.Vilarch 30. CIcaing quots- 5-"V:ref 2 reg. UK-Hi N T C gen .1,s. 87 do coupon No Pacific :ls... ..'. IT 3. r-g 102 V No Pacific 4s... mi, do coupon ...1"- I nlon Pacific 4.1"1 t" 8 new 4s reg. 14 Wis Central 4s. . I:1 do rouvn P A I! Ii ..114 Jjapaocs 4 .... hok - Stocks at Boston. v HUSTON. March 3- i"lorlng quotations ,,.,. 4n Mohawk .. Amsls roniT.. A '. I. 4k H11. . . Arlrona Coin . 11 i CC M. a. v.i.ila I'nn "o Ji'.a. Nipl'.llig lllncs .". '- Norlh Hutte.. . . "!N"rth fjie.... 73 xld nonunion . . 3. 7 .VI ! II a i!S lr.w Cal Xrlaon tr Vecla - iosceola Centennial 21 a ouin.y Cr-V Ksn Con Co J ir-risnnon '.. ... .. ti 11 Is.ioertor . S2 franklin 1:ii"" T M,n C.lroux C.n SS. Tamarack HO UrSihy con ... V R M... ,;rMe. .ansnea. 1 W do preferred... 4 I Hoynlle iCopI e.v.'Itah Con 1HV. v.Vr Lake He ''n Copper Co. 1 Lake Copper 47 Winona . t.a Salle topper ft1 Wolverine ..112 Vis nil Copper. . . 2'1 ' Money. Kxrbange. t.r. vre vcl'K March .to. Money 00 call, nominal. Tim" loans, softer; ort days. 3.,r 54 per cent. UU daya, 3; six months, 3 '0 3 V per cenl. Prim mercantile paper. 414 04-4 percent. sterlini: exchange es. auli actual bul , iri bankets- 1.111. at 1.M fur SO-day oil's srd nt 14. NCI'S f"r demand. Commercial II I. (IMS.. Mex..-an dollar. 47c. . .'lovernmeut leailda. stead ; railroad bonds, firm. I oNIKJN. Marcr BU. Bar silver quiet. ! 11-lrtd per ounce: money. 3473b Pr cent. The rate ul discount 1" the open market for short t.ll.s Is 3 7-ltlg3 per cent: for thre months- Lllls. SSu3 7-H per cent. r: rvnt.e 1 -o -. ----- s.lher t.a.-. -".-e. M-vi.nn dollars. 4Sc Orafts. sls-ht. 2Hc: telegrapli. S-. WEST DENIES CLEMENCY Tiernr Hefu -. to Pardon Mnf rlt-rers From Grant County. (SALEM. Or, March .0. (Special.) There will be no executive clemency for Albert Green. Ben Hlnton and Earl and Kmmet Shields. Grant County murderers, who are serving; life en tencea In the State Penitentiary as slavers of OUU rnyder. This much became certa'n today 111 an announcement made by Governor TVcsV who declared that h would take no action for them and that applica tions for clemency may as well be dis continued. cicorea ot letters. wbloU have b4a. received both by the Governor and by the State Parole Board from Grant County and other parts of the slate, have asked that the Shields brothers and Green particularly be Kiven clem ency. The men were convicted of murder in the second decree. In connection with the slayinsr of Ollie Snyder, the men beinR implicated with Joseph Caseday. a deputy sheriff of Grant County. Ol lie Snyder had killed Arthur Green, brother of Albert Green. The Greens and Caseday were close friends. Caseday was detailed to take Snyder across the mountains following his ar rest and. with the Shields brother, Al bert Green and Hlnton, he entered into a conspiracy to Rive up Snyder at a lonely spot. This was brought about and Fnyder was killed. Caseday was convicted of murder in the first detrree. but his Fcntence was commuted by Governor West. Phey are all now serving- life sentences -ind probably will continue In the prison during the present administration at least. WOOL BILL DENOUNGDE SOLID DEMOCRATIC SCPPOltT IX HOUSE IS BKOKEX. Colorado Memlor Declares American Grower Will Not ITelnln Control of Home Market. WASHINGTON, March 30. Tho first break in the solid Democratic ranks behind the wool tariff revision bill was disclosed In the House today, when Itepresentatlve F.ucker (Deb.. Colo.) invelBhed against tho measure. Mr. ltucker foretold ruin for the Colorado sheop owners if the proposed bill be came a law. He denounced as falla cious the argument that the American sheep owner shoulr receive sufficient protection to Insure his control of tho home market and cited flcures Intend ed to prove that Australia and South America won Id dominate the markets of the world. When the bill was liken up tho Hons, asrreed to a proposal of Majority l.euder Underwood to vote fonday. On that day there will be two hours' gen eral debate, followed by five-minuto speeches on amendments. Attacking the bill, Kepresentati ve Mondell (itep., Wyo.) said the report nccompanyinir the Democratic bill was u "garbled mass of misstatements. ALBANY DEBATERS WIN College Orators Down Willamette Ooiuuits in Keen Coiitcet. ALBANY, Or., March 30: (Special.) In one of the preliminary debates here of the Colh-i-iate Debating; League of Oreg;on, Albany Colli-ee won from Wil lamette tnlversity last evening. The contest was held In the First Presby terian Church before a larire audience. By virtue of this victory. .Albany Col lcKe will compete in the final debate for the league championship this year. In last evening's contest. Albany de fended the negative of the question. Resolved, That boards of arbitration with compulsory power should be cre ated to settle disputes arisinr- in the Vnlted States between employers and employes." Albany College was repre sented by Miss Jessie Telford. Arthur Hodge and Alex McLean. The Willam ette University debaters were Messrs. Savage. Smith and McDaniel. The Judges were Professor Joseph Schaefer and Professor R. C. Clark, of the University of Oregon, and Profes sor J. A. Bexell, of the Oregon Agricul tural College. They awarded victory to Albany by a vote of 2 to 1. Follow ing the debate a reception was given at Tremont Hall. RALLY TO BE AT ALOHA Washington County Kesidenls Will Gather April 1 I. ALOHA. Or., March 30. (Special.) The citizens of the Fasten part of Washington County will gather at Al oha the afternoon of April 11 in a get-together meeting an dhold an old fashioned political rally. Thursday night a number of the residents of Wheeler precinct in Washington County met with the Commercial Club of Aloha and It was decided to have a grand Jollification to which tho candidates for state and county office, or certain of them, will be invited. The women will serve a luncheon on the veranda of a private residence to the invited candidates and the women, ofter which a general handshaking and Introduc tions will, follow. There will be a ball game and' a brass band will play. The school children will sing National an thems and it is estimated that between 600 und 700 people will gather upon that day at Aloha if tho weather is pleasant. WITHDRAWAL IS UPHELD Attorney-CJeneral Says Carter Has Hljrht to Quit ISace. SALEM. Or.. March 30. (Special.) The legality of the withdrawal of Wil liam A. Carter from the race for Dis trict Attorney of Multnomah County was upl eld by Attorney-jeneral Craw ford today, the opinio In this case being practically the same as that fur nished when a candidate for State Sen ator recently expressed his intention of withdrawing from the race. The Attorney"-General says that no official act has been passuJ which would preculde the Secretary of State from allowing Carter to withdraw, and that In his declaration a candidate only promises to enter the race and not to withdraw alter he is nominated. The completed petition of J. N. Davis had never been received at the office of the Secretary of State and conse quently his official withdrawal was unnecessary to keep his name from the nominating ballot, TRAIN DELAY EXPLAINED General Manager of the Cl.-W. It. & X. Semis Letter to Commission. SALEM, or.. March 30. (Special.) In response to a complaint tlmt trains running Into Portland on the O.-W. It. & N. for 30 days prior to March 13 were late. General Manager ti Brlen sent a comprehensive letter to the State Kail road Commission today. In explanation he states that out of 180 trains during that time but 65 were late the balance or Hi trains being on time. He states that 4S of the trains that were late were late from the con necting line or division point and were on time on the O.-W. It. & N. tracks. Of the remaining 16 trains heNsays that three were delayed bysnow. three by .1 twn hv rock slides and the urraimi.'.. - - - - other eight were delayd by unavoidable causes. YANCOL" VKI-., Wash.. March 30. (Special.) Two pretty young women, carrvlng signs. "Tour choice. 5 cents," walked up Main street today. The signs had be -jajra for a church CORN PRICES SOAR Bull Leaders Compel Shorts to dbver. WEATHER FORECAST AGENT Oals .Market Also Forsrcs t"pard. Wheat Is Dull but Held Steady by Slren-rtli of Coarse Grnins: CHICAGO. March 30. Forage grain today soared above the previous record breaking prices this week. Bull leaders pressed tho buying and compelled the covering of important short lines. Un common activity and nervous tension developed in corn and oats alike. Pros pect of colder, unsettled weather over Sunday encuuraged ew buyers and the end freed pit traders to capitulate. At no time did the price react below the Quotations current last night. Vim on the bull side of the oats crowd appeared scarcely second to the enthusiasm in the corn pit. The colder weather predicted impried further seed ing delays and was the chief influence, but close attention also was paid to signs of an increased cash demand from the South. It was a narrow and dull market for wheat, with a heavy undertone. The general news directly affecting the cereal was mostly depressing, but the effect was largely offset by the strength of other grain. Provisions climbed mainly because of the corn bulge. Pork led with an in creased cost of 10 cents to 17 cents. Th leading- futures ranged as follows. WHEAT. Open. ... i.o:h Hi(--h. 1.0-a .! V CORN. .75 Low. Clos'.i. ll.Ol'U $1.11' -j .87 1 .H7h, .".I5S .Si' .74 .74 .741, .74S .7iH -73j .r.4 1- .54 T, ..-.US -Wit. May. . my . .ixi'.s May July sept. .7 1V, .73 -J. .74 -74", May Julv ..'.IS .r.o-i 3 MESS PORK. May Juiv Sept. May July Sept. . .18 !.) . .17.4.1 . .17.73 . . 9.72 V, . . It.".". . .10.12", 17.12 1.." 17."..-. 17.40 17. MO 17.70 LARD. 17.10 17.02 17. So 9.S5 10.U2V, 1D.2U 9.85 ' 111. (Jim 10. Ts 9.72 V, 1i.!i: 10.211, SHORT RIBS. 9 .'0 9.(10 May July 9.60 9. so lu.oo l'.72'A 9.J U.72Vi sept. 10.U2 1, 9.80 iHh auotatu.ns were as follow: Kloui- St.adv. Winter patents. $4.15 5 1..; Bira lihia S:l. su 4t 4.0 : Spring patent $.mi .j .'; straights. 4l.6u bakers. 3.00-u 4. i'.ye o, J. s.-c. Barley Feed or mixing;, cliuur mailing. $1,211 ' 1.37. Timothy et-d Mfi Cli.Vfr see.l 111 .1 21.50. l'ork Mess. $ 17.12 Lard In tierces. SK.80. Short ribs Loose. JU.IU. Il.-uin HtatiHtiCS: 80c a Hi fair to Total clenrances of wheat and flour were equal to 178,000 bushels. Primary receipts w.-re 3j,uo0 bushels, compared with 32i. Ooo bushels the corresponding day a year ana. Ksiimated receipts lor jiuhuaj . ....e-.. nil cars; corn, loll cars; oats, 42.000 head. 203 cars; hogs. OruJiis in Sao-Francisco. RiJ FRANCISCO. March 30. Spot O.110 tstion Walla Walla, l.t: red Russian. 1 llu-ii l.tiiv,; Turkey red. 1.70; blueatem, $1 07 V- St 1.70; fe-l barley. l.b7Vj-. brewing, JlV. 12.00; white oats, ?l.RU' Ii l.t7 ; bran, 2'l.o; middling-a. 32.0bitt 32.50; shorts.'M 2.-..U0. April oats. Sl.siHi bid; $1.I7H asked, t all board sales: Wheat December. J1.60H per cental bid. tl.till asked: May. Il.lij bid. Burley December, 1.34 per cental; May. ndeVd.ation. ;.th . .IP olralO.e'idil .May, a European Grain Markets. LONDON. March 30. Cargoes firmer. Walla Walla for shipment at 37s 3d. Eng lish country market firm. French country markets firm. LIVF.RPOOL. March 30. Close: Wheat. May. 7s d; July. 7s 7,d; October. 7s 4 "id. Weather clear. fucet Hound Grain Markets. SEATTLE. March 30. Wheat, bluestem. 94c; forty-fold. Die; club, Uic; fife. 01c; red Russian. UUc. Yesterday's car receipts: Wheat, 6; oats, 1: flour, 11; bay, 12; corn, 1; barley, 1. T A CO MA, March 30. Wheat, bluestem. Mil 04c; fortyfolk. 80c; club, Sue; red Rus sian, bOc. Car receipts: Wheat, 8: oats, 2: corn, 1. .Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 30. Close: Wheat. Mhv. Il.uOj,; July, 1.07; September. 9-e. Cash. No. 1. hard. J1.08V,; No. 1. Northern. 1.07 : No. 2. Northern, tl.05; No. 3 wheat. JKOS1),. Flax. S2.13Vi. Harley. 7S-4l $1.30. torn. No. 3 yellow. 73?7(ic. Oats, No. 3 white. 52 :i 52 H c. Rye. No. 2. I7c. iJran, in 100-pound sacks. $25.003 25.30. ' lhilulb Flax Market. PULUTH. Minn., March 30. Closing: Lin seed, in atore, I2.12; on track and to ar rive. $2.13-; March. $2.12?. nominal; May, 2.13v,; July. $2.12 bid. REDUCED OVER ELEVEN" MILL IONS IV PAST WEEK. Xcw York Dank Statement Shows Effect or Heavy Cash Move ment to interior. NEW YORK, March 30. The statement of clearing-house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $8,030,loO reserve In excess of legal requirements. This Is a de crease of $o,311, Sol In the proportionate t-asb reserve as compared with last week. Th state follows: linltv .sveruse. Decrease. Loans $2,ll42.0:l7.0oO $ lllU.uuO I Specie 3.-.2.377.OO0 5.443.0OO , Legal tenders 4.4.-.2.0uu mmi.doo .N.-l depostsN. l,Ml2.:.H4.UtlO 3.22,OOU Circulation 4U.414.noO 1.2 19, 000 llatiks- cash reserve In vault. $36$. 024.000; tniat cumpaules cash nserve in vault. JOS,- so.". 0OO; aggregate cash reserve. $430,820.-; (.00; excess, luurul reserve. $s. (130. loo; de- rn-iiM.. ,.',.:: ll.ftoo- trust companies' reserve , with cluarlng-house members carrying 25 per cent cash reserve, OS,34!,l00. Actual condition: Decrease. Ixaji, $2.0.-6.r.-.000 -$13,S2.o00 yeoia 34i'.4i),0O0 10,204.000 Legal tenders ... S4.772.00O 130,000 Met d. POSllS .... 1.SII2.O4.-..0OO 7.407.OOU Circulation 4M.843.00O 1.070.0OO Increase. Banks' cash reserve in vuult. 303. 383,1100; trust companies' cash reserve in vault. $07. 149 OOO; aggregate cash reserve. $131,232,-iHc- excess lawful reserve. $48i,bi0: de crVuse. 111. 747. 350: trust companies' reserve with clearing-house members carrying 25 per cent cash reserve. $02,304,000. Summary of state banks and trust com panies In Greater New York not reporting to the New York clearing-house: Increase. .. $007.K73.fioO $l,b4!I.SiP0 "n" : tS4.774.000 5.-.o..-,U0 Legal tenders 10.S4l.300 2.1,2.M) Tofal deposit 700,100.400 191.7O0 Decrease. The Knanclrr will sa . According to the actual condition state muii. of the week ending March 30. la ex- cess reserves 01 in cew mi House Institutions have been practically I 1 . V, an, mint nf tt.imlllR flblir tllC 2."i per cent minimum standing at less than $.".oo.ono. This rather unexpected result was brought about through the reported shrink age of $10,304,000 In cash, which total was much larger than preliminary estimates forecasted, the known operations of the week having revealed a loss on Interior movement and with, the sub-treasury of about The discrepancy Is traceable probably to April 1 settlement ad justment. , . The loans of the banks, taking the actual condition report as a basis, expanded $13. 329.000. while deposits Increased $7,4i.0UU. Thus the cash loss not only came out of excess surolus, but the expansion In de posits called for additional requirements and this accounted for the decrease of $11, 747. &50 in excess reserve. Taking the . statement of averages as a basis, 'the loans of the banks for the week remalnej stationary, the cash loss was $ ;!3S onit. while deposits decreased about $3 2f.0.0O0 anil the excess reserve was re duced to $S. 030,100, on a decrease of $o,311, 800. , . Bank loans in the last three months have Increased SV.IOO.OOO. deposits have ex panded $1011. 000. (too. while cash in hand has lpcreaaed 3il.jO0.lMl0. It will be seen that the tendency toward firmer money rates under such circumstances is only logical. Dried Fruit at New fork. NEW -YORK. March 30. Evaporated ap ples, quieL Spot, fancy. 9Vi10',c; choice, 8 c; prime, 7"4(u8c. Prunes, steady. Quotations range from 4H6K''i or California up to 30-40s and SUtgllc for Oregon. Coftee and Sugar. NEW YORK. March 30. Coffee futures closed firm, net three points lower to seven points higher. April. 13.72c: May. 13.82c; June, 13.U2c; July, 13.00c; August, 13.9c; September. 14.02c; October, 13.97c; Novem ber 13.03c; December, 13.90c; January. 13.87c; February. 13.S!c: March, 13.83c. Spot, steady. No. 7 Rio. 14ic. Santos. No. 4. 16!4c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, IS 18 Vc, nominal. , . . . Raw sugar, steady. Muscovado, 89 test, 3 86c- centrifugal, 9 test, 4.30c; molasses sugar. 89 test, 8.61c. Refined sugar, un changed. Hops, etc., at w York. NBTW YORK, March 30. Hops, steady; state, common to choice, 1911, 35(Eir.-jc; 1910, nominal. Pacific Coast, 1911, 41jj.44c; Hides, firm; Central American, 24 hi; Bo gota, 24 S 25c. Petroleum, steady. Refined, New York, barrels, $S.20; refined. New York, bulk, $4.J; Philadelphia, barrels, $8.20; Phila celphia. bulk, $4.00. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables. Fruits, Etc SAN FRANCISCO. March 80. The fol lowing produce prices were current here to day: Butter Fancy rreamery. 30V,c. Eggs Store. 19Vic; fancy ranch, :ic Cheese 18 Sj 19c. Onions $3.303.65. Fruit Apples, choice, $1.25; common. S3c; Mexican limes, $5&5.50; California lemons, choice, $4: common. .$1.25; navel oranges, $11! 2.50; pineapples, $23. Vegetables Cucumbers, 65c-?f J1.50; green peas. 84c; string beans, 15c; asparagus. $1 irr 1.50; tomatoes, nominal; eggplant, lo 0 12c. Hay Wheat, $14ii20; wheat and oats, $141S; alfalfa, $12 4 15. Potatoes River Burbanks. $22.25; sweets, $2.50'a2.65; Oregon Burbanks. $2.25 O2.60; Salinas. $2.75. Receipts Flour, 1290 quarter sacks; wheat, 12O0 centals; barley, 4925 sacks; oats, lotto centais; potatoes, 2395 sacks; hayl, 300 tons. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 30. The cotton mar ket closed quiet at an advance of from 3 to 8 points. Closing bids: April, lo.oOc; May. lO.ific; June. lo.C4c; July. 10.70c; Au gust. 10.0'Jc: September, 10.71c; October, lo.77c; November, 10.79c: December, 10 S3c; January, lo.boe; February, 10.79c. Spot closed quiet, five points higher. Middling uplands, lu.ooc; do. gulf, 11.15c. No sales. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. March 30. At the be ginning of business today the condition of the United States Treasury was: Working balance in Treasury of fices $ 67.2R2.372 Irt banks and Philippine treasury 32.873.009 Total balance In general fund... 12S,39r.HiJ.J Ordinary receipts yesterday..... 2,375,712 Ordinary disbursements l,2Sr..623 : Tho deficit to date this fiscal year. $12, 992. 643, as Against a surplus of $432,724 at this time last yeur. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Wool at St. -Louis. ST. IXUIS. March 30. Wool Stead-. Territory and "Western mediums. lOltic; fine mediums, 1o17c; fine, 10&15c Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO, March 30. Butter Steady. Eggs Steady. Receipts, 13,377 cases; at mark, cases Included, -19c ; ordinary firsts, 194c; firsts. 19iaoc. Cheese Steady. Daisies, 19, jT9c; twins, 194 fg luc; young Americas, 19-4 2oc; long horns, 19 2vc. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March 30. The metal mar kets were generally quiet and nominal to day, as usual In the absence of exchanges. Lako copper, luhi 13 ?c; electrolytic. 15 V, 15sc; casting, 14", &15c Tin. 42.S2H d43.32Hc Lad, 4.3041 4.40c. Spelter, 6.03'it0.7ac. Antimony. Cooksons, 8c, Iron, unchanged. 1 Bar silver, fisc. SYSTEM GALLED ABSURD ADAMSOS SAYS CARRIERS EX PECT DIVIDENDS ON DEBTS. Full Publicity Demanded, as Aid to Commerce Commission In Fixing Just Rate Basis. WASHINGTON, March 30. "The anomaly has grown up. gradually end unconsciously, that public carriers are to be allowed to charge an income on what they owe, as well as on what they own, and nobody else in the world with whom we are acquainted is allowed that privilege," said Representative Adumson, of Georgia, chairman of the House commerce committee, today in submitting his report recommending the enactment of a bill empowering the Interstate Commerce Commission to make a physical valuation of railroads. Mr. Adamson points out what he characterizes as the absurdity of the system of fixing railroad rates on a basis which contemplates not only in vested capital, but bonded liability. He says an income was allowed on a rail road's claim to Its Investment, actual and watered, and allowances made like wise on such fixed charges as the bur- don of doing business and Interest on bonds, whether the securities are sold at par or not. Continuing, the report says: "Full information, run publicity as to the true conditions of the Issuance of stocks and bonds, the cost to the holder, the price realized by the car rier, the disposition, of the money, the facts as to the manipulations, will shed light on the question of correcting rates by the Commission and their revision by the courts, and the information of all these things will help the people to a correct understanding thereof." ' .Students to -Cive German Play. VANCOITVKR, "Wash., March 30. (Special.) A German play, written in German and acted by students of Ger man in the Vancouver High School, will be given Monday evening in the High School auditorium, under the direc tion of Hiss Norrls, German instructor. A musical programme, which will con tain several German selections, will be given. The cast will be Louis Schaefer, Ernest Knight, Allen Manning, Ellen McClung, Gladys Vermillion and Delma Jackson. Pro-rressives Campaign In Clark. VANCOUVER, Wash, March 30. (Special.) The Progressive Republi can Club, of Clark County, held a meet ing in the county Courthouse at 1:30 o'clock today, Donald McMaster, presi dent, presiding. No candidate was chosen as a favorite for President, but it was decided to select -a progressive Republican in each precinct in the county at the coming primaries and thus secure, if possible, a majority of progressives at the county convention, to be held on or about Ma 3. The next meeting will be held the last Saturday in April. TEXAS TO HOLD CONVENTION'S Preferential Primary Voted Down by Lone Star Democrats. DALLAS, Tex., March 30. The Texas state Democratic executive committee, by a vote of 27 to i, today decided on convention method of selecting dele gates to the Baltimore convention in stead ot the-preferential primary plan and selected Houston as the place for holding the state convention. Jiay Precinct conventions will take place ilav 4 and county conventions May 7. -Although voting down the primary system, the committee said that coun ties have the right to express a pref- 1 erence for Presidential primary elei - ! -.. t.j nlnimiD. to the state convention be elected in conventions. The committee did not express a preference as betwerrr the several can didates for the Democratic Presiden tial endorsement. Ruef Indictments Still Pendins. SAN FRANCISCO, March 30. A mo tion to dismiss the indictments against Abraham Huef. ex-Mayor Schmitz, James W. Coffroth and ethers, in the so called San Francisco graft cases was under advisement today bv Judge Dum-.e and continued until April 13. Bitullthlc pave ment is so perma nent that there can be no q u r s tion as to tho economy of this process In tho long run. HAVE YOU $100 OR CAN YOU SPAKE A FEW DOLLARS MONTHLY? 1 have been in the manufacturing business for 15 years. I now make out of my busi ness more money each month than I had capital to start the business with. I desire to Jitiiid a new and larger factory to meet the demands of my Increasing business. 1 am offering a small block of preferred stock on which dividends of 8 per cent, pay able Quarterly, are now being earned. This preferred stock also participates in all other earning, but you are certain of 8 per wnt on your money year in and year mit. This Is a legitimate manufacturing business, es tablished for years, and is growing with the population of the Pacific Coast. If you have a little idle money seeking a profitable in vestment. I invite you to send me your name and address and I will send you full par ticulars regarding my business and its man agement. All inquiries should be sent di rect to me, as no brokers, promoters or fi nancial agents are authorized to receive sub scriptions. Write today and I will send you a copy or my Illustrated booklet, printed in colors and fully describing the wares of my factory. L. H. McROSKEY Prefliclent McKohkey Mattress Co. 903 Market St., Sao i-Yaacir-yco. C'al. OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Brokers, Stocks, nonds. Cotton, Grain, Etc. 216-217 BOARD OP TRADE BLDG. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF 'lll.VUE. Correspondents of Logan A Bryan, Chicago and New York. MEMBERS New York Slock Exchange, C hicago Sfoek Exchange, Boston Stock Exchange, 4'hloago Board of Trade, New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, ew York Produce Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Ass'n. Sharp & Irvine Company BROKERS, 514-15-16-17 Paulsen Building, Spokane, Washington. WE OFFER FOR SALE the following stocks, subject to prior sale and market fluctuations: 10 to 50 United States Cashier. ..'8.50 100 to 600 Multitype Machine. So Should the above stocks be sold when we receive your order, new quotations will be given at our expense. You can remit by bank draft, or we will send the stock to any bank to be delivered upon payment, allowing examination o the certificates. Write oi-sjlre us at once. J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS, BOXDS. GRAIN Al'D COTIOH Mli.MU.tltS NEW YORK. b'lOCK EXCHANGE KKtV YORK COTTON EXtRAJSUB CHICAGO BOARD Ol' THAOB THE STOCK ANl BONO EA.CUANGJB. SAN FRANCISCO. Main Office Mills Bids;., ban Francisco. Branch Office. Vancouver, Seattle. I'ortland, Los Angeles, ban Ulego. Cor- onado Beach. 1-ORTLANTI. OFFICE: Main Floor Lumbermen. Bank Bnlldl.f, 6th and Stark. Phones Marshall "120. A 4287. RICHARD EHLERS AND COMPANY IMPORTERS Correspondence Solicited. Hsmbarg 8, Germany. WANTED American Marconi Canadian Marconi Wire offerin-rs to LEVY BROS. 44 Broad Street, New ork. TRAVELERS GUIDE. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, A M- every Wednesday. Freight received at Atnsworth Dock daily up to u P. M. Pas spntrer fare, first-class. 10; second -class. S7 00 including meals and berth. Ticket of fice Alnsworth Dock. I'honcs Main 3600, A 2i2t A