1fi THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 31-,. 1012. FOR RENT. Apiiimrnu. at-"mat Trrr.A' R. I:n a"d ifr-t"n. T-r ra-! f-r t :p. 2 and V r m a; A - l:n r.t, Ir. :i X -rixm 16 '. h. i an. I s nni;; well fur i . ie: T-.ti evertni.g u-at to hi $h -clao a;-. 1 1 h or ..it h s -at. Pi. ones. Ma ret ail M'S A 47JI. M.T- N I A. U:.i and Vunall street. :.is rirtni'iiii o er;o.kln a I r i t a ! it t me l-rm'Hl a; sr nnr .ry res aorta. Ma t- H?''t I'm. tv. i;n or '' car. i a-'.;c Ma-r.la!! 1 1 42. N M IS. ?ar-ia i st.. uar 17?h. WI 1 r adv for iwcupmrv about A r f !. M-M attract IvD' f ur n : ? c inarai't-r from 12 to $ or iiri Marshall y. THE WHF.nLPON. Cor. Park and Tailor tta tve rrnEET.n'W annex. Cor Tenth and batmoo st. Waik'pg Dlstaoea. Frrn!p.'i comi't't. 2. S an 4 -room par'-rerta: build-naa nw and BtrleU xnodtru. s .-v K a first -claaa. i f: V.-K. t.ioot, wrv deatraba n. n' M-m k fr- rti cr. r-. tm.inr v April I .V K-.i l;!M:i.. a :o .. i.r t .r.-n t s. consisting ?.; r.-r.on. lo 4 -room VV.,1 and tlf ipr r!nar bed I.!-- .-to; a. stove. r-fM.rer-'a ( irii vir-!. N.-tl-tne rsa no': n !. f hi i- r. M.-.ke tH'M npmri-jtt-.u ' ? and niod-rn In e -t. tali Miln vr. ur n.t.if . .1 U Ki.Ll N-".T 'N COURT. I.: a n. Everett Sts. ma;; icni nt . 2. 4 or S-roem w f ..ri-i..-! Mrtm.-Li. T?e b-st irrl vrii 13 t-ie n:y f-r ilia money; thT r a 'I r-i'fn en vnn n"-a. ar rio In. nat and Don't fall to )rf. t thfm be?..-- l-.r-ttr.g If furnahed pirrr.nl u d Ir I. ran nrranita Ihla on af-i.!' rr -n:!ilv lavtncnt tih rant, tanant rnft-aily on:r furnttura at aauna monthly -ot aa fjrr!-J ncartmania THf: PARKFP. ror. Ilt and Irr!n arai th'a raw 4-torv trirk bow npo; far r'had cn4 unfumlihf J in 2. 8 n1 4-roorn a:tf; Trrtin hail. e:"-trtc. automatio miamr. H im-a l.apparln bla. but't ln bu?t anj arlttn k r.niC. Ica- bni. rntT of cl"t rom a. botn pnooaa, a-otjm clanr tra to patron a If yaj ax.t aimth:ca r.if. roni to int Ttarar 1 '.nif r'i'n i-ins'tii !p trunant. i FhnrAJH4. Vmhiil ?vU TRINITY ri.At E Ar.r.TMKNTS. brlrk and tora p:a'-arf luxurlou homa Trinity H tf. trtwn 19th anj 2'""h atrta Jul off Wai hir.pton ; majtniflrmt eacluBlaa a- a-tmma in har of apartmni-hou 1.tritt, rrcta r-anabl. ircry raxlri r-'Diieara; a.apin porcbaa, hisb-caaa rvic, rflnJ -.o ' - .a. rt'riLii ra cuird In all raaa Mra. A. N. Wright, ugt. I'ha Marshall IHU. Till; AMERICAN- M : np-to-int api-r:i.rrt In th N ort h -a rat . rw-rv cn wnwnr . 4 anl -r; ro. ; ; out mr.n roma; ;' a!kt"K l'f.ini-r, ?lt awl .lhnin ata ; rh... rrj! '. r.'- -lit rlrt ; altrtitlant ua pr-nii.'a. M.ira.l 3J'iO. TH VILI.A ST CLARA. 12th ana Taylor. Jn e'tnp.et,'d. moat maanlflrently ftrf p!hed arrtrrenta in th Nrthwesl; Ifva- t mn rrfr-t ; rm'als raonaaia; mfrf irdern eorfvenIn'e. Inclutli.ia banquet trail and roof aarden : but h ptioas In ail aprt rn-nts: MK.i-c!nsa service: r-ferans required Main 27il and A 7057. H E I N" a PA RVMKN fa 14th and Colum bia. 4 Hocks south from Morrison t : Hew brtck bulldlr.a. completely flrat-claas fumlsbrd In 2. S aad 4-room family apart meets; priate batb, steam beat, hot wa. tr. elevator, free phone, vacuum cleanar. Janitor aerrlce; rrnt per month. $JtL $.10. $4 and up; must ba seen t ba appra ciated. FOHDHAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford at. Juat aoutb of Waahlngtoa; moat compete, hijchvst class apartments ver built in Portland; finished ihrouah at In hardwood: tiled bad a. auperb fix tures: K Ksnt wail covering; each with P'lvata balcony; his heat claaa aarvtca; very reasonable renij. 4 a nd 6-rooon apartmenta; moat conveniently arranged. TH'r; EVERETT, ti44 Everett st, Ner and eiegantiy furnished apart men's. 3 rooms, re. ptlon hall and aieep-I'sr-porch: outoinatic electric elevator and pnvt Pi'-if c te.-4.:i-irie, U- ated io ni-i ef tie clt-dcest reid-nce dutncts. aur r i n u ed by elegant bomvs; waikmg dia lance. Til K CAM AH. 7t-4 laveJo at. 1 Tnr"er Pvr management; pew, modern r,Hcif . 2. 3 and 4 -riom apart men t a. f ur Ttsr d or unfurnished , w a will rnt yotj apartment .', per cent clieiip.r than any i- .tea tn tne c-:y ; gu j tutor ar 'livo ua a call ar.d b convinced. Main 7 -'id, UPHI H APARTMENT . :TH AND UpSIint MRK ETS. Ti:orot:jcily moj.-rn .l-roim ui:furrlahd l?ar;jii"'!, wlh j.rlvaie hath. $20; 4 rt'.'ms, i" J. ..'; thia includes st.aAies. steam .t arid t-iid v-at-r. ki ran ires, pri vate pHi-tnc phonca aad. janitor aerv Apply premises. HAN' 'VilR Fl WT. PRO. K ii:-g an-l V ih:rtr-iii st Ni ' ti-atory remfon t , S. en y rir. proj.f ;.ir Prt !a nd . f w ry paft ''.e A PA RTM ENTS. , i. ra-iy. . ir.rrte oulld in iit - tiouao in nt ni-e, etec- a f s- prt t.t baN and .v w.. king .ir. i'..rtin, n:a. $-,2..-' 2. a. 4-1 oOP i Up. K'NIAN CURT 57o t ouch. 1 b.'k fr.m Ya5hingtos at., en l:tt at.; tel. Main U'.2; 3 and 4-room nodern a;artmen:a, atearn heat, electric eaior. hot and cold water, tec phone and 1 tatter service. Apiiiy of manager, r-"f---"P'e r-fj u! rd. AN t,-inm.i:t surround -1 I y law ua and flf-ri, thr. ru n and h uh. tompieteiy f -irn.aiiei , rf ro..m lrif-t ml curcrful; ' iu:it r.bur ir ;um 4i'r eerV threw i: muff , t - a n.w.ut s ri'i- . It " rt iffrent !:om m i others. Arpiy Jk East 3Jd. cor. Ji. on. LI CLE MA U l:T. t-ucr.-tiv .-!.. Nar 2.ei and Wash. t r.l irnnhc'l .ic iff ru t t s. frim two to ft,- r"ri-i. al !j l',ht at:-I outsid'-; !..r;. r a, h irii-.'j"d ti.-r. utult r n.-- nuii.K- ii - ul. Mi niuil L'.IJ. Janitor, Mar a n . i 1 t . t?T fl:iIX Apartments. St. C.a'r at., near W isiutifcton . 2 ana 3-room iartuinia, jfh prus' rata, f urnln d and unftir n isi.ed . aupe rb locat Ion, .) walking dta tare, truk t'UlldinK. tono nl. Ll arranga ment. b-at of rvu and v-ry low reiua. l."W'K.-T KATEjj IN 'ITy7 Tha UVm'f.ilt, 41ootn at. Cht In, nice-1- : j-tt L'ocd and un f umthed J room rHTi'iM. pn l, ii tuid teleplinn ; nuKlrrc brick bulMtng with automatic ela i!n. Pioi e M''n .o7l. KINO HILL APARTM ENTS. ill KINO ST. 4. S. nfrti ,p tr;nuDa, select tenancy. App'y on prTTiaa gTf F RAMI S A P AHTM l.U 5 lat and Hivf. 4 noma and bain, private balcony, new brtck buiiatr.x. electric lvstor, aa perb ) aion. in walktrg distar.ee. most coDvei.icnt ai i ax g e m c u (, luw rent aad baat ef aer.:cw. THE LEONCE 1S4 N :.d. N-ar Johnann.. Nw modern brick. Just opened, naw management, i-rno furnished apra., ail omiiup r -j i n a, private ba.h. phuna and bt of aervu . .to up. ilarat.a'l Z.'o. liANTH- 'RN AFAKTMK.NT.-i. :51 lZlh st. ni: Main; ca in Ijcat-.on; elegant 3-r'-n apartment with bath and private bic r. ). H. Every cuuvcoiaaca, govd orv Ice. " Xlala. . J ItucM.-', iarke porchea, m erooklni; city and river. 1 rnlnut'r wa tt, good nel;h bTho4j. furnace iras. elretrletty. lnoium, f .lil- fire .a li, rofea. ftc. Apply on pr -m ""I East tiiUan at. ?EW f.at f r icnt. furrished or unfurnished, fhrtr- W-ort an l-7. M DEP.N a-ro.m fiaU l"iora East 4lT. 7"i Mrahail au ' R R c- T A modern &-rooiii ft. 1 rra : ; 14th at ".LNIAU -r.nn fiat. 1 rr . Phon... E. lt.i E. Morriaon and S-ROl'M f!at. Mnnli, -:,. It; fine. liK'ttt. Marnn.i li r" I K A ULE 5-ro.ru Up'.e.-j-rt llii st . n--.ir Je-,ori y. e.irne and see -'. and lower flats, renonah!e h E A M - MEAT ED 5-rwm upp-r modern. ph-re Main a 4 4. li.f-r flat. J t U R r .".-roorn ir,(.irr'v f arn. shed lower flat. c'-ko in. Main 7 v5. NEW 5-rooui Lat. 72'ln Heimt.nt, near 2oth FOUR n: e y.n f u ' n 1 h 1 -1 .iii. 0.1 1 5 .7 M'-ii "gome pry ; take 1 ;i h st. car. 3ilE:;N f've-rotoii fat. -.-mI al. i-asy w k.-ig d !me 47;; 7tl. st 1 ; M tiio.tem fat. a .ilk d.ane In o -t Ii t. A 4f,1 FUK BKXT MO Hr.Lil..T at., ft room a $2.50. b(-4motit iL, b room a. 9J2..0 61' Hancock ai., 5 ruoins lorer. 4;a Tiilamooic at.. 6 room 'upper). Kktr.lt au, 4 rooma. M.;S liinioiit ii., rooma, ai. h'iS K. lift ii at. -N.. Z room. 7 to Canity luaU. 4 rooma (lower, $'''. .i ' an.ly Uuud. 4 roumi (uper. $18. 7 4 K. Atikcn . .' rooma lor, -o. K. 0th MtiJ Hancock. ." rooma. t; 5 rcH-mi, .;'; ti rooma iup;or, $-iU. r.. L nloti ac. ."v., rooma iiower;. 'rncr Hawthortio and b rootna upp-r. ..". Irving at., 3 rooma (lower). $X...V. tt'xt iciiutnt at., 0 xooma t upper), $27.-. i'" lU-Imnt at., 5 rooma (lower). $-;... C1TV PKI'ARTMEN'T, TliK KliKI A. JAcyBd CO.. lit! 0th at. 5-1;' M moiWn flat at . ltli and tt. pri-tt ai. : rrnt ?-"7. ."room m U rn flat at E- 2Mb and Stork sta. rrnt i-rotMi houao at Commercial and lllan drn a?. . r-rit '. Jl 1. 1'Al-MKH-JONKS CO.. 44 Wl.cox Hil. I hones Main bK. A 2J0X k i-"v i h ixi:tus flats. Vrw and 0 room flata. molTn. V.. Pth aiiii lianrot k ats.. 1' Murks from 4rtAlwAv t ar; -aay a alktna; diftanre; hardoi fiutira. til-il bftth. Putfh kit-hn. h.-t watr heater, larao atttc- onl baae-m-nt. . Larat aialra : oauer tares f r I.iwn. fifia rM ni' district r rrnt f 3C. I'hono ta?i .".-' To. K a tn premie s NKW. urtlatlrnl!y arrnuiH flata. splendid iw. p.nl ii!r. sroort nlKhlorhooi. aun In rvi-ry i uxtiti : til ranat-a. k,aa mii1 rlrctrlc fix t ur!. anala. curtain rla. lin.-lt-uin. built-in r.la and china rluM-ii, furnnoi and aparato conrrrtt b.iarmits; three to ft vi pKim' and a! -plnc porch : rrnt $'' I f.i I to. 4lih and Unwihorn. Tahor 1 LOW KK flvx loorra. nullt-tn furnltnr". Vrr- p'af. finthe.i n.Kr, raff". Hue iietsnnor- l.-'o-i. sishtiy. 7S-7 hast .M i none cast :VIr.T f.tii tor rrnt at $21 tr month; finely ftr.uht-d. iao..-rii. fi-rwm flat. f ur '-a - and ie t pic f lxMirt-a. t lio b-ithrtHjin, m.ir to cnrlines. at -'5 Halary s'rpet: ar-'t t h kev m it loor cast. lii all MTKS from heart of cit y. Portland I If in Mj. modern -room upi'pr flat. CaS ran--, hardwood floora, aiteplna; porch. fir place li- 20th at., near lature Phone .l'hall H KNIU K It FLAT of 4 rooms, with pri vate porch, ateain heat, hot and cold trr. private bat h. Including; phon and Jar.lt. .r a-rlc. f-r $i2 .'. pvr month, 4iJ N . r : a 26th. Ask lanuiany, t. panur ap' kwki.i. :i ro-.rn fiat, flrrolaee. lli'lmti dia- at-p. arlna he.!, built-in furniture, white f nanicl kitehen ail I bath, linoleum, gas ato.- ami l.eat r. Tabor o la. lit K. 3 2d. fcfTKAM-i; KATKU i-r.-m Mat. very draira bl -. eu vt-nietit Hrranc-fiti'-nt, a ith aaa rani;a ar.d ref r! cera tor ; f;t2. fiumnir rat. App y Janli-jr. UiLlLfitun Apart- meiTts, I.'.tft an-1 Everett. M'Jl'ELN fat , "elect iiei hi. .rho,. & rooms and tn:.ida room, furnace. firplac. rni)t- shades, h.inlwiw'd floors. 4 N. L.'.t ii. tir ner Sprt hrup : nd ulta , reference. Applv 7' Northrup. W car JUST finished; 2 flaa. fireplace. bookcaM-a. modern in every respect. 1 1 bhw-ka from SuniMstd" car. en K. 3 2d t. Inquire V-i K. Taylor. Phone Tabor I.ai t l.A i lir riMiiii and d n. beutnefl celling n.I buT. i in dli.inf -room, porchea. fur nace, lireplate; Eat ido, citiae In. Mar- s.ia'i 14 1.. t all morninca and - veninn. FR RENT 4-rKiu flat, furnished, un furnished, near Steal bridge. Phone UN rni.N ISM ED flat. 4 rooma and bath. P rche. mid ard ; rent $10 &4 S Kerby nt . het-Aeeri It u-.se 11 and Knott. FINELY furnlahed corner flat. rooma and bath. Kerby St.. betaeen R usat.il nixl Knott. FR KENT i-room fiat cheap: rent $22.5'. Pith st. , furniture for sale Main looJ. 2-t $iu MARKET ST. (-room modem flat, with furnace. $to per month. Key ai !. Portland Trust Co.. Sd and Oak, for KENT A o-rooiti flat. UautlfuUy fur nished. Call 74t Johnaon or pnouc Main Vi:a. ITPER t'At. 7 lar-re. liKht rooms and maid'a room, modern: private porches. E- Main at., corii'-r 1 s h. NEW 4-room nuni rn flat, walking tlaiai.ee. U..- and llackamas. Phona Woodlan t --.'. MtDEKN - room flat. Iiaa nit e port. h. f ire- pu e. atid easv walking tllstauce. rent sT, innnih. all 441 I Ith St. I'Hilli'K j rooms, lower pur:n. flrep.aee. ale ptna porch and ard. tiUl Everett. Mieehy Hroa.. Jio 13th. FINE, modern 5-room lower flat, choice lo cation. 7..". Marshall: rrnt S3. C. H. Korell. .Vh and Stark. Lumbermens bldg. 5-RikM lower flat, modern, furnace, gaa range, nice porch, yard, walking distance. J2a. 44 Hall, nraTJJth. $2."V Very d-airahle nicely furnished 3-room riat, large aitou an-t aivcpiui porcn, hkik Iti distance. E. 4";X N E W 4-ro)in near ltuaa-ll and Williams, K is range, luater and water, $2J. East 4 7'2. SUEIi . water he..!, r. near 14th and Jefferson, lu- tjuiru 2a 14th. UPPER 5-rootn modern flat with large at - t ic No." tJ Hoy t st. Inquire at corner. No. tM. N t'. A". inojern 1-room fiat . 3-room fur nished flat, 1013 OantenbUn, corner Al- b rta. -1; I MjUKK 1- LAT, corner; gas raiiKo, $---" : alking distance. 4ut R--aa. 1 Ulo- k north Bmadway. ' L car. ilL'UKH N" luwt-r 5 large room Hat, In best or t oiidi'foti ; furnace and yard. oti Bel tnont. Kent $-.". Phone East 2i. git; NEW 4-r.Ju fiat, overlookinir beau tiful park l.'A AIns worth, corner Bortli- 1 u k. L iar. .Mdl 1 1 : : I f.at, 1 rooms, fine jard. splendid neigh borliood 7 7.i - Johnson St., bet. 2 J J and :4th. Main i-K m M lower (orn-r fiat. god location; c.m. basement aJid bark ;atJ. 4- autl East t31 . KI.Y rooms w itli bath. a.d. furnat e. a-l t'hapman and Clifton. Portland He. --tit.-. T Wt 4-room f iHts. newly fin 'shed. First ai. North, near lrnuda. $111. 4- P H M f .at, new and model u. cloae in. Phone Knst M Jtk N E V . moti- ru 4 -room ll.it s ; Bleeping Hr h; a!kla d stancv. M a r ket. Ma in o , . 531 MuoLgom- NEW 4-rotm f'a'. -tli.aiid E. Kverptt; rea n.tnaMe. E 1im'. MODERN &-ro.-m flat, L. th and Asa. HI MODE ' N -lower flt. ." t'xnni. vacant April 1 Ipijture -- or t ti r u p. Main a 1 . FURNISHED i-room flat, modem. ptone eilHHl 141. THREE or 4-rootit flat, l.ghu clean, con tritlent. walking distance. 21 Hall st. 4-LooM Ioe fiat. S'tepmg porcli Mam X225. 625 Northnip st. M l bKN 5-room tlai. Ath. n or Jkmn. W tl Side. 1 nun. -aik. Alain or A 1UJ0. 0-Kc'OM l.iruutn l Ilat. v c: Md; piano and pore n .a. rnonw ,'ta:n ..omi mortiiiii;. LNFl RNL-HEla Tint. 4 room, hall, ah-nve. modern. i au jaontgoiut ry at. J am 7 7a. DESinARLE rt-roo-.n flat, porch. Holladay'a , d " : ' ' o n . io ' laraarnni. v ET TALK. 3-rnra fiat, bath. $15: atr a it J gart.ae free. W KI.U tiiotiern, 0-room fiat. Phona East 1 -.a. FR RENT 79;: Belmont entire lower f ,wr f urn thcd ; e ver t hing complete. M t H.U.N -rom flat, wuikltig distance. ;...'. MeMtllen. Phon C MODERN ower f-at. f rooms. .!y Marshall, Inquire 7 2 Kearney. r-Rr0T fiat, partly furnished, cluae In. Ap ply St.- M modem fiat. 115. Phone Tabor 61. ilunsekeeplna; Rooma. THE I9AHO. 6ih st. Furnished house keeping-room, cheap for summer months, $1 to Ja per week. IDE housekeeping rooms, running wa e tec trie lights, phones, bath. 313 Vs 4 1'Kti WEEK fr largo aunnjr front house keeping rooms. 1 .iiiiia, gas. yiaoo. water. bit t h. rsa. Phtine A y-0. TWO. ttiree or four housekeeping rooma, completely fiiralini-d. a alking distance, r a snahlc rent. 404 Mall. n-ir l:tth at. THE MILNER, SaoS Morrison rurnUhed or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; steam brat, elevator, all eonveniencea. best loca'n. IltusE KEEPING roni n new concreta buCding Phone Woodiawn lilt or 27. 4 LOW ER rooiiia. h-ue keep ins. -"5 mcely month. furnished for 741 Johnson. 1I M'SEK KKl'INO rooma for P.s- Horel. jvrn; r.d st. S. rent at tha i R N ISH ED room and housekeeping ultes. $J and $ a. 362!s E Morrison. IOR liKVI. I OR KST. ilooaekwptna; Room. NEWLY furnlahed Tha Upahur, 24th. and Upahur sta., furnishU 2-rooni apartlnenLa, 1-0 and up. Tin a nicludea ateara heat, hot and cold water In vry apart ment, private- puonea, publlo bath, alectiio J.cht. x aa rauie. lauaUry-room. all ire a ilk H.. Z2 or W cara So childna; doga uot allowed. Hhoo Main TH& UtAVEK, 3 2th and Marahall Fur blshea for bousckeepin; cam -ranee, elec tric liahta. hot water, bath, laundry, free; ' U pvr month up; a clean placa, best Id the city for tha money short diatanca from Union depot. Taka "d" or ldrh-at. cars north, set off at Murahsll at. No do;. ! lUH'SKKKKlMNO AND SLEKH1NG ROOMS; AJI .ST lili SKK.N TO UK At I'ltb' 1ATKI; HEAT AND J.rmiT. V K KY ' RRASuX ABI.K IK TAKKN AT ON'E; MUST FILL HoUHK. I'llu.SK 1U - J)MV. -.0-5 iomaoiu TUB KL'SCOIi. - OK -l-iKtn sulto and on li-room nulte, completely furnished for houeakeepmg. gas raniec, hot-wut-r- heat, u" ol bath and - mat Jo nary naah (un. , JIM .Kurby,. at. Phon C 06". . - ' fl.frO TO $2.lo per week Clean furnished MouaeKeepina; rooms; irea neat, pnone, bath, laundry, yaid. 406 Vancouver ava. and '101 Stanton; "U car. Phone K. fc03. IIQi y EKEEFINO and .tranalent rooms. aicaiu heat and tight furnishetU V-ihi Union ivt. FURNISH KI suites for hous- keeping at 01 51 1 ' Dct w eg" 14 1 h a nd 1 t li. Ilunaekeeplna; Rooma In 1'rlaaf Faroilj. PORTLAND HEItiliTS, -4 sunny rooms, nicely turniahsed. all on flrat .floor; lare krtenen i:mt pantry; porch with splendid lw; wa.kina; tl:stam-: $3. Includes gas. eioctrle liKt-ta, water, phone. Take Heights car. get oft at llftou at., walk 'J blocks east. 471 Chapman at. plionw A 257. LA ltt"5 K, newly fmiahed. well furnished, cl. un hnuaekeepin; room, free furnace f'-'nt, electric hKhts, phon. bath, hot and rdd water, first floor, close tn. ona block to three ci rimes 44.V Rodney, -corner Tillamook st. East jt'J2t; no transients. FINELY furnished inre front room, with d tmntf-room and kin henetto : a raoKc. f .ii nare hcSt, t-lOHnt In at ion, walk in k distance; modern. - $25 per monih. 62 Ht-initont st.. t orm r Eaul lth. $13 TWO fine, larce. bay-window front rooma. farina; st reet. overUHkltijr river nd conveniences, yard. roses. walKi distance; adults Cal! up Sell wood now. THREE clieerftd front roma, opemtia; on veianda. unf urnishutl. uood location, lt. Includlnc lichta, water, pas ranp. no dgs. t:,? 1'ettygrovw at. Main- 21;0. . 1-iUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms. ground f!or, uli conveitteitcea, walking tl (stance, runt reasonable. 429 Montgom ery. $ 15 Thre furnish Ad housekeeping rooma; : 2. t lumishttt fionae keeping rooma. 127 E-iat lmh at., between Morriaon and Ai-jer. lUH beautliui furnished front housekeeping rooms, near rane and cahinct. light, wa ter, aaa, hat h, good neiatiburhood, close in; si.i.- Tv;i, k. Ntnrk st TWO fine. Inrsa front rooms and sleeping porch, facing street, overlooking river, walking distance. All con venlcueea; yard, roses, etc. Oil up Hellwood1 1 loi. COMPLETELY furnished .t-room Hat; furnl tare lor sale, flat for tent: clean and u strnbie. ;;! f.th si. Call Sunday or even ings. TWO clean, completely furnished houa"i keeping rooms, gas, electricity, running wst-r. laundry 2 S Grand avc.. S. L coiner Ankeny. 1'nliTI.AM) llciirhts. lara-e. ran, sunny housekeeping rooms; isra-e yard, bat h. g.is. water and phona; rent $1H. Res. 4S0 21st st. Phone M a i n 22."7. ! FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, larga yard, nice view, modern and rent rcaaoa ahlf. 1'hone Main 225T. TWO alngle or connecttnr housekeeping roomn. p minuLca" walk rrom I, o. 04U 0th st $15 FOU t f ftrntshf d housekeeping rooms; gas pluta. steel rang. bi ith st. Main 4.".2iv TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooma; telephone, electric ugnts. gas. fli per mo. 177 Portsmauth ve. Ht.Johna car. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms. walking distance, good location. 349 12th street. TWO clean housekeeping rooma. water. ph-me. bath, fi. West Hide. FUune A WELL-FURNISH ED liousekoeplng rooms. $Io month. 32i Montgomery, between 0th and 7th. TWO la nre housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, iras ran are, steam heat, fine location. 4? Matket, near 11th. NEAT, clean connecting housekeping rtonis. water, gas. phone and bath, near Ste. 1 brldk'c. 2ii! Wheeler street. TVVm nice clean rooms, irl va I e cottage, $Ui; three. SIN; walking distance. No. Clif ton. near West Park. Marshall M7.;s. TWO or three unfurnished lieht housekecp- ing-iooms in romrortahtc suburban- home, ntr car. O Oregonlan. PIK ASA NT housekeeping ' roory. cooking gas. bat h. laundry, both phone, $12 pr montli. 5 E. 22d at. N. Til REE housekeeping rooms, at conveni ences walking distance, 1 .. a month. 41 21st st N.. cor. Washington . HOUSEKEEPING aulto of two rooma. mod ern, w.i.king distance; phone, clecuic light, bath, fine location. 3. Mill at. TVVO rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. lights, piion una nam hoc. j.oO per week. litH 5'h. 3 LA ROE front pWsant housekeeping rooms in private family, modern, reason able. 4:U 3d. FINE large unfurnished rooms with kitch enette, heat, light and bath. 4-74 Man ket at. THUKK housekeeping moms for man and trite at $12 niont h. Take Sell wood cur. 7"5 Insfey ave. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, 542 Karl ,at. 'Jake Sell wood iar. Opp. Brooklyn School. " TUP. E E nicely furnished houaeket-pung ronnis. main floor, convenient. $3.30 week. 4U 4th. HOU8EKEEP1NG Large. light. chan rooms: rvasoiiabte; down town. 495 Davis, eorner HTh. . TVl nicely furnished front housekeeping rooms, only $u per mo. I3KfcE. Taylor. Phono Tabor 2-. MODERN large front housekceiiing- room. uiif urnlshed ; walking distance. 325 East 1st at N. - . - lTVte and three-room housekeeping suites. iiawiv lurniatiea. gss. batn. phone; $1Q to $1 wignth. 9"w East Yamhill. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, new. moticrn nome-, reasonable. t,aat 4-7 9. tst h7. amniii. . LA R' JE, pleasant 4 rout room, furnished fr light houaekeepinc. Tor employed couple; reaaonabiA in. 2i4 lllh. TW'O or three connecting houa keeping 3 Morrison. rooma ; very convenient. cor. lth. ONE or two nicMv furnished housekeeping rooma. very reasonable, n r.ast &e vent 11. Adults TWo light, clean housekeeping rooms, mod ern home, tvniking c lata ; ice. 7 1 East 9th North. East Wx. NIKLY furnished rooms modern, hou. keeping privileges tf desired. 4"2 (iny st. $ N1"K room, all privileges, housekeeping, walking r. s t a n ce. t 2-1 i-is t AuKeny. U.N FU RNsSlI ED emire uistalrs. Jewel gas range; anler free; $10 ."..-O Benton. TWO very pk asant housekeeping room. als one hMisekeeping room. 421 7th. TWO front rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping, c lose in. 4tt Jfl a in at. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms; electric light. bath. Phono fc.. o.4". ao. i.enton st. bu4 HALMoN. two very u. li ..b.e front rooms, furnished irr nouseKeepmg. 294 JEFFERSON, 'r rge, light, weli-fur-nishe-J houtekeerlng rooms, reasonable. FOR RENT 3 furnished hotisekeoplng rooms: yard and bath; 25 Thurman st. FOK RENT Two or four rooma 513 Yarn hill St. housekeeping TWO lara front rooms, private, family; free gas. phone and bath. :32 Mill at. IjVtuSEKEEPING rooipa In modern flaL A5 v, 4 j haan. near - 1st. TWO or three furnished rooms, cheap. 32i 14th st. housekeeping TWO furnished houackeeplng rooms cheap. K"t 4ih at. THREE unfurnished rooms for rent; IO min utes from the postofflce. 492 Market at. TWO suites nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in private family. 546 Yamhill at. TWO well funifshed housekeeping rooms, cheap 1V43H Wash, at. a ULE AN light furnished hot-so keeping room, gas, hath-. $11 month. 692 Front. CLE N attractive. front housekeeping rooms, bay whidow, $3 week. 408 if 311 su ONE large. ' medium housekeeping 'rooms very reasonahl. ' fifS Flanders at. FURNIsTTEi housekeeping room, modern. tit 2 De I a y . cor. M o rrla. "L" car. THREE furnlfvhed housekeeping rooms, low- rr floor. a$J E. Burnslde. THREE desirable rooms, rnmpleteiv fur nished for housekeeping. 541 tJUth at. IrXR RENT. Houf kpapiiiff Rooma In rn vate amllj i'KONT room suite, clean, nicely furnlahed. Ras ranttf, electric light, hot and cold watt.-r, Ulnct fiitranro; In modern private liomr ; durable ct;iitral location; -0; ii rooms. 25 ptr month to permanent par tla. ."21 Couch, corner l."th. LAKtJK' front rooms; buffet kitchen, h-at, lits'bts, hath, large lawn, rare viewpoint; , V car from t'nion Depot or any Wasnlng-ton-st. cars; walklns dtstunce; ?1-. IS month or by week. 07ii Couch, cor. U.NB Deuutifuiiy furnished light housekeep ing suite; private baih, sttain hvt, phone. c!oe In. reasonable; also onJ . housekeepmR room In basement; cloan, dry and air-. Morrison. LAKUE front room and kitchenette, house keeping; furnace heat, electrfc lights, easy walking distance; 910 monthly ; also ono 1S. ti N. 21at, ix, blocks from Wash ington. NK W. unfurnished 2 and il-ruum suites, price S to $14. incltulitif: bath and water, also drus; store and plate for general score. fioth .and Knt Gllsan. Mrs. C. W". Davis. iiLW'N Y suite In private home. West Side. 10 minutes from I O., conveniences very model ate to appreciative adults; no mign. 4l.i 6th st. LADY Iivinp In own rooms would like lady to Join her; e-paraie bedroom, iiho .of kltrhun. moderate rent. (".ill Monday. "VVilHanis. 4:s Clay, near 14th. ON E and two beautiful rooms for house keeping: steam heat, "elpctriu llsht. pretty lawn and porches; modern. 75 North 14th street. $2o Elegant 3 or 4-room suite, completely furnished for housckeepiua. clojto in ; phone, sas. privato hath, etc. Call fore noons. US E. Huh. Phone East ."."i4f. THREE unfurnished room?, pantry, bath, iras and electric llKhta, large jard. within 2 minutes' walk of P. O. Phone E. 42.". Ji'ST what you wan!, newly furnished rooms complete for housekeeping; beautiful honif. : Nort h 2"t h. V $4 A XD $3 for housekeeping suites, con veniences; walking distance. 5oU Johnson street. WA NTKI CoiiEeiiliii couple to take two liouvtikeebinK rooms In private h.Tmc; no other roomers. Phnn East 2dS:t. in AND JilTi two neat modern housekeep itiic rooms, eras and cook stove, w alklng " distance. 3;ft Uth. Nlt'E. newly furnished anile, for liKht house keeping;, at a very low price ; ever.v t hing complete. 3::o Montromery st. Marshall .T70 $lt ONE lat ko housekeeping room, gas. sink. fiM E. Morrison. bath. TWo furnished housekeeping rooms; furnished room. 3ft 2 4th st. TWO larfo front rooms, com pie rely fur nished for housekeeping. 214 l.'ltn st. 2 Vb'ilY la rooms on od floor for rent cheap; rmnirg water, isi 14th st.. I K VI Nt iTON 4M Easl Kith North; Ihree sunny, furnished housekeeping rooms TWO housekeeping rooms, phone, gas; opp. Failinff school; tnke children. 721 1st. NEATLY furnifhed housekeeping rooms, pri vate family. l.T I". 7th st. Phone East i:ii. TWO outside Unlit, nicelv furnished houfco kerptnir rooms. HM -. 13th st-. cor. Taylor. HOMELIKE cottajre. suite furnished for housekeeping; close in. 31 Main at. FRONT housekeeping- room, clean, well fur nished. $:. Hall street. SINGLE housekeeping room, all conven iences, walking distance. 690 Everett st. TWO large front rooma, for light housekeeping'. newly furnished :t.i N . 2 1 st. 3 NEATLY furnished lioog(pinR' rooms. modern conveniences, 14 Grand ave. N. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooma Union v. South: reasonable price. TWO large pleasant convenient housekeeping rooms, pest location, reasonanie. iirn. CLE A N. light, well -furnished housekeeping rooms. .:i. Pth. 472 HAST OAK Newly furnished hou keeping and Hlet-ping rooms. TAVO !arg housekeeping rooms, furnished. all conveniences. 2ii E. 34th. Tabor 900. 3 1 Net RNTSHEl) housekeeping rooms. walking distance. W est Side. :i92 i Oth st NICK modern room, $10 per ltumth; also hous keeping-rooms. 017 aniniu st. SINGLE front housekeeping room, walking nfstancc. mco location. ttl ash. st. A SNAP -3 front rooms, extra good. 424i 6th st. NICE, modern half bat"mrnt rooms, cheap. only . Brooklyn car. 564 Last 6th st. LA R JE 'furnished housekeeping rooms, suite. 91 y irst. near Stark m. Fl N E front room for housekeeping; ground floor. 2S llth at. $12 Part furnished" cottage-. Vl5 141 h St. TW ) housekeeping rooms. $! mo. ; warm. dry basement ; short walk. 292 Tenth. THREE modern furnished housekeeping rooms, lToU. mth St. House. TO RESPONSIBLE couple or mother and daughter who Is employed, a new ,i-ronm hunguiiW'. modern in every respect, to the rijjht iartles rnt will n very cheap. Can move, in at once. T 931. Oregonian. FCR RENT V- acre with house, barn a nd rrults; near tiiwauKie; ink a Oregon t it y car. get off Evergreen station; 3 blocks cunt. Ask for Hiidmeler's place or write to box iJt.t. city. NEW R-room bungalow, furnished. Rose t Ii y Park. 20 minutes' ride; reasonable rent, room for garden; can move in at ft nee. T 930, Oregonlan. "WANT this house o.crupled Six modern rooms. 20 Union uvc. North; permanent tenant; mako offer. Whit.iey, 340 "Morri son au 5-ROoM cAttage. 229 Gaines, $10. 6-rooru house. p.r, Belmont. $15. -room house. 722 E. Morrison. C3. F. W. TORGLEft. 100 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT Four-room house. modern ; plumbing, sightly location; East 03d st., one block M on ta villa cnrllne. $14. I'hone Sllwood 1702. Tnhor 2023. NEW. modern, almost new -room house, w Ith sleeping porch, on "th st.. between 2 carllnes. rail at f9 East CSth at., or phone B 1134. NEW five.-room bungalow. modern. two ' bedrooms, fireplace, china closet and buf fet. Dutch kitchen, laundry tubs, T4.S Curry St., call 249 Bancroft ave. VOR RENT Modern 1 0-rorn house, two and a half acres ground ; all kinds fruit ; one block from car; reasonable. Answer G 943. Oregonlan. SIX -ROOM house. JO-' East .M'th St., near Mt. Tabor carline. $20 11 month. Adults. Phone A IG.'O. MODER N fl-room house, good view, walk ing distance, fruit trees, rent 122.50. 241 Tillamook st. Tbkp U ear. MoDERN 5-room cot tnac and 2 lots, at Wood in ere, $12 a month. Inquire 01 V N. Park st. $.15 s-rf-om modern house, sai Rust Tnvlor, cor. 2tth St.: vacant April 1. - O. Wad del. ;0'9 Lumber Exhnn ire. FOR KENT OTTO A -3-room modern house. S23. HARKSON REALTY CO.. 13,0, First St. 5-RO ).M ' modern apartment, partly f ur nlehed. Janitor service, price $30. 454 llth street. MODERN 2-atory 0-room hou yard, paved street, one block to car; adults; $24. 70 WlLLuxia ave. Woodiawn 420. MODKRN" H-room houso, 1 1 acres ground, fruit in bearing; 1 block eaat of car. Oak Grove station. Inquire 1R9 16th st. FOU RENT 5-room cottage, modern, good ard. &4H East stark, bet. i:th and 13th sts.; rent IjS per month. NEW. s'rictlv modern 6-room house. 1(M15 East Ulth North, S block Alberta car, rent $i5. Apply No. 1007. FCR RENT-a thre-room house, a nice place for garden. Myrtl Park station. . A704 46th ave. s. E.. near rsth st. MODERN 6-rooni house. Knst 46th and Mad. Ison; rent $2". Phone East 4831. 0-ROOM house at 330 E. 44th st. $19 per month. Phone Tabor 356. MODERN 6-room house. 216 McMillen; walking distance. Main 6523. NEAT furnished flat, every convenience; walking distance. 42 3d st. Main S25S. N EW 4-room col tage. 6S4 Sandy road, cor. 19 th. I'hone East 2301. 7 ROOMS, West Side corner, 30. Call 394 Clifton. Main S36?. MODERN 5-room cottage on large corner lot, fenced: Kern Park. Tabor 1673. o! CHERRY ST. 7 rooms, bath and toilet, newly pupered. Phono Main . 391. 9-RrOM houce. Irvington. good location. Main 4190. East 1ol5. Swank. $12 4-ROOH house and yard. 524 Mill, near 16th st. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow. WW car. I'hone Sellowod 1508. NICE ti-room house, $22. near East Morrison. 14S East 13th au. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, 9 East Pith North, rhone East 267Q. FOR RE NT yard; $14. -room house, 53S Market at.; FOR RENT C-room modern corner house. 348 Shaver. " tiOOD 7-room house, sultt-b'e for two fam ilies, central. 187 Chapman. A 4188. BOATHOUSE with or without hoar respons ible party. P. O. 223. FOR RENT. House. HOUSES FOR RENT. 8 rooms uotf N. 22d St., H rooms, fi.vl E. Ankeny Ft., $35. t rooms, 4'irfl Ueo ave.. $1. rooms, K5 Corbett St., fl5. 8 rooms, 127 N. 22d St., $40. 6 rooms, 8H Borthwlck st., $1.V 4 rooms. 428 E. Washington, $20. 8 rooms. Shaver st.. $21. And manv others In all parts of the city. FLATS FOR RENT. 3 rooms, ;:tlii Pacific St., J?2."0. 5 rooms, .i7l2 pacific St., $22. uW. 5 rooms, 472 Hancock st., $:. 6 rooms. 0751a E. Washington st;, $27-50. 5 rooms, 440 - Uarrabee st.. $23. rooms, t;i4i Front st-. $1S. 5 rooms. iOO Market st., $2!. 6 rooms, 24 East 14th t., $:10. ( rooms, 4rt.si3 Hancock s $-i. ft rooms, 74'Kearne at.. T"'- 5 rooms, 702 Flanders St., $27.50. And many others in all parts of the city. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO., 250 Alder st. 284 K. 0TH ST. N.. 9 rooms, $.10. 20 K. 6th st. N H rooms. $50. 220 Adams st,, 5 rooms, $22. i 50. 601 E. Burnslde, near 13th. rooms, $30. 143 E. 40th st., near Belmont, 6 rooms, $18. fll K. Yamhill. 7 rooms. $35. e0rb E. Yamhill. 7 rooms, $35. 441 E. 20th st. N., 9 rooms. 444 E. Mh st., 5 rooms, $13. 0U2 K. Lavis, 5 rooms, $23.50. $37 Vancouver, 6 rooms, $22. Cor. 17th and E. Ankeny, 0 rooms, $30. 7."4 E. Ankeny, 7 rooms, $20. 374 Stephens. 5 rooms, $P.. 4.t E. 10th N., 7 rooms, $40. 31st and E. Pine, $ rooms. $35. 107 E. 7th N., 7 rooms. $37. oO. 734 E. Burnslde, 8 rooms, $:t5. 2rtw k. 27th St.. (t rooms. $25. UiS E. Hancock, 7 rooms. $23. CITY DEPARTMENT, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 140 5th st. HOUSES FOR RENT. 443 Hnssalo street... 341 Tillamook E. 17th. and Weidler. 4sl Chapman 107 E. 7th N 440 E- 15th N r.25 B. Ankeny 52 K K. Ankeny huts Wasco 61 E. 1,5th. N. flat, 74 Gllsan flat, 301 K. 12th .... flat.. 412 Wasco .... FURNISHED. 4n 4th street 1004 E. Main flat. 74 Glisan N. TUFFORD CO., .. .$75. no . . . 30.00 . .. 35.O0 ... 27.50 . .. 37. RO . .. 35.00 . S5.00 . 32.5(1 ... 27. 50 ... 25.00 . .. 25.00 . .. 27.50 ... 25.00 .. .$00.00 . . . 25.(10 . . . 87.50 407 Ppaulding BHig. Marshall 4547. A 4545. THE GREATER MEIER & FRANK STORE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home hunters, visit our un-to-date ren tal and Information department, 4th floor. main building, and see the vacancies we J nave listed of desirable, nouses and 11 a is. You'll save time In getting properly and 1 mm fort ably located. Wo keep in touch 1 with an vacant nouses, Tiats ana apart ments In the city. We also keep a list of nw huildmKS In course of construction. The combined lists of ull real estate deal ers This Information is absolutely iree. 'WHEN TOi: WANT TO RENT A HOUSE SEE US." TITB MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. MODERN 10-room house, 69S Overton st , near 21st. .".n. fl-room cottage. 778 Thurman st., near 23d, $22 50. 0-room cottage, Glisan. $27.50. 109 N. 14th at., near 5-room cottage, 619 Union ave., near Stanton. $15. Inquire "jo, stark st., near 2d. TO RENT 107 E. 7th at. North, between K. Irvine and Oregon. 7-room house, al most new; sleeping porch, modern In every detail : furnace, etc ; accessible to several carllnes and close In. phona owner. Tabor 1S00, or call at house; rent. v 37.no. SEVEN -room. East Side. Io0xll2. garden and place for chickens; also two bunga lows furnished on the river for the soa- aon : Board man Station, Orejcon ( My ear. come to river. Phono Ore. City Farmers 1M or Main 478 city. S-ROOM modern house, nearly new. 4 ntca bedrooms, with closets, linen closet, built- in bookcase In den. cement basement with furnace, stationary tubs, etc., at 17 Kst 15 th. st. North, in irvington ; rent m-. Phone Enst 54. MoDEHN Ittverdalo home; furnace., electric lights, nhone. Bull Run water, garage; $35 unfurnished, $45 furnished: fine fruit trees, small carden; SNAP; given up on account of sickness. Ph6ne Main S434 or I A 704. 125,- NEARLY new 6-room house; cement basement, furnace, gas, electric lights. lawn, flowers, roses, garden ; best avail able houhe in Mt. Tabor. Phone Tabor , 554. Key next door. 1619 East Stark st. FOR RENT Six-room house; a few min utes' wnllt from east end of Steel bridge. one block from V cars; hous In good condition ; rent reasonable. 329 Wheeler at. Phone Enst BS94. FINE new 6-room house in Roae City Park. modern In every particular, with hard wood floors. 525. Chapin-Herlow Mort- xaco & Trust Company, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 7-room bungalow at 41st and Harold; fruit trees, rose bushes and nice lawn and on W aver ly- Woodstock carl in : $25. Chapin-Herlow Mortgage & Trust Companv, R"12-;3S Chamber of Commerce. NICE C-room house on San Rafael street. Just off the Union ave. carline; $22.30. Chaoln-Herlow Mortgage & Trust Com pany. 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. 7-hoom modern house, gas. electricity. furnace, walking distance. 3SI Ross, be tween Dixon and Broadway; rent 2S. I'hone East 43 t. COTTAGE, 5 rooms, bath, electricity and can. cement basement, stationary tuns. large lnwn, fruit and roses, $25. Phone Enst 670. 461 E. 15th N.. Irvington. 8V4 E. 1ST N. Modern 7-room house, full hnsement and furnace, wa klntf distance. $:h per month. Portland Trust Co., 3d and Oak. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 15 minutes walk from Postofflce: good neignoornooa ; price $2" per month. .168 Marshall st. Ap ply for Key, zis . lstn. cor. L,ovejoy. 5-ROOM modern house, with fireplace and china closet. a montn, diock irom St. Johns cor. 1115 Concord st. phone East 4 1 5 0. l-l- FOR RENT Two-story house. 710 E. Tay lor, between 20th and 21st sts. inquire 109 12th at. H. Sinsheimeiv MODERN A-rooin flat. West Sid, and walk ing distance, h;cg porch, fireplace, etc.; rent $25 month. Call 426 Collfge at. modrrx 7-room house, with gas range; choice loeatlon. all mornings, 1 -io Madison st. East 3S77. - TWO new. modern. 7-room houses located 527 E. 15th st., and o92 Clinton St.; rent reasonable. FOR RENT New modern S-room hous E. 17th sL. $16 per month. Apply Tid K. , Clinton. NEW S-room bungalow, modern, with range. fruit trees. 2e minutes ride iroin city. rent $2o. I'hone Woodiawn 3244. TWO modern 6-room houses, f ireless cook ers, sleeping porch. 34 4-.i4 r-. 1 . cor. "Weldler: leases given. Inquire 647 e Idler. FIN E strictly modern 6-room house, fur nace. H East ZMh at., near Anaeny, f:. Phone Tabor 1S7. - LARGE house, suitable for two small fam ilies, close to Alblca stiop, Zo per montn. Frank 1 Berry, 4 .n. Mn. j0 4-ROOM cottage with water, nice base ment; plenty of fruit treea. Phoxie Wood- twn jj.ROOM modern corner bungalow, paved sireets, ;25. 954 E. 21st N. Woodiawn 2714. MODERN 8-room house, near Hawthorne ave., on E. 28th St.; rent $10, key at 861 Hawthorne. I'hone B 1 !?-. ELEGANT S-room house, Willamette Heights. $40; modern improvements; beau tiful view, iiam o-'j-a. 595 MAIN ST. 7-room modern house, select neighborhood. $Ho per month. Portland T rust Co.. 3d and Oak. FOR RENT A 10 -room house on East B u rns id e. Phone Marshall 4931. SIX-ROOM cottage on Fern ave., Portland Heights. Fnone juarsnnn tn. ft-ROOM house, porches, fireplace, central; . t... t inn 412 mt. good location. 412 2d t- 6-ROOM house to responsible parties only; rent $!. Inquire 925 E. Stark st. B-ROOM house, $20. 592 Powell St., corner Knst 14th. Call Main 74ia. NICE new 6-room house. E. 31st and Grant. 18. a v 1 '-" iu Mven rooms, yard, fruit: school: car- line 840 Montana. Phone Woodiawn 2100l MODERN five-room cottage. 609 Front St., near Caru there. DFSIRABLE 6-room house, close In. 39S San Rafael nar Union ave. East 1685. MODERN 5-room cottaee, overlooking river; alKo 7-room house. 041 Grand ave. South. .0 S49 Front, Marshall 4440. Modern im '" .. r m virH u-fllkinir iliilun.'O PtOVU4., J . -" 6-ROOM cottage; bath. gas. electricity. 140 H a isey st.. near Steel Bridge, $17.50. 6-ROOM cottage. $6 per mo., fine view, close in. 428 Wash. WEST SIDE 4-room house just finished, everything up to date. 396 N. 25th st. MODERN 5-room cottage, nice yard, 3SS F.enton, 1 block north Broadway. t-ROOM cottage, cor. East 7ta and Davia, 30 rooms. 0 rooms, 6 rooms, 0 rooms. 7 rooms. 6 rooms, 7 rooms. S rooms, R rooms, 7 rooms, 5 rooms. 5 rooms. 8 rooms, 12 rooms, a rooms. 6 rooms. XL FOR RENT. Uooaea. FOR RENT. 7-room modern house, 97S East Yam hill. $22.50. 0-room modern house, 906 Bast Glfsan, $23. 7-room modern hcuse, J 210 Belmont, $25. 7-room modern house, East Madison, furnished, $-0. 7-room house and barn, C03 XIaroId ave.. Sell wood car, $1 . 5-room house, 545 Front st., $15. THE LAWRENCE CO., 243 Alutr St. 7 ROOMS, 546 E. Oak. $25- rooms, 27 E. 12th sL., $lvS. 5 rooms, 11 E. Uth st. N.. $20. 7 rooms. 1175 E. isth N., $lti. . 5 rooms, SOS Buxton st., $17.50. 1 acre, 2 rooms, Mt. Scott lint., $10. 4 rooms, 4M E. Ash. 1 . J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny ' 5-ROOM COTTAGE within walking distance. No. 60 E. Mala st. Nice, clean prop erty; will rent house for $20 per month and sell you few pieces of furniture and good gas range at right price it wan tea. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, with large attic; 100 200. with fruit, berries and flowers In abundance. Will lease for a year more to responsible party. Streetcar runs by the place. see owner. 414 &paiaing bldir. 7-ROOM house. $15 month, 10.13 East Sher man st. : 5-room bungalow. 993 East 2lth st. North ; will sell on easy payments. Howard Land Company, Uu3 ti wetland bldg. FOR KENT One cottage $13. one cottage sjd. notn at corner or tin ana t ia sts. ; 2 new suites, large rooms, in brick, cor. 13th and Salmon ats.: all West Side. - Phone M. ooOl Monday after 9. 7-ROOM modern house, on 100x1 00-ft. lot rosea, berries, apples, prune and cherry trees: vneiuv carden space; loveiy nome. $2i per month. 74th and East Glisan st. Tnbor 309 or Mar. 12. - 9-HOOM HOUSE. 4th, near Sherman (.as, electricity, furnace; complete, clean. Main 7C17. Furnished Houses. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN. 5-room modern f lat : servant's room in basement ; gas, furnace, electric! t y ; very at tractive! furnished, including silver, china and table linen ; porch commanding the most magnificent view In the city ; roses and lawn make this an ideal Sum mer home ; t wo rooms can he rented for enough to reduce this rent to $20 per month. - Ask for Mrs. tt, SO 4th st. M:iin 0S05 mornings and cvPnings, or call 525! Montgomery nt. FOR RENT to desirable tenant, from 4 to IO months from and after June 1. com pletely furnished 1 1 -room residence; choice location Portland Heights ; unsurpassed view. House built 3 years ago; contains all modern conveniences, including hardwood floors, four fireplaces, hot-water heating plant, two bathrooms, shower-room, billiard -room and large sleeping balcony. For furt her particulars add res3 Oregonian. THE HOUSMAN APARTMENTS. ..73i Hoyt st. Elegantly furnished 3-room corner apartment, with sleeping poih; surrounded by lawn and flowers, all bright outside rooms; this apartment will easily aecommodate 4 people. Daintily served meals can be arranged for Just across tho street. Come, let us, show you by our pla.n the easiest, most economical and most comfortable way to live. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments, $15, $18, $110 and up. This includes steam reat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free. Take S , 23d or W cars. No children; dogs not allowed. Phone Main 859. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished. 10- room house, modern throughout, barn, suit able for garage: 2 acres in fruit, one acre lawn, flowers and shrubbery; one of Port land's most desirable homes. Apply on premises. 248 East 00th st.. corner Main. Mt. Tabor car to East 60th st. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow, gas. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc.; neatly fur nished; for rent April 15. lor ti months. $15 month. Roso City Park car. 7" 6 East 69th, block from Sandy Road, fall any afternoon. FURN IS H ED FLAT. . 3-room we H -furnished lower double fflat. corner East 1 7th and East A ider ; good lawn, one block to car. Apply W. O. Munseli. 613 E. Alder. Phone Enst 101S. WILL ren t May 1 all or pa r t of my new. modern S-room house, furnished, at 4l I von st., corner 22d. walking distance; piano and Be wing machine. Pho'ne s,j wood 1039. 6-ROOM ED modern bungalow, completely lurnisneu, including piano. 1 block trom W. R.-' car; will lease for 1 or 2 years rent $3A. rail Sellwood 597 Sunday, o: Marshall 393u. NEW 5-room modern bungalow, nicely fur iiisiied. with new mission oak, velvet brussels carpets, gas, wood and coal range, only $;;n per month ; no children f'7t it st. Main 4 A 4730. 3-ROOM lower-floor Mat. furnished for housekeeping, front, back and side doors, also front and back yards, wood cook stove, gas plate, phone, bath, all new and clean, rent $16 per month. 328 Grant. 8-ROOM f urnlshed house, 821, Council Crest Drive. Intiulre at house afternoons. telephone room 331 Multnomah Hotel, evenings 1 to 9. 7-ROOM comfortable. furnished home, piano, sewing machine included. 3 bed rooms, best car service In city ; 15 mtn from P. O. P. 1S76. MODERN" bungalow, furnished, piano. Call Sunday P. M-. 2fi S. E. 43th St.. 1 1; blocks south of Division st. Phone Wood lawn 2"77. FIRST FlOOR, modern house. 4 or rooms, furnished, and large garden; cheap to right parties; at Kern Park. Phone Tabor 1673. NEW. modern bungalow, furnished; wi lease for 6 months, or will sell; by owner, leaving town this week. 762 East 32d st. Take W-W car. 551 TAYLOR, near 17th. 6-room fiat, finely large bay windows, gug range, instan taneous bath heater, rent $4u. FOR RENT A completely furnished home at 8.2 Clackamas at., $.L.oO per month. See McCargar, Bates & Lively, iOl Yeon bldg. WILL rent splendidly furnished six-room modern home, on corner oienn avenue and East Main, for $35 monthly to re sponsible people. East 1473 or B 1351. TO responsible couple, for 39 or 60 days, 5- room furnished home tn Fulton Ad J it ion, for breakfast and supper for one gentle man. S 934. Oregonlan. , 7 ROOMS and bath on carline. and close to another nice corner lot. lawn, rosee, gar den, etc.. reasonable rent, close in. phone Woodiawn 124H. NEWLY furnished flat In choice West Side location; will lease furnished for one year or sell furnlturo at once AO 94 1, oregonian. A HANDSOMELY furnished housekeeping room with kitchenette attached ; centrally located. AO 943. Orejronlan. LOVELY S-room home, f urnihhed compute. plan (J. sewing ma en me, rruit, rosea, one block Larrabee and Broadway. East' 622$. MODERN 6-room furnished lower flat. porch and yard. No. 12th. between An keny and Burnslde. Marshall 7i7, A 713L LOWER flat, new furniture, all newly pa- pared, nice back yard, rent including lights, phone, water. 706 Glisan. 6-ROOM nicely furnished modern house. piano, xurnace. close in. wanting distance. Phone t:ast 41 S3. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow. Pt54 E. 16th st., 2 blocks Alberta car; C mos. or longer. Phone B 2316. FURNISHED cottage for rent, five rooms. modern, new, sanitary- i'hone Alain 6102 or address R 940. Oregonian. PORTLAND Heights, new, 7-room furnished house. May 1 to Oct. l; adults only; splendid view. $70. AM 937. Oregonian. NICELY furnished, modern 6-room flat; well ar-rana-ed tor renting rooms; rent reasonable. 4 32 3d st. Flat C. FURNISHED HOl'SE. 7 rooms; piano; $25 month. 125S East Yamhill. Apppjy Hall, 3 S 1 Water. Phone Main 2208. SU't FARGO ST. Nicely furnished 6-room house, all modern, piano ami yaro: s-iu pe mu. Portland Trust o.. au ana cjuk. SMALL modern f u rn ish ed house, e very- tlilng up td datei rent J13 per month. 971 Alblna ave 6-ROOM flat completely furnished, for sale or will rent to responsuue party. 23 n. 16th st. FOR RENT Beautiful Piedmont home, fur nished complete, rent reasoiiame. x U01, Oregonlan. SMALL furnished house In suburbs, carline. $l- a montn. iaoor FOR RENT 5-room house completely fur nished, close in. Appiy a-t ft. mia st. FURNISHED 3 or 4-room house, large yard ana iru. t....a ... FI'RNISHED house for rent In Sunnyside, $25; inlUire t. aiumvi nuiei, nam uuv. ti-ROOM furnished house, close in, .$25. Kearney, near lvin. .m. ana-. FOR RENT Furnished house; . roouia and bath : ciosi in. 'iw.iaw n 1 - 1 . , NICELY furnished house. 3 bedrooms and piano, wJ tjiiaaai a nti ojsi st. STRTCTLY new furnished five-room bunga low. Rose city x'ara. t. ootn st. . FOB RENT. Furnl .-bed House!. 4- ROOM cottage. part ly furnished. gas, electric light, no bath. 4S5 East Clay. STRICTLY modern, 0 rooms, 901 East Al der. Phone Tabor 3 179. 12-ROOM f urn is bud modern residence, cor nei' home. $05 month. Inquire 6!2 Front. FURNISHED four-room bungalow wiih b:ith. Call 1M41 Corbett st.. city. FOR RENT 3-room flat. 0 blocks from P. O. Inquiro 249 5:h St. FOR R EXT 5-room furnished house, rent reasonable. Inqui re 1 Irving. 5- ROOM furnished bun?:i.w. sleeping porch. Piano. B car. 77 Muitnomnh st. Houses for Kent, Furniture for Sale. LOOK HERE. IT A1TL COKS FOR $350. No. 431 Everett st .. nc:i r 1U'L n. fi-room house, mod--rn conveniences, complete! y furnished, cheap r-nt. Immediate posses sion; don't miss looking al this tud.iy. SEASIDE COTTAGE FOR KENT. Cot tape with six rooms and batii, city water, electric lights, completely furnished. Overlooks the. bunch and Is two blocks north of Moore T.tel. A. M. K nan p. :'.3 K. 7th at., cor. I-:. Mill. Phono B 1234. $050 CASH will buy fine lurnitur,; 0-room. eorn-r house, filled with roomers; e'ecant location; East Sid-; cas-y walking distance; fine home and pood living for widow lady; no agents. For particular; call 0.'i2 Ilel niont St.. cor Kat iMii. FOR f-ALK I'ii 1 11 i t u re of modern, fi.rnnm house, in ex-diem lo-alit y ; suitable for large family or for roomlng-hous"-; seven boarders at present antl more obtainable. Terms to suit buyer; must sell at once. I'hone Fast 4939. 9 ROOMS, newly furii.sh.--d for housekeep ing; gas raince, vcI.m nd body Brussels ca rpets. inlaid linoiemn. 2 ial hs, and electricity: rent $;:."; iuconi-s $S. Price $'inn. terms. 450 I'ark st. Fl'RNlTURE for sale at a sacrifice. Six ruoin house, ail in fin- condition, location, Ardenwald. 15 minutes trom post office. An ideal Summer home. Phono. So 11 wood 1 MSS. A FINE place. located on Park it., never rot tlna market before; 10 rooms, clean, mod ern, furniture oak and mahogjitiy; tliq price Is right. Sue owner at ;;;. Cih. cor. Mm. HOl'SE of 7 rooms, clean and well lighted, . large yard, central locat ion. West Sid- ; price of furniture and r-nt reasonublc. 2 N 11 th st.. 2 Vi blocks from Washington. I'hone A 1999. YOUR offer takes what is left of mv nw furniture; two sleeping prch cots, two V'on beds complete and one dresser. Call .Marshall 9S."-:. 14. ALL housekeeping rooms, extra good, al. way a full, 10 minutes' w alk from P. O. ; ?Go'o cash, balance to suit. See owner. 347 Hall. Marshall 4S0. FURNITURE of a modern home for sat ; rent. $T3: ilno carpets, everything complr; would t:;ke diamonds as part payment. Main 90vS. 10 ROOMS, finely furnished. In good loca tion, a good home and $4u a mo. This is n good buv; rent $.'11. f5iu. terms. Mar shail 4917. 1. M SOI-ID oak hatid-car. e,i dining set. larg sideboard. 54-fn. table. 6 chairs and ono carver. Phone Marshall 1113 for Inspec tion. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room flit; furni ture for sale, flat for rent; clean and de sirable. 3il 5th st. Call Sunaay or even ings. COM PLETE home for sale, chfaj; people going East; rent $25. 720 Everett st.. near 22d st. $2fO BUYS furniture of 7-room flat; all in jconii condition; walking instance; rent reasonable. S"-7 4th st. FURNITURE for saie, hMo for t wo small cash. 52S Market st. house for rent, suit fu mi lies. Price $ 125 FUfiNlTURE of S rooms, close In. rent $2J; 3 rooms rented for fl2..-o; must sell toon, $100. Phone, East 4o74. 9 ROOMS, chan furniture, in very good con dition. $275 it taken before- Tuesday. 4- Montgomery. I'hone -Main 2-S9. BOA R DING-HOT'S E for sale ehoa:. 10 steady men boarders, income $'-ti'j per month, rent $25. Phone E. 542$. MUST SELL almost new furniture 5-room cottago. less than half vultic; rent cheap. . 4l Mill, near 1 Ith. FOR RENT 3-room house. $12 per month; $35 worth of furniture, for salu. S4.S Eei inont. FURNITURE of 7-room flat for sale cheap, house rent, 7 minutes' walk from Post office. 62 N. 15th S ROOMS completely furnished, pnrt fur niture rented wit h house, two bloeka of postofflce. AO 951. r'-qonian. PRIVATE home, 12 rooms; best of every thing; good beds and bedding. 62$ Flan dera at. ELEGANTLY located modern home, 10 rooms. lame attic, basement ; beaut ifully furnished; rent $5i: lease. 655JNort hrup. 11 ROOMS. all hoiis.-kceplns'. tr sale chea p, house for rent. Call at 144 IStU st. North. A 3S15. A DANDY little house, beautifully furnished, centrally located, with lease. Will take aereut?e as part payment. 128 14th st. MODERN 10-rooin, well - furnished house. lull, located In l-nst part of cily. Sell 0,1 easy terms 527 Taylor. FO R SAL E -Fu r n 1 1 u re o i' c o 1 1 a go, $ 1 50 ; must be seen fo be apjjreuiated. 746 Grand ave., cor. I rem on t. GOING to Alaska; neat. modern 4-room house; furniture for s'tle. bargain. After noon. 2-5. SOS E. Morrison, tp-ar 25th st. FURNITURE of 3 -room apartment for sale very re isonahle. Apr. 24. Cumberland Apts., W. Park and ColumhI.T. FU RN ITU RE of 1 2-room house for snle ; r-nt $'tO per mo. Tul. A 723Q. FURNITURE of 5-room house; rent $10. .V. 427 East Sherman. 9-ROOM flat, $40. including steam heat and water; furniture. N 943. Oregonian. 6-ROOM house for rent and some furniture - for sale. 213 Crosby at. BARGAIN Furnishings of p rooms cheap for cash; cheap rent. 223 West Park. S-ROoM flat, nice furniture closo-ln, sale. M7 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Furniture of six rooms, modern eortsge. 107 South 13th St. FURNITURE of . 8-room house; a bargain, cash or terms. 325 Seventh. SIX rooms. Morrison at.; will H cheap, as am leaving city. Phone Main 6222. GREAT sacrifice, furniture six-room Hat. in cluding linen, sewing machine. Main 9002. hiiMS of good furniture. 4 rooms pay expenses. Phone Main oorti. FURNITURE for sale rent $19. 432 13th st. liouso for rent; FURN IT i; R E 4 - r.oo m c o 1 1 ;i le sold; rent $!:. 3o9 5. clie.ap; must 12-ROOM house for rent, some furniture for sale. Call M- 2!e4. .Mono ay. FOR SAIE l'urniture of .-room notise lor $450. part casn. .u.. .m. STORES in new 3-story brick; good location for first-class grocer, uietti mi .--. taurant, delicatessen, milliner, barber shop: East First Ft. and Holladay ave,: the principal transfer point for the new Steel bridge; buildings ready April 1. For lease apply O- A. Lyman. 510 Henry bldg. BUSINESS CENTER. Large store room, 50 feet from Morri son' barber shop location 10" feet from Washington; cheap rem. F. O- Northrup, ;:i:i Couch building. STORE, 20x40. with gooa ngnt nasement. ":'2 Second, St., n-'Ai u -.u Paper Co. W. J. Hawkins, 44b Sherlock bldg. THREE floors, 25x1"o, part or whole; new brick Duii uing. join " able retail, wholesale or light manufac turing. A. G. Long. STORES at 2d and Wash Ington. now CUDied by Alert-nun in ..ivc... will remodel to suit tenant. 40:. bldg. Rothchlld FOR RENT Stores, lx-ja. vv asninm-on hi.. jjyar comer .nil, mooeru nunia, unt:n. building; reasonable renui, E. J. -aly. 222 Failing bldg. GOOD location for ico cream and confec tionery, nice cornet bluk; ' ' -" " -ing-rooms. on Williams ave., $20. Wood lawn 2653. FOR RENT Stores. No. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. STORE BUI LDINGS for rent Good loca tions. Seo Palace Realty Co., 245', Yam hill st- NEW store on corner and car line. Phone 202 or Wood lawn 1653. LARGE, light store, about 25x75. near 1st acd Main sts. Inquiro at 229 First. FOR RENT Choice stores, on 10th St., near Morrison. Apply 32 1st st. N. SMALL store with living rooms, opposite large school, $12 a month. I'hone E 1256. 804-6 OAK ST., opp . Com. Club Bldg. Office. " IaESK room In quint, well furnished office. HIS Railwav Exchange bldg. No smokers. OFFICE or deskroom on ground floor 24S Aider, near 3d st. DESK. room. 0tt Henry bldg. A