The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 34

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1 f
Ail K tu atti'i4 with or present con
dition' ! .u fowl that jrnu ftrf recel v
.. .l... . .... -.-."u ml i'!f v n-
t,t -. .u !'" yu want t. better yvur
"fnlii.o.i. to have a rnm,T
m your
mil J" -V C' r n '"
ii h coa i offer ln
. , . .... .--- a. -iatn- trt bf-
1 j-"' -V OT-rvau
r..n n hi. 'i j - -
r::tP .isU-'Pndent in your oid a. then
surialt w..r LiJ.f. address. .- and bns.-
n s n; .r.cnc In writ. tiff lo -AM '-.
Yl tlie T !.-re i .ur uftH-i-tunH-
N' n atLT where uu tlv if you
ttnnt r rrak t;c money and establish
.ir'-!: in an )f.ii-irnl'nt bustnesa r
nuirir.t ii. i .;t:I. w- will t-wh von be
m:l a th .cr tji of the rrl estate btMt
n .. ;,.- iMir, t'lorou-i o;nnnT'iaI law
mimiw list :ih )on rra.lily sa.j.hle prcp-
rt s. ' ia-.;..r.Hi! attn snd a. ou; j. u--- ; our f.-pae fr-e boK
:: v Mj 'a.r our methods and f'l tint
it rurars t- h" tl I'K'al r-"..r-er.tutle of
n.d-st and Ur M o--w ratt realty
r..l t r-k- r...e i.-rortln tn the a..rid
ttr.ta t--t. ir.:-niu( n Islty Cur;xr
nrj.f.rt ' and i-l'eral and
f.xvjM- c-n;.a.i t .?e,, r a ---,
h- n very ei.v- terms
.-ce.i-; tV eT.,e. htirh i V Indorsed by
I-t n rleuiictrtl mn if the country; x
rr -n. in but not mt :utly an
r "i:i,,tr. t .-!! aft. r 0 A. M.. -j Tron
t- lx. Ak fr Mra mnarr.
th- Jnr '. irmaii-nt poltlon
-r!ric at -" a mor.tii. with C.'-a' pr-'ni-.n-i
it-frv-d. pr-T(mir.rv tratt.lnc
f.r ihia rriiiitr1 f-nint work at hrn
-..)' a nrn:Ji. A-l'!r- in own hnnJ
ritr; :.tiri c-lwat! n. phv1-
rl r,,.!ltl..B. A.!Jrr AV !. 0rc0-
5T.FVMVV to sell our Urye evluUe li't
f i t trie. mrr-inn!tim boik. or
r. ea f ale. t-. leather oot. at
rtr.r a-rtiii. :.l -f tiiIi-cU calendt-a.
neifie. fan., apt-f-'pr- "r ever bul
ne: lite m-n ran ea;l" mske upwards
f :".' cr: l:ier: c Tn r.ilion. 11-W'MJ-I
M vri "iffijun). ! H I I.
W v NTK Travel ic a:sman to f -l to
Or tr,li tn C'rni:ls .on a wel!
I ra of pi-oprietarv meiiine ln nd f
n'4Vr knoan an-i if evelrt riU'a:in.
ri-nriin mut hv' weii -s: t h l r.u:;
K.v.j rrfrr-Doi requirl. AdJ res "MmI
.r:r.e." rare of tins j.r-T.
UA.NTt;i Man with family fnTr.;!;Jr wttb
fMi-ru uork. ti iii rKl"t c ou lara
..r.-.liirj and tk UU. r -HI iti nnil piai':
V : nan- n: mv.h- i.r itn u to
art $.".. aMUirea Mv.-jUn on home
.;a- e. nunc- an be ait fr frin part
, w ,uim. T i'ri;-n!n n.
V , XTKI '!lMTnan. yours; man. ao.Ml
r n.i:t-. ..-an K Jir. to r-teriear
uiKinuh! ' ow n- r in Nort h Yakima.
nft. .Vujt re tamt Ur ith auto oe-S'lrie-
arr.i aM: to tt" tnon t rn c:irs. l"all
f .r .""yn'-ni. Multnomah liotrl, 1 A. M.
S'lnliy .
Jfc I KK! t:i s-mn. I'l r travet-
!i-e. pitf Ii.t r preat?n"e a nf-
e a -Hi recall m-ri hunl iuts.l lrt
in l. pro i.!e aU n tlans. make al-
ncrs tommlJi'iiv'-l. u carry notU-
irtf. ej.:vr "o.. i'avton. o.
VVAN l'KD Inmie-llatiy, marrwu nian. s
(Tn(ed with horse and farm work. 'nr
-Minr fnharil: d-i per week; cabin
an-l Ptov uppll'-.l; per month and
tsrdvn: ri-firrr.. r--iuir-il. "a.i or ad
lrr. White Salmon, Wash.
rAl.tMr'' manc small towns. jut what
you a ant f-r p kr sideline: 'somethinw,
riw. au4i;pv. tiu-ny;" quirk shipment.
,r iawT r'mn!lii.r.: state territory to -.
i. l Wr.te for order book today. Itoyal
.leeetry t.. no S:j:el sr. I'hlc mo.
A K M and arreaic salesman "f wtd
p. ri n e in t Ms territory i nfr -red a lib
eral p-ipottloo rnith established . must b- a man of enersrr and
ahiiitv nr.d have a cicart record. L W-ly.
t-k mnn.
Ai r.NT wanteti to se 1 a hlah-ciass line of
rktrr r.ats tn Wash, aid Or. to the
riail .tra;e on a ! per iftit mm. basts.
A rooA; s!'a line for in n railtnc on ilei.
rn n f m rn ; sh in c and sport ins; Itooils
f r-s. l ; io . orerofiian.
2ATuK.-d AN wanted by !'d in c iare-eni broid -erv
man Ufa' t urers for t hlr established
trad, rare ocp.rtun!tv ley rlvht pnrtt; can
a No be band -.1 as side lin,-; liberal ar
ensemnr. Sw lsa Em broidery-ljite rom
b'f... 4'J It road w ay. Vw York.
ANY f!rst-t!a competent cpii:e
er selling whoLai machinery trade who
desires to hand.e newiy Invented m"hine
of freat merit which therw is no compe
tition, should write National Mfff. t tialva
'o.. Hu-on. Toledo. .
A eAperieiiced insurance man can make
a ery profitable connection with the
I arcest aecident Irsuraf e onmpsnr in the
wor;d. t ail or write M allory at i'o.. Inc..
i Wilcox bid., Portland. Or.
H r i K -t "LASS spec! al: salesman. I'acif ic
oast, to bear.n work April 1 , staple line
of new and exceptional terms: t2 weekly
advance for cpn-s: references. Miles
y. littler Co.. Cleveland. O.
t l: ROOV salesman, full comprehensive Itne
rlometic 3-cwior deluxe and imported
advertising caiend irs, novellas, cloth,
leather guoda. cum:niu! ns literal. I ntted
Mates Caii-nar .'j.. i inclnuali.
WAMKH ItrUht. ell educatej youcg
man sienourapber for advertising office of
department store; n!it be got operator
on n.aiMne; sLlend:d future. AJ S .!. ure
fnun. .M.Ki!KN lii v ou in v n 1 l etl our
rripos:t ion T It s duferent from th rest.
our income onlv Itmttrd by our ef
forrs. Ask aoout It loUaa ltox. New -
ton. Iowa.
AN i KL Traveling sa:inan to sell our
.w-piited h'ail dre (alt and b!an-
kes io r-tail mrvar.ts. strong lde line;
i-n!grTi:s."r UiK. l urnelt Iale Mills, bog
W NTKI A man fuj-ai'li' of earning not
ls t dan "J" i"T tiioni t. who has s I.I
ua: ntance in H e cit v . to tuke nin. ton
Miti! e firm on attrat:v bas.
1 1 E K K S ipc r - unit n i m.k :wi m-nthiv.
;r tim. n maer a.iere votl live- no
an rass-in . guaiant-e t. stiow yiii: free
fartp 11. H. liogrrs. des AK. llo
on, M t
...U.K.-MAN, 14,.4'M of ..i.rii: A-l line of
h-'. k covers ait in;hrr advertising nv
e t i'S . c1 corn nuto;i. f , I . store . m nt'rr, Cos;io-tin Art UattuT
Mote) in Krui 'lvo
U.IMEI A f!rl-.liM cothirt sa-sman
and wlr.dow-tr:-nmer. give futl Inform
l,B and ref rrr.i--J.
Kdlt.St S i'l.TH SHor.
lloise. Idaho
I1NM.N'. e perl"rjie.l auy line, sell gen
eral trade. 'i ;f!i- Coast, unncelled ;
e , c t prpi:i-ni . I'ouimiMion r. tra.-t ;
I : j week i ' eenses . v a-n.-y A prJI I.
fonMnental Jewelry 't' vlsn 1. .
t A I' A I'.l-E s lii imin to rover Oregon, sta
ple line, h commissiims. flu montMv
advan.-e, permanent position to richt nun.
Jes II. srntlrt o. Ltroit. Mich.
Y'M N.: man now empbnre1 lo manage small
t u-duv-ss venture, s-ate time at first:
rr'.-a!;y-llgiied towns onlv. Wood-fowers
i'..miur. '!. St l.wtt
Ud Kl.riI.N''. MAN with some capl'al
wsr.ted to l'dn in arinersh.p with we,-
e-ta ''llahe-l r' niinc firm, sa.ary and dt I-
K 0 1.
A 1. r" V rl N -W,-i k w i li'vk protector ;
doe work ? j machine; men uiing checks
hn on siff!it: saii'vle r.".c. I'.t r t tcu la rs free.
-rr- M'i
. o.. i.i o.inn nur;., i "fin.
U AN TKl I thera
aa agent for our cm-
i-any In your town, i : not. wrue tor n
psrii-i'r. fioxd pay. lirand Inlon T
Mr I'orr and.
ny In your tow n T I; not. write for full
I iK.-r tnah In 1st for fl.or and ma
rdipe work. Call z:Z Commercial Club
Kf'OT doctore earn w eekly ; profession
i4u;.u ty mail. dipemaa. complete.
Wr :e Pf.' r ulcr lOl . 4J. New Yora.
A.TKl A man to do odd Jobs about the
tarm. gardening, etc.. must cook ha own
mesis. H 4. 'renonlarru
t U k Kn;,;tr of l)thias given profitable
enipioi nirnt. r-ir lion'.-, w noli
fp-rnal. Tharrte bid
Vw" York.
.iVI.K.-UKN e: gnu-era "The Itat Ever"
l.S'l w ash icfiton Ilutled ileans. Seattle.
U s-'v
W NT i- I r'irst -class solicitors that can
demonstrate ther aMmy to advance In
otir eork irard I nton Tea Co.
W N Tt'A A rem a in M-nlras. Itend and
KeIo. Was:., referent t-s and surety bond
e-.prred t'.ran'l I'nton Ti to . forf'sn't.
Y AM KL Man with I'Jm to put In i acres
innate- ih re. 1 1 mMes of fort land.
n n - f.T-e.-n Kleytru-. Ap p'y 7 i:. 1 4th X.
I H V bui'der. sash and diof fartory;
must be aMe to use machines. Apply Z-2
Com mer twl t'luh bldg.
Varkei st.
a.ittd. J. I'alg.e. 247
t" A NT Er Or.e rafl-r. on tidewater. s0
per mo-vh; 'ifmini'I Job. 24 North 2d st.
r. X IK RI EN' " FT so : i-l tors for f ml y liquor
tra.le. K'. or1' I.'' tr o. p.
t N TEI First -c' a-s copper plate printer.
App'v W. sm.fh AV '. Washington b:I.
vTvST b.i and i-n-ir. after I J. even
,., -r.e I'-'r 2i T- fo-d lM;.
..; I XI. ind-f-entent to ?-e rsal estate
a '" T"7 Sr" 'd 'ng bldg.
N, r" 7 n ' k d .v dicr wanted. bteia s
KcstauT-ant. l Jiio,
(One of Many)
Ortlc Secrciarv Eiuploytnent P part mint.
V. 3a. C. A.
Tonne man. ttrancer. out of work
M total rab ai If I par you $3 f'
fprial empioymrnt memlierthlp. I will
l arr only $1& ift bfiveea ma and tar
atloo. br;rtary If you pay 15 for pclal
mp!ymnt mrmbemhlp. you will hava
h Y. M. C A. wita U raourv. ba-
n you and starvation.
Result: Yuuoc man Jolnert aworlatlon.
In - than a weak, h had sauafactory
I'.ecoid for two months ending- Fb.
r.i for men 844
I'o'ittons filled
Kmploment membership guaranty
mtmltr will ura employment or refund
of membership fee; rlvrs two months full
mn: rmhtp privileges. 10 months social
prlvtl rs anU undertakes to keep pariy
amployt-d durinc tho full term of roam
brhlp without further charica.
We have ronstant demand for- ""n
rrade. experlfuired men. Are you fitted
for a better position?
See secretary employment department.
- M. C A-
1i n'.faln a position In the Vnlted States
Nsry. you do not hnve to be fitted to do
J i; on patlli ular kind of w-ra. For In
the Nave a man may find work as a aea
m electrician, machinist, fireman, clerk,
stenographer, bookkeeper, musician, car-
. penter. nhipfiiter. coppersmith. black
smith, boiiermaker, steward, cook, baker,
-or In th hospital corp. And if he al-r-aily
know a trade tie can Ret higher pay
from the befflnninff. These, opportunities
are op n to any healthy, ambitious youna;
man of prood moral character, between the
ae of 17 and XV The Navy department
never urges anone to enlist, but does rec
ommend serious consideration of what it
jrives as a trainins: or as a Itfework. Tall
at the Saw Iteeruitmif Station. Ilallway
Ki-tinner bbljc.. fortUnd. Or., and tjues
tion the offber In charge all about the
healthy, congenial life on board ship; the
f nr training, b-nh ami di s!ea I ;
li .KBnA t n Ih m l.v alud v and tra Vfl I
t i.e pay. promotion and ln-ntt v to save
money, and about the fine class of men
ou c-m in contact wltn. r send for
"The Making of a Man o Warsman." a free
i:iusir t-d nook w htch teiis fully aoout
the interetinc daily life of a bluejacket.
Address Hun an of Nrv!catlon. hoi
Navy department. W 'nshtngton. H. C.
AMKh Heal estate firms ami salesmen
to mcl lots In Cuijultlam i British 'olum
bia. Industrial subcity of Vancouver.
llts:ory of Chtcaso. Seattle. TVnver.
I.ouis. etc.. repeut'nir Itse.f here. Small
fortunes belrg made bv investirs. (Jreat
demand for lot. To b Vacific operating
tt-rm in us for Canadian fact he Kail way.
greatest railway corporation in America,
w hich 111 spend f". . In terminals,
shops. Nharvfi. car factories, etc. Uens
of factories rominit to Cnquiilsm. Five
other r"at ra:iwne building Into t'oqult
Ir.m Tw o electric power companies at
work. II unl red -thousand -dollar round
huie now bul!lmg. We wn fine view
su I'd i vision "Uiverv lew.- choi-a clcse-ln
property. Kasr selllns F.'iuslve terrl
try and liberal commisnon to right m"n.
Attractive literatures Write at onre for
full particulars and get exHu-ive sale in
your ilistrb-t. t'hnrlrs A. Hodle Jk 'o ,
Ltd.. 614 fender street West. Vancouver,
It. r.
WANTED A foreman; one who Is capable
of tnking full charge of modern plant,
manufacturing sash, doors, interior trim. mill ami cabinet work ; must un
di ret and estimating . competent In han
dling men; be a pusher and get results;
location In f actf Ic t'oast town of J w. ''':
an eg eel lent opportunity for a man with
ability; no boozef ighter or apprentice need
apply: state salary wanted. AV 1-A Ore
gnlan. W K can use two more salesmen who have
the ambition. Intelligence and energy t
make g.xi In tha best -selling proposition
ever- offered; w conduct a school for
new men. If you are a salesman In all
the word Implies you will not be satisfied
with a salaried position; our men are mak
Ing thre to five times thetr former sal
arr with less effort. Sea Mr. Cieaveland.
sates manager Fred A. Jacobs c'fc. 144
Sih sfL
i7ET us advise you: If you can fl l any of
the following positions, call and see i:s:
ronstant demand: Advertising a gen, win
low trimmer, accountant, bill clerk. hoieJ
clerk, store eierk. pharmacist, salesman,
lumber yard manager, sit nograph-r. book'
keeper, business manager, chauffeur, pro
duce man. cardwriter and office hip of all
kinds. The Mercantile Advisory Asso
ciation. 3ou.ii) lArliDSvr building. I'ort
land. Oregon.
hALKSMKN wanted; reliable manufacturing
company wants men who visit cigar, gro
cerv, drug, furniture or hardware trade,
seeing their orstomera once per month or
of lener. to handle their product as side
line. No samples to carry. Customers in
every to'.vn. Commission on avernge sale
over $ !. On e man made . ;rj!a In a
ear. i. K. I'erry, Van lluren St..
I ndian spoils. 1 nd.
TOt can arn $50 a week and up st steady
employment s Il'ng nursery stock : some
excellent territory now open ; exiesrtenca
cot necessary; time la money; do not de
is y. nut write at once for particular AV
".i. Oregoniaa.
SA I.K M EN well acquainted a ith retail
ilealers. Washington. Oregon. Idaho. to
handlf hlgh-graile strongly sdeertised spe
cial t for all lines of trade ; good, clean
proposition: wat.i high-grade reputable
iittsmen accustomed to earning S'mnhi or
l-iter annually; ieriiianeni, give lull de
tails ; replies confidential. II C, bog io'J.
Chuaco. III.
WA.NTKD for L. P. Army, abie-booied. un
married men. between ages of Is and 33,
tit liens of I'r.lted Statea. of good char-
wbr and tempera: haulta, w bo can
sfeak, rad and write the English Ian
guage. Fur Information apply to Kecruit
In g off 1 er. Worcester block Third and
Utk streets, fort land. Or.
AN OPPORTL'NITT for a live man. selllng
our guaranteed i akltna Valley grown nur
sery stork. Kxiiunte territory ; outfit
free; cash weekly. "Hustle." not experi
ence, required. Start now. Tcppenlsh
N ursery Co.. Tou nish. Wash.
SA I. KS M AN to sell our iit.e of fjin y ft ult
r:dTs in small country loan; :;u p-r cent
i 'iniuiiin and weekly drawing account.
Ku i nes Cwiupany. Iept. A. Su LaU4S
M o.
V WTKh Man and wife lo take charge of
rountry "place, one child no objection,
ntust be induatrlous and neat ; references
reouir-d; gol home and found; state
wue . ii, to l-'.fi, city.
A N T t:i Han man. com pet em to fill
pacing teller csi.e or work on tooks;
not afraul of work; all correspondence
confidential. Address AO UjJ. Ore gu
inea. lb KK EEfKIt w anted ; oung man w itu'r to take charge of aut-of-towa
of .ice: must haw go4 recomnicnilatlona
t all Oregon 1'ackiug Co.. East tth aud
Ll Imont st
W A S'TEl City a legman calling on drug,
ngar and con f e't to n.- stores, to sell trie
only f'.owlng center clioolate in the West
as a id line. c-.mmiSaion basis. Apply
Mr a.ker. AZ Z 1st st. North.
Til Kit E'ii money In selling" our Yakima
grown, harvly, guaranteed stock . outnt
free; cash weekly: steady work. Taktma
'alter N ursery Co.. Toppenisn. Wash.
V ANTED Chauffeur to drtv and care for
prtvatv car .and do other small duttra;
must be mechanically competent ; give
references. P. O .Hog l."rt. city.
toil 1 f f 1 Nii clerk for machinery house ;
steady employment; must understand
Hunt s gasoline engine and machinery. F
9 i. tregoinan.
SALESMAN wanted ttiaple article fcr the
grocery trade; no capital requtrvd; big
money-makr for right man. Ar J-u, Ore
WANTED Bo)s between 14 and 2J years
of age with bicycles; healthful outside
work . good chance for advancement. In
quire Mr. Pay. 7 Sd St.
Is A EEs MAN, cap rimced In wholesale, re
tall. tob.eo and grocery business, wants
p.itton; no objection to leaving city. I.
How ston. tapl s Hotel
SA EES MEN to solicit health and accident
Insurance: good opening for th; r.ghc
man. S. I. Vincent ac Co., 417 Chamber
of Commerce bldg.
bALESMEN with our proposition as side
line can make more than his saiary. old
Couch btdg
WANTED 2 young men to canvass for a
r.-iuba company on a salary. AR t30.
OF"FIrE man with lumber eperience for
one month. Call Clarke at W'lson Lumber
Co., EJnnton. Or.
DELIVERY boy or young man with woeel.
Columbia Norkware Mfg. Co.. Thovnlg
bMg., fr3 fdh ft.
WASTED at once Tw o floor moulders for
i;ov castings. Apply to Albion Stove
Works, Ltd.. Victoria. B. C.
W E require two more agents to sell Holiy
rorni. Call mornings between lit and
lliH-10 Spalding bldg.
WANTED Experienced marker and cutter
on overalls. S'ate experience. A V.&.
t regonan.
fUOTO coupon; beet ever offered; snap leg
agents. Cut berth Studio. Uefcum bldg.
WAXTEl) Hlgh-clasa Jewish salesman. Ask
for Mr. Burton. 1111 Leon bldg.
l'HOTO coupon agta. best snap ever offered.
I;oton Studio. Jt;-4 Washington st.
A N experienced body Ironer. I'alace Steam
Laundry. East loth and Everett.
S A t.KSM VTN to calV on husmesa concerns.
The taker A Martin Mfg. Co.. Harlan, la.
WANTKIt Fve first -- salesmen. Apply
to 10. v0 A, JV Ucor bldg.
VK WAnt several young men of bpoU utl
drs and tiiK-nr, with ambitluii. n
rtfy iul ItUelliKoiKu lo Join our svlllnir
orfntial!nn. Hxperlcnie unnereiuiary. It
vou are wlillnir to follow lnt ructions, your
Income Is aoaureU. free ale. manager,
between 1 and 11 A. M. '
00 Commercial Ulk.
From mHi who wants to net a home
In Portland; J will sell lot looxlon at low
price and he can make first payment, i.
in work; near ear; Investigate lii!:
plumhlnK. plnstcrlnic and electric wlnfTK
wanted un same proposition. O 11. Ore
oninn. WANTKD A competent offlee man with
experience In collections, expert account
ant and a kooiI correspondent, to take
char of oftice of a large wholesale and
retail concern ofthls el'y. Address, giv
ing .t references. XVB. Oregonlan.
WANTKD l.lve. energetic salesman to sell
lots, locate.! tn a fine Southern Orevon
town: Ulieral commission to rU;ht man.
fall at once. Ward Ik Younger, suite 4L',
Yeon hMy.
T'O live real estate s.tlesmen for best
house proposition In the city. Only live
wires need apply. JUKI Couch bldg.
WANTEli sal. sman. cstlmitor for wonders-
supplies. Including marble, til.) and
ornamental work: state experience and
salary miulred. Apply P. O. box 4-', an
couver. II. C.
OFFICE boy. age 1S to 2(. one who writes
good hand and wants to learn of free work:
alary. good chance for advancement.
8 Wo. Oregunlan.
WANTKD First-class ladles- tailors, only
eiperlccnred should apply, s. Weiss. 14T
loth st.
KXl'KKIKM'EU man lo work in employ
ment office: party familiar with this dis
trict preferred. V 937. Oregonian.
SHINOI.EU to shingle house; alto man lo
side by the Job at 40th anal Fremont.
Wants Vonday
2 experienced restaurant checkers. KVS
a month and board, out of city: trjose w'th
National or Hicks sjstem experience pre-
First-clsss hotel housekeeper. 140 and
found. ,
Hotel hesdwaltress. 140; pastry cook.
4.V chambermnlns. $2o: 3 waitresses.
kitchen helped. --.'.. ,
Housework girl and family cooks for
The Dalles and Hood Hirer. :i eacu.
Second girl. city. domestic help o -.1
kinds wanted for good paying situations
In lood -homes and with nice families, city
and country.
S4.-.S Washington St.. cor. .th. upstair Th, . ,vn ,ltictel. middle
aged business women of refinement and of
g.Kd address, those having experience In
leaching pr.ferre.1: good pav. congenial
work, fall with references. Filers Music
House, publicity department. Fliers building. AMcr street at .th.
Monday afternoon between 2 and . o clock.
W"K want two more women of some busi
ness ability to demonstrate and sell Splr
ella corsets. We teach you expert corset
fitting. A woman who Is willing to study
and devote her time to her work can make
rrom ::.' to I40 per week. Splrella Corset
Shop. 47 Selling bldg.. cor. 0th and
Abler. Main '.,:.74!
WANTKD Aggressive young woman In an
..i, .eencv office: stenographer;
Inclined toward advertising or with some
experience in newspaper wora or -w
titer of ads or literary matter: $4(1 to
' IjO to atart with and a good chance for
promotion as fast as ability develops.
.'..3 Spalding bldg
Cooks waitresses, housekeeper, cham
bermaids. Ironers. rnnch cook and girls for
general housework at good wages.
Ladles- Dept. v- Morrison.
WANTED Girl for cooking snd general
housework; must be experienced, best
wages paid. Apply 735 Irving St.. near
WIDOWER without family would give good
home to some country woman not over
4o- good housekeeper. no objection to
chili not over J; small remuneration. H
t:;.". Oresonlan.
YoUNti widow, stranger in city, wishes the
acquaintance of congenial lady between
J.-, and .V years old. as companion. M
WAVTED Capable woman to work ror
room and board and some wages: a good
home. Phone Monday. East H-aII or call
SL'M Grand ave.
HHItiHT, Inielllgent telephone clerk, hours
4 lii to IS P. M.. good salary to right
party: must he good penman. Call -'
Worcester bldg.
COMPFTEN'T girl for housework In family
of three; must be good plain rook, at
tractive position for right party. Main
21rtt .
WNTKD Experienced millinery makers,
trimmers and blockers. Call Marshall IS.
Monday from H to IS.
W NTED Experienced chambermaid, re
ferences required. Hotel Columbia, Van
couver. Wash.
WASTED Seamstress, experienced on pow
er machine. Portland Laundry Co., th
and Couch.
STK"m:R PI1KR. experienced In hardware
business Apply to Mr. Wallenberg at Loe-w.-noerg-tioing
Co. loth and Ixivejoy sis.
NEAT girl for housework and cooking: no
children. Call mornings. oiM rrh at., cor-
W A NT ED Co!iietent seeoiul girl for down
stairs work only; good wages. "72 Mar
shall. M. K.'M.
WVXTEl ilrl to assist In general house
work In a 4-room flat, either stay or go
borne nieht". N. lth. v.
WANTED A nice neat seamstress as helper.
Miss Hof. modiste. 4S4 Clay. Call Sunday.
Clayr.""! Apt. Main .'."ai.
KXPERIKNCEI Klrl r woman for cooking
and light housework, good wages. K.'.tl
Mam ha. I St.
W' ANTED iirl to assist a Ith housewrk.
Call mornings, ! Savlcr St. Phone M.
EXPERIENCED help, also a few appren
tices wanted for dressmaking. 310 S Mor
rison St.. rooms 1 and 4.
W ANTEI An txperlenced girl for general
housework. In a flat: people: good
war-s. At'plv N 2.1d.
Ulltl. to assist In office and wrapping de
partment. Lion Clothing Co.. l'"l Third st.
WASTED Marker and distributer. I". S.
l.surdry Co.. Grand ave. and E. Yamhill..
W ANTED il' l to take care of lady at Pat
ton Home, nr.. Michigan ave.
WANTPii I idy for traveling. 2 per week
and expenaANUeClregonljrti;
WANTEIvlidlei' 1 demonstrate; salary.
AP I'll'. Oregonian.
WAITRESS wanted. 4C4 Madison St., cor.
Iilth. Main 2H'8.
Gl Kl7for housenork. 103S E. 10th St. N.,
bp- k from Alberia St.
WANTKD An experienced second girl. Ap
ply 215 St. flair st.
WANTED Lady for outside d. monstrating ;
s.tlnry and commisslsou. E !32. Oregonian.
WANT contraltos and sopranos. Call after 12.
evenings after . room 21. Tllford bids.
WANTED Lady to travel; salary and x
penses. K t31. Oregonian.
Ai experienced bodv Ironer. Palace Steam
"l-aundry. East l'H'h and Ererett.
ff ANTFD Experienced operators on over
alis. Apply 3-7o 1st st.
l,,vrv to represent well-known business
bouse. Unique Tailoring Co.. .lirH Stark.
EXPERIENCED waM.ress wauled at Morris".
p tth.
good commission. Box V 3.. Oregonian.
GIRL wanted to assist w-ith housework
snd care or children. 43 E. lh North.
WANTED Good cook in the country, mod
ern house. Call ' ."ith st.. at 2 P. M.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work. 73.. Gllsan st.
WANTED First-class skirt and waist
bands. Buchholx. 421 Broadway.
COLORED girl for light housework. Call
today. 4M K. Ankeny st. '
WILLING errand girl. Call mornings. 60
Itoyal bldg.. 7th and Morrison.
EXPERIENCED family second girl. 130. SU
Louis Agency. Main 2'3. A 4775.
GIRL for housework must be good cook, 2
In family. Apply '17 Flanders.
WANTED Girl to sew mattress ticks, 34
Front st.
WOMAN for general housework, phone M
WANTED Young girl for cigar stund and
poolroom. '-' 7 .' Everett St.
EXPERIENCED siilcs'ady for cloaks, and
suits. Aeheson Closk Stilt Co.
,-ind tailoring.
apprentice in dressmaking
i; 414 Fleldner bldg.
COOK, a id, houssuiaJd at 3b C'Ulion at.
LIVE WIRE women solicitors wanted to sell
the best Irrigated lands In the Sacramento
Valley, accessible by three railroads; the
easiest selling proposition on the market;
big commission; water pumped by elec
r:'S Montgomery St.,
San Francisco, CaL
t3 OTH ST.
A Woman of Intelligence and enerity to
grasp an exceptional business opportunity;
I alieady have hundreds of representa
tives: some are making from to $'!"
weekly. Send stiimn for particulars of my
FR EE 12 sample outfit offer. Harriett
Meta Coraetlerel. suite 101 H. 'JH-.iO
West .Wth St.. New York.
WANTED Competent, cheerful girl for
general housework: experienced, with ref
erences, to go to Hood Klver second, week
In April: small cottage; no children: good
wages. Apply 171 St. flair st.. side en
trance. Momlay afternoons
MUNICIPAL Department of Public. Safety
for Yourg Women. Advice or assistance
gladly .riven to all young women. Mrs.
Lola G. Hsldwin. sunt., room 37 Y. W. C
A. bldg.. 7th ami Taylor atfc
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer,
must be capable of ""soeeting public and
taking full charge durKig manager's ab
sence. tJlve phone number, references and
salary expected. X into, oregonian.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, family of four, no children.
Telephone Main 2l2.i. Call mornings :i'.o
SJd st. X.
W ANTE D Woman for general housework
on ranclu near Portland and electric line,
one who can do plain cooking: no out
door work. A. D. Lee. 311 Corbett bldg.
2.."fl PER day paid lady each town to dla
trlhute free circulars ami tske orders for
concentrated flavoring in tubes. Perma
nent position. J. S. Zlegler Co., Chicago.
WANTED Ladles of good personality and
ability for high-class positions: good pay.
all or part of your time. Call office 20i
Lenox Hotel. April 1. nours -u. j-.
WANTED Young ladles who are desirous
to enter training school, for nurses. For
Information apply to Sister nupenor, -
Joseph's Hospital Aberdeen. Waslu
WANTED A young woman between ages
of 17 and 2. as children's nurse, fall
C Lli'ft or East 2::i. between H and 1
o'clock. itPl Hancock st.
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework, ramlly or anuns. reierences re
quired, call Marshall 2494. call 778 North
i-up street.
.' r.n tp: h.v on id Indv ench town to dls
tribute free circulars for concentrated
flavoring In tubes. Permanent position.
V. E. Harr Co., Chicago.
GIRL lo assist with housework; no wash
ing: good home, as we treat her as one
of the family: $1." per mouth. 444 llod
nev ave. phone East 4MW.
UitmtvmuN' enorcetic. wood personality
wanted by Century .Magazine: new papular
offers: high remuneration, can jionu .j
21i Marquam bldg.
REFINED and experienced girl to care for
small children; good wages; home privi
lege.!. 44i East sth st. North. Phone East
.V4. Call or phone Monday.
WANTEI Experienced girl for cooking and
general housework, family of two, flat,
good wages. eaic.i, Hoyt street. Apply
between 12 and 3.
EXPERIENCED salesladies for embroid
eries, trimmings and laces. Roberts Bros.,
3d and Morrison. -
WANTED Girl to do general housework;
must be good cook: goon wages. aii'iji
htit East Harrison St.. cor. 28th.
MIDDLE-AEO woman to keep house on
ranch In H.ISal River Valley; cook for two.
AV Wo. Oregonian.
OIRI. wanted at cigar stand. 220 Alder st.
Foreigners need not apply. Call after J
P. M.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; no washing; references.
212 N. 2-nth st. Main 3:;;
JACKET FINISHERS Women of experi
ence Apply to In A. M.. superinten
dent's office. Olds. Wormian & King.
WANTED Girl to do general housework
In family of two. small bouse. Apply 628
K. lth North.
WANTED Girls to make overalls. Mount
Hood Shirt and Overall Factory. 2d and
Couch sts.
COAT FELLERS for women's garments.
Apply H to lO A. M. superintendent's of
fice Olds. Wortman & King.
WANTrU" An experienced second girl, best
references required. Apply lhi North 2uth
at. W carline. -
GIRL, for general housework.i three adults,
good wagis. Call mornings. 081 East Tay
lor. EARN good pay copying addresses; partic
ulars for stamp. Davidson Specialty Co.,
47 Wadsworth St.. Huffalo. N. Y.t
W NTEI Experienced girl for cooking and
general housework; must have city refer
ences. Apply moral ngs.4010thjit.
POSUTION to nurse or care for an Invalid;
no objections to the country ; charges rea
sonable. H I':i2. Oregonian.
BUSINESS firm desires a woman not under
2- WhO IS irUSlWorill . rii.ociiie -oocv-
esary. B P31. oregonian.
Washington bldg., 4th and Wash. sts.
Main -33 or A 3298.
WANTED Good girl for cooking: some
housework. HI" .-pruiv su. rm
Height.. Marshall 4:33.
I4W Washington St.. cor. 7th. ust&lra.
Phone Main 2li2.
WANTED Re lined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 80 Beta
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WxT a girl to take care of baby
home for schoolgirl. 3d
Trenton sL.
pen, ave.
W NTKD A young girl lo assist with
housework; wages Vi a month. 3u4'-4j
WANTED Middle-aged woman for light
housework; small family: wages per
week: paid weekly.AD l31. oregonian.
cT7kI, or ladv-to care for 5-aby odd limes.
Apply 2tl Whecldon Annex. H'th and Sal
BIG profits, open a dyeing and cleaning es
tablishment: very little capital needed; we
teach bv mall; booklet free. Ben-Vonde
System. Dept. l. Charlotte. N. C.
WANTED Coupon agents, something new.
Petersons Studio. 2stiv Washington St..
Buchanan bldg.
PARTIES interested In taking homesteads
to Join congenial crowd In excellent loca
tion. Phone B 271".
PRIVATE parly haw.ig a beautiful home
would like to s'ore piano for its use; no
children. M. 2-47.
LIVE people wanted lo sell coupons;
" good monej-. Room Bt'4 Eilers Music bldg.
WANTED The address of non-union mu
sicians; state Instrument and experience.
AN 941. Oregonian.
LAUliis. big pay copying addresses at home,
particulars, tic stamps. Hortcon Agency.
BE A DETECTIVE Earn $150 to $300
monthly; travel. Write Bupt. Ludwlg.
1402 Scarritt bldg.. Kansas City. Mo.
MAKE money writing short stories, or lor
papers- big pay; free booklet telle how.
United Press Syndicate. San Francjaoo.
FRENCH and Spanish' languages, insliiiction
beginners and advanced classes. 3o9 Com-
monwealtn blag
WHY not go Into vaudeville? UIg Held, good
salary. Itlogler will show you now. Act
now. 231 Morrison st.
WANTED Picture play writers; big pay;
we'll tesrfh you. Picture Flay Aasocla
tlon. Sen Francisco. '
f2 Hamilton Bldg. Shorthand. Type
writing. Bookkeeping, etc. Marshall 4.25a.
FRENCH i nd Italian lessons given rcaton
able. W 841, Oregonian.
Short, practical Instructions by public
accountant. Few lessons. Mall only. Suc
cessfully taught 14 years. Qualifications
guaranteed In 1 month for positions. As
sistance; highest reference from people
holding positions. Request particulars.
State agents wanted.
CO.. ."iOi-Sl 1 Swetland Bldg.. Portland. Or.
Do you know it is a fact that moving
picture operators make $S5 to S40 weekly?
Sliort hours, ensv. inside work .
We have the ONLY SCHOOL In the
City of Portland where you can learn the
business RIGHT. Special reduction on les
6J6;i Washington st-, near 17th.
SALESMEN, no experience required, earn
good wages while learning; hundreds good
positions open paying S1000 to t.iOOU year;
write today for particulars; list open
ings, testimonials; address nearest ofllce.
Dept. 4D3. National Salesmen's Training
Association. Chicago, New York. Kansas
City, Seattle, New Orleans, Toronto.
MEN, ages IS to 33. to prepare for firemen
or brakemen on nearby rallroada. tB to
$100 monthly: experience unnecessary: no
strike; promotion, engineer or conductor,
$1.10 to $20l monthly; good life careers;
state age; send suwip. Railway Associa
tion, Oregonian,
MEN and women to learn th. barber trade
In eight weeks; special inducements; per
centage paid while learning; tools free
expert Instructors; 17 years la the busi
ness; I schools; a life time membership
riven to each student. Molor Barber Col
lege, ii H. Fourth st-. Portland. Or.
MEN and boys to learn automobile repair
ing, driving on np-to-date cars: electrical,
civil engineering, surveying; methods most
practical; room and board while learning;
positions .secured; satisfaction guaranteed;
catalogue free. National School of Engin
eering. 2110 W. 7th, Los Angeles
FREE illustrated book tells about over
3fi0.000 protected positions U. S. service.
More than 40.OO0 vacancies every year.
There Is big chance for you, sure, gen
erous pav, liftetlme employment. Easy to
get. Just ask for booklet C SCO. No ob
ligation. Earl Hopkins. Washington. D. C.
THE money la yours If you grab this winner;
positively sells to almost everybody; no
talking necessary; Just show It and sale Is
made; good profits; your one big chance.
snd fur particulars today. The Harmon
sharp Co., box 1144. Tacoma, Wash.
first year, promotion to $1S(K. Examina
tions May 4 every state. Common educa
tion sufficient with my coaching; informa
tion free. Write for booklet- J 3tiJ, Earl
Hopkins. Washington. D. C.
BOOKKEEPerfts. secrets and helps by a re
tired accountant, with ten commandments
ami desk motto; lo cents. J. F. Zlmmer.
2211 Ave D.. Snohomish, Wash.
WANTED Man with email capital to rep
resent us In each county In Oregon and
Washington: great opportunity to make
money. Address Portland Store Supply
Co.. 2.".0 Second st., Portland, Or., or call
between 2 and 5:30 P. Mj
WILL start un earning $4 daily home,
spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital;
free instructive booklet, giving plans oper
ation. G. F. Redmond. Dept. oO. Boston,
EARN a lot in the finest beach resort In
Oregon: no soliciting, we do all the work:
splendid vacation for you and the family
tills Summer with but little effort. Ad-dr-s
for details, box F JH5. oregonian.
PARAGON shorthand learned In one week
because remarkably simple. Speed practi
cally unlimited. Used In Government serv
ice. Details free. L.lchtentag, 771 Camp,
New Orleajis. La.
DETECTIVES earn $H to $:;oo monthly,
traveling throughout the world; we train
you. Write, lor particulars. Delectives
Tralnlns School, Mercahnia Trust bldg.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
AMBITIOUS young men to become travel
ing salesmen earn while they learn. Write
for particulars, liratislreet System, Kdch
ester, N. Y.
RAILWAY mail clerks, prepare now, ex
cellent salaries and promotions: no lay
offs; sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa
cific States School, McKay bldg.. city.
LADIES, make shields at home, flo 100;
work sent prepaid to reliable women. Par
ticulars stamped addressed envelope. Eu
reka Co., Dc;tt. 34. Kaiainaxoo. Mich.
MEN for niotormen and conductors; city
and Intcrurban;-' experience not necessary;
positions now 'open; no strike. Railway
Bureau. East St. Louis. III.
LADIES make supporters. $12 100; no can
vassing; material furnished; stamped en
velope for particulars. Wabash Supply
Co.. desk 1-'. Chicago.
2000 RAILWAY mall clerks, $i0 month;
Portland examination May 4. coaching
free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 130 N..
Rochester. N. x.
LmILLINERY school and flower making,
learn all In six weeks; oia nats roaae over
like new. Beautiful trimmed hats. Call
3i)(J Goodnough bldg., opp. Postofflcs.
ANYBODY can earn 20. weekly, raising
mushrooms, entire year. In cellars, sheds,
boxes, etc.: markets waiting: free bookleL
Hiram Barton. 2!l West 4Mh St., New York.
WRITING. $5 mo. 20 14th st. Main 3hJ.
Swetland bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
BOOKKEEPER with experience. ability,
euergv, lo years' practical experience in
lumber, wholesale, retail, implement, mer
cantile, building and loan. Operate type
writer; owner Burrough's adding machine;
furnish bond; highest references. Go any
where, no work too hard. Any reasonable
salary accepted. Main U2'J. E 1)37, Ore
gonian. OFFICE man of wide experience. book
keeper, stenographer and correspondent,
desires' to change to a position with some
manufacturing firm or automobile agen-
where there will be a good chance for
advancement. Been In present position
over two years; best of references. 11 UoS,
AN experienced stenographer. with fair
knowledge of bookkeeping, now employed
with a local bank, wishes to g-t into
other lino of business; best of reference
from present employers: experienced in
wholesale, railway and real estato lines
of work. X Bl2. Oregonian.
LUMBERMAN, bookkeeper, with 4 years
experience In wholesale, retail: operates
tpewriter. own Burroughs adding ma
chine; bond, highest references furnished;
1 can meet your requirements. Main OtiS.
F flt. oregonian.
KXffcKT bookkeeper with y years' experi
ence with larg.i Eastern wholesale Iron
ami drv goods houses, wants work at liv
ing wa'ges; references exchanged. O 939,
ACCOUNTANT, experienced In expense-reducing
and cost-ascertaining systems, lum
ber and manufacturing, open for engage
ment: 20 years' experience. L 932. Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHER. bookkeeper, manager,
collections, thorough office man, good
penmau: age SO; highest references, de
sires position. Barbrey. Main 13-1, or S
3. OrcgumalK
BOOKKEEPER, all-around office man. ex
perienced banking, lumber and other llnea
operates typewriter, can handlo corre
spondence: would Icav-j city; references.
M II. Oregonian.
up books, prepare balances and state
ments, install systema Gllllngham. au
ditor. 411 Lew-Is bldg. Marshall 717.
VN experienced bookkeeper desires to de
"vote evenings, books for a small
concern: can furnish ftrst-ciass references.
.AJ Bl. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical and
competent, linguist; city or out of town;
X-l references. Aauress a vresumai.
MAN with four or five hours a day wants
any kind of office work: experienced;
ran n-e typewriter. B 937. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typewriter, de
sires pojltlon; temporary or permanent.
Marshall 2916 or O 932, Oregonian.
YOiTnO man. 25. wants Job day or night.
R. R. office experience. M 943, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED, desire office position, will
take salesmanship. D 933. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position as cashier In
restaurant: steady. AP 95:'. Oregonian.
RELIABLE chauffeur with 3 years' experi
ence will give of first month's salary to
Tartv giving information or helping me
KeCUre a position. j HOP. eftoomo.
aiAN wishes position as Janitor part of day
or lawn work or housework or janitor tor
church. P 942. Oregonian.
BRIGHT Japanese boy desires a position as
some porter or kitchen lielper ufter S P.
M. R Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED English butler and valet
wants position; best references. AE 942,
EXPERIENCED Janitor wishes work; can
operate wood or oil burner; good ref
erences. F Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants a position as salesman
in drvgoorls store. V 94'. Oregonian.
JAPANESE bov wants Job In evening, from
' to o'clock, AR 33. Oregonian.
MOVING-PICTURH operator desires po
sition. Clark, i2i North 14th. su
GENERAL merchandised a young man. 32
years of age, married, thorough knowl
edge of the business as well as bookkeep
ing and accounting. -Is open to a propo
sition as manager for a general merchan
dise business; have no money to Invest,
but have 7 years' experience behind me
and lots of energy: no objection to going
to town off of railroad if necessary; all
correspondence treated, strictly confiden
tlal. AV 127. Oregonian.
16 Second St., Corner Salmon.
Women's Department. 346 Salmon.
All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical malo and female help
furnished on short notice. No fee charged.
Phone Main 85S6. A 5624.
YOUNG man. 23. technical graduate C. E-.
07), now in Portland, five years' experi
ence In field and office In varied posi
tions. South, East and West, wants posi
tion with engineering or commercial or
ganization; have had charge of important
work; last salary $150 month. AG 032,
A FIRE insurance man thoroughly conver
sant with Portland rates and all of the
details of a fire Insurance agency and a
thoroughly experienced and competent
stenographer and correspondent, desires
position managing fire insurance agency.
ti H2fl. Oregonian.
TECHNICAL man, C. E., married, five
years' experience railway. Irrigation, min
ing, construction, house designer, draft
ing, estimating, etc.; salary secondary to
future advancement. D 934. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by expert dlemaker and
mahclnist. designer of automatic machin
ery, capable of handling machinery and
men; best of references. R. F. Daniels,
- 2S2S Wellington St., Chicago. III.
YOUNG married man, 2S. position w-ith
wholesale or retail establishment; not ex
perienced, but am willing to be shown.
Salary secondary to future advancement.
W. Allen. 284 Jefferson.
RESPONSIBLE middle-aged Japanese man
and wife want position In a family, man
to work Inside and garden, wife to take
care children, do housework, etc. Address
F 027, Oregonian.
GOOD sober, energetic young married man
desires a position as barn foreman or
running a gang for constsuctlon com
pany; good references. N 3'i, Orego
nian. MIDDLE-AGED couple wishes position, ex
perienced boarding-house and hotel,
cook and waiter, or any other kind of
work, city or country. AK '.'30, Orego
nian. SITUATION by first-class ice cream maker;
would like to call on one wanting first
class man; good reference. O 93S, Ore
gonian. MAN and wife on dairy farm; both could
milk about 40 cows, or wife can do house
work and man milk or do any kind of
Xjirm work. V 1)34. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS butter and Ice cream maker
desires position: thoroughly understands
all work pertaining to the creamery busi
ness. V S37. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by competent and tem
perate cooks, 1st and 2d, man and wife,
country hotel or camp preferred; refer
ences. Address AK 031, Oregonian
BREAD and cake baker wants work, sober
and good worker, would like to take
charge of small country shop or to work
as second baker. AR :t4. Oregonian.
WANTED Small repair Jobs, in carpenter
ing by dav or contract; no matter how
small. B. E. R.. 4S3 E. Wash, at.
TENOR, strong, well-trained voice, requires
slightly remunerative work Sundays. H
927, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. experienced express checker
and router, railway storekeeper and ship
ping clerk. O 935. Oregonian.
It r. r i. r. u young umiii - .
wishes position of trust; best of references.
A R 935, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED German Janitor wants work
and wife wants chamber work, same
place; references. a-vi ies.,ii.o.
,.,-1 ,TT.X-'T'T. la, .it,,,. TH . n Unit Wife
wishes apartment or rooming-house. East
Ml 19
YOUNG man wants work taklns care of
lawns for private family. B 90!), Ore
gonian. YOUNG man wants position driving laundry
wagen or other business wagon. B 910.
YOUNG man would like work in garage,
learn to drive and renair automobiles. B
911. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED night watchman, good ref
erence. William D. Gibson. Hillsboro. Or.,
box 22. R. 2. '
YOUNG man would like work with private
family, care for automobile and lawn or
horses and lawn. B 912, Oregonian.
DO YOU want the services of a responsible
business or oftice man for two or three
hours each day? AE 031. Oregonian,
CHAUFFEUR. Japanese. wants position:
will go out of town. K. S.. 42 Morrison
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants situation
"in private family; good reference. H 937.
BAKER foreman on bread and Pa8'""
wants situation. J. S. H., 252 Columbia
st . room 14.
WANT lawns to make and all other garden
work by experienced German gardener.
M. Dev. 564 Vancouver ave.
SHOE salesman and gents' furnishing sales-
man. 6 years's experience. AD 934. Ore
CONTRACTS taken for slashing brush and
nil kinds of Japanese help. 44 N. 3d st.
Main 6521. Home A 8921.
A YOUNG, single, sober man, camp cook,
wants Job in a good camp. AE 933. Ore
goniaiK CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, wants a position
driving or repairing: 23 years old, sober
and careful. Phone Tabor 2679.
MILKER and herdsman wants position on
place, up-to-date dairy. M 020. Ore
gonisn. COOK, sober man. wants position in boarding-house
or boarding hotel, city or coun
try. AO 930, Oregonian.
WINDOW washing. housecleanlng. floors
waxed and polished by competent men.
Phone sellwooq n-'.
CHAUFFEUR, mechanic. 3 years' experience,
single, temperate, references. C 943, Ore
gonian. .
MALE experienced cook or dishwasher
wants steady position in city. Call Frauk-
: II....I ""1 ..If fllf TtTOWn.
WILL some good man please give a boy of
Is something to do at once? A mother.
B 942. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man of 25 wants perma
nent position as assistant bookkeper: ref
erences furnished. Call Main S2 Monday.
PROSPECTOR, reliable man. 0 years' Alas
kan experience, wants grubstake; any rea
sonable oner. fluinrr. ' . "a
POSITION as gitJde for party hunting big
game in Alaska; experienced. AH 036,
i iregnn ian
MAN and wife wish positions, wife first-class
cook, man general work; reference. AG
t::T, oregonian.
COMPETENT movlng-plcture operator wants
position in or out of city. A. Larurero,
Hotel uranmin. su e.
WANTED Position aa night watchman; 5
years' experience; best of references. V
!i:(3. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, middle-aged watchman for
hotel or uuiiuiu. -
Oregonian. .
REGISTERED assistant pharmacist wishes
employment afternoons and evenings. 4o2
Salmon st
CHAUFFEUR, experienced, with good refer
ences, ready for work. Monday morning.
Phone Main C94. room 44.
FIRST-CLASS meat cutter wants position,
city or country: references. S 9, Ore
go nian.
WINDOW cleaning, empty dwellings and
flats. Main 6373. Evening. Thomas
Green. :
GERMAN, experienced, hotel work and gar
dening. Good reference. K 939, Orego
nian. BASEMENT digging, team work of all
kinds. Phone East 2122.
PRINTERS" apprentice wants position in
city shop. K 936, orcgnian.
MAN and wife wants position on farm, prac
' tlcal farmers. AC 93S. Oregonian.
GOOD all-around cook wants steady Job in
small cafe in city. Call Jack. East 4646.
YOUNG man, 14 years' experience, plumb
ing, heating, rhone East 212, room 11.
DRY GOODS salesman, age 23 to 30. steady
place. $12 per week. R 931. Oregonian.
JANITOR JOB or hotel work wanted by an
elderly man. Black 215, Oak Grove.
HOUSE window-cleaner, floors, woodwork
repollshed; hour or contract. Main 8036.
POSITION aschauffeur. can repair and do
gardening. AN 944. Oregonian.
WINDOWS an'd housecleanlng done to per
fection, phone Hort, Main 3734.
PAINTER wants to do house painting or
carriage painting. Phone sellwood 113Q.
MAN and wife want positions on farm or
logging camp: cook. 721 Michigan ave.
PA P ER H ANGER with tools. Call up Sun
day. DantZlg. E.8ST 4oO I.
MOVING-PICTURE machine operator wishes
posinon. f n.t. soni.o.
PASTRY cook wants situation in city; 12
j ears' experience. X. 832, Oregonian.
.VI Iscellaneous.
P. Marshall 177.
and lawn work to do.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers .
COMPETENT business woman, who has two
half days and three hours the other week
days she can devote to work, desires a
position: is thoroughly experienced aa
bookkeeper and cashier and in ail office
work except stenography. Address AR 1)32,
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer of seven
years' experience, now employed in San
Francisco, wishes good position in or near
Tortland; saiary to begin $20 per week.
Address J. H. B.. Uti Downey St., San
WIDEAWAKE, energetic, trustworthy younfc
woman wants position as bookkeeper, cor
responding secretary, or responsible ofl'ico
position. Best local references. Main
!'38S; A 17l'.". AD 1)43. Oregonian.
WANTED By voung lady, a responsiblo
position as stenographer for afternoons
and Saturdays. A high school gradual!-;
can furnish good references. A J l32,
YOUNG lady bookkeeper tlesires position as
assistant In office; lumber preferred;
quick at figures: references. AS 1)01.
POSITION wanted by stenographer, some
experience; willing to start with small
salary; good references. AE 934, Orcgo
nian. NEAT young lady, some experience steno
graphy and bookkeeping, wishes position
copying, phone Tabor 1572.
CAPABLE business woman, 12 years' ex
perience bookkeeping, stenography. best
credentials. R 130. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER and assistant bookkeeper
wants general office work. Phone Main
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher desires position general office work;
references. Sellwood ill'.).
YOUNG ladv stenographer wishes a few
hours' dictation a week. AO 034, Orego
nian. BOOKKEEPER and typist desires worlc
special hours daily; references. X P36, Ore
gonian WANTED By competent young lady, posi
tion as bookkeeper or as assistant book
keeper; references. F 041, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, good educa
tion, wants work part or whole day.
Main 0130.
STENOGRAPHER wants position where law
experience may be obtained. Salary no ob
Ject. Call Main S.HS2.
COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper de
sires office work of any kind. H 938, Ore
gonian EXPERIENCED cashier desires position. Al
references. L 930. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer wishes position;
moderate salary. B 35. Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer desires position;
10 years' experience. B 941, Oregonian.
Fl I:ST-CLASS stenographer desires position;
Al references. Phone East HWS.
, UrswiBisKera
Ladles' tailor-made suit of your own
material. $20; $65 suits. 40. strictly hand
made; fit and style guaranteed. F.
Trends. 3u6 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder.
Marshall 3013.
FOR first-class dress making and ladies'
tailoring at reasonable prices, go to ::i7
Montgomery st.. dose to ltith, take 13th
st. car. Main 101 S.
DRESSMAKER would like engagements by
the dav. S2.75 per day. Call Sunday from
12 to 6 and Monday and Tuesdays after
0;:;i p. M. Phone A 7110.
PARISIAN dressmaker; fancy dresses ami
tailored suits; work and fit guaranteed;
moderate price. 4 Grand ave.. corner
Ankeny. East 4.19S.
SEWING by the day. experienced family
seamstress; price reasonable. Phone Mar
shall 4o52.
LADV thoroughly experienced in tailoring
will make suits at a reasonable price;
coats a specialty. Tabor 1530.
DRESSMAK ER. all kinds work, children's
clothes a specialty; prices reasonable. Ta
bor S3.
PLAIN sewing, dressmaking and remodel
ing, reasonable; will work by day. Call
Woodlawn 3358.
EX 1'KKI ENCED dressmaker and talloress
wishes engagements; S'lod fitter. Call
evenings after ti P. M.. C 24SO.
FIRST-CLASS fielpers at Mrs. Uchtman's,
irtl Wash. st.
DRESSMAKING, general and children's sew -lug
In families. Phone East 4MS.
WXTED Dressmaking and plain sewing,
children's clothes. Call 521 Kearney al.
DRESSMAKING, children's clothes a spe
cialty. East 402.
N experienced dressmaker. $3 day. Write
or call today. 4Vi E. Grant.
DRESSMAKING at reasonable prices. Phone
Main C222.
PLAIN sewing: work called for. Room
1. 1ll4t5 Union ave. past i-w.
PLAIN sewing, one-piece dresses, altera
tion. Sellwood 133.
YOUNG woman will go out sewing by the
day. Mrs. Kronirey. Phone Main 7.u4.
WA NTKD Drt ssmaking and plain sew ing
in families; $2 per day. K. .ri3M.
MATERNITY home for those desiring quiet,
"healthful surroundings and tirst-class
care at reasonable rates; suburban cot
tage, nice grounds, physicians' references.
Phone Col. 30.
ATTENDANT or nurse, position wanted, ex
perienced voung man. graduate massage,
would take elderly or mildly Insane per
son ; best references. AE 941, oregonian.
INVALIDS taken at home, German Hospital
"of New York graduate nurse. Phone col.
450T . .
POSITION wanted by middle-aged respon
sible woman. Marshall 3553.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse, best of
"references. Main 0501.
(jOOl) practical nurse; doctor's references;
nhirVrs reasonable. Main 093 1.
RFFINED. educated young woman from
i he Fist experienced housekeeper, wish-in-
to s-iend a year or two in tins part
of "the state, desires position to take caie
or home for refined widower with one or
two young children, or for several bache
lors: Slo per week; references exchanged.
tv VNTED Position, middle-aged woman,
good plain cook, capable of taking entira
charge of house. Wages $4 per week: no
heavy washing. A. M. B., Box o33. Van
couver. Wash.
SITUATION in relinea nonio . ou.--.
iliorouchly expcrienceu
aVer. In or near city; best of references.
B 934. oregonian.
RELIABLE German lady wants position as
housekeeper or cook, with German family.
Phone Main 1117. .
WANTED By refined lady, position as
. 1 . :y . ...i,ir. or take charge
housekeeper io. Oregonian.
of apartment-nousc. . -
. . , .i i ,,-i, tower's
. POSITION as HJUS'-lvrr.D. -
Of- bachelor s home by refined middle-aged
lady. ; l-o. circ'""."
THOROUGHLY qualified business woman
desires management apartmeut-house, M
920. Oregonian.
AN experienced housekeeper wants Psln
In widower's home; no children. AT OoJ,
WIDOW of 45. from the East, wishes posi
tion as hOUSCKeeper. rii'iut
NEAT housekeeper desires position fol
widower. AM ji:. oregonian.
n-tT tinu: PREFERRED.
A good "experienced cook, colored lady,
wishes position where husband can room
with her. good wages. ii..--,...
foslTION wanted by experienced cook, in
nrlvate. tamny. ui -
cook In bachelor's quarters : . can furnish
r-iiuii'i i-.oi.
MIDDLE-AGED, respectable wTnnan cook
wants position, hotel, restaurant or camp.
3S7 1st St.. room 15.
WOMAN wishes work by the day or half
dav. sellwooq i to-'.
GERMAN lady wants day work. Phone
East o'.Mv.
LADY wishes position as secona gin, 8
$35. phoner;ibor2SC9.
TWO waltFesses wish work in private boarding-house.
LACE curtains w ashed and stretched by ex
: v. .
pert. -yirs. .--eon., jjuw, ......
I MAKE a specialty laundering fine laco .
curtains at home: reference. Tabor 3r.i".
FXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of
... , , .... lv.nnA Ala,-.!,. I! ln"ft
worK oy u.v. . n,... . -
GOOD woman cook needs work, camp or
hoat Dreferred. AP S3. Oregonian.
CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry.
lawn 26S4. No mangling.
WANTED Day's work by colored woman.
Phone Marshall 2724.
TOUNG WOMAN, boy 2 years. wants
housekeeping. References. Main 90::;.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day's work. "
Call Woodlawn 21S2.
WOMAN wants" work by day. A lUT.