The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 32

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- l I tar fle farm.. I - ;- . - . 1 .,o.. I
J Horn-stead. 11" acre.. - mile, from
to.. t.r people. e,M"1 "" 0't'
2', e. fro:., n,.e little P".
offlc. tr,(. rharrnr achoola.
which. IK. prnrtlc.llv I""'- , "
to irrt4t-. cl rich eoll. " ,Ve'
reel ol good pine ea umber, tail
of wood e-.'.v cleared. Tnl. loan la the
..,ltn.l .radlng '
nt diatnct in t.lrn Oregon. 1 rice
Hnr'.d rellnqu.alment. lo
eiihl n...' fr..m -
A good. h"l county road, with I- ."
T. ar,-a of -I. . h .oil. i
le.el. with a alr-.m of ..'' .ru,n--..
hro. ath .1 for ,rri.4l.on H,. about I..-- .
feet of pin. ava timber and pl-nty
L, . Th. la tba fruit dainct
m w7.'-rTC.r.,"n. 1U. lair buildm..
Inc. "'.
We have a number of other, a. "J
or roller .nan I he. :'"
with price, thai '.nn..l be
.r-..u.:. to railroad end where !
r.-,,....rv Irrtcle fur n-r.l l-i ral -ti,,-
h..mete.l. arc being t.aken I a. I.
ill band.efl wun urn.
belter arrange I"- " nc of ,nr"
E..d nr.M anil file at once
r'nurt PI anil Start.
For ...1.. in richest H.'n of tn W"
l-..r. hop jar.U "lib lama bop too.
', .ir-Van'rh. 3 .err. cl.ol.t b.var-
1.54 a.-rr. rich uplaiH. a.l!y cl.rd.
do.- I., loan. I7.'. a tarjauu
.a.r- home. cl" to ..rn; a.J'
la .Vai.t i arr. hom f.w .
TIS iT. - l baliain.. (olt 104
to.:. pr a.-ra . rf
4,,.. ,. dairj ia.ich. 2 nail" I nu.
farm. t:. b' l b bad )'
p a' 1 1 " miv
a.rr. itnWr land, fotk oaantT.
And lo.. nwr. n.l in In. f n . I : I arm -ln4
h-it t- furj. "til- l r c""
ia.orn.i..i. on; -J milr. Horn
lortiar l. A.I l-ai
r V ffti fTSM'St. Hubba- Or
M' acr.. Var Uc .mb.l.lnii r""n'iV.
wrr (-.!. .V. a.rc. ..:"" "
..m y (.ajra.1. oril.arl. f'" PP'UK
.r-a. - n-r I, v.. In II.. K...t. nlm
ro..n- ll..l.l.:rr. .!. I!JIJ' V' "'
;u a. rr. ..v-r ! in a'al" "f
ru" "flr -r!. bulMl.i.a. 'j "".J"
aatrr. l.h .v.t-r... I. ml.-.
ro.T, .-..trr ..f 1-ort .nJ. I m.lo "
ai-aliob. ! afth of a toe It an.l In.p..
",.. .th Xh,. I. a.
Smth...:. and !h Val.l b.rx.n
r-.nj l-..r!'a.nd. not aa -;.d
r-nin f'.r and up. Tut. - '"'
llli p-r .era romplrta. t
..ur .n. anJ cn,pa. iih "th-.a an t
.i l bur it: can. 1" r"r
a lit t:iao till. .nap.
r Fl "H. !-' "iiambar of ommarca.
. .... . i . . . t: 1 I!..
loi ti-fa on tha Mi. i'o I R- T... nrsr
. o.trrll. hrr...for- hrl.l at Pr a -r.
and ...rth it: rr.u-n.-..n.-r. .r .uch
that .t murt b. at on. -: o...l fa...l.-
ore hard, ol-l bouar and barn. J. , a' ,
in cu:tlatim. av-vfral ppruiS rleaant
Plae. (..r ha br of .oil. -Ku,'f"1,
rt of th p;.e. .. worth and win .rll
f .r , pr act Ju.t for the lw; that
prie ha, b-.n eff-rad and rfu.l f'r
l.n.l a.:jmnin and no brttcr: now breath
...fir hl trit Vu li" price, on.jr
prr acrr. !) r,h. haiane. '"
a o.r rent: cma early, rtand In line to
r-t th: Tha (lot that rer. it will
.. Ur a.ll iv too .ur h..arr .
ra.r. for an option until June 1 to
p.ittia th." I.ind at U0 per acr.
a:.. v..r.-?ler lioiar-
Ivi'K.ivF.n T"Ai:M
(i;.:. i'Kk A. ut
!!.; a rea Ie-I land. ar-i-M H: " rre
imitated, balance ;artl .l.rrd. "an
,., timothy and all fenced. fm
:rou. ..-earn, rprlnlt water plp-d n hnue.
1 MS-R. V K VVNTS worth oa.r In
.lieled ani,l. l': lor) h"U.e. I.. r'M.rr...
larn 0.-". fl4) other build. ne: fmllr
..r, ,,ard aarden and herry pat. n . X nil'rll
io. Jerarv b'tli. r'E. ftll.-ken.. ft.-..
. ream aer iraso-. pl.t a. liorroa. eultlva
n.r el.-. located a niHe. from thrlvina
. 'ol'umbta River town, railroad and water
t-an.portation. ' mile from aeho.-l "?
.iorea. aT reach of Portland. I I.I' K.
a term.. ::.''i. r,"li. lalar.t - r..o
a- per ect N r'l IIM SKS av "..
7.3 Leal. bj.l. It:, and I'ak rt'.
li: A- V.K.' THK I.K-T AI.I. R..I VO
liATFP. Al t. . AN !: K'U?a'i.l'U-.Vl'l
rn vw yiSK f.k n.'if. hai.
balRVlN.: TKI.K KAK.M1N.1. Fl."K-t-TS
..N KI.K. Till.' I'-'AI' AM.
r..w.. l OI NTV KDAtx. 7 H.HSKiW
HFAT I.I'.HT. H.-.TII. 'IS K''. I'OWf.ll
Tf K ANt HK.-T F .VrCT,a;
iHTF ! l-AVT flKlT IT F Ml
WAV r.lrt m.AKI' F TltAI'F. HI-"':
X'l In hill atate of e.ill i val Ion : l ea
.el. eitra aoo, bulM!r.(. orchard, (rood
--'l" and two .prlna. ail fenced and
. ro.s-fen. ed. on a coo l rountv ro.l ; thl
I . .-e moat beautiful farm in thi. alrln
i.: the prlca. inclu.lire $.. north "f
tJvk Imple-nenta and f trnl'ure. is (404.
lieYOI'V) JvH.S'N.
V.-l 1'han.her of .''omn.erce Flldg
fr rr-r vANT-!r-Tr:i fiVT wii.i. P.w
1 acre. ! acre aceded. 1 -" acre. In
si-id be:artn prnnea New iVroom hu.
t-ta barn. chl. Ken-h..u!-a. rr.d prune
.Irter. 2 ood work ha-.ea. harneaa. a ae
on a. r. rnwa. boj:. chicken., all t..: and
i r.p'emer.ts. j mt'.e to .chnol. mil. to
I. Ft. alat.on or l-.iat lindlnc Heal of
.oil. lay" fine. e.i.l hand.ea :hi. Kaay
term. -11.1 Lumbermen bulldinal
.;t::.t -:RK Hf ME F'R TOf.
ts mltea from Porlland. electric Una
hulldlnaj throuath It. " arm. In cultl-
at ion. rich htacli roll. r.. rvl. af.o.1
I. -are bullillnc.. Fchoolno.ieo on corner of
P'.a. e fine thickly aetlle.1 neis lib.. r hood :
.earn' ? .ere. row.. - heifer ral.-a. ln tl.orouhb-ed l.eho . chicken..
...achlperr. woo.1. etc.; e.erythln
c.Mv-l ierm: mu.t have a.. ma ea.h ao.n
almo.t our own price. Jca owners. lit
l.utnhermena MilaT.
$JJ TElt AfRK.
Tamiilll Count v. mllea from McMinn-
tlie. ai .crea cleared and In rrop. ajood
ri-iorn houa. fram. barn; trie piac. con
tal.i. 1 acres and la on main county
road- ail fenced and rr.s f-n.-ed; has
f.niiv orchard. ,17..n ch. too on or
before & years. lr cent Interest. If
vott wsnt a anap and save a real eatat.
-ran', commission, see me the owner.
;? Patton roa.l or pnone .w .. m .-..i...
.M.jKriJAeii; DfK. F"K.'Ki) TO .-LL.L.
Vt 75 sere, at W12 Pr sere. 10 mn
..'.a walk to electric station, la mllea to
Portland. All le.el. Im. land, t, mlti
..tlon 1' a. rea fine timber, balance pas
lure ar.Tod rt-room ho.i.e. tarn, outbulld
. ar Fina roa.l : worth l?."i' per acre.
I.. ilaFEl.TT: R BROS , 414 Couch Hld.
It A I. A N E 6 PElt r.- "
oo acre, bottom land. o4 acres In nil
f"ation. l-acrr pasture, trout stream, nee
room house. Inrare barn. Pi mil, ft. R.
-faMon larare apple orchard. cropa in.
..i.nlv road to beach. t-O per acre under
.alue' nirt Yeon bid a.
Vi.iT a stump or atone, all clear and line
' .o:- ty acre., thai t tho prl. .1
o. io: In thla dilitlon Is S17". to -.-":
will .ell tho 4', aerc. for :' 'a: -inlnu'e.-
walk t depot and poslofflce:
ma: o.sida city limits of Forest I. rove,
loiju're of owner, box ll '-
I ri mill mU irr;. iittahl- f-r
-4-r(.r: farm. n. grmin. bmy. frutt. Inp.
,irrrni. tc: nbotit IO mUn
..f rorMan-t Or. rail r th lr price
Vt. V. F. Kidder, rarlion. Or.
a mrr9. choir ash await, land. "
rfj in berlrs hopt. rmalndrr lr1.
riir J-roArr. hu- and cood oul-
-T Roth.-hiLi Bll. Marnhall O-l.
FOR SALE 29 r-rs A-1 land, under culll
tjtia 1L nch. bordr countr rod. I
mi: tro!ly. 3 mllfi HtlUtoi-w; tl bwrxala
T'ar.fnKton County.
L P. HbM . l l J .rritniiii fiiug.
11 A Rf Juat outnlti ruy ilmlta or r orf n
Crfivt. 10) r- r!r and 5 arrei In IWiU
r fuT nr ire-r-a. $J pr acr--: this
10i ! than ad !, n land. Inqulr
..rn.r. t W Fof-at ;iv.
a nKr. oir.KTiMTV.
$.. mi nipr Farm, "(!. ppw-d. I hour pori'and. rnn-
i.irr huiiK mm I'l.t airt Vron. lar-
h I tJ
iA-U fA IF H? onr, p.. a-r- . on or Ih
l.-tJt farm in ria-lamaa 'ouni ; prl.o
rl b- mit. r raU. rtr rni. Ad
.rM rout 1, box Jir.naf.rld. Or.
ui'ii riTiTr .r run no.i .--" . . -
1 ll 'i i . r ... ... f.n p,..-tia...i.
Oo.VN. ." i.-r m-n.h. Im'f a r-,
mlnuim out, tak (;r-fhm or Kaiacad
car to ilcil tatiii.; unT on ground siuii-
M Iib4rrllanu.
FOi: -AlaK.
KMaMlFhed ttitf hwlnffi.
Kiti nrr on i hr it round t lr.
r'd at ton. ih-! pnL fin fur
mturr and c.rral lnttirir'd U 'P"
t ior.1 . mailt- - r profna
d innC thr jrir l!H. It will
:;.. to litiv ih liuilnfu. Writ
! 34 144. 4r'onian. or plnn Mttn
7tl nl m.ikr appotntmnt.
Fl'U KALE-Mai vinnt lot na
t'.a .tl. fine hornrn Mir rounding.
!. riot-- In. rrar carlm'. Dear hoola.
orth inv-iii;atton. $ low. AdCr
t-. Or" y iff. tan.
n imie-Rru. rTT.
rior In. ftlO o ! I l-' lMNl. that net
IO r c-nr. A' rt-riwm houa-- In Irv
- tntrt.m. j. to f'k'riN. Th-fC muni b
tmrt jinn: nwnfii nly; othrra need not
a at their tlnir nr ours.
It. X. TIFF"KI rO..
l;l..l' -N.i 11.1-. pop.e uint T.. 4 -nd i-roorn
liou". fummhed r u-ifurnlalied, W rat
m1 preferred: an rther kom dlatrtrt
ronaid-red; will to ot:t ut'tirban .Lnetj:
pru e and payment flrat ubject. X !.
FARMS or arrme wanted In etrhanffe for
;ty pripry; t-it prop- rt jr. It r houaeji
4ninl in es.-hriH fr farm. Send P"t
tiruiara to Mr. IU-li. IiaT ttj-aMin bldic.
I want an ummirov-d lot that U
- roo.l buv; niuat be under f I. f'lll
(.anl.-iiiari in tnim i,' n aa-r-nta, U I2.
A M on Kat S de. aloQ
ti. I .!). . a panit n.". md.
rrn r.tint on WllUm-tt- Hi--r. in nnlea
from env. on Hrrtcon 'ttv Klt trie, beau
tiful :. ne. L MI. Oregon. an.
within " r I"- fr- ; t' ch. ha.anr
t.. u rraniir-L Mr. bcKom:, il Wil
cox bld.
JV man or.-up In a reponalbl p It ton.
mi-rn bumii'iK. .V or . rMm. '-'.
montiv. tnuiinc Ititrrrai. nolhliit. down.
A Jaj. tron.iifu
MK. OKAI.Klt. ran ou haiMlIe fin-t l"t
Iinip:!';i on rarif U- t'on on liberal
iiiniinn'n lta or take intereat? l. i.
Ha l 'o. foler
ANW'NK kktvlnc fr Sunirn-T taxation
Ki.hlr.v to jrMVf tJi-ir property In caie of
r-t.otiii.t- party. .all K-.l 3.v;j lfor
W A NT l't mi .U!ineifi And renltWin e prop
erty. Improved or unlmirord. m h loa -rt
c-M" i-rle- K-d erl M TX) n. eon
bldts. Mara.nall Iij.
W A N TKI Irriunl Hlirfi realdenr. muat
hve not l-a man i.-or.M.ii.a aim i'ii
v nioiern. ;ol.l hmidt'a A-s-ncy, 41i
ftllHeeT Ol irninrrrr
FKATFKNAL aiK-iety want one .r to Iot
centrally lK-at-l. East iM-. t to $1-.-imhi.
on tABy frma. Addrsaa V V4, Or-
I . r.. I. r..- i ta
fnennio property. r! y. not e-ceeilina;
S.'i.iMMi. aute run partit-ulara; e mean
i uir) l t:::l. nri-a..ntin
...... - . T- T I." IP I VTl'll
... . t r. i I -T ITT
in a :r a sult-ibie for cik k. n ranch .
mum b- near Tortiand. on cood road and
. tit! for all caah. V Orea;onian.
VNT t buy" Ioandbunr-tUw In auburn..
Wlil pjkv a!l caiih not to x-eed
.Mi rhaml-er of rom'nerve
WANT unincumbered residence; tsU
a.-rn. buit'lini.-8. Im,tvniei;ts. airam;
lnrJ .ate imm-dlatety ; no axcnti. 0n-
r. ltt rand ave. North.
vlT K 1 T buy n i or room bun-Kl.-
between J-hhi and uhmi. Fortland
liftKht or Svlan road b mity ; term
Tmint b- rea-n-bie. At urenonun.
W V.T wrv r'tenp "lfkama founty arre
are; sue price, location, lerma. T U-44.
WANT one or two acr. on the Wi:.:tni-tte.
with native treea pr.-ffrwd. --.K ;.... Orc-
WANT hiali- ;..a ii or I-r.Mni r-abi-i e
in ajoae-m reablence district. m:tm pric
. . . vif ii : 1
U ANT .A a-. .n In an Irvin? tn houa for
r.ia... nothing but a snap considered. A
.;!. irt-aitnian.
WANT a4pi- h-uP 1 . rouiit
ane; ive price, trrnia and location. t v.w.
i .rgontaBn.
WILLAMETTE Meichta linuae; view; llt.
loemtbtn and price; reaaonable. M 92.
frr ; nl an .
vTxTKD I'arpentor to buiid $." bunga
low on eav pavnienia. rood ae.:urity. -Vd-irMM
Al !1V Orffr bin.
WII.I. par caah for or-1 I.K In Irli..ton
Imirit-t If rh-ap: n-n-n repl. with full
rnrtirulnr. It ree;onlan.
-r.Mini bui.e : In Waverleiisti
on terrna A K tW!. fgonian.
W ANTK1' Nob Hill r-trtcne. 7 rooms pia
frrre.1: mod-rn. t1lL. i n roittan.
. . a . a. I v al'tlCa
WWTKIe-lt In Ir. Incton; p" a. e prlr and
tor .it ton In flrat letter. I J,. r.onlan.
If iu want to aeii. aend ua your rt
nertption or rail at oir office. W hava
federal Kaiern buyers f - improved farma.
MdlN'i & JmIL.-'N.
Mi Chamber ol Oommerre IUdg.
." - room hurgaio In Alberta dintrlct.
worth :'J0. to tra.l" for a good lmproed
farm not ov-r lltum. 511 i'tiamber uf
'ommercw bldg.
WANTED To buy. :nnl farm within '-
tnl.a of port land: mtiM be firat-r!aa aoij
and Improved; g-od buildings, atatc pri".
Al. tl. rgonian
W A N T F 1 A g o d tarni of I to li' a r-i
rer I undee; w I.I t rd f irat -cLnaa Port
l..nd Income property. tw n-ra only. O
P I . f rgoni n.
WANT li to 4 a-r a within ic c irfare.
Ptilrablt, for p!i:itg. Wataon a- T!;-"ke-y
n K't.. .t'-H hpalding bid. Main 7.M-.
Ii".?I RABLF. ftmlllea 1otrd f rea on beat
;4nd In Central Oregon. Writ Hampton
al.ey Development Aan.. llampiou. Or.
ion aAf.r t.vtieW.
ti .. TIMUKK clinu. li' a-r-s each, on
a river :t nuba fr-m the I'lty of Med
ford. will rut ;.."iMi.tMMi fet ech of ex-rp-tionaliy
flno timber. abut all pine, which
ta principally ptn-. $:if rh. Alao
claim of 1'." cra that will rut wboiit
4.(hhi.iXmi fe. nma: lr pine, bitunre fir.
Thia ta a relinquishment ; prlee $rio..
iJH Railway Kuchange Rldg.
H A VK II acres of green fir timber on 40
acres that will rut nearly too cords to th
a re; 13 cords cut in the timber, ready
for market, and tha lease of the plaon for
2 yeara. 7 acres cleared; houe. bam:
spring near the hiiua. I will sell for liO1)
or trade for a good tram. Address or
see M. H. Stephens. Tnts. Or , Iwi M ;
Inquire for Stephens at the candy stora
for direction, r. K. Masteilr.
0Xi.oM feet on I'pp-r l:ibs Creek.
R. K.
7Z Hrcry St., Stamford. Corn.
SiiOO will buy tha W. of S. L. . N. F
U nf S. W. V. and S. E. of S. W. .
See. -n, T ? S. K. 4 W.. Dougiaa I'oun
ty Or.. If taken soon; crulso five million
feel. W. T. Watklns. Princeton. Cal.
FOR Sa1j5 by owner, thr sections of tim
ber land 3S mllea from tidewater m
Southwestern Wanhtrgton. J. L Bauer,
Wall. Walla. Wash
C. J MVRACKEX. 3M McKay Bldg
F"R KEN T l-acra ranch, house. J bams,
sprln. about 4 itm cleared. rrwk
around place; good piace for chickens and
durka; n-a.- Eagle Creek. O 4 4. Ora
gonian t"r1;XT J rcrf of gol land. 1 mile,
from Hubbard; for potatoes only; will
eaa for U or 3 year.-.
7:; Johnvm, A mericnn Apt.. No.
FARM for rent. Portsmouth ae. and Colum
bia boul". ar d. da.ry or garden land. A.
H. Vagiy. 'JtO 4th sf.
C M PORTA RLE new four-rom Ti-uae. balf
acre g.rdn. larn. C-ccnt fre. AN I.!".
1 ACRE-1- A. mllo to Xc rarllne; $JO0 yearly.
;.ln Tillamook. East 4 Ml.
II Al I; ES .cry rich soil. ';,.). llatfemann.
t-, m'l S. E. Milwaukle.
KARM goo.1 town; must rent at one
His E. Taylor SU
! A KKS to r-ni. ! imta fn.m Fottluni.
nar irnar miiip; nous", i.m -"
iriTs. fine i;.ii don land, cheap
r-nt to r!iai'ls man or familj.
v itv ii ii T i I "-:t i !).
! I. urn herm !. tddg.
WANT to renl. Jo - res ptato land and lariiig on-hard, cloar to tarltne an.l
rharntr of Commrrrf.
FOI! KEXT4Sarrra at Jonnin-ei Lo.U".
hftwftpii ri-r front and county rad. for
Krinlni truck or peiatoea. T itoO. Or-K'-nlan.
to k ham;e.
Sli acre. tUxcrloii.
t o mi acrs, Hiirni.
1. .mt acren, Klondike.
M'Tw. M.kklo.
acres. La t ir.indr.
smi acres. Spokane
lilO acrca. Mitsvlll.
...' ncrt-a, slern.
.".." acres, Kalein.
4: mi acrtn. X. burg.
i'lM ai'res. .VfWlmru.
tts ac-4. Donabl.
17 arrtr. liaverton.
.( acr-.. Tualatin.
."! acrea. Tual.iitn.
'.'I acres. Tualatin,
lo acrea. Tnnlntin.
t air-s. Tualatin.
2 acrea. Tualatin.
41 ..Ti 1 Tualatin.
.1 at rn.
..4 arr-s. Tigard.
acr. Tigard.
.! acrs. Ti k ird. .
10 acres. Tigard
T Is acr-s, Tigurd.
7j acrea. Ttftard.
7 1-1 acrr. Ttganl.
10 acres. Tlgard.
1 acr. Tigard.
I "J S -Tf. Durham,
n acrs. tireenbrr:.
4: acrcP. ;r.'iiirs.
4 a-r:. MtirtT.
IO -rea. Ml Hood Electric.
s.. . 1'hamber of Commerce.
ph. ne M a 1 n .-'d.
TH K 'KK;o Um'ATi PS.
M K'lTlli'HM.I) lil.LHL MARSHALL ol
FOR SAI.i; OR R X ' ' H A N E.
Hi.iNi.1 CASH AND TRADE to i?-4"'
.in.i;. one of the best appointed hotels
''k-hIm'hotki. ox WAsHINTOX
ST Hud.- city or farm property lo about
.... rltara 4' t ...out...
II.. I .-K AM l."T -.l". liade vacant
'";.(r,V,5l' i"diEKX HufSE on.-""''
h:.:f bl.M-k to t ar: :l. acll. .o do n
or trad, vacant lots. , ,
Tins is 111. beat house In Portland for
"'Jki'wALSUT OKCHAKD. trad, city
Prs""l.uVS OX 41MT ST.. .T.). f.'r rro-
'f.n(KlM A lA HTM KNT-IIOUSK. clean,
neat, some cash: mm" trade.
itiiuMS, or trai.w for lot.
lO.VAi'ltK FA KM In Lincoln County,
take city property 10 J0)0; prefer vacant
'"lo-ACRE TRACTS near New-berg, trade
houre and lot or '"'"-, ,-
:.; E.K'ITV. lill'KOVKl) FA KM. nenr
F.irt un.l. "for aten.-rul iiiercliondioc or
hard ure slock. ...... .....i.A
fi.ilmo.1. lin.l- ateiieral nierchalidlsA
.:.- Fl'ltNI.-llr-l' llDMt.. "ii ta'
ji.:c for Mpi.rlm nl-in.usc or hotel.
11' UOOMS. $.'e."i. or take a lot.
want to lll'Y. PEI.I. OR THAUI.. come In.
r.i acres, all' clear.' good fl-room house,
mm'; orchard, lost of soil. o""' at
r-mrvlcw or.. 6 n.llcs from city, on o.
W P Electric: car every 3i minutes.
Want F.1..1 Portland, property, bun.ulow.
price :!i'"J.
1 1-3 acres, new il-room house. w'n
bouscl.oUl noo.ln. furnlshlns. cost i.l.
1: worth of fuel. 4 dole.. hlte I.e.
horn chickens. -J block, from depot and
,.hc?ol located at K.lrvlew. Or., tt ml c.
ewl of city, on O. W. P. eler-trlc: prh e
:iii'l Will tnke part In trade. Ibis is
a snap.
Have tao lots In Falrvlew. best
of anil; rricc J'-'.".".
"n acres, best blnck loam soli, all In
tlmolhv mca.loa. with equipped barn
for same; prlc- .'.nn P'-r acre; part trade,
mile from Kulrvlew.
T.le-il. beautiful country home. ':
I'j acres, family orchard. S-room. two
story htina-alnw. e.uipped naratr. with
own water pressure, eie. trie IlKhts ana
aa. Musi see this before you can ap
preciate Its worth: ."..".in. part In trade:
located at Falrvlew. on o. W. P. electric.
I'Hi.VIXi'K i SOX,
THE follow Ins; properties are free and clear
of iTicuinl.rjnc.-perfect title :
3J acres. Kiamnth Kails; timbered.
t'.O a. r.s. Klumnth Kalis, adjoining"
town site: s.illnbte for plaltinsr.
ao acres. Hood Klver; fruit land.
Tjn acres, H.hmI l:ler. .'rult land.
17a acres. Hood Itlver; llml.ered.
l-i. acres. M ult noiitiih lounty.
l'." acres. Multnomah
l.lai acres. Multnomah I'o.mty.
:f'i. acres. Multnomah I'oiinly.
11 acres. .l.ick.on I'nu.ity, lrrther land.
4u acre... Jn.-kai.ti rmcil.. timber land.
I'll town lots. Hood River.
Warehouse iiopirly. facing railroad. In
Hood River.
Store and hall. Laldlaw. I rook rn.. Or.
Re.idence. lr.lns.ton. Portland. Or.
riw eilliiK. Astoria. . r.
Will tride any or all ir eloso-in West
Side property, pay rasii difference and as
sume morlarair".
I.i: XOIR - fO..
K'l-.-'t7-.".n il,Hniln.r of Commerce Bids;.
.n..rt SToa'K IN' Al.KAI.KA MILL.
-.'..hi stock In Walla Wi.ha alfalfa feed
mH1: will trade for nood acreag.i unin
cumbered, this mill Is the only mill of
Its kind -est or Omaha and the stock
la gilt i-dp... and e will trade It for
aiood aere:!cc: no ctump l.ind wanted.
Jilt Hoard of Trade I.I '1 SC-. Ilh and Onlc.
If vou are In tho market for a home
and want to get In touch with a lot of
-ork answer tills ad. Quickly. AO Wll'l.
Orecoolan. .
L'.l.'i ACRES, jr..""".
l.-) ACRES. k.0l.
Improved riouthecn Oregon fruit farms;
good fences. bill Ii! Ings. water. apples,
peaches, apricots, nuts, grapes, allalfa;
want Portland Improved.
E E. IiARINC l.4 WIIcok Hldg.
So ACRES. I1. miles from station, on coiin
tv road, rinse in state road. 1". mllea from
center of Portland. acres In culMvallon.
balance ."lOi.o cords, A-l-.iNJ;
jlo.hi. halt trade, lots. sn. alter aire,
sate or inn o.noblle. balance to suit you. II
li.:o. oregonlan.
IIAVR c'ne-ln. West Side income property,
value. Hl.f.OO: consider exchange for va
cant lols. in anv hifc-h class addition to
the extent of one-hair, balance nl per
cent; no Incumbrance Assumed ; don't
bring In any p.idded prices. 1.. K. Moore,
suite r.17 Hoard of Trade.
In mod districts. Plcar title. Priced
at value. To exchange for Improved farm
near Portland of about equal aiue.
SJ'J Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main rJ.
HAVE good unincumbered lots In one of
best Central Oregon towns. Will trade for
lot In Portland or good equity. If you
have something to offer, give location of
your properly and atate where I can call
vou If Interested, l.ueddemann A Burke.
P'.'l Electric bldg.
WANTm Acreage 111 exchange for 5 new
modern S-room bun.nlnwa in reatrlcted
district: Bull run water: close to school
and store. 71st. bet. fcilh and ittH
ave.: M. Scott car. C. A. Anderson, own
er. Tabor 2?r..
10 KINK Improved ac.-es. close lu. Want
I.os Angeles property lo flOflnO.
3 lois '1st and Gllsan sis.. 9n mti.
U ant nice home to flOUO; pay some
ri.OPFELTER PROS. 414 Couch Bldg.
JkioPKFlX rt-room "-story htingalow with
sleeping porch, hot water heater; fixtures
and shades Included: J.UWMI; will take sa
first payment 10lo c.ih or equal value
In lots or acreage, balance SO per mouth.
Tel. Tabor T-.
TflcTTarre. K. Oregon wheat farm. 640
In cultivation: -J0 head horses, and all
n.-cessary farm Implements: will take
Portland property or good business. Phone
owner. M. 14 m. H to 7 P. M.
HAVE I.'iimi equity In $1000 10-acre orchard
land contract: will trade for real or per
sonal property equal alue if right. No
monthly payment propositions. 1 have
bank references. T u"7. Oregonlan.
E.VHAN.IR all or part of l.flil equity 111
new n.odern 7-room house, fine location,
for good automobile, or will take stock In
Pacific States Klre Insurance Co. AM
P,':,1. oregonlsn
EQCITY in choice lturelhurst corner and
Rose City lots clear for good house and
.... .... croc..- will ....loin HlfTeeencM 4'i?;
(" Failing bldg. '
IKllXE-ITllMEKn On the eif of March
.'.1. Mr. R. I. Doane to Miss Edith
riehmeer. No
NEW .Vroon. bungalow. All-erla. SJI'e.. half
exchange, balance terms. Tabor I'l.'.?.
VAI-1' Al'.I.E Canadian patent, trade for real
estate or automobile. AN Oregonlan.
(jARLAXD A CO.. 111 4TH ST.
Apt. -house for unincumbered acreage;
.".-room bungalow. 4"JxlOO cor.. Haw
thorne district: y:Mu. For unincumbered
lots or acreage.
S-room. 1 ',-storv bunualowr. Mt. Tabor
district: '.'ii.i. For rmail Improved farm.
.".-room bungalow. Marguerite ave.. nr
Lincoln: J.IHimi. For S acres on Salem Elcc.
i-story house. Dekum ave.: l."Kl; trade
for 4 or 5-room bungalow, norlh of Burn
side bridge.
Modern s-room house, Ivanhoe Add.,
unincumbered; 1:.""K. Kor good farm or
acreuge j
l ine S-room house In Irvlrlgton: 8i-00:
trade for auto or for bungalow or will
sell equity. .
room house in St. Johns. II00O. trade
for acre on sood carllne close in wltli
small hous...
r-room bungalow. Glenn ave.. r near
KillliiKsw-orih. 'J.".imi; trade for j-acre
tract on Salem Elcc.
,'i.nnm bungalow in Swinton: .-40". ror
unincumbered lots.
Pd. ics. property to J-0.000 for A-l
stock ranch. .
, Oood aereago and farms to trade lor
nlncumhered Pd. property.
Several rooming-houses tu trade for 1 a.
' proerty and acreage.
If vou want a trude on a cash basis,
list vour property with ua. We can or
fer especially good trades for unincum
bered pd. property and for small Improved
farms not too far from transportation.
A 4I.-.4. Marsh. r.".i:.2.
.IO" Spalding Bids.
of best In state, consisting of ..a acres,
acres in full bearing orchard, balance all
In cultivation. All level, soil rich and
deep. Adjoining ground very productive
as truck gardens: no Incumbrance: near
one of best towns In state, with electric
power, electric lights and telephone aerv
ice available. Tract already surveyed for
subdivision Will trade for Portlanu prop
erty Income preferred. Will not assume
much Indebtedness. l.ueddemann & Bur Re.
rjl Electric bldg. Phones. Marshall J-M.
A 3-'.".. .
We have a few new farm proper
ties of different slsos and prices to
exchange for Portland property.
See what we have, they may Intcr-
l'nmir.R.KEM. CO.. 70 4th at.
Main luo. A low.
Sio-k of general merchandise and store
building, located in good live town, do
ing Al business: will trade for good cit
property, a.reaee or Willamette Valley
farm; no Inflated valuta considered u
this trade: stock and property will run
about -tJ.nii.
31S Board of Trade Bldg-. 4ih and OaK.
A complete moving picture a.hoW. ele
gant wagon and camp outfit, like being
at home, has cost $J".uli. lo trado for good
prop.rtv. cash value $1000.
If you Investigate you find that you
ran make more money with It than with
anvthing else; good reasons for selling.
F. KLCHS. 4:o Cham, of Commerce.
20 acres, all olanted to commercial va
rieties of apples, mostly New-towns and
Splizenbcrgs. part In bearing: fine spring,
good "house, beautiful view, near town or
Hood lilvcr. on main county road: good
income next year: will take "-!?.''r" I"
room hiuse as part payment. T P..... ore-
Koiiia 11.
l.-.u 1 cres planted to commercial ap
ples 2'- vears old. 2' miles southwest or
Pol-tlanu. ' adjoining Rex station on So
Pacific. School, stores and church, equ ty
l.0. balance payable Jt' per month with
per cent per annum. Consider runabout
automobile up to i.M. balance of equity
cash. S ;i"7. Oregonlan.
HAVE equilv in beautiful building site on
Willamette P.lver at Rlverwood in Port
land s most exclusive country ,hommd'
trict Adjoining station and only IX min
utes1 ride to city. Will trade for unincum
bered lot or lols or good equity In well o
cated house. Lueddcmann & Hur0k'-, ul
Electric bldg. Phone. Marshall 2-S1. A
323; .
FIRST class stock farm. 210 acres of fine
timothy, more cau be seeded to timothy,
fair buildings, all well fenced and cross -fenced,
plenty of aprings and outside
range Price $115,000: consider up to --3
m" L. K. Moore, suite 117 Board
of Trade. Portland.
120 ACRES,
acre, cultivated. House, barn, wi
acres fenced. Price 2."e.0. cash or ex
change for Portland residence.
S22 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main i-o.
A P.Ofi.M house, lot r.OxlIK). 8unnshle. con
venient to 2 carllnea. value J2. 00: will
trade my S1700 equity for mdse.. Pr.-fer
drv goods, notions. In city or small "rn
Yo'u can pit' balance on house at S-O a
month. Al' l3."..Oregonlan.
IMPROVED and unimproved Irrigated land
"near Twin Fall.. Idaho, with good water
right, at 50 an acre and up; good terms.
11 per cent Interest; for sale or trade for
Portland properly. Robert Martyn. 60.
V eon bldg. Mnshall lo"-
WHAT hnve you to trad, aa a Hrst pay
ment on a tine half acre homeslle? AG U.S.
w V. II NC.E 7-year-old Hambletonlan mare,
cood stepper, nlso harness and studebaker
buggy for vacant lot; also loa unincum
bered lot for equily In bungalow.
JACOB HAASOieon bldg.
FOR SALE-o'r "will exchange for Portland
propern. a S-room bungalow. ner and
'modern. In city of Spokane. Wash tor
rartlculars write to M. -."'- "''
Blvd.. or phone Columbia it.
W'TSt beach property, furnished cottage
preferred: have residence In small town
and SO acres of land; no Incumbrance on
Jlther ii K. Moore, suit. 617 Board of
FliR SV1.E Fine blocks In Newport and
Oorvallls. Or., centrally located cleared for building; will trade for farm.
Willamette Valley preferred. Address box
lirjil. Corvallts, Or.
Wll I. tiiv part cash and give a choice
" .a n. in spolian. for a 15 to So-acre
linurove.1 larm w .thin 20-mile limit of
PoMland! It. V. Itothe. 20 W. Third St..
The lialles. nr.
WII.I. exchange equity In 13-room houae
and lot in Meal He for Portland property.
"" 0 block, from carllne and Washington
I-nlverslfi. Owner. 4i 4th street. Mar
shall :i7,H. A 3324.
wTnteii Home about $2000. In or near
i..'.rtlaiid for 20 acrea fruit ranch. Rogue
River Valley, partly Improved, near Kood
town. Box -V- North Plalns.Or.
FTTirTALlC ..r'lrs.le. on account of sickness
i-l'gar confectionery and Ice cream .tore
In connection with poolroom doinc a good
- I.uslne-s. Call 27'. First st.
l-WILL trade 40 acres of good timber.
1 good land, half mllo from R. R.. .tatlon
10 mllea from Portland, for residence or
vacant lots. AM 03". Oregonlan.
WHITE SALMON choice apple land for
ale. or wlil exchange for good property
near Portland or Vancouver. Homer li.
Day. White Salmon. Wash.
I-HAVK S250o In Industrial stock to trad;
11 will stand h- rloaest Investigation;
will assume mortgage and pay cash a II-
ferenee. l. i'--.. v.
WILL sell or trade .-passenger auto: ma
chine In ood condition; .late what ou
have to offer. S 1'2. Qregojilan.
"7 ROOMS, new. modem brick apU.. $2000.
part cash, would consider house and lot up
lo 11500. Boa J"-1 station F.
SALE or will exchange for Oregon real es
tate, half section land In Pine County.
'Minn. E. F. Reamer, owner. Mltchel. S. U.
TO exchange 100 acres of uninr umbered
raw prairie land In Nebraska for Vcsldence
properly. RHicksBeaverton. Or.
TEN acres fruit land, nesr Estacada. Or.;
price 10OO. to exchange for city prop
erty. II I'os. uoiimi.
WHvT have jot. to exchange for A-l home
Mead relinquishment In Wasco County.
I.r .7 J04 fuatu e... cm".-'-"
HAVK some good East Side warehouse prop
erty to exchange for acreage; give price
and location, v ...... .
HAVE 40-acre farm, partly Improved, near
Barton. Or.: price $4000. to exchange for
city property. H Pli.'l, Oregonlan.
FINE Irvlngton home for suburban improved
property; must have view. Telephone Mon
day. Marshall 47d0.or A44.
WANT fi or A -room house, close In. have
fine dairy ranch; $o00. clear, will give
or take E. It. B1rd. C20 Yeon bldg.
LARGE paying business, light work, no ex
perience or running expense. J. u. Mor
ris, t.u aeon.
FOR SALE Equity In ' fine Eastmoreland
lot: wlil take good piano aa part pay
ment. 4B1 Vancouver ave.
$.1300 INSTALLMENT mortgage to trade
for rooming-house or grocery store. AJ
KUNABOUT or 5-passenger auto wanted
for Portland city vacant lots; state price
Electric Gas Appliance Co.. Salem, Or.
WII.I. aell or trade 9-rooin house by owner,, Montgomery St.
WHAT have vou to trade for $:Wo equity In
lot In St. Johns? AD PH2. Oregonlan.
Do vou want to trade your diamond for a
high-grade plano? AP "34, Oregonlan.
BAKER CITT lots, free and clear, Xor fur
niture. AK 33, Oregonlan.
lii.X-J RESIDENCES and 4 Iota to J-JAB
for ciiy income up to g.l.i.iaio.
tlS.OOO MS acres to trade for city, va
cant or income ranch, highly cul
tivated. 20,000 Apartment flat and 2 residences
to trade for vacant lot or lots lor
$i:t.oiHi equity.
20.50O IU-arre orchard and city PJ""PCr'f
for cltv apt. house up to g.lo.isro.
30,000 Iot for close-In acreage or Im
proved farm to J4O.0O0.
33,OO0 .Mortgac.- 13.3n apt. house ln-
come tl'T.". month, leased; $10.two
carfh, bal. trade.
-. n ..... . cultivated.
I .I'l.'.W -lo owi
I with first-class bldgs.. for city
Income; will pay ...)nu caau.
53.00O Alfalfa ranch to trade for city
property; will assume S..O.U00.
0o,000 Apt. house for city vacant or im
proved to $40.0Xi. bal. cash: will
consider close-in ranch A-l.
H10.000 2J0 acres, subdivision, lo trade
for city income; win aasuiii; also to.vw io aw
SI 35.000 f'ato'ry brick apt. house. 100x100.
income SHOO month: leased 1
vears. mortgage 50.KK) cash
S2II.OO0. bal. apt. house lots or
close subdivision.
S202.UO0 4-14 acres adjoining city along
river for factory sites: will trade
for city Income and assume
See Mr. Harbolt.
Mar. 42). A. .1. DETSCH CO. A 1oj9.
M( Chamber oi tu"""."-
HIGH-CLASS Portland Heights residence
garage and big grounds lor sale or w 1.1
consider Los Angeles property. Price is
"42M'ots at Oak C.rove. value $17,000. for
cltv property or farm close in.
liOxloO with new 7-ro.m mod"".n,.hom,?
on corner 31st near Gladstone. $...00 for
well located vacant lots.
Four new flats on East Sth St.. ncome
.... n.-i.A ci4 000-. wll con-
I sld'er good vaawnt lots for my eqVity-,
$35,000 apartment-house, close 111. w ....
consider form in Willamette or Tualatin
acres near Medford for general
merchandise atore or mill east of -ie
mountains. , , . ,
-0 acres, splendid country homo In high
state or improvements, on electric line,
va'ue $12,000. for Portland property.
$33000. Comer wholesale district near
Hill depot for apartment-house or other
PStT,.t "Vob 'llill. "quarter block for
re$3lTo'oi View property to exchange for
city property up 'o l,o0.n0.
413 Chamber of Commerce.
2"i acres in Forest Grove. Improved.
$ ,40' acres In Cowllta Co.. Improved.
?130'acre near Tillamook, improved.
040'acres near Forest Grove. Improved,
04Sacres near Lyle. improved. I4..00.
:.o acres near Rldgefield. imprond,
SsoU'acrea near Goldendale. Improved.
' 'so'iicres near Medfrd. Improved. $2000.
so acres near North Yamhill. Improved.
'wOacres near T.yle. Improved.
sr. acres near Banks, good for platting.
3 J.". Lumber Exchange.
201 Swetland bide.. 5th and. Wash.
Bring in your trades, we can match you
on an thing. ,.
3 acres North Plains, on carllne. for
city lots tip to 20OO
7 acres, McMlnnville. near P. O.. 6
room house, bath, etc., new barn, chicken
houses, fruit trees, for 4-room bungalow,
good location.
20 acres. Woodburn, near school, fine
potato land, for house and lot.
S-room modem house, piedmont, no In
cumbrance. $.'i!iOU. Sell or trade for acre-
KWe have all kinds of houses and rooming-houses
to exchange for lots and acre
"0 arris, all under cultivation: not rr
from Portland, near Salem Electric road
and Southern Pacific. Price $..f P?r
acre. Would divide lr. 3-acre plots, ask
1007 Spalding Bldg.
4 ACRES. 27 In cultivation, best soli In
"Oregon, running water, good S-room house.
' barn, sheds and chicken-house, 1 mile
from railway station on county roa.l. 15
miles from center of Portland: complete
stock and equipment, no expense to buyer
over price of place; price $.HH0; will take
part trade clear lots, acreage or auto
mobile, part cash and leave balance on
mortgage. O 930. Oregonian.
Have 2.1 acres of as good land as can be
found anywhere, wlthm 8 miles of Port
land, close to R. R. station and steamboat
landing. Will give you an ex ce'.ent trade.
This lahd will surely double in price with
in the next two years. See me at 413
Ablngton tuna
ACRES unimproved land In Clackamas
Vountv. about half tillable, some first
class 'timber, some easy to clear tine
creek: for sale cheap or might trade for
Portland property.
SIS Chamber of Commerce.
APARTMENT HOl'SE of 1S sulte. clearing
over $20O monthly. R years' lease, oxeel
lnt location, close In. East Side. $..oO0.
exchange equity of $41oo for Improved
farm acreage, family liquor atore or rest,,
denre. Kauffmann & Moore. 323 Lumber
FORTY acres, 23 cleared. 1OO0 trees, famous
Hood River district, running rrater. clear,
for sale or exchange for Improved Port
land propertv. Also r.n Portland lots,
clear- also 120 acres 5006 timber. T "40,
wu ACRES of excellent soil In Benton
County Ideal stock ranch well watered
House and outbuildings; $30 per acre No
Incumbrance: exchange for good Portland
property. Kauffmann 41 Moore. 325 Lum
ber rcxenange.
1 OWN a good 30xlOO corner lot. graded
streets, water, value $730: have paid $300.
balance payable $10 monthly; will trade
for piano, gn.ollne launch or something
valuable. O OM. Oregonlan.
wTl L take diamonds or anything clear,
with cash value for equity In , acres;
West Sine. 20 minutes from center of Port
land, balanco easy payments. AG -.
HAVE a good 70x100 corner lot. value $SO
have paid $300. balance payable $1S
monthly; will trade for piano, horse and
buggv. launch or something else of value.
It t.;i. urrBQiiii'ii.
. . . c- . ? r. L-YPIIiVi:!.:
". and" 10-acre tracts In high state of
cultivation, near station on Salem Electric;
very fine soil, running water: easy terms.
La Barre. 200 Commercial block.
FIFTY Portland lots, near carllnes. value.
$'.00 to $1.V0 each, clear, to trade, all or
riart for paving business. Income property
or first mortgages. Write fully what you
have. V H44. l.rcgon.Hii
WANTED $1000 or $1300 lot as part pay
ment on a swell s-room modern bungalow
on East Flanders; price only $IOlK; part
cash on bal. ....
F. DL BOIS, J'.i a coo uioa.
BEAI'TIFI'L new bungalows, will sell on
most any terms, we had to take this In
on a deal and no. use for It. so will sac
rifice for a quick deal.
JORDAN, 610 Lumbermen, bldg.
120-ROOM apartment house, clearing $IOO
per month, for I ms roved ranch and gen
eral store, close to Portland. AD 940.
6-ROOM. house on Base Line road, nice
view. Want -paacnger car. 1911 model,
and balance on contract. - L 941, Ore
gonian .
fnderbru.h or logged-off lnnd for my
eqtiltv of $3300 in my $3000 residence.
AS 930, Oregonlan.
NINE room." and sleeping pore... modern
and nicely furnished. West park will ex
change for equity in lot; price SioO.
JORDAN. BIO Lumbermen, bldg.
!'' 000 worth of property for Portland
Incomei up to $35,000. 840. Chamber ol
sToo'eQI'ITY in 10 acres of fruit land, value
$10110. to exchange for furniture or dla-
mJORDAN, 610 Lumbermen, bldg.
SOC'XD equltyT1400 In 5-room house for
modern 4O00-$30OO residence or desirable
lot within 30 block, of Broadway bridge.
L 933. Oregonlan. m
TWO fine Laurelhurst lota, equity about
$1400. with second mortgage prlvileg e. for
mortgage or seller', contract. K 933. Ore
gonian. ,
50 ACRES of fine fruit land, south of Salem.
Will accept a good close-in building lot
or a good house and lot as first payment.
A SIGHTLY Roesmere lot for automobile:
must be "late model and In perfect run
nlng condition. X 944. Oregonlan.
SPLENDID 10-acre 4-year orchard, snap at
$4000; for 3-7-room modern house or lots.
L 937. Oregonlan.
WHAT have you to exchange for $1000
equttv In 'fl-room bungalow: balance
straight mortgage? C, 932. Oregonlan.
El" EVEN million feet of timber. Douglas
County, for Improved city real estale. 422
Ablng'tori bldg. Phone Main 7764.
75 ACRES for city property: price $1500.
at. AODIG. ne".
Tn 1 1-4 C C
V acres within 12 miles of Portland, all
tillable, good soil: 10 acres under cul
tivation, 5 acres in timber: house. 3
rooms downstairs. 3 rooms upstairs
can be finished : good barn, wel. and
springs; cow, 3ll0 chickens. piOW, har
row, etc. Price SSOOo. or will trade lor
city income property.
114 acres, all tillable. 40 acres in wheat
and oats. 20 acres In pasture. C acres
In bearing orchard: 7-room house,
bath, modern; barn 40x60; spring
Wiiter piped to houso and barn and
stream through pasture. Price ?:0O0.
$5."oo rash, balance can remain or
will trade for Income property.
2d Fioor Chamber of Commerce.
76 acres at Cornelius on Forest Grove
electric, $60.
100-acre alfalfa ranch. 120 acres In al
falfa, free water, good buildings, $75.
17i acres on Forest Grove electric, 15
acres in cultivation; onion land.
J! acres on Base Line Road, all cleared
and In cultivation.
160 acres at Washougal, loo acres in
cultivation, good buildings.
J. E. RAND & CO..
223 Board of Trade.
40 acres extra fine soil, lies just like a
garden, 38 ucres In high state of cultiva
tion and crop: good 7-room bouse with
hot and cold water, gasoline engine, large
burn and outbuildings, good team, harness
and wagon, cow, hogs. 4 dozen chickens,
plows, cultivator, harrow, disc; in fact
everything necessary to new place; 20
miles from Portland, one mile from balem
electric station, one quarter of a. mile
from Willamette River; with good town
and schools. Price $00110. Will take
$61100 In Portland property, balance can
run a long time.
520 Itatiway Exchange Bldg.,
r-ourin ana oiara.
EXCHANGE 25 acres of as good land as
there Is In the State of Oregon, with good
5-room house and other buildings, with
10 acres cleared and part in crops and
voung orchards:this place is within 10
minutes' walk from electric station, one
hour out from city; price $43.; will ex
change for 8 or 9-room house, clear or
Incumbrance, in Portland up to that value.
oou Spalding bldg.
BjySOM modern house to exchange lor
k'Tinall tract close in.
8-room modern home to exenange lor
smaller one. . ,
1.-c 111 'r
313 Lumbermen's Building.
$1000 EQUITY" In ten acrea close to station
and Portland. 4 acres in cultivation, bal
ance heavv timber, good creek, on county
road, balance $10oo payable semi-annually,
easv payments. Trade for clear lots,
smaller clear acreage or automobile.
032, Oregonlan.
30 3r.s SQUARE feet or better than . of an
acre, good 8-room. strictly modern house,
barn chicken-house, fruit trees and small
fruit cement walk, and furniture, if de
sired'. Will trade for acreage or general
merchandise store. Owner Marshall 4284,
or AO 940. Oregonian.
30 horsepower. J910 model. 2 seat, s
passenger, Cadillac, detachable tonncau,
torpedo body, speedometer. windshield,
horn, lights, etc. A bargain: will sell for
cash or trade for Inside real estate. Ap
ply P. E. Stowell. care M. Seller & Co.
WANT E D To swap unincumbered, unim
proved close-in city property for 1011 second-hand
medium-priced five-passenger
auto In good condition. AP 9o3, Orc
gonian. WILL accept a lot in Irvlngton a. part
pavment on modern R-room house oil
Fast 9th St.. near carllne.
306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7H92.
APARTMENT-HOUSE. West Side. 3-story
brick price $30,000; income $3100 year;
will take $13,000 In city property, re
mainder in 5 years. E. J. Gelser. 4.0
Chamber of Commerce.
New modern 7-room home. $5000. part
rash', part trade, Monday. Ask for Mrs.
palmer, ai ai"'"
FOR SALE or exchange; for good real es
tate. Hotel Doris, the only $2 per day
hotel in Woodburn. Or. J. L. DeLong.
FOR SALE or trade, practlcaly new 500
account McCaaky credit register; will con
alder trade for horse and wagon. X eier
son ft Jacohson. 652 Alberta st.
WILL TRADE or sell my equity In S-room
modem house In Braiee Addition. Irvlng
ton for vacant lots. close-In acreage or
an automobile. East 1155 and Main 7HSS.
$?0O EQUITY 5 k acres, 4 blocks postof
flce Forest Grove, to exchange Phone
ow ner Sunday or evenings. W oodlawn
EXCHANGE houses and a 7-passenger auto
for lots and acreage. S. Peterson. 1024
Board of Trade. Jiain a..J-.
ol.'ARTER block North Portland and $10,000
ca.h for close-in income property up to
$10,000. 423 Falling bldg.
BASeTliNE a'creage for exchange: one lot;
some cash and balance easy terms. Wood-
lawn 2 i.l..
TRADE printing outfit for motorcycle,
horse, buggy, or anything of value. &
936. Oregonian.
40 ACRES 15 cultivated, buildings, orchard,
fine trout stream, excellent soil; $35K);
trade for residence. 406 commercial block.
OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE. If you wish to
buy sell or trade anything, write to the
Palace Realty Co.. 245 Y'amhill st.
GOOD hotel, furnished. In near-by town;
will rent or trade for other property.
5-PASSENGER automobile, adaptable for
truck; will exchange for lot or team-
Call at ziz r rum, g.
5 ACRES gardc-n land near Spokane for
Portland lot or automobile. E 93S. Orcgo-
LAURELHURST corner, building site, equity
for automobile, piano or anything. E 936.
Oregonian. '
s;t.-,oo FARM. $2350 equity, exchange for
1011 automobile or lots. E 935. Oregonlan.
WILL EXCHANGE a $600 piano for lot of
like value near ca'rline. X 938. Oregonian.
BVVINTON ADDITION, new home for auto,
mortgage, cheap acreage. 614 Couch bldg.
300 acres. 20(1 In crop, over 200 head
stock, machinery, etc., some trade, some
cash, balance mortgage. h.iess
SI0.OO0 stock of tndse. $40,000 business
for farm or city pioperty.
$16,000 clear income propertj tor goou
Eastern Oregon farm near Bend.
MOO-acre ranch with all machinery and
stock for income property. .--
Good alfalfa ranch for farm or mose.
90 acres all cultivated, clear of incum
brance. R. It. station on place, $10,000.
take part trade, balance mortgage.
JIXOOO cltv property for well stocked
farm up to $ might pay some cash.
lo5 acres on C. & K. K. R. at $4. per
acre, trade for -city property and clear
150 acres near Newberff. all stock, crop
and machinery with place, at $100 per
acre take some trade, some cash.
200 acres Yamhill County. 90 In cultiva
tion, good water. $35 per acre; take. part
trade. , ,
Well-Improved farm in New Mexico for
farm or city property.
Two Eastern Oreajon relinquishments to
trade. . , . ,
Three good dairy ranches, with stock,
for city propertv.
Several good wheat ranches to trade.
Flour mill for city property.
320 acres near Tygh Valley with stock
and machinery. 90 acres in cultivation. $2..
per acre, part trade.
$10.0.10 clear citv property for good farm
with stock and machinery: will assume.
Rogue River full-bearing orchard, 14
years old. must sell: only $600 per acre:
adjoining land sold for $1000; part trade.
Three irrigated Idaho farms to trade.
List your property with us for sale or
430 Worcester bldg.
153 acres. Yamhill County, near rallj
road station, 123 acres in cultivation. ..o
acre, of which is the finest river bottom
land. Good buildings, all machinery. 7
horses. 5 cows, chickens, etc. Price. 30.
000. Will take Portland income property
to th.? same amount.
loo acres near McMlnnville, all in culti
vation no buildings, half in Winter crop,
on main county road. Land lies level and
rich soil. Price il 2.000 will take Port
land property of the same value.
SO acres on the Germantown road; 43
acre, in cultivation, good buildings and
stock. Price $14,000, for Portland prop
erty. 30 acres, one mile from city limits or
McMlnnville, all in high state of cultiva
tion; 8 acres In hops. 4 acrea in walnuts.
Good buildings, stock and implements.
Price $15.11110. Will cojisider $5000 in Port
land property as part trade.
60 ac.-es. 6 miles west of McMlnnville.
all in high state of cultivation Baker
Creek runs through entire place 50 acres
of richest bottom land: good buildings.
Price, JSO00. For Portland income prop
415 Chamber of Commerce.
J00 ACRES of land in Lane County lor
Portland property: loo acres In crop. 2t
acres set to young orchard; million feet
of good saw timber; splendid water, with
spring water piped to house and barns
from -never-failing spring: two large
barns, house and other buildings; smalt
family orchard in bearing: 175 head of
stock, including hurs 3. hogs, Jersey cows,
high-grade sheep, goats, etc: machinery
and iinlements of ail kinds stift u jent to
run the place. Will trado for good Income
Portland property; price $13 per acre.
No. 2 LunUiernit-ns Bldg.,
Ground Floor.
APARTMEXT-HOL'Sli, 30 rooms. IS apart-.,
nients. t-Wpecially well located; near Broad- 7
way and new Steel bridge; walking tiis
tance; on Williams ave. carllne; more de
mand for apartments than can be sup
plied. Can easily be conducted by 0110
person: price $olXMj; want about $3JOO
dwelling or some good business.
No. 2 Lumbermens Blda,
Ground Floor.
Country store with P. O.. about $70'10
to trade for good farm or city propertj :
ltJO-acre farm, with all stock and imple
ments, near Cornelius, good improvements,
first-class soil, for small farm, city prop
erty and some cash. We have all kinds
of good trades. Tell us what you have
and we will match it.
K. FL'Cli.s, 4;:t) Cham, of Commerce.
HAVE magnificent new- home in most ex
clusive portion of Portland Heights; view
unsurpassed and unobstructed; most beau
tiful grounds; appraised at $50,000. Will
trade lor income bearing Portland prop
erty or for smaller home. Will adjust dif
ference; principals only need answer. G
'.!."., Oregonlan.
40 ACRES. Rogue River. 4'i. miles from
Medford, will trade for home and assume,
land free and clear, unimproved; prlco
$150 per acre; house 6 rooms, lot f.oxPU.
cement walks, street improwd. will trade
for cheap lots or good chicken ranch;
price $2000; mortgage $00. 2S5 E. Mor
rison, upstairs.
100 At.'RES. 35 miles from Portland; 40
acres in crop; good house, barn- and or
chard, in good locality; will exchange for
mortgages, real estate contracts or income
properly. Price only Sou per acre.
No. 2 Lumbermens Bldg.,
Ground Floor.
Sub-division of 160 acres, close to Port
land, on electric line; have equity of $11,
000 to trade for improved farm or city
property of equal valuation of equity, bal.
of purchase price on 160 acres on easy
terms. Will easy nut you $40. 000 profit.
AT 952, Oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL ll-room. 2-story house, (Ire
place, hot water heat, corner lot. hard
surface street; price $1000; $1.""0 cash ami
a $:too lot worth the money; will as
sume and take better lot or acreage, bal
ance monthly. 1 block to car. Tabor 325U
Inquire at white oftice, cor. 34in and
140 ACRES. "
4 miles west of Salem. A beautiful
sightly home. Electric station near. A
fine farm. Price only $125 per acre, cash
or good merchandise stool:.
822 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 5S20.
GOOD Willamette Valley farm to exchange
for farm lands in Alberta. Canada. AImi
Portland city property to exchange tor
farm lands in Canada.
No. 2 Lumbermens Bldg.,
Ground Floor.
$10,000 EQUITY lu $1.j.HIO hotel, propertj
and building, will exchange for land,
houses and lots, farms, ranches, etc.
51S-19 Board of Trade.
A 1051. Mar. 4299.
MODERN 5-room house, and lot on Maiioo
ave., near Walnut Park and modern house
and 2 sightly lols on Broadway, near Lau
ren. urst. for West side property or
Side business lot. apt. site, not over SiOno.
owner. E 9311. Oregonlan.
I HAVE seven beach lots in Neearnoy Ciiy.
Tillamook County, valued at $20O a lot
two jeiirs ago; will trade for house and
lot in Portland and pay some difference.
AR 952, pregpiiian. r
7-pass., 6-ryl.. first-class shape: will
ell 'on terms or trade for good lots ia
eilv; price SI5oo. cost $4500. Call Main
4sSo. ask for Corser.
l-'i.NE mlllinerv and dressmaking parloi-a
for sale or trade at a sacrifice, on Wash
ington street: rent $30 per month, .ill
Hoard of Trade.
ONE of the finest type old l-.iiglish, hous-s
nearly completed, on the East Side. il
exchange for vacant property. Equity
$4.-.oo. 300 Couch bldy.
PORTLAND income property to trade for
Fargo. North Dakota, pioperty. AP !..!.
TO EXCHANGE 25 acres Hood River ap
ple land; will lake auto as part payment.
AS 932. Oregonian.
WANTED $211110 or $31100 slock of shoe'
or groceries in exchange for acreage. A I
941. Ciceronian.
SIGHTLY lots on Broadway, near Laurel
hurst, for small modern house cloao 11
Main 2593 Sunday or evenings.
WANTED Contractor to take 3 lots In -change
for building house. Marshall l-.n.
IM PROVED acreage. Garden Home, for nn
improved acreage or lols. 014 . ouch hl.II.
KOR SALE Equity lu house for 4-pas-sensrer
auto or good lots. .'01 R'. Ex
! TIMBER to trade. 501 Ry. Ex
Home.. Vehicles. Ktc.
A-l HEWY draft team, weight 3000 tol'.lcn
pound's. 7 and 8 years; with harness. $4..":
harness and wagon. $500. Address M.
Turner. Banks. Or.
ROSE City Stables, phons Marshall j,S.
Boarders wanted; horses hired and de
livered promptly; guaranteed horse, .old.
tree trial. 505 Alder. .
sTvEAR-OLD marc, city broke, will work
anvwhere; weight about 1073: bargain It
sold before Sunday. Sugarman s Grocerj
Co.. Morris and Commercial sts.
TAKES bav mare, trusty for ladv;
weight 1000 pounds: rubher-Uro top bugsj
and harness, go....
Say mare. 8 years, weight 1150. harness and
buggy Just the thing for ladies- or chil
dren. $80. 4-10 East Morrison.
NICE gray mare. 5 years, weight 1100. goo.
driver, any lady can rldo or drive thu
marc. A. Klein. EaBtJMoiTison.
HAVE one team left which I have taker
on a debt at my blacksmith shop, 28!
H 4 RG A IN 2 brown mares, lloo lbs., true
,0 pull, single or double harncsj and
wagon. Phone Sullwom! l.c8. .
BVRGA1N 1 black marc. 4 years old. 12..C
lbs., owner has no use for her. -o. Ar
thur st. , .
5 HEAD mares and geldings, weight 90o lbs.
to 1330 lbs.. 845.: 5 to 10 years. $10 up.
270 E. Tin 91-
ennn hav mare 7 vears, weight lino,
bu?nessybnggy and harness. Albert Klein.
441) East Morrison.
SORREL TcnT weight 2350. with new
harness, $12b. Mr. Henry. 440 East Mor
FOR SALE Litrht wagon, .ii.ia.ui. .... .:
dry? grocery w cleaning house; price $...
1 k. riTaiM?. -
SPAN geldings, weight 2400 lbs., true and
gentle suitable for ranch; a poor mans
team. $11Q. 270 K. 7th rl.
jVTiV te"arn" weight 2200. harness and
Gon just thlSg for small farm, $100.
Wilson's team. 440 Last jiornson.
kp, of 7-year-old small mars suitabl.
for driving or light delivery for sale or
;rciclarge horse. 446
GOOD driving horse. S years, weight 11M,
good rubber tire buggy and harness, ?1.,.,.
M rs. Johnson. 4 40Ea.stMorrison.
T?r,it scale SliiO-pound team. $?50: linn-
' J I 1 W, .-v . Hejst ili
ber camp or grauinai. ' -
SoOD large, family horse and buggy and
harness cheap. Mt. Scolt car. Kern Park
-...ion r.rXMI 67th St. S.
RAY MARE and horse, weight about l!"r.
each, true to work, good drivers, $200. 3H3
Water st.
A GOOD work team, harness and wagon.
$2'X) buys the outfit. 30ll',i East .th st..
between Liay ..o q..
fl", TAKES bav mare, trusty for lady,
weight 1O00 pounds; rubber-tire top buggy
and harness, good as new. 393 Water st.
GOOD driving and saddle mare. $40. Opera
House Laundry, 2d and Everett, wagon
No. 2.
FOR SALE 3 gooseneck wagons, horses
ana names?. na ' 1--.
K1NE Shetland pony and saddle, cheap. 6'i3
Mulberry st.. Ladd Addition.
FOR SALE Black registered driving mare.
114M Division St.. near 71st. Tabor 3047.
FOR SALS HORSES. Trustworthy horses
accustomed to city. 88 East 7th .t. North.
WANTED Good, all-around horse, for bugsy
and light farm wmk. 360 Tillamook.
GOOD top buggy cheao. l'honc Main 7171 or
write lift 5th st.
STYLISH black horse. 1030; ride or driv
afraid of nothing. G 8S3. Oregonian.
WANTED Good, true work horse, viuiil
I200 to 14O0. Phone Tabor 9, R 2'i82.
A BARGAIN in lti00-lb. draft horse, s y-a'-j
old. if taken at once. Phone Wdln I'.7T.
SPAN mores, weight 2400 lbs.. Willi 'i;irn.-s
and wagon: $155. 409 E. Salmon U