TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCII 31, miSJ 11 Act rMC. iH V A CANADIAN KARlt. h tarn in u-pi ii -r.i. "io-"Ut lands n-i riv.i v.r.n o is a-a:l;'.g )u in VI irra Ciaia f JWan u. t Urn - at a ma -ii i (rru:u) a it - i re of t... rit a iru soil in A u-rit ana-la w 1. 1 .!. uaa n j.tJ the Hi:sr PKlAE "f x .r ti. Li..- i V, ; i r.A . i. I H . o Kiilu in N w i orlt i i) in ocioi-t r. ui i. Farmers oil lar la -priced lands won n l second ana tuirU in tuiurt.nua wan i V Go r.rir ou fn''projir and rn larni in a f-w yeai-i time. l.in .,a o vid f r i h-.r farms m r.n ':if or I .ri. li I'M- rwt a f-ti:ie i.f t.ju .;i to ma a a o u. p ten -e. A.AI!A.S PA If.. KAILW Y tAMS A . K selli.no r ii M V 1 to $.o per . r. I-Hth tah nu ta.nc iu nine equal annual rayrnrnta. 1'jr I ..-V LA N D Is heir g taken first , frn fa' .i i irrf : " .Hi i :.y time Ojr-ntf r-ii- 'i;:.ry of ''..a iii:i:l I 'jS t wam. w kit.: r- -day f I . -; tF I H I l.l.i - 1 K I" Kti IP, K -1. !. i S l.iu-r:i.inc ..ur V ' 'MiUFl . or- ,'l i v in i lit. h r a. 1DI -M I'AltHiV i.NU CO.. k ii Ag'-nta, 1,44: d f4 a . i -itl '. I I:atlwa. V . i.u i.t rrn'-ri It, ,i4 A.J ruit.vat-.t. t it 1 Mt i. a.:;..! .iu lrt-t 'Hnt! rhirj tn pi i .:-. fl..tUin .i'i rK.t on t .' prp--r't. t.n iloat' biln r t t-n n t-ii .:.'- j.l tn i )i;Junii, iur- roun'i (v h vn-ria hme. a l..e i.'tr .tr ;nl all mixlTti (ri n.'ifi; i - p:f v i Ail t io .i.: : j. n:.-: w W!'" .N-l'iin apr . r- . .r onl. a "rr. b--ific - i.ar'l. j-r n ".1 itm . ..I is h.4y P '. k 1..n ' tr l lr ( . a I ! p- rn'i.u.l r r n ! a Mili.ll. r . ur pt .1.-- . -. f (. it 1:1 i!e ,,41,, i . -ri etr ! . r.-'i-.-.r t i.r.!n property U m tit 1 1 t.r nt . - hv;r.it ir":n n r i hit Hm a. !). i i p .- iu ic r.ticeii for s ri. 4i wu t .t.t. 4ti xro in l fi. r H..r i of Tr.nl b 'it ail f r H. . o.t. ii kk: i. Kr-.jM IlK n t Aii.l. n rrrirtni ) r- i-l. nt prtp-.l trt. nr ;vt-i tr-t t-rliti n . In rr. a 1 1 ' m w u'-u r :a.i ill ' rul of in f 1 1 y . T '. i" in f-r 1 .i I'KIC A l.K. Tlii tn ,':t;r''v.i :.' t.ur h ul vl ! n. . 2 Tff !n n.'f tin. ttt i t.tm tr rHurd: mix n-fz. r-mni-i itt r jur it i.nd. acrea nn'. I nr r, nil -ol .i., ri r'-' -r fhu,; a 1 hi. i t:ir-. r l cr Ii'ilnr, U..'N att rit the t' .r at ( r t-fi.t. A'iutfS h- t.l.KAr.X NAl t-rin t t. r NKi: AN paf:kh!i,i.. A-'il iN. nci' in ruit I v ji ; t.-ti. ii NarK 'niiii"rr,,il i r hai-l. if ail Kirit in hjrtnc. rixhI i ltT. l'tue. I'linl birn, r(' rf r.nt( ; 2 itol nurn in I 4i nn. a niitTiSr of am: wan. pli. harr.t. o-r 1 a.M.i rut. o orln m.i!i'l:re. ! 1 mu. S. r".. wf ("tui-ii .i wmi ii ? an I'roMini; on l ' frit e $ in o, . an no.i i-r .i I-., an a '11 uni nru :it''reil prop-: i" will uk n nit m 'rt-.K- arr- a full fn ili frUil-H -room pl.ta- ai. - (Tmm I rlti. k-nx. "I riiptii of Thla p;-it-. . n: ii- S St-nt imt-' t ..MMI lor p.M riu for fliHK "ii kM.M. n. a prop -i i v - b-1ow ui riuiidiiii; atufs. se Mr. .V'irf an i nAfi-HKrtr.' mt;k tki t iu. I. t.- ;-t i ' tti brr of 'oiivtii'ft'O. ATTIiAi'TIVK SI IU UIIAN II ltl. n acre, two bio. Ka w-t of il. iorurn ?tt ion. on nofiin "it r curlm-; h k 1. 1 Improved ifh an artiPtu i - room hiini!:i-i-.i. ith flfpuiai v. built - in biw he .!- a. 'i na elonrt. Ln;cn kltc.i.n. it-m- nt hiun lr mtt irtrr'or has exrry laor-aii,K t-in vnine; tfinpaie with th l-!c h'wut tn I'orttan! ; ei irlc lin M'i. w.u r un-ler p- nuir-' nMii itut 'ui iii . nc . iur i ouml nl tv lii?-rUs. nio.lii hma; must be -en to be appre.'ial-i ; rompei;i-i to a.'ll. j. tit a Ciinlim; ; caa a piai e Sunday. Mrs. J. r" ran it I'ovrera, owner, on prtnua, fif call on. THUS J. HAMMEIt. Ton HMj. NH"B HOME AND TWO ACRES, t m Oregon it y Klart nr. only 3w m:n uui out. i:Htl barn, rhicken-liouava ainl a.i vt: tetie fruit in f uii brani.s ; uVpo: ntim biock. lO-rnt fare. ROotl terms. Call room 1 OruDiaa blil. RIVERFRONT ACRE AG E. f n t h teauttfut Wiltmrte ; boat Uniina anl cm .-ril'-m i ih- r;oii l ity 'r. if yo.i .mT . n lo-n i luinn- on th river, ur one of thtaearrrs. Kor priie and particulars s.a THE I.AWRKNVK CO., 2s AUter M. HALF-ACKK HM Jnt wht Vou a--e tn-..i 'r. ion: j-atorv i-ronn hu nt. nn i'i turn. n nnons n f:uit tr.. klnl f r-i. no n i-. -, . o m : Mn ti at f t r. ' t:r prov nt nta t 't 3 J for .:.""t.. f ,sli. ar. T-tbur ILi-'k c for. rta't f :! b. arii K i ;'i.ni I.iiki. P"U aros "; a F'Mi - at. K v win h.i. Kl' li t. l. I w do. trim tnke yoj? 1 rr I ne b- a Ian! ni:l"S from t'orttalt. Mies Irim rulitwid anil tovn; pr r ST.Vj acr-. a it i a i : pa nt i' t ! w n. t o-n s 1 . in mih. ii b. tier land tn U'fin. n t i Kraol: )hii cant ma'..n llna fi e it l terms. r-e us at tm c . r . E . At TKI'ST CO.. :'..-.;". "Immuer of i on n AAI'. ,h arr. niii.utta on tireami E'"trir; t . ai-iI. t i -tnce in . . .iii'l Kf w lb w. I r 'i a ' itrdrrti ;-i ti r '' a ' e.l oil ! . ;,. i a rid 1!." tine for -.a t In r . adjac'i t ,r-r; " 'i-'i: at douit.e a ik I aK I liB . r ir ja j r act ; nt. 11. T WKV, I N.cK r CHOICE COt NTRY HOME SITE- ' a- --e. f.n rardi n a -1 fiu't land. a---.- r pd t.i t a. t , 17 :n . t to i or' in lid : 4ij'."iDri n own r.'iiiiuv i.i.ree; thia ia a- rltrr. ad a d bnv al lr. b'-. e i", -i"S terchania i i u-i b .ta;.. Mar i',iil -".':t. SI-KiTUTOK.-t. IN fc..- i l. CrE. 7 s at rm. s in lira out. W el i pi; proved. -j 1'iH" to s'a'toit. rXif : ' it adi. Water a'S-t.-TTi tl t t chew n a I Ijoo (a r a re, at,.ut I MHt i ash. bainni a r. yeais. rt per o-nt. i -u tan more than ilouHe our money hi le a -r. .""finit is beileviti4. I;. i.ale . ij.Tiia pr,,t,ted. t'. FlCHr. 4 t'hmlr rf Corrnerre. "tIVK FOR A pil'IM iIilSTn" H'MK. bran! if ul acres, UHMi f. l e tat I'ourt ftey 'ioq. south side. H'-r 9:K. i see n. r-no. -ne a re. ad cultivation, rliiht at station An D-eK on (it rar; 1ih-o. e ay t"nii l.i'lifKl.T.-lK Itll-.. 414 I 'ouch Pid. Ti.: ?i prurHN hove si-k.'m.ts. i'AN VOU HEAT IT? Ji nrril. 4i mmu'es ride from Portland ifl eeer!e in". 1-3 mile ffoni Station. I .ties f'ne iciflen lund, b.i la nee so, id tim ber fn- 'ot. $ c.ioi. iMi.unf easy. OltiCpV FAR M REALTY CO.. i.ti. M,K;.v Mi .1 a. It) ACRK- Near N'cr. red snot soft, under rui nation. wejl on the place, beautiful iew. , mlie Irorn R. R. ; an Ideal W acres; ill ery rej..rnrile. w. i; sfHru.K. r n. 2d. Mam A KE a ride tint to Sifion. ine near tow-fi- e on the electric line out of nn.-ouvr. iv ah. Ot in on the ground f ,.-.r ; lots a d acr.'aje; some new 4-ro.riI cutagfa; .' u et ri1', terma ti e e:i"t. vv tti at yoi n;:k. Suit 4 - . Y eo ii I . ; . 1 u . II PER MONTH It and e ha.f acre tn ruilli at. on. near . 'tv 1 1 Tut, eo i a no dpt.- t! n a I. t: snap if tk-n at on e Ak f.r Maraten r Hate. Jo j Wiifoi, Mils. Open Sunday s l-'-3. A"RES. m.Ie frum ei-itric hne. II rriVi from P'rii nd. apiei.d d ao;l fin-. f'ull !aml. 17 r acre. ie-m . t h Is la i ri be: h.rMin about C e . l y. II W. T av N-r Co. Cliftinb-r tf Commerce HA.-E LINE I'L AT TIN'!. r- ui.d'i cult ' at ''.n. fa Ire vti . tu i t double ".ur tn..,iV bt - f..re Summer. F. Northntp. al.t 1,'ouch 'dr. FOR S I. E, H Y O W N f. It. arrea. e nm in. on eariine. Ji minutes Io por:i.n1. ": rmt far, a , 1 and reneed pa-t caah Call Irtf.I E. 1-lth mt Fhne S:rol 4.'4 4 . i ' t i-.S er . f '-"1 f n rmln m 'a ml, r to r r.tad et'. a.'o ctsh. $! n .mi'i . i j . vrea. t . '" t r t a .-. .p s f ort lUt to'i-'. y r!n--;i. E P P " ' "' K I Wt-Vaa M ' C i p, !! a r-a ine ..r water and nr tnrouah p. cloaa n. Iloiaj, taruia. F. Duboa AJvi leva b.dg. RKAI. ESTATE. J or le -A rvtMtP. s ack.;s. NEAR PAKk Ro.-E ACRE.'. M ii-r. i O I'AKK Hust; C A KLINE. I own in a.r.a r.iiU i -r 1'atk 'if,s a r. . w re iliey an' se.lii.g ''" i.. r nrC. iiu:. on.iC to a Urn f-u.i rin. i tiit haw J it M. iff I to me in i 1 Dm f"r. -t tu ko ither ;,.n. a .-r t-rrun I rp riy. mu (:.. Ji i nf.tt! iae a re ';:k il rrlinn at 'n e, 1 ran t tc t"p and properly iu Cii- 1 t. I "M ,n In. re In a .'i-ronm h-vipe. prartlc-auy it hi ti.e iiu.n rudiu) rau. t.'iip.t : i tJ'. ah lit; on lii 'rratt"', a w.K "li a Kt-fMt r ..fl uu. . i.r 4 .tri ir.- niRin cuniy r i . iv..-r'fm lwu. barn, chuk n-tMiri-v nlni run. ... Tnre t. r-5. olrpT to th Ii-f-ot rra J mi a:.;h t.jey a!i ia-. mai- It mnven- i r.t lor uiuivit;;na iiito at rf tiat'is Th - i . - t i if v i an.! "i.nertel In tMii .'ii-- .uT.-:ii'..i: rat!. the l-iie. a -i.i .-nU r,.uvrd, wherw rX!ra (. 1 an 1 n.at-t. iL l. . r o m -. ,.n zitiiifv rnl can't be rui.t nt pn. Another tntnic. a-irh-iii ii :u- .f tf.i p.a la liie flnot kinl f r utrr. ril kiM tu. ka aid Hee riri tn;k-.l any mu.uiii In aeaoii; iiira jr,,.4rr eut ith th rhiCK-r In :ne barn x iir-1 nnj t!. quail whiatl th-ir -n.:. in in itl!tit hour, wtma ra .1;; at r j i -nttCnl, max inn It an tl al I am trt tk i1.lrall .ulMtn ar-'l I v;; ti t h m o - r t a cor.irarmr f:rn.l of mni". r I a .11 t'w a ilrmraHio i-Im hrne w jt h ut a mo tan v j on It. and I it-U-l't -orii.-r ii h vic a . : It a mortnai; r: it .! ii.. I !-. Ia-v. ao tf tr.ia appeal" i. .-u. l -n't t- a.'-'ii! ar.l anl-mit y"ur (rxp. it i n. a I iT-.-an t-ulr. a and am io :xr Pri'nti'i Jtmt aa unn aa I 1 t.ly an. W'i'.l I'C hotne Humliy. Tabor .! ' '.'. TI-IAKiivn.I.E At'RKA. ! mua fr.xn P..rt ai:.l, on tnlem Ele-tr;.- Hp. . I j a. a. I m i-u! ll a; I uil, n- r:.t ; a, r" in ti o.J nr titnl' r on bar i.a ''f p - . it ' M tl-room hiojs. i i.i. K-nli'iuS''. ) .trl. up'! we i . 1 lili i an i- p. "I auouran airrat,''. 1'tn t p. r a r.- We u. o lae Irn niff'at--ly at!jo!nna; Cits p.tv 1" J. ri t ii.,.-r m'Hnw ittnd; i-a a bttii.fui k no. I on stnl.t slope. innA-!-f ! iite ( .Tf. t lli.r.- art no biiiM t : . 1.;.; a .. nf i.i pl:i-e lor a home. I i.i e rl n k:d pr iuc tit, liny crop I ii v s.-iii f.r j-i a.i a'. Miiwlns Io .fr i-.-ni rifl on a a untloii t.f S (imi :;:r a. r i .m" t t1 n poor, w ornou t la nil ! r.i i -t tn.- r.'i-at klt.tl ..f lan. I at tlie f i-n- it,..- 'I ta uii.y -u n.iiiuia ri'if 1 1 '"I I t r:.tml. 17 r-aiit.ii.l aTfs. r'Kf'i ionic tt1 rr if w i: n a' ipoi t.n t ' v kt jr.ii , ap:ioi:.l li hout. irk. I..: in nn I li r.i rm : n iinl o:ii.r 'nnt bulio- ail i e.t w .1 i a "d f in--: rry ii . 1 1 i-ci ; li.s ..ri t.fuuiiful ain Ii!. a I n tfrrv i".'a;-i l for a m nil or niiuri-nn home tiniv mil.s rr .in Tort mil; pri-c ..", j;ooI termi tan n hntl. 04 iWE.N- UK-: TKI'rT COMPANY. N '- - I.iiiif iTnunii 1 1 .Uff.. ir..ui I i- io.T . Ai'Ki-.H Wlt.l.Wli n K IMVKKr'KONT. A !l.-i "i.i it! S A.'Jtl KJi K. We o 1.1 ..j i,f hn rliie riverfront a : i i in t.. r- f.iinnl t--. ur.on. ir.il.-a fr on r..r- :,::il. 1 m...- fr.)rn a' itpoi i.n i-.i-. in d e. ii;. . r i v ' r f-.rtus ih. w.-at I'oun'i.iry a t:d l .1 'ou nty ro-1-1 t he east l"i:n:.i r y ; t la ml rt- a feet a.ve t hi 1 1 r 1 -l nii-1 from I hT alr-p.-s Kint!v t th.- county roi.l . hfro ;a no to-t-t- i t'-uit nr k i t ! e n 'mil tn P.- found any :r.. AnjoiTimR th.a tract la one of tue l- at ro:n:n ii-i.il ori.'.ar.l.- in th" cojmy, li f it! i Im ;i ntiT . 7 : ' - ( I tits tr.n t l pr nc: lea v i-:ari1. t!i.' ju"clinic aite rom :n.i:i.W v.hw of the riv.-p ami vaii.y h u h : n: .j . ; j on cm a . ih 1 1 rr f.r ti'-rt than h ni:'e in a."h illreition aii'l Hi" v.iili y la anrt a.l out l.efor" you In plain vi. w- t ir m..- a. w-p h t tu- ian itd-a att-l ft. liinni fr:anu a t. t. kicrotiTi.l. lnw i1o-h thtt sir:M. w.oiT 1t ii e S-otto, $'..m ea.;i, Ik, in' - ais Ht t per c. in. This .a a ta:fiin. c -oi i:itATivi: r.i;.u,TV 4r.. f.J'J R.iI.-a.iv E f ine ir.U.. A h an. I mIi Kt.K'JA.NT C' U'NTll Y Cn-:a:ire of lare a-r almoat pew. f xlra Inr.- m m E. om rrst'lenc, tun m v f von l ate.l in a tine vr iinl:i. aplrHii tl vi.-w . 1 irrote of biautitul native tr of on tract 43 ACHES, nne-ha'f of which in :n culttxatlon. ynunft nppla orchard, prncn, p'-ar, pruua and rl: erry tr s. it' -flii-rrn a. logun and strau Lernea. ctui keii-hiMises and runa; ro ii'.HiiiUr of trn-t a fine s;roo of native tree. 1 1 1 rru ruaii atatU-n Within "J- feet of rejtf letico ; price J."""': w ill trade fr po.Hi c iv tr p:tv for C. (T H"Kan. t M A?'! H t:itl.' W MT'SK A TKCST CO.. J'iJ-;!::" Ctiamber tf I'luinufi-f1 H"VKS I.N THM Tl ALATIN VALLEY. .""w-ral hlKhiy improved small farms wit bin i " mi.. of I'.-rtlaii.L on the elee tnc cailme; iwo f tricar piacs have fine iii.t tr. l.arl Juat coming Into bearlnc. On.- place of -t a-'rea all in cultivation; K""d t.niklliip!. prty of btriries and vmall fruit. Rood water syatem. aiork and farm P'.r.a; fur sale- on i-jsy terms.. ine ylaie of ft ai res, ail In araricn. ' t. f 7 a. r. s. with u'ra koihI hotisa S'lil iK.tt'Ul'dinuA; rim orchard. Hear elec tric station; r.iiAo and on easy terms. W. 1!. I.A.Ntl. '-70 4'h St 1 'ho ii Main U'loft F - TEKV H(l r-KEK K U. TTKVTti X. Full J.M,Y To i t; ft ACRE Vti; ( AX C.ET A .1j:i-afr htrh'v imp:oei fartn: ernom h'.ue . wo.. tatta. 2 j;ioH. 1J aiien in n-f , k - tl cif -i - V. .i f -i.d S : n D.i aT apple. : r: :- t p"ara arpl E -i ' Ish w nlti.i: a; J air. a f'l't urintf r'.';r!.a. 'JmJi acr a llti o. r cu.t n at l"ti . .."eai..i..n fv t fir aiwr t:intwr. a'-.r.tlani.e i.f witit, very rich a -1' ; I'H'.ii- 1 fi If v. ;- i" y . houi 4 n in To r.i im i'l a nd k 1 t n ; m-fiaol mi pa.e; ; his ia alt . -pt i-n 1 ! v kood P ' i e arid fte prl. is r:rhi. This l;i k mi.t k jt t.t tlkjitr". I'.u i c.ih or trade, li H. Eart.lnm. .'".1 Y on bids;. TtliiEE f.-rs on East Si"'. 'i niimit-s" rl.le fftt.ii ilonn town. ,ne hlock to car, faces JT ." fee i on n proved str el. art fr, w aier. w. i. r!e. titr pKhta and all oth-r l lty lltl p - .. e-n n'a in . or. nn-d of J.'O pearl its; ir-.-a; a o n'ht-r !ina:i f-ulf: i.m f ort at ie 7-ro..n Ii .ue. Tta i m Ideal place for a fine Inure and ia a ap;n.lid p'rv-e f.r a pr i 4te ur.irhi!ii or any tan Pi ins? of I'-tit (tiaia.-ier. rl. e JlsPoo. on -aa tf WEN". I r: TRT'ST rnll'ANY. o. o i.urni . rm-n lidn . 'J n.l h r A'-ri: a;e. i n I " - a c r o tr.n-r Cbo., the fire- station: .n cp -i r. (II t ,.T 1 rt.J . ry b.st of soli. For price ai"l piri'ii.-fa a e IIU I A W t: KM E a! A -ir M. FOR SI.E r.tt E."H i;E. C" a. i aii under euli i nr (on. rtol far fr.-m I'nri innd. ip :r rii tn K MrU road anil Houtf .-rn pA, 1:1,; i,ri--e $.'.o per arrr; wouir! ili:.le into S-mr pun Aak for Mr. Mm, t. NOif, 'H v'FTErt N AS-.'i'lATIUN. ' loof hpal.lif'K i;;!pe :V)-Ai'nK TRACTS It M 1 1 KS SL'TU OF I'EP.RYDAI.E $i i 7". p. r i.tv J.o down, then $jn p-r monUi al U per cent. b.ua, barn and s.-hool un -ne tn.-t. p irt In rult i vat l.n : yiooiNi nrda of bt.,.,1 0.n k io. on a (rood road. 4 mt lea f mtsj fori ind and all p i m land F. E Sv rhrmt t ilAl-IN HKMI.i'W MT'IM A TRCPT CO., .t.:L'-:l'is Chamber of Commerce. i."'; SA1 :v owner. jn-a'-re t hU ken rani'h. -i m ( ea wet nf port 'and n a-r 4r, t 'j n'-r' heaveidnrn. 4 acres pood at atidinjK t im In"-, yours; irrhnr.. ana 1 1 bona", (iwi! barn a:i! on I hut id i n ra. li nnea fr.-m town. 1 nii'e from achool. on tr .-pho" line and mail mm f.liai. t hird i aah AN Im.'. Orraonlan TEN ACRES. $.UM CASH. IIimi c.iah bns lo a.-r.-s o4 n h amt. enay Io i -ear. 1 nn.s from ceutt-T of Portland, on tonn'v road. 1 nid"S to tirf(jnn Elec tric mr in-. A snap t 517. 'ii. fine place to r.iise c.ir-'-n and crfrkcs. .1. c.EISrlK. 4 J" 'frtir l-.-r of Commerce. LITTLE CHICKEN RANCH.1 Thee-- tjurt ; iera of r ;i a -re on Oregon CI t v I ' rt rtc. on! y Mt m In u tea nut ; 10 cent fare; c ..ul hoiiav. t inly -n to pay dntrv li'a r ne for chicken bn:nea. "AI.L ltUM ii". t'RK'IONI HLDtl. ""N EVER THIS "OPPORTUNITY A'lA IN. t a.r.-a. .-a pretty as you eter mw; rich, t t soil, fine view-. 7 miles Courthouse. I';f rr.l'e e.ectrir ttion. fine. larite b-.uint: orchard ti-ti' . t-arn. fine mad Into rUt. i ..,". worth f l-fKilii. .1:7 l.t'MREil EXt'HANflB. J A HI.S one block from station, 13 m i a from p.r n nd ; ;. tiit!y good, f u p.ire riee.o(-merta and Increase of price for tht MiTo ii.at- a' ttor, I'rlce JlUOO, OOWEN-IDE TR 1 'ST COM PA NY. .No. L'ltT'bertnena ituilditig. C. round Fioor. V d V. i K VE N"T IdlU(KI) my utnii-lnn p.aie w;th its running s'ream. fn-tpies and perfei-f s.ope. run ill' ion a Ide.C. h!ch.r;am neis-h borhnorl. It's for aa.e. A '! t-r part, au f pr isin k y low. Address owner, pox 7V Mliwnukle. oP U -0 E-J I I TV FO R t 7 ' lrt ntrs Monr, totaj value ;pm: mir:.ikt nf f) per rem uiu v. nr" FT-v ru.'v rf l'a fr gtTa rash. MI'ST M-'LL olirK. it a ner. . 1 1 7 Ral. w ay E- elo -H. 11.1 M"NTiI. INi'LUDlNi; tiCer.-s'. nc-'-s rst' at elertrir sta in, n. fine for rh'tr-na. fruit or sardanlng; n beti i" land nynrh-r. Total pr ti Vo ,.n abtiv terr- s, sJinlth-WaauUer Cl 31WU iwia Utiav. REAL ESTATE. or Havle -Arrevuje. R f' LOOKING for a aood rhicken ranch? Ve hae 2 acres, well Improved, foot bulldinKs, 5 mlloa out, easy terms. 1 1s acres well improved, 8-room house, i miles out. easy terms. 5 acres. 2-room house, fenced, close to carllne. 14 miles out. flooO. easy terms. ;t!U Lumbermen's UulldlnK. Ilomestrmla. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH MENT FOR :t. HnmetcaS of lrt( arres. all rood level lajid, good 1'J by lu cabin, poata ready for ffnrlnir and Mnea all run. This Is located In Cen tral ores;nn and Is orth looking into, lrlre "0. ANOTHER DANDY. Homestead of Mit acres, (rood, level land In Powell Butte District; acres under cultivation and In crop. All fenced. 4-room house, stooU barn. well. 4 head of horses and harness. J cows, hoa;, rhlrk er.a. mil farm Implements aud house hold goods, also anrne hay. This Is a dandy and can be bought for 14 o. II. A. DRYER. 2fM Railway Eichanict Bids;. ADVANTAGES of Oregon. 100-ps;e book. Ives the amount of Government land open io nomesteaaa in each county in Oresjnn, Wash i met on and California, and descrip tion of same: rives homestead, desert. timber, stone, coal and mineral laws: map oi urafon m colors, inovitif raiiroaas in operation, under construction and pro posed, including Eastern and Central 6rs Po; book ;.c, map IT.c; California map in coiurs, 3-ui, i:ac; map or washinftoa In colors, luc Nimmo, liuney ftt Co.. 44 Hamilton b.ds. FOR 5A LE OK TRADE. Homestetd relinqn iahtnent In Wasco omay; tr. ; lady can't live alone, mint sell ; reaioiiuble. M4 Powell St., Wood-at-ck car. 1 HAVE some good homesteads In vie and al.to 'od reliiiqulahtnenta to sell ; Rood naraina. Apply to W. 14, Cootc, Summit, t tr..:on. HOMESTEAD. 1 miles from railroad. Mor- row i o. w-hent lanti T fai. Orjroutan. uiimi pine pom"s;eitd: don t answer unless you mean bualnras, H OngoDlan. O I I.LI A M CO!" NTY homestead; (75 fee. Ad d fM A. Jona, AriltiKion, Or. kELlNyl lSHM ENT cheap. Tillamook Conn tv. c. U Clarke. Hood River, or.. Route 1. For ftsd Fmlt Laadav. IK ME with Ijimbert cherries, peaches. pears, apples and bcrrlea. A family on-hard In the famous Wil lamette Valley at ttT. JOE. On - raih oads, one more building;. Nar 1'urtland and a miles from Mc M In n v tile, county scat of Yam tt 111 Coun ty. These KT. JOE ORCHARD HOMES are planted to Lambert cherries, peaches artil i ara under the direction of the ac k now I diced beat uuthorlty. sclent if in and pr act l. al men In the Pacific North west who wilt cultivate and cur for ihese ttacts for four eats and turn over a ci iMPLETE COMMERCIAL orchard Kuarantoed. 2t combines HAFETY and GREAT PROFITS. When half Is paid. In case you die. your family will be sjiven a deed, all paid for which will Insure a LIEU INCOME. This project Is backed up and every statement made Is auarantced by the principal financial men in the Willamette Valley. GERMAN REALTY TRUST CO.. I'd Stark St. Telephone Marshall .'ISJ, A 5615. FRUIT FARMS. tH acres. R-year-old Spitaen berKa. ith Newtow n fillers. on macadam road, 4 milea south of rulvm; 2 mtl.s from electric line, red shot sod, siopa enough for drainage; orvhard In perfect condl tton and will bear this year. I'rlce 4POO. P4 acres on the opposite side of the same load, all In Italian prunes. 7 VeHi s oid. ttnd will bear heavy tills year. Thla orchard Is nlao In tirat-claaa condition. Price g.'i.'aMi. The owner of the two above orch ards will consider Portland Im proved property In exchange. R acres st Hood River, about S miles southwest of city. S acres In 4-year-til d trees, IIOO New towns. 17." Sptixentt.-rga. Arkansas Hlnck. H Winter bananaa. 6 pears and ll cher ries; J acres In oak grove suitable r..r house aite. Price iaiHan. owner would accept I'orliand residence up te same value. fr. acn In Yamhill County. "Hik-hlands of Yamhill." near Shrr ldaii. miles sout h of Port land, fronts on three roads, land roliinr. rd-ahot soli, small family nee-hard, balance !n a-veMr-o!d trees. Hplteen bera. Newtowna and ort leys; about 4 a' res of atrawberrtea between the trees, and will bear a heavy crop this year: living spring; l.irse barn with enough lumU-r of good qnallty to huiid i tnivforiab.a houae ana barn, pric s:;.'.on. Owner would consider house In Portland of saute vaiue. OODDARD WIEDRICK. 343 Ptaik HL KllliT farm, nina miles out. four acrea bearing all varieties, three In young trees, three in heavy timber. Oond buildings, toots, stock, irrtsatlnar plant, trout uraani. ill produce "Ju per year. Price i00. part cash, balance time. 656 biierlook bulldinr. Main S.i:tV FINK MOOD RIVER INVESTMENT. Jo acres rholce land, well located, with running water. cts to station: S acres In commercial trees Just coming into bearlns. 7 in r lover; only t i.vm for all eaah. Mlrht divide. Vaiiduyn Walton, n i .1 Chamber of Commerce. 15 FINK acrea near Moaler; good a-room house, fine barn, larae shed. Ptimmer kitchen, rellar. welt, print; some cleared; flneat of views; 4"0; !;. rash; baiance your way. D. D. Hall. Moaler, Or. No trouble to answer questions. 10 At 'PES of hearing fruit. A acres of strawberries. 3tMI treaa apple, peach good fl-rnom liouae. Will net J'JOiH) this season., $ .mh. easy terms. 313 Lumbermen's' bmldtng. FOR FAl.K-KRCIT LAND, gcres. three miles from Moaler. Or., lof acres partly in orchard, one mile from Moaler. Tarma. M P."14. Oregon lan. It'at ACRES fin fruit land, wall w ate red ; small huildinsa; 4 acres cleared ; wort h iHi an -acre, 7a acre cash. AO loU. i iretroniftn. SPLENDID While Salmon tract Just opened; Ideal homa and fruit district; 10 to 20 acre tracts. See me. Charles Zollinger, 313 Corbel t bldg. FOR SALE 10 or Id acres S-year-oid Spitsenberg and Newtown pippin orchard; No. 1 red land; terms reasonable. John H. Robinson. Grants Pass, Or., route JL V ACREii apple trees, houae, barn, spring, 4 ml'ea from White Salmon; sell cheap or trade. A F 34. Oregonlan. SEE OLO VERLAN'D ACRES. C F. SMITH A SON. 210 RT. EXCHANGE. WHITE SALMON fruit land. Call Wood lawn !& or CK77. 3-ACI;e orchard, money-maker this year. E. T. Hatch. lf Union ave. For Stle Farma. UOnD dairy or stock, ranch on railroad and water, near Portland, for sale or rent. A M H1. Oregon la n. FA It MS. acreage, houses, lots for exchange and sale. 011 terms which will surprise you. I-eet. 4oJ Oregonlan bldg. ACCOUNT of pleknes obllge.fto sell" my 40 aeree. half price. $70 psr acre; Investigate. P f 4. oreg.-nlan. ELL Improved acre at Ryan Placa. $K.iMi; eaay terma. N. M. Apple. 4? Henry bldg. iACRE. well Improved, fr oar fare, easy terma. a$ Mtarjf Aklas REAL KSTATE. CHOICE AND ATTRACTIVE FARMS 101) acres, , beat of soli and part rln bottom. Nearly all in culti vation. Good 7-room residence, water piped into sa me. ext i a jtood barn and other out build in ara. good orchard. Located on good road not far from eiectrio line, and only a short distance out of Portland. This la one of the tost farms that can be located. Located In the famous Tualatin Valley. price ''nu an acre: a long time will be given on part. Al' acres. excellent soil. good hulldfnua; on a Rood road and not far from Oregon city; good crop now growing. Completely equipped' with high grade stock, tools and Implements. price oGu0; time on part. 3i acres, not fnr from Portland. Excellent buildings of nil kinds. Right close to station: sidewalk a'l th way. Modern chleken-houses of all kinds, many fruit t recs ; lai ge assortment of roses and othr or namental shrubbery: In fnct a mnsr beautliul home. Has stock, tools y and implement., and a large number of chickens with It. price $lo,;.oo: mlarht accept a city home up to $4t on or lotion. 16 acres located right In the city llm Its, on eieot ric line; In a hih state of cultivation and one of the prettiest building altea to be found. Will all at a bargnln price and give eaay terms. This is something unusually pood. &-acre rhicken ranch. chicken -houses for Sou chickens ; good bun galow ; price $ 3 Mm. Mtht t rado this for a house and lot in Portland of same value. R. acres, well Improved. hich claaa laod and a htt;h-':laas farm. Right close to Portland. :iu an acre. We make a specialty of high-class farms, and positively uHert without fear of contradiction thai we have the very beat to be had. If you Mm looking for the beal you are invited to call or write J. E. SMITH. M3 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. HAS 300 YOUNG CHICKS. While moat states are still snowbound, one Los Molinoc farmer has ."." young chicks, and others have from a few hatch 1ns to several hundred. Plenty of green stuff and bright sun shine; no mote damn or cold this spring. A warm gravel or aandy loam soli, ideal for poultry. Hens lav beat In Wintor months when prices are hlsbeat. Ejcs seldom below Pi centa. Strong demand for friers and rollers. Good field for breeder of pure strain. No vermin peats. You can rab y. per cent of each hatching. Vine alfalfa soli. A silt loam 2 fed deep underlaid with looe water-bearing gravel. O-.avity Irrigation. Twice aa much water ns you can uae e.-iouch. including' rainfall, to cover land tki inches de i. Chnp maintenance charge. Alfalfa ten tona per acre now worth $14. You can setl It loose In advance to the alfalfa meal mid. You can act rich ralalng hops. Acre aifnifa supports lu to la hcHd. One cow and l.alf a doseti ho ;s for each acre make moat ptofiini le oomolna lion. It wilt pay you S!.".n an acre a year. You can get a qul'k start. J.iho puts you in possession of fine ace tract. No second payment for two years. Eie-hl ynrs to pay out. Good cop firat oar. ljind easily pas for it-elf In 3 years. Less than JtiMMj acfrs left. Choice tractb going every day 1!"0 to fid" acres sold every week. Don't delay. If you live In Portland or vicinity call tiariav on H. J. Terry. Yen bids- Others write to LOS MOLIN'OS LAND COMPANY. Los Mollnos. California. IU ACRES, four miles of pood town of 1'm population ; 22 passenger irnins tutu,, steamboats to and from Pnr'.Innd. on l'a I'Jt'ic hUhway. all tn cuitiatinn. house. Iiarn, other buildings, fine orchard, one hors. some chick ns and bees and farm ing machinery; jf "''. iooit cash, balance 3 years at 7 per cent. , 4Vs miles of rama town. 0 o' res. un improved, good road, lies llm , can all be farmed, easy clnartd. no stumps, good spring: school right at corner of p'.:i"-; tine location This la a good one; l.o'u. $St0 cash, balance 3 years at 7 per cent. I have a big list of cheap fnrnis. soma for exchange; write or cad at my office for particulars. N. P. C.RIHBLE. castle Rock. wash. GREAT P.IG BARGAIN. In the heart of the Wil am. tte Valley. KO acres of fine soil, do acres in cultiva tion, all fenced; running stvam; lt ncn-s of timber, good S'-vcn-rooni house, barn and outbuildings, 3 h o is - h, cows, 2t hoffs. Id di-cen chickens. -. tona of hay. sntitH wheat and oats, cream separator, n.l farming Implements, tools. waKona and liarnt-Skes. Place Is 47 miles f-oiu Port ia nii. t liiv miles from S. P. K. U. and good town with large milk coiidnsery : It. V. D-. telrphoii'i and milk rout". You could took from now- until doomsday for another such bargain: price for till $."iO'', U'O't rash, balanc- long time. p-r cent. CO-OPFltATIVE REALTY CO.. e-l Kn li w a v Em h;i n- Bldg., 4th and Stark S:a. o- AC RE FA RM FO R f 0. Pay ." w i' cash . o 0 In -' yea r with S per cent Interest and balance In 4 years with Interest at 7 per cent. This is an opport unit y not often met with; on 8 a acres of t h Is level land oil cannot find a stone ; c-il clay io;i in. no hard pan. watered by ci ek sod sprlncs: view cannot be excelled. oerlmka Co lumbia lit ver and can iviii see Port land ; young orchard of Uu trr,-e ; pjeni .v.md; IO acrea cVnred and 1 . more n-.-irly cleared; buiMinus po.r: miles from Woodland. Wash.: on Lewis River and N P. R. : fare from Portland 1. G. lane. Wood land. Wash. FINE E KC. IN. rtO acrea of line soil in V 11 la me t - Va 1 -ley; 3 acres In hifih state of cultivation, mt st iy In crop : l-r 09:11 how, i.ari: and outtMilldlnns, good water; il'-s on main county road: 1 cow. 4 dozen chickens, ail farming Implements, tools, hugsv. wugnn. ha-'nepaes. 4" miles from I'm 1 Innd, J mta from S. P. ft. li. and Rood town, with .rtilk condena"iy. P'nre has It. F. I.. telephone and nil Ik rout e. do to go-.d School. Price for quick sa.' PmHI. $1iio cash, hn'ilnre tor. ff lime at n per cent. CM-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. wUO Rattway I'.v hmiK" D'ng.. P h and tt .irk us. Gol.hM'HMlUT'S AGEN'i'Y. 4Io Chamber of Commerce, tins added a farm dpnriment. In charge of a competent land man, ex perienced in every ura nch of husvn ndry and well qualified to Ktve proapective landseekers the b4nePt of hie ripe ex perience. No farms offered without pre ious examination, thereby shvimr home seekers unnecessary time ami expense. It will pay you to call on us. 413 Chamber nf Commerce IDEAL dairying. 4 years lease, -"o acres, "tt In crops, tialance bottom pnmure; 'JO miles from Portland, a mile from boa slandlng and It. R. station; 33 milch eows. 1 bull. I head of young stock. 4 horaea. flt tons hay. rtd cblck n. w agon, bur' and ail neceasarv machinery; pome house hold ic"41": milk outraged nt good price. I' dice, 14300. 33d catli. AV 14. (jregonian. 19 ACRES, all In cultivation. 5 a ores in f prunes. 4 acres In apples, the rr niainder I In straw berries and rai-plierrles, new 6- i room furnlahed house and other outbuild ings. 3 large chicken ards. all fenced ; this farm ts all fenced and only mile from electric carline. W AT SON THKRKE 1 E N CO. , Jts Spalding Bldg. Main 7."!:. FOR HALE Yamhill County. 30 mil" from portl'ind. i! traina eacli way. 13:; acres; 130 In cultivation, '-j ml Jo to town and P. O.. new buildings, house. - I'arns. silo, tnllkhouse. wacr iP'd to house and barns, trtrat fruit, grmn nnd hop fllFtrP-r In Oreajn; will subdivide; no Inflated price. il"rsv teems. Address th owner. E. S. Waterman. Walla Walla, tvsah. FOR HALE Fruit, grain, and a'ock ranches; large and small tracts; ll'Oft acrea A-l sto.-k rnti'li and eon ten ts;, f.Til.ooo. 3m acres. A-l fruit land, good buildings. f3.oon. 4t 20-acre tracts, river bottom land. $J00 per acre. Write for terma and tell me what you want. C. II. Sdlera, Cress well, or. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FARM CHEAP? We have IVI acres Mar The D11 lies, nearly all level, good buildings, orchard, timber; best soil. In order to sell quick, owner sacrifices to 4i per acre: l.'ooo cash; will tnke gome rliy property. Oregon Farm A Rmliy Co., TO McKay bldg. " A CHANCE. 13 acres-. eloe tn Portland. houe. rarn. chicken -houses. horse and Im dements; matrnllfcent acenery. several aj rln gs. on river, fine fishing; from $lmo to 1 r.ou in berries and fruit rn be taken off thla Hummer. The Enebo Co, ft in Henry bldg. 10 At" RES. all in cult i vat ion. good water supple, new barn, O. R A N. on one shla and O. W. f. on another; near Fair view; 1 w ill give terms to a reliable party. Call Enst 17 after 6 P. M. ;s 4 ACRRS. all In cultivation, house and barn, nice family orrhard. close to cttv. on good rrtnnl y road ; Ci ia farm can he boucht at a reasonahie nriee and on terms. WATunx A THERKELSE.V C. ftoc 6p aiding- Bldf. lain 7392. REAL ESTATE. A ROT'N'D NEWRERG. If you are interested in buying a farm. eitU'-r a small one close to town or a large one further out. it mtiiht be of Interest to you to In veatigaie the section around New hern. New berg is really close to Portland and iho train service is excellent. Newberg itaeif is a strict ly high-class town morally and oth erwise. Fine schools and colleges and no saN.ons. Helnw are some of the propositions we have: ' 40 :i.,'!'. s, ad joining t ho city lim its ; highly i m p roved I n every w ay, wit h u modern city home on it. L'3 acrfs, right in the center of town; gooii K-room houae, barn and rnicken houses: nice young orchard and all k mils of berries: m differ ent kinds of roses. I'rico $3uutt; time on part. 3 aens. right close to the $10,000 new high school : good new bu:in; low; chicken houses for Soil chick ens. This Is sonic t h in g t hat you can mak money with. Price N.'Imoo; wiil acceju Portland 'residence of same value:, but it must be good. Confectionery We have for sn Ie' t he best anil most proa pern us con fectioner's business, where you will be perfectly safe to ma ko money ; you are Invited to Invest 1 gate t his. Suburban farm of acres, very high ly improved in every respect : nlrno.st within the edge of the city. This is sonic t hmg especially choice mid at the price. oHMi. it is a gen uine, bargain. Easy terms. We have other ranches 01 various sizes, including a largo dairy ranch; in faci, e huve the very best prop erty to be had. For further partic ulars call on or write Donald M. Wall. NVwher, Or., or J. E. Smith. M3 Chamber of Commerce, I'orl iand, Or. CHOICE OPPORTUNITIES OF TODAY. FARM S. $ 1 :;((khu 73 acr.s. 10 miles from Port land. JO acres tinder cultivation, fi-room house, barn and other btii'dings; aiso stock and farm tools, all f'-uctd, half catdi, balance terms. HI .".oh It 10 acres in Clackamas Coun ty. 1 mile from Sief-r station; has b ini, small orchard. .'- acres utu'.er cultiva tion: one-third cash, inline; terms. $7in) acres in Marcm County near Tount AtiK'"!. " acres under cultivation, balance pasture: good li-rnom bouse nnd othf-r bui. dinga; t mile ti school, ?3iHt; cash. IimIhiu1 teems. edjooi;!' acr- r In '!.i''kmii? County, 3tl acres urifier cultivation, balance timuor; good orc'rn.l. n'-w Ik.uk. an.l barn; all Ftoi k. farm tools and furniture; this is a barcain. b.ilf cash, ba'mice terms. l 13.000 Ji7 HiT'-B. In clai kntn-.is Coun ty. ."0 acres under cultivation, tialance fir and cedar t inihi r. 'J million f ei. com plete sawmill for lumber and shlr.g'es. This price Includes all f.inii tools, stock and furniture on tho place; half cash, ba'nncw pmhis. $;ijno l t,i acr-s In Washing-ton Coun ty, J acres garden. -room h-mc, ba.uiiee fir t Im bi-r, only 3 ni ! h-s from K. R. ; $ 14r.it rash. I al.iTH" 3 y ar's Time. For sa io by K. .1. Hohi-ercr-r. successor to O. F. Pf !ug- r. Phono Main 1341. suite 13-J4. Muikev bldg., cor. J.i and Morrison. FIX 4 - aero t racts. fti ft - class sa ndy lou m. -314 miles from :ctcouver t-priy. will niak' u lirs t - H;irs fruit and ga' d'-n spot. Price 111 p r ;n re ; wiil t a ko down ii nd la hiiii to unit, or il! cade for Portland property. 3J7 ai res of ri vr bo 1 torn Innd. good soil, 31 ii.Ti s um'-T crop, -to acres- in hay. to jmtcs in alf.iifa. li pood houses on tin p'ace, '2 !a ro bn rns and 01 her houses, boat land ine. Prlco $ 1 00 per acre; S Pi a year for lighting lamp nt landing; $120 a ye;i r for rent of due it pond, making $2411 per ye.t r income ; nine miles north, from Vancouver. J 3 acres. 21? mlls from Vanr onver Ferry. Ji II cui t i vated. 4 -acre orchard, plenty smaM fruit, horse, harness, bugy. back and n!l i 111 tdenieius. :t."e chickens, 4 -room hotis". bai n. w. 'I. all f.-nced, four acres plan toil t pot:-: cm; 3 tons hay. PlilCE .tr.r.o. Part cash. Im nc- to suit. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., Vancouver CuVlee. Grand Theater IJIdg.. Vancouver. Phone 174, Vancouver. ACREAGE. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED; LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS AT VERY LOW PRICES AND ON MOST CONVEN IENT TERMS OF PAYMENT. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE ME BE FORE YOU H V Y ACREAGE OR FARMS. I OWN THE PROPERTIES THAT I OF FER FOR SALE. 4 J. O. EL ROD. 510 CORPETT BUILDING. AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. 144 acres, nil cnod level land, and tn cultivat ion ; it) I k.nds of berries and sn.nll fruits fine new bourse with large fireplace. This house cost over $IMin: good barn, two laitr.': modern chlcKen-hoiis.s and other outbuildings and good well. This Is located 12 miles from port Ian tl right bv elect rfc station. Price $4"o''. cash $J0itf, bnlaine in good terms. If A. DRYER. "Tl e Acreage Man " If o t R n ! 1 w a v Exchange. Phone. Main IV2CI, A 11113. HY OWNER. PF?T R0-ACRE FARM I.N OREGON. r.o acres. aU In cultix a lion, levt, black, inri'iv. gravelly loam. 24 a-res In Italian prunes, ear ly potatoes planted and seed potatoes on hand for 12 acres; 12 acres Jn wheat and oats; line 7-room house with big porch all around ; l!e tarn, wind ml' garage, and other bill Id ir gs ; water pi ped to house, bain and garot-n; hne family orchard; nhe Jersey cow, team worth $4.rifi; 3 brood sows. L'.IO chickens, turkeys, wagon, hack, buggy, tools, etc.; grain and hay. all goe8 for per arro: some terms. 'm m ilo from West Stay ton. 1 2 mMes from Sahm. Address If. Graham. Aumsvillu, Or., owner. 1'iumo J43-3 Auma- ville. IXFOfl'.M TIO- A TOI "T SAN FRAN"CTCO PA NAM A-PACI FTC I NT Kit NATION A L EXP SITION. Information civei in relation to labor conditions, positions of every kind, proa peet of eniplovment . IvisiTiess npportunl t ies relaf 1 ve to res t a ura n t s. saloons, gen t -al merchandising, apart men! - house, re tall nnd whoh-tnle T i;--inec and !njroved and 11 n Im proved real est at'? vj.lues. Our enmpanv ia furnt-bc, with daily reports on the above ul.- cU. Send ."U cents and siamped, sddresd envelope toe immedi ate replv. to Kalnh ''!"!. manager. H S FR XNClSCfi WOltLD'S FA I R IN FO R f TION HURE VC. 7Ji Pacifio bld.. San Fraiic'sco. Cal. tl.oO AN ACRE FROM " ROC.UE "RIVER APPLES AND PEARS. If vou on!v will ronie to Talent. Or., mid wa v between Med ford and Ashland, in the f.imoua Rogue It'ver Valley, pnd. see bow apples and p-'ars In "R'"h! Orchards" are making men w aUhy. you will want to locate here. Ery man who comes Is glad he enmo and in vstf g-t t -d. Stay in vour present posit i m if ou wish. We will eP-velop your orchard for 3 years; 10 p.r cent down, ha'ano ea-y paymeti's nrd your future is nssured. Write tod;iy for valuable and interesting Information and facts. K1GGS NP RATES. Exclusive Agents. Oak I.i nd, Cal., or Taient. Or. 1 . ACHES. Yu.e-o.i. pjo ACHES. $l'J.oo.t. Famous Southern cr-cn fruit belt, near vif,,ro- foothill foil, well watered. well drained: Immune from destructive f-"0tS ; gOO boUF' S, llBTF, Oil t h U ll (I 111 gS. fences; 43flo fruit trret, several a--rea berries and grapes: alfalfa, hay. corn vegetables prow abundantly; chickens, hos. cows, hordes t h rive ; sepa rate or to gether. liiberai terms. Ml.Tht trade Port land pmrfrtv. nhsolu'e caah bsls. E. E n: R 1 NG. !04 W Icox Hldg. HHP LAND. 4"0 Hcr.-s. a bout Jo miles t his aide of Sa 1cm. "CO acres In cult i v t ion. 40 acr.-t hops, good P-room houae, ttood h i'ii, w arer tower, good f.iinl'y orchard. -' nrr oeav erdam land; this N on of Oi cry best ninehra fn the Wlilvnd - VnPev. -t is adapted for almost any kind of crop; ad joining land selling for double the price. Pri'-e $103 per nre. GRFSST ROl.Dv. 31S Board of Trade piog.. 4'b nnd Oak. HEADOT ' A RTERS FOR WASCO COUNT. OREGON". Grain, fruit and stock ranches; poms trades. .1 OH NSTON- ROTH FUR CO.. !0R Chamber of Commerce Rldg. LINCOLN COUNTY Dairy, stock ranch-, timber and fruit land. $10 up, grass grows year round. Come and see. R. N. Warnock, Toledo. Orepnn. FIVE farm, w ell improved, half bottom, balance rolllrtr. near Marshficld. 10 cows, easv term. 233 W o re s t e r h 1 d g . RANCH 0 acres, with buildings. 18 mliea from Pert land, near electric line: bargain lor tU cfcfch, by owner. 1 6-1 Morriaoa U REAL ESTATE. For Salt Furma. 22.1S ACRES. Adjoins city limits of Sheridan. Yam hill County, Oregon. Unobstructed view of valley and snow -ca;ed mountains; 12 ACRES IN COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. N ew .1-rnom tu..ga 1 o . , elect : ic wired, plastered, toile unj. lath, paneled living room with beamed celling, fin-place, hot and cold water, rane in kitchen; fin ished in Douglas fir; barn, 4 chlcken h oases; II ."-gal! on reservoir, septic tank, hvdrants, catioiine engine, wood saw. cen trirtiarai otimo. SACRIFICE SALE. Price $4 304). Tunis. 40 ACRES. 3 mi!e from Sheridan, acrea in cul tivation. 12 AGUES COMMERCIAL OR CHARD. 12 acres yruin. acre 7 nnd ITi eur apples. 5 acres balsam and aider. So bearing peach trees. :;3 pear trees, quinces, plums, berries. Sunn strawberries, huge house, hot and cold water, telephone. R. F. D.. irrigated celery and truck gar den, crek. well, flume and ditch ; good barn, hothouse arid outbuildings. Lies on crushed ruck county road. Price $."i4'H; cash. 139 ACRES. -t ij miles from Sheridnn. on fine county road. 3 13 acres In cultivation. 123 acres have b-cn plowed, t3 acres are river bot tom slit land. Yamhill River on boun tiiirv. This ".and !f well adapted to the cult ure of ho:s, timot hv alfalfa, clover. pota;oes. or in fact any thins; that can be raised in Oregon; T-t a-res are good bench land, level but not flat; surrounded by land that hns aold at from $Uo to $123 p.r acre. This is all the very best soil. Price $73 per acre; lO1' cush. Pirt ACRES. f? miles from Sheridan, on a bard, level. nil-Winter county road; good house, barn, old hop house, etc. ; -13 acres plowed ; i3 acres creek bottom; remainder rolling;; "0 acres second growth fir, 2o acres body fi', 13 acres oak; good fences: well at house; telephone; near school, church, store nnd P. O. Large creek runs at back door; springs; this is splendid soil. Price $30 per acre. cash; bal. time, at t; per cent. Address the "Estate Shop." Sheridan. Or. TWO S PE'M A LL V GOOD. JL -' DOWN. 7." acres of gently rolling, fertile Ma ck loam bottom land, 70 m res urifier plow. Unimproved. Located tie. ir Yamhill and Carlton. Price iM.ouo. 0 years' time on ba la nee. d per cent Intereat. Tlvs Is posit ivr-ly an exceptional opportunity ami a property that will stand careful invest iga t ion. $3000 DOWN. 120 ricres, very fertile, dark clay loam, gently rolling- land: improved. About 73 acres i:i clover. IO acres in wheat, about 13 acrts not in crop; i; acres in onk timber, balance in pasture. Located northeast of Amity. Price. ?'t3 ppr acre. This is an other snecial bargain and one worth direful onsiderati-m. It has merit. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 70 4th St. Main HHiS. A. lmiS. TWO BIG BARGAINS. firt 4h acres of verv line fruit and berrv land, shot soil; plenty of water; ail under cultivation; .".on tine bearing fruit trees; : good school and church near; 4 miles froTii. town and railroad, good roads. This ni us go H ht a wa y ; cash $f.430. Write for a better description. Second- 23 acres of very good young iir. onlv 3 miles from town, and a tine home for vou. cheap: plenty water. Don't miss this at fldim c.i'h. Write to F E. ROTTEM I I.LEI-i. Pioneer Real Es tate Co., RLlgefleld. Wash.. nutcNo. 2. FOR SALE On very reasonable terms; Im proved alfalfa farm on Columbia River In Southern Washington, where 4 and 5 crops of alfalfa are raised every year averaging S to 10 tons per acre. CIoss to model creamery, splendid public schools and marker. Best transportation facilities. 111 pasrenger trains uaiiy. win gie "pe dal inducements to dairyman or hog- --u provided, wltii some nvesiocK. Write nt oncu to P. O. Box 2170. Spo kane. Wash. . WESTERN Louisiana The last opportunity to get lands at rcauy i o--e. i-l v.--r they will b.- higher. The Kansas e ur.iitiirrn Railway has issu-'d a new hook let for fre. dist ribu ion. Write for ir The land of corn and cotton, sugar r.-..i nnd ri,-e fruits and flowers. A won dV-rfui variety of o: her crops. Address W. X ieho'soti. immigrai ion imetit, Ka nsas City Southern Railway. 3 2K Thayer bidg. Kansas City, Mo. FREIO LITERATURE will be sent to any one Interested in the wonderful Sacra- ciiji. tio rich est va 1 lev In lb ft wnehi. ITiilim tted opport un It ies. Thousands of acres available at right prices. J he place for the man wanting a home in the h n est climate on earth. Write to a pub lic organization that gives reliable Infor mation. Secretary Sacramento Valley De velopment Association. Sacramento, Cat. ONLY $240 a splendid Georgia farm home; earns more each year than the total cost; cultivation without attention of owner if preferred, or convertible at your option ; absolute sufet v una rant eed : bank reier ence nnd trusteeship; write for photo graphs: o,ukk action necessary. Answer iicoiediatelv. Geo. W. Deen. box i :.'. Wnycroas, Ca ;t vour Canadian home from the Cana- - ... r.. . m hlnk .nrlnon dinn l'acuic. v ny ian o.j-i-wornout lands Go to the rich virgin soil of Western Canada. Finest irrigated or noii-nripated lands from $10 to $30 an acre Write for booklets on Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. X. K. THORN--cv cpnp-'Hl Aeent. I'anadian Pacific Kali way. 112 West Aduma st.. Chicago CIAL list-of free Government farms to giV.n IO nomcMeCKCrS 0 Hie vr.nr.ii- e?:t in P.H2. Id" and ;;2d-acre tractsde-t-ihes evei-c'arre in every county In I . S. ow secured free; all about Government r ,..i.r i.n:il nri mineral lande 1 it 1 " dir.grams and tables, romjdete information. Send f r it. Webb Pub. Co.. In-pi li71. St. Paul, Minn. $43 AN ACRE, '"ii acre-: located In famous highland of Yamhill, near Sheridan; best of sod. well v ' ered good proposition ; win ac cept portion cash, balance In city property o-i-v terms; will stand Investigation. H '.CM. Orcgonian. DAIRY ranch of over Ou acres; about half rich Cowlitz River hounm. on good road. 3 1 miles to railtoad station ; splendid chance for man of small means to mako r.H,.e tT.iOO: terms J-'DOO cash, hal- ance E1- vears at 0 per cent; a postal II hrin ir full description i no trades Address Ed. M. Iew. Toledo. V ash. J.737 ARKS of the best land in Clarke ' Count v. Washington. 3'i miles from elec tric car i mile to good town. Hd acres in cultivation, balanee good pasture, county road runs past place, price $U,nno, part cash balance i'Tm. uuij w-- t-- Conch. Phono E 2ini. FOP S LE Fa rm lands In famous John liay Vallev. Oregon; 320 acres at $18.50 iter acre, with water rights nnd abundance of water; house, barn anil fine orchards; 6 miles from railroad; mild climate. Address W. J. Hughes. Prairie City, Or. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR PALE, i area and small tracts. suitable for -eeiieral farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops, niirvlng etc. ; about 40 mU?a southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write for price list. VC. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. FAR M E RS A N D HO M ES KEKE RS. We have nil kinds and sia-s of ibolce farm lauds, guarantee what we represent and VerV One a FOUaiC (u. unrousaio before buvuig elswtiere. F. Fl'CHS. 42i Chnmher of i 'ommerce. FARM ON WILLAMETTE. :;n minutes' ride from Portland. This is one of the most productive and well-kept, firm rear citv; mile river front; 10 M.-r--- Address owner, S P2n. Oregonian. 1ii.i-a.re farm. lt miles from Portland; SO acrea in cultivation, rest good timber; old loKbotis.t and fair burn on the ;lace. with i, good creek: through the place. Price fT.-.no. 'hone SelIw.;od 1. SA NtTaM RIVER BOTTOM LANDS. The leading potato and hop center of the vallev; all elopes of realty at rea sonable prices. The Santlam Real Es tate Co.. Jefferson. Or. '.ti ACRES, no hills, stock, separator, water, low "house, telephone, school, wire fenc ing. 3 ndl's from R. R-. 2 miles from tide water; $73 per acre. C. W. Young, owner. Elk citv, Lincoln Co.. Oregon. YAMHILL COUNTY, l'-no acres. 132.30 per acre; convenient to railroad and the hest fruit" and farm district of the county; pood roads; subdivision proposition, owner. K H33Qregonian. W NTED Man with enough money to de velop 30-ncre fruit ranch at Roseburg. You can put all your money into Improve ments and pay for the land in labor. Room "12. Commercial C'nb bldg. "iioii ACRES $17 per acre. Ml per cent til lable iaiul; good soil; adjacent to settled community ; no agents. Owner, r jo3, Oregonian. CANADA farm for sale or trade; ltlO acres, improved, well settled and best grain -section Alberta; will sacrifice for $2-0ik). AM bit, Oregonian. l.'cs ACRES black loam, all in cultivation; go acres heaverdam. ai mPe Oregon Elec tric station: $3 a ere, terms. 1 mean 11. H. N. Swank. 3uS Abinclon bldg. ' CENTRAL ALBERTA FARM LANDS."" per acre. Write for literal ure. CRAFT a, LEE & OALLINGEU, Edmon ton, Aiberta, , REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. - 10 ACRES acres iu full bearing. Italiar prunes; last year crop netted the owner $mmi; 4 acres In pasture, good, new barn good well of water with well house. 4 blocks of ohurch. school and store; 2 mile streetcar station. 1 miles of Portland; price 2"oo, half cash. This owned by a lad v. must be sold at once. id acres 10 acres In full bearing Italian prune?: 1 acre In pears. 1 aero In grapes. 1 acre in assorted fruits. 3 acres for gar den and potatoes, new house, I block from streetcar station, on public road; all level, tine place to make money; 12 miles east of Portland; price $43uU; $1300 cash. bal. good terms. COWLITZ CO. BOTTOM DAIRY RANCH. 130 acrea. Rio In bottom land, 03 acres under cultivation. 10 acres In green lim ber, 23 acres In pasture, very easy to clear; 30 acre upland. 3 acres tflear. fine family orchard, 23 slashed and seeded, fair 3-room house. 2-1 on m house with fire place, large, modern dairy barn for 22 head cows. 4 head horses, concrete milk house, wutcr piped from a spring; with the place go 10 head milk cows, 5 2-year-old heifers, ti vearling heifers. 4 head good horses. 1 hog. 30 chickens. 1 new separ ator. 1' new hack. 1 new wagon, new rake, mower. 2 sets harness, buggy, plows, harrow, disk, scraper, all farming tools. 40 ton hay In mow; on public road 3 miles of good town. 1 mile railroad sta tion, boat landing on the place; price $10 -000; $30o0 rash. bal. 4 years at 7 per cent. ATKINSON & GILBERT. 401 Washington at., opposite Postoffice, Vancouver. Wash. Some ESTAC ADA Values. 5 acres, near town, part cieared, with house: terms; $120'). 1 acres, part under orchard, attractive terms; $1G50. 10 acres, near town, overlooks Clack amas River, cleared ; 12000. 11 acres, all under young orchard, coi ner piece, easv terms. $22"0. 20 acres, within mile of station, 16 acres cleared, stream. $-500. 40 acres, fine farm, on main road, all under cultivation. $i000. 40 acres, complete farm, all cleared land, fullv stocked. S0f0. fu acres, part cleared, two streams, good timber. $2M)0. til acres of bearing fruit, best of Im provements, $9 LiU. so acres, most of land cleared, im provements and fruit. $4ono. 131 acres, within mile of town, fine old farm, easiest of terms. $11,000. liio acres, good Investment piece, some hnpro ements. $270 0. ISO acres, good Improvements, streams, stock and Implements, $2O0. R. M. STANDISH, Secretary Estacada Commercial Club. Emacada. Or. . SOME BARGAIN. 222 acres. 120 acrea in cultivation, lies fine, most ly In crop. All fenced and cross-fenced: good S-room house, with wa ter piped ; barn and cream house and ail necessarv outbuildings; family orchard of assorted fruit. Three fine mare in foal; one horse, seven good cows, two heifers, two heifer calves, one sow. five) pigs, onu registered bull, 73 chickens, wagon, iron trucks, one binder, onfl mower and buggy, two plows, three harrows, one disc culti vator, gasoline engine and wood saw, cream sepaiHior, all kinds feed choppers, grain drill and separator, incubator and brooders; In fact, everything that you can think of. Place lies on main county road. 47 milea from Portland. 3 4 miles from S. P. R- K. and good town with large milk condens erv. Fine farming section. R. F. D., tele phone and milk route. Price. $30 per acre. 54.".oo cash, balance long time, t per cent. This is a sacrifice. CO-OPERATIVE RKALTi CO.. 320 Railway Exchange Bldg., Fourth and Stark. L VND VC $13 TO $30 PER ACRE. Rich land. Including river bottom, lo cated five to twelve miles from two live cities, can he brought from $13 to $30 per acre, on very easy terms. Did similar op portunity to'huy ood land at above prices ever present itselt to you before? We will locate vou in a thickly-settled community and not in wilderness. The soil is rich, free from rocks and will produce all kinds of vegetables, fruits, oata, etc. The land is accessible bv ijood county road. Stores and "ehool are located on the Ir nd. The tira'-s Harbor distort, with Aberdeen and Hon iiium. two of the fastest-growing cities on the Pacific Coast, with three transcon tinental railroads and a deep-water har bor offers today the best opportunity for investment. in addition We have 0acre tracts 3 milea from city at $73 per acre. aNo partlv Improved farms with buildings. Do not deiftv, act at once. A word to the wiso is sufficient. For further informa tion write at once to Washington State Colonisation Co.. Aberdeen. Wash. FOR SALE. 00 acr.s 2 miles from Sherwood, 55 acre tillable. 33 acres of which Is under cultivation, balanea. timber and hrush : 3-room fair house, good barn, spring and well. Price JS3OO0: mortgage $2400, run ning 2 years at G per cent. 40 acres 4 '- miles from M osier. Oregon. This (k A-l apple land. Price $1300 for quick saie. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT. 20 acres, all in high state of cul tivation good substantial buildings, goor well, good family orchard, all fenced and lies on tho main county road right at the bank of the WMIAmette River, Close to a good town; school, church and store directly across the road; price $:H0O foi this week only; we have seen this plac and do not hesitate to say that It is the best buy in Oregon. It lies perfectly level the sidl is a rich black sandy loam, ex cellent for raising potatoes, and is frc from rocks or gravel; come and invest! gate this. t DeYOUNG & JOHNSON. 6 1 4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FA RM READ Y MONEY. 31 acres. 210 In crop, wheat. 6a ts clover, kale, beets, stock peas, potatoes artichok'-s. etc. ; good set buildings, 1 i head cattle. 11 horses. 130 goats. SO hogs, chickens, etc. ; 4 miles new woven wire fence 2 running streams, a spring in each 10, place all tiled: the beat paying proposition on the market; $100 per acre lak-a everything; about $10.0Oft cash oi itK equivalent; some trade, balance mort gage. RAY MORE REALTY CO.. 4 0 Worcester King. 173-ACItE farm, 18 miles southwest of Port la mi. ao acres in cultivation. 30 acre? standing timber, balance pasture, good stream of water, good well at the house, all good soil, no rock or gravel, S-room house in good condition, barn 4Sx4 and other onthnlldings; all fenced; 22 head Jerseys. 23 hogs. 4 horses. 100 chickens, complete outfit of farming implements, crop in and ready for business. Price $lSto0. terms. W. W. Church, 263 Taylor si reet. A FINE farm of 134 4 acres, 2 Vi miles out of Forit Grove. 100 under plow, 30 acre? lino pasture. IO acres line timber. 13 acres of tilled ground in young orchard, run ning water and springs, good largo house and big new barn, for $11" per acre. $.hi per aero less than adjolnlne land. Owner, owing to sickness, must sell. See owner. Address room 42iHenry building. 14M I LESF RO M PORTLAND. Farm 40 acres of rich soil, 20 acres in cultivation, 2 miles from carline; 6-room house barn, orchard, running water; crop. " horses. 4 cows. 4 calves. 50 chickens, mower, wagon, buggy. A snap at $o00. K.rT."tjEIPER. 420 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL HOME. " IO acres In high state of cultivation, verv good buildings, first-class soli; a real cosv and productive farm. 1 4 miles to electric ears,- bank, high school and stores, price $3iino. You cannot find a neater and better place for th money in Oregon. F Ft'CHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. IT A P VI S If vou want a farm I am ure it wlL pay you to come in and let us telt you about some we Jiave for sale in Yamhill county. The kind you can make money n TROWBRIDGE A STEPHENS, 3ftl W i 1 cox Bldg. ! v t r 40 acres, near Oregon City, on county road; running water; good house and barn s acres in cultivation, 12 acres slashed, some onion land, young orchard, some Im plements; price $100; $300 cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. 203 M'KAY BLDG. 034 ACRES, farm. 04 miles south of Or gon CM y. on macadam road, board walk from Oregon City; 5 acres in fruit trees; about 4 cleared, some timber, creek runs through back psrt of land: house and barn, several outbuildings, 1-3 cash PrieA 7300. 270 4 Stark st. STAR BUSINESS CHANCE & REALTY CO. oi Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. 40 acres. Banks, or., mostly cultivated, clear. $103 per acre. S4 acres 14 miles of Portland; mostly cultivated: $400 acre; terms. We have lots of others. SO ACRES. 5 miles to P. R. N. Ry.. 22 acre cleared. 2 acres orchard. 4-room house, large double barn. 8 other huildlngs. liv ing water, some implements, $3so0; 4 cash. bal. 3 years, F. DUBOIS. 1203 Yeon bldg. ARKANSAS LAND Beautiful Ozarks. fer tile alleys. rich mountains, flowing springs, health, fruit, grain, alfalfa, stock, poultry, prices right. .1. C. Mitchell & Co., Fayetteville. Arkansas. 14 4 ACRES highly improved, good build ings, on carline. $4300 $1 noo less than value; terms. J. E. Hall, 308 Abington. $5 ACRE Kino Bay. Mexico, land. A. M. liighhuuae, 931 Chamber Commerce bids;. A.