tut. srypAT oirrnoyiAy. Portland, mar en 31, 1012. , ' i. . it 1 T 1TT 1 TfFAT. KSTATE. . REAL ESf ATE. Z. BKAL ESTATE. ItC.IL ETATK. HEAL JL-JL"ATB sLvTi T .. Z." For .. o, A Tm-M.m. I tor . j I arlln In h nt. 10 3i-m.nut nil to work lta all othar cnnvBnrM ham'. IIJ furnwn you llv in for the catlr fuminar. "tt ftlr1nr Jrou cnt In rnt t r r-a.ly i xp.n in Jour f-Mnr. now. "H irnry nil..:. Smntr-MX-ond T2dl trot. u om CUT Parte rr. OKtOORV INVTSTMENT l-O. Jii.l and Handy K.ad. 41 Cortxtl Illds your or a hm wllh- m rial sal . .hr Tas .."TORT -ROOM HOME. !.. I am 4IMir. nr hua. all dif . ant r cr-mm uartar th l..lloln d-x-rlpilnn: Lara from porch, rif.fl"" nail. llln-room with flrrpU-- and in oikcM. dlni--r..om ith bin t-i knf't. nla.l !. and mm'" eal ln. rlMll kllrh.n. ba.K por.-B with tol..l. hardwood tlnor. downstair. 3 lr" " roma with lar cl --n hm wln1w: bathroom. Ilnan c.'t. jl.-s.pin. porrh full c-n.ant b.mnl. turn... laundry traya and wood lift; B.n ln.-l..l. l:ht flstura. wlnd-w r.a.Ias and ttntlnj. KI) lot. lmlinMntn In and paid. If ou ara looktu. for a noma It a in r " In rt.m "ut and thi-ar. I will finish in hmis to "'lit Jur if K-t'on la ma.l .' hou- 1 fliitan.!. l.rta on fast nih at Just nnrlri or p,h., si. T"k- rVIlao-d far. .- "If at H-ra .. a K .1 : "" : r at-..t will . on the r...in.l all "'":'" 'r further tnf-'rmailon call .Vain .'- or A 2S.... w rniK.T. hill'l-r ST. THi: HKNT Lt.Ak i nur.-riasin a horn on r.y montri'y rynnt and b-..mtP your own I i i.l I.., I Uu ran ha.- th rlf.l.'a f hon Mrh ar nio-i-rn In r.rrt rnni lr toman rfrp:lon halt. Il ln-n'm llh flr.pU- and hjllt-ln Look. . diri liif.fwm. wMh h.r.lwoo.l f ..t. ui f.in. ir" In'.hrn I h r-r l...lr.n.a ; I'n t h r..m. and' lar- .l-p.n p..r. h. lull bMriwnl. (irna.. and ti.Hii.iurr lu'-a. Ul .! f.t l"t.f oa 'rl I -r at.. b""" t J-'-h and K1 3'lh 1. " all on tli Pmiirl 0-I Wru'-r at., at an. tlrno. or phon, . -II. . I -! and Pundiva. and Main 33 wrak.la. for furtnfr parllcu iara OM.T !.' DOWN. in Fat 51"' " '!' "r: ;,--nm ror. h ha'dw..d f; ra. fuma. . firrp.a.-. ran-lrrl dinlnr room. bamrd r-UIn. 'd "-r.rinn'K kkaskt rovpAsr. Jl rioor thamhr of I'ommtrrt. Pl-ILT TO SVIT TOf. m lll build you a horn, to atilt. tthrr on our lot or a- will furnlth t. If hAr a lot you nd no m..nrt. P(i-rr'd la mant 7 T" r'n'- W r h"v "Vrr hn.it ard can f.irnlah t-n lafarl.'ry Jr;r-n.. l-for buyinr II will pay 10 rail Main PIT or A '.!'. J. lll'Tll K I K. 2T2 Sisrk tt. .ROrM hou: can hr turnr.1 Into flan at amall rtprntai haa hnn.a.m rtrrptar. opan p..rch full aitl- and irnrnt bt mrnt. a and rlr.-trl.lty: ..t :..'!'. with wall krpt lawn, flowrr aar.lrn and fruit r: only a blork from b lir.mdaay brldaa and half a b'otk from Wllllama ar. carllnr; prlrr tw; t-rma. Ad.lr.-a oanrr 3.:, Victoria l 11. Broadway and tlanrork. . vt. t a moil ?vii(! i-HALtrr. Modrrn homr. It rooma and attic: two flrrplarr.. furnarr. Dutch kltrhrn. l.-rp-ln por.-h and many othrr fra'urr.; plht lr location; on tdnck to Mount 1t"r car; u irrma. 1'T Morriaon at., cor. aith. rtion Tahor st. OWN KM. ROFSMFrrtK P'"NOAt.OW rw &-r.Mm hunitalow. $::.'. I.oratr.l on Kaat -atn at.: third h.u north of Ilratrr at.: bat rvrry ni.lrn ronrrnlrnrr; all larfa Tr-.ma: alao full at llr r Bowrn will b at houar all after noon, com out and a It. Trnia to auit anr rponiM party, t all Main JT or A ?it for furthrr Information. t ROOM MODERN. On rnmmirrlil at . vrrr cloa In. fur nc. flrrplarr. doublr r.mttru.-trd. ror nrr lot: thi I a brautiful hoin and worth ll:0'i; ownrr la l.ann inr my and will a!l f r 1M0; t. rm vary raay. ntTiil'NO JOHNSON, ill fhambrr of Cominrrcr Dldtr. It ROADW AT- llOM E. Dandr nrar ml"n hooa of all room, far south, la w.at of 2th t. and a b.ir cain: can mak trrma Aak for Mr. an ORK'ION- REXI.TT CO.. 4 J Fourth ft. Maraball r!T. A i-l-'l Ila4 HII Wltl buy anulty in Iht brat hom In Ir lnion Pa-k. roomt. I u, -story housr. tlrrptnc r-rrh. lurlu.t. mottrrn In rirry way. an lot balance l.kr rrnt or run. Call and talk with th ownrr at i rt Jist n . i.,,w:i.v iiomk in i.Ari'.KF.in i:s r r.H.ms. vrv lara lllnt:-r...m. rrrrp- tion-ha'.l. d.n.n-rm.m and drn. 4 cnatu- ' Hrr. s:raptntl-p-rrh. full rrmcnl l.-ir- m.nl. fjrna.r. rtrrplt-r. hardu.d flo.ira XIUHKIIV IV Sl Hoard of Tradr DM r-ROOM ho-, "bath, halls and bs.-mrnt. .vo l.ais,...t r.-rnrr lot. H.t ioin an-l lrkt strrrra J.iat ti .!. s-.utli of Hawthorn- av-. frtr Jta .Vi t l.f a.-t or r i--ms may b- ma.l' T'l.-phon U Jtf ..r call 3l Kti"th Tif H M hout- a nil a lota at Wo..d:n--ra St li.-n. " minut-' rl.l-. lt. S.otr car: worth at. sM'-riflr- f.-r "-a for Vll'l. K OAl.K. Must ha.-' ". J J 1. b.l I - .,r month. . Ownrrl -17 Itallway t..-hr. - S pTlTl.Wi M ill housr. 7 rwnu, lots. b..u is brand nrw. with .-inrnl t-at'-nir.t. tu:rh kll-hrn and raod-rn plumtiina. Am KolntT onto a farm. l-rlt-- 4JH". 11 k mr off-r of pavmriil a-.wn an. I monthly nsralm. "'- l'l."o- S'llwo.M 177. OHOVKl.AN l TAkK . a-ronm m-.drrn bona.tlo. .-orn-r lot. fina sir, at a si.rlfi o for '' down. I a 1 H l"dls or afl r 1 V. M. arak.la.s. No ag-oia 'a!l 437 Kast aid St. b'.utu. Tsk I'awthornr ear. yon .al.K Vr.lliim-S'S.i M-w.ra ho and 1 7 1 J barn. ft.'-a. Irvinston. n .-ar r rartln anrt irsinrt-.n p. nooi; an .m provrmrnts In and paid. l"ai cash ard irv rasy trrni .n tli bakanc. Ail V.. "r-on lan. MI.I.salltTTK HKI7IIT room modrm hnus. ' bio. k rr on il!h St. ; prlr .:7.ai, worth 4..o. owrr u.ia moar . m'tpt a-'! . tiffi trrms. HI11.KT HISIIQI'. 131 THIRD FT .l N.iAl.W. r "d ni ..Irro. on mirhtly lot In ror i!tlrl.-t. nrar Kast St.. for IJO. cash 4-o and baianca li prf month: this is a foro-.l sala and a bar-x-s n. S al"rn-r. 414 Spaldlp Mdr. t K hava a 4 l-"i nio-trrn r-aid-n.- In N-.b Hill dlatrt.1. "."th and J. '.n.in sts.. with th-a is a sr. .o: f nam will han.li it; pir. $7.w. Al. ' 'ia. I'raitonlan. 1 A Rt ; r. li-ro..'li douo. locstr.l 11a (. J-r-S-T St . I fina snap-. E.artrl. nr. (as. hard surfirr. on stiirar Ha, t-i month. .-.II .WJ 1,-wis HI. Is M;.I,uoI. c-rr--r ! ..l'. --r.-vm no i- hrirtr fruit trsw and snrur-brri : 1 block of car: I7 ch If lakrn at or.. - Aod owo-r. A I. 1 Or.-n-.ti la n. NK'.V sit-rnom h.ml-w. partly furnishr.1. " on pavrd ronT. s-l nr rvnt. i p-r month. Tsbor or Hawthorn car. Is.! t. .-almon. No arnla. A Hiiaa'ox TttE rtlVKll. rtortd hom- on th- lVi.mtts cl.rap for ras'i- mtn.it-s out; rrodrin: arrr. must' sail at unc. A.N ;o. lronln. ,ui m -. rlnTm oj -r n" houar la Ijiur Nurst for " com- In and talk to us about "",Vi.i; .TtV bi'?-.p. iaa th.m ., (R SAl.K r r-nl. -nKm mlrn h'm-. imrw rn. bio. k tnd hmit oinh of K A Ki-V .KV i room hoii. witb huh AHA fil'T D-"Tlai. wr." av.. mn9 $i month. KOR HALF-? rn . ii nx. V--l-irI n.l oT. fir.7 t. if taken t Tnno .. kl rr. mint r a JJ d4 r-l M"rrlu. H Ufft- nfj-n. i ., , . r MORRISON HT. Hm f room. rhApf T-, ' - fIR AI m'lr T-r-'om hous-. br orr. Cor-Kti t.. -SoutH Fortt-UiX NO RENT TO PAY NO HOLtK TO HI V. Y fammh you ih hom ror th- S"im mvr. A !.. bl( yri fr ih" rhlUln-n. Un ni icrd n. With thKi' l;i.lut'm-nir HOW CAN YOI KKKI" KKOM SA1N1 MO.tV? In flrmnrr llc-:t(i;- f..(n! rat ltvii. Inprot-nicnti in; n lto- Clir I'nrk cir lni. Tk rr ! tir-iriry HfiirhtM f'iT, Seventy -n-i-nn l ( T- l n r--t- loino today. GKKtJOUV INVESTMK.VT CO. (-.1 and Sandy Kal- 4 in curitt it;jir nkw rr-TO-nvTK 7-n''M lifcllOKNCK A.M ('ARA'iK. J"1, term. ..!! Kt -iHi - Non h. Mjiii !. li. H. I'farc1. iin!..y or - nlnfcs r: or I'houw Tbor IKVIMITOV. HKAl'l ll- l I- liOMK. n.ethin UirfTt-nt I r.in orlin,ir . t-rli.r -r artlsiHc: ill Interior fin nil Hnn-rn ok. old l.-ry. whit- fium-l .n.rr f;r; U r.om. art- Ur.e an-l ai!. niirh a r-M.vp:in hall. c!-ak ro.m. H intf rtx.m tin Iir-plaf. tkrf lart ImlriK-r'-om. rrar hail. lolft anl luv ator .. I Hitch kit. hrn. nt. rly q'i:pH- Ura- airy h--l cmh-r. on n!r !, ir r-rMni. Pi--p4ii "rt h, bt ut:f'il t:U i iatIiro..m; i -iitt u-1 lator. thir.l l.'.-r lira, anii air : full r.-n.-.t. fix'.urr ant arMl . inm io-iv h'n. bfTo u Prli-f an-l tfiun r r-aUon.il.-;. I'tl'ltllM Kt ""vl K.it --J i- J- r- Io!n. lUt Eat l."ith -Nortn. lrvlngiun MR. HOMESEKKtn. I " N I K Tt NO CO.VCTDKUATIO.N H-ii YOI 11 "fit II ASK A 11 M I" NT I L Y V I! A V K li' K T" 1 0 Ki IlKM Mi'NT. A S 'H'K ft H'MF -S ;KHY T MOVE INTO. I'ltli'K.' A.NU TMtMS HEST IN ! HTUM. I K A I . WITH O W NKI'.S I I R ECT J F Tor WhH TAKE H'VK CITY I'AIIK CH TtIAt A.NU Ar-K FOK tEAl- - "'VkaI-MONT I. A N I ' COVPANT. Tto.ird of Trn . 4Th t. pl'NNTHIf K. On" rt the moat attractive hom- In this rtitrirt. rl"i-f to carim-. on nBhtly corner ht on -.l"t tr- t. Hniw ii mnrilr m'd-rn ard v.rv arramtl, rmi anl l-ii. rc ptin hall. nm- and a l.ir: n;tp'n p.r,h. hnr.wi-il fioorn. fnrnnt-o and hrrplace; two t-Hlvt-; a plar- built for a totuii; j rl'-f i."-o. hnif K A I F KM A N.N MuHK, 3J3 I.um.M-r Ki'-hang.'. -.0n CASH FI'YS Till? S-roorn modfrn hnntalow, Rttit. City Park, c!o- to rarihif. xrpiionally Koo.l vi.-w of aiirrntintlinff r.-.untry. full lot ; thin la a b-nit!fiir little horn- and l worth eaully .:, u; prlre this week only InYOVMi Ac JOHNSON. &14 Chatnixr of Commrre. IRVINOTON HOME. naut!ful houi. modern and up-to-f.nt In e ery rjp ct ; extra lnra rooms, t lied hjtti; itatl In th .-Iuntv d'ntrlct. nur IrvniHton Club: built by owner ! i 'tin Mir aco. Trice $11,000. i'hone owner, ElU 3il. fUllTLAM) HKMHfi tl- Kt M MOPKI.N HM SE ' - LTS, J " MINI1KS' WALK I m N" TO V N. K I N EST I N , H -T Hl'( T -VI VIEW OE CITY A N'l MulNTAINA KM'M SKT r,LS I'P.iH. MAK1 WiMil) KUHI. VINE 11EMENT AND OAliAOK. PilM'K $ tH. CASH. HMsANi'K YKAltS. EASY I'AYMENTS. Hl"Xr: MAIN 74v SACIIIKICB. ; blocks from car. beautiful S-room h'Mi-, strn-t I y modern, ga?. water. -lec-tricity, iftfr, etc.. all In; lo b-'urin f run ' tre.-. m, 7.'sl'0-fl. corner l"t. 4 ft. a bo- irr-ide. w.rii cfment retalnin. wall aroun-1 entir.' property, on E. 1 1 tli aU W ATSUN" THEKKEI.SE N Ct .. S'.tf i-ia!dln Hitg. M;iin MX I- your own f.r'M Stop priyliiR riH. A neT .Vrwim ImncaJow, 1 biock from car. 1h rinnuii'i from ln n! Aldr ma., 2 blocks from hool. Price $'J"-t; tcrrrn. Jl'.o tlovrn. b;itime like r-nt. Tnke W.-1C. cr. 'all at tli S. . . cor. of K. :t.th urnl 4 !lnton ata. Pbouea h-ll wood "' or 11 PI El -MONT HOME KOlt SAI-E. tautifur 7-riHrn Imu-e. on lin liS-ft. cvmr lot. cIom t.y cariine; fine parai;; .ery pretty lawn and n hat If tre; can be uurchn! on tfrrn WATSON A TUERKELSRV CO.. Spaldin laid. Main 7a.2 ikvin:t n. H-rrmm rnndfrn h.oim-, I-titfh-colon'al arf httvcLute; on corner. Pr.f .". terma II. P. I'AI MVMJOVKS CO.. 44 Wilcox Hid K. Phonea MhIu A -CuJ. O N KM S niFICINO A HE ACTIKIL NEW M -I'KII.V l;ron i USE Wll LAMKTTK KIVEK. 1 MM-KS KRoM CIl'Y " OliK.lt'.N CITY' KI.KiTKh'; It K A T ' T 1 K V I . VIEW MTK: K L' N M N W.tl'KK. KI.ECTHIC 1.1'iHTS. U S I -J. PU!;uiMAX. " IH'ME AT A HKOAlN Ple.lrnoni dttri-t. 2 lo. k ro.:n: flow er. r-T't'-n. rhi kt-n. Munt -Il; an -lrt to I alifitrma n a hup t -f l k n -m. l.-ruip. h.ne Wroltn'in I7. No j:-iil. N r Cat hot? a nnl puHli hool. U I AM lli-i'ion,.-. r-r fim. io: - t 1 1 t. I bio k t .ir ; f u. 1 l-.i'-iiifnt. -'ri::rr l.t lit, .cwfr, stU' W.i.kfi. nil itnpro."- ia p tT.i . pri- i'". w or; h ". i eniia. HIOI.KV A HISH'-P. 132 Tltlr.l St. M I ' S f "7t K 1 . 1 7T I i Tsv E E K . Fln -.-room h.ue. r-lu ,-! trotn l27- to ti;,,rt . only t h a ti 1 cl." in. E-tl S'-le ; tuff ft. teame. r-ijinit. batM ; iwii furnitut nii) cmiti i( war.tel; thii t a 'turn-Cn. Tdbor 3ls. Kit It SAl-E Htme an-l lot on I rincii at.. .ry re.ionaric. .." flc.wn. r-uiaindf r IJi per m'n::i. will cn!.er lt or qnitv in tot timt payment. 3; llothciiiIU t.id Marshall C'il. S.'M'Knv 7 iwm hou.i. If mitten : r.... K. I7th t. N., lrviticton car to Sukly.-u t. Kltir-a and hmira. ent f.n-.r lot. o- ft ped ntre. t ; prlc t- rma. Owner nt place. K R A I.E Ood 1-roorn hnur, new ly I tlntsl and papered : lot B nl f.iril ; pou.try Vu and run ; fjtm; cih. t- nnrt - a-y tr Til. W - W car to foir-nte. a-it to -l.tn t., 1 McK jouin. H.IE on the Wtlnmrtte. 17' ft. river f'ontac- by ft. d p; modern pi- riMm iiou'e. lnu !? ! r. batU. tir p.nt linn b-t 1I nd bef h : rrit - $ .", W k lJ-ya. Main iin. A 7-1. Ki'K SAI-E -room hntiM. full lot, fine lew, i. t dialed In Ml. 1 ..fr dtst rlit a.d ronwment t ftot car t-ri.e: $Juuti; terma. H W. Ta lor o , iJ Cliain br of '.mrp.rfC .:ohi K'-U a 7 -ro lit bunaalove on Ett ivii at.: clticouiat or r.o:i offer; term. Wniwn Jk Th-rkrlwn Co., 3"6 SpnUJii.f M.ltf Mm TiJ. lSKil Wt u -N ice H-ro..in .t ie, 2 Mo- k c r. mrn-r lot c!oae to '1 carl)n, on v :"hi; wo't h 1'"K M1C.I.EY HISHQP, 15J Th Ird Pt. A S M A U. att ractu e home In t U 1 n.i.ii--- auction of feavrton will tak automobile aa part pa ment. Photx o ner. WiMd li a n ?".. $.i."t MAVN'. 4J ir month. lniuitinR In tarevt. 6-r foni moiern hooae. handy to 2 rarllne. -rba"nii. Jifr.t.in Hth jchtol. Pri.e f.'7". Partimlarp W-ll. Htf.! NEW .Vnnjm tr. tlv modern bunvainw: . f..t bt; Ka-ft ltri et. : price Jia; $. be oer act ua) rosi : l"-n; terms -.11 n- n-rfnti AO l..'-. -retronhir WESl'MOlsELAXn IKME. NEAR K LED I NTIT t T E 7 -roo'n modern, near cars, terms. Owner. I Jt-". KaMf PMh. NKWIlCm m" corner Tolman. m'"lern hoi)" on sout h wat corner Et Utn ani r tiKiyou.- tuiii; frmc W iti'ia Thrkelarn Co., 3u4 Spa.1nc b:.:f. M j!n71; v.i .ASH, $ 1 P'f mont h, n--w 5-tMin bunf4 rT 2 blocks ear. 2 minutes pu;; " prl. e "- HI'. I EV niHOP. ISJ Third tt. Illvl.st.Ti i Naw 4-r.s.im bouse, tliorona-h-v- mudern: a barain. Hy owner. East lltff (Knl own.-r. a lti hme. .1 rnorpt and h't. fin- lot. fruit, only $!. t. c-tr. l."4 p". TiTinr s. Toll v l'P' A ri --rn i-roi h,l(tB on H. huv'T. near 11 . prwe yaiiN), tt-rma. v-on lot'. $i;.n IHV;TiN. nnilrn 4-r'M:f) hmiw: crnr lot etAO. tlvil in . eicr Jkaat SPECIAL TIARGAIXS LN BCXOAI.OWS. BLKuKK HUV1NG 6EK H. D. STORY. ! C(W AND iFPi:il FOR SAI.K On tlvr nnj on. six-room bungitiow, inoti.-:n an.l coinplrte. On East IH'.tl n.-ur i'llnton, one b!m k from i srilnr. l.lvln-r.M.m Has nr. placr. built in bo..krns with a:ass .loors. rnl umn.d autl ol.-niii Into OlnlnK l .i.-iii. .lnlnff-rnnm Puilt-in bufTrt. pan-ri.-.l a ..insrotiD. plale rail, pit-lure Illi.lJiliV. Ilut. li kltrhsn nina. rlos.-ts. ral.l nrts, rlraw.rs, Uuutl druln boards, wooilltft. ilathroom His a full Una of plumbing- with built-in mrdlcln chrrL . lu-drooms Art nlcaly tinted and havt t-!orts. IiHa.-ni.-ot Floor ara remrntarl an. I hav wssritras, tenicnt and pi;st.-r.-d walla. 1 hv bunsalowa nr. nlraly situ ated tian.-m.-nt is nbuve str.-rt .-vrl. rm.-iit wall, strps and wa'ks arr laid. Thry ara .-qulpp-d for rlthrr ir.ia or .-l.-i-trlrlty. and con tain rV. ry j'.slb. r.riv.-nl.-in-o for a nio.rrn honi.-. I wi'l nink sp---la! I'.irwair-s on tb.-s- bun K ntow a, and allow i lo-ral dis.oiint f.-r rnh. I'honr .r mil and s--a mo for fur ther partU-.il.-irs. II. I. STORY. OWN Kit. 311 Fullll.if H'f1.. Oflr. phcu:.. Main IHf. Rrsldrtit-o plionft .Marshall 3111. I f NOT "Fnni-rp to sarrlfler my KXI'TIKTI. IIOMK." rlr.. nr.. and nil ll-i.t rot. It tit 1 Iriicvr It f.ii.iD ItlSl MlSfl to dipose of nil tny I'ortlund prop-rr?-.. avrn at a listy r.it-rtrirr l.rforr rr-rr.-.t't.ir to n-.y l'.illl..r.lA homr. whtcll I ail -T ! ri " t l.l-r thnn .Inn- I. I have a l-RTI.ANIt IIKI'lIIT.-t IIUMK. a Kosil fITV r.VilK HOM;-: n-id mi extra de-lr-al r iiinn Mot it HOM!" SITK on Till-, Vl.tIRl' llo arr J R M Tl C A I.I. Y NKIV. I'll' '' l III l.V M'U.HKN. KINK I.V FIM.-IIKI AMI AIT'tlNTKll. fort litnd ll.-iuhis h-'i'i. o. cui'l.'S thr M1.1ST MA'lMrM'KVT PIIF rono.-lval.le ai.-l a til he t-'ld with two or I'lr.-c lots lit .1. I-..I I'.o.a t'ttv f'ark ho.l'.e oceuplrs ! . cl. lo TIIK AI.AMHOA, r lm-nirnilir-r it fina otitl-.i-k. Ton have but to Sl'i; TH KM and If Ihrv suit you. (iF.T MY rHI-K-t ntol lire AllE KOLI. fnn i!iir tour. K. I". K.-rrl-.. ."'.. K. I'"M N. WHY IC YOU WAIT? When von fc-an buy a honsp from 9- It.'.o, jto'i' r-l"" nnd $.".'.i down. Rose l ltr I'rtrK. T.-rrti " I'nrk, .lonrpmora ais lr!i t and Montivil.a. I'rir-a sl.-.oo up tr $".o'M. Phona Tabor :il" If von want to r ii--.- Funilny. imnrt k. khasev company, ;d floor Chiimb.-r of Comintrt-e. Itr.AITI Kf. II'IMH IN ISOSSMF.RK. For sala at a B:-t-rl!ice. corner lot. east ffti-iiitr. ath stre.-t and Ftrnser. 7 rooms ttml srrplnB por.-h. lull aarret finished suitable tor bi 1 1 in rd -room. Iiirsr reception hall and llvlns-room. ItrtP ilinlnK-room. l.ui't-ln lin'r.-l. lior.kr-iiHes. flretil-iee. Dutch kitchen, full ha kc in ant. furnace, ricotric and bis tlxtur.-s. window siuidPS. hard wood Honrs; will be open nil day Stindny: price storm. $r..Hl rash, bnlnnco like rent. S.w. Mr. Hnrt al btaru-h oflit-e, Until ond riaiulv Road. J..H.V W. rnoK, 4?.? f'hamber of Conmierra bid g. NEW ft-ROOM HOI'PE. S. W. toi'.NKIt 3JD AND CLINTON STREETS. RICHMONO CAR. OWNER'S I'HONE SBI.HVOOD 1J77. W.M.N FT PARK. A renl bargain In a lovely home. R-r.-ptlt.n hall. 1 1 vltiK -room. tl ininft-room. tl.-n. paws pantry nnd kitchen. Three bed rooms, sleepluit porcli. bath, cement bapr llient, f-irnace. fireplace. The lot a lovely park with Inwn and shade trees. Hard huif.tce street. Everything complete for s.'.r.oti. No. 1101 Rotincy ate. See the house totlnv. A. II. r.IRREI.I. CO.. -'02 McKay UI'iB . lid and Stark sts. KFNTON FA" tTTr V LTsT It I 'T. A i:rlct:y modern r.-room bunKnlow, with Hr. place. bunt-In l.ook.-ase. brained i-eiliri. rtnrcl.-d rllninsi-room, lrutch kltch.n; price 4Jr.no, ensv terms. Tnke K'-n'nii car. net ofr nl Alblna ove. and I'M Pin st.. 1 l.lo'-k north and 4 Mocks ea:. 1 will be nt pl.i.e nil day Sunday. C. It 8IWCKMAN. 41S Rnllway ETchance Illtiit. phone Marshall 'Jl3.' WILLAMETTE H EH! UTS. Nearly n.- t;.room humrH.ow, flreplnrr. uns and el.ctr'c flxiures, paved street, full l--.e-n.-nt. funiace: lot ..oxlt:; feet: beau ti'ul vt.-w : pro e t."r.H; terms $io.ii rush, balance .-a ; house nn rented, furnished, at l' nionthl'-. ti n.-r non-rtsltlent. J. w. cnossi.F.Y. MI Corbett bid. FIVE-ROOM RCNOM-OWF. 4'.m; 1-3. .Pith J.-, neur Clinton. s.inoO. K. llil Si , est niorelamt, $"..".M. Annbel stat i. n t furnished I. J-op. r n land. jU j.'-o. All In first-class ron.lltlon and on very easy terms. phones Sella ooil llM or Ta bor at.v.. MII'liSJ jr.- ROYER. RICHMOND HOME. One of the finest hemes In this district. l.lvtr.-r.om. ilinlnK-room. den. kitchen, t bedrooms, srr-cptnic-porch. two fireplaces. A properly really worth 41.".MI. We can S--II It for $.".'!o; small cash payment. A. II IMHRKI.I. CO.. oo- McKay HIUK-. lid and Stark sls .N II A LI. ST.." N E A R 1 1 TH." Frictlonul lot and P-room h.iuse. rented ' if all.', l-.-r month; pays 7 p-r cent on ti.. prlr.- asked: improvements all in and raid for. For prlte and terms tall on r.. J HoMi.ra.-r. sniie l;;-14. Mulk.-y bldK.. or. I'-l and Morrlron. W! IIEIIO H EIC.HTS. Modern 7-room bungalow with fine yl.-a : to l..-eks from carllno. On 4stl st. price l'-oo. II T. PA I MER-.IONE.- CO.. 4", wilcnx 1.1. la. Phones Main so t. A 2'l.VI. FORI KI TO FE1.I. Fractional quarter block on Everett St., with laice house: don't fail to let u sho iu at oner this barienln. Van tluvn it Walton. ..L Chamber of Com merce PPFC 1 I. 5-day sacrifice: artistic bunizaluw; mod.-ra conveniences; elect ncitr h but hood ; beautiful stirroun-ltitus; maka offer: notli-in- r- asor.ai.le refused. Owner. IISP lvaB si.. Ilcrirnond. Ibis afternoon. A liOOII I'.l't. 9-room house and corner Int. on 7th St. Nothlnr close In for the pMc anduyn 4r Walton, 015 Chamber of Coin- ll.TlRH-tJi'n: HIIS'IAIJIH'. VornlllRSld Add.. ML Tabor; Una view: $'s clown, o- . ould use cood lot or grocery up to t'JM. 71st and E. Stnrk. owner. .Mala t.o. pric rtcbl. I.M ItFLII I F..T llOl UK. lood modem K-rooni. Mil newly fur nished, for snle on easy terms or trud for first iiiorlicazes. Robert elartyn, 4P.7 Yeon 1-1. Ik. Mirsnall Giiiil) 7-room hoiiso nnd HMHlnrt, improverl street, north of Columbia Park; Jaa-n, fruit, irarden. flowers; f.usio. Very rasy terms. Portsmouth or t. Johns cars to Columbia park. 1 Camt.bell. 17 44 Foss st. ""I!VIM;TiX. rlri.IEST hakuain tlFFKUEH. Ileaullful modern home, well-built, choice i.-callon; rasy ternos'or cash. Pholl Fas- .:n4 ' I'AYIM) RENT HOW I.ONf! ? Overstocked with bungalows and Iota, a real ban. -a. you run make your own terms. 1 mean business. AM Will. oreKO nlan. HO YOI' WANT A H N A r ? ft. room b.us-. corner lot. K. Paris St., f-.r only :i.'"t vrrv easy terms. Vanduyn A- Wa'toti. .Ma chnmt.er of Onmmerc. 1-rRNlHF.I lll'XilAl.nw. 311 Fnst :i.".tll st South; t.'uo rash, bal ance like rent. Inetmre H-ilndujr on prem- phnne Tlbor ?'i-l ll.W F several KO.l bous'-s In restricted flis-t-lcts for sale eheao. Itobrrt Martyn. '07 Yeon hide Marsriall 1 ',;.. I'RI.'E re.iur.-d. new ri-room. modern. r.iixloO lot. 3 blm-ks Clark's Station, CI.Mst. Term. t j.rfl Mid su al .FR.N -room house, ralxlno lot: lawn, flowers: Hinsli payment, balanc Ilk rrnt. Phon Sellwrnul. 11. iH 1 K.I M house, almost nrw. oa Rast 701 h st will rent rii. ip to thr rlKht party. Room 1" Washlnaton bid-. --.-a. 7-ltM. mo.I.-rn bunnnlow ; IrKsi dead "...a. 11".. I; lid N. WcHidlawn 2714. -rrr. ". STciTrFiT'r: hoo qutty in UiioS iur !"' for .a-d: trrma. Mala m5. sTf:'F.nR04 M house; $.".o down: $10 mo. Tabor. 47. Owner. i7.VT chase freaks; for homes at bar- a;ns . T. UateH, SIS V-nloa av, L'.M DOn'N BALANCE 30 MO.. IXC. INTEREST. TRICE $41'50. 1-atorv, 7-room bunitalow. near Jef ferson Hich School: lias fireplace, buffet, paneled dinlne-room: In fact, has all the little conveniences that could be asked for. and ia realiy In the oOW class of house. .-rtX DOWN. BALANCE 40 MO., INC. INTEREST. PRICE $.--000. looyino. on Pekum av.. -room bouse. on .Vixllal and extra lot, jviiw, $l."iMJ. all for f-rtKHI. $-.00 DOWN. BALANCE 10 MO., INC. INTEREST. PRICE JeOO. Alnsaorth avenue, near Ilth at. North, now s block to rir; soon will be on ..: will then sell for J.t.-.'Hi; all w nsk Jto compare this at .'Ma with the ..oi homes you hav ae. n : it has furnace, ce ment has. ment. sunroom and reception hall, braid.-, its largo parlor, dlnlnir-room and Hutch kitchen. - bedroom and alcove ffect. .-.O0 DOWN. B A LANCE IIO MO., INC. INTEREST. PRICE I210. It's near JetTerson llieh Pchno!: It hnt 8 rooms. Is well arranged for two families: upstairs rents furnished for per monih: It's Just the same as ii-rnom bunsalow downstair, with all built-in con-v-nlences; las extra lara- reception hail, fine lawn, flower and fruit tries; it a on Alberta avenue, too. IiORR E. KEASET CO.. Sd floor Chamber of Commerce. A FINE LITTLE HOME AT A BARGAIN. Lot Hostinr. feet, with lo-foot alley, ex tra Itood house, with hall, parlor, dinlna room. Irr.e bedroom wilh closet. lai'KB kitchen with panirv. bathroom, basement, woodshed and workshop, chicken-house and small yard, lino ttrnpe arbor, la fruit trees of whl'-h ore full beariiiK, all kind of berries ant! flowers. This Is one of the most comp.ete little homes In the city and the price ia only X1S4M1 with jtood terms. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., SIS Or.-nonlan Bldg. 3.'INI. I.'IIX) DOWN Jail DOWN. BALANCE AS RENT. Owner Is offering at a sacrifice this fine neur bungalow, built of the very best material and ail doubly constructed throughout: i large rooms: besides til reception hall; very handsome fireplace; bookcases; paneled dining-room: elegant buffet; white Dutch kitchen: 3 large sunny bedrooms and closets: fine bath room, equipped with latest and best of fixture,; large attic and full basement: cement floor, laundry trays, etc. High and sightly lot: gas. electricity, aew ers, cement walks In; all assessment paid. If vou are In the market for a house, Investigate this. Tabor :iuN'.. (:;( CASH, balance like rent: this place a finished Inst July, built It for a home, modern f.-room house, on the corner of Francis ave. and East 31st St. I want to move by April 10; full cement basement, furnace heat, beamed celling and paneled tlinlng-room. built-in buffet, gas and elec tricity, complete in every detail; im provements In and paid for; nice corner lot SuxHMi: I will be home all day Sun slay. One block to carline. Come out today and make me an offer. C. R. SPACKM AN, 035 Francis ave.. Cor. E. 31st at. phone Sellwood H-".2: TO SHOW GOOD FAITH. We 'require a very small lirst payment. Look at No. 4711 E. 411th st today, first bouse aouth sandy Road: B rooms, thor oughly modern, fixture, and shades. 5og loo lot. lawn and roses. Price f37."": eusl est term to responsible party; can be arranged at '21 Yeon blilg. M. L. Gal lagher, owner. HOME BARGAIN. Beautiful new home of 8 rooms, recep tion hull, sleeping balcony, and finished at tic; two firt places and furnnce. hard wood floors throughout: sitting-room and hall finished In oak. balance of lower floor In fir and upper floor In obi Ivory, fullv equipped with large closets and every 'modern convenience: garage, one block or car. For further particulars ee. OSCAR W. BRYAN. Main 1!)I3. ;.5 Cham, of Com. A 12J7. H O LI. A D A Y R ESt PENCE. A handsomely appointed home. In a dis trict of fine residences, close in, near Hollndiiv Park hunsalow style, faces south and east, on corner, HiirxjnO feet, paved streets; garage. For sale at price of $l7..Mti. H. P. PAI.MF.R-JONES CO.. 414 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main s.Pt.. A 2.l.".3. BPNOALOW and 1-1 acres for sale; land in cultivation, fruit trees, berries, etc.; house has large living-room. 2i'.xl.".. 4-foot store fireplace, beamed celling, bullt-ln bookcase, etc.; modern plumbing through out: good wnter system and fine water. On Oregon City carline: 7c fare; 27 min utes from Portland. Price 476rl: terms. For further particulars address Postoffice Box Ses. citv: phone Oak Orove. Red I'M. OWNER wishes 'to sell hia home at once. .V down: 7-room house; East Schuyler near Stth. furnace, sleeping porcli. Tabor 3MS to s--e Sunday. HoRR E. KKAsar si CO., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. $2.".f CASH. ft-room house on E. Mala St., two story and basement, lot 44xln. sidewalks and paved street; 4 bedrooms, bath and toilet; price slIiMNi, balance paid like rent. J. E RAND & CO.. 2 J 3 Hoard of Trade. LAUD'S! ADDITION. 2-story, ft-room bouse, just completed; large hall: living-room. dining-room, kitchen, hardwood floors. 4 sleeping-room and bath: gas and electricity. If you have cash and mean business, ask us th price. R. N. Tl'FFORD CO.. 407 Spalding Pl'lg A SNAP. Three nice lots, enclosed with poultry netting nnd cross fenced: two chlcker. bouses: small dwelling-house and out buildings; large and small fruit growing on place; all at la-nls. If taken at once, IsllO part cash; wouid consider cheap lot. W. H. WADE. Lenta. Or. If TOP hav 2.J as first payment, you can step Into a brand new, swell fur bished 7-foom bungnlow. cement founda tion and full cement basement. Pay the balance like rent. 2.1 per month. I-rank M. Ilrown. Inc.. li.;' Chamber of Com merce l.ldg.Mar. 14UH. WILL sell m v beautiful new suburban home on Oregon city carline; 20 minutes ride. i2-btock from station: ft-room bungnlow with bath, fireplace, full cement base ment, electric lights, telephone and own water system. Must be seen to be ap- preciatro. i i-a... uirn-ini.ii. KU.-.F, .ill r -t i w . 7-roora new house at 717 East 70th N.. Hal feet from car. Price $3SO0. Easy term. Tl'FFORD a CO.. 407 Spalding Bid. FOR sale bv owner, fi-room modern house: full basement, laundry trays; fine bras, fixture; between Kllllngsworlli and Alnsworth ave.. :7;0. l'hon Wood law n K.9 7. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. Tenth t.. corner, and 7-room house, cheap for cash for Immediate sal. Van duyn A Walton. 515 Chamber of Com merce. IRVINOrON SEE THIS- t i.. rrl,.e Ineliid HARM I N'l uas range. ..Ul.sa.un. ... - .- heater, shade, fixtures, screens. Phone East :H. a" FINE 7-room house on corner lot. r.Ox10o. with a good river view; street Improve ments all In and paid; only l3f!oO; loo0 cash, balance to ,uit. Sellwood 10. S-KOOM house. :t closets. large pantry, fruit treea. roses, good lawn, close to Reed Institute; Improvements pal.1: prlc tliuO. n.( Harold av. Sellwood car. bl NNY8II.E. $i:"0: 8-room cottage: Hr o'lae' '- Pr month; East Morrison, near 'mh. 'in Yeon bldg. Main 112. A 745. FIN'F modern bom, full lot, facing aouth; Fast Couch and 2lst ats.; floarxtrs; tdiou, (.-. Yron bid. Main 1111. A il.n W ANTED Cottage or small bouse to build, plana Xr. W6V UUoa av., Urna. LOS ANGELES BUNGALOW. SIX ROOMS. MOUliK.N. ONLY $2.'.00. PAY t2.-i A MONTH. NO OTHER FIRST PAYMENT NECESSARY". A atrictly modern cottage In restricted district, on fuil-aixe iot. and served by two carlines. House has all conveniences, is tinted, has shades, electric lights and gas. Owner wants party able to pay regularly every month; he Is not so par ticular about lirst payment. See it today l Sunday I. A. X. Bearle, E. 7llth and E. Gllsan tMV carl. CENTRAL ALBINA HOME OF 9 ROOMS. Moon; 2-story, extra well built, large, porcli, 1st floor; nice hall, stone fireplace, ' dining-room, den, laige kitchen, pantry. screen porcrt and toilet; 2d floor. .1 bed rooms, bathroom: largo attic could be made Into several rooms. This price is right. I have a plctureof the house, call and see it or go to iiw Klrby st. M. H. CAI.EF. 202 Stark St. Re 1 3(i42. At of lice from 11 to 1 o'clock. Main .V.2S. A 1476. :to mi A MONTH. Today Is bargain day. Go look at my .r.-rooin bungalow with attic; Wit car; house 4S-S E. :10th st. You will see improve ment in tills district that will surprise you. House modern in every respect, ex cept furnace and fireplace. Street im provements in and paid. House newly tinted and painted. No down payment unless you wish. I am sacrificing this property for .".".o. Howard. 514 McKay building. Main H441. I HAVE a teii-ro.un new house in Irving ton that Is especially adapted to a fam ily who wants something nice. A high class place, well built and not bui.t to sell as a look over will demonstrate. House has 2 bathrooms, three lireplnces. four toilets, four lavatories, all liish-claxa plumbing and lighting fixtures. House has unique interior arraiiHcments. Biff porches. Plenty ot shrubbery, on quarter block; $17.uo". half cash. X mo. Orer-umnn. LARGE house, built by day labor. ' large room on first floor, besides bath and halls, sleeping balconies and 2 large un finished rooms and closets on second Hour; full basemen! with cement walls and floor, corner lot 7r.x70. additional lot If de sired, lawn and trees. 1 block south of Hawthorne. Trice (4500. I'hone Tabor RH. MODERN o-room house, good terms, walking distance, ailti or ."42 Eugene st. I or sale -Itiialm-H. l-r.eriv. BUSINESS PROPERTY. J5UII0 cash will Tu"Ja.OSE ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR OFFERS to sell lease and furnishings of Most exclusive family hotel in Spokane. Washington, situated in Hie best resi dential district. Contains 202 rooms, suit able dining hail, reception rooms, passen ger elevator, telephones in every room, large porches, sleeping balconies, beauti ful grounds, etc. The building Is 5 stories, built of brick, stone and steel. 19 modern and up to date. Responsible parties capable ot operating this fine busl-bei-s can purchase same with entire equip ment at a low figure and upon reason able terms. Address . THE FRED U. GKINNELL COMPANY, Spokane. Washington. 3-STORY BRICrl APARTMENT. Cne-in. West Side, contains 17 apart ments, lot i;uxlO(l. now- leased, but will sell furniture at. a reasonable figure: apartments all rented; price for building alone rle.n'!u- Mar. 42M. A. .1. DFI SCH CO. A la-'.O. S4o Chamber of Commerce INCOME! PROPERTY. Brick apartments. West Side, leased 5 years. "rim per month; ..0.0lio. Apartments, corn.-r. West Side; income .-.25 per month: 4u.ooi. Four line rials. West Side; Income J120 p.-r mouth: 1 4.5O0. IMi.xlou, 8 iiats; income $1(18 per month; fll.ouu. in.ixino 4 flats, close in; 5I1..1OO. ZIMMERMAN. HID Hoard of Trade Bldg. QUARTeU BLOCK. Hawthorne ave dis trict; present improvements pay 7 per cent. This can be Increased to 1U per cent bv little expenditure; owing to activity of North Bank road In this immediate vicinity the advance in vrfiue will be great. Price $4.,IHMl, half cash. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., . Bnil-510 Wilcox Uldg. A PART ME NT-HOUSE LOT. lKO fret from Washington street, be tween 22d and 2-ld streets: all hish-prieed apartment-houses surrounding: this will make a very choice Investment. Investi gate. Price JS.i.lll. COW EN -IDE TRUST COMPANY, No. 2 Lumbermens Budg.. Ground Floor. $41100 WILL buy a business- corner on the Mt. Scott carline and Foster road. This is one of the Investments in this rapidly growing district that will double In value in the next two years; must sell Call Tabor 1.114 or write W. F. I'erdew, 5112 K. 72d S. E., Portland. Or. CHOICE East Side business property. $275 monthly income: long lease; price $:'..1.ooo. might use some good income exchange property for part of consideration. GOWEN-IDK TRUST COMPANY. No. 2 Lumbermens Bldg. Ground Floor ABSOLUTE BA RO A IX. Mlxl'Kl with 2-story brlcK. lease. I al $1.10 per mouth, rear F!r3. and Aider" n.-n-e $2."...1ih. $13, -1o0 rash. 42.1 Failing 'l.Ig. BUSINESS PROPERTY CHEAP. Nice) lot on East 3.1 St.. close to new Steel bridge, worth today Jlu.tiiMi. for only Jl.-.iul. on goo-1 terms. Will Increase in vain., faster than anything else. F. FUCHS, 4-Jli chnm'.er of Commerce. A .1ox2imi ajaitmcnt and factory site, one block from East Portland Library; two corner lots; $1:1. .10(1; $::oci below surround ing property; terms to suit. AL y.lll, Ore-g-.nlun. FINE business corner on Alberta, with store building. $L'O0il. Call today corner Pres cott and Glenn aves. BEAUTIFUL West Side quarter block, closa In, reasonable. Inquire lfU 12th street. Apt. -el: no agents. TOllxll.O ON 7th. some Income, worth $:ir..0nil. quick sale $23.ooii and street assessments; $10.1100 cash. ('.14 Couch blug. THE JlKaT Investment for H).neO; Income property, pays 14 per cent. R 931, Oregonlan. UNION Ave. N. E.. cor. Rosclawn, -"4x1 110, wlil trade. Owner. Fast 3s33j l-'or Sjule -Acreage. HIGH-GRADE UNIMPROVED LAND. I.EVEB NO BETTER SOIL OUT OK DOORS. 211-ACME TRACTS. PAY 10'r DOWN AND (1 PER ACRE PER MONTH. IN THREE YKARS YoU DOUBLE YOUR ilONEi. MAKING YOU 1VDKPKNDENT FOREVER. FIIKH AUTOMOBILE FOR I NS I E. ' Tl ON. WE FURMSH HANK ItKFEHKNVKc. YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR I N I I21 iTN PENCE. THIS IS THE PLANTING SEASUN. ACT NOW. l.AWSO.V. BROWN INVESTMENT CO. l.;o!l VKON BUILDING. TELEPHONE .MAIN ;'.!U7. FINE acre lot. plowed, rolled and ready to plant: near to suburban car; graded street, water. A burgaln. 1" per cent t-ish nnd $15 per monlh will handle this. See irusiee, i-.m. .-i-ni-onw "--.i-.. GROCERY STORE 12o buy a good, pay ing grocery, confectionery, notion store; West Side, close ill. Stock, fixtures, liv ing rooms: reasonable rent. E. J. UEISEH. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES near carline, 4 acre cleared, the rest in light timber; spring on tract. 20 iiilunt- from city, 6-cent fare. It 041. Oregonia n 1 1-3 ACRES, plowed. adjoining Oregon Electric station, close In. Future bUBin.-ss locution. Small payment down. B U-iU. Oregonlan. d ACRES 1 mile from Lents; fine for plat ting; only $72.1 per acre; this is sure a '"rlV.l.ET BISHOP. 132 Third St. ,vn KUl'ITY In .' acres, lit miles south or Portland: best cash offer before April 10 take, this. Mr. Rice, owner, room SOS, :i2(t Washington st. 1 ACHE 2-room house, large burn, loo chickens, horse, wvgon. plo-w. near ..rents; Drice $1000; worth $1,100: part terms. H1GLEV & BISHOP. 132 Thud St. SNAP. For galo bv owner. 5 acres on Oregon Flectrlc under cultivation, best of soil, on county roa.l Cull Tabor 1S0. " " " say:' Would you like 5 acres near Beaverton. all cleared, on county road: terms, write owner. F. W. Allen, Beaverton, Or. vlNFS-r of celery and onion land, made ready for crop. $3.1o per acre; very tuny terms. i 1 r-..i. l,...- 10 ACRES near best railroad on the Coast: $211 per sere, easy term. Shannon. 210 ifailwsy Exchange. CHOICE cleared acr on 7e car fare, price low $100 rash, balance $-'1 per month. N. M. Apple. 4H Henry bldg. FOR SALP! Terms: 2' acres. 7 mile, from J.. 11. i-rioo.- i aches for sal or exchange, close In. Marshall 1231. MR. NEWCOMER. Before deciding, find out about the ir rigated land at West Stayton, 14 mile southeast of Salem. Read what newcomers write us. See their reasons for selling out else where and locating at West Stayton. where Irrigation during the iry Summer insures your crop. A small payment down. balance on your own terms at only 6 per cent, 5. 10 or more acres. The finest investment offered. We don't ask you to buy. but come In and get some valuable information free. Willamette Valley Irritated Land Co., HA ill" MAN-THOMPSON BANK, Mgrs., CIl. of Com. Bldg., 4th and Stark. Ask for Mr. Hartos. Manager. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. 11 t.5-100 acre,, all good, level land facing on main county road. T.-n blocks from station, in good country town, and 12 miles from here. Five acre in cultivation and balance very easily cleared. New four-room cottage, costing $7.10. This must be sold within the next few davs. Price only $22.10. Can make attractive terms. II. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man." 204 Railway Exchange. Main 82o4. A 2113. ACREAGE On Fourth-street clectric."131.i-cent fare, only 4o minute, out on West Side; $J.10 to $t;oo per acre, on monthly payments: close in. good roads, line water, rich soil. Let us show you. Office open until 0 P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 33. A 3300. ORCHARD AND CHICKEN RANCH. 10 acres, all under cultivation, of which 3 acres are in berries, one a-.( il. giap.-s. one acre In apples, prun.-s. quinces, pears and cherries: good 8-room housu and bath, hot and cold ii-ei, good barn, water system, 3 Jersey cows, one harso, .10 chickens and all farm miplenu-pts. This place is located within minutes' ri.fe from the heart of the city on O. W. P. electric. Price $15,oo0; $4'Hn cash, ha'ance terms, or will trade for good city prop erty. GRUSSI & B3LDS, 31S Board of Trade BkU.. 4th and Oak. 5 ACRES, richest of garden land, right at station, sidewalk along front, only 40 minutes from 4th and Washington, on West Side and for $.1110 per acre upon montbl payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3.1O0. 1 PER ACRE. HiO ACRES CUT-OVER LAND. This land lies a short distance from Cathlamet and a greater portion is till able; good soil, would make fine stock ranch or would cut up in smaller tracts. A good chance to double your money. I.an.i has been burned over since it was logeed-off: onlv -10rt cash is required, balance easv terms at 0 per cent. Call and see us and we will show you the CH'riV-HERLOW MTGE. ft TRUST CO., 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. 3H ACRES, right at station, only 40 minut'is from 4th and Wasning lon. new two-story house, four roona below, upstairs no! liuish- d. good well; this is a oargain at $21120. and upon terms to suit. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3:,0- A HOME WITH INCOME. About li acres, fully improved, on lead ing thoroughfare, between Portland and Oregon City; half mile from electric line; 11 miles from Portland; good nous-- barn, roothouse. water tower, windmill, gasoline pump, water piped for irrigation: one acre in strawberries; phone in house, stores nearby. Price $.kxio; terms GODDARI) t W1EDRICK. 243 Stark St. SMALL RANCH. Over o'-i acres, of which two-thirds is e'en red and line beaverdara soil; oil third slashed: right on county road; close to scnool, near Portland and electric trans portation: $d cash, 13.2; mon thiy PAC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. INC.. 405 Couch Bios. 3.1 ACRES. Choicest red shot soil in Washington Countv, 40 miles from Portland on the new P R. & N. Ry.. partly timbered, easily cleared, good roads, school in quar ter of a mile, new railroad town in two mOi,H cash, balance your own terms. FIRI.ANDS TRUST COMPANY. JIOO hpilKHIlS DU"""'H cTTTTTce IMPROVED ACREAGE S7.IM1 l acres in Forest Grove, all cul tivated: 1)-room house, with modern con veniences; good stable, equipment for 0 chiokens; fruit; will take improved P01 1 aml property as part payment; our price s low and we will not consider inflated vaUres W. O. Waddel, 3ol Lumber Ex- Chan ire. - . . . ; . , - r. -l- eirv I .flTs one acre of beaverdam land is worth In productive capacity a dozen city lots and costs no more than an ordinary lot J miles out: you can buy one or more acrTs all ready for crop at lli.O per acre on easy terms; an acre will pay for its -if In two years. Invest Igate. 51 g Couch bl.lg. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH near Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices; best soil: nn view; wood, water and roads; 0 acres. 400 per tract . i0.a.. lino- 20 A.. $00: 40 A., 12o0; 80 A.. sVi.16: 100 A.. :iu00: liberal terms. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO.. B.lll Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. 10-rent fare. 2 blocks of station, 4-rooni house: large barn and outbuildings: good well and orchard; 2 acres strawberries, on good comity road SMITH & SH Kf I.LH. 822 chamber of Commerce. Phone Main .1x20. m 10 ACRES. trine land 'i mile from station. 23 miTr? from PorGand, good buildings. 40O Crt "ult tre.s; price $3"00: small uavment down, balance to suit purchaser. OREGON FARM R1, ALTY CO" tWautiful id-acre tract. tlni.-.m3; I oll. 1 mile to Yamhill, in HI -spi. 001 . cultivation, mag- "iff'air vitw otflv ,1.10 per acre; non J 'd'nt owner wiU sell hi, ,412 equity for S-'-rb cash: this is a snap for for $-.ru cr.-"'r,OSBiey, D10 Corbett bldg. 7 un-p several new tracts divided Into 1 .creVfoSrTale a. Multnomah on the Ore- r,beraEdiscounr,,o"f!rkt. buyers on some fine piece, near the station. 1. G. llavv- lev. office near sta t ion. . " "IN" A P. orKcpcr-irrdres: CIO oregnuiam -JmCKENS. SOATS. FRUIT, r . on acre tracts on Oregon Electric, i-'Jnfr" l'ortlBni. from $70 to $1.10 per acre. Fred W- German. 32" Burn sidc. M. or A2j.- T-n'FOR-!-. ,,ear ,he hot DTin- . house and improvements; write ?'lthr?n nartic'lar. before It Is too late. Adr'e1. J aak R. Taylor, owner. Car.on, Wash. rr. Qnothwest from Hood River, la ACK,fear'old commercial apples, with ie? right 200 feet from new brick high t .1 Wo'ud trade for city property. woodlaJrVJL-8 ' ' Wy8a ,"7 rT-nc-l near Oregon City. 40 under 160 A( RLS hs(, and bailk barn, cultivation. d smai, frult. 100 acres ,4e0vHand;0ro;srof oii. Olfice 2o Mad- icon st. , ,..p a(. reasr So fare. 20 mlnutea out C V'ltctrk- only $800 ; house and 2 Oregon KUctnc j Parsons, owner, ' 'Jjl Btat.cn. - 8-acre tract. clos to Portland, 1 io 6 block! from .lectrio carllno. Joa faioo oer aero, easy term. J- W. Uai guCo.. M Corbett bid,. ih ALE Half acre in Northrup Acres, v5 sit-iated. Apply owner. Call Main :j4 m nrning. TtTTeaGE nd farm, large and imail tracts Call Kinney & Stampfer. Lumber Exchange bldg. " "see gloverland acres. c f- smith & sos. 210 ry. exchan'qel vi VP acr" near ciiy limit, east; prico VflSrQ, terma. AP OrfcgonUn. EIGHT acres nar Milwaukia, close in. By owner, Tl6 Yeoa bidi. TLWL.VTIN VALLEY. 10 ACRES. Star Reedville. 5 acres In rutti vaiiuiu acifs ninro easiiy cleared; two acres fine timhor. iits nearly level, best blaok sandy loam s-ut near s'hoi,!. t-Jmn-h and e;ure and or,;y 11' milos from center -lf Port land. Easy to sec this. Price $1400, o years to pay. 6 ACRES. CIIICKEX RANCH. Driving diptanre to Portland, ripnt on Salem Eiei-tric rarline. All undr-r rnltlvation enu in excellent con dition for plan tin p. Very low priee and easiest kind of terms for quick .sale. Come in prepared to gu and see it FINE TO ACRES. 70 acres, 58 acres Lewis River bottom land. 30 acres in cultiva tion. Family orchard, fine spring and trout stream. Old house, new biirn. A! fine i-pan of marc?. I fine cow. t carl in k. two fat boss. SO rhukens, farming- tools, hay. etc. This Is an Ideal plare for dairy ami spud- 3 miles from rail run d town. On phono line and R. V. D. Price $4 To", good terms. ALVORD-CARR -HUNTER CO., a.lS--:U Board of Trade. BERRY RANCH. !. flrres. aH in pood, level land and all in cultivation; ;,."iHt straw -bfrry plants in bearing: orchard of assorted frii its, pood O-room p'.as-t-rcd nous", piod bnrn, well, rhi'-ken-honse. en.; 1S miles from Portland, a4 mile from fleet rir sia tion and in a Thickly s-tt.ed 1 caiity; price SlJv.O. Can make termn. H. A PRYEH. "The Airt-afro .ian." J04 Railway Kxchar -r. Phone Main oJr4. A -11... J10(O 5 ACRES FOR $1000 ." arre, only S bloi-ka from I.inne man Station, i char; land .:cs k-el and is rich sandy loa m soil and hag good nat ura I o ra i n a Only 4."i minute, from city and pmull fare. This absolutely cannot be equalled at this price. Price JUm'O. your own terms. TT A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man." 24 Rail way Exeha ng; Bid.'. Phones. Main .U(i4, A -li;'. BEAUTIFUL fOl-NTRY HOME. WITH tlOOl) 1NCO.M E. 7 acres, within R blocks of postoffire and bunks nt MrMI:invi!M. i t ti rre.'k ruti ning through rar end; god tl-rooiT, hous b;i srmn t. wat rr in ho ., wnm! ; if t , sri.iid barn for 4 h'id of pto.'k. chirken linns'". SHveral walnut and fruit t r s in nc.ir iTirT. Thfs is count ry home wit ii all ei ; y anviintaseg. T'rh .- $iiitt. Own r would aec'jit strictly tnnd'rn ."-ronni house in good residence district up to ."cune value. i;ohiAMr - WIEDItlCK. 2i:; Stark St. EIm.KMO N T ( ) N O P. E O, O N CITY LI N E. Station on one sidf. and autn ro;)d. river atid inotnrbo.it landing on other; no minutes out. lie fare; a strictly new and modern 6-room bouse, full con ret e base ment, fine fireplaee. pond plumbing, toilet bath, etc., fine pressure water syHtcm, on t wo acres nf high g"ound. planted te, young orchard. A beautiful pla--e and ? high class nei.rhbi.rh ond. I rire f nO"0 ; will accept city pro pert y to UtnO ; balancL' easy ; also single acres. $1 it On to $1 wit h right Tiullding rest rict ions : youi own terms. H. A t water, owner, 628 Hen ry bldg. Marshall "117. .I-ACRE tracts, down the river on VS'est Side, -M milts back from Wh it wood Court; ."V-eem far-', enuugii nriber to pay for land in enrdwood; 5-ot per acre on month ly payments. Let us show you. of fice open until 0 P. M . THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Kourili tit. Main 3r. A 3r.oO. FIVE ACRES ONLY S-7."i'. Ail under cultivHtion; no rorks or stumps; excellent fruit and berry hind; lo. cated between twj of the inngt prosperous towns in tho Willamette Vailey. mar ei'-e-tric and S. P. dx-pnts. schools. iliurehS and mores and not far from Portland; t'rms to suit; immediate possession given; an adjoining 5 aerea to be had at :a:ii. price; nsk for Mr. Hazell, North western Association, luu7 Spalding bldg. ROSEP.UR'1 ORCHARD SNAP. LTi-acre oi-chard. 1 mib's from Rose burg at Edt-nbuWL-r. 12 aeres in fud l-r-ing trees, as follows: ae t s pt ;i"h.-a. acr.'S apples, '1 aerrs wal nut s. 1 - a.-i garden ; this placn is Inea t il en tin' l'mp.;ia Riv er ami adjoins othf- o i ii;i i wbteh have bi Pti nolil from STM ;o $lnno ;n arre. Price of th's orchard .t'.sni. c-iFh, balance tt-rms. or will la ke in a $.;."iUi unincumbered bungalow. GRUSSI & li'JlaD--;. X 1 S Pnnrd of Tm-le- Hicig., 4th a nd Oak FIXE LEVEL TRACT Of TCi acres, partly cultivated, r- et !i. good tfm her, running wal v. on count v road, ne ir Portia nd, electrM- and steam line ; ?'tti down. 1 monthly. PAC, X.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. INC.. 4U-". Couch Hidg. FOR HALE by owner. This Irr a (Treat bar gain. -7 ai-rB at Rork wood Station. M t. Hood ik.fctib line, also good maca-liiin road lo p!:i;: "J'i acres -in cultivation, bal ance small timber; no waste ground ; all levd ; v ill se all or part at ?.Vo P'r hit.'. Adj.'ining unile.ired land valued at t;oo acre. II. W. Manning. Oak tt. i'n ACRES. 4 acres In clover, balance wooded, plen tv of water, level: lies between S. P. and or.-. Eb'et ric roads, H". miles f i om Port -land. Price f'2tu r ar rr. Ternisi cas-li II. I. PALM EK-JONES CO.. 401 Wilcox bldg. Phones Mum Ni:'1.), A 2yX 10 ACRES SAL'KIFUKD, $1350. If sold this week. Fine soil for fruit and vpecla ils 1 irn almost b-ve I ; o acres cleared, 10 more almost cleared, wood for fuel; spring fed ere- k; mile from good town ; on creamery route. 11. V. D. and phone line ; $ ino ,,own. bn lance monthly. Owner, ru4 Spalding bldg. " GAnDEN 1IOME. '2 V. acres high and sightly. The best tract at this station. Ry. fare 7 V-j cents, Verv low price Easy terms. SMITH Al- SMEFLEK. Chamber of Commerce. I'hone Main f.L'ti. 10 ACRES. 1 "A miles from good R. K. town In fine fruit section of Yamhill County ; 5 acres set to commercial orchard, bal. will be set this year, and all fenced, lor JtlinO; 1-3 cash. TROWPIilDCE fc STEPHENS, SOI Wilcox Bldg- $U PER MONTH. - CKES. in hinh .tate of cultivation, onlv a short distance to electric rail way, close to Portland. A few dollara down put: you in possession. THE WKrtTLYN TRCST CO., IJl Yeon Bidg ? ACKEH APPLES. t'LOSE T J PORTLAN I) I HAT E TO i'. FT 1 M 1ST S E LL M KQFITY FOR -. HAVE PAID IN CnNSIDERAP.LE MORE. LAND WORTH Jt.ai PER ACRE MOliK THAN WHEN J l( RCHASED. MIC.HT ACCEPT TKADL. O W N E U-AP Jr'-r 0 'r'1 l yi'o- CRKS unimproved land in Clackamas Vo' aljout hall tillable. so?ne first-claas timber, some easy to clear; fine creek; for sale cheap, or might trad" for Port land realty. ( Vanduyn Walton, M." Chamber of Commerce. FINE HOOD RIVER INVESTMENT . Ten acres choice land with running water, well loented, :; acren commercial tr-c-s. ' juFt coming into bearing, 7 in clover; half mile to station ; only $7,"ou for cash; might divide. I :7. Oregonian. " WHF;T " RANCH. 610-acre wheat rancli to trade for Port land citv property or farm land, not more than -'J miles out. AC Ore gonlan. mi WEST SIDE. 1 1.4 aeref. minutes out. best soil. 7c fare, tiofl feet to station, school iiearb, water, stores, a bargain; terms for quick dale. AC .:14. Oregonian TEN acres unimproved land, also ten acres jmpruved, with small heanng orchard, clns-r to city, on carline. Vanduyn fc Walton. rl." Chamber of Commerce. HAVE 1-7 acres on county ro;id. I '4 miles from Panks, Or., half mile from side track of S. P., $40 per acre. Address M. Turner. HanKs, ur. 40 ACRE;'. $10. "mi; good house and build ing, orchard, plenty water, R. R. or. place; $3-j0, terms on balance. 20t$ Madi- 1