The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1912, Image 3

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Mail Orders Carefully and Promptly Filled. Samples Mailed on Reqnest-JreasPrepaid on Purchases of orfS
Within 100 Miles of Portland-Be Sure Ion rolit By xnis oaie-iw
S p e cials in Little Things
Sp e cials in Iiittle Things
KV riiauiuis, very specially priced for this sale. . .7V
uor Scissurs, specially priced for tomorrow at. .-2o
or Soap, extra od quality, specially priced. 3 1-3
ff Skirt .Markers, specially priced at only 35
:ioc Elastic Iiclts, on special sale at, each 25
UV Nickel-plated Safety Pins, specially priced. .5
500-vard Jiastinir Thread at, per dozen .45
9fl0-vnvfl Drafrnn "Rastin$r Thread at, dozen
California Court Hopes Case;
mm I
100-yard Ram's Spool Silk, priced at only. . . .
Rustproof Hooks and Eyes, special at, gross. .
15c Beautv Pins, good quality, special at
15c Hand Scrub Brushes, special now
25c Bath Brushes, on special sale at
15c Dress Shields, sizes 2, 3, 4, special
"Will Prove Last ot mosi
Malodorous Brood."
The Most in v aiue, Tiie Best in Quality
fBbJvt of "Murrlacr by Conrnt"
Tonitinl l"Mn In le-llon Mr.
.-hlr liwlrrtl o lime
P!a -kmallml Otlwr.
fN FRANCISCO. March -0. ny ,
unantmotj dfci.loa of th SMr-in i
Curt hT tcnlay. th heir of Kllaa J- j PaMwIn are cor.nrni-d In '
- ' ' n
: ?i
: L t
: , rr :
: M) ..-j
V r
2 H
.! Tarakall. A a :fart
nklala !ar af Late K. . Hal-la-a
t-alate l Finally IM-fralea
la prse vart af lallfarala.
tt;tr powfwlun of ll -stute. eatlmati-4
I., be worm approximately ll.0.00.
ml the riaini aKalnst It of Itcntrlre
Anita liaWwln. or Turnbull. as a preter
mitted child, are lli-mlu-rt.
Juli;e HenaliaWa opinion review
not only the rvMen-e In the ease tin
ier cnn' but the lancer uh-.-rt
of "marrluire by con-nt." In Cali
fornia. In lom-luMnn he write:
-Wherefore, we Indulge the not un
raonable h.j that this e: will
prove the lat f a most malodorou
GlrCa lala Real aa Mataer'a,
nita Baldwin-, or Turnbull'. rlaim
to a nhare In tha estate rrMi on her
mother's t-tlrmnr that tie was mar
rtl to Haldwln In Loa Aimele vtl
March 3. 11JJ. , .
The eae m heard In the buperlor
Court of L Anitele County, where
the trial Ju.le withdrew It from the
consideration f the Jury and directed
verdirt In favor of the eatale. In
lie present opinion the alleged mar
riage I thu dencribed:
-mMm took aome hotel atationery
and wrote. "I. Klia Jackson UaMwln,
take Ulllan A'ma Ahl V o be
my lawful aetl.ied wife.' and lie ianed
It And he wrote. I. Ulllan Alma Ah
l. v. do tae J. Ha M win to Iw my
lamful we.lted hutaid.' ami hetoM
bt r t tcn It. ami she sljcned It."
tnaaa Heewra Reviewed.
The court notea that thi contract
was never produced In evidence and
proceed ! citmlnr Into Mr. Turn
bull relations itn oth. r men. as tes
tified to In the first trial. He nuotea
evidence holnK that Mr. Raid win.
aa IJ.'lUn Ashley, recelve.1 blackmail
money from the late Colon. I Albert A.
fope. ct trie fope Manufacturing Com
pany, of luwton.
Th. detail of the seduction u!t
K hrn...rht bv Mr. Turnbull against Raid-
win are also apalvxed f"r the liaht
r thev throw on subsequent lltleation.
anl In tbl connection. JudKe Henshaw
"Nowhere I there the slightest Inti
mation, much less claim, of a marrluKe
contract or of a marrlace relatlon-
I , eratlve- 111 .Nr I ntUnd
,rt 10 IVr Cent Kal-c.
FtOSTUN. March S. "otton mill
owners In New J-msland employing
10,00 operative lia decided to ad
vance waire a p r cent In a lew daa.
It u Intended to grart an Increase
of & per cent only, but the action of
Kail River and New H-dford owner
In conca llna- a 10 per cent ln. rrao In
4. iced other to jtrant tlie larger tn
ereai". Mill treasurer plan to maka a fur
ther adjustment of waire which will
- . k - i n rniinn mills alone
rmi ,c w t. - . annually, or 10 per rent on
the estimated annual payroll of li0.
i. cuO.
Tlirre- of C rew ot ToriMMlo Irlrorr
i:ik IX'ath In Kil-lon.
WAJiHINOTON. March SD. Three
member of the .rrv of the Cnlte.l
Statesc torpedo destroyer Paul June
have been officially recommended by
Secretary Meyer for bravery displayed
In a recent eiploslon on that vessel.
Two of these men. !us Smerlck and
John J. Kberlln. entered the flreroom
Immediately after the explosion and.
groping their way throurh the hot
strum. "Seeded up" tae blower. The
third. P. A. Uoodson, descendej Into the
flreroom. turned on the blo-er and.
crawling around a boiler, rescued a
shipmate, who was lying on the floor.
Money Taken Year Ago From Snh
Treaaury rl-ovrrrl In Tltratrr.
CHICAGO. March . A 100l bill,
which It la believed may be one of
the note In the llTJ.Oiit thrft of Gov
ernment money from the Chicago ub
treasury some year ago. was found In
a Chicago theater and turned over to
Government secret servlca men todav.
George W. Kltxgerald. a former teller
Men's Fine
Shirts, Drawers, and Union
Suits of seasonable weights
in cotton, merino, wool and
worsted, and in the best col
ors. Shirts and Drawers
from $2.00 down 50c
Union Suits in all styles
from $ 1.50 down to $1 Suit
Women's Apparel That Strikes the Latest Note of the New Season's Fashions
5JL AUUV w ua auuj n.l
... . n .-I i,.,n.iM r I" CTV Ul
Nothin- contributes so largely to gratify a woman's desue at the opening oi a new stoii "rwir
iwiuujn (.uuiiiu iivo 0 . ft m..i i u,r t 10 -iM(iet wissihlft vanfttv or autlientie
in inn-ire ;md tneretorc. we nave maae persisieut wiui u to cunmu; mv, . t,. -
SsK in tg coats, Suits, Dresses ad Accessories embraced in these ster nonne. ven
demonstrates the extraordinary buying facilities we possess among leading makers.
intended to give our pubUc the opportunity to buy and avoid the unpleasant and unsatisfactory Xual-
rVif nniisna eennmnies Olterea. OUT nilin btdnuaxu ox 4UU.1
expenaiiure, wmcii is a uiuuai uiu o i "'-t1
itv is rigidh
Hew Suits That Reveal
Exclusive Ideas
At S12.50, $15.00, S17.50, $19.50, $25.00
Thehai monvof bccomiiii;ness and novelty of styles make the Spring Suits doubly
attractive "The lines are charming and assure the gracefulness of figure de
manded bv fashion. Profit bv these leading Pre-Easter Specials. 1 he materials
comprise "the finest qualitv serge, fine Scotch homespuns, handsome Eng isli
whipcords and extra cjualitV diagonals, shown in afl the new fashionable color
ings, too numerous to mention. You are going to be pleased with these models.
Latest Styles in Women's Wear
Women's Spring Coats at
8.50, u.5U to 5iiy.ou
New Spring Coats for women and
misses. They come in plain tailored
effect or neatly trimmed. Handsomely
made of midnight blue serges and whij
cords: also a large variety of light col
ors and mixtures with round and square
col la
Beautiful Silk Dresses at
12.50, 5jjl5 to 310.5O
Faultlessly made Silk Dresses of fou
lard, pongee, messaline and chiffon taf
feta. Come in plain colors, also polka
dots and small figures in the bordered
effect. Latest styles in both low and
Inch neck.
Pre-Easter in Men's Ties,
We carry full lines of Men's Gloves, Ties, Shirts, Socks
and Underwear; extensive showings in qualities to
suit all, and that are guaranteed to give satisfactory
wear in every respect. Come and compare values; we
know that these offerings cannot be equaled elsewhere.
Men's Ties An unsurpassed showing of the new col
orings and neat patterns in all the . Qc
popular styles at 25 and
Silk Knit Ties A special offering of Fine Silk Knit
Ties, made in four-in-hand style and shown in pretty
two-toned colorings; best 75c grade 39c
priced this sale at JJ
Men's Silk Socks Made by one of the best mills and
guaranteed. They come in fast black and colors and
all sizes; three grades, .
at 50, 35 and
Men's White Shirts Fin.e Custom-Made Shirts with
soft, plaited or stiff bosom, all sizes; t1 ff
two grades at $1.50 and p X .VF VJ
Men's Fancy Shirts All standard makes, shown in an
unlimited assortment of patterns and colorings and in
all the best stvles; four special lots at fiQr
$1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and UC
Opportunity KnoeksIiOudly in This Great Pre-Easter Muslinwear Sale
Keadtlw descriptions. Observe how perfectly facts match the printed statements. The interest of money-wise women will be aroused at once as they tough the
brief chapter of the stm-v below. It is a supreme effort to place this great Pre-Easter Sale ahead of all former ones m bargains offered, m variety and m the total volume
of recorded sales. It isa sale that opens up broad economies possible at no other period of the year.
a mm M m. -mm V fm. al WM IT'aT tT W
THREE FINE EINES U trUVVIMS u ix uxiixxrxxxiuXiJj
m4 ,w
tss&g&WA mm if
Your Choice at 89
Dainty new styles with V-shaped or
low neck, made of very good cambric or
nainsook and with pretty embroidery
and lace trimming All are made full
size and neatlv finished. IJegular $1.00
and $1.23 values at eighty-nine cents.
Your Choice at $1.59
A wonderful showing of attractive new
styles with high, low or V-shaped neck,
made of the finest of materials and
trimmed in the most approved manner
with fine ribbons, laces and embroider
ies. The kind sold regularly at $2.25
and $2.o0, priced at one-tnty-nine.
Your Choice at $1.25
An unsurpassed showing of beautiful
styles with high, low and V-shapcd
neck, made of the finest nainsook or
cambric and trimmed with fine ribbons,
laces and embroideries. Regular $1.50
to $2 values priced at one-twenty-five.
Your Choice at S9
Daintv Combination Suits; Corset Cov
er and Drawers or Skirt, made of very
good quality nainsook and finished with
lace and embroidery trimmings. Fine,
well-fitting, well-finished garments un
derpriced at eighty-nine cents.
See Our Eig Double Window Display
At $1.49, Values Up to 52.50
Your Choice at $2.35
Fine, high-grade Combination Suits,
made of the best materials; both Corset
Cover and Drawers, and Corset Cover
with skirt. They come in dozens of
styles trimmed with laces, embroideries
and ribbons. Regular values up to $3.25
- . a a . ta
now on sale at two-tnirty-iive.
Your Choice at $1.25
An unusually fine line of Combination
Suits Corset Covers with Drawers or
Skirt, shown with or without yoke and
trimmed and finished in an attractive
manner with the finest materials. This
sale at only one-twenty-five,
At 9SCt Values Up to $1.50
A wonderful assortment, made with
gtHd quality cambric body, deep
flounce of lace or embroider-, extra
well made and finished throughout;
regular values to $1.50, this sale only at
ninety-eight cents.
Another special line of Fine Muslin Skirts, dozens of style
values to $3.75, priced for this sale at
A decidedlv beautiful assortment
Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Skirts,
of finest materials in dozens of styles.
All well made and finished. Regular
values to $2.50, priced for this sale at
s in
At $1.25, Regular Values to $2.00
An exceedingly fine line of perfect-fitting
Princess Slips, made of fine nain
sook and beautifully trinnncd with em
broideries and laces. Regular values up
to &2.00 now on sale at one-twenty-five.
Fine Muslin Drawers, in circular and regular styles, lace and
embroidery trimmed, values to $z.ov on saie ax
At $1.59, Regular Values to $2.50
Another splendid line of Princess Slips,
made of the finest materials writh lace,
embroidery and ribbon trimmings. Elab
orately trimmed garments that sell reg
ularly up to $2.50, on sale one-fifty-nine.
Muslin Drawers at 49
An unusually large line at this special
price. Hundreds of styles, made of good
materials and neatly trimmed and fin
ished. They come in regular, circular
and closed-circular styles and in all sizes.
Corset Covers at 50
An extra strong line of Nainsook Corset
Covers, daintily trimmed with fine em
broideries and laces. Over a hundred
styles to choose from. They are exceed
ingly good values at this low price.
Corset Covers at 98
A special clean-up of all broken lines,
also a great special purchase just re
ceived. Included are dozens of styles in
$1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 values priced at
ninety-eight cents.
Brassieres at 50
Made of very' good quality material
nainsook, cambric, Masonville muslin.
They come plain and embroidery trim
med and in all sizes.' Very special val
ues at fifty cents.
Pre-Easter Sale Pretty Ribbons
Shown in the new season's most exquisite colorings. Plain Wide Ribbons suit
able for hair bows and extra wide Ribbons for fancy work, sashes and millinery
purposes. Seven great lots to choose from:
Beautiful Messaline Ribbon, full 51. inches wide; 1 Qc
best 35c qualitv, special at
Black Moire Ribbon, 5 inches wide, suit
able for hair bows; -f
best 25c grade at 1UC
Good Heavy Satin Ribbon, full 7 inches
wide; regular 50c quality, OQ
special at UZJ
Handsome Clack and White Striped
Ribbon, full 41, inches wide; -J O
best 30e quality IOC
Good quality Taffeta Ribbon, 6 inches
wide, black, white and colors; 95 C
45c grade at mmxjK
7-inch i'ancy Striped Ribbon for milli
nery purposes, all shades;
regular 85c grade JJ
Fancy Dresden Ribbons, full S inches
wide. suitable for millinery; 7tS-
best $1.25 grade at JK
New Spring Silks at Low Prices
. . ... ... i t i j a i o?n
Every dictate of fashion is reflected in tins magnmeent display oi spring duks
Silk Poulards in an endless assort
ment of new designs and colorings.
Come full 20 and 21 inches C ()r
wide. Excellent values OVTl
Satin Foulards full 23 inches wide,
shown in neat small designs, dots, etc.,
in the new season's most fip
wanted shades. Good values . .. y
Shedwater Foulards 23 inches wide,
shown in all the desired color grounds
with allover colored dots, rings and
neat small designs. 75c
Fine quality ' uc
Cheney Bros.' Foulards shown in an
endless assortment ot correct new col
orings and exclusive patterns. Shower
proof fabrics of excellent QE-
quality .OUC
Bordered Foulards full 45 inches wide
shown in rich elegant designs and ex
quisite colorings. Spotproof ! -I CA
materials, excellent quality. P
Silk Poplins in the new bordered ef
fects, shown in rich floral designs. A
soft clinging material 4o
inches wide. Choice
1. $2.00
lit the sulj-t reasury. le unon iiiuiui-
mect for tha alleged theft of th