V Tf IK- SIJNDAY -OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, 31 ASCII 31, 1912. -Lata, M r m r. wt the bs. ef rnr::anT k 4 -9i p.rk. is :n " s--t;.r f -.-t-4-!iitt..n. ihiie lota out at ir Sir. Tabor and Sunn.d. Vi-i Mt. c.-,rltn. tv. a :..-; rv rr n l stdrwa.ks ot rurbinc TN brt 'ar f'rvlrf. rrtet prK and A nd tn reason iS. prb f I hs -...xt mt $'). patn-nt sio lown ar J SI p-r Dntn, We wii. ; he.p you :ii...i .N. ui of your pavm rnt; J. nice I., u-s now building or ur.iier contrart. 'm I at our Fftc or iMrphon Marshall 2-ZS A 1 : Our tu'.o ar rmr rM'.e. KMA.V KKO.TV TKI 6T O. -.4 Stark lilrft. VI. -T Ift:. !- w.rli nlu-'niT.t io no.utu .i m. itrtct.y for tlio with a horn . a :rr.m'nt la a f irtor n.l who wn.l o- rat in Frrrvin? t ;ra nU fili .( with lh vit r of k -pin- ihf i-ausi'i .f th ilUtrt-t m i'9 uiu:at ;tf. .hi ;tcc :a ption j'Ij ci. in. .ilktn .-:r.. r : rnoii-h to ih carlln to l omtvnkn: and - niout h lo i d--a . tpr.;:I p.itna ha- i-n taken io ont-at ilia r .ia in conformttv with nmrji contour of tli pri"rty anl ;ik w :n. t huiol In If a.t-. rnai ' y iri o.r hi ahp". pU:ttd to hrnuTiie t h and l.ut;f 3" t tif w hoir dlirn l. Thu ditr,i t. v tth Ita ii..swooi. firm. w tiiowa nnd fIUtf" that b..Knia. tm p.i : . u rlr al:iptd for 4. 3. -rooin nmra of thv iod-. rht and nunc iunR:or :i p. a aTii.il! home buM thr amon;; th i r. a and folta ta mor attrm-ti v t nu a million on the crowrdrd city lof ; u turUo mrroundinc. a.ktnc distance. I.K IR A ".. .;.".. ft.T. ..'. t'hanilKT of Oomrn- rce A ppoint m-r : iniy naJ.- l-y trl -hina. A KSTMOFIKLANI) la a Rood place for a Jitmif. We have art me rim-m! barcaltia tn lota. Tf you have a lot you ih to aell. ae u about tl. -i: wood car. Milwaukie t. IITBEE AVi:.VfK RKAI-TY Cu. o.M-T ii. .".o l f4cin eat on 5td r.. In R" Kv J-a'-k only S! f-ct north of the ..mdr buleard and the R.a.- Ctty Park arline. trHft Im pro einenta In and paid f r ; ihta ta a h.kra!n ; ownrr la l'avtix ri city and ta !: outimi this lt Sli t.o and e it tdav. I-VlU'.Ni At JOHNSON, ill Chainber of tonim'f. Portland Mr lent a lot with unobstructed v.'w ..f J. II'k1: i4C -asi ; fine i - u9 all around thie lot. Il in a barca.n this price and t n give ey term, .-nail e show it to you.' Ask for air. Van Nice. oi;f.;n realty co.. 1 Fuurtt Si. l--at nT!.. A 3V-4 ili INiiToN ral very at ti active and quarter h o.-hS Tn a.ty omple: on of I he Steel o-nt jre s inak m a property in lr in g ton par: i ti'ar !y rt--t '. li p. I iifr-Jom: . o v t.co Hidg Hnort.s !! jtrm. A ?H.Vt FIVE BP Y. TA A V K 1 6 1. F 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 ; I ! T ?. bm 'ui. fi. stent ly loi. 3 blocks rn f;t. hno;i t car; "I ibbra at., near E. h . on S-0. tnd term cn be ar-:-K'-d k.mhJ for f-w das only. .-II W Jb I.O'KE. m, -, i.io. ii-i,. 73 sth au. aar I ti a h . ml !-1 ooi lot. rear li ug t n . .:li :atuial aUruhs an.U'low ;"' i-as t and balance H per im rf Take p.roadMST car. get off at K 'i.-K.tat a- . m gentleman is there to . ti M u I he prir-ty. HAWTHORN RtNAp! .'a oi t. on E- ;b st. L" feet north of llaw-n- fle )e. 'im t. PrI- $.,l"k M'KK a KLE!NSOR;k. n t'...ard of T: ade III i- "si lK. feet frontage, on an Im- -ant tr-ei .it 4 per front foot, a p. e la i jr- enough for a horn for from t ;ioi io i i : . .iv alk to town, and a -lendld IniMimml to hold for a ear . t two. N Ml. iieg'ntan. 7T Pb;u MONTH. No Interest or tax-, lot x?r.. Z mln-i--. out. ureal artflce, a.-k fr Marter? Hale, --t Wi) ox bldis-; open Sunday i...: .i; m TDM. v i v. w Lot .".o ta.; ft.. ci;. i . . mM'nl,i l us, on I in pro r t v k, I -i. r. J le ' r . t . e l I m prov. tin nts. cars, e trig f!".1' '. AUr.n l!3;. ME ADE. A :'Ti. PNl'ER VALVE lood treient lot. Uo to Klnning .r.h and pstton avrnue. at a bar gin av terms. Vandujn at Walton. tatnher of Loirrnff'". LA Ph'S ADIMTION. I.vt . bj fe-l. all atreet tmprove i. nm pa d, below ahte. prl-e t. rns K. II. Holmes, owner, Uil Stark. M-ln C-t. A ar.l. WILLI A MS -A VK. "OR N ER. 10 LOT. ONLY i;.'.: $!" 11 RI'FK eV KLFINSOKi;E. 41 PHHI F TR A DK. IaiMAI. HEIGHTS lor for ;.". tniproetncbt all In and u d. c'e to Hawthorne. This is a fel .rrv p .'.". Oreeoman. K :a a h'g b"t of bull ling lota, hooia- tea. bu:n Its a som" dandv apart -i ui-houe sites, lei ua show ou l e( and bTd. 1 OTS iT DOWN T M NTII. block to Rose Cit Park car. Sea e-r. sia Spading bldg. Ask fr Mr. -O I. lav ..! for C-d l-vlngten io be- j ' ..w a -ri .m.k . ...i I , ,,. Kt4t; price must be right. i.Pl-. ui - .I'ljn, ,i 'itSI fE I"'". 3 Lne. full lxe Ir.ta. rl -h, o terms: T ill take gooj hnrs. and 4 -n as f ir t f av-neni. IU F. l. N. I. ; lTt. .i". r. . 'WNEK. erellent lot In restricted f a imon: wy below ompar'a price. e . rte vvntrii Vain TI I. of on t'olum b.a Heights til be a-ld 'i-ap; owner leading city. Aleg hies. 'rri I. iomnier'-tal bldg R SATK Rose t'ity Park; unnl. ruc'.M ew ; fines; bui'dtrc s'Pe In addition. i,rm owner l tT. rvKonta .-. IN soon y ou yol want iu Hel;s p..-' rt v . : i vie id r.c-s I rn:i 4 0T. MK ADF:. A ?,'o SALE ooa Hav Iota at M. rah n-il . ' : I r- !1 at rret eacrttlce if so.d I m .n e - d i .. AT 'Mt;. Oregont.m. tl. I. bv 2 loii oo i'ouncil Crept f.o- .V per .ent less thn market prirea. Must r v rnor". T C'. regonlan. ,-aTWU YEARS. glU ege renldence P-o-rt r very best security . W J. . regontan. i lo i'aMI snd t ' per month, beautiful lot rir F i Hand. "e mimitea out i:.;t.EY a Ii!SiHl I J THIRD ST ;.e.H iel nea- -drttere. I. Ir ran fm I .V.I. h aie S E V r-srok lne- .'ASH I - mniM' b-i s fme hut Ming ";,! n Mr. Tahe or Wea'rnoretxnd. How ard Laij'l io.. "3 P wetland bids;. RKAL ESTATE, tor Sali I.oi N. lOUXKi: VTH ST. NOKTH OK JAHKl.TT. I I'RIVIS ?1I.0 1' ASH. ! asm;smk.vts am. tail. j Str't rfrji)(i, urb ind ida-ks In a nd p.. Id f r . oiuf n J mon this k and intru'-T3 us t H ''.. l'u 1 t'f'it ro.Tf-r ': il- aih. Thtnk of It! ( ..T fi- .-v Jim; r. l I T: ji about j ' t.i ind d". n r more t-aut tfui pin tr- ,.. at it td. : H iy it t'.rz ' thing Mondav nirmnw' H---s'!l at . j prnrv. Ir a orih Aak n-r In rhla . iK-hborhoo.! wh.it th paid tnr lot. i: i prtf-a o n1jinn tus lota. Sunday call U. 444. n-k for II :rr. ; (OltK K. KKASFY " J 2d X.oor Chamber of Commerce. j aoOsl.YI TK.. Jih and Pmi at . 1nt !. vr.. M and !'ac.:b? utm,. S-'VtO. !. 10i. -.r.. WIlTartitt Hctchta, , TiMxltHi. cor.. l-'tb and Anrth. MitoA. r.. 4th and Hooker, S'V."". J 1hi. ;.vrland and Saratoga. 1 lM ihi. or., liurvlhurwt. :inh and t Eifin. i !" i I lout. Trrmunf lark. $.Vo rach. , j J loa. Hda f'ark -" rarh 1 .... . . tl.UVI I t..i. !.ir-i:t.' A-l l iion. Ii"" crh. , 4x1hi, :ii'd and Vgant. I Cor.. K. Ctfh an I Al !r. .VHW Tiil.'rf). cor.. Front and I'ennoyer. .w. J. R. ff KMiFTlSOV CO.. .vi 7 Spa "I in n Illrti; Mamhall J. A -i. ABOVE NOB HILL. To. trt CASH. 102. n.ir Lovrjor vth a wonderful and rnupntiif-nt Knot'ftrt t-'d Mew; wi'i . ... v.y tin vm1o in u ahort tlm-. Think of' the rtiormoits In rea- In value on Nob lii:i and th-n t..ke the time to answer tins ad. and let me eipialn Ua ad vtnt4ira ami m-rl. No a principals ouiy; must sell soon. O OrKoman- I)T 0OxlK. :45. ON POHTLAND HEIGHTS. CASH. level. rared. rltr w'r, street, s-Un b'ut'ful unohtrin t"d v lew. BAL.ANCK ON EASY TEKMS. AS U lK Ore gonial. THE UEST BUY ON PORTLAND HKIC.HTS. F.ce;?.nt hutlding sir ;.txl00. rsrrd. levi. fine soil. S b'ocks to carllne. on matn mai ad.nnx-d thoroughfare, with un otirur!'d vi w of mountains, for fv; 17.- cash, bi.mn- e...y terms at per cent. AT OresjoiiUn. HAKiUINS IN LOT?. ;.mHT, M. mi in Tnhnr 4'.t Tremont Park t'.o. Tretnont 1'IacC lo. YiMiltH-k . oxl,. Irvinnloii park ? It. Anabfl ..ox loo. Iurclhurt Phones siiwo- d h:v. or lator lll;.ilNS A HOYER. fdO 1'-" . PT.'. 2 .".. COLNIl. CREST PARh llost beautllul buiiutnc ita of 4 lota, with unobstructed views of city and moun tain and of Tualatin Valley and Coast rsnce; elevated situation with many fine rattvw foreat tree; bltulithlo pave4 -reta. cement sidewalks, UjU Hun (il. aewers. eiectrlc llant. telephones and ry nar rarline: easy frrmi owner, luus Cpa.nj btoc Main MW. Main Mbi "PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLCSIVELT. I have ui hu pr cmt of the real estate for sale on pc-nlnnd Heights in my hands. b'ha.l b pU-ased I ahow you home or homcsitea any time. You will get exact fcta tl refer you to any of my customers) ; no p.-ruaion. no agents to bore you and owners prices only. Mrs lirooke. Ta.bot ioau. ilarsiiall 4b7, A " HUM ESEKKKRS. Lots x in t tiv b ji residence sec- ti.ma of the city for ;7.. and Lots for .n hae graded streets. cement a'ks and curbs in and pmd. mil cash P .ne;it. easy terms, i nll for C. G. Kea- 'riAPfN- H KRLOW MTGE A TK1ST CO fhnmb-T of Commerce. LESS THAN HALF PRICE. li lot --"x io. including two corners on J."ih nd Alberta ets.. each, these Iota have to 1n io.i at unc. lo' in same bio, k s- itmg t eacu. this is the b-si s:iap in I'isl s-Ttion; street Imptovc mints ail tn. First com- tlrt screed. j. K. iu;fenpach. Main S14L .'! Selling DMg. E. lltVlN'TN. R.rricte, reid"ne ite. fronting on llanco, k. rl i;"i!i and Tillamook Ma. air'itl. hanl-surf i.e pavement. prtres trom ll- up Tins property HI appeal to you on siKht. II. P I'AI.MKR-JONKS CO, 404 Wilcox lolg. fhn Mam , 1 .wi; i:s s.'..oo. Near Pneil road and E. T'.'d St.. r:. 1 as been pluul-'d ! potatoes . lur ru unlrd 1 v h.'M. . has Hull Kuu ater; Price u. 1 1-1 tt . II. P. PALMES-JONES CO.. I04 Wilcox bd4. Phone Main A S'-.'';. will buy eholce lot on Roseiawn t . it bin T t- i of I'tnon nr. : a!s o ve.. uin S. E. coiner of I nlon and Rec!awii. H '2 .y ! fee;. Priie s::.oo. C.OODAP.D Jt WIEDRICK. Si-i Stark st. BEAL'TIrTL l-w lot ou southern slope, Lear Council Crou. stk'j and up. Including cement iidvwalki. curbs, graded streets acd water; build id a restrict ions; sod on eay ternn- Provident Trust Company, 2ul. -Ja Loard of Trad. Alarsaa.i 473. A ItfiTi .. Near Hawtnerae ave.. on 4tth stM r,0 1 to, dur feet above sidewalk and per f.rtiy b rcl. fruit tre.a in rrar, cement s:dea:k and tiro Included; n.ce neign borhood. '-'." balance easy; tot li, I.I.m k l. Pai.mg Additioti. I'nuao East 14. ok nf. FOR SA l.li $ Ino s 1 '.-fool corner. S. E. corn, r of K. tt it.ti.rrli and 'luek uina; H'lli i'.un ir. t.tts gruled and hihi' aidevnls and curb all paid for; fine b-tiitc in .-t:itc i'!' k. I Mock from Pair ra.ti . Iria; Montavnla carlmr. -ner :.'". St.rk. fhotie Main 7' MR. ' M UAi'TorI " We ran you a hl-M-k of lots In Jnprmrr district for Jl" per lot and can give you c.dsy terms, ('all for C. G. Kea- Un,UMN HKl:l.OV MTOK. TRI'PT CO, :l'J-.;"s Chamber of Commerce. $10 DOV N 110 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re srlctd district, near car, cement walk and curb, Hu.l R'in water. Provident Trust rmpR). -'. -t)'-. Board of Tna. Marshall 473. A 1022. LOTS AND LOT. A b-'tuttfiil iuarter block, close In rn East Hsethorne e.. one of the best; c;;,ixi terms Ak for Mr. D leg. CHAP1N-H EP.I.OW MTGE. x TRUST CO.. n.: 'hamber of Commerce. DOVTMISdTHlS TfYOU" WANT A H A RGAIN. For sale. lt ,inlt;, tth r-room house, basement dug. frame all complete; price L' U) cajh. balance, $5. Phone Tabor ,-Ui-K-IN APARTMENT SITE! ti-sxiM lot on East 17h t.. beteeen M'irnn anl Heimont . e ill make a iar atn price (or a qui' k safe. W. O. Wad lel owner, LumLer Exchange. REM. sra. leta in growing town of Roeh f'ter. new ."-room hou-, oodshed and w orkshop good wc !1, also rhlckeu hou-. enl $nS. .:ow cai. Owner, Henry K .Ifht. lUnhester. Waill. ONrl b--'il If ul corner lot iu.: 101. cement stde a lk and curb, graded at reis, block and its'f from Stndv t-u.'evard carline on 63d and Summit Inquire 14 Center rule Wsh. 4 h.iHVLAMi HEIGHTS lota for $'J7.".0. frorttrg tliree sireeis. sewer In, 3 blocks to Patt.-n roau , $Jo cah. $.hi nionthiy. Fred W- German. 2 iiurnaide. M. or A -77H. attention: lot hlyers Take Iis thorne car today, get off at K. ;t h atto Lincoln. Call at 410 and let me s'iow you eme beautiful lots at a bar- rnr. lit I NT N lot, 7."x 1 ". on lal bet ween Itraiee and K not t. facing fHl ; Iniprove ments nil In and paid for. Wood lawn or ' owner. FOR SALE Only the pr-e of lot. 4oxino, larce rnMn botlt on : price lot and cabin : : 9 7 ' ah. bala nee $d per month, one Ta bor F ik SALE Heautllnl Improved I os lOA ft. Woodstock ftr -". Dy owner. Main 7070 4 LoTS. Irvington park Add.. -H h. near A'tis wort ft. oe rer. 7'i Y'eon bldg. ALA M EIA PARK. 4 los for sale cheap, phon- Vs n " '." Mondav. LiT,S for silo er trade. 04 M adorn st. Phone Mam ie. REAL ESTATE. J-or Hale Lots, I. A L I- S A D L I T I O N. We hrM-ve tlitrre lit no part of th city ht(-h oftera an ftpportuniiy for profitable Invritmonl in real estate equal to ladd'a Add.tiori. Note carefnll the followtm: rLo IMS ft. on r.'th t., looking down Emt Market; nearly aq. ft. of around; rr a!uat'le when reatrlrtioiis are out. 9 . m I on corner of I,add avt, ar.d fatm t. -All improvemnta paid for; i.". caah. bal.- monthly at per cent. 41'j; 13 ft. frontuiee, on -'th a., nr Hu wi horna; a fine home alte. higH and sightly. 4t-,(fc 70xl2R on l-add iv., north ef Il.i:T.nn. All lmproviiieuta paid. 4.; too 70x on Idd ave.. south of IlnrriHon. All improvement paid. f 2 loii Full lot on any ativot south of Ilarnaon. Ah Improvement paid for. Only li iter cent cash required on any of the above. FTRdNd A CO. fine), xvr Concord bld. Authortietl ftfienta for Iadda Addition. STOP! READ! THINK! WASHINGTON STREET. SIOOO. SOO CASH. .Vx!50. near 2ftth and WaihlnRton. lerel and on (rude, unrestricted, and is one of the few biirinca lot a so cloaa In. Will be worth .oort in 1 ma than two yars. and an Inveatinatlon will convince you. If vou have ."K for Inveatment. pick thin up and msko your $jotgrow to $.V"o. O bs, Urtfonian. LOT 30x130. TUALATIN VISWRK. $:.". A fine bul!dlnc site for little money practically level, cleared, rich soil, city Httt-r. iiradd stre-ts: no assoramenta; ex-c-'hent unobstructed view, 4 bim ks to car line; Slli t will secure this lot. AT V4J, urcgoniaiu , HEIGHTS SNAP. TWO LOTS flSOO. On of the magnificent views m ail the city and an inpction win convince ou. KiftAn miniita of Fourth and Wajhing- ton, with Uite-ct car seivit.; Junt think of the moat mignini t nt view in tne city, anu on solid gruumi. to. for $luo a lot. There la absolutely nothing like it, so in vesiifate at, once. O b7, Urcgonian, CORNER LOT. 00x100. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. uoo. Level, all cleard. city water, two blocks to rarline, no niKismt-nti and a hargsin. -"-'-" casn will secure U. AT U44. Ore- guinau. I.V TO FOR BEAI'TIKUL LOTS 1im. adjoining city limits, close to car line; all cultivated ; Dover Park Addi tion; good water; cheaper than arreaRc; don't take muny for un acre. WHY PAY RENT WHEN 1 CASH AND S. PER MONTH WILL DI Y A HI ILDINO SITE? Mv auto is at our aer1ce to show thee lots. G. A. Riggs. Mi Spalding bldtf. Pn-ne Alarsliall -'TIC. Sunday hone c lo47. DOWN, WILL UIVB YOU A TENT TO LIVE IX. SAVE 0 MONTHS' RENT. 9 IS". And buy a lot In Massllllon Addition, pear Rose City Park Addition. Trice only $.J.". N MM. Oregonimi. HAWTHORNE AVE. Here is an exceptionally well-loented unrest t Ic ted corner, where several streets converge. It is looxl I.", on the north side of the avenue near lot h st.; the curve In the street fives it 3,r ft. frontage directly down Ha i home ; a must valuable loca tion fur any business; pi h e iimkk SlRo.Nii Ac CO. line. I. k. I. uncord bldfi. Auth.trized Atnts lor Land's Addition. WEST SLOPE MOUNT TABOR. ItioxpMi, t-ast f.icing. concrete basement ready to build after Jour own plan; 'JO choice hearing fruit treea. Think of-It, a plat of ground equal to more than three mil lota at I4ie price you would have to pay for one lot within a atone s throw of tins. A cut -rice on this. .'"H takes It. .1 ACOH .1 A AS. 404 Yeon bldg. .. ii- I 1 1 c !VV l-NTV PXT. t'.ox Iik, corner, close in on East W'ash lr Ktori. Improved ith three modern hoiu'-i bringing 7 Pr cent net on price a."U: this la high-class, and as ruture ntetment should appeal to the conserva tive buer; may terms on tliis. JACOH HAAS, 4oS yeon bldg. WAVERLEIC.H HEIGHTS. Tao beautiful sightly lota, on Frank lin st.. near K. -'ith. Prbe Slo-0. easy t tnis. Pri e of one lot r0. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. U:! Stark sit. " ' MOUNTAIN VIEW PARK. 3 acres or rids above Willamette ( IleUhts. unexcelled view, on county road; ample water from perptual spring; price for immediate sIe. S;.iim. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 4o4 Wilcox bldg. phones Main So'J. A CdoS. CHEAP LOTS AT "1RLAND STATION. Hit down and K Pr month; will buy choice lot. Ms feet deep on E. "4lh at., adjoining new 7 -room house. Price $400. GODDARD WIEDRICK, -.'43 Stark St. HROAPWAY LOT. 20xl04i ft. on Broadway, near 31st St.. on sed street. Price for Immediate sale. $1nm csh. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., iH Wilcox bldg. lhoncs Main bd:, A Sfi'X CORNER, 1'NixHH on Thurman street, rental per month: price $J0.0OO, and easy tet ma. WILDER BROS.. f?OM M ON W KALTH BLL "Mainl.l. A Ulo. ItEAUTlFl'L HOMESITE MT. :OM M ON W KALTH BLDO. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE MT. TABOR. .Nearly 4 lots, aooiil one piuca ironi t?ei mont on .Vtth st. Owner lias Instructed me to sell same regardless of its value. Jt MLS W. COOK. A'VZ Chumler of Commerce bldg. " IRVINGTON." ;,nx 10. on East 1 7th near Siskiyou. I ft."., iif'ludlng 1"0 paid on Improve ments: half cash; balance terms. Owner. O !:t. Oregonlwn. IRVINGTON IOT. CHEAP, on East 10th. near Stanton; splendid location; all street Improvements in; will sell below value. See l,ueddemann V Burke. P'jl Electric bldg. Phone Marshsll U-S I. A 38'ri. FOR SALE Iot at Tillamook and !."th sts., $llii f .",n cash, bnlanre at tt per cent. Vdurcs owner. J. U. J., Hillsdale, Or., R. 1 Rox t:s C. HAVE good lot in upp-r Henumont: no pav ing assessment: will build i or fl-rontn Moose to suit and sell on terms to reli able party. A V P.'IH. Oregonian. EXCEPTIONAL bargain for a choice view lot In North Mt. Tabor. Including alleys, improvements all in and p Md for. very ey turms. no agents. D l3l. Oregonian. ItHsi $-o CASH. $! monthly for a ood .Vovtih ft. lot on Kerhy st.. nrar car. Johnson at Dodsou. Board of Trade bUlK. ENQUIRE about hli exceptionally fine aiartment-slte corner. In block Immedi ately eitHt or IjidJi Addition. Hawthorne ave. Main 1M-'. t N It EST R1CT ED lot in the Nob Hill dis trict of the East Side; 'Jot h and Haw thorne. Fine for apartments. Main M'J. ONLY f"r lot near 4th and Thurman. in flat and apartment district. G. Pel ion. Milwaukle. Or. IA R K ROSE For sale, my equity of $130 in a halt -a ere. an rirerrn, cmi laciiis level, sifhtly Call C 21P.. ai iMittt PARK Choiee view lot on fa mo'u a Alamed-a Irive; . fittoo, for ImiuedlateJ sale. AP K-. i.regoniaii. M Y $l2i equity in two fine Garibaldi Beach lots, right on beach. $7. Splendid cottage site, bargain. W g4. oregonian. Foil 6 LK Bargain ml. Roee city Park. n,ir Alameda, on Mat. for $7-'.0; $100 down. $l' monthly. AE 022, Oregonian. BCY this lotl facing east. high, sightly. near fine homes. East A2d and Alameda. Owner. I2& Yeon bldg. Main 112. A 4. Lojt $'l(0; $-" monthly; $:10 cash; no re strictions; near L rar. Johnson & Dod son. 120-522 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON Swell , lot on 13th St., east faeinc. near Knott; $14K, terms. Owner. Mil ekitm bid g: " ' hEE C.LOVERLAND ACRES. C F. SMITH ft SON. glO RT, EXCHANGE. b.NAP. corner 50x'. East lWth-Stark, $-"H'0. wrth $'"- Terms. Tabor 21.''2. Lt"T on East 17th St.. ncsr K iMingsworth ; cheap for cash. Owner. C LVH. h AP ixlO". imp., paid ttWrt; step off Al berta and 2'h Woodlawn 2714. froxloo-oN Til iamook st.. $1300, bard sur faced. P. O. Box 4 GO. city. REAL KHTATK. For hale -fits IRVINGTON LOT WITH VIEW. Prettiest one so close to "I" car for fJ4,"i; all street Improvements In and paid up: had 5ou known there were view lots In Irvington? Lt:t us show you; terms if desired. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. OREGON REALTY CO.. 4U Fourth St. Marshall S7W. A 33-4. LAUKELHRUST. One of the high view lots in center of the addition, faces south, one block from car; this Is a resale and 1 can sell $2io under list price; If you are looking for a good Investment buv this lot. F. E. CLEMENTS. East t'th and Glisan sts. Phone East LAURELHIKST CORNER. One block from tract office, faces south; Laurelhurst price 170t; If taken at once can deliver for $l4.u; this Is one of the best buys ever offered In this addi tion. F. E. CLEMENTS. East liith and UHfan sts. phone East !'.. Villi si At k" rxr trl ehoicw corner lot. lOOX 1w. ith and Killingaworth nve. Jail C ISM or East S37. . I teach rnerty. JpNAPS One tract of 20 aer-s. best cran berry land on the peninsula, located on county road. 1 mile east of Long Beach, Wash.; 4 acres cleared; running water on place. ."rO-arre tract. Una cranberry land, mile from Long Beach, easily cleared; H acre already set to cranberries. "." acres near Svaview, Wash., a. so -acres nne cranberry land, all cleared; H mIN from Sea view, on caunty road. Houses and lots fr sale and cottages to rent for season. F. W. Harmon, bea vlew. Wash., box 41. AGATE B&ACH. Nest Newport. Or. Most scenic and de sirable beach resort In the Northwest; absolute protection from the northwest winds; 40 houses and a new hotel, "Agate Beach Inn." to be built this season, some now In course of construction ; hotel te be electrically lighten and to cost $13.00; to be open July 1. Write or phone us (or illustrsted booklet. AGATE BEACH LAND CO. "11-21S Bosrd of Trade Bldg. SUNSET BEACH. NEHALEM PENINSULA. Veiy choice . .10x120 feet, facing the ocean, adjoin. ceau. aujomlhg prices $40. Our price GODDARD WIEDRICK, J43 Stark St. NICE A-rooin house and lot at Long Beach, Wash.. 1 block from ocean and station; trade for Portland property. AM 035, Ore gon Un. For Sale -lioue NOB HILL RESIDENCE. Just a Few SailtfiiL Features: Reception hall, drawing -room, both mahogany linnh. Green -tiled fireplace. Dining-room 10x17, paneled, beautiful tupestry. Library IfcxM. two built-in bookcases. Heuutiful woodwork. Biue-tiled tire place. Kitchen l.-Tll. white enamed. Beautiful parqutt throughout. Four large bet i rooms, green-tiled s tit e places. Every room white enameled. Crystal door knobs. Attic Two goou-sixed rooms. Three nreplaces. OOLDSCH MIDT'S AGENCY, 415 Chamber of Commerce. SNAPS. 5- room modern house, corner 44th and Holgate, reception hall, fireplace, built-in bookcases in living-room, dining-room paneled and beam ceiling, four bedrooms, with larye closets; furnace; a bargain at $4ooo; terms. 6- room modern bungalow. East 44th St.. near corner Holgate, WW car; strictly modern In every way; furnace; a big snap at $.tOiK. For particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO., i!3 Alder at. BEST-BUILT 1IOM ES. Irvington, Rossmei e. Alameda. Olmsted Phi k, 0. 7, H, , lu-room, strictly mod ern houses, with broad sweeping eaves and perfect lines; symmetry and ease In ar ch it octu re. workmanship the very best, rubhed-down Inside finish, has all the lat est conveniences, electric cookers, etc., building several at once and long expe rience accounts for i he incomprebensi ve low prices these homes are sold for. pic tures of houses at olflce. S. Peterson, ar chitect, owner. 10J4 Board of Trade. Main 1 4. READ THIS THROUGH ABOUT FIRST PAYMENT. Only $,rto0 i-room bungalow, one block to car, in close-in suburban district; bath, toilet, sink, hot and cold water, plastered, tinted, wired: buffet, double floors, cement busement. etc.; large lot, good neighbor hood; $MM cash, balance $Li month, or might accept clear lois, auto, diamonds, mortgage or seller's contract for the flrat pavment. See Jus. C. Logan, bl5 Spalding bldg. MUST SELL. 5.I.V.T. West Piedmont, corner Simpson and Kerby sts. worth $ or more. A real bargain : 0 rooms. 4 down. '2 up. hall, etc.. all modern ; house worth $JSo0 and lot $JOOO; It's a snap: some terms can be arranged. It will pay you to try for it. N. 11. CALEF, JO Stark st. Phones: Main .V-. A 1470; residence, B ;u4J. At office between 11 and 1 o'clock. GUARANTEED BARGAIN New .'.-room bungalow, large floored at tic, modern In every detail, nice yard, east front, block and a half from carT choicest location In Rose City Park: a bargain without question for .W0: easy terms. ROSE CITY REALTY CO.. 46th and Sar.dv Road. Tabor 301. JUST FINISHED. ONLY $WO. . Well-built bungalow. Z rooms and bath, double floora, cement basement, mission and enamel finish, tinted, wired, large porches, buffet, sanitary kitchen. Ironing board, etc.: one block to Rose City Park cur. $2od down to person meaning busi ness, balance like rent. Owner, Tabor !1'4Q. IRVINGTON. 7 -ROOM MODERN HOUSE, VERY LIGHT AND CHEERFUL: 4 CHAM BERS. ONE WITH WINDOWS OPENING OCT MAKES DELIGHTFUL SLEEPING PORCH : FIREPLACE, FURNACE AND WASH TRAYS; LARGE FItONT PORCH: A BARGAIN FOR $4.MMX ZIMMERMAN, :;io HOARD OF TRADE BLDG. A HEIGHTS bunpaiow on quarter block thnt challenges comparison; Heights residence with 3 lots, unexcelled location; worth fi'o.fNK: nou-resident-own-it will consider reasonable offer. Irvlngton's swellest bungalow of 10 7-ROOM HOUSE. $:tJoO. out a.n new u iM o i oH cm. one block to Rose city Park car; lawn, flowers, shades, eleetric fixtures a great bargain for persons wanting moderate-priced home. Fine view, well built, restricted district. Nice home. To see it, phone owner. Tabor 3M4Q. COLONIAL residence and garage, with iargn grounds: Poitlund Heights; non-resident owner would s-H with or without furni ture. Goldschmidfa Agencj. 410 Chamber of Commerce. $l:joO CHEAP home for sale; house three rooms, fine lot. oOxloo. sewer in and im provements paid: house at 41 1 Hpokano ave. Fine car service. Call 321 Mohawk bldg. TODAY ONLY. Exceptional bargain In five-room bun galow Hawthorne district: price will be up affslu Monday, if not sold today. Call 1029 E Harrison. B 2:: 29. ONE BIG BARGAIN. $Ift0O; .".-room rottage. inoxlrtO, bearing fruit trees, all equipped for chickens, city water. Enst Mt. Tabor. 278 85th St.. nesr Clav Phono. Tabor 80S. THE Taylor Building Co. will furnish pians and money to build your home or flat In the most solid and substantial manner; our 30 years' experience In this business if at your service, .i uumoermens oinaj. 4J-HOOM new bungalow In restricted district. nioOej n in e . j ,. " smalt payment down, balauco monthly. 4lo t b a mner or v FtMt SALE $2U.O &-rooin bungalow, modern furnace, fireplace, paneled dining-room. Owner leaving city; easy terms. AM U42, Oregonian, THAT Nob Hill residence, easily worth 12.50O. yiv.oiu (.Arm, Goldschmldt's Agency. 4L". Cham, of Com. $.i CASH and $lo Pr month. 2-room shack; iOt 40X10"; iremuiii. " ' " - HI G LET r. iJ. i niru ri . ALBERTA Nice, new 3-room bungalow on 40xloO lot. roses and flowers, close to Union ave. Phone Woodlawn r77. FOR S A L E $ 3 1 00. ."-room bungalow, by owner. 2sn. Phone B FOR SALE Modern nouse and 2 lots. St. Johns. S27 "Willis boulevard: must be sold at once; f!XKi down, balance easy terms. xv CASH buys new 3-room modern house, blocks ML Scott ear: price $1330. "mOI.BV V BISHOP 132 THIRD ST. F I N EST "bungalow In Irvington. Ask our Gold "eh mldfs Agency. 413 Cham, of Com. WK have a big liat of houses, all deser p tions. cheap. It will pay you to see us firsL 201 Swetland bldg. REAL ESTATE. tor bale Houses HAWTHORNE $33,-0 'ut DO W N 5 or V rooms oOxlOO Lota Will Take Lot I as Part Payment. I 1 have the beat buy in Portland for the money. The house is double constructed and heavy paper between. Porch lull width of house, has a bun galow door opening into the living-room. - LIVING-ROOM French windows, chipped cream brick fireplace, built-in bookcase, metal gla&s doors, coat closet, arch to dining-room. Uardwood floors. DINING-ROOM opens on front porch, French windows, builuin buffet with metal glass doors, paneled plate-rail, hardwood floors; these rooms are tinted a beautiful tan with cream ceilings and golden oak wax varnished finished wood.' KITCH EN Cabinets, cooling closets, sugar, flour bins, pot kettle closets. PASS HALL The beauty of arrange ment In this house over the large number being built in Portland, whether of high or low decree, is tho pass hall, which gives access to every room in the house. Including the bathroom, without ulng through other rooms; off the pabs hall are the bedrooms and battk-aud fiom which rise stairs to the upper floor, which a sleeping porch and so arranged that two large rooms can be finished at a nominal sum. BEDROOMS Larve closets, white en ameled, pretty tinting. BATHROOM Latest modern plumbing, low down flush toilet, 0-Inch aproned washstand. 3-inch roll tub. BASEMENT Cement floor, trays. The basement has a cement floor and cement wash trays, and. remember this, you can look over the city in any district and nowhere will you find a house with the ground, location and construction of the house all embodied as in this house. An other thing, if you are all nt, answer this advertisement and I will guarantee we can come to some kind of terms, and the most Ueslrnble person can make prac tically his own terms. I will be home Sunday, so phone Tabor 3130 or AP hS3, Oregonian. . RESIDENCES IN THE FOLLOWING DIS TRICTS FOR $100 CASH DOWN. $2C00 Alberta, new, artistic, 30x100- lot, balance $15 monthly, 5 rooms. .$2000 Waverly Woodstock, large rooms. artistic arrangement, balance $15 monthly ; 3 rooms. $3350 Mount Tabor, new, rustic, genuine California bungalow, fireplace, bal. $2o monthly; 5 rooms. $4250 Broadway. 0 rooms, almost new, furnace, fireplace, high-class bal ance only $lu monthly. $4750 Rosamere. high glass, 6 rooms, all conveniences, balance $15 and in terest. Mar 4 2 SO. A. J. DETSCH CO. A 1550. 840 Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE. . For immediate sale, most beautiful 1 atory view home in residential district; U rooms. Inclosed sleeping porch, 30-foot view porch, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, fire place, paneled dining room, electric? lights, gas. water, com plete fixtures, built-in booKcases. bulfet; interior will be completed without ex pense IO SUIl puifimsci a lam, " 1 ICC ill. iCW , CiiO "c uw-... - - - - menl sidewalks, one block to car; price tor immediate sle $42ihi; $lom cash; balance monthly payments if desired: must beautitui noine, musi or boo m dress owner. AR 53. Oregon lan. 1 BLOCK TO HAWTHORNE A E. :H0 CASH. -( PKR MONTH. FI KX.U'K AMD FIREPLACE. POLISHED OAK FLOORS. BUFKKT AM BOOKCASES. BUILT-IN SEATS. . . ..imi.lDl. in .VPPV tl. taip lull attic and cement basement. The ... - , ..n. u on. HfSt III If II 11 V Kind oi a Hume )uN " " " ' - linlshed and the beat you ever saw for IO see mis win wo " K -" ' a disappointment. Ia"VL BARGAINS IX HOUSES. t2ti0 New. modern .".-room cottage, E. feW. IIIIKiril, .,-iuv,. ' - r. ivih .mi Rrooklvn: MOO cash, bal anc. monthly. 537.10 0-ro..m cnttane. 50x100 lot. on Bel mont, near 3ist: snap. $5000 7-room new house. 2-tory. fur nace, fireplace, cement basement on E. 17th, near Morrison. $i600 Very deslruble new 7-room house, in Ladil's Add.; terms to suit. F. W. TORULER. !" Sherlock mdg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. M7.10. B t-oom. and sleeping porch, new. east front, firenlace, furnace, hardwood floors, line fixtures, shades. French doors and windows, large rooms, beautiful paneling anu . .nut-. . Mar. iJXK A. .1. DETSCH CO. A 15j MO Chamlier or t ommerce. , .... .. .... I..,,-. rnm, hflth X t nice new, wu,,n,vT.o. . . ; hot and cold water, built-in buffets, hat boxes, dressers. aisappramiH j-,c. . .... (.-..it r.i. hMKTiient. i-e floors. ei . run ci-i.' ment walks, macadam street; so iibr, THESE HOUSES today, take Mt. Scott car to Fremont Sta., walk south one block, to your rig-Ill you will see my slKn on earn iiou.w. t,, ic per month. Geo. A. RlKgs. owner MIS Spaldlnn bldg. Phone Mar. J74U. ..i-n,- 1 f ' , 1 1 , , , 1 ' . . . .. . ii block from uar; H rooms. JoS.iO, new and modern: hardwood Moors on flrat floor, fireplace, bookci'ses, buffet, white enam eled Iutch kitchen, full basement, laun- i ,m1..m i-nnvpnlfiirp: ury luus aim -. cost owner over ."iKXk-. must have money and lor a quica - " iy , " ' M real bargain. Be sure to set! it. WARD & Yor.NOER. Suite Yoon Bids- NEW modern, cheerful, bright and roomy .-.-room bungalow will be sold thls week for s.SSii. Phone wdln J3U1. C "4,n. BEAUMONT BUNOALOW. 3.HH); $.VIi! DOWN. A very unique and original arrange ment: 6 rooms and sleeping porch, besides special den and laundry room. Hardwood floors, large fireplace, extra large closets, built-in seats, buffet, etc. Kxtra well built and artistic. In every way. bee this before you buy. Tabor J-S.i2. NEW bungalow. 1011 Ellsworth St., 6 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, oak floors, built in bookcases and buffet. hard-surface street, improvements near'y all paid 1 block to Richmond car: call for key Clin ton St.. corner :14th: owner will be at the house from 1 to 0 Sunday, or cail Tabor oj.i'i. LOOK! A SNAP! H-room bungalow, full basement, modern Improvements, swell little Dutch kitehen. electrie lights In. shades up. a blocks from car This was buin for a home but busi ness calls me away, so I will sacrifice to the right party. Take Mt ficott car to Flrlaml. warn to T BARC.AIN for $:250 beautiful 7-room bungalow, lot r.OxlJl. close In high-class locality near carllnc. thoroughly modern, also gas range fixtures and shades. It will pay you to see this; a good 10MJ be low market: easy terms. Call Jt E. -.th N., corner Yi asco GOOD NEW HOUSE ON ACRE TRACT j'iio and you do not need any cash: $-J.-,""down and -.- monthly if taken at once. Close to car. with water and side walks paid for. This Is the only snap of The kind In rortland. Act quick. AE 940. Oregonian. IRVINGTON home, six-room modem bun galow for low cost; owner leaving city: S4i".V- eight-room modern homo near Thompson street, cost owner J8UO0; com pelled to sell: wlllj lake 70('0; other good bargains. ,i. j. i-iiw MODERN 6-room bungalow, with bath, lot SOxlo". 5 blocks from Mt. Scott car (SOth and Division), cement walks. :.;,0: .,0 riewn. balance li month: rents 110 month: can be seen this afternoon. 618 E. 49th. 3d house south of Division. SEVERAL NEW -homes. Irvlngtoii. Finely built nnd a number of choice lots. C 38, East 273. W. IT. HKHL'MAfi LAURELHURST SNAP.r Most attractive bungalow tn this district. Must be seen to be appreciated. Handsome pergola; E. Everett, opposite Haxelfern. :liK Couch bldg. . . . .-..ri'vp r,tr WICk'KESfl will sell bungalow. 100 cash and J.iO month, including Interest. New; large living-room, dining-room paneled, hard wood TlOOrS. i.teor WILL sell my new 7-room house in Beau mont at cost: china closet, bookcase, fire place, furnace. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors. If you are interested, call Sell- wood sis- SUBSTANTIAL R-room home, sleeping porch, large attic, garage: thoroughly modern. Best buy In Irvington. Will trade equity for unincumbered lots or acreage. 0il Coiich bldg. BEAUTIFUL Olmsted Park corner. lOtlxVnO. attractive T-room bungalow. Will sacri fice for quick sale or trade. 3U6 Couch bldg. J"H DOWN, balance like rent, will handle a "home in Laurelhurst. An opportunity for some renter. :in Courh bldg. S40OO B-rooin modern house, hard-surface pavement, also 1H00 lot In Irvington. B lSW. MFW 5-room bungalew. lot SOxlOK. fruit , trees. I240O. terms: will take vacant lot as first payment. Y 842, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. 7-room bungalow, with all modern con veniences; street improvements all in; one block to car, 15 minutes to city; new. 6-room house, modern. 200 feet to car. lot 50x100; excellent neighborhood. 3-room bungalow, modern, with all built-in conveniences, furnace; two blocks from car, near fine school; gas, electricity, street improvements paid; excellent view; corner; $U450 for 10 days. 4 rooms. In excellent suburb; restric tions; all built-in conveniences; large living-rooms with panels, fixtures and tint in g. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. aoi-2-3 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 473. A 1U22. MODERN home: East 25th street. first house south of Hawthorne avenue; beau tiful surroundings, all improvements In ; house has 12 rooms, hardwood f toors all over house; three rooms finished in at tic. Has never been occupied, but is complete and ready to move into; has hot water heating system and espet-ially de signed lighting fixtures throughout ; in fact, is one of the most complete and -artiHticallv built homes on the East Side; was built ro sell at about $16, nod. but for good reasons can be bought considerably less and only about $55"n cash. House will be open today (Sundav. f rom 2 to 3. Monday call Marshall 3700. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $300 CASH BALANCE LIKE RENT. New. modern. 0, 7 and 8-room btinga lows. with fireplace, built-in bookcase, beamed celling, panel dining-room, built in buffet, larfe reception hall with cloak room, Dutch kitchen, large plastered attic, sleeping porch, cement basement, laundry tra i. gas. electricity, hardwood floors, complete In everv detail and ready to move In. Price $31fh to $4no. GEO. A. ROSS, OWNER. 301 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. Phone Main 207O. $100. Modern 3-room bungalow, beam ceiling, panel dining-room, tinted walls, floored atti.. full basement, large pantry, fix tures, shades, screens, everything com plete; street improvements and sewer paid. PRICE $2650. GKO. A'. ROSS. "01 GERLINGER BLDG.. Second and Alder. Phone Main 070. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. NOTHING DOWN and $25 per month. Including interest, will buy a brand new celled house and one acre of the finest soli In thisvicinlty: the house has good bathroom, ixTl piped for water, streets graded, sidewalks tn, close to Rose City Park car and all improvements paid ; price $2,150; the house is not showy but is substantial and on the basis men tioned above you can make this property pay for Itself. Be your own landlord. AC 930, Oregonian. SUBURBAN HOME. Elegant new 7-room residence, electric ligiits, every city convenience. septic tanks, laundry, wood chute, hot and cold water, full cement basement, including electric motor and water system, located on one acre of rich soil, no rock or gravel, fruit trees, roses, fine lawn. l."0 feet of interurban station; price $4750. Terms. Call for C. (I. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO.. S.',2-33S Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS -BEAUTIFUL HOME. Conveniently located near carline. school nd club: surrounded by beautiful homes, with unobstructed views of city and moun tains: house of 7 largo rooms, thoroughly well built: handsomely finished and fitted with every modern convenience: grounds large and attractive; street Improvements completed: very easy terms. Owner. 1008 Spalding bldg. Main K66. Main 84S9. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. Fine home. 7 rooms, lot 50x100. parking 10 feet, all paid. lawn, cement block chim ney and fireplace, roof green, house white, elegant hardwood floor, 7-foot buffet, bev eled plate glass door. 4 French mirrors, large work pantry and sink, fine base ment, furnace, large rooms, sleeping porch. This is worth $.",.",00t will sell for quick sale $460u. Phone owner forenoon. Main 4144. THAT VACANT LOT. WITT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION TOCE PROTECTION. IT WILL PA TVOU TO SEE VS. I R. BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS 24 ABINOTON BUX CRESTON S BEAUTIFUL SUBURB. 4-room modern house. large attic, plumbing all new. wails all tinted, base ment, two large lots ollxlllo. beautiful roses of all kinds. Royal Ann cherries and black plums, shade trees of all kinds, one block to car, corner lot. This is a fine piece of property, all for $11400, rash $u00. Take Mt. Scott car to Clarks Station. G. H. Taylor. EAST SIDE BUNGALOW. New and modern, o-room bungalow, large lot. right near Hawthorne carline. nicely located, full cement basement, all the built-lns. If sold within the next, few davs will give some one a bargain. Terms $l."it cash, balance at $l."i. per month. 7 per cent Interest. See Mr. Davh-s. CHAI'IN-HERLOW MTflE. & TRUST CO.. n::2-.t:!S Chamber of r'nmmcrce. Yrvingtox. 8-room modern house on corner E. 24th and Brazee sts.: white enamel -woodwork, every convenience; garage; lot .l-'lH-xlOl) ft.: price, including street improvements, J9O0O, terms. H. P. PAI.MER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M;iin SU!fl. A 2C.13. $oti A REAL HOME Son. A choice lot 40xrJ."i. nice little home. NEW; good surroundings. fine shade, trees, close to tine school and car. Small cash payment, $10 per month. Ask for Mr. Da vies. CHAPIN'-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO.. :;."2-:i3-S Chamber, e Commerce. WAVERLY-WOODSTOCK. J00. 4-room modern cottage on lot 47t.jXlO0 ft., within 1 block of W. W. carline. in urst-elass shape and ready for occu pancy: price $1000. terms. H. P. PAI.MER-JONES CO.. 404 wiicox mdsr. Phones Main erffSl. A 2ti.-3J ROSE CITY PARK. J15 MONTHLY. All Improvements in and paid for; 7 rooms, bullt-ln buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace, etc Na tional Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 819. IRVINGTON BARGAINS. Owner must sell strictly modern 12 room house, garage, in Irvington. Every thing that goes to make an ideal home. This home is easily worth 12.iill0. but for a quick sale can be bought for xio.ooo. Surrounded by high-class homes. E. 3Stj2. SPECULATORS TAKE NOTICE. 7 rooms, fullv modern, on 10th street, near car, lot 40xlot(. 3 years old; only 3O00: terms. Ask for Harrison. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO.. 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST HOUSES. We are agents for all the good bouses In this district. See us for lowest prices. Offices on ground. Phone East flSil. DELAHUNTY A CLEMENTS. 39th and East Glisan Sts. FOR SALE or will exchange for well-located vacant property. 70xlo3. on West Side, four good 7-room houses, rental JS0; price tllOOu- will pay cash difference or as sume incumbrance. David S. btearns, 2ii Washington st. 4ROOMS. FURNISHED. SllTo. Neat, practically new cottage and new furniture; full lot. close to addition where vacant lots sell for fSOO; $165 cash han dles. Fred W. German, 329 iiuruside. M. or A 2776. ROO.M bungalow, modern, basement and fireplace, for f.'2."0. payable 20 per mo.. Including; interest, fine location, good car service, improvements In. D 933, Ore gonian. IRVINGTON. jCew modern, 7-room house, complete In everv detail: the best value In the city for $.ri260; terms. ti24 E. loth North, near Stanton. ttefin FOR modern 5-room bungalow, full cement o"". - - electricity; street Improvements In and paid for. 932 E. 11th st. N. : easy terms. Di.ooe woodlawn 3228 or C 2429. BEAUMONT New 8-room bungalow; every. . . ..i.io. m orrvvem ent, nil nntrl- street hard-surfaced; 529 E. 37th N.; (3000: f.ri00 down for quick sale. See own er. 529 Henry bldg. V WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT ON EASY TERMS. Main 1429. FURLONG. 517 Chamber of Commerce. sino DOWN and balance same as rent will Vy" ! ... WMnnl. Ik. V. bliy yOU U IIVIMD V, ,. ,.,,i,,t, luc HUtllO builder. See at once that you rent no more and own your own home. Office phone Main 70H4. residence Tabor 3537. "fi0O BUNGALOW, $21o0. improvements V- . . ') - , -Uarp,,0.lt ca- II..,.-. pain. in.. .,., - t horr.e. Woodlawn 271 4. SEE GLOVERLAXD ACRES. C. F. SMITH sc SON. 210 RT EXCHANGE. 'ERNON. JM.'on. 4-room modern bungalow, 37x100. Improvements. ll."Oi E. 19th st, N. 1KV tvi-tOV hiinralnn- harffln. Alia V. 11th V Phnnn F. 2733 PRICE reduced, modern fl-room residence, ...-, a. tettnt Ttvlflr. Tabor 2l.',lt. KKAL ESTATE. For Sale -House DESIRABLE "HOMES. 100 DOWN. 4-room bungalow, near Piedmont car barns. oOxloo lot; siL'iHi. Ti-room strictly - modern bungalow in Richmond: S.'Uoo. C-room house, near Klllingsworth ave nue and overlooking Willamette River; 2.-,0O. o-room house In Wtst Piedmont; $1.",oo. 4-room bungalow, new, in West l'ictl mont; $1400. 2 4-room houses in Tremont Park; Jl'ioo each. 9-room house iff Montavilla; (3000; close to car. 4-room cottage In Rose City Park dis trict, close to carline; SWIOO. ."i-room bunpaiow in Ivanhoe: $1SOO 4-room house and a large lot. Univer sity Park; $2000. These places are bar-rains and will "merit your attention. A 4;.",4, Marsh. 30r,2. J. It. HENDERSON & CO., .-,07 .Spalding Bids. YOUR ATTENTION. Strictly modern 12-room house and gar age iu Irtincton. An ideal home, easily worth $12.00lt. For quick salo SUUwo. Sir,00 down: G-room house and sleeping porch: hardwood floors, furnace and tire place, built-in conveniences; Beaumont: $:ts.vi; $,,uo d-nvn. Fine 2-story house in Rossmero. $40o0. Modern Ti-roftm bunga low, close to W-R car on 20th street; S20OO; $.-,no down. 0-room house at Mr tle Park. M t. Scott car; bath, pantry, basement and avtic: $2200. BUNGALOWS AND HOMES AT AT TRACT I VE PRICES IN ALL PARTS OK THE CITY. Come in and look over our list. MarshnM :;iC2. A 41.",4. J. It. HENDERSON A: CO.. r,n7 Spalding Bids.- I AM FORCED TO SACRIFICE MY FINK Home IN ROSE CITY PARK. COR. 4STH AND AI.AMEDA. WITH FINE VIEW OF CITY AND MTS. ti-room Ihiusc, striclly mndern, lot 100x100, or will sell with lot oOxlOO. with or without furniture: Jn provenicnts nil paid: must F'M! AT ONCK. Will not rrf'ise any reasonable olfei. EASY TERMS; would like S-'-OO or more down. .Mr. Price. Tabor 2302. FOR SALE Fine residence property, close in. Central East Portland, near carline. near schools, sightly. ilesirable. go'-d homes surroumiiiitf ; 100x100. well im proved, high ,-lass. 12-room house; also lot .-lOxloo adjoining: makes be.st site on East Side for hotel or apartment house investment: ground worth more than price asked, not counting expensive house there on; value growing: will jump when rail road investments on East Side more fuliy known: price, K'Oxloo wilii residence. S20. 000; oOxloo adjoining, 4U(K. Address 1. M. SCOTT. Owner. .121 East Morrison. Phono East 1S---0. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst home; new. mod ern throughout, in best district, one block from car; handsome iivins-room and dining-room; Dutch kitchen; brichl. auniiy breakfast room; 4 lari;o sleepin r-rooms. two connected by dressinir-rooni witli run ning wat-r and full sii.cd mirrors. This house is finished iu white enamel through out with beautiful effect: a strictly mod ern home of unusual and striking design, and a bargain at $7uou: very easy i-rms. Lnedder.iann Ji liurke. 021 Electric bids Phones Marshall 2211, A 3025. " ROPE CITY PARK. SOMETHING SWELL. New. artistic. 0-room bungalow. ti Mocks from car; llvinn-room. liiniiii'-rooiri. den. across front: hardwood floois. heamc,: ceiling, high pan, led. extra large fire place, built-in bookcases. Dutch kllcheii. 2 bedrooms and hath, white enamel, lar,"--closets with windows, cement basement, launtli v travs; lot OOxlt'i": tic s. ros s and shrubbery, hot water heal. Phone '. 3os4. PRICE SiitlO. VALUE STUiMI. 7 rooms and sleeping portrh: first brick veneer; second story and attic gles: hardwood floors, tiled bath built-in conveniences; ceuu-iit base and furnace: strictly upto date; 1 in Laurelliurst. two and one-half ti from car iiii'i'Vrty park; price $e000; cash and terms on balance. UL RLINGAME ,t ALLISON. SJ Cor'uett Bldg. store HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Brand-new, thoroughly modern lo-room house; hardwood floors, two iireplaces ; first class in eery respect; spieniln! let r,i'xl20 feet. This is a beautiful mcdern home. In splendid location, and clicp at 7000; very reasonable terms. J. O. ELROD. OWNER. 51!) Corbett .Lids. MR. LOT OWNER! HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL (FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREb: IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB IN AA J TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. AT SACRIFICE. MY SPLENDID NEW HOUSE. 7 ROOMS, HARDWOOD FLOORS. MODERN. HARD SURFACE STREET. fCI.CSE IN. BLOCK FROM CAR. PRICE tf:;ou. K23U CASH. BALANCE EASV. NO AGENTS. ASK FOR MK. E ASTON. IP'S SPALDING lil.HO. $400 CASH PAYMENT will buy a beautitu. new and modern home in Irvington dis trict, only two blocks from Broadway car; 7 rooms, with many attractive built in features; hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement. A home of beauti ful design and construction, absolutely first-class; price $.",Coo. l.ueddemann Burke. 021 Electric bldg. phone Marshal: 22S1, A 3J2.-,. TWO modern houses. 5 and G-rooni. will sell either one. both on corner lots, will sacrifice either for cash; price $1700 alio l!l.",0 either worth $2T.V. but I must have casll or security as ruou . am going awav fiom here. Abstract and warranty deed, all clear, no incum brances. See Joe Nash, cor. Millard ave. and 72d ave. or phone Tabor 2312. ' WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. .S-room modern house on Thurman St. : , bedrooms; furnace. tiixplace, iaundr trays, cement basem.-nl, large attic: lui,-h and sightly; street :rn pro-. ements all paiu; pi-Ice S750O, terms. 11 P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4ul Wiicox Bldg. Phones Main MW. A 20r,S. 1 WO-TH1RDS acre and new 3-room house. West Side. 20 minutes from Postofflce: running water piped to tract, gooa walks to station; beautiful view of Tualatin V al ley; fltiuo: $100 down, $20 per month. ' PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 473. A 1Q22. FciP SALE S-Toom house, nicely furnished I arn. clilcken-bouse, 1 dozen chickens I I lots, cultivated, fenced, shade trees, frui. trees, berries, 3 cords wood in shed; blocks from Postotfice. 7 from Depot; electric '.lus. For particulars address C. p Davie's. Hn 321. Toledo. Or. 7-room modem house on E. 24th St.. near Brazee. on carline; price for imme diate sale. $.",.-,00. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. Aiit u-lliT Kldir. Phone Main stWil. A 26-,3. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. .Vroom bungalow, bath, electric fix tures, cas. full basement, cement floor an in- shape; will make prlccas I need 'the money; you deal with owner. 4" East 4!th. or call B 2174. Take Haw thornc car, go Hi blocks north on 4lth. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Just completed, s large rooms, nrrangen and linished artistically, bath, toilet and lavatory on each floor, hardwood fl-.ois. built-in furniture, choice location: s.,siM); owner. P oregomau. 3 ROOMS well constructed: bungalow; in a line district, on 27lh street North; prim will surprise you. Easy terms. Ask for CHAPIN-HERLOW MTGE. & TRUST CO., 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 11-room house on Thui-muu street, ful lot. For price and terms. WILDER BROS.. Commonwealth Bldg. Main j i, a it io. DFATH CAUSES SACRIFICE. Only $2000; large lot. close in. on car-line- lawn, roses, fruit, berries, grains, 6-room house, renting proposition. Mar s hall 1647. BrioOM modern bungalow, with furnace, improvements paid; $10f down. $23 r month. Including interest. I'rlcc $2t!.'i; Central Eust Side, excellent car service. D !)32.Orcgonian. YOH SILF Bv owner. 5-room bungalow, modern' In every respect, between Haw thorne and Belmont, on 47th St.. price $-'S40 $2e0 down, balance $20' per month. Tper'cent. Call 237 E- 47th st. IRVINGTON HO ME. New. modern -7 rooms, well built: choicst location; bargain. Owner. Phou. East 3r,v2. $100 CASH, easv monthly payments. bus modern home from owner. Howard Land (.,., lio.i pswetimiti uoiK- e-iKi MODERN 6-room house for sale. F.s.-t Taylor St., near East 23d. Home phone R I77C; $3750 STRICTLY modern 8-room bungalow. $3250; home broken. Owner, G71 Emerson, cor. E. ISth. Woodlawn 2734 " J-OR FINE HO ME3. See DelahunU -