TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. TORTLAND, 3IARCII ' 31, 1913. crw tooat. SYCAMORE ACRES JUST EAST OF LENTS Forty minutes from the city by" electric car. New depot in center of tract. You caa buy acre tracts in Sycamore Acres for the price of a suburban lot. Sycamore Acres has the best of soil. Sycamore Acres is just the place for a truck garden and chickens. Sycamore Acres is located in the best part of Multno mah County. Sycamore Acres is on the electric carline, Johnson Creek and the Foster road. $350 per acre and upward. Take the Oresham or Caza dero car from First and Alder street. Cars leave 45 minutes past the hour. (Jet of at Sycamore. Call and pet plats of Syca more Acres. Geo. D. Schalk 228 Stark Street Main 392 A-2392 South Portland Income Properties 6TH. NEAR MONTGOMERY ST. 42-ROOM FRAME BUILDING 50x100 FEET INCOME $125 PER MONTH PRICE S16.000 12TH ST., SOUTH OT MORRISON TOUR FLATS CORNER. 60x80 FEET INCOME $170 PER MONTH PRICE S23.00O MONTGOMERY. NEAR W. PARK 36-ROOM HOTEL 50x100 FEET INCOME $250 PER MONTH PRICE S3S.00O H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 401 Wilcox Bldg. CRANBERRY LAND CRANBERRIES PAY HttT than anything you over heard of. We can convince you if you call on or write to TINKER REALTY CO. LONG BEACH. WASH. The Best Hop Yard in the Country -S acre. Including hophouM compll nd All hop material. IMMEDIATE POiESi0t Crop last yr brought 45c per lb. PRICK, SU.OOA. Will U dJonln hop land undr plow. In any amount at tlt rata of I lit !cr acre. WHITMKR-KKI.I.Y CO, UUREUJURSLSweU HTe '. well, t-rnom houxs gas and flir. trie: furnarr. 3 fireplace, all built-in effects. 4 bedroom. sleeping porch. den iltn flrepl.-e: b.t location In the ad dition: lot SAxIOO: price. i:;oo. Will take rood automobile and oim cash aa flrat payment. Tbla la a anap, aa onr must a II. cri mi jt coi.n 31 Raar4 ( Trade Bids, 4th aad Oak MONEY TO LOAN OTT MO It TVS AC K. filta MUATtiAliCfi tOIVSvr KATtv-. Vfc-K'l to emu A. H. BIRRELL CO, aS M-KAV Btll.Ui.( Mortgage Loans n Portland buameea and realdenc property at lo.tt current ratea.. aOHr;X. II.ILO.MIR Jt BOICK. gam AUun BuiMUac W tRF.HOI K fOHKR Quarter tl-k. on trarkaa;. clost-tn orner On Wt sld lor the. monev. Thla l a bargain Some ln-me. Ore s.a Lmm4 TOJ Beard ef Trade. StTW TOD AT. FOUR FINE HOMES Walnut Park A beautiful place, with flne rrove of pntuft ire-ex protecting; the nouse. Man, llvlnir-room. dlnlnir-room. den. pantry, kltrlien. three good bedroom, Sleeping; porch, cement hawement. rurnace lire' Mace, two tolleta: full lot. nice lawn hard ilrerl. No. Ilu4 Rodney avenue t'ricet VoSOO Richmond I.arjre modern home, beautifully fin lfhed: Iiae si bedroom, two fire-place all convenience needed to make tne place up to date; lot SflxlOO; hard aur fac streets. Owner should have ISiOO for tin lovely place, but h haa au thorized ua to oll at any reasonable price. Ho you want it for JSOIX) on mot favorable tcrma? No. 1171 Ells worth st. Mt. Tabor A strictly colonial house, now nearln completion, on fc.. ?almon at., near r.. biih. You may ue your own idea on the finish of the fcouaex t in larira rooms, hardwood fintah; four bedrooms, lartre sleeping porch. Lot 5xl00. The view I very fine. Price and terms on application. Ladd's Addition One of those comfortable, "roomy home, furnishing plenty of llarht and sunshine: tore herirooms. living-room, dlnlnu-room. kitchen, fireplace, furnace hardwood floor. Lot Is 40x1 II. with alley at rear. Alt street work finished and nald. No. C10 Klllott ave. See the place today. We will make the price riKht ir die nous suits. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 21J McKay Rid-. 3d and Stark at. Goodnough Building AT Public Auction On Monday. April 22, 1912, at 11 o'clock. A. M., in front of the County Courthouse, I will sell Bt public auc tion, the quarter block at ruth and Yamhill streets, in Portland, Oregon, on which stands the 6-story Goodnough building. Terms, 1-3 cash, balance due in one year. DAVID S. STEARNS, Referee. s Center of Population The MOST DKSIRAPLE I"CATION In the Cltv. Is CERTAIN to ADVANCE IX VAI,l"K from ear to year. See In Is believing. Oo and see. Tlia Oregon Real Estate Company (iRAXD AVE. AU MlLTXOAH ST. RIVER FRONT 1290 fee-t front, average about SCO fee deep, ITS per front foot. Land either side held at 1100 per foot: property owned by estate. Secure this before rise In value of this clase of property by reason of public docks soon to be established. Above Is all rash price, but can stve terms for payment. T1IK Ml A vV-FKAR CO MP A.M. MalaU IOJ Keen a . A .1A Mt Tabor Home 100x121 A beautiful corner, overlooking the city. A home built two years ago; the tree and flowers. It ha taken twi trct-H and iiuwera. u nan laaen I wo years to pret the place In Ita present attractive condition. You may take ad vantage of this. See owner. 1455 E. Taylor St., ror. K. 63d. Or call A. H. BIRRELL CO. ttl3 McKay RMa?. .Id aad Mark ate. I Will Build Boarding-house or cheap apartment houfe, south end of 6th ft. for reliable tenant. J. S. ATKINS. 529 Henry Bid. For Sale Or Lease for a term of years, a modern six-story and-basement brick, sprinkler equipped, on Terminal tracks, very central; 70,000 square feet floor space; suitable for warehouse or wholesale. nAVin TEAR. 24 W'Mhlagtea St. Mortgage Loans On city property at reasonable rates. CLASK-CANNON COMPANY, 6 Board of Trade Bid?. Mortgage Loans - $50,000 aad Over ea CENTRAL BfSI.E.e9 PROPERTY, LOWEST tlHET KATES. WM. M ACM ASTER Tot Corbett Bide. 200 ACRES About St minutes' walk from Lents Junction, commanding a magnificent view of entire city and surroundings; splendid opportunity for subdivision; SCUM per Acre. Teresa. WIIITMr.R-KKI.LY to, 7e 4a at. rr.XOOR AI'H EK Tr holsl nrallnn7elulpT rrsni oa iu) peymeaia AC Or o- Holladay Addition 3CEW TODAT. The Crezim of West Side Residence Sites $1250to$2750 Including All Improve ments. WESTWOOD PARK Hard-surface streets, Bull Run water. Sewers lights. Streetcar service. 15 minutes' ride from down town. Closer in than Willam ctte Heights, or Irv ington. Unsurpassed view, city and mountains. No cut, no fills, no side hills. Lies north side of Barnes road. It's to Your Interest To look at this beautiful tract before deciding on a building site. Remem ber that the prices in clude improvements that's worth while. Lots vary in sizes from 50x 100 to 60x175. W. B. & G. E. STREETER OWNERS 212 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE 1760-Acre Ranch Situated 13 miles east of Klamath Kalis, In rlwan Lake Valley; sAO black bottom and 4"0 red land: all ran be cultivated: 200 god timber, remainder frraxlnor land: BOO un der cultivation, 2u0 meadow, run ning water in each field, water to Irrigate 200 acres. All newly fenced and cross-fenced. Extensive out side ran (re. Three barns, two houses, one built lact Fall cost 14000; granary, meat and chicken houses. Our own telephone line to Klamath Kails. I guarantee this th bemt buy In the state. Sick ness forces sale. Title abstract warranty $20 per acre. Terms $10,000 cash, remainder at ( per cent. Ten thousand dollars' worth of stock at a bargain to buyer If he desires. Come and see us, we mean business. Address. P. W. HSVDER, ftvvaa, Orearoa. T 50 feet Ion (t. running; back 600 feet to N. P. Ry. Terminal rates. West Side Ieep water along entire front. North, of ail bridges and south of Llnnton. Close to recent purchases of Portland Oas and Standard Oil companies. Fac- oriee to north and south take up near ly all available deep water frontage in North Portland harbor. A splendid in vestment. Price and terma by Interview only. No phone Information. W. J. liesrln. 4! Mohawk Bldg.. S. E. corner of Third and Morrison. $750 EACH 'For nibson half acre at Stanley Station: best of soil, good school, city water; f0 cash down, $10 per month: Interest Ti per annum. Take Ftanley Station, Inquire first house soutn. JOHX H. GIBSO- 19 Chamber ef Commerce Bldjc. 109& NET Pnnr f I ve-ronm flats, thorouorhlv mod ern, gas and electricity, fireplace and furnace: always rented: waixing dis tance: Income $1320 yearly. Why loan money at CCi ? R. 1. TITFORD A CO. A 4545 Marshall 4S47 Kpaldlas; Bldar. COLLI, BERRIDO Jk THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 124 W erceater Block. Faeae mtala gMT, WATEKFRON NEW TODAT. Brighton Beach ON Nehalem Bay Deep Water Free Factory Sites Cheap Railway and Water Rates Large Sawmill now Building Hotel, Grocery, Meat Market Hardware Stores Wanted All Kinds of Business Openings Brighton Develop raent Company 904-907 Spalding Building Portland, Or. One of the Best Lots on Overton St. $500 Under Value Three feet above grade, sur rounded by beautiful homes: streets paved. Owner has purchased i n Arlington Heights, therefore has no use for lot. - See Us at Once. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d Floor Cham, of Commerce West Side Flats Located 497 Harrison street, west of Portland Academy, 3 five-room flats; fireplaces. furnaces, bathrooms, sleep ing porches, elegantly fin ished (ACCENT on ele gantly), can be combined into small apartment house or rooming house, bachelor apartments; many kitchen conveniences; practically 17 rooms. HEARTBREAK ING prices, likewise terms. F. W. NEWELL S02 Corbett Bldr. $18.50 PER ACRE 270O Acres Stork Reach for Sale. ZOO Acres Alfalfa Produced 1000 Toaa Hay Last Season. FREE RANGE of Tea Thousand acres finest bunch grass adjoining, for grazing. You real ly get over 12,000 acres by buying 2700. 260 acres now Irrlaated by arravlty. SOO acres may be under ditch at slight expense. Kange supplied with creeks and sprlnara, near good towns and neighbors, railroad anticipated. A splendid ranch for eattle, sheep and noga. New 12-room house, modern; aheds, fences, tools, shops, 5year or chard. A snap, 2700 acres, (18.SO per acre, part cash. Frank McFarland Realty Co. SOD Yeon Bldar Portland, Or. Want, to Trade? So Do We READ WHAT HE HAVEL Good lncom-barlng property, cen trally located, no Incumbrance. Will trade for Willamette vauey lanu. vaiue 165,000. m acres, near city, on electric line, running water. Will trade for city house or vacant lot. Value $6500. 10 acres three mile from the city limits. No Incumbrance. Value 11760. A. W. LAMBERT & COMPANY, B 1910 4A4 Kast Alder St. Quarter Block $15,000 E. Pth and Waaalngtoa Ms. 4 Dwellings on North Half. Revenue giMlO per Annum. WH1TMKH-KELLY CO 70 Fourth St. MORTGAGE LOANS HMldfirt Property CO EVERETT&SIMQNDS 7Vo J O Incorporated. f O 41 BOARD OF TRADE BTILDING. MORTGAGE LOANS CZOT JOHN L CRONAN, 7 S- U noa Spalding Bid. HEW, modern nomes. also vacant lota la Irvtnston. K. n. nc. ownsr. wit" Kast 2: rasldsnea phooe East 24i- " FKB CLOVKHLAXD ACRES. ft r. SMITH A bfi.V. aiO Z,JkCiUU0, TW TODAT. SANDYROAD PLACE INSIDE PROPERTY Sandy Road and E. 24th st. Just 'think, 50xl00-foot lot on East Flanders st., be tween 24th and 26th, for $1350. Cash. We will also sell on terms. These prices will be quoted for a short time only. Better grasp this opportunity now. GEO. D. SCHALK 228 Stark St. Main 392, A 2392. INVESTMENT Excellent location for store and apartments, 100 x 100 northwest corner 23d and Savier Streets Some income at present. . JAMES MANNER & CO. 203 Hamilton Bldg. Modern Irvington Residence CHOICEST LOCATION 12 Rooms, Lot 75x150 Feet. BARGAIN PRICE Wakefield, Fries & Co. v 83 Fourth St. IRVINGTON Y block, Thompson and E 19th streets, swell surround ings, hard surface pave ments, everything paid. Will sell at sacrifice. All or y-2 cash. OWNER 903 Yeon Building. Marshall 1456. STUMP LAND STUMP LAND STUMP LAND I Ifirf APDC? Choicest logged-off land I IUU nuilLO on the Columbia Kiver. Would make a model stock ranch or can be cut up Into emal tracts ana soia at 160 per cent prom. A. W. LAMBERT & COMPANY, B 1910 404 East Alder M. Knnt 4A, MAGNIFICENT HOME SITE FOR SALE: To party desiring; sit for handsome home I will sell plot of bout IVi acres of my beautiful home rounds, consisting- of about 3 acres. Side, commanding magnificent view of river ana mountains; ims naiu streets, sewer, water and gas. Within walking; distance to he-art. of city. Good car service. For terms and further par ticulars apply to owner, S95 N. 17th st. Mt. Tabor-West Slope CHOICE HOME SITE OR INVESTMENT From two to fifteen lots at 20 per cent under adjoining- lots. Easy terms. or exchange ror rooa nome or ior new residence on one lot. 136 E. Sixty-first St. Phone Tabor 53flT ELK ROCK Hi acres, overlooking the river; front age on carline and Riverside Drive; fine native trees. Th place for a fine home. For sale by owner. AJ 936. Ore gronlan. A SIRE SNAP Modern home on Hancock near 2th: 109x90; street paved; fine neighbor hood: will sell equity for halt; terms. 312 Failing bldg., Main 1698. NTW TOOAT Do you want a home or an investment? Buy inside property. Close inside prop erty is always a safe invest ment. The nearer in you can get the better. Ladd's Addition is the best, which is only 12 blocks from the river at Hawthorne ave. No other property so close in can be bought so cheap and on such easy terms. The choic est lots, on wide avenues, with alley in rear, $2150, including all improvements paid. Only $215 cash re quired, $21.50 each month. Special inducements to builders. We will help you finance the building. For particulars, see sales agents, F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. PETTYGROVE STREET CORNER OF 20TH lOOxlOO TRACKAGE $ 1 6000 WAKEFIELD, FREES & CO., 85 Fourth St. Small Tracts Near City Limits AND BEAVERTON Tracts 3 to 10 acres, in all stages of development, from raw lands to bearing- orchards. Prices compare favor ably with all others. No phone infor mation. E. R. BAIRD 620 Yeon Bldg. 100x100 Feet FINE APARTMENT SITE 18th and Johnson Streets. Price is several thousand under mar ket value. Terms, EVERETT & SIMONDS, INC., 416 Board of Trade Building. A High-Class Home Ruilt from vour own Dians at as close a price as your own coniracior nm name In beautiful Buehner's Addition, on west slope of Mount Tabor. You need $1000 Cash We will furnish the balance of the money for your home. A. H. BIBRELI, CO. 202 MeKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark Ss. IRVINGTON HOME Seven rooms and sleeping porch: double constructed throughout; hardwood floors; strictly modern In every re SDect: must be sen to be appreciated. See this today, 647 K. 23d st. North. Take Broadway car to Knott, owner will give you particulars. JOH.VSTON-BOTHFITR. A CO. BOS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 80 -Acre Farm $22,000 Four miles from Portland city limits. Half clear, fair buildings, running water. Good orchard. Adjoining land selling for $500 per acre. A. W. LAMBERT & COMPANY, B lt10 404 Bast Alder St. Kawt 4Q. 880 ACRES Adjoining town on S. P. R. R. $17.50 PEE ACRE SHANNON, 210 Railway Exchange. FOll SALE BY OWNER ISO LOTS Close in on Division street. 6treets graded ano reaay 10 mirsei. J. H. SrMAHON, Tabor 14S3. 1S84 nivlslon St. NORTH PORTLAND Corner, Improved, and bringing good revenue. In the rapidly developing warehouse district. For quick turn own er will sell for 120,000. Address P. O. Box 683, Portland, SEW TODAT Want a Farm? Dairy Ranch? OR Hop Yard? THIS OFFER GOOD UNTIL ATRIL 1, ONLY. Three ranches, comprising 482 acred, in one tract, located in one of the most pro gressive sections of the Willamette Valley, near a town on the railroad thm has el--tric lights, paved streets. Commercial and University Clubs, Agricultural, Slock a:id Fruitgrowers' Associations, et, etc. ; about j i nuurs riao irom r-urimna; me son is deep and very fertile ; there are fonr com plete Bets or buildings on each of the three ranches and two sets of buildings on one ranch. Phone in houses and rural free de livery. On these ranches you get view, running water, bottom land, bench land, orchard, pasture. Improvements, oak and fir wtimi. good roads, etc., and every thing you rnuid wish for. WE- CAN GIVE VOi: .IT "ST WHAT YOIT WANT. IN ANY QUANTITV. Ranch No. 1. i!19 acres, 90 aires o; plowed bottom land : 30 acres in good oak grubs (fine ax handle), oak and fir ond growth); the remainder of the acreap-' is tn slash (easily cleared), naturally opn land, and in rotten stumpage ready to kick out ; 4 acres fine orchard ; springs and a good well ; good 9-room house, hophouses and pickera cabin, barns, root house, etc. ; -0 acres in hops yielded big last year; no waste land on the place ; tills ranch lies beautifully, the soil is very productive, t li Income on this place in more thtin S77t;i annually ; price $23,893; will sell 00 acres of the 219-acre ranch for $15,000. Ranch No. 2. 180 acres, 90 acres undr the plow with all of the remainder partly cleared except 25 acres in fir and oak : hopyard last year netted $3400; ') acres $1260; private electric lighting plant, saw ing and pumping machinery, complete carpenter and blacksmith shops; two big barns, good 6-room house with good in side bath and toilet; hot and cold running water; water piped to barn ; new $!!! hophouse and all machinery; smoke-house, roothouse, cemented laundry area, storago house, power bouse, poultry houses and yards, good orchard, wei!, springs, tank, etc. All buildings electric lighted ; clear title; stock and Implements may be bought separately if desired ; price $20,000 ; income $7060. Ranch No. 3. 82 acres, two sets of build ings complete, ample bams, wells, springs and creek ; a beautiful piece of property that description will not do justice to; prac tically all plow land: lies gently sloping except 40 acres bottom soil: income 70 acres grain $1260; price $10,iHH. 20-acre hopyard, hophouse, pickers' cabin, etc., price $11,000. The hops frem this yard sold at 45c last season. WHITMER - KELLY CO. TO Fourth Street Pacific Place on the Portland boulevard, one block west from Peninsula Park and Mis sissippi avenue car line. Directly between the factory and business sections of the city, where an increase in value is most, certain. BEAUTIFUL H0MESITES MODERATE RESTRICTIONS EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Fifty-foot lots for $650. Terms, 10 per cent cash, 2 per cent monthly; 6 per cent interest. Let us tell you about our easy-payment building plan. TROWBRIDGE & STEVENS AND T. G. MONTGOMERY, Owners, 301 Wilcox Building. RIVERDALE I will sell the most beautiful buildingsite in the Kiverdalo distriot, near par and river. Excellent view of river and moun tains. Over an acre ffJinnn 'K-HA1.K of ground. All level "JtUUU CASH. AdrtrCKa V 03S, Oreiconlnn. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. S03 McKay bldg. M. S49. Beck. William G.. 815-818 Falling bldi. Chapln A Herlow, 8X2 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co.. &08 Corbett bldg. Jennings & Co. Main 1S8. -'00 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO., U. P.. O-405-4U Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave., at Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. l-'or Kale Lota SNAP ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS. I am forced to sell contract on lot l"11 xlOO In fine residence district. Have paid in $163. will sell for 8100 cash; full pur chase price $1200. same as two years ago. Ka.sy payments by the month. AV Orfgonlan. ONH-acre lot, deep, rich soil; ready to plant; owner will build cottage to suit: near to suburban car, graded streets and water. Own your home on a small amount ol cash and easy monthly payments: a bar gain. Heo Trustee, I'Oti Spalding bids. FOR SALE Br OWNER. Fine corner lot RujilOO, In Hanrock-St. Addition, south and east front; will sell for much less than value. Call at luso Hancock st. I HAVE splendid corner, loorilOO, in Easr- moreland ror sale at oritmai contract price: this was one of the first and best lots sold In the tract. AH !'. Oregoniau. IRVINGTON lot 7,'xlOO, on lilth between Thompson and Brajtee; surrounded i- beautiful homes: a bargain for $:s.-,Orash; must sell. Owner, V Oregonlan. ONE sightly corner lot, tiOxlOO, 1 minutci from center or city, oc rare, fart c;isii. remainder at $10 per month. R 043, Ore gonian. LADD ADDITION. Equity in excellently located lot for sale cheap. Room 704 Marquam bldg. Main 734. FINE corner lot. $10 down. $10 per month; 1 blocks to car; water in; cement wains, streets graded, improvements all paid. Owner. V i2. OregonlanJ IRVINGTON PARK snap; must sell my $900 equity for $t.-i0, tnree run mis, duui hi., facing carline. near Killingsworth. Own er. SOI Dekum bldgJ CHOICE Rossmere 100x100 corners $L'000 to $2300: corner ai'tn, iniamooK fi.tuu. in side bargains. Charles Zollinger, 313 Cor bett bldg. 00x100 IN Piedmont; a bargain; one block east of Vancouver ave. Call at 702 Spald ing bldg. Phone Main 1116. A 70J3. LOT 50x100, E. 8th. between Mason and Shaver: tu. irom, ,j wnM". H42, Oregonlan. $1000. GOOD lot, on 42d si., 2 blocks south or Hawtnornp, ou tuon, ui. Phone Tabor 734. HOMESITE, close In on the West Side, blocks to car, tjuu; terms to suit, it jm; Oregoniap. IRVINGTON BARGAIN, sacrifice if sold this week, signtiy lot, near canine, cast 894. , 76x100 ON 2nth and Lovejoy for sale on terms. wateon & incraeisen v.u., oos Spalding bldg. Main 7.1i)2. $10 DOWN, $5 per month, lots. 25 mln Out: taae uresnam ui r'ovoiM vat station. Owner on ground Sunday. IRVINGTON 100x100, corner 19th and Stan ton, improvements an paio; wortn ouuti: quick sale $4000: terms. 614 Couch bldg. WILL rell 102xl;iJ corner at 50th and Going for $1200; must nave .vu casn. rnone Marshall 1231. LOT Hyde Park, bargain: take typewriter part i,)m,ui- . p. LOT BOxlOO at 50th and Going, $400. Phone Marshall 1231. ONE oOxlOO corner lot In Berkeley Addition, J.'jOO Casn. IN V-I. uruKOIH"". SPECULATION V value, 50x100 lot. E. 33d and talsKiyou. i apor in. ECJI'ITY in Bay Ocean lot for sale. Tabor 372. TWO lota for sale In Hyde Park, big snap. Inquire 23 mtn. r-none iuain i i'j. RVIXGTOX, ST.xlOO, $1500, easy term s. AJ l3S. uregonian. CHOICE quarter, northwest cor. 12th and Going sts. owner, o cast iitn sc. iorm. LOT in Waverlelgh Heights for $tfoO. Mult ell at once, t uregoniau. & L