"V. 7 TIIESUyPAY OIIEGOXIAX, TORTLAXD, MARCn 31, 1013. i AT. 1 XOO.T. ! f I NEW TODAY. Wgn EAST SIDE NUESTMENTS WILLIAMS AVENUE AND KNOTT STREET PRICE. $40,000 INCOME $300 PER MONTH fWVcHO and throe-story brick lmildins on the Northwest ornor of Williams avenue and Knott street. Can ar range terms to suit pur chaser. BELMONT STREET FLATS PRICE, $12,250 INCOME $100 PER MONTH Lot 60x100 and four five room flat buildin?. situated on the south 6ide of Belmont street and between East 25th and East 26th streets. Terms one -half cash, balance 2 years at 6 per cent. EAST ALDER ST. CORNER PRICE, $5250 Ixt 50x100, situated at the northwest comer of East JOth and Alder streets. Terms $2000 cash, balance 3 years, interest 6 per cent. EAST BURNSIDE STREET PRICE. $16,000 INCOME $150 PER MONTH That fine corner 63x100. and 6 4-room flats, all mod ern, includinp fireplaces and furnace, situated on south east corner of East 26th and Burnside streets. A preat barpain. See it. WAREH0USEPR0PERTIES See us for warehouse prop erties on the East Side. Ve have a number of properties between East Burnside street and Hawthorne avenue, with track frontapc. EAST SEVENTH AND EAST BURNSIDE STREETS That fine corner, situated on the northwest corner of East 7th and East Burnside. We have immediate tenants for this property if you will build on same. For price, terms and particulars, see us. EAST ANKENY STREET PRICE, $2500 EACH Let us show you the lots we are selling for the above price. All Ankcny street cars pass this property. Easy terms. CLACKAMAS STREET PRICE, $1250 Iot 50x100. cement walks, situated on Clackamas street, between East 2Sth and East 2?th streets. HALSEY STREET PRICE, $1350 EACH - We have some nice lots on this street for the above price. Let us show them to yon. EAST EVERETT ST. HOME PRICE, $5200 Lot 50x100 and 6-rooin house, situated at the northwest corner of East 16th and East Everett streets. Terms. $1000 tlown. balance to suit pur chaser. See it. It is a bar Grain. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street FORD AUCTION CO. AUCTION SALE AT RESIDENCE 444 Park Street. Near College MONDAY, Tomorrow At 10 A. M. All the fin furnlsblna-a of the flve renmed residence to be placed at the tnervv of the public a the owner ha to leave, for the Kast. and has given us order to tell to the highest bidder, without reserve, all of the f iirnUhinga. u. h a quartered oak library table, looee- leather cushion Morrla rlialr. leather davenport. cost $55: Wilton rtm. 8-:i)0-: several very fine quar tered oak rocker. lx leather-seated rilnlnc rhalr. extension table, china closet, throe nrusnels ruff. il2: very fine bra. bed with metal sprlnr and fiill mattress, quartered oak chiffonier and dresser, good metal bed. spring and mattress, rook stove. dNhes, utensil. Irt curtains, etc.. el These good are all nice and clean and ire aa good as new. K. ft. FORD. Aartloaeer. We Sell Again at 2 P. M. 2I1 rir.t Street TVhn you will find a large assortment of little-used furnitures and you will be tii haaviest loser If you do not at tend theiw sales If yoti are In need of furnifire of inv description. On Wednesday and Friday I P. M. we soil acain at ill r'lrst street, and always have a god assortment of fur niture choose from. rORD AltTlO.N CO. APARTMENT HOUSE SITES Thirteenth and Taylor. Second and". Montgomery. East Third and Multnomah. 100x200, Union avenue. APARTMENT HOUSE New, modern. 25 rooms, income $40-5 monthly. In most desirable location. $25.000 terms. Watson S Therkelsen Co. 306 Spalding Bid;. Main 7502. 170 Acres On the Willamette River, over 1800 feet frontage, just above Portland. An electric line runs through this place. Has beautiful slope to the river and is partly covered with natural growth. It will cut into sites to good advantage. Easy terms can be had. $1000 Per Acre. Humason 1404 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 3718 A 4434 5 Acres At your own price, on the Taylor Kerry road. 20 min , utes from Fulton car. 15 min utes from Oregon Klcetrie. t'rerk running through place. Owner MUST have money in 5 days. Look it over and make us an offer. Will make term. Ask for Mr. Taylor at Dorr L Keasey & Company Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. Broadway Home $5250 New, modern, fix rooms, facing south. West of 24th. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth Street. Marshall 3790. A 3324. GARAGE SITES We have two of the best locations in the city for the above. Can be leased or purchased on very easy terms. To a buildpr, no cash payment required. For particulars, see DORR E. KEASEY & CO, Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. 100x100 East Till & Oak Sts. $20,000 Suitable for stable, factory or jrarape. Very easy term. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. 100x100 15 th and Thurman 100 feet trackage. 110x200 Quimby Street 110 feet trackage. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO.. .'tori Spalding Building. Main 7502. WAIST flnl,lir. only niwilfnd: sod WASTED A mlmaWr. Apply Lsda. John Wash natonSt. One-ha ilf block, with no i mcnts. for improve- $125,000 $25,000 cah and the balance can 'run a long time. 70 feet frontage, inside, no improve ments, $55,000 80 feet frontage, on corner, $50,000 HUMASON 1404 Yeon Building. Mar. 3718. A 44S4. Cheap Lots LOTS 60x100 ; on E. 26th and E. 27th one block north of the Rose City Park rarline. and one block west of the East Ankeny and Sandy Road carline. Corners $1250 Inside Lots $1000' Terms. J. J. OEDER Cor. Grand Avenue and East Ankeny. ale A Home Fit for a Prince The beautiful place of Dr. A. S. Panton on Portland Heights, consisting of a 9-room house and over two acres of ground, beautifully landscaped and in the high est state of cultivation. An abundance of all kinds of choice fruits and flowers. The roses arc noted and won first at the Rose Festival. The view is superb and can' never be obstructed. BROOKE 642 Talbot Road. Marshall 4827 A 3S39 Lovejoy Street PRICE CUT FOB IMMEDIATE SALE 100x100 feet, near 21st has nearly new 8-room modern residence; elegant finish, with every known convenience. Improvements all in and paid for. Owner is going away and must sell. $17,000 One-half cash. Dorr E. Keasey & Company Second Floor. Chamber of Commerce. Nob Hill Gilt-edge property. 8-room house and garage, cast of 23d on Hoyt. For quirk sale. $1000 below market value. Terms. Inquire of J. M. ACHESON, :fi7 Morrison St. A Good Buy (OOAn Two and a fraction acres at 0J3UU Ryan Place. Right at the station and a good platting proposition. 10 minutes' ride. Terms. Call East 2TR. or E 93, Oregonlan. Grand Ave. Lot From Owner Price $8750 Twenty-five feet frontage. 100 feet south of Burnside street. Splendid lo cation for fine store. Address K 944, Oregnlan. sooo acres Oreion stump land within 80 miles of Portland. Flnst well-drained shot ill. well watered, lines fine, i lo 8 miles from ffood towns and railroad. 4 m!la to Columbia Hlver. Excellent for Immediate suh-dlvlriing or colonlslns. Can be had riant and on favorable terms, bee Hall at Riark. 431 Chamber of Commerce. FOR LEASE Lot 50x100, I'nlon avenue, south of Hawthorne. M. C. noWBUi Inmnn-Ponleen l.br. Co. EXPERIENCED ALTERATION WORKERS wanted at Ihe MEIER FRANK PTORW for (towns, skirts and Jacket". Apply at superintendent's office. 8 to 9.30 A. M. Sl. AMKRK'AN GOI.DVIKI.PS I am In pos e.lnn of Inside Information thai la In-l-rnn and deelrr to communicate with lntrealf-vl partlca to co-oirate with me For particulars write C. V. Holdcn. -V41 tTth et.. Hen Francisco. Cal. A iOOl LAl'V RKTnfl'HER AT ONCF.. Asr.viRg, tpokanas Leading rholosra-jrher. For S Buy A Canadian Farm Why farm hiffh-priced, worn out lands, when rich virgin soil is awaiting you in "West- I era Canada? Many worn-out farms cost as much to fertil ize each year as an acre of this rich virgin soil in West ern Canada will cost. x Canada secured the FIRST PRIZE of $1000 for the BEST WHEAT IN THE ! WORLD in New York City in October, 1911. Farmers on these low-priced lands won First, Second and Third in competition with the WORLD. Go where you can prosper and earn a farm in a few years' time. Many have paid for their farms with one or two crops. It does not take a lifetime of drudgery to make a competence. Canadian Pacific Railway Lands are Selling From $10 to $20 Per Acre One-tenth cash and balance in nine equal annual pay ments. . The BEST LAND is being taken first. Immigration is greater than at any time dur ing the history of this coun try. DON'T WAIT. WRITE TO DAY FOR ONE OF OUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK LETS describing your WON DERFUL OPPORTUNITY in ALBERTA. Ide-McCarthy Land Co. Oregon Agents, Land Dept. C. P. Railway, 2 Lumbermens Bldg. lO-ACRE FARM OXLT lO MILKS FROM PORTlASIt SH ml lea from Robinson railroad station. Rich "Red Shot" soil of the very highest (trade in the Tualatin Valley, surrounded by beautiful farms and fruit orchards: on the tcholls highway, on of the oldest and best roads in Oregon. The view Includes the most of the beautiful Tualatin Valley and the lights of Portland on Council Crest. Three acres in apples and cherries in full bearing: one acre fir timber, enounh for use for years; balance under cul tivation. Price reasonable. Terms to suit purchaser. We are the owners. FirtiAnix mrsT company, MMt Spalding Bids. Sacrifice If you want something swell look at that seven-room bungalow, with sleeping-porch, at No. 110 East Tenth, North. Will sell for the cost of build ing and give the lot. which is worth $1000. Terms to suit you. OW." KR. 43Q Worcester Bldg. Main 144. Seaside Cottage for Rent I HILL HET MY COMMODIOUS COTTAGE AT SEASIDE, completely furnished, electric lights, water, bath. etc.. on board walk, for May. June and July, or sooner if de sired. Telephone Main 2626. "Irvington District" S4000 NEW HOME. Seven rooms, hardwood floors, fur nace, full cement basement, fireplace, breakfast-room, parage, large porches, shade trees, lots of roses, modern throughout; terms. Phone owner Pun day. C 2242; or week days. Main 606 or 306. RIVERDALE I will sell the most beautiful buildlngslte In the Riverdale district, near car and river Excellent view of river and moun tains'. Over an acre tAnnfl "E-HAIF of ground. All level O'rUUU CASH. Addreas Y MS, Oregnnlnn. NOTE THE PRICE, $1800 Choice Corner !.. Southwest Corner Knst Thirtieth and Pine Streets. Take a Look at This. A, W. LAMBERT & COMPANY, B 101O .404 East Alder . East 4n. Money to Loan Beat Katate Security. In anv amount fmm $'.'" to 4n0; also $sooo. MO(n. 7.V)0. 10.0O0. $14,000. Will lend eight or ten thousand on flrat class farm. We write fire Insurance. Give CFORGB H. THOMAS M7 Oak St.. room 8 Alnworth bids;. 99-Year Lease Quarter block on beet street In the city to lease for. 59 years on a flat rate throughout the term. R. K. BRYA'. UKt-7 Chamber ef Commerce. Fine Home for Some One New five-room bungalow, with front hall, large porch, full basement, full attic. Piitrh kitchen, panelled dining room, china closet; all ready to move into. Moderate price. Easy terms. CLARK C. LETTER. Main 4.122. 7-T hem, ef Com. STXLLI'iN. Clvdeadale. years old. for any kind of atok, 4"0. W. il Foiter. Inde pendence, Or. I r VI) BILL The RIVERS AND HARBORS BILL passed the HOUSE on the 19th In stant without a dissenting vote. This means the DEEP CHANNEL from the entrance of Tillamook Bay direct to Bay City. BAY CITY DEEP WATER SEA PORT If you do not know the importance of tills to buyers of Bay City lots, come in and let us tell you. LOTS $65 UP EASY TERMS InTewtlgate l ae Coupon Bay City Land Co. Send litera ture and other particulars of Bay City. Name Address. BAY CITY LAND CO. 701-2-3 Spalding Bldg. Main 111S A 7023 (0-3-31-12 J. H. J. Ad Service.) Council Crest Drive, 3 lots magnificent view ; paved streets, sewer water, gas. Lots across the street sold for $1700 apiece. These can be purchased Monday or Tuesday for $650 cash. DABNEY & DABNEY 307 Railway Exchange. O 15 Acres $1000 Per Acre On Terms. Close to Council Crest. 50 per cent profit in this. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourtn Street Marshall 3790 A 3324 485 ACRES Highly improved, alfalfa land. $250 per acre, which produced last year $100 per acre in seed; $135 per acre for farm land, produced 70 bushels of oats per acre; 10-acre commercial orchard at $300 per acre: lease on 40.000 acres of outrange; $30,000 worth of permanent improvements; $25,000 worth of live- stock; private water right. Raw land In this vicinity is selling for $200 per acre in 40-acre tracts. And the Price of This Hla-My-Improved and Completely Equipped Stock, Alfalfa, ftraia and Fruit Farm, on the Itallroad, la Only SI OO.OOO. Will exchange for Willamette alley of Portland property. MIU CROWLEY, Columbia Trust Co. Ground Floor Board -of Trnde Bldg. WE GUARANTEE to show you the most artistic and finest home ever built in Portland for any where near the price of this one. No expense considered in construction or finish, and not one little item over looked in makinp it a model of beauty and convenience. Large corner lot. with beautiful view of city, river and mountains. Take Council Crest car to first stop beyond crest- three blocks east to brown bungalow. Look for name place I.A-t ASA-LOMA. Open all afternoon, or call Monday. SHAW A LOCKE, Main SPOO. A 4tSS. 78 SUth Near Oafc NOB HILL RESIDENCE New nine -room home on Overton street, modern and up to date. Any one wanting to buy a splendid home, with a beautiful location, should come and see this excellent home before buvlng elsewhere. For price and terms cal'l or address OWN'ER. 8S Overton. Phone Main TUPT MORTGAGES Purchased Money for LOANS On Farm and City Property. BUILDING LOANS CURRENT RATES. Western Bond & Mortgage Company Capital Stock 10O,0OO. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. $10,000 Will Buy a Choice Corner. SOxlOS, Close In on Third Street. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 133ft First St. Bargain Plat TILLAMOOK PROPERTY IS A GOOD INVESTMENT We have now to offer to the beach lovers of Portland some of the finest beach lots on the Pa cific Coast. Our lots are located on the famous Garibaldi Beach, right where the Tillamook Bay empties Into the ocean. The rail road runs through our addition and maintains a depot In the cen ter of the tract. People can get off the train and be right on the property. AUTOMOBILING AND BOATING These lots are located right at the end of the automobile road, and pleasure boats can land on the beach directly in front of our lots. The U. S. Life Saving Sta tion is also located on our prop erty. All lots are bounded on one side bv the Pacific Ocean and its nice, hard, sand beach of 700 feet wide at low tide, and on the back by an Inland fresh-water lake of V. mile in length and U mile in i width, which Is an ideal place for bathers. In Summer this lake is just like a swimming tank. CLAMS AND CRABS One of the most important fea tures of the location of these lots is, they are within a few steps of abundance of clams and crabs, salt and fresh water fish of all kinds. In fact, everything is here that can be had on any ocean beach, barring none. This prop erty has never been advertised before and from now on we ex pect our sales to be large, and if vou want to get a lot before they are picked over you had better come in at once. Lots 50x100 feet. Price $50 and up your own terms no taxes or interest. These lots will double in price within a year. If you don't want a lot for a Summer home, buy one for an investment. There are none better. OPPORTUNITY FOR HOTEL This is one of the best sites in the State of Oregon for a hotel, and we will give a reliable party an excellent proposition on a hotel. There will be thousands of people at this resort within a few months with no hotel accom modations. BAR IMPROVEMENTS The Government has appropri ated $800,500 for jetty and bar . improvements, which will be commenced within a few months. This work is to be done directly in front of our properties. This will furnish steady employment for all those who so desire to work at this kind of labor. Come into our office and see pictures and plats and make arrangements for a free trip next Saturday. RALPH AGKLEY LAND CO. 17 FIFTH STREET. Acres Ten acres on 60th st. will be on ex tension of Hawthorne carline. Streets cleared; land is level, covered with second-growth fir timber and parked. Priced cheap, with good terras. J. E. Rand & Co. 223 Board of Trade. Fine Old Trees on this 100x320 yard. Modernized house is fine. Hawthorne ave., near 56tli st., $11,000 Ask for Mr. Kupper. CHAPIN - HERLOtV MORTGAGE & TRUST COM PAX V, 3.1 2-338 Chamber of Commerce. RichestLands IS OREGON" FIVE-ACRE TRACTS. CHEHALEM OKCHABD DISTRICT. 26 miles from Portland, one mile from Newberg: "red shot" soil. These lands are of fabulous richness, equal ing in value the IRRIGATED lands of North Yakima, which bring $1500 to $2500 an acre 250 miles from Portland. Our "red shot" lands require ISO IRRIGATION, are within an hour's ride of Portland, and are sold at vastly lower prices than Yakima, Hood River or liogue Hlver lands, and the terms may be made by the purchaser. FIRLANDS TRUST CO., 006 Spalding BldK Portland, Or. $3300 New 6-Rooin House . Southwest corner 33d and Clinton Sts. Richmond car. Owner's phone, Sellwood 1377. FOR SALE Hotel Proposition Three-story building, with lot 100s 100, close in, citj. Will net 10 per cent. Gilt-edge proposition. Investi gate. Price $7000; half cash. HEDRICK & WINTERS, 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RIVERDALE I will sell the most beautiful bulldingsite in the Ttiverdale district, near car and river Excellent view of river and moun tains. Over an acre 400(1 K-HALF of ground. All level "JtOUU CASH. Address V 3S Oreconlan. ALL the year location for dllctenen and lunchroom at Nyebeach. Newport. Ore Son. Onlv people who can cater lo the better cla'fs of business neM apply. Ad dress L. C. Smith. Newport. Oregon. REMEMBER TODAY YOU ARE GOING TO SEE LUNALILO The beautiful tract now on the market at Multnomah Sta tion on the Oregon Electric. Remember this is only 15 minutes' ride 011 the West Side with no bridges to cross and a 5c car fare. The tracts are all sized from to Vs acre, every one of them a park, no stumps, no brush and running water. Be sure and see this tract today. Our salesmen will be pleased to meet you and show you the property. Terms: 10 per cent down and $10 per month, and we are allowing an extra discount for a few days. Our automobiles leave at 9:00 A. M. and 2:00 P. M. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO. 400 Yeon Building. We have 3 houses left in Laurelhurst, the finest addition in the rlty. where property will advance 50' in the next 2 years one S, 9 and 10-room house: sun-room, breakfast-room, built-in ice chest, all woodwork waxed finish and one house done in mahogany. We will sell these houses on your own term? or will trade or exchange, for we are in the building business and are start ing eight more new houses. Call us and let one of our representatives show you over our houses. Oregon Homebuilding and Construction Co. f1 Chamber of Commerce Ride. Lease! 4-story loft building to be erected or 10th. Burnside and Oak. Oak st. wit; soon be cut through, giving 3 valuable street frontages to this plot. Will lease to one or more tenants for a term ol years. .Jpply at once to Geo. M. Strong owner.isire of Strong & Co. M5 Concord Bulldlnsr $4500, Half Cash 95x125 Portland Heights Magnificent building site in ALTA VISTA, corner Montgomery and Buens Vista Drives. Symmetrical knoll, with beautiful frees all improvements in and paid. Unquestionably the very BEST Bit on I'ORTI.AD HEIGHTS. DOUR K. KEASEV & CO. id Kloor Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE FOR SALE WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Savier St., near 20th. Two streetcai lines; lot 75x100; room for garage; magnificent view of rivers and moun tains; fine lawn; roses, shrubbery, young fruit trees, strawberries ano raspberries. House modern: electricity and gas: grates and mantels; furnace and Kuud (gas) heater in fine base ment. Price and terms attractive Phone owner, Marshall 2534, or Main ome on tne installment pin pinun .uui means. It will pay you. We have a large list of new houses ranging in prices from 2'r.O to $3500. Can give vou good terms, if yon want a home see us. We will help you. J0. P. SHAKKEV COMPANY. Phone Sellwood TW. B 1SMI. Hotel Men, Attention If vou are looking for the best-payins hotel proposition in the Northwest. In vestigate this. Situated at Redmond, the metropolis of Central Oregon. For sale or lease for a term of years. J5000 will handle: house is fully furnished, has hot and cold running water, baths and electric lights; profits of hotel last year over $5000 without the bar.. l'or full particulars address A 952. Oregonlan, or write the owners, Jones l.an1 Co., Redmond. Or. I MKKT AND BEAT The strongest ,-ompetition on men's suit. Take the elevator and i;a e $10. Jimmy Uuno, room ill 5, Oregonlan bhlR- BUILDING itgOXSniKVM COMPANY Buv an son Turlj. 141 I IB St.