The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 3, Image 23

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Lfl to Rlskti ItfMlsrra, Sbl llaa
rroft. llrltonrll. I IIIKri Rap,
Ibi LladMiT, nn. S laa Hot. 17 at
l-rt. Mlrkrv l.a Uar al Bat. 3
l-rft to HiKhti aarfbourar. If:
Krnttrr, rti Doagr, rl. T Horn,
t Hlshii Met rrdlr, t.llllicaa.
Mfiirr, llrailrnoa, llanlrr, l-ludJa,
Traiplr. himtarr, l,ona, Uoaar,
Kraricrr. Rottnaa Hw, to HIkbIi
liarharaa. lrltrtl. Rodcrrs, t'bad
knrw, Haaaa. Haarroft, Lamllar.
Great Coast League Baseball
Race for 1912 Will Open
lan Await Hrl m rVom ljn
Anzrlr Whrre Bra Tpr Brgln
!srlr Portland. Vernon and
San Frindw favor lira.
i itM;iM ton or:rso camia
It. ii-"
K".:nrr r.liailal. Lrrn
II.. C R"lr
l:r." I n Ii.!rn
U.xltfr. II ra(4
!.ln-t. 2 H. Mllirf
M.iit.Tofl Si......... iiorrt1
I'tiiiti-Hirn. ...I. K..... l.ol.r
KriKc-r ; F...
LK.aii.; n V Jl.ltniull.r
:r..i. It(an.
1'Atlr.ort .....t H. Z H
M. lVnn!l . S II.
II. .!. l.itclil..S H.
... MHIrr
. . lirlalrr
... Strain
. Mnclden
m.v.i i. r
Kn- i- V
riMn..n n K
n Franclarn. Oakland
llnly P Vhlra
Hrrv C Milan
Jark.nn .......t F. ........ 5harr
M"h:r H Iar.1
orhan SB Hrl.lnr. Frlrk
V.-r)l 8 f rook
llrtv I. F. ...... Hoffman
R.'try F Zachr-r
M.-vr R F Cor
Tha barrier will b apruna; Tuesday
aflernoon in three CallfornU cltlea and
ti athletic teams will be off on the
baseball marathon which will d"cilo
the 10th annual t'hmplunshlp of the
I'arlflc Cnast Irfneball latTue.
Portland's diamond luminaries, upon
whom rest the arduous task of defend
ing a title held for two successive sea
sons, will open the season at Los An
celes: Vernon and Sarramento tna;l
In the latter city, ami San Francisco
and Oakland lock horns In the Initial
contest In the ranama-Pactflc city.
"I'lay ball." the gladsome cry which
has been eaarerly awaited by fandnm
since th store league sessions became
monotonous, will be preceded, as usual,
with the time-honored and fitting
crreetina- to Kins; Baseball In the shape
of parades and opening ceremonleav
Business will be virtually at a stand
still In the three California cities,
while fandom takes a peep at the
diamond irradiators who will furnish
sport until October 37.
ITassact far Tlsas'' t.Mal.
That the tenth season will be the
moat successful In the history of the
organisation is the prediction of all
connected with the great National
pastime on the Pacific Coast. Finan
cially the prospects were never
brighter, while from the standpoint
of playing, "class" will loom up more
prominently than ever.
As usual there are six owners, six
managers, six captains and as many
squads of playra who either boldly
iay claim to the 191! pennant or re
ort to "we'll be In the running." and
harbor a suspicion amounting to a
rrrtalntr that the final bell will find
them straddling the pennant pole with
one hand firmly grasping the flag.
However, critics gonerally nominate
Portland. Vernon and San Francisco for
'.he first division, with Oakland. Vun
Angeles and Sacramento the trailers.
San Francisco, with Its White Fox re
cruit, is figured the possible "surprise"
of the race. Vernon ii conceded a
position among the contenders, with
l ie 111 5trenarth i.f the lloganites ap
parently not a whit Impaired. Port
land, winner of the 110 and lll flags.
I.-, of course, rated In the first flight,
although Heaver detractors are trying
;o convince themselves that the loss of
P.) an. Fteen. Seaton. Kuhn et al. will
prove a barrier to another cham
pionship. Dotb .Met redlea feafldeat.
If the expressions of confidence u f -tred
by both 0vnrr Md'redie and
Manaarer Mcrede are a criterion of
tiie Portland strength and position at
the fas tnd of the race, tha pennant is
Danny Long Says Luck Only
Can Beat Seals
a a Kraarla Xaaacrr Vlakra 'o
I'rophertna a la Other Tram,
bat Ht a?a Ilia Mra Are Hood.
SAN FRANCIh'CO. Cal.. March 30.
i.";ieclal.) Luck l. the only thing
that tunny Long, manager of the Fan
Francisco Seals, figures as being able
to put the Meals out of the race as pen
nant contenders. lie mentions the
new material on the team, says his men
are In far better shape than at the start
of last season and says he is not wor
rying about the pennant.
"I would not attempt to forecast the
Coast League pennant race for the
coming season for the reason that it
would not be worth the paper it Is
written on." said Long today. "I
cannot form an opinion of the relative
strength of the other clubs until I
have seen them In action. X only know
that I will have a strong club in San
Francisco. I can say that the team
this season will be Immeasurably
stronger than the one of last ear.
The fct is there Is no comparison. I
have landed new men anil have
strengthened up the team In all depart
ments. "Take my outfield. I have three
right-handed hitters there and all
smart. Intelligent fellows who can hit
and field the ball. My Infield la well
balanced and I can depend upon It at
all aiages of the game. My pitching
staff Is strong and 1 have a high-class
backstop department. With -McArdle
and Mohler at second and Berry and
Hchmldt behind the bat, I have the
renter of a team all formed of men
who have played together and that la
a big advantage.
"Barring unforseen bad luck and ac
cidents. I am safe In saying tha" the
Seals will bo up there fighting for the
"Just look back and yon will see that
even with all the accidents tha? the
team suffered last season the team waa
just two games behind the leaders In
August of last year.
"Now with that much stronger team
that I have this season there is no rea
son why I should worry about not hav
ing a winner."
as good as won again. Both men de
clare that the team which will wear
tha Beaver uniform this season will
go Into the fray in better condition
than any other Portland squad In his
tory.' The Beavers will pass the first two
weeks of the season acquainting them
selves with the California parks. Open
ing at I.os Angeles for a seven-game
series, the Beavers will go to Kan
Francisco and Oakland for a series
with the Oaks commencing April t. On
Tuesday. April la. they will christen
Portland's splendid new baseball park
with a series against Ssn Francisco,
followed by set-tos with Oakland and
Vernon on the home lot. The pennant
will probably be raised on May 1, be
fore the eyes of the Vernonltes.
Following Is the schedule for the
first two weeks of the season, during
which the Portland lads are In Cali
fornia: . April S. Portland vs. Los An
geles at I -or Angeles. Vernon vs. Sacra
mento at Sacramento. Oakland vs. Fan
Francisco at San Francisco: April S.
Portland vs. Oh k land st Oakland and
San Francisco, Ssn Francisco vs. Sac
ramento st Sacramento. Ix Angeles vs.
Vernon at Vernon and Los Angeles.
Will line-up at bnt 'scam. t the AnceJs
Tuesday: Chadbourne. Jiodgers, Lind
" 4 ft
O'Rcurke Cant See -Anything
But Senators
iacraraeato Captale Kara All Other
Tearna Are Weakeaed, Ilia la
SACRAMENTO, CaL, March 30. (Spe
cial.) "gacramento will be up
among the contenders all the way this
year." said Joe O'Uourko, captain of
the Senators In his ante-season state
ment today. "1 cannot see where any
of the Coast League clubs have protlf
ed as much by their Winter skirmish
ing and Spring training; as we have.
We have all of our best pitchers back
again and at least two of our new
pitchers will be among; the best on the
Coast before the season Is over. Be
hind the plate we have three good men
this year, where last year we only had
one man to rely on.
"In the infield we have new blood on
first and third and the opposite corners
are far better cared for than last year.
At shortstop we will have a bis
leaguer, you can count on that." We've
pot strings out for a fast infielder from
Philadelphia and two from Boston, and
If one of them ia not on hand for the
oiwnlng game, we will at least have
them here before the end of the week.
"The same outfield that showed up
so strong at the end of last year Is on
hand again Lewis. Van Buren and
Madden. But we are so much stronger
with Charley Swain that Van Buren
will probably be carried as utility out
fielder and pinch hitter. Mahoney will
be carried as utility pitcher and out
fielder. "I do not figure that Portland has
filled the hole caused by the loss of
Hyan and Peckinpaugh even In getting
Howley, the new catcher.
"Oakland has lost Wolverton and
Cuthhaw, two of the men who won for
Oakland last year by their base run
ning. "And Bud Sharpe la going to have Ms
"Los Angeles ts no better than last
year. In my opinion.
"The same for Vernon, even though
they are boosting this fellow Lltschl
off the boards.
say, Doane, Kreuger, Rapps. Bancroft,
Howley. Henderson or Koestner.
The Seal batting order for the Initial
bout: Mclver. Mohler, Raftery. Hartley,
Jackson. McArdle, Corhan, Berry,
Owner or Bravrrs Tlilnk Start More
Auspicious Than Ever.
,'If Portland does not win the 1911
Pacific Coast League pennant, it will
not be because the start is -inauspicious."
is the strongest Judge McCredle.
Portland owner, will go In prophesying
results In the pennant race which opens
Tuesday In Los Angeles, San Francisco
and Sacramento.
"In my opinion, .'ortland enters the
race with the best-prepared team in
history. It is well balanced, strong at
all points, and to a man Is in perfect
condition for a strenuous time from
the Jumpoff. Our losses were not so
severe as In 1910, whet. Gregg. Krapp.
Fisher and Olson were taken from us,
while the new talent promises to de
velop Into major league material. Of
course, bad luck. Injuries or Illness
aft V.
7 I ,
Leader of Oaks Makes No
Claim for Pennant
Bud Sharpe. tw on Coast anil With
Itebullt Team, Hesitates About
Turning Prophet.
OVKLAND. Ca.1., March 30. (Spe
cial.) There la one manager of a
Coast League club who Is making no
ante-season predictions of capturing
pennants. This Is Bud Sharpe, man
ager of the Oaks, whose team has been
rounding Into ahape at Llvermore and
showing a lot of early season form.
Eharpe's hesitancy Is due largely to the
fact that he has had virtually to re
build the team which will enter the
Coast League race, but at that Sharpe
is not making a poor mouth, but is
promising to be out fighting all the
"Every manager in the league, with
the exception of myself." said Sharpe,
"has already won that old flag, accord
ing to the papers. That appears to
bill the Oaks for the cellar champion
ship. Of course we can't all be pennant-winners
In one season, so It
would seem that "about four or five
leaders will' be -due to hand out some
explanations. I prefer not to be counted
among them. -
"The fans should remember that we
were greatly handicapped this season
by being forced to build up an entirely
new Infield. However, I am satisfied
with the showing our club, has made.
Every man. with the exception of one
or two pitchers, appears to be fit to
break Into a hard campaign tomorrow.
I am strong on pro-season predictions,
but you can say for me that the Oaks
will be out there fighting every Inch
of the way from wtre to wire.
"There's one thing more for the fans
to remember, and that Is that while
the Oaks may be under a certain han
dicap at the start, the season Is a long
one and the pennant race will not be
decided until the latter end.
"I'd rather have my team come up
from behind, even from sixth place, and
win the flag than to be out In front
and then take a slump."
may cauae a slump which would upset
all calculations, but Indications point to
a splendid season for Portland.
"As for the other teams, I consider
Vernon and San Francisco as the
strongest. Oakland apparently has a
strong team, although many new faces
will be seen in .the lineup. Los Angeles
and Sacramento promise to be factors
In the race, making the struggle for the
pennant a much better balanced one
than last year.
"Of course,' I hope that Portland re
peats, winning the third successive pen
nant; also that a Portland player wins
the automobile to be awarded the best
player in the league. Reports from
men who have seen, all the teams In
action give the Beavers the edge. but.
as I said before, there's many a slip
"twlxt the cup and the lip." '
Small Army to Sit on San Francisco
Bench' In First Gnnir.'
PASO ROBLKS, Cal.. March 30. (Spe
cial.) There will likely bo IT players
sitting on the Sealff bench when the
gong sounds Tuesday, announcing the
openlnc r tn season. , -
MARCII .31, '1912.
I I faDkViV'- ?" &E3rT
. I , k - . y -lu ! . . ! ? ; ; h I
Happy, as Ever, Is Leading
Optimist in League
"I Ought to lie an Undertaker If Ait
Team fan Beat Us" Is AVay Ilogan
ces Vernon.
PRKSNO, Cal., March 30. (Special.)
"It looks good to me," said Happy
Hogan. of the Villagers, to The Orego
nian correspondent this afternoon, af
ter a lively practice game, when asked
for his opinion of the 1912 season.
"One funny thing about this game
you can't find any team that admits Its
place is at the tail end of the proces
sion, but for the Vernons you can take
It from me we are in the best condition
"I have great respect for McCredie's
men and I think well of all the teams,
but we are a little better than any of
them. We came near copping the bunt
ing last year. We will come so much
nearer this year that there will be no
one ahead of us. I don't want to boast,
but look my bunch of players over and
if you can beat them I ought to be an
"It has been hinted that I am going
to go light in playing myself this year.
Now I want you to understand this dis
tinctly: While I have good substi
tutes, I am going to be behind the bat
in BO per cent of the games. As for
the others, every Coast fan knows
what they can and will do. They are
all considerably better than they were
at their best last year. You'll hear
from us when the bunting is annexed.
' "Do you remember the race put up
by Vernon two years ago, when all
the clubs in the league kicked us to
death? Well, it may surprise you to
know it, but even that season If we
had won the games that we lost by one
score we would have been out In front,
"Then last year it was the same, only
the other clubs were the ones that
were being kicked. Well, this year
the luck is due to change.
"Just wait until the end of the sea
son and you will see a real team com
ing home with a big reception of
happy fans waiting at the train with a
brass band.
"That's when the Vernon pennant
winners will go home." i
Manager Long has to cut this squad
down to 20 men by May 20. but it is
likely that there will be no pruning
out until after the first week of the
Nineteen men are here and eight are
In San Francisco, but they will all be
retained for a while. Deals are on for
the disposal of Inflelders Westmore
land and Yohe. and the uncertainties
are Catcher Mllford, Pitchers Strand
and Taylor, and one outfielder. The
other men are reasonably assured of
their Jobs. The entire squad will be
brought together In San Francisco on
Monday, as the Paso Robles contin
gent up-stakes tomorrow after the
game with Soledad.
"I will start this season with the
Seals In the best shape they have been
In since I took hold of them," said
Long. "Prartlcally every man Is in the
pink of condition and the team Is ready
to take the field tomorrow."
Howard Mundorff met with a pain
ful, bm not serious accident in practice
this morning. He was playing third
base when a grounder bounced off a
pebble and cut his cheek.
California Defeats Stanford.
is . r "7 , - i Jmv I
K ' . . " . .: : ..! I
Dillon Says Angels' Team
as Strong as Before
Veteran Coast Leaguer Connta on
a , Stronger Battery Department.
Lock Held Main Factor. ,
OS ANGELES, March 30. (Special.)
"The Los Angeles team Is twice as
good as it was last year," said Frank
Dillon today to The Oregonlan corre
spondent. "We are much stronger than
last year in the catching department,
and our pitchers seem to be In good
shape. I never make any boasts about
the team, for no one knows how any
team will play. It takes luck to win
any game, and it takes all the luck to
win a pennant.
"Page Is a good man at second base,
and I think Howard will show up well
at short if his arm holds oat. He Is a
better man at short than Delmas, for
he Is faster and will get balls that
Delmas could not get. He is weak on
some gTOund balls, but I think he will
Improve on practice and be satisfactory
to the fans. I am not making any
claims for the Angels, but we will do
the best we can.
Dillon is disappointed because the
weather conditions have held his men
back in their training and made it im
possible for him to send a team into
the game against Portland In the con
dltlon that he had hoped for. He feels
confident of a good start, however.
Core, slated for a regular outfield
Job. Is not in his best condition, owing
to his stay-in Minnesota during the
Winter and the rainy weather since he
Howard has about recovered his sore
ness, and the pitchers, Halla and Lev-
erenz, Toler and Chech, are in good
condition, and ready to take their turns
on the slab.
Nearly all the boys are suffering
more or less with colds.
Berry predicts the biggest opening
day in the history of Coast League ball
Applications for boxes for the season
are pouring in at such a fast rate that
he figures it has materially Increased
over last year.
30. Stanford was defeated today by the
University of California baseball team,
in a game characterized by much loose
fielding. Couch was taken out after
California had made three runs In two
Innings. Score:
California .. .8 7 lOjStanford 6 6 3
Batteries Forker and Stoner; Couch,
Howe and Scofield.
Storage of Game May He Legalized.
The Multnomah Anglers Club will
probably propose a law to the effect
that fishers and hunters may store
game which they have bagged in the
legal season, provided they have it
properly tagged by some game warden.
Such was the purport of the meeting of
the club at the Commercial Club last
night. An executive committee, whose
main duty will be to attend to amateurs
of the above nature, was also appoint
ed, and consists of H. B. Van Duzer,
president of the club. W. G. Hale. F. Ii
Perkins. L. W. Hurapureys, Dr. H. M.
Campbell, Kirk Sutherland and A. V
Sprague, - ,
Manager of Beavers Declares
He Starts Season in Best
Kind of Condition.
Players Are Said to Be Ready for
Opening GamesPortland Leader
Predicts He Will Beat
Seals and Vernon.
Manager Portland Coast Cbampioni.
SANTA MARIA. Cal.. March 30.
(Special.) The Portland Beavers wll.
go into the reason of 1913 better
equipped and in better physical condi
tion than any club which I have piloted
in my seven years as manager in the
Pacific Coast League.
Last Spring things broke rather
badly for us at the start, but we
rounded iapidly into form and soon
took the lead. This April I look for
the Beavers to show their class right
from the Jump, and, while opening
away from home is a great handicap,
I expect to bring the Champions home
for the opening game in Portland
against the Seals April 16, in first
It's an absolute cinch that Portland
will be one. two, three. Predicting a
pennant, when there I are five other
clubs in the race, is Hiardly an even
proposition, but I'd like to put down
J100Q that we will beat the Seals out.
Vernon has a strong club, but I don't
look for Hogan to be quite up to the
1911 standard, while I think the
Beavers are a little more formidable
than last season.
Honley Looks I.Ike Star.
Howley, I predict, will be a star be
hind the bat, and with Fisher and La
Longe on the payroll, our receiving
department will be far ahead of any
other club. Rodgers at second and
Lindsay at third will outclass any
thing In the circuit. Two of the outs
field positions will be supreme, and my
pitching staff again should aiemon
strate its superiority over the other
five, with Koestner, Henderson and
Harkness as mainstays and these new
giants, Gilllgan, Temple, Lamline and
Steiger to fall back upon.
Last season the Beavers had e run
of hard luck. Kuhn and Murray were
out a great deal of the time behind
the bat, and Rodgers' incapacitation
nearly put the rollers under us. Sec
ond base always has been my Jinx,
but Captain Rodgers passed most of
the Winter roaming over the hills of
Southern Oregon after big game and he
declares his ankle Is stronger than
ever. Bill's Spring practice work seems
to Justify this claim and I hope to
go through 1912 without serious ac
cidents to my men.
At shortstop Peckinpaugh helped us
a great deal last season with his'
marvelous fielding. but Just watch
young Bancroft. lit covers fullv as
much ground as Peckinpaugh, if not
more, and, I believe, will bat fully as
strongly. Of course, actual conflict
may reveal a weakness there, but 1
any shows itself I Intend to remedy
the defect at once for I consider short
stop the key position on the Infield.
Voung Men Are Preferred.
Insofar as the first two series are
concerned, we should come away with
the long end both, at Los Angeles and
at Oakland. At Los Angeles Dillon
apparently has gathered together all
the old men he could lay nis nanas on.
His system differs from mine. I believe .
in garnering in the young fellows. Tha
old heads seldom do more than la ex
pected of them generally less while
the youngsters Invariably show more
than their previous performances would
seem to call for.
To my mind the Seraphs got the best
of the trade of Shortstop Delmas for
Pitcher Flater. The latter should de
velop into -a crack flinger. Ivan How
ard, who takes Delmas' place at short.
held down the position against us late
last Fall and undoubtedly will make
Portlands team this season is al
most the acme of perfection in its com
plexion off the playing field. Baseball
Is gradually developing into the favor
ite pastime of the entire world. -The
infusion of college blood into the play
ing ranks has lifted the standard from
the plane of the rough and the tough
to the level of the finest people in" the
Nation. My team this year, I am
overjoyed to say. will stand for every
high ideal in sport- Out of more than
20 athletes on the staff only two even
sip an occasional drop of liquor and
both of these are so hieh up on the
aqua vehicle that it will take an exten
sion ladder to permit descent.
Portland will have the finest baseball
plant in the West In 1912 and I intend
to do all In my power to Be that a pn-
cant-wlnnlns team goes with it.