The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1912, SECTION TWO, Image 21

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Pages 1 to 20
NO. 13.
vol,, xrixr.
JypyiPff f -mcRiHCED mp
Sale Beffins Tuesday 8:30 A. M.Store Closed Monday
To establish a new standard in the retail business in Portland.
To build a great business upon the principle of the greatest
good for the greatest number A store for all the people, but
by lower prices, quality always considered FIRST.
By truthful advertising, which we consider not only right but
PROFITABLE not to advertise honesty, but to take scrupu
lous care daily that each word of advertising is true, all this
For the Growth to Come
We understand the intelligence of the American woman well
enough to know how well she will support an enterprise of
this kind.
Not an ordinary department store, but an aggregation of stores,
each one complete of its kind, all under one roof and each under
the direct management of a master merchant
The monopolist seeks by exclusive methods to control the article
he makes; he trades upon the needs of the consumer and compels
him to pay a profit out of proportion to the intrinsic worth of
that article.
Public patronage solicited through the medium of prize con
tests, store shows, concerts and other forms of free entertainment
decreases the worth of merchandise, for it levies a tax upon the
goods, all the cost of which must be borne by the customer.
To do business at the least possible cost and the lowest possible
expense is our fixed purpose. We shall develop a new life about
us in the new store, and the glory in the uplift will be shared by
the public as well as ourselves.
The seed was planted a year ago when construction on our new
store was commenced it has taken root and is growing hardier
every day We are nearing harvest time. Our plans, our hopes,
our ambitions and our ideals will shortly blossom forth with the
opening of the new store.
March -25, 1012.
Messrs LlpEC n,.. Wolfe 1- Co., .
City. ' lie Fixtures:
17a must h7B 'your decision on the Fixtures for
7th, 9th and 10th Floors immediately if you would avoid delays.
Wo roust let these contracts as once or we cannot he responsible
for any delays, as the huilding nill be ready for this insta
llation of Fixtures &ay 15th, end will be finished complete
July 1st.
Tory truly yours ,
Doyle, Tatterson & Beach,
This Removal Sale is not a trade expedient designed to impose
a left-over stock of undesirable merchandise upon the public. It
is not a sale organized to distribute stickers and odds and ends of
bygone years that buyers have passed season after season.
Practically the Entire Stock of Merchandise
That You II See on Sale is Brand New
bought expressly for our regular Spring business. No rubbish, no
truck such merchandise was never allowed space under any con
dition in our store. We have always been favorably known for
- All of our stocks are purchased from responsible manufacturers,
and even the simplest and the most inexpensive goods are as care
fully selected as the most elaborate. In its entirety our stock
illustrates the sincerity and integrity of both the American and
foreign workmen.
Concrete facts concerning the Removal Sale is all you want
you may read them in our Double Page Announcement in the first
section, and see them all over the store next Tuesday morning.
We shall not herald our Removal Announcement with a blare
of trumpets nor yet again attempt to dazzle you with immense
price reductions or fictitious bargains. We never use that much
abused word "VALUE" in our advertisements, for it has been
used so unremittedly to create false price comparisons and impos
sible bargains that the public has long ago ceased to believe in its
Every great business enterprise has basic fundamental prin
ciples. One of our controlling principles is to win public approval
by worthy, first-class, reliable merchandise. Such merchandise
has always a standard wholesale price that forbids extravagant
profits for this reason.
We cannot offer day after day, week after week' and month
after month fashionable and seasonable goods at immense reduc
tions as appears so continuously in store advertising.
This Removal Sale, an event out of the ordinary and occurring
but once in a business decade, makes possible greater sacrifices
than could ordinarily be offered.
Our New Building Is Rapidly Nearing Completion-We Have Received Notice-All
Goods Must Be Sold-We Will Start With Everything New from Basement to Roof
Read the
Double Page
in First Section
Our removal sale begins next Tuesday, April Second. . We close our store Monday in
order to re-tag every article ot our stock witn removal sale ucKets.
We are firmly resolved not to transfer any goods from our present location to the new store.
In order to dispose of our immense stock of Spring and staple goods, we begin the re
moval sale at the very outset of the Spring season when all merchandise has its greatest
worth and is in greatest demand.
Immense reductions in every department in the store. Everything reduced, excepting
a few contract articles. Positively no goods held in reserve.
Read the
Double Page
in First Section
We Feel Fully Justified in Saying
That this removal sale is so remarkable, sacrificing as it does
an enormous stock of new Spring and staple goods that it
should attract to the Lipman, Wolfe & Company store everyone
who has the remotest idea of buying merchandise.
We Direct Especial Attention
to the standard quality of our goods. As we confine our busi
ness to merchandise of merit only, the unparalleled reductions
throughout the store, brings high grade, reliable merchandise to
you at tremendous price concessions.
Our Entire Stock Is Composed of New 1912 Merchandise--All on Sale