The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 31, 1912, Page 20, Image 20

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Portland's Best Corset Service Mme. Irene, La Grecque, Gossard, Nemo, Redfern, Warner Makes Ferris Waists for Women and Girl
iaKe iouir uuncneon iomorrow m uur tteautiiui wnue in-rioor Kesiauram eierraiea nemg meaier vrrcnesira nays ai noonu
THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts.
m lam s
1VIEAR to bewildering is the array of J-
. Millinery for the Easter and
Every distinctive, new season's style
found here in greatest variety. Models
becoming to young and old. Quaint,
charming flower Hats, smart tailored
Hats, picturesque styles with a profu
sion of flowers, laces, ribbon or velvet.
Picturesque models with wide and
rolling brims. Wondrous creations by
famous New York and Paris makers.
American flats priced from $7.50
to $45.
-Paris Models From $20 to $85
$8.50 to $12 Hats
Tomorrow at $7.95
Unusuallv attractive Hats
oven at the regular prices, $3.50 to $12. Me-
dium and large shapes, trimmed in flowers,
fanev feathers, silk and velvet. Tomorrow,
To S4.50 Untrimmed
Hats at $2.75
A splendid selection of the small,
nit'dimn and large Untrimmed
Shapes in chips, Milans and horse
h;ir braids. All new. styles of
white, black and burnt. tt0 7Ei
:i .n .C-i rn .-if J
Worth ..r) t( $4.50,
Millinery for
Misses and Girls
Millinery Flowers at
Quarter Off
Positively nothing restricted!
All the" beautiful new Roses,
Moss Roses, Buds, Hyacinths,
Wistaria, Violets wreaths and
bouquets. Prices -5e 1 A.
to $2, for 3 days only V4 V II
Our Special Line at $5.00
Safe to say that a better line of Hats
at $5 can't be found anj'where. Prettv
styles of rough and smooth braids
Trimmings of rib
bon, velvet and
flowers. Choice at '
Fancy Ostrich Feathers
at Quarter Off
Very much in vogue for both the
tailored and semi-dress Hats. Pom
pon and "stiekup" effects in all
plain and shaded colorings. Regu
lar prices, $1 to $6 inlA,
the Easter Sale at just V4-VII
Hero, in our second floor Millinery Parlors, is a specialized service for the miss and girl. And never
liave the st vies bwn more becoming and attractive than now! Simple tailored models of white Milans,
burnt and peanut straws. Daintiest of Dress Hats in pretty, ehurtning styles. Priced from $2 to $15.
."' -
1 II L. . ? r- -r "i
n r ; rt-i
From over the briny
"--deep a message is
j. .coming to 3 011. It con
cerns ever- person in
Portland and the
Watch this space in
our advertisements
each dav this week"..
Women's $1.75 Pearl
Clasp Gloves at $1.39
NOTHING smarter for Easter wear than
these new two-pearl clasp Gloves and here
is special purchase of 1000 pairs at
a special price tomorrow! S"''-
TTlPV Ar of Iwvt nintiii lartilivL-ill
witli the two liirjre peurl clasps, as J
shown in illustration. Three-row '
rrnlil'ri,(l lacks. C'lioice
of Muck, white. tnn mode,
navy, pray ami chain
pairne. On' of our tlirecf im
port pun-hases we'd had
to sell them for $1.73 in
the rvpular wav. Easter
S a 1 e tomor
row at low
price, the pr.
50c to $1.00 Sample Handkerchiefs for 39c
Sjunples from liish-prade Handkerchiefs from one of
the largest manufacturers in the world! Finest pure
linen, exquisitely hemstitched and hand-embroidered.
Also fancy embroidered corners and colored o "
borders. Worth f0e. to $1 Easter Sale only O "C
F-Ionr. Mala Rallrilnr.
Easter Sale of Cut Glass
ONE of the best stocks of Cut
Glass in the West! And out of
it we've selected some of the choicest pieces
for this Easter Sale.
Rich, beautiful pieces in the newest of de
signs and cuttinjrs.
$2 Vases, 0-inch size, prism cut, with flaring
top. 51.49.
$1.50 Vases, 10-inch si.e, in sunburst and Mar
cnttinirs, $3. 59.
$3.75 Comports, with cut stem, 6-inch size, at
only $2.98.
$6 Bowls. 8-inch size, in star pattern. $3.89
?7 Fern Dishes, footed, with silver-plated lin
ing. Attractive patterns, $3.-19.
$2.75 Nappies, in assorted patterns, both with
and without handles, each, $2.19.
$7.00 Vases, 12 inches high, with wide top,
straight, beautiful star cutting, $5.49.
$1 Cologne Bottles, star cut, 6-ounee size, each,
only $3.19.
$1.50 Salt and Pepper Shakers, sterling tops,
prisni cut, medium size, pair, $1.27.
$6.50 "Flower Centers, 7-inch size, star pat
terns, $5.19.
$4.50 Nappies, 8-inch size, star pattern, each
at $3.59.
$4.50 Candlesticks, Colonial shape, square base,
8 inches high, $3.49.
Unequaled Selection in Easter Suits
NOWHERE. in all this City of Portland, and we miqht well say the Xorthwcst, are
Suits of such style and beaut' shown at $25, $30, $35 and $40. Hundreds and hun
dreds of models to select from. Styles of every type, from the smartest of severely tailored garments
to the most charming of semi-dress models.
CrtPrial F inr at SA fl ?,lits bought to sell at ..$4:
-that's the -special Easter offering
for tomorrow's shoppers.
Both mannish tailored and fancy models. Collars plain and deep satin revered and in smart Tuxedo
cut, of light colored corded silk, of rich whipcords, . serges,, twilled .cheviots and novelty weaves, in
navy, black, gray, tan, stripes and mixtures.
Street and Afternoon
Gowns Never Lovelier
Variety the keynote of the tail
ored and dressy gowns of silk.
Never such bewitching styles, color
combinations and trimmings. Skirts,
plain with peplums, postillion backs
and all-around tunics. Bodies 7
self-materials with combinations of
chiffon, Oriental bauds, quaint fichus
and Cordray collars.
Silk in lustrous, shimmering
weaves. Beautiful for the Easter
time. Priced from $25 to $95.
Fetching andClever Are the
Wool Dresses of White
Ideal for the Eastertime are the
beautiful one-piece Dresses of white
serges, whipcords and ratine. Scores
of stunning styles. One at $25 as
illustrated above.
Elegant in their plain whiteness
smart with combinations of black,
cerise, light and, dark-colored trim
mings. Also black and colored but
tons. Tailored and dressy tvpes.
Priced at $20 to $45.
The New Coats of White
Are Stunning!
The newest of models in Coats of
white is the style of white rough
weave eponge, as illustrated above.
Double textured with the under fac
ing of blue and pink silk weave.
They're unique and only $35.
Scores of other styles in whip
cords, basket weaves, diagonals and
serges. Plain and fancy collars of
colored silks, lace and velvet.
They're beautiful. Priced $20 to $55.
Flm Floor, Main nalldlnc.
Lilies Free
Monday Morning
WE HAVE secured
1000 lare, beautiful
Calla Lilies for distribu
tion tomorrow!
While they last, one will
be given to every custom
er. That means the lot will
probably not hold out un
til noon. . If placed in wa
ter, they should keep nice
Iv until Easter.' . -
White Footwear for Easter
Q URELY there's no Footwear so in
keeping with the Eastertime so
suggestive of the bright sunny ring
and Summer daj's to. come, as Shoes of
white! Stamped as a follower of the
ultra-fashionable modes is the woman
who wears them.
High Shoes in White
Sea Island Duck Boots, at $4.
White "Nnbuck" Shoes, the pair,
only $4.50.
Genuine White Kangaroo Boots
with covered heels and genuine ocean
pearl "buttons. Pair. $6.
Genuine White Buckskin Boots
with silk cravenetted tops and genuine
pearl buttons. Pair, $7.
FIrNt Floor,
A c vr U ti i I d I n 5.
Pumps in White-
New Colonial Pumps
of Sea Island duck.
Turned sole, covered heel:
Pi". $'!. Reg. Strapless Pumps
Calfskin Pumps-of white. Instep strap
style. Pretty tor party we:
Offered at, the pair, only
White Canvas Pumps the Sea Island
fabric. Straight covered heels. Pr., $4.
tiiy $3.50
A Great Easter Sale of Silk Hosiery!
Both Men's and Women's Hose Underpriced
RICH, lustrous Silk Hosiery in black and every shade to match the Easter cos
tume! Qualities that will wear; too lisle tops, reinforced lisle heels and
sofes. For this Easter Sale tomorrow such extraordinary values as:
Women's $1 Black Silk Hose, 75
Not a pair worth under $1 many better
grades also included! Immense mill purchase
from most famous maker in the A
world. Kich. fast black, pure thread J
silk in all sizes. Tomorrow, the pair
Women's Silk Hosiery
Kich, lustrous, heavy pure
thread silk with reinforced
tops, heels and toes. Black
and all new shades for
Easter; 3 pairs QQ
$2.50; pair at only OIC
Women's Silk Boot Hose
Lisle where the wear
:onies, pure silk where they
show ! Full .f a s h i o n e d.
seamless, in black and all
new shades. Pair, AJ g
special price, only V
Men's $1 Silk Socks at 69d
Including the celebrated McCallum brand!
Heavy, pure thread Silk Socks for men, with
double thread lisle spliced heels,
soles and toes. Black, navy, tan, fi
grny, green, maroon, helio, etc. Pr.
Men's 50c Silk Socks
Even at regular price, an
unusually good quality.
Pure silk, with heavy lisle
tops, heels and soles.
Blacks, tans and OQ
all shades. A pair''',
Men's 35c Silk Socks
Big shipment of 4000 pairs
just arrived. Black, tan
and every, wanted Spring
shade. Double spliced heels
and toes. Easter OC
Sale tomorrow, pr. "
$3.40 Set Aluminum $1.84
IT'S the proa test cookinpware known! Cannot rust,' crack or
blister; cannot form poisonous compounds with fruit acids or
foods, and it's practically indestructible. Tomorrow we offer this 4-niece
set of "Weiirever" Aliuninuinware, worth $3.40, special at only $1.S4. See
the demonstration.
55c Saucepan
as 1 1 1 d s t rat el.
Stroiiir. lisht and
e.isy to rlean. ot
1 1 ruined if fnd is
scorched in it.
65c Stewpan 3
qt. size, esactly as
illustrated. Made
of pure aluminum,
thick enough to pre
vent dentinj; easily.
$1.25 Covered
Saucepan, 3 -quart
size, as illustrated.
Xo joints, seams or
solder. It's a uten
sil used every day.
95c P r e s erring
Kettles, full 22-qt.
size. Will not chip
3r crack, even when
placed under cool
HKIKT. Ml Wi n;. MH. OMtKR FII.I.Enj
The Easter Grocery Specials
EACH day finds our Pure Food Grocery brimming with price
reasons why you should trade here. Every brand of food
stuffs standard articles sold the country over at a' fixed price, are here
offered at savings that mean mueh to every economical housewife. We quote
but a few of the specials for this week before taster.
English Bacon, special, pound, only 15
Picnic Hams, pound, special, only 13
Butternut Butter, 2-pound squares, 70
E. C. Corn Flakes, three packages, 23
Gold Dust, special price, package, SO
S. W. Beans, four pounds, at only 25
Special Coffee, sale price, pound. 25d
Maine Corn, dozen cans, only $1.20
Corn Meal, in sacks, special price, 25
Jellycon, four packages for only 2o
Jap Style Rice, five pounds, only 25
Sail Soap, 8 bars, special for only 25
A 6101
See Window Display
1200 Pieces Irish Crochet Neck
wear for Easter 'Way Underprice
IT'S the height of timeliness that this immense surplus of
genuine Irish Crochet Neckwear from one of the largest im
porters in the world, should arrive just a week before Kaster!
A preat purchase that our buyer arranged for on his trip to New York
Over 1200 exquisite pieces, including
ings of a third and more :
J1 oo for $1.75 and $2 Irish Cro
P 1 .OO chet-Stock Collars, in a love
ly assortment of patterns. Some with
tabs attached. All sizes to ehoose from.
f1 QQ for $2.50. and $3 Irish Cro
Oltl'O chet Stocks, in dozens of
handsome patterns. All sizes. . Every
woman should see these. Just a limited
do QQ for. $3.50 and $4 Irish Cro
V''0 chet pieces. Lovely hand
made Coat Revers and Dutch Collars in
assorted patterns Itnd sizes. A limited
rfo qo for $5 to $7 Irish Crochet
pO70 pieces. Elegant hand -made
every style and design, at actual sav-
Coat CoIlarsv Dutch
Cuffs and Irish yoke's.
Collars, separate
Many designs.'
C1 QQ r 7-60 t0 58-50 Pieces.
Choose from beautiful hand
made Dutch Collar and Cuff Sets, Re
vers, Coat Collars and other pieces.
d A 7 for $9 to $10 Irish Crochet.
This lot includes large, stun
ning square Sailor Collars. Dutch Collars,
long revers, Coat Sets, Yokes, in many
t7 QO buys $11 to $13 Neckwear.
P .IO Elegant hand-made Crochet
Dutch and Quaker Collars, with cuffs to
match. Also large Coat Revers. Many
dJQ QO for $13.50 to $16 Neckwear.
p7.70 Hand-made Irish Crochet
Fichu'-Collars, in handsome square and
pointed styles. Many exquisite patterns.
Flrnt Floor, Main DulldlnR.