TTTF? srnV OHTfiOMAX, PORTLAND. MARCII 31. 1912. FIE (Oretronian. Wednesday. Jan. 31.) FIRE LOSS IS 1A INStUWCK COVKRS 1ILV OF BWK AMI STORK DAMAGE. oo Merchants Trust Resumes Business. Blase Laid to Defective Wir ing or to Furnace. THE MW IN DOWXTOWX FIRE TOTALS S100.M. A A M. Delovase. Jewelers.. B0.000 o'Sn.a Bros, uwoera 01 me t.niMirs tw csnd lore..... Jl.-r.-hanls .-avlnaa A Trust I'wrni'-iny flnrtf r-h"tf ........... Ji A '. tailors pmok. and mater. sufe-l bv trnania of upper floors rf butl'ilnir and tenant of a'ljotnlna' property 1."" Total J10O.0OO SO.ono im.oou r..ono 2 r.oo 1. Joo Conservative estimates of the dam are from th fire, tn the Merchants' Trust building, at the ootht cor nr of Sixth and Washington streets. Monday night, "how a total of 1100.000. about one-half of which is covered by Insurance. On of the firms which may suffer more, severe loss than estimated Is A. A M. Dolovage. Jewelers. A LEGITIMAT E B ARGAEN EVENT That hundreds are taking advantage of in buying their Easter, wedding and other gifts. This is an absolute bona-fide sale of a magnificent $128,000.00 stock of high-grade Diamonds, Watches and Sterling Silverware from the best makers only, and which is now being sold at tremendous reductions, j We quote a few of the Fire Sale prices to demonstrate the unusual bargains we are giving Sterling Silverware Sacrificed! t price never before quotod. All from th best makers only Gorham, Wallace, "WTiit in and Durpin. We enumerate a few of th patterns we carry complete rairfax, Chantilly. Saxon. Violet. Mothers', Shirley. Madame JoumeL These prices are for any of these patterns: Table Spoons sacrificed at S23.QO dozen Soup Spoons sacricifed at $ 1 8.00 dozen Dessert Spoons sacrificed at $ 1 6.00 dozen Orange Spoons sacrificed at SI 6.QO dozen Boullion Spoons sacrificed at i5j 1 300 doZdl Coffee Spoons sacrificed at $7.00 dozen Tea Spoons sacrificed at $7e50 dozen Large Size Table Knives sacrificed at S2 l.OO dozen Large Size Table Forks sacrificed at S22.QO dozen DessertSize Table Knives sacrificed at S 1 9 OO dozen Dessert Siae Table Forks sacricifed at g 1 7.QO dozen Oyster Forks sacrificed at $ 1 Q.5Q dozen Salad Forks sacrificed at ...SI 8.00 dozen Butter Spreaders sacrificed at , SI 1.50 dozen Cheese Knives, Ladles, .Servers and all small pieces at corresponding reductions. Ster ling Silver Bowls, Bread Trays, Bread and Batter Plates, Sandwich Plates, Ramekins, Black Coffees, Boullions, Egg Cup, Tea Cup, Cheese Dishes, Coffee Sets, Mesh Bags, Vanity Boxes, Card Cases, Etc, at big reductions. WATCHES At Tremendous Reductions One of the largest and most complete stocks in the city. Howards, Uamiltons, Elgins, Waltham, Hamp dens and Swiss. $200 solid 18-carat Gold Repeater $100 $150 solid 18-carat Gold Repeater $90 $150 solid 18-carat Gold Repeater, split second SOS 23-1ewel Riverside Maximus sacrificed at $50 23-jewel Van guard, sacrificed at $30 21-jewel Hamilton, sacrificed at $20 17 jewel Elgin sacrificed at $6.85 17-jewel Waltham sacrificed at $6.85 Diamond-mounted cases in all sizes. Also a full line of the smallest and thinnest watches made in America, all of which are fully guaranteed, placed on sale. SALE STARTS TOMORROW MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK saBBBBBBBBssjeataWBBBBBBsaaTjapasBa Extra Specials! 5-piece Fairfax silver handle Tea Sets, sac rificed at $128.75 5- piece Gorham silver handle Tea Sets, sac rificed at $114.50 6- pc ebony handle Tea Sets, sacrificed at $110.75 One-Half Price Entire Stock of Loving Cups One-Half Price DIAMO GREATLY REDUCED Never again will such an opportunity present itself. During our IS years in this city we have always purchased our diamonds for spot cash, taking advantage of every possible discount and selling our diamonds for cash only means that our prices have always been one-third less than any other store in this city. At this opportune time we offer to the public the choice of any diamond in our store at discount of 25 PER CENT $25 DIAMONDS $50 DIAMONDS $75 DIAMONDS $100 DIAMONDS $200 DIAMONDS $300 DIAMONDS $18.75 $37.50 $56.25 $75.00 $150.00 $225.00 We have Solitaire Diamonds as high as $2500.00; also clusters, Banquet, After-Dinner Rings, Princess and Marquise Rings, Brooches, Lavallieres, Pendants and Diamond Scarf Pins. All to be sacrificed. 14-carat solid Gold Jewelry from the finest makers. Cigarette Cases, Match Boxes, Pocket Knive3, Scarf Pins, Emblem Jewelry, Umbrellas, Links, Lockets, Brooches, Lavallieres, Coral Brooches and Rings, all to be sold at special sale prices. Everything marked in plain figures. Orders from out of town given prompt and our most careful attention. Our guarantee with all merchandise. At the c nclusion of this sale we will reopen with an entire new stock and fixtures in same location 324 WASHINGTON ST. BET. SIXTH AND SEVENTH A.-M.DELOVAGE 18 Years in Portland DIRECT ROUTE IS AIM JOI5TI-ND .VXD GALVESTOX TO BE COXXECTKl). Hill Sjtem I Completing Links hk h M ill Make Traffic ria Penver Possible. Portland and Galveston. Tex., soon will be connected by a continuous rail line nnjrr direct control of the Hill ytrm that may. In a measure, offset the effect of the Panama Canal on the movement of transcontinental traffic To provide this Important connection it Is net-essary to build but I miles of railroad In Colorado, and for this pur pose the directors of th Hurlincton. a lllll road, recently appropriated S1.00. t'i. Work already has been started an.) will be finished within the present War. Meanwhile tie. and rails are be inc l'd on the miles additional trackage in Wyomlnf. grading for which was completed lust year. Theee are I he only links necessary to give the iiurtlnaton a straight and direct line from Hillina-s. Mont- to Denver, where It connects with the Colorado South em's main road to the Oulf of Mexico. The Colorado Southern also is a Hill being owned entirely by the Bur lin eton lly using the North Bank to Spokane. :reat Northern or Northern Pacific to lillllnss. the Burlington and Colorado Southern It Ienver and the Colorado A Southern to Galveston. Hill will have a short and direct route between Port land and the Oulf. The value of such line Is great because of the traffic moving between th two ports, but In I le readjustment of traffic conditions following the completion of the Panama It Is evident that much traffic will concentrate alone this route (or trans- liiunient. Galveston will be a conven er t port on the south from which to send ships through the canal, while Portland will occupy a similar position on the north. With the Hill Interests nwnlnir this through and direct Una hiwfn the two pirts it Is probable that they evpect to be. In a position to compete with the water route for han dling the business. The effect of the connections now be- In built also will make themselves I felt tn the pasaenirer traffic for they will provide tlve Hill roads with a closer and more direct route between 1'ortund and Ienver and a'.l point, south of Iienver. Now It la necessary . travel from Mil I In its through a cor ner of South Dakota and across all of Western Nebraska In order to reach Ifuvsr. Tin new route will save about 300 miles and will avoid much adverse trade and curvature. Th old route between Bllllnns and Alliance, Neb., will be eliminated In future travel between Portland and Denver. Thai road between BIllinKs and ThermopollH, V y o., will be used Instead. Construction work between Thermopolla and Powder River. Vyo soon will be completed. It is probable that between Powder Illver and Orln Junction the Chicago A Northwestern used, as the Hill Interests now seem to have a working; agreement with that line. From Orln Junction to Ienvr the Colorado A Southern oper ates over almost a straight piece of track. A connection now Is being built between Greeley. Colo- and Hudson on the Burlington main line, which will allow the use of Burlington tracks en tirely between Oreeley and Ienver. In addition to providing a through rout between the port on the Oulf and the port on the Willamette these con nections also will enable the Hill lines to compete for Northwest business In Colorado and Wyoming, as well as In Texas. They will be In a position also of bidding for lumber and other ma terial moving from this territory to the south. . If the proposed Connection between St I tea. Idaho, and a convenient point on the Chicago A Northwestern is built. It will materially reduce the haul, as it will eliminate the circuitous routing through Spokane. - MAN SUES BRIDE'S FATHER Writ of Habeas Corpo Aked by nrldegroom of Two Days. To secure possession of his bride of two days, aged 17. Carl Foster, aged IS. who was clandestinely married to Marie Stark at Vancouver. Wash Wednesday, yesterday applied to Pre siding Judre Kavanaugh for a writ of habeas corpus. The writ I. directed against the girl's father. Captain Stark, of the Volunteers of America, who lives at Grand avenue North, The opposing parties will appear in court Monday. The young man's action la said to have been precipitated by a telephone message arauggled to him by his wife in which be was told that he had better "get busy and take her away from her parents if he wished to retain her love and respect. Toung Poster Imme diately consulted Attorney. Jeffrey and Parkison and the habeas corpus action followed. The couple had taken up their home at 410 East Everett street. When policemen went there to arrest them they found the marriage certificate al ready framed and In the window. The arrest followed complaints from the girl's parents. Mrs. Foster was taken home after an understanding that the marriage should not be annulled. least for the present, and the husban was released. POULTRY MR TO TOUR SOUTHERN' PACIFIC TO SEND OXE ABOl'T STATE. Demonstrations Mill Be Made for rnrpose of Increasing Interest In Chicken Culture. Poultry raising In Western Oregon will receive substantial encourage ment by the movement fit a poultry demonstration car over the lines of the (Southern Pacific In the Willamette. L'mpqua and Kogue Klver valleys, be ginning Saturday. April 6. The tour has been planned by Har vey Lounsbury, general freight agent of the Southern Pacific, who believes that the western part of the state can be made the greatest poultry and egg producing section in the world. ' The soli and climate are particularly adapted to it but the Industry has not ben given sufficient 'attention in the oast to develop lis posslbll ties. The idea of equipping a car with practical poultry houses and placing thereon a colony of poultry appealed to Mr. Lounsbury as an effective means of showing the people of the Southern Pacific territory what can be done to stimulate the Industry. Accordingly he secured the co-operation of the In structors of the Oregon Agricultural College, who are now engaged In pre paring the exhibit It will be equipped with all modern appliances used In the business of poultry raising. It will ! carry exhibits consisting of the prin clpal breeds of poultry and will be In charge of Professor C. C. Lamb, prin cipal demonstrator, and Ft, B. Thomp son, assistant. L. R. Alderman, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, has arranged for school children to visit the car at each stopping place. It Is believed that much good work can be done by arousing Interest among- the children. The car will leave Corvallis early on the morning of Saturday, April 6. ar riving at Albany at 7:10 A. M- where It will remain all day. The Itinerary will cover a month. Stops will be made at the following places: Medford. Central Point- Ashland. Mer lin. Gold Hill. Glendale. Riddle, Myrtle Creek, Roseburg. Wilbur. Sutherltn, Oakland, Yoncalla. Cottage Grove, Drain. Creswell, Eugene. Springfield, Coburg. Eugene, Junction' City, Harris- burg. Halsey, Albany, Lebanon, Jeffer son, Turner, Brownsville, West Solo, Salem, Woodburn, Gerrats, Woodburn, Sllverton. Mt, Angel. Aurora, Canby, Oregon City. Sherwood. New berg. St. Joseph, Carlton, McMlnnvllle. Gaston, Beaverton. Ilillnboro, Forest Grove, Mc Coy, Lafayette, Sheridan, Dallas and Independence. BRIDGE PROJECT INDORSED Portland Realty Board Sees Xeed of BUtate Structure. The interstate bridge project, which would hot only bring Portland and Van couver closer together but also would form the connecting link in the Pacific Highway, received strong Indorsement of the Portland Realty Board Friday. Representatives of the bridge com nd I FOR WOMEN ONLY. That is the nature of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the one remedy for women which contains mo aloobol aad bo habit-forming' drugs. Made from native medicinal forest roots. Dr. Piaro. tells its every iofredieat oa the bottla-wrap-per. Prominent physicians and some of tha best medical authorities cadors) these) iofredients as beia tha Vary best knows reasediet for ailments aad weaknesses peculiar to women. This Is what Mas. Gxirarn E. Corpxr, of Long-street, Ky., says : "I feel It my duty to write and tell you what your medicines have done for me. I was a great sufferer for sis years from a trouble peculiar to women, but I am thankful to say, after taking four bottles of your ' Favorite .-ascription' I am not bothered with that dreadful disease any more. I feel like a new woman. When I first wrote you for advice I only weighed 115 pounds now I weigh 135. I thank you very much for your kindness. You hare been as a father to me In advising me what to do, so may God bless you In every effort yon put forth for good. "I hope this testimonial will be the means of some poor suffering woman seeking health." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date editioa, aaswers hosts oi delicate questions about which every woman, stagUs or saarried eatbt te knew.. Mas. CorrsT. mlttee of the two cities explained the advantages of the project, declaring that the benefits would extend indirect ly to the entire territory traversed by the Pacific Highway. As a result of the discussion, a concerted effort will be made to get financial aid from the Government. Members in Congress from Oregon, Washington and Cali fornia will be urged to secure an ap propriation sufficient to cover at least half the cost of the bridge. It was an nounced that the cost of the project would not exceed f 1.000.000. Modern Woodmen Dose Case. ASTORIA, Or- March 30 (Special.) The Circuit Court Jury In the case of Bertha Lowery sealnst the Modern Woodmen of America returned a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of $L0G0, being the sum asked for, with interest. The action was brought to recover on a life Insurance certificate held by Ole O. Vlge, who went to Alaska and has not been heard from since July 7, 1903, when he was in Dawson. The plain tiff's case rested principally on the statute which provides that the unex plained absence of a person for a period of seven years raises the pre sumption of his death, so the presump tion was that Ole VlKe died seven years after he was last heard from, or in July, 1910. The defense contended that since Vige joined the defendant society, that organization has amended its by laws to provide that no lapse of time or absence of any member, without ac tual proof of death, should entitle his. beneficiary to recover on the certificate. The defense failed to prove this con tention to the satisfaction of the court and It Is possible that fact had soma bearing on the result. Naramore Succeeds Stevens. F. A. Naramore, a structural en gineer, has been appointed secretary of the Oregon Society of Engineering-, to succeed J. C. Stevens, who has ac cepted a commission in Spain. The appointment of Mr. Naramore was made at a meeting of the executive board of the society last week. Wood prices cut 50c to $1.00 by the K1Iefsen Fuel Co. ALBINA FU CO. Solved the high cost of living, as far as the Fuel question is con cerned. For the next thirty days we are making 50 cents a load or cord reduction on all orders for im mediate delivery of green mill-run slab wood. Order early and avoid the rush. We lead; others try to follow. Yards East Side: 47 Albina Ave., 33d and Broadway, Woodlawn West Side: Twenty-First and Reed, Nineteenth and Front ALBINA East 182-C 1117 BROADWAY Eaat 182-C 2409 PHONES WOODLAWN-Woodlawn 1333 WEST SIDE-Main 539-A 5519