jo iiiii .-i . .a x -- " - . 1 ttKW7TF BEAT, K8TATE. J RKAL ESTATE KEAI, ESTATE. r.Tirr I RKAL ITUR ! ItFAl, ESTATE. BEAT, KSTAT For Sale-Acre.,.. I For Sale-Acrrag. ..- -T-..- ...TWe-llo..... Fr House.. -J-- ' M'NPAT MORNINO brECIAL IT TOC WANT A K"VE AND HAVE $ loo see I'd. ino 1m .wn. axe. near K li llngaa orf h. l-rMW modern end up-to-dal 1 jngalow, ce-m-ntel ll'lr nr.. Ir lot. $IOO ivn. btiimt -' per tnonlli- $ii down, om.t $2.oo. 4 room collage ..n t.. I-aurel- xxeo Station. IwiI'O feel. HU J" fra.'! trxxce, V F.- CAT1I ST.. NKAR AI.PKR. 5-room liuncil'ia. modern throtigbno". t'h furnace, flrepla.e. cemented baae Itnt. laundry, f rul I room. combination I hir 1..I rortil with. roe .iltfwn, ba.ance per mualh. ONLY $l--x. l DOWN. Nh-e -roori house, lol iO-InO feel, wittily wa'klog rlllinr or Heed Inaittule; Irlr $lleto. '.-. Ihli 1 a bram at tn pru'e. $'. M1BV TAKK" THIS HUxlTIKUL IIDME. ranmi. bath, full cement basement. Tutrh kitchen, beam crll'ng In dinlng reem bunt-In b..oa' aa- and buffet, g i.cJo--d e'c-ping porch, reception hall. jrtf loo feet: thi boose la located m 4.el al. in beautiful Beaumont. llerr.ceeekere will do "ell by seeing na before buiinl. aa we ha many baigalna In h o c- on exsx terms. IfillTI.AMi pi SINKsj FNl'ltA.Nr.K. T0-1-l Ilolhchil.l blil. Jlri)nll 3':i iifnc opea from A. M. lo 1 1. M. flood iy. - "THIS ftn r'MTi-r r''e. e-ver'ooklng r.eed Inarliu.-. In lh hrart of the e.l. i-r.-om .uul; hardwood floor, fii' I baxemcnt. clilua cabinet. I'ulcrl kitchen. lot i:"". ran b" had for H rtoxxn. balance of -,.ttWl ran he paid al it per cent Inle-eat. li fruit tr. t-errir . garden, flowers, ete. A hnm place a here children hav amp' rvn lo plav an-1 where ih pleas ures of country Ufa l the city can be resitted. 1 from """'l.itifk ra-llne. ri'til K. KF. VSEY -MCAST. setosd Floor Cnainler of l ommrrce. MAKE VOIR CX TERM!. Of 'v", S-lory mixlern reel- lnre allh .-HixliH t lot. Il..ue liaa full he-i-nl furua.e and all convenien.-ea. Ilrpn i hall. Ilvlne-room wilh hmll-ln k-'aaea and flr.pla.e. dlnlmt-rm. paa eantr-v. kll.hrn and I.. hall. There in !.-..n.. bllea ery l;ire l.cp- Ire an.l .llir.inm. Mluated OB U-Mit t h-I. East .nrt and S"in tl ln l.e lnpe--te.l mt anv tin... "ll ' B.L1 leidler t.. on thi' premiaea. f r fcev. .., p....,- Maui f.l a or - for ...f.rnvlon. TaNe Hroadway ear. VR PI'TFR MAKE TOI P. TERMS. -roin bu.i-al.. . Koae City Fark. prlca .:7.'-'. V.-eplre. f-imace. h.lfrrl. ce-nent b.W arert rii.urr. an.l .l.a.le.: 5il'"1 lot. U.n." beautiful flowera fct 4lh at 1 block to Handy wl: bel .w market. m movlns lars-r houe. . Mr l.l lhrr Ira bl.l. Fhona today Ta bor sjji lUi-HKST SltiK fufTAI.r. i-ro. -n hou.r. l.alf a Moik from Ful ton c.rllne. : mhiuf-e- ride rom a-.n: I. pla:-re. and tinted, baa halt an.l el-otr:.r liatita and large baae n.eT.t: eierythl. In flrst-cla.a cono.tlon. ,MI l"t t.l'. with fine lew and r e- t, of ro.-a ani fruit. A anap al tU"0. "kAlFFMAW MOORE. 3"1 l.tiin'wr Kchane. iU IN.-.T.1.N HOMK Vew r.m home, on 7..l feet, fac Inc o Ihe tennia c'ub itroiin.1". "I 'ha e,.lrr of the n. H.1 ciulv readeni-e rtia trl.t in tlie ci'v: beautiful woodwork, wa '. papered, oak flo-ra. aunroo.n ..eep. In por. h and l.l!llnr.l-room; ready for oc cupan.'i ; prn-e $. i.a H. 1 . I' ll MKIt-JONES CO.. 4t4 WilooT Bld(. Thence Mln Mtnv. A I'VT I Mf.T SKI.I. 1 I.I- LET TOf mik- th- term", mv bungalow, laree r-e-ptton I..::, bif llv: r; ""ln::;,0rni f f.rc-. a.e. furnace, electric flxturea. .h.d- ..tuite.l in the heat earl of K-.a l-v --' I'M than a Mock from the cr. IT i e ..: .. terma f-'" cah. II A " l. HHFt i;e. will take lca. T . .r-a-'.1 n. . . . r.t- i.-pn-li-l! One if the mvat attract! Iiomea In fM duirlcl on .h!ly corner lot oil 3 1 at a and den. full cement he.-n.-nt a'id attic, larse aleepln- p-rch. I,ar.t..-U f;.ra fireplace and furnace; m,..t be am to be appreciale.1: for a few e .n rffcr tlua b.autiful home at a'we t ;ih. ruii. KATFFMAXN MOORE. Z : l.-tmoer Kxchll.iee. I'H'IIMONU fXAl. A lonely :-r''m mod-rn home on harfl- .rfa.e .tree:; thi. property l beaullfully r.ri.i.ed end la an ld-al pla. e for the man lilt a fimlii: cl.vae to achool and car line: a baiain at i0 and xery eay V'Tl Err.RV.I.I- CO. ZS McKay BIdg. Tnird an.l SUrk - IRVINl-.TON. 7-room houec. 1 block from nroarlwT ra-!ine. All mo4.rn conTeniencea Ene . telly afractue arnnaemenl and womI- -rk. A f.NAI at on ery raaaun a9i term. It F. PALMER-JONES CO. 4l WlicoT lUdx.. Phon-a. Usin bi:n. A -je.M. IC. .room modern home. 1 b.ek from, llro.dw.y. near E. :.ih .t.. ,.""r'" h.r.iwood f'.oora. fecea aouth: prlca aow. ''"'ll P. PALMER-JONES CO. 4 Hue. Phonea: Mln et. A :- W A L.N FT FAKK SNAP. --or m.dern h..u.e. rooma and rlcn J fire ala. - a I loi:r. Iare bath ru.m. laic clone cljeet. wardrobea an I bi rf- I il. ceirmt baemeot. furnace and " tr-.. bcautttul lawn and ardrr.: ot intlon: term. owner HJe F.odney ae-iu near hl':Unworth. U ,vEnw"i:iaa-Tiflc beautiful, new. mod ern i rocm houit In Roe city Park. I'an- l-.l .;li:lnr-ro .m. kuilt-m buffet. Dutch Mi. tiea. baecment: haa lea In asenf lunJ. at 4: f"r quick a.e a III It lor 3T..'J; l-nnl ;. ca:l. bai-w..-e like tenl. I'hone t 'wner. Lajt 4. ' riNB.NF.Vll01.LAlAr" ifOMF. Modern, nine rooma. oak and enamel. it an.l lew. not hui'.t under contrail., all material and work Ih eery heat: muat Ke aeen to be appreciated. iff Ice phonea. I ..1 Md: re-ldenc. after e F. Al.. taat I . J E. lolen. MAKE V.. IK OWN FF.ICK. riixer frort home, muat ba aoid Im mr.tiaiely. If vou naTe i aeh. or not leea tua.i hud" xh. your price takea It: a-r. n loom liouae. cleared, fenced, ate. Ai !l. tirrfnnun. tVRi"VOM morl-n-n hunaalow. -oxl.lil lot. eat frent wal tinted, rt nlna-room paneled: m wk from car, Vi eat more, and : HJw; I - "i "i . rhonea tietlw-vod 141 or Tabor 2 toft. ...O.i.N.-l HOTER. A SNAP. t-raom coltaae In tiunnjwlde. one b.eck from carllne; ail Improxemenra In: full cem-nt baameut. r. bath: $.'ut; terma. .i.-eea oaner. S Orcgonlan. "VON.rtrsiIENT SIT!T ACRIFTfE ft-ruom houae. well built, on lol ill lion, on improv-d afreet; prlca leaa than the . ..t or ma houec. Ale; particulars 31 ICjii'aar KtrhaflEr. lie l eKa"T lt for'.l'e: nice nea 4 r..m iunaloe. Imtih kitchen, rooma timed: " t-ar T-.ruoni l-:a.; lot I'TI'W. fnill treea d toaea. a'l f.nrel: el.e caih. bal. t-r-e lur.f. - 'y oth at K haxe a liand four-rcemi mmlem h ii. i-at?i ard everything compici". SOxl.l: ci.e' bloca from car: h. will handle: -,htc1 ay teenis on balance of SIA.'I. -VI so -i a-..t h-l 111 N.iAlA.tA. o rooin: i-ul.t for oaner: 'uiace and all c. nx enien.ree : mod-ru In . .- tloo iln-n a iiuifith. T-T-ohor.e Kee T:wr l".l' I I to -e.: M-nL-rn - .tore H-roorn home. --rrlMr a:ret imprm .n-ri pa: only Swt. R agenta. aOd E. h r;. North. J7:;. THln la - l'aa than coat for mom modern home, on larga lot ; rood n-i1bor"i."l: eaay trm. Addreaa Ke- ex. TarH.r 743 " , tx i.N.-.TON HOME SACRIFICV- Fi-aatilol rew. nt.Hlem home, will tak e-T.a-l c.i.i paxtnenl. lot or acraaca. riir.- li'i S'-'i I Kl-.lli 'EES dollara a monlht email pa.m-ni down, hacde to oo carllne; n-w houae. ino-1-rn Keelce. Tabor 74-t xCASilbuja pew 5 room modern house, v, b'mki ML s.-e't car; prlc 1:t.. 7f.;l r.Y a lli"P. IW TIIIT.U ST. Ty oer. a .-.l Three-rocm on rne lot. :uximi. rarlrn: $!.. ... mm W.II-r.-.l - M.llw.xot IK A tl are looking I r h..nie In Ihe cttx d..n'l fa'l ln acc tie before iu b-iy. We an ? xi. ; '! bw- tland b'di. it v rfTrv-r. nea m'0""i 5-roonl h'u". $.'"'; J:brl terma. 454 K. Wb. Tabor eel. f.CxiU ll'.MES AT RE.xe' . A I.I.K TRICES. tM I.AHUK AlLITIO. Very enm plete 7 -room houec; only tl.KW caaM needed. ...-.-M rxiox AA'E. ;.vd (t room boit.. and ioslJO. in a coming bueineaa district r.7.-ei Rli-HMONU :.H and at-tra.-ttve t;-ro-.m l-.ou.e; lota of roaea. J.-. ELMHFXriT. ar.dlmod ern h-rooin Imuee. x . anli will handle. t.'jiHi t-RK.-loN. axlH and o-room bur-aalow. ..ul caah. balance monthly. Theee are all eoo.1 values and full par ticulate will be Kiven on request. TKUM1 ar CO. (IM'.I. ui.i -nnx-ord 1111 a.. AulliorUcd acenta for Idd a Addition. FultTLAM) HEIGHTS encella for beautiful xl.w homraltea; lli.iee on Ihe rldae In l.reenwet surpass all others: my I',".'rT old extra wll built and finely finlaoed nif.lein home occuplea the cliolccat of iheae; havluc recently purchased a c trus orchard al ban Ileao, Cel.. to xxnich I muat renioxe at oiue. will sacrifice thla ;e too home for l.'i.tfl: the ground alone, cot. I. tint of three lota. Is worth th money to a rnnnoiseur: th house rin mil be duplicated for less than lAnoa. l-hone owii-r for description or appoint ment K. F. Ferris. Tabor --L A li V K t'l..SE IN A l.aiolaome modern residence In ldd'a Addition, only 1 L'ocks from the Hawthorne l.rl.lrc; new and m.Mlcin. ar.d xery auractlxely ar rxnrol reception hall. Iivlna-room. dm-Ire-rim. ilen, kltch-n and pass pantrlea on fimt floor, 3 bed-rooms and larae slcep-Ins-porch on second floor: attic lar; enough- for two rooms; liatdwood fl.iors ami foresee; gooil baaenicnt and the price t7;,ii; eary terma. I.ueddemann Ar Jrturke. uil F'-ctric bldg. Phonea alarshall or A 3'11'j. CoIXn FAST- MI KT 0KI.I-. rerar.ll- of cost, n-w bunicnlow. bea.ltlfullv furnished: must be seen lo be appreciated: g-ieal worth of rl'cunl fur niture for ll.Ni. and equity of $7-JU In near home, entirely modern, on East 4lh St.. 1 block to Sandv road; Wxlno lot. Terms, fee Mr. CallaKher. bjl Ti eon bldg. today. Tabor UtAl llH I- I.AFRELHlT.iiT HME; new. modern throughout. In best district, one Mock from car: hiindome livlntt-room and ilinln; room. Hulch kitchen: hrlaht. sunny breakfast room; 4 lar sleepinK-rooms. two connected by .Iressine-rnoin with run nine xxater and full-atied mirrors. THIS house l finished In white enamel thrn.iiih ocl. wl'h l.cfxuilful etfeci; a strictly mod-e-u home of ut'usitul and striking denlitrt. and a barcaln al $;": ere I'rms. I.ueddemann Utirke, !"-Jl EleclrlC bl'lg. Thoiies Mar. hail or A'.V 4-ROOM odern bunnalow with large lota located at Woodmere Station on the Mt. Scott lire. The WW car will run within one block shortlr. House Is nearly new; lut a.- aa street from nrest school in Portland: line place to raise chickens; new chlrken hotine and plenty wlra fenc ing Takee lea Liar 5" minutes on cnr. A loreed salr. MIST TAKE HEST Or FEU THIS WEEK. Can make easy terms. Call or phone owner latter Sunday) Marshall sail. 317 Hallway Exchaniie. SVCKIFICE SALE I X VEST lO ATE. Will sell my pretty home In iTeswell. must raise money: I'.'lnn takea It If sold this month: 7 -room house, cement foun dation, woodshed, sleeping porch, lnrira pore lies. bath. cllx- walor. electricity, barn, henhouse. I.ulldlnaa new; larga lots, a dande chicken ranch: grand ahade; best realdrnce district. near acbool. churches, storea. Tlila property la worth Iinmi. Time glxen. Address Clara Shrcex-e. Crcswcil. Or. r0 VOL- WANT A GARDEN ? With ber-rte. of all kinds, bearing fruit trees, beautiful flowers and lawn. I'Klxl.-J. corner; thoroughly modern house. 1 block from W.-W car; blocks from Heed In stitute, now building. High and s'ghtle. For $.1oai: worth todax- 4'eM. Terms. -M I- llnllsgher. k2l Aeon bldg. I'hon today. Tabor ---li. Ht.MK BAKAJA1N. lieauliful r.ew limn of H rooms, recep tion hall, sleeping balcony and finished attic: two flre;lacca and furnace, hard woo I floors throughout; sitting-room and ball finished In oak. balance of loner floor In fir and upper floor In old Ivorx . fully equipped wlm larae closets and 'ery ni.Hicrn eonventenc-e: garase. on block of car. For further particu.are see OS' 'AH W. BRYAN. Main 1 WVi. ooi A'ham. of Com. A M'li. ITS TOI'R AMSTAKE If you pass this b. Ifa a 5-room bungalow, fine e.ectrlc fls turea. shades, big fireplace, furnace east facing. In Hose Ity Park, only block from car on E. 4th St. 1.1STKS. TEHAId . cash, balance f ault. Price ::7.l. SCOTT nEESLKV. 211-13 At.ln.-lon bulg. Alain Sll A I! KHAIN I.N SV III' K BAN HOME. Six full lots. &0IOO each, nice 4-room bunaalow. wilh elra large llxlng-room: in.Klcrn conx-i-nlenccs: minute walk fr m Kx-ergreen Station, on Oregon Ciiy line. Price. J7."e). HW to I5O0 caah. bal ance e.xsy. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, lo; Fourth at. Main S.V A T-'M). .a CASH PAVMr-NT will hue a beaulittil new and modern home In Irvlngton dis trict, only tao blocka from Ilroaday car: 1 rooms, with mane atira. tlye bulll-ln fea turea: hanlwood floors, fireplace, full ce ment basement; a home of beautiful de sign, and construction ahsolulely flrxt class. Prlc $."..'ea. I.ueddemann A rltirke. I'-l Electric tide- plwiie Marshall or A iCii- . IltVIXCTON. -room tnodern house on corner K. .4tn and Uraxe sis.: white enamel woodwork, ex-ere conenlcni-e: garage, lot oJ4xl' ft. Price. Including atreet Improvements, J1--K) ; teriT.f. II. r. PALMER-JONES CO., 4e AYUc.os Hlilg. Phnn-s Mun etliW. A 28o3. IRVINOTOX. 7-ROOM MOI'EKN HOCSE. VERT 1 ICHT AND CHEERFI-L: 4 CHAMBER.-. ONE WITH WINIM.WS OFK.NI.N.S OIT MAKES DEI.Ii:HTFLL SLEEPING PORCH: FIRfc.FLACK. FIRNACE A NO WASH TRAYS LAK-iE FKON T PORCH; A B AR-IAIN FOR I : ". ZIMMERMAN. UIO BOAKl OF TRAUE BLL'O. y olR L.irREl.HUHST LOT Will tsk as first payment on beautiful new home In high-class residence se;,tloa of city: hard streets, sewers, etc.. ad In and paid-, price IT1U; baianc over value of lot to suit. A. H. Bill REEL CO.. JO? McKay Blilg. Third and Stark Sis. 'I iVo-THlKUS acre and ne.c 3-room house West sole. 2o minutes from PostofT u-e ; running water piped to tract good walks lo station; beautiful elew of Tualatin al ley; l--; 1 down. per month. PHOV1DKNT TKl'ST COMPANY. jvi Board of Trade Bid. Marshall 473. A IP--'- A WAP.CeAlN. MP- WoKKINOMAN. I can ae.i lot 7 -room house at 41 Sacramento St.. within 1 minutes- walk of Broadway bridge, equipped with gas. bath, basement, nice roses, lawn. etc.. for i.-.O. til atreet and s-wer assessment pei.i. Oaner. 4."!5 East 7th st. Norlb. FoirSAI-E In th rapidly growing Piedmont district, a beautiful house. Just, built, with cement floor and walks; furnara heat I.utch kitchen, beamed and paneled dining-room, frescoed walls and ceilings and every modern convenience; .2..o caah. baianc sam as rent. Price, .liAI. In quire Calumet Hotel. Main i.lOu. 4H.Mi.xI bTTniIAI-OW In Irvlngton. full bas-iment. bath. lc. : In fine location. Must be sold at once. t00; tlDO caah. terms cn-iaianoa. Too will buy II you want a ,1mTROAVrRIDOB A STEPHENS, 3M AAllcol bldg. FIF.uMONT. New -room bouse, gas and eleetrlcltx-, fireplace furnace. ISO ft. from carllne; reduced frura Ot to WOO for quick '' R N. TFFFOTID. Marshall 4M7. A 4.A4i. 4T Spalding bldg. $. REBATE tr sold todax. 7 - room hens. 1 block north of Arleta, 4417 E. Sth $.X ilosn. Six month Owner. Tahor 4-7. a-HilOM moilern residence. East o4th St.. r.ear Haa thorn: full cment basement, eleetrln and gas fixtures, new garage, lot ooxiiiaA prlc -"7ii0; must bav imi cash, smith Shefier. Sl"J tTiaxnbx of Com merce. Phone Marh 82. IRA-INGTON. Beautiful 4-room bungalow, with ail mode-n roBTenLnrw: buit for a home; lot oOxlov. eastern exposure: owner leav ing rtt : teriTia rtfy to rraponalbl buyer. l U. Oregonlan. "ARB "TO!" LOOK INI FOR A SNaV? us show you some of our new mode-n bungalows, ranging la prlc from 917iy to g7.'ei: all in good location and well built. Call Tabor .oj:. . NEAR Hawthorn areno. good four-room fully furnished hetise and lol: worth $:.H; If taken soon -'IM. 1111 Mohawk bldg. phone Tabor bib Sunday, Main PulJ Mon-laj . i:. DOWN. Next 4-rocni new bungalow, plastered, electric f-itur-x .'.cixliMi. saelj chicken houe. $lAO. itjd Worcester bidg. t-P'MiM cotiafte. full lot. f.'; 40 down- month. ISH A'ancouxsr axenu. 1.1 ACIIKS NEAR PARK UOSK ACRES t; MILS TO PARK ROSE CAH1.INTC. I on in acres right near Purk " arm. where they are soiling for el-"" to SISi.n per acre. But. owing to a large frul. rnnch tbnt has Juat b.-n left to m m California. 1 am forced to let tn Cither the California or Oregon property, ana I have concluded lo sacrifice ihe acre age on Park Rose carllne at once ao I ran dexelop the crop and property In Cali fornia. , There Is a .'.-room house, practically new. facing on the main county road, aiso a partially completed barn, while on tn rear of this facing on a lj-foot road connecting with Ih main r',um' road. Is a two-ioom house, barn, chlcken houae and run. . . These acres, nalng to the lj-foot road on which they all face, makes It conven ient for subdividing- Into acre tracts. This acreage Is level anil Is connecter! to two fipo automobile roads, the Bar l.lne and sandv Houlevard. w her express Iee.J can be made. , other acreage on Sandv road ran t n bought at any price. Another thing, with in one mile of thla place Is thhe finest kind of fishing, and wild ducka and geess can be barred any morning In season: china pheasant eat with the chickens In the hernxar.l. and Ihe qualla whistle lo their males In the twillcht hour, xvhl.e rahhlia are plentiful, making It n Ideal home. . . . .. j. I am willing to take desirable building lota ntld l.irn them ovrr lo a contractor friend of mine, or I will take a desirable cltv horn wltr.nut a mortgage on it. and I might consider a house with a mortgage on It tf not too Inrge. so If this appeals to yon. don'l be afraid and auhmlt your proposition, as t mean business and am going to leave Portland Just as soon aa possibly can. I will be home Sunday. phone Tabor :;1.".1. BARGAINS IX IIOCSES. goftoo New, modern o-rupm cottage. E. isth and Brooklyn; Hhi cash. bal. monthly. $3750 0-roora cottage. 00x100 lot. on Bel mont, near lilst. . snap. 4OO0 Large. B-rootn. 2-story house, cor ner lot, B. S.'.lh and K. Morrison. $0000 7-rooni new house. -tor-. fur nace, fireplace, cement basement, on l- 17lh. near Morrison. 10000 .Modern new 7-room house. lur nacc. flreplsce. Id-foot lot. East tllsl. near Belmont. gflotvo rt-room new boils'., modern In every particular: furnace, fireplace., plas tered atlle. In I.add's Addition: can tnke some trade on this. a7ooo New s-room. -J-slory house, mod ern, hot heutlng plant, cor ner Hawthorne and E. J4th. F W. TOIUJ1.ER. 106 Sherlock Bldg. DOAV.V. BALANCE MONTH LT. My rt 7. s. n. ln-room strictly modern houses. 'in' I.IchI locations, workmunship perfect symmetry mid ense In architecture with broad, sweeping eixes and perfect lines; Inside finish is rul.U-'l down with pummlce stone and oil and line the latest domicile, with all conveniences, electric cookers, etc. See picture of houses In real estate news. Take Bmn.tway cur to Bryoe ave.. walk .". block eust on Shaver to Olenn ave.. or lake Hose City Park car to Sth st., wnlk one block north to lislh and Broudwav. Open all Sunday for In spection; also - houses for sale In Irvlng ton. S. l'eleraon. architect, owner. ICl Board of Trade. Phones Main 2:!:t: res. evenings. AVoodlawn ::27.;. SOME OODD RELIABLE BUYS. S lots. POxll". 4-room house, 20 bearing fruit tree. aioOO; near carllne. .".-room modern eottnse, lot 30x100. a bargain for (HMni; terms. x lots looxioo, 4-room house with attle. roses, shrubbery and f-ult trees. 2 blocks from Clark station; e23tk; terms. - Ak for A. Keller. CHAPTN Ik HKHI.OAA". ":t2--.Ti Chamber of Commerce. DO TOl' KNOW a g5od buv when you see It? If so. thla will appeal to you; :-room bungalow, bardwoort floors, fire basement, hnth. lot T.AxI.hi nice. Iur;e aiilc. lots of roses and shrubh'erv fire fruit tr.-es; nice sleeping porch, alt nlcelv furnl.-h'd: you ran bava li for sl.'.oo: g'.'.l'KA cash. bal. eaay monthly rax-ments: 2 'Mocks from the end of Al-berta-sf. e.irllne; a rooil harraln, DIETZ-MCEI.LER CO.. nit! Ahlnrton Mdg. WILL THIS INTEREST TOUT A prettv bungalow. i large rooms, built in buffets and cupboards, large clo-hea closets. bath. fireplace. beam celling. Dutch kitchen, full basement, stationary Inundrv tubs, furnnce, nice garace. lot .Oxl'iO; this Is a an so. 1 am leaving tho citx-. Call afternoons between 12-3. 4'.o Ma'reuerlte ax.. ask for owner. Take AS li car. SPECIAL PRICE $1!"H. This comfortable, well-built. 4-room home la located In a -nod district, close to car. with sideualks. gas. etc.. In now. The lot Is MixlOO. terraced, with good lawn and fine loxehushes: 20 cash will handle tills an.l JO per month. Including Interest. . . . , , A". AV DAA'ts aV CO.. nod Commercial bldg. I Phone E. 3.'.21 Sunday. PIEDMONT HOME. No 12.: Williams uxe. Ii-room house, loixxinn. south and enst f.-iclng. nice yard, fine location, to appreciate one should see tbruu-h Ih house; cedar finish, S fire places, furnnce. If Interested, call or Phone c. II. Jones. WESTERN OREGON TRl'PT V.. 2-72 S:nrk si. A Main "117. s,;j.-(i NEW 6-room bungnlow, double con structed, onk floors, bulll-in bo.kcases and buffet, has-.l-surfnce street. Improvements nearlv all paid: JlloO rash, balance 20 and 7 per cent Interest: must be sold this week a I am going East: will sell furniture If wanted, which Is all new: 2iK takes It. Phn owner. SeliwooJ 1943. or Tabor 3230. 200 CASH. Absolutely modern and brand new S room bungalow. Junior St. and 'JIHh. Irv lngton Park, cement basement. wnsh trtiys. fine balh and tollei. cabinet kitch en 'fine view of moitnlnlns. balance $12. "0 month and Int. Smltb-AA'agoner Co., 311 S15 Lewis bldg. acr ns to shosr you 'hat modenTS-esl-denca In Nob Hill. 2.M under xalu. noldschmldt's Agency. 415 Chamber of Commerce. ;-(,w KSTMOR ELAN l HOM E. T-room S-stnrv. with basement, furnara. fireplace, nttic ar.d all modern Improve ments; lawn sldcxxiilks. flowers, shad trees, near Fella ood car. Near Reed Institute. AL o01t. Oregonlan S14rW BL'A'S a new modem bungalow. 4 rooms, bath, cement basement. r.g10t lot. graded atreet and Bull Run water, near Anabel station on Mt. Scott carllne; must have $."0.1 cash. This Is n snrrlflce. Owner. Hlcglns, plinns Sellwood 12ti. A SNAP. " Comer on E Davis st.. with g-room house; a cut prlc will take It for Imme diate sale: less than IIi.ixi will handle. Vanduyn 4 Walton. 315 Chamber Com- gj FOB unfinished bungalow; could be lived In now and finished aa one would wish- lot BOzinS; 12 minute' walk from Caxadero or Mt. Rcott car: plank wnlk all the way; ." cash, balance to ault. Sell-w-ood lfrlo-Tabor S230; PORTLAND HE1CHTS, by owner, fl-room house, new and up-to-dste. every conven ience best view on heights, easy walking distance; will sacrifice. AK 3. Orego rian. " ' 710. On E. Tttirnslde. s-room modern hona. lot :.0xioo. ealkinf distance. J. .1. OEDKR. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. gonpOvVN buy nice 4-room cottage, lot, with bearing fruit trees, four blocks from AAAV cr. For term call ' Sellwood 110ft. HEIGHTS residence large grounds, unaur paased view, to b aotd at aacrlfic by or der of non-resident client. Goldschmldt's Acencv. 413 Chamber of Commerce. gia.'.n FOR a fl-room house. c. E. 72d st. X. F'.o easit. balance monthly; must be aold before March 22. Owner at plac all day Sunday. PIEDMONT BARGAIN. A choice corner, also a fin 7-room house and lot; best buy In th district. Phone Woodlawn 217. -ROOM bungalow, Vernon, $HOO cash, bal ance monihlx-. Trice $U2': another 92H.AO; snap buy. owner, C03 Swetland building FOR SALE PT OWNER, g-room, modern, strictly up-to-date new house, on Mt. Tabor cnrllna. Prlca (4300. term AL l'n. oregonlan. JJ.M DOWN and 2' per month, including Intereat ii-room modern house, close to esr barns nnd Jefferson Hlch School; hmdy to 2 rarllnes. AVoodlawn 20fii. HOVNT TAHOR home, a bargain. 7 rooms, tnodern. furnace lot 711 Ua. lerms ; no agent. Call at 2"' F. Msl si. Kl KV'ISHlli .".-rooTn Hat. all nea'. walking dl-tance. . all Simdav. 2V J S E. 1st N. EW "-rooiti hiinfalo. AILerta. 2 M l; lot taken fl-al Tsbor 2133. HALL ST., near lllh. house ant lot, 3000. Hi Chamber of Coiunierca,. ,-rwi nTjrnnYTiv pnifTr.WT). STARCH gioo CASH, BALANCE OX TERMS LIKE RENT. 3 rooms. Rom City Park, corner 50x100. facing southeast: California tyle: nicely tinted, fireplace, fixtures: prlco only iooo, balance $.10 monthly like rent. .". rooms near 2!'th and Broadway: MOT PS lot: all conveniences; high-class neigh borhood. , rooms' near Maryland and Kllllngs. woilh: modern; price $2400. II rooms, Weatnioretand ; hlgh-clnsa- ar tistic and all conveniences: oOxlOO lot: price only $3400. Im lance like rent. 0 rooma near 2Sth and Broadwny; a handsome home: furnace. fireplace Plendld Interior finish price only S42..0 and best of nil. payment only 132. o0, INCLL'DINO INTEREST. 3 rooms, among the tree on Mt. Tabor; onxloo lot: hardwood floors: view clear lo Ihe Columbia River: antique beamed ceiling and beautiful panelling: prlc a snap at ::.".o. U rooms. Rosamere: will please the most fastidious for completeness and beauty: price Just w-hat wa paid for It, iti-.O. terms $::lx monthly. Including Interest. Marsh. 42SO. A. J. DETSCH CO.. A K..-.9. S40 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY. THIS 13 A TERRIFIC SNAP FOR CASH ONLY". PAID 3O0 FOR IT. BUT WILL SELL FOR $3000. 5 rooma. handsome fixture, finely fin ished floors and panelling. beautifully tinted walla, convenient built-in cabinets and Dutch . kitchen, fireplace: face east, oOxloo loi ; 'laundry trays, room for 3 ex tra rooms upstairs. Don't take our word for thla snap; go see it at Ko.-i E. 40th st. North. Tho first peraon tske It Monday morning;. Marsh. 42SO. A. J. DETSCH CO. A 15511. MO Chamber of Commerce. BEAFTIFl'L modern 4-room bungalow, with llvlne-rnom. dining-room, bedrooms and lunch kitchen, with plenty of cupboard room, sink and draining board, fine large bnthromn. porch serosa front, with broad st.ilrs: also porch In back: Interior or building la painted ajul vsrnlshed. oak color; exterior Is painted with .2 coats of good paint, concrete basement and foun dation; Ihia little bungalow has,' electric lichts. with nice fixtures complete, lot KOyiuo; io mln. walk from Killlnirsworth ave.: will sell for ginr.o. reasonable pay ment clown, terms. Woodlawn 1.-.10. Address H M'7. Oregonln.n. sacrifice;:: sacrifice:: sacrifice: Mv stylish new home on the Heights! Note the following features: Can vou count any missing ones? " S blocks to cars, hitullthio pavement, gewer. gns, water, electricity, furnace, four fireplaces, two baths, screened aleeping porch. den. pnneled walls. fl-r.00 cash and $.'.000 mortgage. MiKht tako an auto and cash. AT S9S, Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE-AA'E. DISTRICT. $.1011 CASH. BT owner. . 7 and S-room bungalows wilh fire place, built-in bookcase. beam ceiling, panel dining-room, built-in bu'fet. large reception hall with seat and cloakroom, full-length mirror door, tinted walla, oak floors. Dutch kitchen. finished attic, sleeping porch, linen closet, cement base ment and floor, laundry trays. Price $.1100 to $4000. See Geo. A. Ross, owner, at E. 4.1th and Harrison. JFST THINK OF IT. IRA'INGTON. ONLY $4rt.".0. n rooms. 30x100. cast-facing lot: artiatir ard origlnul arrangement; hardwood floors, fine Interior, finish, fireplace, large livina-room. all improvements paid and terms at this pr!ce. Marsh. 42MI. A. .1. DET.-CH CO. A 1359. Sid Chamber of Commerce PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME SACRI FICED. Beautiful home, consisting of reception hall, large living-room with stone flre place.x built-in bookcases. dinins-room with beamed ceiling. three chambers, large sleeping porch and bath: owner hoe cut bis figure on this attractive place to $.1000: reasonable terms. TILLESON A- WHEELER, o4 Spalding Blilg. - ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. $H4."i0 brand new. comer lot 00x100. $300 cash: special features. See this. Key today. Tahor .".37. .1250 llp-to-date i-story home. Hull to suit: near car andnew achool house. Key todax-. Tabor 3."..1i. JIARTMAX - THOMPSON. Exclusive agent. Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5-ROOM RT'VIJALOW. NEAR ROSE CITY" PARK CAW. Only $2200. $220 down. $20 month. 7 per cent Interest, cement basement, buf fet, ttle-flnlshed bath and kitchen, large porches, plastered, tinted, new and modern, large lot. 1 block to car: work has begun paving Sandy Boulevard. If you want a bargain, ready to move into, com out today. Owner Tabor 3040. FOR SALE BT OWNER. 1 dwelling. rooms, large lot, one. block from carllne. on Atlantic at., near KU lingsworth. $3000. 1 dwelling. 8 rooms, lot 50x100 feet, on East 75th st.. one block from carllne. $2500. 1 dwelling. S rooms, lot 50x100 feet, on E. 0th St.. three blocks from carllne. $3000. Cash or terms 10 suit. HJ Worcester Bidjr. A BARGAIN, "-room new. airl.-tly modem -story bouse, owner gone East and given us au thority to sell at sacrifice. This place Is complete with fireplace, furnace, full base ment, wash traxs and every convenience. Lot 30x1.10. Price $3300; JS50 cash, bal. ance $10 per month. J. M. FRENCH & CO.. 412-413 Altlngton Hldg. IRVINOTOX S-ROOM HOUSE 11000 CASH. Artistic and comfortable home In choicest part of Irvlngton: every modern convenience: beautiful lawn and shrub bery; built by day labor for a home and not for the profit of a contractor. Owner will sacrifice for caah on quick sale. Cat! 004 Spalding bldg. VACANT PROPERTT-OWNER. STOP. CONSIDER. FIGURE. We can make your vacant property make vou money. We furnish the money, plans and guarantee our work. Sea ua at our office. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. Mirshall 147(1. 2"2 Lumbermen' Blog. HOUSE on the bank of Willamette: 6-room cottage, electric lrght. city water, porch ft ft. by 32 ft.. 3 large fir trees: 2 lots 50x100 each, cherries, plum, prune, pear and apple treea. 250 raspberries, assort ed; woodshed, chicken-house and run: fHe carfare. 30-mlnttte service: $2500 takes. Owner. AS Slid, Oregonlan. 6BEAI ' fl FU L H OU S E S. FOR SALE. $,j.-,00 $."..".00 $rtoo0 EACH. In six different localities on East Side; handsome, convenient, cheap and on easy terms. 24."t. See exclusive ajtenls. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bldg. 7-ROOM nous" all modern convenience, with lOOxloO lot. beautiful roses, lawn, prune, apple and cherry treea. raspberry hushes and plenty garden space, on car iiA "t w.fn ride from 3d and Morrison: splendid car service; $20 per month. Puona Tabor MOSlt or Tabor 219. ONE of the most complete homes In Ros Vity Park for sale at a sacrifice tir owner, furnished or unfurnished; everything new and elegant: onlv used 80 days; ir you want a home you will buy aa soon aa you see It; 2 blocks south of Rose City car line 42-J E. 4Sth st. N-: at home Sunday. SOMEHTING GOOD. An all-modern 5-room bungalow, new and right up to date, fireplace, tinted walls, cement walks. "A llftle dandy." txvo blocka from Hawthorne, close In: $2500 2.K down. bal. like rent. Call Marshall 1479. 801 Lumbermen bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern 8-room house conservatory. finely Improved quarter block, on lower Heights: grand view of city, mountains and rivers, easy Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3jj.Tfl. NEW. modern 7-room house. oOxlOO corner, fireplace, gaa and electricity, full base ment, cement walks, paved streets, easy terms: will accept vacant lot or auto as first payment. 414 Deknm bldg. Main Mv4, Sunday Eaat 4052. $1 500 WILL bay one of tho handsomest new homee on lOOxlOO corner In Irvlng ton: 10 rooms, every one a big one: nice lawn plenty of porches and a big roomy house with elegant arrangements; no agents. AE !XL oregonlan TAYIOR BUILDING CO. will furnish mon cy and plana and build a solid, substan tial homo or flat for you. We offer you the result of 30 years experience In thla business. 202 Lumbermen bldg. A BARGAIN. $.1250. T-room bungalow, lot 50x121 furnace, fireplace, large porch, all Improvements paid for. excellent locality. closa to carllne. Call 266 East 2ilh North. A iioob-EQI'ITT In an $ooo Irvlngton co-ner house: will cll cheap or trade. 20th and Braxce. - " IRA-INGTON. New modern home, best location, well built and a bargain. Owner. Marshall 15. i. MUST ell good home, in Woodlawn at a big sacrifice. Owner. Marshall 440. MOlERN renm house with furniture or without: walking dlstnce.33ei Eugene at. Vs-AP-lj-room" cottage. Sunnyslde. $2100. terms. F. Dubois. 1203 Y'con bldg. UXION avenue corner, near Alberta or will trade. Owner. East 38.13. BEST buy In Irvlngton, modern alx-room bouse, corner 0xM. Owner, East -SWA. 17, 1912. WOULDN'T you buy a splendid new nine or ten-room modern home, close. In Haw thorn dljtrlrt. for $3S30? Scbappert. Main 5774. or evenings and Sundays, Marshall 3tl. 740 AAater St. NO. 1115 E. TAYLOR ST. $4500 will buy the best 8-room house and lot In the city for the monev. Only 13 minutes out on Morrlson-st. carline. 1 am leaving, city and must sell. If you want a bargain call -on me. Good terms. RESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE. A few of the many bargains we have In residence property. $H50. terms; close to carline. J.1250. modern, walking distance, term. $5500. beautiful modern home, eaay terms. ' LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. :11c Lumbermen Bldg. fmt Bale Business Property. CHOICE INCOME PROPERTIES.' $ 1.000 rash Invested In thescE. 30th at. flats net $100. . $.004 cash invested in tbese E. Clay at, flats nets $373. I .00O cash invested In this $14,000 Kil llngsworth ave. business property ncta $1200. $ $.500 cash Invested In these $14,500 Northrup at. flats seta $1240. $10,000 cash invested In this $20,000 Stark at. business property nets $1S00. $10,000 cash Invested in this $30,000 West Sldo apartment-house ncta $2400; better investigate this. $21,500 cash Invested In this $40,500 West Side business property nets $iitit7. See Mr. Beck For choice Income properties. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. 272 Stark St. INCOME PROPERTY. Brick apartments. West Side, leased 5 years: $5uo per month; $50,000. Apartments, comer. West Side, Income $520 per month; $40,000. Four fine flats. West Side, Income $120 per month; $14,500. 90x100, 8 flats. Income $1CS per month; $11.0.10. looxioo. 4 flats, close In: $17,300. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade bldg. HERE is something that will Interest an elderly couple or a widow lady that have to make their living: 1 have a good ! room house, very close in on the VA est Side, that will improve very and bring a good income. Price $7500, cash $55.H.. Owner, A 930. Oregonlan. HOLLADAY ADDITION A choice half block, 100x200, with large house on one end! close to Broadway and Union ave., for $15,o). It Is the best buy In this dis trict: must be sold; full particulars may be obtained at 414 Spalding bldg. $30,000. Conservative Investment: West Side business corner; Income $1S,000 annually; when present lease expires will bring $:!0O monthly; half cash, balance cur rent rate. Frank Drlscoll. Maraliall 4..i. DO YOU realize good quarter blocks, close . in on the West Side, are getting scarce. I have one for sale at a price that is right. Income enough to carry It for 10 years: this property haa a bright future. Owner, 227 Henry bldg. city. , 100x100 CORNER. Killlngsworlh ave., one block from Alblna ave., heart of busi ness district: a real bargain. $S000, term. Phones, Sellwood 182i or Tabor 24o. HIGGINS BOYER. 40XIUO APARTMENT site, on Market sL The choicest small lot on the market: $no.i0: part cash. Phones Sellwood 1S-6 or Tabor 2450. HIGGINS & BOYER. 30x100 on Alblna avenue and Mississippi car line. Improved with a 2-story building; permanent income. Price only $300. ol4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE 6-room house, E. 4!Uh and S. of Tillamook; hardwood finish; terma. Ford. 501 Ry. Ex. bldj WEST SIDB $S0O0 buys a fine apartment site, 50x100. walking distance., E. .1. GE1SER, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 7-room house, E. 3Sth and Knott, hardwood finish; a bargain. Ford, ,'eil Ry. Ex. blag. ALBERTA business corner. 100 ft. on Al berta; store building 32x32; cheap. Call sunuay. corner 1 1 e.i FOR SALE Honse In Beaumont. 41st and Knott, 1 block from car. S rooms; price, . . - 1 r.,1 I. , . C-V snap. x. r. r 01 u, .... $26.00(1 100x100 Lovejoy. near ltsth: very choice, some Income. Phone East j!"J. GOOD Income'prODerty, close In, East Side. AS Oil-. ureKonmu J7O00 CHOICE business corner. 12 per cent net incotne: nart cash. Box 1IH3, Lents. MODERN 6-room residence, paneled dining room. 668 East Tayaor. Tabor 2132. For eiale Acrease. LOGGED-OFF LAND. OVER llo.) ACRES. LIBS WELL FOR CUTTING INTO TRACTS AND WILL MAKE FINE STOCK FARM; RAILROAD GOKS THROUGH PLACE; PRICE $17 PER ACRE: WILL TAKE SOME TRADE IN PORTLAND PROPERTY. ZIMMER MAN 31 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. PURE SNAPS. 10O acres east of Portlnnd. $30 per acre- 0s acres near Portland, Oregon Elec tric' "PS per acre; sightly 3 to ..-acre tracts on Oregon Electric; beautiful -room Portland home for farm near rail road. Gill-Adams Co.. 640 Hamilton bldg. Marshall J2 WHY PAY $500 AN ACRE FOR LAND When we can sell It to you In any sue tract, from $20 to $AO per acre? Easy terms. Land Is near Portland; satlsfac- 'lIs " yo" PROPERTY WITH US. iilli XjUmUCriUCU. Y-4UD- HOW" ABOUT THIS ONE ? $3")0 for 10 acres. $35 cash, balance at n per cent; 2Vi miles from station and boat landing: good soil, south slope, xx-ell drained, spring, excellent 'or fruit, vege tables hay, etc. Particulars H. H. Isin- ham. 12H3 Yeon b!dg. 40 ACRES, close to railroad and electric line In AVashington County. Banks neighbor hood, fronting 011 main county road; very rich soil, all in crop; a snap at $200 per acre; easy terms. Kauffmann & Moore, 3.5 Lumber Exchange. HAVE three acres at Garden Home and will sell for $200 per acre less than the adjoining acres sold for this past month: muM be sold at once. Has a small live stream and a spring on the tract, J. F. D1EFENBACH. 510 Selling bldg. 1 HAVE 5 acres, right at electric station, 15 miles out. level, fine view and no bet ter Joll anywhere: I wiil sell for l23o; $100 cash and $13 month Including in terest. If you want something good and cheap buy this. 312 Lewis bldg. .t.--bt tc AK5I-T? I have 5 acres beautiful land ly. mllea beyond Council Crest. mile from a. P nrlce right: must have $UOO at once. Owner, room 28 Colonial Hotel. 103 10th. 6TEAMER FARE TO FRISCO PAID. Kuv 10 acre famous Electric Jarms. Bacramento Valley. $60 down. Gill-Adams Co.. 40 Hamilton Bldg. 1 AM forced to sell my 20 acres at Beaver ton at $230 per acre, or In 5-acre pieces. I cannot meet my payments; only 7 miles from Postoffice. B-cent fare. S2U E. Ev erett st. pnone r.. 1011 " CHE ".PEST BUY ON OREGON ELECT. S acres. Multnomah Station two blocks: IHCO per acre; plat this: adjacent land selling for $330 to $700 per quarter acre; $ - '-.0 caah. Address H t01. Oregonlan. in ACRES $450 per acre, 2 miles east city limits: 5 acres plowed. M. L. Gallagher. S21 Yeon bldg. DO YOU WANT A SNAP An Ideal 5-acre tract for resort, chick en's or fruit, on Sandy Rlvet close to Tn.uldale. 2-room house; $1000, half doivn. 010 Henry bldg. - ACRES. .10 minute from Portland, fine soil, near f-alem electric. $400 an acre, easy terms. O 74, Oregonlan. 20 ACRES 00 feet from S. Ban station on United Ry.. also 80 acres fine timber In Marion County: will trade or sell at sacrifice. Frank Lucas. 134 2d st. ai. -ACRE farm, between Portland and Ore gon Cltv. in high state of cultivation; new house, barn, stock and Improve ments; $1600. 415 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Bcs.t offer on AO-acre, bearing apple or chard near Portland takea It, whole or part, 904 Yeon bldg. 10 ACRES, subdivided, close In, dedicated, platted In acre tracts, best buy on L,inn lon road: $12,000 will handle It. All !01. Oregonlan. 2, hi ICTTrES Texas land, railroad town 3 mlies: exchange or easy terms. Zella Gos-e.t. 7 AVest Ki lllngswert h ave. FOR SALE 2 acre cultivated land In Oregon City, board walk. $550. 728 Sher rtt ive, Eellwood car. 10 ACRES, $2000. All cultivated and v.lthln 10 miles of the business center of Portland; mile to station on electric line; iles nearly level and is In a corner with road on two sides: this property Is ail Into full-bearing 10-year-old prune orchard and the trees are In perfect condition and has always had clean cultivation. The place is fenced and surrounded by fine homes and is in a very thickly settled-. commun ity; 30 minutes' car service into Port land. The fruit on this place will net at least $1500 this year: two crops will more than pay for the place. This is an Income property and would make a fine place to run chickens In the orchard; lies Just across the street from large fruit-evaporation and packvfcg plant. This is a big sacrifice and we guarantee it to be just as represented: $0110 casli down, balance easy; It will only take about two hours of your time to go and look It over. SMITH CASEY". 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 253. EIGHT ACRES. FIA'E BLOCKS FROM TIGARD. Eight acres of A number one land, four acres of this Is onion land, and an acre and a quarter of this land produced this last year -150 sacks of onions that sold for $2.50 per sack. Balance of this land Is high and gives a good building site. One hslf acre is In 5-year-old orchard. This tract fac?s on main county rpad. Just lo miles from Portland and S blocks from Tigard station of Salem electric. Price $X.".O0. $1750 oash, balanco on good terms. II. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man." 204 Railway Exchange, Corner 4th and Stark. SACRIFICE. BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONT. 20 miles from Portland. 15 acres of ex tra fine sandy loam soil. Iles fine and level, beautiful view of the river. SI15 feet frontage light on AA'illamette River; fine oval bank, high enough to bo above any kind of water, soil adapted for peaches and general farming or fruit. Boat land ing on property; lies on main county road. 1 mile from Salem electric station; close to good schools ami good little town. Now thai we .have free locks the time Is not far distant when It will be impossible to get river front at such a price as this. Price $2000; $1100 cash, balance 5 years per cent. This is a sacrifice. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY' COMPANY, 520 Railway Exchange Bldg. 4th and stark. 10 ACRES FOR $1S00. IO acres. 4 acres under cultiva tion, balance In light brush. This place is all level and faces on good gravel road: just miles from A an couver. AVash. This Is an excep tionally good buy. Terms, $1100 caslie-balance 2 years. 7 per cent. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man." 204 Railway Exchange. Corner Fourth and Stark. . ACREAGE. 5" acres at Tigard. two blocks from sta tion, best of soil, bargain; price $550 per acre. 12 acres on Pleasant A'iew ave, 1 'i miles from Linneman sta., Gresham car. Houso.-and barn, 7 acres cleared. will make a line fruit farm. Price $ju per acre. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 23S Alder St. TIGARDVII.LE BARGAINS. 20 acres, improved, price $10,000, 1 acre, good house. $2050. 4 acres, good buildings. $1000. TV. acres, fair buildings. $2500. 71." acres, fine house. "tl.AoO. lo" acres, new house. $::2O0. 2- acres, house and barn, $.000. li acres, good orchard, $3500. 7.8 acres, partly improved, $2o.. Coll for particulars. SMITH & SHEFLER. S22 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Alain i-n-o. 2 ACRES, all cleared, swell little bunga low furnished complete; home and fur nishings only 8 months old; this ' onij 40 minutes out on 4-st. line: everything ready, stoves, cooking utensils, dishes, and only a step to the station. This is a bar gain. Owner gone back to Memphis and will sacrific this. Only $..00 cash re- auired. Come quick. q THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 1Q2 Fourth St. A 3.-00. -.- ACHE tracts, down the river on West Side 5c carfare to Whitwood Court thence Hlong Germantown macadamized road to the land; these tracts at $ . . per acre on monthly payments; enough timber on some to pay out in cor.lwood. bee U" IhESHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 102 Fourth st. A 3..00. NOW IS THE TIME To purchase your little piece of land If vou want this year s crop. 1 have some of the very best loganberry land in the state close to Portland and electric Ry.. black loam soil, in cultivation, fine potato and fruit land; price $300 per acre, with good terms. THOS. M'CUSKER. 329 Lumbermens Bldg. " "sacrifice" sXle. $540 equity In 10 acres, all cleared, lb miles south of Portland, near R. R- and boat landing. Two acres in peaches and walnuts. This must be sold betore April 1 and Is a genuine bargain for a man with 3i-0 cash. It is J.Vi an acre under value. Rice, owner. R. 308, 320'i Wash ington SL NOTHING so good as to soil and location as this acre tract for $1400; water and sidewalks In and paid for; only a few feet from best carline In city and only :!5 minutes' ride; nothing like It same distance out for less than $2500; a family can make a good living on this tract. Art !UO, iTHSmim". 2 AtKE. x, ir-Ar. r.c. Close to station; no stumps, rocks or brush: fine soil: on West Side: 12-cent fare, within 7-mlle circle; $S0 cash down will buy this, balance $15 per month. Bet ter look this up. ATCHISON & ALLEN. 213 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. " ACRES. A Don't pay $1200 for an .aero" when you can get one all In cultivation for $.,00: $1 down, 1,1 per week: no interest or taxes: only 5 minutes walk from car: b new bungalows under construction on ad joining tracts. 414 Dekum bldg. Phone r.ast -to... FIV E OK I t-N A ixr.o. Cleared, level, deep, rich soil, splendid for fruit, garden truck and grain: near depot; adjoining tracts under cultivation $100 per acre; easy terms. Owners, 10- 2d st. . FINE chicken ranch of two acres, well I 1m nroved close In, large 4-room dwelling, full CTTsement. house furnished, 00 hens. Incubator; price $2600. terms. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH LS. 313 lumoermciia 000 ACRES In Grande Ronde A alley. .. miles east of La Grande City, all In cultiva tion and under irrigation: will divide and exchange for city residences: cam price S0 per acre. Smith & Shefier. S22 Cham ber of Commerce, riiuu. ji..... Ai-ACRE, 4 blocks of 7c carllne. all in high stale of cultivation, joining city ltmits. fine for suburban homesltes, berries and chickens: good water. $350; f3 cash $10 per month. Geo. A. Rlggs, M.. fapalding oiug. . . c.t niVUPVT nnWV. s:ilW V.Ai?n rrtij,.,... 10 acres. Tigard Station. Oregon Elec tric 12 miles from Portland, all culti vation, price $3000: $200 down, balance terms. Glenart Realty Co., 422 Chamber of Commerce. FOR sale or exchange, for cottage, $100 eaulty in excellent 10-acre tract on elec tric carllne. near city: 1 Vi acres straw berries, balance plowed and ready to plant,, good bialdlngs. Room 414, Peer HoteL Phone 1J. 171. 28 ACRES, near Beaverton. 10-room house. family orchards, Lkls land can be bought a uuugiit idjolnlng for S5500: ow-rter" non-resirieni loo ulli for $300 per acre. HIGLEY&BISHOP.132 THIRD ST rJTJc'K hunters, attention 269 acres of deeded land and deeded shooting right to adjoining 120 acres: 7 best duck lakes In Oregon on Sauvies Island; a snap if taken at once. 270 V. Stark street. FOR SALE 10 Vi acres choice land; 4 acres strawberries; 7 miles from Vancouver, Wash.; 4 mile from car. Call Woodlawn 2SH1. $1 PER WEEK buys a good lot or an acre tract; take Gresham or Caxadero cars to Bell station, 25 minutes' ride. Owner on grounds Sunday, rain or shine. SO ACRES near good R. R. town, build ings, orchard and Implements, for city property; small acreage or will sell on good terms. AS 804. Oregonlan. ' "ACRES. 20 under plow, 7 miles from heart of city; $225 per acre; full partlc nlars Owner. P. O. box 719. City. 80 ACRES In best fruit section of Idaho, close to thriving R. R. town; ample water, to exchange for residence in Portland. lo0 10 ACRES, carfare 28c; TOW cords wood. 3 acres in cultivation: $5O0 cash, bal. to ault purchaser. W c!3. Oregonlan. 2 ACRES SO minute out, $1100. very nsr terms. J. Dubois. 1203 Yeon. bldg. WE WANT 20 MEN WHO WANT TO OWN THEIR HOMES AND HAVE A REGULAR PAYDAY. We can furnish work in a large modern brick plant operating throughout the en tire year. Owners of plant want a steady l5s of employes, they can depend on. AA'c have arramred to sell five and ten acre tracts close to Ihe plant. Our prices are right, easy terms. We offer you two chances to pay for your land. AVork at good wages and what you produce 011 tho land: build your house on the banks of a beautiful running stream full of fish. Purest of mountain xvalcr. Wc bcllcxc iiiat oiir olTec cannot be duplicated. Call and get full particulars: make a personal Investigation of the land and work of fered: when you are thoroughly satisfied that evervthitig Is ns represented, xve will begin to "talk business. CHAPIN & HERLOAV. 312-"". Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED; LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS AT VERY LOW PRICES AND ON MOST CONVENI ENT TERMS OF PAYMENT. IT WILL PAY YOt; TO SEE ME BE FORE Y'Olf BUY ACREAGE OR FARMS. I OWN THE PROPERTIES THAT I OF FER FOR SALE. J. O. ELROD. 519 CORBETT BUILDING. SUBURBAN home is the Ideal home, re duces hih cost of living, self-supporting, enabling one to save - of sa-hny: 1, 2 and ll-acro tracts for suburban homes, chickens, girdenlng. fruits, etc.. 1 10 in blocks from electric carliln-. 2 to 50 min utes out, good car service, cheap fares. AVe have some special bargains riRlit n nv as low as $200 and up. very easy terms. Good six-room house and six lots (neaily 1 acre, spring water, family orchard. 2 blocks from electric carline; good auto mobile road: only a20ni. easy terms. J. V. HEFFERLIN REALTY CO., 015 Corbelt Kldir. ONE OF OREGON'S FINEST, FARM'S M.-iO acres, about loo in cultivation, bal ance fine timber (about C' cords 01 wood); IS miles from center Portland. 2 miles to station. Adjoining places liouahl bv Portland millionaires lor country homes; 11-room house, large barn, etc.: Co acres In 2-year-old apple trees: most beautiful location overlooking Ncwl.cig and AVIIlamette A'alley. .Alight sell pari for cash. $10,000 cash, balance as you please. Price. $50,000. Address owner. AP S!. Orogonian WANT several parties to join in buying nnd subdividing for homes or investment. 20 acres. 1 '. miles from AA'est Side carllne station: fine soil, eastern slope, spring and creek. $300 per acre, ij cash, balance at S per cent : can be cut in - to 5-acre tracts to suit: street already laid out and joining property held at i00 to $700 per acre. AT 891, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL HOME. CHEAP. $15110 for an elegant 10-acre place In hljh state of cultivation, neat and com fortable buildings. fine orchard. 1 ' miles from steam and electric line, hanks, high schools and so forth: a home which anvono can onlay: $2000 cash, balance on time. Look It up if you want a goo.l home. F FlTHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 17 MILES OUT OREGON ELECTRIC 51- acres $750; II acres Jrtoo; 7 1-3 acres $7io"; 12'? acres $IH0; 20 acres Si lad. This is tine fruit and berry land, close to station and say have you seen anything as close in at these prices? Fred W. Ger man. 1129 Burnslde. M. or A 2i itt. 6 ACHES Southwest from Hood River, in 3 and 5-vear-oId commercial apples; with water-right; 2i'0 feet from new brick high school. Would consider tradc for dlv property. Woodlawn 1253. li. S., I-1 AVygant. 2SiZ ACRES, all under cultivation, large house, fine family orchard. Implement s, etc.. 4 miles from Vancouver, on main traveled road, a snap. fCKiO; terms. AVATSON & THKI'.KELSEN CO., IllH Spalding Bldg. Main 751)2. " ACHES AO KB S ACRES. Acre tracts, all sot in fruit trees. .1 rears old: tine location, good roads. .1 "cent carfare: price $).Ti0 per acre, terms ll per cent cash, balance 2 per cent per month 607 Yeon bldir. Ask for Mr. Lucas. $.". PER MONTH. Nar cltv limits, half acres in cultiva tion, flue 'soil, perfect drainage, good view, nice homes. 30 minutes out; ask for Mars ten or Hale. 202 Wilcox bldg.. Sunday. '.) to 3. 0 TO -10 ACRES fine lying land, best of soil, spring and i-reek; 1 1, miles from ,.c t-irline West Side; ripe for subdivision at 1U0 per cent profit. For quick sale. SJT.. per acre: ,i cash, balance at 6 per cent. AT Si--', Oregonlan. SEVERAL nne 10 or 20-auro tracts at $25 to $15 per acre; 25 from Fortland. on railroad; rich soil; suitable for fruit or chicken ranch. M FAR LAND INVESTMENT CO.. 41U Corbett Bldg. A BARGAIN. 40 acres verv desirably located with running water, close to Sandy on AUTO road. Half cash. Vanduyn & A alton, olj Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES near Base Line road, ' mile west of Kockwood. all cleared, plowed and fenced. $.".tK) an acre; terms. WATSON & TIIERKELSEN CO.. .inn Spalding Bldg. Main 7o'.'2. suIE line lots yet "or sale overlooking river at Island Station. Oregon City line. P'asy terms 01- rebate for cash: 5V cent fare. See owner. P. Reimers at Island. A R S81. Oregonlan. FOR" SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good Improved ICO-acre farm In Colo rado, near railroad; no Incumbrances. A I !5. Oregonlan. . I 2 A N D 3-acre tracts, close to Portland, ' 1 to 6 blocks from electric carllne, $2ui to $400 per acre, easy terms. J. AV. Her- terlln Realty Co.. 615 Corbett bldg. 2iTaCP.ES on O. W. P. at Anderson Station; $150 an acre; terms. AVATSON & TH ERKELSEN CO. Sua Spalding Bldg. Main T5H2. 6-ACRE apple orchard, 3 years old; SSJ" equity for J.100. Price $2200 for orchard. AVIU consider exchange of 2 lots. H slu, Oregonlan. 50 ACRES bottom land. 100 yards of sta tion, 30 miles Portland, fruits; $10 per acre. HILTON R. WHITE. 308 Henry Bldg. FUR SALE Five acres for platting, or, East Side; well located; close In; also six room house Sunnyside; cheap, owner, I ,SM2, Oregonlan. $2 .e.- 1. ..h..iee level cultivated .'!'. ..71 ri-eo-oo Tr.leotrle' T?. R.. Will sacri fice for a quick sale; no agents. AV 91, Oregonian. . 10 ACRES, highly improved. absolutely best buy In Oregon at $.1,100. one mile from Mosier and a snap. K l, Orego nlao. . snap 10 acres fine land. S acres cleared, "'good barn, small house,- 8 miles from city, oil Section Line Road; $4a00. Phone Woodlawn 3100. R aTRES of finest land, on Base Line road, 5 jusf beyond 12-Mlla House; . price $2000; will take ."0o down, easy terms on bal ance. K S74. Oregonlan. 1 ACRE Beautiful property, 5c fare. 19 minutes from center of city: small bun Mlow. with bath; water main. A bargain at $2750. Owner, AE 894. Oregonian. SNAP if sold before April 1. 40-acre com mercial orchard joining City Twin Falls, j&aho; platting proposition. Robt. Martyn. 607 Yeon bids- Marshall 16n. A SNAP. For sale by owner, 5 acrts on Oregon Electrlcr under cultivation: best of soil; oo'ntv road. Call Tabor 10. xo irm.' orchard, 7-room house, new barn, mUe from e ectrlc car. $15.: terms. W ATSON & TH ERKELSEN CO.. ;iu.i Spalding Bids. Main ...nj. . cnu C.U.F. n.if niile cast of Roothe station, Ore gon 'It? carline. Address AV. L. Stark fxe"thery Milwackic Or., route 1. ; ACRES suitable for platting, corner Gray! " Crossing and SOth ave. S. E. (See owner on tho place. li-vr AGE and farms, large and small tracts. Call Kinney & Slampfer, 531-2 Lumber Exchangcbldg. AT $10 PER ACRE l0 acres on the coast, one mile of K. R. station. J- S- 31Q3 5Hd st. S. E. CHEAP bungaiow and two acres, 20 minutei out 5c fare. .1. E. Parsons, owner, half mil'e south Multnomah Station. CELERY AND ONIONS. Land, close in. $15.. per acre: very easy terms. r. uu 100 troR full list of lots and acreage, neai Multilumen. Or. El-c Ry., sec T. G. Haw. ley: office nearstation. o!x.'Eacro"w" fx h water. 30-miniite car service, 'for sale on payments. Inquire owner. 514 ijucnaiiaa m"fa. VILL give bargain. 5 acres near cily lim its. Swank. 117 Hamilton bldg. SEE GLOVERLAND ACRES. C. F. SMITH & SON. 210 RY". EXCHANGE. 400 ACRES, close in, sale or trade Robert A. Miller, 113 Worcester bldg. 10 ACRES near Toledo. Or.: will exroangl for printing outfit. AF 893. Oresonian.