run sunday" oki:coSian, toktlandT arAiscn 17. iai3. meeti.xo xoncra. xr.w TODAY. Ton ay. NEW TODAY NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. JTEW TODAY. IT rlH"t ClRdX. NO. W. OK W.. '. Si. Ytrf' mull om.l Tueadaa- r-rinC. March :K :m si!r v. o. v. ll:. Ka.t H'h a.jid Al-er a-a. KiM priara. :r-fi i.r. hlr. A'lmliii .nt it uta. UJni -i aata. MOI'NT IIOOl t'IKi'l.K N'. 1" M-mbeia are reueat I attend tha t.j-i.ral services of NeiarirHir- Mane ZiUlnaer from the ron ot th Ki S'd Kunrnl Director.. 414 Ka"t lder street. Mnv. HArrtt is at : 3" J". Intrrmtin JJu.lnomaa I'rmft'ry Hv rler IIKI.I.K l-KKFKIl. C. V LOU K LA. KN OK.Nt"l-U Oerk. WII.UKRTTK T K I i'.K. Nr- . I rr.'AK." vKliKR OK UIM .V'.N nl.fs tak. n'ire. IlrothT Kord M-tlC-r riled au.l rtTljr at Ir.!ilinc. CaL. TriiirelaV. March 1 4. K-mjina wi.i arrl" at I'mon station Sun-t- Mrch 17. at ". A. . P-"- n;ll of XlKieral U'r. I. STKASFU klUVAIil) HOFPE, Chl'f of Kac.rd. mxHO -LODOS. Xa. L kMOHTI OF PTTHIAS, BMII tt TaaadaT Bight la Caatl. Utl, lite aeo Aidar a '-a. kV ( LANCE, t. X. 1 T11K ft f:TI.ANI V.VITEHT CLUB will eNe tnerr f.-at annual grand ball at th. Anon Hall. Monday elenllia;. March 1 1. 1MI. and rortually tnvtre their trien.ta. Get ) our from m'mbn or at d.Nr. Grand mar.-ri a V. M. ;.-neral sdmlaslnn. per ouiir. i cents. Ladya maid In altenclanea. TUB COMMITTtE. IVANHOK I.olx'K. N'. 1. K. OK P. Attrition. M-mu'rt al:l pay a fraternal vlait in i iuin;.. Or-soil flljr. "n WeO-n-rt. rvnlnt. l irrh ;. I-.M--. Jr leayra Kirat 'jn l A .I. r .tr.'ts. 7:.l" H. M. sharp; alii atop at H.-vwthortie and Walrr and Uo.f Lluka. H" there and o. No cpn-. roKTl.HNH rlRi-I-E NO. 3. C. OK F. OF A-. alii le a whtt parly In K. of P. hall. A'.lrr a'r-et. near Kvth. Monday rvenln. MirrH I. :.T o"clo.-k. AtlmlaaloD. li cvlUa. ri'K'h't Junilt orrh.tra. lt.A M. I n'KKUMAN, Fin. Src IX-IltST and dan cl hr .nr WiMntlon t'amp N- -'H. " O- .. at K.w1nirn Trnpif. IJ Klr-nlh trt. b twcn Vaahm..n and Aldrr. Turaday van !n. ilarrlt la. lul-' . II. 1. BAKER. Clerk. ANVHOR Cdl'M IT. NO. 741. K AMP 1. OK Unp -ir d4it-i and rard party. Marquam bid.. Tua.luy rrr.. March 1. Ad-ini-a.uo IOC.; n frr'hmcnt. Wtl ronif. EfRKKA rorXCII. NO.-?". K. A.NO , (.if S. Zr and ahlat. r"at Slil" VV . X W. h.ilt. F hih arid Ald-r. inmorri rvn-R-fruhirrnta and danclnit. Admlaalon cent. NTI'T- ION'T KOROKT WRT Ml ,T H'XiD riRi'LE. No. . F. O. A., will kit It m nit'ur mnth'v dnr on TnUy rrmliK. .M trrh la. r.'ll. All For ratera and lh"tr frlrnda cordially Invilcti. Adnilaaioa 84c. ladira rrr. NOTK'E All mmhra of Lo-al i O. P. I. A. ara hereby notified to attend epeclal meetlna of l.oal al l.abor Teniple. ror. 4th and Al.lor. Wrdncadiy evenlnc. Marvh -".. at It o'clock aharp. f. M. JOHNSON. B. A. MTLTNOM H rmoi.E. NO. 774. tVO Jlf.N OK WlMitX'K ii KT. will lv a whlat aed danclpg party March 2i la th ""V. O. W. TatDPle. J-1 11th at. C;od miialp. t'uMMITTKE. MMTll KnlTK IW.MC. NO. t4. TtOTVL. NKH-.liboUS OK AMKKIi'A. will lr. a flva hundred party and danca In Its hall. l'r "d at . net Thuraday evening. Marclt .1. Admission 1 cents. M 1SQ-KRArE Ttvl.l. ITIt.1. P.K OIVEN ty Roval I 'lr.-le -dnedav. March al V. o. U. Temple. llth St. K.iaht prizes. l.ef llnch'a Orche-lra. Admlaalon KTXt TOtiAY. ON TUESDAY NEXT ry fist twrnHnr, ruii, rtr rrwre4 trmma pri ate rf-itirirr tm mmr mmlrm rBOHa I'a-rk trfl. for poalaW mI4f at atl. etmriinr: lavtnrl. Murri. ctttatr. parlor rtHrkers dud criiter latl'iff. (Mitlif rt-. lne trtirlHtn, ptcturvs. lie i r-f -r. Aim i n tK, ! vt a rut itrun-v-r.1 ru aiatfii 9 1 1 and 1 :- 1 2-; box ciurtin anl rovfr. vrry rosiiv ppm tal dfnina tahlt and rl of ltathr-a?at rhair--. I.rli -a-trar, firt-ualil brai-a tfj. Mrl a in var.oim t Ifa. Tha rlrt.on of Jri','ra anil rhif fonlra t rlfk'tnt. fiprraii?. alir-pts. iMmfort. frathrr pHl. maple rockr and rhaint. n t-fr-motor wa-hltiit: machine. Stva art aircl ranK. k lichen cabinet. utenil. etc. A I no we Lave another neat ronljcn mcnt from anutluT prlvat home, as foliom-n: Parlor furniture, library table, m.;!"i on d.nlnff-rom furniture, riliine-r war, iron bvilx. iirln and mattreaaea. oak dre-.--er. uteel range, etc. 1 laieaalaa lMrel.a-erat are wrteoaae laaaeef 1 he bIm e Koia Morrn. Tbey are well worthy of your t-loeet InMpertton. and will laa la al mn Willi lal-i airlloa kouael be sold to the hi chest htiidf-r for rash. ( cme anal live eleae-t a a 4 aet eaadarlra aaelloa aanae la - .rt wrt. Aactloa Taeiay aeat at ! A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall be ready aualn with another romplet nulflt f tioushold furnish Inscs. Sm at la) ovlaMsw w. r. rk:h at t. a. ( rowem, Farallanr leralrr A A art laaera, IS3 lras 'li-e-et. AUCTION SALE MONDAY. AT 2 P. M. Ford Auction Cq. 211 First Street Tou will find a rary rhnlra collection rf extra flne fiirnltura. for sale. urh a 3i braa-Tl. with fo. m) metal prln and flosa mattress: (.'Ircasalan walnut drease-r. coat Hi; two ax tra MaTtt - ttra.lo leather renkers. rest tl each: beautiful mahon ativ rlreaser and fol.liDK bed. hlrds eye niapley rhlffonle.r and princess rlreaser. quartered oak library tables round extension tabl box-seat dlnlna-r-hairs. almost new $49 Reliahlek araa ranue with hlph slj oven. Iar-e quar tered oak bxkraae and several other Kood pieces of furniture, as well as a quantity of les expensive furniture. WEDNESDAYS P.M. -a a 111 have a larre ronslltnment of rted1um-rlaa..ed furniture that will hava to be sold, aa t he lady wants to leara for the Kast on Thuraday next and must sacriflt e at onre. And attain on FRIDAY. 2 P. M. yon will find a boo. I a-sortment of nciuaefurnlhlncs to rhonB fronu and you are always aure of a square deatt and courteous treatment at III first at. u. I'DKD, Aaettsaeer. Main .. A SI41. GREEN HILLS The lowest prl.-e.l view property on the Vest ilue. i'.. tin. II Crest car to Zlon stop. I-ola $.'.. up. CM PI-H.KI.IIV MTt;. at Till T CO, 3T- 4 banker ait 4 aajstrn e. MORTGAGE LOANS XV'V:,r;SZ. j An a, $;. f?frt. $ioi. f;.Ao. U0'trt and $ 1 !:. II. TII4M raT Oak Pf reel. R4Maa 2. tmmrt a Halltilaa. THOMPSCN-ST, PROPERTY rf.VrV'v l.alf Mo. N at K. Thlrty-flrat at . lonc tlme letm. :. II. TH)4 , (Mk St- Rssal Z. Alsaaa-m Halldlaa. 1 AuctionSales AT WIUSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill St. KElilUR SALL5DAYS. r-landay, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. Our sales this week will Include, a lara-ei assortment of a-ood. useful hcusev furnlslilaxH. comprisinar: Farlor furni ture, renter tul. lea, rocker, chulrs. dln-ina- tut.lfs. clialrs. sideboard, dishes and utensils. Iron beds, sprlnars and mat tresses, pillows and beddins;, carpets, rues, lace curtain, portlereav linoleum, rook-stove, kitchen treasure. kltchen cabinets, etc.; also two new steel ranters. CIHinn SOLD AT PRIVATE HALK AT ALL TIME. ltr carry a larce llae of almost aevc, aav-fo-Hate faraltare, e4e, ar all de ocrlptloaw. yyklcai we well at private sale, all lally anaraateed aad delivered t )asr boaac. Miscellaneous Merchandise in Our Store 171 Second Street (Adjoining: Auction Roorai We ssll arweerlew and all kinds of merchandise nt about waoleaale eoat. Also east) realalrra. ahowraaea, aealea. Ilrcprouf safe, counters, etc. J. T. w ILSOX, Aactloaee-r. fash paid for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc. Call Alain IS:, A a-;4.t. A Beautiful Mt. Tabor Home A corner. 100x1 :i. with fine view overlooking: the city. Oood lawn, a h a d e trees, abundance of roses, shrubs and small fruit: space, for larfte garden. It Is my home, built two years. Livlnir-room KxJ.6. fireplace atractlve recep tion hall, dining-room pan eled, beam eel I In (ts, Dutch kitchen, three light, sun ny bedrooms and sleeplnft porch; bath, two toilets, jrood attic: south porch Is 10x40. rear porch screened;" larfte Kara-re, The houy Is right throuKliout, and yon have the results of my two years' rare of the ftrounds. I expect to take less than Its real value. See OWNER li.3 K. Taylor Car. K. Mrd. no rmm aiil a aasn er aa la veatsaralf Hay laalde properly. IIm laalde property la alwaya a aa fe laTratsneal. Tae aearer yaa caa set to crater of fkr cHf y the better. e consider Ladd's Addition The best, which is oply 12 blocks from the river at Haw thorne ave. No other prop erty so close in can be bought so cheap and on such easy terms. The choicest lots, on wide avenues, with alleys in rear, $2150, including all im provements paid. Only $215 cash required, $21.50 each month. Special inducements to builders. We will help yon finance the building. Investi gate. Full particulars, see sales agents. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO.' 605 Concord Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN! S300O AT 7 PER CENT SS00O AT 7 PER CENT Sir,0t0 AT 6 PER CENT S25.000 AT 6 PER CENT Sorurity must be I irst-rliiss and close in improved property. H AMMAN THOMPSON. Mortjrape Loan Dept., Chamber of Commerce Ituildin?;. Fine Investments 7Cnn for business lot on East Third. -plOUlr near Steel brldaje. SJ004 below market price today, and will increase In value more than in any othor part of the- city. Good terma slven. fMpA per acre for an elearant TA-acre OlUU farm, eight miles from Court-, house: well Improved: excellent for sub division. Von can realize 75 per cent profit In a year. ftiOOO cash, balance five years. per cent. P. Ft 'CM . 430 b amber sf Coanmeree. 160 ACRES KtR MOOT HOOD CAHLINK. Suitable for plattlnc Into amall tracts. Kxcellent soil, level and well watered. A. W. I.AMBF.RT at COMPACT, 4MM -aal Alder street. K.aat 4M4V B it Irvington Home 9t New seven-room house: hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, breakfast room: laranr. Modern throtlfthout. EverythlnsT paid. Price 14000 if aold soon. Terms. Thone owner Sunday, until 1 o'clock. " 222: or week days. A 30 or Main f. 10 ACRES Ten acre on Villa avenue, closa to Mount Hood Electric Hy. and atation, near city limits: partly cleared; small house: trood wall. Good platting; propo sition. Owner. AK .. OreKonian. SACRIFICE SALE WEST KID'S. Klne apartment site; ha large house In excellrnt condition; good Income. Will take part trade for equity of Siii0 It wlil pay to Investigate. OVa MIR. A nil, Mala 4S4I. $7500 for the first payment will take a West Side Comer Lot in the downtown business dis trict east of Fourth st. Frame building rented for enouph to cover interest and taxes. The full Price is $25,000 and the balance can runat leas 3 years at 6 per cent. Close-in West Side property upon such liberal terms is worth investigating. Ask for Mr. Andersen. Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth St. A Snap Ixt 50x100 on E. EVERETT NEAR LAURELHTJRST Streets hard-surfaced and paid. PRICE $1600 J. J. Oeder Corner Grand Ave. and East Ankeny This Whole Block 24.800 square feet, overlottkinp; the , i - - i , . . 1 1 . i ' . t C . e . 1 . lliameiie, who. 100 icci irouia-jc, is a bargain at $7500 IVo -c Turma r ctt i f Boautiful grove of native tres; unobstructed view. Fine hospital or a ii y. uc .. sanuanuni hue. . uum mane a ocau- ;r,.l liAniAifa Pa-want ilpvplnnmpn t- IUUI UUI1IV a a - . aa a, -a-w - ' - in this district justify a much hipher price. Near carline, 20 minutes' ride, 5 cents fare. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Exclusive Agents, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Only One Left! 9 100,000 FOR A CLOSE-IN CORXER LOT. See Mr. Kupper. CIIAPIX-HERLOW MTG. at TRLST CO, Ckamher of Comnteree. FACTORY SITES 53 ACRES IN KENTON FACTORY DISTRICT Kailroad and water facilities. Ad joining property selling for $2000 up. To settle an estate this will be sold for $1250 per acre. Terms. Trustee, V 888, OregoJiiau. WarehouseProperty 313,50050x100, with trackage, located on 15th st., between Mar shall aud Lovejoy streets. (2418) See L E. Ballinger, with Hartman' &. Thompson Chamber of Commerce Building. GOOD HOME FROM OWNER New modern five-room bunrtlow, with a reception hall, full basement, cement wall and walks, full attic floored, modern plumbing, fraa and elec tricity, bmall payment down, balance Ilka rent. C. C. FOSTF.R, 117 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 4HS2. $1440 Income TO TRADE FOR VACANT LOT. Will trade four-flat building- on the West Side for nlca Irvlnarton lot or house and lot, or sightly location else where, or cash. w. If. CAI.KF, 7 SO E. Halmoa. W 3M3. GREEN HILLS The lowest-priced view property on the West Side. Council Crest car to Zlon atop. Lots $500 up. CH.tril-HKRI.OW MT;. at Till ST CO, 93 I ba taker ef 4 om merer. MORTGAGE LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Vfortaaara Parehaaed. WESTERN BO-ID at MORTti AGfcS CO, Ceaaaaerelal Clue Bids 4 A HOME BEAUTIFUL IT IS A PERFECT DREAM The most beautiful home, and in the prettiest spot, ever built in Portland for near the present price. A llvinn-room 16x24, with very larsre plate-srlass win dow overlokinsr river, city nnd moun tains: cove ceilinsrs, beautiful electric fixtures, a dandy all-tile fireplace. UlnlnK-room finished in ebony, beamed ceillnKS. old hammered brass fixtures, an elegant buffet with oval mirror re-flectin-r the view. Lower part of walls wood panel, upper part imported fig ure paper panels. The den overlooks same ifrand view, has open beamed ceilinK, dandv fireplace, walls finished In burnt leather, with flpured panels above, and the same hiKh-class fix tures. The bath Is a beauty, art-glass skylight alwavs radlatlnir sunlight, has dandy built-in dresser with fine lare bevel mirror. The kitchen has every built-in convenience that a modern kitchen could have, even to refrigerator room. ironing board and screened porch. The bedrooms all finished In white enamel, high-class wallpaper, beautiful fixtures and wardrobes built In the closets, each closet having a French window. There aro three porches a small one off the guest's chamber, a screened porch off the kitchen, and an elevated porch off the dining-room, with store room nder neatli. This porch Is not accesihle from street or lawn, and commands view of city, river, mountains and Tualatin Vallcv. The basement is large and light.' with cement floor and fine large furnace set In concrete basin, no fire can get out. and makes much better draft. There is a beautiful large pergola encircling cement fountain and pool, which can be made a perfect bower. Streets paved anil cement walks all In. Ke sure and see this today, and von will want to become the owner of THE - MOT-TAI.KKI - OK HOME IN PORTLAND. Council Crest car to first stop hevontl Crest, three blocks east to LA CASALOMA. Look for the name plate. House open and warm all after noon. SHAW at LOCKE. 73 Sixth Street. Near Oak. Main Wriin. A-4IH.',. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME SITES QUARTER ACRES IN ELMO HEIGHTS ACRE LOTS IN AMON ACRES Close in. Best of car service. Water, electric lights, telephones. Free de livery. Soil extremely fertile. Ele vated and sightly. Right in the direct line of Portland's great suburban growth' to the eastward. QUARTER ACRES. 400 ACRE TRACTS, SI 200 Terms to suit purchaser. Firlands Trust Company 006 Spalding Building. Goat or Cattle Ranch 200 acres slightly rolling hillside land, 7 miles from main line of South ern Pacific Ky., 18 acres under ettki vation, 7.") acres bottom land, balance mostly logged off; about 1.000,0110 feet scattering fir timber. All good graz ing land and pTenty of outside range. Good improvements with the place. Price $4800. DAIRY OR CATTLE RANCH 350 acres, well located and good im provements, with 7,000.000 feet stand ing old-growth fir timber. Will ex change for part in Portland property. Price $35 per acre. CHERRY BROTHERS, Eugene, Or. Price Reduced Over $1200 840 Montana and 100, 15-foot alley, rooms, fireplace a six rooms: both ha 46 Shaver. Lot lOOx One house seven nd bath; one house ive basements. This leaves corner 70x' 0 feet vacant. Price was $6750. Owne r wants to go into business and must says sell at $5500, real bargain.. have cash quick, and all cash. This is a GODSARD & WIEDRICK, 241 Stnrk St. BEST BIT If! ALAMEDA PARK ELEGANT NEW EIGHT-ROOM RESI DENCE, MODERN IN DETAIL. HIGH LOT, 50x100. CEMENT WALKS, GRADED STREETS. PRICE 6SOO. EASY TERMS. CALL FOR C. G. REAGAN". Chapin & Herlow S.T2-3.1S CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. Hawthorne Avenue Corner E. 53d St. 100x100 , $5000 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. NS Fourth SI. - Business Corner A fine business corner. 60x94. on K1I llnirawnrth avenue. The cheapest buy on that avenue. Price $6000. half cash, balance per cent, three years. J. F. DIEFENBACH. Mala 3141. SIO Selling Bids:. GREEN HILLS rive Inw-est-nrlced view property on the Wet Side. Council Crest car to Zlon top. Lots $500 up. CHAPIN -HER LOW MTG. at TRTSTCO, S33 tuawr ox t.anm.ifre. 3933 Acres Wasco County Oregon Must Be Sold at Once Account of owner's physical condition: 4 80 acres in growing crop: about "iOO acres ready for barley; about 2000 acres tillable land; 20 horses; 12 cows; 50 hogs: plentv of feed: harness, wagons, buggies an all farming implements: stock scales; blacksmith shop; 2 good houses: 3 barns and other, necessary outbuildings: 3 creeks and 20 springs on place. Price for few davs. including all stock and equipment. $12 per acre; one-third cash, balance long time. 6ri. Johnston-Bolhfur Co. ftON Chamber of Commerce Bldg Home Site A beautiful piece of ground. 100 by 100. with 20 assorted fruit trees, all in bearing. Every tree is worth $100 each. There is a full cement basement ready to build on. This place is lo cated on K. 53d, close to Base Line road : street improved. If yon. want something good, look at this. Price, $2500. Jordan & Garbade . 232!2 Washington. Phone Sundav. Tabor 3103. OLD TREES on this 100x320 yard. Modernized house is fine. Hawthorne ave., near 5Gth street. $11,000 Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Cliapin-Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Union Avenue 100x100 Corner Ash, with 3-story brick. Price .$50,000. Union Avenue 0212 x70 feet. Corner Roselawn avenue. Ideal busi ness location. Cheapest lot on Union avenie. Price, $3000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark Street. East Davis Street Corner Price $7750 100x100 situated on the northwest cor ner of E. 15th and E. Davis sts. Mall & Von Borstel 104 SECOND ST, Lt'MBER EXCHANGE BLDG. Special Offer M-l - f r will buy a splen X VJvi' did corner with store building, full lot, east front. 10 per cent income. An investment best buy on the market. Close in on East Side. OTTO & HARKS0N REALTY CO., 1 33U. First Street. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Quarter block, on carline, best dis trict. Fine building site. Owner, AF 800. Oreeronian. Do You Want a Home? Not Merely a House aad Lot, but a Dandy, Fine I.lttle Home. Thirty minutes from the center of the city, with 6c fare; all kinds of fruit and flowers, and the price is only $1800, with terms. For full particulars see WALLACE INVESTMENT CO, SIS oreaonlan llldg. Hawthorne Park Home Nice modern eight-room house: four bedrooms, fine furnace, fireplace, extra large living-room: lot 45x100: on East Fourteenth and Y'amhill streets; easy walking distance. Price a bargain. $6250; $2650 cash, balance at per cent. GRl'SSI at BOLDS SIS Board of Trade ItlrlK 4lh aad Oak. LOTS On East 64th and Division, opposite en trance to Alt. Tabor Park. Lowest priced property In district; $450 and up, terms. See owner on ground. ARTHUR P. PRIEIt, East Sixty-fourth and Dlvlln Streets. I'hone Tabor lOOT. lOOxlOO 15th aad Thurman ' 100-foot trackage WATSON & THERKELSEN CO 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592 Read the Following Farm Bargains f OfT flpDCO of rich, nearly level IGU MuliLO land on Tualatin River, near Sherwood. Improved with new eight-room house, large new barn, several sheds, good well: land fenced and cross-fenced. About 60 acres under plow, 100 acres slashed, bal ance mostly good timber. A fine dairy and hog ranch. Price $100 per acre. Terms, $10,000 cash, balance five years, 6 per cent. AH iPDCQ of senUv rolling land. rU Him LO some bottom 1 a n d, on Tualatin River; fair house and barn: land Is close to above tract; 36 acres plowed. Price $5200 cash. This i a first-class little ranch. 11 A APBC? ot rolling land, all Ul MuntO good soli; fenced and cross-fenced; improved with good seven-room house, barn, hophouse, sheds, etc. About 200 acres under plow, balance oak timber. An ex ceptional buy. Price $25,000. Terms $8000 cash, balance can run ten years, 6 per cent. 105 ACRES slightly rolling black loam soil, very fertile and well located. Jo im provements other than old hophouse. Fine spring: fenced. About 60 acres Is under plow, balance brush and oak grub, easily cleared. This land is located north of Iafayette. and is positively cheap. Price $85 per acre. Terms one-third cash, balance three years, 6 per cent. I Ofl HP DEC ot rlch- fertile, clay lU MbflLO loam, slightly rolling land: fenced and improved with good seven-room house, fair large barns, sheds, well. etc. About 100 acres in crop second-season clover; one-third of crop goes with place if present owner is to harvest it. Price $95 per acre. Terms, one-third cash, bal ance five years, 7 per cent. This is a beautiful farm, near Amity, Or., and wortli more money. Ofll HPDCC of very fertile, gently ZUO AUnCO rolling land: about one-half is bottom landbalance oak grub containing several thousand cords of oak wood. Ovefr 100 acres under plow. Land is on two county roads, and located- between Carlton and Yamhill. Improvements consist of large old house, barn, sheds, etc. A beautiful tract to divide into smaller farms. Price only $75 per acre. Terms one-half cash, balance five years, 6 per cent. The above farms are a few of the best bargains in their respective lo calities on the market. They are but a few from our large list of GOOD FARM BUYS. Do not fail to look Into them. Whitmer-KellyCo 70 FOURTH STREET. Main 100S. CALIFORNIA LANDS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Live In California's Delightful Climate. Own a Money-Making California Farm and Enjoy It Buy our choice irrigated alfalfa, dairy and fruit farms. leading dairy center of state. Any size tract. Adapted to oranges, lemons, grapefruit, olives, figs, peaches, apricots, almonds, walnuts, apples, pears, etc. All pay from $100 to $500 per acre. We have the best land in state for sweet potatoes. First crop pays for land. Ask for proof. Prices $73 to $150 per acre. Small cash payment, long time on balance. Stock Ranches and Suhiliv lalon Proposi tion From 10OO to 100,000 Acres. Call or Write for Literature. SMITH & SWEET, Inc. Main Office, Modesto, California. Portland Branch. 310 Board of Trade BldKn C. H. Zlmmermnn. Mgr. A FEW ADMIRABLE BUILDING SITES Rend These Carefully. 71x100 corner. Beautiful lot for flat or apartments. Between two excellent carlines and within walking distance. In high-class residence district. Close in. East Side. Price $5000. 100x100 corner. Finest kind of apart ment or garage site. Located on East Tenth street, short distance from Mor rison street. See this before you buy. Price $9000. ' Residence corner lot situated in one of Portland's most, exclusive residential districts. Surrounded by magnificent homes. Price $3500. "Two choice lots In Kenton, the packing-plant town. East Irvington. 50x100 lot. All im provements In and paid. Price $2250. Excellent corner lot. 50x100. East Thirtieth and Ash streets. Price $2000. A. W. LAMBERT COMPANY, 404 East Alder Street. F.n.t 640. W 11- Great Land Slide IDC UPDC? o the Mount Hood It. It., IU3 MunCO n e ar Cottrell. heretofore held at $200 per acre, and worth It. Circumstances are such that It must be sold at once. Good familv orchard, old house and barn; 25 acres in cultivation; several springs. Elegant place lor hogs. Best of soil. Beautiful view. Part of this place is worth and will sell for $500 per acre just for the view. That price has been offered and refused for land adjoining and no better. Now 1 .1. e.l.. nrklla U'A tell T..11 thfl price only $90 per acre; $4000 cash. balance live yeaiB. o iiei vv.uct early, stand in line to get this. The first man that sees it will buy. We will give the purchaser $250 spot cash for an option until May 1 to purchase this land at $150 per acre. RAYMORE REALTY CO. 430 Worcester Bldg. Acre Royal View of river and mountains. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Chapin-Herlow 332 Chamber of -Commerce. J BLOCK E. 7th and Ellsworth 3SOOO Easy Terms WATSON & THERKELSEN CO S06 Spalding Bldg. ' Main 7592 tey ?i "4-?, f x.-s-.-rc ,i r rf-- The Finest Home Place on ML Tabor for Sale Tliis is really a splendid estate. A country home in the heart of the city on the heights of Mount Tabor, over looking the entire city. The Hawthorne carline passes the door. Mount Tabor Park is close by. The Ground Comprises Two Full Acres with fruit trees of almost every con ceivable variety. The large size of the tract makes it possible to subdivide profitably and still retain a splendid homesite. The building, a magnificent new and modern dwelling with nine large rooms, witli reception hall, sleeping-porches, etc.; fireplaces, sun parlor, inglenook. hot-water heating plant, is the last word In home building. The building alone cost $8000, and if the purchaser choose to dispose of only ton lots off the north end of the tract there would still be left a home site 129x153. which, with the building, would represent an investment of less than $SOO0 to the purchaser. The present owner wishes to go abroad, and, instead of leasing, will dis pose of this elegant place to responsible parties on any reasonable terms de sired. The price $18,000, is way below actual value, and should make this ap peal at once to any one ambitious to own what is unquestionably one of the finest residences in the city. Exclusive Agent Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. THE SECRET OF Successful Investment Find out where people want to go and get there first. Go to BAY CITY FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. 4. The Southern Pacific spent $5,000, 000 to reach this district. The Hill system will spend a like amount to reach it (the road is one third complete NOW). One company will spend $1,000,000 in developing Its property. The Government and Port of Bay City will spend hundreds of thou sands on the harbor: 35 billion feet of timber will be cut or handled at Bay City, necessitating the estab lishment of extensive sawmills, planing mills, furniture factories, sash and door factories, shingle mills and other wood-working concerns at Bay City the only possible townslte an Tillamook Bay. INVESTIGATE Send for informa tion. Bar City Land Co. Send literature and other par ticulars of Bay City. Name. . . Address. BAY CITY LAND CO. 701-2-3 Spalding Bldg. Main 1116. A '023. The Earning Power of $10,000 Caah Infested In Thin a.tO,000 Apartment la $2400 OR 24 PER CENT NET. See Mr. Berk For Choice Income Properties. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., Easy Terms Main street. West Side. 64x100. neat Thirteenth street; two large houses renting for $1700 per year. This is an excellent apartment site, and in three or four years will be worth $50,000 or more. Can be had today for $32,500; $12,500 cash, balance at 6 per cent fot five years. J. F. PIEFBXBtCII, StO Selling Bldg, Money to Loan fUOOO to $10,000 at 7 Per Cent on First. CIbmh Bunlnes or Realdenee Property. J. J. CAHALIN. '" Chamber of Commerce Bargain BUNGALOW AND FINE VIEW LOT. Very low price, and terms like rent Hard-surface street and all improve ments. Price $2700. No. 868 Brooklyr St., corner 28th st. Phone Main 179. Platting Proposition Twenty-five to 50 acres, close to Mount Hood Electric and city limits. Very choice tract. Price $200 below surrounding property for quick sale. Call Tabor 2224 or M 3510 for appoint ment. 10 Net Four five-room flats, thoroughly modern, gas and electricity, fireplace and furnace; always rented: walking distinct. Income $1350 yearly. Why loan money at 6 per cent. B. N". TUFFORD, Mar. 4.Vt7, A 4545. 4Q7 Spalding Bldg You Can Own This New seven-room California bungalow, with inclosed sleeping-porch: all big rooms: .fireplace; stone porch, Sx40 feet. Beautiful place. Cost $5000. Must sell. Will take $4000. Terms to suit you. OWN EH f Sunday E ZtO.I. Main 1B40. WF.ST SIDE BUSINESS LOT CCnOfi .r,(,,il00 on North 21st st.; tDuUUU some improvements: term, phone owner. Main 223, evenings. h