t TITi: SUNDAY OREGUMa'X, PORTLAND, MARCH 10, 1012. 11 Ka.1. ESTATE. I ar !le I arm. lry i:ai: 'AN MAKh -vlG if .fc.Y UF.r.El nf i:.e drvi . in of 1 r . r n ; ..r e: T Iv I.J Brrr f -tiled eanno. , i. i it p.vrs our rtver th . i w .-I a .y str--m in Can- i ir-.. on 1. 1 m-mntaia ri. nrr i. .n f t -- '" ..- j till l-e -or ,.i r.av l-Art fa.i- t . r Jji a ton. Th j or 1 t-aa ler , Isr.J In on r-p- J ... fc corr spvndius.y t k . I he . ; i . . P-v t III r::i t .b ttie three o .n Ct.irojni -v.;-i v Is !se."ui tha 4lrtt s- I i s'l 1 pla-.t n' alfa and can .-rp your rv-:---k I :-. iM : ....- p . ' f u i. , J .-. i4 t r.. i-!!- I ,, . .v. r .i rr.-ti. 1 .nif i'u -ir cro 1 fruit, curlier fruit j 'm i;rwni. hot, poultry, .-.(.t... 4 its h-ad. f: it- -n h ni-ckcr ian- ;n ..j t" the t !v.ri:.r. an-! vi i; l- rr. I - ip it r. YfHi i.. -ii. i.t it . .1 . i -f "i H il "ITALY P Wli A I.I- A I I V It V N r. T 'i .:t Ut. , I a in - h ; Im-uuii'l:! r : r 'in I ;- tn 1u ' t ar- K.:..H ! ; j. ; ymin ; t w I. .1 .1 -m tli 4." i,. M fr.-;n s 1i r.- I K i nnd Oik. r 1 in ha. . .i;.-k.-n-h .it; J ot h-r :ttart. fn-ntn xifr; 4 ; r 1 ! v 1 1 1 at h 1 u ; ni', r. 1 ii- !-! 1 t-r-d ; . J ntt-.' to t-o;ii land ;.r 1 n liiiiiilv r Hi k ra.o f."io j i-r t .-i .11 t. it h. r la ti.l ic f..r a:l on O. r.,i un I c I' ( u m of il.M 1.. fvr off-red: un l i. urn v I ....d o.i:ity ' -I. ri. Jt on, 4o hi r.MV ir h-' i.r:d t arn. p:.-i;t . of liini r (.r. -(..trd iand. T';ia r!. .- t".- - f v r t r nc la.. ' per -r; .M.i:dn A: Km'f- t.i.Ai:s f roi.i :.-i d. 1 .-h.-ird tm.- fir l.;.'id p.-.ir.; n. ra r .111 i;.. 7 -i ;t' 1 route- a 'id .1 .1 III a r.i -I-- o. r. v I oil.' .! ;.. I.un. i.-i.ii. 11 1 in- p;..-. :..- r:i:i pi - t 1 - 1:0 tr.i. ; T ni l 4.H. t-on-. .i .i.l". Lincoln ' n In 1 .i -n l-n r t -i-i- .1 - ! o: 9- . r.il .n r. . i i'i ai' t ..utMilMtn-,:: u- h the pi. .-. p- .-v 1. lji.1i.1n t iiit pur- '.i:r.h. r of t '.imnur'-c. of KUriT L VNt. k "-. . I fa ' 1 h ir-. It . .I ;i r, miT t : . ne t r . on ha 'f w.rina 1: h ir-i :h- p'.i- e f r uh-ii i't- ;n cuf.l- V .Iter I" a 1 .ni'or; . p. .r . . n. ce . o part i si t : up. lurner. ii-m 01 hlk-h-price.l. 1.1 t o : h v ircm sol I 1. i me- irrigated or . f-..m : .. f. .. aui . . k ie- .-n Mnri'i'' a. Ai 'rta. X. I, i MOKN . r.i. i'.h ni ai I'a.-ilc A !.i'i; a:., i hicutfo. : : T 1 1 Y A M 1 U L 1 " , i- !. - t-aira c.irti ttv, v a ti . - mile t res m crop, rw . 'o. mi.KUoie. an. l barn; Jtio i !r.S te owner. a a. aM. N r i 1 y 1 -i: vi t vr ;k ! THIS pvk. . i 1- t v ii lor our ihoua a t 00k. -T'-.e Tr i:h Jt d IT t te.'ay. 1ft F il K K. .v It .' rmai'n Itur.-aU. IM -!!.- ! . J-in Friri'-i.. r r.ip '-. ?:i.' P 'ut i ef !rt!an.!: m - t-l-t. -I a.-.eS hop; 5-l n tto ' d f s ear A faro hiralti ;!L u . tl1 Hari.llu n bhlj;. ilaraliali lAVi!iiLU folNTY FARMS a Tic e f:m!r.. ttra!::. h-y. 4 : 1 . : (f. r : c. . a !i: t 4 11; . ! FtR SAL K. 1 :; for frutl. hop, a Sathrt n i;i: . .. -I., t.r.-c n f:i.'o- c.--.tv r...4. k run. l ... L-3L ..f .oil m , rpp oT - j.r. with .to.lt. !m...nv. J -! V r Jrrr, l.rni.. Tin .i;rnt. v:t a. L.tirrliru l:.ut.- i' K a ::.i t r ir ow ii- r .:..... ... k. a.i'l r.mwi.: Irr 1 t.rn : ; t: r--. ...ri-.h-n f '.' . .-m t. ' 'r. i . . or w r;:e lor prtca ;.t. W. Ki Jer. L'ai :ton. or. U S M."-: Suh-r an h and '2 i-r-a. 1 r;s-ie.t. ...n.-'a:'.i rr?:d:i.-e, larn: 1 A' T1 en ' a-.! 1 r v i.m,- i -. ca-, Snap I cn.'.t.a , ..'M "H.n. ' ( - - ii Ail- I I -TIT t1- s. J. N inn. ''.'. 'a..(orn-i. 1 .. .. i. .a.- : . ; -.,1 .i .r. wi ' .K p.i-t tt. t. -: i .'j .(-.,; o-.I h.ir. A.i- . P-.-x i ... I - h. r. f :a.n i v.; t.-- ... r... lM . .i.- i .. ; ... ti. (i .oi:. .--..n ho...-, t j.--: - r-" " f .! t.i . . 'i i:.nKi:. i. t...'c. U':r. .i.i i i . r:l..n -..a "o ii- y... tr'- . .. ii. t.ilik, i All' ft eat. Tur. A FEW PNAPJ IN FARM. a. re at Forest G-ove. ir.. ."4, mil'- wos: -f i.'.i- b t rri.i.M- to n in or K--n . I lit- homr of I 'i e Pacific I'nl vco.l : I a-r.-om ro,e. 3 pd J,jrn. prun drvrr. Iu re r.-n.ljr oref-wrd. l-.re tn-ann prunes. 1 l, 'rri tmii, ma;ered by -i .-e. k f.-rf by pprlns. 3"tu cords of nvl un plar and Utntr la timber. 2t ACRES AT WOdDHl'HV. AH cutnv At'l, -.er 7-rm house. g"oi1 btrn ar.d outbuildings, plenty uf frmt. t wcn and hurnM. price $;.-.io; tak (.art m unu-ip-oved property In Prtind and some tAti. A'TiKS AT WASIKH'GAI o ji -n m culttvnt.op. 4' arr rut or-".a.-d. fix ib "and. ti- " pood , n. good builhnci at l- an icr. AitKS. M ALLOY fJTATIOX. -Bi.n K-tno: t in I a urnhnuf pr.j,...t i.m t-j!i!'trtl with the brat of ic an 1 ni.tch:n( . ri-iy to mak :ntn y; tiir ;r t riijht or. thia. Nr:K SIIKTIIPAV. !: h..u-. hjrn mix! t hui ii men. fim l' .ir.hifil. !' d at.l ;r-.t-.; rr-'pn; price .. will ik .n.-hjlf In trai-. AT MMi.vvn.i.t:. ok. H r-. uni !H tm-. ".-'t.- tra-t. no hi.!.:irii:. n fi.m.'v roa-i: Om U a bar-Z-i ti at Ito n acre. this nkk:s' work. a. r. : f-.n-.-n.-ll. o-.. K-od hulM- rrtn; mlshl r t rle. pni:TLM MffilNKSM KX'H.VSOR. :-; Kti.h;M Hi ilK. Marfan 3?S. . nn urtf f..r M rt-s of excellent lan-i. U nuirt of (''tiIuij i. S" an arr for I a-r-A In tame lo auii in cultl Mtiun. T an a. -ro f.r -ro. fine lnrr p. t.a--n aixi i-r''tii hu-: !" .iTn in ill i it a i i..n ; 4--r. in "ix-n panturr. & n t i" i n V o, r-a.t nit J'ort-nul. k 1th fine ma.hina f-r rm of fine I inl within ntrl f hMt!:iilnic ami It. It. - ii . ) 7 - r i:ii li"u and ba rn it - 0 . J a-r m i uiTUuiion h.mI a'rn -l MlMUl". l'.'ft .'I)!'! of WO"! worth i-rr r..r.i wiihoiit I'-ii'Ii-nit It: It it unl (mpu-:tii'tit co vrnh tt..- p. .!(. i nh ut.d wtiK I uno i i-.tlaio at ( I-T -nt. J M r'KKM'K Ac -. ! I K KAKM liuV :. loo M t .nil. ti oni S.J. m. In nn of the pr- 1 1 imi; tn t lo- V i1 l.miot t V..;.t v, i-oiaiii.inoit it niaitltiri i.t vl-w of ;i i i.y .tij f ititN-a up 4 ml down i:-. v ill. . . 10". imtd'tn f'trhi -rH.in hmim-, . iii.-ril 1 uin-Lirion. priat wjt.T vt.-m, h.ih launrtT)- triva. -r v t h In y tin l th t. -; i! m . ii. w h.n ii. tUjt, na 11 1 I'mtr. .1 : PH"'d t Mourn m ml b.irn . I ir 1. 1 p'tin f. s -r- :; yi.tr o'"i. M h.t ! ul: l . t ion. l.i.4i:io p.tiur.'; rtinnimt w.:-t .ir-l rp;tnc I" pa:ur nnd u; nioich tunlo r fo; family u.-; ach'Ht.hou."- .Ti.l it.u'ffi withtn 4o ro-i. land U tovol. hut i p rff. f y Ir.ilm .i. in community o' rl:i-' honi-a and inn ffful rrh.Td: .!::! t m-iit iiionr nr- -nFi;y worth 5.-.ii. md .T r tH r'-ti.t honi for lf ! r r,- ia it I t-ni., ;nVn.IIK TKI ST i'i'VIMXV, .N'v. 2 l.ntt'h-riii n iiU.iiiUK. liruund K!"-r. TMK Kl'SH TO i'AXAI'A. I'.tiii.iin firm I;(.da cnrumnrdlnR mor- :n:-niion thin ;" ntiier f.irm Linda .1 Ai7i.ru a. hundred of m.-rl-:in are luy;nc th--.' produ- tiVM lamia and ;hou F.ni in of p.op- tit- corntiiK from Kur-'pa; I; m e;irn. t. d th i hi" 1111 mi -.: Ion to -.:.-in t'inudi thla ynir will b.- at t.-it 4oHH.., the i'.ininll.tTi Par.lir ILill-,it- stlil offering Vi rv prodstrf lv W.'oiit I.-m;a on f--m frT-n 1L t- P r rra on t. rma of onot-nt h r..t and ha ;;itn e in ni .10 xrmr. ;t tt per ren. Th- ui .i!l ll"t-c:.uia 1-ind. ail r'enrod nni ready t"r the plnu, No other p. ace In the world off era j ;i:t! opioi : unit i.-a. 1 1 K- !'" A liT H V LAND CO.. Jo. 2 l.timiMTiii'-rm Itulldinir. Oroimd Kioor. .Ko SALK .1 arri I in cultivation: new flve-r-vou hMturalow- and o.m well of water : 1 '- p .I'Tip com pie! e ; I ur'" of at rn nh--r-ri.-!. p.aim-d !:if: t.rtnir: apple treea of ;i.iventen, Kmjr. Iton I'a ia. Bald w :n. Arkana It.n. k und S-k No Kur h.r: u'oit 1 -nra old; thoroughly M 'toed nnd j.riined: rx-ar tree of It.irt- ; : r nd I -Mir ro-i '; arc.m ; t ilia orchard t.dt f -vir i.lu- and oi rr.) rihhon at r-imty fur: nil fine- ami: on muin road. mil. 1 from Portland; thia ia aomethinc jr-fid and w il pa v to aeo It. Si r tli undiTji--nrd o nT for price and term at im. i-. . I. KM . ' roiron iiy. e,.. n. Ph. A T Main Ml. :ih;ii-:i;a lk u a iv i:anh AT A L V pIlTt'K. -4' a- re in V.tc. 1'iMiniv. Oreeon. "1" nr 1 und-r r -ilt 1 af ion : ahout 4 norei .id.l:tnti tl can mt in cultivation: l.nl pnttin. weil" fenced. cod S-rooin rnii tth hatii. two el! and a neer-f-;!,ne t-priT'ir. two -o,.d hurna. Thia It a f'rT-T-clHs cruin and ato. k ran.-h. p'od r h ii'k.-n -hoiie. hc pen nnd ct:i n.iry ; two niiiiv fro-n railr-wd. Prive per ocro. ne-third l. ope-h ilf cnxh, t alunrc 7 runl annual p-m mrt'Tii T-r cont. .! "IJNSTON-HoTMKIK "".. !H Chrliniter or I'onimereo hide. M A'-UKS. HI J'KIt A'HF.. fma!l creek through on t Ire olav three mKea from Winant . on "orval'ia A- Ka at om P n.. and aix mile- from Newport, la Lincoln "uintv: four-roorti houso. ham, Bood aoil. fine pasture and open out race. 1; ii.i Twirhbora n'nr; fine climate Win tor. e.ol Summer ph nt v wo.l. w at. r and he:i'th: will Jel! nn fiv pavmrnt 'f $ro0 or take erjnitv house nnd lot, or lot up to $ 1 1 o 1. h 1 1 a my on v term O. M i tt .I'eV inff. Ffvber Itl.M k. f'orviilHa. Or. H O M K S K K K K II S! s p k rn ATun s: For a!o nt a naerifice- Farm. 1"7 acre, on S.tlern Fh-i-tric. .1 hoir from Portland: a- -e undT cultivation, hiunr, lare hrirn. cMekeu-hoU.e. a cmpVlrlv foneed ; .n mn!:i count v road. R. F. r.. and rlcht m t! .' heart of the groatcst fruit Htid h"P K-nAlni; ountry in th- af at. ; roil ran ). beaten for fruli-trrowintr purn.-a. and rem ral farm Inc. I'-Io JTJOO. Look into t 11. A O'Hij'Miinn. ?a AfRKV. On M"'!v roni. l-int f.rt on fo 1 im'.ia U'vor. Ill mi! fr-m Port land: eompoMed t- ar'l nt a K-"it - i ifi. o. i'o-uo n-id ao Tne or write John I iek. ft '5 I nlon a r. North. 1 1 -jr. ATRR ":il'v farm. ho'r-o location, no wnte land, f ; n e ao 1 1 . n a tl- r. v m h o u o, hot nnd r .i-1 w.iter. Iath. now r--d burn. 2 nrroa rn 1 xod .ir. hard. ." acres in new apple or chard cirfd team, urndod cow a. hoira. c . it. chirk en, ml Tht tak. aomo trail e: v:!l n'l -t h bari;:iln: n f-no farm. HKVKLK Hj:R!SON, .Ml (iTlimtT IUd 1'ifVTIIY 1HMK. 1-. AiTK-i ALL 'V iTITIVATtOV. r -T ' f i'okti. wo r.oon iiofsk VM PW.V L?VK-ThK AND ALL IM I'l rV'ATS; t'KMKXT "KLI. A R. PflONK IV HOC - K M S r Si'FN'li !OM 1 V rvK i-orxTRY. rri''K !ww.o: tkkm. I'i,,iT"-i V Vl P A RT1 l ' LARS WITH WM M fVT"SiI. VTJ STARK ST. OR W. M H1RP.SK1.L. TUQI TTALr. OR. FA RM FOR PAI.K Terrs Hrt of o,l. will raa mnft aivrhins and ! of it. 17. niib-a aotith of p.- and. l-." an acre I want a pood nelirhhor aid will a-ll rnl to me for aa 'otv .11 J.'im -i rsh. l-aianco terma. Addrera o w r. r P. o. Hot -7T. city. i'KKS hruah Tand, S milea from 'arro;ia, V..sh.; fine fiah'.nc atre.it: thronch it; 3 nor, a clrd. aui.i'l h'uae and othor 1m rr.iv .P'-r.T. r R. F. I". route ; w ill tnke l.oo if ' 1 within a month. Wm. Qui. k. i'a-m"a uh. NINV: .'KNT fAHFAKK. fne aorea. view of "ouncil rreat. all In cu. t iv.t t 'on . houao. fruit and hcrrtoa; nrar a- hool. ehnr- h. atooa and " minute ,,f Orec m K:- trie. Pr re M'O, eay term. N. M APP. Hnry bldr. jr"ti"i s"Tk bv owner, ."-acre farm wrph rool h i.e. ' b irn and rhif -ken-hnue, l--arinc fru.t of a'l kinds; 10 miia out on rlcctrh line; l.st ro.i-': fine view; te-ma. Jeirao IL Sharp. r.o Commrrcial b:k. , IilM'Y T.A vn PAHdATV. 40 ac-es. fine ao(l. ahundnee of Hvtns tir house The bst land b-ir In rinrk' I'.mnii; Alfred A. linker, j J 1 J APtcron iuis 1 mi: r. : wri from Port!.r.,i. pump. rtc. ; a 1 W ATSON" Tn KKK KLKX CO .- -i:.l'. P.MC. 1'f.ono i.nn .. V?. r. of 1 o a. r-s mint ix- aett. d out. k-T. r a '.a. per acre; nt: s from por:'.and. close to boat. K. K. nnd electric line: no rom rnis; ..n. Sea 1 i'u -n n t hi rbr shop. 3f. M'Ti ison sr. Fi x i UYifarm of ! a-re, on cr:t-.e. a sta tion on the f.irm: 'd eoi!. some timber, no, huiilinic tin :r-.m o:i ooun.Iajy of . ... . erf in Are dairy couniry: price .e .oP.v . - . .1 P-J. r. conlr.n. J i'P.K. 11 miles tT-'m t on aim. mi.o f rorn t .ir. 1 - per a- re ; 1 hts land has e.-iounh t'mher to pav for the cost of land; vr,t r.. l.timN-r Kxchaiie. M hop fa n. near inoraro : also lopin-berri.-s. ore: 3rd. st taw berres. etc.: ill pav 3 p r rent prlr In crops; lettQI Chaa. il Hick. Fursst Orova, or. AN RF.AI. TUE. for fale -I- arms. A FEW lioop 1A!UIKS. 1S a'-rea, rh h d. well cultivated. ?4 m le from Port land ; the A. Ai . R- TL rupa on tho edre of the farm : the ata tion is run inrijn fm th door; three trains each way daily: th.a is the best rrj'ilppd dairv and stork farm in the whole Willamette dairy district: barn are modern and equipped for 140 row. 10 horae-a; a-parate bam for hopa. calves and Laht and airv hous- for ".W chlrkrna. mnchinorv house. workshop. toolhouae. btinkhouao: dwolilna-hous in ajood or der hut not tn fi'Bt-cUa ahaiv: every hulldtne Is waterel from A central tern: ateam !-or plant operates all the nm-hltifrv; creamery, f". d rnlil. pump furnUlilPip water. onsllaire nitter and wood aa ; .". rows. horse. .".ootf worth machtneiv. P:. t'na hnv. hunhela oats, aorne wheat. 7 bona and l'0 chickon. The builder of thia place Jtiat pot It f !rished before he d:e.l and didn't set tne hutldmc painted. Il la Po heavy a bur den for hia whlow. We "ffer thia farm, evorvthln-r Included, on liberal tertna. a. l".:.."no. We fora-ot to ay that It 1" better for a town-it than a dairy. r.n-arre dairr ranrh. the moat modern, the besi-equimed dairy raneh In the state; MA rawi, 1 hori.es. fill hoirs. 4 sheep; stock of machinery for $7a.0H: ooU term. -r;7-arre dalrv ranch, atock machlner'. f..r lL'.0rt; Kood teim. aorea. make tiif amnll dalrv furm. fine hotise. good bnrn. within 20 mllea of Portland: price jn an '"rP- I'ORTL A N r RISlVKSrt EXi'HANfiE-TAi-Tirt T7oihrh(ld Rid--. Marshall "n. YOt " ANT A FARM? Iniesticato anv In thia 1L ft acres, rirh. roiiinir. m-ar IiFayetre. cultivated and improved fruit and dairy ran- b. T por acre. 17rt acres rirh ctav loam, nbnut hair nnder cuRlmtion, creek and aprinc. $.0 pef acre. . 17ft acres, rlrhest Innd in Orcpnn, nearly all in crop. fr.:. per arre. wn lor. neres. the het buy in the alley, per nere. -m. ..-re nit euJtlvHd. 20 acroa prune. brr improvements. 1.M per acre "n acres, fertile, rolllra: land, bnlr la under cultivation, well Improved. $U5 Pr 14 arre. nil in crop. Ilea almost level. Jir.r, ir acr. M .tl arros. rentlv rotlina;. rlnv loam. I mi!o from LftFayetie. well Improved. JL.5 pee acre. . . 1 u ii.-res. Improved 9-room house, etc.. Wli 'TM KR-KFLT.Y CO.. 7i Four' h St. FINK DAIRY RANCH. "too nere nn pood S miles to It. R. town, tent ! v roll ink land, a . ...!.. ..It . r.tlM ) wajroii road, nil finest of out third In o if cleared; mre. timber. l..t of oak f urn run nine water. 2 coo. rood brn and out hull ri d-velltnc. ,.nri nlont V of frti't. all the land TKI ! nn iloilht the 1 ould rniso it. host "cres illnmef o ViI ,ff !-ortl;.nd dm f'nd me for the liriee ill t!'- Wl Jov. Will takf aoma li proportv as rmri p br phone. M :tn l"."..-' P nnd cventrma to ! mornings to V ST!-: ft!.. Ofl re .".71 Jackson St. f:iLT-KI:F RANCH AM' FARM- ii-t, s. fenced ..nd c r os --f m cod . Pnd bouse and o'lr suVl'e bill dlii'--. over 4hrt aer Tine ba- land n.-re In ctih ivat ion Tor I' half of Land la plow l.'eil rnn'h I:Td. vvll nn, bu'.'inrc Is watered hy rnn : no better cr-nsa rtrc wafer an" (n tho woe'd prado rn'tle. her -'fe 4: noun oi n.Kn 'I . a and 4 vears old. at r. and wi.l m " r k ' t f mm vi.w to 510 'this voar: m!o head of bora, a Mil (l"e ..i"lwvnl of faim and ran.-h m.eh.n.ry: a airietlv A No 1 prop osition nil the vviv tb'ouch nd a H r,v.m;.k.T; p-h- . P-r acre for evervthln- r-nd win consl.!or mod Tor -nnd proper! v In .xchinse. onr pron-rtv j, ail rl. ar and we v ;. clear property. n- ni.nr'v .n. in fci'l. 'i ' ."- nnn-EV-lPV tim -t compani. No. l.iimlniK' Ttuiliilns. f;-oiin.l Fior. faVm "rou pi.r. .Tnln 111- Imni.T tl.r--.ff r..lne to rn nr.! .-.ur f-ir yo..r,..lf ...... ..f t'.o ,ui on tl... rlrli.-.t rn' Mnrkrut land v rv.-r tw l'.av- p. .P'rlnl nn in nnvr thl- w-k of i. h:lf " " r,"", lo.,-n nn.l t r.. n.i...rl n :it P-T n.-ro. on oa.v lorn... nli'l t.u.lcr r.-rtatn ror.f.1 tlon. will n.lv.-ir.-o mor. v tcr r:..lw:iy ri rf ,o .-t .mlno tn.. Th'F ' a -lijnoo "f a ,f..-m- mine qui. k otmJ ft fu.l r:r- tlc-j "il'lE-M'ARTHT I.AVn l . r(.oT.. 1 !.ii'nlm..T. nl'l. "vnnKI. PA TIM I'IBT rilKVT-. T!"n.T.. T inilo. from - nt. r ... rwt- Ifi'ul, I mil. from r.: i.rm-.-i:t.. lnc.' riinnln vorv p, ivo f icm. .n.p'm. nl worth ov.-r . r" f nip In.Mo o m' ... of Port'iMi"': It do. rot ... v.l.io wttli othr nnfl you will t If p-iro prr irrf. rnn. w rr Irt VMrtV "1VI11.I.II Of T CPIlt. rollt.S'rt 'i-.-nt p-otrct.-d. r. Fl'.-Ht'. l-n flK.ml'rr of rmmrr. vfTrT-st P On oflh most rjo.lrahl trart. In 't,' 'Wlllamet Vii'l-v: 5S -w '' (:,rnt t nn.! t-inl '"' to of 1h ,ro-t rnt-r,.r..i-i- vallry to-vn.; within n.l 1ir.tr r-on. OrT-n K..-.-r.t: a . m l" 'rom Portlnn-l: nil In o..ttlvt Ion : htm hcon ...rvvi 1 r ...i.llv...n and t.lt r,.l.- ... fi'.o- ''lo-l for fruit, o.poi-lnllv fru'l-' wii! '"- 'n''1 "n a"v ,nrrn" ,o,m in..', will l.o nor-pter. Don- nt.t trTr.t-r. V:l nr.ll v.r. WnMl . . . - . x-r. TH-.M ctt."tc tr r;3 lnrir".t '"" of all kln.l. -.n.l !7.- of choir, fnrmn thro.irhont . Nor:h-rr nnd ran rv III. mMir n. won r .... i hnn.l onlv rhnlro fnr:n w hirh rro worth tl-.- nrlro or p'oro. nn.l r.vr .-on, tho hpjt vnltio for hir monry V"o wrll :n.l ..maro !..-'. FTfTIS 4''o .-'i.".ml.rr of ri.mm.rfi1, c-T-.r'tr r . I'M e..H or tr'nrl" In olnrknmi Co.. "Tr. nr'rrt.. nonrlv inn arro. rult l vn..1. ort po...o o r,rf?r. t.rrn.. orchar.1. ftno I'-. ln Tri-tor' coo.l "..'r.nw rnnvonic-nt to .chool. .,' pn.l "-. h. n.l of rattl". .omo hnr.ru. ..hic-V-nK. nil r.rn im-lrmrnl: a er,o.l' h-r.n r-M to- - prr arr.. 1IEVK1.". - lIVP"'sON-. r.il Corlincr Ttl.la FARM FOP. Pll.r. no arrrn n-ar Or-eon f-'tv. on flre-c'nf. roi.l- oo.l ln.t.rnvorr-n'. .:or.t nn1 farming Imnl-nt-n-.: 7wr,",;.,r".,"'T7.r,"'"i: r-.rlo f.n.nv aoTton. 'o fo:.o--. Thin Is a K OOWEV-IOK TPVST fOMPAXY. No. 2 I .imr.rr.rrri. FulI.nnK. firouna r oor. Tl F A DOT A H T E K 3 ror TV ycrn rni'xTr. o"F.-;ov .rn'n .torV and 'rn't rnrh. nn.l rJlTor .t'lr.V fartfr In tho .ll.trl . I"r, a. thr CPF -IM of n'.-nr. 'or T.ro.lnrtlon. " "mttvsTnV.pnTHn-11 rn.. Ais ri..mV.r o' rommorro ht.lr. MM.T. ranrh on lowor fnluml.1.1 RIvor. "n ' 'mllrs from Portlnnil: "r, trrrt. in nrr hot... and harn. -n nnnl- .rr": inon ror.l. wood on plar.; "n m""t- o cood town. A no... at f-J..O- .mall - imro.Pt of ra.h will h.ndl. fh. Lnrddr-tt-ann A Tlnrko. n-.M Flrrtrlr hlds. rpr.?. rtl undr r.ilt 'vatlon : larr. l.on.. fltio famllv orrliar.l. Implom.nt.. .tr- 4 mtlo. from Varr.ii.rr on main ,ri;...1 road: a .nan- Iftrt. Vti- THKRKFT.KN- rn.. -r. snal.llrr rr.lc. rhon. Ma'n "a;. I v pit. vr r f-rrn of Tri arr. r n .in.Vr r.lltH-aMon. r.n tlml-r. halanrr pantprr: "2 hra.l J.rt.rv. "r. hoc-, all farm Irnpt. roont. oo.l MUtHlnw. 4 hor.ru. rvrnth or tor. on thr ri-.ro for tht- prtre of thr lrnd. fall "l TTlnrt. TTri l oon r-.h hnv. in arrr. of rtrh olt arrr. In c n ' 1 1 vr t lop. prar Orrpon .'"v Vnr'inr- n-rooni h lt.r. In-P. fruit .r...- prr ?..- K. T. fJrI.1T. 4in Oiam- hrf or omm.-r. .-. lC-a e ranrh. 7" to tfl rres f?H-vs-e.1. .-roonvd hoo-e. C mlVs nf Port 1: ' piprVirn". County, fit.""". Phone 5eT!woed ?L v,-,jt Q r 1 n r; FNT "o arre A-1 Ipnd. linger CllTlvition. level. r'rh. bo-'e- oountv ro-d 1 niite troller. ? miles Hllls l,nrr,. ' ,e vtr'-nln Vnjhln.tn Cuinty. 1 P. HKWITT r.L" Orrgnnian ddr. Sf A'KVS CowHtj; Co.. W.-b.. rir rtver: rt". arrow urder fii'iivflHin. orrh-V S-ronm t.".e,rt -o-.d o-fHn lid ires: $ .Von. terms. Cd Worretr bMg. a 'TTk S n ir r v. ; v a I e y town to e x -ohm- for riry nrnee.-. WTON THFRKPLPFV CO. 3 nr. etial.i'r: Ti'dc. Phone yi-n 70?. 7t rt.i:'"on Pacific TTlphwn v . pn-t h of Vancouver, foe rash at a real bnra-aln: od. new buildirps. A. A. Paker. 212 Abinpton bid. A R ROAIN tn acres. B U'ir cultivation. nr.e a,T t!nihr. cood orchard jnd other f-nita. ereek d we". f h ir buildlnca. pri.o :avi Taylor io PKR ,cpn. L't; "-o. im-..i.L r.fr K-te-ast. real lan. i'nl! yordr.v. C P.'flMir Kx"hanro. U US l.-ase. rn acres, poo-1 soil, part In buy "n mts from Prtland, on It. n. 1st 1 rnt. .W 41" K. Reerh t . 1WA AC1K near Fieada. In tra. r. firh one r barctn ?i.l t who'r at half ralue. E. T. Hatch. S19 Union ave. TYoodU 207. IC K A T BHTATK. For Sale CHOICE FAKMS I.N CHOICE LOCATIONS. arros all c It-a rod. with the vptloii of throe acres. Right close to Portland and riRht at station with excellent train servl(. The soil la the best to b found. Co.d 7-room buniraiow. Kod barn. uj;-to-rlato chii ken-houae. --apartmont duck house, woodahtd. conservatory, lenccd with woven wire and cedar posis. Presaure water in the house, burn, chiv-ken-houaes and lawn. A choice variety of bearing fruit trees, well kept and in fine condi tion. This place is equipped with stock, implements, tools and vehicles of all kinds. It Is ono of tne choicest places that caa be found, ropardless ot price. Price $10. ooo; will accept a nice city home aa part pay. and xive time. lo acres just out of city limits: very boat of soil, ai! In cultivation, pond build Inns, pood well and sprlnR. fine assort ment of fruits and berrlej. in fact a most desirable suburban farm. $4mt). half cash. i:ii-aere dairv ranch. ood bui!dinx; only ".'; miles from Portland, half mile of railroad station: 21 cows. LI yearlings, 4 head of horses, lions, chickens, etc.. and fully equipped In every respect. Price 7."i an acre, will accept pood Portland property for one-half or one-third of the value; jusl a little cash and time. 42 acres, very beat of soil, ftood build Inss. Rood orchard ; right close to Port land on electric line. line roads, thor oughly equipped with slock, tools and Implements. This Is a hlph-class place and a hiph-ilass district. Will sell op terms, and mlifht accept good Portland property up to sr.oOO. :;0 acres, well Improved, on a main rona and less than one hour's drive from the center of Portland. There is a nice or chard on this place. Price .'"- an mipht h crept a residence ta-Portlund up to $.;no4f. ft 2 acres, well improved. Rood roads fullv equipped with stock, tools and im plements. KvcrythinK included at $..hi; time on part. 1 make a specialty of farms and confi dently assort that k have tho beat to be found. 1 have several excellent farms on which I can accept city property a part payment. Call, or write. J. E. SMITH, ."in Chamber oC Commerce, Portland. Or, 5Tkwrkk FARMS AND PHOPKRTT. Newborn Is one of the most desirable residence towns in the Willamette Valley. The train sorviro has been doubled to that place and the Oregon Klectrh: will bo running to there in a short time. It is rloao to Portland. We pav opened nn office, thoro and have tho bent properties to be found. Hero are some of them: n acres, or 20 lots, in the city limits, S-room house, barn, woodslied. and 01 her outbuildings, all in the best of condition. Located in tho eastern part of New berg. In a vorv good Ineitt inn : ."" cherry trees, loo nut trees, and a family orchard, price M".hi terms, ono-hnif cash, balance 7 per cent for 10 years. $2tHt annual pay ments. jo acres, .".-room house, barn. 10 app.e trees In hearing. H two-year-old peach trees In bearing, imhmi strawberry plants. 1im jroosebcrrv bushes. 1 acres timber. 1 acre not chared. Located 2 U miles from Xowtierg. Terms. ft.Viii mortgage now on propertv. balance in cash. Price MXOo. 40 acres, "-room nous, two years old, all modern convenience: new barn. ,"'x0o. henhouse. Well with windmill. prune trees. ,( acres commercial orchard, 0 bear ing pear t roes, l . cnorry i roes, as 8'"i. If not better, land than there la in the vicinity of New berg. All cleaitd and plowed. A verv desirable farm for a country home. 'Price 1'I."00. Terms. '4 cash, balance 7 per rent. I li4i acres. t-ronm house, hot nnd cold water. 2 barns, chicken -house, mllkhnuse and w-nod house. acres under cultivation. 2 acres young apple orchard, a acres wnl ntns. Cpper part of farm hill land with pasture ana nmnor: tower nan t-tv valliy Ind with gentle sioie. Price 3R-L-imm: terms, one-third cash, bulance 2 years at rt per cent, after that at 7 per cent. We have numerous other well-improved small farms almnst touching tho city limits, fall or write Lsnnaid L Wall. 20 1st St., Newbt-rg. r.. or J. K. SMITH. r.L'l Chamber of 4'nmmetve. Portland. Or. IU I E I tiA T K ! F A II M S K A It " I ' O H T L A N tl" I ACKKS Til K ItllST A I .L-li L N J FA KM IN ORK'JON. IJfEOAO ST TT MLNT HUT THI K. AC;KS IRKKJAT-KI- ALL CAN UK IKUIC. VTKD: YOp UK INIKPKNIfcNT OF THK WEATH K R MAN: F I N K FO It H t PS. 1 1 A Y. I MKYINO. TKl'CK FARM INC. FI,OIt 1T ON KLKCTKH' P.OAD AND rsooo rorxTT roais. 7 uouskiow- K!l HF.VKI.HHKD. KI.KrTRK'ITV CAN UK I NSTA LLKI AT SMALL COST FOR HKT LltlllT. IIOTHOCSKS. POWKR WD ALL ITltPOSKS: PLENTY OF WA T F It Nl TtKST oF SOIL. IWESTI (;ATK YOl 'AN" T BKAT IT. FOR PRICK. TERMS. ETC.. SEE ZIMM BR- m n ::io hoard of traik hliki. EVEKTTH1XG IS NEW. Fundings alone cost 2.VU: 17 arres. nil in cultivation. 2 acres bearlna orcliam. Hi acres seeded to vet.-h and oats: fi-ioom hon to 3's4 barn. 3 large chicken coops, wooilshed and fr.ilthouae. 1 horse. 1 cow. 711 chick-ns. 2 hnRf, wagons, hack. Imple ments, household poods. This place bor ders on city limits of Woodbum; price $47iO. with terms. Call A. Mcpherson, 1117 Hawthorne nv. Tabor 3411. Mlaoetlaneoos. FOR SLK Ono of tho most desirable tracts in the Willamette Valley; 220 acres ad jacent to and lying between two of the most enterprising valley towns; within half a mile of Southern Pacific and mile nnd half from Oregon Electric; 3.1 miles from Portland; nil fn cultivation; has been surveved for subdivision and plat rendv to file; ideal for fruit, especially small fruits: will be sold on easy terms and some trade will be accepted. Don ald M c M a t e r. A'a 11 co n ver. Wa s h . FOR SLK At Wood mere, lots. - coitage and outbuilding. $11mm, part cash; No. 77:;2 tir.th ave. S. E.. I blocks south of Woodmere Station. Take ML Scott car. HWE a big list of nice ciur property and it will nay you to come fn nnd get our prices on those. 201 SWETLANO BLDG. wAXTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent, at once, with privilege of buying later, small Improved farm near cieaui route and school; have cash to pay rent and buy later if suited. T 6t. Ore gonian. i WXNTED To rent. farm, furnished.. Must have good soil and equipment. I under stand stock and the upkeep of the land. rej;oijii. WANTED to rent, small place, two acres, chared or easily cleared, with lift use. O Oregonian. W NTED To rent. 2 to 5 acres near Port land suitable for poultry and two or three cows. L ssrt. OreRonlaru WAN TED To rent from 1 house, close in preferred. to acres, with S Sds Orcgo- niHii FVKMS for sale or rent. Japanese Agency, V N Mb St. A 310. FARMS WANTED. a"SM ALL dairy farm of flO to 100 acres, more or less, good transportation to and not far from port land in Oregon. Good Muck loam soil, some timber: balance In tuii ivat Ion : fair buildings and improve ments; large spring or spring creek of good pure water; reasonable first pny ir.ent balance short time at fl per cent. Price must be re;onabie. Give particu lars in Ilrst letter. AV .4fl. Oregonian. WE WANT FARMS. We have a few buyers for 10 or 20 acres not over 25 miles from Portland and cloe to electric line; send us your de- ""'"""JVYOVN-O JOHNSON', KM hnmber of Commerce Bldg. FARM WANTED I have U0ou to Invest in a good farm about 16 or 20 acres, close to Portland and near electric line; send full descrip tion. AM eTl. Oregonlan. WE can aell your farm If the price is right; list with us. Atlas Land Co., 4;0 Lumber Exchange. rOB 6ALE TIMBFR LANDl. FOR FALE Timber and small saw-mill ready to run. Excellent timber right at mill. Close to Portland. Good reason for selling Easy terms to responsible parties w ho understand business. W hOU. Orego nian. " " .10 CENTS PER M. n 00O 0.H.1 feet fir. cedar, and sugar pine; owner must raise money: will sell for 0 cents per thousand 7. 1 M M E R MAN. .i10 Board of Trade. lbo ACRES of No. 1 yellow pine, in Grant Co Or -Cash or will take city property as part" pavment. E- K. Wilcox. 510 So. Main st.. South Bend. Indiana. iTu. Mil I ION feet of cedar and fir on the Nehalen, River, near tidewater for .;a.V; iernis nrcd. See Attorney, 414 fcpald ing bldg. lTACRES. ery hevy, old growth timber, near railroad. Doughs County; .'10 south, b w.-s: good land; lire stream; price rea sonaole. .11U Marquam- bldg. Y k r y desirable homesteads and timber clalma in Western Oregon; location and relinquishment fees right. Flaherty Connolly, s 1 Yeon bid?- lb ACRES good timber, pood land, near broad river in Oregon. $15 per acne. AJ Si9. Oregonlan. ' " TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. . J. u K A EN. ;4 V.cK'ay b.dtf. WILL trade" "$S "acres timber land cruisln? .eft noo feet for five-pasonger automo bile and balance cash. M E74. Oregonian. PINK timber. Wheeler Co.; large or small bodies: giv lutiijuu .V v-. OreconJaa. WANTED REAL ESTATK. WANTED About 10 to li acres of good, well-located, cleared or partially cleared land, within abort ;:) minutes of Portland. Will deal with owners only. No atten tion paid to answets unless full descrip tion of property is given, together with lowest price and best terms. aI &t7, Ore g"h"TfiB.n. WANTED Ft. George lots. We have cash buyers for town lots In Ft. George, B. C Send in your lowest cash price and legal description of lot quick. NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO.. LAD. 413 Bower Bldg., Vancouver. B. C HAVE buyer for 5-room bungalow and good Jot in Piedmont or Walnut Park; also have buyers for 5 and 10-acre tracts. Im proved on good transportation; owners only; give best price and full particulars. Marshall 3$Z'. A 415L J. E. Henderson & Co.. .'Q Spalding bldg. WANTED Strictly modern six-room house, located between Hawthorne ave. and E. Hurnside and West of 40. h st. Medium price: give full description and phone number: state owner or agent. AL 60S, Oregonian. J WANTED To buy, modern, unincumbered -room residence, in eood location, from party who will take $1K0 cash and bal ance In young orchard in Hood Rivur dis trict: owners only. Address K b4or Ore gonian. WA NT ED Corner lot between Broadway and steel bridges, and west of Eaat 6th. Price must be reasonable. Give location and price in first letter. N 80S, Ore gonian. WANTED To buy modern unincumbered 7 room residence In-good location from par t; who will take JlOuO cash and balance in young orchard in Hood River district; owners onljj Address AG 852. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy lot In Laurelhurst or other desirable location, must be bargain, part cash; give exact location and full description; no agents. C bT 7, Orego- nian. WAXTBI). Small hous. and large lot In Alblna, about $:Hhm) jor customer. GUDDA RD & W1EDRICIC, Stark St. I HAVE a very choice, piece of ML Tabor property to trade for a ten or 15-acre Improved tract within a 2".-miIo radius of Portland; give location and state im provements. T Sso. Oregonlan. ir.LSPoNSItlLE parly wants tract of land. Oreiron or Northern California. in.OOO to Ju.Ohn acres cheap lend, ready J"r coloni zation, wlti transportation. Address H 7. Ororonfan. LAUUELHrnST. I have a cash buyer for a cheap lot in Laurelhurst. What have you? No agents. AP Si9, Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow in good Ioca tioti, not over $3soo, for client; reason able: eav terms. W ATSOX & T H E R K E LS E N CO. , .106 Spalding HIdg. Phone Main 759Z. WANTED Lot. price not to exceed JOUO. within a district bounded by Thompson, Wasco. J,1th and 23d streets; give full Particulars. O S70. 4rogonlan. I WANT a West Side bflidncs lot from -'.-! noil to Sotj,n: will pay cash; give full (ie. till Is. location, name and phone. C SU2, ( tregonlan. V' ANTED 7 or S-room houso with sleep ing porch; Irvlngton or central East Side. Must b snap for cash. Give- street and number. X s"s Oregonlnn. CASH client for Portland Heights resi dence; also for Nob Hill home. Gold achmidt's Agency. 415 Chamber of Com merce. . WANTED .".-room bungalow, with attic, lot 40 or .".oxUii), in Hawthorne district, not over Jl'.oub, $1mi down. $1.1 and interest a month. A.I Oregonlan. WANTED Farm; prico reasonable; $.K'0 ilrst payment; balance mortgage on farm. Hy reliable, experienced farmer. AB HG'J, oresonian. WANTED Acrea in Multnomah and Washington Counties; price must be right; will deal only with owners direct. Ail s.ii. Oreponian. I WANT to buy a 4-room bungalow with full basemr-nt and bath: small amount down aid monthly payments; not over $14ott. J 02.1, Oregonian. WANTED Lot or acreage In exchange for :;ihmi j-ronm new house at Kenton; fruit trees; no Incumbrance; owner. AL b07, oregonlan. CASH for your Wtst Side bargains, vacant or Improved. $;erfW to $2.1, 000. Goid schmidt's Agency, 415 Chamber of Cotn tnoicc. AP ARTM ENT-HOL'S K to value of $,tO.UOO or 91.1, ohm, will give part trade. jTut'O cash. hal. mortgage; give description oT property and phone. AP SSti, Oregonlan. I W.VNT vacant husFness property: will give part trade, some cash: from $2j.O00 to $40.0110. R S t4. Oregonian. TO BUY a house, not over four rooms; small amount down and monthly payments; no agents. AL S70. Oregonian. OR 4-room modern house not to exceed $12: will pay J10 down. $10 or $15 and in terest monthly. A K M74. Oregonlan. LOT within 12 blocks circle 10th and Divi sion direct from owner. AL H7:t. Orego nian. VAU'i; listing. We are selling acreage in Washington. Idaho. Eastern and Western Oregon. "ilS Lumbermens bldg. W NTED Townpite locations. Oregon or Western Washington; CHEAP. Give par ticulars first letter. AV 2. Oregonian. WILL PAY cash for 6-7-room modern house between East Salmon and Division, 12th and 30th. No agents. B S69, Oregonlan. A LOT between Burnslde and Hawthorne, west of 2.1th St.: state prico and location. AS MI4, Oregonian m LOTS with 2d mortgage privilege; state lo cation, price, terms. AJ Mi 4. Oregonlan. WILL pay cash for Rose City Park lot. AD S70. Oreponian. A FOUR or five-room modern bungalow East Side. S SU4. Oregonian. IliVIXGTON lot from owner: must be a bargain. Give location. N St9, Oregonian. WANTED- Unimproved cheap land, not over $.1 pT acre considered, ir uregonian. h Oli 6-room modern home, nenr Mt. Tabor canine. UWiina oinj a y . r WANTED A lot, cleared. 204 Jefferson. VCKSTVX TIMBER "LANDS. WAXTBI) 1000- to SoiM acres of logged-off or timber land, suitable for subdivision ; state proximity to transportation, char acter of land, exact hAaiiou. price and terms in first letter. P S-1", Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. MODEL DAIRY FARM. Of R"0 acres, located on San vies Island, of which SHO acres are In bay and culti vation. 500 In pasture; fenced and cross fenced; best cow barn in state; will house X1Z head, and will hold J"" tons of loose hay- good 14-room house; large horse barn, anil numerous outbuildings. This place is stocked with 12;". milch cows. 11 head of horses, bulls, hogs, calves, etc.. and a complete outfit of comparatively new farming implements; also 2."0 tons of hay. We can sell you the stock and implements for $16,000; ' 10.000 cash, balance terms, with a 6-vear lease at $2l'5 per month. Present income for milk is better than $1000 per month. GRUSSf & HOLDS. ?.18 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. n.mv for snlo bv owner 4-year lease. 2.10 acres. 70 acres In crops, balance bottom j pasture ; Rood 6-room house, good barn ; 1 v mile from R. R- station and boat land- j Xing 2" miles from Portland. S3 milch ' cow's. 7 yearlings. 12 calves. 1 bull. 5 , horses. 01 Jaymg Iiena. t.. ums nay. -woei.ns, top buggy, all necessary imple ments; complete set household goods, present ineunie $3bM per month. Price $;000; $3."oi0 cash. AV 65. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Farm. 16 acres, all under cultivation: new house, barn, milkhouse. well; ail fenced; 10 miles from Portland, near Hillsboro; served by two electric lines and Southern Pacific. Will sell if desired. Address L S76. Oregonian. FARM FOR RENT, ncr t rear Ncwburg: nearly all in cult ivation ; good six -room house and arU A. K. HILL COMPANY. 41ft Henry Bldg. FOR RENT 131 acres. I0 In cultivation, srood 10-room house, large barn, chicken houses. hogliOUes, etc. Located five miles from Vancouver. Wash. J. E. SMITH. 513 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. FOR RENT 20 acres on Base Line road, about 4-5 of a mile from Tvlontavilla car; live-room house, good soil; $25 per month. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. S5 Fourth St. ltjo- CRE farm for rent In Clackamas County, within 20 miles of Portland; 5 room house, between and 7 acres in cultivation. Address 1G0 E. Clinton at. phone Sellwood 601. FOR RENT - acre. g.od house, barn and fruits, near Milwaukic; take Oregon City oar get off Evergreen Station, walk 3 blocks east- Ask f jr Hardmeire's place, or write to Box .1Q-1. city, for Information. FoR RENT Good dairy farm of 2.12 acrea. lrt acres undnr cultivation; 'J miles from Camaa. Wi'sii.; take North Bank Road to Camas! John Kane. FINE dalrv farn in dairy community; ltaj ae-rs; to someone with stock. K 8.11, Ore gonian. 20 ACRES near rarline, 5c fare. Whitraer Kelly Co.. 70 4th st. .3 ACRES for rent cheap. Main 4134. TO EXCHANGE. TRADES. We have at present listed with us dairy ranches, with or without stock. Alfalfa, (train and hay ranches. Small ranches, one to 4' acres. Ranches from 40 to 2.imHJ acres. Hightly improved and unimproved ranches. Income-bearing property. Stocks of merchandise. Flour mill. Billiard hall. Homes In all parts of the city. Some beautiful 5 to 10-acre tracte along the ML Hood Electric. Over $100,000 worth of property has changed hands through our office in the past :J0 days. See us for your exchanges. We have some fine - properties to offer. I-ist with us; we will Ilnu what you want. RAYMORE REALTY CO.. 430 Worcester Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. So-room hotel In heart of city, clears $2K) per ionth. Excellent transient ho tel. Will aell for part cash and balance in acreage. $2,100 WILL HANDLE. A 40-room rooming-house in excellent location, on West Side, recently renovated. Steam heat, gas and electric lights. One of the best buys in the city. It will pay you to look at it. We have a list of excellent roomlng h ouses. Call and see us. TO TRADE. A modern 0-room house, rrew-. on East Side, for acreage to extent of 4h0. Would like 20 to 40 acres, with some im provements. THE WESTT,YN TRUST COMPAX1. 1221 Y'eop bldg. CASH VALUE TRADES. S-room house. Piedmont, unincumbered. $40Jrn. For improved acreage closo to transportation. . . Fine S-room house, in Irvlngton. $50007 owner will sell equity of $3otK or trade for unincumbered lots. 900 acres, wheat land. Eastern "Wash ington, for Portland property. Good acreage for Portland property and vice versa. We want improved farms and small Im proved tracts in exchange for unincum bered houses and lots. Marshall 3102 and A 4154. J. R. HENDERSON & CO., SO" Spalding BIdg! TO EXCHANGE, Rooming-house. rooms. nicely fur nished, walking distance, doing good busi ness. 4 acres, in Klamath County, near Klamath Fal Or., no improvements. lib acres, near Toledo, Lincoln County, no Improvements, 3.10O shares of Portland Collapsible Box stock; this Is good. ItMirt shares of Government Standard Powder stock. Three lots, in Ames. Ia. Will exchange any or all of the above for Portland lots, or good equity, or what have you. . , Nimmo. Runey & Co.. 424 Hamilton bldg. SALE OR EXCHANGE t7 acres Rogue River land; 300 acres under ditch; river bottom land; 175 acres In and ready for crops; adapted alfalfa. fruit or garden truck; water right; will produce several bundled horsepower by enlarging the present ditch on place; house of 7 rooms, two large barns and other buildings; 2"a miles to railroad station. Take part in trade for property in or near Portland, balance at 6 per cent; price $55 per acre Box 541, Ashland. Oregon. DO YOU want to make an exchange for a good grain and stock farm? If so, I have it. Want Western Oregon or Wash, prop erty. Over 2vMi0 acrea in farm, very well Improved, several hundred acres in crop. The price is $22.50 per acre: not padded for "wild cat" trading, don't come with such ideas. Any good legitimate propo sition, priced right, will be considered. L. K. Moore, suite 517, Board of Trade, Portland. SACRIFICE SALE. $.140 equity In ten acres, two acres of which Is set to peaches and walnuts; IS miles from Portland, near R. R. and boat landing; has mall and telephone serv ice; all under cultivation and Is good, deep, rich soli; balance payable $12.1 quar terly. This is the best buy near Port land. Rice, owner, R. 30S, 326 'i Wash ington st. TO EXCHANGE For Portland property. 10 acres, less than 2-1 miles from Portland; completely stocked; about CO acres in grain. U10 nacres, near Goldondale. Wash.. f.O arres in cultivation, all Implements and household furniture; no stock; no Inflated priees considered. 2'5 McKay bldg., owners. ARE YOU GOING EAST? I have a number of building lots at low prices, with no indebtedness, perfect title, abstract for each lot, located in . live Michigan city, which -J w ill trade on Ore gon or Washington property; will asMime some. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Railway Ex- change. DEAL WITH OWNER. 14 rooms, all housekeeping, newly and beautifully furnished, weathered oak fur niture. Axminster carpets, rent only $00: splendid West Side location, clearing $75 month above owner's apartment. W ill trade for house and lot or lot and some each or close-in acreage. ' Phone E. 4304, or write AO 843. Oregonian. UNINCUMBERED FARM TO TRADE. 040-acre, every aero under plow, with the finest modem set of buildings In the state; only 3 years old: complete set of farming implements; will accept Portland or vicinity property nnd assume. RUTH FIELD INVESTMENT CO.. 917 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 0410. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. First-class Hood River bearing orchard, close to town, on macadamized road, with new. modern house; will s-ll for twenty seven thousand, with half cash, or ex change for Western Oregon stock, dairy or general farm. Address owner, K. O., Postofftce. Hood River, Or. WILL take lot or lot equity as first payment on modern five-room bungalow on 41st south of Hawthorne ave. at $32(10; also on five-room bungalow on Slst st., one block from car; price of which is $2500, monthly payments for balance. A. E. Poulsen. 41 S Railway Exchange. WILL exchange my stock and grain ranch in Southern Oregon, close to R. R-, con tains 30,1 acres; will exchange for Port land property either vacant or improved, or will sell on easy teims; my price is $15,000; will assume up to $10,000 on cash basis. Y Mil, Oregonian. A 1 10-ACRE ranch near Seattle, about 30 cleared; 5-room house and cellar. Three acres 1 4-year-old orchard, barn and out buildings, clearing fenced; some timber: close to school and on creamery route, a S47. Oregonian. EXCHANGE. We have desirable property to exchange; houses and lots for acreage and acreage for houses and lots. If you want to ex change on a caslv basis. s?e us. GLEN ART REALTY CO. (IXC.) 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. 60 ACRES OF HOOD RIVER LAND TO EXCHANGE. 80 acres of Hood River land, clear of incumbrance, to exchange for a home in Portland, clear. What have you? Call on Gua Smith, 517 Board of Trade bldg. 5ROOM bungalow, 50x100. hath and toilet, full basement, all furnished, one block off Union ave. ; w ill exchange my equity of $I4oo for good clar lot or acreage or sell on easy terms; leaving Portland. Owner, A E 873. Oregonian. OWN good 50x100 lot. graded streets, city water, value $0OO; have paid $3oO; bal ance payable monthly : will trade tor piano, motorcycle, horse and buggy, or good typewriter. AC 851, Oregonian. I HAVE several choice tracts of highly im proved acreage, conveniently situated to electric line, for sale or wiil exchange for improved Portland property. W. O. Wad del. 300 Lumber Exchange. TO EXCHANGE. Arrestee for bungalow and unincum bered lota or house, to value-of $.1000; in vestigate. Phone Main 373 mornings and evenings or address S 867, Oregonian. VACANT lots and some money for a restau rant that will seat o to lo., between Stark and Yamhill, tith and the river. AF 864. Oregonlan. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern except furnace; completely furnished; Garfield ave.; $3:ioo; equity $14oo. will trade for clear lota or acreage. AC 849, Oregonian. 28 ACRES, cultivated. Willamette Valley. 40 acres, Washington Co., clear, for resi dence or business property. V 856, Orego nian. FINE, new seven-room house, every con venience, exceptionally located, for im proved farm at cash value, L. 888, Ore gonian. i ; TO EXCHANGE For rooming-house, bop farm and orchard. Chas. E. Hicks, For est Grove, Or. WILL TRADE 2 '-a acres in grow ing Eastern Oregon town for enrto or auto express. O S1, Oregonian. 5" ACRES. 52d and Going sts., for apart ment site. Ir. H. M. Greene,. G02 Medical building. WANTED A small house la exchange for modern 7-room house; will take mortgage balance. O 803. Oregonian. GOOD income property. East Side, close in. for ranch value, $15,000 to $25,000. T 865. Oregonia n. WANTED Mortgage or contract for acres, near Salem. V 8.17, Oregonian. 5-ROOM FLAT to exchange for lot, acreage or diamond. M S8. Oregonian. EXCHANGE East Side lot for West Side acreage, cloee in. C 853, Oregonian. VIOLIN to trade, AO 841, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. . THE OREGON LOCATORS. 510 ROTH CHILD BLDG. MARSHALL 3.tl. 64t ACRES Wli EAT LAND, trade for gen. mer. More; adjoins city limits; very close to R R. 3i-ACRE IMPROVED FARM, near For est Grove ; vv a nt gen. mer. or hardware. HOME. 1'Jihi; trade for rooming-house. 10 ACRES, improved, for rooming-house, HOME. FURNISH ED. $3000, for rooming-house. 20 ACRES nea- Med ford, for grocery. 10 ACRES at Mulloy. $T,0O; want city property. $ney FARM near citv, for home here. 7 ACRES at Fellers Sta.. 52700. for cltv property. A FINE HOME on Cleveland ave., about jr.ntift. for H''resg- closo in. 2 LOTS ON 4 1ST ST., $:.(". for acreage. HOME ON 60TH ST., for lots; about SOME GOOD Income, property on SSth St.. for acreage or vacant lots; about $2500, We have many others. If you want to buv. sell or trade, come In. THE OREGON LOCATORS. FOR SALE UK EXCHANGE. 30 acres, nar Modesto, Ca!.. in irrigat ed district. 28 acres in bearing peaches, good building, excellent improvements, price $400 per acre. 3.1x100 improved with brick garage, in come ?0 per month, can be increased ; price $11.00. .".ox 1 40. modern ti-room bungalow. ,"J blocks from Modesto business center. Moon- j Jots, Ssxlio. each 2 lots has resi dence, fruit, etc. San Jose, beautiful home ; $4.10t'. .loxl 00, Santa t'nii. close to business center, 2-story modern hoi.ee. $250o. All of above Income bearing; will ex change all or part for Port lar.d business or residence property or Willamette Val ley lands. For full particulars call or address, SMITH SWEET. Modesto. Cal., C. H. Zimmerman. 310 Board of Trade bldg., Portland. Or. EXCHANGE. 1-17 acres. 75 acres in cultivation, stream of water, fairly good build ings, 6-room house, Oox.12 barn, new granary, hoghouse. i-hicken-house. 80-ton silo, old family orchard: 10 acres in 4-year-old English walnuts; 4 head horses, 7 head Jersey cattle, 40 hogs. 1O0 chickens: 6 miles from Newberg. Owner wants a good al falfa ranch or income property; will trade 97 acres. J. E. RAND - CO., 223 Board of Trade. EXCHANGE. 3 60 acres at Goldendale. 5 acres under plow; will trade for houso and lot. 76 nrrr. near Cornelius, soil red shot: price 4$.10O0; will exchange for houso and lot. 100 acres: 120 acres In clover and alfal fa, 14o inches free water; good buildings; $75 per acre. ' J. E. RAND & CO., 223 Board of Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE. 120 acres; three and one-half "lles from Timber. Or., near Nehalem River, running wa'er on the place boutHlv. a" noo feet of timber, one-half cedar, a cabin and small clearing, balance easily CKprice" $3000, will take good 5 or 7-pas- senger car n.f pn.11 in ..... H. E. ABRY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. I W XT a C or 7-room modem home tn Ii vington, LaurelhurBt or Hawthorne dis- lrjCthave 10 acres first quality Yakima Valley fruit land, now in a"1.-':, pood income, worth 3..00. with $1-00 in cumbrance, to give as down payment, will pav balance $.10 a month. Apartment 47, 301 West Park fit.. Tort- land. . FORTY ACRES TILLAMOOK UNO. Forty acres of good land, b miles nor h of Tillamook, on a good road. rins land is good to raise strawberries and fruit. Will trade for city lots, rooming-house or a small bungalow. What have you got? (JRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade bldg., 4thand Oak. FIVE-PASSENGER automobile in good con dition, complete: high-power engine: for sale or trade; what have you got to offt r. f von want a good machine nere is jour chance. Go up to 2.N Uth M as k to tourist car. then come to 414 Marquam bldg. and see mo. WANT some dairy land along olra,j)a River, have -.vhse. property on O. citv val $;onii; also good automobile, val ue'fM'io; these unincumbered: might pa some cash, but assume no mortgage. as s7L Oregonian. 640 ACRES wheat land in Eastern V asn ineton. to exchange for Portland property This land has all been cultivated find ia onlv lfc miles from R. R. M 8.1, Ore gonian. 1 OWN an excellent 7-room and sleeping porch. 2-siory residence. Irvlngton a"!1-; every modem convenience, eary Ter"; price 542.10. Let me show y.th-8 P"p erty. J. H. Tipton.l 108Spalding bldg EXCHANGE new" small modern bungalow, completely furnished, on corner lot pi e block from carline in Portland, for lum ber at market price on ooard cars. V W. Wilson, Lewlston. Idaho. Box oia. hTaCRES of good land, easy to J". 12 miles from Portland, price $20..0. will ex change for a house and lot, or vacant lot, r- t n i r 1 v 420 Chamber of Commerce. NICE, new, modern, five-room and bflth bungalow on 41st st.. south of a " thorne ave.; $3200 ; will take building lot or lot equity as first payment on this, tt Pnnlssn. 418 Railway Exchange. 33 ACRES, all cleared, house, barn, orchard. ono mno jvewutTK, win "V" "7 ' i equity for city property and assume in cumbrance. .,.. H. N. SWANK, 30S Abington Building. IF YOL really want acreage close In, any size or price, cash or exchange or a Jarse farm at snap prices, then see k. ii. Miller, 925 Yeon bldg. Marshall 030. p WHITE SALMON choice apple land for sale, or will exchange for good property near Portland or Vancouver. Homer ii "Uav. White Salmon, Wash. EXCHANGE practically new furniture with every room rented in lS-room house, for good acreage. 15 or more improved. AF iti2, Oregonian. . 3-ROOM plastered house. Woodlawn, 3 blocks to car; lot or good equity as first payment, balance easy. M. 1. Gallagher. 8-'l Yeon. . 7TROOM house, 1 block of Montavllia car line, to trade for a smaller house nearer cltv; will assume some indebtedness. Own ers" 'only. Room 10. Washington bldg. TWELVE lots for sale or trade, at Sand lake, Oregon, on the beach. What have vou to offei ? O. W. Elliott. 414 Marquam $1500 MORTGAGE on 100-acre farm draw ing 8 per cent Interest; will trade for clear lots or acreage. Jordan, tilO Luni- bermans bJUg. lOuxl'JU. 5 BLOCKS to Alberta car; tent house, woodshed, berries and garden; trade for 2 acres, equal value, $1100. M. 1. iTanagner, 0-1 1 p IMPROVED and unimproved irrigated land, near Twin Falls. Idaho, for Portland prop erty R Martyn. Marshall lb. 607 leou bldg. ki-ooo EQUITY in 4-room house and 8 lots; $18.10 mortgage to assume; to exchange for unincumbered house and one lot. A.U oregonian. 7-ROOM new house 011 lot bxiuft. 1 block from good car service, dose in: wiil take 5-passenger auto as part payment. AE 8-18, Oregonian. 1 WISH to trade corner lot suitable for resi dence or business for house and lot. bal ance like rent. Owner. No ugeiits. AT 81I, Oregonian. , L.OOK 70S acres, 4o0 in wheat, near Walla Wall'L all fenced, abundance of water, onlv '$30 per acre, for Portland property. nl F; pi HOlS, IL'03 . eon Bldg. I k R IG AT ED fruit land to exchange for dla monds or what have you.' AD 873. Ore goninn. bUMON'US wanted for fruit lands; choice, location; bargain if taken at once. AD 872, Oregonian. , fYoOM houfu In North Yakima, for sale or exchrnee for Portland property. R. Mar tyn. Marshall 10.1. ho 7 Yeon bldg. iTu 000 FIRST mortgage on inside property and $in.uoO cash for West Side income. H lj LEY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. MY equity $810 in 5-room modern bungalow in Seattle for vacant lot. Phone Sellwood sum EQUITY In modern 5-room cottage for vacant lot or auomobile. balance like rent. AF 8;J0. Oregonian. MODERN 5-room bungalow; also half acre cleared; St. Johns. Box 8-0, St. Jonhs, Or. 10 ' CRES improved Umpqtia Valley fruit land part payment for modern home. Hail & Ronrk. 431 Cham. Com. WANTED To trade $1 UK) residence prop erty on Eist Side for runabout. V 8U3, Oregonlan. n PE4.L ESTATE exchanged. roomlag-aoueK anything. Ask for Burrows. S17 HAMILTON BLDQ. QU A RTER"block. Portland Heights: 0-rooin house; lino view, for improved acreage. Owner. P. O. box 285. , FINE lot chickens for watch, diamond! or what have you? AT 863, Oregonian i i