13 tite suxDAY onEGOXiAy. roKTLAND, rAr.cn 10, 1013 p-rr r,, '", '"""'. "" 'I:'..""1"""' - ii ii iii i in i '"T!x4 "" "' ' "" "mmmmj i 1 3 - - j ii . 'M r ' i i M Hi ! ' Ml i-V ! v i ii- i -1 : - h:..;' ill r ft S3 .... .. ; Today All Aboard! 1 '"-fopever Enioroed imfa Wealth ahd-Wsdoifcy., After heintf bottled up tor montns: nu iuuuy 7 ' j over the big Viaduct ana juni vxtn , What Are the Prices? The prices and this I want to make particularly clear to all skeptics have been fixed on the basis oi those of Plat JSTo. 1, which was sold two years ago, Ion"- before Reed College was thought of, and not a sin gle dollar has been added on account of the priceless prestige and publicity that the college is attracting to the property ! Be sure to ask the price for I claim that lots that have been sold for $1500 in the better class districts can be equalled in every respect at , $950 in Eastmoreland Today Every Question Answered This is a day of inspection at Eastmoreland, and to answer every question that may occur to you I have arranged to have several of my representatives on the ground. You will recog nil them by their badges. Ask about the restrictions ; tte paving, the sewers and all the other work now going on and if 55 Jike ask what we will do with the 42 freight carloads of drain pipes that are now being sidetracked on the ground! TO?2th. invitation-that you spend an hour today Eartnehod to discover for yourself if it was not the sheer natural beauty of the loea on lhat brougnt Reed College here in face of most tempting offers from 34 Take" theSwood car to Bybee avenue, there you will find the East-uioreland-Reed College car awaiting. h i; -t'1 ' i 7 ''Vi.r'AJ .-..urt-v of M.-r. loyl. Tittcr-on M.ach. Architect, anl of rubli-hr. The l.tlf.c Coat Architect. Earaae to one of thj Eed College buildings now under construction. Ganzs of mechanics are at work 24 hours a day. seven days a week, era these buildings to ensure their completion by September 1st, 1912. AH materials are-being delivered in trainloada by electric locomotives over a specially built college railroad. And Better Stili I will celebrate the starting of the car service by throwing open tnis morning for sale for the first time, Plat No. 3. tre View Brlon.) ' Now, You People Who Have Asked and at times, yes, even heged, that I sell those splendid sites directly facing Heed College Campus across the Boulevard from the magnificent college buildings overlooking the bewitching Crystal Springs Lake and around where my big 200-foot signbaord now stands now, I say, you can have your chance and your choice, and the best of the sites are bound to go to the first pur chasers. . , Until this very morning, no amount of money could have purchased the smallest of these sites.. And no of fer of any kind have I ever entertained for a moment for any of them. But the time has come, our plans have matured, and the very cream of the one residential dis trict of exalted standing in Portland the one best known district that alreadv has associations famous from Coast to Coast the cream of this property goes on sale todar. l nil hps! si AV''Wiw A i Eastmoreland and Selling Agent-j 7 i Westover Terraces 818-823 Spalding Bldg. Both Phones Reed College Hereand Eastmoreland as Viewed From an Aeroplane at a Height of One Mile! 5 4 'rw jLt ttiw ;, . .. -P; -- t4wXvvJry,,'i Ivp&M ykJ ((v,Hi7&! By R. L. Stewart 4