The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 03, 1912, SECTION FIVE, Page 11, Image 71

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    . nn.nvnv ' TinnTT lYTl '"IT & T?f IT 3 1012. '
THE SLMi.W I tr-Asw. -, " ;
jra Co. t-tel. av-
- i:,o hv r. . orrc.-n from
:.. Kin hv or a-!!-pi"inte. r!l
r.,a.i end. in 't';ti'n. (uunu In tv.ta
tty har.-a.rfr.i atreet. -d hotel.
all iMnn:iii'ii ' c.miforta of
.,p-..i.t (iiv lit.- tter tnan aoir.e
.f ... Sehm.l In t-.- .Itl-a wber.
are fir.t .-i.eli : it".!;! ..r .lav do
.-( know ift. tmni-.-r .i.a pi tur-cl y
fl-.n-era. T'.f " wnen
no fronM r r".i araa f- tr..m atta-k
tv .ircnu-l r..M--r i-n I 1"
at nnl r r of p-mlat'ment. Tr:ra-a
r.".n'.Mil-.ii- ir Krai.l.l'-a'l)' dea.riod lay
Mr. Imrf'ir.l In Ma new lioa'k "f S
pag-a. nn li iii.iatrafinn. an Inter
railr. hok describing; t:.r struararla; by
alae-enl anl outnsf'l rlli-na aaamat
rjnlje-l m Mariana and
I4n. d.jriiiar the rtava of ll-e early
KulJ dlaeoar. ries. at the outbreak of our
tvit war In th- tr lsl and Ul'f.
Tht b-w.k H1 r'vor if fh law
less t rnun ;t rrim for Ilia, pak of
sttir h.-:-! f :at l rula'aknty
r.l.rl 'Vaar m'nr" that la. rh.
t-r. T:.- ok r.n.i-r tea I ra tiat
rrtm e.rrl-a ta warn pimlahment. an I
t lal honaatv la the ha.t pail Icy. Kl
Ien . I a..oarn thai devent Itiren.
were aariai.l and robbed. In ludinat
miner laden win !.! ltil; m:nr
who ware ..!trn n.ver hear I "f Jm.
that tr-a crlnae. wrro commit.- I I'y
L.w :ea nnf of ruath. and "rm
men " ff tha. Hay. drawn to the frontier,
in many fa.a-a. t. r "! fir .-or.--turnra
of l.avlnc t. fr- In ta
arnu- of nthi-r romiiaiiri In tho
War; that th few offl
.ra f i- ll:n n tnllmldatrj or
t.ot nurportrd by public- opinion to
ln!t on law and order, and that In
th a INI da " ram from
!. people. f r'ire tne4 la-l'ante
were nit In a-.-.-rd wl'n the rptrl! of
ti. law. an. I in a atrl.-i . nae were a
Umleaa a f eir il--tlin. lint thev dl.l
work at hand to .1". Hero la Mr.- Lanar.
ford a oplnl.n ot tue men about whom
L writes.
wl o'C a rto rtai'-j " - '
I nr frelti c 'o c..r rd d-
,r,. .!.,n 1.. .-me ni-ni'-r of the aan on
r-.- Trrar ..-.f..-rt .inn . K.-- a I'-ea llnie tn-a-.
r(r anil J. f"' "e r-n cliat th'
fri-:,rt. o ' . .nl .it:-.- .ufl'-l the p-.-(
l I.. h In I fie e.-epcianl. Ktcociicd
b-. I l lii.nll IT iu'(li r-.a.r lr.rr-a-d
in awla. P. a-l ' uM-r.ce f. ll;r.Jt.
ai f..: a. I V'' eommunliY
t.:-h .'Id '' -nlaaiioa. An
I...,. .n.-- .ic l- .--t-u.-i!.o ' '' a-'
r tit-l f.' a-lu:.i'v Ilf'"l ai the time
111' lie pf"l-' -'H'l'd ,i-e "Ck "f
t,n!' ment I "' Iheae re -nark. t-t In
,;ulra'I.M. .- a I Lie . ta of Ihe 11 lal'tea.
l.,lt f ... mfi.v of them ae Tf a-ofc.r
to rcxb.lvti i i t.l- : uctd pr..:ee:l..u -t Ihe
p..,.i- T'-- r.p.J.i- n. f'fit am-rr ti.e
lat'i ar M -mi- if Ihe lrrtl tliial c'alm
i. '.a ci-r.-.F-'l l-e auth-Tltv of II
"m' an-e.. a-...- ." f '-l' h he eac
V. c- !- ietv.n 1 tar; If- r
r-. ai- Mat- "f ll'-t- c-a erae men j
an th.i .ic.-uir.l -"..-ne a. re hat-,-
and I, . l-ratf and wMIe firm !n Ihe be
lief tl:-- .r- . I-lira- rlarhl. a'tuallv totn-
miifc-l arl.'-ia .i!Ten-e. I nlioii'if for lha i
r:t 4.irr. thr a-la cf Iheae men l've been r
-d . loettf'- an aroaii. prrju
d!l i t, t tur vtail.ini.- oraantaat i.m. N.thlr
.vuM f-- m .re ur The 'jcW vla!llanl
were the .et and moat Intellla-nt men In .
Ihr niinl iK r-:r. T lie v aaa and fait lhar.
In In. ..f 'l law. they rouat b
.nn. a .mv URhi I h e in e ! ea. - r auhmlt
to the bl'CHlT role of I he rvan-lttll bT ohl.-k
trie a ere anil a hi. h were In
Lreaalnai In aumhera mora rapidly than thay.
It la pi.a.mj to notl.-e. In paawlnar.
;haf tue ist.iaonlti fraternity of theae
a ii. I liaia la well ...ken of f.-r .mm1
n n.iww ef Harper: t e.arrj of tak
IKlllar; la araoklla alainare. I J. Henry
H.iri-c. ri-a.tra -.t- k Harper Hrolti
e.a. .New vrk l'l'. N. Y.
Altogether out af the ortlinarr run cf
bookn akinac, this pubili atlon aonl.j at
trart nnii.-r. by reaaon of Ita littlmam
inn.-tt wlt;i the rrral evrnta of nnj aato.
amona: a,ouan filled taith !-
mana of tue printer's art- The name f
liarrer Jt Frothera la known over th
rlT!led worl.1 whenvrr bok are read
In fcnmlafj. and tho name cf Harper
lamae lor the heat. When It la ex
plained, then, that thla book of
paurea la a re.-ord of the rlolrtc of the
noue of Harper alnc-e It nraranliatlon.
It will be aeen that the literary treat
a of more than ordinary Intereat.
Tiie drdiration a notable: "The fol
lowing; paarea are ie.iu-;ited to the
friend. of the Harper Hrolhrra. James.
John. Joaeprt tA ralcy and Klt t. her; but
ahould thev fall under a atranaer'a rye.
It la hoped that the portrait of tho
ftrother fheerrhle reflected from the
rec.rda of Well-apent lea. mav In
rrraae the number of thoae who reaped
their memory." Portrait rople.l from
ateei rnf ravinra. are shown of: Jamea
lUrp. r. Harper. Joaeph W eaiey
llarp.-r. Vlet.-her Hirper. Jo.-m laoihrnp
Vntifi. i;.-orKe Wlltani t'urtt. Htnry
MI'T Ald'n. W.illa. e. Tl-oma Nat.
William van llowel'a. William BUrk.
rMain A. Vhbev. Thoma Gcorrr
ru Ma irlr', S.imuet 1 Cirmrna ar.d
t;eorare ll.rt .-v.
The II irpera are of Kimiiai.ttiti-h
ant-eafrv. .trni J.imea lldrper. the arrand-fath-r
of l r- - f..i:r br.-theta a ho founded
the t-.otiae of latper Trot i. ra. waa born
In fe man ..f l.l li. S-iffolk I'oimtv.
:n'aml. in t vear IT to. em Is-rat I oat
to t;;l rolintry pr.or t. the Kl ol lltlon
ry oar. The ea. v M irr.ra were atro
rer In N.-W Wrk I'll, an.l the father of
the Harper "Ih s a.ia a earp.-nter in
Ml. I 'e V'llaar. I..r ; where
eland- the old Haiper -t.i-it-aLead.
arpeiter an Joep-. M irper. and In
IVrrm'-T. 1MI. I:e ilroic t. .ew York,
will- Ma aon -Tamea. ! i.r..ctitlt'i tt.
Tatter to- tiie prlr.iinn: ir....-. In the uop
nf I'aul at Thomas, !i;:r:.:if Sl.p anil
Wal-r atre-t. T'lurlov. ee I. after
aarj the pi' boa i-f .-w York,
wa a f.-Kom apprrntu-e v lt . Jamra
Ita-per T1-. v ea li earrad II! j-. - acek.
an. I I'-. ir hoar l r.'.t 1'ien f p r
m .n rh. In ihe a r of 1 I- Jam. i ar-
per .11. t aefltrv altltv. but l!lf II: t.ah.
'. -i arr.-m , I -ttfr'n. 1 1 at not imliier New
Yo k :.ti... ard Jo n Ha n-t. I,..)
r. l , ,1 i -lnT.-r.-. atarted In i-L.i.ea
r..r ti.-'. . In Mar-h. 11T. nrd-r
t i. e il J. A J Harper, and t .clr
ftri r.-k Mima a - Mora".." an
11'." u . ifla .-or-ie. wa pu I.! I .he.l In
ui.t if t-.n .-ar. Valev ar.d
fat- r ll. per woik.d coinpoei o r
i:i i pririt: .'! .'f tl-.elr r.ia-r
l-iit al I we-.- a'-rwar' n.Itrittr-!
i.. t . Cr--v. l.-:t tl:- name tf Hrpe?r :
R- -I !". f-.-nt ii-e vear l--v
P it :.a e - limited and It la not
p.'. '' t- ft' Cte f irt' tr What t:.e
't-.ii of l! i ' a J.-ne.
t: e I -.-' !t : a pu.::; e.l. the ater'lna-re-.--.l
,.f :...n!itv it baa tia.le. lis a:rrat
aefl i -e t . I e aue of e.l u.-a 1 1. n and to
thla re".... 1. t e record llv.a end cm
e rra.l li letter of . :.! The at..ry of
flarper ' a n-oat a.Im.ra.v t.iid I'CC
ar.d re.. a !.- to He a i' mr.
Ilk- mM I arrha. tr II T i
i t .- a a t
A ir--r i -r- i r:'r. a d. l- ti utorr
ami :.- -T.Yry, Into nv It
ar.4f m i.iii.Tar n- at lhat.
: . !. o iit "-f rd tt
Dfnritr:'. ' -l t i.-ntr Ia alra
t hf "i-r.n t S ut :; of I .or- ff linnd
Ha.trt t'unif.-.m. . r.ti t r
hk I a ri -.
in, wtt.i t:tm "!
inrti a h.-.ii.-. ,Uirr tjirjr
a suvfFtn of wti;t. rr.t
crn li.'-uri tnr rntnttjr vt tha bC
"One of the chief temptations of the devil is,
that he can persuade a man that he can write
a book, by which he (the man) can achieve
both wealth and fame.
C'hlneae flat Companlea. l-e.-anae he la.
anld to be the man who. la year be-
fore, had cuttled a Chinese hlp or
lorrha. br whlrli 7 were
drowned, an thut he could annex the
arlvan.-e monev thee had paid him to
I . . . - -
i . . .
- . r - - .r
t U. r-
! fc-l aai' ' J
' yi : . : . e y
, Ml a J
pTJ ;., - .' a. -
: . 7 ' :S
." 1 . 1
4 - -t -. ai
f I- , .
Sunday Services in City Churches
rimt. ,Whlta Tenpif. T.fth n. 71-r
.trriK--v. H- HinBt.n. iA!tr. .'VO.
H.l! ch-ol. -! f.r ai; 11. pra-h-
ir.c hy t-ie paftt-r; tht tit t-, Ilty rhrlt."
fiurtl. acr-nori in mri; 1 ", H Y. P. U.
rrvjt; 7..'. tir-nrMnc l-r h paator;
th'rT.. "TTie fl-l Rrot h-rhousd of Man."
Km: Ht.l-, K t A-ikt-ny nl Ttr.tiath
Mror K-v. Alhvrt Khrcott. nilnitr. 1".
Sumt&y fhal . tl. "Tli1 nerablt Lew f
H-re.ltf 'm i h.:u rounic poplr p rrertin ;
7:S. "Ttm TruutM- of th Am"; t.ptim.
'rpl H.tll. Kat fevfiith anl Antti-nv
rtrvvia At 3 clorfc lorfm K. Hrn :ll
4l.ttr an a.Mr t.n ' Ih- th by lout
Movement M-t.' f-r War?"'
;m.-. Montallla Kev. Albert E- l't?n.
patr. " in.ity oi. It. aftrmon;
tuple. ,Tti S" t of Powr": vnunc
nvopiVa n.e..n. :;t,- 'A ucctful
U(." .
Tabrnarl. Ej rirtr- atr?t alia
Hol-fAf (.trru- Kr. Krt tlrsi. p"r.
11. "Lun.-h IntA tho Iwp": 7 1X "Th
tdd Sri'row" : Sunday achuol. !; Toun
rort-nfth trt, rrT.r Vain llrv.
A. H. HaltA. pastor. runia fh'X'l, .";
j.rhtp. 11 : top..-. ' T-rminu ml Xhnr
uhfar" : 7: ".. -IV of Jettl fhW; B.
H. r.. H
tatJth. Klftnth and IT t atrreta K-t.
Frwt-ric .in1in. iatr k-v. O. I..
..n, mtMfmr from India. t:i praarh at
n,in!nf and vrnir rr; tun 4 ay
ari..k.i. 11. It- Y. r. I'.. .".
i" ;. Ktyhih and Orant tr?t
Rrv v. aW'-rr"-. paator. 5f r tra, 11 nd
7 r undivy .-hd. I": B- T. P. I'.. :30.
Iltchland. A'rta and Kaat Sih atrta
North Hmw. cnarl.a Hut ton EltlotL. abator.
H. trtnnn : T 4.V Sunday achool; J -". U-
I, t'.; prm -r !.' Thur4ay. 7:X
A r lota. H ity-f ti-tri etr--" rl Forty-
cnth aa 'Jtt R. Dunrao Mc
I'l atl. pan-tor. !. -unday acb-oi; II. -m..n;
.iv M. T. P. 1'.; 7 3- -rmon.
Tnird. Kmtt "trvat and vancouvar
nur Krv. Waaiar J- Han. paator. 11
T i. irrhli.r PfrWa. arnwi.
li r. l l'- 0.. prajrr terc.
.r:itnc l -
t. Johna Rav. II. F. Chanay. paator.
F Ji ana T
Ln K. J- M- Nilaon. paator. H4r
ftci, II and 7 3. r unday act.-.. 1; B. T.
P. i. to.
Vaunt oil- P-nth and Bvrtt ttraata
Ka. R. II. Tnn".a. patrr. lrlraa. 11;
conaot mat'n; . pn-aohinff and cam
munior, auiHlav arhot-l. 1S.3'.
jrrmnufl. vwr.d and Mada treat
Il-v H. lilmrk. aatr. pr-achlnc. la a
anU 7 O; Sunaj acttooU 13. ta-chrr- tra.n-
Husf llrllla flrhAolhoaa, nilff auaplraa or
Graca fhtirr b. Moniavilla Sunday achool.
2 i.-.; prrachina b Kv. A!tri Pat-h. iL
lalwrauy I'arlt Ka. A. t., act
tr raat..r. praacMn. U and :30; 8u
d" 7hol. L: B. Y. P. I" . -
t hln"a yiaitoa, 03 Huroild trt Cuu
fl ritxi! 7. J. J- Maina. aurrtntendrnt.
iralltn Mt''". mwt P. E.
lUItomu. mionar. Prjchlng. S; 8un
Uv arhil. 3.
Sai: wtt.d Kin-n;i trt and Tacoma ava
BajRv. K. H. Ha', paator. Taohlnf.
II and 7 3U. Sunday icnol, R Y. P. L
hcond Ceiman. Mrli trat and Rodnaj
H-v. i- rf.rick liu-m:-n, palof aefcoo 4i; praachin. 11 acci 7.-J;
t P- I- 4
a.jnnwM? irtrn. Vorty-flrrt atract and
H thorn avanua aOto.. -8.
i- n m aui-arintnjnt.
Krair. paator. rrU:aa. 11 and 7 -0:
Kl.Ml 3-
; Mtcha-t a f Italian I. Kourth and Mfll
I'.t, Jmuii Kan-r. Iow maaa. a; hitt
rr an.i aartnoB. ! . apra and baa-
"it0,Ma'ra prtt-CathadraL Fiftaant nnd
Tax tr-ta Mt Ret. A. Chritla. D. D.
I.. ma. and ; fcih maaa and r
mm. 11. para. lntructioo aad baed.C
II .!v i.Tfj, T r.:var!tr Park RtT. C R
rinnr. t.n maa. huh mm and
rrr..rv. li Lio; v4ra and lnadlct 4.
A'Tniiun, Kai: sany -aiat n and Kant
Mrr.Ki. .:rat Rev. Jamea B- Fttratrtc.
rM-tr. t.w mat, a. bh mM and armon.
Itf 3 Jiurday poM.ioi. ."-O. bnUc-. loo or
laa bl--vd ucnunrnf, 7 wkoaya. ffliu
ImiracjUt Ilart f V-.ry. WlUiami
nna and tiantua tr-at R-v. W. A- Da.
Ir ma. a. and ; ti. masa and ar I ai : vp.- tni b-naliciln. 7 rt.
t. Tir-ti-. tan Twatfth ;iw(rt pina
and Uak irt Ke. Father B aca. Laar
ip a a. h"c and i-rmon, 10
p. lnti n r 1 tn! ict :on. 7.3.
sit. .:idrv . V.a5 Nm'd and Alaarta
y..a.Hrv. K-rrean. LrOw ma-a.
. maa anJ irrnon. ltf. eapar la
ructton and l-uHin ion. 7 --i'.
,r atrat K v. c. rvkt Low maaa. a;
htah maaa ard aarmon. o. Kwy. Kat Third ati-at and Vnloa
irtRut Very Rav. X. 8. Uwltf. lw aaaa.
take them to rallfornia. The
dianasc to a i-l-.aae ut afa, a flaTlit
with a'hlnamen In New Y'crk. with pun
followlnir plot. I low Coiiht.-ii Ij rhown
to be tnnorent of t:ie dreadful rharae
narnlnat blm I rl-verlv iieaerlbe.1. whl
a 7 and hiph mam and Mormon. 10:0;
taprni and hi't.-Ju-tion. 7:30.
HI. lJirrncr. corner Third nnd Ph-rman
vtrv.1t Ki-v J. C time . Iw n1
8 and t: hiah mu. and -rmon. 10:"; ve"
prra. tnatrutiiotj utwl bcndit tlon, :0.
Klrt. Park and Mallm atreta Rv.
I u:har u inot: I. li.. mln'jttfr. :..
It ib.. arhnol: 11. itIna wrtmhlp; mlnlurr s
them. H.-lra of ;.t! '; Y. P. Is. " '
T-4.V dlvin-- irrvli-rn; mtnlteri thm.
1 "When Th-r'a laove at Horn."
i t ni-rj.tty Park. Hhvmi atrert, near Lom
bardRev. V. t. Kntrr, U. L.. pantor.
1 11. "Broken to B1-'; l1. Sunday arhuol:
i a-3ft. V. P. S. r. E.: 7:30, "Pllaia'a Kvaal
of I'Uty."
Hiahlan.l. Jith and pri'acoti treet
R.-v. E. J. HolHnaer. pastor. Irt. Sunda
arhool; 11 and 7:3 ', worahtp: 4. InterrinMllHtn
Kndaavor: .to. Y. P. H. f. E. ; themaa.
"laaavin tha pordorlant" and "A Vlaw 'C
M.alon." t alidea.
hunn)ilrlf. Ran Taylor and Kaat Thlrtv
ancd atrpata Rev. J. J. Utauh. l. U.. paa
tor. H r tra. 1 1 and 7 :3; Hundar achooi.
ti.r rrlayti-.n Kndeavor. (J:15; anbjact f
I arntot.a. ' Th iSroiind of A eiutnc" w 1 1 ;
tti Fathrr" and "Thr Man and tiia Lnu.
First Park and Tolumhta atresia. Rc-v.
W. F. H'-ajtor. mlnlnter. hervk-ra at 11 and
7:3"-: aermon au'1etB, "Thr Arrentina Mi.r
vai of a T-!tnfornied r'hur.'h," nnd "Is the
Yoonc Mn Safr ?" Sunday achooi. :Stt;
t U.. :3a
Vntral Ea.Jt TaentSeth and Eat Salnon
Btreta. It-. J. K. tihormiey aak
at U; th-ne. "Slrn of the Ttn-.": at 7:4&
a.anKellaili. thm. "Tha Full Woapel.
Moniav.liU Sa-1e-j In Odd Fellima' Hal!.
KiaThiittli and atretv. K. . Cl. tv.
I tarry. puM or. Sunlajf aoh !. 10; prvurli
Inc. 11 utid 7:3.
Ktt Everit, hetaeen K-lthti'enth and
Nlna-teenth. Sunday rvi- . It anI auh
jrrt of lrin aertnon. ""hrlat Jfa'ia"; Sun
day 'h-ol aftfr r'li; Wcdnf
dav rv--n:nar nir'alna at V
Srond ".mlin-n'a Hall. Kaat iOi and
Cat Aldf-r aire-:. S.-rvi-a. 11 and ; ui-J-ot
of Iraaon aermon. "t'hrlat .le-au": bn
dv a ho"t. 11; i edneadny t"tlinonlal r
Tlr. P. M.
Tli'rd. Kiirra Ret-ital Hall. Se.nth and
Aider atra--l V. rvl.-r. 11; aut-j't of Ifn
ivn aermon. "fhriiit Jeau"": Sunday -h.o
after morrlrr a-ri-r; Hm i.luy even ins
uiratlnc. .
Trinity. Nn-'eenlh and Kerett atraeta
Rey. A. A. -MorrtsMin, rwtor. Srvlcra K 11
and 7 '': Sunday aho. !:4-
St. Mtttlim . Flr-Jt and t'nruthera stro-ts
Rev. V. A. HI. ltrM'k. In charge. Sunday
a-inol. 1: ht-lv Mmmnnliin and a-rruon. 11.
A'.-Sn'n ta. T nty-tlft U and S.iviar Rev.
R E. Itfinlna'on, rector. Sunday achooi.
a 4"; ho.y omm union and lormon, 11;
BtKhborhood a-rlra.-, i.
Ut. Johna. MHwauklr Rev. T. F. Howen
la rharfi. Hrl.- and aermoo. 3.
UooU shphrrd. Or ham and Vancourer
aver. u- Ilea. John D-iwaon. rector. Sun
day ttrhool. 4.'.; marnlnff service, 11; n
Jr. S a1 7 .31.
.-i. M irka'. Twrnty-flra? and Marahatl
Rr. J. t. H. Simpson, rector. 7:30, holy eu- i
chartat; ll matin; 7.
lrare Memorial. Woldler and East Btv
entventh North Hoiy communion. ; mom
ins prayer ard turnioa. li. evenlnff prayer
and I'.rmii.. 7:S0; Sunday achooi. 10.
pro-Cat tied ra I of su Stephen tha Martyr.
Thirteaath and C!n Rv. H. M. R-mney.
vies. Ho.y communion. 7 :3u; Sunday
school. 10; mom ins s-rvKa, 11; servu-a for
roiorcd p-op!. 3; evenln praer. 7:30.
St, Davtd'a. Kaat Te.fa .ind Reimont
Hy. H. R, Tsibott. rector. Hoiy auchartst.
7:3; Sunday achooi. ;4o; mornlns prayer.
11; celebration of hIy aucharUt tho first
burday of tha month; even.:; prayer, fe.
St. Michael a and AH Anfe.a'. taa; Thlr-ty-aishlh
and Broadway Rv. J. C. Potts,
rev tor. Hoiv urhar:at. 7:3'; momlr. s aerv
t a and arrmon. 11 iflrat and third Sundaya.
morntnc prayer; second and fourth Sun
ds. loly rurhariat. Sunday achoo 2:0;
av-:.on. 7:30.
St. John's Memorial. East Fifteenth snd
Htrncr IU-V. T. F. Bowen. rector. Hoy
communion. : Sunday achooi. 10; morning 11; errnlns a-rvtc. 7:iO.
S Andrew's," Poriamouth R-v. Archdea
son Chamt-vra. in coari. Sunday achooi,
10. even.n-t ru e. 7 .30.
Church of our Savior. Woodstock svenus
and Forty-nrat ! Krv. K. H. Clark
in chars-. Rccujuf srvica and 11.
B.ahop Morris Memorial Chapnt. Good Sa
maritan Hoepual Kv. VV. R. Powell, chaplain-
Ser'KS. .
K.t Siih
tM-rv !:
itn.l Ka
in Od.! Fallows' HnlL
t Alder atrM. Blbla
l.a-on. 1 a; 1i"u-v u-Hh-r.
Puhjert. "Why Vu
William A.
Kep the Sav-
rnih I-?" . M
M Jotin's srrvicas, Lconnrd street.
Bibla lesaon. 7;30; subject. Th L'ivlna
1 .Scllwood ssnrlces In Wal HslL D!s-
the aubtle spirit of the Orient has been
most deftly cangnt.
The American Coyernment. by Frederic J.
Haakln. Illuatrated. 1. J- B. Ulppln-
coit Co.. Philadelphia.
8ui-ii clearly-exprewaed facts In con
crete form telllnar about th.- work of
the Federal Government In the United
States of America, will make ail Amer
icans!, who read thla book swell with
pride and new The mess
age telven as to arovernment really Is
a boiling down r several vouimea
into one. and awakens the critical
reader's approval. The fine Illustra
tions are from pliotovrraphB taken es-pe.-ialle
for this edition by Barney M.
Cllne.ilnst. There nre SI chapters, all
giving; accounts of t!io a.-tlvlties of
Oovernment departments, such as tho
State Department, Treasury Depart
ment. Army. Navy. patent office,
weather bureau, our insular posses
sions. Hourte of Representative. Sen
ate, etc. Tho bent and chenpest book
of Its kind published.
The Poeltlia of Penary, he T.ennrt! M.-rrirk.
1 1 -.-i i. M lrliell K. nnerley. Sw York City.
Mls rearaxy Harper and t.'hrltopher
ljitlmm. cheap actors in lindun. are
the central flur-s In this amusing
novel of much worth. The stugn is
shown witn a fierce, white lisht play
ing on It. mihI It actor folks are pic
tured In various sardonic moods, some
as drunkards and others as fools.
Nearly all of them do not have enough
to eat. I'ergy and Christopher are en
gaged to be married, and are engaged
so long that they get tired of estch
other. Then Christopher uicts Miss
Theoiloula Moore, newspaper woman.
New Ideals are made.
The Ijauahtcr of Jean. I. - Rimer Willis
r cl. l. Tl.o Neala Publishing Co., New
York City.
How many theologians, would have
us think that Jesus was a man of
sorrows, of tears, when lie was on
earthr Mr. Serl. with fine literary
ability, shows a Joyous, out-of-door
Jcsu. who smiled and worked and had
gift of humor.
Trading and Kstplorlng. by Axnea Vinton lllustiaiKi. -to cents. American
llouk i-'om-jaiiy. New York City.
An Instructive little book Intended
for third and fourth year reading,
showing the development of the occu
pations of our race, from Babylonia.
Phoenicia, down to the days when the
putch held New York.
The Seven on of Ball; hack, l.y Thomas
ia,er Splvev. $1. Tha cVamopolltan
l'reaa. New York City.
The knave politician is satirically
yet amusingly dealt with In this novel
of marked originality throughout. It
reads after the style of -Uulliver's
The studio Itaby. by M.v'.ea:.- Manilla Jor
dan. Illustrated. 1.".. Tho l.-oamopoll-tan
I'r.-. New York iiiy.
Klght little stories, each with a baby
in It. utorics so uniformly good and
ho naturally that we feci that a new
writer of unusual talent In depleting
Joyous, gurgling child life has arrived.
The rnlteel Male fioverament, by Victor 1'.
Hammer. $l.a.V The Neale 1'ublls.hlr.g
O.i., New V-.rk I'l.y.
In 179 puLres. the author prestenta an
admirably written account of the man
ner '.n which the machinery of the Fed
eral Government Is operated.
The Man Who Reaps, by Katharine Jones.
Sl.-i. lieamoild t'ltasurultl. New Yolk
An English story of a queer, morbid
legacy ltft by an old ancestor, a story
of marked psvcholotricHl value.
rourae by William A. Baker at "T
Jtft. "The Itir5iirr'tlun of thr l.-ad."
I iiwko srvtfea In the Uratife Hall. lfn-roura-
ly Nurnun M. Lewton at 3; subject.
"Thr Two SitlvallorB."
Fulton Park S'rvU!t In tho Siccal?f
Hall. Ll oun hy Normrtn M. Ke tnn at
7:..'.; suttje-jt. "The Two Salvations."
lra-e KnsMah ( Missouri Synod . Kerhy
anl Kurffo ut reeta Carl M. H', pstor.
Si r vices, l0:;iu and 7:,W); Si'nduy school.
ImmnnuH. .Vlnetetrnth and lrvEnjc atrota.
Rkv. J. HU-hard Olaon. p.' at or. Com
munion nnd rceptlon of members. 1 1 ;
evening; with aertnon on The Passion of
our Lord," S; special music. Sunday school.
Our Savior's N'oraeslan Hynol Church.
East Tenth and Grant streets Servlcu 11.
hy Rc. R. O. Thorpe; no evening service;
Sunday school. 10.
Eton's Norwegian Svnod Chapel. Albina
anl Mason street a .o mornlns; Service.
Service. 7:45, by Rev. R. O. Thorpe; Sun
day school, 10.
German Eranieellcal Zlon Church (Missouri
Synod l. Salmon and Chapman streets
H. II. Kopj.el.nanti. pastor. Sr Iceo, 10:15
ami 7:t."; StmdKy schol. t:l..
l"ntt-d Nnrwrffan. 45 North Fourteenth
a rrf services. Jt urd 1:3; Sunday school,
Vem-m p.ranrh Sunday school, 9:30;
prtaclii:s hy C. Oberp. 7 :.10.
Taylor-Street lr. Kenjamln YounsT. pas
tor. I:3. cttsvs; lo ::.. niomlnK sermon,
subject. "A Mca-isae of Optimism": ll'M".
Sun-lav school; fi:.lo. Kpworth League; 7:.,
evninjc sermon, suhjert. "Mow r our aicn
Solved a Hard problem. "
Mount Tabor. East Sixty-first and Stark
rtr.e.a Rev. v C Ktrlck, pastor. Sermon
Th-titeri: Xlornlna;. pronr.-jw": evening;.
"The Pmanry of Musi": Sunday school.
f:j;; Epwori'h lacarue. i:oti; midweek serv
ice Thursdny at 7:4.".
Trinity. ;:f Hmlo k street. Tadd's Addi
tion Rev. Churles MrPhtraon. pastor. Serv
ices Suntlav at 11 and 7::.0: Sunday school.
1; Ej. worth l.eaue. :r.t. Jonah B.
W!b. v. Hi stenk in the evenlnc-
SunnyUle. Kant Thirty-fifth and Yamhill
trera- Hev. Wll'lnm II. Fry. u. l-. pafior.
Sundav t. io-l. !:.'o; 11. "Human and Di
vine Farm rship"; 7:-W. ".-'acred Cuntaia
and Sons Service."
Plrt Norsffli-n and Danish. Eighteenth
and Hojt strets Rev. H- P. Neireti. pas
tor. Iremchlns hy the pastor at 11 and 7 :...
CMntou-Kellv Memorial. Fortit-th street
and Powell Valley Road Rev. O. Mcthil
lovh. pastor. Morntns subject. "Arise
Shine"; evening. "The MAkl'i of a Man."
Suntiay school. l:4."t; prHrhins. 11 and 7:3';
lasa meeting, PJ: Junior League.. II; Ep
worth larCSS'le. tl.'.iO.
tjrace. Twelfth and Talor Rv. J. H.
Cudlipp. D. H.. mlnisifr. Holy communion tn
th morning. In the evening Ut. Cudlipp
will spak on "Pantheism." scond In the
Serb's on Yaffarlf and Verlths f the Re
ligious S.-nse'; morning worship. li:ri; Sun
dry school. 12:l.": Ep worth l.raffue, n:3;
evening worship. 7:.'.
Ontenarv. Est Ninth and Pine streets
Key. Lie liner H. Trimble. I. f.. minister. 11
A. M.. 'The Xfw Liberality": 7:30. "Re
UarloD and 13uflness will They Mis?" Sun
day school. If: 45; Epn orth Ieaua, ft.Z'J.
First. Fast Seventh and Couch utreeta
Rev. C. Howard Davis, pastor. Sunday
scnool, ts: 4A : morning: aer lr--, 11 ; topic,
"Hibb- Holiness an Experience" : Youns; Peo
pTe's Holiness l.tusue. G; -vu tig-list u: serv
ice. 7:3: pra'er mevting Wednesday even
ing at 7 :."..
Sell wood. Fifteenth street and Tacoma
avenu' Rev. Fillmore Tanner, pastor. .Sun
day achooi. lo; morning service. 11; evening
aervl.e. 7;3.
Bre::twood. Sixty-fifth avenu aid Sixty
seventh street Southeast Rev. Aaron Welis.
pastor. Sunday achooi. !; morning serr
U-e. 11; young ueople'a meetlna. 7; evenlnff
service, 6; prayer meeting; Wednesday even
ing at 7:;tu; Dlble class Friday evenlnc at
Scandinavian. Woodman Hall, Russell
atreet Rev. Carl Krtcksen. pastor. Rev. J.
rj Peterson, of Los Angeles, will prearh at
11. 3 and 7:30. Half-hour song; service be
fore each preaching service.
First. Alder and Twelfth streets Rev. J.
H. Boyd. I. D., pastor. 10:oO. morning
worsbln. rmon topic. "The R-turn to
Bethel": l"-':lu. Blhle school; :15. Chris
tian Endeavor. 7:.W. gospal praise service.
with sermon by the pastor on --Religion and
the Problems of Life."
Calvary. Eleventh and Ciav streets Rce.
T. H. Walker, minister. Mornlnf, "The
Source of Trouble"; evening. "The po.ltlcs
of To lay Can They Be Viewed Optimlsti
caU ?"
Piedmont. Cleveland and Jarrett streta
H, v. J. K- Snyder, pastor. Morning service.
lf:5 subje.-t. "let Is RU Lp and Huild":
evening. 7 3". subject, "Esau"; Sunday
school. 12 noon: Christian Endeavor, :30.
Third East Tins and Thirteenth streets
Hv. William. Farsong. D. pastor, atom-
German Emperor Puts End to HI Feeling of Exchange P.ofessors When He Invites Them to Schleppenconr.
Most Exclusive of Court Entertainments Mexican Betel Leader ex-Federal Official
! 4 Mli - .M . i - 11 Jle- K f V.:" AfWaasajA
d v foA l
- 'J-t3i V"-- ..-i-eT ; I
i- ,-r ' m , - , T if t x-
Vi -s 1 V -:,; l
A rK I; - si sL V A
I --aaaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaajjaaaae
Harvard, the exchange professor
who Is lecturlne In Germany this
Winter, attended the last of the court
balls. By inviting- him to the last of
these balls, the Kaiser removed all
cause for ill feeling with the American
exchanifo professors, who last year
hud a dispute on the subject of im
perial recognition. There was quite a
row last season because one of the ex
change professors thought the other
had prevented him being invited to the
Schleppenconr, which is the most ex
clusive of the court entertainments. So
that there should be no further mis
understanding, the court authorities
decided to treat the American profes
sors as academic persons, and not as
persons of diplomatic standing.
Professor Smith Is connected -with
Harvard Medical College. He is a
graduate of Cornell and of the Albany
Medical college, and has been connected
with the Agricultural Department at
Washington. Columbia Unlversitythe
In worship. J0:3n. sermon, frovlne "ur
l,oe In Giving"; Sunday school. 1-. enr a
llnn Kndeavor. !:.-.; J:-"0. .tereoptlcon pic
tures --Mission Work In Siam" ; sermon. .
"What 1' Coats to iet Away from ul.
Mount Tnl.or. Kaat Fifty-fifth and B.l
mont street. Rev. W. G. Moore, pastor.
Sunday school. 10; sermon by the pastor at
11 siibjec;. "The Harvest": Juniors meet
lr at .1' r-hrlstlin Rndi-avo- meetlna; at
ll-.-SO: Woman's Missionary Society praise
service at 7:3n. Address by Mrs. Banks, re
turned missionary from Africa.
I!alhorne Park. TneHth and Kast T Inr
rttla-Or. E. Nelson Allen, minister. 10:J0,
li". Sunday school: ::M, T. I". P. t- E-HEVKSTII-DAV
(Xnte Reitular services of this denomina
tion" are held on S:iiurdtiy.
remi-,1 Kast Eleventh and Kast Everett
rtrVeTiPaalor Milton H. St. John- re.t
Tlence 11! Ks.t Kit ly-seventh strert North.
SaTihath sel,.e.l. Ill: pr.-ichlnit. 11: prayer
meel" g. Wednesday. 7:::0: younj people .
meetlnK. Friday. 7:15; Sunday night prcach-
'"unniavllla Eat Eighteenth nnd F.ast Ev
,r.a. sire" --1-astor A. M. I": residence,
la Fast Sixteenth street. Sabbath school.
it,- preacMhi ! ?1? prayer meeting. Wedne.-
JaMou,m,":ra'i."r"" Church, ch.pel. Portland
Sanitarium East Sixtieth and Belmont
J'r.e.'r.ator A. M. Imrt. Sabbath school.
I: preaching, j . prayer meeting. W ednea-
dttiuWn,,iOerman.. Pkldmoro street and
preaching. prayer .noting. Wednesday
ni''I"nrtli.nylan Arleia. East Sisty-soeond
s, andlnai '""v.JJ" , , ovenue I'astor.
Wednesday nlnht. J M0: riunday night
nb-ock of Grange Hall-
,V. -ii' Sunday night preaching. 7..W.
"'Voni.-yereystrt.ndS, J.-
,.UhoT,f,,;;"'lu,1prayer meeting.
Wednesday. 7:30-
Klr,t East Fifteenth and Morrison
atiU-s. R"kus.01I S. fho-ers. pastor, at
il and 7 30: tiunday school. 10; V V. ;
C E '30 -.tonics. "The Need of the World,
Thai I May Win Christ."
Uberla-Eaat Twenty-seventh and Sum
ner Rev. John SiweehVl,r- C b"
and 7:u: Sunday achooi. 10. T P. . S y t...
-3- topics. "Comforlins Certainties,
'stu.h Mount Tabor-East Slxly-venth.
rv c V. Olanchard. pastor, at U and s.
Sundav school. 1: V. P- S- f- '
"Religion a Principle or an Emotion?
lM Way and Man's Way.
Tremont Sixty-second avenue and Slxtl
nlnth .traet. P.ev. Morris Goodrich, paator,
at 11 and S: Sunday achooi. 10.
jrt East Sixteenth nnd Poplar streets.
Bible school. 10; preaching and holy com
munion by Rev. C. C. Polwi.D. D.. at
11 and 7:31: morning subject. "God a Faith
fulness"; evening. "Loyalty to Truth."
Oekley Green Gay at ret t and Willamette
boulevard. Rev. J. Bowersox. pastor.
Preaching aervlces. U and 7:30; Sunday
school. 1": K. L f. E.. :J0.
Church of Our Father. Seventh and Yam
hill s'reets Rev. Thomas I- Eliot. D. P..
minister m.-ritus; Rev. William J. Eliot,
Jr.. minister, services. 11 and 7:45; morn
ing. "Moral Decency and Wholesome Family
IJfc": evening. "Four Studies In Real Life:
I, William Beaumont, Surgeon"; Sunday
- . JJJirrrX I V l U, .WrSlblfStf-C.'' C "aaaaaaa 1
Massachusetts Board of Health and the
Rockefeller Institute.
a a a
General Hernandez is leading a band
of rebels in Mexico. He was formerly
Secretary of State of Chihuahua. At
the head of his men, February 12, he
met Colonel Oroszco in what is said to
have been the first real battle of the
present revolution.
a . a
Lew Shank. Mayor of Indianapolis, is
!.... .. V. . . in Vnrk W P fs tell
ing ine people now nw . l...
prices of certain products by acting as
ing the people how he has reduced the
municipal market man in Indianapolis.
tie, says tne iew xorn. niiLmia .
disgrace to the city, and that if they
can't be Improved they should be re
moved. He also told the citizens how
he hawked Thanksgiving turkeys,
pears and Christmas trees from the
City Hall In Indianapolis, and thus
helped his constituents to solve the
high cost of living.
a a
Frank S. Cairns is to be arrested by
the Persian authorities in connection
school. I:4.r: Young People's Fraternity,
:!10, "Scenes In Japan." with magic lan
tern; open meeting in chapel.
Church of the Good Tidings Broadway
and East Twenty-fourth street. Rev. James
Dimond Corby, minister. Worship with ser
mon. 10:45 and 7:47.; sunshine hour Sunday
school. 1:; Christian I'nlon meetine. :30.
Morning; topic. "What Reserve In Life Have
You?" Popular evening service at 7:45.
address on "The Ufe and Achievements
of Champlain." beautifully Illustrated.
Church of Ihe Strangers 10:30. "The I"n
pardonalile Sin: or. The sin Against the
Holy Ghust"; 7:30. "What God Shall I
Third. East Thirty-seventh, near Haw
thorn.. Kev. John L.. Aeheson. pastor.
Morning worship, 11. subject, "The Faith
of the Nazarene": eveninjt worship. 7::ln.
subject, "Conic and See." Sunday school, 10.
Y. M. C. A.
City Association. Sixth and Taylor streets
It. R. Perkins religious work director.
Meeting for men at J o'clock will be ad
dressed by W. H. Day. International rail
road secretary of the Y. M. C. A.
Interdenominational Church of Jesus. 1S2
Russell street, near Kerby. Services at :;
subject. "It Not Your Heart Be Troubled ;
Sunday school. 4: Bible study and health
conference Wednesday evening at 8. Mrs.
Isabel Kelley. leader.
Temple of Truth, Ellers building Sunday
achooi 11; lecture. S. on "More than Con
querors." by P. J. Green, minister; class
Tuesday and Thursday at 8. .
Divine Truth chapel. Selllng-Hirsch build
ing West Park and Washington streets
Services. 11: midweek meeting. Thursday at
g o'clock. Rev. T. M. Mlnard. pastor.
First Spiritualist Society. Alisky Hall
Conference, 2::t0, followed by message cir
cles; lecture. H, by Walter A. Hall; subject,
"Prayer"; platform messages.
Theosophlcal Society, tiw Eilers building
r.-. . :i- s'.'.lv cKfs Frldqv nt S.
Books Added to
Farrar Great books. lSIKi.
Austin V Ralph Lives of the poets-laureate
with an Interesting essay on the title
and office. 1h53.
Dickens The Dickens country, by F. G.
Kitton. 19M5. ,
Fortescue British statesmen of the great
W Napo?eonSfiThe9Vlfe of Napoleon, by Ar
thur Hassall. mil.
Stoker Famous Impostors. 1910
Maeterlinck Monna Vanna, pjesa 3 veik-
Blakeslee China and the Far East I M0.
Lucas A historical geography of the Brit
ish colonies. Ed. 2 rev. v. In 8. 1900-
1HpenneId Spanish sketches. 1911.
Burkrose Down our street; a provincial
CScala Monna Lisa; or. The quest of the
woman soul. ARTg
Balnster A text-book of mustc. 1007.
Blacker A. B. C. of Japanese art. 1911
Bramley Christmas carols, new and oid.
with charges that he and his associ
ates mismanaged the affairs of tho
royal treasury. Cairns went with Mor
gan Shuster to Persia to help reor
ganize the treasury. But the honest
business methods of the American
treasurer and his assistants did not
suit the Russians and the British, and
they had Shuster removed. Now they
have trumped up charges against his
American assistants.
, a
Perry S. Heath, who has returned to
Wncbine-tnnn from a tour of 20 states.
reports that he finds the popular feel
icpuiia i.c . r-.
hnir is for Taft and that he expects to
see the President renominated and re
elected. Mr. Heath was formerly Post
a .
. Professor Charles V. Piper, of tho
Department of Agriculture at Wash
ington, has been making an investiga
tion of agricultural conditions in tho
Philippines, and declares that these
islands are among the most fertile in
the world. He strongly recommends
encouraging American capital to ue
ve'op them, instead of keeping ltout.
BumpuB Tho cathedrals of Northern
Dawson" Telford The book of frolics for
a!Denton "Entertainments for all the year.
19pi"ood The story of the harp. 1903.
Hajley Twelve samples of Swedish weav
ing foi ' towels. 11110.
Trin.lAdventures among pictures. 1904.
Hodgson Easy steps In architecture and
architecture of antiquity for home study.
1!Kenealy Boat salllnc in fair weather and
'K-yT!e Priscilla knitting hook; a se
lection of useful articles from the Modern
Priscilla. with several new designs never be
fore HI0S.
Lawrence The Priscilla bobbin lace book;
designs for torchon. Cluny. Russian and
Bruges laces, with stitches and lessons for
working, loll.
Durham English history illustrated from
original sources. 19U2. l:)99-14K...
Kalkincr Studies In Irish history and bi
ography, mainly of the eighteenth century.
FlBiris English history Illustrated from
original sources. lBuu-1715. 1902.
Emerson A brief history of the English
language. 1910.
Saintsbury Historical manual of English
prosody. 1910
Arnold Irish essays and others. 1S9I.
Baring The collected poems of Maurlc
Baring 111 11.
Beach The comic spirit in George Mere
dith: an interpretation. 1911.
Bracco Hidden spring; a drama In four
acts. Bound with this is Oscar Wilde's
SnlnmP. 1907.
Any Book
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. Book Store, 3rd and Alder
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