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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1912)
THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, rORTLAXD, MARCH 3, 1912. SERVICE KEYNOTE OF AUTO BUSINESS 'Cut-Rate" Dealers Cannot Build Up Permanent Busi ness, Says Agent. EXPORT TRADE IS DOUBLED Amrrica n M a n u f -t .1 . r I inrad n. Forrlcn Fir Id With Murh Sue tf. New K.-M. -t llrntl for r-t Nunifil. H fftMi tr t:-. rrnutk Ift l!t pr!r of automobile KMir rally ts pot at a Mh flcnre. o thai the drIrr tan at v a rfijx'mint lo a pur rhitur who kl. k at ihr ith ftcur-. Fnr ri r. It I aM, I rut thm frtt ronl'1riN' v Kfor thev Ioo a ai. In tN mfrtfv f -. how vr. the orl. rMnhMnh". bv th f-- tory rItptomtly alhr1 to. Thr r many maatifartiirt-r who will tk thlr anr mrnmv from a dtM rtbuter m-ho rul vlrv. In th 'jt-m"ht timin'i. prhhly trATA than n mrr hr. It In nTfj rv trat both ! 4ralr an1 t rran'tfa-ttircr m n nnr of a cvl profit If tuev are to Jive up to t?trlr prAtiii J"trv lr- da brnm a Me lnt itutton In t 1- mnVrn 'itomofllf tuine. Kottnic an nr ratlflrJ aftT tvo kivi rar In th aim of the reputab! rar arnt. ,n.I In ordT lo tM rvl. ti dMlr profit anti.f h of miffi- Irnt Mx t mk him trk rfn In ren'lrrlnai the onnrr tii Th ttav of t.' rut-prf dair grad ually la b-'minc a thins of th pat. Th inan if ttav h in tt Inking of rufhtjtint an a utMitoli io d nt look anr loner at th Initial rot than hr 1'a at rr or maintaining M mat- n 1 n. 1 -1 iti - rr u l y 1 n landing of tK okr. th- al n-p'ita-tlon of the rar and f.ndn 11 1 from ttir on nM h?r t'n-v r- treated lv t acf-ni. n of tl-e prim fpal .!'lni N In-iir1 nhoiit i th ainitnt t pan thf J-lrr ha tn pIo k. TM nporiar t lo Iti f iiiur- aurc M d-HT nt nt l- pla -rd In a -wtnttlon f hatlttti to I.-t Inn mr xtand Idf- for -r.l il.on Mle the dealer andn to t f.. t .ry fr xome part thai h. timn hr..k-n T..i! In-onvrni- n e rn he d"ne a ay h ith If tho wr t rri a nipl-t to k of ptrtn. "TTie .rI.-r (: V t:im to MjV 111 t :o in;iinrs and lntlM tip a permiinnt Ir.V print rul rii e," id h'. W . 0 r. of ihr- Northwest Aulo om -ran . while d: thin ciur t Ion r' rtl . "H nitirin of profit mnt to hin enoutfTi to Ink iri of the nnr fitr tae i r la M. In onW to lo i:. :iiut hjv tfi . operation "f hr fa tut . and thl 1411II0I In- ifiven j nt a the mamtf'-ttirT, t . make a otd hit on prtMlut'l "It I only Uo iiavi not an v eioTlt-r- wU'i antniiivbllfrt who : looktitz f..r rt ort. . -iitlnnrd he K-o tli hi rthu ir. "Th xp-rr n'l rioter. rar pr.r knows that t:e l r Ftiu. t st t res hIm r pr!' for I. in r or l.e 1 4imt, In Juaiie to him rlf. ri nd'r ad(irtt a-r It e. r n . n'an hi nti antcmohu at 1 prl- n-r than tl. at iet ty the far ior, tto r-ftniil-hrw all rlal:it to future eervlfe. If ,4.nnr em'l pri .lioiid co rone, or I t rr n 'l o er ii.i i I in K. h innoi epe t on.-hl i a t ion. Thf d al yr .virnpy will .iv that t ni.i'hift wa. "!! at a ! iot. and that nds It. "T prixm rinjtdr r tns tt.o pur haa 'f ;in autooi.thtlf rh-oild eo ttiMl thf if whom lit Imy tlie mr m well ; i'HI Ed to t-ar? tf hftn. Kery KSrrl uoil.) t jirrv j i tnplt to lint of part.- In Mo. k. Tul.- I. a part of the hiieinr.-!. Tlre l nn nnnv In It fr tha .T hut t!ie trado demand that Wf lnr them. llv tune the In- fore.-l 101 t ie mney in ril In part V ontd'rd. thf MtiiAtl lirM-oint r' t ltrd from t':e fn toi v not count fr The prop tlve ptir linr htmd not take it for K'antftl that the le.ilt-r h thl. Mnk. . .should mak l. it ilsil r i how him.' .tt iur pi tut of :a.t Summor'a t tan-lo-o an tour of inr 1 ? 1'rr mkr it to ntohi 'f h w ert fIiowii In Indlrttiifo1i! for t ne f i r-t t itne w rk, and t h H. O.' inn a him it out ai I v. TIipv were nnd-r tho autptt of tht lloo.xit-r .Idor luh. und the l-ad-inc mnt'-rhls of the vhlnlty filled the h' u..f mhly hall in which thy wt-re titnlav,-d. Tl.ejf )i-tiitr a t I il n In t ::e prin I p I t I Hoe all o er I h I'nilf d M.tft ji. an l arc rpf.-td to he a prom IriTit fa tor In fuithfrina t'- toove n nt f o- hetlor I ikihivax . Thv will torn.- to fVrlland earlv In the Spring ?nltt .4 1 ir arf that triere wtM h ritir tttiirm c t ht vrar thtn In !1 prvti.' t-ar. rtimhinrti, while the t--inrntiti, trln will he ?o lari; .t.v t rob tin Marathon e ont if it lniprtaii-f ami nnvell. The ittat fn t ret nht.w n in t'urin s extroinely tzr mfvirtc to all turem. 115 thrv Hat foiri-i.-t will a hjr pt-rt uta ev of ti' automohile output of thf it'urtry djrlnn the not soveral y. t.-rt ta u.t i . lat v -tnipi led. 'low tint dunnc tf;e month of In-veiii-ir l.: motor mr: hlpprd from tto- Tnii. d .t;itf. This Irtnally du-M.- t if n-it ih -r j-hii prd In th- corro "I'urnliMt; month of l 'l" i .i 1 man 11 f .n iii rf r . of popular-pr-t.-.'ti iutonirM:i are iuai!ne ! f r.-M of th. I : j-tpf ,n prod urer w it n n in h no !, iti fa. t. thfr are mak ii! .i l- ': a perM-tfnt inroad n t he rttlnJ tl-al tnott-r-i-ar men f K11S ;aroi nd l-ran. e ar- mii li on erned. T ' liahl 1 i-p Muttnithtf rtft-im to tw onif t Ii in s I t he Kn ith matin f :. t ufm aiuiot t-nipt te with. Ami. tiff tt'ntent iO dititrionc t' h of ihf l- ntf'lth anl I'ren h dflfr. the A nf rit-n have t;.r Oriont. In In-lu. w ; rre t!ie llntfit!) motor car ' af I Ad a free f-'d. the i-ar from tho t'uit-M StatM are rapidly cilntnir favor. Am.-ri' a rvportf of a'ltomohllf haa 1 10 rr a? e.l man v mil ! ton of dolia r In ; p.?t f.w rar. T J. .lonev of t :;f r-tud'hukf r I'or p.. at Ton'a .a if department, ha he f n MiKT f1 to the a. uin 'oait. Ilia ilifitfrM t'l be in San Francisco. He wilt t.e er.rire uprvilon of alt the Inn-'f and agtn len ea.t of Salt I m k lllv n imf .1 n- f of I Ire lopge tt . . -h- ed to be a. reo-rd. I ouched for 1 a Sacramento firm which operates t Mage I tpe tel ween that ettv and idsoni. A liaM machine iiW daily on m run las a tire that r-as traveled er .i.l' itilie. and la still apparent llt good rendition. Thf t'i e. it is 1 nl. 1, as been ol f the lies! but on. e. . -n an Iru.rr Pit- wan changed on .vcuut of a small puncture. PORTLAJTD DEALER RECEIVES HIS FIRST SHIPMENT OF ROADSTERS. K - - "X: k. re ' -'4 "i -137 . . Z 7Tfcj II tl KH AT THK tt IIKKI, ' t AIRIK lltlTKK. TIIK FIRST f .tR OK ITS TVI'E TO HKAt'll I'UIITI.AM)- II A III. K BALLOt' OCf'l I'IKS THK OTHKR SKAT. IV1ULFQRD IN RACE Smiling Ralph" Enters Big 500-Mile Event. FORTUNE SMILES ON PILOT I or 1 nrr l-irr Rarr llan Had One of Iol uTful Career of An) V jwod Kins on AitwrU-an Track. "'rni:ii;it Kaipa" Mntfuid. hu name know n wherever motor rar racing is thMi;ht of. han nettled tho itii Ion of hi n fut ure career, by pur-f-ha.tiiff a nix-ryllnder Knn rar Ins; ear to compete In the noeom) annual B0O mile Internailonal SwfPtak race at thr Indiana poll Motor Stwedwav pfxt Mrmorlal dav. May SO. Thin action on the part of Mulford In cuftinaT loono front tha laxier Company, for which, he had been rarina ever nlnce the be rlnnlnff of hi rirr, verina the ntat mfnt that the Ixxter ha abandoned ino'or ear contentn. .Mulford haa known one of the mont nuecf nfful raffera' of any driver en -Kad 111 the h.ix.irdnu nport and Mn Inoonie han been prester than Ihnt of nn the rreatfl athlt-ten In olhr linen f -port. In 1?1 he annenfd the F.lttln national fork chan.-fn road race an hin ; chief pert ormanrf of the neanon. In !11 he rtnl-h.-d ternd In the &oo-m1le 1 race at the Speedway, won the Vander- ' btlt "P race at Savannah and mirht h.ivn known what U In to be a two- ( time wlnnfr In one race meet Ins; had It not hen that an unfortunate accident put hint out of the (irand Trixe race , when he a r!s;ht In the lead at the 1 I..-1 lap. I larlMNf Malforri's llrnirri. The . mi I injj pilot ha made en ouch niopov o that he haa been a hie to (to In aftrr th" $:.rt.drto purne at the speed way In a c.r ownd bv hlmneif and hin choice of a Knox wm Lo be partially t lie refill t of ihf p r f or. 11 a m of t ha t cir in the la-t Sjeedvv fv.'-rntiiry jrrlml rrt that rare Frd Belcher drove t he Knox nt rv and ft run hod ninth, after n'irilnj; hi- car alone at moderate pe tl fr more tliHii half t he race. The da-hinc tmih which thin car madf wan one of the notable faturen of ' thf lone f nL and record n show that ! the Knox made ; he fantmt Up tn tho rae. Mulford believes that he can put the famous ntx-cy Under motor t lirtMiph without trouble and outdrive hm record of lat year, whn he wan but a minute an a half bfhiud the wlnnins; Marnton The cniiv ( thf Knx mxkin the field up to date l z earn, ii'-a rl y alt of which have bfn prominent In pant motor car ev n-. Tho 01 her out rns to the racf arc two Nationals, driven by llcox. Ilerr jih! Merx: two Stuiz cam. driven bv I isicuw and Jagersberge r ; two Mercedfi cam from (Jcrrnany, driv en by l i'alma and Wit-hart: a Fiat with Tel W Ttxlaff nam ! to drive: a l-elngton wii Harry Knisht nom inate.) ntiil a Simplex, to bo driven hy Bi rt I dntfley. HI a Field Mart. , Thin in hy far the l.-rcnt field that ef r h be-n en if red f tr an v event more t hu t hrcc month a head. The li.-t of tentative fntrlen brings the num bfr of starters up to no. which In the limit placed by the Speedway manage ment The foreign cain entered are all owned pri vntei y, while many of t he American ears are to be entered hy Individuals rather than bv the manu facturer. Thin meant to indicate that motor car racing In brooming more and more of a sporting proposition pure and simple and thf commercial phase Is being overshadowed. T'enrrvaTlonn of seats for the race and of rooms In the Indianapolis hotels hae bee u madf In vat nu inborn, and Indication at present are that a great er crowd than thf persons which witnessed the last race will he on hand this year. The Speed w ay han entah 1 ishf d a room hurau and In booking a large num bfr of rooms In private residf nf , so thn-t all si tors may be accommodated, even if the hotels are ft I ltd. YOl'TM WINS C t IXti HONORS eno laid I'orjrltic fo Front Hank of Auto speed King. i ne of t he most unt-i ue scries of sport in g cveiuts . includir g automobiles and aeroplanes on t he Pacific OoaM w it hin many mowl- w ihr air and land race meet at Fresno. al.. recent ly. Valuable trophies brought out M iff a omiictiiion in free-for-all races and an unusuallv. attractive pro gramme pro v Med ivel entertai-iment for the rank aud ft le . throughout the emir meet. Ktdie aterman. till Mi bis tee nn. proved 1 star a nd eapt ured all the a u t nin bil. hwtiors of t lit big meet. Thin, tiuludrd the t'oliseum cup for the mile mat h-d race, with standing start. which Waterman won in - see- f onds. In the five-srile free-for-all. from a fl ing start. Waterman in his j Reo came in firt in a -J -5. This j gave Ii I iti trie PfAUtitui jiei.anr iropjiy. jn the :-nile free-for-all. the fr-rnc bo led tae si'lrited chae to the finish mi In S7-.3I. Thtii Is th bent record ver made on the trark. Waterman haa been In the hmeiiftht of Frenno motordom for neveral monthn, becaune of tho many atronuoua atuntn which he has done. Am our the records which he. In company with Frank Bryant, haa won. In that of low er inar the record between San Fran rih .-o and Frenno on November 18. 1911. bv 14 minutes and- 30 second. At the -finlnh of the recent meet the many frtrmla of Waterman tendered him a reception. KV TIKI; MAV UK MADK 1IKRK litiholI Company Xot After Amerl rm Ilfffht lo Proe.-. The recent cabled reportn from Lon don aaJvlnlns; that a new tire wan about to be place! on the American market have not ben confirmed, thouith it It practically annureO that itn manufac ture In thin country will not bo nban donel. The tire Is made by the Holmes Knfrlnferlns; Company, of London, and Is said to have greater , rentlency and longer Hf with a much lower flrnt com than the ordinary rubber casinir. The tire Is built up of a fabric com posed In part of b round leather, rubber and wood fiber, the exnrt Ingredient blna Jfalounly gtiaMM. But It In known tht leather scraps are pulver ised by a special ml II ins: process Into a powder soft and fine as flour, and then combined with a rubber bane. It In this mtllinc procenn and the method of com bining under hKh pressure with the rubber which Is retmonnlble for the tire not bring manufactured by the makers of the Mitchell car. as origi nally reported, for the reason that thq system for vaporising the acids used In the process in extremely danger oun. no much so that it Is blleved that the same laws covering the manufao ture of powder snd other high explo sives will be applied to the manufac ture of the tire. Tt Is now reported that Morgan Inter ests have secured the American rights despite this drawback, and that th factory will be built n-r Racine, Wis. BEAUDET YET Oil TRIP IWTHFIXPKTJ IS AXXIOVS TO RKAC1I MEXICO CITY. InxMilril Condition or Country .Make Ta-k of Ix) Anjrrdes Drler a 'i;i-k Onr. Faciftc Highway officials have ati: nounced. In the event T. J. Beaudet. wl.o in pathfinding the route for the Pacific Highway from Los Angeles to the. City of Mexico, reaches his des tination, that the formal presentation of the gold medal will he made at the annual Pacific Highway convention, to be held at San Francisco on August and T of thin year. In addition to thin being an interesting feature of. t' o annual convention, it will be a fit ting way to honor the pathfinders, as representatives from Alaska. Brit fnli t 'olumhia. Washington. Oregon, t'all- fornia and Mexico are expected to be ! present at this gathering. t'h enter lat w re nee. who accompanied Mr. lieaudel on this trip, was forced to return to the States because of an attack of malarial fever. Mr. Lawience In now at I-os -An soles, actively look ing afiT the details of pathfindini; from that end. as ho has almost, re covered from his illness-. In vpeakjug of the trip. Just after his return from Mexico, he said: "The trip will not be abandoned, but will be completed if it taken 10 ycara' to get throuab. "When I left I gave lntrucr Hons that the i 'adiliac-HitiMt reach the i-Hpital of Mexico or never return to tins country. It has cost too much to give it up.-and as a matter of fact il Is much easier to get out by way of the City of Mexico than it is to retrace our route." Mr. Be.iudet In now in the province ut Jalisco, and will be aide to com plete hin trip within a few days, pro vided war conditions permit. This, however, has been true for the past week, and it is decidedly uncertain an to Just when it will bo possible for this daring automobile driver to continue to the City of Mexico. Platinoni Sup'ply Decreasing. 'The creat demand for platinum caused by the enormous number of magnetos "and vibrating coils has great ly reduced the world visible supply of this valuable metal and increased itn price per ounce. says Charles F. Splitdorf. head of the ignition house of t hat name. "In our large factory in 'ew York, where we produce a mag neto a minute, we use about $2ft0 worth of the valuaMe metal a day. Irridum. which i much more expensive than platinum. Is rapidly growing in favor with high-elans makers of igni tion Instruments, who are ready to go to any expense to improve the service of their goods. Irridum costs twice an much as platinum and stands more hard usage than platinum." Th Y.t;e seientltte espedttlnn 1nt th1 In terior of I'tu h reiui rod. They (tind ruins of an ancient Ir city. hlthTto uiiknoa ti. In the nfii f hounds wj- thf y tf ni inl 1 ne rt-m- ins i pun- m. t :r. (i a 'I a ri'V.-i! p:t '.1 . MOTORCYCLES INDIAN AND EXCELSIOR BALLOU & WRIGHT, 80-82 Seventh Street, Cor. Oak ,--crit- it DRIVING EASILY TAUGHT dkalck has simpi.k axd ef it:ctivk system. ;ear Shifting Only Hard Cart of Operating Aulo for Novice to Learn. He Says. The simple control fcystem of a mod ern motor car and the eae with which it can be mastered by a driver with no experience whatever are illustrated by a plan of Instruction In use at the place of btiainess of a bic Studebaker dealer in an Ohio city. "From the raw novice to the finished expert In two hours." is the claim made for this system by its originator. The dealer had been selling cars so rapidly that he found himself unable to spare lie time needed to teach his beginners by the usual method. Ac cordingly he has worked out a short rut which he finds better In every way. He taken each novice to a courtyard back of his garage and has the rear end of the man's new car jacked up until the wheels are an Inch or more off the ground. He starts the motor and spends about 10 minutes explaining the theory of gear-shifting and the sim plest method by which the car Is eon trolled. Then he leaves the nox-lca to himself for about an hour with or ders to use his imagination and act ac cordingly. When the hour is up, he puts lite pupil through a short exam ination on imaginary, emergencies and turns him lodse alone. 'Graduates of this school are Invariably capable of getting their cars home without trouble. After a day or two of expe rience where traffic is thick, they are able to drive anywhere, with all the cool confidence of veteran experts. Thf Inventor of the plan says it is perfectly logics lr "Instinct." he maintains, "tells even an inexperienced driver how to steer his ear. Oear-nhiftlng is really all he has to learn. When he has made that detail one that he ran care for without stopping to think, he can go anywhere. I've always, claimed as much; now I've proved it- Given a man or a woman, either and he can teach himself to drive In a few minutes." Many a man who has learned to drive in this way has, according; to the dealer, taught other members of his family at home. Jacking the car up -Inside the garage. He says that his plan isn't copyrighted but believes it would wofk weil in the ease of any car with well-made sliding gears and an ade quate cooling system. .Mulford Now Free Lance. Ralph Mulford has cut loose from all manufacturers and entered the racing game on his ow n account, having .just purchased a six -cylinder Knox, which he will pilot In the 0U-mile race in Indiana pulls, later the Klgin, Fair mount Park. Vandorl lit and Grand Prize In their order. Motorists, Attention Cylinder troubles usually are ' due to carbon deposit. Trace buck the carbon de posit, and, if you do not find the fault in your mixture, you probably will find it in your lubricating oil. POLARISE OIL practi cally eliminates carbon depos its. It saves you from fouled spark plujfs and valves, scored cylinders, etc. It keeps proper lubricating body at high temperatures, ft feeds freely right down to zero. The Pnlarine Brand covers Po larine Oil ; Polarine Transmission Lmbricant (in three consist encies U Polarine Fibre Great and Polarine Cup Create. Our Pnlartnr bnnHrtlrrm. post paid will Help you tn carina fnr your ear. Writ tor it today. Standard Oil Company i ncorpon ir - Best Oil Pays! MONOGRAM saves repair tols. Will deliver to your garage. i Headquar ters for all brands United States Tires Nobby and smooth tread. Exclusive distributers G. & J. TIRES Large stock FLASH LIGHTS 75c to $ 1 Fresh Batteries received weekly For all purposes from smallest car to largest truck, $1.50 up Spark Plugs Famous B-Right 75o Rajahs $1.25 Sootproof ..SI. OO Red Heads.. $1.00 Spitfires and others ft 2k Buckeye Cleanser Best soap for washing cars; will not injure finish. Put up in packages from 5-lb. pails to 450-lb. barrels. When through washing can use ' B- Brite ,,3 Polishes for body BODY POLISH and metal Indian Motorcycles 1912 4-H. P S215 1912 7-H. P $265 FASTEST AND BEST We carry the largest stock of automo bile goods, Motorcycles, Bicycles and equipment in the West. FINEST STORE ON THE COAST BALLOU & WRIGHT COR. SEVENTH AND OAK STS. PORTLAND, OR. 1 mm 1 f J I .ji 14 Jacks III J y r ' 1 "The Last Trump" Will be blown with a Melody Exhaust Horn. We've got 'em. Archer & Wiggins Company Oak Street, Corner Sixth Purveyors of Auto and Sporting Goods BALLOD ft WRIGHT Largest Stock Automobile Accessories M. & W G. & J. and Hartford Tires, Monogram Oils 80-82 Seventh St, Cor. Oak. Portland, Or. Atterbury Truck Columbia Carriage & Auto Works, Agts, 209-211 Front Street. Phone Main 2392. General Auto Repairing. Bodies and Wheels Built to Order. BOWSER STORAGE Crowe Auto Co. Sixteenth and Alder Streets RAMBLER STUTZ MARION K-R-I-T MAIS TRUCK (Gear DrivenV The Best American-Made Truck Distributers for Oregon and Southern Washington. FORD Ford Motor A. J, Edwauis Sec. mnd Mgr. E. B(h and Vufcaulxlns A Retreadlns. R. E. BLODGETT, 29-31 N. 14th. Main 7005. OVERLAND CARS J. W. LEAVITT & CO. 939-531 Washington St. Distributors for Oregon, Washington, California and Nevada, THE AMERICAN 1812 UJSDERSI.UNG. A Car for the nUrrlmtnatlng; Ffw Thf Snfrmt Car an Karth. GARAGE STORAGE REPAIRING. Nob Hill Garage & Auto Co., Inc. 90-fttl Kearney St., Between Twenty-first and Twenty-aecond. APPERS0N STEARNS EEO NORTHWEST AUTO CO. DISTRIBUTORS F. W. VOGLER. PriHrif JIN TMftenth and Alder PREER CUTLERY & TOOL CO. Headquarters for Shop Supplies and Automobile Tools 74 SIXTH AND 311 OAK STREETS Schacht Motor Car Co. COMMERCIAL AND PLEASURE CARS COR. FIFTH AND HOYT STS. Our Motto: "Quality and a Square Deal" Western Hardware & Auto Supply Co. SEVENTH AND PINE STREETS Vulcaniziug, Hardware and Auto Supplies. Phones: Main SS2S. Heme A 2()lfi. "Your Money Back" Tire Guarantee! Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires will anteed for 4000 miles' actual service. They carry the most liberal guarantee of any tires ever sold. A. J. WINTERS CO., Agents 67 6th Street, Bet. Oak and Pine The Best Place to Buy Auto Supplies, Hardware, and to Have Tires and Tubes Repaired. Aabiirn Motor Car Co. R0BT. SIMPSON, Mgr. 505-7 Burnside Street A 7339. Main 2674. GASOLINE and OIL TANKS SYSTEMS FOR IM'RMU AMD PRh TATE GAHAU1S9, Stoddard. Act SOS Caliuubim Bids. Mala 14TS JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. Northwest Distributors, EAST MORRISON AND SECOND STS. Phones: E. 3887, B 1625. The car that comes fully equipped Best for the Money Car Agency Hawthorne Avenue. Phone East 9491 TIRES Stg. Phones Main 7179 A not skid in any direction and are guar