Till: SIXDAV OKKCiOMAX. rOKTLAND. MAKC'H 3. 1913. 3 ; ill. jr D 1 1, ) NEWS AND GOSSIP OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS THEATER Phones Main 6 and A 1020 Seveala ana Taj lor Streets raonca Mala 1 aad A 1 1- 111 I I I I " TV I I HE1LIG t.DITEn RV I.F.OM5 r BAKU. -r- LICK !J."VP. :n Sa::l-. h.n - r'!- b'.-un to t.-l! rveryhody who '.M listen to lr liow vry u.l .' l f ! .' r. t:io '"t rJ iioir frt'rul'lv pic ! 1 lll t t rriv- in I-jr:!:in.l. file's K-i'ing his . 'uitff to ci-t Lira- hiT.4 o? out ,.f..;...r?t on ttus fi;.. j-rrms that !? r.;. ntllv two ini'm-- kl''. a in vnrf" -o.p-d in rvf-rr ri.rn.on and rvn!nS'. fhf wy . Iikoii m'l'i'-nl -omrily iflie in I.lltl- MI.- F!-If" ur '..Iter tlnn l-.e -t i.-.. .i-tia " inn i already he , iT'iiir.s a nw play for nrrt ora jn. It ritli'l "Tan-allairr T"mniy." ti.it oniv lis title h i.--n sivcn out for .tir,lict!"n. Tin l.i'nty Knslliili romn':T.nF. who ha vlitd im twlrc t.'firo vu th Or.ium way. hu had tiv!.- nmr In Saltli-. wlisr aho wan on t?r rr lr f'n -oininittr 10 wiom! ik. IVrtl.m.t i:ik3 .'! nnt t. 11 sound ritv for t:i Jink li.t TupwIhv rvmni. .it ha. tl povrl cltMinc- tiin of hina tii" onlv woman honorary mrmhT f I "a w York loduc of the R. IV O. F.. Shw waa moved to unbosom hrlf of foil win to ono r..rt landrr. who carrird.lt rljlit bak here w ; t him: TM i II make my tMrd rUit to h'j'ititt.l Portland, and uo you know I rall feel that I am irmim bi.-k my adopt'-d horn. I auipj?o ti nt It will -Tfl trans to nar adnjilrd homr' for In thia profion th.r 15 rerv llttlo f ral homo lif m-pt a. poK5lh few werka In the Summff time and then generally mn 'f tliat penol is civen oTer to re!iearala anil settlns ready for the net eaon. And vet there are ritiea Hint llnicer In one'a memory th one that you look for ward to returning to ami when the time rome to make your departure and travel on. you lomr to le able to hiTD the power to extend tho enicaKe ment IndellnltelT-. Surh I my feeling toward you people of Port)anL "Kveryooly haa always been no kind, tha kindliness that rlima as true as your brlEht. ninny double easlrs. Kor one who has apent prartlrally only three seasons n this ante of the water It will seem stranse when I say that America seems like home to inc. I ma.1 a vleit to Kna-land List Sum n:tr to see the old folks and not a week had passed before 1 yearned for l-e Kond old I'nited St its and a slKht of my fncnls that I have made oer here." On Sunday. M.irrh 10, Miss Lloyd opens at the lleiliK. Nat GvmhIu in's rapacity as an actor has been common knowledae for years, but It has taken a suit on tne part of m ine and llnuoc firm to make knonn the much-married ones KalstafTlan ca pacity ws a cor.iimer of bottled itoods. .s the MoitiiPir T'leitraill acouut of it: ";eorvre A. I'ooci AY t'o.. of Liver pool. Kn-Ulid. have eptereil suit for tiie unpaid balance of a IT".') liu'ior bill, whh h has l"d larrisn t'lark. ttie -ounsel for the plalncflTs. to make some astonishinsr revelarlns about the amount ftf Jiywaler ordered by the curti'd i.i n. Py way of provinsr that a little hiciihalt now and then l relishc.i bv the hjp? lest of ni-n. most of the :o.m1s ere Jelivere rturinir Mr. tiootiwln's rei.-t'i nd. tnnl farther ntlie. last hoticj niottn. The l:ir-est lntltvl.lil.il Hern, s.ivi Xf .-. t'lark. was a hoi.-h.head t.f St-c.-u wni'.k. which would seeni to indicate that Mr. lioo.lnln needed us piu. !i whisky to uct tliroucli a sln i:Te tioncymon as an tM-e:in liner does f i. I for a transatlantic voyage. "lr -rlta.s lite ton. I .air hfl so n.inv to.T.tjt to drink to eacli others ). . i ! t it that they needed KeneroilS ii : l ,.f lubricant to keep tlicir vocal ot.s well olle.. At anv rate. It Is to h.. liot..l th it Mr. io..lln is sutTi- !ntlv i lalilied as a Ju.lte of whisky l.i en.ihlc one to say that both Mr. and Mrs ;.M"tttn were In lhe best of Hints" 1 11 t:.e end cf li e Mis. fit Mr. liixxlwin has apparently felt titat he dcr .l at least 110') worth of en joyment from the shipment, for he paid that amount on the account be fore the action commenced. "lie has se.-ured an order from tie f'ltv I'ourt rco nrln tin' Mliiif of a lon! to cover the costs of action." l.ilM.in l-iwrciicc. one-time Haker l.'adln woman, is 1 . s t iigr the mother of llor. Ir klsw ft Krluncrr s revival of "Il.-n Jlur." Miss Unrrnt'r Is a natie of 'n ciiiia. but spent most of h.-r Ririh-Mid in t "a 1 1 forula and made lier tret stacc a ;m.i ranee In San Kran-lo-i;l n n ( 'i n In Ilafit tlci a. Site nia.le her d.-H-il with trie I ::t i tc Mcl r.ic compaiiV In " A ISoval Ml.Mv" and f.r three ve.krs siinjc principal roles at the old Tlvoil In San Krancisco. Then stte headed lier oun stck comoanv In iMklahd and latee Joined a small dra matic company tt.s: toured the state. lutcr.stitiK to ii.nc is that M.ss Un-rcn.-e was Iti the roinpariv sitpportlnir Kari'eriue 4lctnnions at the Kiflh Ave nue Theater in New York when that voune woman made an attempt to Kaiti a footho'.j on the staac: a short time afterward she married Howard i;uold and r.t!r.-d iM-rmanently from theatri cal Hie. f rank! i: rn.l.-rwod. a native of l'ener. bit wti. is p,i rt leu: a r I v well known on the Paciile i.'oast b- reason oE his theatric..! appearances' here. Is l.a.ltr.c man ':a Nirs l.esl;e t'arfer. who comes to th.- Ilelllit In "Two Women." brKliiniT.i: rrxt Thursday n-K'it. Mr. l'nderwo.-. was leading man last se i.tn with the IVii.er st''k com panv In Spokane, an. I two Summers ao placed a seas..ii ef s: ., k at the ol Thli d-strcct l".-ik. r Theater with l .e:a Jewel as star. I r. cc.l i n u .llsa J.-we' s airKal. Frances .s;.....,M who s Mrs. 1 u l. rs ok1 111 prltate life, had pe. seeral weeks as .-i. licit wom an, a-id last Ssas.n aptwa:-..! in ttlis i-ij... iv lti tier nusuan.i I' Mik4iir In Mr. i. triers play Mr I n.lerwood has tn 1. 1. a tremendous ucc ss of his re'e a- l:em de .Morl. who is the i.ero ..f I.uih rt Ituirhes' nl.u'f -:or. 1 m t. U o li.-n ' and which, bv the a . w is j.r. s.-t licre under 1 ' : l.c ' Tr i n-I'.'rnia: I n.'' bv r'tor 'nf l:..r.er's t .- .. .r- aso at the -old .o -mM. I' a: : Hi.- it has been corisl .1.. r.. n-v .h.n.f.l m Mnes and p-cl-lc! loll. M.s -.-......n ,i'..o it in Mr., t'arters r-.-u- l.ini. n .1 has the roe of a little coi.m. : . . 1 ti ... i.ir. a ! too d.-arl. th-. i : i ..r thei'.r. i: Wl.lt. I', nr. the sa.re.l books of the Buddhists of India. Anybody who knows a llrtle about comparative literature will not be Htnn. to h'.ar it asserted that the melancholy I'ane Is of oriental birth, although tho "lirect line of lesccnt is more or less conjectural. . May Irwin is itoins to have a theater of her own. lislit amor.s the quality houses that cluster about Ixjniraere square. For some years s'je lias owned the lots numbered 1"J west Korti;- follrth street and lit West Fort,J--f I f I h atreet. each d.reetly behind the other. m February 11 she ac.utred the two adjoining lots In Forty Fifth slreet. tlvmn her entire possessions in this block a frontace of l feet In one street and il feet tn another. Kach lot is 10t feet deep. The actress proposes to huiM on this proper! a III lie theater to be called May Irw in's l"la house, ami to hire Its front ;oor In Forty-f'if tii street. She means to devote the house to comedies of the sort with which she lias been as sociated in recent years. Henry B. Herts, architect of more than a few theaters In New York, will desian the new house, an.l It wilt be chreeted by Miss Irwin's present mnn apers. F.lsfeldt and Anhalt. Mr. Kisfel.lt Is not only Miss Irwin's manager, but as well her husband. He Is a few years younger than her yountrer son. ... The Matinee Girl in the Pramatie Mirror. In telllnir of the as-yet un known 'laughter of a well-known father, says: The slcn. Tomlnc. Ms Stella Ilammersteln. painted on the front wall of the Victoria. Is a sltjn to the stream of humanity that eldles around Seventh avenue and Forty-second street of the survival of the daughter. A few short years kko Stella Ilammersteln told hrr celebrat ed fsther that she was colnc on the stage. Oscar Hammerstein told her she was not. She has not only pone on the stage. but she will soon appear on the stape of a playhouse built by her father and managed by her brother. If Misa llammersteln's turn" Includes living pictures she might pose with her foot on the neck of the indomitable Impresario. her triumphant right nrm aloft, and her attractive lips forming the words Sic semper tyran nls. but we know that, while she might do this for business, her real sentiment, often epresse to her proud father. Is that he Is -a dear old .luck.' " k - ... 1. .!. .1 nrnh.iiin llllt. .MlFlir, . nu " s v-. ... Tons with her violin playing early this season, lias signed a contract for net season wnn .v. n. ' .- featured tn a new musical comedy that will open on l-aoor unj. . . . ...... i.M at n i - Stone Gap. Vs.. where she Is known as Mrs. John Fox. Jr.. that fascinating nil oi . i . . i.-rtl Sehnff --1 v e s occa sional "at homes." Iter r-eptlon-room Is a broad Jasmine flowered plazsa overlooking the famous tlap. and here she entertains the mountain side's aa" And as the male portion of this section of the feud countrv. all wear flannel shirts, top boots, whiskers and rot.-. r !nc rifles, somo Idea of her BS- sortinent of Kiicsts may be gained. A special and exclusive ica.ure oi iir.. soirees Is that tho hostess has to pit sll icr laei and arts oi inpiomacj i--. .ossll.le fllrlllades Of bull-tS. t i. . - n I ent lier first Invitations she rcaliecd the absurdity - ..... ri.n..l r ..M-Xsl ' ,x '. J iMME. Schumanii Heink Heilig Theater March 13 SEAT SALE MARCH 11 pick tji. s.i.oo. r:.jo. -.ao. i.jo. t.alleey, Keseoed. HI. SO. ttallery Adinissinn. si. 0. IP.x Seats. l.00. John t'ort. under whose management Mrs. f'arter is starring, has provided her with every means which money and experience can supply. In giving her a notable cast Rnd an equally notable production. Klfty people acconinnny aJrs. Carter on tour and two of the largest baggtiKo chts arc necessary to transport the massive scenic Investi ture of the production. ...vihim. lmt flatin shirts and calico droeses. and so she nl.i.-cd evira and special emplmsls on the word informal." Vet nobody re sponded, and the farm help liad to drink toe punch for supper. t. . -.1 .i...-ul.ki...a. that the vil lage soi lel leader had translated "In formal as a city wor.l inejinin nom ine to ilrlnk." It Is neeslless to ad.I that tins next Invitation was responded to bv the entire community and those conversant with the success of these ".it homos" have privately expressed th oidnion that Invitations written In ivr-ian would now have no effect on the attendance. At the Theaters Contlnactl frlm Pr hrY ttri. In. I forr an unwIIIInK parent tn fnent t" ' UUKliir trarrlaso; "Tio Jum ito?t." tale of a 11 1 1 to bv whi was turn. 1foc In a ro!-t full of vf.-t an.l what he ln1n I 1o lo a" brT. a rollrrtion vt houpwif niad. "llcr Master n m iron? -Irama. n! hrr are nfhrr fraturr-. Nw j-boa on at Tlvoli ant i"rj5tal. MISS. I.KMIK Ai:iKi: CO.MIXC ,1 -r-.r- t lo.n mi jw l.-t Kdll u- - i ti.- it t. -.' hf funl th pt v r-.-i sii.,-. ,sfu t. Trti:t hv . T'.l l - In r "h- i it fl'-w it i. ...II.-. I "Tii- l.jinhow.- . I . r.idi u.. i fi u : ti.i . a nl Ne w .i'ik t; minfs i pr--- rt iln in '.it. ' - ";Iitrrtt) ho .n ronifmflf f'-n . t r , -i, ; t,.n t T;-iv-' ..nl J .i n ; t . -'-.lil iti j!''it'' in w l ork. l-:i.in i; .n--. t Uf f.rt n-I Jti1ii ,t i'ts- fnt wTf nr i i p. A T.-1-"J- j it-r w,w- .i:m r r - J.-1- -triTins Us - i , t . : y-mn; .i.;rm t irrirrr:. i . . : T i: !i f'-l." In i-f th ft Tit m h.ir 1:t f.ri;.l ss.i-ori - in.trU',!tT. If t-n-'f .f 'i.k r !-. ti uti 4. a.-k.e-t i-n tii.!.. b Tf - "'or Jt''j h ? url( ( h t M mi- t .. Mti nri.'nu i, i- not tn tr.i tn . I'Ttsfs'-ior Shirk. ho i h.-a-l f t'm irrtjrsmi-nt if V:iilt"i. Un.iukfs ni ii tr r.t til at th I'nl--r!i 'f M'ti.-h. n-l wh- has been tn'-tl.jjlifii; t;rnealrt.-tr nt MatFi'pitrf Mi'm'rt --rl.ir tht h ti uiit 4i th I tj rinit jin, r tfr in Well-Known IJiiMitimi! Artrr Will Aponr at llflllg: Smii. Mr?. Ulif fnrtrr H tourlne t'-t tountry this f-Hn in hrr latPt auc i t-s. "Two Womrn." tiramatir an! Iuw rful en.oU.Mtti. ilramA by i;-jprt Himhen, Th: pTa ha.I a lnn run last veaiton at the I- rK Tlicatrr. New York, anii man nhown in mnv of th l"ttltn rttlr--. It tm ! thlsH t th- only play Mr. C'Artr hn (m., tn rr-nt y-ar whir1! iiffr.l hr iMHanifirnt oppor tuntttr for ttnir. tii- kind of tn wliloli mt? fanioua noni f"W tara nl m !.t--h always will b r"int-nitr-4i b thcaiT-gof who 5nw h-r tn "".ill;-."" and ' Mm. I u Harry." Mm. iirtr wl!! bo i"fn In "Two Wom'n" at the H. ilti TT jjator thin wrrli tor tiirre nifftil hr ,nP.ite m-nt b.inninji: nrt Timn-..iv nlsht. Marrh T. with ir, lal S-aturOay inat- Th 14- of tlif itay la that of two 'u.s. ono an un.i tl : other d-J inonta- al. UhJkoJ n duj'.bnti" frniai boi.a nr-l bro.jrht In rontart with one man. i Vtint Uemy i! MarirvT. havtrc ,,,,Nn,lsrn ail hla patrimony, n.arrif a a'iiitrfj of hlai t--nIrrnia and piirit. ho work :.r ftnia to the bor.t to b-:p Mm mak" hii way aa an artt.t. and fm.it : w h. r fortune ,.. i.m n to rrn!!- n Mm. Two arn lair. w :irn : rtn. in a rrtp U.n air !kii t: p llul Tab..' hi. ho n- iniTM a fmnu- dan-t r.amod J-an- ti n.. p.iUai:v thr .loi:hI of Mw lt J.jiniirtt-. H- prrVtiil up'n lirr to .-..iiw to hi littlo rottBk of li!a poorer na m ),! alt a a mode for a por trait of I iji dt-ad wife. T1 woman N affvrtrd bv tl; nt- l!T'p!h-iy url wrs-lncw of hrr r.w ;i:rv'iniltiu-. tt:t mh lxina to I;; nappin 'f t:i rnjucal tjt and to rxi"rtriT t prbktnn of . .n. irnr' Soon P f!nl; hrwrlf in tth anl when fih hara of h tn:ri..l-d .ifporti.rt-. prompt. ap pr -rn i nn ( tti t In 1:1 kindly .nd riMirtf.viji wv o r'p-:." r-r and a. iri-- la k in draratr t- TarU, Soon . . :m ha air-ady dtaoovrrcd br cannot (o wltnout hr. haatrna to b-r palatial a b -! to offr hr marriaer. A tnlin ityrr bfiwfn blm and wtinuin ! formr admirer ru!ti. ard from ti Cun.i thr tatfr If In Mm Krtnt tir Into a trrr!ld taar. niitri ) n on fir hrrk and ovrrwhrlTiia ,lannir it', ti r hirtrrrat Tttuprra tiorta. Tl rn h .ea off to riaht aacal and l tiUr-d. In t r lavt a i Rnny la thr-utnrl with d-afh and blindnra atl J-nnln ta bv hi a a mu-h-i han.nl ar.l bttr woman, and the uia) rnilmx riim)i In ordr to la- t.e p;y a.U j iat riy COMKPY STAK TO Hi; SLKX A I i cc I.Uid. l'oriiiTl.v Vaudeville favorite, lo Appear Hi Ilclllx. Alice L.lod. the famous Knclish sinslni; conie.licune. who has been seen In this country exclusively as a vaude ville hradllnor. vein make lier first ap pearance In this city as a nius'.eal c.m edy star at th HclHc Theater for three night, becinnln next Sunday. March 10. with matinee Tuesday, in "Little. Miss Fix It." the tuneful and very much out of the ordinary comedy described by Alan Hale as "a lanuh or a sum hit every minute." and which splayed an all-Summer run In t'hlcaico following a four months' enKauement at the Glohe Theater. New York. Werba & l.ti.scher enyaaed Miss I.loyd (or the title role t.f the play, thlnkinir lier the best suilod for the character of any woman on our state. The) many admirers t.f this delightful actress will he Klad to know that, dur Ini; tlie action of the play, she will sin all of her latest son hits, nmons? them "Have You Kver Loved Any Other l.lttle Girl?" "fupld." "The Hobble rromenade." "Splash Me," etc. hc will also be prominent In the bic sen sational danrn numher. "The Newport Turkey Trot." M.YV YOKK SlX'lS COMINCi CliarniliiK lusi-nl IMa.v lo lie Given With Mrons fast. "Alma. Where I.o Y'ou Live?" a mu sical play- which had an entire sea sons run at Weber's Theater. New York. Is to he seen lit the ll.-llt? The ater March H. 1.".. 1 1. Krom a Krencli farce which hail been translated Into Herman anil llrst pro duced in New York In that laliKliaae. and which had been generally criticised for Its broadness. Mr. Ceorce V. llobart. at the Instlitati.m of Joseph M. YVeher. constructed a play which tel's a pretty story and transforms a very natislity lierolne i.nto a very charnilnir creature whom even thr most captious of play goers will not hesitate to applaud. Aside from Mr. Ilohart's work In cre atine; an aKreeahle libretto, an excel lent score haa been provided by the French composer. Jean Hriiiuct. and the music of "Alma" is now bclna- heard all over the land. In the company which is to be seen here the name part will be taken by Misa Nannette Flmk and the principal comedy role by t'harlcs A. Murray. The well-known musical tenor. Aubrey Yates. Is also a member of the cast. lion liOV T,I1K PIUH.TKI Srotcli Company of Artists Will filvc Oja-ra at llakrr. Sit people and two special cars are required to present the Krnest Ulover production of "Hob Itoy" which is lo be the attraction at the Kaker all week, startlne with next Sunday's mat inee performance. This is the only city en the tour where the organization will rppear at popular prices. "Hub It.iy" is an operatic dramatiza tion of Sir Yt'altc Scott's classic of the same name. tnd the present tour is I t.ie first on American soil, although it lias been a standard attraction In Scot land and Enuiand for more than luO years. Krnest tilover. late of the Theater llo.al. Glasiioiv. S-otland. Is the Im presario anil producer. t'omlnRT. as he does, from a iwo-cciitiirc old line of scenic artists and knowing- well the scenes' tn the life of Koh Koy. he Ik eminently fitted to perpetuate the name cf ;i.er In connection with the the atric r.oh Hoy. and as bis father. Wil l'lim il'over. lt:iouKh SO years old. still holds tile pallat at the Theater Ko.al. tilover. the younser. decided that the name should be perpetuated in Ameri.a. so he crossed tile Atlantic hrlnainic with him 30 Scottish players and eina-crs. this number belnsr douhled In America, and launched the first tour of the real "Hob Hoy." presenting It as ha. iii forbears In bis native land. There are 14 scenes Included in the presentation and nearly every effect known to stagecraft has been employed In the maktna of "Kob Itoy" a icreat scenic pro.l net ion NEW GRAND THEATER MTH NTHKKT, Relsseea Mi.lilail.a and Stark HIGH-CLASS MOTION PICTURES Rrfftaalaar Tday "RANCH GIRL'S MISTAKE" A ThrlMirs estern Storv. Is Ria Hiearapk Keature. HTHATKO fiOMisi. MISS HANLEY. " ' ANY SEAT FIVE CENTS Four Sng TONIGHT M'Kl'IAl. PRICE M.tTIXF.E WKD.M55DAV YIOHT H. .siNfJKIl l'reaeala HENRY WOODRUFF l TI1K tiOIKiKOlS MIMC'AI. FAMTAM THE PRINCE OF TONIGHT BV HOl,;!I, ADAMS AND HOWARD Xnr Sornlr and Crntum Irdnrt1nn w Sflnc HHa and trattirra A Mu-lnl .in Id a Br.utj stlinc;. laowrr Floo:-. ft. 50 and S G rowi. itc; il rows, mc. t . i c o 1 1 y , .-, routs, 1 .vQ i Gall"1. "-Or. Spe'fal r-lr Wedn'la' Matinee t.of r Floor. (I nrrl 7"r. Bulcony. 11 rowa, 7.V; 11 rons, 00c. Galler, ami ..c. MOATS AOW SKMJXG AtTOS AND CARRIAC.KS AT 10.50 O'CLOCK mm :. A, HEILI THEATER seventh and Tavlnr Streets rtaonea Main 1 and A 11-it 3 Nights Beginning THURSDAY, MARCH 7 M'F.flAI, PKICK MimUE SATIRDAV 1R S. LESL E CARTER la Her Greatest Success Slaee "Zsii" aad "Du Barxr' "TWO WOMEN" BV H I PKHT III -II K.N MAA(iEMnT JOII.N C'OKT KAf KI-I.KXT CAST, IXCI.l DIfi KRNKIaV 1" X DK H WOOD AND I.owor Floor, first 11 rowH.fl't" I.owt-r Floor, last 7 row s. . Halrony, flrM 11 rowa $1.00 Fa lon", ns t 6 rows 7.V- ln Irony. 1a-t 5 ruw-n Bc ;allry, reserved ant admla.oOc Serial Prire Sat. Mat. Uwpr Floor, first 11 rows.$l."0 I.owpp, last 7 rows $1.00 Halrony, flrst 5 rows $1.0 Balconj'. next fi rows 73: Halt on y. lait 11 rows Rue (iallery, reserved 35c: adinls. 2rc SKT Sil.K OPKXS Tl KSDAY, MARCH 5, AT JO A. M. : Seat Sale Opens Next Friday, March 8 : HEIUG 3 NIGHTS Begnning Sund'y 1 fl Macrh I U special lrlte Malfnev Tnraday Louis F. Werba and Mark A. Luccher Present England's Foremost Comedienne Alice Lloyd la the Juyoua Mimical tinleij- "Little Miss Fix-It" EXCELLENT CAST, INCLUDING LIONEL WALSH Prices: v on; T rows. $1.r.o. r"wa. .0r. i in- F. v e n i n (C s : I .o w e r F 1 o o r, 11 r o s, bahonv. II rows. 11.00: i roww. .u-. priHl I'rli'f T nely .latinep tov.er owb. $l.."iM; 7 rows, $1JH. ISwloony. 5 rowa, 6 rows', tic; 11 row. o')c. iiiilJery, uui;.if. Floor, $1.00: B AKE R THEATER (eo. L.. baker. Manage llan-isoa and 11th Sta. Hhoaea Mala , A S3S All Nex Week, Starting Matinae, Today, March 3, 1912 T Tl M K IIFRR at the prlcen, and Juat aa (rood a allow, that haa a rcc-i-t alaadiDK rum only. The acnaailonnl ronirdy mirrit uf the Nraaia MUIU'OTTU'Schut The. Girl flrd 4 A eatalle eaat. "The lirl From Rector's" Is a bright farce, and for those who 1 ik t hat sort of thinij will jrive ppnnin entertainment without in nv way shocking the moral sen-Pil.iliti.f-. The Girl From Rector's PAUL M. POTTER'S Grea'est Comedy It is ftill of action and compli cated episodes, nnd the.se are enoujch to srive a comedy ade cjuate life. Complications of the most Intri cate va iety sprang up without a moment's notice, hut passed nwav amlfl roars of lamchte-r like the lmbble; from tlie uhlcu sublets of champagne. clever Ilnea. Tltty dialogue, she la chic, op to dale. eatchy and pmbfriint. Kvenlna; lrleea aSo. ftOr, T."Ve, l..0. Sunday aad Saturday Matlneea .-Vr. .vc. T.c. ai .oo. WHorMlay llaraaln Mailnee, a.ie. All aewta rftrvfd. tt Week Rob Koy Nei if - yrratfH ff mm S Z2& 3 THEATER r-fii.rti. t-t atnrV Week Commencing Tomorrow Matinee READ AND PONDER The Biggest Show in This City for the Money TOM MacGUIRE The Singing Celt from the Heather The Greatest Act of Its Band in America THE TRIO Weiss, Cunningham & Weiss and THE KEATING & FLOOD MUSICAL COMEDY CO. Presenting Another Eiot of Pun Miss Tommy from Texas Two Performances Nightly, Matinees Daily Friday Night Chorus Girls' Contest After Each Performance MONDAY NIGHT Chorus' Girls' Ball, New Moose Hall, Seventh and Morrison Streets ADVANCED V VAUDEVILLE uVains Monday Matinee, Mar. 4th ROBERT T. HAINES In "THE COWARD" Mike Bernard and Miss Amy Butler Wilson Brothers Rice and Prevost Flanagan and Edwards Charlotte Ravenscroft Claude Roode EVENING PRICES IS, 25, SO and 75c OAILY MA'l'INRE J3c, 25c. 50c. HOLIDAY HATMCES JVIeht Prlcea. n i iui b.j is luuni&r i aSxuxwa UNtQUALED VAUDEVILLE SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. Week Commencing Monday Matinee, Mar. 4 SPECI AL' EXG A(iB1IKT 'Cm Solhke'a ramoiM Scenic 3IONlral l',anlaay TOYSHOP PASTIMES With i;a Josephlae Kleldn, W. J. Mrliraiv and the Internationally Noted BAM A BAMA t.lrln Maenlricent t'ontumea Stupendnua Scenic ' Kffects Fritz Heuston The Colonial Belles Comedy Cartoonist Stellar Instrumentalists MetrPatntAMale Rice, Bell and Baldwin yUaiXe lie "Whirlwind Buffoon Arrobats The Kings of Harmony Moore and Browning Pantagescope Burnt Curk lOntertaincrs Latest Animated Kvents Popular Prim. M ITIM'K DIII.V. Box ffi.e Open Krom 10 A. M. tn JO I. 31. Boxen and -lrKt flow Hnleony Rewrrrtd. f'tirtaln tUO, 7tl5 and V. I'honen A --'.tti. Main 4'Mi. I Week Mar. 4th P FORMERLY THE GRAND SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE it A Dafnty. Dancing Musical Act Where Girls predominate Joe Maxwell's DANCING GIRLS" WITH JULIA CURTIS And a Bevy of Pretty Little Playmate frn-n Stagfland pony Ballets, Ensembles t:a.ichy Soups. 10 People 10. CHARLES Special Feature That Odd Pair. MERRITT AND DOUGLAS Comedians. Darin Exponents of Phvsicnl Culture. BENNINGTON BROTHERS In a Display of Muscular Development. WIXFIELD First Appearance in America. Talented Parisian Musicians, LES GOUGETS A Novel Musical Departure. The Alpine Troubador. PHIL BENNETT A Gifted Vocalist, in Sweet Songs. ppArial Added Feature. MAE DEVLIN & COMPANY -Presenting "The Girl From Tonkers." ORCHESTRA THEATER Highest Salaried Photo-Play Actors in the World. ' Appearing in Our Films.' TODAY, TOMORROW and TUESDAY TONY'S OATH Shnu-'s Great Character Study TELEPHONE GIRLS Runny Ccmndy THE ORDEAL 1'athn's Wonderful Tarce MARKETS OF MADAGASCAR Scenic MESSAGE FROM MOON Bioaraph Comic GRETCHEN KN0RR I'ianoloue Comedienne THAT TRIO lii-and-Xew Son"; Production STAR THEATER ROUND UP AT DIAMOND S Greatest Cowboy Picture Exhibited 4 OTHER PICTURES 4 And THE SUFFRAGETTE QUARTET ARCADE THEATER 4 Big Films OH JOY THEATER 5 Big Films TIVOLI THEATER A Great New Show CRYSTAL THEATER Brand-New Programme The wholesale removal of (hipiipr in 'hin:i nan reMiiied in n nrat demand for fori-ifrn 8! ylf hats and capi!. It is reported i hat X h" f:toris f n Owka a re working at jtrcat prour ?o a to supply orders for ucli headgear I rum China. , The park of Fan ttafa!, of Guadalajara, formerly known I'arque Uomero Rubio, Mf-xiro. is tfng turned by th oily -over t t hf Apri ii!t ura 1 Hon i d of J -4 Ucco. to be convert.-! into n exprimcntn 1 station fr thi development of agriculture.