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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1912)
KEW PEOTOS FKCM SCENE OF REVOLT IN MEXICO. AMERICANS LIVING IN MEXICO WARNED I r - - - Taft Issues Proclamation Ad vising Departure From Af fected Districts. NEUTRALITY IS ENJOINED I'nftrd Mate Voc ot Itcrognlie RrvolHCion, but Take Step In Belief It Mill Aid So Retor.n Peace. WASHINGTON. March 1 Tne itr.w lty of the Pttuatlon In Maico rau?l Prldnt Taft torfav to Usu a procla rqttmn virtually wrnln; Air.rl-an cJt xn to refrain from ntrlra th coun try and ailvipm thou now resident tr to l4Vf when conditions threaten to loc-un Intolerable. T - e Jclrion t lu mich a warrtnjr rarheU at a pec:a! mcctlnir f 'ahinr. Tte proclamation - purplmcntc hy a tt'-rram aiMrcp, ty the St: Ipartm:n to Ambamlor Wllat-n In t:. tltv of Mcsfco. T;ic Ambafaatl r was instructed to Irform A:nr.'a.n !n peril iir to wttJulraw rrn? th torjer. Icarlna their ttrn In tn car of the ncareft Tnltcl eatca Con aul. t'optca of tie tlr:M were nt also to all consul r cnl. HeTltla t Rccsalacl. The Prp(I-rt" iittemnr. It was I'lainetl. waa In no n a rwojrnit ton of the re vi!tit!narv movement In the Plater rpiMi- to tlie no tit v.. Neitiier mas It to be looked upon a" a declara tion f neutrality . It fjeelnred tn utterance was ao-v a warning l AnierJ.-an to roM anvthlna t:al nnrht ivor of partianflMp in t:-e eitatlnc tato of art iirp. Tli proclamation, wlilrii la Interpre ted further it an exprepptop of t!iln conn trv'a Intention to a vol.1 bv every poaai ble mtani mn chance of In trr entlii. t aa follow: "Wt-erea. perioua liPtnrbanrep an-! forcible rtianrc o ta author. ilr. of tha eatabliplied a-overnment xtl In certain portion of Mmleo; and. -Whereas, under tr.eae condition. It tn tne diiv of all perpona within I'r.-t Jurta-llmon of the I'm ted States to ref m n from the corn in I pp Ion tf a'ti prohibited by the law thereto relating and Ptibrpve of the trnnqul'Mtv of a mun ;rv with wMcli t:-.e I mtcd States la at peace: and. "Whereaa. the Uti of the l"nlt. ttep prohibit undr audi elroimMan cae nil peraonp within and aubiect to tiirtr jurldl tion from takins; part con t rary lo ald Uwi In any purh d. tgrbn aJrr-ty to fitch eMaMIMtctl a;overnment. and. "Wherea. by exprepa enactment, if two or mora pereona conspire to com mit an olYna against the I'ntteJ States an act of ona conspirator to ef fect the object of audi conspiracy ran gers all tha conpolrators liable to fine and Imprlaonmen t ; and. heraap. ttiere Ip rr-rnn to bllre trl clt'S'rip of tfc l'n!t-d Stairs nnd others within titrlr Juris diction fa II to appr h--nd ti e meanlnar and opera t ton ff tie applicable laws of ths I'nlted States a aothnrtla lively Interpreted and mar be misled Into participation In transactions whlcli are violations of said laws and which will render them Uah'e ! eerve penalties provided for iuch violations: 'Now. therefore, in re.-oaritlor of .! laws covert). n and control!. r. In aurM matters, as well as In discharge of the oMI a:lor.s of the. Untied States lord a friendly count rv. and as a measure of precaution, and to the eud that eltUens of tha 1 nited States and all others within their Jurisdiction mav be deterred from subjecting- theruaelvcS to Ira ! forfeiture and penalties; "I. William Howard Taft, President cf ths In I ted States of America, do here by admonish all siirtt citizens and other persona to abstain from every violation of the law hereinbefore re ferred to, and do herehv arn them that a!l violation f ;uth laws will bt rtitorouly prosecuted, and I do hereby enjoin upon all ofrtcrra of th I'ntied chared with the execu tion of such laws, the utmost dtltsrence. In preven tine crime and brinsrtns; to trial and punishment any offenders a a I n s t the pa ni e. and. Anally. 1 do her- by rive notice thut ail persons owing allegiance to the I'ntted States sh inav take part In the disturbance now cx.-ttnjr m Mexico, tinless In tha necesi r- ilefcne of their person or prtpert. ir who shall otherwise en prasre in a'- subversive of the iran iutlity of tat countrv. wtn do so at their peril and that they can In no wise obtain any protection from tha tlovernment of the l'ntte.1 States afatrist the appropriate leal conse uumces of thc.r a-ts Insofar aa such cneruences ar. in accord with eoulf. abl. Justice and humanltv and enlight ened principle of Intctnailonal law." i Are lastrwctew. Tha Instructions cupKcsted to tha United states Consuls follow: 'K'-ferrinaT to diplumaiic correspond ence. viu are now Instructed to inform American that tha Kmh.-" deema It Its duty to adlsa thern to withdraw from ar.v particular lcaittlr wltera cor.dlt!"" or pro.pecls of tpwlessnesa so threatening to personal ufety s.s lo make withdrawal the part of common nrudenre. sper1flng locmiit :es. If any. from wh'ch withdrawal m v at anv time pe-ni sdl.b'e ant ptat.rg thai In many such caaes. t'onsul nuv take charge of such abundoncd .ff.cip a may b popatbe under the cirnim atances. The fn-partruent Is smd-ns; a copy of thts teltgram to all cr!j ar vf f i.r In Jlxlro uterc! y for lh-ir In formation and tor th information of Americans In tbetr districts." State Impart mm t of f Icia: insisted thst tne Issuance of the proclamation an 1 tli1 dispatch of tel' grains were not the result f pf.irtitns; or aensatlunsl tlsvelopnients today in the Mexican sit uation. It was said they Wrre tha re sult f many conference in the last few : p and of lor a exchanges by wire brtween the Wt'r:menl and Mr. "vt Dion In the City of Me .lr. Otaer Dlptosnata Isfsrnies. Hecause of the Interest fe't by Ku ropean rallons. mnv of whose sub ject ara resident In Mexico, the State Department rad fullv advised thetr dip lomatic representatives In WashlnTton. Todav the Hrttlsh, German. Spanish and French Kmbassiea and Legations here were informed vf the proclamation and of Instructions to Ambassador llson. ea the diplomats m.ght similarly direct their own nations' representative in Mexico It was said aieo thst today's action waP not to be regarded as in dicating that the Administration bad abandoned hope of ppeed restoration vf peace fit I condition S jch. hope, it was, said, was entertained, and the prvC'Smatloa and lr struct tons to Am btaaador Wilpon were expected to aid la bringing peace In addition to safe guarding the interests of the Americans In Miiko and altaytnc anil- America a n t t in that countf , .-"j -r . 2 , 9JZ "vlA IT'! JSH hti!Y imn; HBuuinoMiTi fRiin kkiek thuv :tkr. tbbf.t M KK T Jl B:.. BKI.OW, t HIBBI.NU A BHIlMiK FOB. PAMifcKHS ur a HtrtoKi; ih in. STORMY DEBATE ON IHGOME TAX G0MIH6 Party Vote May Pass Meas ure in House, but Senate Is Still in Doubt. LEADERS ARE SECRETIVE KwlV Bill lo Inccd Ahrt of Yrr-e aar. Both Sliaring liM'ii-ioii. llowrTrrI.rsl il l rliallnisl- WASHIXOTOX. March I It i for i,in conrluslon luat fliers will "e .torniy lebalo In hoih Hou-f and s--n-air when tt-. nipafurr authorizril th raurui of lloti.a Prmocrat ro- on ih froe llJt and uhKllt"tr n lnrom- tax in r -enur pro.lti. rr. arc ,.rentd tor action. In Ifr llo'i""- l ' apparent tlial lh bill, will be pae.l bv a party vote, but thlr fate In ti e Senate Is donbtf'il. Houe leu.lei. are atlll .rc-retive aa to tlielr Intenllona. but ll la beltevod lli.v will preaent tne -exclee" meaaure drat Neverthelefa. the tree ujr propal inevitably wl'l ahare In the discussion. Tne bill are lir.ked and will ao re main until the rlnal determlnutlon. The leicallty of the prxpoaed tax on ai'arlra and ui"ti ti:e In.-omea of In dlvldviaia and lualne!- rirnia will ba attacked on constitutional icrouiuls. .Mnot Mroadr talaicvalalle. In tie Senate It la a..ld that In all probability party allar.nienia will be broken, aitho'.iah partv leaders no au. h .-oncenalona publl ly. fenatoi tmoot. of rtali. a member of ti e Sen ate finance inmirlll-.'. will d.'.tl with the Mil. de. Urefl there was no poaelblllty of measure pasam tlie Serate. I dj nt believe." he said, "that any Repuhllran Senator, regular or Inaura: er.t or that wwr Kemocrats will Man. I fur'thia measure that would destroy a rest induatry. T'i.- Income tax propo sition Is absolutely uni ort!tutlonl. To call It an excise tax Instead of an In come lav that i already heen de clared uncon-tttutional la amplv yulb bllr on worda. It is an In.-ome tax pure and almnic. Senator Kern, of Indiana, wlin waa I'errocrat.c .andldate for Vke-rreei-dent in the laat .National campaign. .( the mtaaure was a Koud one. 'I a and alwaa have brn In favor ef an Income tax.- l.e ald. "I alao am In (nor of free euirsr. - "The meaaure la eminently wife and oua-:t to pass." said fer.ator Martin, of irginla. lemocratlc lea.ler In the Senate. "There la no doubt In my mind a to it"." rlaaexer Kaor Tax. era:or Polndexter. of. Waahlnfton. Troaressive" Kepubli-an. aald: "I am verv much In favor of an In come tax. 1 have bean favorln It for eare." tanator ilcOumber. of North Dakota, a member of the rVnate finance com mittee, expressed doubt whether any chance In the tariff on sugar wouid make any difference to the consumer, lie all tl.e Income tax proposition wa Icat In the Supreme Court of t'.:e I'nlt ed Statea by "very much of a divlited court." and that tha conat.tutlona.lty of an Income tax waa a uif.lcult mat ter to drlcrmlne. "Peraoii!l." I.e added. "I ani In clined ti mink t' l Coi;srcs( l.a the Mer to levy auch a t a i.. "' Senator Bacon, of Oeor;la. who did not attempt ta apeak for his parly, al he had no opportunity to talk with any Senators regnrdinar the bill, predicted that If the hill paaaed the House It would find "sufficient support In the Senate." Iloldlaa toaapanlea Affected. The extension af the corporation tax law to Individuals and co-partnerships, II waa declared, would affect holding corporations, such aa the I'nlted States Steel Corporation. The bill was draft ed by Representative Hull, of Tennes see, who lasued a statement relatlns; to holding companies In part as follows: "The present corporation tax law ex empia all holding corporations from the tax It Imposes. The proposed, ex--ae bill does not In terms Impose a tax upon any corporation, as such, but it does Impose a tax on the business of all Individuals, for instance, whose net earnings exceed J.1000, Including all net earnings received or entitled to be received aa dividends, or other com pensation within the meaning of the act out of the net earnings of any or all corporations that do not themselves pav an excise tax. "Hen'"e. every person connected w-lth a holding corporation aa a stockholder or otherwise and who received, or Is en titled to receive any portion of the an nual net earnings of such corporations In execs of $".uoo Is liable for the tax. "Of course, the proposed bill would apply to all holders of the bonds of such companies and those receiving Interest thereon In excess of $".000." Representative I'nderwood. chairman of the ways and means committee, said that In reporting the hill to the House next week, thia feature which affects holding companies would be emphasized. BANK ROBBER IS CAUGHT KSCAPK IV ICK AVAfiOX CIT OFF BV C ITIZKXS. Man Who Compels Cuslilrr to Sur render Pits Containing $800 In Silver Wounded by Fo.e. Al'KORA. I'oio.. March I. Shambling up to the cashier's window at the Aurora State Bank at o'clock this morning, a atranger levelled a rerolver at Aaatatant Cashier i'harles Wehn, ordereJ him to turn over all the money In the bank and forced Wehn to lend the way to the safe. Backing out with bags containing $s"0 In silver, he leaped onto an ice wagon In which he lia.l come and lashed his team, driv ing toward lcnver. A posse of citlzena armed with re volvers and rifles overtook the robber a mil.i from the bank and opening n:e wnumled him In the right arm, causing htm to surrender. He was Identified as G. V. Briggs, an arrival at a Denver hotel, where it is said he registered aa Bright Day. : i V i f IS " i 5 1 of :-. M ' Ml ' 1 ' u "Come, Spring ! She comes on waste and wood, V? ft i?j Ij&Yi ': ? " Cii sji On farm and field; but enter also here, : f f ! liv V i ' ;f lit' . (Diffuse thyself at will thro' all my blood, 1 i $ Wp " I R And, tho' thy violet sicken into sere, j j ; 4 Jk , J I Lodge with me all the year! ! I I i i '$. rf Jfl - M t I . 1 U 1 1 J - fi ' I'HS. I Hail, ample presence of a Queen, Clf S 'V)AsJ i ; v Bountiful, beautiful, apparell'd, gay, ll 1( $ f' H'S If Whose mantle, every shade of glancing green, J'Jr 1 i iJli Flies back in fragrant breezes to display aS 1 r- -aWtte-ctf ft , im T irZ o M ti -11 Ir is Spg IMd IlilM: SI? iijir - U f - iSti Inoi COATS AND SUIT; low na DnsT Suits $25 to $65;- Coats $15 to $ BEM LLSNG '; J a f x it V At: TSJai ef U Leadlninig Cloftlhinsr MORRISON AT FOURTH STREET LABOR PARALYZED B! GOAL STRIKE Hundreds of Thousands, Not Miners, Out of Work in Great Britain. MILLION MAY BE IDLE SOON BOY SCOUTS MAY TRAVEL American Lads Flaa to Charter Ship and Vt?lt Great Britain. - WASHINGTON". March S. Plana for a tour of England, Ireland and Soot land by several hundred American boys during the Summer vacation thla year are being made by Colonel U. I. Liv ingston, the head of the Boy Scouts In the United States. It la propoaed to send the boys, accompanied by acout masters and physicians, as soon aa the schools close. The youngsters will be drawn from all parta of the country, and if a sufnclent number will make the trip, a steamship will be chartered. The plan also contemplates a trip to the I'nlted States by Hcitish boys on the same steamship. Mr. Livingston waa encouraged to attempt this under taking by tha marked success of the recent American tour of Australian boy scout Shipping Almost at Standstill Cost of Food Mountlnc Rapidly. Hope of Settlement Seems Slender at This Tlma. LONDON. March I. Although tola la only the second day of the coal strike. Its paralysing effect on other Indus tries is being felt keenly. It la com puted that by Monday liO.000 workers outside of the coal miners will be Idle. More than 1.000.800 miners In England, Scotland and Wales are out. Shipping Is approaching a stand still and steam trawlers are laying up. That aource of cheap food aoon will be cut off. Many foundries already are closed. Three or four days will suffice to cause a stoppage at most of the Sheffield steel works, and If the col lieries do not resume within a week more than 1.000.000 employes In the cotton mill and allied trades in Lan cashirc will be without work. Hope t Settlement Dim. As long as the National Miners' Fed eration adheres to the determination that a schedule of minimum wage rates, drawn up by themselves, must be con ceded before they will enter Into .fur ther negotlattona. there appears not the slightest hope of settling the strike. The ownera may ba coerced to pay a minimum wage by exhaustive enact ment, but this method cannot force the miners to accept and return to work. Their refusal even to negotiate the question has largely alienated public opinion aa expressed In the newspapers, but what la apt to prove far more effective la tha pressure that will be brought to bear upon them by the vast army of workers in other fields thrown ou of work and faced by hunger and destitution. Violence Resorted. No violence haa yet occurred and no troops have been moved, but orders were Issued at Aldtrshot today that the troops make ready to entrain If their services are needed. Many Iron works in various districts were closed today and at Swansea and elsewhere work an tha docks practically has come to a standstill. No vessels are arriving and the dockers and workmen emploved In the local Industries have been thrown out of work. Great crowds of these men gathered In the streets and discussed the dispute. Tha tlnplate works of Wales are clos ing down rapidly, owing to lack of coal. Six hundred mills and 49.000 men wil be Idle wiftiln a few days. The price of food la rising rapidly everywhere. Oil Prwpects at Bandon Good. BAN DON, Or, March 2 (Special.) The prospects for oil at the well of the Miocene on & us (.omiwn... this city, are brighter now than ever before and it Is the confident expecta tion of Mr. Smith, the driller, that ho will strike a good flow of oil In the new future. The well is now down 2350 feet and will be put down to the depth of 3000 feet If oil is not struck sooner, but it is the belief of all con cerned that the oil will be found In b!g quantities before another 100 feet Is drilled. SWIFT'S DEATH NATURAL Physicians Find No Marks or Viol ence on Body of Packer's Son. CH1CAOO, March 2. Herbert L. Swift, son of the late Guatavus S. Swift, the Chicago packer, died of natural causes, according to the three physicians who made an autopsy at the Swift family mausoleum In Mount Hope Cemeterv late today. Swift died on a railr.oad train near Milwaukee last October. A Coroner's inquest In Milwaukee gave heart trouble as the cause of death. Rumors of other possible causes and presence of a bruise and a cut on his faca were repeated until it was decided to have a post mortem examination of the body to determine the cause ot his death. Boom Company Gets Big Verdict. OLTMPIA, Wash.. March 2. The State Supreme Court yesterday affirmed the judgment for about $13,000 in favor of the Nicomen Boom & J.reoging com pany sgrainat the North Shore Boom & Driving- Company. The litigation be tween these two companies, each of which is seeking exclusive booming privileges on the North River, has been In the state and Federal courts for many years. This judgment represents a loss of prolit at 40 cents a thousand on about 33.000.000 feet of logs boomed in the stream after the courts had sus tained the rights of the Nicomen Com pany. In effect, it is a penalty under contempt of court procedure. T. R. COUNTS ON BOURNE Oregon Senator Urged to Make His Declaration Soon. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. March 2. Senator Dixon, lead er of the Roosevelt forces, had a con ference with Senator Bourne tonight in an effort to induce the Oregon Sen ator to desert La Follette and come out squarely for Roosevelt. Dixon and other Roosevelt leaders are satisfied with Bourne's recent state ment, which merely undertook to jus tify Roosevelt's change of heart and did not commit him to Roosevelt, but distinctly left him free to stick by La Follette or jump on the Roosevelt bandwagon, as future developments mav suggest to be best. Bourne thus far has studiously re frained from committing himself to Roosevelt but the Roosevelt leaders are counting upon him as a sure con vert in the near future. They now want him to declare himself at once. Candidate Guilty of Fraud. BOSTON. March 2. Augustus Seaver, labor candidate for Governor of Mas sachusetts at the last state election, was today found guilty on 24 counts of filing forged nomination papers. r v -ji-.. . ...... ...... . .. ...,4, j. "rr"T5 --Si -"r' f j . . '''''' ' 4 J , -, ..JWRaBarv-ir t-d IrvingtonDistrict--StrictIyModernBungalow $4000 $1000 Cash If vou are. in the market for a home, we. want to show you through this BEAlTIFll Bl'NGALOW TOD A V. You will see one of the most modern and hlgh-clasa bungalows in the city. Has every up-to-date "ature. The construction is of the biguest atandard. Fully equipped with lighting fixtures, shades, furnaces, oak floors, etc. THis JB l JJ WILL APPEAL TO VOl AS A COMBINED HOME AND "ESTMEVT. Faces south: nicely elevated lot: lawn sded; hard-surface) "reel. Til-lamook-street lots in this district are held at from $130 to $1 60 each The first and laat opportunity to got such a high-grade proposition at this price. Take Broadway ear. Bet sff ITIIIlnos street, walk east ta Twenty-eighth atreet. me DEMUR vsv DEIVLER REALTY Owners, Biilccri. sf High-Class Homes. Of. flees C to Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mala 6504. Special Rates All This Month Full set, that fit $5.0G Gold Crown, 22k.... $3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22k. ...$3.50 Gold Fillings $1.00 Silver Fillings 50 rff1""" 'i-mrv.'p; P Ait Pk Q CROWN f I WHY PAY MORE? We keep busy doing good work at these prices. "We have the latest, most mod ern electrical apparatus for doing painless dental work. All work guaranteed 15 -ears. Electro Painless Dentists Corner Sixth and Wash Sts. IN WOMAN'S BREAST si wive a mn t iimpuke THIS and ALWAYS POISONS DEEP in ARMPIT and K I LLS 0UICKLY I Will Give $1000 if I Fail to Curs and I will forfeit 11000 if I do not EXCEL any other Doctor living. No Knife or Pain- No Pay until curea I-Day Painless Piaster. Written Guarantee, Great new discovery. Any TUMOR. LUMPorSOREi on the LIP, FACE or BODY long la CAINCUC ' 7" " ANY HARD LUMP in WUKA.T5 BKLAi I is uanucn and very poisonous. 120-PAGE BOOK SENT FREE. Testimonials oi Thousands CURED after others failed. WRITE TO SOME. Addre- dr. & MRS. DR. CHAMLEY , AB 747 South Main Street. Los Angeles, Cat KINDLY KAIL this to SOMEONE with CANCEBj