SUXDAT OTtETiOXIAX. PORTLAND, MARCH 3. 1912. SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK ,W!w CONTHOTED FBOM PAGE 3. mi - y."' If followed. Purine the Intrrmlsslnn. be twrn the mtxih nt wtrnlh dunce an Innovation vi preentd In the jtut of an "auritan ile.' At this numhr of relic of freshman div er -M to the h'.KhMl bidder. Thrre wre -"' Kurs'it present. ln lin!lnsr the IT- member of tna rlu. The patron , and putruDrx wer President Krr, Lieutenant MiIIr. Stirurd l'rtrron. Mr. McKlfrtsh. 0i. and Professor and Mr, l'tify. The Athlo KmItoh Club cave IW first danc. KriJ.iv nigriL March 1. ai Wv erty Hall, imlr niembem of ine rlub rr Invited. The urtist of tiie luh rarri out annic nnvl Idea. In lwth the InvUationn nd the nroirrani rm.. The hall deroratvd with pennant. th rlub colors bdnc ronptiuotii. .An nrrhMtrt furnitho.! inn mi.-. The patron-wr-: .1rH. ;ilnr!, Mrs. Loblnaon. r. I.tvH. .Mis Brt ! jon. Miss Wold. Miss Adams- anJ Mls Sen loth. The lul m mi'-rs present wre: Pauline Alderman. IttitU "ofifrey. I.nui Ham mond. Ir-ne l-cev. l'n w'i.. f ni' Mcluffe Alir Mtft a:r. Mn MVtralf. KMa Imvi'.. i:rar Iton KVrn Sherrcxl. Marv lavts. Kdna lnnison. Hue Frn I Mckrrsnn. Ktta Inc.iam. ;nvieve k'lrknairl k. Knmta Z- nr. Lloyd Cllnea. K. Marston. Hex Ha Id win. Pomr'a rais). I.iod TmvIps, L nn Pavirs. Will ;rrtt-on. Flus-clI Id-. Pal JewI1; flit h trtl .M- A lant. ;mrjce Mallftt. lan fr trsm. I.l'vd i;nMiijttn. 'Stevenson Smith. Fred Will to. J:im.s Md". !:ohrt Mvi, Mlvln W hart on. Ka mnd Iry- r. J. . tiihon. Alfred l.twelln. Hi an .M. I.d. r .ren. Wait Tari ng jki p and . Raymond I r. prank P. 'a- d.t v s 1 Uii hirt h dav nnirr..iry. Khrury was cU r rrafd at Ins home. A Jolly tnronK SJi'rd. br t p cir k a variety of play -i ii in s for t h nr a use. A f tr a cm of five hundred, in which Mrs. Warren and Mr. S h. carried off Ihc Imnor . ini?t' - I !. t it in were slun bv .Mrs StbhaM. Harry f. Frank, the rhttintin ju and .Mrs. Viola Hul- land. Thos pre--n: Imiudcd Mrs. Georffe Warrfp. of Wa rrn ton : Pr. and M rs. A A. 1'nmp. of anotier. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. W K. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. I l-nr harnit a it. M ifw J la a id 'alia 'liainhrean. K. S-hl, W. M. ilrrfforv. Mrs. Viola Ho' Kind. M.idame M. I'aseda . M l5 Kva jMtrdy. Mr. and Mrs. James A. i'arver. Mrs. Martin. Mr. 1 1 'int. T. K. Shaw. Mr. . S" IK. Mr. Hole, M Kmlly We.h. William I tare liomurd K ans. Mr. and Mrs. UnURf Itruc, Mrs. Frank. Mrs. bhald. Marrv K. Krauk and Mrs John Mim A in e 1 1 tire m ntertain-d hr frionda at card' at hr lionie. 3 2 Kast Seventh frt-t North. Kehruary t-. f-m J to & P. M. Tht ho us" was do orated with American f!ai:s, TTie I ni ns room w as In irrccn vms and white carna tion. The prtxe at cards w- re w n . tr Mrs iNirnthy V,ns,n and Mis Jo hanna raroer. whll the prixe ftr x rake rntttnc fll to Mrs. Dorothy Pins'- I ham. M t K ate pirtr and M lss Kdi t h , fampbell. Kf rrhnienta were eervedL Those present w-re: Miss Anna las'-"-r. Mi l-eta Stewart. Mlaa Ktta O. Hailey. Miss Kannle la. !Nrtr. Mtsa Kate I. Porter. Miss Iaira A. Peterson., v Mis IWn K. 1'rane. Miss MadKe Mi l. M tnm Marfrnrrt l-de. Miss Madice H'onnor, Mtss r.lit:i Camp hell. Mi-s S. Itie. Mm. Ioroihjr Hlnarham. Mm. Josephine lusher, Mlsa FntCt-nle S. Morse. Msa Kate KlntOey. Mtsa Mary Fraaier. Miss MadKe tramr. M Is j Jo hanna ramer. Miss Irene Hlrarlns. Mrs. H. W. Hail, and MlsAI! e HiKKina. At their realdenre. Saturdar evolne. Fbruary 21. lr. apd Mr. W!!iam H. Wilkinson crlhratesl the twentieth an niversary of their weddlnar. The house was decorated with wild crape, ferna, holly, rarnatlons and vlolots. Thrt rniovtnc the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson were: Mr. and Mrs. .harl A. Stewart. Jndtce and Mrs. J. O. Stearns. Mr. and Mrs. War rvi Ah hott. Mr. and Mrs. Imnlrl J. Knssell. Mr. and Mrs. U H. Munnlnit. Mr. and .Mrs. J. II. ;ove. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ii rt Ive. Mr. and Mr. Harry itreene. Mr. and Mrs. Pavld Ftearn. I.loyd Stearns, IZ, H. Kin. 'hter Miller. . K. Montcomerv. Mtss Fthel Abbott and Mrs. H. H. Wiod ard. Many beaut I f ul presents suitable to f he ercasl on were r--1 ved. I lv ( rt-s h -ments were served. Five of the jruets were present at the wedfllnar of Mr. and Mrs Wilkinson 20 years aito. A merry crowd of youn people rath er d at the home of Miss ll.tntiah Hau mann last Sunday evening to relehrate her I Mb birthday anniversary. Flve hunrird was played. First prises were won by Miss MararuTlte Hfajcun and Adilpa Plcbrech, and tho consolation prises were awarded to Miss Ann Hochult and Jack Zeltar. Those pres ent were: Misses Iena Amachr. Han nah Buck. rUbette lltrt h. Susie Ptei rich. Una Kntlc. Haiti Haehlen. Ann Horhull. Flsa Klein. iMaa Klein, Lottie Nuhul, Frances Heatran. Marguerite Reaitsn. Frances ltis-h. Ann Kiesrh. Albert Hoehlcn. Will Kmttr. Henry Kn it el. John Utran. H ins Ntklas. Adolph Plebrtcb. John ICiesch, Oordon Steel. Arnold Zellar. Christ Cellar. Jack ; Cellar. The Tuesday Afternoon t'luo met 1 lust week wtti Mrs. K n Hl'siand. 944 Wrodway. Tlie study of Oliver Wen dell Holmes was continued with the f Allow ina programme : "I lolmea Nov els." Mrs. Merwtn I'mfh: "American Hu. - mortsts," Mrs. Hen fltesland; selet readlnsT. Mrs. E. i. ?anlrn. Quota- tlons for the day were from Hi) lutes' novels. Miss Pauline Aderniaji. a truest ef the rl'ib. played several piano awdos while the hostess served refresh ments. Other ciiest wers Mrs. O- 1 Kennedy. Mrs I". O. Smith. Miss Mabel KU'Ui and Mm. P. J. M.Lawdy. The nest meetlnar wUl be held March 5 at the residence of Mrs. Kohert Smith, KaM Tenth street N'orth. On Friday afternoon the Parent V anj Teachers' Club of the Creston School entertained with a special programme, after which luncheon was served and a Ktal hour was enjoyrd. There were 1 'S perns present. The chief feature of the afternoon was the addre made by Superintend ent Killer. H spok of the larica r'imher present, of the atmosphere of co-operation, and save a few facts sSont fire-proof school hii!ldlnrs and pup: l teachers w hlch lrnpresd t he club womn. Beside th numbers on the programme furnished by members were two vocal selections by Miss I.p ter and readinats bv Mrs. Koonce, which wrre much appreciated. s Nrt'and Camp. No. 107. Worn! men of t..e World. aae Its annttai smoker and ntrrtainment Wednesdav ni-Jht In W eoduien vf the Wor'd Ha t. kl.evrnth and Aider streets. The affair w a itirrfM and the hall was crowded the entire erntnjr by mmhf-rs of t!ie camp and friends A programme was rarrled i ul under the d i ret t ion of Pr. Francis x iTske as follows: Mnlr. Clifford's or rheMra. sonas. by Fred F. 0lnruf ; .la k-face spec ialt Irs, by Ccorne T. Itrandt; niovtna? pictures: bo!iin. four tounds for points Unrns and T:uiis ree Kid." decision a draw. The rvenina losed with a ptilow fltf .l between tl.e members Winslow Meade Circle. No. T. laadt of th Crsnd Army of te nepiti.iic. (At! the fc-iiowins programn.e al tnr retn:ar met tins; Monday In th AHsky buildins;: Piano solo, "Heariniental QnU k-tep." hv Mrs. 'onnauirhton : "The l.lfe of Abraham Uncoln." hy the pres ident. Mrs. Abraham: solo. "Hunker Hill." hy Mrs. Palsy P. times; reading. ' Snip of Stat." bv .Mrs. i:o!and : solo. "A Thouan-l Years. Mv Own Colum bia." Mrs. Polio- k : read int. "F.lnroln'a Memorial to the Women of the War," Mrs. Zehrunic; readiac. "The Funeral of Lincoln." Mrs. Mathews; "Kuioiry of Lincoln." by .Mrs. Connausjhton. Th meet In k. which was held to eel-bra te tue birthday of Lincoln and W'ashlns; ton closed w-i tn tns sinsrtngr of "Amer- ne of the Jo. lust social affairs of the seA.son took place at the Oak Skat Inc Kink. Friday afternoon, March 1. triven by the members of the Heed Cl IvKf. After skatinp, refreshments were m rvsi m the reception rom. Mr. and M rs. Kwer actei as patronesses for yount; folks, Amonc t hose present were Florian Llhklater. Kunice Town send. Ressle Owens. Luclle Boyd. At ma Ittifton. tlen Walton. Clara Wuest. Torothy Wa'.tn and Miss Hose; Messrs. ilcCoy. Brown. Salin. Kelly, Jenne, V. O- McOrew and Mr. B. F. Miller. KlsThteen s;urts were present, most of whom had attended the wedding; four years asro. A party was sjivrn by Miss Marparet Clement Weonesday af ternon, com plimentins; Miss Mildred Middleton. whose marrlaare to Guy Moore will take place next week. The prizes for the floral wedding and kitchen quiz were won by Misses Beatrice Locke and Irene Brandes. Those invited besides the honor (tueat were: Farleen Smith. Gene veive Orton. Mildred Lawrence, Flor ence Ht-ntly. Zelma Allen. Marjorle Bar rett, Kathryn Keyea, Beatrice Lm-ke. Jauna Holnscs. Irene Brandes. Kath erlne Dunbar and Myra Austin. Miss Hazel I Abbott was KiTen a birthday surprise at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Moylan. 6041 Forty-third avenue Southeast. Feb ruary 19. Music and dancing: formed the entertainment of the evening; and later supper was served. Among those present were Misses Alice Burke. A ernes Nelson, Mildred Syrlnir, Martha Wieder hold. May pwyer. and Leon Roberston. l:oy Johnson. Kverett Hnirhes, Fred- i ROSEBURG COULL WED AT PRESBYTERIAN MANSE. MR. AMI MRS. RICHAItU MILMAMS. KOSKI'.l liti Or., Mar-h 2. Special. A pretty w edding. In which two of Kosenure; popular yonns; people were- the principals, took place at the Manse of the First Presbvterian church Wednesday, when Mrs. Aids. Dixon and Rich ard Williams, a iiouthcrn Pacific employe, were married. The wedding- cere mony was performed by Rev. J. K. Hurkhart. pastor of the .First Presbyterian Church. Mr. aud Mrs. Williams will make their home at Roscburg;. Warner. Cay lor. Scott. Kletzer. Tomlln son, Howes. Jones and Loucks. Atout l'0 of the young people of St. James Kngtlsli Lutheran Church Were -present at a leap ear soctnl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Holder- man. Fast Taylor street. The com m 1 1 tee of arrangements consisted of the M te .Nesvold. Brarher and Pope an I the Messrs. Karl Gerth, C. Frank tin I'tH h and F. Weiicrl. Musical mini I bers were 1 urnlMheit by Mr. Setldurg and the M Is sea Hon n sen and Sch nicer. I n teres tin g games were played, and t he company afterwards partook of a box luncheon furnished by the youns; women. e Miss Haaelle M. Kiteterman was host ess to a number of her friends Thurs day night at her home on Mount Tabor. Music and cards formed the entertain ment of the evening. The guest list Included: Misses Anita Young. Grace Kdna Short. U'adya Hays. Gordon Spen cer. Teressa Spencer. I.ea Von F.gert, lairralne Rector. Grace Johnston, of San Francisco; Marie Mathtson and Mrs. Kosterman. Messrs Pavld Cooper. Rob ert Chamberlain, scar Cornell. Lester Campbell. Lloyd Taylor. Harrison King, Herbert Taylor, Leonard Mnthlsort. Wil liam Fries and Fldden Cllnkinbcard. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Allyn enter tained guests at their home on Rose lawn avenue February 4. The affair was their fourth wedding anniversary, laivender streamer and violets were used as decorations In the dining-room and ptissv-w lllow boughs. Intermingled with daffodils, made a pretty effect In the living-room. Ia-ap-year games R. prince and Mrs. C. Krants and Mr. ' er'ck Runkle. George Lane, Frederick Stiles. Clifford Woodland and J. F. Champion, of Spokane, Wash. The members of the Coterie . Club were ehjoyably entertained at their last meeting. Mrs. Wieste- gave a talk on "Art in Kveryday Life." Mrs. Khrgott, another guest, made a plea for -woman suffrage. Mrs. Allen arranged for a series of picture of the Madonna with I he radl opt Icon and gave a talk on "The Madonna In rt." The beauty of trainlnr a child well In music was Il lustrated hy the little dau liter of Mrs. Shay. Luncheon was at the Hazelwood. Mary Haxel Wells celebrated her ninth birthday anniversary by a party February 24 at her home. The favors at tne i inner were silk flags. Many presents were received. The decora tions were Oregon Grape and carna tions. Those present were Olive Bar nard. Franc Gilbert, Vera Prat ten, Pauline Pratten. Dorothy Swain. Mar guerite Romacly, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wells. e Mrs. lone T. Wells was hostess last Frldav at a reception at her home in Iaturelhurst. given In honor of Mrs. Chan Ray. who is visiting her from Tacoma. She was assisted In receiv ing by her mother. Mrs. T. S. Town send; Mrs. K. U. MacXaughtnn and Mrs. D. S Williams. Mrs. C. J. McCusker and Mrs. F- I. Hall served In the dining- room, assisted by Mildred Camp and Miriam Todd. M rs. Mary Brooks, of Sixtieth and Glisan streets, was hostess at the meet ing of the Thimble Club of Llncoln- Garfleld Women's Relief Corps Tuesday. Luncheon was served by Mrs. Clark, as- Cloak and Suit Department Announces Formal Opening and Presentation of Authoritative Fashions for Spring Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 4, 5, 6 You are invited to attend this exposition of style, to study and admire our exquisite collection of Suits ' Coats Dresses Waists We liaA"e never shown a line of Suits, Coats and Dresses so rich in. all those elements demanded by fashion. Beauty of both model and material. Those soft shades of tan and gray in the new whipcords, serges and worsteds and new weaves in white basket cloth, whipcords, diagonals and silk striped twine cloth, as well as the never-waning popular navy sei'ges in a bewildering variety. Prices most modest. Suits . . .$17.50 to $52.50 ' Dresses. .$ 8.95 to $35.00 Coats . . . $12.50 to $35.00 Waists . $ 1.25 to $ 7.50 You will enjoy a visit to our delightful depart ment. Known so well for its neatness, brightness, cleanliness and sanitation, and above all salespeople that are courteous. Cloak and Suit Department. 126 Sixth Street Entire Second Floor. Elevator. Near Washington See Millinery Ad, Page 5, Section 3. four generations in family at medf0rd thrt:e-fourths oregonians. r?-y.l '7 1 are t : if ft - , FROM LWT T HK.IIT MHS. W. IL Br.R, COI.I.I A. REED, AL k'UKU B. Kttl, IMTA WAVE KLED. MKDFORP. Or.. Kb. 27. SpeclaL Four Rtrneratlons vr repre Mrntvd at a family reunion at Medford thiH week. Th eldest repre . nttive wa Mr. W. 11. Byara. of Salem, or, who wa born Auirunt SI. 143. at LonlKvllle. K, and cromed the plains to Oregon with her parents In Her maiden name Ta Kin ma A. Slocum. Hex son. Collin A. Reed, was born on June 1 i. 164. at Wilbur. Or. Her crn.lnn. Alfred It. Iteed. was born August 17. 18S8. at Mehama. Or., and her Joy was made complete upon the birth of a Brreat-gTanddaugh- lr. Wunita wave i.een. July is. iu. at niamain rails, kst. ORIENTAL RUGS Tlie absolute reliability and variety of the weaves the immense of sizes, and the extraonlinary values repn-sonteil make this establishment a Mecca for rue buyers. We should be pleased to have you confirm this statement by a comparison with the qualities and prices offered elsewhere. CARTOZIAN BROTHERS IMPORTERS OF ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS 473 WasHington Street Between 13th and 1 4th lsted by Mrs. Brooks. Jr.. and was fol. lowed by a pleasing musical programme arranged by Mrs. Clark. Those attend ing were: Mesdames Brooks. Otto, Wil liams. Capell. Stevens. Harrison. Car ter, Ferguson and Hathorn. Sumner Post and Woman's Relief Corps bad one of the most enjoyable birthday parties of the year at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. W. C Henderson. S47 Webster street. Among those pres ent were Mrs. L. Markee. Mrs. Sarah Miller. Mrs. U B. Miller. Miss Josephine Haines. I. McQomaiv Commander Fargo and Major Newell. Mrs. C. R. Groves entertained the Pansy Whist Club Wednesday after noon. Those who won honors were Mrs. G. Samson and Mrs. C. W. McRee. Oth ers present were Mrs. M. A. Vyse, Mrs. C. Sprange. Mrs. C. I Roddle. Mrs. S. Payson. Mrs. W. C. Oldham. Lunch was served at 4 o'clock. On Wednesday evening of this week about 22 young people, stuTtents at Jef ferson High School, gave a surprise party for Agnes Dugan. which was en Joyed Immensely by the hostess and those present. The evening was spent In music, readings and games. Re freshments were served. The hospitahle home of Mrs. J. W. Ogllbee was the scene of an attractive affair Thursday, when 42 women of Sumner Relief Corps gathered to sew for the benefit of the corps and enjoy luncheon. Mrs. John F. Logan was hostess for the Portico Club Tuesday. IOMI.VG EVENTS. The Michigan Society of Oregon will meet in the Assembly room of the Multnomah Hotel Monday evening. March 4. C. C Chapman will give a ten-minute talk and Rev. John H. Boyd will speak. "Greater Portland Plan" will be the subject of a talk Illus trated with sterlopttcan, given by C. B. Merrick. Miss Christine Anderson will give a reading. A solo by Mrs. R. M. Schmeer will close the programme, following which a reception will be held. The charter will close April 12, 1912. . The annual entertainment given by the Ancient Order of Hibernians in honor of the birthday anniversary of Robert Emmet will be held Monday evening, March 4, in Women of Wood craft Hall. 128 Eleventh street. John Fleming Shields, a graduate from Bos ton University and an orator of ability, will deliver the principal address. Cornelius G. Murphy will be chairman. The programme will be as follows: In troductory remarks by the chairman; chorus, "God Save Ireland." led by Mrs. Frank Ruckert; "She Is Far From the Land," F. E. Osborne; "Emmet's Speech From the Dock," by AI Hyland: "Killarney," by Mrs. Frank Ruckert; "Kelly, Burke and Shea," by John Dunn: "Memories of Ireland," by Pro fessor Daniel H. Welson; "The Days of the Kerry Dance," by Mrs. George Mc Cord; address by John Fleming Shields; "Where the River Shannon Flows," by Anthony Campbell; "The Wild Irish Rose," by Frederick E. Osborne, as leader. The committee in charge con sists of John Beckman, M. J. Murnane and D. W. Lane. On Thursday evening. March 14, the Royal Arcanum Councils will give a big dancing Informal at Ringler s Hall, Second and Morrison streets, to which all Arranums are invited. The commit tee consists of Messrs. M. M. Ringler, J. S. Barber, Dr. Herbert Hegele, Dr. J. F. Worcester, from Multnomah Coun cil; G. M. MacElwaln, H. L. Young. A. C. Coonradt, Carl Wulter. Dr. C. C. Cable, Dr. Sam Slocum, from the Oregon Council; A. W. Anderson, C; A. Xelson, F. N. Noltner, Willamette Council. A benefit dance will be given on Monday for Harry Cooper, the young musician who is critically ill at the Open-Air Sanitarium. Everything will be donated. A 20-piece orchestra will furnish the music. Thj band will play the two-steps and the stringed instru ments will play the waltzes. It is hoped a large sum will be realized to help Mr. Cooper defray his heavy ex penses. The dance will be given un der the personal direction of Professor M. M. Ringler. - The East Side Division of the Port land Shakespearo Study Club will meej at the residence of Mrs. R. E. Jore, 633 East Twenty-first street North, Mon day at 2 o'clock. . . Mr. and Mrs. George F. Brice will entertain a few friends next Wednesday night. - v'. ." "Social Hygiene" will be the subject of the Women's Alliance at the Uni tarian Church at the regular monthly . jT-Mpi Htm . mmmm A Lifetime Study it represented ta Thomson's "Qove-Fftting" Corset A wonderful fund of "know hovr" in de signing, and ability to produce wearing comfort and durability, is possessed' by the large organization which has made millions of THOMSON'S 'GLOVE -FITTING" CORSETS All steels in these famous garments GUARANTEED against rust At all dealer $1. te $5. GEORGE C. BATCHELLER & CO. Hmm York Chicago Si Frmnciaco hum T- PROOF THAT HE HAS CURE FOR RHEUMATISM There are fw discoverers of remedies who can give absolute proof that they have found a permanent cure. One ot tbesc rare exceptions is Mr. tf. T. Delano. He Is a living testimonial of the efficiency of his remedy. The photograph truthfully shows th terrible effects -f the racking pains of Rheumatism, but today he Is en joying perfect health and is devotins his life to curing others. Rheumatism was hereditary in -his'family. Whn niv a youth the. disease became chronic with him. He sufferc-d untold aijony for 36 years, and after spending $i'0.0yij. for med!cin"ft. doctors and experiments, he finally discovered, the remedy wmcn com pletely cured him- He now offers to send any rheumatic suf ferer a free packape of the sumc remedy, and he has. literally bushels of letters uf gratitude as proof of his liberality. Ad dress P. T. Delano, dept. i90C, Delano bldg., Syracuse, N". Y. HOW TO HKMOVE WRI N K L E S I.V FIFTEEN MIMTES. Just put 3fEO-Il.STHiVK rft harm less vej?etablfi jflly on your face. Let it dry. In 1 minute-B wash it off. That's all. No pe?i!it? or other drastic methods. Delightful sensa tion. Instantaneous result. Refresh ing". Scientific. iuaranteed harmless under Pur Food Law. KncIose 2c stamp lor booklet. - SOLD OX APPROVAL. Free demonstration at our Office. FACE TR EATMEVTS NEO-l'KASTiai E AiEf V, lpt. F Sniff J. Sreond Floor. -S83i SMhlnfftoD. Portlnnd, ,Or. Phone Mnin :7I. .