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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1912)
1 Tiir QT-vrv m?rr.nTA. rniJUAm MARCH 3. 1912. 19 BPiLf MOHAIR SALE Large Quantity Moved in New Mexico at 37 Cents, 2 CENTS OVER LAST YEAR :ncllh Mill- JIm I'rwl) tn south Africa at Prk-r Kqual lo 44 lo 41 Cent llrrr Scrrrlar .McDonald' Vlrwt. Ala 1. Mcliald. .-reiar 4.f lh Norih-w-rj Anftr 0t AwUlmi. tvka pt!n ii th ittmrnt mad r mohair dirs that the It3 market will b a low asd en aU-4 large auppit la Turkey- a4 la the ban da of f:atrn mi.i nifo. Ha aan4: Ia lf ihv pro1 wd In Turkey. r Aata M'nar. T.T hags. In the year UU tftr prxlr4 T7 KTa aaca This amount srwdw-M In 111 waa equal to about rO pr fnt I- than what waa iroduf-l 11 yrs Wfara. In other words, tbe 1111 clip tie iiniltMt clip of an o hair tht had war prouad. Where tbaa 3oa tha ta . povada of old bair coma from ft ta eol then. -Asa. a. It Is aaiM tha mills of tha Atlantic faros claim thay bava murk unronamf4 mehetr aa baa 4. aa wtt as larrf quantl t'o of unsold mohatr The Panford SfMIa romptn-. of Hnnf-rd. Jtfe . laat araa Purrhas4rd 1WVWW pound of s mintb' rrwth mohair In Nw M-slro for 97 rants, ploa a freight rata of mre than 93 per hundred, making tt coat thm "a cants par pound. ThT taught thi hair laat J"r at S3 nta. plus tha frrlghi. "Why ara thy paytns - enta mfa than laat yar hn t..v ar ovrai-rkcl lih soma 8- fsrto.rtno to itai.i oiin1-T "la itAuih Vf-Ua rprracrtai es of tha rUadford MtMa rniard th market and tha r,i.t is rprtd br rnppe. Fh an imff A Oatfarv. of rrt RMsabth: AII ladtPc Hradford Tprantat nfrd tha ma rt frir. and. with liberal ipplt. and aranr diapoaitlon on thi part ef haldara tn maat huyars la. a rotiaidr aM tumovar ratiltrd at prrrloa and htahar rataa. Tha drmantt waa prlnripalty far Pum mr f!rt. tn n bth a lars buina waa dona on baaia of to lA4d for orlu tiary and m1ium. i4d to 11d for ood afaraa and :p ( llM for mipr t!n, mhl'a kids fommirnll modrata attrntloii up to ?M "THa pri' r t 3"V n. 21. f and kM 4Z 'rf. Thr la a 13 rnt dnty to pay and an nppotilmat trarprtatlon foil of T". alil'-n brtnsa th ariual rnt up to 1 cnta ahova tho ahov prlfo: but fur ther. rha prira ara qa-trd on aii month' roih, and a a wr imw a 12 mnnihi " h In thla romfrT. and aa It i r.-k -nnad that fha t worth at iht J cnta rr r- than tha atm nrnntha amwih. w find that t h prtra quntfit itxttf ho.U ra1 4 1 -. 4. 4? an-! a rnts for kid hair. lfra w ftud -iia! irtntitrllnn In Iha arly tnarkats. ahlh t Iha ba)a fof mo hair alua Wlit do lb bn-rra ft war rant for tar king of a n-cant market In ron? Wa know tha buvtng aan mM awn wmmnf and Ihla fart priai!y r r'aina ihr a'taaflon." OKir.ii ton Nor at J7i r..T wml Hm4i4 Ital. mralrd hj Ik r.a-1- Ttt-r. r onlrl on mark.t f-C'(-r for -rl huntlr b-l. ir prim tfv at 3?S rrntt t th. (rv.r. A rr mamml hait dr-lrr at lh prlr . ArArdln lo l'.llf.rnl tMlhrF r t In. rain I'nrm did nt .Ktrml to th a-rtiona. Tti. br biwina tn llr-t tlrttaln tnr th .ar ad(Nl t.mb.r nl. IKIt. .flows r.m id.rahl. tmpmr.m.nt. aa romparrd with tha ar-dms twn .ara. th. autput in ltl a..M.aii4 harrclB. aa aclnat -VI. - 7AT5 barrri. la l"l and 3rmMtM barrr'a la lanax Imanrta r Inta ;rat Itritatn. apaa. f r Ih. mantha -f Srtrtnlr in Janoarr laaf. bth Inrlustra. w.r- rv. T t rwta. h Ir h rimnar-a afth 1 .n T r . i .. dartnff tha aam. wrlod t... ago and wtth aa 3 rta. lo yrmr k v Th. im partatl aa of th. :aal rtra moutha a.dl to t k. Ian Knvtlstl crop of S.".mC3 rata., trottrd raaka lha arallaaia aurplr on Frhru rr 1. latj tyravtooa r- rv-. not ronat.l aadl. a TT rana. iMrtnt tha Hrltlah Wawara, aoaoal r-qu:rmnta ricurr.l at Ml 34 rata., tha aam. aa for tha jr-ar ad-4 H-pt.mhar (la. ahnrt af paqulr. maata lo lha aalanl of 1la47a rata ortrurst or wr.Ar ark a aii Ploldata ppsaand Tall fihii tata Ara Ala Thara wara hard y any offrrlnca of ahaot a tha market yaatarda. Iloidara. both In tha rndnlpr and hara. wara firm lo th'tr tw Tn Ittt.a bualna-aa trd.nd.taal waa rprlifd to pa at full prtraa. i-a-a wara aiao 4utt. but flrmty bald. LetH tl racaipta. in ran. war r ported by tha Merchant' Ktrhani aa roilowa: n hat. Hrly. Kiur. i-a'a, Hy Mondav 14 2 17 1 9 Tj.nU' .... -M 11 4 w - dnaaday ..IV a 13 & Tiraday 4-4 I J 7 .1 l'l . J MiurUir . .... i"s J or .... n s i i4 Total fhiswk. 7 147 .S -. ar a o ti ::i 14 v a a a t.t data. In 1 T.VZ I"-- i7J Sli'T Yaar iff r 4.J i:.'Z - omox ftrtiixti rnur. i i rti.i:o l lfiaaa Cara IWapanrd af ta rat flaak oca arat ara Ka. No chan w as mad In ti f-liln prtca of wa.ona at yaatrrday'a!nc of tho Con f4ra"ad tirowars Aoclat..-n Tha praa aat la favorabla for tua kaaplnc of an loo and tha growsrs wars nt to daapoard lo ac 1 a forrorty. lurlnc tho jMiat weak 1 ca Kara sold, lna was anlppad to Omaha, una to Okla homa, two ta T'tit, thrao to Stockton, ono to t4crarnvnto and tha o thara to near-by pointa It taJNti IN LTRV TKAJiK UIIR I bM-baw riroa Ara Tat la 4raVr ta laaa I a Kasa llraa. Tha aaak 1 .oaad with an oaalcr faallnc In tha poultry market. aoma daalara cleaned up tbair au-lus of rhi kans at 12 cants. -.har k'.r la of poultry a ara nominal. Th- ui:y : hoyi ait. I aai was aiiort ad aaak and pre-a wara flnniy maiauuaad. Tn as markat continuad firm at -1 .riti. itr. no akcutnutation- II at tar M a a. I at tha trducod pric wbUh aant into effect jratarday luorn.og. af las.laa Uaad rvala. SIIANIKO. Or.. March 2. iSpaciaM t a larja;r attended an re tin of tba ADta Kaa WvKattrowara' Aaoocianon today, tha data for th Hhamko wool sal was net fT June 1 and Julr a. Th data sat by tha atal H'ooiiroafr' Aaa.x-tatloa Jun and Jua 21 wra coast da rad antiraiy too early. Oil and a baif million pounds oX w 004 was raaraaantad at tha meatms. Tha clip trib utary to this point ta unusually lone and jleaa- rtaattlal bapaly aa ftMahk-. rtoft rt waa wall aorr-''! with vaaa. inMeo and fruit aaiardaiy and wt?l ha durirg ta CVofliBf w-aas. )tU-a ti.mrv war an sala at t a box and mat with a read Iminl Asparagus waa a shada lower at lll eoata. fa itf ara ta cabbage waa auotcd rrnti. rn.M orirrw! were flank k-arinft. Bank -)erina of th Nrthn trn cities j-atrrlAy ere as f ) lo : "!'.ir'nc. r..i!cri. prtnUnrt i: J Ja?.: - - I 1'" Trrr iV.T "'j Spnktr.o m-' I M."'- .'i4rinn of I'-riUnl, :-...,.! n1 T.orn:i t. r i h nt rrk .mil r.rr.-il"ii'!in v. rrk ! in fi.rmT e.,rs rrr; at I'-OIS 4 l' 4 .-') -.. .-. 1: tt iS.Sj rOBTUSt) MUKm, tiralo. lloor. rrd. Etc. W HKAT Tra-k trim: Tllurvi"n. .: Cub. aTw'. r'd limaian. k.-. Vail-)'. ' ti ; f "(. '' VIIMTrr--l'rin. 1?22 pr ton; .irt' 0 mliHilinr". " k l titii. ir tarral. tra'uhia. I"S; l-rt. I ' V.1, .. mhai. anoia wnau cuk.v Xa. abola. ; tracitad. tsi aar to". Ha.y o. 1 Faa'.m Or.rm Itmothr. ( eil. ..-. 1 Vallr. I!tli altaila. (U, ei-r. U: raln. imflii UATS No. 1 arluta. IJJJOU par ton. VrcHablra aad I mlta. TltOPICAL TKC1TS Orann.a. narala. I17fta; California arpefrult. Torlda rapfrult. .VT.T: hananaa. rft p.r pound. moua. ."JI5 Pr born. FRhiiH FKl IT ra.a. p.r harral: eraub.rriaa. ltill. par liar- POTATO rTS Puvtnc prlcaa: Burbanha l 13 O I SO par huodrad; awaat potatoaa. IS par crata. Vrit:TTII.E" Artli-hokaa. l'1": rr an; aapraaua. j:M(l- Pr P"ind . kraua. d JTr; ranh taa. ltrlc per pound; cnu.l flow.r 12. crato; clry. pr crata; tunrn'lxrl. Il.TS xt d"rn: til plnt. 1S pr pound: larllc. lOlOe pr p.und: lttu'a. IT5t3 par cratr; hotboua. lfltui-. o" It td par boa; M-PPr. l;c pr pound; puinp kltia. lvtr:c p--r pound; ra.ilahra. 35c par rintrn rhur art.. I "al.f 'rut a. 3 'J ' P'T b'x: tplnh. lil P- ' .."'Jt auah. 1 15 i p- r pound; tomato, J3.uv ACK VK!ETAHLE! Turelpl. Sll-( par aa.k: rutanacta. 1V11: rarrota. ONION'S Aaaoclallon prlca. liid par fk- 1 10: paranlpa. II 110: b'-ra. i " ATTLKS V'llo-r N.-atonrn. l:r.Sn; ItpltariibrrK. IT, 1 . ll-i.daln. Urn lavl.. 11 iiITJ: Itrd Chrak 1'lppina. t-l II ou . tiano. ( ! tl Flapla Croearlea. AtJIOX-Columbia Klvar. I pounl talla IMS per doa-n; a-pound 95- T pound flats. Ii40; A s.a pink. 1-pound tails. HI- ..uaiiw. 1-OPKtS Boasted, la drums. :!4jO40o per pound . NI-TS Walnuts. ltlS- ! Pouad. Prasll nuts. 14 file: fllherta. 14ffl--: a-n-end. 17o;ie; r-.jns. 19e: eoeoanuta. ue ill pr d'.l-n. rl'Stnuta. HHc par pound; U-korv nuts, rt "flue per pound. HONEY Chol.e. 13 7i Pr case: atralnad bor.e. l"c per pound. ItAI.T (Iranulated. 113 p-r inn: nair- Croi.n.l. loi. -io -r ton: Los. I. per ton. CKANS -Sm.'ll a.ln:e. ...-. lrs 4r; l.i in i. I','; pink. -M.nn. Vl baou. ic. Tticr. No 1 Japan, r.e; cheaper ra3?s. ti.V: Souiirn head. 5 3 7e. FUOAR Dry aranuiatet'. S4.SS: fmlt and berry. Ii4. H'QuluIu ptanlaT:-n. I30; beet. H Ji. estra l'. 0i; puwdared. bar rels, l-i Itf; rub l. barrels. 4 Jl. I'lMVu EKi i rs ii- r' paMffl: aprlro'a lil l'-e. peaches. C.'tt lle: prunea. Italian. loaulSe; alUar. IV. fiat. sHIf and biaek. 'U'7u1i-: currants. I0 JI lie; ralsma. loose. Muscatel. 6Vi?c. bTeaehrd T lioir. p-on. llr; untilea -hed .-ul tan. a IHc; sa. d- !. TSXS1-: oataa. Par slan. iSc par pound: Fa.-d. 1 1 i " rsalry aad (ouailry rroduc. TtCTTKK tirri.a creamery butlar. olid SI ' Kil'; -I rc.h onion runch. cand'.ed. -1c p. r .1 n. Cll r.r.'Sr7 Oreaon. lata. 31 ( Pa' pound, dalslea. n-.mlnal. !' 'HK Kanry. i PC per pound. i: I. -Ian. . MjlK' per pour.d IVI I.TUV-ll-n. I.... Hi.. mt.iii 4S1.V. ducks. I.;.il7e. -. m ke)a, lla. luc; dres.d. Uulc- -ra(slosra. II p..i::id. 13 l!n: H 14 TT ( pour !. Ilul"-'. 1 to in pound. - 3 IS iA i M,und.. immiS'. ak.acea. pi nir. ii,-; .cHia.e ru u i3r. I. a k! Wat: !a nndrr"!. l!rraa. trta 1- V- : iuaitrri tt rr-. IlScs luta. 11V: rh.irt'i i'.. ti.-raa. . N c l: At'ON Kan. .' -c. :..nlrJ. - v. Chol-a lM-.r; "nellh. I5tt !- thT FAl.l Ct KKL Krifirar hort rl-'ara dry aall. US.; iiika. l.i.; ahort r.aar. tarka. 12 lu Id pour.Ut. dry aa.L lJSc. am.kd. 14v; hort d-ar ba.ka. 1 to 20 pouDda. dry fait, 11 c; btwkJ. lac: Ora-St-n iar;. iiy liW; amokrd. 14c. I lo ad 4HI and Turtfnf ina. t (N.-K Kl I t. I'-ira raw. In tarra 7 ; r-. tn . .. in larr Iboilfl. In rf, h--. H Kl'l.NriNK- "fl. 7'V; t at -r. r l.AXSKKK H- MKAI..Vr t 3 barr n. Ml. i's. rotr.. .in, d p.T al- T.'. m , -;:a '- -1 II P. W Hi ir.- lt! 1 ro - l.t Mtt - . ! u aad It iib. )l. j- m! '.fti:-; I' r . .. kat,'' , -i-iitad i:i. Tt - 1 I l,..rt-wol 1- i' ..-- i t p t k-. rf. '- .11- . t -fcr-o;: 1 . M irl- . n I : r . I ia. 1"' round -aft-. I .ir. J 1;. . ra--i r.i.:.-. "i ". :- 1 i.1a, 1 a.tlt.! aitfs. la K 1 'a- r'rtd. ! t . ViKAlN l.'i la .r t'unv, han-Il al:.-. a -r-! t ! 9 - I ).. j 1 . ra. 1 .f.i. 1. : : J r,.w t'li I-r.. "k".. k lhr..,. - II j - i 1 v Al.-.k. :ik inir- t -"ipe I . Ti. U H ni'fk j'. nl ral t" tru -'. f '-ar. s: r St . I' r . t. f ' 1 r;t-r. ! .1 t . I; nt. -iat . in -i : 2a . mountain lt-a. a- I . lev T.c n..r:rn. w ; 1 . b.4.Iirr. 4".t .!. t. : . i . .a:, hnuaa rat. j b.-av. : tf 1: a AN JR-VXKO PKOiU Ct MARK I.T. Prtrea QuaCed at the llay City for eae table. Krai t a. Ktc. SAN FKANCIi'v. Marvh 2 The fnlloa ini proUuca pr..- a.ra urrint hera lo da : Putter Fni -reaiery. .-c yiK aw-re. fuhvy ranch, L'l-c. tr. lona t' 4 Go pruii Afii 0. ch-l- $l.4 common, II 2i; Memtcan lime. '-.rH: Ca.ifornta le:n ana. rhl-a. 4': con-.rrM. orar.c-. e..3ti u . :: p.nap..e. )a3.-u. Ii. aiulTa Mr an. ..' a - niiUUair.B, 931 O 34. potatoaa On-con purbartka. fl .ill 2; SaUn-ia liurbAnk. t rlvt-r iur- Lalirva. 91 i f 1 "la. - Hay WM-.i:. aiitat mad oats. 13 tilt: a.fa.ta, $12 5 li .u. Vfirthir-Ol-iimNri f . j Jf I -; rarllC. ; j, . irrrn pru. .". ,t 1 v . n rinc L.ra, romira: . aapararn. - Uv : tniatt- . no:n 1 il . 4 Cat,'. 4 tt. i" Rr ceipie Kb'ur. 7lo guarter a. ki, a heat. -"."15 entaj . baric il . fnnu.i, .at. rritta.-. potato. 9. J4sU aa k; tati. :. aa-'ka; m;.!t I In e. : Wti, haj, vo tor.. "oi. !' L- '" Metal Markcta. t;K. Mrrh T. V sets were u.ual ou 1 mar- and pru ticatiy nom.ual. aa Lin Copper. II I 1 . . .-tl I4li1jltr; alectrolylic . 11 . o n 'sc. i.a-t; : ! Lead 4 11 4 l"c ter 4 t" '4 fi . trtlii''f. C.Hik. 'n a. Iron 1 B.har.aed. hirac. Produce Market. Clilc ..t. Manh S Ku-.fer .-".early; creanver.e. ;j n : dairua, :'-'i 7'r. tyaa- Ktrm. lie. .-!.,'a cases. at ma. a. tre'udeu, 2 1 1 3 i 22c : or.Mnary fjrs:s. Z'i- . his' V .c I'hMS M'S. Ia!t'es. Tsms 'I 17 ; Y- irr c 17 We: I-"t i I' r s 17 (1 17 , 1 US'-: New l..rk loll.s Market. N c. w riose.l: April. vr.K. Mai .'h 2 C0TI01 . ...... I laimai. i4.": March. iv.uac; 1 11 I..-. t.V it....: JUite. I" . I .. 3-".c : A icu.t. I'J.llr: September. I November. .3-se; l-crmtcr, lo.4Jc. I ltT2 IM.:T7: IT" -? i mT 7 1 " in -.(:.: 7 !! 7. 7' i '" ' t 1 7T ! 14 1 -'T '- J li7 h. ! l.."l T.whI r..4".7 '.'To li. '. t;7' STILL L New York Banks' Holdings De crease Four Millions. i SURPLUS CONTINUES LARGE Iniii Arc I iicrraaoil Trn .Million In tin AVerk untl Net I0K!. Ms Are, Kjkinnr1od Over I'Itc Million-. NKW VOKK, Mrch 2. Tha aitm.nt of r.n ln-hi.u- banka for thr warlc lhol thiit th- hanka hoid IJ.V140.30" rrrva In r.;ra of rulremcnta. Thla la a !- rr-aa ol $4.17. l.-0 tn tho proportlnnata cnah roKxrt. aa comp.ired lih last teck. Tha citamrtit fullowa: Pally avrrana Dacraa. I , JiOjvr.'-VOO" l.0i0 S.., I,. " S7i.64j. f..B.VI.ta I.. J.H t.n.Lra -I.1WM LI.IMW N.-t dp-alia'.ra"."'"' S:i:i.i Clrcuiutioa ol.HJ.OOO 44.h I::cre jsc. Hanks- ctsh resarva In vaults. .lP3.f'"0: trust comp.nlts' cosh reserve In vaults. rt2. 74. vOtl; aaareaato caah reserve. $4od.o43.tKsi: esc'es laafur reserve. '.-.'i.l4ii.a: decrenso. 4 3;.l.. Trust companies- reserve with clearlna:-houso niembers carrvlna; lio per cent rci-rt. $i10.4Pj.ouo. Accuul condition lncreaa.. 2.r..n.7lo.o lo.otn.issl SP. 37t.l-"7.IM 1-..11-.O.SJ ten.l-ra s4.77rt.iaw (.a"7. N, t .1. t.o.lis l.-oili ".in.iXHl S.7S2.ial I'ln ul.ition M,jtl.l"H S.-'ilkH I iniT.nir. Bntiks- rash reserve In vault. e.-.M.P4:.oA: tru.l rompuni-s' rash r. serve tn vnult. Ml Ik"': nititri :tto dull ri s-rve. I.VkUiv!. ey.s Infill r..-rve. -.T:.11.J'': ! cre.i.e. y.-..::' lesl . trust coin pan les r. s'rv wth i- ..riiist-lions.. m-lnl'ers csrrylnic " p.r r i.t r...h r-s-rv. (!. t IS.Hm. j.uiniii.i'- of rt tie h.i iks and trust rflmpa-m- s in 'li vai. r New York not irportlnk to N. w ork t i' irinir-Hiiuo-: f-eere;ise. f j.:i4..-'io 2::J.4M( 'IJ.l'ISI 4. 7lKI.Unl I. oar l.i sal To: ji ll.llVl.-OO T I'"' tiepo.ltS Ilicre.i "C. The Kiiinni ' r f siy: A coriiin to the c.e..rii'15-ho'ist s-.utement. h. is-'.l on ut-lljl cMUidlllnns. the 'oW lurk I.hi'I.S "or- tin- aek . n.lml MaM'Ii - ll t r- .s. d llo r lonus I '.('" Oix. d. -ri ased lioliLimn l.l.'3.""U nr-1 -pind'-'l nl t .-tnol's he .V7;:;:I'."'. The erT.ct cf tha rr.tnj . n ."-.( '- t" ('Una; nhoilt a de. rr. a... of :..:...:" In ric sa r.-s-TVe. in.ik Inv the pniont siirp'us uhote tbe -o p'r i. -nt niiintii mi i".:;'M. The sturer-ietit .1 on uver.iK a. how e.r iv.n .-nt.r.-ly .IttT.t'iit In lis showiiiB. h.ins having e li'ililted a small deerense of -;i. .pin while cash liol'llnss fell off i ..ill net deposits .....:::.. Tho excess r,... rv. . I. is. .1 on computation of avrraa'8, a: .! .it -...Utl.J'. The only feature of Interest In either s' .:. MK.u is the r-ilecllon of tho ciish loss hh h Hi" N- York hiliks are ius::tlnlni; :.t p . esmst hv le.ison t'f continued K'lld ex port, unit Treasure operations. W 'l'.- the ir. ..ut sol plus ahnve requlre-m- n-s Is al"li""y nmple. It la aortn noTte Ina tlist tit- e...a reserve reported by the N. a- Vo-k 1 snks Is In the .hands of a few of The i.iiR-, ..nd more powerful institu tions, l.o.tns .iro itt A minimum and the ten.Ienry In the fuca of the ex Pinoinc lju.incrs is toward still htRher STOCK LEADERS GUI 1 AlK.l lt IVVItT OF LIST l'AIlTICI 1'ATi:s IV THK AKV.WCK. ! I'rir liiirr anil rnmiimMiC aSit'rinI- I ir. Art' Tirni Uoiul lrkrt I-; sirady. SKW Y'JllK. Mirch 2. The stock mar--i mmi!f' t'ndancy further to 1m- pri.vo It- p-inltlnn tolay. mo-t nf tha lad . ra rl-tr ! a rw h1i:U lrl. Thfw aa .11a atrrii;i:i in tha Krits and thn mora P.on.m-iit alt r-t aincu their al- Katurn t th .'..nlrollar aliovr a tleraaia f aln.ou In tho security hold : 9 f lo. il Nntl'nl batiks b tvrccn lc ftnr Kaliruury r. Tha rvport aa . ;i..ia i. n"t arao;atiy i.Iumiiiat lna. situ-o I rca-; ia laraaly due to tho opvra- ttir .-f ona Ir.nt'tutlon. j :r.t..a vsira n-;a:n atcaJv. the only aa- 1 r:ui f-iturt b,-:; ora ixiint sain in Kria 1 li- nrrMl f-'Ui fi!a. par value, M.- 1 1 vi rnifil tut"! tlo.-arnnii-ni L'a ra- 1 r. -ix ni -d tha z coupon a nd . r.,;;.i.i, .: t-n tail during itic weak. . .i.iiv.i KTnrK iii(taTIiis ( ,':.ii. i-.i-j.-r -s ' ;m j K;-.i. 1 -ir .v . coin . . 1 . .i.i J - 1 1 l.: .!.. pr. f. r s .1 V PI -a. t'--a .1 ... i or. in .tl. cum. .. ; 4P ru. o, coin 113 V aj1., 3.1 :i l (tn. sisr. com ; 'lit Ami. -t.. c -ni US 7:t 7:i'j 7:l"a do j.-.-ter:-. d l.c:. l".l l":i '. neii. corn. j 17 A-s n..i Vlnlnj Co. .1".-, .1'l .HI u, .11'4 At. ti.s .n. . ;n ll4'- liti, 1U4S .IMS .... pr. f..-:e.I :!:( S II v coiu S l2'4 ioju, let suitar i ..." S 'l 3'i Kapld lr. . m"i 7P. T ' f.i. :'V. c. . "-s o'sUj 4 ,:'.'' .ilia; Leather, c. . . i I'.H' 1 S 5 1 K I do prifrred ; v.t Mi. h2 H M l. at :. w.. ronk....t lss! Kt, - Iri do preferred ; ' ' KM. c.. t A- P H'7 1"7 lo ln7t C ,v N W., com ...14"-, 1411a 14'S I4"'x hi'M'iikr St Ohio.. j 72' 72T.i 72. 72S Colo, r'u. l At lr.111. c-.' 21 I 21 I 23 I 24 -i Co.... -.mtli . cm ; , 4i ill 2J preferred i u3 45 I 64 ti.t .lo l.t pre'erred 1 j 7i Cnso'idated lias ,14m- 140", 140a.l4 Corn I'ro.lui.:., com..! ( , i 1"S do pref.rred 1.....; 77 !.',.. are A Hudson. ; lliK I'.iirer A Um. c.., 21, 214i 21'y do piele-r. t , 41 'y Ere. ...tnir.jn ;il 4 .lit; 31 31. .to 2d pi-:err.d 42 , 42 , 41- 42 lit isl prclertetl. . . :.l .'21.; 31 1. J r2 .leneral lttl S ,1'2. lrtl lt.l i ::. N t: '1. ore lam!a..' :.7S e7 U7 :t7S i.t. Nortll.. prj Lil 131 13U 13 Ice Sl"Curit!e. ' -ll '. Itlini'is central 1:M Irt. Har..-.:-r , ; ,ll'd4 Interurl in Met., c 1 ' 17J do pief-rr.d 1 IS W 1 6 " H 3S a .Kiev j 13a', Kai '.ii i: south.... '.'tt 2'1 ' 23.' 2'1 N..e'uvlllu 1031 l.'.o'a.lOO 133 . Mesi-sn Nation.:, -d., 1 S'JV. M. sr. P. .V S. s. M..I , j Ilia- M. . K. i T.. com . . 27 , 27 27 27' M t.iu'i p.. trie "."H :t'.'u. 3Pj 3PH N..ii..r...i l.end 7'iV, 34 '. , N a..,i Co;...' ..I it. d. IP. 2U 11. New Ink C. . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S H 1 Si N. Y. I'll. 4 West. 27 37 1 3rt :ill' Nor. At Western. c.-'luPS 1"WS l'eJS l.'l'1. Nor:h Ant-rienn 7:1 4 Norrherr. i'acifl.. comllH lis'.. 117", 1 1 s Pt.n c .M ill t. S. Co.. Sla. !t. St,. 31 -y l'rlll ..)',l anil ltnila.i 12.".l 12::;, 12.1 ;l22'a P 1;.. U tt Ct'Ua Co Jod t'd1. lud .lltl l'res.ed S'.ce. Car. v.; , 1 21''. do preferred I I P" Kr.t tins, corn ISA. 13i li4. 14". Co 1-: pr. f 1 i 1 T.ep. Iron A S-.cel. C, II' ' T"., 1 1 do p.. f, rred , 'm'V If'.! :". t"'""! Uo k Is.Ki-.d. com.. S3 "a. 23 S , 2.1 V. 2.1S do Pl.ferred ! 4'M. 4"S 41 Vs. 41 st. a r. f . 2d pf.; sh; 30' 3 8t St. 1 S. . com. . .10 nref. rr.-d ::::: K S-iurhern IWlfle. com M1IU 1'! 1"!, !-. b.i'.liern K.iliway. c. 2 S , 2- J 2t4 d.v p-ef erred ' 71'., 71 S 72 73 Texas Pac:?!.- 1 221.1 22V,, 22 22 Tn'.. St. I. A- W.. com. 12V do pr.ferr. d ' ' 31 i. I'nion com.. 1V ,1S rt4V 113 rr. 1. 1 . d i. . ; P'.' K'li.oer. com. .rt 41. 41'. II.' 1" 1"1. IIP"-. t.r't .-rel 1 . rum. '11 . 1 "s til 'a f l""'i I''. 1 "h 57 V 54 v :r a. ch.mlral 64 y ...'.h. 'OHI ...j c"o preferred . Ws:rra Luton TeL . i rV. 84V la 4 4 4 $44; D5ING GASH tv-tinithoui- Elcc ..' 7.1',l T3-.7S I 7S 'antral, o .' .M r.i 51i! .12 Volal aalaa for tha day. lUl.svO aharaa. BONDS. Furnished by Overbeck Jb Cooke Co.. of Portland. Eld. Askad. Anirr lal Trl conv 4a 114 114'- Aniarfran Tobacco 4a.......... P- P- Am.nvHn Tobiirco toa ......... .lJi Ati-hlron .iihtii1 4s 'J". Atcnisoti conv 4t ......ItKV Atrhison adj 4a atainprl !'l At.-hlson cunv o 1'" Atlnnllc Coast Una cna 48.... p.. At Coast i.lne '"I. AY N coll" 4s. l4Ai Haltlnioro & Ohio ::4a I'.l rialtlmora A- Ohio 4s ! Frokln tt:ipUl Transit 4s J.. Can (iouihtjiii first os ..l'l- Ch-saprakf ac lililo 4Sl 1"1 ('Bag Kn mil 4a Il (.' H d Joint 4a P7 ' L'BtU Ills "- c 11 A W l-nar 4s. .......... trt (Vntial PSfillc first 4a Pt ' I'blripi At 1-st Ills 4a Ml Chlraao II 1 At V ret 4a ' lil.... I I (' Col trtiat 4a.. 711, Colorado Ac Southern flral 4a... 1 lienvar 4k Kl' Oranda 4a Po rel A Aiudson conv 4s lslt Krln first cona l'L 4a 9 Int Met 4ta "JS .Ispanesa 4s S Jiil'anese first 4a l';l -lal'anere aecond 4uja N'J' l.outsvllla at Nashville unt 4s Pl' Mo Ksn Tex 4'5 b!' Miksouii Pacific 4s -iVi New Vork Central 3ht "s Nea- York Central L. S 3Wa -'s New York CltV 4 P:i l3 l-ti's IMO Hit V3'.i PH SttVi l"i 1T p;i P7. JlH", t 'a P7 a 1i'i -.i a" Ps4 W4 MS :' IKIV f.'. :i:i, M1 Now York rnr 4i of 1W 107Vi Norfolk Western 4s I'H'a 107 110 Norfolk & Waatern con 4a....l"lS N T (int A W 41 W i Northern Pacific P L. 4s ItV Northr-rn Pacific a ttrejton Hhort Un 4s t1- Oraiton Ky Nav 4S renna Hy 4 of 14B 1W Philippine Hy 4s a Raaair.a; ffeneral 4 Republic of Cuba Sa 1 Southern pacific flrat raf IS---. Southern Pacific col 4s .2 Southern Railway 4s 7 St I, ft 3 F ref 4a W I nlnn Pacific flrat 4 I nlon Pacific conr 4a 102 I'n.on Pacific ref 4 I'nlted States Steel S F 5a 12 7 1'nlted Statt-e 2s reg-laterad ltXH I nlt-d States 2a coupon l'ta 1'nlted S'atea 3s coupon H2 nltad Staas 4n rerlaterad 113H 1 nttcd States 4r erupon lia4 I'tilted Railway 8 F 4a . Ui'-HKh fi-at 4b Western I'nion 44s..... J W stinichoufit conv .is "4 Wlacuiifln Central 4a 1 Weat Stioro 4s 100 1M TO HWH hl Ti lo;i "4 115 H 1'? 794 KI4 1..0V 12 lI 10.1 loos 10L 114" 114 56 mo lol Stocks at Boston. BOSTON'. March 2. CIotlnc quotation A 1 lii- 4- Amalir Copper.. s A Z I. A Sm. . . IT'1 II & C C & S M. U Cnl A A ex-dlv. 61 S cal & Heola. . . -4..r, Cantennial A C it 1: Co ex-dlv .r.ri K Itutta Cop M. 5- Franklin 1" fStnnix Con .... 4 ! OrMiihy con ... 3'- Craane f'ananes. 4 I Rna11e I Cop 21 Kerr Iake-x-dlV 'j l.Hke Copper -ti I l.a Salla fopprr ! Miami Copi r.. . 24S vi..i1HU u 57 (Nevada Con .... 1 Nipls.tintr Mines.. 7 1 .Norm t.uiie.. . . iNnrth laHke.... Old dominion.. fmreola Cjiiln'-y ex-dlv.. Shannon Superior Sup A- Hob Mln. Tuinarack t- j t! i a Xf 64 115 US 2f'i 30 37 H io prererrea... t tah Con I-1 CtHh Copper Co, Winona Wolverine 7 10? Honey. Exchange. Etc. , NEW ViiHK. March 2. Money On call, nominal Time loans, firm: eu days. 23 per cent: i das'. 3l31a c: month. :iai3'i pec "' Prima mercantile patter. 4 if 4 S. P'T cent. Ktrrllnic cxchanne. steady, with actual business in bankers' bill at I4.K42.". for 00 day bills and at I4.R71.1 for demand. CommerciKl bills. 4.S3-s. liar stiver, r-s'sc Mexican dollars. 4.C. Uovcrnment and railroad, ateady. losims-. Mnrch 1 Bar allver. ateady. ..7 ,,(". Money. ItiSS P-r cent. The rate of discount m the open market tar mh.,rt bills Is :l', per cut; for three-month bills. J. Itrrr cent. s.v FKANCl.CO. March 2. Sterling on Lo'ndon. till days. 4.S4'. ; do. sight. 4.. s. Urafls. sight. 2yc: telegraph. Jc. tondlllon of the TiTtaaury. WASHINGTON. March 2. At the bejrln tilltK ol business todny the condition of the I tilted htutea Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of- nLOB I o, .74. 1.'. In banks and Philippine treasury ,-j'"-"Z Total balance In general fund.. l..(r.w.t'..I Oroinary lecelpta yesterday -;T.2:.'r,'.! Ordinary disbursements w''.;"- The deficit to date this fiscal year is -U.-.iHl.d"", as ai-alnst a deficit of 3.2b.42 at this lime lal year. Thesw naures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Cuffeo and Susar. NEW YOltK. March 2. Coffee futures closed st'ady at a net gain of from J to 7 taints. March. 13.17c: April. 13.1c: May. 13 20c: June. 1J.24.-; July. 13.37c; August. 1131c; September. lS.3lc; October. 13.34c; November. lu.3c; December, January, Feb ruary. 13.12c. t-ipot tiulcu No. 7 Rio. 14 c: No, 4 ban t.'S. li'it Mild quiet. Cordova. lCSIKo nominal. Haw sugar steady. Muscovado, ft- test. 4 lie: c.nlrlfiiaal. ( test.; molaasea sugar. test. J.SSc. Refined sugar ateady. Hop. at New York. NEW YOltK. March 1. Hops dull. State common to choice 111. 44500; 1910, mini mal; Pacific Coast. I'll. 42. lie; 110. nom inal. Hides firm. Central America. :3.c; Bo gota. -'3 4 -'4 lc. I'etruleum steady. Refined New York, barrels,; refined New York. bulk.; Philadelphia, barrels. $.10; Phlladelplila. bulk. 14. so. Wool quiet. Domestic fleece XX Ohio, :tVta:c. si sl Marex. SAVA.VNAH. G.. March S. Turpentine firm. 4ic. salea. 75 barrels; recelpta. 104 barrels: shipments, 124 barrels; atocks. 23.- Ro.ln firm. Sales. Sin pounds: receipts. 4. pounds; shipments. 430 pounds: stocks. 4 '"I pounds. Maote: H. $.C2i; D, t'.Ca; K. l(70; F. I.72i li, H. $4.7.-,; 1. $.0; K. 7.i'r.: M. 17.25; N. 7.30; WO. 47.40; WW. T ti I IT led 1'mlt at Near York. NKW YORK. March . Evaporated ap ples, steady: spot, fancy, lUVc; choice, si, 11 lie; prime. 7V4jSc. Prunes, steady. Quotations range from 4.c to 12c for callfornlaa up to 8-40s and S'jc to 12 for Oregona. peaches, firm; choice, 104 6" 10 He; ex tra choice, lltlimc: fancy. 11 4 C 17c MANUFACTURERS TO MEET Oregon City Take Interest In "Mude-ln-Oregon" Exploitation. OKEGOX CITY. Or.. March 2. (Spe cial.) Colonel E. Hofer. editor of th'e Salem Capital Journal, was here today interesting the manufacturers and busi ness men in the work of the Manufac turers' Association. A big meeting will be given under the auspices of the as sociation at the Multnomah Hotel next Tuesday, when the "made In Oregon" idea will be thoroughly exploited. A novel feature of the meeting will be the wearing of clothing made by the Oregon City Manufacturing Company by many of the prominent business men who attend. Attention will be called to the fact that the material was made In Oregon City, and the tailoring done In Portland. A Portland tailor recently placed an order of $2000 with the local mill, and it Is declared that the cloth is as good as could be ubtulned anywhere. -a Snoil-rrans May Run for County Job. COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. March I. (Special.) Cottage Grove baa one can didate for county office In the approach ing primaries. In tbe person of Georg M. Hawley. who has filed for County Commissioner, and may have another in Frank Snodgrass, Cottage Grove's famous man-getting City Marshal. Mr. feinodgrass denies that he will be a can didate, giving as his reason the fact that this city never baa had a look-in for county ofdees because r.f the heavy vote In the northern part of the county. However. Snodgrass has received ur gent requests to shy his castor in the ring from prominent citixens of the county seat, and bis friends believe be can be Induced to make tbe race. TOP MARK OF WEEK Wheat Scores Further Gain of Three-Quarters Cent. , CABLE ADVICES BULLISH Supplier, at Kuropean Cpnlcrs Arc Light nd Buying Is lTnproverl. Corn Strength Helps Turn Market Vpward. CHICAC.O. March . Wheat today eloeed at th. top mark of th. week. Closing : Prijea showed an advance of "lObc to HSVe Hulllshness took firm hold on wheat. Karller, the market was depressed on Liv erpool reporta of prospects for larger world hlpmenta. 'Parla reported light atocks and good buying. Antwerp. Berlin and Bud Pest were up and Argentine advlcel were less encouraging to th. bears. Strength or corn countod, too. in turning the market upward. Buying force in corn developed rapidly on news of anow storm. 'West. Caah grade, were In fair demand. Th.r. vu a good general demand for oata. Hor product, rose sharply, following a eertiona that three packer, control th. greater part of the stock on band in Chi cago. The leading futures ranged a. follows: WHEAT. Ooen. "High. TjOw. 11.034 .97H .5V 70 U .70V .70V .S34 .49 4 .41V Close. 81.04 V .9SV 96 V .714 .71V .71V .58 H .49 V -42V 15 5 16.124 16.42 4 .4S4 9.57 V4 9.75 8.80 8.90 9.074 May July Sept. Mar Julv Sept. May July Sept. May July Sept, May July Sept, May July Sept. ..11.03. I1.04H .. .97V .Hd ... Vo1 .US. CORK. .. .71) .71'4 .. .7", .71V .. .70V 71V OATS. .. .53 4 .S3 4 .. .4f .494 .. .41V .42t MESS PORK. ..15.40 15.SS 13.40 ..15.77, 16.124 . .14.05 1C.424 LARD. .. I.27":, 9.43 .. 9.424 9 57. . . 9.1.2 4 9.75 15.77.i 16.05 9 27 4 9.424 9.52 4 SHORT RIBS. . . 8.6.1 .S" 8.65 8.674 8.874 . . 8.67 4 !l . . 8.874 9.U74 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Winter patents. $3.90i&5; straights. .3.80 ft 4. SO ; Spring patents, $4.75 04: straights, (4.404.60; bakers, 3.65tj 4. Rye No. 2. 90c. Harley Feed or mixing. 70gS0c: fair to choice malting. 11.12 11 1.27. Timothy seed 111 'n 14.50. Clover seed $16ar22. Pork Mess, new, 815.874 Lard In tierces, y.ll'4. old. 815.3J. Short ribs Loose, 88.55. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 310.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 439.000 bushels, compared with 355, 4)110 bushels the corresponding day a yerrr ago. (estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 17 cars; corn. 182 cars; oats, 159 curs; hoga, 51.000 head. raln at Han Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 2. Wheat Steady. Harley Ptcadv. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. 81.351.60 per cental. Barley Feed. Sl.b7 4 & LOO per cental; brewing, nominal. Oats Red, 81.70gl.85; white. IL751.80; black. 81..Vg 1.60. Call board sales: Wheat December. 81.60 per cental asked. 81.00 bid. Barley December, 31.53. per cental; May, $1.83. Puget Sound Wheat Markets. TACOMA. March 2. Wheat Bluestem. R7isie: fortyfold. 864c; club. eotijSoc; red Russian. S4c. Heceipts, wheat, 30; barley, two; corn, two; oats, one car; hay seven cars. SKATTLE. March 2. Wheat Bluestem. MUc; club. 854c; fortyfold, 854c; fife, 85'ac: red Kuavlnn. 834c Yesterday's receipts: Wheats 17; hay, rim; corn, one car. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 2. Wneat May. 8LUu 1.U84 ; July. 8LO4 jl iM"4. Cash No. 1 hard. $1.UUV: No. 1 North ern. ll.OSV to JIO'.I'.: No. 2 Northern. fl.oMS B Lu7 V ; No. 3, wheat, $1.04 4 V 1.054. J lax 2.o2. X Harley 70c(l $1.23. Corn No. 3 yellow, 65 4 4r 60 4 c. Oats No. 3 white. 5043 504c. Rye No. 2, 879 874c. Kuropean Grain Markets. LONDON. March 2. Cargoes, Arm. Walla Walla for ehipment. 37a 3d. Kngllsh country markets, quiet: French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. March 2. Wheat March. 7s 11 4d; May. 7s 6Vd; July. 7s 5V1. Weather cloudy. Duluth Flax Market. DCLL'TH. March 2. Llnaaed. In store. March. J1.&D4: on track to arrive. $2.01; May. $2.02 asked. TRADE QUIET AT GLOSE SMALL SATCR DAY BUSINESS AT STOCKYARDS. Steers Sell Within Former Range of Prices No Offering's in Other Lines. The week at the stockyards cloaed, as usual, with only sv moderate amount of trading. Two loads of steers were disposed of. the best bringing $4. 25. Thare waa nothing doing in other lines. Receipts yesterday were 37 hogs and 511 sheep. Shippers were: C K. Lucke, of Canby, who brought tn a carload of sheep and hogs, and the Hansen Livestock St Feed ing Company, which brought in two loads of sheep from Cornish. Utah. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 22 steers 1115 3.73 3 steers llMf 5.75 27 steera life" The range ot prices at the yards was as follows: Choice steers $6.00l?$6.50 Good to choice steers ... Choice cows t.OOtat 5.-0 flood to choice cows 4.75 0 &.00 Choice snayed heifrs 6.75 090 Good to choice heirers . . . . Choice bulls Good to choice bulls Choice calves Good to choice calves Hogs Choice light hogs Smooth heavy hogs Rough heavy ... 5.40& 5.70 ... i-Z-aj 4.60 ... 400-9 4.2S ... 8.00(9 69 ... 476 O 7.00 ... .50O 4.75 ... 5.75 4.00 ... &.5G0 3.7a bheep Choice yearllnrs 4 77 5.00 Choice lis and 3 4.15 4.. Choice killlnx ewes 4.25 4 60 Culls 2.500 125 Choice grain-rea tamos .ou'u o. . Choice Spring lambs 4.75 & 6 04 Good to choice lamDS 4.50 iy 4.75 Fair to good lambs 4.254.5 Cull lambs 3.75 4.04 Receipts for the wc?k were: Cattle, 2363; calves, 10; bogs. 1977; sheep, 6006; goats, 10; horses and mules. 81. The close of -the week shows little change In the market with the exception of the steer division. The bulk of the cattle re ceipts being ateere. the demand was well supplied and the price has fallen off from 10 to l. cents oer nunareo. tops now oeing quoted at $6.50. Cows and heifers remain steady to strong with very few offering, one lot of choice payei neirers onnging 15.10 and good cows finding ready sale at $3.60. Light eajv4fi topped the market for the sea ion at JV0, bulls and stHgs were in good demand at an advance of a quarter over last week s quotations lor tne oest grades. The hog market rem ansa we same aa quoted heretofore, tops readily bringing 86.75 with plenty of buyers. . Sheep continue to bo very scarce., those offering bringing good prices. Soruo good wool lambs weighed off the cara brought 86.15. wethera 85.15. Three doubles of Ida ho ewes were snapped up quickly at 84.60. lighter and poorer gradea selling around 4 cents. Taken all in all the mutton divi sion showed the greatest strength for the The following sales are representative of the week'a4rade: Weight. Price. 103 steers 477 steers 2u4 steers 213 steers ............ 5 catves 3 stags ............ 2 bulls 5 bulls ....i:-,i.. ;.. 1212 ..-0 ....1175 0.4H ....11!'.1 6.25 . ... IKS 8.0" ....12S0 .Vr.O ....lo.-'rt 5.0O ....142.1 4.25 1012 S.'.IO ... . 9o2 .V'' ....I'4S ."..I"' ....172 .V50 .... 1'.'.". 6.75 74 heifers ........... .....-. 24 heifers .r.7 cows ..................... 23 cows ................ 10.. hogs 207 hogs ..................... is:: hops - 36 hogs 4t2 Iambi wool, off cars...... 2.10 wethers, wool, off cara... ('27 ewes 600 ewes -e .... 1'- ..- 6.00 6 1.-, 5.13 4. HO 4.10 102 97 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. March ?.t--attle Rcoelpta 20o: market Meadv. Native; steers. 80.103.. mi, cowa and heifers. 83.805.95; Western steers, 84a"L75; Texas steers. 88.73 ag'; range cows and heifers. 35; canners. 81.73 I 43.85; Blockers and feeders,, calves, 84(0 i..u; duus, siaga. c.u, e-"vtr 5.2. Hogs Receipts 8000: market 10M5c high er. Heavy. t.30t(.4S: mixed. $6.20i 6.80: light. $5.S5tB6.S5; pigs, 14.5005.85; bulk of sales, 86.20 4.35. Sheep Receipts 6000: market steady. Yearlings. 34.70&5.S0: wethers. $3. SO . 4.60 ; ewes, J3.15S4.15; lambs, 85.20iS6.40. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. March 2. Cattle Receipts 800; market slow, steady. Beeves, $4.9O8.60; Texaa steers, 84.60 'a 5.90; Western steers. $: 6.7; stockers and feeders. 8S.80W6.20; cows and heifers, $2.15?6.65; calves, 45.75 8.60. Hogs Receipts 15.000: market strong to 5c up. Light, $6.25&6.474; mixed, $6.20 6.50; heavy. 16.25 ti 6.52 4 ; rough. $6.25 6 36: pigs, $4.3f&6.30; bulk of sales, $6,408 1.45. Sheep Receipts 2000: market steady to strong. Native. $3.254.85; Western. 33.75 6i4.90; yearlings. $.1.90.'? 5.75; lambs, native, 84.50&7; W-estern, $5'a7.10. SINGLE TAX DISLIKED WHITER OPPOSKS METHOD AND CITES ARGUMENTS. Honicbuiltlers Would Be Harried, Author of Letter Says, by Adop tion of Henry George System. PORTLAND, March 2. (To the Editor.) Single tax is a misnomer and misleading to a class of superficial minds which fail to reflect that all things tend to equilibrium. If one would enjoy an artificial climate, he must surround himself with walls to restrict the operation of this law of dis tribution, which otherwise would tend to raire the temperature of the whole atmos phere. The retraining walls of a river serve the same purpose. Suppose the counsels of nature to be as sailed by the suggestion to lay all heat upon land, or water, or air by the discord ant voice of some singleheater. and this in the name of some kind of wisdom or econ omy! Thee are no Henry Georges in the counsels of nature. Let us be thankful. If it is theoretically true that a pebbio cast into the sea will move evory atom of water in it, what must be the effect In the commercial world of laying the whole bur den of expense upon tea, salt or land? "Waves of commotion would be set up by such an attempt, which would continue for years, to the great annoyance aud distress of society, and when the inexorable laws of distribution had finally brought about a state of equilibrium It would be found that as to any gain well. yes. society would be wiser. The boy who swung on the mule's tall was wiser, afterward, but he wasn't as "purty" as he was before. "Scientific management" and "intensive" farming are the logic of modern economics, both tending Inexorably to limit the ex penses of operation to narrowing bounds to prevent monopoly in business or land. ' One's ability to raise land to its highest produc tive efficiency is quite limited, and the stress of modern economics is compelling him to divide and subdivide lands, held as a lux ury or for speculation, among those who desire small rural homes nnd are able and willing to raise their standard of productive ness. The stress of this tendency has even invaded the feudal estates of Kngland. When Henry Ge4irge wrote, very little, if any. of this tendency was discernible, and he seemed to think that If a man were able to grab the earth, that he would hold it, but we now see plainly that that depends upon his ability to convert into a garden and that beyond his ability to do this he roust part with it to those who can. His single-tax remedy for the evils of land monopoly is about as rational as the myth of childhood that a bird can be caught by slipping up and putting salt on Its tail. Modern economics is solving this problem without artificial hp. The main argument made by this propo- ganda is an appeal to selfishness. 1 heard a man on our streets say: "Single tax will come next," and nodding his head over towards the railroad track, continued: "That road will pay a million dollars to have the single tax law passed." Have been wondering ever since who Is to receive this prlncly bribe. That could mean nothing else than that said railroad company was to be relieved of a great part of its contribu tion to the expense account of society. Men are supposed, under its protecting aegis to rush their capital into costly Improvements, luxuries, etc., from wnicn vantage point they can selfishly enjoy the spectacle of their landowning neighbors, groaning under the expense account of society. This is doubt less a socialistic scheme to ultimately con fiscate the land, but in the meantime will the courts have no defense for a man who has been singled out, because his name is Smith, or because he is a shoemaker or, which is the same thing, because he Is a landowner, for the purpose of being taxed Into a state of bankruptcy, to the end that society may grab his share? In the case of improved properly he will manage well enough to protect himself in a business way, even supposing the courts would not. Portland has so many millions, in im provements, merchandise, etc., and all this, of course, would be ignored by the Assessor, but since the amount of tax to be raised remains the same, all these millions must be added to the assessment of the city's foundation and the various owners thereof be they single or double taxers, will raise rents to the amount of the extra burden they have been called to bear. The merchant who has been relieved of $1500 taxes, will pay It all the same in the name of rent. The boarding or rooming-house mistress will have no taxes to pay on her furniture, since that will be paid by the landlord, but she'll pay it in the form of advanced rent. When adjustment arrives all will pay practically as they do now. The Constitution of the United States will not permit any form of property to be confiscated by unequal tax ation and !n the case of Improved lands the inexorable laws of distribution or adjust ment will protect them from such a fate, without the aid of constitutions. The working man about a city, and his name is legion, owning an unimproved city lot or an equity in one, who is struggling to build a home on it for his family, with out the aid of some stroke of good for tune, would be harried by this unequal taxation, making it much more difficult, probably Impossible to carry out his plans for making a home. The failures of the poor are the opportunities of the rich, who would not fall to see that the extra cost on the lot. due to unequal taxation, would be no greater on account of improvement and that they bad nothing to lose by buying it in. as it was only a question of their ability to do so and then what a fine bargain! If you should happen to see a man carry ing water out of one end of a pond and pouring it into the other end to raise the level there, you may know by this sign that he is afflicted with the single-tax mania. J. R. KENDALL DOWAGER QUEEN IMPROVES Princess Victoria, Also Victim of In fluenza, Able to Ride Out. LONDON, March 2. Dowatjer Queen Alexandra, who has been suffer-ins; from an attack of Influenza, is making a favorable recovery. Several members of the hntittehnld in larlborougrh House also have been at tacked. Princess Victoria, who was the first victim. Is now better, and Trent out for tbe first time today. TNEVADANS CHOOSE DATE I'KErenHMlAL rill.MAKY VOTli NOT PKOVIDEU I OII. Resolution to Allow Advisory Ballot S 11 pieOrtetl Only by Proposer on Ilolk-all. RliXO. New. March 2. TV Keptlhli- ! enn State (.-etttntl Cnmmitl.'t' ;tL tho ntectin"; hero (odny lixod the .litt? of ! tlto stitle convention at Fallon for the i selection of six ileleuates to the Na j tional convention as May 6. Primaries ; were fixed for April 6. Despite rumors that Andrew Manle, superintendent ot tho mint at Carson, would resicn as chairman of the committee and that C. A. Norcross. publicity commissioner ot (he state. would resign as secretary, both retained office. 1'artisans of 1'resident Taft and ot Colonel Roosevelt were active in tile assemblae-e, but no resolutions were In troduced for the indorsement of the candidacy of either for the Presidential nomination. Governor Oddie appeared 'as a supporter of Colonel Roosevelt, reiterating his statement sent by tele graph to Senator Xlxon this week that his assurance of personal support given to President Tafl had been made witlt no expectation of the candidacy of Colonel Roosevelt. He said that the declaration of Colonel Roosevelt that he would accept a nomination put an altogether different face on the situa tion and he would support the ex President. Federal officials and supporters of Senator Xixon and Representative Roberts who have declared for Presi dent Taft, were warm In support ot the President. Xo measures were taken to procure a preferential Presidential primary. -V resolution to provide for the expression of preference directly at the primates in addition to selecting delegates to the state convention was introduced by George Springmeyer, an Insurgent can didate defeated for Attorney-General at the last state election. It met with op position and won only ono vote on rollcall. Snoclgriiris Uunk"s Vice-President. KL'GEXK. Or., March 2. (Special.) P. E. Snodtrrass, for 13 years cashier of the First National Bank, was yesterday elected vice-president, to take the place made vacant by the death of S. B- Kakln, one of the founders of the bank. Luke L. Goodrich, assistant cashier, was pro moted to Mr. Snorlcrass' position. P-ositive results in paving A-ttained in Bitulithic V-oices the opinion E-verywhere of those M-ost interested in the E-eononiical qualities reduc ing Necessar street repairs T-o the minimum. :; OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Brokers, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton. Uraln, Etc. 210-317 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Correspondents of I.oEan & Bryan, Chicago and Stw Vork. MEMBERS "Veer York Slock Exchange, Chlcaoro Slock Exehanare, Boston Stock Excbanxe, Chlcaao Hoard of Trade, ew York Cotton Exchange, j ev Orleans Cotton Exchange, New Terk Coffee Eiehanse, .N ew York Produce Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Ass'n. BRITISH COI.CMBI A contains 252.800.. 000 acres ot rich farm and fruit lands, timber, mineral and coal lands. Kailroads now building will open up to settlers and Investors. We specialize on British Columbia investments and can tell you about op portunities to GET IN AT THE BK GINNING in town lots, townsite subdivisions- or farm, timber, mineral, coal lands and water powers, wholesale or retail. . Your name and address on a .post card will bring you valuable Informa tion FREE! WRITE OR CALL Natural Resourceg Security Co., Ltd Paid-up Capital $260,000. Joint Owners and Sole Agents Fort George Townsite. 412 Bower Building, Vancouver, B. C. J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS. BONDS. ORAfV AND COTTON MEMBEBS .rff YORK. BlOtlt EXCHANGBL KEW lOKa COTTON EXCUAXOH, CHICAUO BOAKU OF 'IKAlJit, fHK alutK AM) MONO feXCUAXGaa, SAN FRANCISCO, (fain Office Mills Blue.. Han Francises Branch Office. Vancouver, beatttle, fart land. Los Angelest Baa alias., (ear. aad. Beach. rUHTLAND OFFICBl Laln floor Lumbermen. Bank BnlltHaa. tth and Stark. ah.nea alaraiiail li. A -4 111. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY :c:etructs Asphalt and Ot:ier Bitu minous Pavements' (03-410S Electric Bldg, Portland. Or. O.kar Huber, Manager. TRAVELERS' Gl'IDK. COPENHAGEN and ANTWERP TO San Francisco, Portland and PugetSouna S. S. ESTONIA -Commences Loading March 1, 1912. ' Apply to t The East Asiatic Co. Ltd, Copenhagen, Denmark. . or Meyer, Wilson & Company, 338 Sherlock Bldg., Portland. Telephones A 1158. Main 158. COOS BAY LINE UTEAtU-K BUKAKWATifti. Call, from Alnsworlh Doc.Ua. Fortlasa. 4 F si .racy Tueaday. Freltfut retire! aa ajaasavria Pock dally up u F. U. Faa. v lata far, flrat-olasa. S10; sacoad-elaaa. if. ta eluding maala and berth. T least rtla AUuwsrth Dock. Fhaaaa Mala 1Mb. a4aaa Ilk. a, laVii. 1 L . ! '