3. 1912. 3 OREGOXTAX. POR1XAXD. 3fARCn . . . - SUFFRAGETTES TO 1 SERVE LONG TERMS . Mrs. Pankhurst, Sentenced to Two Months, Says Women ' Intend More Damage. PROSECUTION IS STERN Consideration . Heretofore Shown to Sri Is Not lo .Allowed In Fu ture Audience in Sympathy With Injured Merchant. I.oximX. March I. Mm. Emmalln I'ankhumt. Mr. Tnkea and Mrs. Mar nhall. the thre la1-r of lat ntKhf wlninw-mahln: campaign, by which thm uffraae!tes succeeded In terror izing; Uunilon'a tradesmen, were each entnced today to two month' Impris onment. Thru were the firm three of the 124 women who were arratel In th courao rt the atreet demonstration and who are to be arralfcnrd at the Bow-treet Court chiefly on cnura-ei of eaunlna; wilful riamaxe to stores In Bond street. Pic cadilly. KKrnt street, oxford street, the Haymarket and the strand, aa well as other busy shopping streets. Praaeewtlea la Determined. The attorney for the prosecution an nounced In court today that the total damasre done by the suffraaettes In their atone-throwlnsr manlfestatlona waa estimated at 125.000, and on behalf of the R-overnment he said that the time had now arrived when the con sideration which has been hitherto shown In connection with suffraitette raids rould no lonaer be allowed. The friendly audience that haa here tofore been present In the I'ollce Court at suffraKette prosecutions was absent. The benches were occupied by sym pathizers with the storekeepers whose premises had suffered damage. The sentences of the threo leaders were received with applaujfe. On tha delivery of the sentence by the Magistrate. Mra I'ankhurst declared she Intended to ko farther when she rami out of prison, and that the suffra Kettes were prepared to (O to the full rst limit to show the srovernment that women were aroint; to secure the vote. Sentences ranging from a furtnlarht to two months were pronounced on sev eral prisoners, but most of the women were committed for trial at the London sessions, aa the dumiff committed by each of them exceeds $:& About SO rases were dealt with today, the re mainder belns; adjourned. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Sixth and Washington Streets. Capital, $160,000.00. W. H. Tear President Willard Case Vice-President O. 0. Bortimeyer Caanier Walter H. Brows. Aast. Cashier 4 per cent interest paid on SAVINGS AC COUNTS in amounts of $1.00 and up. CHECK ACCOUNTS opened without restric tions as to amounts. (Jood faith the only re quirement. Your patronage will be appreciated. i Open Saturday evenings 6 to 8. denial of tba charaes of combination, conspiracy or agreement to monopolise the watch case and watch works Indus tries was made today In the answer of the Keystone Watch Case Company to the suit of tha Government filed last December. Tha Government seeka the dissolution of the company, alleging that It now controls 80 per cent of the trade. SHOE TRUST HEADS roiR or nvE cocxts on- ix. PICTMEXTS DISMISSED. ILL-LUCK PURSUES PARSON Home Is Burned Soon After Trrjary Indictment I found. FORT WORTH. Tex.. March X. A few hours afier Kev. Frank J. Xorrls, pastor of the First Baptist Church, was Indicted last ni-hl on the chars: of perjury, his home burned down. The nre came aa a sequel to a chain of mysterious events In which the saloon (lahtina minister has naured. The most startling development came last night when Xorrl wa charged by the errand Jury with bavins; written letters to himself In which ha wa threatened with death If be did not leave town. Norn first attracted attention by a campaign for enforcement of prohibi tion law. Then he declared an at tempt had been made to assassinate him. This waa followed by the destruc tion of tha First Haptlst Church by nre and Xorrls reported that a aecoad attenipt had been made on hla life, after which ha traveled with a body guard. Then he exhibited the warning letters and wa Indicted. WASHINGTOMANS IN SOUTH Fxcurslonlsta Climb Mount T-o e to Have Know right; Disappointed. L: AXOKLF.S. CaU. March J. (Spe cial.) More than to Washlngtonlane arrlvej In Loa Angeles lata last night on the second eacurslon from the i'a rlilc Northwest to Los Angeles to ar rive within i hour. The excursionist were In three car, and their train waa officially known aa the Tacoma and Southwestern Washington excursion. Immediate)!- after arriving the visitors separated and sought accommodations at the various hotel. They were up erly thla morning and many of them went to Catallna. A party of 2 went to Mount Lowe to In dulge In a annw right, but were disap pointed, aa the enow disappeared be fore they could rea-h th summit. Many f tha visitors are with friends living h..r. I Th- excursionist will return as In dividuals and will Iut attempt to slo any sightseeing In a tn'dy. Krmulninjc Charge Against Officials Is Creating Slonopoly Through System of Patent Leases. BOSTON". March 2. Criminal proceed- Inga of the Department of Justice against five officials of the United tfhoe Machinery Company .received a setback when Judge Putnam threw out of court four of the five counts In the two Indictments. Tha remaining Indict ment which the Government may press against Sidney W. Wlnalow. Edward P. Hum. Elmer F. Howe and George W. Brown, of Boston, and William Bar bour, of Xew York, charge monopoly through a system of leaaes of patent machinery. Judge Putnam held that the original combination of four companlee waa valid and "purely an economic ar rangement." and utalned the com panlee demurrer to chargee of con spiracy to monopolise and restrain trade: In hla decision Judge Putnam said: "While In theory respondenta are chargeable, yet In fact the practical application of the Slierman anti-trust act la very uncertain. Thla make It practically so Indefinite that criminal prosecutions like this impose great hardships by terrorising very consider able portions of tha community who have acted honestly through possible peril of enormous fines and terms of Imprisonment. Under tha circumstances wa are unable to understand why the Department of Justice of the United States directs and tha President per mits criminal proceedings like this un til In the particular case th political atatua of the case haa been aettled by civil proceedings. In view especially of the fart that the flexible methods of a bill In eoulty ar capable of exploit ing all doubtful questions more thor oughly and with more Just results than criminal proceedings." xarnilionse Ilobbrrtt Plead Guilty. - CEXTRALIA. Was!-.. March . (Spe cial.) Two men giving their namea as John Whit and Jo Murphy were ar rested by Sheriff I'muhart yesterday for rohbini; a farm house near Adna Wednesday night. The men pleaded guilty before Judge litre yesterday and were sentenced to the Monroe reform-atorv. WINE PRODUCERS PROTEST WriV and Irj,t (U"l. lirforc Com in. tic of finale. WASHINGTON'. MArch S. Th wm" and th "dry" clashed today before a .frifctf nub-mmmlttff. . dtl-U..'fi v( California win pro ducer protested axalnnt propo.-.. Wc-tUtt-nn t prohibit th uhlpment of luiuora Into "dry " Mates They aaid th.it In some Mates some countle en forced prohibition and others had no rv-etrictlons. and th.tt the prohibition waa unconstitutional and void. Representative Webb, of North Caro lina, contended that no rltlsen had an Inherent right t manufacture and hif, and tht Conitrr had full pom er to emrlule. If it saw fit, any liquors from Interstate traffic. The committee took no action. KtoodR Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, clear your complexion, restore your appetite, relieve your tired feelinp, build you up. More than 40.000 testimonials reet'ived in two years are the broad and solid foundation for this olaim. Be sure to take Hood's Sarsa parilla this Sprinjr. Oet It today In liquid form or In tab leta known a Barsatabs. loa die tl. T00TH3RUSH USE DECRIED Krprrerntatlve Mi I low ay IMnrs for Iay or "l)iptng Snort. i WASHIXOTON". March t -tf I had my way I'd make It a penal offense for any mother to put a toothbrush In tha mouth of a child." declared Hgreen tattv Cyrua feulloway. of New Hamp shire, today at a hearing before the District of Columbia committee on a bill to resulJt dentistry. Sulloway denounced the use of the toothbrush vigorously, and lauded the good old days and tobacco chewing; and dipping" snuff. Mtkh Company Ienle .Monopoly. FHILAPELTHIA, March i Absolut , Rheumatism ! A Home Care Gta by Om Wb Ha. t In the Spring of 13 I Was attacked by ruioi!tr and Inflammatory rheuma tism I surrereU as only thoee whs have It know, tar srer three years. I trd retail y sf ter remedy, and doctor after doctor, but surh relief as I received was only temporary. Fmally. I found a ram iJt that c rv1 me completely, and It has Bvr returned. I tiava ivta It to a D u m ( r hd were terribly ir;icted sad f.m bedridden with, rheumatism and It fTected a cure in ever case. 1 wru every eufTrr from any form of rhrumattc trtbis to try this marvei our hfalipj pier. Don t eend a cent; umply mail ur name and addreee and I will aend It f re to try If, after roi ha asrd it and It has prova Its If ts be that lir.c-lkd-for means of e urine )ur rheumatisun. you mvr send the rrioe of It. one dollar, but, sndendasd. do not waat y ur money ualeas you ars Derf--tlv eatlf:ed to send 1U Isn't that fair? Why euftvr any loar wtaeo etlve relief is thus offered you. treat ix& dUy. Writs today. Mark 1L Jackson. No 10$ Alhambra Bide. (rtcuM, N. T. New Idea Patterns in All Styles and Sizes Are Que Price 10c The New Idea Magazine, lOo a Copy Special Subscription Inducement, 24 Issnes for Only $1.00 Snbscribe Now at Our Pattern Counter Genuine Hand-Embroidered Muslin wear, Popular Prices Corset Covers in many pretty styles, neatlv designed, priced t2l- OC from"G5 to pJ Chemise in dainty patterns, made of eood material, priced at fli "f $1.25, $1.50 and P-L- The Most in v alue, The Sest in Quality- Genuine Hand-Embroidered Muslin wear, Popular Prices Gowns of excellent quality material. neatly finished, priced tiiQ at $i.25 to 0.SwJ Combination Suits, elaborately em broidered, priced from Ci Qf $1.25 to CPt.OJ Spring; Models inR&G Corsets Priced at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Just received a large shipment of all the latest Spring models in R. & G. Corsets. They come in coutil, batiste or Summer net, and shown in many stj'les, medium, low, ex tremely low, and brassiere bust, medium or long hip and extra long skirt. A style and model to fit all figures. You Will Find All the Loveliness of the New Season Reflected in Our Monster Stocks of Spring Goods A visit here at the present time will disclose the fact that the atmosphere of the place has undergone a great change. Not long ago it was a "Winter store. Now it's where the loveliest of the new Spring goods are gathered. Nowis the time for planning, for inspection, for comparison. Now is the time when you should learn where you can most satisfactorily purchase those things for personal and house hold use which a new season forces you to buy. "We're ready to meet your every requirement with the largest and most complete showing of Spring merchandise of every description that we have ever gathered for your consideration. Now don't delay your visit, for we're anxious to have you pass judg ment on our selections. Here are price inducements for you to come tomorrow and Tuesday: Special Offering's in the Suit Department In addition to the low prices at which these garments are offered, each one possesses style, individuality. See this display of New Spring Suits. Women who know are showing great enthusiasm for these new Spring Suits. "We have been exhibiting, selling and receiving Spring Suits everv day for the past two weeks. Every good model that has been brought out this season is here. A selection tomorrow or Tues day will doubtless insure an exclusive suit. These values offered: Women's Suits at $12.50, $15, $17.50, $19.50, $25.00 It will be to your advantage to inspect these Suits and compare styles, quality, make and prices with others. They are up to the standard in every detail. Coats are mostly plain tailored, in 24 to 27-inch lengths. Some slightly trimmed. The Skirts come in new est stvles, with high or regulation waist. They are shown in pure wool materials in midnight blue serges and whipcords, novelty mix tures, tan, brown and gray, and whipcords in the two-toned effect. All sizes. Children's Dresses From Got to $4.90 A complete line of Children's Spring Dresses, made of excel lent quality domestic and import ed ginghams and percales. Also a lino of the new embroidered Tissue Dresses in all colors. These little garments como in high and low neck, set-in and kimono sleeve and will launder perfectly. Children's Coats From $1.98 to $9.50 A wonderful assortment of Chil dren's New Spring Coats. Hand somely tailored of good quality pongee, white and colored serges, shepherd checks and mixtures in a large variety of light and dark colors. Also a large assortment of "Wash Coats. Come in best Spring styles arid neatly fin ished. , Prices Are Lowered on the Men's Underwear Spring and Summer-Weight Merino Shirts and Drawers, Selling Regularly at 75c, Sale Price, 55r Garment A great offering of Men's Merino Shirts and Drawers. They are made with ribbed bottom and cufl's, neck and front bound with tape. The Drawers have suspender straps, ribbed anklets and good pearl buttons. They are regular Spring and Summer weight and come in natural gray in a very soft finish. All sizes up to 50c. f Best 75c values. Priced at, per garment vJJL Men's Underwear, Best 50c Line, 39 A sale of Men's Fine Elastic Jersey-Ribbed Cotton Shirts and Drawers, shown in all sizes in ecru color.' The Skirts are made with elastic - ribbed neck and wristlets and the Drawers with double gusset and suspender straps. Best 50c Spring OQr weight line on sale at..-' A Very Important Sale Black "Walrus Embossed Hand bags, values to CJQ QO $5.50, special for. . . .ipO.JO Walrus Embossed Suitcases with strap all round; $4 fl0 A Q values, special at . . Keratol Suitcases, straps all round, good brass Q 70 corners, $4.50 vals. . P3 Z Men's Silk Hose Specially Priced 25 A little time spent in our Men's Hosiery Department tomorrow will be most profitable to you. A sale Men's Fine Silk Half Hose, made seamless and shown in tan, gray, navy and black. They are good durable Hose that will please you in every way. O CT Special", pair awJU of Suit Cases and Bags Fine Leather Suitcases selling regularly at $5.50, (Si A QQ special at Zpi.iO Handsome Leather Suitcases, regular $8.50 vals., d'T QO special at P 270 Women's Suitcases of good qual ity leather, reg. E: QQ $6.50 values, spl pJZJiD i Another Extraordinary Sale 5000 Pairs of Fine Shoes and Oxfords For Women and Children at Only $1.00 a Pair Regular values are from $2.50 to $4.00. Broken lines, in all sizes and all widths, 3?- ff for choice DX.V7V7 Be here tomorrow early, when the doors open, if possi ble, and secure first choice, for this sale will meet with immediate response from those who would purchase reliable quality Footwear at a ridiculously low price. It is a great ""Make-Room" sale of over 5000 pairs of Women's and Children's Shoes and Oxfords of those good, durable qualities that are sold here the year around. Broken lines of our regular stocks. Includ ed are the best styles in vici kid, patent colt, gunmetal and box calf leathers. They come with light, medium and heavy soles and high or low heels and they come in straight lace, blucher and button styles. Every size and width is here in some style, and you will be well paid if you come and find yours. Women's Shoes, values up to $4.00; Boys' Shoes, val ues up to $3.50, and Misses Shoes, values up to $2.50, ALL AT ONE DOLLAR THE PAIR. The TimeNowtoSeleet Your New Wash Goods For Spring While the Assortments Are at Their Best Even if you are only curious to see the newest of fash ion's fancies for the coming season, it will be well worth your time to come to this showing of new Spring "Wash Goods. Below we list a few items simply to in dicate the extent of the values: Chiffon Lisse One of the daintiest of the new, sheer Wash Fabrics. Come in a large variety of striped, checked and plaid styles in the best f colorings. Special the yard .0JL Seco Silks A full showing of all the new bordered styles in pretty designs. and colorings. They come full 45 inches wide and are priced at, the yard, only Blew Spring Silks and Wool Dress Goods Low Priced In weaves, patterns and colorings that are certain to be in great favor at much higher prices a little later on. New Pongee Silks at 75 a Yard A splendid showing of Beautiful New Pongee Silks, full 27 inches wide. All silk, rough pongee in almost any wanted color includ- cream and natural. A good, heavy, durable fabric that Avill launder well and is so very popular for Spring and Summer gowns. Also a line of 27-inch Natural Colored Pongee in plain Tussah, real Shantung and Tokio duck. Fancy Silks, Special at 50 Yards and yards of New Fancy Silks to show you. 19-inch fancy messalines, taffetas, etc., in shepherd checks, neat pin stripes, Pekin stripes, hairline stripes, etc., in any wanted color. Spring Suitings, Priced at Only $1.50 Yard A wonderful assortment of New Spring Suitings, full 54 to 56 inches wide. Shown in new gray and tan whipcords, fancy pencil stripes, new Scotch mix tures, etc. Heavy all-wool materials in the new tans, grays, browns and nov elty mixtures. We invite your inspec tion now. Cream Dress Goods, Priced From 50 to $2.50 Yard We are now showing a beautiful line of Cream Dress Goods. They come in the popular whipcords, wide-wale diag onals, herringbone stripes and new bas ket weaves, also serges and new wool crepes. , Shown in widths from 38 to 56 inches. . The most-wanted fabric of the season. Fancy Messalines at 75S 85 and $1 A line of 24 to 27-incli Messalines, shown in novelty stripes, graduated stripes, pin stripes and new changeable effects in neat allover jacquard de signs. Come in all the new Spring colors and is the season's most popular fabric. Specials in the Wash Goods Department Floral Jacquard Another beautiful, sheer wash fabric. Comes in a large vari ety of pretty floral designs in rich colorings. It is extremely desirable for party dresses. Priced at, the yard Bordered Scotch Zephyrs, 31 inches wide, the yard New Madras for waists in new designs, at 20 and. . 25c Dupionne Silk in Rajah weaves, at, the yard 25c 25c 25c