GUS FISHER AND rVEASEY Cleveland Sends Star Catcher Back to Portland and New j Orleans Pitcher Signs. EARLY PROSPECTS BRIGHT i frfrcdle I" I rnrr TmI. Willi Won derful wrliiwni t l'l;irr Who H "l Into fondl llon nt Trnlnlne Cani. F:v lt..rK r'''F.TT. Ri.-eo.-ill f. iriy in l;-a v.-rt.i n-1 enters ur.on the cuj- season today for It marks the annuil rx.-lus of Walter MoCredle ar.d hi I'ort'.an.i l'u.ii trstue society buds to tho grand social whorl at Pant Maria. Oil. In reality the Bay season polished up Its lack-lustre memories last nluht. Maniiuer MrCredle receiv ing worJ, on the ere of his departure for the training trek. that lltrher V.i!ry, of New Orleans. and Catcher FIh.T. of Cleveland, will Join the Beavers the Mart of the Coast t-.n n April . The . i-..y tiding ranie In most ri.i.-n.H neatly-folded roninrt with pen mid Ink hieroglyphics at-tn.- e.l drifting m in the afternoon's mul. Veas.-y w-.i. plare.l with New (-lean ly Cleveland List season but quit In a huff after u row with Manager Frank, lie Is a riuhr-hsndcr built on the ..r.i.-r of s.-.-k llarkness, un.l li aV'il '-:ir el'l. f t Isker umlnar Marefc . haven't been s.i inr lu.irh al.out rey proj..Tttvr ratrlltni addition." mill I Met "reit. "bin I am now at lin-rlv to snv Fisher will return to portl.n.l "about Mir.-h 2' after a y.-ar us regular hJikjt..p man f-r the Nr-- " noMr w-u; Harry I ''" A l l the receiver I have been aft.-r hut siners h-vs sent him bark t" MempM. v. m re lie was stationed In l-.'ll" Portland a battery st iff l. therefore. almuM complete, and. while Mae still hi.n lines out for another twirler. he Is In fir bitter yhape than a year ami at this tune. His pitchers mint lr M-n-1-r....ii. Il.irkness. Koestner. I.lltllln". Sieger anl Veasey. I iit.-lier.-t. ji..wlv. fi - ti.-r. I-i Lonce and Hur.-h. Tonlk-ht. promptly at o'clock. JI.1n.151T Ma'l-I:-' will llrmlile .1 . . . . . . ....... i. K.,n t h l,n -l...-t .I'i-it oi i -" -' ... . . Mr. I I. in. lie iil-o.irl a fast train for I fsti Fraiuls.o. Those In the party who hive remained ev.-r to a.iompany h.-lr i.atrnn are l-t.lier lurnnr", First riaseman K.ipps an'i iiuuh'i.kt Krwtfr. lewal newspapermen will also be on hnn.1 K.irlv- Tuesday niornlnt:. somewhere b-teen the first cackle of the nK'k an.l the awakening of Market street the bin. I will slip sleallhily out .f "Fifth I'larrville" for San Luis Obl-po. from wh.n.e. afier a short rest, a lo,nl will rnvey the snlellltea. so t al'e.l. to i Maria, tho abode if the a. he anil pain. several Already .rkll. Several of th- no il are work Init i-t Santa Mart i un-ier Captain ;'Urr nl the entire ban.l will lik-ly b- on han.i a. the report Ina late. 1'urlnu the tlrst ten lays the mi,,.,. I will consist of l-n pitchers K-.-sln.-r. Il.n.lerson. Il.irkness. I .ani line ll. rs. h. stein, r. Temple. Veasey. -.l..".rne an.l Hi r.l; two catchers, llowl-v it. I J l.or.-e. seven in tlel.lers. Kapi.s. Coltrln. llm.rol!. M....U ami Klhbl. n.t -, oiilfl.- .l.-rs. Kru. i.. r. Cha.ll.ourne. ),,.. strait. Ma:h. s an.l Fries, heslilea Manau'er .M.CieJie ami Trainer Sihm.-e.le r. Walter M.fre.lie Is not l.lo...l-thirsty. Bi-.l n. Mreuuous lampaiEn lias been . ill. h i" vell lit the men win. life not la rej.oit until after the H. .H of the season. Piters and Hurch. w ill likelr n -t pme iiway at the thounlit !.f what t'hrVre nusslliK. Slartlnc soon After the aivestatlon of Summer finery. e iloub'e re! t il! will be In augurate.! with occasional inversions to relieve lie monotony. T.'ie training s. as.. n nil not l. one continuous Joy tesMon. hut there wl'l he time for plenty .f amusetiient off til' hall tield. Mr! redlo t !" I lfra. M.Cre.lle e,..cts lofi!on a unlfsTm Mniseif nn.l will he out In the thick 4 f tl e fra. .lute tlie eterans and teaching hla flock of younKslers the tine points of buntinir. i-lttimt. slidlne nr,! msi.le plav. Mae I asn t blocki d it unv coni l.-e set of rules, but lie has .led. I -d i P"t a halter on the jouncners wir, Insist on tryina- out t'.eir whips too soon. The club si:l reii.ain nl Santa Ma li . until lie last .lav of the month. w hen ti e caravan w ill pii k up trap for I. os Anne'cs to open I e season aitamst , r er-t niille cellar ch a in pious on April Tl'-- lift uame of l.e preliminary r.i. p. .i- i will he pSave.1 on unilay. M-.ieh 1" aalnst s-inta Maria, when . i ist.o-ne. 1'it .l and one of l is new pltch eis. l.tnp.e Veasey or Hersch. will be usci i r a c.-up e of inuir.Ks apiece. All I luba la Aelloa. T. is w.-ek t ill see all th.e I'aciflc la.-i-ue t.-:i;s In action. Vernon i.n.l !.. on their home oia , l r.incis.-o at I'M nlv ., few e.i ilea fr.un S mta, Murla. at t lier-rore. ar.J Saer.imento at Varvsviii. T.e rrv in all these r. id- wii: -Anvthinar to beat t e l.caieis." ai d If Mae wins the pen r.i. t -.:n tn I n-.ii u the services i.f lsii ..tar" limn. Pecklnpauith. Kiihn. Sciion an.l St. en. und w ith only tno ..f the men who put the Heavera In t rt ..;...-e In l-il'V It wi.l be a moat re piaikii e vindication of the claims put 1-rth l y l is ho-l of a imirrrs. Mic ' as hat! won.leriu: success slric assiim-nir l.'il seven M- . i s I - i. k and local f ins are behind i i- 1 i s-'. 1. 1 1 aiatici. Ai'.r tl e s.-ries at l.os An U ... ,t e tirst week In Apr:l. t: team 'i:n---s' nortii to ihvkland and t:-.en e Al-'ii I r a 1 Mete tl.e fans are t.i oe to tvie rotelty of a new -fatiirieil lr.i-i.-oi. a Me it::-r r.anny-K- at. ilotiated I,, t: e , -ampl.-ns he (ten Ilrlck. driven by sii-vetr-.-IJ Mane Urtck. who wlil be a-.':-"! In regulation baseball toj- ' star Sprlntrr . A. C. lnjurril. . in' .;, is A'lP.I.UXTn: M.COI.T.KC.K. Co v '.lis. r. .S-vi-rlaLl l.eorire i-'aii... star sprinter and broa-1 .,-i. .is reti-v-l fr-.tu service, last n :k vi-r." li-.-l'v to his knee. re s' -i v .- Ktr.l in l; e basket'.ail Kiime ix ... r. tre i-oll.-i;o t.'em an.l the lnl ,.f Idaho. He w a taken from I! e f-.v minutes alter p. av rt-e id, hut was not known to b erl- ....r.i et.l an .-laniinit on waa r a.'e hv Ir Menart. Ti ls InjurT to M 1 ..r .re red ;, es t' e effl -len -v of the it, k t.- ii l v a I. nt marii.n. He was a a.-,.. .rner .-J le Proa I --:n-p. ba m n a-l- JJ 4 In. I . 'l. ha was o-r-ti,l.l to i '.a. e In t' e aprlnta. Hi re-ti-e--.-ent also will badly cripple thn .a.k.t-a'l prospe. BEAVERS MAP SHOWlNO ROUTES OF r PACinC COAST NOKi nAvi ix. Y I LEAGUE LEAGUE t - I 77-- i, 'i s i -ll- I '9- :XVx i . I txA ' 'iy ! I ' -x ( 1 h rH- " A 1 i jjl ) - j VICTORIA IE GAINS Nordyke Expected -to Make Tail-Enders Contenders. INFIELD MUCH STRONGER Kalpli KrciK. Old Northwestern "at-ln-r. lias Trouble Willi Knee. Ii-k llreen. Ktirmer Portland rinypr, omlns to Front. II Y IIH-.TI s PAXTKR. sr.ATTI.K. March 2. (Special.) Tha Victoria club promiaea to give all other member of tho Northwestern Leaa-ue much mora trouble, from the mart, than It ilbl a year aco. laiu Nordyko will not only steady the Infleld amax-Ina-ly, but speed It up several polnta. He I la alao a jrood clean-up bitter, which w ill help some. Shortstop Is the only position on the Inner circuit that la In doubt an.l General Manauer Wattelet think he has excellent ma terial In Sadofsky. the former Brown University atar, and KawlriiK. from Vernon. Cal. Hrennan. at third, la promising and Fred Kamer la etlll a clever aecond baseman and timely hitter. AlthouKh there Is aome young- material to be heard from, the Indications are that the season will start with CTemcntson. Adams and Kennedy In the outrteld. If Meek lives up to bis reputation as a catcher with Waco, Tex., last year, he will Klve atrenKttl to the backatop department. In addition to Meek Wat telet baa I'eVoct and Grindle, both of whom are In the came all the time. ... lialph Kreita. the ormer Pacific Northwest catcher, whose home la In Iayton. r . Is havinic trouble with his knee and will have to o slow in training with the Chicago White Sox at Waco. Tex. He was bruised sllstht lv In n train wreck while on hla way from Ihivton to Waco. Kreitx did his first work in Seattle, later on noma; to Butte. Last jcas.m the White Sox took him from a Three LeaRiie club and he closed the season under full sail. A w lnnimc smash at a criti cal point In an excltiliK fcame did much to build him up In his new home, where tiny think he will make a arreat backstop. Out here he was consid ered a Bod mechanical catcher, but lacking In anttresslveness and quick perception of the liner points of the Kame. . , Third Baseman Breen, who com menced his professional career as a second sa.-ker for Portland, has been "commit t- the front steadily for the past two vearsand now stands a pood chance of playln the general utility role for Brooklyn. Manafcer Dahlen thinks well of him and his work so far this SprlnK has been first-class. Breen cave promise In Portland, but did not quite come up to expectations. Walter M-Credie became weary of waltlns: and let him Bo to Vancouver. Bob-Brown made him into a thlrd-sacker and Jie not only played a strong (tame In the tield but waa a timely hitter and pro ducer on the bases. Cincinnati took him and luter on turned him over to Milwaukee, where he played last sea son, batttriir over .300. HOWI.KKV AVERACK IS HIGH In ItiE Four I.eaeue Hansen lias it 10 for -1 T Contest. A remarkable bowlin- average for an entire season is that beins; mstn tnlncd from week to week by Hansen, of the Hla- Four Leairue of Portland. Ills present averaae Is 110. The next bluhesl for the 47 games is O'lonnell. wita lvi. other ranee as follows: 1ST; Case. T: Balser. is: Ititsn. lsii: Slater. lsS: Crawford. 1S4; Christian. Melvln. IsO: Moffin. is; Heffern. 179; Martin. 179: Hanno. 17s- Boland. 17; dross. 177: Mc.Mahon. 17: Hoffman. 174: KdKar. 174; Capen. 174: C-nk. 173: Woldu 17;; Puffy. 171; Mvers. 1b7; Gutxeit. 157. and Miller. ' Ity winr.inir three aames straight from the Jarretts. the Uerbles Jumped from tie for the cellar rhampionsiilp to second place. Tlu Uvea them some thing of their former appearance, as the Derbies were the leaders of the Bi Four combination at the start of the season. The leader of ti e Warren Construe Hon Until' at the saratoaa Alleys Is considerably lower than that of the other combined. Wyckoff being; ahead, w'th 1 The other standings of this division are: Hare, 10: OettT. 14: coper. 147: Hathaway. 145: Wersdi kul Hi liostic. 13: Prlchanl, 134; H.Jme. IJa; I'rlce. 131; Wyrln. 1SJ: Thomas. HI: Hlil. 10; M.-Callln. 1U5: Lvn. h. 7. and la-hman. s7. T-e Flush Coats are stlil the leaders of the leaaue by a niara'.n of more than five aames. The teams Intend to p'. iv a rather sUoi t schedule, so It Is pionahie that the. other will not be able to bead these leaders. James John F1e Wins. ST. JOHNS. Or, March i. tSpeclal.) In a rme which was marked by -reptionalle cool rasslns On the part of bolli t.ania the James John lllfch School-oulntet deftat'd the I'srkplace baskethsll train. J to I". Fdshee and Carlson were the stars for the winners, while Hendrb ks.n took most of the glory on the side of the losers. 1 iiij , vrrp ct vn a mti-i.iiM aa. i imii ij.v.i -'-.v--- PORTLAND PACIFIC COAST AND flUKTU wi-a iuki btAuuii doju ama - . - - s envill II smVT "CV I jc ro smi II s v I i ' ' II ' V MDFOTO. I C ftAArxsvttf ) I 1 jtf OOfN6. L VvX V -er . cmco. YeO nfrZAo VV r ""r V SAffTA MAVlbi V - -v Jan&Emaaoc o CtOSAfS w i.OSAirtfirSys.OATlAO Off IT seAov AMt Il 1 SCHOOLS ALL BUS! Interscholastic Athletes Are Preparing for Season. NINE TEAMS TO COMPETE Washington. Jefferson, Lincoln, Co lumbia. Allen. Hill, Portland Academy, Vancouver and Ore gon City Arc Eligible. Portland preparatory school track teams have begun to unlimber for the six meets that will bold their interest this Sprlnff. These are the Columbia I'nlverslty meet. April 13; the Stan ford all-CoaRt meet on the same date; the I'nlverslty of California meet, on April 18: Oresron University. May 10 an.l 11: Oregon Agricultural College. May IS. and the Interscholastic Port land meet. May 25. At a recent meeting Oregon City and Vancouver High Schools were allowed to enter teams in the local interscholas tic contest, so the complete list will be: Washington High. Jefferson High, Lin coln High. Columbia I'nlverslty Pre paratory School. Allen Preparatory School, Hill Military Academy. Portland Academv. Vancouver High School and Oregon City High School. None of the trophies for the meet have been an nounced, but It is expected that as in former years, there will be a most brilliant array. Stanford Meet Left Out. Washington High lias narrowed Its plans to Include only the University of California meet. Interest In the Co lumbia open meet Is growing yearly and the n ninia'n men ........ much of It to want to participate In the Stanford meet. It is doubtful whether the School Board would allow the time necessary to take In both events, as It would mean two trlpa or force the team to stay In California for more than ten day. Individual practice for the cross countrv events has started among the aspirants at nearly all the schools, but regular work will be held for another week at least. Washington has a num. ber of Its veterans, and a few weeks ,i ..... h-m in Enod condition. Will I'WW ........ . .11 Ai them have been no Ing indoor work. Grant, one of the best distance men In the city, has been doing outdoor practicing io. those who have seen him think that he will do great things at the soutliern meet. Wlndnagel. mller and cross country mn. "as donned the spiked shoes a few times and appears in as . . i.e ...Hnn McLaren gooa sna-t"- -" - . - r . probably will represent mo ...... .w ... BASEBALL FANS TO GET NEWS FRESH FROM CAMP Reader, of The Oregonian WELl Learn What Beavers Are Doinc Right From Start. THIRTY-ONE days more and the I'aciflc Coast League begins anew Its struggles for the season-s pen nanL On this long-awaited afternoon of April 1 the Fortland twice-champion Beavers will battle with Los Angeles tn the Angel City, moving northward the next week to Oakland and then home for a week with the Seals. Previous to the opening of tne schedule the Beavers will pass nearly a month limbering up at Santa Maria, Cel.. and as there has been a mighty change In tho champions personnel ain.-e 1U the fana will be more-interested than ever in the developments In the California training camp. And The Oregonian. as it always has In the past, will serve tho fan the ery . m- nvTTT a vn -s. r l T? r T T teinTTs Dirt ir-rsnrc riVT CPPTVfl .T A TINTS v- the shorter runs, while Robert Krohn will be the pole vaulter for the team. Foster has been handling the weights In a satisfactory way. and bids fair to be one of those taking the California trip. Llacela Plana Surprises. Lincoln plans to spring a number of "dark horaea" In the Interscholastic meets: It als has hopes of going south, which may be realized ir ns rec. .a. .r am,rf worthy. Woodworth will be about the only man sure of a berth on the squad, une oi me mimi j . . i. .h, Khuwlnr that TueSv-k has been making in the early runs. Bremner, anotner new piouuci, also Is rounding out strongly as a dis tance man. No meeting of track ath letes has been called and what little work has been done wos entirely In formal. No coach has been engaged Jefferson athletes have been taking long runs and have made their presence SO nuiiicnuic iu . i - ' - plaint has been made to the police be - - . 1 ....... n . I. n ...hltpK. tl.Ht COni- muse of the aODreviatea costume wmcn the cross-country men wear, uuue, the direction of Coach Smith the men have run five miles a lew times a wees. and It begins to look as If Maxwell, tilger. Lawrence and Cox may make the team whine will cover uiu i-uumu . i.- ..i i . . - j...a in Vuv Vnr the other track events the school will have Chatterton. a former star in the 440- yard run. and Fitzglbbon, for snort ais- . . .......... TntL-eonee rham. Hours iiu - it...... ....... plon high Jumper of many, meets, and Blbee. huruie man, win do oacm biii, and besides there is much untried ma terial which will be available at the first turnout, which Captain Bibee will call in a few days. i .. v. .. .. v. t ,TUmir 1 n v - I.UIUIIIUI. II.B .a..... - " - out of material which consists at pres- i . 1 . .1 X .. 1 1. .. .. ent OI lacey, ikivv siiu ... n j v the dashes and Douglas. O'Brien. L.un- dy and Goreczkey for the distance runs. Frank Klrkland, the recently elected captain, will probably repre sent the school In the various hign and broad Jumping events, and also In the 220-yard runs. Mulrhead will also be in the broad-Jumping class. Fttxgerakl and Lundy are the prospec tive weight men. The Portland Academy material is rather vague yet, but already a num ber of good men have declared their Intention of getting out ior tne traca. events. Burgard will probably be out for the ehorter runs, while Brlx and Wells will go after the cross-country honors. It has one man of whom little Is known and of whom much is ex pected, a fellow named Wood, who hails from one of the cities south of here. Hill has a long list of names, and If a good team can be procured it also will be represented at the California. University meet. The best man on the ground at present seems to be Warren Jackson, a 220 and longer distance man. Ted Stiles will also have a berth on the team. Other prospectlves are: Oordon, Brockman and George. Allen Preparatory School is not prepared to make announcements yet. t2000 Glyen for Premiums. EUGENE. Or., March 2. -(SpeclaL) The County Court today duplicated its appropriation of last year by giving $2000 for premiums at the Lane County Fair this Fall. I best there Is In the market. When Walter McCredie and the local base- i . . Pnrtlan URII . I... .11. Kr,1L. . .u i . . ' ' . . ... ........ tonight for the camp where will be tuned up the team which Is expected to bring home a third pennant In a row, Roscoe Faweett, sporting editor of The Oregonian. will be there on deck. He'll be with McCredle's men all through the training period and will watch the Beavers In action at the start of the campaign. Aside from the facts that the de veloping process serves. Mr. Faweett will furnish many little sidelights on the players and their doings between practice shifts. The Oregonian proposes to lesd. as It always has done. In the presentation of baseball pews. 3. 1912. BIG TEXAN WONDER Dugdaie Has Pitcher Not Beaten in Two Years. WIGGS MAY NOT REPORT Jnck Harrr Plans to Begin Practice With Seattle, Team March 15. Klghteen Twirlers Are List ed on Oiants' Staff. SEATTLE. Wash.. March 2. (Spe cial.) Instead of waiting until March 25, or thereabouts, Seattle fans can begin to get a line on the Giants March 15. as Jnck Barry. Seattle manager, telegraphed today to President Dugdaie that ho would start from Ixis Angeles March 7 and arrive here about March 11. Barry-s early coming means that the Giant pitchers will report 'for pre liminary workouts around March 15. Out of the 18 pitchers down on the Seattle list all but five are practically certain to report. Of the two most doubtful Long James Wlggs Is one and Clyde Hall the other. Included in the list of twlrlers Is 21S pounds of pure Texan, Bill Nichols by name. Nichols. in addition to weighing above the double century, stands a mere trifle of six feet four In his stockings. Nichols has not lost a game in the last two years he has been pitching. The lint of pitchers who will report March 15 Is as follows: Charley Fullerton. W. Mclvor, C. Thompson.- R. Jorstad, J. G. Vance, Pave Skeeln. K. Kline, R. Stevens. P. J. Snyder, Will James, Bud Moe. George Snge and Bile-Nichols. Other pitchers not signed as yet but expected to report are: Willard Bariencamp. Hamilton. Clyde Hall and James Wiggs. BOOK BETS- PERMITTED OPEN CAMBUXG TO KVLE COEUK 1VALENE RACES. AT Officers of Association Decide to Do .Away Willi Paris Minimis at Spring -Meeting. SPOKANE, March 2. The following officers for the Coeur d'Alene Racing Association Spring meeting at Alan, which opens next month, were an nounced today: Robert F. Leighton. presiding Judge: Frank St. D. Skinner, associate Judge and handicapper; Phil Rellly. scales clerk; Richard lwyer, starter; Jack Dlnue, paddock Judge. It was decided to allow the open-book system of betting in preference to Paris mutual. , , ,r E. S. Sheltoft. M. P. Wright and E. V. Chamberlain were elected stewards of the meeting. , Amateur Athletics. Almost all of the sand lots of the city were covered yeaterday with the first signs of Spring oasenan piaj e. . i..c different teams of the Bankers" League had their first turnout yesterday and from the prospective material It looks .- i.(.rEtlni, Rpimnn. The Lumbermens National Bank team passed the afternoon on tne oia ruiuaim i.e. The Interscholastic basketball season closed with the game between Lincoln and Portland Academy Thursday, after a rather successful season. Washing ton is the leader of the city's teams, winning the championship game from Jefferson High Tuesday. There are a number of teams here, however, that would like to get a swat at the cham pions. Jefferson is second, Allen's and . , i .. .. ha . hour tieH for third 1.11... .-''Il O- . . i . . . -J UW while Portland Academy and Columbia University are tied lor tne cenar, noun er having won ft game. n.. ...I .. nvirBnt.aH. Pnrtlnnil Ama liio ucwij u . r. ........ .. - teur Swimming Club will hold Its first meeting Marcn zu, at wnicn tne oiuccn ,,l 1 . V. nuan A eotl St i 1 11 1 1 OnH.1 Com mittee and other officers will then be put In. Colly w neeier. leu r-reoie. juun McMurray. Chester vv neeier. ru rtoiier, Jessie Perry Lloyd Wells, Ernie Spaw mer, George Kelly, Tom Sullivan. Henry Breske and Ralph J. Stachll are the present charter numbers, although oth er names can still be put on the honor list by communicating with any of the above men. Jack Cody will be the in structor of the new club and the Port land Baths the headquarters of the as sociation. Soon after the first meeting an exhibition of swimming and diving will be held at the above place. Although It is not known when the opening of the grammar school baseball schedule will take place, the various teams whicir have entered the combine have started, or will start, working this week. The Holladay Amateur Athletic Club will hold a meeting Wednesday night, at which a clubhouse will be procured, or at least the plans for getting It form, ulated. As many of the members are deeply Interested in water sports, a house near the Willamette River will In all probability be arranged for. The coming week will see all the basketball teams of the high schools and preparatory institutions disbanded and the men turned either to track or base ball. Jefferson will make an early trip to Hood River to play the Hood River High School's baseball team. SENATORS TO START WITH 28 PLAYERS Few Are Bright Stars, but, Fans Depend on Patsy O'Rourke's Ability. PITCHING STAFF IS STRONG Squad to Play Kcal Games In Prac tice nt Marjf-ville. With Port land Xortliw extern League TeamMany Veterans Seen. HOW THE SENATORS START SEASON Pitchers. WILL. Fltiperald Arrellanas Bauml Byram KnlBht - vVllllams Gaddy Cheek Hart XMcklnson Mahoner Kane Thomas Harris Catchers. Price Inflelders. Miller . Rheehan Joe VVllllams n Levy O-Rourke Murphy Two to come (from Boston. Outfielders. Madden Lamer Lewis rarris-sn Van Buren llclstcr SACRAMENTO. Cal., March 2. (Spe cial.) Twenty-eight baseball players will go into training in the Senators' training camp In Marysville-on Monday afternoon under the direction of 'Patsy O'Roarke, captain of the Sacramento baseball club of the Coast League for 1912. Thirteen pitchers, three catchers, six inflelders, and six outfielders will make up this aggregation and although there are no individual stars among the newcomers In the ranks this year, tha local fans are counting on O'Rourke to whip the men into a far stronger com bination than that which finished the Coast League season in fourth place last year. Training work will be commenced Monday afternoon when the squad will be divided Into two teams and practice - win . ,i everv dav. O'Rourke is a great stickler for regular games during tne training season, that this practice Is worth ten times as much as the cut ami dried batting and fielding piactice. The first of the pre-season games will be played on the Sacramento grounds on Sunday, March 10 with the Phoenix team from bt. Marys College. On the following Sun--i . i. i ,i..n.t TvTnrthwestern suuad UHJ 111.- . ... . . . . -. - will take up training in Sacramento and Marysville. ami ounng me wcn uQ.nh m the Snr.ramento and Port land squads will be divided into two teams each and games win oe iuiij ... Sacramento ana jviarysviiio. All Members Sign. All members of this year's Sacra mento squad have signed up and Sat- . :... nn,i them all trathered ninny uisii.k " . -.... o here ready to take the trail for their training camp Drigni. mm 'J Shortstop Is the only position on the team which is not now well provided fBy the deal by which Manager Graham, of the Sacramento club, pur chased the half interest held by John I Taylor, of the Boston Red Sox. the Senators still have three men to come from the Boston camp within the next couple of weeks. But Graham has ad vised McAleer that he will be satisfied with two men instead of three, if the two men are fast, reliable inflelders. nd the replv has come back that Sacramento will get the two best in flelders that Boston discards this year and that one of the two will be a shortstop. So the shortstop position . . . .. ..-nil ,,r.rt for Although .UPCal B i " M ' " " - f ..... nr tho trsinlntr season HI luo " ' - next week the team will probaby be lamentaDiy wean, m i..- Major Discards Available. As further assurance of the prospec- .. ,., : e hn Senators. Cantain rive miiitiii'' "" , ' ' O'Rourke has a stand-in with the i hlla- delphia Nationals mat assures mm m first choice or tne oiscarus ui wmi. ag gregation. With still more men thus pror Ised from the ranks of tho big leaguers, Sacramento now appears to lineup favorably alongside of the other teams which will make the race for the Coast League pwsnant this year. The various pitchers who will make up the squad are as follows Fitzgerald, star pitcher of the local team- "Spider" Baum. Sacramento's second-best pitcher last year; Herb Byram, former Princeton slab artist picked up by Sacramento two years ago in a mining camp in Northern California and at the close of last season sold to the Boston Americans; Arellanes, an other of last year's pitchers who is expected to show up much stronger this season: Kitty Knight, an Oakland dis card picked up in the middle of last season when Sacramento was in dire need of pitchers: Gaddy, a recruit picked up in Lakeport, Sonoma County, California, in the middle of last sea- . i .. it .i,nni- liiKt vear's out fielder with the locals who broke in as a pitcher along towaras me euu m mo season and finished with a record of three games won to one lost, and Dusky Williams, pitcher, a recruit from Honolulu. With this staff of pitchers whose ability is more or less of a known quality, the Senatorial training comp will see five other pitchers in harness. . 1. 1 .. v. niteheri last season with the Edmonton. Western Canada League; Blaine Thomas, wno pnnc Victoria, Northwestern League team last year; Holm, acquired from Spo kane: Kane, from the Chehalis and South Bend teams of the Washington State League, and Harris, a bush pitcher, picked up in Marysville. rkL Resi Catcher. On the catching staff. Cheek, drafted from the Albany (N. Y.) State League, is exoecteil to be the mainstay. Cheek batted only .19S In 107 games last year w... ...... a fi.Mimr nercentaire of .917. and is said to be a marvel behind the nl,fa Price, the Los Angeles schoolboy catcher, is expected to develop Into a . , .. .1 airlni, man thin venr iruua ac.ui.u -- - . Hart will be the third member of the catching staff. He comes from the Utica (N. Y.) State League team, where he batted .271 and fielded .990 in 36 games last year. There is still a pos sibility of Tommle Thomas, last year's star catcher, being with the locals this ... 3n., hanl, 1... T3natnn year, ne ""L at the close of last season, but Eastern dopesters are Inclined to predict that he will not be able to make a regular berth with the Red Sox, and w'll be turned back to Sacramento. His re turn would greatly strengthen the Sen ators because of his stickwork, base running and catching. The close of last season found a va cancy on first base, caused by the draXUng of Bab Danzig by the St. Louis Nationals. Bu'. this vacancy promises to be well filled by Hugh Mil ler, secured from the Philadelphia Na tionals. Joe Williams, a Sacramento busher. will be given his first tryout In professional ball as an understudy fto Miller. tin second Dase xner. win pe nonooy to dispute with Joseph Leo ("Patsy"! O'Rourke, last year's captain. Jimmy Shlnn, sold to Boston, may be returned, but if he comes back he will probably be worked at shortstop, for the slgn- i .us v. 1 w . ... , ...... . , - . . J i cheat Shinn out of h's old position at tnira. nesiaes huh lineup oi me in field, there will be Marty Murphy, a San Francisco City Leaguer, and Rube Levy, of Placerville, Cal.. who played with the Union Association last year. Outfield Conablnatloa Stromc. In the outfield Sacramento will start In with the same combination which showed up strong in the closing weeks of last season. Jimmy Lewis, left fielder, and Tommy Madden were Seal castoffs, picked up by Sacramento in the miadle of last season. In cen- . ter Meld Peacon Van Buren will again ' v.- 4 . 1,- ....nnlnar Al ILiotar UtiHtV man with last year's oufit; Eddie Car rigan. e. Sacramento recruit, and Lamer, a busher, picked up by Graham In Gold field, will contest Van Buren'a posi tion. These are the 28 men who will go into the Senators' training camp at Marysville alonday. O'Rourke will probably make few changes during the training season, carrying 25 men or more during the first few weeks of the playing season in the Coast League. YACHT KACIXG MORE FOPITLAK Interest in This Branch of Sport Is on Increase. now under construction, it seems that more interest than ever will be dis played In the racing part of the yacht ing game.. Ill ivnirei svm.ia ii.o .... . ... .. . I. V.MI In ...tininD- In YileaS.- lllieirsi ' . cx.j .... - ... . . . .. i ure boats, but the tide of popularity . , In evnn f nj seems xo nsvo '"""- i ft ,hl. I'Aae Tha lftlZ aea- ravius visii c - - - son will open with the first races for the Perpetual powers tropny, reiueu heimer trophy and the commodore's flag will be on the -same day. Tony Barbare has also offered a cup, which will be open for challenge this season. Throughout the mil season, i. for both sail and power ooais was spirited on the Willamette River. The Fore N' Aft, owned by H. F. Todd, which won the cup for 1911. will be In commission again, as will the Spind rift, its closest competitor last year, owned by C. Hastorf. Mr. Hastorf will have a new boat namea me wnun... It will be practically the same as the boat of last season, with the elimina tion of mistakes that he has found in his first boat. As the Spindrift which he built, made such a splendid shownig. he is confident that the new boat will be the champion of the year, if no "dark horses" come out of tne shipyards. , T J. Mendenhall, vice-commodore of the Oregon Yacht Club, is JlnS. cruiser designed and built by Gus Amundsen. of White Bear Minn, which promises to be one of the prin cipal contenders for honors. The. Spray, owned by S. Borqulst wh ch has been used for a pleasure boat only, will be repaired to enter the races this trip The Swallow and the Sparrow, more cUss B boats, will be In the OPThlninrnuCaTe,ection of the club will be held next week in all probability, although the day has not been set- OHEGOX FRESHMEN VICTORS Washington HilTBasketball Team Ixses Game, S4 to 22. I-vrVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene March 2. The Washington High School basketball team. Interschoiastic cham pions of Portla.d.wa- defeated by the prayrnrundeVnsowTyleof rules rules" in the second half the freshmen made 23 to their . Had Foster, the Washington center . in throwinr foulfl the been mui - u v a ita hPn ringer. ICT Fen- c afleu 13 foul, on the fresh men in the first half. Foster missed all but three of these. w..v, One point was awaroea " ington In the first half for "locking. The lineup: wn.hlnirton Hlph. Oraon Freshmen. krohn (6). McLaren Lf -J Edwards (3) 5 4 (Jv QoSld Foster (Tl g.V.V." V2 Parson? Knouff 3). ....... S ;:;;;:;:,4 Boyie landTjra" CUBS LEAVE FOB JTEW ORLEANS Tony and Zimmerman Not in Party Both Are Holding Out. CHICAGO, March 2. Twenty-fiT. members of the Chicago isaoonwi League Club left tocay ior -leans to begin Spring training. Two veterans. Pitcher Tony and Inflelder . nnt In the Darty. ziimmeriiiii, - They are "holding out" for an Increase In 'salary. Moraecai x " to terms with President Murphy yes terday, also was absent. He plans Join ing the team next week . Manager Chance left Glendora, Cat. today to Join his players In the South. The squad expects to put In about two weeks In practice and then start north ward to play exhibition games. HIGH JUMP RECORD BROKEN Horlne Clears Bar at 6 Feet 2 1-2 Inches, New Coast Mark. LOS ANGELES. March 2. Stanford University track and field athletes won from the University of Southern Cali fornia in their annual meet here today by a score of 74 to 67. ' One Coast record was broken and one Intercollegiate record tied the high Jump won by Horine, of Stanford who cleared the last bar at 6 feet 2Vs inches. Bankers' League Teams Tied. The Bankers' Basketball Leue ' at a standstill with three ties, the Hi bernians and the First Rational being tied for first place; the Lnlted States National and Ladd & Tilton for second and the Security Savings & Trust and U?e Lumbermens for last place The last two teams have a postponed game to play, out the others will depend on the games Tuesday night to break the tie On that date the United States National will meet the Lumbermen and U.e security Savings will tackle Ladd & Tilton. Cream at Y. M. C. A. Below Limit. Complaint was made yesterday in the Muncipal Court against the Young Men's Christian Association and H. W. Stone, its secretary, on a charge of sell, ing cream containing less than 20 per cent of butter fat. In the cafeteria cos ducted by the Association. The com plaint was sworn to by the Cltr Chemist. Washington 53, Idaho 5. SEATTLE. Wash.. March !. (Spe cial.) The University of Washington basketball team defeated Idaho here to night by a score of 33 to 5. Carl Staatz broke the college record by an nexing 93 points. Last year's record w as 91.