THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 25, 1012. )) Drawings by R WM H LOOMI5 I. The Jump-Ups shonein charity. Of course -itcosr them much. "But what of that ?" said Genevieve. "It brings me right in touch With women of Society !" And so she stocked a booth . At the Great Bazaar and Kirmess for the "Home.for Freckled'Youth. 2. "Oh, gosh!" said Jim. "Please leave meout! I'll stay at home and dream ! "You may stay home," said Genevieve, "but I've a little scheme. I'll let you have some men friends in for cards, dear boy, that night. And. Jimpson shall make out the list .of whom you. shall invite !" 3. So Jimpson did as he was bid, but Jim was busy, too, And he invited quietly some old friends that he knew. He gave no hint to Genevieve-he was too smart by far ! So off she went that fateful night to shine at her bazaar. 4. She'd scarcely gone when guests began to pass the Jump-Ups' door ; First Jimpson's "swells," then Jimmy's old-time cronies from.the "store. The former, staggered, quickly left and Jimpson, in disgrace, Beheld bis master's crowd acquire. possession of the place. I A t I )'.' ' ; : !,' ;: pW'JKfi V N i (mm mmjum IWl' HiMlii Mil 5. "By gosh !" they-cried, "but.this-is.fine!" And Jim said, "All for you ! gr Tvc hungcred foryou.all the.timc iAdon'rcare!whar:you do! Here,. Jimpson ! fetch out.cverytHing! Wine! pood, both hot.and,co!d.!" And,Jimpsonigroaned, "'Oworrible!""butdidashc'wasitoId 6: Bymidnighrthingswerc'riotous then;suddenlya;scream! There:at the door stood Genevieve f And at her backa stream Of grand Society" matrons whom she'd captured at.the. fair stop for "just.a bite-and raeecdear Jump-Upithere!" (COPtRICHTci.'BV:THI HtW yORKlHERAttTjCtXV ATSiftMstBawW 7 Jimislid beWeath;thc(taHe, bufcort-GenevTeve-thefcrowc Descended witha- "Hi,rtherc,Gen !" andcheered.her. long rand:loud. ; She.savrthcm -sawherswagger friends, who. gasped, "WelI,.I-declare !" She ,saw them leave5in fiigh-disdain then fainted-w -despair ! 8? Jim'sTcrowd'departeosoreiperpIexed. -JiraicrepttbGenevieve. Yootwretch" shercried. "Yomdid it;allon.purpose I belicvei! Wheiwcnd?d;youHhink;youswere'tomake-youiact vVVhy back:!'ssobbed luckless.Jimmy, "inour'happylittleilati!"