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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1912)
THE SUNDAY OKKGOXLVN. PORTLAND. FEIIKUAHY 25. 11)13. IS UNk: '. ... Mrrvn. near .tL; eerj f ft4t. for T monins. ihiff. MnM. s-ifil g-o iitir! mmr do n below tb msrtaer si is.k. IJth and Humslde. T-so-eiorv hu'.ilin At Aider tnd 13th. To-:orr bultjuia. Hawinorne and , jr. W, :no, Htrk ird M. cheap; tr out t.. $ 1 25; plendid oa Bini on Washington . 7 .a i,r. iiu and 304 Off k t. rtn Mluoa on M-rrls.n nur T?h. Poel- i ro"W in iasemnt. reatanrent ibflt. H -iM.nvw .to-. floors, at tars c'tv. WF." TKHf:Y. 12- TK'-X HLDk KTORKS AND MALI. ?.iea ... t tii ?;h sc.. i f ron new Oregon Hoist. iTi-fr. to-s e Hawthorn tv., aeex I nion. good retail district. Cregoa Hall. 10xlM ft.. h mi Oak sta a $4 floor I if. r rAt.VFR.JONEi CO. Of W:lc Puff rn Mem . a si. STORES TO RENT. $ V r-er mtio; ittj Grand 1 at Momaja. and Pr onth. at 170 Union fav- v. j litinc-rnomi lrtcijdd. HAltTVAS TIloWHUOX. Y.n 2 . A "5rt. M'n.Dt.N.; tslo fet. t tftry aP1 ba-m-n. at C'irnr E. Wat ar and T. Martlo at . fii ira. kajr. yrood location for w hol- f.t foutna or iirift. II. P.TAI.MKR.JOVM CO. u ttcox i-ia. I'h tea Mao . A J't. n.xr hTORK-4 rOR RENT nn. wall--ra of artia In tio tan1 rw 1 u.rnnmih toll. ot.-uptItw ntir M"rk bounded t'f- Fourth. Tnrd. i'tna and A jib Ptrrata. Apptv to !t;ta Gfvuri, at hnti of fir, or writ I. Gtvurta. First and Tamht t. portiand. Or STORK. ma,l ttnrrt in h new Htl 'or:ton.- Hurrii1 and lh a'rta: atores n HurniM ultahl for nlumbar. ratntr. rLir thon or similar hualnr-xo. Apply X. wwrta a Klrat and Yam Mil. PTHTR propntttfi on hand which putm mm in paition to r-'nt my ator. wi location t tna ctfjr: A-yar taao; Washlnirtoa St.. Ntn ta and ' h. Addrraa ,U oJO. Or. c'i'in. fitOKR for laa: flira or tn-ar term; JO-font fronts: ti-foot drpth. poaitivo- Ir bst Washmctoo-stret location. Inqulr propi AmuMtofiii Company. Wast park Ofdrea, FINE PKONT CUT TICK. In Cnam ber of Commerce bide, barw wwi4 floors, both Dhonea. use of recep tion room and other acrvic, Apply t room 7 1 POR RENT. Offices, single or a suite; will arrang I stlt . deflirmbla for broker or manu facturer arenta. Portland Truat Co.. 3d id Hk sts OKFICKH FOR RENT. MERCHANTS TRUST BI.DO. th. aad Waahlngton sta. ; vory boat l ratiod tn tn coty. tcaonanio ran La. ic quir In bank, CKrD chinrt for dntit or physician; tw front ruojr.i In modern brtrk Sou tiding; beat part of Alberta, rent 914. Including wae- and Itghta ingutr 6JO Alberta VKKI' E or deak room In new building. In heat of businea distflet, reaaonabla. Ap- p:y 4'9 Kl ler b I d g TO RENT Ieak room In reliable real - tte offic to arrhltecta and builder. AG r:lHAlJ.Y uk-AIKD OPFICKH A'l-nlght elevator aervlca. oZ b wetland b'Jc . th and Waa'tlrgton. l-rT-K ltM-ti n nicely furnished larg eut- ofi'l- e. only Including both ptwe. ir'7 Oregonlan bldg. NI K private t(f-m. ground floor. $1$. In cluding; telephone, light and janitor. 170 'a sc A I.I. or part of t o floor of building In town tnwa district near Waahlngton st. T4. (regonian. UfKI' K room with law nrm. uae of library snj teli'phone. $10. 023 Chamber of Com- NEATLY furnished larg and small front rxima. uita: Ir buaineaa. luth. rear M-tr-Le.-n. TV ronia. suitable for offices. 121 S Crand t.tprr or U Jk rom on ground floor, at a AMer St.. nenr 3. Ul'KIiT. or dek room, largo ouisltl ui:. rraaonabla, 11 Lewta bidc. CAMHRTDOR Mdg.. office rooms, cheap rent. Apply room 14. 3d and Morrison ale. MlmUai V ' R rent or lease, in buslneaa ejection of f hri In g town, near Portland. larg hall u'tabi for Itght mnufEi.iurUif or other puryoseg. Fhopf c 111. bATHiiOLSE Ladiea and genta separate oeoartment: ioor. tub. steam ana i miag tanas: aso 27 room furaiabsd ia i connection. A3 Rueael bldg TO LE-E- Jl'r. t'liaineta comer: 3A-yar lease; rh. eegr Af.nn(tnn; 2.- wars , lMTxl store, irn'ral snipping district. 4 " ham ter of Commerce. 3 tOICs SPACE to rent. H.trk wamhouae on . p. track, with uf without effic. I'hua East K. rfl LEASE New brick building JileO. -t lK-at:on In town of inhabttao .Id-tree K. II. Hal'lwln, Korvat Ore. Or. l-i4 ft ew. one-story concrete vuiidtcg. tve. aad Kiiiingsworta. I'Oo&e i WMNE-M orrORTtMTlM 1h .n T Invest In any bnatneea until yon lo- eetigale our proposition ; go la buaint-ts for uraif and handle jour own money. e-T litti capital required. quck result. n, nAr rrarg. ) i Ni marrlrd man. well acquainted, with e-vr " o. mshi mtereeta wlirt eoino Is- ruiiiiate buatnas where services are re .iirir-.,. can gie flrat-claas Feterencx. K PR SALE Cafeteria and restaurant, doing gTvd tjaineae g-Md manager can douots sales In sliort tune, best locaMon. reason ror ae.unc. otner du sines. AH bJ9, or goolan. 1-I'iH r mnufM -turtng buslnese; rleaa and eiT israel. .! established. dolug buiaM. big profits, se-.a to Joriera ii meri-n.inr. i closest Intesilga- - SI.E " hfit. nrl' fi&l,hH clea ing and preMir- buif"M m desirable Ur- "). eing town. loauir J fVrtim t. K r.T A I It A NT i'n bus nest street In Port land, dot it g $ a day business ; cheap re n i . iop g lease ; pr e r. o , prt t rade. Jordan. alO l.umb-rmen's Md. 1 OR HALE Washington-: ret restaurant, fitted up with boxes. Jut th piacs fur a good man. 3 or years lesee. Soo it at o-ee K "IP. on-innian. opening tor arug store oa fine cor nee tn Roes City car! Inc. wltb grocerv and market In same building. Cail 7uj . r lanpers t none r:ast l.J N man wouid like associate w 1m can invest about $'o. a ho as a tier than any salary: no fak partnership: splendid onening ror worxer. i a.;. 9 regonlan. fc.UAl.L cigar, grocery and confectionery Tre at Ull W illiams avs. for sale; own- I era illness maaea immediate aal nece srv; f k cash; no agents. l.r.l.lAtil.r. parry ran secure half interest in old-established brokerage office foe f : unusual opportunity. M Ml, Ore gon's n W II. L acrihce 9 :2m manufacturing busi ness on acccount of slckoess. aiv ra snshle offer a il be a cepi?d. E aj;, t rgro?an. llll.K K L'TE cieart-g I'. pr dv; fur v eutppe.: a snap: $. Jordan. l Lum- IMAR and confeilnery for ale by owner f s bargain; reason for aelllbg. Call 377 ' r s - INK or two furp Uhed rooms. West Sid walking distance, reasonable. AJ b.a. rrop ta n. U J" 4 IE liroom hotel and rsetanrant: w ill sell eepAraf e bx part housekeeping f'tom f - . . reg.nia. Ki:-T MR A NT -.est aide 14 per day; e.I inrs'cd i win nanrfie. MIGI E Y PTSHOH, 13J THIRD "T. V A.MKl A gooi buicberaiop on ML tfcott er'.lne. PCCII. C ha m ber ef Commerce. i. r.. I A I K N T with a good location and ii'i leas for sale on accwuat of sick nesa. C t eB-.nisn. F. LP!- ;rmer and confectlonry. do ing f.r bueira. or i;i trade for lot in ; .n''s. 4. "fihnp st- hixfy nrM ni'e. Htate Cashier tok f'e te st ' a bre l rgniar tA A . f ED Small er feotloucry , csi. 1 : hamf-er ef l omraerc. L:"T VI RANT for $i:i. worth $, be ir si nam' non A .'y KL.I. efabt'beH bv'n for s. $10 I .ke ir; nl.(C. K -. Oregon in. l.V wBr. 8 room. mir Curaished, cleau, J f..e a .i eeap. A . .;n i:r.T. - nrw b'llne. rt run, llv Ing -room. H nt rt at. 4-ft tui a gt-M restatiraaL lKa $ I mis this. O a-lO ore gon is a. p BVMNEJ OPrOBTtMTIM WM. E. DAVIDSON A COM PANT. HT'K KS AND BONDS. 21-217 lwii bid. Marshall 77ft. stocks fi-r Pale: loo United states rtfhu-r.......X5" 1f Automatic Call ock 25 Metaliu con. M- Co f. port. i.oncrvt4 I'll a bargain 20oO Alaska PL 4 oi S 4 Amn. ure A Ac--utnl Pre ua Amn. .safety PowiT 2.2 100 ALMEDA 4 ON. MINES.. Dirt Ch" 5tuiuip Macntne Co bi'l I." Peoples AmuKmfnt o, 12.50 Coin Machine Mfg. Co. bid 1 PoalMn Wlr!e Corp.. ....... 17. 50 Jx Universal VV'rtoch Wl 1o ( Switch iar ID bid 3tvO Port. Homo Tel- bond bid WE WIl-l, PAT SPOT CAfcH FOR I'. K iMMtr A mr!caa Telegraphon M a rcn I W I r i - T aroma Company 4tl) finoaitrom imn( (Ida.) ' T a co ma lnd. Ti ponds Omaha, lnd. 11. bonds or trust ear Western Union Llf TnaC In Ion la. If ic Uf Id. an 4 many thera Before buying or Ulna' MIX TNG. OTL OR INMMItlAL itmki. see us. IC will pay yu. Over 10 yesrs zprlnc at your lnrt". Call or tnrlta. OKNFRAL mtrrbandi ator. with Bw stock of foodg; atur buiMinc. fram - '. J atone and basament. warhous KsVt. four lot 4aloo each. rel earat wnrtti f Vmm). merchandise about I n.t:d trade stock and rent buiidlna if deal red; ImitH In nr town In the heart of tho Hrny Valle). on line of Oregon Kastern K. K. now bulldlr throuah t en tral Oregon: wfl trad for reaidenc or unimproved property in Portland. T. V Montgomery. ri Wilcox bide. H'HMTI'HK PACTUHT. Now paytna dtvldenda Will dlspno of worKJna Intoreat to business man for .KM in ordr to extend businea. Ha th beat future be for U of any bualnesa on t"t..iit. Hooka open c Inspection If proper credentlaia presented. AK S30. Orego nlan. W ANTKD A exceptional opportunity for roonff mn to travel In the iareat ritira. who several hundred doliara to Invent In a hlKh-cla proposition, nettlr.s; quirk and larKv returns, carry Ins: a food salary: you handle j our own money: at 11 stand c1ok Inveetlxatlon. Gtva telephone. ml dre and referencga. AR Oregon!. OhNtKA it pierrhanillw ator In aood town on Nor;h tknk K. k. ; invou anom a(o'4: aolea avera alHut per a, moiilv ri.fh: will eel at Inrolca or will take city or farm property as part; this mill stand inveauraiton. F. A. HKARU CO. Ml rwilncer bid.. 2d and A1dr. MEAT MARKET. All fixture, everything used In a first rlas market. 1 horse and 2 wagons, large l.iMm.m barn and market, rent 9 l.uaineaa tdO to i7." ner dav and double on baiunliT: I7 takca thla place. Sin Ifon bldg. KoT fc.L. manager wanted with $4m0 Invest ment to take hair unorest anu manage kAiel that will vtav loO ner cent prof 1 every year. If you hav the cash and experience. It's th b-t opening In Or gon. AO Oregonlan. WANT a llv tailor with $300 to $io to taae Intereat In Indlepenaa tte article ueea Kw !! t m irrm nreaaera. laundries: alSO- lutelr new: a money saver; model will convince, I-axge aalea; big profits. fvl3 Oreronlan. WILL make exceptional offer to man who understands woodworking manufacturing bualne9 t hnroughiy and haa from f loM) to $2mi0 to Invest with services; hav no 1 1 me for t h curious or schemer ; rfr ences required. AS H3H. Oregonlan. liEST HAKHKIt Siiop IN TOWN KOR HALE AT RTOHT PKIt'r to (-HAIRS ALWAYS BPS Y AT TOP PHK'ES. REST LOCATION. lyW RENT 3 TEARS. MAIN S.17 liCTTER and egg businea clearing over ll"A per month: owner naa otner ouneaa wants to sell; full Investigation solicited S?hmi buys It Monday. Oregon Land Co. 7" J Hoard of Trade. Mtvi;-p-i"TlRE theater for sale o cmpeton. if you ar in tna maraet tor theater. ,her I your chance, a It won t he cn th market long; must tea vnj no agents. K ft 12. Oregonlan WANT business roan to Invest a few hun dred dollar in only actual gas-saving or vt on market; skeptics convinced; you wilt fall In love with th working model. Intulrla solicited. S MS. Oregnnlarv POPI'LAK-PKI ED. oid -established rests u- mt. In heart of city; long lease; Dig mnnev. maker: waa I-m: It a your Mon n iy lor i ow exiy i eo u" Exchange illg. R 1ST A I" K A NT for ale. good bulnc ! tlon. term. cjb or real ette; caen terms cheap. See owner at SO Buroaid. Phone 3!in ?W. HAKKKY RKSTAIRANT. pest corner on Hum side, guaranteed dslly receipts. to $'. Kiill Inveatlga- i,nn Invited: $1 Inouir JtAS Tamhlll. KM PLOY MENT la wanted and h.Vf Inter ent In saf permanent onainesa ior parry who will loan partnership goO. AF "4. f'regrtnian. 1 ClA KS. confecftonery and Ico cresm : also room to rent f,,r a oootDincx stann; win Invotc about $Rh); ownor leaving city; make an offer. CaTI HI Morrison ?. PHYSICIAN able to Invest flOOO to work on salary for t"ornana corporation ; goon salary and office with all expenses paid. 1 Ml. Oregonlan. CMAR. CONFECTION E RY AND FRCIT M AND, near union rotation, utaxing romi money; cheap rent and lease; truly a. snap. Jordan. Lumbermen hMg. i tNTKACTO RjJ AND HI.' I LDE KS. On a percentage basis we will turn over 11 our work an J furnish office. A F $29, oregonlan. britKT METAL and repair shop. SliHM wor;h of contract on nana; price mmi; !. caah. balance eay. 3u3 Lumber K xchange- A t'UANCE to mnk good money; right man aa partner in oitic ouaineea. mau amount of money required. particular Hord of Trad. MAKE ni an offer for niy poultry plant; only 40 minute from city; r-cent fare; plant complete in every riect ; goo a reason for selling. Phone B '-"s7. PINE up-to-date inerchandlao stock In town of ya. r- fortiano: invoice tv.o; exchange for live city property; pay dif fsrence. 413 fhamber of Commerce. MoVING-PHrTPRK SHOW doing fln busl- ne. gootl location, igng lease; imn; god reasons fr selling. Owner, Main 3tl. C N KK' TloN EKY. light grocery, cigar, les parlors rl4n, up to date, good lo cation. S- owner, auve commiaslon. J0PO He'.mont. CHEAP Swell barbershop. bet location In Portland, low rent, long Iras, t . iuools. 12o3 Veon bldg. Wot'I.D Invest f -V00 or more In business. building contracts or cnesp acreage; what have you? Adnreee W Oregonlan. MCE clean office business clearing SSOO per month; owner leaving city. Apply room L. Morrison st. RETAIL bust nesa i-hnnce. 4td and Division at., low rent; win install fixture ror responsible parties. Hawthorne car. HARDWARE AND FlMOilTUKE. New stock: rent $4." ; fine location; In voice takeg It. 61 aeon bldg. PARTNER wanted to take charge of res taurant, about $ l&d required.' 201 wt land bldg. REST A L" RANT on buay etreet. worth $10OO, ran bo had for 9300. good lease. Call K3 Lumber Exchange. UK KRY, well located, will Invoice flOOO; must raise money to satisfy creditor, mrttte an offer. rtt Lomber Etc bans e. Ktftl AC RANT, well furnished, doing good business. In a busy location, for sale cheap. Little money required. Call at lot N. d. PARTN E R wanted, store fixtures mfr Have th plant, cron ana business. oouu required. AP P-41, Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery. fin comer rtxturea. gooa stoeg. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 20 Alder BA RD W A KE business . ow ner will con vines you It a a money-maker; best reasons for iltng. Particulars T'l'j Hoard of Trade. CIGAR STAND. Heart of city; tS to $23 day busi ness. Particular I1 Yeon bldg. PARTNER wanted In bnslnea chance of fice, about siuo requireu. -t'l wetland bldg CoS'FETIO.NERY nd fruit store, with liv ing rooms, rent clears 1 2Z month: pric $7hi. oj Lumber Eichange. M I.n ING and Industrial stocks and bonds. boucht and sold. O. H. McClelland, 20S Kai.wt) E i change. yH SALE ood corner en loon, long lese. independent Mcens; sic a nesa ciuis for s-M'ng. D 4". ttfegontan. IA.M grocery, rtrht downtown: must b seen to le sppreo'ite 1 : $ 1 Vat will buy t h : rrMcu ! r 7 03 Hoard or Trade. IMTKI ST AT-a I ASHIEK. 43 shares. si 2.Y O. II. Ntcrj-lland. ?" Railway Ex- i-bange tTAI RANT, with living rooms: $104 will handle. I' none owner. 4' Z;. " MEAT market. furnished, rent $U; f o-J loestion. Phone Esat M 21. ro rioif 4. a g kOi'KRT, r rt c h. living-room. ptisine . v r.. ei G.K-D di :ry ol M c good mlllt rr u'e. Ml Oregon r INK ml : ! nerv baa 1 nees ss r n Heed a t $-7i far julck aa.. u 4 Orsgoulan. BllNKhS Ol'PORTCMTIKS It E A U C A H E t"T IA.Y. COt'NTRT HOTKI 40 room a. jo yar- leas. vr thine wiod-rn, coat over $lX.w; will aU fur e6.V, aotnn terms. CASH I'.ROCKBT. Vet SUle corn-r. rent trad $0; llvlrj-rooms; PlHM'-ci.ASi GROCEUT. Kin East r'lda corner, a years 1eaa; trad liw; a 111 Invoice about JH. CPiAR STANIJ. Vsl Sid corner, trade $13; snap at J.-.o CONFKCTIONERT AND CIOARS. 2 furnished II In. .rooms, Kast tild; rant fJCoO; sale 15 to $Jj; $oi0. DANDY GROCEHY. Rant, lnciudins; dxturca. S5; lea; trade $13 a dav; Invoice about $2000. UKOC&aY. CONTKCTlONfiiiT AND RESTAl RANT. Rent S.T2; living-rooms; trad $13 t $20; Uyti. BWELL DINING-ROOM. Rent 130. 4 llvlnx-rooms; oeata 40; ready trale. fine location: $4.'0. C'LEAR LOTS TO TKADK. Wo hav o lot In rtoo Oregon town to trad for arocer v. restaurant or con fectioneryi vaiua $m0; will trade part or all. poor HAM. AND ciaAns. Oood town: rent $Jo. lease, trad $23; vast buv on the marker; l-'I'0. tertna. DRT GOODS AND NOTION.. Ttent 125; I living -rooms; trad $20; $b0. KEW AND FECOVD-HANTJ rcRMTi r.E. - Rent t.Z. eaa-. co.nplvta Ila. fin trade, Invou attout S'MMt. WOOD AND COAT. BI'SINEHS. Flrst-clasa propoaitlun. will stand th 01 rlosaat tLeestlgain; earn & per cent on prlr alTiird. ftUOO. Thti iia la a caah prlo and a eetiulna lretln 2 LAKGK FrKMTT'RE PTOCICR, Hoth good; . either on for aal. $3000 axd 1700. We have plenty mor to chooa from. o ff you ar looking for a business of any kind, call and se tia. WHEKLEll HALL. 511 Lumbermera Eidf. Mam hall R'.'. FREK HOTEL fTTE. An exceptional opportunity Is offered to a responsible hotel man. who will build and equip a hotel at one of the most promising beach re9rta on (Jarlhaldt Reach. An elegant alte. fronting on the ocean, will be donated to the right part'. r'or particular see H. E. ABRY.' 421 Chamber of Commerce. WELLINGTON, the western terminus of th , latest Harrimnn extension. the Oregon Eastern, building front Vat Into the rich Harney County basin, offer except Jonwl opportunity for lumber yard and bu'ldipg supplies, small retail stores, drug storo, physician, bakery, blacksmith and wagon repair shop. WELLINGTON TRUST CO., 1210 Teon bldg: BUTCHER SHOP. For rent, an Ideal location for a butcher hop. ro competitors, located on 4th st. and Montgomery. OREGON HOME BLDG. & CONSTRUC TION -o.. PIS hmher of Commerce. FOR SALE California mountain pleasure resort; established Jo years; modern equipment; cottage plan; six cottages; 10 tent houses; attractive bungalow for main building: orrhurd. vineyard, gardens, etc Price ItS.otHi, terms; pays over" 20 per cent on nine month business. Address Cooper Advertising Co.. 20 Montgomery street. Kan Francisco. Cal. I HAVE business which I will sell you for $O0 that will Invoice S1000; you can clear l.fuO per month in the business: Investi gate this If you mean busitwsa and have the cash. C 44. Oregonlan. GOOD FNAT. Old-established drug business In one of the best business towns In the Willam ette Valley, doing a good business and modern In erery way. Addresa AV l:4. Oregonlan. THE retail store of a wholesale trunk man ufacturer for sale: good lease at right rent; good-established trade and well ad Tertird; good reasons for selling. AO 71. oregonlan. OLD established, solid bum nesa. pays 50 per cent on $,VKo Investment; closest in vestigation Invited: owner has other busi ness that takes his time. Address K 7t4. Oregonlan. 6ACRI KICK blacksmit h and shoeing shop; entire outfit up-to-date, tools and stock : mut sell Immediately for l.'jo; paying business the only shop In the cttv below. John P. Koch. Box L South Bend, Wash. IF you need capita), have atock or bonds for sale or wish to Increase net business profits, add reus Business Deveenprnen t Company of America. Ill Nassau si New York. BE sure and look this up. New general stock In country with fine future; entire ly personal reasons for selling at lnoic. about Jiu0. AV S. OREGON IAN. WANTJlD To make office arrangement with nrst-clasa law oflicu In Portland or Vancouver, by lawyer of Irt yere experi ence; best possible references and record. X 4. Oregonlan. NO MONEY REQUIRED. Roal estate business opportunity for hon est man who can produce results; write fully; strictly confidential. A 3 7-', ore gonian. EXPERIENCED office man to Join adver tiser In establishing paying, exclusive busi ness In Los Angelrs; must be aide to in vest an equal sum, namely $12. with the advertiser. H A3 7. Oregonlan. ONE of Portland roost modern grocsry tor, well paying, will invoice about 'M.too; w ould take Improved farm Ituid around Donald in trade. AG blw, oregon lan. FOR SALE Merchant tailor business, long est a tin sited, nne trade. $3..oo stock at a bargain on account of sickness. R. S. bomervllle, Mtsaoula, Mont. A FI LLY equipped auto repair shop, ma- cninery, nanu ioois; gooo location; rea sonable rent; by owner. AH 610, Or g on ian. WE have an opening for a businea man with some capital to Jn vest: one acquaint ed with rubber trade preferred. V kZt Oregonian. FOR SALE or lease, with privilege of buy ing, iui oesi counter noiei in Oregon; can bv made lo pay Shut per month. T 833, Or gonlan. OLD-ESTABLISHED COMMISSION Buslnvs tor aale-. or would sell half In terest to good live man; good location and lease. AN M2, Oregonlan. CORNER room, 10x30, at Firs and Morri son, lo leas fur number of year. Call A 26W. PARTNER, with $jve. to slst me In an es tablished business; clears $300 per month; no fake. T MS. Oregonlan. A trOoD opening for a first-class machinist with some capital to Invest light manu facturing business. T Ha. Oregonian. iOf STOCK of men's furnishings in a town or stieo people; win near investigation. C MT. Oregonlan. FoK ft ALE Grocery dclng a good cash business, cheap rent; le, Inquir 26v Russell st. FOR BALE ft-acr certificate. Mexican Rub ber tultur "L.O.. itrst series. Apply P. agner, administrator. 474 Bunuuda sU AM GOING to Alaska and Siberia to take motion pictures, want nnanciai assistance for half Interest. AD b22. Oregonlan. 6KK owner, pool hall and cigar business,' 4 tables; nn local ion : must leavs city; i.'u cjsn; no agents. East l7b. " jilMNG AND IN DL'STRI At"fiT OCK& leiepbone and oiber bonds bougnt and sold. Fltcbr Inv. Ci, 225 Abington, MOVING-PICTL RE ineaier for aa.a, cu in, downtown district. Xnqu.r li. C t ven. S th t. " ELECTRICAL BUSINESS. , Good location This Is a snap If takta at once A J 71. Oregonlan. HL'TCH ER sBop for ai at Myrtle Creek, Or., one business opening. For partlcuaxa add roes C. J. Ingram. Roseburg. Or. ATTORN EY with library wants associate w it h corporation or firm ; aalarv or com mission. Add re F. I'. Egan. 1 7 17th St. I'll MCIAN- ipportunlty for one of the jrtt locatlona in city. B 4i. Call Tabor 3602 or UKLiiaTOHE. a bargain for someojs with A few thousand dollars. F. L. bchaua. &. W. cor. 5:h ud Oak. 21 floor. HAVE good timber claim and rash, 'want light groccery. ronfectlonery or small busi ness to $.'0oo. AD Oregonlan. l,L SiNESS i. ARDS. $1.00; bring this ad. Rose city Prlntery. d. cor. Taylor. A I" TO stag line for sale; 3 good car; rar b a r g a I n. 1 nq u Ir Spe dwell Gara g e. TKACH up-to-date chiropody reasonabl. Dr. Nelson. 2."0S Alder. Maln 73tid. i'vR SALE Grocery store In South PorT land. price right. Phone Main 2731. DANDY little restaurant for aale. Call 270 Madison between 8 and 4 CA PABLE physician associate wanted. phone Dr. King. Vain 53."t4 A LOOS for aale; ndejendent dcense; nn location. L 24. Oregooln, TW'O-CHAIR barber hop for sal. AO 788, Oregon ian. BI HINFSS OPPORTCNITIKS ' FOR SALE Mllitnery. completa alnck lnciuning tix- lures and tnriuturc, Muhoiiv also siock and exclusive sjtencv. Oregon and Washington, for one of to best corset. I am leaving itin city and $d.o will take It. ,i"o wiDiout th corset ancy. Call at IHJ3 Yeon Ulug. BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 Canada -Paclfl province and Is larger and richer than the etateg of Oregon. Washington and Idaho combined Three Canadian transcontinen tal railway and numerous other railway lines are bulldicg through th provlnc. opening np an immense are of virgin agricultural, mineral, coal and timber lands. This is the last great opportunity n th North Amnion continent to "get n at the start." British Columbia cli mate la the best In Canada. Let us send ou, free of cost, our publication, "Bril ln Columbia Bulletin of Information, riving latest new of development. Invest ment opportunities, openings for buslnee of all kinds, eta Write today. bend tis a postal card wltft your name and address Natural Resources Security Co.. Ltd.. 60-61 J Bower building. Vancouver. B. C TAILOR iSHOP. Th only tailor hop In a good live town of 4mw population, doing a good business; pressing; and cleaning alono averages over $40 per week; stock and equipment will in voice better than $3; you tan get th place for $450 if taJten at once; rent only 420 per month. GRL'SSf A BOLDS. S!S Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. WANTED A gentleman to connect himself w ith a new corporation formed to man ufacture patented machines, a first-class industrial proposition, a good bookkeep er preferred to act a secretary for said corporation. Must be willing to Invest $cH.-jVm); wm receive a small salary and business percentage; t h would be a side Income to a position he may hold now. Address AC S12, Oregonlan. MOV1NG-PTCTURB THEATER. Wanted MOVING-PICT UKE THEATER sites What have you In VACANT GRtiUND suitable for MOV1NG-PTCTU RB THEATER? THEATERS BOUGHT. SOLD and EXCHANGED. THEATERS EQUIP PED COMPLETE on EASY TERMS. NEWMAN FJLM EXCHANGE. fi2H Wash. St., near 17th.. Portland. Or. WANTED A man able to handle an auto truck, to take an Interest In buying same and hauling passenger at a Summer re sort ; buslaeas g u a ran teed by responsible company. KXAPP & MACKEY. 212-13 Board of Trade Bldg. $"0. SOME cah, will put you In a good cleft n money-making csh business as partner; we control staple articles for w hich there la a steady dcmand with enormous profits. The work is light and pleasant, suitable for ladles or man and wife. Will pay liberal salary and share of profit. Particulars, M MS, Oregonlan. FOR SALE-Grocery store, best East Fide d ist rict, sales $ 1 lio per day, lease, ne w stock, also splendid chanco for Ice cream this Summer; must see to appreciate this place; best reasons for selling, with $2000 cajh this can be handled; for particulars call at 226 Ash st. MOTION-PICTURE THEATER FOR SALE. Well appointed, popular and on a pay ing basis; good location and long lease; If you want to step into a paying busi ness Investigate this; $1000 handles. Car-ter-Dugan Co. J20 Chamber of Com merce. WHY BUY? Look this up. I am going to rent my restaurant for two months or longer, fu'.ly equipped, clearing $125 per month; am k compelled to go East on. business: rent I0O a month. Call 270 Madison, between lid and 4th. FOR SALE Practically new stock of gen eral merchandise nt Ashland. Oregon. Stock and flxtur-s Inventory about $.oOO. Splendid opportunity for energetic busi ness man. Inquire Gus C. Moser, U524-l.-2H Yeon Mog. $3on good restaurant, centrally located, couple of blocks from Postofflce; sickness In family, and as I cannot attend my self, reason .for selling; a gold mine to a couple to melee money. 209 Taylor St.. between Third and Fourth. OLDEST established grocery In city of 3000: s-'ll at lniolce; doing a business of $23.h)0 and making money ; also cnrr a nice stock of crockery In addition; located c'ose to Portland ; takes S-"ooo to handle this. AV y.Vt. Oregonlan. WANTED. Partner to take half interest In a light manufacturing plant ; a man who can take charge of an office and manage men; salary 125 per month. Kinney & fitam- V.-f Lurobe rExchange bldg.- BLACKSMITH SHOp for sale, located In a town of 120 y population and the only sh ot; will sell nt a low caah price; low rent. For particulars Inqulr at J. E. liaeTtlne AV Co.'m. FOR SALE Restaurant. 80 minutes from city; 10-room house: rent $3-1; makes $10. month net ; only place In the town; Just t he place for man and wife; snap for $700. Abbott & Co., Wilcox bldg. WE have many Inquiries from the East for buitlne opportunities la U lines; register your business wltb us; It may be Just what our Eastern clients ar looking for. Abbott A Co., Wilcox bldg. BI SINESS MEN. Do you want to sell your business? Do you want a partner? If you do, call and see or phone me. Both phones. W. Lawrence. Lumber Exchange bldg. ESTABLISH ED electrical contracting and fixture business In ctty of lh.OOO popula tion ; doing best business In city ; will stand Investigation; good reasons for sell ing. A V t.".l, oregonlan. FOR SALE On of the best-paying grocery stores In best town of Southwestern Wash In gi on : stock fresh and clean ; business tHni dally average; can be bought at big discount. John ft. Glblln, Che nails. Wash. WANTED Energetic man as partner on small chicken and vegetable ranch near Portland. Must have some experience and Invest a few hundred dollar. AJ bul. Ore gonlan. GOOD prosperous genera I store In a grow ing town in Oregon within ,0 miles from Portland, doii.g a cash bustut-ss; $sH) will handle it. Address AV Wirt. Ore gonlan. LAS1 chance to buy a $1100 restaurant this mek for a song; a money-maker; on best street in city; any reasonable terms ac cepted. Chas. Poppe, owner, 12u East 2uth st. . FOR SALE Small grocery, with good cash trade; very desirable location. See Mr. Keller, care Chapln & Herlow, 382 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED BUSINESS MANAGER. To take half Interest In well-established profitable mfg. business and have charge of office and flnancea. B 814. Oregonlan. WANT tract near city and rail transporta tion, with clay deposit; give price and exact location; might buy brick plaaL AM 825, Oregonlan. 6 A LOON for sale; 4 Interest In best prop osition In Portland. $15oo; I wish to re tire; no agents; owners only. Address Ap 830, Oregonian. WANTED General merchandise stock, from $10,000 to $25.0cO, for land t unincumbered t In Soutnern or Easty-n Oregon, p. J. Roeder. 10M Sherlock bldg. DKUO STORES FOR SALE. 8 drug stor- In Central Oregon; the bet of futures; 2-8 cash, balance small payments, AV p-2. Oregonlan. HALF Interest In oldest established, most centrally located and best-paying fuel business In the City of Portland. For par ticulars write E 813. Oregonlan. IDAHO newspaper, weekly, town of 25oO. w ell -equipped plant. $3000; $30Ou cash; owner has other business. AV UJS. Or gemar. FOR SALE 4 valuable mining claims In th Coeur d'Alenes. Idaho, surrounded by tn large producer and proved up beyond a prospect. Abbott & Co.. Wilcox bldg. WANTED Merchandise stock ofany de scrlption or in any vicinity; we buy lor casu only. If you hav anything to offer. cad Main 8o3. FOR SALE- Cheap, Baltimore restaurant, completely furnished, ready for business; must sell at once on account of Miknsss. App'y 82i Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. MUST ell 6-room. American plan hotel. fl to $LuO Pr day; West Side; clears $3 k) per month; rent $170; terms. Phone Main f387. WILL sell ms stock f groceries voice. Rent $10. about $10u. Ju32 t.. North- st tn E. 11 TAILORING business for sale tn thriving Willamette Valley town. Address AM 814. Oregonlan. WI LL build bungalows to suit purchaser on Brooklyn, west of E. 2.Vh; $:io down, balance installments. p Md, Oregonlan. FOR SALE An old established transfer business; owner 'retiring.. AL 82:). Or g on lan. PICTURE show: have $1000 to Invest with party of esual amount In opening new pictur theater. AL b-6, Oregonian. BIMNXSS OPPORTtNFTIES !TBrTT-rAVT!CO PLANT. Equipped with up-to-date machinery. 40-h. p. boiler, engine, dynamo, air com presNor. cooking tanks and all fixture necessary to operate the plant, free water f rom " a living pring, lio water power to generate your power to run dynamo and light without cost; situated on Columbia River and also on North Bank. Road, ran road spur to plant, buildings and houses for hein are all In Rood shane. and near- Iv new. located In a fine fruit belt; can hip either bv boat or rail, large tract of ground: can extend buildings and room to build more house for help. In fact, a natural sit to build up a profitable busi noii with good management; about $1.V0 afoj'lr nn hund. atl bulldlllK and Com olete eaulDment: ha cot to be sold on account of the disagreement of partners; cost present owners fT'ioo. priced ior im mediate sale for $3000. For further In formation see. JACOB HAAS. 408 Teon bldg:. TilE OREGON LOCATORS. &10 KothchllU bldg. Marshall 8931. Bnslne? Clmncft Headquarters. GROCERY STORES, with living-rooms, all locations; at Inventory. $fl."0 up. CTOAR STANDS $'0. $'... $oOO. $0. riGA RS. CONTKCT I ON E R Y. ETC. $1.0, ftUto. $7o0. W. 14M and hlaher. pnni nnnv xsod nn to S:tW0. RESTACBANTS AND LI'NCH-COUN"- TEUS All location, from 1 up. one apecia snap for quick, aale. $'100. BAKERIES One good one at $500 and another $!: both well located. MEAT MARKET $300. sale $30 day. FISH MARKET R"St location. $. COUNTRY STORES All locatlona and lxee. We make n specialty of them. TALK WITH US. IT WTLL PAY YPTT. WANTED A few more cabinet makers and furniture men with $230 to $500 to Join us on the ground floor In establishing a novelty and furniture specialties factory; unlimited demand for product an! enor ttioiib nrirtt- o'liv facrorv of Its kind on th roam: anlendld chance for parties who mean business to double their money flrt year, beside good salaries ; all Investments secured. M. L Ford. 274 Stark sL MERCHANDISE store in choice location In growing town on new electric line, doing $soo per month business, carrying l.oo atock; building 20x50 feet, lot 0x240 feet; price $S00O: cash, term or trade on balance; stock at cost: this 1 the chance for the man who means business.- J. L. Rader, box ?4, Monroe, Or. STRICTLY rash business proposition that will pay at lenst $."ot0 annually on the Investment :. best location and lea- in the city today: will require about $R000 cash you handle the money yourself: If you have the money this is your opportunity; personal Interview on request. K 802, Ore Ionian. FINANCIAL backing, active participation or not. In business established here, only ma chine In Portland, no similar work in the West ; want to Increase ecope and open . other Coast cities; not speculative or get rich quick, a etc3dy. regular monthly re turn. N 833, Oregonlan. . A Fl NE opportunity tn buy an established business consist Ing of hardware, harness, paints, building material and a small line of Implements; no tnird party to deal with, not a trading stock. If you are Interested and mean business, address AV, !to4. Oregonianv WANTED Clean, progressive business man. one positive in his Ideas that buFlnps can be successfully run on strictly honet basis as partner In manufacturing and sales; Christian Scientist preferred. K f3, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT. If yoit want class and a good money maker, investigate this: a swell eating house (home-made cooking), low rent ; worth $.VH; for quick sale only $65-0. Call M0 Rothchlld bldg. A MANUFACTURING concern, doing profit able business, with big future, desires to expand, requiring more capital for this purpose; none but a good business man will be considered; bent of references plven and expected. X $47, Oregonian. HAVE you made money on mines? Or lost money? Here Is a chance to make more or return your loss. Have proven placer mine all eauloned: need a little money t , start Immediate operation: exceptional op portunity; investigate. AB 823. Oregonlan ALL ROUND PRINTER Can ret batf interest in Willamette Val ley newspaper and Job plant, worth $SOO0, and doing nice business, tor casn paymen of $4.10 ; balance on easy terms; must have interested help. AV Pt.", Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY FOR PHYSICIAN. Drug tore for ale; good country town railroad division : sell at cost ; postofflce, oav n n bout siflou a vear included. GUERNSEY-NEWTON CO.. 2fl Eagle bid. Spokane. Washington. EVERY advertiser needs our 1912 rate book contains rates, circulation closing dates o; principal magazines and newspapers; loc worth dollars. Dearborn Advertising Agency, (11 Franklin bldg.. Chicago. YOUR LAST CHANCE. Confectionery for sale under invoice good location, good business, all modern place will pay for Itself in few month: Phone Columbia 3R2. AK 837. Oregonlan, OPPORTUNITY to secure interest in solid real estate business, established years; shows big profits all that time rerVrenres exchanged. Particulars 24 H la stark, st. ENCYCLOPEDIA of business chances, new money-maiting ideas; secrets of success how fortune grow from small amounts descriptive booklet free. Criterion Agency, o ttroaaway, -n. i . TO HARNESS makers, do you want to buy a harness business, the only one In the town? Owners are not harness men, a fine opening for a practical harness man. AV Voo, Oregonlan. A MODERN equipped, quick-finish studio. cheap rent, operate day and night. In town bOOO population, one other gallery spot cash takes it. By owner, no agents. i oregonian. OPPORTUNITY to secure Interest In light manufacturing; pay you $ioo month no can be Increased to $200; prefor office man; very little money required. Partic ulars 49 Marx st. J5000 CASH buys a corner grocery on best carline. near large school; up-to-date fix tures. Morsea. wagons, harness; over $.u a tiay Dusiness. uive pnone number. jn s.ii. oregonian. GENERAL merchandise store. 2SxO0, with or without stock of $l.rO0. for sale: also residence, all $0o0D; fine farm lands all around; 24 miles from Portland. H. Lar- sen. arren. Or. RUBBER plantation yielding 30.000 pounds rubber this season; 90.000 new trees soon ready to tap. E. G. Parsons. 308 Hennen bldg.. New Orleans, La. PARTNER wanted to help in automobile repair ousiness ; proms are Jnrge ana very little money required : prefer office man. an KtarK sr. GROCERY, centrally located, good trans!nt trade. lnK lease, cheapest rent, stock and fixtures at Invoice, about $4000, J Oregonian. $2i0. FULLY secured: with services will place you In a good business where you can make much better than wages. Par ticulars 4ii Ftarit t. $1000 will "buy half Interest in business which will pay $100 and up per month : unless you mean business don't answer. S SJ2. Oregonlan. WANTED Man with $2500 to invest In fine paying business, a live proposition and good opportunity to get In right. T 822, Oregonlan. SOLID business; opportunity for energetic man ; will pay $150 month salary, also larg snare pro tits on tne money you in vest. Particulars 248 Stark St. SMALL manufacturer with profitable busl ness wants one or two parties to furnish $30 00 to extend business and take interest. K 8"o. oregonian. PARTNER wanted Partner with $1700 cash Join me In buying good liquor business; experience unnecessary. AG 834, Orego nlan. WANT- a partner to help finance a good business proposition. See mv agent. John P. Weston, 707 Rothchlld bldg., Marshall 40GL 8ALE or trade, prosperous little business; must sell regardless of price. L 828, Ore gon lan. GROCERY and confectionery, located across the street from a school; doing a good business; for sale by owner. East 8iL WANT party to build an apartment house on East or West Side for good tenant. Ad dress Mrs. Gordon. Box 14, Station C. city. DRUG STORE, West Side. long lease, cheap rent: Invoice about $2000; wiil sell on easy terms. H LFalHey. 401 Hoyt St. POOLROOM, etc.- central and clearing $200 to $-400 month; B-year lease; $1000 cash required. Call 248 Stark t. $600 Old Homestead restaurant; Investigate and find out; one weeks trial given; nuf said; terms. 3d and lth on Salmon. CONFECTIONERY, light groceries, etc., $750; this store has 2 lfving-rooms and clesrs $125 month. Call 248 Stark su FOR SALE Four shares of Pacific States Fire Insurance Company stock; make an offer. AV Oregonian CIGARS, confectionery, etc.. have a nice store for $3.V) where you can make $s day. Particular 248H ytarkBi: $31)00 WILL purchase furniture and lease established beach hotel, including horses, cows, chickens, boats, etc. Woodlawn $062. OWNER of grocery wants reliable partner; proflta are good and your money fully se cured. Call 24iT3 Stark st. WANTED Lady partner with $ir0: we can clear $1" per month: established business, l'hone M. SSM. Mrs. D. H A RDWA R E and furwlturo store; can clear $500 month. Call 248 ',4 Stark rt. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Established and responsible in vestment company desires co-operation of several young men of good standing and at least six months' residence in Port land; $25 to $10O per week should be earned by simply giving us the names and addresses of friends who contemplate making their residence In the suburog. Competent and experienced salesmen will approach parties named and merit of proposition demands consideration. We will pay a liberal commission on any sale made, and by furnishing the name and address you will have earned your commission the same as if the deal were closed by you. We have by far the most attractive half-acre tracts within the city limits. On West Side, ?ood view. 5-cent carfare; low price and ea?v terms. CAN YOU THINK OF ANYONE? A FEW MINUTES THOUGHT MIGHT EARN MORE THAN YOUR SALARY EVERY WEEK. s e Mr. McFarlane. be tween and 10 A. M. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 2 4th Street, A LIFETIME INCOME. A large mining company rvants more eapital to build smelter. Property in Black Hill. S. D.. Is developed, is rich, will pay many thousand per cent divi dends: enough ore on dumps to run 6 months. Investigating partv going in .about SO days. Join us. You deal dl rectly with company. K 748, Oregonlan. BOND Issues. KIOO.OOO uncaMi neorated . railroad, streetcar, power, electrical. Irri gation, mining, construction, realty, bank ing. trust and general corporations organ ire d and directed; franchises and trust deeds drawn. Rosenbaum, Davis A Michel son. Lawyers and Financial Agents. 214 222 Height bldg.. Seattle. Wash. FUEL BUSINESS PA T3 60 P Elt C K NT on price asked. In splendid growing neighborhood. established over thre years, switching facilities, buildings, teams, wagons, harness, tools, stock and all necessary equipment, bv owner; be?t reasons for selling; $0."00 cash. AS S28, Oregonian. YOU can make money bv Investing 5 to $50 a month in first mortgage certificates, secured by double their value in improved real estate; safe as a Government bond: pay 6 per ceut from date of every pay ment; investment Increases In value every year. NOthwestern First Mortgage Trust. 402 Wilcox bldg. PARTNER WANTED. IT TAKES $2.VM. Hav four fino lots worth $2500; want party with same amount to Join me in building modern cottages thereon; two of the houses already sold at $000 profit apiece. C W. DAVIS. 600 Commercial Block. OLD-ESTABLISHED collecting agency. owner is retiring from business on account of poor health, he Is carrying $1.1.000 ac count and will show you that he never makes less than $200 month and he will teach you the business. 323 Lumber Kx. change. $300 DAILY CASH BUSINESS. , Owner retiring and will sell Ht invoice a business that Is running $.1000 cash daily; thorough investigation solicited by bona fide buyers; will take half cash and good reo 1 estate for halo nee. Particulars W. Lawrence, SI 5 Lumber Exchange bids. REAL estate office, handling their own property, subdivided in lo-acre tracts; have sold off $15.noO and still have $21,000 to sell at profit of $14,:il. This sale Includes office furniture and auto mobile. Ill health compels owner to re tire. 323 Lumber Exchange. NOTICE. MERCHANTS DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOl'R BUSINESS OR DO YOU WANT A PARTNER, Oil DO YOU NEED MORE MONEY IN BUSINESS? CALL AND SEE ME. I HAVE THE CUSTOMER. DONALD H. SMITH CO., 823 LUMBER EXCHANGE. PARTNER WANTED. Man with a strictly cash business wants a partner. This is open for you to in vestigate. Will make $25 to S3o per week, a nd is a growing business; (250 required. Call room 315. Lumber Exchange bldg. RESTAURANT AND CONFECTIONERY. Flrst-clasa fixtures, including soda fountain and full candy-making out fit; rent only $15; doing from $75 to $so a week business: price $400. half cash. Full particulars GlSYeon blag. SUBURBAN MARKET. Doing $io daily; one of the best propo sitions in the city today; $7."0 buys every thing, including stock and good horse and wagons. Call room 315. Lumber Exchange bldg. ARE YOU LOOKING for a confectionery, ice cream, cigars, light groceries und school store? Dandy location for lunchroom : living-rooms, in vestigate and satisfy yourself. Owner, 175 E. .Vdh st. HE'7 is a grocery store that you can In vestigate before buying. Sales from $1 25 to $l."o a day. sto-k and fixtures at in voice, about $.V0O. rtl.OUH KKA lD C O.. 2HH Alder St. WANTED A thorough, practical printer to take interest in old-established business: a money-maker for the right man ; the man is more than his money. AH 830, Oregonlan. WANTED Man. no previous experience necessary, take half interest in good, legit imate business. This is something good ; little cash and your note will handle. Phone Main b2G9 for appointment. GUN and sporting goods store in good town, in valley, dn line of S. P. By.; only one in the community; bicycles and all repair work you can do In gun and bicycle sea son. Address AV 940, Oregonlan. CIGA R and confectionery and Ice cream parlors. This place 1s paying $2io month over all expenses which owner will guar antee and let you try the business before buying. 823 Lumber Exchange. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Well located: rent $25; over $l-00 worth of work on hand; clearing $2r0 month: would rather sell Interest. Particulars 618 Yeon bldg. WANTED Partner to drive delivery wagon in cleaning and pressing business; will pay you $25 week now and $50 through the Summer; $200 required. 323 Lumber Exchange. SALOON. 4-year lease: i'.m rent; independent license; $0 a dav business, $40ou. Further particulars CIS Yeon Mdg. GROCERY store, dofng a business of $100 daily, no competition, cneap rent, 10 11 v-ing-room, no bonus. 323 Lumber Ex change. GROCERY. West Side location; doing from $100 to $125 a day CASH BUSINESS. Further particulars 618 Yeon bldg. CLEANING and pressing, partner wanted willing to work and learn the business; will average $100 month to each partner. J Particulars 248 4 Stnrk st. MILLINERY STORE. This is a place that has done $4000 a year business. Oet particular 618 Yeon bldg. RESTAURANT Owner does the cooking and can t depend on hired help, wants cook as partner, will guarantee you $150 month and board. 32J Lumber Exchange. MOVING-PICTURE THEATER. Seat 400; extra fine equipment; 5-year lease; doing tiptop ousiness. 1111 panic ulara 618 Y'eon bldg. SELL or trade, steam laundry In city, doing good business, navo otner business to at tend to. otnee pnone r. .u.:; res. xi. 5341. POOL HALL. 8 tables; Al downtown location; 5-year lease; win taice some casn ana oaiance in TRADE. Particulars 618 teon bldg. POOLROOM and cigar store. This place I paying $300 roonui. iou may try tnis business befor buying-. S23 Lumber Ex change. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Close in: rent $35: 2-year lease: will trade for house and lot- Full particulars 618 Yeon bldg. LET US TELL TOU OF A transfer and s.orage business we have, clearing $30 a mouth, $22no; $lnu0 cash. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 20H Alder st. VINEGAR FACTORY. One of the best propositions. located In Eastern Washington fruit belt: first-class equipment. Full particulars 618 Yeon bldg. GROCERY, clean, new, paying good prollts; family arrangements compel cueni. to re turn East; strictly invoice": about $2800. 905 Chamber of Commerce. RESTAURANT. Well located and well equipped; rent $35- three living rooms: price only $300. Full particulars 618 Yeon bldg. MEAT market; long lease; clears $400 month ; can try 11 oeiorc you uuj, rm tlculars 248 1 Stark st. CIGARS, confectionery, groceries ana ice cream store, aoing goou uuniew( on. xast Side. Phone East 1141. - WANTED Capable man with $250 for auto truck business; spieuuiu ooi mimj. ru K. S., 30S College st. Phone Main 4225. CIGAR stand, busy down-town street, at in voice, u.oouv '"-' BLOCH REALTY CO., 20 Alder St. CASH grocery ior iiio. noi one aonar SOld On Creuit, van vim flOV XUUIILU, particulars 248 Stark st. RESTAURANT, East Side, well equipped. rent, inciuning a rooms, e-o; jo. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 200 Alder St. SAP Cleaning and pressing shop: must be BO lo a I OIICC i-aucu nasi, xvefii w, open Sunday. 42 Union South. PC oLROOM, 5 tables and other fixtures and tocK. " BLOCH REALTT CO.. 206 Alder St. FEED and coal business with lot 50x100 and store ou 111 ing. an ior tuuu; terras. Call 248 if. Stark st. ANYONE wanting a good Income from small investment address w 011, oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TALK WITH FLETCHER. All California Oil stocks. . . .bargain 800O Alaska Pet. e Coal snup 2250 Aimed Con. trans. :;." 5 Am. Life & Acc bargain 7o Am. Life Acc to trade for "W est Side nrnnertv. 40 Armstrong M:.j. inoo Automatic Call' 2."Vrt Call Switch lo Coin Machine. tPotter .. 1000 Comstock Golden Gate .. 300o Coos Bay Traction bonds.. 20 Favary Tire bid , . . bargK in . . ba: iii'.in , . . spvfin 1 juity riueiuy Copper loot Govt. Stand. Powder . . . .very c !. ' speui-il MiO Hudson Ica Vach. 3000 Meader Cochrane Press bi-1 4mOO Metallne Con must s M Hid Multitype Machine swml 2.-.U Necamey City Hydrocarbon .. .'.mi;' H. O. I'cck Auto Wheel., big baiim .'o Portland Automobile W heel hid ." Port. con. Pile bid n."0 Simonsim FA-It bargain 100 U. S. Cashier spe 100 United VJtess. pfd so cher-p All other slocks and bonds; ?ee me be fore buying, may be ahjo to do bet ler. 1 WANT: Almeda Consol. Portland Concrete Automatic Call Poulsen TVUe'ess H. O. Peek Wheel Union Pnc. Lire Individual Ice Mach. United Wireless Marconi Wireless Washougal G. & C Omaha Tel. bonds. 225 A bin gt on bldg. SALES MANAGKK3 WANTED on salary, fttr Portland and other Ore gon and Washington territory, with $rr0 to $1000 cash to carry a stock and taUa charge of sales, advertising, deliveries and suba?ents. for a large Eastern manufac turer's products for whk-li there is a great demand. S:i1h ry f lr. to f 17. ppr month, commission and office expenses, t n the parties who can qualify and fill aboto requirements. Address bv letter, J.. E. Madre. Hotel Alder, Portland. Or. CANNOT DUPLICATE THESE IN CITY. KestauranL on Morrison fit., regular gold mine, $1 SO:) casiv; big sacrlfict ; leaving city. No opposition in city, high-grade res taurant. Itettuiiful place: money-ma ker ; $-"0O cash ; thorough Invest igur inn invited both these. Fee Come and watch the business. MK. BECKER. Room 12. 24N 1 Main l.0R. Morrison st. KKr-TAl RANT MEN. INVESTIGATE: $ titty cash puts yuu in possession of lunch pdrlor where you rl?nr not less hun fln very day. Trinl giver, to bona fide purchaser; price S luOO. F. FUCHS, 42o Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE A good dental offito in a Wil lamette Valley city, lo.onii inhabitants, doinK good business; good reasons ior selling; cheap if taken at ouce; will stand investigation. Address lock lx o, Eu gene. Or. " COKING COAL MINE. For sale away below rea value: sea:r.s of coal developed ; another good one proved ; mine ready for .shipping; rail road connections; must b-; sold ; terms. Inquire IblS Board of Trad';. FOR SALIC. I have a good paying restaurant, hut owing to other business affairs, am forced to sell at great sacrifice; ou cannot af ford to lose this; best in Portland. AD islM, Oregonian. ME RCHANTS, INVESTIGATE' 21 -acre fine fruit land udjoinlng thi 1 city limits of Ashland at $2011 p;r acre for sale; wiil take $2Soo worth of mer chandise as part payment. F. FLVHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. W A N T E D B U SIXESS M A N A G E R To take, half interest in well established, profitable machine mfg. business and have charge of oi'Hce and fiiinnees; a leitlmatrt business proposition that will bear closest investigation. B 832, Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTCNITIES WANTED. GROCERY warned for my lovely C-room houMS on two lots ; roses, fruit, lawn, chicken house, flowers; big sacrifice for immediate exchange ; $2OU0. fcec owner, AT SIS. Oregomau. WANTED TO BUY" Barber shop In out sorts or in country town. Address AC 810. Oregonian. f GOOD tenant ould Ilk" n par Linen t-house built, with long leaso; E;itL or West bide. B $;.". Oregoiiian. JAPAN ESK AUKNCV handles romning hoiiEes ;i nd business chances. 02 N. "r li st. A Siort. WANT to tent hotel furnished; prefer com mercial trade. Box 2S". Silverton. Or. ROOMING HOL'SES. THOROUGHLY MODERN. 64 rooms, newly nnd elently furnished: In excellent location: iilwiys full :md U modern in e ei y . jIht ail ; S private biths. Is clearing $."5o pr mouth: good lease; one of the best hot els in the city. SOMETHING SWKiiL. 34 rooms, iirrangoti in two, tlire; oud four-room apartments; ncwlv furnish with weathered oak, velvet carpets, brass beds and eilk floss ma 1 1 r'-sses ; thu nicest little apartment-house; in toivn. DE V LIN Ar Fl R E HAIHIH, it'i7 Veon Bldg. . u ROOMS, close in. rent $2S. everything pood am! a snap at $ loo, with $2i)0 cash down. 8 rooms, rent $35. Axminster rugs; best of furniture and modern H0; $'10u down. 8 rooms, very nice. $275. 7 rooms, swell place, $275. 6 rooms, none better, $225. 5 rooms, a real snap, $150. 322 Failing bldg. $750 BUYS rooming-house of 25 rooms: an. going away; must sell; 35 rooms, well furnished, hair met tresses, good lesse, house filled all the time, 2 blocks of Ho tel Portland, cheap rent, guaranteed to clear $245 a month above all expenses term. We have other good ones foi sIe or trade. 301-2 Lumber Exchange. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. Close in, Nob Hill location. 35 apart ments of from 2 to 0 rooms. 7 singl room. 33 apartments leased, averag monthiv income $1500; lsoo put up oa lease: price, including $180i put up. $200. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 7DH-10 Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall .S-5. APARTMENT-HOUSE. This is one of the Class A houses o: Portland; not a vacancy; clearing UIUHl NOW better than $350 a month; a small amount erf cash will handle. Further par- tlctilars 018 Yeon bldg. 20-ROGM TRANSIENT. Brick building, 4-year lease, clearing $loo month; good reasons for selling: worth $1500; Monday 750; V caah. hc James, SH 10th, near Stark. 40-ROOM hotal. down town, theater district, steam heat, hot and cold water In ever? room- long lease; nets $2.o per month; S-'su0 will handle; modern, up to date. H1G L E Y & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. IF YOU aro looking for a No. 1 little rooming-house of 10 rooms, call at 6bt East Madison St.; all modern conveniences, litrg vard fu'l of roomers; would consider trada . . . C'J? AmnTiliin Of lot anl sontc caau. j. v J'MOO, HALF cash, buys the best money "making. all-round, downtown rooming house in Portland; 35 rooms; It's worth double. 505 Yeon bldg. Snap. 00 ROOMS, swell location, long lease and the "best buy ever offered In Portland; will sacrifice this week to highest bidder. Mar- sha.ll 2S2S; . 17 ROOMS, an elegant buy. right In town; running water in rooms; 2 baths and toil ets; rent $76. Make aa offer. Call 4!I 4th st. 22 ROOMS. $500. $50 cash down; rent $50; all newly filled up; see this quick. Apply 618 Yeon bldg. MAN and wife can make money, board and "rooming-house out of town; no extra help; 20 boarders; new; sell easy terms; will take city property. AH 834, Oregonlan- IF you have $000 I wiil sell you best fur nished 15-room modern rooming-house you ever saw. 505 Yeon bldg. Leasi 4 years. . WANTED First-class hotel or rooming nous; preTer one with bar: must bo rea sonable price. W S."l, Oregonlan. FINE 11-room house for rent, furniture for sale, suitable for boarding or rooming house; walking distance. 242 Grant st. 11 ROOMS. $350. West Side location: rent $47.50. Fu'T particulars 01 S Yeon bldg. 14 ROOMS Heart of tho city: clears $50 above all expenses: owner leaving city; must sell. Call ss loth. 9-ROOM rooming-house, nicely furnished, close In, West Side; only $75. Jordan, Gl'J Lumbermcr.s hi rig. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale or will rent It furnished; snap; good location: no sg'-nt. Call 308 Mill st HAVE client for 25 or 30-room room in g house. modern, for cash. li. Buetikoter, 205 Salmon. 18 ROOMS, worth I4d0, for $700; half 5o5 Yeon bldg. cash ; rent $.u: oargain. Your opportunity. Sec It. 42 RoOMS. real snap, jr taken at once. .. blocks 1 rom 1. v., .iv cbsn. .v- uco MdT. IF you are looking for a No. 1 little rnotn- Ing-noU!o or v rooms, etui -i.j 1 'v 11 , would consider trade' on house and lot. 12-KOOM rooming-house for euie cheap or suo-reni. owiii, jmih oj... WANT go'd rooming-house; will trade good cottage or saie3 coniract. a j-i.. SEE these 22 rooms today; long lease; price t:;75. i l- ( JlDits. KOOMING-H0US13 for sale. 17 Gt ii st.; low price. 26 ROOMS, housekeeping, worth $1S0U, for $800. Terms. ooj ieon oiug. i