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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1912)
TTTR RT7XDAT OTCEnONTATC PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 25, 1912. HUES COMELY New Idea Patterns in AM Styles and Sizes Are One Price. lOo Each New Idea Magazine, 10c a Copy Special Subscription Price, 24 Issues for $1.00, Snbscribe Now at Onr Pattern Counter-Complete Showing of R. & G. Corsets in All the New Spring Styles and All SizasMail Orders Attended To WARD HOLDS FORT Heirs Are Alarmed by Young Woman's Seizure of Mil lionaire's Property. STRANGE ROMANCE TOLD Girl Krpt In Background by Tad' tarn Railroad Wliard Known mm "MIrnt Icicle" Now Comes to Kor With Vengeance. NEW TORK. Kb. 14. (Spaclal.) However much Mint Margaret Cam eron, the beautiful ward of Edwin Hirly, the railroad millionaire who i:e1 recently. leavins-no will, waa kept In tbe background durtns the lifetime of her guardian. he la roralna to the fore now. Marina seized the New York home of llawlrv and announced, to tha amaiement of the he Ira, that it Is hers, tnrether with a share of the Hawley mi.tlor.a. she has made extend ed preparations to hold the fort. And Incidental to the mom of Miss Cameron to share In the Immense ea tate estimate-! at from KO.000.009 to 1 1'). 000.000 there has come to light, hit by bit. the strange romance of the taciturn bachelor, known In Wall street as the "silent Icicle." and the young woman who has lived under nis root slnee aha was 15 years old. Hawley had no Intimates and few who knew him ever heard of Margaret Cameron or set eyes upon her. !traaae Bnutrt Cein Oaf. From the tangle of Hawley'a affaire, caused by his failure to leave a will. yam the story of how the millionaire took the girl from a humble home in Kansas City to bis beautiful country estate, Effingham Park, near Babylon. L. I, and how through the years that she grew furn gawky girlhood to ra dlant young womanhood he cared for her. aye. loved her, but kept that af fection burled, like his msstery of rail road organization. In bla own lonely heart. The story reads like a mystery novel. When business associates visited Haw ley at Effingham Park Miss Cameron was nowhere to be seen. As he looked through the drawing room windows while waiting for Haw ley to return and receive him. oae day. a visitor saw his host and his young ward drive up In a trap. They en tered the house by a hallway Into which a door from the drawing-room led. A few seconds later Hawley opened the door and entered the drawing-room to greet h'.s guest. The open door showed the hall In plain view. The girl who had entered with Hawley had vanished aa completely aa If the floor bad swallowed her. The visitor could scarcely restrain his astonish ment. Iiawler fulwi Baebeler. "You have a magnificent place here. Hawley," be remarked: "the only thing It lacks to make It complete la a wife." 1 shall never forget the look of disgust on Hawley's face as I said that." said the visitor. In relating the Incident recently. " A wife. Hawley growled. '1 wouldn't have one If she were aa fair aa Venus and aa good as the Virgin.'" After this Incident the visitor took eccaelon to examine the halL He tapped the wall panels explorlngly. One gave a hollow sound. "A secret staircase." he thought. Servants at Effingham Park tell how Vim Cameron was kept always In the background. Sometimes she remained for days In the servants quarters, when Hawley waa entertaining guests, A servant tells that those daya were not extremely happy onea for her. It Is said she attempted to commit suicide by drowning herself In the lake. Hha was res-ned by the servants. One of Mr. Hawley's sisters. Mlsa Cameron's predecessor aa housekeeper, qnarreled with the girl one day. Hawley was called upon to decide which should star. H sent "Polly" away tem porarily he always called Miss Cam eron "Dolly" although her name waa Margaret. Hut later his sister went and Miss Cameron returned. Of recent years she has been In charge of his country place. She had charge of the servants as well at Ma town house. So It was that when she presented herself at the Hawley town house the other day. she was warmly welcomed by the Japanese butler. Wil liam Hawley. Edwin Hawley'a nephew, had left but a short time before. Miss Cameron railed him at his of lire, orer the telephone. She Informed him that she would exclude him and all the You'll warm up to these sweaters at these reduced prices the $4 kinds now $2.85. The $7 quality now $4.85. Here is the inside se cret of keeping warm this weather wear one of our sweaters under your sack coat. Equally good oppor tunities to save money in shirts, neckwear, col lars, hose and handker chiefs. Some of our $20 Suits reduced to $14. UiVi 1 GusKphn Prop. 166-170 THIRD ST.- the trestle over Columbia Slough to day. The machine broke through the railing, and the front wheels of the car left the viaduct. With much diffi culty, McMann succeeded In crawling from his perilous position, and. when a passing automobile came to his as sistance, the machine was pulled back to the trestle and taken to Portland. LAVD CXDEK COLUMBIA BOCTH ERX PROJECT ACTED OX. Desert Board Decides on Step to I Aid Company In Putting Enter prise on Sound Baals. SALEM. Or, Feb. 14. (Special.) 'Withdrawal of 4700 acrea under tbe atfunct Columbia Southern project waa agreed to by the Desert Land Board today, expiration on this being due shortly. The Board took this step to protect the land against being thrown open for entry and to give the Oregon-Washington Finance Company, which Is at tempting to the old. project on Representatives of the Oregon-Wash- j Ington Finance Company report that I they are making excellent progress to ward Ananclng the plan, and while they i may not complete their efforts suc cessfully before March 1. when the time limit given by the Board will expire, they believe they can do the work within a reasonable time and place the project on Ita feet. This segregation embraces 27,000 acres la Crook County on the West Side of the Deschutes Klver near Lald law. The segregation was originally made on behalf of the Three Sisters Irrigation Company, which proposed to reclaim the lands from tbe regular flow of Tumalo Creek. This company subsequently assigned Its Interests to the Columbia Southern Iirlgatlon Company, which In turn transferred them to the Columbia Southern Irrigating Company. The company sold water rights for 17.a acres Inside the segregation and 1340 acres outside. It was soon dis covered, however, that the regular flow or Tumalo Creek was sufficient for only about SOOO acres and as a result the Board endeavored to hare the company complete a storage plan for the recla mation of lands, but tbe company re fused, a receiver waa appointed and a suit was commenced to cancel the com pany's contract, but In this tbe state lost. The Oregon-Washington 4b Idaho Finance Company since then obtained p option on the holdings and efforts j liarw pvrn mmg ig dhuk lag iuojki ether Hawley heirs. She said her at- j pl ff rs tomey had assured her that she was , i II I II -rrirs LniOOO i Miss Cameron, as well. Issued the fol- asi fcd ,sj' sJ f4J Sarsaparilla lowing orders to the servants at Effing ham Park: "In addition to the orders I bare al ready given you will see that no rep resentative of Mr. Hawley'a relatives nor none of the relatives themselves are admitted to the house In my absence. If any one visits you and claims to represent Mr. Hawley or my counsel or his heirs, yon must not ad mit him. This applies to Walter ft. Crandell and William P. Hawley and Charles Seymour aa much aa It does to any other man. "I will bold yon responsible for car rying oat these directions and I wish yon to let me know at once If any one attempta to gain admittance to the house on any ground." The servants at Efftngton Towers seem to be convinced now that Miss Cameron baa a legal claim to the estate. A new complication In the admin istration of the Hawley estate Is made by the claims of old servanta of Hawley'a. His Japanese butler and a woman caretaker have put In claims. saying they entrusted their savings of rears to Mr. Hawley. to Invest for them. The Japanese says he had given Hawley 110.000 and the woman said she had glren him (7000. No record of these trusts or Investments has been found. Aotorla Pipe Line Test Mad. ASTORIA. Or, Feb. 14 (Special.) The new high-service pipeline of the rater system, which has been com pleted by the Jahn Contracting Com pany, was pumped up yesterday and , tuhjei ted to a pressure of SOi) pounds to the square In. ii It stood the lest per feet: v. whtrh assures Its acceptance by the Water Commission. The Jahn Com pany has Just about finished cleaning bj along the pipeline, tearing erery ;Mng In shipshape after the completion f the contract. Removes blood humors and erup tions, improves complexion, cre ates an appetite, aids digestion, and relieves that tired feeling. More than 40,000 testimonials received in 2 years an unparal leled record are the broad and solid foundation for this claim. Take Hood's. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Saraataba. A a to Nearly Crashea Off Trestle. VANHJITEB. Wash.. Feb. 14. (Spe cial.) In an attempt to plrk-cp a bun 1I la the seat beside him, John Mo Mann. In a small runabout, almost lost his life, when he lost control of the machine, which was going at a good rte of speed near the "death carve" In A Physician's Report on Tuberculosis Medicine "Hart gd Eokman'w Alteravtlv In rtU cmm of tubercular glands of , tha nack. with xcaJIent rv.nlus avarr Uma. 1a ana csl ti aoal mm $. for ttaa ftrl waa put an It only until aha could arrant- to b op aratad. and la a abort tlma an oparatJaa waa noi naadl. I ouppoao your rvoorda ara Juat aa ftno aa of old. Ton know my faitb la It. Ecknaa'i AlteraUva la affect. to. la othar forma. Ra.d what M rm. Oarvln nar: Idaho rail. Idaho. Cantlamn: f bar raJnad S3 pounds tncs last Fobruary and tny baby la In par ftct baalth. fh la now 4 months old. I havo boan waiting- sine sb was born to bow I wouJd ft alone I am now dolec all any work bava bn ainoa sbo was 4 waaka old. and I am stsadlly rmJninf. I do not eouf b or ratss anything; at all. X ba llvo my tuns; troublo la eurad. (Slfaad Affldant) KH4L. H. U. OAR VI If. Nota Mra, Oarvln la tbo motbar of aavaa cbltdrvn. Tkmana Altvrattvs fa afraetfva In Bmn rnma. a -trim, hi ay Frmr. Throat and )ung Troubl. and in uphalldintr trvo sya tmm. L not contain paisona. opiaiaa ar lit It-hrmlrif Jruft. Fnr aaia by Tha Owl I'm Co. and other leading drurvista. An fe tor bonklat of ewrad ca and writa to Kck jrun lAtwrratftrr. Philadelphia, Fa., for ad d.tional via coca. i Venise and Crochet Ball Trimming, hun- to 2 inches wide, shown in dreds of pretty styles. Regular 20c Ball Trimming, spL15 Regular 25c Ball Trimming, spl. 18 Regular 30c Ball Trimming, spl.20 Regular 35c Ball Trimming, spl. 25 Regular 45c Biall Trimming, spl. 35 Regular 65c B-all Trimming, spl. 45 IIRDandMORS '"vi 11 " i ui HI."" T'V it'Ki The Most in v aiue, Tha Best in Quality .7 A Great Assortment of 45-Inch Em broidery Flouncing, All at Eeduced Prices Regular 85c grade on sale at 48c Regular $1.00 grade on sale at. .59 Regular $1.25 grade on sale at . . 79f Regular $1.75 grade on sale at. .98tj Regular $2.50 grade on sale at S1.48 Regular $3.50 grade on sale at $1.98 February Economies f or Shrewd. Stoppers Great preparations have been made for the last days of this great sale. Everything bought for the past season's trade remaining has been taken off our shelves and placed on the bargain tables, bearing prices that will cause them to take a hurried departure. Hundreds of dollars' worth of desirable goods goods you cain use to good advantage now are offered at prices you will quickly recognize as much under even bar gain figures. Every department is represented in this sale, so, no matter what may be your needs, you are certain of finding just what's wanted here, at money-saving prices. .2fote carefully the offerings listed here: ' February Sale of Sample Undermnslins, 14 to lz Ofl Combination Suits, 49 Up to $3.98 Muslin Drawers, 19 Up to $3.75 It is on an occa sum of this char aeter that we re veal our unusual b uyinc: facilities. I t is then we em phasize the advan tage to our store ftfiends of our far reaching methods and our unceas irig, untiring ef f(rts to give our PEitrons the best possible values. Tfre Combination SuiKs Beautiful garments, every one of thum, whether they be Dlainlv or elaiwratelv fashioned. Examine them closely and you will appreciate their true value. Hun dreds of garment? to choose from iind no two pat terns are alike. They come in the combination Corset Cover and Skirt, Corset Cover and Circular Drawers, or Corset Cover aaad Dorothy Closed Drawers. Jach and every garment cut on the latest lira es and perfectly finished. Most all come in sizes 38, but there are many in other sizes. Thev come at all prices from 49 up to $3.98 each and all are one-fourth tt one-third less than regular. The Drawers It's simply a wast of time for you to make your own Undermuslins whan such dainty pieces can be had for so little money. If you were to buy thus materials that go into these garments you would pay ait least as much as these finished g&rments cost you at. this sale. . Doz ens and dozens of styles to choose from in the regular, circular, or the popular health-style X)orothy Closed Drawers. All are cut true to size, all are well finished and they are neat ajid attractively trinnmed. No two are alike. Now is your time to get a j enerous supply. All prices from 19 up to S3.75 cach and all are one- ourth to one-third less than regular. An Unsurpassed Exhibit and Sale of New Foulard Silks This store's exhibits of New Foulard Silks is a remarkable exploitation of all the newest and most favored styles for street and evening wear. It is the premier display m this city Virtually thousands of yards are being shown, in exclusive stvles. except a few dots. No matter what particular style, color or design your tasf e demands, you will find it here. All the new desired colored grounds are shown the new blues, new browns, new greens, new tans, new grays, lavender, black, white, etc., in dotted and attractive figured designs, in spots and elaborate French patterns, graduated stripes and cluster dots, beautiful over-designs and the fashionable bordered styles, as well as a great many other designs. See Our Special Window Display of These Fashionable, Comfortable and Serv iceable Silks, and Don't Fail to Profit by These Temptingly Low Prices Cheney Bros.' Foulards, 23 Inches Wide, 85 a Yard Over three thousand yards of Cheney Bros.' Foulard Silks in this assortment. They are rich, elegant Silks that are absolutely spotproof and they are shown in an unlimited variety of pretty paterns in dots, small designs, exclu sive novelties, etc. They are very much underpriced at this figure. Phoenix Foulards, 23 Inches Wide, 85? a Yard About two thousand jrards of the cele brated Phoenix and Mitchell Spotproof Foulard Silks, shown m a wonderful assortment of designs and colorings plain grounds with vari-colored over designs and self-colored jacquard fan cies. They must be seen to be appre ciated m beauty and price. 23-Inch Satin Foulards at 502 a Yard A special underpriced purchase of over 800 yards of standard quality 23-inch Satin Foulards. The assortment includes a full showing of the new colorings in dainty small figures, dots, rings, etc. They are better Silks than you ever before have had the privilege to buy at this low price. Shed-Water Foulards at 75? a Yard An enormous showing of the famous Shed-Water Foulard Silks, shown in hun dreds of patterns in neat small colored figures, polka dots, scrolls, rings, etc. They are of guaranteed quality and full 23 inches wide. 45-Inch Bordered Foulards, SI. 50 to $2.00 a Yard Beautiful Spot-Proof Foulard Silks. They come in bordered, cluster dot and graduated striped styles unlike anything heretofore shown. Included are all the best colorings. They are oi tne linest quality and you can rely on their colors beinsr absolutely fast. They are perfect in both weave and finish and are better values than you can find elsewhere at these prices. Handsomest Spring Suits Shown in Years Comprise This Great Exhibit The Most Representative Selection in the City The unusual bejiuty of the new Spring Suits is due in a great measure 1a the materials and colors, which are the 7 mnsf. nttrrtott wr shm-m Prnptiflhilifv is tliA Khininjr feature of the neuv Spring Suits. They are smartly tailored, daintily finished and most becoming to all women. They possess an air ctfi refined style and taste that is bound to make tho tailoreji suit more popular this season than ever before. Women's Suits at $10.50, 12.50, $15.00, $17.50, $19.50 and $25.00 In this great Spring showing you will find an unegualed variety of Women's Suits which are unexcelled in fit and finish. Coats are mostly plain tailored, in 24 to 27-inch lengths; pome are slightly trimmed. The Skirts come in the newest styles, with high orref;?ulation waist. These Suits come in midnight blue serges, novelty mixtures, tan, brown and gray? and whipcords in the two -toned effect. Handsome, well-finisbiod garments, C.- OTP In Children's Dresses from 653 to $4.90 We are now showinc a. pomnlete line if Children's Wash DresskTs that are macLt of excellent oualitv diomestic and im ported ginghams and percales; also a line or tne new emoroiaerea tissue Drosses in all colors. These littl p-nr- ments come in high or low neck, set-In and kimono sleeve and ail will launder perfectly. ' ' . House Dresses from 98 to $2.50 You are sure to be pleased with our at tractive showing of Women's House Dresses. They are made of good qual ity gingham, percale and lawn, in a large variety of styles, with high or low heck and new set-in sleeves. Some are plain tailored, others come with trim mings of embroidery. Button back or front. Men's Guaranteed Hose Mads seamless of mercerized lisle, sh-own in tan and black, - t -j r all sizes, 6 pairs to a box priced at, box tp A Ovl Here is a line of Men's Hce which we particularly recommend for your consider ation. They are the Wayne Knit Indestructible Hose, made of the finest mercer ized lisle and full seamless. They co:tne in all sizes and in tan and black colors. Put up 6 pairs to a box and guaranteed to wear 6 months. Your "stocking trou ble" will be over when yau purchase it box of these Hose. Extraordinary Purchase and Sale of 500 Pairs of Men's Sample Shoes at Vz to V2 I-ess Than Eeg. Wholesale Prices Here Is an Opportunity that Shrewd Men Will Appreciate and Profit By We were fortunate in securing a prominent manufacturer 's e n t i re sample line of Men's Shoes at one third to one-half less than regular factory prices, and now we place them on sale at the same great sav ings. 500 Sample Pairs of the Celebrated Chippewa Hand-Made Shoes Shown in all styles with regu lation, medium and high top and in both black and tan leathers.. Included are Log ger Boots, Cruisers ' Sporting Shoes and Wet-Weather Shoes with 12 to lb-mcli tops, and neavy Uoodyear Welt, Standard Screwed- or Wooden Pegged Soles, Also medium and heavy Shoes for every-day wear and medium and light Shoes for dress or evening wear. All are hand-made of the best of leathers and all are un derpriced. No two pairs are alike and they only come in sizes oVo, 7, ly and 8. If you can wear anv of these sizes be sure and attend this sale vou'll realize that you can't afford to let such a money-saving opportu nity pass without taking full advantage of it. Sale starts at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Be on hand early. All prices from $2.50 up to $6.50 a pair. . All at 1-3 to 1-2 less than regular Important Sale of Men's Underwear Natural Gray Merino Shirts and Drawers in all sizes. The best "7Q $1.00 grade. Sale price, garment. . ." C An underpriced offering of Men's Natural Gray Merino Underwear; fine soft woolen shirts and drawers in all Bizes, shown in a medium weight, suitable for early Spring wear. They are perfect-fitting, nicely finished garments that sell regularly at $1.00 each. Priced for tomor- 7Q row, the garment C T