THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 25, 1912. Credit Purchases Tomorrow and Balance of February Go on Your March Acc't, Payable April 1 Columbia Records for March, 5th Fl. Read "Votes for Women," in March Issue of Harper's Bazaar, 1st Floor "Making People Happy' a Suffrage Story, Book Store, $1.25 THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED 1857. METER & FRANK'S. MEIER & FRANK'S. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. 18 Fetefaiiiag Second Floor Salons J! uiy m Womerfs New Apparel' for Spring WHAT winsomeness what dashing beauty and radiant, daintv charm as disnlaved in the At- H 1 If if 1 " K radiant, dainty charm as displayed in the Ap- s pare! for Spring and Summer! What relief to visit the Jseady-to-"Wear Salons on the second floor, where our thoughts must needs turn to Spring, for lovely new garments are displayed on every side. And every late fashion feature is shown in Suits, Coats, Gowns garments of every description for milady fair! The Suits- are in wonderful variety, every day sees the appearance of new styles new fabrics, new shades. Smart, severely tailored Suits for street and general utility wear. Chip unA charmintr Armtner ivn tnr afternoon rtii viKit.incr V. uses. A touch of white in lace, satin, broadcloth or terry cloth correct! Of rich Spring materials, whipcords, imported tweeds, fine pressed serges, ratine, in high favor. Every wanted shade. rriced from 515 to $08. The Novel in Coats gaA or satin wraps. They've only just arrived, these long, straight out Wraps, both semi-fitted and loose side-fastening styles, with large picturesque collars of linen and 6elf material, braid and satin trimmed. Then, too, scores of model for general wear in rich, new Spring weaves, rough and fine textured. Collars plain and large, pointed and round. Priced from $15 to $75. Charming Spring Dresses noon Frocks of rich, lustrous messalines, soft, chiffon taffetas and natural pongees. Every style, from the simpler sort for frequent use to the more elaborate for dinner and afternoon wear. Many show the new peplum extension at waistline. Others " with all around straight upper overskirt, and several models show the new postillion back joined at the waist line and extending from a third to a half down the skirt. They're decidedly smart copies from original Paris models. The woolens combine both the practical and attractive. Coat Dresses, "V" cut fronts, Dutch and high neck styles. Priced from $12.50 to $58. is Winners in Boys Aviation Contest! IJUt IDST wildest enthusiasm our Third Annual " Amateur Aviation Contest was held yester day afternoon. The prizes were awarded as follows : GRAXD PRIZE, 3 Cmah Ghitc L. Batefcelder, 1T1 Klnc street. FREE-FOR-ALL FLIGHT First Prl 10 Cssh Albert Haehlen. lie E. 23d St. Smid Prime, $3 Chester Woodruff. 4 E. 2Sth St. HOOKL PRIZES First Prime 20 - Csah Danlol Orecco. u7 6th st. feeoad Prise, f.7JM Mdse. Truman Cook. 1123 K. Salmon. Third Prime, as Mdne. ClydA Oh Hon. 627 B. 31st St. TYPE MODEL PRIZES, Snbsertptioa to Aircraft Joseph K. Foltz, 634 E. 8th St., N. : Gordan Babb, 683 Miller St.: Miles E. Bauman. 749 Michi gan ave,; Georro V. Lane, 1283ft Belmont at. John Semmer, 699 Gllsan St. T.'M. C. A. PRIZES First Prise, Onm Year's bershlp Geo. L Bacnalder. Seevad prii ter Woodruff, ona Quarter year's me; Third Prise, three moat Ms' membership Haehlen. e t-nes- ill mbershlo. Ill Albert HI 3E1E J CharmingNewPeplumWaists HERE they are the new long Peplum Waists for Spring and Summer! Peplum extension, as shown here, worn over the skirt, the. effect is wonderfully unique and attractive. Of dainty lacy net combined with valencinnes and cluny laces. One style, as sketched, with Dutch neck and short sleeves. ... Priced at $3.75 to $5. Lovely Lingerie Waists Never trimmed. sire. Fine fulls, scrims, marquisettes and flaxon the fab ric you see advertised in all the leading magazines. Prices range from S5 to S85. more daintily made never so prettily They're all that the feminine heart could de- ak A Chic Colonial Pumps, $5 w THIRD FLOOR NEW BUILDING. ITH first signs of Spring, these winsome new Colomal Pumps come tip-toeing into greater favor than ever. -Just as pictured here, with colonial gilt buckles, smart short vamps and Cuban heels. You can choose them in either black or tan imported Russia calf, black buckskin, patent colt or light gray ooze calf.. All sizes and widths, $5. And other New Pumps Are Here These, too, of the Cousins' make, in tan Russia, gnnmetal, suede or patent colt leathers. Regular Pump style, with new short vamps and high arched insteps. Pair, $4 and $5 Wondrous Beauty in New Silks and Dress Goods! FIRST FLOOR MAIX BflLDIXG. EVERY late weave for Spring and Summer in Dress Goods and Silks. Fabrics for tailored costumes for afternoon frocks and evening gowns. Silk Series the new double tex tured fabric of all-silk thread in the diagonal serge weave. Beautiful for street and evening coats, suits and smart dresses. In attractive combi nations of black with King and light blue, liffht copper and silver. Also gray and Copenhagen. They're won derfully rich. Double &4 inches wide. Priced at, yard, $5. French ChalUes New importa tions of this popular fabric just late ly arrived. Ideal for dainty rouse and tea gowns. Plain and bordered. In stripes, dots and tiny figures. Beautiful colorings. Yard, G3? and 75 f. Every lovely shade. Madame Butterfly Silks all that their name implies. Light and airy as the breath of Spring. Colorings that run the gamut of irriJcscence in pollen-like blending o( gold and olive, lemon and blue, gold and old rose. Exquisitely dainty and sheer beyond description. Full 40 inches wide. Yard, 2. Radium Silks Much in favor for Spring and Summer. Radiant in their beauty soft, rich and lustrous I And so practical 1 Pretty dotted patterns quaint Colonial designs in tiny buds and bars, with rich border of black bands. Light and dark color ings. 44 inches wide. Priced from, yard, $2.50 to $4. New Ribbons Radiantly Beautiful SUCH rare combinations, such exquisite colorings, which only Taris can inspire! To say the new Spring Ribbons are beautiful is not beginning to do them justice. You must see them to appre ciate their newness. Lovely imported Shot Taffetas, warp-print Failles, new fringed Rib bons, Dresdens in every new color. One new arrival is moire, combined with velvet and satin in contrasting colon. Price range, 50 to SG.SOyard. Fascinating Hats for Spring ! SECOND FLOOR MILLI.NER PARLOR. 1HE Hats for Spring and Summer embrace so great a variety of styles and color combinations that the particular tastes of every individual can easily be satis-v tied. And they've never been more charming than now! Among the latest arrivals are Gage and Hyland Derbies and more feminine Sailors, though all are se vere and remarkably smart. Seen everywhere in Paris and New York. Most of them in black or white nrilan with velvet band and bow. "Wide and narrow brims, straight and rolled. Priced at from -$3.50 to S15. Then the flower Hats in fascinating colorings the tailored Hats, so jaunty and modish. Creations of Fisk, Burgesser, Atchinson and Hyland. Styles that fit close, upturned abruptly. Trimmings that soar high. They're wonderfully "different"! Priced $7 to $27.50. . To $ 1 .50 Mew Veil ings, 39c lUST here, fresh and new an immense purchase of -3000 yards of Spring Veil ings from manufacturers of the famous Strong- hair Veils, made by our buyer now in New York. Beautiful variety of weaves, light and heavy tuxedos, close and open mesh, plain and dotted; fairylike weaves in prettiest of patterns and lovely French Beauty Veils. Most of them are 75c grades a few 50c, and a a, cr nn -i 1 sW s "ks 5 Perrin Kid Gloves 98c FIRST FXOOR MAI BCILDIXG. ORDER BY MAIL. HERE'S one of the "plums" we secure ' each vear in recognition of the immense regular business done on Perrin Kid Gloves more Gloves sold by Meier & Frank's than any other store in the West! And to buy them to sell so low, we most . place our order for 3000 pairs direct with the Factory at Grenoble, France a year ahead. They are excellent $1.50 real French Glace Kid Gloves, with two smart radium fasteners. Black, white, tan, gray and mode, all sizes, 5Vs to lyi. Every pair fitted at the counter. Q Buy genuine Perrin Kid Gloves, fresh and fljf new, on sale tomorrow at, the pair, for w Dainty,FilmyWashGoods in Most Wondrous Array FIRST FLOOR NEW BUILDING J VIS a delight for women to visit our first floor section . and view the fresh, new white and colored Wash Goods. "Weaves, light and filmy fine and firm. Never such a brilliant array of patterns and colorings. Then, too, the pure white fabrics that are always in high favor. White Embroidered Crepes! New weaves for Spring and Summer. Per fectly woven in soft, drapy texture. Plain and embroidered in dots and stripes. Dainty and practical foT Summer frocks. Prices range from 35 to $3.50 a yard. Embroidered Voiles dainty, in deed, in their pure whiteness. Fine ly and perfectly woven, plain and in exquisite light and heavy embroid ered patterns. Lovely for party frocks. 50 to $3.50 a yard. New Shirtings for tailored waists. Splendid variety of mannish pat terns. Neat stripes and tiny designs. Black and white and in smart color combinations. They launder beauti fully. 32 inches wide. Priced at 35 to $1.50. Beaumont Silks! In shimmering, silky finish. Pretty drawnwork-like pattern, with self stripe. Dainty for afternoon and Summer dresses for both women and children. In light and dark colors. Full 27 inches wide. Remarkably low priced at 49J. $2-$3 Plauen Jabots, $1.39 THIS lot of 300 beautiful lace side-frill Ja bots at "a price ' ' was one way the New York branch' of a big Plauen Neckwear manufacturer had of telling us we wanted a larger share of Meier & Frank business! ' Our Neckwear chief rushed the entire purchase thr6ugh by express. They're in many exquisite pat terns, one illustrated, conceits which we would have to sell regularly for $2 to to $3. Tomorrow we sell for TV - j rt.l 1 YT lr - ' xiosis oi uui ?r new netnwear ipm Lovely jabots, rabats, fichus, side-frills, real Lace Collars. And the Corsage Bouquets are here m every possible con- ooit Aesirm nnrl rfnlrT-inc Rosps. chrYsanthemums. carnations. "wiA. poppies, made of silk, satin and velvet ribbons you have to NJtfSSj? $1.39 r r Matched Embroideries A Sale FIRST FLOOf -NEW B11LDINO ORDER BT MAIL. DIRECT from the St. Gall manufacturer to Portland, in bond that's the only reason we can offer beautiful Embroideries liko these at tomorrow's sale prices! Baby Irish Embroidery in exquisite matched designs. Edges and Insertions, 2 to 9-inch; Flouncing, 18 to 27-inch. Just the Embroideries yon want now for new lingerie waists, dresses, etc. $1 to $1.50 Embroideries, G9 85c Corset Cover Embdy, 49c New 8-inch eorset eover Embroideries, woven on fine cheer Swiss and nainyook. Dainty eyelet desijms. The 65c toQ toe grades. Specialized for this sale "C $1.75 to $3 Embroideries, 98 Exquisite New Laces The greatest Lace season in years ahead. Oar showings include allovers, embroidered nets, venire, macrame and shadow designs. The yord, 50 to $10.00. $3.25 Cut Glass Sugar and Creamers! Deep, rich star cuttings, ly for less than $3.23. Tomorrow we $2.25 Cat Glass Nappies for St. GO $3.00 Cut Class Nappies, only S2.29 $3.50 Cut Glass Vases, at only S1S.59 $3.00 Cut Glass Oil Bottles for S2.29 $6.00 Sugars and Creamers, for $4.59 $3.00 Mayonnaise Dishes at $4.59 Creamers, $1.79 WE'VE just fifty sets of these rich, American Cut Glass Sus-ars and The Lenten Grocery Sale! MEIER Jt FRANK'S BASEMENT. HERE'S a splendid list of savings on Canned Goods and Groceries for the Lenten Season. First quality goods at prices re markable for their lowness. Order your supply tomorrow. Paget Sound Salmon, 3 cans, special only 35 Oregon Bed Salmon, two cans, special, only 35 Cove Oysters, 3 cans, special at 25 A. & L. Oysters, three cans for 30 A. Ac L. Oysters, large cans, 3 at 50 25c Domestic Sardines, special, 17 Imported Herring, the can at 15 Smoked Columbia River Chinook Sal mon, special at, the pound, at 25 Kippered Salmon, the pound at 18d Mackerel, special at two for only 25 Largo, fancy Mackerel, special, 35 Monopole Salmon, one pound can, special 22 "Bed Bibbon" Salmon, the can, special at 23 Yarmouth Bloaters, six for only 255 Jordan Boneless Herring, lb. at 22 Salmon Bellies, the pound, only 16 Imported Sardilen Paste, tube 20 Imported Saxdilens, the keg at 45 Milchner Herring, keg. only $1.10 Codfish, in bricks, special only 20 Marineted Herring, large can, $1.60 35c Boyal Banquet Sardines at 25 Norway Sardines, 3 cans only 25 Women's $2.50 UnionSuits$l-39 HIGH neck, long sleeve, ankle length style, in light and medium weights. "White only, in sizes 4. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Splendid $2.50 Union Suits at $1.50 Union Suits 93c -A clearing out of incomplete lines in Women's Union Suits. .Light and medium weight, in high neck, long sleeve and ankle length. Regular Vhite only, m sizes $1.39 sizes, 4, 5 and 6. Excellent $1.50 grades, tomorrow, suit 93c Save onNewSundureDraperies THIRD FLOOR XEW BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. You can't buy them ordinari- sell them at, the set for only O 1 7 $4.50 Nappies, 8-inch siie, only S3.39 15.00 Cut Glass Comports only S3.89 $6.00 Cut Glass Bowls at only S4.59 $7.00 riower Centers at only S5.19 $7.00 Cut Glass Water Jugs at S5.19 $G.0O Cut Glass Tumblers, set, 34.59 EST. TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 SUNDURE Drapery Fabrics for new Spring and Summer over crapes and curtains every yard guaranteed to be fast colors. Think of what this means! Colors as "bright at the end of thcyear as at the beginning. "We 've an immense assortment, over 10,000 yards, in new stripes, blocks and floral designs, with all shades of brown, gold, red and blue. 75c Sundure Draperies, 36 inches wide, tomorrow, the yard, at 59 $1.15 Sundure Draperies, 45 inches wide, tomorrow, the yard, 85 $1.35 Sundure Draperies, 50 inches wide, tomorrow, the yard, 98 New Whitney Baby Carriages FIFTH FLOOR NEW BCILDING. ORDER BY MAIL IT'S positively the finest line of Baby Carriages, Pullmans . and Go-Carts made in America. Strong, well-made vehicles, with a finish and workmanship seldom found in other makes. English Carriage, No. 264, the one illustrated, is an especially desirable model. Highly var nished body, with leather cloth. upholstering and hood, large rubber-tired wheels and the easiest of springs. It's a remarkable carriage, priced at 535.00. , Other Whitney Vehicles Folding. Go-Carts, Pullman Runabouts, Reclining Go-Carts, Pullman Sleepers, Carriages, English Hood Carriages and "Whitney Pullman Chaise, of which we 're sole Portland agents, S15.00 to S75.00. MBSiiMMaiSSSJMSBSM